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pittiso I did some NBS and component mismatches fixes, which should clean some i386 bits on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/lucid_probs.html10:30
pittibut for this to be really useful I guess we have to wait a day or two for the buildds to catch up10:31
pitti(which have been used for some 16 hours for security and openjdk builds)10:32
ScottKNot to mention a huge stack of private builds overnight too.11:39
nigelbok, I got this ack on wednesday from release team, since today we're in beta freeze, do I need another ack?12:03
nigelbI subscribed sponsors, no one bothered I guess12:03
ScottKnigelb: No, just normal sponsorship.12:13
nigelbScottK, so that ack would also hold good for beta freeze, right?12:13
cjwatsonbeta freeze just means that everything gets manually reviewed before it hits the archive12:33
cjwatsonafter beta-2 release, we go back to feature freeze status for a while, so feature freeze approvals still hold good - if it's not considered suitable for beta-2 by the reviewer, we just hold it in the queue until the beta's out12:33
nigelbok, thanks :)12:35
ttxcjwatson: Do you formally review all uploads during freeze, or expect to be pinged for things that need to go through ? I was wondering if we should avoid uploading what is not beta2-critical (because reviewing the queue means more work to you)12:35
ttxthe announcement is not clear if we should "refrain from uploading" like during the softfreezes12:36
cjwatsonif there's stuff that *must not* go into beta-2, please don't upload it12:37
cjwatsonotherwise, it's probably best to upload anyway, but if there's something you explicitly need then it's a good idea to ask12:37
ttxcjwatson: ok12:37
RiddellI wonder where today's kubuntu daily CDs got lost13:07
Riddellnothing at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/20100401/  build logs seem fine13:08
cjwatsonMissing debootstrap-required libdb4.713:09
cjwatsonCD1 missing some packages needed by debootstrap13:09
cjwatsonmake: *** [/srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/scratch/kubuntu/daily/tmp/lucid-amd64/packages-stamp] Error 113:09
cjwatsonarchive error, I'll fix it13:09
Riddellah, it helps if I look at the daily build log not the daily live log13:10
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lamontrolling brownout of buildds for a new lp-buildd rollout, just fyi13:35
pittislangasek: oh, we haven't talked about it last Friday? will we move the release team meeting to Tuesday or somethign such? (Good Friday/Easter Monday holidays)16:31
pittior just skip it?16:31
slangasekpitti: oh, I keep forgetting that Europe gets Good Friday off16:32
pittislangasek: oh, the US doesn't?16:32
slangasekI don't think we should try to do one on Tuesday; we'll have our hands full with the beta itself at that point16:32
slangasekno, we don't16:32
slangasekwe get Easter off ;P16:32
ScottKpitti: Schools often get it off, but not work.16:32
ScottKNo, Sunday.16:33
slangasekpitti: no, Easter Sunday :)16:33
pittihow .. generous :)16:33
pittislangasek: anyway, is it okay if I update our release status page to the current status quo, and ask Ken or Rick to join the meeting as a desktop team delegate?16:33
pittithe release status page is really what takes most of the work/conveys the most interesting information anyway16:34
ttxslangasek: fwiw, the french work on Good Friday.16:34
slangasekpitti: sure16:35
slangasekcjwatson: I can haz queue bot?16:37
cjwatsonyou can haz16:41
evIf someone could let usb-creator through, I'd appreciate it.  According to rgreening, it fixes a critical bug in the kde frontend.16:51
slangasekev: looking17:02
ttxslangasek: the dhcp3 thing there is mine, would be good to have in the milestone to catch any corner case I didn't think of, but it's hardly critical or needed for beta2.17:04
* ttx calls it a day17:05
slangasekev: this breaks string freeze?17:06
everm, yeah, ouch17:06
evplease reject, fixing17:07
slangasekthat might be alright to let in immediately post-beta, if coordinated with translators; the new string is short and easy17:07
slangasekand unlikely to appear in screenshots17:07
pittiliblauncher-0.1 kills the previous changelog, I pinged didrocks to fix and reupload17:28
pitti(actual code change is obvious one-line patch)17:28
slangasekev: <cough> this upload misses the functional changes to the kde frontend17:35
pittimvo: so, I can't make too much sense of the aptdaemon upload, and there's no associated bug17:35
pittimvo: what does that do? and how much was it tested?17:36
evthis is what I get for rushing17:36
evslangasek: okay, uploaded.  Sorry for the hassle.  I've got to run to catch a train though.  If it's broken this time, it's a release note, I guess.17:45
slangasekev: ok, g'night :)17:45
evslangasek: cheers17:45
ScottKslangasek: ^^^ clamav update catches (minor) security fixes from clamav 0.96 final.  I'd like those in for the beta, but am waiting on uploading 0.96 final so I can coordinate with Debian.17:46
mvopitti: sorry, its for the ubuntuone-music-store18:47
mvopitti: and it makes it use less authentication dialogs18:47
mvopitti: currently each action (add-repo, update-cache, install-pkg) is a policykit action that needs confirmation18:48
mvopitti: with the patch add-repo implicitely grants update-cache and install-pkg so that the music store needs to prompt only once18:48
mvopitti: if you need a bugreport I can ask aquarius to write one18:48
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ScottKqueue bot gone mad.21:37
ScottKLooking at the packages in Main without a package set, it seems like there's a need to adjust the promotion process to also add to a package set.21:42
slangasekhmm, no doubt21:42
ScottKIs UNR using chromium-browser?  It's in Universe and not part of a package set, but I thought they were.21:56
cjwatsonpromotion process> yes, there is a problem at the moment that the two processes aren't unified21:56
cjwatsonthis is a real pain but I haven't had time to sit down and fix it21:56
cjwatsonpackage set addition relies on me periodically processing the output of a script :-/21:57
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doko_please consider accepting python2.6 (only affecting the python2.6-dbg package and helping apport)23:55
cjwatsongrub-installer is one half of the server splash screen bug; the other half is a debian-cd change, which I can do easily but don't want to do before grub-installer's in23:58
* cjwatson -> bed23:59

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