
Claudinuxgoing to sleep.....night all00:55
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger____
=== Claudinux_ is now known as Claudinux
=== apachelogger____ is now known as apachelogger
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Technovikinghello all23:01
jdonghey everyone :)23:01
forumsmatthewwe are waiting to see if a fourth member of the council will be able to show up so we can have a quorum23:07
Technovikingsorry, we are pinging folks as hard as we can23:12
forumsmatthewI've made one last attempt. We may have to postpone. We'll give it just a few more minutes.23:15
forumsmatthewI apologize everyone. It seems only three of us could make it to the meeting today. We could talk, but not really decide anything, so there isn't much point. We will have to reschedule. The new time/date will appear on the wiki page when it is set. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ForumCouncilAgenda23:27
TommyBrunnDo you have any idea how long the meeting will be postponed for? A few days, a week or several weeks?23:27
forumsmatthewI'm sorry, I don't.23:27
TommyBrunnAlright. Guess I'll just have to keep my eyes open then.23:28
czajkowskiwould it be a good idea to possibly disucss items23:28
TechnovikingTommyBrunn: subscribe to the wiki page will send you an email when something changes automatically23:28
czajkowskiand if things ned to be voted it , bring it to your lists23:28
TommyBrunnThank you Technoviking, I will do that.23:29
TechnovikingTommyBrunn: no problem, my apoligizes that we could not discuss your concerns23:31
TommyBrunnI guess I'll just have to wait.23:31

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