
TakyojiStupid question: What actually goes into the development of a driver for a printer for example?01:40
tonyyarussoTakyoji: "Empathy's IRC functionality has been updated to include support for common IRC commands such as /join or /nick, and you can now join password protected rooms."03:31
TakyojiHah, yes! http://www.collegehumor.com/article:180251604:43
=== sparkle^history is now known as sparklehistory
Obsidian1723welp, time to switch to Debian :) It's offical. the button order is saying messed up and on the left.20:03
_diabloObsidian1723: that's disgusting. thankfully Mint will fix it for me :)20:08
Obsidian1723Im thinking Debian is the way to go.20:09
_diabloObsidian1723: debian is nice, but I haaate old packages and sid isn't for me20:26
netbooki am kind of tired of gnome, i think i mentioned that here. I idk if i will switch to LL22:15
netbookwhat was your favorite April Fools on the web?22:15
netbookI thought reddit's "admin mode" was pretty funny22:16
_diablohaven't seen any particularly great ones this year honestly :(22:17
_diabloalthough 3-d mode on gBooks was pretty lullzy22:17
netbookheh that is pretty funny22:21
netbookstarted reading about the google book settlement, crazy stuff22:21

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