
CIA-3ubiquity: cjwatson * r4025 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/components/ubi-language.py):00:45
CIA-3ubiquity: Don't lower-case the locale attribute on frontends. This was added a00:45
CIA-3ubiquity: long time ago; since then, it's become unnecessary since i18n.get_string00:45
CIA-3ubiquity: lower-cases the locale itself, and it prevented us from finding00:45
CIA-3ubiquity: slideshow files for language variants (LP: #476269).00:45
CIA-3ubiquity: cjwatson * r4026 ubiquity/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog):00:51
CIA-3ubiquity: Automatic update of included source packages: partman-auto 89ubuntu4,00:51
CIA-3ubiquity: partman-ext3 58ubuntu2.00:51
dylan-mcjwatson: Hi, I'm here about bug 476269  :)00:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 476269 in ubiquity "Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, and English variant translations aren't shown during Karmic and Lucid installation" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47626900:57
cjwatsondylan-m: hey00:57
dylan-mI can fix that issue you mentioned on the slideshow's end (and I would much prefer to). Just didn't realize that was the way we were meant to do the fallback :)00:58
cjwatsonIMO it should match slideshow_get_available_locale as closely as possible00:59
cjwatsonthat method should be correct - it was just getting screwed by locale being pt_br not pt_BR00:59
dylan-mOooh, I see01:00
dylan-mgee, I completely missed that! Nice catch01:00
dylan-mYep, that isn't a problem. I had it as a full implementation at first and for some reason decided that falling straight back to the default made more sense01:00
dylan-m(All guessing, though; is there some kind of reference guide for localization best practices?)01:01
cjwatsonI'm the wrong person to ask, I've picked it up over ten years and no longer remember :)01:02
cjwatsonslideshow_get_available_locale isn't perfect of course (way too much parsing of locale bits, and it doesn't do a complete job) - it's just good enough for the job at hand01:02
dylan-mOh well, no problem01:02
cjwatson'info gettext' is useful reading01:03
cjwatsondoes http://paste.ubuntu.com/407324/ look right?  I haven't written any JS for a long time01:03
dylan-mYep, looks good01:04
dylan-mI guess it'll also need to compare using .lower, too01:04
cjwatsonI think I'd like to assume that the locale is in the canonical case01:05
cjwatsonrather than messing about with case-canonicalisation which will get fiddly01:06
dylan-mOh, yes, I guess it's on the disk in the right way anyway01:06
dylan-mwhoever is requesting the locale just needs to say the right thing01:06
dylan-m(on which topic, that's a reason why it makes sense for this to happen within the slideshow: it crashes and burns if it is expecting a locale that doesn't exist, so the fallback routine always needs to be in there anyway)01:08
cjwatsonmm, I admit it's nicer not to have this in ubiquity01:09
cjwatsonOK, testing with my .lower removal plus that slideshow change plus your branch01:09
cjwatsonif that works, I'll upload all three; OK with that?01:09
dylan-mThanks, Colin01:10
cjwatsonyou caught me just in time, I was this far from uploading ubiquity01:14
cjwatsonright, that seems to work fine01:15
CIA-3ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: cjwatson * r258 ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/ (debian/changelog slideshows/link-core/slideshow.js):01:17
CIA-3ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: Fall back from language variants (e.g. de_DE) to languages (e.g. de)01:17
CIA-3ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: (LP: #476269).01:17
CIA-3ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: cjwatson * r259 ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 2001:21
cjwatsondylan-m: oh, err01:26
cjwatsondylan-m: what about the RTL stuff?01:26
cjwatson                    ltr = i18n.get_string('default-ltr', slideshow_locale, 'ubiquity/imported')01:27
cjwatson                    if ltr == 'default:RTL':01:27
cjwatsonthat doesn't look straightforward to port01:27
cjwatson                        slides += '?rtl'01:27
dylan-mhate to say, that one isn't01:27
dylan-mI was aiming to fix that with 10.10 (since I'm hoping to redo how localization works)01:27
cjwatsonI think we'll have to leave the ubiquity locale selection there for now, in that case01:27
dylan-mYep, that one does01:27
cjwatsonoh well01:28
cjwatsonthis'll fix the bug, at least01:28
dylan-munless we can store if a locale is an RTL locale in the fantastically ugly directory.js :)01:28
cjwatsonif you figure it out, I'll be happy to merge your ubiquity branch; I'm not going to touch that though :)01:28
dylan-mWith the current approach it unfortunately makes en right to left if it falls back that far, but hopefully it just won't get that far01:29
* dylan-m just reminded myself there is some extra stuff to handle there, but there's no hurry on it01:30
CIA-3ubiquity: cjwatson * r4027 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.2.1201:32
cjwatsonthanks for the prod and the advice!01:32
dylan-mThank you for solving that bug!01:33
shtylmanev: bug 528678 ... is that even reproducable?04:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 528678 in ubiquity "UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 13: ordinal not in range(128)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52867804:37
Kevin`just want to extra point this out, because it's been bugging me for a while and I hope it can be fixed in the next ubuntu version: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/160366/comments/108:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 160366 in debian-installer "Add xen netboot support" [Wishlist,Triaged]08:53
Kevin`(that is, point out that the solution would take about 5 minutes)08:53
evshtylman: that's definitely a bug.  Wrapping an 8-bit string in unicode() without an encoding just doesn't work.09:36
evshtylman: I'm not sure why I suggested it was QString's fault.  This is before it's passed to the QString constructor.09:36
evcjwatson, superm1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/407480/ - does this roughly look like what you were after?  I still need to check to make sure it doesn't rip out the langpack, but it otherwise works for my test of installing gnome-do and vim before running oem-config-prepare.10:06
cjwatsonKevin`: it might take about five minutes, but it's something that needs to be done in the kernel packaging - we don't control those files10:11
Kevin`it's already packaged in your stock kernel, just not in the installer10:12
cjwatsonKevin`: I know what I'm talking about. :-)10:12
cjwatsonthe kernel delivers udebs for use in the installer10:12
Kevin`well, I don't know much about the politics, heh. who handles it10:13
cjwatsonit's not politics, it's just where the data files live10:13
cjwatsondebian/d-i/ in the linux source package10:13
cjwatsonsorry, debian.master/d-i/ these days10:13
cjwatsonI've reassigned the bug, thanks10:14
Kevin` #ubuntu-kernel ?10:15
cjwatsonif it were changeable in the installer, I'd have done it already :)10:15
cjwatsonyes, tell them I sent you10:15
cjwatsonI'd like it to be fixed, certainly10:17
cjwatsonxen-blkfront should go in scsi-modules, and xen-netfront should go in nic-modules10:17
cjwatson(feel free to copy and paste that)10:18
cjwatsonev: looks plausible enough10:20
evjust need to put it through its paces, then beg the release team for sympathy10:21
cjwatsonit's been a recorded/tracked work item for a while, you shouldn't have to beg to hard10:21
Kevin`oh hm, one part of this situation actually may be in your area, although it's from upstream debian: the installer won't let you select to use a disk unpartitioned unless there's already a filesystem on it. normally people just ask 'wtf would you want to do that', but it makes management a ton easier, and disk alignment a non-issue for weird storage10:38
Kevin`or I just don't know how to use the partitioner10:38
evshtylman: I think there may be a problem with your event loop changes.  I don't seem to be progressing through the install if I click next and leave the mouse pointer still.  As soon as I move the mouse, the installer continues on.  This is most apparent on the timezone page, where the time stops updating until I move the mouse.10:47
cjwatsonKevin`: mm.  I do think that's probably a bug but it's not trivial to change - the UI gets very tricky.  Alignment issues should be fixed in 10.04 though10:59
Kevin`what did you do to fix the alignment problem, query the disk for it's sector size (for eg the new consumer drives), or just pick a more sane default then the ms-dos standard that's actually a multiple of anything besides 512?11:03
cjwatsonKevin`: modern parted queries the disk; it defaults to 1MiB if it doesn't get specific information11:18
cjwatsonthe legacy DOS standard is cylinder alignment, i.e. 63*51211:19
Kevin`sounds good :)11:19
cjwatsonshtylman: if debian/changelog isn't UNRELEASED at the top, then you need to create a *new* entry, not add to the existing one11:26
* cjwatson fixes11:28
CIA-3ubiquity: cjwatson * r4031 ubiquity/debian/changelog: fix changelog11:28
evdch -U does this magically for you if this is a native package (ubiquity is)11:53
evfor what it's worth, bug 553184 is the freeze exception request for oem-config/remove_extras11:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553184 in ubiquity "Freeze exception request for removing extra packages in oem-config" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55318411:56
CIA-3partman-crypto: cjwatson * r696 ubuntu/ (blockdev-keygen debian/changelog): Allow preseeding partman-crypto/weak_passphrase too (LP: #546405).12:24
CIA-3partman-crypto: cjwatson * r697 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 40ubuntu312:26
CIA-3usb-creator: rgreening * r291 trunk/debian/changelog: Updated with LP: Bug for the QVariant issue13:27
rgreeningev: we really need to release usb-creator again to fix bug 553243, which makes usb-creator unusable (fix is in lp).13:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553243 in usb-creator "usb-creator-kde mostly broken" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55324313:30
evrgreening: just working on some other bug fixes first.  I'll upload a new version today.13:30
* rgreening thinks I should get per package upload rights to usb-creator :P13:31
rgreeninghhe. cool13:31
rgreeningokies, as long as we get something out.  ty ev.13:31
evsure thing13:31
rgreeningya, I probably will.13:31
evlet me know when you do and I'll put a good word in13:33
CIA-3usb-creator: evand * r292 usb-creator/ (bin/usb-creator-helper debian/changelog): Encode ISO path with UTF-8 when mounting (LP: #460298).14:11
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r4032 ubiquity/ (3 files in 2 dirs):14:44
CIA-3ubiquity: In oem-config, support removing packages that were not part of the14:44
CIA-3ubiquity: base install and are not needed in the final system by preseeding14:44
CIA-3ubiquity: oem-config/remove_extras to true (LP: #315644, LP: #553184).14:44
shtylmancjwatson: my bad... I thought that when I ran dch it would do the right thing :/15:26
shtylmanev: no problem... we just have the user play "wack-a-mole" while it installs to ensure the mouse is always in motion15:26
cr3cjwatson: a few weeks ago, you mentionned a script in the installer which takes arguments like "disk" or "cd" and returns the devices detected on the system. where was that script again?15:29
cjwatsonif you want the source, it's in the debian-installer-utils source package15:29
cr3cjwatson: after having a quick look at the script, it seems that it relies on ID_TYPE output by udevadm. however, this environment variable is not set when using virtio devices in kvm :(15:40
CIA-3usb-creator: rgreening * r293 trunk/ (6 files in 5 dirs): Update version info to 0.2.21 in preparation for release.15:59
CIA-3usb-creator: rgreening * r294 trunk/debian/ (changelog control): Add explicit version requirement to depend on latest usb-creator-gtk for usb-creator.16:10
evrgreening: ^ why?16:32
rgreeningev: a bug on upgrade from old usb-creator meta would be satisfied with an old usb-creator-gtk and not the latest, which it should16:33
rgreeningit certainly doesn't hurt16:34
rgreeningas we expect it to be that version anyway16:34
evhuh?  usb-creator is a virtual package.  It's job is to simply install usb-creator-gtk, which will be updated on its own16:34
rgreeninghmm.. didn't seem to work in at least on case16:35
rgreeningdunno why16:35
evis there a bug number for this?16:35
rgreening1 sec.16:35
rgreeningev: it was in comment to this bug 50380816:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 503808 in usb-creator "usb-creator-gtk does not start (GtkFrontend instance has no attribute 'cancelbutton')" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50380816:36
evokay, I can see the utility in that16:37
evsorry for the tough questions, I just want to be sure we're just fixing serious bugs at this point :)16:38
rgreeningno prob16:38
rgreeningI fixed the version too16:38
rgreeningev: how close are you to pumping out a release? we really need usb-creator-kde working for the beta16:40
evrgreening: I'll do it now16:41
evand ubiquity while I'm at it16:41
rgreeningty ev.16:41
CIA-3usb-creator: evand * r295 usb-creator/po/ (40 files): update-po16:43
superm1ev, looks about right to me.  i'm curious what happens if you pull ubiquity and oem-config out from under their feet at that time though?  hasn't everything not been loaded into memory by then?16:44
evsuperm1: in the event that we someday decide to open a file shipped with ubiquity after that point16:44
evwas just being cautious16:44
superm1it is a kind of unfortunate experience that it done in the shell script for oem-config-firstboot right now, because after that pretty oem-config wizard gets done it drops you to a black screen with the machine spinning for a minute or two16:45
evand you might not want them removed, if you set the preseed accordingly16:45
evperhaps we could meet halfway by involving plymouth?16:46
superm1so if it doesn't "break" it would be better if that preseed's logic was moved into the same place as all this remove extras logic16:46
superm1yeah that would probably be sufficient too16:46
evLooking at the code, I don't have a strong feeling either way.  cjwatson?16:49
cjwatsonI'm not sure I follow the question16:51
superm1the question is moving the code to remove oem-config from oem-config-firstboot into remove_extras (pulling the feet from under oem-config/ubiquity, hopefully it all being in memory at that point) or adding some plymouth magic to not show a black screen after oem-config is done before gdm comes up while it's removed there16:54
superm1if the former is selected, oem-config/late_command would need to be moved up too16:55
cjwatsonoh, right16:55
cjwatsonI'm dubious that it will actually work reliably; I'm OK with it if it does16:55
cjwatsonI don't like relying on things being in cache more than we have to, especially for memory-hungry things like ubiquity16:56
cjwatsonon a possibly related note, I was working on splitting out a ubiquity-common package, which might reduce the impact of having oem-config remain installed16:56
cjwatsonand would be useful to avoid a bunch of dependencies - but I haven't finished that yet16:57
superm1it's still loading all sorts of debconf templates after that point of remove_extras, so i'm starting to think it wouldn't work properly either16:57
cr3when installing ubuntu-server on kvm with virtio, /bin/list-devices disk returns nothing and yet it installs just fine on /dev/vda. how does the installer find the disk if not using list-devices?16:58
cjwatsonit normally does use list-devices, and IMO it's a bug that it doesn't work there - I'll investigate when I have time17:00
cjwatsonbut in some cases it uses parted_devices instead17:00
cr3cjwatson: parted_devices works on kvm with virtio, fyi17:02
evcould use another set of eyes on this (internet connectivity check for update link) - http://paste.ubuntu.com/407636/17:05
cr3cjwatson: where does parted_devices come from? it doesn't seem to be in debian-insaller nor debian-installer-utils17:07
cr3cjwatson: it seems to be part of ubiquity but I'm installing ubuntu-server. does ubuntu-server now use ubiquity?17:08
CIA-3usb-creator: rgreening * r296 trunk/ (debian/changelog usbcreator/frontends/kde/frontend.py):17:31
CIA-3usb-creator: * Get rid of the needs-format warning for now. It was always shown17:31
CIA-3usb-creator:  for parent block devices and the confusing resulting from that was17:31
CIA-3usb-creator:  quite bad. This was previously done for gtk but not kde version.17:31
evcjwatson, superm1: could one of you sort out a ubiquity upload?  I was hoping to squeeze in that internet connectivity check, but I've got to run to catch a train down south.17:45
evhave a great weekend17:45
evrgreening: I *think* I've sorted the usb-creator upload17:45
evsee the irclogs.ubuntu.com page for #ubuntu-release for the details17:45
rgreeningIf you need help getting it though, I can poke Riddell17:46
rgreeningev: ty17:48
cjwatsoncr3: parted_devices> partman-base source package17:51
cjwatsoncr3: no, ubuntu-server doesn't use ubiquity; ubiquity incorporates partman-base17:52
kusumcjwatson: Wubi will not work when ported to linux OS with no ntfs support right or is there a turn around ?17:53
CIA-3ubiquity: superm1 * r4033 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.2.1317:54
cjwatsonkusum: I don't see how you could work around the lack of NTFS, given that the point of Wubi is to include support for installing inside Windows filesystems which are normally NTFS!17:55
cjwatsonkusum: ntfs-3g shouldn't be that hard to incorporate17:55
kusumif we integrate ntfs-3g getting wubi working shouldnt be a hard task right ?17:56
cjwatsonabout as hard as I explained :-)17:59
cjwatsonit's not trivial software17:59
CIA-3usb-creator: rgreening * r297 trunk/ (debian/changelog usbcreator/frontends/kde/frontend.py):19:18
CIA-3usb-creator: * Get rid of the needs-format warning for now. It was always shown19:18
CIA-3usb-creator:  for parent block devices and the confusing resulting from that was19:18
CIA-3usb-creator:  quite bad. This was previously done for gtk but not kde version.19:18
CIA-3usb-creator: * Update kde frontend format option to match gtk frontend/backend19:18
CIA-3usb-creator:  (LP: #553460)19:18
CIA-3usb-creator: * Add warning dialog to format button for usb-creator-kde, to match gtk.19:18
CIA-3usb-creator: rgreening * r298 trunk/ (5 files in 4 dirs): Update version strings for next release: 0.2.22 (let's try and be consistent)19:35
CIA-3usb-creator: rgreening * r299 trunk/ (debian/changelog usbcreator/frontends/kde/frontend.py): Add BusyCursor to kde frontend while format operation is underway.20:00
shtylmanev: what do you think we should do about the event stuff? how do you handle the tight loop on the gtk side?21:06
kusumanybody knows when can i find xivulon online ??21:07
kusumIf somebody knows please answer21:07
CIA-3grub-installer: cjwatson * r851 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog grub-installer): (log message trimmed)23:45
CIA-3grub-installer: Historically, Ubuntu's default behaviour in the absence of command-line23:45
CIA-3grub-installer: arguments to the installer has been to pass 'splash' to the installed23:45
CIA-3grub-installer: system so that it gets a splash screen (and similarly 'quiet'). There's23:45
CIA-3grub-installer: some argument that this behaviour should require passing 'splash' to the23:45
CIA-3grub-installer: installer as well, but it's too late in the Lucid cycle for this change.23:45
CIA-3grub-installer: Nevertheless, we need a way to configure images such that they don't get23:45
CIA-3grub-installer: cjwatson * r852 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.49ubuntu1023:47

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