
micahgasac: are you around?02:42
ddecator_looks like we may have a fix for the songbird gstreamer issues =)06:27
micahgddecator_: k, haven't had a chance to look at your email yet06:27
ddecator_micahg: i was just letting you know that the upstream devs produced my bug and were working on a fix. i'm building with their patch to see if it works06:28
asacmicahg: whats up?06:31
asachave to run out in 5 ;)06:32
micahgasac: what needs to be prepared for 3.0/3.5 updates?06:33
micahgand thunderbird?06:33
asacmicahg: chrisccoulson was on that iirc06:33
asaciirc he uploaded it there06:33
asacmicahg: how is porting going ;)?06:33
micahgI didn't see any new commits or updates to -security PPA06:33
micahgasac: one left for main, that I should have doen by sunday06:34
asaci definitly told chris to take care of it06:34
asache is on it06:34
micahgasac: Thunderbird also?06:34
asacmicahg: all the rest is uploaded06:34
micahgasac: for main, yed06:34
asacmicahg: was tbird updated?06:34
asacmicahg: and insecure list ... any progress?06:34
micahgasac: yes, I'm spinning a tarball to test06:34
asacwe should start pushing stuff for hardy to a ppa06:34
asacmicahg: in the end chris should take care of all this06:35
micahgasac: insecure, jsut edbrowse, gluezilla, and miro06:35
asacmicahg: feel free to poke him aggressively06:35
micahgasac: ok, i missed him by about 20 minutes when I came back06:35
asacmicahg: so insecure was no progress for a week? ;)06:35
asacwhats the problem with those06:35
asacwe need to get those resolves06:35
asacwith highest prio06:35
micahgasac: edbrowse I'm working on a wrapper script but chris couldn;t tell me whats wrong06:36
micahgmiro I did some tests, mostly works06:36
asacmicahg: wrapper?06:36
micahgsome python errors I wantes him to look at06:36
micahgasac: mozjs06:36
micahgneeds LD_LIBRARY_PATH06:36
micahgis there another way to do that06:36
asacyou need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/xulrunner-`xulrunner --gre-version`06:37
micahgasac: yes, where?06:37
asacin a wrapper script06:37
asacdoes edbrowse use gecko embedding?06:37
micahgso I tried that, but my rules scripts is failing somehow06:37
asacif so it should use the standalone glue rather than linking against libmozjs06:37
asacmicahg: post your rules06:37
asacpost-install is a rule and not a command06:39
micahgI've been trying to finish off the lucid porting list so we can drop xul19106:39
asacjjust add the lines where you want them to happen06:39
asacthats easiest06:39
micahgasac: my shell script generation is failing06:40
micahgmake: *** No rule to make target `debian/edbrowse.sh', needed by `pre-build'.  Stop.06:40
asacwell. dont call post-install06:41
micahgI got rid of that06:41
asaccopy those lines directly where you have post-install06:41
asacthen you did something else wrong06:41
micahgI also jsut realized my approach is flawed and I shouldn't do substitution in the script06:41
asacdoesnt exist06:41
micahgright, but I made a .in file and added a % target06:42
asacif you dont have that file it will happen like it06:42
asac%: wont work there06:42
asacjust do it manually before you copy06:42
asacand remove it in clean:06:42
asacand dont try to use a rule ;)06:42
micahgI'm just going to add the .sh file as is as I won't be modifying anything ATM06:43
asacyes. even better06:43
asacdrop the other code then06:43
asace.g. the code you added for %:... :)06:43
micahgthat's what I get for trying too hard :)06:43
asaci dont think its using gecko embedding06:44
asacLIBS = -lpcre -lssl -lcurl $(shell pkg-config --libs mozilla-js)06:44
asacso its really using js only06:44
asacso yeah. you are doing it right06:44
asacwith those two changes it probably owrks06:44
asacso is chris working on porting at all ?06:45
asace.g. i never hear anything from him06:45
asacno questions/nothing06:45
micahgasac: he uploaded soemthign that wasn't ready06:45
micahginstead of uploading all the FF/XUL stuff I needed uploaded06:46
micahgkazekhase is broke06:46
asachmm ok06:46
micahggaleon has a weird error on start for myportal06:46
asacis that a regression?06:46
asacimo we should kill galeon06:46
asacthats dead meat06:46
micahgasac: idk if it's a regression06:47
asacdont waste time if its not a regression06:47
micahgI'll have to check in a karmic cd06:47
asacyeah. but even without we should just kill it imo06:47
micahgand add to blacklist from syncing from debianm/06:47
micahgok, I can file the bug06:48
micahgwhat's the priority on seamonkey06:48
asacright. give me bug id so i can ack that06:48
micahgwe can't have 1.x in lucid06:48
micahgI'll file a bug now06:48
asacyes. someone needs to do that ... but i dont htink it should be you06:48
asacwe can do seamonkey after beta06:48
asacok thanks for the update. will be back tonight06:49
asace.g. in 12+ h06:49
micahgasac: should we have a call then?06:49
asachmm. yes. we can have that06:49
micahgok, we'll chat later then06:49
asacbut like 1730 UTC06:49
asacif that works for oyu06:50
micahgasac: tomorrow early is better06:50
asacok ... maybe lets do that06:50
asaclets discuss that later06:50
micahgI'll catch up with chris in the morning06:50
ddecator_micahg: they actually added the patch upstream, so i stopped my build and am building the newest trunk with the patch applied. assuming it works i'll push it to lp. just to make sure, am i supposed to request for a merge in songbird, or should i request a merge for the songbird-daily ppa?06:52
micahgddecator_: jsut to songbird06:53
ddecator_micahg: alright, sure thing06:53
fta2ripps, you said you filed a bug upstream, url?06:57
rippsfta2: okay, just a sec. It seems that problem is only in chromium, as the equivalent version in google-chrome works fine.06:58
rippsfta2: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=3996906:59
fta2ripps, my codecs are most probably ahead of the dev channel06:59
ripps-ffmpeg-extra crashes due to a problem that seems to originate in libsumo (or something), while -ffmpeg just doesn't load anything at all.07:00
fta2the non -extra wont work for youtube. youtube html5 needs h264, which is only in -extra07:03
rippsI can't get debug any more refined debug symbols because -ffmpeg-extra-dbg doesn't depend on -ffmpeg-extra.07:06
fta2i fixed that yesterday07:06
rippsfta2: hasn't made it to ppa yet, then.07:06
fta2yep, i can see that07:06
rippsI've switched to google-chrome for now, as it seems to work just a well as chromium, and at least html5 vids play now.07:09
micahgfta2: I see you stopped pushing intrepid dailies07:17
fta2it's EOL07:17
micahgfta2: not till EOM07:17
micahgApril 3007:18
fta2pitti asked me to stop doing dailies for old distros, to save build cycles07:18
micahgfta2: that's fine, just wanted to let you know it's not officially EOL till Apr 30, but I doubt anyone using a daily would still be using intrepid at this point07:19
micahgfta2: BTW, we should be able to start songbird daily up again soon, ddecator_ has put a lot of work into fixing the build, I just need to review and merge07:23
fta2micahg, ok.07:24
fta2micahg, btw, there's no point in me continuing to run the bot for moz stuff as i no longer contribute. It just adds my name everywhere and it's not right. I'd appreciate if you could take over.07:26
micahgddecator_: probably after beta 207:26
micahgfta2: ok, can you wait until after lucid release?07:26
micahgI have a server that I can use, just no time to set everything up07:27
ddecator_micahg: no problem, i'm just glad to have it working. i'll keep up with packaging daily builds and hopefully getting some more features working properly07:27
micahgfta2: so I assume you would prefer me starting up the songbird daily builds from my server when I'm ready them?07:27
fta2if it takes you too long, i can restart it from here07:28
micahgok, we'll see when I get to approving the merge07:28
micahgThis weekend I have to focus on squeezing everything I can into Lucid Beta 207:29
ddecator_micahg: still figuring things out, but if there is ever anything i can do to help, don't hesitate to ask07:31
micahgddecator_: after we get it running again, if you can keep the patches in sync, that would be great07:32
ddecator_micahg: sure thing07:33
ddecator_micahg: once you tell me what all that entails =p07:33
ddecator_micahg: doesn't have to be now though07:34
fta2micahg, is your MSA broken?08:08
fta2seems it was yesterday, looks fine now, n-m08:09
ddecator_micahg: works perfect for me now, i'll push to lp and request the merge. i can work on doing some cleanup with weekend, getting some more info in the copyright file08:12
micahgddecator_: ok08:16
ddecator_micahg: btw, the upstream dev tested on older gstreamer builds, and the new patch doesn't seem to conflict in any way08:20
micahgddecator_: prism isn't the cause of not starting08:32
ddecator_micahg: i thought that's what was causing the issue?08:32
micahgddecator_: no, it's the symlinked paths08:33
ddecator_micahg: oh, sorry, misunderstood that bug then08:33
micahgThe fix should have been pushed already...08:34
ddecator_want me to ask him to make sure his system is fully up-to-date?08:35
micahgddecator_: nope08:35
micahgit wasn't pushed yet, that's the problem08:35
micahgk, I really need to go to sleep :)08:39
ddecator_so do i08:39
ddecator_micahg: night08:39
fta2ddecator, there's no need to create a changelog entry for each version. just keep the last one UNRELEASED until it enters the real repos, we do that for all dailies08:44
fta2ripps, updated the codecs in all ppas, please retry09:19
rippsfta2: kinda busy right now, I'll get around to it in half hour or so09:19
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGabundo_vacati
=== BUGabundo_vacati is now known as BUGa_vacations
rippsfta2: okay, I installed -ffmpeg-extra and -ffmpeg-extra-dbg, with chromium in --single-process mode. The browser doesn't crash on youtube videos now, but instead, youtube says my browser doesn't recongnize the video formats available.10:55
fta2eh? weird10:56
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGa_vacations
rippshold on, let me try commenting out the flags I have set in /etc/chromium/default11:03
rippsfta2: nope, even with all my previous flags commented out, youtube can't detect the codec.11:09
rippsWas h.264 removed?11:09
rippsfta2: how can I be sure that chromium is even loading libffmpegsumo.so?11:12
[reed]really? you're patching NSS?11:16
[reed]not cool11:16
* ripps is now trying the normal -ffmpeg package11:18
rippsyeah, that didn't work either11:22
fta2ripps, the normal -ffmpeg package is not supposed to work, it's only for ogg/vorbis/theora12:17
fta2let me try12:17
rippsI know, I was just making sure.12:17
fta2hm, there's a problem. it regressed for me too12:18
Dimmuxxwhat's the holdup on 3.6.2 now that nss is updated?12:51
micahgchrisccoulson: thanks for pushing Firefox/Xulrunner15:52
chrisccoulsonmicahg - you're welcome15:52
chrisccoulsondid you enjoy your days off?15:52
micahgchrisccoulson: yeah, it was nice15:52
micahgchrisccoulson: we need to retry a few FTBFS builds after xulrunner builds on all arches15:53
micahgchrisccoulson: gtk-vnc and gnome-chemistry-utils15:53
micahgchrisccoulson: thanks for asking :)15:53
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, pitti will do gtk-vnc once xulrunner is published, and then i will do g-c-u too15:54
chrisccoulsonbut that might be tomorrow now as there's quite a delay on the builders15:54
Dimmuxxis the fontfix included in it?15:55
micahgDimmuxx: no15:55
Dimmuxxoh I thought it was approved, but not until 3.6.3 then or will 3.6.2 be rebuilt eventually?15:56
micahgDimmuxx: what was approved?15:56
chrisccoulsonthere will be another 3.6.2 update with the cairo patch hopefully in time for beta 215:56
Dimmuxxmicahg: the cairo patch15:57
chrisccoulsonDimmuxx, yes, that was approved16:15
chrisccoulsonhey micahg16:15
chrisccoulsonso, we won't need a new nss in the firefox-stable PPA for karmic, as that's being updated already16:15
chrisccoulsonbut the others will either need the new nss, or we'd need to build them with the bundled version instead16:16
chrisccoulsonare the packages in the firefox-stable PPA using bundled xulrunner?16:16
micahgchrisccoulson: yes16:16
chrisccoulsonmicahg - so, the safe option is probably to build the updates for <= jaunty with bundled nss16:17
micahgchrisccoulson: I don't know what the implications are for in build NSS vs system NSS...but in source NSS is automatic if there's no system NSS16:17
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i think for the firefox-stable PPA, built-in NSS should be the safer option. there's no rdepends on any of the packages in the PPA, so it's not likely to break anything else16:23
micahgchrisccoulson: ok, I'll push that tonight then, I have to disable the firefox-kde patch as well for the < lucid releases16:23
asacwhy not push the nss to stable PPA?16:24
asaci think we need it anyway for 3.516:24
asacin our security update?16:24
asacwhats the status on that?16:24
chrisccoulsonasac - we need it for the karmic update only16:24
asacyes. but then we can push it to jaunty too16:25
asacwe will need it soon anyway16:25
chrisccoulsonand that's uploaded to the u-m-s PPA already (i'm just waiting for it to build before uploading anything else)16:25
asacso we can have it tested in nss16:25
chrisccoulsonpitti just adjusted the score for nss so it builds quicker16:25
micahgasac: I can push NSS to stable PPA tonight if you want for < karmic16:26
micahgand for karmic too if it's not in archive yet16:26
chrisccoulsonyeah, i don't think nss will be copied across now until after the weekend, with most people being on holiday from tomorrow16:27
micahgasac: should I use ~mfs~DISTRO1 for NSS suffix so they get the in archive version when we push it?16:28
asacmicahg: someone should quickly test it for jaunty ... but otherwise yes.16:28
asacmaybe push it to daily ppa first16:28
micahgasac: I don't think I have rights to daily PPA yet16:29
micahgasac: also, should I make branches for each release in the stable PPA?16:30
ccheneyasac: what replaces xulrunner-dev in main?16:35
ccheneyasac: i noticed i can't get it for OOo building in main anymore16:35
micahgchrisccoulson: do you know why xulrunner-dev was demoted?16:36
chrisccoulsonmicahg - one second, just on a call16:37
ccheneyhmm it seems xulrunner-dev was probably in main in the past but got demoted to universe but xulrunner-1.9.2-dev is still in main16:42
ccheneyasac: was that a mistake i see the source package is relatively new, so maybe xulrunner-dev just got forgotten in universe?16:46
micahgccheney: no, this was done before was upload16:49
ccheneymicahg: hmm well it was apparently still in main as of Mar 26, and now i can no longer build OOo16:52
ccheneymar 26 was after xulrunner-1.9.2 source was uploaded so it appears it was done intentionally in past couple days16:52
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i asked pitti to demote the whole of xulrunner-1.9.1 now, as it doesn't seem like anything needs it in main now16:52
micahgchrisccoulson: yeah, there are 2 more things, I should be fixed today, 1 monday16:53
chrisccoulsonwe're going to see if anything comes up on component-mismatches or wherever these things get flagged up on, and then fix them before beta 216:53
micahgchrisccoulson: but since it happened before the upload, xulrunner-dev accidentally got demoted16:53
ccheneymicahg: ah so it should still be in main then?16:54
chrisccoulsonmicahg - oh, the xulrunner-dev provided by 1.9.2 got accidentally demoted too?16:54
micahgchrisccoulson: yeah16:54
ccheneychrisccoulson: yes16:54
chrisccoulsonthat definately needs fixinf16:54
chrisccoulsonok, i'll ping pitti about that, sorry16:54
ccheneychrisccoulson: no problem :) just wondering if i needed to change my packaging for OOo :)16:54
chrisccoulsoni uploaded 1.9.1 today without xulrunner-dev as well16:54
micahgchrisccoulson: right :)16:54
micahgchrisccoulson: BTW, it's still a problem on IA64 as we don't have a good build of xulrunner-1.9.2 yet16:55
micahgchrisccoulson: so I don't know if it should have been demoted yet16:55
chrisccoulsonwe're running out of opportunities to make changes like this though (after beta-2 is released, there is only 1 week before final freeze), so we should probably use this time now to fix inconsistencies like this16:57
chrisccoulsonpitti has re-promoted xulrunner-dev again now16:57
chrisccoulsonbut you need to wait 1 hour for the next publisher run16:57
chrisccoulsonok, i will have a look at the ia64 build issue later17:00
ccheneychrisccoulson: ok thanks, i don't think i will have OOo uploaded by then, still have to fix a couple bugs17:00
ftakenvandine, what files/dirs from gwibber should i restore if i create a new desktop (just reinstalled my main desktop on a new/bigger/faster disk)17:03
kenvandinefta just couchdb17:04
ftawhere is that?17:04
kenvandine ~/.local/share/desktopcouch/gwibber*17:04
kenvandine ~/.local/share/desktop-couch/gwibber*17:04
kenvandinei think17:04
kenvandinei just use ubuntuone :)17:05
ftawow.. 200MB17:06
kenvandinefta, and you are running gwibber trunk right?17:08
kenvandineyou must have a ton of messages17:08
kenvandinesince we auto compact the DB now17:08
kenvandineit must have been much bigger17:08
chrisccoulsonmine is ~35MB, and i get hardly any messages ;)17:08
fta191M    .local/share/desktop-couch/.gwibber_messages_design17:08
micahgchrisccoulson: will you have time to look at IA64 after beta 2?17:10
ftait tough to reconfigure a nicely tuned desktop from scratch, confs are everywhere :(17:10
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i'll probably need to look at it before beta 2 really17:10
micahgchrisccoulson: should I file a bug and assign to you?17:10
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, feel free17:11
chrisccoulsonhave you had any experience with building ia64 stuff locally?17:11
chrisccoulsoni've never tried to do that before17:11
micahgchrisccoulson: no, I asked someone about it and was told that it tries to do the right thing IIRC17:11
micahgchrisccoulson: you didn't have a chance to look at gjs did you?17:12
chrisccoulsonmicahg - not yet17:12
micahgchrisccoulson: let's chat later today if you finish the FF30/FF35 updates17:13
chrisccoulsonyeah, no problem17:13
BUGa_vacationskenvandine: gwibber still sucking a LOT of CPU17:14
BUGa_vacationscan't you guys trim it a bit ?17:14
BUGa_vacationsalso, show account server name in the account lables! having them all say "BUGabundo" doesn't help17:15
kenvandineBUGa_vacations, is it higher now?17:15
kenvandinei should be :)17:15
ftawhere is the pref to get icons only in toolbars? can't find it17:15
kenvandinenot being funny... there is a keyring bug that is affecting lots of things17:16
BUGa_vacationskenvandine: yeah I know that can be it17:16
BUGa_vacationsbut all I see in atop is gwibber :(17:16
kenvandinegwibber-service or gwibber?17:16
BUGa_vacationsservices mostly17:17
BUGa_vacationslet me restart it17:17
kenvandineand is it like 100%?17:17
kenvandineor over 90% all the time?17:17
rickspencer3I run gwibber non-stop17:17
rickspencer3and it peaks at like 9% when it's loading the window17:17
BUGa_vacations  Installed: 2.31.1~bzr703-0ubuntu1~daily117:17
rickspencer3otherwise, doesn't even show up on top17:17
BUGa_vacationsrickspencer3: how many / which services?17:17
kenvandinerickspencer3, i really wish i knew why your not affected by this bug17:17
BUGa_vacationshow large is your DB?17:17
rickspencer3identica, twitter, facebook17:17
BUGa_vacationsidentica, two other SNs, twitter17:18
rickspencer3my DB has to be maxed out, since I have been running it forever17:18
BUGa_vacationsdaily trunk on lucid 64 bits17:18
BUGa_vacationstwo streams17:18
BUGa_vacationsHOME and replies17:18
BUGa_vacationsrickspencer3: you ?17:18
kenvandinels -lh ~/.local/desktop-couch/gwibber_messages.couch17:18
rickspencer3I have 4 streams17:18
BUGa_vacationsls: cannot access /home/bugabundo/.local/desktop-couch/gwibber_messages.couch: No such file or directory17:19
rickspencer3I keep replies open as well17:19
BUGa_vacationscan't fit more then 3 stream on my 13.3"17:19
BUGa_vacations-rw-r--r-- 1 bugabundo bugabundo 43M 2010-04-01 17:17 /home/bugabundo/.local/share/desktop-couch/gwibber_messages.couch17:19
BUGa_vacationsrickspencer3: compiz or metacity?17:20
BUGa_vacationsthere must be a root cause for this17:20
rickspencer3I thought it's been traced back to access to the keyring17:21
rickspencer3apps that access the keyring go haywire on certain people's computers17:21
rickspencer3kenvandine, is that not correct?17:21
BUGa_vacationsrickspencer3: auto login on GDM?17:22
rickspencer3I login with GDM17:22
BUGa_vacationsI have autologing17:26
kenvandinethat shouldn't matter17:26
BUGa_vacationscould that be it, trigerring the cpu?17:26
BUGa_vacationsI have the same prob with gnome-do17:26
kenvandinealthough... i don't even know if BUGa_vacations' problem is keyring17:26
rickspencer3"shouldn't matter" ;)17:26
BUGa_vacations 1401 11930h28m   0.01s   100K    24K     0K     4K  --   - S 200% indicator-appl17:26
BUGa_vacations31243   4.66s   9.11s     0K     0K     0K     0K  --   - R  92% gwibber-servic17:26
BUGa_vacations  387   0.00s  12.56s     0K     0K     0K     0K  --   - S  84% gnome-do17:26
rickspencer3kenvandine, do you autlogin?17:26
rickspencer3so that rules that out, right htere17:26
BUGa_vacations  387   0.05s  13.34s     0K     0K     0K     0K  --   - S  89% gnome-do17:27
BUGa_vacations31243   5.17s   8.22s     0K     0K     0K     0K  --   - R  89% gwibber-servic17:27
kenvandine  1401 11930h28m   0.01s   100K    24K     0K     4K  --   - S 200% indicator-appl17:27
BUGa_vacationsit was a peak17:27
BUGa_vacationsatop running in 15 sec sample17:27
BUGa_vacations  387   0.00s  11.55s     0K     0K     0K     0K  --   - S  77% gnome-do17:27
BUGa_vacations31243   4.01s   7.11s    16K     0K     0K     0K  --   - R  74% gwibber-servic17:27
BUGa_vacations  704   0.93s   1.41s 402.4M 25420K     0K     0K  N-   - S  16% gwibber-servic17:27
BUGa_vacations  705   0.45s   0.76s 402.4M 25104K     0K     0K  N-   - S   8% gwibber-servic17:27
BUGa_vacationstime to kill DO17:27
BUGa_vacations 1447    491.4M     2.0G        25544K                       13% bash17:27
BUGa_vacationstalk about mem leaks17:28
BUGa_vacations31243   1.80s   3.38s     0K     0K     0K     0K  --   - R  99% gwibber-servic17:28
BUGa_vacationskenvandine: yeah GS is stuck17:29
BUGa_vacationsbut since its now so fast starting17:29
kenvandinethat is exactly what happens with the keyring17:29
BUGa_vacationsI just close it and open when I need it17:29
kenvandinethat sucks though17:29
kenvandineor rickspencer3, i know why you don't see that with gwibber17:29
rickspencer3oh yeah?17:30
kenvandinerickspencer3, your accounts are still storing passwords plain text17:30
kenvandineso we don't auto convert people17:30
chrisccoulsonplaintext passwords?17:30
BUGa_vacationslet me check the state of SN OAuth17:30
rickspencer3kenvandine, should I delete the passwords from couch?17:30
kenvandineBUGa_vacations, have you run gwibber-accounts and re-saved?17:30
chrisccoulsonhow do people fix that? ;)17:30
BUGa_vacationsnow that even google porvides this17:31
BUGa_vacationskenvandine: nope17:31
kenvandinechrisccoulson, open accounts and edit an account17:31
kenvandineclick save17:31
kenvandineit will convert it to storing in keyring17:31
BUGa_vacationsis it going to get worse?17:31
chrisccoulsonkenvandine - thanks17:31
kenvandineBUGa_vacations, oh... and your still getting that much CPU load?17:31
ftawhat's going on with the official builders? i've been waiting for several days to push chromium, but the codecs are still waiting for a slot :(17:31
chrisccoulsonwhen did that change btw?17:31
kenvandineBUGa_vacations, look in the web view... please17:31
kenvandinechrisccoulson, yesterdays upload17:31
BUGa_vacations saved17:31
kenvandineor in trunk about a week ago17:31
kenvandineok... i wanted you to make sure first :)17:32
chrisccoulsonfta - they're incredibly busy at the moment17:32
BUGa_vacationskenvandine: webview?17:32
rickspencer3kenvandine, so I changed and saved my identi.ca pw, and quit gwibber17:32
kenvandinerickspencer3, ok17:32
rickspencer3so if I open gwibber now, I should see the cpu peg?17:32
kenvandineBUGa_vacations, the web interface to couch, called futon17:33
* BUGa_vacations kisses kenvandine arse17:33
ftaamd642 88 jobs (14 hours), i3863 950 jobs (12 hours)17:33
chrisccoulsonkenvandine - it would be worth sending an email to ubuntu-devel-announce about that change, so people know how to convert their plaintext password in to an encrypted one17:33
BUGa_vacations 1243   5.17s   9.25s   -16K     0K     0K    12K  --   - R  96% gwibber-servic17:33
BUGa_vacations 1350   2.47s   3.34s     0K     0K      -      -  NE   0 E  39% <gwibber-serv>17:33
BUGa_vacations 1349   1.26s   1.36s     0K     0K      -      -  NS  15 E  17% <gwibber-serv>17:33
chrisccoulsonthere's a lot of people testing at this point in the cycle ;)17:33
chrisccoulson(sorry if you've already done that)17:34
kenvandinei haven't17:34
kenvandinechrisccoulson, good idea17:34
chrisccoulsoni think you probably should do17:34
BUGa_vacationskenvandine: now what??17:34
kenvandinealthough that will just make that many more people angry about the keyring bug17:34
kenvandineBUGa_vacations, dunno... :)17:35
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, yeah, probably best to wait until that's fixed then17:35
kenvandineproblem is it is hard to figure out for sure if the keyring is causing your problem17:35
chrisccoulsonbut once that's fixed, it would definately be worth announcing it17:35
kenvandinesince there is nothing in the logs or even in a strace17:35
kenvandineso weird17:35
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chrisccoulsonasac - i think i've probably asked you already, but would you mind having a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/Lucid/FirefoxNewSupportModel/extension-list at some point, just in case there are some removal candidates that you don't agree with?18:28
chrisccoulsoni want to start getting these cleaned up next week really18:28
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i would appreciate your feedback on those too ;)18:28
maxbooi, what's the current outlook on enigmail for lucid?18:48
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=== yellow-stevel is now known as yellow-steve
gnomefreakhow the hell do i change the amount of chars on a line in a thunderbird compose/reply window?21:07
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gnomefreaki really cant stand the sideways scroll changing size of window doesnt help unless i amke it reall really big21:12
sebnerasac: bah, you br0ke firefox with your last upload :P21:16
gnomefreaknow you tell me :(21:17
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUG_vacations
gnomefreakbug 880322:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 8803 in mozilla-thunderbird "mozilla-thunderbird-offline: Invalid symlink prevents installation" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/880322:06
gnomefreakwhen did we go back to 4 digit reportts22:06
gnomefreakbug 1119922:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 11199 in mozilla-thunderbird "mozilla-thunderbird: segfault on startup" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1119922:07
micahg[reed]: are patches still being accepted for

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