
=== IdleOne is now known as Caeser
=== Caeser is now known as IdleOne
=== k1l_ is now known as k1l
=== remix_auei is now known as remix_tj
MenZaCould someone hook me up with an ubuntu/member/menza cloak? I lost my cloak when my pdpc subscriber status ran out o_o14:19
* MenZa prods Pici, nhandler, topyli, jussi01 14:19
Tm_TMenZa: you got your cloak ~20 mins ago though14:19
MenZawhen I /whois myself, I don't see my cloak o_o14:20
Tm_T1559.00 -!- MenZa [~lhavelund@ubuntu/member/menza] has quit [Changing host]14:20
Tm_TMenZa: yeah, you lost it :-P14:20
MenZasounds like my subscriber cloak expired then14:20
Tm_Tyea but as you see, you had only ubuntu cloak on14:20
MenZayeah, but still14:21
Tm_Tmakes no sense14:22
jussi01MenZa: try re identifying to services - logout/login. if that doesnt help, then Ill ping a staffer.14:22
MenZawell, I had a subscriber cloak earlier14:22
MenZawill do14:22
MenZanothing, still14:22
MenZaI just checked my memos, I received a message from christel earlier this month saying it was running out14:23
MenZaso that will be it14:23
* MenZa is reminded to donate again14:23
jussi01ok. could a staffer fix MenZa up with an ubuntu/member cloak?14:23
jussi01VorTechS: nhandler etc14:23
Tm_TMenZa: "pay us or you won't be using teh internets!"14:24
Damascenewhere should I report of someone abuse in lauchpad bugs?15:04
erUSULDamascene: i think there is a launchpad channel15:05
erUSULDamascene: #launchpad15:05
=== k1l_ is now known as k1l
vishDamascene: also , you need to file an answer [err question] in lp answers mentioning the abuse and the user lp id , first it is better to discuss that on -bugs15:55
Damascenevish, thanks I've done so16:04
nhainesDamascene: hmm, that sounds like a valid opinion and not an abuse (any more than you might expect to see a different calendar displayed).  But the best thing would be if the calendar option were easily configurable for everyone.  :)16:19
DamasceneI don't think it's valid opinion nhaines16:32
nhainesDamascene: you may disagree with the opinion, but that doesn't mean it isn't valid as an opinion.16:33
nhaines(I don't feel strongly about any opinion on the issue--except that the calendar should be easily configurable).16:33
Damasceneyou mean the opinion of the jewish ownership of jerusalem?16:33
nhainesDamascene: the opinion that choosing a certain locale should show a specific date locale.16:33
Damasceneoh, I think you miss understood me. I'm talking about the jewish ownership of jerusalem opinion16:34
nhainesDamascene: to be honest, the geopolitical conflict is not interesting to me.16:35
DamasceneI thought it was, you bring the subject ;)16:35
nhainesDamascene: the LP question you posted mentions someone wanted a certain calendar when he picks a certain time zone... I don't think that's unreasonable to express.16:37
nhainesSo the best thing is if it's just really easy to set whichever calendar type you wish.16:38
Damascene"Using lauchpad to state ideas that is abusive to others on sensitive subjects" was the title16:38
nhainesDamascene: and then the description is "someone wants a certain calendar type when they choose a specific location."16:39
Damasceneyou have your opinion, I can't tell you what to think even that I'm the one who asked the question and I know what I want from it.16:41
nhainesDamascene: it just seems that your opinion would be just as "abusive" and therefore there would be no way to actually have a discussion about the best way to deal with locales on LP.16:45
nhainesAs I said, that's presuming that the person you are concerned about isn't being rude to others with a different opinion.16:45
Damascenemay I ask you some personal question? I want to understand how do you think16:46
Damasceneand I don't think this is in the topic of this channel16:47
nhainesDamascene: yes, you may.  And you can /msg me if you like, too.16:48
erUSULlol ;P --> www.kernel.org18:45
Tm_Tall links broken there18:46
Tm_Tso not even funny18:46
m4vTm_T: there's a "normalize page" link in a corner18:47
Tm_Tm4v: that's not the point, why turn page upside down and then break it, just... stupid18:48
m4vlooks like is a bug in their upside down script18:49
m4vsome links work18:49
erUSULwell april's fool is an anglo-sajon thing. to each their own. i get the sources via git ;P18:50
Tm_TI picked the wrong ones when tested18:50
m4vcompiling is overrated!18:50
m4vTm_T: actually, most links are broken, but I bet it wasn't intentional, they start with "http://www.kernel.org/dʇʇɥ://www.kernel.org" so a bug most likely18:52
Tm_Tbug it is, that's why I'm not happy18:52
m4vyes, kinda sloppy18:57
erUSULtoo hard on them it is april's fool; take it easy ;) your vanilla kernel compiles can wait till tomorrow18:58
Tm_TerUSUL: april's fool is serious matter, do it properly or don't do it18:59
erUSULTm_T: ;) well we do it in 28 December during chritsmas18:59
m4vWasn't in september?19:00
erUSULm4v: in Spain is the "Dia de los Inocentes" 28 of December iirc19:01
* erUSUL do not get me into discussing why we celebrate the slaughtering of babys making bad jokes .... (if you trust the scriptures)19:02
m4vah, I was confused, is 28 dec here as well19:03
m4vI don't make many jokes :P19:03
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=== remix_tj is now known as remix_auei
erUSULwhat's the problem with Ghost|BTFH ?? in #ubuntu .... ¬.¬21:26
guntberterUSUL: thx for stepping in - you did  it really nice21:26
erUSULno problem21:26
guntbertthe trouble is: he *was* giving bad advice - and has a terrible attitude21:27
=== arand_ is now known as arand
Tm_Tikonia: it wasn't me!22:43
Tm_Tmaybe I try to be kind a bit too hard22:44
arandIs there any smart way to do !bug# > nick with ubottu?23:04
arandSince there's no bug-completion out in #ubuntu..23:04
m4vwhat do you mean by "smart way"?23:04
m4vbug-completion? I'm confused23:05
arandWell "any way at all" then ;) ?23:06
arandIf I say Bug #447747 out in #ubuntu, nothing happens.23:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 447747 in mountall "karmic - mountall fails to mount filesystem on boot" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44774723:06
arandWhereas here ↑23:07
m4vI believe is for reduce flood23:07
arandIs there any way to force that out of ubottu out in #ubuntu? At least for a see-PM-response?23:08
m4vbut you can set a alias for yourself23:08
m4vI don't know how is in irssi, but someting like /alias lp /msg $channel $1: look at bug https://launchpad.net/bugs/$223:09
m4vso you can do "/lp nick bugnumber" yourself23:09
arandm4v: Hmm, 'tis a grand idea, cheers23:10
arandIf anyone cares (Irssi): /alias LP say $0: Have a look at Bug https://launchpad.net/bugs/$1 $2-23:34

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