
nwidgerdid the last .23 auto build update break anyone else's setup?00:26
ScumBagI'm having a problem with Miro, I'm sure this isn't the place but I have to start somewhere. I can't download feeds from ezrss in Miro, but I can open them in Firefox with no problems.01:50
jolarenCan someone take a look at my mythfilldatabase.. I can't get the XMLTV to work.. I've been running with EIT scanning before and it works but crashes my backend a few tmies a day16:37
tmktHey hey..for dd5.1 and dts passthrough which codec package should i have installed? i just installed libavcodec52 used to have libdevice-extra-52 libavformat-extra-52 and the unstripped-5216:38
mrandtmkt: sorry, no clue16:42
mrandjolaren: if it is crashing on 0.23 with auto-builds enabled, we'd love to get a back trace.16:42
jolarenI'm running the stable version, I think that's 0.2216:43
jolarenmrand, think I should upgrade?16:45
jolarenI just want my tv to work, I never want to touch my backend16:45
mrandjolaren: 0.23 isn't released and has a few rough edges, but is fine for most people.  In general, most people see improvements, but there are some random crashes still - hard to say if it would be an improvement for you or not.16:48
jolarenI tried running tv_grab_se_swedb --configure and then mythfilldatabase --manual16:50
jolarenbut still the same errors16:50
smoovemovehello all - I recently upgraded my 0.22 (mythbuntu 9.10) to 0.23-rc1 using the control centre.  Worked like a charm, but it did not give me the Mythnetvision plugin.  What is the best way to install that and test it out?17:00
superm1smoovemove, apt-get install mythnetvision, or go to synaptic, or ubuntu software center and find it there17:02
superm1unfortunately that plugins page isn't dynamic in MCC based on what's available, it is hardcoded per each *buntu release17:03
smoovemovesuperm1: great, will give that a shot.  and makes sense about MCC.17:06
smoovemovesuperm1: thanks17:06
bjdam i in the right place to ask about installing newer myth packages with a vanilla ubuntu install?17:35
superm1bjd, sure17:37
superm1you can use the autobuilds on vanilla ubuntu installs too17:38
bjdhm, does that url work for you?17:39
superm1Yeah it does17:41
superm1just hit activate autobuilds on it17:41
bjdAh, my v6 connection is broken17:41
* bjd fixes17:41
jolarenteh fudge17:45
bjdok, the site doesn't like v6 ;p17:45
superm1what's v6?17:45
bjdFatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Invalid IP address...17:45
mrandsorry, didn't want to be left out.17:46
mrandI don't think anyone calls it v6.17:46
mrandThat an engine17:46
jolarenme neither17:46
jolarenI don't understand what I'm doing wrong with xmltv17:47
jolarendrives me crazy17:47
jolareni hate fiddlin with me backend17:47
superm1jolaren, 10.04, uk radiotimes problem?17:47
jolarennaw the 'se' one17:50
jolarentv_grab_se_swedb --configure --config-file '/home/joel/.mythtv/swedb.xmltv'18:06
jolarenand then mythfilldatabase --manual18:06
icewolfcaI am using Mythbuntu 9.10 and I have my HVR-1600 working, but I get pink lines on the right side of the screen, is this a know issue?19:11
rhpot1991icewolfca: on every channel?  Is it a large section or maybe just a few pixels off to the side?19:14
tgm4883icewolfca, analog or digital?19:16
rhpot1991I was thinking possibly just junk in overscan19:18
tgm4883could be19:19
icewolfcaits all atsc channels19:20
icewolfcaanalog is fine19:20
icewolfcaits a considerable amount, i tried setting the aspect ratio etc19:20
icewolfcatried all of the different decoder combinations19:20
icewolfcaI have searched google and I could not find anything19:21
tmkticewolf is it a vertical line from top of the screen to the bottom?19:23
icewolfcayes many, verical on the right side19:23
rhpot1991icewolfca: take a screenshot19:23
tmktah..i just have the 1..19:23
tmkt1 line 2 pixels wide19:23
rhpot1991printscreen button?19:23
tmktand i don't think this error shows up on the screenshot19:23
rhpot1991and then throw it on something like imagebin19:23
tmkticewolfca: ati video card?19:24
jolarenI really can't get XMLTV running smoothly, should It really be this much of an hazzle?19:24
icewolfcayes ati19:24
jolarenSpent over 3 hours with it already19:24
rhpot1991heh, that might be your issue19:25
tmktdid the line show up in your screenshot?19:25
icewolfcaeven the overlay is cut off a bit hah19:25
tmktrhpot1991: yeah..i took my nvidia out19:25
rhpot1991jolaren: lucid?19:25
tmktand went with the onboard ati19:25
tmktand thats my problem19:25
icewolfcaI am checking now19:25
icewolfcawhat can I paste it into?19:25
icewolfcathe image19:25
jolarenrhpot1991, mythbuntu 9.1019:25
icewolfcaI need to installa program19:25
icewolfcawhat should I use for screen capture?19:26
rhpot1991icewolfca: http://imagebin.org/19:26
tmktprint screen should ask you to save it to your destop19:27
icewolfcait does not ask me anything19:37
superm1on mythbuntu i dont think we install anything that would be capable of printscreen working19:40
superm1gnome uses gnome stuff to do it, and binds it19:40
superm1you can install gimp and probably do it with taht19:40
tmkteither way...i'm pretty sure that pink line won'tshow up on the screenshot19:46
icewolfcaok I am taking a picture19:47
Zinn[imgbin.org] ImgBin.Org: The #1 site for free, fast image hosting19:47
Zinn[www.imgbin.org] ImgBin.Org: The #1 site for free, fast image hosting19:48
icewolfcacloser picture to the crap19:48
mrandoh wow.  Does it look like that in programs other than myth?  Like vlc?19:48
icewolfcayou mean the hvr-1600?19:48
icewolfcain digital mode?19:48
icewolfcaI don't know how to test the atsc mode in another program19:49
icewolfcaand it works fine in the windows machine so this I do know19:49
tmktwow..that is definitely not my problem19:49
tmktmine is 1 line..2 pixels wide19:49
tmkti can live with mine19:49
tmktthat one..i sure wouldn't be able to19:49
icewolfcaits pretty bad19:50
rhpot1991yikes that is pretty bad19:50
mrandicewolfca: atsc is a don't care.  Now that it is tuned, you should be able to capture with cat /dev/video_device_name > filename.mpg19:50
mrandOr you can use vlc.  Or probably lots of other things.19:50
icewolfcaok let me try that now and see19:50
rhpot1991thats definitely not overscan, so my theory is out19:50
icewolfcaI am liking mythtv alot though19:50
tmkteverytime i get annoyed with my pink line...i'll think of yours and smile19:51
mrandUntil you said that it worked fine on Windoze, I was going to suggest a tuner hardware problem.  If this only appears on Linux, it's either kernel (either driver or firmware) or mythtv.19:52
icewolfcaI thought "maybe" firmware since there are different verions of the card19:52
icewolfcabut I wouldn't know which to try19:52
rhpot1991it almost looks like its doing an anlog size and filling in the rest with junk19:52
rhpot1991I'm not familiar with that card, but I know some of them don't play nicely between analog and digital19:53
tmktso this only happens when watching video?19:53
tmktstop watching video and the lines go away?19:53
icewolfcaonly atsc channels from /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend019:53
tmkti have hvr-1600, and no problems with the tuner19:53
tmktusing DVB?19:53
icewolfcaif I watch a xvid or analog tv its fine19:53
icewolfcathe regular cable part of the card works great!19:54
rhpot1991icewolfca: assuming you've looked through this: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Hauppauge_HVR-160019:55
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] Hauppauge HVR-1600 - MythTV19:55
icewolfcayes I have looked through there19:55
icewolfcaI will try a different firmware version19:56
Davieyicewolfca: I would recommend imagemagick20:08
Davieysudo apt-get install imagemagic20:09
Davieythen you can do from the console, sleep 10s ; import -window root screenshot.png20:10
icewolfcathe image is there now20:13
icewolfcayou guys think 1.5ghz is enough for 720p?20:14
rhpot1991if you have an nvidia card that can do VDPAU sure, if not then most likely no20:14
tmkthe's ati20:15
icewolfcarage 12820:15
icewolfcaok then I will just stick to regular cable20:17
icewolfcaand remove the DVB device until I get a better motherboard etc20:17
icewolfcaI guess the ati rage 128 is causing it to barf20:17
rhpot1991once upon a time I ran 720p content on an amd athlon 1900+20:18
icewolfcathis is an athlon 180020:18
rhpot1991system was heavily tweaked and I was using XvMC20:18
rhpot1991it "worked" but I was not really happy with it20:18
rhpot1991you'd be better dedicating that box as a backend and picking up a cheap ion box for a frontend IMO20:19
icewolfcaI don't think it will play the hd content20:20
icewolfcathat is ok20:20
icewolfcaI put my vhs tapes in avi files20:20
icewolfcaso I can watch those as well20:20
icewolfcaand they work fine :)20:20
icewolfcaI guess because the bit rate is lower than a prom dress20:21
mrandinteresting way to put it.20:22
tmktvideo card pci?20:22
icewolfcaits agp20:23
icewolfcaan older ati rage 128 pro20:23
icewolfcaIt is a very "high performance" card20:24
rhpot1991if by high performance you mean old as dirt :)20:25
icewolfcahah yes20:26
icewolfcaI am guessing that the agp video card is the problem here20:26
icewolfcanot a combination of firmware and drivers20:26
mrandif 720p is your goal, yeah, don't waste a lot of time on that card.20:33
icewolfcathank you20:56
steviemanTo get IRBlaster working mythbuntu is there a how-to or will this work http://www.blushingpenguin.com/mark/blog/?p=2421:13
Zinn[www.blushingpenguin.com] LIRC PVR-150 IR blaster support, version 3 « Mark’s Braindump21:13
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