
=== Jon is now known as Guest57321
magedragon25slangasek: are you available? I have about 10 min and I have my pc in tty1 with ps aux | less running, if you want to take time....01:06
slangasekmagedragon25: hi - please run 'grep gdm /var/log/auth.log'01:08
slangasekand if you have a way to copy-paste the output, that's best - if you have the network up on the laptop, you could install the 'pastebinit' package for this01:09
magedragon25slangasek: piped it to less01:09
magedragon25no network access for my personal pc here at school01:10
slangasekcan you visually compare it with the output in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/516520/comments/37 ?01:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 516520 in gdm "lucid lynx - login screen stuck in a loop - SYSTEM BROKEN" [Undecided,Confirmed]01:10
magedragon25I did find a process winbindd running in the ps aux command......01:12
magedragon25my output is different...I have a lot of no x11 mode01:12
slangasekplease try running (as root) the command 'pam-auth-update', and unselect 'Winbind NT/Active Directory authentication'01:13
bgamariHow is python supposed to find packages in /usr/share/pyshared?01:20
bgamariCurrently apport is failing on my lucid box due to being unable to find lazr01:20
bgamariIs /usr/share/pyshared supposed to be in PYTHONPATH directly?01:21
bgamarior is there a missing symlink somewhere?01:22
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magedragon25slangasek: if you are still available, sorry we had a system crash.....I didn't get the last command you wnated me to run02:36
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slangasekmagedragon25: hi, the command is 'pam-auth-update' run as root02:36
slangasekthen unselect 'Winbind NT/Active Directory authentication'02:37
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magedragon25ok, done02:38
slangasekmagedragon25: now see if you can log in02:39
magedragon25nope...already tried it....unless I should restart my pc02:39
slangasekshouldn't need to restart, no02:39
slangasekok, so it's not winbind :/02:39
slangasekmy other guess is gnome-keyring02:40
magedragon25is there a way to check installed packages from the cli?02:40
slangasekcan you run the command again, and scroll until you find "GNOME Keyring Daemon - Login keyring management", and unselect that one as well?02:40
slangasekcheck installed packages> either 'dpkg -l' or 'apt-cache policy <packagename>'02:41
magedragon25the keyring option didn't work either02:41
magedragon25what is the package name for the desktop? is it ubuntu-desktop? or gnome-desktop?02:43
slangasekthere's an ubuntu-desktop package02:44
magedragon25class is over, and I will be on my way home here shortly, I am going to figure out how to connect to my wireless through cli and reinstall the ubuntu-desktop package...and see fi that might help02:45
=== slangasek changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Beta Freeze, redux | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-karmic | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
mathiazslangasek: hi!03:24
slangasekmathiaz: hello03:24
mathiazslangasek: I'm about to finish testing a new mysql-dfsg-5.1 package03:25
mathiazslangasek: with some upgrade fixes03:25
mathiazslangasek: I'd like to get it included in beta203:25
slangasekmathiaz: sure - please upload when it's ready03:25
mathiazslangasek: ok - thanks03:25
micahgslangasek: do you know when you plan on freezing the archive for beta 2?03:26
mathiazmicahg: -10 minutes03:26
slangasekmicahg: already done, per the /topic change03:26
* micahg miss03:26
micahgslangasek: same process as beta 1 for exceptions?03:28
micahgok, I'll try to get them done before the weekend this time :)03:29
ScottKLooks like I got the first upload NOT to make the cutoff.03:36
wgrantScottK: Tried the new queue with package sets yet?03:37
ScottKslangasek: The pending kdebase-workspace upload fixes a FTBFS so we get three important bug fixes (from the previous upload) into Beta 2.03:37
ScottKwgrant: I just now loaded the page for the first time since it's there.  Very nice.  Thank you.03:37
lamontpitti: fyi, gnome-session et al work much better when actually installed.  no  needs here. kthx03:45
kirklandbdrung_: pong04:03
kirklandbdrung_: please please please forward that qemu-kvm patch upstream, to the qemu mailing list04:03
slangasekmathiaz: alas, your upload fuzzies all of the translations of this debconf template.  Given that it's a literal package name, could you search and replace on the .po files from before this change, and rebuild?04:05
mathiazslangasek: ok04:06
slangasekmathiaz: thanks - I'll wait for that upload to save us a little build time04:06
mathiazslangasek: yeah - takes a few hours to build mysql04:06
mathiazslangasek: sed -i -e 's/mysql-cluster/mysql-cluster-server/g' debian/po/*po04:08
mathiazslangasek: ^^ that's enough?04:08
slangasekmathiaz: if there's only one string that says mysql-cluster in it, that should do the job, yes04:09
mathiazslangasek: yes - there is only one string that refers to mysql-cluster04:10
ScottKslangasek: Thanks (for getting kdebase-workspace right in the build queue)04:16
slangaseksure thing04:17
mathiazslangasek: hm - well - that sucks. Seems that I've lost access to my build server04:18
mathiazslangasek: so I can't finish up the mysql-dfsg-5.1 upload04:18
slangasekmathiaz: ah; let me do it on this end then04:18
ScottKFigures.  Now clamav 0.96 goes final.04:21
lamontwtf does xchat now think it should always be on the visible workspace?  and how do I correct that?04:45
lamontah, of course, one doesn't select the selected item to toggle it, one selects another item from the menu04:45
helixhi, does anyone know if polipo is actively maintained by anyone in ubuntu?05:07
helixI am taking over the debian package, but I also work on tor stuff and we have our own debian repository where we provide tor and vidalia packages. I am thinking of just providing the polipo debs for ubuntu there as well but I think it would be better to coordinate with the ubuntu maintainer, if one exists. (I only see Ubuntu MOTU Developers on http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/polipo)05:08
ScottKhelix: It doesn't look like it from the history.  Someone cared enough at one point to do a security update for it.05:09
ScottKLet me see who.05:09
helixit is the debian changelog05:09
slangasekScottK, Riddell: hum; did the kdebase-workspace 4.4.2 upload drop tseliot's plymouth integration patches?05:09
helixI don't think any ubuntu changes have been applied05:09
ScottKslangasek: Shouldn't have.05:09
slangasekScottK: debdiff indicates it did - unless the patches were upstreamed05:09
RoAkSoAxlamont, ping05:10
slangasekScottK: perhaps a midair collision as I suppose tseliot doesn't have ~kubuntu-members commit access05:10
ScottKslangasek: No, he doesn't.05:11
ScottKslangasek: Looks like that's exactly what happened.05:14
* slangasek nods :/05:14
slangasekI've reopened the bug05:14
wgrantRoAkSoAx: I believe he's asleep.05:14
RoAkSoAxwgrant, i think i just missed him then05:15
wgrantRoAkSoAx: Yeah, he's not been gone long.05:15
ScottKhelix: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/polipo/+bug/533578 <- The filer of the bug is an Ubuntu person who seems to be interested in packaging updates.05:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 533578 in polipo "Port security patches for Polipo from Lucid to Karmic and below" [Medium,Fix released]05:15
slangasekhelix: so given that polipo has a Debian version in all current releases, I'd say it's not maintained in Ubuntu - if there's anyone in Ubuntu interested in the package, they've been working directly in Debian05:16
ScottKNot sure  how interested.05:16
RoAkSoAxwgrant, well I guess I'll have to ping him tomorrow05:16
wgrantRoAkSoAx: What do you need?05:16
helixweird, who are the ubuntu people in this bug? I don't think they have done anything on the debian package05:17
helixbut that looks good anyway, it means there are other people who are interested05:17
helixwhich means I don't have to maintain a bunch of ubuntu versions05:17
ScottKhelix: mdesleurs is on the Ubuntu Security team.05:17
slangasekhelix: mdeslaur is on the Ubuntu security team; I don't think this is an expression of personal interest in the package on his part05:17
RoAkSoAxwgrant, well i just wanted him to push the apport hook for bind9, since I;ve been told he usually likes to keep it in sync with debian05:17
helixwho is the other guy?05:18
wgrantAh, right.05:18
ScottKI've seen him around a bit, but don't know him.05:18
RoAkSoAxwgrant, so instead of just pushing it for ubuntu, he could push it for both05:18
helixbasically I would prefer that tor not maintain a bunch of ubuntu debs for this, since it appears to mostly be sync'd from debian, but ...05:19
ScottKslangasek: Good catch on the plymouth patches.05:19
helixshould I just upload to ubuntu too?05:19
helixor what is the best approach for this if I want ubuntu users to have current debs05:19
ScottKslangasek: Is it important this get fixed tonight?  It's late here and I'm tired.05:20
ScottKhelix: It's very late for me, I'd be glad to discuss that with you a bit later.05:20
slangasekScottK: no, it can wait05:21
ScottKExcellent.  I'm going to bed.05:21
slangasekScottK: it does need to get fixed again before I can poke the plymouth side to play nice with it, fwiw05:21
ScottKYeah, I'll fix it or get it fixed tomorrow.05:21
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magedragon25for those that are paying attention....I finally fixed my problem with not being able to log into gnome.....no more loops05:35
slangasekmagedragon25: how did you fix it?05:37
magedragon25I finally got reconnected back to the net, and ran apt-get update, and reinstalled ubuntu-desktop05:38
magedragon25I am running update again....and I think the first time I ran it, it uninstalled ubuntu-desktop and I didn't notice it....05:39
slangasekyou'll want to make sure you re-enable the gnome keyring option that you disabled earlier with pam-auth-update, btw05:40
magedragon25it's wanting to uninstall ubuntu-desktop again...not sure why tho05:40
magedragon25I already did that, thanks05:40
magedragon25it uninstalled ubuntu-desktop and update-notifier, now it won't let me reinstall either one. It gives me an error about needing update-notifier-common ver 0.99 and 0.99.1 is installed05:44
slangasekyou're running amd64, I guess05:45
slangasekyeah, it's not safe to do a dist-upgrade on amd64 right now, there are too many out-of-date packages there; according to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-notifier/0.99.1/+build/1595582, it'll be another 12h before it makes it through the backlog05:46
slangasekyou can manually grab update-notifier-common 0.99 from the archive and reinstall it05:46
magedragon25oh...i upgraded to lucid almost a week ago05:47
slangasekthe latest removal of update-notifier from your system is due to version skew from just today05:48
slangasekwhichever tool you used to do the upgrade (update-manager, synaptics, apt-get, etc) did so in a mode that said it was ok to remove packages... that's what I mean by "dist-upgrade"05:49
Caesarslangasek: can you approve the FFe for tar (bug 539814) please?05:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 539814 in tar "FFe: Sync tar 1.23-1 (main) from Debian squeeze (main)" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53981405:59
ccheneyslangasek: wanted to give you warning of a (hopefully) soon OOo upload, just waiting on oracle approval of the new images06:00
* ccheney noticed on the blog about hard freeze for beta 2 today and didn't hear back from oracle yet, probably will on thursday06:01
ScottKslangasek: kdebase-workspace is up for your review/accpetance (couldn't sleep, so decided to be productive).06:03
slangasekccheney: since there are some massive security builds clogging the queue right now, we seem to have a day or so backlog already - is this upload going to address bug #546797 along the way?06:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 546797 in openoffice.org "URE: Component registries might be corrupted" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54679706:29
slangasekScottK: ok, will look in a bit, thanks06:30
slangasekCaesar: working on it06:32
ccheneyslangasek: yes06:39
* ccheney headed off to bed now, bbl06:39
slangasekCaesar: do you know what the effect is of changing the SIGPIPE handler?06:45
pittiGood morning07:18
pittilamont: glad to hear that things are back07:19
dholbachgood morning08:39
mvodpm: I have a a11y bugfix for software-center that adds some strings. what would you recommend at this point of the freeze, merge it for the benefit of people with e.g. orca? leave the strings out and merge the rest?08:57
dpmmvo, what are the strings? Is there a bug I can read somewhere to have some more context? Without knowing much more about it, I'd say if the feature is an a11y one and it needs new strings to be useful, it's probably important enough to just add the new strings (and communicate it to translators, of course)09:02
mvodpm: bug number is bug #52638409:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526384 in software-center "Pathbutton doesn't expose text to accessibility aids" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52638409:04
mvodpm: I added the strings that are added09:05
mvodpm: I'm not 100% positive how to move forward, there are other a11y area where s-c is not doing great, but every bit helps so I'm inclined to merge it09:05
dpmmvo, yeah, I also think it makes sense.09:07
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pitticjwatson: do you know whether http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt says auctex pulls in emacs22? AFAICS it depends on emacs23 | emacs22 | ..., and 23 is in main09:45
pitti(auctex is arch: all, so not an architecture specific thing either)09:45
* pitti goes to clean some NBS09:46
MacSlowseb128, I've a updated branch for fixing LP: #546650 so it (hide on mouse-over) works again for the non-composited case... still have to do a test for older gtk+ (and karmic)10:18
MacSlowseb128, once that turns out good I'll ping you... will move to the rhythmbox-cover-art bug then10:19
MacSlowseb128, if all goes well I'll be able to roll a new notify-osd tarball too later today10:19
seb128MacSlow, ok thanks10:19
bdrung_pitti: the rebuild of abraca will fail10:24
cjwatsonpitti: s/whether/why/?  I'll have to look a little later anyway - my server is in go-slow mode and it's making it hell to get anything networky done10:27
pitticjwatson: "why", yes10:27
pitticjwatson: ok, thanks; it seems to act a little strange anyway -- it wants vala because of vala, and nothing else10:27
pitticjwatson: for sure, vala is nice, but I didn't know that c-m was so personally attached to it :)10:28
directhexhas there been any commitment from AMD to release an FGLRX which works with Lucid before release?10:36
pittidirecthex: like the one that was uploaded last week? :-)10:43
directhexpitti, really? i hadn't noticed that!10:44
directhexpitti, i'm in the market for a new gpu, but am busy worrying over ubuntu10:44
tjaaltonpitti: I've merged mesa 7.7.1 which is a stable release of the branch we've been tracking until now. ok to upload?11:30
pittitjaalton: you can upload, it'll be in unapproved (possibly until after beta-2)11:31
tjaaltonpitti: oh, tseliot was waiting for it, though that change could then be uploaded separately (to fix ia32-libs, bug 248392)11:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 248392 in ia32-libs "32bit libgl search for dri at wrong place on 64bit system" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24839211:32
tseliottjaalton, pitti: it's ok, I can wait11:33
tjaaltontseliot: ok11:33
cjwatsonpitti: it totally is architecture-specific :) the problem is that emacs23 hasn't built on ia6411:38
cjwatsonpitti: vala> component-mismatches has got confused about the reasons because somebody already put the valac binary in main, but without its source11:40
cjwatsonlibdbusmenu Build-Depends: valac11:40
pitticjwatson: ah, thanks; I'll sort that out11:41
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lamontRoAkSoAx: sup?  Just asking tends to work better than pinging12:05
dholbachRoAkSoAx: can you update http://www.roaksoax.com/2010/03/data-loss-after-update/comment-page-1 ? did you get your data back?12:06
tjaaltonpitti: x-x-i-synaptics conf doesn't match /dev/input/event*, generating errors in the log when it tries to init /dev/input/mouse* etc, ok to upload?12:36
tjaaltonpitti: also, xorg merge which adds only support for Xreset/Xreset.d for scripts to run after a logout12:37
tjaaltonthough it needs *dm support12:37
bdrung_can someone unsubscribe u-u-s from bug #553055?12:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553055 in helium "Please sync helium 1.6-6 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55305512:51
bdrung_dholbach: ^12:51
pittitjaalton: synaptics> sounds fine12:53
pittitjaalton: in general, you can upload stuff; we'll review it from unapproved and accept it for beta or keep it there until after beta12:53
jpdslamont: < RoAkSoAx> well i just wanted him to push the apport hook for bind9, since I;ve been told he usually likes to keep it in sync with debian12:55
lamontyeah.  I guess that means apport hooks snuck into ubuntu,eh?12:56
pittitjaalton: why does x-x-i-synaptics now ship both an udev rule and a conf.d snippet?13:04
pittitjaalton: (smae vor vmmouse and wacom)13:04
pittitjaalton: wouldn't that lead to input devices being recognized twice? or is xorg clever enough to identify them?13:05
tjaaltonpitti: udev rules are needed when setting ID_INPUT.tags, and that's used for platform specific quirks here13:08
pittitjaalton: ah, thanks13:09
tjaaltonvmmouse needs it to recognize the platform, and wacom to set ID_INPUT for serial devices13:09
tjaaltonand the name, which wacom.conf then matches against13:10
pittiright, xorg.conf.d wouldn't be able to do callouts13:10
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nigelbcan the other tasks in this bug report be closed? bug 42944313:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 429443 in cpu-checker "/usr/bin/kvm-ok should be disassociated from kvm" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42944313:37
Keybukok, I've been online for a couple of minutes and nobody's pounced on me13:51
Keybukand the only e-mails I have after "Hot Sale, some-mailing-list-owner! 77% off on top goods"13:51
KeybukI guess I didn't break the world13:52
Keybukor broke it so badly nobody can get on IRC13:52
ttxKeybuk: I can hear you, if that's of any comfort.13:53
* ttx admits not having updated to "OMG Freeze is tomorrow let's upload everything" archive state yet13:55
qenseI have an old bug report that complains that the apt-pkg API in Ubuntu differs from Debian. It is at least a few years old. Is this bug still true?14:01
freemvo: hey, I'm having a problem upgrading from hardy to lucid (a bare kvm with debootstrap package + ubuntu-desktop) https://pastebin.canonical.com/29974/14:06
freemvo: any clue why?14:07
nigelbKeybuk, oh, you want someone to pounce? :D14:07
Keybukonly if they're cute14:08
nigelblol, I'm looking for a bunch of people to work with me.  trying to get number bugs i review down to less than 15014:09
Keybukonce I've got the number of bugs I have to review down below 3,000, I'll let you know <g>14:10
nigelbits now 225, only a matter of 75 bugs :) but getting debdiff ready and testing is the hard part14:11
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KeybukRiddell: you'll need to update the Kubuntu Plymouth theme to depend on plymouth-label I expect14:32
Riddellnixternal: ^^14:32
Keybukis just a debian/control change14:33
ScottKnixternal: ^^^14:35
dholbachnixternal: ^^^^14:36
nigelblol :D, nixternal ^^14:36
mvofree: checking14:39
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freemvo: thanks15:05
mvofree: could you mail me the logs in /var/log/dist-ugprade/* and the /var/lib/dpkg/status file?15:06
freemvo: sure15:08
freemvo: http://people.64studio.com/~free/hardy-to-lucid-logs.tar.gz15:12
RoAkSoAxdholbach, Heya, No I haven15:17
mvofree: works for me, maybe your mirror is a bit behind? there is some churn in the archive currently and it may just be not consistent (churn because of a new gnome)15:17
RoAkSoAxdholbach, Heya, No I haven't recovered my data... it was weird cause in my trash fooldersers like with <deleted>.1 <deleted>.2.2 <deleted>.2.3 started to appear but after that... nothing that will indicated a bug and it is not reproducible15:18
RoAkSoAxi filed one though15:18
freemvo: yeah, it could be15:19
dholbachRoAkSoAx: that's weird15:19
dholbachRoAkSoAx: I hoped it was just that cdbs/nautilus bug15:19
freemvo: shall I try with http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu ?15:19
RoAkSoAxdholbach, it is indeed.... I thought it was too but it ended up being something else... but as long as I cant reproduced I guess we'll never know15:20
mvofree: yes, I think that makes sense, I run it now too and see whats going on, but it may just be a bad day today15:20
freemvo: okay, thanks for looking15:21
mvofree: the auot-upgraer-tester is now s running, I let you know15:23
RoAkSoAxlamont, bug #53360115:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 533601 in bind9 "Apport hook for bind9" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53360115:25
freemvo: fine, fwiw I just re-tried against the official Ubuntu mirror, same problem15:27
pittikees: will the next linux kernel update fix this sign error? (http://www.kernel.org/)15:30
dholbachpitti: ¡⅁OOϴ ʞ⊥⅁ ZI15:34
pittibut xkcd.com is just brilliant15:34
pittidholbach: ʎןǝʇıuıɟǝp15:36
pittiʇı xıɟ oʇ spǝǝu uosןnoɔsıɹɥɔ - ƃnq xoɟǝɹıɟ ɐ 'ɹǝɥʇɐɹ 'ɹo15:36
* dholbach sɓnɥ ı̣ʇʇı̣d15:36
* pitti ʞɔɐq noʎ sƃnɥ15:37
* dholbach sʎoſ̣uǝ ǝɟı̣Ʈ ɹǝpun-uʍop15:37
james_wstop it! you're adjusting my brain to that text, I won't be able to read normal text for the rest of the day15:37
pitti {¿ʎɐs ǝɥ pıp ʇɐɥʍ } o o ˙15:38
* dholbach shuts up15:38
* fagan thought it was empathy's fault15:38
nigelbdholbach, how did you do that?15:41
dholbachnigelb: http://www.xs4all.nl/~johnpc/uniud/uniud.html15:43
MacSlowseb128, pitti, kenvandine: LP #546650 is fixed in lp:notify-osd/lucid you can either grab commit rev421 as a distro-patch or wait for the tarball of notify-osd 0.9.28 I'm about to roll.15:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 546650 in notify-osd "Unable to click items below notifications" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54665015:43
MacSlowseb128, pitti, kenvandine: whatever you prefer15:43
seb128MacSlow, did you fix the rhythmbox issue?15:43
pittiMacSlow: thanks! we can just as well wait for the tarball; buildds are clogged anyway15:44
MacSlowseb128, I looked into it and could not reproduce it... it's working perfect for me.15:44
seb128MacSlow, oh come on15:44
seb128MacSlow, just switch track between something having a cover and something not15:44
MacSlowseb128, honestly... I tried the whole afternoon... never skipped/dropped a cover-art if one was defined15:44
seb128MacSlow, the issue is when none is defined15:44
seb128MacSlow, it still displays the previous one15:45
seb128try playing a song with a cover15:45
seb128do next15:45
mvofree: hm, I can not reproduce it here in a chroot. how odd. I will try harder15:45
seb128with the next song having no cover15:45
seb128and you will get the bubble with the cover from the previous song displayed still15:45
freemvo: could it be the particular set of packages installed on this vm?15:49
freemvo: it's bare-bones hardy KVM image + landscape-client + ubuntu-desktop15:49
mvofree: yes, that is very likely, I give it another try15:52
freemvo: the landscape-client hardy package is the non official one from "deb http://landscape.canonical.com/packages/hardy/ ./", however the same problem happens if I remove it entirely, so maybe the issue is in one of its dependencies15:54
mvofree: the logs say its having issues with libcamel1.2-14 and evolution. but I can not see right now what the problem is15:55
freemvo: I see15:55
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mvofree: its odd, I use your status file, so it should give me the same error15:56
mvofree: hold on a sec, I try something else15:56
* cody-somerville wonders why update-manager wants to remove update-notifier.15:58
mvocody-somerville: I bet a mismatch between -common and update-notiifer. some buildd lacking behind15:59
* cody-somerville nods.15:59
nigelbkirkland, can I close the other tasks in bug 429443?16:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 429443 in cpu-checker "/usr/bin/kvm-ok should be disassociated from kvm" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42944316:02
ttxslangasek: about bug 546874 -- should we target it to Lucid ? Do you plan to work on it or should someone else be assigned to it ?16:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 546874 in samba "passwd - can't login, change password (pam_winbind pam-auth-update profile)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54687416:38
slangasekttx: yes, please target it and assign mee16:39
ttxslangasek: do you want it milestoned as well ?16:39
slangasekI don't think I'll get to it for beta216:39
slangasekhmm, I missed the pam-auth-update call in the postinst too? :/16:40
slangasek/that/ part I can fix16:40
ttxslangasek: I couldn't see one, and when I reproduced the issue, installing winbind wouldn't update pam.d :)16:40
slangasekyah, sorry16:40
* ttx would like to get rid of the wine -> winbind connection and let winbind in its niche market of skilled admins16:41
ttxat least we would get polite bugs.16:41
* slangasek stares16:42
slangasekyes, I think that should be considered a bug16:42
slangasekI had no idea wine1.2 was pulling in winbind16:42
ttxslangasek: that's the reason there are so many bugs against it16:42
* ScottK looks at YokoZar.16:43
ttxslangasek: most people that run it don't care about it... however it appears to be needed by wine16:43
slangasekttx: I think that's clearly a wrong recommends and should be changed16:43
slangasekI suspect it's there for nss_wins16:44
ttxI remember talking to YokoZar about it in Barcelona... He confirmed he needed it16:44
ttxbut maybe some hackish package split would get what he needs without pulling the full monty in16:44
slangasekah, it's for ntlm_auth16:45
ttxah, that rings a bell, yes16:45
ccheneyslangasek: can you tell if xulrunner-dev got kicked out of main intentionally when it moved between source packages?16:48
zygahmm, focus stealing failed again16:49
slangasekccheney: I don't know who demoted it; it doesn't happen automatically, and shouldn't have happened if there were still reverse-deps16:49
seb128wasn't that binary built by 2 sources?16:50
seb128and the xulrunner-1.9.1 demoted or something16:50
seb128which might have demoted the wrong binary too16:50
seb128just guessing16:50
micahgseb128: that could be it, that problem was fixed today with the upload16:50
ccheneyslangasek: ok will ask around some more16:52
jibelmvo, I pushed a slightly modified version of xapianSearch16:53
slangasekttx, ScottK, YokoZar: so I've reviewed the wine code and am convinced that this should be dropped to a Suggests or dropped altogether.  wine doesn't *require* ntlm_auth, it just *uses* it when available - but it doesn't do anything useful *unless you've configured your machine as a domain member*, so there's no point in having wine Recommend it at all16:54
mvojibel: nice, I have a look16:54
micahgccheney: we got the answer it seems16:54
ccheneymicahg: ok16:54
slangasekYokoZar: "this" being the Recommends on winbind16:54
jibelmvo, switched XP prefix to probabilistic, increased the weight of XP terms and lowered the qualitycutoff.16:54
jibelmvo, results based on software-center test cases http://paste.ubuntu.com/407625/16:55
ScottKslangasek: Sounds like 'Suggests'.16:55
mvojibel: woah, that looks impressive16:56
ttxslangasek: that would sure cut the number of bugs filed against samba for the next 5 years. I'd estimate 20% of them are about people failing to upgrade winbind that never knew they had it in the first place16:56
ttx(though that allowed to catch that pam profile issue, tbh :)16:56
slangasekScottK: I don't think it's even that; it's not "installing winbind enhances the behavior of wine", it's "if you've already configured your machine as a domain member, wine will integrate with that".  Suggests: winbind here is like like Suggests: NT domain authentication16:57
ScottKOh, OK.16:57
ttxslangasek: yes, the fact that it plays nice with it shouldn't involve a package dep16:57
mvojibel: I'm not sure I mentioned this, but another idea I had was to have a set<RPackage*> in addtion to the current vector n the packageview to make the hasPackage() call quicker. the current way is a bit inefficient (not sure how much it matters, I have not measured it)17:02
jcastromvo: debian squid guy reminder!17:03
slangaseka more bizarre string of nouns, I have never seen17:03
jibelmvo, I quick test of patch attached to 251335 didn't show a lot of improvement but I need to test it harder.17:09
zygaI just made a _screenshot_ of intel gfx corruption17:10
zygait's nice to finally attach some evidence to this bug17:10
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FeasibilityStudywhat does it typically mean when building a package and get this error:17:24
FeasibilityStudycp: cannot stat `debian/tmp/usr/bin/': No such file or directory17:24
geserthat you are either missing a mkdir call (or if using dh_installdirs that "usr/bin is missing in debian/dirs)17:29
FeasibilityStudyhmm ok17:31
FeasibilityStudyI thought putting it in my debian/install file would work17:33
nigelbdidrocks, I was thinking of asking the user to close cheese instead of the kill call17:34
didrocksnigelb: yeah, I'm not very keen on a killall in an apport hook :)17:35
nigelbme neither.  Only the upstream dev asked if I could do it automatically instead of using a killall17:35
didrocksnigelb: at least, you should look at the return code :)17:44
pittioh sweet, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+queue?queue_state=1 shows package sets now17:47
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Caesarcjwatson: thanks!18:22
Caesarslangasek: I do not18:22
ScottKpitti: You can thank wgrant for that.18:23
apparlecan anyone help me with this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/47546618:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 475466 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "[RC410] detects AGP on a PCIE card" [Undecided,Fix released]18:30
ScottKapparle: You might try in #ubuntu-x18:31
bigonan idea in which package is the gdm theme?18:32
keesasac: oh, did the about:config fixes and font fixes not make this firefox upload?19:07
cr3in a kvm guest, is there a way to distinguish a device defined as a disk from another device defined as a cdrom when both are defined using virtio?19:07
cr3is the type of disk encoded somehow in the device minor number?19:08
nigelbkees, are you on top of bug 532852?19:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532852 in policykit-1 "pkexec information disclosure vulnerability" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53285219:10
nigelb(do you want a debdiff?)19:10
keesnigelb: sure, that'd be helpful.  it's pretty low priority, so I was going to wait for the beta freeze to clear19:14
nigelbkees, I'll get the debdiff in a few days, so you can get it in after beta freeze :)  you probably have more important bugs to fix :)19:14
keesnigelb: cool, thanks!19:19
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ccheneywhat is the proper source package name to use for release note bugs?19:28
slangasekccheney: none, use the ubuntu-release-notes project19:29
ccheneyah ok19:29
slangasekdoko_: what's the motivation for the dash rebuild-only upload?  It's already built once in lucid, was that done before the toolchain was in?19:29
doko_slangasek: that's a lame try to rebuild on arm, seeing varies exit 139s from shell scripts on the buildds.19:32
slangasekdoko_: ah19:33
doko_never could reproduce these locally19:33
Tm_TI just hate these: https://edge.launchpad.net/builders/adare19:44
xnoxQuick go to www.kernel.org it got defaced20:06
slangaseklooks ok to me?20:07
ionYeah, it’s just fine.20:07
ScottKYeah, not sure what he's talking about.20:07
xnoxIt's upside down?20:08
xnoxfor me at least20:08
slangasekmay be a problem on your end?20:08
ionAre you sure it’s not your monitor that’s upside down?20:08
* xnox is uploading screenshot20:09
chrisccoulsonthere is a button to turn it the right way up again ;)20:10
* xnox looks at the calendar =))))))))))))))20:11
chrisccoulsonyes ;)20:11
* xnox got pwand20:11
chrisccoulson1st april20:11
lucasbdrung: what's the status of the manual-sync script?20:43
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bdrunglucas: i did not work on it.20:57
bdrunglucas: i am waiting for ScottK to release his improvements21:00
bdrungand for soyuz to support syncs21:02
ScottKbdrung: I'm waiting on pitti to license his original to be distributable.  I can't distribute my update without that.21:02
bdrungScottK: i could write that script from pitti from scratch21:03
ScottKFunny.  Now that I diff it, I have a two line diff.21:09
bdrungScottK: two lines?21:10
ScottKbdrung: http://paste.debian.net/67039/21:10
ScottKI recalled it being more.21:10
ScottKIt does fix a key issue with some of our .changes files.21:11
ScottKYou'd also want to add some kind of a -n option for syncing a new package.21:11
bdrungScottK: yes and to provide a library (for our ack-sync script)21:12
ScottKOK, so no longer road blocked on me.21:12
bdrungScottK: can you have a look at bug #516249?21:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 516249 in hdparm "Please merge hdparm 9.27-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51624921:13
ScottKNot right now, no21:13
rickspencer3mvo, do you want me to do $update-manager -d to test a karmic -> Lucid upgrade on my daughter's 'puter?21:31
mvorickspencer3: yeah, go ahead please and mail me the logs afterwards (regardless if it works or fails), both is useful infromatoin21:35
mvorickspencer3: I will be offline soonish to hit my bed, but I check mail tomorrow21:35
rickspencer3mvo, to avoid any doubt, what specific log?21:35
mvorickspencer3: there seems to be a bit of a plague currently with it failing to calculate the upgrade, if it shows that, there is no harm, it will revert cleanly and write logs into /var/log/dist-upgrade/21:36
mvorickspencer3: /var/log/dist-upgrade/*21:36
rickspencer3mvo will do21:37
rickspencer3mvo, you are on holiday until Tuesday, right?21:37
mvoI will :)21:38
seb128slangasek, hey21:43
slangasekseb128: hi21:44
seb128slangasek, I uploaded light-themes twice, could you accept the new one21:44
seb128or rather make sure you review this one21:44
slangasekyep - I'll reject the old one now21:44
seb128slangasek, should I try to convince you what to accept still or will you still be open with reasonable changes in the current queue?21:45
seb128ie things like theme updates21:45
slangasekseb128: theme updates> of the kind that break the UI freeze?21:47
seb128slangasek, weeeell, it has been decided to change the wm button order for example21:48
slangasekI see a lot of icon updates in the queue, and no UIFe trail for these; that's a problem for the docs team21:48
seb128slangasek, that too21:48
slangasekseb128: oh, argh21:48
seb128slangasek, well you guess where the request come from there21:48
seb128anyway I did sponsor those so I did my job21:49
seb128I will let you do yours ;-)21:49
ccheneyslangasek: just uploaded openoffice.org 1:3.2.0-4ubuntu3 which resolves the ure warning issue and the splash screen update21:51
kusumcjwatson: Could you guide me to a wiki of partman-auto-loop21:51
slangasekccheney: ok, thanks21:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 532633 in metacity "[Master] Window Control buttons: position/order/alignment" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:52
seb128564 comments21:52
chrisccoulsoni don't even dare to click on the link ;)21:55
chrisccoulsonit will probably take the rest of the evening to open21:55
cjwatsonkusum: there isn't one21:55
highvoltageseb128: heh, I just posted #571, but in my defence it's the first post on that bug and I've been subscribed since before #10021:56
kusumcan i take lupin's information to be almost similar to it21:57
cjwatsonkusum: err - they're different components21:58
kusumwhat exactly does it do ?21:59
kusumI think i am in a mess here21:59
cjwatsonwhy not download the source and look at it? :)21:59
cjwatsonPackage: partman-auto-loop22:00
cjwatsonDescription: Automatically partition using a loop device22:00
kusumhehe ok22:00
kusumThank you22:00
kusumcjwatson: last question before i run to the code22:02
kusumpartman runs on wubi side or ubuntu side?22:02
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cjwatsonkusum: Ubuntu side22:03
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rickspencer3slangasek - do you want someone from the design team to file freeze exceptions and such?22:32
slangasekrickspencer3: yes, please - and critically, to notify the docs team22:33
rickspencer3I'll try22:33
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kwwiislangasek: ping?22:53
ccheneyshould packages that are in dapper but non-server still say 'supported' on launchpad?22:55
wgrantccheney: Launchpad has no idea about support timeframes.22:58
ccheneywgrant: ah ok23:00
slangasekkwwii: hi23:06
kwwiislangasek: see my pm, or I can repost it here23:07
chrisccoulsonslangasek - i've got a beta-2 bug assigned to me for applying the cairo lcd filter patch to firefox to fix the font rendering issue23:24
chrisccoulsonwhats the cut-off date for me to get this in?23:25
slangasekchrisccoulson: should be done before the weekend to leave time for building23:25
chrisccoulsonslangasek - ok, i will get that done tomorrow then23:26
slangasekchrisccoulson: thank you!23:26
chrisccoulsonmicahg ^^^23:26
slangasekchrisccoulson: it was mentioned at a previous release meeting that there might be problems with the actual patch available at that time - has this been resolved?23:26
chrisccoulsonslangasek, yeah, thats been resolved thanks to mdeslaur23:26
slangasekok, great23:26
chrisccoulsonthe patch is working quite nicely :)23:27
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