
Alpha-DOGhow to install the themes of emerald ?00:00
Prez00chelz, sudo ./AdobeAIRInstaller.bin00:00
chelzPrez00: you might try sudo sh ./AdobeAIRInstaller.bin00:00
r0r41m4are you crazy ?, people can do it anything without it00:00
nishanthhey i moved a .ogg file from desktop to /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo00:00
nishanthbut i cant play it00:00
nishanthit has a cross on top of it00:00
Typos_Kingacicula:   may I hear from the advocates of the anti-su, their rationale, hehee, I mean..... I understand is caution.... but many advocates make it sound you'll turn into stone if you do, which is false00:00
chelzPrez00: have you installed all available ubuntu updates for your system?00:01
zvacetnishanth : opean that file with some player00:01
Typos_Kingno, I don't encourage it, but if needed, I do provide it, so long care is observed00:01
Prez00chelz, I always do00:01
Prez00chelz, up to date00:01
nishanthno it works when i open it on desktop00:01
nishanthbut not when in the other folder00:01
aciculaTypos_King: running via su or programs as root when you do not need to is an easy and quick way to hose a system if you do something wrong and is generally just not needed.00:01
nishanthit says i dont have permission00:01
chelzTypos_King: sudo is generally a much better way to do things, especially for everyday users00:01
switch10_nishanth: thats because it is in your root folder not /home00:02
chelznishanth: in a terminal do   chmod 755 path/to/file.ogg00:02
orhansomeone help me?00:02
zvacetnishanth : that file don´t belong where you put it  put it in music folder and open player and browse for it00:02
chelznishanth: change path/to/file.ogg with your .ogg file00:02
lars_bauerchelz, no00:02
Prez00oh well, no AIR for me, wanted to try out the Zinio reader00:03
Prez00now AIR based00:03
switch10_nishanth: you are trying to use it as a system sound?00:03
chelzlars_bauer: what happens when you try to run it?00:03
chelzPrez00: you could try on the adobe air forums or w/e00:03
nishanthi am trying to change my system login sound00:03
Typos_Kingacicula, chelz:   I know and I agree on that, but I also recognize on some cases may help things rather than ruin them00:03
Prez00chelz, I can't find one page on google that talks about AIR installation problem with FF, :-)00:03
switch10_nishanth: you need to chmod it than like chelz said00:03
aciculaTypos_King: i cant imagine any case where it be benificial for a novice user to run nautilus as root00:04
norbi905A bit off topic, but I have read it in a forum somewhere where it went something along the lines of "If you don't know how to get rid of sudo and switch to root, then you should be root in the first place".  I'm sticking to that :)00:04
chelzPrez00: did you perhaps install your own fx or anything? or are you using the fx that came with ubuntu?00:04
Prez00chelz, fx from ubuntu00:04
aciculaTypos_King: most programs are designed specifically so that you can do everything as a user without being forced to modify system files00:04
orhan:/ some one help me00:04
Alpha-DOGpls tell me someone how to install an emerald theme ?00:04
Prez00if I could download apps, I could install them with Air isntaller, but on FX it tries to download AIR before the actual app file00:04
Typos_Kingnishanth:    the file may be grayed out cuz of permissions00:04
bigtom21485can anyone help me diagnose my sound card?00:05
r0r41m4acicula: novice will left to be novice just learning how to use the super power of root00:05
switch10_nishanth: chmod 777 /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/file.ogg00:05
Prez00whoa! suddenly it worked!  Installed from tweetdeck page00:05
acicular0r41m4: thats an opinion, which you are free to have, but stick to channel policy here00:05
Prez00I guess I had to reinstall with FF shutdown00:05
chelz!emerald | Alpha-DOG00:05
ubottuAlpha-DOG: emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.00:05
orhani have a UNR user, how to chance old desktop ...00:05
r0r41m4where are the policies00:06
PokerulerLatest Yahoo article: Google and Nintendo have joined forces to create a new party game for Wii.00:06
nishanthwhat is chmod 755?00:06
Morrisseyit would be...00:06
chelzPrez00: here: http://forums.adobe.com/thread/59096100:06
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chelzPrez00: oh, alright then00:06
Alpha-DOGthan how to change the theme of my ubuntu evry1 did that00:06
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Morrisseypermission to read write execute for user00:06
r0r41m4755 xrw rw rw00:06
orhanPLS HELP ME!00:07
lars_bauerit works fine , i select a danish keyboard and exit with ok. Then nothing is changed even after boot00:07
Anarchy7how to kill a process : kill pid ?00:08
Prez00chelz, thanks!00:08
aciculaAnarchy7: yup, or use a -9 switch if it refuses to die, but its nicer not too00:08
lars_bauerAnarchy7, kill -<sig> pid00:08
bigtom21485anyone wanna help fix a sound card that isnt putting anything out but thinks that it is00:08
aciculaAnarchy7: man kill or man killall for some more help00:08
djbeenienewb question..which directory is my xorg.conf located at?00:09
aciculadjbeenie: by default it doesnt exist00:09
mousewhereis xorg.conf00:09
switch10_djbeenie: /etc/x1100:09
aciculaif it does /etc/X11/00:09
chelzlars_bauer: is this your own server or with a company?00:09
SeaPhorthe "X" is capital00:09
djbeeniewhat do you mean it does not exist00:09
djbeeniehow is my computer getting display00:09
Anarchy7thanks guys00:09
lars_bauerist my own virtualbox00:10
aciculadjbeenie: the xorg.conf file is not required anymore for X, but can be used to set a configuration00:10
bigtom21485thanks for helping00:10
aciculait does actually exist on my install, but is empty00:10
djbeenieoh cool00:10
lars_bauerit is a turnkeylinux bb00:10
chelzlars_bauer: you might try installing it in virtualbox with a server cd since it will ask you to setup language stuff00:11
djbeenieI have a conky that keeps flashing..wanted to make sure dbe was in my xorg.conf00:11
djbeenieso what controls x them00:11
aciculaautodetect afaik00:11
aciculadjbeenie: you could try checking the /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:12
fwaokdaanyone know how i can convert rgba color value to hex ?00:14
chelz!kill | Anarchy700:14
ubottuAnarchy7: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal00:14
jribfwaokda: google "rgb hex"?00:14
djbeeniefwaokda, there are a ton of tools if you search in google00:14
Typos_Kingfwaokda:    are  you needing that for CSS?00:15
EdgEyNot sure whether to ask this here or #winehq, but00:15
EdgEyIs it possible to install Wine without getting the fonts with it? I've tried uninstalling the extra packages like "symbol/tahoma free equivalent"00:15
Typos_Kingfwaokda:    I don't think the 'a' plays in Hex language, jus the 'rgb'00:15
EdgEyIt changes the fonts on loads of webpages since they originally used something else when they weren't available00:16
chelzsprung: still there?00:16
rwwTypos_King: It doesn't for most HTML/CSS related uses. There are times when #RRGGBBAA is used, though.00:16
chelzsprung: "After the base system installed, log in, and type "sudo tasksel" to select the system to install. "00:16
rww(in general)00:16
chelzsprung: tasksel allows you to install a range of common applications, as in even stuff like gnome for a desktop system00:16
Typos_Kingrww:   yeah, in css3  I think it uses an rgba() function though, no Hex00:17
Typos_Kingjust like it has an rgb() too00:17
aciculaEdgEy: packages are as a dependency you can get around but is cumbersome and errorprone, why do you need the package gone?00:17
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Alpha-DOGhow to open this system>preferences>compizconfig i really can't find in xubuntu 9.1000:18
EdgEyacicula, it changes the fonts on webpages, for example Ubuntu forums, Facebook, various others00:18
chelzsprung: one thing you might try to do is get a 9.10 Desktop livecd as a partition on your computer after the netinstall, boot to it, then install from it like a disc, so you can install from a real Desktop CD00:18
fwaokdaTypos_King, here is an example of a rgba hex value: 0x7FFF0000   its a red color with some transparency00:18
chelzAlpha-DOG: you might need to install it00:18
EdgEyI'm guessing they couldn't find one before and went to a default of some kind00:18
Alpha-DOGhow chelz :S00:18
aciculaEdgEy: more like wine or the programs run within it dont like the default ones that came with ubuntu00:18
EdgEyacicula, no I'm talking Firefox run in Ubuntu native00:19
Typos_Kingfwaokda:    .... I see, is not for webdev then :)00:19
chelzAlpha-DOG: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager00:19
norbi905Alpha-DOG I believe it doesn't come by default with Ubuntu 9.10.  I remember having to install it.00:19
EdgEyI can take a screenshot with wine installed / uninstalled if that helps00:19
aciculaEdgEy: yeah i understand that, i meant why the dependencies are there00:19
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brand0nanyone know why a folder im samba sharing on my windows drive unshares upon reboot? i set the drive for automount and it doesnt seem to help00:21
lubsewhat is the cmd to upload a file via ssh?00:23
aciculalubse: scp or sftp00:23
sprungbrand0n, --> #samba00:23
Miquelotialguem que fale portugues ai pode me ajudar?00:25
jrib!pt | Miqueloti00:25
ubottuMiqueloti: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.00:25
delxI read and already got to work a postfix + cyris-sasld + courier-imap + mysql tutorial, but I'm asking myself why I need cyrus-sasld for that? Can't I specify the mysql configruation for both postfix and courier-imap?00:25
SeaPhorlubse, scp username@remote.IP.Address:/path/to/dir/filename local/destination/path/filename  OR reverse the source to destination for local-to-remote00:25
brand0nanyone know why a folder im samba sharing on my windows drive unshares upon reboot? i set the drive for automount and it doesnt seem to help00:26
lubseand fore file names with spaces?00:27
lubseadd "" ?00:27
chelzbrand0n: set it for automount how? in fstab?00:28
Alpha-DOGchelz how u do answering all those questions and any of them is wrong00:28
chelzlubse: backslash before the space00:28
chelz!terminal | lubse00:28
ubottulubse: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal00:28
sammyso I see a note on the community docs that says ca-certificates I want to add globally go into /usr/share/ca-certificates. what is /usr/local/share/ca-certificates for, then?00:28
aciculasammy: /usr/local/ is typically for custom system wide installations outside the scope of the system package managers00:29
chelzAlpha-DOG: i'm not sure what you mean but that sounds offtopic. please keep offtopic stuff to #ubuntu-offtopic00:29
aciculasammy: or historically /usr could be distributed why /usr/local was always a local fs00:29
millertimek1a2m3can someone tell me how to connect to "#c++ channel on irc.gnome.org"00:29
chelzsammy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard00:29
alexalexhi, how do I change uin to 1001 as described here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=905732700:30
Alpha-DOGthanks for helping me a lot with that compiz thing :P i just installed ubuntu and it's cool for me00:30
chelzmillertimek1a2m3: what irc client are you using?00:30
chelzmillertimek1a2m3: gnome xchat or regular xchat?00:30
crogeekhi to all00:30
alexalexactually here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/494394 sorry00:30
millertimek1a2m3regular xchat00:30
chelz!hi | crogeek00:31
crogeekI have couple of questions00:31
ubottucrogeek: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:31
crogeekfirst I have radeon 9600 pro AGP card on my p4 PC and I cannot run 3d effects, I am using regular drivers from kernel of Ubuntu00:31
crogeeksecondly, why software reposierties are not updated to the end?00:31
crogeekI saw latest Firefox is 3.5.8 in rep.00:31
chelzmillertimek1a2m3: go to XChat in the top left, go to New, click on "Server Tab...". then in that tab type "/server irc.gnome.org" (without the quotes) then "/join #c++" (without the quotes)00:32
millertimek1a2m3crogeek: because often there are prereleases that aren't ready for the public00:32
millertimek1a2m3crogeek, a new feature might be added by one person, but it might be buggy.00:32
Alpha-DOGcan u make a botnet in linux ?00:33
crogeekcan someone explain me how to download latest ATI driver for my graph. card and run 3d effects, I know it should work, in 9.04 on my radeon 9600 that worked well00:33
sammychelz: thanks, that's an interesting link. I didn't know that historically you could push /usr to a cloned machine and keep local changes in /usr/local .. apparently karmic and lucid support local ca-certificates in /usr/local/share/ca-certificates00:33
chelzmillertimek1a2m3: to make it faster to join places like that, you can use the XChat Network List. found in the same XChat menu in the upper left as before, by clicking on "Network List"00:33
ZykoticK9crogeek, Ubuntu uses a "Timed based" release scheme vs a "rolling updates" so versions of software are not updated during a release, you have to wait for the next version of Ubuntu to get new software00:33
sprungAlpha-DOG, No, you cannot make a botnet in linux. It's impossible.00:33
crogeekZykoticK9, : I am using latest 9.1000:33
sprungI'm sure everybody agrees with me00:33
BluesKaj!ati | crogeek00:33
ubottucrogeek: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:33
crogeekand I saw that Firefox isn't updated, even in software rep. I didn't see any new ver00:33
Alpha-DOGthought so couse u have no tools :)00:33
chelzAlpha-DOG: there are computing clusters, if that's what you mean. but botnets are illegal and offtopic.00:33
ZykoticK9crogeek, yes, but until you update to Lucid - you wan't see Firefox 3.6 in the repo00:33
chelzcrogeek: when there are updates the update manager should prompt you if nothing was changed in the notification settings. otherwise all is well.00:34
crogeekZykoticK9, : ah I see, this depends of version of Ubuntu? - So basically 3.6.2 isn't supported by 9.10 of ubuntu?00:34
scott34random question (pun). how would i go about generating a meg of random data using /dev/random. i know i can pipe it to a file, but how to stop it after a certain point?00:34
sprungAlpha-DOG,  In other words, don't continue talking about it, and not only that but nobody likes botnets, so nobody is going to help you anyway.00:34
ZykoticK9crogeek, you can add PPAs to get new software00:34
Alpha-DOGok one more question  // in internet u have a lot of shell for linux how to use them on linux ??00:34
bigtom21485anyone know what the bst mp3 player to have winth linux is00:35
Typos_Kingscott32:    I'd think using 'dd' and bs=1024 count=100:35
crogeekchelz, : that's okay, but as I see 3.5.8 has major security flaws and I don't wanna to have non-updated version of FF00:35
Alpha-DOGyeah i know botnets are illegal but i was just asking00:35
ZykoticK9!best > bigtom2148500:35
ubottubigtom21485, please see my private message00:35
sprungAlpha-DOG,  leave your lamer script kiddie stuff at the door00:35
zzzZoltanchelz: still here?00:35
Zenkerbigtom21485 i prefer boxee but its more than just a mp3 player00:36
chelzzzzZoltan: yep00:36
scott34Typos_King: thanks! thats what i was looking for00:36
zzzZoltanchelz: nice, I solved it! :D00:36
bigtom21485zenkerL how is it with syncing with ipods?00:36
Typos_Kingscott32:    though 1024 is in bytes, that'd be a Kbs, and you want a Mbs :)00:36
chelzcrogeek: ubuntu patches security flows and releases updates just for ubuntupackages00:36
sprungAlpha-DOG, Why would we possibly want to help you ruin the internet a little bit more?00:36
Solar_FlareI need some help with a library i compiled. g++ cant find it, but i compiled and installed it with "sudo make install"00:36
bigtom21485zenker: how is it with syncing with ipods00:36
Zenkerbigtom21485 idk but im sure its pretty good at it00:36
Alpha-DOGi was just asking i am not a pro sorry if that was bad i have 1 days using linux and i like it00:36
chelzcrogeek: also flaws00:36
crogeekchelz, : even in Firefox ?00:36
chelzcrogeek: yes00:36
zzzZoltanchelz: a bit tricky. but the links you gave helped. I zeroed all superblocks. recreated the array with --assume-clean and resync'd it. and all data's there :D :D00:37
randomusrhahaha, is that dude for real?00:37
Zenkerbigtom21485 although it is for linux it is also for windows and is a mainstream program00:37
chelzcrogeek: all packages that come installed with ubuntu get all necessary security patches00:37
sprungAlpha-DOG, You started using linux so you could set up botnets and abuse people.00:37
ZykoticK9crogeek, if there is a security issue, packages get updated00:37
chelzzzzZoltan: good to hear. did the new drive get added okay?00:37
crogeekchelz, : so this means (from my personal point of view) that Ubuntu dev. team can patch Firefox flaws even on outdated version on FF?00:37
bigtom21485Zenker: that's great, ill give it a shot...did u isntall from a ppa, or the repo?00:37
crogeekhm - well I was very long time on WinNT platform, so I don't know these rules00:37
Alpha-DOGno man i just like linux haven't use botnets never just read about what they can do and saw videos on youtube that's all00:37
zzzZoltanchelz: everything seems to be up to date and sync'ed i'm going to do a --update=resync tomorrow just to verify but looks OK for now00:37
crogeekbut I found on google how to install 3.6.2 on 9.10-U00:37
Zenkerbigtom21485 i dl'd the deb from boxee.com or whatever the site was.00:37
chelzcrogeek: yep. that's how 'fixed release' linux distributions work. they pick a version of some software and stick with it for the lifetime of the version.00:37
bigtom21485zenker: thanks :-)00:38
chelzzzzZoltan: ah alright, good to hear00:38
randomusrAlpha-Dog, you could set up a botnet in linux with the right tools and understanding, but you kind of gave yourself away to the world00:38
zzzZoltanchelz: thanks again!00:38
zzzZoltanbye everybody00:38
bigtom21485zenker: ive tried several programs to no avail, i pretty much ahd given up and was actually thinking about buying a refurb powerbook00:38
randomusrwhy would anyone want to do that anyway00:38
chelzcrogeek: for your ati, did you follow this yet?: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:38
sprungAlpha-DOG, Just find the button on your keyboard that says l33t h4x0r and go hack the gibson, zerocool00:38
jorge_i cant change my resolution from 800x600 to anything higher using panasonic 50 inch hd tv00:38
randomusrsprung, LMFAO00:39
Zenkerbigtom21485 personally i dont sync, i just plug it in and dragn drop but i dont have an "ipod" its a colby orsmthin00:39
chelzok ok, enough offtopic. take it to #ubuntu-offtopic00:39
randomusrAngelina was hott-uh in that movie00:39
LawGHack the planet!!00:39
bigtom21485zenker: is it sync capable?00:39
crogeekchelz, : I will try to fix that, because I cannot get to run 3d effects on my Ubuntu with radeon 9600 also Adobe's Flash is running very slow on Streaming flash based web sites, I disabled hardware acceleration and that is now working well, but some lags are there still :(00:39
Alpha-DOGno better nasa i can't make like those stuff they are simple :D ( JOKE ) :P00:39
kmmhow do u make mdadm startup automatically every time u boot ubuntu?00:40
Zenkerbigtom21485 yes but the prog it comes with only works in windows, and i havent tried to sync in ubuntu00:40
randomusrAlpha-Dog, please make like a fly and shoe00:40
r0r41m4after install firefox 3.6 do a simbolic link to firefox to /usr/bin00:40
chelzkmm: you might find your answer here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID00:40
Zenkerbigtom21485 there is another prog that is in the repos called moovidea, but idk if it supports sync or not00:41
Typos_Kingkmm:    what's mdadm?00:41
chelzrandomusr: after you type the first few letters of an irc nickname, you can hit the tab key to autocomplete the nick. similar to tab autocompletion in the terminal.00:41
chelzTypos_King: it's a RAID thing00:41
randomusrchelz, thanx00:41
chelzTypos_King: to learn more about it you can read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID00:41
Alpha-DOGok sorry i was typing bored questions but everyone or some of you knows dota-allstars game i searched a bit is a version for linux ?00:42
Typos_Kingkmm:    I'd assume you can 'add' it to your 'boot services' if  isn't already there, then you can just enable it00:42
netechso, I installed the vim-runtime package so that I could try 'vimtutor'; however, when I run the newly installed vimtutor, it opens a blank file in the /tmp directory instead of the tutorial.00:42
chelzAlpha-DOG: some games and programs for Microsoft Windows can be run on Ubuntu with the help of a program called Wine00:42
chelz!wine | Alpha-DOG00:42
ubottuAlpha-DOG: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu00:42
Zenkerohhh bigtom21485 you might beable 2 use whine with the software that came with the ipod00:42
kmmTypos_King how do u do that00:43
t3chkommiehi everyone, i have another question. when pointing my browser to a lan server, id wont conect, i have to put in the ip address, is there a setting to change this?00:43
Alpha-DOGyeah i installed wine thanks guys apriciate all of your help and cu tomorow couse i need some sleep00:43
Alpha-DOGgood bye and have a nice day/night to all00:44
unopt3chkommie, how are you pointing at this LAN server?00:44
t3chkommiehttp://<name of server>00:44
t3chkommieworks in chrome great.00:44
Typos_Kingkmm:  in gnome.... I think it has an applet in the control panel....  the way I've done it is usually checking with 'sysv-rc-conf' package, or in KDE through the control panel too00:44
chelznetech: are you using a US locale?00:44
chelznetech: also what version of ubuntu are you on?00:44
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netechchelz: yes and 9.1000:45
unopt3chkommie, are you able to resolve the server name properly at the terminal?  i.e.  host name_of_server00:45
netechI found the tutor file, but I'm curious why vimtutor didn't00:45
r0r41m4t3chkommie sound liak a DNS problem00:45
t3chkommieunop, im not sure.00:45
chelznetech: try sudo apt-get install vim-full00:45
tiredbonesI'm able to install xlrd, for read excel spread sheet, but xlwt is not to be found in synaptic. can someone tell me why?00:46
t3chkommier0r41m4, its a ubuntu server with just samba going, my windows machines can point to i just fine with the name, but for some reason, ubuntu wont :(00:46
chelznetech: make sure you "Make a copy of this     file to practise on"00:47
GSF1200Show do I find out what audio device my usb webcam microphone is?00:47
chelzGSF1200S: what are you trying to do?00:47
unopt3chkommie,  nmblookup name_of_server00:47
r0r41m4t3ch : is the machine name in the /etc/hosts file ?00:47
chelztiredbones: it's under python-xlwt00:47
t3chkommiei can check.00:48
tiredboneschelz, thanks00:48
GSF1200Schelz: I have a USB webcam, which is supported. I have a speech class and I need to record myself doing a speech so I can make corrections- I have figured out that /dev/video0 is my video00:48
r0r41m4open a terminal session and type : more /etc/hosts00:48
GSF1200Schelz: I need the audio device so I can record audio with the avi that vlc makes00:49
GSF1200Sunless you know of another app that can do both audio and video recording00:49
tooydokke1enzhi all! :) Is anny gamers? (urban terror, Barney, 9Dragons osv)00:49
norbi905t3chkommie: Really stupid question, but is it on the same ip range?  It has happened to me before :(00:50
t3chkommieya its in the right ip range.00:50
t3chkommiei checked my host file.00:50
tiredboneschelz, I'm on version 9.04, what release are you on. python-xlwt is not on my system.00:50
crogeekchelz, : I will try to do now00:50
crogeekif I fail this00:50
t3chkommieits got a strange .edu on it. should i take that off?00:50
crogeekI hope that I will get to manage 3d without any problems00:50
chelzGSF1200S: i'm not sure there is one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44917900:51
Typos_Kingtiredbones:  just use 'calc' :P00:51
crogeekchelz, : look this00:51
chelzGSF1200S: you might try another webcam recording program00:51
t3chkommienmb lookup gives me the right ip00:51
Typos_Kingor gnumeric00:51
GSF1200Schelz: I havent been able to find any that do both audio and video in the same avi.. thanks for the link- ill check it out :)00:52
tiredbonesTypos_King, I'm trying to write reports from excel spread sheet.00:52
chelzGSF1200S: cheese, cinelerra might work00:52
chelzcrogeek: alright00:52
GSF1200Sill try cinelerra.. cheese wont use my webcam.. i dont know why00:53
crogeekchelz, : 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 AP [Radeon 9600]00:53
KWhat_Workanyone have porttime installed?00:53
chelztiredbones: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=136133500:53
GSF1200Stried to sort that yesterday00:53
crogeekchelz, : so what I do next?00:53
KWhat_Workanyone have portmidi or portmedia installed00:53
tiredboneschelz, thanks for the pointer.00:53
Typos_Kingtiredbones:  ... and 'calc' can't help on that? just wondering00:53
chelzcrogeek: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=136133500:54
chelzcrogeek: not that00:54
chelzcrogeek: System->Administration->Hardware Drivers00:54
FloodBot2chelz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:54
crogeekchelz, : there's nothing :(00:54
t3chkommier0r41m4- i checked my host name, it comes out with some strange ending. what should it look like?00:54
sybariten2OK so i have a headless ubuntu machine , which lately have been able to drop network connection completely - or almost completely00:54
sybariten2the thing is, i still see it in the router00:54
chelzcrogeek: what version of ubuntu are you on?00:54
Jon-My CD-drive is stuck. I did an unmount /media/cdrom0 and it is no longer mounted, but it will not respond to an eject command. Help?00:54
crogeekchelz, : 9.1000:54
sybariten2i unplugged the network cable, it disappeared from the router list of attached devices... i replugged it... it got the same IP as always.00:55
sybariten2But its not answering to ping!00:55
t3chkommiejon, can you use a paper click and push the manual override in the rom dor?00:55
sybariten2And i cant SSH into it....       this time it started when i tormented it with a lot of torrents tonight00:55
Jon-t3chkommie: I am sure I might be able to.. or, you know, I could always boot into Windows. I highly doubt the problem is physical.00:55
=== Jon is now known as Guest57321
sybariten2so the question is, is there anything i can do from the remote end... at all?  i think its odd that the router sees it. When i cant ping it even.00:56
alamHola hay alguien que hable en español?00:56
tiredbonesTypos_King,  no, not for reading a excel spread sheet or calc sheet. I need to read the data in the spread sheet to make a report.00:56
t3chkommiejon are you on a headless server?00:56
Jon-My CD-drive is stuck. I did an unmount /media/cdrom0 and it is no longer mounted, but it will not respond to an eject command. Help?00:56
dakarhey everyone00:56
Jon-t3chkommie: I am running Ubuntu desktop 9.1000:56
chelzcrogeek:  sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx00:56
crogeekchelz, : thanks I will do that00:57
chelzJon-: is it a desktop?00:57
t3chkommiejon, i have had that happen to me a few times. i had to reboot, and check my updates, that fixed my problem.00:57
chelzsybariten2: try hooking up a monitor and keyboard to it00:57
Jon-eject /media/cdrom0 fixed the issue.00:57
Jon-chalk one up for I-hate-linux-sometimes00:57
crogeekchelz, : I did that and see this00:57
sybariten2chelz: i have the keyboard already... went there and typed the command to restart ssh, blindly00:58
chelztiredbones: you can open excel stuff with openoffice calc and export to a more sane format like csv00:58
eremiteJon-: open a terminal and type   eject00:58
Jon-eremite: got it already thanks00:58
crogeekReading package lists... Done00:58
crogeekBuilding dependency tree00:58
crogeekReading state information... Done00:58
crogeekxorg-driver-fglrx is already the newest version.00:58
FloodBot2crogeek: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:58
chelzsybariten2: probably a good idea to find a monitor00:58
chelz!pastebin | crogeek00:58
ubottucrogeek: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:58
Jon-Now it still won't open00:58
Jon-I can only open it manually via terminal00:58
chelzcrogeek: use http://paste.ubuntu.com00:58
Jon-Gotta reboot. SIgh.00:58
crogeekchelz,  ok00:58
Typos_Kingtiredbones:   are you doing Perl stuff?00:59
sybariten2chelz: and, uhm, i did a login before that, blindly... hmmm so its not as funked up as the last time, obviously. The last time i had a login prompt, that didnt take any input. Cursor was blinking and caps lock worked, but no characters appeared on screen00:59
banisterfiendis youtube down for anyone else?00:59
Typos_Kingtiredbones:   perl has an excel reader module, soooo00:59
crogeekchelz, : I did that00:59
crogeekchelz, : http://paste.ubuntu.com/407321/00:59
Typos_Kingbanisterfiend:   yes00:59
t3chkommiebanisterfiend.... looks like it lol00:59
Typos_Kingthey might be ... who knows, maintenance downtime or something01:00
chelzcrogeek:  sudo apt-get install --reinstall xorg-driver-fglrx01:00
norbi905You can still browse videos on youtube, just not through www.youtube.com01:01
trukhey everyone, have a nice night or day01:01
wasutton3_1does anyone know how to make a program execute when a specific usb device is connected?01:01
srvI have a 512KB directory, how do I make a floppy .img containing the files in that directory?01:01
banisterfiendnorbi905: how do i browse the vids? any other website i can use?01:01
Stormx2norbi905: what's happened? just spike from traffic after redesign?01:02
crogeekchelz, : http://paste.ubuntu.com/407323/ - look01:02
=== flaco is now known as flacom
norbi905banisterfiend:  google the youtube video, instead of going to youtube.com, go directly to the video link and it should work01:02
tiredboneschelz, I thought about doing it that way, but it would add another step to the process and I don't want to add more procedure to the process.01:02
chelzcrogeek: run in a terminal and pastebin:  compiz-check01:03
=== blueghost is now known as No10Day
banisterfiendnorbi905: thanks01:03
Typos_Kingwasutton3_1:    512bytes?  512kbs?    you mean half a mb?    don't have a floppy? :)01:03
unopwasutton3_1, one way is to write a udev rule  see - http://reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html01:03
tiredbonesTypos_King,  No, I use Python.01:03
alexalexany idea how to repair ntfs partition? testdisk sees the files but bootsector repair doesnt seem to help01:03
crogeekchelz, http://paste.ubuntu.com/407326/01:03
norbi905Stormx2:  Not sure, but had the same issue a couple of days ago.01:03
wasutton3_1Typos_King: What are you talking about?01:03
chelzcrogeek:  sudo apt-get install compiz-check && compiz-check01:04
Typos_Kingwasutton3_1:    wrong nick hehee, my bad01:04
trukbybybybyby and oao01:04
Typos_Kingsrv:    512bytes?  512kbs?    you mean half a mb?    don't have a floppy? :)01:04
wasutton3_1Typos_King: lol, its all good01:04
crogeekchelz, : http://paste.ubuntu.com/407327/01:05
Typos_Kingtiredbones:   I see01:05
chelztiredbones: does that forum thread let you do what you want to?01:05
srvTypos_King, I'm trying to run some good ol' Atari games here on an emulator, it needs a floppy image :)01:05
unopsrv, in short.  create a blank file (with dd) - use mkfs.vfat to format the file - mount the file on the loopback device and then copy files across01:06
srvunop: I love you man, thank you01:06
chelzcrogeek:  wget http://blogage.de/files/9124/download -O compiz-check && chmod u+x compiz-check && ./compiz-check01:06
=== FeiRuoWa is now known as zz_FeiRuoWa
crogeekchelz, : http://paste.ubuntu.com/407328/01:07
tiredboneschelz, no, I like to know why xlrd is in synaptic, but xlwt is not.01:08
chelztiredbones: it was in older versions of ubuntu. you could try grabbing that debsrc and building it, or if you really want to know you could open a bug requesting packaging of it or try contacting the previous maintainer01:09
chelztiredbones: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=python-xlwt01:09
chelztiredbones: looks like it's in karmic and lucid to me01:10
crogeekchelz, : what to do now ? - what do you think what's problem?01:10
tiredboneschelz,  do you thing I could use the one in karmic or licid?01:10
chelzcrogeek: reboot then go to System->Administration->Hardware Drivers and install the driver01:11
crogeekchelz, : okay I will do that, brb01:11
crogeekchelz, : thanks01:11
sybariten2chelz: doing a restart of networking, blindly, with an attached keyboard , helped it!01:11
chelztiredbones: i would actually recommend installing from the tar.gz on its homepage: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/xlwt01:12
chelzsybariten2: you really should find a monitor :P01:12
Peloanyone else getting issues with usb dirves not auto-mounting recently or just me ?01:12
tiredboneschelz,  ok, thanks01:13
chelztiredbones: will what you're making only be used on your system?01:13
aliciapgis there a program that can convert an image to text?01:13
tiredboneschelz,  No01:13
chelzaliciapg: http://www.google.com/search?q=jpg+OR+image+to+ascii01:14
crogeekchelz, : hi and still the same message I have, there's no new drivers01:14
chelzcrogeek: is there anything in the driver list?01:14
aliciapgchelz: not exactly what i mean...01:14
crogeekjust nothing01:14
aliciapgi meant an image of text to text01:14
chelzaliciapg: oh OCR01:15
tiredboneschelz,  I plan on make web page from the data in the spread sheet.01:15
chelzaliciapg: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OCR01:15
crogeekchelz, : I didn't try to install AMD drivers I am using currently Ubuntu drivers, but when I enable 3d effects, everything is slow and sometimes even I cannot enable this - I updated my Ubuntu to the end01:15
chelztiredbones: will the python script you are making now only be run on your 9.04 jaunty ubuntu system?01:15
sybariten2chelz: yeah, well, i have one. the one i use for my main computer. :)   one intereseting thing to note: a server can adress itself in a router - even after NIC cable is yanked and replugged - even though you cant SSH/ping01:15
chelzcrogeek: you need to have AMD drivers for 3d stuff01:16
crogeekchelz, : can you give me link how to install this? - I am amateur for terminal :(01:16
chelzcrogeek: are you on 32bit or 64bit?01:16
crogeekcrogeek, :32bit Ubuntu 9.1001:17
tiredboneschelz,  I plan on testing it on my system, but the page will be on a Microsoft machine.01:17
Typos_Kingbanisterfiend:   youtube.com is back up :P~01:18
chelzcrogeek: have you installed all updates for your system?01:18
chelztiredbones: i just mean the actual python, not the stuff/pages it generates. but alright01:19
crogeekcrogeek, : yes01:19
mantisanyone help me with following message from apache error log (Ubuntu 9.10)?01:19
crogeekchelz, : yes*01:19
srvI'm on Karmic Koala, the login prompt shows my userid, I don't want that; how do I set it up so that Ubuntu requires me to enter my username in order to login?01:19
mantisPHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20060613+lfs/perl.so' - /usr/lib/php5/20060613+lfs/perl.so: undefined symbol: boot_DynaLoader in Unknown on line 001:19
chelzcrogeek: ok just for fun, please run this in a terminal and pastebin the output:   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade01:19
Talon_My ubuntu 9.10 upgraded some stuff and now its asking me for passwords for everything again! even mounting a darn drive! wheres those xml files or whatever so i can set stuff to always allow?01:20
aliciapgthanks chelz it doesn't support the language i need though >-<01:20
chelzcrogeek: please also include the output of this in a terminal:   uname -a01:20
System32Hello Eberyone01:21
chelzaliciapg: what language?01:21
chelz!hi | System3201:21
ubottuSystem32: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:21
aliciapgchelz: korean01:21
System32Ho whats going ?01:21
tiredboneschelz,  thanks for your help. I'm going to think about it some more.01:22
ZykoticK9srv, this disabled user list on Lucid - !! NOT SURE IF IT WILL WORK ON KARMIC, so don't blame me if it breaks something - http://paste.ubuntu.com/407335/01:22
crogeekchelz, : look http://paste.ubuntu.com/407336/01:23
chelzaliciapg: i'm not really finding any good popular tools for korean OCRing in ubuntu, at least not in english results01:23
crogeekchelz, : I have updated Ubuntu to the end01:23
srvZykoticK9, outstanding! thank you01:23
System32I'm connected on BackTrack 4 Final01:24
System32with of you use it ?01:24
chelzcrogeek: please also include the output of this in a terminal:   uname -a01:24
chelz!bt4 | System3201:24
chelz!backtrack | System3201:24
ubottuSystem32: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)01:24
System32I know all unix system01:25
crogeekchelz, : on this command?01:25
natetheisHello. I need to make dpkg think that the package "xulrunner" is installed in order for a dependency. Xulrunner is installed on my system with a different package name.01:25
System32Use :01:25
crogeekchelz, : jura@Jura-linuxUbuntu:~$ uname -a01:25
crogeekLinux Jura-linuxUbuntu 2.6.31-21-generic #59-Ubuntu SMP Wed Mar 24 07:28:56 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux01:25
System32dpkg "name software"01:25
System32without postrophe01:25
chelzmantis: what are you trying to do?01:25
srvAs English is not my mother tongue and I'm not that familiar with programming terminology, please give me Google search terms for: "having 2 passwords for logging in to Ubuntu, one for normal access, one for shredding the whole /home/username folder"01:25
Talon_can I just remove policykit-1 ?01:26
srvplease give me good Google search terms for: "having 2 passwords for logging in to Ubuntu, one for normal access, one for shredding the whole /home/username folder"01:26
System32You can't having 2 password01:26
System32on you OS.01:26
mantischelz: i'm trying to use the PECL Perl extension01:26
crogeekchelz, : what do you think?01:27
srvSo, I'm gonna be the first person on earth to implement this on my distro :D01:27
aliciapgchelz: yeah me either >-< that's okay i might just train tesseract01:27
srvliving in Iran, it's an absolutely necessary feature01:27
natetheissrv: Try to use a PAM module.01:27
mantischelz: when i start apache, i get that error...been searching the internet since yesterday for a solution01:27
mantischelz: worked fine on my home system, also Ubuntu 9.1001:28
srvnatetheis, hmm, good idea01:28
natetheisRepeating my question due to lack of response:  I need to make dpkg think that the package "xulrunner" is installed in order for a dependency. Xulrunner is installed on my system with a different package name. How do I go about this?01:28
chelzmantis: sudo aptitude install php5-dev php-pear01:28
chelzmantis: from http://perlucida.com/blog/software/howto-install-pecl-uploadprogress-indicator-for-drupal-on-ubuntu-904-jaunty01:28
chelzcrogeek: please pastebin the contents of /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:29
crogeekcrogeek, : how to do it? in terminal?01:29
crogeekchelz, : how to do it? in terminal?01:30
natetheiscrogeek: Press Alt+F2, type in "gksudo cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf; suspend", check the "run in terminal" box01:30
mantischelz: "dpkg -l" shows that i have both php5-dev and php-pear already01:31
crogeeknatetheis, : I did that and I don't see any results01:32
Typos_Kingnatetheis:  the advice will be, you don't :)01:32
natetheiscrogeek: Did you check the "run in terminal" box?01:32
Syco54645i am having an issue using my usb flash drives. it is taking a very very long time to copy files to them now. why would this be?01:32
natetheisTypos_King: Why?01:32
crogeeknatetheis, : yes I will try again01:32
=== am4zin is now known as amazin
Talon_yay, found it, /usr/share/polkit-1/actions had to make all "auth_admin_keep" to "yes" in every .policy file and no more authentication nags!, I wish these package managers would QUIT changing this stuff01:32
Typos_Kingnatetheis:  after all that's done, the package needing xulrunner may still not work or not properly01:33
crogeeknatetheis, : yes and I saw only blank screen of terminal which quited01:33
natetheisTypos_King: It's in python01:33
natetheisTypos_King: And I won't even use the package01:33
natetheisTypos_King: It itself is an unnessecary part of a metapackage01:34
chelzcrogeek: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit01:34
natetheiscrogeek: Okay, try this. Alt-F2, type "gksudo gnome-terminal"01:34
natetheisIn the window that appears, type "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf"01:34
mantischelz: i also tried "sudo pecl install perl" with no luck (Package "perl" Version "1.0.0" does not have REST xml available)01:35
Talon_if I chmod a-w *.policy so it was read-only, could package updates still modify those policy files?01:35
crogeekchelz, : look this01:35
crogeekchelz, : http://paste.ubuntu.com/407340/01:35
Typos_Kingnatetheis:   install the package manually with dpkg -i --ignore-depends=xulrunner or so, mayb e01:35
crogeekchelz, : it gives me errror that this conf doesn't exist01:36
chelzcrogeek: yeah that's ok01:36
crogeekchelz, : hm - so what do you think, this means that I don't have drivers ?01:37
jackis it just me or is launchpad down for you as well?01:37
chelzcrogeek: sudo apt-get remove --purge xorg-driver-fglrx && sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri01:37
chelzcrogeek: then reboot01:37
chelzmantis: what's the difference between the two machines you've tried it on? are they both ubuntu 9.10?01:39
crogeekchelz, : ok, brb01:39
chelz!hi | Alcor01:39
ubottuAlcor: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:39
mantisone is my home system (works fine)...other is a Linode01:39
jackcould someone please test http://launchpad.net or so?01:39
mantischelz: one is my home system (works fine)...other is a Linode01:39
chelzmantis: might try opening a linode support ticket since hosts do wacky things to distros01:40
natetheisOkay, how do I get apt-get to download a package, ignoring dependencies?01:40
mantischelz: thank you i will do that now...01:40
chelznatetheis: what are you trying to do?01:41
natetheissee 5:35:36 PST, Typos_King's comment01:41
crogeekchelz, : yes I have done that and what now?01:41
mantischelz: also, when i run "make test" to install the Perl extension, it "skips" all 70 tests with the reason for each being "perl extension not available", which seems weird since of course i'm trying to install it...but then "make install" throws no errors01:42
chelzcrogeek:   ./compiz-check | pastebinit01:42
chelzmantis: sorry guy, since it's not a default ubuntu install that's all linode-specific.01:43
natetheischelz: Notably: install the package manually with dpkg -i --ignore-depends=xulrunner01:43
crogeekchelz, : yes I have done that01:43
natetheischelz: so I need the package01:43
mantischelz: and there is in fact a perl.so in /usr/lib/php5/20060613+lfs...k, thanks, i'll take it up with Linode01:43
chelzcrogeek: it should give you a url to give to me01:43
Typos_Kingnatetheis:   I think is the --ignore-missing argument01:43
crogeekchelz, : okay01:43
crogeekchelz, : I will copy paste what ./compiz-check01:43
crogeektell to me01:43
crogeekon pastebin01:44
FloodBot2crogeek: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:44
jub369any one here know anything about Byond or Putty01:44
natetheisTypos_King: Nope, no worky worky01:44
crogeekchelz, : http://paste.ubuntu.com/407342/01:44
chelzcrogeek: do you have compiz-settings installed?01:46
crogeekchelz, : I think yes01:46
crogeekchelz, : I am not sure, how to check for that?01:46
chelzcrogeek: go to System -> Preferences -> Appearance and try to enable desktop effects01:46
crogeekok brb01:47
jub369any one here know anything about Byond or Putty01:47
Typos_Kingnatetheis:   what if you just do the installation manually?  have -> apt-get -d install PACKAGE; get all .deb files then manually install each with  sudo dpkg -i --ignore-depends ...,  the files downloaded by apt-get install are at /var/cache/apt/archive01:47
IdleOnejub369: why not ask your next question, the real one that you want answered :)01:47
Typos_Kingnatetheis:   -d only downloads it, no install01:47
crogeekchelz, : "searching for avaiable drivers" and01:47
natetheisTypos_King: That's what I'm trying to do, but -d fails with a dependency error.01:47
crogeekchelz, : O MY GOD! it's working01:48
chelznatetheis:   dpkg --force-conflicts -i vsftpd_2.0.1-1_i386.deb01:48
crogeek3d fully working without any lags01:48
jub369ok how do i make it so when i type ./DreamDaemon folder/file.dmb port -safe -trusted& that it will keep the game running instead of saying segminated fail and then shuting the command off and game01:48
chelzcrogeek: yeah, good. sorry that took so long.01:48
crogeekchelz, : can you say me what has been faulty?01:48
chelzcrogeek: i do not know. somehow the driver wasn't setup properly. just removing and reinstalling some stuff was the fix.01:48
natetheischelz: That's not what I am trying to do. I am trying to get the package in the first place.01:48
Typos_Kingnatetheis: you know you can grab the files also from their repository at http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/01:49
luca_ma cosè?!01:49
chelznatetheis: does it matter how?01:49
IdleOne!it | luca_01:49
chelznatetheis: yeah you can get packages from packages.ubuntu.com01:49
ubottuluca_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)01:49
natetheisGreat, but it's unfortunately not in the Ubuntu repos. :-(01:49
chelznatetheis: http://packages.debian.org01:50
natetheisIt's a PPA01:50
IdleOnehello luca_01:50
luca_hello =)01:50
aliciapgis there a way to add languages to wine?01:50
chelznatetheis: on the main page click on "View package details01:50
chelznatetheis: might have to search the page for it01:51
crogeekchelz, : only what lags is now Flash video, but I think that's because I have not good graph. card01:51
chelzcrogeek: flash lags everywhere unfortunately01:51
crogeekchelz, : that's problem of Adobe?01:51
natetheisOkay. I got it. I browsed to the entry in sources.list with Firefox.01:52
chelzcrogeek: mostly yeah01:52
chelznatetheis: "View package details" on a PPA main page, then clicking on Packages to open them up shows what files are part of the PPA. but yeah your way works01:53
dnivraWhen I try to use update manager, it says "proxy not found". But i changed the global settings and also the settings in synaptic. why is it that update manager still is trying to access internet through the proxy?01:53
chelzdnivra: open up Synaptic01:53
dnivrachelz, yes done.01:53
chelzdnivra: go to Settings -> Preferences -> Network (tab)01:54
dnivrachelz, it says "direct connection to internet".01:54
chelzdnivra: click on Manual and fill out the proxy info there. sorry about that. that really should be easier.01:54
chelzoh wait01:54
chelzdnivra: sorry i thought you wanted to connect through a proxy01:55
dnivrachelz, no problem. happens:). any suggestions on how to not use the proxy?01:55
chelzdnivra: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/112090-removing-network-proxy.html#post65834201:56
dnivrachelz, thanks! I'll take a look01:56
chelzdnivra: to edit it you can use this in a terminal:   gksudo gedit /etc/apt/apt.conf01:56
dnivrachelz, thanks!01:56
dnivrachelz, my apt.conf is empty. is it supposed to be like that?01:57
chelzjub369: you need a space before the & at the end of the line01:57
jub369ok ty01:58
chelzjub369: i think that might work, but it might not. tell me if it doesn't work01:58
bigtom21485how do i get moovida to sync with my ipod?01:58
chelzdnivra: yeah that's fine. try to put in: Acquire::http::Proxy "false";01:58
jub369i got it working01:58
dnivrachelz, ok. thanks!01:58
jub369i kept forgetting to add the .01:58
dnivrachelz, no luck it keeps saying the same thing: proxy not found01:59
chelzdnivra: one thing to try is a reboot, or a logout then login but ideally reboot02:00
dnivrachelz, ok02:00
BurzmaliDoes anyone know if you can get the workspaces on the Gnome desktop to have different resolutions?02:01
chelzBurzmali: do you want to have different monitors view different workspaces?02:01
dnivrachelz, got it! log out worked! thanks!02:02
Burzmalichelz: Nope, I have a program open in Wine on one desktop that is running at 640 x 480 and I would like my other desktop to stay at it's default resolution02:02
chelzdnivra: if you want you could try taking that line out of apt.conf and seeing if it's still fixed02:03
chelzBurzmali: that would require running two x servers and having one workspace be for the 2nd xserver02:04
dnivrachelz, the file's empty. cleaned it just before logging out just to check if it works.02:04
DVA5912What would be the easiest way to develop GUI applications? Im used to Visual Studio in windows but i cant seem to find anything like that here02:04
chelzdnivra: ah good job :)02:04
DVA5912matmat: hello02:05
chelzdnivra: yeah changing it in the gui should do it02:05
Burzmalichelz : Ah, thanks for the help.02:05
dnivrachelz, thank you! you helped me out!02:05
matmathow can i get hdmi sound output to work? i'm on mythbuntu (xfce)02:05
chelzBurzmali: is the program fullscreen or windowed?02:06
kbrosnanDVA5912: eclipse, if you want an IDE similar to msvs.02:06
chelzDVA5912: what programming languages are you familiar with?02:06
blakkheimDVA5912: vi02:06
clevefanHi channel02:07
DVA5912kbrosnan: kk. Well i was using Code::Blocks.02:07
chelz!hi | clevefan02:07
ubottuclevefan: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:07
DVA5912chelz: im used to VB.net, paritial of C++, C# i can learn easily python as from what ive seen its easy02:07
DVA5912blakkheim: no way in heck im using vi02:07
clevefanDoes the xubuntu install require internet connection to install GUI?02:08
blakkheimDVA5912: your loss02:08
chelzDVA5912: you might like http://monodevelop.com/02:08
dacshey folks, anyone used firebug02:08
chelzDVA5912: there are a *ton* of linux editors, even gui ones. first get used to using one then just download others and try them out.02:08
DVA5912chelz: mono? Ive looked at that before. Kinda got sick of it after an hour setting up project02:08
chelzDVA5912: what did you use on windows?02:09
DVA5912chelz: Mainly vb.net... I know, ive heard every comment in the books02:09
kbrosnanMicrosoft Visual Studio (MSVS)02:09
clevefanHaving issues installing xubuntu any help appreciated02:09
DVA5912oh.. yeah msvs02:09
chelzDVA5912: i mean editor/ide02:09
matmatcan no one help me about hdmi sound?02:10
=== smash_ is now known as smash2
DVA5912I think i would like to get into C++ on this. My teacher who i was getting vb.net from showed me C++ and i took to it easily02:10
chelzDVA5912: yeah MonoDevelop and Eclipse are both the most similar to that since they're IDEs. there are editors like Kate and Gedit and although they have plugins to do a lot of nifty things, they'll not do as much as an IDE02:10
chelzDVA5912: from your C# experience i'd recommend you stick with MonoDevelop02:11
chelzmatmat: one moment02:11
kbrosnanif you need a ui builder, there is glade.gnome.org on the gtk side02:11
kbrosnannot sure about the quality of what it puts out though02:11
chelzmatmat: what videocard do you have?02:12
DVA5912chelz: well. on my position now, im in the spot where i can switch my development tools02:12
DVA5912chelz: MonoDevelop is its own IDE though right?02:12
chelzDVA5912: it is. here: http://alternativeto.net/desktop/eclipse/02:12
=== truth-teller_ is now known as la__
NetScr1bewhat's the right channel to ask questions about make errors when compiling?02:15
matmatchelz: nvidia 930002:16
Untitled_onlydoes anyone know how to get skype for ubuntu 9.10?02:18
Untitled_onlythanks anyway02:20
NetScr1beWhat's the right channel for asking about make errors when compiling?02:20
macoNetScr1be: possibly a programming channel?02:20
macoNetScr1be: or if its a specific project youre building from source... that project's channel?02:21
ZykoticK9Untitled_only, get skype from http://www.skype.com/intl/en/download/skype/linux/choose/02:21
freazorcan anyone tell me why i get this error "ssl_error_ssl_disabled" when i try to go to google mail or other sites using ssl ?? SSL and TLS is activated in the firefox options02:22
chelzmatmat: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=133226102:23
chelzmatmat: make sure nothing is muted in alsamixer02:24
aliciapgnoone in #winehq is helping so does anyone know if you can add languages to wine?02:24
chelzfreazor: you might need to close and reopen firefox02:24
wadeI can't change my desktop resolution it only gives me 2 choices, 640x480 and 320x240. Also when I click display it says; It appears your graphics driver does not support the necessary extensions to use this tool. Do you want to use your graphics driver vendor's tool instead? I installed my graphics drivers through Ubuntu's Hardware Drivers option but that didn't make it any different. Help?02:25
AlcorDoes Ubuntu have video support? (Usb camera)02:25
chelzaliciapg: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38362802:25
blakkheimwade: what gpu do you have02:25
freazorchelz: no i already tryed it :(02:25
matmatthose iec9.. something are muted, but i cant change that02:25
blakkheimaliciapg: be patient02:25
matmati just get analogue sound output02:25
wadenvidia fx 520002:25
etzerdhello all02:25
chelzfreazor: logging out and back in do anything?02:26
codygmando you have to have a domain name for mailing to work?02:26
codygmani mean like sendmail02:26
freazorchelz: i already did .. the problem comes everytime02:26
chelzcodygman: you have to have an outgoing mailserver of somekind. ISPs provide them and also places like gmail allow it02:27
chelzfreazor: did you ever disable ssl?02:27
wadeblakkheim: nvidia fx 520002:27
freazorchelz: no i didnt. i get this message when i start firefox http://suchismitamajumder.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/firefox-security-component-alert.png?w=468&h=14402:27
codygmanchelz.. can't i set that up on my server?02:27
aliciapgchelz: hmm... thanks i'll try this and hope i don't break mabinogi02:27
IceDeepI am wondering if someone can help me... something happened I got some error's on bootup, I/O errors, and now it seems empathy/telepathy-butterfly is broke because I can't login to MSN, and it's eathing up 70%-100% Cpu usage.02:27
IceDeepI tried re-installing, it just dropped the CPU usage to the 60% now.. which it never was before02:28
chelzfreazor: http://suchismitamajumder.wordpress.com/2009/02/15/how-to-fix-error-code-ssl_error_ssl_disabled/02:28
freazorchelz: i read this already but its the help for windows firefox not for ubuntu.. and i dont know where to find the firefox dir or the file02:29
chelzcodygman: yes but some ISPs don't like their customers sending out traffic on the outgoing mail port since it's used for spam a lot02:29
chelzfreazor: it's in your home directory in ~/.mozilla/firefox02:29
EDDUARDDOaaee galera02:30
chelzfreazor: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Profile_folder_-_Firefox#Linux_and_Unix02:30
EDDUARDDOóh eu aki com mais um problema insoluvel02:30
chelz!pt | EDDUARDDO02:30
ubottuEDDUARDDO: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.02:30
wadeI can't change my desktop resolution it only gives me 2 choices, 640x480 and 320x240. Also when I click display it says; It appears your graphics driver does not support the necessary extensions to use this tool. Do you want to use your graphics driver vendor's tool instead? I installed my graphics drivers through Ubuntu's Hardware Drivers option but that didn't make it any different. Help?02:30
dragonbossDoes palimpsest read the smart data from external drives?02:31
=== downix is now known as A`Adjensenu
chelzIceDeep: are you on ubuntu karmic 9.10?02:32
freazorchelz: thx .. but i only can find profiles.ini there02:33
patrick_awn or cairo for docks? Im coming from osx02:33
freazorchelz: it has this rights .. -rw-r--r--02:33
freazorcould this be the problem?02:33
Gelflingpatrick_, i prefer cairo02:33
chelzfreazor: how much free space do you have on your drive?02:34
freazorchelz: 3,5gb02:34
chelzIceDeep: in a terminal run: top02:34
NixNoobhello all, I'm new to this channel02:34
wadeI can't change my desktop resolution it only gives me 2 choices, 640x480 and 320x240. Also when I click display it says; It appears your graphics driver does not support the necessary extensions to use this tool. Do you want to use your graphics driver vendor's tool instead? I installed my graphics drivers through Ubuntu's Hardware Drivers option but that didn't make it any different. Help?  .02:34
patrick_Gelfling, why02:34
chelz!hi | NixNoob02:34
ubottuNixNoob: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:34
NixNoobLooking for some apache guidance02:34
=== jayne is now known as RedQueen
Gelflingit just feels better to me02:35
chelzwade: what kind of graphics card do you have?02:35
IceDeepOk, it is running02:35
=== RedQueen is now known as jayne
wadenvidia fx 520002:35
Gelflingeasy to customize, and looks bloody awesome02:35
chelzIceDeep: now programs more toward the top are using more cpu, what are their names?02:35
NixNoobcan anyone help with an Apache question?02:35
chelzwade: open up a terminal and do   sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings02:35
GelflingNixNoob, ask away02:35
chelz!ask | NixNoob02:35
ubottuNixNoob: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:35
IceDeepXorg, Xchat, Pything, gnome-do, python, top,02:35
IceDeeppython x 2, misspelled02:36
chelzIceDeep: what kind of cpu usage percentage is next to each of those?02:36
nishanthdoes anyone know how to install IDL for linux?02:37
chelznishanth: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=169474202:37
wadenvidia-settings is already the newest version.02:37
wadenvidia-settings set to manually installed.02:37
wadeThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:02:37
wade  binutils-static02:37
wadeUse 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.02:37
wade0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.02:37
FloodBot2wade: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:37
IceDeep30% Xorg, 6% Xchat, 2% gnome-do, 4% touchfreeze, 1 %compiz02:37
chelz!pastebin | wade02:38
wadethat's what it says02:38
ubottuwade: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:38
IceDeepIt's changing, but it doesn't show telepathy-butterfly which is showing up in sys-monitor.02:38
wadehaha yeah02:38
chelzwade: ok in a terminal run: nvidia-settings02:38
nishanthis there a parallel program in linux for IDL?02:39
wadeit brought up the settings, i tried messing around with these it didn't do anything.02:39
chelzwade: go to "X Server Display Configuration"02:39
wadeok, i'm there.02:39
nishanthsay like octave for matlab02:39
nishanthis there an alternative for IDL in linux02:39
NixNoobApache - I am installing SugarCRM, according to the instructions before I install SugarCRM I am supposed to set AllowOverride  to All for the Sugar installation directory in the httpd.conf file. This surprises me because the httpd.conf file is empty in appache2. The instructions are found here under the section "seccuring your Sugar": http://www.sugarcrm.com/crm/support/documentation/SugarCommunityEdition/5.5.1/-docs-Application_G02:39
chelzwade: click on "Detect Displays"02:40
chelzwade: also set Resolution to Auto02:40
wadestill the same.02:41
poyntzis it normal that when i've opened PDF files on a kubuntu partition, if I try to open them on a Windows partition they won't open?02:41
chelzIceDeep: are you running any gfx intensive programs?02:41
DVA5912Guys. Im looking for a material that will conduct heat VERRY Effectivly. I want to connect it to the heat sync on my laptop when docked and run it through watter cooling stuff. Ideas?02:41
IceDeepchelz.. I don't know it went down, it's down to 16.7% in my sys-monitor...  But empathy is still broke02:41
chelzwade: Click on save to X configuration file02:41
IceDeepI have forced re-install through syn02:42
chelzIceDeep: how did empathy break?02:42
SemitonesDVA5912: try ##hardware02:42
DVA5912kk. Transfering.02:42
Semitones:) you'll probably have better lukc there02:42
IceDeepI re-started, I got some I/O errors for about 5 min and then it let me login02:42
chelznishanth: yes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_data_language02:42
IceDeepUpon login empathy won't connect it trys but doesn't connect02:43
chelznishanth: http://gnudatalanguage.sourceforge.net/02:43
nishanthi tried using synaptic to find GDL but couldn't find it02:43
chelzwade: in the Hardware Drivers dialog, does it have a green circle next to one of the things in the list?02:44
chelzNixNoob: /join #sugarcrm02:44
NixNoobthanks chelz02:45
nishanthdoes anyone know what this means02:45
nishanthError: Dependency is not satisfiable: libhdf5-serial-1.8.3|libhdf5-1.8.302:45
wadethere's only 2 of them and i tried both.02:45
IceDeepOk now empathy is working again... *shrugs* this is odd. Thanks for the help.02:46
kaiser10123can anyone help me use tv turner from dell xps one02:46
chelzwade: ok do "sudo nvidia-setings" (without the quotes)02:46
chelzkaiser10123: what brand and model number of tuner?02:47
chelznishanth: how did you get that dependency issue?02:47
kaiser10123chelz: how do i check02:47
nishanthwell i went to http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/amd64/gnudatalanguage/download02:48
nishanthand clicked one of the link to download the GDL02:48
chelzwade: set the resolution to something you want and tell it to save to xorg.conf02:48
chelznishanth: are you on amd64 lucid?02:48
wadebut it doesn't have the resolution i want02:48
usr1561my videos flickering when i watch movies in mplayer and xine? Can someone help me to solve this?02:49
chelznishanth: do         sudo apt-get install gnudatalanguage02:49
wadei want 1024x800 and it only has 2 options which are way to small for my screen02:49
chelzwade: are all the resolutions small? or what do you mean?02:49
=== IdleOne is now known as Caeser
jonbccemergency: I deleted the partition table (I hope that's all) from my external backup drive (and it was my only backup) using gparted (by cimply clicking partition > create prtition table..) clicking "apply" and watching it fail immediately (i suppose because it needed to be unmounted?) --- anyway, if you're wondering: I did it because its the same size as the drive I _meant_ to partition, and I realized last second. now I need to know if its 02:50
nishanthstill didnot work02:50
=== Caeser is now known as IdleOne
nishanthSome packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have02:50
nishanthrequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable02:50
nishanthdistribution that some required packages have not yet been created02:50
nishanthor been moved out of Incoming.02:50
nishanthThe following information may help to resolve the situation:02:50
FloodBot2nishanth: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:50
chelzwade: do         sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:50
chelznishanth: that's for #ubuntu+102:50
kaiser10123chelz: whats command in terminal to display devices02:51
chelzjonbcc: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gpart02:51
chelzkaiser10123: does it not say the model number on it somewhere?02:51
chelzkaiser10123: to display devices in the terminal you do:   lspci | less02:51
jonbccchelz: ? why did you send me that link?02:51
DouglasKQuestion, my wubi installation has stopped booting.. it just drops to a grub command line.  I don't see a copy of menu.lst anywhere in the \ubuntu tree on the windows FS.  Is there a way to refresh the wubi boot system?02:51
kaiser10123chelz: xps one is all built in one pc02:51
chelzkaiser10123: and lsub | less02:52
chelzjonbcc: it recovers a partition table02:52
chelzjonbcc: btw you got cutoff at "now I need to know if its "02:52
zonylHI All.  I cant after upgrade from 9.04-9.10 mysqld wont start.  I tried what was given in bug #444479 however this does not work.  It also implies that a fix is released but mine still wont start.  Dont have any info in the logs about what is going on with it, however, I can start it manually as root.  Just not as mysql user02:52
jonbccchelz: thank you - -- now I need to know  if its possible for me to get the data off (it was an ext3 fs)-- anyone?02:52
jonbccchelz: I'll look for how to recover02:53
chelzDouglasK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#How%20can%20I%20access%20my%20Wubi%20install%20and%20repair%20my%20install%20if%20it%20won%27t%20boot?02:53
wadechelz: what now02:53
chelz!undelete | jonbcc02:53
ubottujonbcc: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel02:53
DouglasKchelz: thanks for the FM so that I may RTFM!  :-)02:54
chelzjonbcc: just editing the partition table shouldn't mess with the data on it at all. gpart should work02:54
user94would anyone know the command to map to a key in order to start a new terminal?02:54
kaiser10123chelz: what command?02:54
Gneajonbcc: foremost is antoher good utility02:54
chelzwade: what did it do?02:54
chelzwade: ok i've got something, just a sec02:56
blackrockHello all. It might be off topic, but still, how do you uninstall Postgresql from Ubuntu?02:57
chelzkaiser10123: pastebin the output of lspci02:57
jonbccchelz: Gnea thanks, I'll try foremost if gparted doesn't work. do either of you know how to use gparted to recover? (i'd try figuring it out/looking it up, but this is obviously not fun for me)02:57
NixNoobQuestion: I am installing a web app, the instructions say to set AllowOverride to All for the installation directory in the httpd.conf file, I'm not sure what to do because the httpd.conf file is empty, can anyone help?02:58
chelzjonbcc: the wiki page has some examples02:58
kaiser10123chelz: http://pastebin.com/qx0t0HfG02:59
chelzNixNoob: you can try in #apache also02:59
jonbccchelz: thanks.02:59
dnivrawhich player in Ubuntu can play .wmv files? I tried vlc, mplayer, movieplayer. no luck.03:00
chelzdnivra: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras03:00
dnivrachelz, it's already installed.03:01
chelzwade:  wget http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=NjPHbeBR -O ~/xorg.conf && sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20100531 && sudo mv ~/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:01
kaiser10123chelz: did u see my pastebin03:01
etzerdehllo guys what's new?03:01
chelzkaiser10123: i did, just a moment03:01
kaiser10123its cool03:01
chelzdnivra: in a terminal try:     mplayer file.wmv   and pastebin the output03:01
wadeok now that i have that what do i do?03:02
dnivrachelz, now it plays!! funny!03:02
chelzkaiser10123: what is the output of:        lsmod | grep tv03:02
chelzdnivra: ah, well that's good03:02
chelzwade: reboot03:02
wadeok brb03:03
dnivrachelz, thanks.03:03
kaiser10123chelz: tveeprom               13882  1 cx2388503:03
nvmeis it possible to dual boot ubuntu on a windows disk thats "Dynamic"03:03
chelzkaiser10123: your tuner card is   CX2388503:05
jonbccchelz: do you know if this section's mention of "start end" is done with bytes? blocks? if I want to just say from the beginning to the end of the disk (since I have no idea, and it was only one partition) how do I specify the end?(by specifying the last possible byte? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery#GNU%20Parted03:05
UbuntuBoyQuestion: The "search for files" app does not often give me the results I want if I make 1 minor error. Windows always would. Is there a better search app that I can use on ubuntu?03:05
chelzkaiser10123: so what program do you want to use? mythtv?03:06
kaiser10123chelz: tvtime or mythtv03:06
chelzjonbcc: i think there's a way to run parted just so it scans the entire dsk03:06
chelzkaiser10123: have you installed mythtv?03:07
chelzfreazor: is firefox working?03:07
jonbccchelz: oh, I didn't see that -- but I found my answer (you can specify %'s)03:07
kaiser10123chelz: yes03:07
kaiser10123chelz: that and tvtime only see my webcam as video in03:07
chelzkaiser10123: follow this: http://parker1.co.uk/mythtv_ubuntu.php03:08
Croghello guys.. can someone give me a hand... having a hard time getting back into ubuntu03:08
chelzCrog: what happened?03:08
EricTheHaxUbuntu has the stuff so one can install grub manually, right? I had to reinstall Windows and it overwrote the mbr to use the Windows boot loader03:09
GneaEricTheHax: yeah03:09
Crogsystem crashed.. so reset computer, now it goes to login screen and won't go any further.. just cycles login everytime i click on my user name03:09
Gnea!grub | EricTheHax03:09
ubottuEricTheHax: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.03:09
EricTheHaxwow common occurance? O_O03:09
Gneaheh yup03:10
IdleOneEricTheHax: common enough03:10
=== Cream is now known as maerC
nvmeis it possible to install ubuntu on a windows dynamic disk ?'03:11
Crogi go into recovery mode. type password, works ok there.. just won't accept it at log in screen.. tried changing password at prompt.. won't let me, gives me an error. But yet i can use su command and password works there? Anyone?03:12
* Airris grumbles03:12
AirrisThe graphics card thing still isn't working out03:12
wadechelz: i can finally see but when i open display it still says;  It appears that your graphics driver does not support the necessary extensions to use this tool.  Do you want to use your graphics driver vendor's tool instead?03:12
sudobashcrog how about sudo passwd03:12
jonbccgddrescue - I'm using it to copy everything off a 150GB drive before trying to recover anything... its like dd in that it requires an in file and an out file -- the file that gets spit out by the program doesn't care where it goes right? it can land in directory on a FAT32 drive?03:12
AirrisAs far as I can tell : X does a momentary black flash when the Nvidia prop drivers are switching what power setting the graphics card is at. Adaptive Clock throttling and all that03:12
Airrisalso, is 60-70 degrees C on a GPU hot for light activity?03:13
wadealso Ubuntu seems to not be running as smooth anymore, a lot more choppy.03:14
EricTheHaxpeople told me if i could successfully install gentoo (real or virtual machine), i wouldnt get this worried over something like this... weird how that didnt work out...03:14
EricTheHax(i did virtual)03:14
Gneawade: what are your system stats?03:17
uniqueto what chmod/chown should I setup a dir that its outside my ~ (homedir) but only to allow my user to access it03:18
GneaCrog: if you make a new account on the commandline, can you login with it on the gui?03:18
wadegnea: how do i find out03:18
wadewhat's the command03:18
Gneawade: well, basically what cpu and mem you have03:18
uniquehow my homedir can only be access by my user i want to do the same but for another dir, how do i do that?03:18
Gneawade: but:  cat /proc/cpuinfo  and  free03:19
Gneaunique: sudo chmod 711 /home/userdir03:19
Crogi can create new user.. but can't seem to set passwd03:19
wadegnea: http://pastebin.com/WsFmTRfZ03:19
GneaCrog: does it not give the option to?03:19
hotxboy1Swhat`s the newest Grub on Ubuntu?03:20
Gnea!info grub03:20
Croggives me an error when i try to set passwd.. either for new user or existing one03:20
uniqueGnea: do i have to be root to do that? couze i am not03:20
ubottugrub (source: grub): GRand Unified Bootloader. In component main, is optional. Version 0.97-29ubuntu59 (karmic), package size 396 kB, installed size 924 kB (Only available for i386 kfreebsd-i386 hurd-i386 amd64 kfreebsd-amd64 lpia all)03:20
Gnea!info grub203:20
ubottugrub2 (source: grub2): GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (dummy package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1.97~beta4-1ubuntu4.1 (karmic), package size 2 kB, installed size 264 kB (Only available for i386 kfreebsd-i386 hurd-i386 kopensolaris-i386 amd64 kfreebsd-amd64 lpia powerpc sparc)03:20
hotxboy1Show to config grub?03:21
GneaCrog: you have to type the password correctly twice in a row03:21
Gnea!grub | hotxboy1S03:21
ubottuhotxboy1S: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.03:21
Gneahotxboy1S: see the howto, it will tell you how03:21
Crogyeah, won't give me that option.. gives me an error03:21
hotxboy1Sthere is a interface I recalled when I have updated it.03:21
GneaCrog: what's the error, exactly?03:21
wadegnea: http://pastebin.com/WsFmTRfZ03:21
Crogsays passwd:system error03:22
hotxboy1Show to get into that interface, Gnea?03:22
Crogpasswd: password not changed03:22
Gneawade: saw that. what about the output of the 'free' command?03:22
wadealso: http://pastebin.com/QWva9Z2703:22
Gneahotxboy1S: I'm not sure what you mean by that...03:22
hotxboy1SGnea: I mean Grub 2.03:22
Gneawade: okay, looks like a p4 2ghz single-core with 2gigs of ram03:23
Gnea!grub2 | hotxboy1S03:23
ubottuhotxboy1S: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub203:23
nvmeis it possible to install ubuntu on a windows dynamic disk ?'03:23
kaiser10123chelz: still stuck on getting linux to read my tv turner03:24
Gneawade: one thing you can do is to right-click on the top panel-bar and add to the panel the system resource monitor03:24
Gneawade: once it's there, right-click on it to open the main monitor and select the process list, then re-sort it by CPU usage. that will tell you what is slowing your system down.03:24
wadeall the programs are at 0%03:25
Gneanvme: ubuntu cannot be installed on NTFS, unless it's wubi03:26
wadeit has to be something with my vid card did you see what me and chelz were talking about03:26
hotxboy1Swhat`s the version number of 9.10 Grub2 now?03:26
hotxboy1S1.97 beta?03:26
Gneawade: make sure you're viewing "programs by all users"03:26
Gneawade: if not by CPU, try by amount of memory03:26
wadedbus-launch taking up 248.0 KiB03:27
hotxboy1SGnea: Can help me debug a system bug?03:27
Gneawade: hm, what about the cpu history in the resources tab? is it pegged at the top or is it fluctuating?03:28
* hitmonleezy is ?03:28
Gneahotxboy1S: you can run this command to see what version of grub2 is installed: dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep grub203:28
wadeits at the top03:28
Gneawade: okay, so switch back to processes and resort the CPU % - what process shows up at the top and what number does it have?03:29
Crogwhats proper way to add user from command prompt? won't let me put in password for new user? tells me right away that theres a system error and password is unchanged?03:29
hotxboy1SGnea: hit dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep grub2 but nothing uotput.03:29
Gneahotxboy1S: you're supposed to type that in a terminal.03:29
wadesytem monitor @ 10%03:29
hotxboy1Syes I did.03:30
hotxboy1SGnea: I did in a terminal.03:30
=== Inc`_ is now known as Inc`
hotxboy1Slaptop:~# dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep grub2root@austin-laptop:~#03:31
Gneahotxboy1S: ok, yes, there should be some output.  try it like this then:  dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep grub2 | awk '{print $3}'03:31
Croghum.. strange, if i type in passwd and hit enter without anything else.. it gives me passwd: System error passwd: password unchanged03:31
Gneawade: and you clicked on View -> 'All Processes'?03:31
HHXnewbie here. HOW  do i get a list of commands (aka, Help menu)?03:32
hotxboy1SGnea: R U KIDDING? STILL NO OUTPUT.03:32
GneaCrog: not strange, that's normal.03:32
Gneahotxboy1S: gonna have to ask you calm down if you want anymore help.03:32
hotxboy1S# dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep grub2 | awk '{print $3}'03:32
Crogok.. so its same message when i try to change password for a user?03:32
Gneahotxboy1S: sorry, you typed that the same time I typed the new command.03:33
Gneahotxboy1S: so, no, I'm not kidding, but try changing it from 'grub2' to 'grub'03:33
hotxboy1Sgrub-install -v03:33
hotxboy1Sgrub-install (GNU GRUB 1.97~beta4)03:33
hotxboy1SWhat`s that?03:34
Gnealike this:  dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep grub | awk '{print $3}'03:34
hotxboy1Swhat kind of grub I have installed?03:34
Gneahotxboy1S: please run that command.03:34
hotxboy1SGNU GRUB 1.97~beta403:34
Gneathat doesn't answer my question.03:35
hotxboy1Swhat`s this suppose to mean? I`m using Grub2?03:35
Gneasorry, can't continue.03:35
hotxboy1SGNU GRUB 1.97~beta403:35
wadeidk why but ubuntu is just soo slow now.03:35
Gneahotxboy1S: no no, I want the version number from dpkg, not from grub-install03:35
Gnea!ops | sage_ is posting kiddie porn03:36
ubottusage_ is posting kiddie porn: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!03:36
gnihT_ehTO_O Who was that?03:37
hotxboy1S Gnea this is it.03:37
FloodBot2hotxboy1S: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:37
wade*sigh* brb03:37
AmaranthDon't click on that link folks03:38
AmaranthWho knows what it could be but considering where it's from it must be bad03:38
hotxboy1S what`s this suppose to mean? I`m using Grub2?03:38
gnihT_ehTAmaranth: We can't click the pastebin link?03:38
Gneahotxboy1S: yes.03:38
Airrishmm. I know it's hard to compare system loads between different operating systems, but should i be concerned if my GPU is running 58 C on windows and 60-70 C on ubuntu?03:38
AmaranthgnihT_ehT: No, the other one03:38
gnihT_ehTwhat other one?03:38
Airrisin neither case is anything particularly intensive going on03:38
GneaAmaranth: no need to mention it again.03:39
AmaranthgnihT_ehT: Nevermind03:39
gnihT_ehTPM it to me ;)03:39
rwwgnihT_ehT: Drop it, please.03:39
iflemaanyone able to search for a word (a letter even) in yelp? allways phrase not found? (press F1 when focus on the desktop and ctrl + f for find......)03:41
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Airristo be more clear on where i'm going with this, the nvidia prop drivers are already acting a little funny on ubuntu, and i'm trying to find out if they're also not cooling it adequately03:43
Croganyway to check if a password is set at root shell for a user? i created a user and want to make sure password is set03:44
unkmarHmm, what file contains the magic cookie for X in Karmic Koala for the user?03:45
smerzhello everyone. Anybody here using Skype by anychance? I need to test 2 things. Shouldn't take long. (Need to test my Skype <-> SIP gateway)03:46
coz_anyone here try using tasksel  ?03:46
iflemaCrog passwd -S username displays the date set03:47
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Zenkeri know this is a little off topic but i was wondering if i can get a device that i can connect to using my wireless adapter (the one that i use 2 connect to the internet) to have video/sound on a tv, the tv only has coaxial cable connections, and if ubuntu 9.10 will support such device?03:48
davebs1Zenker: you mean you want to have a media pc connected to your tv and control it from another computer?03:49
Zenkerdavebs1 not exactly, to sum it up, i want 2 play movies from my puter on my tv :)03:49
Zenkerbut wirelessly03:50
davebs1yes and no?  You need something that can plug into your tv's video and audio inputs03:50
sille777I have a general question thats been bugging me for the past few days...03:51
Zenkeryep, and i want the computer to connect to it wirelessly03:51
davebs1yeah, you can do that03:51
davebs1get an acer revo03:51
davebs1put xbmc live on it03:51
NucleusI did buy a mini netbook " Toshiba NB 200-134, it camed with windows7, i've deleted the windows7 and i did install Ubuntu 9.10. The problem is that when i restart it tooks more then 20 min to start the system. The only thing i can do to the system start is pressing " Enter " a few times. I've tried to see videos on youtube but there is no sound coming out from the computer. The only sound i listen is when i connect the headphones.03:51
davebs1and setup shares for your movies on your file server03:51
davebs1and add them to xbmc, then stream them03:51
davebs1streaming is iffy on wireless, but for the most part it works03:52
NucleusCan anyone help me with this problem because the mini netbook has 2 days03:52
sille777what will be done for the release names once they reach "Z"??03:52
smerzanybody using skype who can call me once to test something. No need to talk :) "Hello" will suffice :|03:52
maginotsmerz, why don't you just use echo03:52
Flannelsille777: They'll probably wrap around to A, but we've got a few more years before we have to worry about that03:53
Berzerkersmerz: Echo12303:53
smerzyeah well03:53
smerzecho can't call be back :(03:53
smerzthere is no callback service for skype03:53
greezmunkeyArobic Aracnid?03:53
Zenkerahh thank you davebs1 guess i should just use a wired device,,that way its reliable, i just didnt want to be rooted by all those wires:)03:53
smerzecho works fine03:53
smerzi need someone to call me real quick :(03:53
Zenkersmerz real quick rofl03:53
smerzyeah. enter a nick. dial03:53
smerzif it arrives i know it works03:53
smerzdoesn't take long :(03:54
maginotsmerz, just make a second acount and test...03:54
smerzcannot login from same ip03:54
smerzdont have access to another one03:54
smerzbut forget about it03:54
calmirehi, guys. I'm trying to add an update repository for firefox, but the server says it doesn't have the requested key, like this http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/5DcuFuS4 .   Could you give me a hand to find out how to solve this ?03:54
maginotsure you can login from the same ip, if you don't how corporative networks uses skype?03:54
Zenkersmerz i will but ull have 2 explain what u need me 2 do03:54
l3lackwoodHello! If i update to Lucid Alpha 3 with update-manager -d and then keep applying updates with update manager, will I have the same thing on release day as installing Lucid, or will I update-manager -d again at that time, and get a whole bunch more updates?03:55
smerzlook for "smerz1" and dial03:55
smerzthats all03:55
smerzmaginot, i did try that indeed from a vmware running windows03:55
davebs1I've turned off sleep on my computers through power options, but when I come home, one of them is always asleep.  It's important that they not go to sleep because they are connected through synergy+ (control 2 computers & 2 monitors with 1 keyboard/mouse through software).  Any idea how I can tell my computers to not go to sleep or power down or hibernate or anything along those lines?03:55
AirrisOk i finished my testing, and yea. I can't use Ubuntu until I resolve this. During light activity the GPU core temp on linux goes between 60-70 just for light activity. On windows it will stay around 58 typically even during heavy 3D rendering, it sometimes goes to 61 but that's only if the fans haven't kicked in03:55
rwwl3lackwood: you'll have the same thing.03:55
rwwl3lackwood: Lucid discussion and support goes in #ubuntu+1, btw.03:56
AirrisSomething isn't doing the cooling right here. And this particular graphics card model has a history of melting, so the combination of these two is quite bad03:56
ARCHANwhere is the Xfix in recovery mode ?03:56
maginotsmerz, pvt me with your screen name and I give you a quick call if that is the problem03:57
Zenkeri see smerz but not smerz103:57
maginotoh, already got a volunteer.. =)03:57
smerzhmm my login is smerz1 . As name I entered "Heinz Otto" :-|03:57
smerzi dont know what skype goes by03:57
ARCHANmy screen resolution got changed auto.. now how i cant reset it.. i want to  XFIX in recovery mode like in previous versions of ubuntu.. anyone got a idea ?03:58
ARCHAN*an idea ?03:58
l3lackwoodrww so on release day will update-manager-d show a version update available? there would be nothing much there besides changing signage for the help menu and such...  Do I essentially keep synched with the daily build by doing this?03:58
l3lackwoodrww thanks BTW03:58
smerzmaginot, Zenker didn't realise i was talking about skype :|03:58
rwwl3lackwood: Once you upgrade to Lucid, you'll be on Lucid. If you continue doing regular updates through the development cycle, you'll be on Lucid final when it comes out.03:59
stevecamim getting a problem where i have to kill the main focused window in X cas the windowing system basicly hangs, is this a common problem?03:59
rwwl3lackwood: you might want to check in #ubuntu+1 before starting this, btw, they were having some issues with upgrades the other day and I don't know if they've been resolved.03:59
smerzmaginot, thanks. It didn't work03:59
smerzmany thanks03:59
l3lackwoodrww thanks, now I'll find out where and  ubuntu+1 is.  first time here03:59
davebs1stevecam: could you explain more?03:59
maginotsmerz, I didn't call.. just requested to be added04:00
rwwl3lackwood: type this in the same place you're typing messages: /join #ubuntu+104:00
stevecamdavebs1, what sort of things would you like me to explain?04:00
Airrisanyone know anything helpful about this? I was holding off on the nouveau drivers since I have to get a newer version of X to run em04:00
l3lackwoodrww many thanks, will I still be here?04:00
maginotsmerz, I have no microphone here, but I could hear your04:00
rwwl3lackwood: yes04:00
stevecamits happened in opera, and rhythmbox, i dont think it is the apps04:00
ARCHAN my screen resolution got changed auto.. now how i cant reset it.. i want to  XFIX in recovery mode like in previous versions of ubuntu.. anyone got a idea ?04:00
Zenkersmerz if u wait a few mins while i switch 2 windows n install skype ill still do it ive always wanted 2 play around w skype anyhow :)04:00
smerzMaginot thanks very much. My skype to sip gateway works superb :)04:01
davebs1stevecam: I don't think it's a common problem, but could you give a specific example?04:01
smerzZenker, thanks very much. Maginot was so kind to quickly to call me :)04:01
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maginotsmerz, Hmm are you working with TLS too ?04:01
Zenkersmerz ahh ok kewl, is there skype for ubuntu?04:01
smerzZenker yes. Skype for ubuntu works outstanding04:01
maginotsmerz, never mind, just thought you were working with something similar them some of my fellows04:01
Zenkerwhere do i get it?04:02
stevecamdavebs1, i was in opera, and then i try and do something the majority of the graphical interface starts hanging, you might get little interaction like moving your mouse over a text box might change it04:02
smerzyou can download an ubuntu package @ skype.com BUT there is no need to call me. Maginot called me to test my setup here. So no need to help me out :) But many thanks04:02
l3lackwoodrww thanks got it now!04:02
stevecamand then it happened again in rhythmbox04:02
Zenkerahh nvm i just found it04:02
tieni want help about joomla. who can help me04:02
davebs1stevecam:  Do you have conky by any chance?  What's the rest of the system doing at this point?  CPU, RAM, disk read/write, etc?04:02
davebs1stevecam: and what about processes as far as cpu and mem usage04:03
ARCHANhow do i fix my GUI without xfix in REcovery mode ?? is there any way ? is it possible or total reinstall of koala ?04:03
tieni wan mod video hwdvideo for ubuntu04:03
smerzSo if anybody want's to setup an Skype to SIP gateway now using ubuntu ask me now :-----)04:03
maginotsmerz, I was working on something different, using zrtp.. but not directly with skype04:04
stevecamdavebs1, not much, i dont have conky, everything else i have running in console seems to be running with no slowdown so i didnt think that it was stuck in some sort of loop04:04
Zenkersmerz its says for ubuntu 8.10 will this work just as good for 9.10?04:04
maginotsmerz, was a project to implement on asterisk04:04
ScottG489Hey, I am on an ubuntu live CD and I need to get the name for the broadcom's proprietary STA driver so I can modprobe it. Doing it through the GUI requires a restart and on a live CD that won't work (this also seems like a bug to me)04:04
greezmunkeysmerz: did you build the sip gw?04:04
DarkVoid82I dual boot my laptop, and recently when the dual boot screen pops up i have three different selections for ubuntu (i think maybe 3 versions of the kernel?) how do i get rid of the 2 oldest ones04:04
smerzmaginot, skype-ubuntu-intrepid_2.1.0.81-1_amd64.deb worked for me. So the intrepid packages are good for jaunty too04:04
smerzgreezmunkey, yes Skype to SIP and SIP to Skype04:05
iflemaScottG489 modprobe -r ssb b43 wl && modeprobe wl04:05
greezmunkeysmerz: nice.04:05
smerzgreezmunkey, but I haven't configured it as a background service yet04:05
ScottG489iflema: alright04:05
ARCHANHOW DO I FIX MY GUI WITHOUT XFIX OPTION IN RECOVERY MODE ??..  i always got this problem in my previous ubuntu jaunty but xfix fixed it.... now it.s not there.. now how do i fix it ?04:05
davebs1stevecam: I'd suggest setting up conky to monitor cpu usage, ram, disk i/o and top 5 processes in terms of memory and cpu intensity.  When things take a dump, you will be able to see what processes are screwing up and will be able to work from there04:05
smerzneed to put it onto the local server. So I all skype calls just come through on my hardware SIP phone :-D04:05
ScottG489iflema: It's required to remove those other ones for wl to work?04:06
davebs1I've turned off sleep on my computers through power options, but when I come home, one of them is always asleep.  It's important that they not go to sleep because they are connected through synergy+ (control 2 computers & 2 monitors with 1 keyboard/mouse through software).  Any idea how I can tell my computers to not go to sleep or power down or hibernate or anything along those lines?04:06
smerzARCHAN, I dunno sorry. Graphical modes and me are not compatible yet. Alas I have not much understanding of it04:06
greezmunkeysmerz: I have a laptop I'll be building a gate out of, for demos.04:06
iflemaScottG489 yep.... sudo before ofcourse04:07
smerzgreezmunkey, well "siptosis" is what you want :) You can integrate it into PBX etc :)04:07
ARCHANDarkVoid82, install start up manager ... and choose the options to be displayed...04:07
stevecamdavebs1, i really don't think my resouces are getting used04:07
ARCHANsmerz, !04:07
stevecamits just not doing anything04:07
DarkVoid82archan: thank you i'll give that a try04:07
Zenkerohh this is cool !!04:07
ARCHANDarkVoid82, sudo apt-get install startupmanager04:08
Crogk, this is going from bad to worse.. tried del user, and re-adding user.. won't take passwords.. looks like a re-install is due.. sucks04:08
smerzZenker, you just called me? -_-04:08
Zenkersmerz oh thats cool04:08
Zenker2bad i dont have a mic rofl04:08
smerzthanks for the calls folks :P04:08
DarkVoid82archan: ok thanks, i'll do that04:09
iflemaScottG489  sorry.... the ssb and b43 are the kernel drivers minus the firmware..... remove them first then load wl04:09
davebs1stevecam: How long ago did you install ubuntu?  Did you make any changes to x?  When did this start happening?  What kind of hardware?  How old?  Compiz?  Graphics Drivers?...04:09
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ScottG489iflema: Alright works. I am very impressed with this as a Live DVD. Even firefox has java set up and ready to go which my schools network unfortunately requires04:10
l3lackwoodrmm is that the same as doing updates in synaptic?04:10
stevecami installed it ages (over 1 year ago) im gonna reinstall soon but i was just wondering if it sounded like a familiar problem04:10
ARCHAN HOW DO I FIX MY GUI WITHOUT XFIX OPTION IN RECOVERY MODE ??..  i always got this problem in my previous ubuntu jaunty but xfix fixed it.... now it.s not there.. now how do i fix it ?04:10
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smerzARCHAN silly question but what happens when you dont boot in recovery mode?04:11
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maginotARCHAN, dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg may help you04:11
ScottG489iflema: That is a bug though, correct? On a live CD it shouldn't require a restart. It should modprobe the required drivers.04:12
ARCHANsmerz, i usually have (had?) 1440*900 reso./. now i get 640* and everything is BLUEWHALE sized and my eyes pain04:12
smerzARCHAN and i suppose you can't configure it to a normal resolution when not in recovery mode. Though the color issue you desrcibe does sound strange.04:13
ARCHANsmerz, COLOR ISSUE ???!! when did i say that ?04:14
paddy1please tell me how to start video chat... in ubuntu 9.0404:14
Airrisdo I have to yell too? I'm used to things being busy but I've asked three times and haven't gotten even an acknowledgment that I said something : Ubuntu using proprietary nvidia drivers causes X to periodically flash black for a brief second. And according to the tempature setting the GPU's running 5-10 degrees (Cel) hotter than I can get it to run in windows even under the most strenuous...04:14
ARCHANsmerz, Resolutions04:14
ARCHANmaginot, i missed your reply// now to try it.04:14
smerzARCHAN ah ok i misunderstood the "bluewhale" comment there :)04:14
austinhow do i change the GDM login screen in ubuntu 9.1004:15
ARCHANsmerz, i tried to make you understand the SIZE of every in my monitor04:15
maginotaustin, gdm theme ? gdm-setup I think04:15
ARCHANsmerz, :P sorry04:15
smerzARCHAN i understood you now ;-)04:15
smerzARCHAN could you post /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?04:16
ARCHANsmerz, i am going to try maginot04:16
ARCHANsmerz, brb04:16
austini need the one where i can change the themes when i login04:17
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DarkVoid82ok i have the startup manager, but how can i get rid of the extra ubuntu choices that pop up when i start up my laptop04:19
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sadrollai have a smartlink modem , i installed driver in repo but this modoom what /dev/?04:21
smerzi didn't use linux when modems were around sry :|04:22
root____1Hi maginot . i am archan. i am using Irssi from NETROOT option in recovery.. your command didnt seem to work ?04:22
root____1DarkVoid82: yes. i am Archan. what ?04:22
zhouyui compiled a program... already installed the build-essential... but got the error Checking for header sys/event.h          : not found , anyone know how to fix this ?04:23
smerzroot____1, does it work on a live cd? Maybe the easiest thing would be a reinstall? :(04:23
root____1DarkVoid82: if you use karmic , then startupmanager won't show the options .. you have to do it manually.04:23
DarkVoid82ok i got startup manager but i don't see where i can get rid of the two extra ubuntu choices.04:23
sadrollai have a smartlink modem , i installed driver in repo but this modoom what /dev/?04:23
DarkVoid82archan: ok how do i do it manually?04:23
maginotroot____1, so just ran X -configure and copy the newly generated xorg.conf.new on your directory to /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:24
iflemaScottG489 it would save a restart ;)04:24
smerzsadrolla, /dev/ is sort of the address to a device. Could be /dev/modem04:24
root____1DarkVoid82: sorry. i don't know. ask other members here. but in legacy grub it is just inserting a hash before the unwanted entries.. but no idea with grub 2..... ask here or on the ubuntuforums04:25
DarkVoid82archan: ok thanks tho04:25
root____1DarkVoid82: but how do the extra options bother you ? :P leave it, download some movies isntead of splitting your brain with manual methods :P :P :P04:26
Airrisanyone? : Ubuntu using prop nvidia drivers causes X to periodically flash black for a brief second. And the GPU's running 5-10 degrees (Cel) hotter than I can get it to run in windows under any condition. There a way to fix this, or perhaps are the nouveau drivers worth trying out? I was kinda hoping for getting the prop drivers to work since I need to do 3D openGL stuff.  I need kinda some...04:26
Airris...kind of solution since I don't have time to try every possible option : in the sense that this risks messing up my graphics card if I leave the computer on too long04:26
root____1DarkVoid82: :P sorry , though04:26
root____1maginot: i am no expert.. i don't understand04:26
OrinWould anyone mind assisting with a bit of an issue? I just installed 9.10 and when it goes into the logon screen, while loading, with the little white scrolling bit, my monitor will turn on for 2 seconds, then turn off and tell me there's no signal.04:27
root____1maginot: the command you gave (previously) didnt work04:27
OrinThis it will do forever and not load at all.. :(04:27
DarkVoid82archan: it doesn't bother me per se, but i'd like to get rid of the extra choices :P:P:P and still have to figure out how to mount my dvdrom drive so i can watch movies04:27
OrinJust keeps flashing.04:27
AirrisOrin, to clarify : is this before or after you see the option to log in04:27
Airrisor do you just see the loading screen right before that04:27
OrinLoading screen just before it.04:28
AirrisI'm having this problem on one of my other linux computers04:28
Gelflingokay here's a dumb question, how do you change your computers name? lol04:28
Airristry this out : hold shift during boot to get to grub04:28
Airrisboot into recovery mode04:28
Airristhen tell it to do normal boot, you'll be able to log in to a commandline version04:28
Airrisfrom there, type 'startx'04:28
root____1DarkVoid82: are you new to ubuntu ?? configure mouting dvd rom ??  i just insert and it works for me. ! !!04:28
maginotroot____1, which command, X -configure ? sure it does...04:28
AirrisIt's a bit of a circular solution, but i haven't been able to figure out what causes that problem04:29
Airrisso at the very least you might have a way to log in04:29
Airristhis is assuming you're having the same issue04:29
root____1maginot: sorry, but you can you give me it again.. plz04:29
DarkVoid82archan: yes i'm new :S, and it doesn't run when i put a disk in04:29
root____1Gelfling: ubuntu tweak !04:29
AirrisOrin : oh : is your graphics card an onboard chip or something else that's a sufficiently non-common piece of hardware?04:29
sadrollasmerz: tnx , but pppconfig says  ... unrecognized option '/dev/modem'04:29
root____1Gelfling: ! ?04:30
Gelflingnm i figured it out04:30
Gelflingediting hostname04:30
iflemaGelfling in a termainal you could use sudo hostname followed by the name.....04:30
Gelflingit was so simple i got lost =P04:30
AirrisAh yea. I think you have the same issue04:30
Airriswhatever it is04:30
maginotroot____1, X -configure, X not x ... and after that you will find in the directory a file called xorg.conf.new just copy it to /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:31
AirrisOrin : do that sequence i said. It should work. For me it also will allow the computer to boot normally the next couple times before reverting to being screwy04:31
AirrisBtw : can anyone read up and solve Orin's problem? I have no clue what's going on with that, but it was bothering me too a while back (I have a couple linux computers, and that's the current problem on *that* one. The question I keep asking tonight is for my laptop)04:32
OrinAirris, thanks. That worked...04:32
AirrisStrange, huh?04:32
root____1maginot: brb04:32
AirrisI think the bootup sequence doesn't like reading some of the onboard graphics chipsets04:33
root____1maginot: btw, how do i exist irrsi ? first time using irssi !!04:33
Airrisand starting X manually gives it a better shot of working04:33
maginotroot____1, /quit ?04:33
OrinThat's definitely a bit of a pain, but on the bright side - it's an added level of security. :D04:34
OrinThanks a lot, mate.04:34
Ghost|BTFHUndocumented feature?04:34
AirrisOrin : I keep a post-it note on that particular tower with instructions on how to boot it :P04:34
AirrisIt'd be nice to find out what the hell is going on with that. For me it actually flashes an error message before refusing to boot normally, but it's up there for like 0.5 seconds so I can't really see what's going on04:35
DaskreechCan I use wireless from the live CD?04:35
OrinPfah! Most my roomies have an allergy to computers, aside from WoW, so they'll never need to know.04:35
Ghost|BTFHAirris: Can you use Pause/Break button to freeze it for a bit so you could read the error?04:35
AirrisGhost|BTFH: unless my reflexes become super-human, probably not04:36
AirrisIt's literally up there for an instant04:36
Airrisbefore the screen goes blank04:36
Ghost|BTFHAirris: I've done it before with really speedy errors like that...takes a little timing but you can get 'em after awhile.04:36
Ghost|BTFHUgh, I have *got* to do something about this chat format...this is the ugliest damned thing in the world.04:37
AirrisGhost|BTFH: the other problem is it doesn't happen consistently. Like it happens enough to be a problem but not on every boot. So usually when I try to do any kind of thing to probe for this error, the computer plays nice04:37
DaskreechI got a note that I had restrcted drivers04:37
Ghost|BTFHYes, they have a habit of trying to hide when you're ready for 'em.04:37
Airrisbut Orin! Thanks a lot. At first i thought it was the particular computer's fault04:37
Airrissince that tower was a conglomeration of salavaged parts04:38
Airrisbut unless your computer is also of that nature, I don't think that's the reason04:38
Daskreech I got the broadcom drivers but I still can't see the wireless04:38
Ghost|BTFHomg, that's better.04:38
Led-Hedanyone here good with atftpd?  I cant get it to start.04:38
Ghost|BTFHDon't switch Empathy to "blue" for it's theme.04:39
* Ghost|BTFH shudders04:39
Airrisbut yea Ghost, i was wondering if there's some logfile for the boot messages i could enable04:39
Airristhat way i could just turn that on and wait.04:39
danxI'm trying to keep X from running at boot; I have run "update-rc.d -f gdm remove"; gdm has been deleted from all rcn.d/ but gdm still starts at boot; what symlinks from rcn.d's do I have to remove to keep X from booting?04:39
Airristhe error would have to come up eventually :P04:39
Ghost|BTFHAirris: Is it BIOS based error or Ubuntu based?04:39
iflema!broadcom | Daskreech04:39
ubottuDaskreech: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx04:40
AirrisGhost|BTFH: I think it'd be Ubuntu, since it gets past BIOS and fails during Ubuntu trying to load04:40
Ghost|BTFHAirris: So you hear the system beep, then the error?04:40
Airrisno, i don't think there's a beep : oh hey what the hell lets try and boot this computer now and see what happens04:41
Airrisit sits right next to my desk as a secondary04:41
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Airriswatch it boot up without issue : but it's worth a try04:41
Ghost|BTFHAirris: If there's an error, THEN the beep later, that's BIOS.  If it gives you it's happy beep and then the error, that's OS.04:41
usr32432join #linux04:41
* Ghost|BTFH hands babuy a /04:42
iflema!list | babuy04:42
ubottubabuy: This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »04:42
AirrisGhost|BTFH: lets assume it's Ubuntu-based, what kind of logging would i have to turn on to catch it? The last time i asked about this someone told me to turn a logging option on, but that thing has to be enabled each boot : which is a problem when the problem occurs before the system's booted up :P04:42
Daskreechiflema, http://paste.ubuntu.com/407396/04:43
winXPuserwhat is the line I should write in Terminal to install latest stable Firefox?04:43
Ghost|BTFHAirris:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxLogFiles should have all the information you need about logs (And were afraid to ask)04:43
Ghost|BTFHAlthough it *might* be a grub issue (although I doubt it, grub is usually very loud and proud about it's issues)04:44
Shazzypantsi totally broke GIMP04:45
Shazzypantsit won't work04:45
Shazzypantsat all04:45
Ghost|BTFHShazzypants: 'grats, that is not easy to do at all.04:45
AirrisI'm thinking it's not a grub issue either04:45
Airrissince if it was grub, why would the alternate work-around through recovery mode work?04:45
Ghost|BTFHAirris: I'm guessing it's probably kernel then.04:45
ShazzypantsGhost|BTFH, is that sarcasm I see?04:45
Shazzypantswell, I started compiling one of the new ones04:45
Ghost|BTFHShazzypants: No, quite honestly - It's pretty damned hard to break gimp.04:46
Ghost|BTFHI use it daily.04:46
Shazzypantswell I broke it04:46
Ghost|BTFHShazzypants: So, how did you unlock this achievement?04:46
Shazzypantsnvm I play video games04:46
Shazzypantscompile fail04:46
Shazzypantsand then I tried to apt-get it instead04:46
Shazzypantsand now just broken04:46
iflemaDaskreech im assuming you have looked at the hardware drivers under the desktop menu System / Administration / Hardware Driver.....04:46
Shazzypantsbut I'm going to play video games04:46
FloodBot2Shazzypants: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:46
ShazzypantsI don't like you FloodBot204:47
danxShazzypants: reinstall it; sudo apt-get remove gimp then sudo apt-get install gimp04:47
Daskreechiflema, Says that it's running04:47
Shazzypantsdanx, that does not work04:47
Ghost|BTFHShazzypants: Ooooo...yeah, yeah...sounds like you have stuff crossed over.04:47
Shazzypantsalso you can just do 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install gimp'04:47
danxShazzypants: try sudo apt-get purge gimp, then install gimp04:47
ShazzypantsI did that too04:47
Shazzypantsit did not work04:47
Ghost|BTFHShazzypants: Here's a wild idea, also make sure you delete .gimp04:47
Ghost|BTFHFrom your home directory04:48
ShazzypantsI should do that04:48
danxShazzypants: run gimp from terminal and pastebin the errors04:48
Ghost|BTFHYou should do that.04:48
usr32432i dont have home directory04:48
NathanBdotHey how do I check to see if I'm running Compiz?04:48
Shazzypantsdanx, I already did that I believe04:48
Daskreechiflema, It says activated and currently in use04:48
Shazzypantsoh no I didn't04:48
danxShazzypants: pastebin the errors.04:48
Shazzypantsgimp: error while loading shared libraries: libgegl-0.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory04:48
Shazzypantsthat's it04:48
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Shazzypantsbut that's installed04:48
ShazzypantsI know this04:48
FloodBot2Shazzypants: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:48
Shazzypantsbecause I installed it04:48
danxShazzypants: reinstall libgegl04:48
Ghost|BTFHNathanBdot: System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Visual Effects tab.04:49
Myrttimsdos: do you have an Ubuntu Support question?04:49
=== msdos is now known as Guest47186
Guest47186should i use msdos or linux?04:49
NathanBdotGhost|BTFH, Ok so if my windows are wobbly, then it's on right?04:49
danxGuest47186: do you have a Ubuntu Support question?04:49
Guest47186ubuntu? no i have zubuntu04:50
Guest47186mudubuntu too04:50
Shazzypantsdanx, yeah done04:50
Shazzypantsit didn't do anything04:50
ShazzypantsI'm going to purge04:50
Ghost|BTFHGuest47186: Well, linux is generally for smart people, or at least people who've developed opposable thumbs and know how to use them on a mouse...msdos...hmmm...not really supported anymore...but good for stupid people...tough call...04:50
Shazzypantsand remove .gimp04:50
FloodBot2Shazzypants: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:50
MyrttiGuest47186: if you want to chat, please pick some other channel. This is for Ubuntu support only, not random chatting04:50
Ghost|BTFHNathanBdot: Exactly. :)04:50
Shazzypantsthat's the only thing I haven't tried yet so far that anyone has said here04:50
NathanBdotGhost|BTFH, thanks :)04:51
Airrishmm, ok I'm going to remember that page with the logs04:51
Ghost|BTFHShazzypants: And deleting .gimp.04:51
Airrisi think the logs don't go far back enough to catch the last error04:51
Ghost|BTFHAirris: Hope it helps.04:51
Airrisbut thanks Ghost, this will probably bring light to the problem eventually :)04:51
Ghost|BTFHAirris: You could always keep turning it on and off until the PSU fries...then you'll KNOW there's an error that needs to be fixed.04:51
sadrollai use this coomand sudo apt-get install sl-modem-daemon it says try to install the package sl-modem-modules-2.6.28-11-generic , but pack not is in repo04:51
danxShazzypants: pruge is supposed to delete .gimp directory I believe; gimp complains about libgegl not being able to load, you should fix the libgegl problem; find where the .so file fro libgegl is04:52
Shazzypantsyeah it did04:52
Airrislol I could. hey lets go for it!04:52
ShazzypantsI'm going to go play video games04:52
Shazzypantssorry I didn't mean to start people trying to help then leave04:52
Shazzypantsbut that's what I'm going to do....04:52
theadminHello... where did that counter go anyway?04:52
danxI'm trying to keep X from running at boot; I have run "update-rc.d -f gdm remove"; gdm has been deleted from all rcn.d/ but gdm still starts at boot; what symlinks from rcn.d's do I have to remove to keep X from booting?04:53
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Ghost|BTFHShazzypants: Eh, it's all about priorities.04:53
Airrisok : back to the question i originally came in here for, now that Orin's thing is taken care of04:53
Airrisanyone? : Ubuntu using prop nvidia drivers causes X to periodically flash black for a brief second. And the GPU's running 5-10 degrees (Cel) hotter than I can get it to run in windows under any condition. There a way to fix this, or perhaps are the nouveau drivers worth trying out? I was kinda hoping for getting the prop drivers to work since I need to do 3D openGL stuff. I need kinda some...04:53
Airris...kind of solution since I don't have time to try every possible option : in the sense that this risks messing up my graphics card if I leave the computer on too long04:53
=== Guest47186 is now known as mudududubuntu
Ghost|BTFHAirris: So by prop drivers, you mean you're using the drivers directly from nvidia or the ones in ubuntu?04:54
Airristhe ones from Nvidia04:54
Ghost|BTFHAirris: Good show.  I'd check your settings then.04:54
danxAirris: nouveau drivers will come in 10.04; if you are using 10.04 beta, go to #ubuntu+104:54
Airrisdanx nope this is 9.1004:55
mudududubuntuno its 5:55 here04:55
Ghost|BTFHAirris: Check your powermizer settings.04:55
Ghost|BTFHOh wait...04:56
Ghost|BTFHDo you have Compiz running?04:56
AirrisIt doesn't let me edit anything, but i find it disconcerning that it says04:56
Ghost|BTFHAirris: Did you install Ubuntu and not alter anything?04:56
danxAirris: 9.10 kernel doesn't have nouveau drivers; have you tried the drivers in 'restricted' repo? (the ones you install with jockey)04:56
Airrisdanx : yea, although on recommendation from this channel i installed the drivers using synaptic04:56
zealiodhow do i stop udev renaming my ethernet ports?04:57
Ghost|BTFHAirris: Go into System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Visual Effects tab.04:57
AirrisGhost : define not altering, I've installed some packages, but nothing that should seriously effect the kernal04:57
theadminzealiod: Why would it do that? o_O mine has always been eth004:57
Ghost|BTFHAirris: Is it set for "Normal"?04:57
Ghost|BTFHAirris: Turn it to "None"04:57
Airrisoh, right : that sentence i was going to finish04:58
MatthewH12Quick question (yes ive googled), anyone gotten GMA500 to work with 10.04?04:58
Ghost|BTFHAirris: Your GPU temp will drop.04:58
Ghost|BTFHMatthewH12: Try #ubuntu+104:58
AirrisIs it bad that in powermizer, the temp it's supposed to throttle things at is set to 0?04:58
Airriswhat's it called, Shutdown Threshold or something04:58
MatthewH12ty Ghost|BTFH04:58
Ghost|BTFHAirris: Meh, mine shows the same thing.  I have zero issues.04:58
winXPuserhow do I install stable firefox? what terminal command should I run? (sorry for my internet connection)04:58
NathanBdotwinXPuser, Firefox should already be installed if you're running Ubuntu04:59
AirrisGhost|BTFH : that might help the issue, but I think this is something more serious. light activity should NOT get the GPU hotter than it gets on windows when I'm doing 3D graphics rendering04:59
danxwinXPuser: firefox stable version comes installed in Ubuntu by default.04:59
winXPuserNathanBdot: suppose I uninstalled it, what should I run then?04:59
NathanBdotjust open the "Ubuntu Software Center" and search "Firefox"05:00
winXPuserno, in Terminal05:00
Airrisit hits 65-70 running midori and viewing a PDF05:00
Ghost|BTFHAirris: Well, give it a bit and check it.05:00
theadminwinXPuser: do "sudo apt-get install firefox"05:00
NathanBdotif you want to use terminal probably: sudo apt-get install firefox05:00
winXPusertheadmin: ok thanks05:00
Ghost|BTFHAirris: Because it *might* just be the issue.  I know on some older cards, Compiz shoves it into a corner and makes it cry.05:00
NathanBdottheadmin, aw! you beat me to it05:00
theadminNathanBdot: Well, happends sometimes :P05:01
AirrisI'll try, but hmm05:01
Airriswould Compiz be interfering with the fan turning on? :P05:01
Ghost|BTFHAirris: I had to turn it off on my wife's laptop because it was cookin' the vid card.05:01
theadminGrah, i just mounted my external drive and now everything is slow as a turtle, what the heck?!05:01
Ghost|BTFHAirris: No, but a bad wire could do that... :P05:01
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Ghost|BTFHAirris: Or a wire in an inappropriate location...05:01
Airriswell luckily the merits of a dual-boot : the hardware is probably ok since it functions all nice in windows05:02
AirrisI can have the GPU running at full load and it'll stay at a cool 58 degrees :D05:02
Airrisok that's actually 125 or something in F, so maybe "cool" is relative05:02
NathanBdotHey how do I enable dragging windows between workspaces?05:02
Ghost|BTFHAirris: Well, if it works in Windoze and doesn't in 'nix, then the drivers would be the primary suspect on that...there's a setting being changed in 'doze that's not being done in 'nix.05:02
albechi am looking for a free sawmill alternative, can anyone recommend a good general purpose log parser?05:03
blakkheimalbech: grep05:03
theadminNathanBdot: You can do that defaultly methinks. Just drag them in that applet (there are "windows" there, drag those.05:03
albechblakkheim: i am not going to write my own05:03
danxAirris: No, Compiz don't affect to that level; it only eats some VRAM and few process power; if you installed the driver from nvidia site adjust the settings with its GUI (I think is under system-admin) use the same settings you use on windows, lowering the frequency may help the flickering05:03
theadmindanx: "some"? It eats a ton of memory.05:04
Airrisdanx : it doesn't let me adjust anything, i did some research and apparently this is an acknowledge flaw of the drivers for linux05:04
NathanBdottheadmin, I should be able to drag them to the edge of the screen by default, but it's not working...05:04
Airrisyou have do it manually or some such05:04
Airriswell i mean it doesn't let you adjust important things like the powermizer settings05:04
danxtheadmin: it's not THAT bad, firefox eats like 5x more :P05:04
theadmindanx: Uh, really?... somehow MINE firefox eats nearly nothing :/05:04
AirrisI've fallen in love with the midori browser but that's another story05:05
papulhi i want a good video encoder05:05
NathanBdottheadmin, I can't drag anything to my space-switcher either...05:05
papulAvidemux doesnt use both my cores efficiently :/05:05
Airrishey : do the default display drivers for ubuntu do basic things like telling the graphics card to turn on it's fan and stuff?05:05
saihtamAirris: hot gpu?05:06
ZykoticK9papul, for mp4/mkv (doesn't do avi anymore) check out Handbrake05:06
danxtheadmin: firefox is always number 1 in my top list (when I use it), anyways seems like Airris' problem is beyond our hands and just needs a better driver I guess.05:06
Airrisand would there perhaps be a tempature reading program that runs on linux05:06
Airrissaihtam : yep, light activity brings it 10 C higher than it should be at05:06
Ghost|BTFHAirris: There's mention about using nvclock to adjust the card's fan speed...hmmm...05:06
theadmindanx: in my top list there is update-manager and Synaptic when they work05:06
saihtamAirris: and you have external temp meter?05:06
danxI'm trying to keep X from running at boot; I have run "update-rc.d -f gdm remove"; gdm has been deleted from all rcn.d/ but gdm still starts at boot; what symlinks from rcn.d's do I have to remove to keep X from booting?05:07
Airrissaihtam : nope, this is what the graphics card's sensor is saying it's at, but since the hardware works fine in windows i'm thinking it's not a hardware problem05:07
saihtamAirris: nothing to worry about either windows or linux shows +/-2005:08
ZykoticK9danx, to disable GDM on karmic you can use "sudo mv /etc/init/gdm.conf /etc/init/gdm.conf-disabled"05:08
Airrissaihtam : wha?05:08
danxZykoticK9: thanks I'll try that05:08
wastreldanx: it's because of upstart05:08
Ghost|BTFHsaihtam: You know, I forgot about that...that's true, they do fluctuate a bit.05:08
Airrissaihtam: also, getting an external sensor is kinda out of the question here, this is a laptop and the internals are rather tightly packed :P05:09
saihtamAirris: yes look at Ghost|BTFH05:09
Ghost|BTFHAirris: He's saying (And accurately) that Windows/Linux don't always agree on the temp settings...one is usually a bit liberal and one's usually a bit conservative.05:09
saihtamthey are not always correct05:09
danxwastrel: yes upstart complciates things, I miss /etc/inittab :p05:09
theadminsigh, ntfs-3g is so SLOW. It's copying a 6GB folder for 5 minutes already.05:09
Ghost|BTFHAirris: I forgot about that, freaked out the first time I ever saw my CPU temps in Linux.05:10
Ghost|BTFHThought the whole system was going to blow up.05:10
AirrisGhost|BTFH: hmm. Ok new experiment, going back to what I said earlier : the default ubuntu drivers won't be as shiny but they should do basic things like making the GPU run its fans and stuff right?05:10
NathanBdotOk... "Appearance Preferences" just froze on me... how do i force it to quit?05:10
saihtamAirris: yes05:10
=== papul is now known as papul|offline
saihtamAirris: just not show the same temp like in win05:10
theadminNathanBdot: try hitting alt+f2 and typing "metacity --replace". This will temporarily disable compiz05:10
Airrisso I think the real test would be to take the Nvidia drivers off, and see what the temp is then05:10
danxZykoticK9: thanks, it worked!05:11
ZykoticK9danx, glad to help05:11
saihtamAirris: think it would be the same you have the same temp sensor :)05:11
Ghost|BTFHAirris: That would be possible...you could also check which version of the drivers is currently recommended for 'nix too.05:11
NathanBdotso just $metacity --replace ?05:11
krautwon't 10.04 be released today?05:11
billubi want to move a system dir from one drive to another, can i simply move it, create a symbolic link for it in the original place and expect it to work ?05:11
Airrisi got the recommended pair05:11
Myrttikraut: no05:11
Ghost|BTFHI've seen massive changes from rolling back 1 version or going forward one version.05:11
Myrtti!lucid | kraut05:11
ubottukraut: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule05:11
theadminkraut: 29th April, 201005:11
=== papul|offline is now known as papul
Airrisbut you guys are saying the logic on this experiment is sound : to compare temp with and without the nvidia drivers?05:12
theadminkraut: Get the beta if you want :D05:12
NathanBdottheadmin, didn't work...05:12
Ghost|BTFHkraut: That means you don't want to get it until around May 5th.05:12
theadminNathanBdot: How can you know? :D05:12
krauttheadmin: no no, i want to wait until it will be released05:12
Myrttikraut: Ubuntu releases are in general on the last thursday of November and April05:12
saihtamAirris: sounds intresting05:12
RPG-MasterOK, should I install the 64-bit or 32-bit flash?05:12
AirrisI'm just *really* paranoid since this model of graphics card has already cooked itself once under normal conditions, the tech that replaced it says they melt really easily05:12
NathanBdottheadmin, it's definately disabled, but it appearance preferences is still there and won't go away...05:12
Airrisso I want to be REALLY sure that the cooling system is working properly :P05:12
RPG-MasterAre the improvements noticeable?05:13
Ghost|BTFHkraut: That way your repositories you love will be set up properly, all your extra stuff will work correctly, and the updates will have the major bug patches. ;)05:13
krauti thought 10._04_ is for april and since today is the first april... ;)05:13
papulwhen i do05:13
Airriskraut : are you really going to download an operating system on April Fools Day?05:13
danxkraut: It comes out on April 29th05:13
papulwhen i do "sudo apt-get install handbrake" i get error coulnd fine package05:13
* Airris snickers05:13
saihtamAirris: hehe05:13
krautdanx: yeah, i also got that info :)05:13
theadminNathanBdot: Yes, it doesn't change the settings, and will return on next login, you have to change it manually.05:13
krautthanks and bye05:13
ZykoticK9papul, it's not in the repo -- download DEB from http://handbrake.fr/05:14
Ghost|BTFHAirris: But seriously, you may want to check out nvclock too.05:14
NathanBdottheadmin, I'm not trying to change the settings....i'm trying to make the setitngs window go away05:14
saihtamAirris: bet your gfx feels just fine, I just know lm-sensors is not showing the same like windows05:14
NathanBdottheadmin, ok. i finally got a "XYZ is not responding" message and was able to force it to quit.05:15
NathanBdotproblem solved.05:15
Ghost|BTFHAirris: You sound like a Su of graphics, so you might want to have a bit more than generic control over your vid card.05:15
saihtamAirris: not ask why because I should't use windows :)05:15
Ghost|BTFHnvclock can give you that.05:15
ZykoticK9NathanBdot, alt+f2 - xkill then click the windows (xkill isn't too good but i don't know what appearance preferences runs as)05:15
theadminNathanBdot: Oh! That. Try "xkill" in any terminal, then click on window OR use "killall application"05:15
Airrisdoes nvclock have a temperature read?05:15
AirrisI may as well get that if i can use it for my little test05:15
NathanBdotZykoticK9, theadmin, thanks :)05:16
Ghost|BTFHAirris: Oooooh yeah, not to mention the ability to adjust fan speed, gpu speed, mem speed, etc.05:16
Airrisk, sweet05:16
=== Cream is now known as lol
Ghost|BTFHAirris: Of course, it doesn't always work properly...you do have to have lmsensors set up correctly or you get crap like mine...05:17
Ghost|BTFHGPU temperature: -388c  Baby, I keep my system CHILLED.05:17
Airrisok how do i set up lmsensors so we don't have that disaster :P05:17
saihtamdoesn't work for all chipset anyway05:18
saihtamand no disaster can happend when you configure lm-sensors05:19
AirrisI think this computer's graphics card is a couple generations back so it should be ok05:19
Ghost|BTFHAirris: gdesklets-data I think has it clumped into there.05:19
Ghost|BTFHMight work w/o lmsensors then.05:19
Ghost|BTFHAnyhow, time for me to turn into a pumpkin.05:19
Airrisactually i think I shouldn't even have this particular graphics card, i'm never buying a computer without doing more thorough research again05:19
Ghost|BTFHHave a good one all. :)05:19
Airrisapparently the Quadro series is meant for doing CAD and stuff, not gaming. Frigging damnit05:19
t3chkommieanyone here know how to get steam working on ubuntu?05:20
Untitled_onlydoes anyone know the name of a good mp4 player05:20
saihtamAirris: what's the problem? its running the same as on your windows?05:20
AirrisUntitled_only: VLC05:20
chelzAirris: supposedly with minor driver tweaks, quadro features can be had on consumer cards05:20
ZykoticK9t3chkommie, i believe PlayonLinux has a steam entry - don't use either myself05:20
iOmletteUntitled_only: SM Player works for me. Or VLC.05:20
chelzUntitled_only: i use smplayer with h264 hw accel05:21
NathanBdotAirris, Where can I find the GPU temperature?05:21
theadmint3chkommie: You mean the gaming thing?05:21
t3chkommietheadmin yes05:21
ZykoticK9NathanBdot, the Sensor Applet for Gnome shows my GPU as well as CPU temps05:21
theadmint3chkommie: go to http://winehq.org , see that05:21
jmcantrelldoes anyone know of a program that i can use in a script that will tell me if a window is currently being dragged?05:22
Untitled_onlyI'm going to try the VLC, if it doesn't work I'll try the other05:22
NathanBdotZykoticK9, sensor applet?05:22
t3chkommietheadmin, i have tried alot of different things, havnt gotten anything to work yet, i was wondering if anyone has experience?05:22
NathanBdotVLC rocks.05:22
NathanBdotjust wish it'd have a library system like iTunes.05:22
papulcan u guys suggest a good looking gkrellm alternative?05:22
wastrelvlc worked for the one mp4 i've tried it on05:22
ZykoticK9NathanBdot, right click panel / add to panel / Hardware sensor monitor05:22
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NathanBdotZykoticK9, it's not there.05:23
ZykoticK9papul, conky ?05:23
ZykoticK9NathanBdot, don't know then sorry05:23
theadmint3chkommie: Steam starts up with WINE fine... okay, let's just run this in the terminal: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wine1.205:23
Untitled_onlyNathannBdot, is it ok if I add you?05:23
Untitled_onlysorry about the type O05:23
NathanBdotUntitled_only, what do you mean "add me"05:24
Untitled_onlyas friend on the irc05:24
Airrisok i gotta go, thanks for the help guys05:25
theadminAirris: Bye.05:25
NathanBdotAirris, wait05:25
NathanBdotplease :)05:25
NathanBdotAirris, Where do you get the GPU temperature?05:25
NathanBdotUntitled_only, sure. didn't know you could do that with IRC.05:25
ZykoticK9NathanBdot, if you're using Nvidia -- Nvidia-settins has a Theremal Settings option that shows the GPU temp05:26
Untitled_onlyyea with Pidgin.05:26
AirrisNathanBdot: I was the one *asking* about how to do that, I'm not quite the expert, so unless you have an NV card with the propietary drivers i wouldn't know05:26
NathanBdotAirris, oh i thought i saw you commenting on your past GPU temp.05:26
NathanBdotAirris, thanks though :)05:27
Airrisnight guys05:27
aetariccan someone help me i just the whole tree.05:27
NathanBdotZykoticK9, I'm using nVidia but there's no Thermal settings options.05:27
theadminaetaric: trolling is offtopic. You're not being funny either.05:27
ZykoticK9NathanBdot, what version of Ubuntu are you using?05:27
switchtostatichello all. I have a new install of Server 9.1, I need to switch from DHCP to a static ip of, netmask of, and gateway of; this should be pretty easy to do, but I cannot seem to figure out how.05:27
Untitled_onlyalso thanks the VLC  meadia player is playing the mp4 video... later going 2 watch Ninja Assassin05:28
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NathanBdotUntitled_only, Oh ok. I remember now that Pidgin allows that05:28
NathanBdotUntitled_only, you might want to add me on another messenger though because I'm not usually on IRC05:28
ZykoticK9NathanBdot, sorry man - your Lucid seems much different then mine (for whatever reason), i can't help sorry05:28
aetaricit isn't trolling. today is april 1st.05:29
jmcantrelldoes anyone know of a program that i can use in a script that will tell me if a window is currently being dragged?05:29
NathanBdotZykoticK9, no problem :) I appreciate your willingness to help :)05:29
Untitled_onlyyea it's the best IRC client I think, supports video chat, and all like a free skype05:29
NathanBdotUntitled_only, skype *is* free...05:30
NathanBdotunless you're talking about the other "free"05:30
t3chkommietheadmin: ok, steam is installed... i went to the wine irc... no one there :(05:30
llutzNathanBdot: it never will  be05:30
Untitled_onlyI know but you can't call lan lines, for free05:30
NathanBdotPidgin allows you to call land lines for free?05:31
ukdkbrAnyone here happen to have a Canon MP620 Multifunction printer?05:31
Untitled_onlyyea if you get the plug in's05:31
Untitled_onlywell I know I can05:31
NathanBdotUntitled_only, which plugin?05:32
krupshello, does anyone run iTunes under wine on their Ubuntu systems..?05:32
Untitled_onlyI don't know the name but just go to the plug in menu and install them all05:32
t3chkommiekrups, i tired itunes and wine... never got it to work and wasted alot of time. ii think quicktime kept crashing. :(05:33
Untitled_onlymy sound just went out on the VLC gotta take the sound off the IRC05:33
NathanBdotUntitled_only, haha what an odd way to manage your CPU/memory usage :-P05:33
Untitled_onlyI kno05:33
Untitled_onlybut I makes my computer run faster... for some reason... lmao05:34
krupst3chkommie: ah, alrighty, guess i'll have to install it on my windarz system..  :/05:34
NathanBdotUntitled_only, I stopped using it because my IRC windows came up black-on-black and no one in #pidgin tried to help me05:34
delidanaselam :) emmiler05:34
t3chkommiekrups: are you just looking for ipod support? why itunes?05:34
delidanalan amciklar: D05:34
Untitled_onlyyea there, ###holes05:35
NathanBdotOk i've got to run.  Talk to you all later! :)05:35
DarkVoid82where can i locate grub.conf in karmic?05:37
von_neumannanyone know a way I can convince apt to stop warning me It doesn't need all my lib*-dev packages anymore?05:38
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ZykoticK9DarkVoid82, if you're looking to config grub2 check the file /etc/default/grub05:39
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ZykoticK9!grub2 > DarkVoid8205:39
ubottuDarkVoid82, please see my private message05:39
tjeCan anyone tell me where I might find the ./Configure string used to configure OpenSSL on Ubuntu?05:40
tjeI've got the OpenSSL 1.0.0 source tarball and I'd like to install that, but have it completely overlay the existing 0.9.x install (i.e., sysconfdir, mandir, etc)05:40
Whisky_I had 3 lines to mount my windows partitions in /etc/fstab now when I try to reboot upon booting my display goes hay wire and I can't do anything and when I try to boot in recovery mode when the recovery menu opens I can't access anything and it says it failed to load devices (the one's I had in fstab)05:40
tjeWhisky_,   I'd try downloading and booting off a LiveCD if you've got access.05:41
tjeDo you have the installer CD you used to install the version of Ubuntu you've currently got?05:41
Whisky_yes I just installed it last night. I'm a n00b to the Linux scene.05:41
wastreltje: maybe download and examine the source package?  i dunno :/05:42
tjeWhisky_,   Try booting off the CD (use the 'try without installing' option)...  Once the system is up, manually mount your hard drive, go in and edit the fstab and reboot.05:42
Whisky_how do I mount my drive when I'm logged in?05:43
tjewastrel,  Hmmm, not exactly my area of expertise.   I'll give it a try.05:43
Whisky_it's supposed to be sda6 I think05:43
wastreli'd have a look myself but i'm super lazy05:43
tjeWhisky_,   Once you're booted, run "dmesg | less" and find what your hard drive is.   If it's /dev/sda6 as you suppose, run:   mkdir /mnt/harddrive && mount /dev/sda6 /mnt/harddrive05:43
tjeWhisky_,   From there, you can use whatever editor you want to edit /mnt/harddrive/etc/fstab.  Just comment out the lines you added for the Windows partition(s).05:44
Whisky_thanks tje, i'll be back in a bit05:45
Whisky_let me try :)05:45
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tjeWhisky_,   no problem05:46
ScottG489Does hibernate work on the live cd?05:46
jmcantrelldoes anyone know of a program that i can use in a script that will tell me if a window is currently being dragged?05:48
maginotjmcantrell, define "being dragged"05:48
sam_is randall here?05:49
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jmcantrellmaginot: um. not sure. mouse button depressed while window movement is happening?05:50
tjejmcantrell,  and you're wanting to be able to identify these events from a script?  i.e., perl, bash, etc?05:50
Untitled_onlystill here, if anyone needs me05:51
maginotjmcantrell, try changing you mouse theme...05:51
jmcantrelltje: yes, preferably a shell script, but i'll take what i can get05:51
wastrelthe info would have to be exposed by the windowmanager05:51
maginotjmcantrell, you're probably missing the Move icon05:51
jmcantrellmaginot: what are you talking about?05:51
tjejmcantrell,  I don't think that's possible.   I'm no X wizard, but I think the only thing you might be able to do from a shell is query the coordinates of a window05:51
maginotjmcantrell, oh, sorry, just made a confusion here05:51
tjejmcantrell, maybe if you poll each window on a regular basis, you might be able to notice that a window was moved05:52
jmcantrelltje: wmctrl can move/resize, wasn't sure if there was an equivalent for querying05:52
arabicahi there06:06
glickwhats the offtopic channel for germanyu?06:06
Whisky_tje: I'm back06:06
Flannelglick: #ubuntu-de-offtopic06:07
Whisky_it boots fine now but the display still goes haywire at bootup around the login screen. When in recovery mode, I can get into command line fine now. Apparently it fails to load the display driver?06:07
chendoi'm essentially getting the same error on boot as this guy: http://swiss.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=140966606:07
Whisky_nuvmedia or something like that06:07
glickthanks flannel06:07
chendothis was after i did an apt-get upgrade06:07
chendoany ideas?06:07
AquinaI accidentially entered the path to an image file into my shell. The result was just crazy. Does someone think it coud cause serious problems?06:07
FlannelAquina: Why was the image file set executable?06:08
rwwAquina: no. Type "reset" to get rid of the funky binary stuff on your screen, and continue as normal.06:08
rwwFlannel: crappy non-permissions-using filesystem, I'd guess >.>06:08
AquinaI set it executable.06:08
rwwthat would do it too ;P06:09
chendoseems to be a common problem06:09
chendoand recent problem at htat06:09
Whisky_rww: I'm troubled with my new Kubuntu install. I can't get it to display properly because as soon as it bootsu up the login screen shows a mulititude of flashing rainbow colors. I can get into recovery mode and in shell but not graphically. Apparently some device nvumedia or something fails too when booting06:10
Untitled_onlyMy sound keeps going off when I switch apps... any clues?06:10
Untitled_onlyMy sound keeps going off when I switch apps... any clues?06:11
rwwubottu: repeat | Untitled_only06:11
ubottuUntitled_only: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.06:11
SeaPhorWhisky_, but the live session was fine?06:12
rwwWhisky_: I'm not exactly the best person to ask about graphical problems :\06:12
Whisky_SeaPhor: yes it ran fine :(06:12
Whisky_rww: Ok :D06:12
mypcwontstartI'm locked out of ubuntu. Is there a page that shows how to get around this06:12
Flannelmypcwontstart: What do you mean locked out?06:12
SeaPhorhave you checked in #kubuntu Whisky_ ?06:13
Whisky_SeaPhor: I edited my /etc/fstab and got the mounting windoze drives lines commented out but still get a haywire display06:13
maginotUntitled_only, maybe would be easier to get any help if you dig a little to get more clues about your sound problem, take a look at your logs, see if running the application from the console it output any error, etc06:13
Whisky_SeaPhor: Everyone's sleeping there :/06:13
mypcwontstarti installed ubuntu but forgot the username and password I setup, Flannel06:13
Flannelmypcwontstart: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword06:13
Untitled_onlyok let me check06:13
chi_Anyone use Konversation?06:13
Flannelmypcwontstart: That'll let you reset the password, when you're at the root prompt, (step 2 of that page) do `cat /etc/passwd` and you'll see your username06:14
SeaPhorWhisky_, do you have ATI graphics?06:14
maginotWhisky_, you're having issues with your framebuffer?06:14
Flannelmypcwontstart: Actually, a more concise way would be `ls /home`06:14
Whisky_SeaPhor: It's a NVidia card in my notebook06:14
Flannelmypcwontstart: That will give you only users that are real people, instead of all (including system stuff)06:14
Whisky_maginot: I don't know what that is. 1 day old Linux user.06:14
maginotWhisky_, your display problem is on the "black" boot screen, not after the loggin prompt being showed, right?06:15
Untitled_onlynope, it's not saying anything about my sound log06:15
Whisky_maginot: as soon as the booting finishes, the display problem starts06:16
SeaPhorWhisky_, did you install anything else since ubuntu/kubuntu?06:16
maginotUntitled_only, did you looked at dmesg output, /var/log/daemon.log, /var/log/user.log, /var/log/syslog, and so on?06:16
SeaPhorWhisky_, updates?06:16
maginotWhisky_, so you can see the Ubuntu loading screen, but when you have to put the logging in the bot is where you have problems?06:17
Whisky_SeaPhor: I was installing updates and suddenly my laptop died because of low battery :(06:17
maginot! ^06:17
Shazzypantsoh noes06:17
Whisky_now? :(06:18
indrora-laptopI'm working with grub2 trying to get it to use 1400x1050 for my graphics resolution but I'm having no luck trying to get it to play nice; I set GRUB_GFXMODE=1400x1050 in /etc/default/grub but it wont show up in the final /boot/grub/grub.cfg file06:18
maginotWhisky_, I could tell you to boot from the CD chroot to your installed system and run apt-get -f install, but maybe it's a hard task for a 1 day user =/06:18
ZykoticK9indrora-laptop, are you runing "sudo update-grub" after you make your changes?06:19
SeaPhorWhisky_, can you get to a user-session at all,,, even in a tty?06:19
Whisky_maginot: No, I can do this no problem06:19
Whisky_SeaPhor: I can get to login in shell06:19
indrora-laptopZykoticK9, Yes.06:19
llutzindrora-laptop: did you run" sudo update-grub" after that change?06:19
ZykoticK9indrora-laptop, ok, just checkin'06:19
Whisky_but I didn't have wifi enabled there so I couldn't connect to irssi either :/06:19
indrora-laptopllutz, see above.06:19
maginotWhisky_, if you get a login shell you don't need the complicated part, just run apt-get -f install06:20
Whisky_maginot: even without internet?06:20
ZykoticK9llutz, great minds think alike.  and simple minds think the same ;)06:20
maginotWhisky_, internet will be necessary to finish your instalation06:20
Whisky_maginot: I use WiFi, how do I connect?06:20
rwwWhisky_: assuming you were installing updatea and not just downloading them, you generally don't need internet access to finish an installation.06:21
maginotWhisky_, you will have to use iwconfig06:21
SeaPhorWhisky_, can you hard-line a cat5 to the lappy for this?06:21
llutzZykoticK9: too early to type + read at the same time ;(06:21
Whisky_SeaPhor: :| went over my head06:21
Whisky_maginot: just iwconfig?06:21
maginotrww, he could run apt-get -f install without having internet, but maybe still needs some other packages06:21
maginotWhisky_, you will have to enter the right options, you could try "man iwconfig" to see if you get how to use it06:22
rwwmaginot: not if he got done downloading them and was in the middle of installing them, he doesn't.06:22
Whisky_let me get my other notebook that's running windows so I can stay here while I'm doing it all06:22
indrora-laptopZykoticK9, I took a diff between my current config and if I turn off GRUB_GFXMODE entirely -- no difference.06:22
maginotrww, it's a good point06:22
maginotWhisky_, maybe rww is right, you could try without internet06:22
SeaPhorWhisky_, can you run an ethernet cable to the laptop to finish what maginot is suggesting?06:22
lorbritocron: can't lock /var/run/crond.pid, otherpid may be 1118: Resource temporarily unavailable06:22
indrora-laptopZykoticK9, I'm tempted to just stick with vga=0x??? and ignore the whining.06:22
ZykoticK9indrora-laptop, sorry man, i don't use any frame buffer setting so i'm really no help at all...06:22
maginotWhisky_, just give a try, if doesn't work tell us06:23
ZykoticK9indrora-laptop, vga= doesn't work with newer kernels - not sure about karmic06:23
Whisky_i'm switching on my other notebook, just a moment06:23
indrora-laptopWell, I'll take a look at the config stuff06:23
Whisky_by the way I can get to shell only in recovery mode06:24
maginotWhisky_, np06:24
indrora-laptopFound the problem: Someone didnt pay enough attention to the 00_header06:24
Whisky_okay rebooting from here06:25
Whisky_wish me luck06:25
wolterwhen I shutdown, I get that this 'Unknown Application' is not responding; how can I get to know which is this 'Unknown Application'?06:26
indrora-laptopwolter, What dist?06:27
indrora-laptopKubuntu? Xubuntu?06:27
wolterubuntu, lucid06:27
wolterbut it has happened to people in jaunty and intrepid06:27
Whiskyy0 upgrades 0 newly installed 0 to remove and 185 not upgraded :(06:27
indrora-laptopWhiskyy, that just means you need to run aptitude upgrade06:28
indrora-laptopRight, time to reboot and hope :)06:29
Whiskyycant I connect wlan in shell? iwconfig shows my wifi card06:29
mcurringtonWhiskyy: man ifconfig06:29
triptecI just installed karmic, the desktop version, bootup and opening firefox ~20 min, so I reinstalled only base, with fluxbox, but I have no sound now.. does anyone know how to set it up just like it was a full install?06:30
TomV_415I've got a madding problem trying to boot my dual boot system into ubuntu.  It's having a problem during the fsck - can't mount /dev/sda5, which where my ubuntu partion is...(here's a copy of what I see: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/2bXaqQmP )06:30
TomV_415Any ideas?06:30
wastrelit'll take a little more than ifconfig if your network uses security06:30
TomV_415It has booted fine in the past, and I can open it with Live CD (on usb stick actually)06:31
wolterwhen I shutdown, I get that this 'Unknown Application' is not responding; how can I get to know which is this 'Unknown Application'?06:31
Whiskyyhow do I exit a man? I skimmed through it. but I already have a pre-configured open wireless network that I want to connect to :/06:31
maginotWhiskyy, q06:32
maginotWhiskyy, did you ran apt-get -f install ?06:32
Whiskyyyes maginot06:32
Whiskyy0 upgrades 0 newly installed 0 to remove and 185 not upgraded :(06:32
maginotWhiskyy, what does startx do when you run it ?06:34
indrora-laptopWell no matter how hard I try i cant get GRUB to be in 1400x1050 :V06:34
Whiskyyit let me login :/06:35
Tekk_how do you install something while ignoring the dependencies?06:35
Whiskyyi'm inside my systen06:35
maginotindrora-laptop, you can use one of these vga codes06:35
maginotindrora-laptop, http://lpofws.blogspot.com/2010/03/codigos-de-resolucao-vga-para-grub-e.html06:35
maginotWhiskyy, no problem with startx ?06:35
maginotWhiskyy, try dpkg-reconfigure gdm06:36
Tekk_I installed gnash through source and figure it'd be easiest to just install the plugin in the repos instead of trying ot figure out how to make it06:36
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Whiskyysays gdm isn't installed06:37
maginotWhiskyy, are you using KDE or Gnome?06:38
TomV_415Anyone have a chance to check out my pastie of the failed boot messages I'm getting?06:38
padd1hi abhinav06:38
maginotWhiskyy, try dpkg-reconfigure kdm06:38
WhiskyyWarning: Fake start-stop daemon called, doing nothing06:39
indrora-laptopmaginot, I've considered it06:39
maginotWhiskyy, I think that's because you're inside Single mode...06:42
kokozedmanhey guys06:43
kokozedmani'd like to configure an interface to be DHCP enabled, but is with an overrided DNS server06:44
mypcwontstartkokozedman, thats easy06:46
PixelMindIs there anybody here that may be able to help with me?06:47
maginotPixelMind, just ask06:47
maginotkokozedman, you can look at /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf06:48
Whiskyymaginot: I'm tryong to update but even in KDE with Wifi connected I can't browse. I have no connectivity. And this laptop is connected to the same network with windows and i'm online here but not there06:48
PixelMindAlright, well first off I am new to Linux, just thought I would get a change of pace from Windows. But anyway to the point. I just did a fresh install of Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit, however it is not detecting my internal Wifi card.06:48
kokozedmanmaginot i've already looked at the /etc/network/interfaces, but i'm not sure what to write in there06:49
maginotWhiskyy, start your system normally, when you get the problematic screen switch to a tty "CTRL+ALT+F2" and try dpkg-reconfigure kdm06:49
PixelMindThose are my specs. Using a separate computer at the moment.06:49
Whiskyyhold on06:50
maginotPixelMind, I think you will have to try ndiswrapper using the 64bit driver from windows to get the proper support for a broadcom wifi card06:51
PixelMindHmmm, alright. My next questions06:51
maginotkokozedman, you said you have a fixed DNS, so look at those two place if you have anything fixed and remove it06:51
TomV_415FYI: managed to fix my issue using my USB version of LiveCD, then Palimpsest Disk Utility (System-> Administration->Disk Utility), selected the partition, and then selected the 'check the filesystem' icon, which is probably just a shell for fsck.. anyway, now it all boots just fine.06:51
maginotkokozedman, actually I miss understood your problem06:52
kokozedmanmaginot what kind of line should i add in the : iface eth0 inet dhcp?06:52
maginotkokozedman, go to /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf and set the DNS to DHCP client06:52
PixelMindThe Ubuntu Software Center, when I go to select an item to install, there is no 'install' button. When using the pull down menu, the install option is grayed out. How do...enable the install function of the Software center.06:53
kokozedmanmaginot i don't see any DNS there ... i see domain-name-servers06:53
Whiskyymaginot: It went to the problematic screen and when i did CTRL+Alt+F2 it sent me to another "Green"screen so I rebooted and it rebooted fine now it's asking for my password :/06:53
maginotkokozedman, you have to have something like prepend domainname-server <ipaddress>; on you dhclient.conf06:53
kokozedmanok, i see06:54
maginotkokozedman, this will overwrite the DNS provided by you dhcp server06:54
kairuPixelMind, try opening up a terminal and typing 'aptitude search [software looking for]' anf install the one you want with 'sudo aptitude install [program from lis (exactly as it shows)]06:54
Whiskyymaginot: But WiFi is still the same, it's connected but no access06:54
kokozedmanmaginot is that a line before the request subnet-mask ... or after it? or it doesn't matter?06:54
maginotWhiskyy, okay, so now you problem is with the wifi not with the screen, right?06:55
maginotkokozedman, you can use before, yes.06:55
Whiskyymaginot: yes06:55
PixelMindWill try that. Letting my new install go through the Software update. I am using a wireless bridge for that process.06:55
maginotunfortunately now I have to go. Whiskyy glad that your screen problem have gone.06:56
kairuPixelMind, if you are already installing/updating you cannot install from somewhere else.06:57
Whiskyymaginot: I'm not really sure if it's gone because it just booted this time but I hope it's gone. Thanks :)06:57
kairuPixelMind, you will have to wait until the update is finished then you may install.06:57
kokozedmanmaginot i think i'll use the supersede, because it will override whatever the server will give me ... the prepend will add the one i set THEN add the one from server (which is not what i want)06:57
PixelMindThis is true. But before I started the update process, those options were never there in the first place.06:58
PixelMindWould any of the updates fix this?06:58
kairuPixelMind, possibly.06:58
PixelMindOr maybe somehow enable the internal Broadcom card?06:59
PixelMindI will try the driver solution you suggested as soon as the update is done though06:59
kairuPixelMind, the updates may install the card you need. So before you install something else, check to see if wireless is working.07:00
PixelMindWill do.07:00
PixelMindAs soon as its done07:00
kairuPixelMind, have you checked out System > Administration > Hardware Drivers ? There you can install drivers (if found) that your computer needs.07:01
PixelMindYeah I checked before I started the update process. Do you also think it maybe because I installed the 64-bit version and not the 32-bit version?07:02
PixelMindI was running Windows XP Pro 32-bit before. But I also swapped hard drives in case I need to go back.07:02
kairuPixelMind, depends, if your system is 32bit then you need to switch, if its 64bit it should b fine07:03
kairuPixelMind, oh...you might want to think about reinstalling a 32bit version.07:03
rwwPixelMind: Which broadcom chipset?07:04
PixelMindThat is something I should have looked at before I install Ubuntu.07:04
PixelMindIs there a way to find out which chipset it is currently? Or do I have to have the drivers in place before Ubuntu can detect it?07:05
rwwPixelMind: type "lspci" in a terminal, look for the line that has "Broadcom" in it07:07
rwwe.g., mine says "03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev 01)", and I have a Broadcom 4312.07:07
PixelMindAlright, so...07:08
PixelMindAfter the update and rebooting. I went to the hardware drivers07:09
PixelMindIt has found the following07:09
PixelMindBroadcom B43 Wireless driver07:09
PixelMindBroadcom STA Wireless driver07:10
PixelMindWhich one should I enable? Or should I enable both?07:10
=== ottakram is now known as markatto
rwwPixelMind: does it say that one of them is in use already, or are they both disabled?07:11
PixelMindBoth disabled and LSPCI says Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev 01)07:12
rwwPixelMind: Can you get internet access through ethernet temporarily?07:13
PixelMindYeah. I am using a wireless bridge07:14
rwwPixelMind: awesome. Go into the terminal, issue "sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter bcmwl-kernel-source", say "Yes" when it asks about fetching firmware, and stay connected to the internet while it's installing. Restart when it's done and see if your wifi works.07:15
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PixelMindWould the hardware driver GUI do the same thing?07:15
rwwPixelMind: the GUI has been rather unreliable for me in the past07:16
rwwbut theoretically, yeah, one of the lines in Hardware Drivers is b43-fwcutter, and the other is bcmwl-kernel-source.07:16
rww(b43-fwcutter is the firmware loader, bcmwl-kernel-source is the actual driver. you need both.)07:17
Evetdo you know where the panel settings are?07:19
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PixelMindPanel Settings?07:22
moetunessomewhere in ~/.config I would think07:23
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EvetPixelMind: the toolbar07:24
PixelMindToolbar as in across the top?07:24
rwwEvet: right-click it, click Properties...07:24
moetunesPixelMind: yep that's the panel - and the one at the bottom07:25
Evetproperties doesnt helpme to recover the bar i have removed07:27
moetunesEvet: best to ask about what you're trying to do...07:27
Evetmoetunes: youre right07:27
moetunesthere was a bot link for doing that iirc07:28
PixelMindAlright, went through the gui and enabled the B43 driver07:28
rwwubottu: panelreset07:28
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »07:28
PixelMindAnd restarted, but the card does not seem to be on?07:28
PixelMindAnd yes the switch is in the on position07:29
sikuni'm currently trying to setup apache and python under ubuntu, I have setup the config file w/ AddHandler cgi-script .py, and setup the directory to run the cgi scripts allowing them to run cgi, but when i goto load the file through the browser i get an internal server error. What am i forgetting?07:29
rwwPixelMind: then I'd recommend doing the command-line way I said :\07:29
Eveti havent thought such easy07:29
Evetwas trying to delete whole gnome settings :)07:30
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PixelMindI am going to try the STA driver as well, just to see.07:30
PixelMindand then if that doesn't work, try the command line07:30
PixelMindWell...the STA driver just...um....gave me a black screen with the mouse cursor...07:31
moetunessikun: maybe the good folk in #ubuntu-server could help07:33
hozeHoze1hey, im using 8.04, i think i've read somewhere that i can upgrade LTS to LTS, will i be able to directly upgrade to 10.04? can someone confirm? thank you07:36
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timfrostsikun: did you tell apache to re-read the configuration - graceful restart via 'apachectl -k graceful'07:37
rwwhozeHoze1: yes, you will07:37
Serkanhi all i have sony vaio x series netbook and i having install unr07:37
hozeHoze1rww: ty07:37
Serkanplease anyone help me?07:38
AJW256Serkan: having trouble installing unrar, sorry can u clarify07:39
datadorkunr = Ubuntu Netbook Remix07:39
Serkanyes ubuntu netbook remiz07:39
AJW256ahh, my bad07:40
Serkanintel gm500 deisplay card07:40
datadorkSerkan, what seems to be the prob?07:40
Serkandisplay very slow07:41
Serkanpsuebo driver i cant install07:41
Serkanand disk driver problem07:41
timfrostsikun: the command name may be apache2ctl rather than apachectl07:41
Flanneltimfrost, sikun: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart (or reload) or sudo service apache2 restart07:43
PixelMindrww Just did the command line07:43
PixelMindrww: restarting now07:43
tbfhow can i remove the couchdb addressbook provider from evolution?07:44
tbfit doesn't work reliable. it gets into the way. it's annoying.07:44
codygmani'm trying to get postfix working on my server07:45
codygmanbut mails not sending07:45
codygmanit just sits there07:45
codygmanand the process doesn't end07:46
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:46
AJW256codygman: you might be better off in #ubuntu-server07:46
codygmanahh.. alright. thanks! sorry about the enter thing lol07:46
airtonixtbf, did you also remove the couchdb thingo from firefox (assuming you also use firefox)07:47
timfrostFlannel: which of those does the graceful restart?07:47
PixelMindThe WiFi card is still not showing as active07:47
airtonixcodygman, its ok, compose your thoughts and craft your question in one message. you wont always have the luxury of not being interupted by someone elses question.07:48
Kartagishow can I get ffmpeg libraries?07:49
Flanneltimfrost: Looks like they all do.07:50
apctr190hi all,can any one tell me how to reinstall the grub in ubuntu 9.1007:51
Kartagis!info libavcodec07:52
ubottuPackage libavcodec does not exist in karmic07:52
ZykoticK9apctr190, did you upgrade to 9.10 or fresh install?  (or are you using grub1 or grub2?)07:52
Kartagis!find libavcodec07:52
ubottuFound: libavcodec-dev, libavcodec52, libavcodec-extra-52, libavcodec-unstripped-5207:52
sikunFlannel: i have used /etc/init.d/apache2 restart07:52
sikunno luck07:52
Kartagis!info libavcodec-dev07:52
ubottulibavcodec-dev (source: ffmpeg): development files for libavcodec. In component main, is optional. Version 4:0.5+svn20090706-2ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 2174 kB, installed size 6100 kB07:52
apctr190i freshly install 9.1007:52
Kartagis!info libavcodec5207:52
ubottulibavcodec52 (source: ffmpeg): ffmpeg codec library. In component main, is optional. Version 4:0.5+svn20090706-2ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 3878 kB, installed size 10724 kB07:52
Flannelsikun: what are you trying to set up configuration-wise?07:53
timfrostFlannel: so any of our suggestions should help  sikun :)07:53
Kartagis!info libavcodec-extra-5207:53
ubottulibavcodec-extra-52 (source: ffmpeg-extra): ffmpeg codec library. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4:0.5+svn20090706-2ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 3910 kB, installed size 10792 kB07:53
apctr190ZykoticK9: i freshly install 9.1007:53
ZykoticK9!grub2 | apctr19007:53
ubottuapctr190: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub207:53
Kartagis!info libavcodec-unstripped-5207:53
ubottulibavcodec-unstripped-52 (source: ffmpeg-extra): ffmpeg utility library - transitional package. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4:0.5+svn20090706-2ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 38 kB, installed size 80 kB07:53
sikunsorry i was afk for a bit so i didn't notice anything previous :P07:53
ZykoticK9apctr190, see the link, you need to boot from livecd then chroot then reinstall grub or update grub07:53
apctr190i have to type the !grub2 on terminal?07:53
ZykoticK9apctr190, no - i just used that to sent the link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub207:54
Flannelsikun: What are you trying to set up with apache and/or what's your problem?07:54
sikunwell i would like to run python as cgi with apache07:54
sikuni'm beginning to attempt to learn python for web dev07:55
Flannelsikun: does it have to be as cgi? or would mod_python work just fine? (it'll be faster too)07:56
timfrostcodygman: Can you tell us how you configured postfix?  From your comments, it seems that something doesn't know how to send to the internet07:56
sikunFlannel: hmm.. yeah that would work as well actually07:56
Flannelsikun: Alright, what have you done so far as far as installing python in apache and stuff?07:57
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sikunapache is up and running07:57
Kartagiswhat does the message at http://suigeneris.pastebin.com/gMagr3Cf mean?07:57
Flannelsikun: Have you done anything with python yet? (change apache configs or installed anything)07:57
FlannelKartagis: Are you mixing repositories or using PPAs?  Are you on a supported (non Lucid) Ubuntu install?07:58
Serkani have sony vpcx11st netbook and i cant install ubuntu netbook release, need help. thanks07:58
sikuni have changed the apache2.conf adding AddHandler cgi-script .py trying to get it to work as cgi07:59
Flannelsikun: Alright, go ahead and go in and remove that, and then we'll get started :)07:59
sikunok, one sec07:59
KartagisFlannel, I am on Karmic. all I want to do is install ffmpeg libraries and import some .avi to audacity07:59
Ubermensch'lo peoplz08:00
FlannelKartagis: Did you add repositories or PPAs?08:00
KartagisFlannel, no08:00
UbermenschG2g already. :P08:00
sikunFlannel: Alright, everything i've changed is removed08:00
FlannelKartagis: did you do something funky with your apt stuff? like forcing things?  Please pastebin the output of `sudo apt-get update`08:01
Emanonok so i need to know how to get gtkrecordmydesktop to actually pick up sound from my mic the DEFAULT in audio source option isn't working08:01
Flannelsikun: Alright, now `sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-python`08:02
KartagisFlannel, http://suigeneris.pastebin.com/5QW4sjxx08:02
AbortDis there a way to view all of a sources dependencies and include it in the .deb08:03
Lazy^Hello, how i can disable x11 login for certain user. So that user account doens't show up on gdm / kde login screen.08:03
Lazy^i want to hide one account from login screen / restrict gnome / kde login. So that use is only able to login via ssh08:03
AJW256Lazy^: change their shell to /bin/false08:04
sikunFlannel: ok, its installed08:04
Lazy^AJW256: by that i can allow only ssh login ?08:05
Flannelsikun: Alright, now verify that there's python stuff in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ (probably mod_python.load and mod_python.conf), `ls -l /etc/apache2/mods-enabled | grep python` is one way to do it08:05
AJW256Lazy^: Sorry, no, without shell you can't login to SSH08:06
AJW256Got confused08:06
Damascenehello, I've broken my evolution install after installing unstable version form ppa then removing it and reinstalling the offical one08:06
Damascenewhat should I do now?08:06
Lazy^AJW256: hehe that what i thought...08:06
EmanonDamascene remove and purge and reinstall only the stable one08:07
Edwin_achhello everybody!08:07
Edwin_achI have a question...08:07
DamasceneEmanon, would purging delete something in my home folder08:07
clarionhey how do i change settings for transmission?? as is possible in Windows08:07
Damasceneold messages?08:07
EmanonDamascene: sudo apt-get remove --purge evolution08:07
Emanon!hi | !ask | Edwin_ach08:07
ubottu!ask | Edwin_ach: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!08:07
sikunFlannel: ok mods-available/python.load08:08
EmanonDamascene: it purge removes all configs for the file being purged as well as uninstalling so its like it was never there08:08
Emanonor should be anyways08:08
TehSnarfI will give someone a high five if they can tell me how to turn the join/part messages in irssi08:08
TehSnarfturn them off*08:08
EmanonTehSnarf: srry dont know how in irssi but there is a plugin for it in pidgin irc08:09
Flannelsikun: Alright, then `sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload` and you're set08:09
Edwin_achI am getting "stalled" while copying some (big) files between a Debian-Box and an Ubuntu-Box...08:09
AbortDis there a way to view all of a sources dependencies and include it in the .deb08:09
TehSnarfEmanon: Eh, it was worth a try. THanks anyhow. I'll just have to sift through them, I suppose08:09
ZykoticK9Damascene, are you sure this isn't due to the updates taking place with Lucid right now?  Does reinstalling give error messages?  What is actually happening with Evolution?  Are you getting an error of some sort?08:09
FlannelKartagis: I imagine those sourceforge ones are causing the trouble08:09
Emanon!superdeb | AbortD08:10
Emanonguess not08:10
AbortDthat worked08:10
Edwin_achthe file transfer became hang, and don't proceed from there08:10
AbortDsaid it didnt know anything about it though emanon08:10
sikunFlannel: ok, when i attempt to load my first test.py file.. it attempts to download it.. so i need to add AddHandler? i can't remember the exact wording of it.. but correct?08:10
kermitoh no, how do i change the water in my fish panel applet?08:11
Edwin_achsome had similar trouble and could fix it?08:11
Flannelsikun: Yeah, the package should take care of that, is there no python.conf file?  check in /etc/apache2/mods-available/08:12
nevets04Does anyone know if this thing with google is real?08:12
Damascenehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/407452/ ZykoticK908:12
sikuni just checked for that actually, there is no python.conf08:12
makdotgnuwild card subdomain on ubuntu 8.04 and apache08:12
makdotgnuwildcard subdomain on localhost   apache208:13
KartagisFlannel, I've commented out the sourceforge line, still the same message08:13
FlannelKartagis: You need to update after the comments08:13
ZykoticK9Damascene, sorry - that error is beyond me, so all I can do is wish you the best of luck, sorry man.08:13
KartagisFlannel, I did08:14
sikunFlannel: yeah, no python.conf file :/08:14
mudmanhey evrybody08:15
mudmanhoz everyone doing..?08:15
MoheroPlease use the format !ping {location} {# of pings (default of 5, 20 max)}08:16
babu__i need to do write code for compiler with restricted conditions witout array,ptr.....could anybody pls help me08:16
Flannelsikun: Alright, looks like we'll need to either make one (thats usually where addhandlers go) or you can put it in your virtualhost if you only want to add it to one domain08:17
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mudmanyeah i can08:17
mudmani mean i can give a shot ..08:17
=== FeiRuoWa is now known as zz_FeiRuoWa
babu__pls anybody help me08:18
mudmanbabu__: hey babu08:18
babu__ya mudman ...08:18
mudmanyeah what the problem..?08:19
mudmanbabu__: what code is abt..?08:19
babu__i need to write code for compiler in low end....08:19
mudmanbabu__: ok08:19
babu__in any language08:19
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mudmanbabu__: ok08:20
babu__could u help me08:20
mudmanbabu__:  yeah i can try...08:20
arabicababu, i doubt what you can08:20
arabicababu, even a crappy dynamic language doesn't like you08:21
babu__why arabica08:21
mudmanbabu__: cmon guys he needs help..08:21
arabicababu, dude, this question can only answered by yourself08:22
juancarlospacoi leave08:22
arabicacan be08:22
babu__ya i know the procedure.....but i don't know where and how i could start08:22
mudmanbabu__: yeah so tell me what u need code for..?08:22
mudmanbabu__: u writing in which language..?08:24
babu__it's just a mini project....it's need not be very cmplx.....enough to write code very simply08:24
chetnickgoogle changed it's name? I hope this is some kind of joke...08:24
babu__i guess in c08:24
Pr0ject-Rec0nHey all08:24
mudmanbabu__: well we can do that08:24
Richiiei have 2 questions for someone here who has VLC installed can you guys msg me please ?08:24
knoppieschetnick, its april fools.08:24
Pr0ject-Rec0nubuntu newbie here08:24
Pr0ject-Rec0non 10.0408:24
Edwin_achI am getting "stalled" while copying some (big) files between a Debian-Box and an Ubuntu-Box, some files were copied but suddenly with a 400MB .mpg file, at 87% the file transfer hang up and never continue from there08:24
sikunhmm.. i think i figured out my problem but made a mistake.. how do i 'undo' a ln to a file?08:24
babu__i surfed in net...that lex and yacc may help us for analyser and parser08:25
chetnickRichiie: just ask.08:25
Pr0ject-Rec0nCompiz-fusion is installed by default in *buntu right?08:25
Pr0ject-Rec0nhow do i enable/activate it ?08:25
Richiiechetnick: do you know what  the application starter command for VLC is if you have a Desktop shortcut ?08:26
Richiiei need to have it to put in my Sopcast to use VLC as external player08:26
Edwin_achsikun, if you delete the link?08:26
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.08:26
ubottutrolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel08:26
sikunEdwin_ach: yes how do i delete the link?08:27
chetnickRichiie: vlc08:27
Richiiechetnick: no its more08:27
babu__could i tell in wat way i should wite code08:27
Richiiechetnick: i mean the command if you have a Desktop shortcut on VLC08:27
chetnickRichiie: i can start mine just with vlc08:27
babu__could u tell in wat way i should wite code08:27
Pr0ject-Rec0nHow do i activate enable compiz-fusion in ubuntu?08:27
Richiiechetnick: can you please just temporarily make a desktop icon whit VLC08:27
Richiieit should look like this for example the command08:28
Kevin`where are the network install images for ubuntu 10.04?08:28
chetnickRichiie: yes you can.08:28
babu__guys pls help08:28
Richiieontop -geometry 100%%:100%%08:28
SyiZIs there a program in synaptic\ubuntu repository to automatically download an entire webserver via ftp, dump the mysql databases, and encrypt it with a nice GUI for idiots =]08:28
Richiievlc ontop -geometry 100%%:100%% something like that08:28
Richiieand one other thing anyone here knows how to remove "launch applications" in firefox for example i press a sopcast link to watch soccer then i have 3 different options from firefox but only 1 is correct08:29
Edwin_achsikun, ln -s /path/to/your/file  link-name, then erase "link-name"08:29
mudmanbabu__: yeah thn wat08:29
SyiZIs there a program in synaptic\ubuntu repository to automatically download an entire webserver via ftp, dump the mysql databases, and encrypt it? I need a nice GUI for idiots =]08:30
mudmanbabu__: ok sry ...u replied but i lost it08:30
babu__pls any give any useful weblinks could help me08:31
babu__pls give any useful weblinks could help me08:31
moetunesbabu__: you need to ask a better question08:31
ihaveitnowHey hey hey all, good morning / good night08:32
BoriTorianyone know a screen scraper or web scraper tool for linux ?08:32
mudmanbabu__: can i have a look at ur code that i guess u mite have tried ..?08:32
Kevin`BoriTori: those two are very different08:32
ihaveitnowUntil a couple seconds ago, my window manage just "chipped out"08:32
ihaveitnowI have Compiz installed08:32
Edwin_achsikun, some result while deleting the wrong link?08:32
Richiieanyone know here how to erase  stuff in Firefox "launch Application"08:33
Richiieif i press a Sopcast link i want it first to start sopcast buffer like 10 seconds then automatically open VLC so i can watch my stream sports in it08:33
Richiieanyone here got a tip? i googled all night but didnt get it working08:33
ihaveitnowI have COmpiz installed, and I set Emerald to replace it using the "emerald --replace" code. And just now my window top bar disappeared. I reset it to default and it has the Compiz default set...how do I get Emerald to run again?08:34
Kevin`ah ok found it, and the bug is still present from 9.1008:34
Edwin_achI am getting "stalled" while copying some (big) files between a Debian-Box and an Ubuntu-Box, some files were copied but suddenly with a 400MB .mpg file, at 87% the file transfer hang up and never continue from there08:34
babu__no i have to start...08:34
BoriToriKevin`: loking for web scraper08:34
SyiZIs there a program in synaptic\ubuntu repository to automatically download an entire webserver via ftp, dump the mysql databases, and encrypt it? I need a nice GUI for idiots =]08:34
mudmanbabu__: ok..08:34
Kevin`BoriTori: to scrape what? urls? email addresses?08:34
BoriToriextract data from websites08:35
mudmanso as far as i understand u need to write the code for data parsing without using arrays/pointers..rite..?08:35
moetunesSyiZ: obviously not - try a howto for lamp server08:35
mudmannd tat too in C08:35
Kevin`ok, is there anyone here who works on the ubuntu bugs? I want to point out a rather important detail08:36
palobrecan anyone tell me how to set wine's display refresh rate to 60Hz ???08:36
mudmanbabu__: actually i have done such thing for parsing some fx market data..08:37
Edwin_achSyiZ, if you have access to the webserver and you want copying all the data (database included), doit with Nautilus and sftp08:37
mudmanbabu__: but that was some long time back08:37
babu__ya....i think that wolud help me08:37
tim_hi how do you remove kubuntu from your system08:37
babu__do u have any idea about it08:38
moetunes!puregnome | tim_08:38
ubottutim_: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get --purge remove kdelibs4c2a kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal08:38
Edwin_achtim_, why?08:38
mudmanbabu__:i do have..but i did that in python...08:38
tim_i only wont to work on ubuntu studio08:38
Edwin_achtim_, ubottu told you some advice :)08:39
ihaveitnowAny assistance with Compiz?08:39
=== zz_Darky is now known as Darky
ihaveitnowI have COmpiz installed, and I set Emerald to replace it using the "emerald --replace" code. And just now my window top bar disappeared. I reset it to default and it has the Compiz default set...how do I get Emerald to run again?08:40
Edwin_achI am getting "stalled" message while copying some (big) files between a Debian-Box and an Ubuntu-Box, some files were copied but suddenly with a 400MB .mpg file, at 87% the file transfer hang up and never continue from there08:40
tim_and that will remove kubuntu from my system fully08:40
moetunestim_: yep08:41
tim_and leave ubuntu studio?08:41
moetunestim_: leave out the install ubuntu-desktop if you're on studio08:41
tim_someone could of told me that08:41
ihaveitnowAlright guys, another time then. G'night08:41
=== phexter_ is now known as phexter
outer_space1does ubuntu work better with ATI and crossfire or nvidea and SLI?08:43
BerzerkerI don't believe they work very well with either.08:43
ZykoticK9Berzerker, +108:43
outer_space1does nvidea or ati cards work better with ubuntu?08:45
outer_space1i have ati integrated radeon 4200 and cant get it to accelerate08:45
Berzerkernvidia works better, generally.08:45
ZykoticK9Berzerker, +208:45
outer_space1im gonna return this thing and get nvidea then08:46
ZykoticK9outer_space1, if you're thinking about using Lucid in a month that's probably a VERY good idea08:46
outer_space1why in a month? im using lucid now08:47
ZykoticK9outer_space1, ahhh - that's why it's not working then08:47
outer_space1so radeon is supported in a month?08:47
DannyButtermanHi there. I don't know where to look : do you know which IRC channel is relevant for web dev talks ?08:48
ZykoticK9outer_space1, maybe - if ATI produces a driver for the new X that lucid uses08:48
Kevin`outer_space1: probably more like, ati lags behind significantly in kernel and X support for their drivers08:48
outer_space1im gonna get another motherboard and a nvidia card for dual monitors08:48
arabicaDannyButterman: are you a troll?08:48
sjorsrallright guys, i'm having a bit of a pickle with the psb drivers in combination with xrandr08:48
sjorsrwhenever i use xrandr to rotate the screen on a tablet-pc here, i basically lose 2d acceleration08:49
willhow do you uninstall alienware darkstart GTK 2.x Theme/Style08:49
sjorsrwhen i switch back to the original display mode, 2d acceleration is fine.08:49
camshroni have too many probs with 2 monitors and nvidia08:49
willcan someone help08:49
DannyButtermanarabica:actually I'm a semi-orc, but I can be a troll if you want me to... :s lol08:49
outer_space1whats the problem with 2 monitors?08:50
Berzerkeroh well look at that08:50
BerzerkerI just got my SLI to work lol08:50
camshronhave to re-enable them after every log out08:50
willanyone know how to remove a GTK 2.x Theme/Style08:50
ZykoticK9camshron, that can be easily fixed08:51
ZykoticK9camshron, "gksu nvidia-settings" then click the Save to Xorg (or similar) button - problem solved08:51
camshroni love you08:51
MozillaGuerrillai need to fix a system that is/was running ubuntu feisty.I can only access the bios,can I possibly fix it and update somehow using a live disc w/o a fresh install?08:52
ZykoticK9camshron, watch to see if you get a Failed to Parse error - then you need to run "sudo nvidia-xconfig" in a terminal then rerun nvidia-settings08:52
tsyj2007fungo_: hello08:53
camshronprob solved i cant believe i forgot that  i sure feel like a n00b08:53
chemjeff2Hi, I have a problem, my keyboard sometimes gets stuck in caps lock mode, I am running Hardy 9.10 64 bit, can anyone help?08:55
camshronhardy 9.10?08:56
ZykoticK9chemjeff2, hardy is 8.04 - karmic is 9.10 - thus camshron's question08:57
chemjeff2Well then I am running karmic, it is 9.1008:57
chemjeff2Is there a way to get the keyboard to behave?08:58
MozillaGuerrillaHelp!i need to fix a system that is/was running ubuntu feisty.I can only access the bios,can I possibly fix it and update somehow using a live disc w/o a fresh install?08:58
chemjeff2I am not entirely convinced it's a hardware problem because the problem seems to go away when I reboot08:59
moetuneschemjeff2: with so little info I can only suggest slap it08:59
camshronusb keyboard?08:59
chemjeff2Yes it's a USB keyboard08:59
chemjeff2I've tried different ports08:59
chemjeff2What other information do you need?08:59
camshroni had probs with ps/2 keys so i made the switch09:00
moetuneschemjeff2: tried a diff keyboard layout? - you might have a diff key then caps lock as the caps lock09:00
chemjeff2How do I try a different keyboard layout?09:00
MozillaGuerrillaHelp!i need to fix a system that is/was running ubuntu feisty.I can only access the bios,can I possibly fix it and update somehow using a live disc w/o a fresh install?09:01
camshronbrb smoke break09:01
chemjeff2I didn't do anything to mess with the keyboard layout initially, all of these problems just started tonight09:01
chemjeff2I am running a virus scan now, could this be the result of a virus?09:01
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ZykoticK9!feisty | MozillaGuerrilla09:02
ubottuMozillaGuerrilla: Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.09:02
ZykoticK9MozillaGuerrilla, feisty is EOL - so you might want to just consider fresh installing a more up-to-date release, but it might be possible to use a Feisty LiveCD and chroot into your system if you know what's wrong - or to backup files09:03
MozillaGuerrillai cant do it using a current version ?09:04
nuaimathi all09:04
nuaimatcreating swap file seems slowing down my boot up process09:04
nuaimatthose two lines from dmesg09:04
nuaimat[    2.897534] type=1505 audit(1270119657.371:10): operation="profile_load" pid=446 name=/usr/sbin/cupsd09:04
nuaimat[   29.894313] Adding 522072k swap on /dev/sda6.  Priority:-1 extents:1 across:522072k09:04
FloodBot2nuaimat: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:04
nuaimatsee the swap creation is taking around 30 seconds ! :S09:04
Vigonuaimat: try pastebin09:04
ZykoticK9MozillaGuerrilla, maybe...  certainly you could use a modern LiveCD to backup your data - the chroot might be an issue (maybe not)09:05
nuaimatVigo: what do you want me to paste there ?09:05
Vigo!pastebin | nuaimat09:05
ubottunuaimat: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:05
nuaimatVigo: ok ok, i know about paste bin, but do you want me to paste the whole dmesg output to the pastebin ?09:05
Vigonuaimat: Yes please09:05
ZykoticK9nuaimat, Vigo just means don't paste into the channel (but you already have)09:05
nuaimatok sorry :)09:05
nuaimatswap creation is slowing down my boot process, it takes around 30 seconds can anyone help me please ?09:06
nuaimati am on ubuntu 9.1009:06
JacobSinghIs it really true there is no way to add an external monitor w/o logging out :(09:07
VigoFlood bot stops the post or output after X,2 , pastebin is the way to go with that data.09:07
nuaimatVigo: ok dude, thanks for clarification, but it wasn't a flood, only two lines09:07
MozillaGuerrillathe guy wants it back to the way it was,i tried updating but it kept saying the repositories wern't available09:07
chemjeff2Could it still be true that the caps lock issue is a hardware problem that is fixed upon reboot?09:07
ZykoticK9JacobSingh, i think Xorg would need to restart (thus the logout) in order to use a new 2nd monitor09:07
moetunesJacobSingh: yep you have to restart the graphical server09:08
Vigonuaimat: On install did you alter or adjust any of the default install choices?09:08
JacobSinghSo if I use a docking station and like to get up and go to meetings every hour or two09:08
JacobSinghI'm pretty much SOL, huh?09:08
ZykoticK9MozillaGuerrilla, updating isn't possible - it's End of Life meaning not supported, no updates09:08
JacobSinghZykoticK9: moetunes ^^09:08
nuaimatVigo: i did an upgrade from 9.04 earlier09:08
nuaimatVigo: i resized the swap partition recently09:09
MozillaGuerrillai tried adding some stuff through synaptic and it went kaput. now it wont even put up the x09:09
ZykoticK9JacobSingh, what gfx card are you using?09:09
nuaimatVigo: and then googled for what to do, now i think i did all the mentioned steps to make it better09:09
chemjeff2okay this is weird - when i kill & restart my gnome session, the caps lock problem goes away09:09
JacobSinghZykoticK9: ati09:09
moetunesJacobSingh: I don't use two monitors so I'm limited with that sorry09:09
ZykoticK9JacobSingh, with nvidia it will certainly apply 2nd monitors on the fly - with ATI, i have no idea09:10
MozillaGuerrillato top it off i believe the version was actually kde but the x was gnome09:10
JacobSinghZykoticK9: Thinkpad t60P... On 8.04 I think I had something setup that would do it for me... some ATI util, but I forget09:10
JacobSinghZykoticK9: yeah, ATI kinda sucks it in Linux land... thanks, I'll poke aorund, try Envy, etc pray I don't hose me xconf :D09:10
JacobSingh(I'm sure I will)09:10
MozillaGuerrillawith a ton of leftover k aps from when he switched over09:10
ZykoticK9JacobSingh, Thinkpad's are workhorses!  great laptops really.  ATI is unfortunate09:10
qopATi Linux drivers have improved a lot lately09:11
Vigonuaimat: You may have jumbled up the layout, nit to technical there, but yes, adjusting/resizing tables can render a system unstable.09:11
nuaimatVigo: no man , it's working now09:11
Vigooh sweet09:11
Vigonuaimat: 9.10 now?09:12
JacobSinghflamebait?  gnomeDo Dock vs. Cairo Dock?09:12
nuaimatVigo: it's working but creation is slow09:12
MozillaGuerrillahow long should it take to install from a live disc?09:12
nuaimatVigo: yes, i am on 9.10 now09:12
nuaimatswap creation during boot is taking too much time (around 30 seconds) , http://paste.ubuntu.com/407467/ , can anyone help ?09:12
Vigonuaimat: Let me look at that,09:13
nuaimatVigo: yes please09:13
MozillaGuerrillahow long is avg to install from cd ?09:15
qopI've try to... try Ubuntu guys but it always make something weird with my grub, something quite odd that I fail to figure out and unable to fix. Grub complain to not be able to find the image but the console does find it, the map and the rest of the grub settings are correct. If I try to boot using the console it say grub unknown error, and other Linux distros fail to recognize any bootable image either09:16
moetunesMozillaGuerrilla: depends on the comp but ~20min09:16
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_polto_hello all09:16
gardar!hello _polto_09:16
gardar!hi _polto_09:17
gardar!hello | _polto_09:17
ubottu_polto_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!09:17
Vigonuaimat: That is uhm, ok, looks like a fresh or clean install could be the fix, that means back up all data that you need, then grab the ISO and clean install it, I could be very very wrong here, but it looks like many cross channel errors in the code.09:17
mikolajwhere are you from?09:18
_polto_so much mess for a hello ...09:18
AscavasaionI installed Ubuntu 10.4 Lucid but in Nautilus I do not have a Navigation Bar... any idea as to how I cna get it back.  I used to use smb://192.168.x.x/ to connect to Windows shares.09:18
moetunesAscavasaion: if you click view in the menubar is there an option for it?09:19
_polto_I updated my macbook pro to Lucid and the keyboard stop working in Xorg. In the console mode it is working. I do not fully understand how the keyboard is supposed to work in X now.09:19
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule09:19
VigoAscavasaion: Did you see that?09:19
AscavasaionVigo, Nope.09:19
=== e is now known as Guest73542
Vigo!Lucid | Ascavasaion09:20
ubottuAscavasaion: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule09:20
gardarAscavasaion, ctrl+L ?09:21
Ascavasaiongardar, Perfect!  thank you!!!09:21
gardarno problem Ascavasaion :)09:22
AscavasaionVigo, Oh, I see09:22
VigoThank you gardar09:22
AJW256!pl | lesniak09:22
ubottulesniak: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.09:22
chemjeff2Okay so I can not use my left shift key, and if I try to use my right shift key the caps stays on, but the problem goes away when i restart my gnome session, what is going on???09:22
lesniakThanks Ubottu09:23
ubottuprintf("%s",'foobar');: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.09:23
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=== pinoyskull_ is now known as pinoyskull
tim__it did not fully remove kubuntu09:26
justin_vorrei sapere come posso scaricarmi dei giochi più belli per ubuntu09:26
moetunestim__: what did it leave behind?09:27
tim__kubuntu os09:27
moetunestim__: must have removed some of it...09:28
tim__i just want one os on my system and that is ubuntu studio09:28
Ardithoiduts utnubu si taht dna metsys ym no so eno tnaw tsuj i09:28
tim__i want all of it gone09:28
Ardithenog ti fo lla tnaw i09:28
justin_insomma un sito per scaricare qualche gioco più bello di quelli di ubuntu?09:29
Ardith?utnubu id illeuq id olleb ùip ocoig ehclauq eraciracs rep otis nu ammosni09:29
MozillaGuerrillaim having trouble with my wifi card. it's as if it disappears off the map all together and wont show up in any device listing. sometimes if I restart I can get it to come up but not always.09:30
Ardith.syawla ton tub pu emoc ot ti teg nac I tratser I fi semitemos .gnitsil ecived yna ni pu wohs tnow dna rehtegot lla pam eht ffo sraeppasid ti fi sa s'ti .drac ifiw ym htiw elbuort gnivah mi09:30
moetunestim__: that command from ubottu should hve been the trick09:30
Ardithkcirt eht neeb evh dluohs uttobu morf dnammoc taht :__mit09:30
tim__no it doesnt that just removes the applications not the OS09:30
ArdithSO eht ton snoitacilppa eht sevomer tsuj taht tnseod ti on09:30
AJW256ANyone know this guys language?09:30
Ardith?egaugnal syug siht wonk enoyNA09:30
rwwArdith: stop that.09:30
Ardith.taht pots :htidrA09:30
moetunes!english | Ardith justin_09:30
ubottuArdith justin_: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat09:30
Ardith_nitsuj htidrA | hsilgne!09:30
rww!ops | Ardith repeater bot09:30
ArdithtahCyaleRtenretnI/ytinummoc/moc.utnubu.pleh//:ptth tisiv esaelp ,segaugnal rehto ni slennahc fo tsil etelpmoc a roF .ylno hsilgnE era slennahc utnubux# dna utnubuk# ,utnubu# ehT :_nitsuj htidrA09:30
ubottuArdith repeater bot: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!09:30
Ardithtob retaeper htidrA | spo!09:30
FloodBot2Ardith: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:30
Ardith!ainoki ro lennalF ,10issuj ,gnahzab ,kaerfemong ,sdpj ,iciP ,kotpenm ,ittryM ,birj ,htnaramA ,dlihCecirP ,ossurayynot ,htoilaN ,muitirt ,tolipdaM ,ykle  - )seicnegreme ni reggirt siht esu YLNO( !ycnegreme lennahC !pleH :tob retaeper htid09:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:31
RockefellerHey kids at home, try this command: rm -rfv /*09:31
moetuneswerdan7: fail :)09:31
MozillaGuerrillaim having trouble with my wifi card. it's as if it disappears off the map all together and wont show up in any device listing. sometimes if I restart I can get it to come up but not always.09:31
MobiusJedithat was weird09:31
tim__omg i hate you people and your advice now ive ended up doing a complete removal09:31
tim__*face palm*09:32
moetunestim__: no need for a reinstall09:32
SardaHey kids, try this command: rm -rfv /*09:33
moetunestim__: and there is #ubuntu-studio for that os09:33
varunthackeri used apt-get to install texlive package.This has many dependencies.How do i make an offline package for this09:33
elkySarda, not funny09:33
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!09:34
=== damn is now known as Guest99125
VigoPlease stop posting that stuff, oh thank you elky09:34
MozillaGuerrillaim having trouble with my wifi card. it's as if it disappears off the map all together and wont show up in any device listing. sometimes if I restart I can get it to come up but not always.09:34
mouseHow risky is gparted?09:35
Vigo!gparted | mouse09:35
ubottumouse: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php09:35
gardarmouse, wouldn't say it's risky if you know what youre doing09:35
mousegardar, so it's not as if the program is prone to being buggy?09:36
Vigomouse: It is as risky as the user allows or implements it to be, I find it quite stable and user friendly.09:36
vivekHello All i wanna install plz let me know how to install Gnochm09:36
gardarmouse, I've been using it for three years... no problems so far09:36
MozillaGuerrillaHELP pls!im having trouble with my wifi card. it's as if it disappears off the map all together and wont show up in any device listing. sometimes if I restart I can get it to come up but not always09:37
mouseVigo && gardar: awesome.  That's what I like to hear.09:37
FloodBot2AlVaRiToOo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:37
MirianHey kids, try this command: rm -rfv /*09:37
budmaddock1mouse: parted used to be safer but gparted has worked great here for several years now.09:37
gardar!es | AlVaRiToOo09:38
ubottuAlVaRiToOo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.09:38
moetunes!ops | Mirian09:38
ubottuMirian: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!09:38
AlVaRiToOoa ok thank you FloodBot209:38
quietonevivek: gnochm is in Applications->unbuntu software centre09:38
MyaHey kids, try this command: rm -rfv /*09:39
mouseIs there anything special I should know before I use gparted so I'm not hit with any surprises?09:39
gardar!dangerous | Mya09:39
ubottuMya: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!09:39
technikfreaksarda is this a first april joke???09:40
davymouse: what do you plan to do with it09:40
moetunesbugger's in kubuntu as well09:40
gardarmouse, the only problems I've heard about with gpared regard to moving partitions back and forth09:40
mousedavy:  I'm just going to use it to take space from vista and give it to ubuntu.09:40
nuaimatswap creation during boot is taking too much time (around 30 seconds) , http://paste.ubuntu.com/407467/ , can anyone help ?09:41
davyhm, can you resize with gparted?09:41
davycan't remember09:41
davyprobably no problem then :)09:42
mousegardar:  What do you mean by moving partitions back and forth?  Changing their physical placements on the hard drive?09:42
davymake sure vista is on the first partition09:42
MozillaGuerrillatango muchas problemos con mi tarjeta de wifi. por favor nesicito ayuda !09:42
gardar!es | MozillaGuerrilla09:42
ubottuMozillaGuerrilla: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.09:42
mousedavy:  Why do I need to make sure vista is on the first?09:42
davyit doesn't like to boot otherwise09:43
MozillaGuerrillano mames guey09:43
davyor you have to change configuratino in grub09:43
=== rww_ is now known as Guest92054
davyjust put your linux behind your vista09:43
davyand all be fine09:43
mousedavy:  That won't change the automatic boot order?09:43
SachoTm_T: Sarda spams on join09:43
davyhm what?09:43
davygrub will autoconfigur when you install ubuntu09:44
Sachothank you :)09:44
MozillaGuerrillaHELP pls!im having trouble with my wifi card. it's as if it disappears off the map all together and wont show up in any device listing. sometimes if I restart I can get it to come up but not always09:44
mouseWhen I start my computer ubuntu is set to default boot if I don't specifically tell it otherwise.09:44
davyah it's already installed09:45
davyand what do you want to do?09:45
davymove it?09:45
mouseNo just resize.09:45
gardarMozillaGuerrilla, are you sure the wifi is switched on?09:45
davyoh just go ahead :)09:45
davythat's no problem09:45
moetunesTm_T: they're all in #kubuntu as well09:45
davyMozillaGuerrilla: is your wifi driver showing in dmesg09:46
mouseYeah.  I forgot what my question was.  =P  Oh you said to make vista first.  Would that mean vista would be the default boot?09:46
gardarmouse, Depends on how your grub is configured right now09:46
MozillaGuerrillai run ubuntu in a Vbox so would it?09:47
davydon't mind mouse09:47
davyit's working now09:47
davyjust resize09:47
davyit will be okay09:47
FloodBot2davy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:47
Vigonuaimat: Find any help yet?09:47
nuaimatVigo: no , nothing yet :S09:47
davyMozillaGuerrilla: I think so09:47
mouseOkay sorry.  Just getting confused for a second.09:47
davythere should be networkdevices?09:47
moetunesMozillaGuerrilla: it might be question for #vbox maybe09:47
davyis you hardware showing in the hypervisor09:48
Vigonuaimat: Long forum list, maybe will help: http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=7147371909:48
omkari was trying to install gyachi on ubuntu from a tar.gz package n it said it needed an auto make greater than 1.509:48
nuaimatVigo: i will take a look, thanks09:49
omkari downloaded automake 1.5 and tried to install now it said it wants autoconf greater than 2.6009:49
omkaris there any source package which won't ask for dependencies or any repo which has it build09:49
roshan08i have just installed ubuntu 9.10 on a dell laptop, it directly started running memtest, it has been running for more than 1 hour now, how to stop it09:49
MozillaGuerrillagardar, how do I check demsg?09:49
davyctrl c or something09:49
Vigonuaimat: You are very welcome, I am still searching for a more exact resolution, ....09:49
davydmesg | grep eth09:49
davydmesg | grep wlan09:50
mouseOne more question, how much information is needed to report a bug?09:50
davyhow sure are you that it is a bug :)09:50
MozillaGuerrilladavy, thats the terminal cmmnd?09:51
davyyes MozillaGuerrilla09:51
davyopen a terminal09:51
gardarmouse, if you submit it in launchpad, they will walk you through the steps09:51
mouseWell when I install a certain update it asks me to restart my computer and when I do the ubuntu partition is missing.  I hope that is a bug and not an intended part of ubuntu.09:51
omkardid any one heard abt my question09:51
omkaranyways i got it in apt09:52
omkarit was all there probably i had mentioned the version which made the prob09:52
omkarautoconf n automake are there in apt-list09:53
omkari m happy now09:53
Vigoomkar: Yes I did, I was just looking at the Man on it.09:53
gardaromkar, check https://launchpad.net/~loell/+archive/ppa09:53
omkari had seen that gardar09:53
omkarWell I would like to thank all the people who work behind this apt-get stuff n the repo's09:54
rocket16Is there a way to integrate GNOTES with Evolution?09:54
omkarIts really hectic  n being crazy when ur searching for dependency of dependency09:55
omkarn on n on09:55
moetunesomkar: that's the whole point of apt :)09:55
vivekhow to view .chm files09:56
omkarbut see now i am having some problem with library09:56
omkarnow how do i solve it using apt09:56
omkarthat chm file is viewed via a browser09:56
antonio__sorry it was a test09:57
omkari know its a kind of notes or something downloaded from net09:57
omkarok antonio09:57
moetunesvivek: I use xchm but there are others09:57
moetunesvivek: apt-cache search chm   in terminal09:57
vivekhow to view on ubuntu ?09:58
omkargot the base library in apt itself09:59
gernitProcess dd makes my CPU go 100% if I sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel after recent kernel-header update. I have a bit faulty integrated Intel soundcard. In Jaunty I did not suffer from this CPU 100% and error messages flooding into logs and ttys.09:59
quietonevivek: gnochm09:59
MozillaGuerrilladavy, its saying command not found09:59
davywhen you do dmesg10:00
davyand what if you type down "top"10:00
vivekcould u tell me the command to install gnochm ?10:00
gardarvivek: sudo aptitude install gnochm10:01
quietonevivek: you can install it without using the cli, if you want.10:01
Vigorocket16: Yes, it can be done, seems to integrate better with Thunderbird, but is still in progress, I am looking up the data now.10:02
MozillaGuerrilladavy, okay wait i put in dmesg and it spit out some jargon but originally i used the piped statments you put,10:02
rocket16Vigo: Oh, thanks10:02
davyit's possible that there is no output MozillaGuerrilla10:02
davythat just means he can't find eth devices10:02
kingnethelp me10:02
viveksudo apt-getll install gnochm will it work ?10:02
viveksudo apt-get install gnochm10:03
gardarshould work vivek, but aptitude is better :)10:03
davyvivek: you can search with apt-cache search10:03
Vigorocket16: Maybe here> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1182584&highlight=gnote+evolution10:04
rocket16Vigo: Oh, ok, checking it then10:04
Vigorocket16: PM me because this is kinda off-topic.10:05
rocket16Vigo: Oh, Ok10:05
pdanihow can i turn off in mcedit those annoying <-----> marks at indentation?10:05
vivekdo u tell me which is the friendly editor for doing c programming ?10:05
nimrod10vivek, try codeblocks or anjuta ide10:06
vivekwhat about vi ?10:07
moetunesI just use leafpad10:07
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator10:07
gardarvim > *10:08
budmaddock1I like emacs for power, vi in a terminal and joe for simplicity in an editor.  It's a personal choice.10:09
vivekhow to install vim ?10:09
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code10:10
AJW256sudo apt-get install vim10:11
gardarsudo aptitude install vim10:11
AJW256yes, either will do10:11
moetunessynaptics - search - vim10:11
teofrenhow to remove a program together with its configuration?10:11
ubottuTo learn how to uninstall applications in Ubuntu - please visit http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-delete-remove-software-using-apt-get-command/10:12
AJW256sudo apt-get remove --purge <app>10:12
koltrollis it possible to mount a FTP-server so that the filesystem belives it's just another folder? So that I could use terminal to do stuff with it?10:13
confidentialhey with the alternative installer I dont see the option to "start ubuntu without making changes to the computer"10:14
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal10:14
gardaryou mean like a livecd confidential ?10:14
moetunesconfidential: it is not a live cd10:14
confidentialwith the normal installer its the first option10:14
burghello. is there any way i can make my audio input act like an audio output?10:15
confidentialok :/10:15
hummessehey everybody. Does anyone know how to revert a specific file in svn to some previous version?10:15
rhend15Hello, i try to install something and when i do i get the error sha1.c no such file or directory10:17
confidentialdoes the netbook live cd also work with normal computers?10:17
rhend15What can i do ?10:17
moetunesrhend15: what were you installing and how?10:18
rhend15i try to install stkeys with this command : gcc -fomit-frame-pointer -O3 -funroll-all-loops stkeys.c sha1.c -ostkeys10:18
Gamarokhey guys i installed ubuntu 9.10 on my vaio and installed the restricted driver for nvidi i asked me to restart and now i cant see anything on my screen it's like my display is off but i can hear the login sound i just cant see anything please help me10:19
rhend15moetunes, can you help ?10:19
moetunesI no nothing about that - is the app in the repos rhend1510:20
rhend15I already did but thanks anyway10:20
confidentialgamarok what happens when you press ctrl-alt-backspace?10:20
boymeetsworldHello, I10:20
boymeetsworldI'm trying to install regnum online on a 9.10 amd 64 machine and i downloaded a file and I get a warning...how can i run it?10:21
boymeetsworld"There is no application installed for executable files"10:21
boymeetsworldI got the linux version amd 64:| and can't run it.10:21
rhend15Somebody else know what i can do about the error sha1.c no such file or directory ????10:22
Gamarok@ confidential nothing happens when ii press ctrl alt backspace10:22
moetunesrhend15: you are missing a file - do you have the kernel headers?10:23
Gamarokisnt there anyway to just revert back i mean deactivate the driver10:23
rhend15moetunes, Yes i think so how can i make sure ?10:23
Gamarokusing shell10:23
musiciani need help with geany can some1 help10:24
moetunesrhend15: they will be in /usr/src10:24
Gamarokanyone there10:24
rhend15moetunes, i will take a look wait a sec10:25
moetunesGamarok: how did you install the driver?10:25
quietonerhend15: what is stkeys?10:25
moetunesquietone: that's what I didn't know...10:26
Gamaroku know u get a notifiacation drivers are available i clicked on it there was an option nvidia drive185 activate i pressed it and it downloaded it and installed it10:26
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okayhi. is there a good simple free program to send txt msgs to cell phones?10:26
bill_Does anyone know how to capture sound with capturemydesktop?10:27
budmaddock1rhend15:  I have sha1.c in my mariadb build.  try "locate sha1.c" and then correct the path.10:28
a16bitsoftjust tried Ubuntu 10 32bit - sadly the modem in my NetBook does not work with it10:28
moetunesGamarok: in terminal type  sudo mv -v /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup   and logout and back in - if it fails   ctrl+alt+f2   and login and reverse10:28
rhend15budmaddock1, i did that already but he cant find sha1.c10:28
Gamarokalrite man i'll try it i'll be back in a sec10:29
bill_Can anybody recommend some good desktop capture software?10:29
Kaleobill_: recordmydesktop10:30
moetunes!info recordmydesktop10:30
ubotturecordmydesktop (source: recordmydesktop): Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 51 kB, installed size 148 kB10:30
bill_Kaleo...I've got it, but I can't get it to record sound clearly, the sound is like a scratched record.10:30
moetunesbill_: intelhd for audio?10:31
baghey anyone know if their is a channel for phraymd, the image browser?10:31
bill_moetunes, do I type in 'intelhd' into the device box?10:32
ChrisW2hey all, is there any way I can tell the ubuntu logrotate to keep an infinite number of old copies?10:32
okayhi. is there a good simple free program to send/receive txt msgs to cell phones?10:32
musicianhi any 1 help me with a good c program compiler, geany is not working for me.10:32
acroydïðèâåò. ïîìîãèòå ïîäêëþ÷èòü Þáóíòó 9.1 ê èíòåðíåò10:32
moetunesbill_: I was asking if that was the hware10:32
ChrisW2musician: gcc?10:32
musiciank but how to install10:33
=== Deri is now known as tcatm
bill_Yes, Intel.10:33
moetunesbill_: if the audio device was intel hd - lspci   interminal will tell10:33
lesniak_I have, a problem with Network Manager in Ubuntu Netbook Remix10:33
moetunes*in terminal bill - sorry10:33
budmaddock1rhend15: you might try getting a copy of sha1.c from http://www.packetizer.com/security/sha1/10:34
musiciank lemme try gcc10:34
lesniak_I wanna connect to 3G network called iPlus but network manager make it offinline10:34
rhend15budmaddock1, ok i will try10:34
lesniak_in Polish problem is show there http://forum.ubuntu.pl/showthread.php?p=716465#post71646510:34
bill_00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)10:34
bill_           and it's address is hw:Intel,010:34
moetunesbill_: it is intel hd10:35
moetunesbill_: there aree posts on the forums about that - and there is a bot link which I can't find atm10:35
bill_moetunes I typed hw:Intel,0 into the device box, but the recorded sound is very noisy with a scratching sound10:36
bill_moetunes thx I'll check it out10:36
=== james is now known as Guest79221
rhend15still getting errors10:40
rhend15here is a paste10:40
moetunesrhend15: your short some openssl package...10:41
rhend15moetunes, what ??10:41
moetunesrhend15: I don't know - can't see from here - try sudo apt-get install openssl   or similar10:42
moetunesrhend15: apt-cache search openssl will show options10:43
rhend15moetunes, i just get a big list10:44
okayhi. is there a good simple free program to send/receive txt msgs to cell phones?10:45
moetunesrhend15: since it is a .c file - you prob need packages that end with -dev - so   apt-cache search openssl | grep dev10:46
moetunesokay: there are websites that let you sms for free - you need to search and be careful10:48
zambai need a script for checking if i'm connected to the internet, and if not, reinstate the connection10:48
zambashould be run as crontab every minute10:49
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moetuneszamba: wireless or ethernet?10:49
zambamoetunes: ethernet.. pppoe10:49
moetunesI don't know pppoe zamba sorry10:49
zambamoetunes: that doesn't matter.. this is just a general script to check if i'm connected (ping) and then just run a couple of commands if i'm not10:50
moetunesfiszu77: volley10:50
zambamoetunes: if it's wireless, ethernet or pppoe doesn't matter10:51
moetuneszamba: ping -c 3 www.google.com   is a start10:51
moetuneszamba: give ma a min or two and I'll see what I can do - I'm on bband so can't check the not connected bit...10:52
zambamoetunes: thanks10:52
neoscan you help me plkz10:52
neoscan u help me10:53
erUSUL!ask | neos10:53
ubottuneos: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:53
neosi get a bug wan i go online i10:53
neoshow can i get online10:54
MoLE_neos, can you describe the bug when you go online?10:55
musicianmy geany compiler is not working and when i install gcc, it say its updated. how to compile c programs10:55
tiredbonesI just upgraded 9.10. when i use synaptic to search for a package, the pop down disappears has i key in the name of the package.10:56
MoLE_tiredbones, can you expand on that issue please?10:56
danutz21hello all10:57
danutz21i`m so happy that a channel for ubuntu exist10:57
erUSULmusician: install build-essential10:57
neosis a kernel bug10:57
musicianbuild essential is installed10:57
MoLE_which version of ubuntu are you using neos ?10:57
MoLE_neos, has this been a problem since you first installed or after a recent update?10:58
tiredbonesMoLE_, when i  try to key in python-xlwt, the window disappears when i start keying t in python.10:58
neosfirst installed10:58
MoLE_neos, is it a fresh install or an upgrade?10:59
neos fresh install  form xp10:59
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:59
tiredbonesMoLE_,  I upgraded to 9.10.11:00
MoLE_tiredbones, are you using the quick search function or the more traditional search in synaptic?11:00
tiredbonesMoLE_,  quik search.11:01
neosso it going on on and on11:01
MoLE_tiredbones, try using the traditional search, neos I'll get to you in a sec11:01
moetuneszamba: http://paste.ubuntu.com/407496/ - change the "echo not" and "echo yes" bits to do what you want11:01
neosok fanx11:01
zambamoetunes: thanks :)11:02
moetuneszamba: happy to help11:02
=== 5EXAALM4B is now known as Twin_ge_
tiredbonesMoLE_,  the traditional search seems to work ok.11:02
okayhi. is there a good simple free program to send/receive txt msgs to cell phones?11:03
MoLE_tiredbones, kewl, best file a bug against synaptic then at launchppad11:03
IdleOneokay: gmail but it does not cover all providers11:03
tiredbonesMoLE_,  what does kewl mean?11:04
MoLE_kewl == cool11:04
danutz21does anyone have some tutorials for ubuntu(i just installed it)?11:04
tiredbonesMoLE_, thanks for your help!11:04
MoLE_np tiredbones11:04
=== ganadist__ is now known as ganadist
MoLE_neos, are you dual booting with xp using wubi?11:05
neosno im not11:05
MoLE_so you overwrote your xp install with ubuntu then neos ?11:05
IdleOnedanutz21: there is wiki.ubuntu.com and also www.ubuntupocketguide.com/ and many other sources of info11:05
danutz21ok,thank you11:06
Yitihhey, how do I reformat a drive to be NTFS?11:07
neosso i cant get on the net man v11:07
erUSULYitih: gparted can do that11:07
erUSULYitih: just install the ntfsprogs package first11:08
aldenhow can i update to gnome 2.30?11:08
pwkI have a amd64 ubuntu 9.10 box that can't execute x86 binaries, what do I need to apt-get to ensure the ability to execute x86 code?11:08
fluxw0rmWhen running the following: dd if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdb (sdb is the USB device) and have the BIOS set to boot from the USB device first, Ubuntu still does not boot up, instead it goes to windows. Is Ubuntu Remix the only version I can use on a netbook and not a regular ubuntu CD image?11:09
erUSULpwk: install ia32-lib packages11:10
neosso can u help me wiw the bug11:10
erUSULpwk: install ia32-libs packages11:10
MoLE_ok neos if you're having a kernel crash with a fresh install the most likely causes are faulty hardware or a corrupted install disk11:10
pwkerUSUL, thanks I try11:10
neosis not it11:10
aldenanyone install gnome 2.30 yet?11:10
MoLE_try booting from the live cd and go online11:10
moetunesfluxw0rm: you are copying the iso file not extracting it11:10
neosi can go on it11:10
erUSULfluxw0rm: use the usb disc creator or unetbootin to create bootable usb sticks11:10
erUSULfluxw0rm: just dd wont do11:11
moetunes!unetbootin | fluxw0rm11:11
ubottufluxw0rm: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent11:11
fluxw0rmHm I'll try unetbootin again. I tried it and for some reason unetbootin complained that my 4GB usb key was out of space using the 650MB ISO.11:12
MoLE_in that case neos it sounds like something went wrong with the install. If it was me I'd try reinstalling from the live cd and overwrite the existing install.11:12
moetunesfluxw0rm: what is the filesystem on the usb?11:12
pwkerUSUL, thanks works like a charm11:12
fluxw0rmmoetunes: currently it is iso966011:12
* pwk bows out11:12
aldenhow can i update to gnome 2.30?11:13
erUSUL!latest | alden11:13
ubottualden: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.11:13
moetunesfluxw0rm: best if it is fat3211:14
neosmy pc is new11:14
moetunesfor unetbootin iirc flux11:14
neosi got ubntu on it11:14
neosand i cant get on the net11:14
confidentialdamn when i boot with the live cd the computer suddenly reboots without warning11:15
MoLE_neos try a reinstall11:15
fluxw0rmmoetunes: I'll do that, thank you :)11:15
itsmeagainwhat is teh use of swap it never gets used for anything except as asting space on hdd11:15
neosis my bthomehub11:15
mintsauceWhat's the best way to upgrade svn from 1.4.6 to 1.5 in Ubuntu Hardy?11:16
MoLE_neos, sorry i can't help any further without knowing more detail11:16
moetunesitsmeagain: for suspend/hibernate - I never go above 500mb but some apps use the swap11:17
itsmeagainnon use swap at all11:17
invitingdopemanhow can i hack into my local area network ?11:17
itsmeagaini have it moniterd on taskbar and it never uses it11:17
itsmeagainpeaks out my ram but never uses swap11:18
moetunesitsmeagain: it is your choice to have or not - it is free software11:18
itsmeagaini thought swap was virtual ram but its obviously not11:18
itsmeagainyou cant install ubuntu without swap11:18
moetunesitsmeagain: it is hard disk space11:18
moetunesitsmeagain: that's 'cause ubuntu has to make sure those that don't know have a system that works - and imo it is a good idea to have11:20
moetunesitsmeagain: getting short on space?11:20
The_ExplorerGreetings, Ubuntu community. I have a query. If i recall there is a way to input a command into bash, and insert a symbol to have it perform 2 tasks sequentially and based on output. IE "Build source -> install package" Could someone remind me how this is done? thankyou11:26
hmwCan I have (something like) "top" showing processes sorted by disk activity?11:26
erUSULhmw: use "iotop"11:26
hmwThe_Explorer: perhaps:  first_do && do_if_first_succeeded11:27
goshhello! I installed Ubuntu 9.10 recently, but the XServer doesn't seem to work. It says "/dev/fb0: no such file or directory". The LiveCD worked perfectly though, and I've been using Ubuntu Hardy for years without any problems. What can I do?11:28
IdleOneThe_Explorer: I think you are thinking of && so command1 && command211:28
moetunesgosh: read the Xorg log in /var/log11:28
IdleOne&& will perform command2 on successful completion of command1. if you use just one & it will perform command2 no matter the outcome of command111:29
moetunesgosh: look for lines that start with EE11:29
The_Explorerso then it would be "configure && sh progr*" ?11:29
goshmoetunes: yes, it says (EE) /dev/fb0: no such file or directory11:29
hmwerUSUL: thanks11:29
IdleOneThe_Explorer: I guess so but if you are building source you may want to run one command at a time11:29
moetunesgosh: should be an error above that11:30
goshmoetunes: okay, i'll look at the file and return then. Thanks!11:30
moetunesgosh: k11:30
goshwhat's the log file called exactly, moetunes?11:30
The_ExplorerIdleOne, I understand and appreciate your advice fully. This is meerly experimentation on my part to better understanding Linux and attempting to write scripts. It is difficult to find documentation of specific natures.11:31
moetunes/var/log/Xorg.0.log   gosh11:31
hmwgosh: grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:31
goshI'll try that, thanks hmw and moetunes .. see you soon ;)11:32
IdleOneThe_Explorer: well then experiment away :) there is also #linux if you need more general advice about linux11:32
ragshow can I loop mount the initial ramdisk? this "sudo mount -o loop /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-24-server /mnt" asks for the file system type....11:32
The_ExplorerIdleOne: Unfortunately such channels are underpopulated. This being among the most popular of distributions, draws a crowd of people who have both run into problems and solved those problems alike. Chances of learning in this room are exponentially higher.11:33
thenetduckhey when I type in sudo pdnsd-ctl empty-cache it doesn't work. It says the command isn't found11:34
thenetduckhow can I fix that?11:34
thenetduckI"m confused ;(11:34
IdleOneThe_Explorer: agreed, just remember that this channel is focused on support for ubuntu, that said, a lot of times people will help more more general questions.11:34
IdleOneWell I am off. have a good day Ubuntueros!11:35
nikolamhow do i contact someone from Canonical?11:40
Devil_Wangnikolam: what?11:40
erUSULnikolam: i'm sure the web page has a contact address11:40
nikolamDevil_Wang, about web adresses in their posession11:40
nikolamdo you know someone on Irc that is from canonical?11:41
erUSULrags: is compressed « file /boot/initrd.img-* »11:41
erUSUL!hi | ABC11:41
ubottuABC: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!11:41
nikolamdo not yell, please ABC11:41
budmaddock1The_Explorer: If you want to pipe the output of ./compile into the input of make use ./compile | make.11:42
eLeNaA question11:43
eLeNaHow can i go to the ubuntu-es spanish channel=11:43
Devil_WangeLeNa: what is your question?11:43
erUSUL!es | eLeNa11:43
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:43
ubottueLeNa: please see above11:43
Devil_WangeLeNa: faint11:43
theadmineLeNa: type "/join #ubuntu-es"11:43
rocket16Type "/join #ubunti-es"11:43
=== eLeNa is now known as EBC99
EBC99Thank you very much!11:44
theadminrocket16: #ubuntu-es, not #ubunti-es11:44
rocket16theadmin: Oh sorry, typing error,11:44
rocket16!hi | r00t9311:45
ubottur00t93: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!11:45
theadminOOo 3.2 is sweet, loads in seconds :)11:46
ManDayUbuntu, agai, so quiet, I kinda like that... Okay, here my question: Is there a configuration interface to nautilus so I can add an item to the menu which runs a proram and hands it the current directory?11:46
ManDayIn my case I want an "open terminal" which opens a terminal in the specific dir.11:47
ManDayWhy so silent?11:48
ManDayAny one here?11:48
theadminManDay: I am. Just it seems that nobody knows.11:48
ManDayI know about you theadmin :P11:49
moetunesManDay: what does a right click in nautilus produce ?11:49
theadminManDay: I recall there being a plugin for open terminal here in nautilus, lemme find that11:49
ManDaymoetunes, a right click produces a contex menu?11:49
theadminManDay: Do this: sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal11:49
moetunesManDay: no "open terminal here"?11:49
ManDaytheadmin, actually, I dont only want it to open a terminal but run an app (screen) in that term - can that do that?11:50
ManDaymoetunes, erm, no... :P11:50
theadminManDay: Hm. Not sure... maybe. I don't use it.11:50
ragserUSUL: randisk seems to be a cpio archive...i thought they were always gunzipped11:50
erUSULrags: clearly not the case ;) gzip is cheap11:51
diddlyhi i added a keyboard shortcut for gnome-terminal, but when it comes up its not in my home its in /11:51
ManDaydiddly, what is the command you set the keyboard shortcut to?11:51
diddlyManDay: gnome-terminal11:52
ManDay(did you set it in compiz=11:52
diddlyManDay: no i set it in preferences->keyboard shortcuts11:52
ManDaydiddly, do you use compiz?11:52
ManDayIf yes try setting it there in the gnome compaibility section11:53
rocket16!compiz | diddly11:53
ubottudiddly: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz11:53
diddlyManDay: k i'll look in there. i havent used gnome regularly in 8 years :P thanks!11:53
theadmindiddly: try changing the command to gnome-terminal --working-directory=/home/you11:54
ManDaydiddly, if nothing works you can always call gnome-terminal...11:54
ManDayarg theadmin beat me to it11:54
diddlyManDay: hehehe yeah, actually there is a setting (different key binding) in compiz->gnome compat. it works fine, and looks like it has the same config as mine.  oh well i have a solution11:55
diddlyManDay: theadmin thanks guys11:55
theadminHi, madura11:57
maduratheadmin hi11:58
theadminmadura: Have any Ubuntu questions? If so, ask them11:58
maduratheadmin not much for now just came in to offer any help if i can ..11:59
theadminmadura: Oh. Well, sorry.11:59
The_ExplorerHow big do you think a / partition needs to be with an off mounted home directory?12:02
maduratheadmin :) BTW you know where i can find good tutorials for glade? (for C)12:02
theadminThe_Explorer: 8 gigs or so, methinks, will be enough12:02
theadminmadura: No idea about what glade even is. I actually misread that as "glados" :/12:03
rwwThe_Explorer: Ubuntu's recommendation is 8GB, I generally go with 10GB.12:03
The_ExplorerWell i guess ill just give it 15 since i have the room and... just in case.12:04
maduratheadmin :)12:04
maduraThe_Explorer i just checked it takes around 6 GB12:05
* theadmin has 12 gigs used12:05
theadminBut i guess it's all those movies i have :D12:05
maduratheadmin you store them in root dir ? :P12:05
theadminmadura: I just don't have a separate /home partition12:06
p0r0hvsem privet12:06
maduratheadmin ah i thought 12GB was after removing /home12:07
theadminp0r0h: Для поддержки на русском языке пожалуйста обратитесь в #ubuntu-ru12:07
theadminhuh, he left12:07
goshhello, i've been here a few minutes ago with my Xserver-problem, and i got my Xorg.log here http://nopaste.info/9a35655fc3.html in line 277 is the only error. moetunes, still here? :>12:07
moetunesgosh: looking12:08
ManDaytheadmin, do you actually speak russian or did you just copy it from ubottu? :)12:08
theadminManDay: I do, I live in russia.12:08
obiwan_hi guys12:08
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:08
ManDayOk I see the msg is another12:09
ManDayThat would explain why you speak russian then12:09
obiwan_guys one quick question, what's the simplest program to record voice from micro?12:09
ManDayAutiorecorder, obiwan_ - start > programs > accessoires >> entertainment12:09
obiwan_i'm having issues with micro in wine, and i wanna check if it works well out of it. so i need some voic recorder app12:09
theadminobiwan_: Ubuntu has some built-in sound recorder12:09
obiwan_which theadmin ? i'm looking for on internet and stuff12:09
multiverse72hi guys, any utility that could convert file names to vfat valid ones? I've got a lot of music with accented characters that I want to copy, but don't want to rename one by one. thanks12:10
obiwan_oh i found theadmin ahah12:10
ManDaymultiverse72, you could find -exec it12:10
obiwan_thanks man12:10
theadminobiwan_: gnome-sound-recorder :D12:10
obiwan_actually gnome-sound-rec12:10
theadminoh %)12:10
obiwan_i searched for gnome-sound-recorder in apt and couldn't find it hee12:11
ManDaymultiverse72, find -exec and then mv with grep (juts a guess)12:11
obiwan_so it works,12:13
obiwan_omg, i'm so fed up of the sound issues in karmic12:13
moetunesgosh: seems the inbuilt driver has an issue with your card - can you enable the proprietry driver?12:13
maduraobiwan_ you might have an video card that does audio too12:14
goshmoetunes: i'm not really a pro at linux... how can I enable that driver?12:14
multiverse72ManDay, -exec? I don't understand sorry.12:14
moetunesgosh: on a server atm - there's a menu entry under system apparently - someone will speak up12:15
maduramultiverse72 use find <path> | grep [wildcards for accented chars]12:16
goshmoetunes: sorry, I dont understand.. what do you mean?12:16
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:16
moetunesgosh: ^^12:16
ManDaymultiverse72, find (man find) can find files by name and type. if you pass it the -exec argument you can have it execute a command on each file it finds. make this command an according mv, renaming the files from whatever they are to something they should be with GREP and apply this to your files12:16
goshokay :)12:16
obiwan_madura: i don't hehe actually i don't have video card just a cheapo intell chipset hehe12:17
moetunesgosh: noone spoke up - and I don't have a giu atm...12:17
moetunesand I don't nvidia12:17
maduraobiwan_ hmm my intel chipset gets recognized whats your mobo?12:18
goshmoetunes: okay, thank you! I will try what I can do with this article. Cant be too difficult activating that other driver, right?12:18
obiwan_madura: everything works fine,12:18
conb123Hey just wondering what your opinion on arch linux is? I might give it a try.12:19
maduragosh: that doesnt seem like a big prob tho?.. /dev/fd0 is floopy as far as i know :S12:19
moetunesgosh: afaik there is a menu entry for prop drivers - anyone?12:19
obiwan_madura: thing is the're some sort of polthergeist in my machine. sound suddenly goes when playing youtube vids, or in steam,12:19
multiverse72madura, oooh.. I get it, like 'find ~/Music | grep -v :alnum:' but how does that change them to the appropriate characters?12:19
moetunesmadura: it is for nvidia driver12:19
obiwan_madura: i know it's a pulseaudio/alsa thing i read about it12:19
goshmadura: Afaik is fb0 Framebuffer..? I have a notebook so there is no floppy12:20
Ddordadid anyone try Ubuntu on a macbook?12:20
obiwan_just hope that lucid lynx solves this out12:20
cordenguys just a quick Q. is changing root password in 10.04 Beta1 not yet available?12:20
erUSULconb123: ask in ##linux12:20
obiwan_Ddorda: i'm writing from a macbook12:20
erUSUL!root | corden12:20
cordensine i cannot change root pword12:20
obiwan_3,1 late 200712:20
ubottucorden: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo12:20
Ddordaobiwan_: how long does it takes to boot?12:20
obiwan_mmmm dunno12:20
obiwan_like 20 secs?12:20
obiwan_maybe 25 not sure12:20
erUSULcorden: more help for lucid in #ubuntu+112:21
obiwan_not too long12:21
FloodBot2obiwan_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:21
cordenok erUSUL12:21
maduramultiverse72 yea you can pipe the output of grep to mv i think not sure tho haven't done such thing12:21
Ddordaobiwan_: using grub2, right? nto bootcamp12:21
obiwan_yeah Ddorda12:21
maduragosh: OMG i miss read!!12:21
Ddordaobiwan_: thanks12:21
obiwan_grub2-efi && native boot12:21
goshno prob, madura ;)12:22
lazarusobiwan_, 15 secs to boot here :)12:22
maduragosh is your video driver broken ?12:22
obiwan_np Ddorda , btw they say lucid will boot up even faster12:22
Ddordaobiwan_: have you found any probkems using Ubuntu on a macbooc?12:22
skuld_kidQuestion about logs and rotation.  Last night I discovered my hard drive was full.  Had a syslog of over 50G, syslog.1 over 25G, and a daemon log of over 80G.  How do I configure my logrotate.conf to rotate these files...I don't see anything defined for these critical logs.12:22
goshmadura: I dont know, seems so. Its a fresh installation, just yesterday!12:22
goshmadura: Xserver does not start, i only get a textconsole.12:23
obiwan_lazarus: nice heheh , guess you treat your machine better than i do xD12:23
maduragosh thats 9.10 right? did the live CD go ok?12:23
moetunesmadura: I'm with no gui atm - what's the menu to install proprietry nvidia drivers for gosh ?12:23
vimuseroguys, how i can install ubuntu without any soft?12:23
goshmadura: yes, 9.10. LiveCD was running perfecty12:23
erUSULskuld_kid: something is spamming your logs.12:23
ardchoillemoetunes: System > Administration > Hardware Drivers ?12:24
obiwan_Ddorda: lots of them, isight, touchpad, and more i just can't remember i got used to them hehe12:24
lazarusobiwan_, well you are running ubuntu on a mac so ...lol12:24
erUSULskuld_kid: you should find the root cause. logrotate cannot do much with GiB sized logs12:24
vimuseroHELP, how i can install ubuntu without any soft?12:24
erUSUL!minimal | vimusero12:24
ubottuvimusero: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD12:24
skuld_kidcan't it limit the size of a log file?12:24
moetunesgosh: <ardchoille> moetunes: System > Administration > Hardware Drivers12:24
maduragosh so no GUI what so ever? like it boots up to a corrupted screen12:24
obiwan_lazarus: :P hehe12:24
vimuseroerUSUL, ty! luv u12:24
moetunesthnx ardchoille :)12:24
erUSULskuld_kid: it just compress the old log and archive it for some time then removes it12:24
skuld_kida few days ago I had a power outage multiple times, caused the mysql databases to corrupt.  I think I fixed most of that12:24
Ghost|BTFHvimusero: First, we have to understand what you're saying.  Currently that's a bit beyond our powers.  Could you maybe explain what you're trying to say a little better?12:24
Ddordaobiwan_: iSight? isn't it a program? and what's the problem with the touchpad?12:24
goshI dont have any GUI, only text console tty1-x, madura12:24
obiwan_Ddorda: isight is the inbuilt camera12:25
Ddordaobiwan_: it doesn't work?12:25
erUSULskuld_kid: maybe mysqld is spamming the logs with errors. open them and take a look should be pretty obvious what is going on12:25
vimuseroGhost|BTFH: bad english) i want clear system and install all what i want.. custom DE,WM. soft..12:25
lazarusobiwan_, atleast your running ubuntu on it i guess thats no bad12:25
obiwan_Ddorda: not by default, you needa get apple's firmware cuz it's a privative thingo iirc12:25
maduratry installing the nvidia drivers thru terminal and see i think it'll work12:26
Ghost|BTFHvimusero: What's your main language?12:26
goshmadura: yeah, i'll try that ...12:26
Ddordaobiwan_: but in the end it works, right?12:26
theadminWhoever wanted renaming help, here you go, a command: read y && let x=0 && find -exec let x=x+1 \&\& mv {} '$y-$x' \;12:26
skuld_kidI notice that msyql errors out when it tries to start.  InnoDB corruption, but I don't think I've got any InnoDB's12:26
lazarushow would i edit config files using a bash script12:28
obiwan_Ddorda: also had problems with broadcom driver , but it's fully supported by now so you won't have to deal with theese issues hehe12:28
obiwan_Ddorda: yeah Ddorda .12:28
vimuseroGhost|BTFH: russian12:28
SaintSinnerHow can I assign an IP address to one of my Ethernet cards? System -> Administration -> . . . ??12:28
obiwan_Ddorda: i guess everything works if you put enough effort on it. i just came to a point where i don't care if something works or not. i'm not using optical sound output every day you know heheh12:29
maduragosh: xserver-xorg-video-nv install that12:29
lazarusSaintSinner, set it from your router thats what i did12:29
goshmadura: with apt-get and all that?12:29
theadminSaintSinner: I think you need to use a terminal, maybe ifconfig... read manuals on it12:29
obiwan_lazarus: ubuntu works out of the box, that's good enough hehhe12:29
maduragosh : yea12:29
Ghost|BTFHvimusero: Check your messages.12:30
lazarusobiwan_, better than xp?12:30
erUSULSaintSinner: System>Preferences>Network Connections12:30
obiwan_well, cs time, cya later bye guys :) happy ubunting! :)12:30
goshmadura: shouldn't I go for those nvidia-glx drivers?12:30
obiwan_lazarus: xp is great for me, i have no complaints aobut it12:30
erUSULSaintSinner: System>Preferences>Network Configuration12:30
obiwan_lazarus: but i just preffer linux12:31
SaintSinnererUSUL: there are no any `virtual' cards from VirtualBox12:31
obiwan_it's more developer oriented os, and i like it's features12:31
lazarusobiwan_, good choice12:31
erUSULSaintSinner: ubuntu is running inside VirtualBox ?12:31
SaintSinnererUSUL: Ubuntu is host, Windows XP is vitrualised12:31
maduragosh well you should :P(i use an ATI so i gave u the 1st one i found i thought it was the binary one)12:32
a16bitsoftanyone have any luck getting a 3G NetBook modem working with new Ubuntu ?12:32
theadmina16bitsoft: "new"? 10.04?12:32
a16bitsofttheadmin - yes12:32
SaintSinnerI'll try ifconfig after I will have finished the installation of Windows 712:32
theadmina16bitsoft: For support on this version go to #ubuntu+1, it is not released and not stable12:32
goshmadura: okay, I'll try that then ... I heard somewhere that there is some script (envy?) what does all the work for me :)12:32
Explore2is there any channel for skype?12:32
abhinav!lucid | a16bitsoft12:33
ubottua16bitsoft: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule12:33
erUSULSaintSinner: well i spect the host OS to have a bridge or something like that not a virtual card... but you should ask in #vbox12:33
lazarushow would i edit config files using a bash script12:33
SaintSinnererUSUL: I thpught it simply installs cards to host and to the virtualised system12:33
erUSULlazarus: used sed or ed (if you just want to add a line to the end you can echo "something" >> file )12:33
a16bitsoftI am actually a devoted Linux Mint user, but thought I would give beta of new ubuntu a try using a liveUSB drive12:34
erUSULlazarus: ask in #bash for more help12:34
maduragosh well there is one it's package is envyng-core12:34
lazaruserUSUL, thanks12:34
goshokay madura, I will go for that. Need to reboot now, ubuntu works on this same machine. Thanks for your help!12:35
goshmoetunes, thanks as well!12:35
maduragosh ok :)12:35
moetunesnp gosh12:35
remco_Hey, can anyone tell me where Thunderbird's temp file is located ?12:36
TriMecan i borrow someone that knows about Synergy?12:36
davyremco_: somewhere in your home folder12:36
davyit's hidden12:36
davysrry can't remember exactly (at work)12:37
remco_I looked in .mozilla-thunderbird12:37
remco_but dont see any "tmp" or "Cache" folder12:37
davyhave you checked /tmp maybe?12:37
davyjust guessing here12:37
remco_I have an error "Cant write to temp" when sending mail12:37
remco_I looked in /tmp but didnt see anything related to thunderbird ..12:37
remco_permissions seem ok on all those folders ..12:38
davywas after an update12:38
davywas it after an update12:38
mamoushello all12:38
mamoushow are you 2day12:38
mamousI want to ask12:38
remco_I "dd" from another drive everything works except this12:38
remco_cloned from another drive12:38
davyhm strange12:38
mamouswhen I close Evolution , Does it check for emails when it is closed12:39
erUSULmamous: no afaics12:39
remco_been googling for the past hour without success :(12:39
mamousyes or no ?12:39
erUSULmamous: no; As Far As I Can See12:40
mamousso I should make it open 24/7 if I want it to auto check for emails ?12:40
SaintSinnerI will follow to guidelines at the VirtualBox website12:40
remco_"unable to save your message as draft error writing temporary file" is the exact message when I try to send mail12:40
sixenonepHi Guys, I can access the web fine with my eth0 but when I enable wireless, I can only connect via ip #'s12:42
remco_check your /etc/resolv.conf file when you're connected with wifi12:43
C-S-B-N900sixenonep: have you got a dns server?12:43
remco_if there is no dns, as a workaround copy the dns that you have in there when connected through ethernet and paste it in there when on wifi12:44
CheeryHow to get spacenavigator working in ubuntu?12:44
sixenonepdns is standard
mamouswho here is an ubuntu gamer ?12:45
remco_do you get a resolution in command line ?  dig www.google.com12:45
coz_Cheery,  is this a game?12:45
bazhangCheery, windows app?12:45
Jovarois is possible to force all new files and directories inside some directory to have group X?12:45
bazhangmamous, #ubuntu-offtopic please12:45
sixenonepNot sure wht ETH0 is fine, though WLAN has problems, my other laptop is fine via wireless......12:45
llutzJovaro: man chmod (sgid)12:45
jribJovaro: have to go, but setgid on the directory will work12:45
Ghost|BTFHmamous: I Ubuntu, and game.12:46
Jovarothanks llutz and jrib, I'll look into that!12:46
coz_Cheery,  oh not a game12:47
Cheerycoz_: bazhang: if you guys would google a bit, you'd know immediately. :)12:47
coz_Cheery,  well there a thougsand "spacenavigators" when you google...asking to specify wasnt too off base :)12:48
CheeryI had it already working, last time I had to prevent xorg from recognizing that device.12:48
Jovarois it the setsid package one needs for setgid?12:48
llutzJovaro: sgid, chmod g+s12:48
Explore2is there any channel for skype?12:51
coz_Explore2,  not that I am aware of12:52
icerootExplore2: dont think you will find it in FREEnode12:52
sixenonepthanks guys12:52
sixenonepWifi is on :D12:53
kubancwhere is my audio cd-rom location. in my media folder there are cdrom and cdrom0 folders, but they are empty?12:54
Ghost|BTFHkubanc: It should auto-load the Audio CD and should give you an icon on the desktop.  If it doesn't, you might want to check the CD.12:55
kubancGhost|BTFH, yes, but i would like to open CD with winamp...12:56
C-S-B-N900also, the mount point is often the name of the disc.12:56
MyionWhy doesn't Starcraft run on Ubuntu :/ Ubuntu sucks12:56
C-S-B-N900check in dmesg.12:56
rwwWhy doesn't Starcraft run on Ubuntu :/ Starcraft sucks12:56
C-S-B-N900Myion: that ot and unneeded.12:56
Ghost|BTFHI'd have to agree with rww12:57
C-S-B-N900oh great, trolling.12:57
MyionWhat? Me no troll12:57
MyionMe from Sweden12:57
bazhangMyion, windows app?12:57
madura1Myion: try it on WINE12:57
MyionWhats windows app? My windows are clean, washed them yesterday12:57
Ghost|BTFHMyion:  It's a Windows app, and to my knowledge, it works fine in WINE12:57
bazhangMyion, check the appdb and /join #winehq12:58
JovaroIs it possible to have a new directory copy all its permissions from the parent directory?12:58
MyionOkay, thanks guys, you made my mood better :312:58
bazhang!appdb | Myion12:58
ubottuMyion: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help12:58
madura1omg ubottu is intelligent!! :D12:58
Dr_Willisthanks ubottu13:00
Ghost|BTFHDon't say that madura113:00
Joricare you really removing gimp from distro13:00
Dr_WillisJoric:  there is no removing of gimp from ubuntu. its not Installed by default. thats all.13:00
Ghost|BTFHmadura1: He's only as intelligent as his programmers...and they don't need a bigger ego. ;)13:00
Dr_WillisJoric:  if you want it.. install it.13:00
=== flossk is now known as gent_flossk
JoricDr_Willis, is it still remain on livecd13:00
madura1Ghost|BTFH: well they have done good!13:01
Dr_WillisJoric:  i doubt it.13:01
C-S-B-N900i think if you upgrading and you have gimp, youll still have gimp.13:01
Dr_WillisIf it was on the live cd.. you may as well install it also. :)13:01
Dr_WillisC-S-B-N900:  that applies to most apps you install13:01
C-S-B-N900i know13:02
reubenhello, how do i remove a package without removing dependencies? somebody has made everything dependent on plymouth, and plymouth is stopping my system from booting13:02
Dr_Willisive watched the instller befor. it seems to install everything thats on the live-cd - then removes some stuff. ( theinstaller and a few other tools)13:02
C-S-B-N900just pointing out the fact that most arent going to realise the change, just new/fresh installers.13:02
reubensee #55204613:02
rwwreuben: Which version of Ubuntu are you using?13:02
Ghost|BTFHmadura1: Yeah, they did.  But don't tell them that. ;)13:03
reubenlucid beta 113:03
Dr_Willisreuben:  you could just disable the plymouth service from starting up. by renaming/moveing the /etc/init/plymouth* scripts13:03
Dr_Willisreuben:  and see #ubuntu+1 channel for  lucid13:03
madura1Ghost|BTFH :P13:03
reubenDr_Willis  ok cool13:03
rwwreuben: Discussion and support for that is in #ubuntu+1. And last I checked, which admittedly was a month or so ago, it wasn't a depend, just a recommend.13:03
C-S-B-N900has anyone moved from a standard install to lvm?13:03
budmaddock1chmod -R permissions directory changes everything recursively.13:03
reubenrww: yeah, they just switched the dependencies last night i guess. i was unable to remove it when testing yesterday13:04
rwwreuben: well that's silly of them :(13:04
Ghost|BTFHMan, I'd give anything if they came up with a google translate for Ubuntu.13:05
notlisteningare the update servers down at the moment?13:06
Ghost|BTFHThat is probably the most impressive program I've seen yet for translation services.13:06
coz_Ghost|BTFH,  I believe there is one13:06
notlisteningUK ones ;)13:06
Ghost|BTFHcoz_: I'll be your best buddy if you tell me what it is. :)13:06
Ghost|BTFHnotlistening: Karmic 9.10?13:06
coz_Ghost|BTFH,  I am assuming you meant language translator?13:06
Ghost|BTFHcoz_: Yes.13:06
JovaroIs it possible to override the global umask for some specific directories?13:06
Ghost|BTFHcoz_: I'd love one that has as many languages as google translate.13:07
coz_Ghost|BTFH,   here's a screenshot   http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/screenshot1.png13:07
Ghost|BTFHnotlistening: Go into your repository list in synaptic and tell it to "pick the best server" near you.13:07
fladhey ubuntuers, who is up for a ubuntu case?13:07
Ghost|BTFHnotlistening: The one you're connected to by default might be down.13:07
crack05is there any games in ubuntu ?13:08
pinoyskullanyone using amazon ec2?13:08
abchirk_On a upgrade when i logged in again over ssh? How can I recover the upgrade process which is still running13:08
coz_crack05,  yeah...solitaire   chess  a bunch like that13:08
C-S-B-N900abchirk_: you need to using screen13:09
crack05coz_ no football game ??13:09
notlisteningabchirk, the upgrade process will have quit13:09
coz_crack05,  :)  no nothing like that be default anyway :)13:09
notlisteningabchirk_, run sudo apt-get upgrade and it will tell you what to do13:09
crack05mmm ok13:09
coz_Ghost|BTFH,   I think this is the link    http://code.google.com/p/google-translate-desktop/13:10
fladi have ubuntu server, and it doesnt have a GUI. here's the case: in order to install anything i.e a GUI, i need internet. I have of course googled how to connect and all that, but i use a USB-wireless adapter, and i need to install it, in order to get online13:10
fladany clues?13:10
budmaddock1Backup before upgrading.13:10
Ghost|BTFHcoz_: Like most things, if I just open my eyes and actually search the repositories like I gripe at everyone else to do, I find what I need...there's like 3 programs in the repos that will link to Google Translate.13:11
C-S-B-N900flad: what usb wireless adaptor?13:11
=== root is now known as Guest43696
C-S-B-N900and why is your server running on wifi?13:11
fladC-S-B-N900: its a D-link USB13:11
coz_Ghost|BTFH,  ah ok ...yep  take the sunglasses off and you may see a few things in the repos :)13:11
C-S-B-N900flad: chipset?13:11
fladuhm, let me check13:12
notlisteningUpdate server list umm failed but i am connected to the internet13:12
C-S-B-N900flad: also check dmesg13:12
fladD-link DWA-140. there is information about FCC ID, IC H/W ver, F/W ver (hardware, firmware?)  S/N and MAC13:13
abchirk_notlistening, it is still downloading I see it on df -m. So i wait and then I do aptitude upgrade?13:13
orflonhello, how can I send e-mail with mailx? Actually the e-mail is not sent when I don't specify a "from address". Thanks13:13
C-S-B-N900flad: have you brought the device up?13:13
notlisteningdf -m13:13
kubuntu-kumy kubuntu's kde suddenly froze, just black screen, can't return to desktop, can't do sticky keys too, except alt-tab which just show amarok and nothing else . . . could somebody help ?13:14
C-S-B-N900kubuntu-ku: try #kubuntu13:14
fladC-S-B-N900: hmm, what do you mean by that? i have it here, its connected via usb, but the light isnt flashing on the device13:14
judgepgkubuntu-ku: hit CTRL+ALT+F1, login as root and type /etc/init.d/kde restart13:15
C-S-B-N900flad: as in ifconfig wlan0 up13:15
fladC-S-B-N900: it practically a usb-stick13:15
fladill check13:15
C-S-B-N900flad: it might not be wlan013:16
abchirk_ok it stopped13:16
fladC-S-B-N900: wlan0 ERROR whilegetting interface flags: No sucj devise13:16
isolat3dsh33phello guys, how to install nautilus-actions in 9.10?13:16
C-S-B-N900flad: does the interface appear in ifconfig?13:17
fladonly eth013:17
fladand lo13:17
C-S-B-N900flad: well then you need to know what module supports the chipset, modprobe it.13:18
C-S-B-N900you might need fw though.13:18
C-S-B-N900depending on the chipset.13:18
Ghost|BTFHcoz_: Wow, the Google Translate Desktop is sweet.  It's 100% java, just click 'n run.13:19
fladC-S-B-N900: in sorry, im so new to this textbased kind. modprobe and fw is kinda diffuse to me13:19
coz_Ghost|BTFH,  there you go :)13:19
Ghost|BTFHcoz_: Thanks very much for the help.13:19
coz_Ghost|BTFH,  no problem13:19
Ghost|BTFHSee? I come in here to help others, didn't even know I needed help myself.13:20
C-S-B-N900flad: ok, first work out exactly what chipset you have.13:20
fladC-S-B-N900: okay, where would i find that information13:20
C-S-B-N900well lsusb -vv13:20
C-S-B-N900will give you info13:20
sine0i want to edit my username or i want to add another account13:20
sine0how can i do that from command like13:21
sine0sudo useradd13:21
C-S-B-N900sine0: that will create a new user.13:21
Dr_Willissudo adduser billgates13:21
fladC-S-B-N900: a whole lot of information.13:22
aiyaIs anyone has idea how to make shell and give to people all.Just like in shellium.13:22
fladalot of bXXXXX values. any of interest?13:22
C-S-B-N900all you need is the info for the wifi card13:22
C-S-B-N900pastebin it.13:22
Jovarosine0, I think adduser is easier then useradd. Check the manpages13:22
tastyfishWow I just installed 9.10 like yesterday. I'm impressed with how much Ubuntu have improved since version 6.X13:22
Dr_Willisaiya:  clarify what you mean.  Dont assume we know wht shellium is13:23
C-S-B-N900flad: you could always install x, then uninstall later?13:23
fladC-S-B-N900: aah, but thats not installed yet! its plugged in the usb, but never been installed for linux13:23
wadeI can't change my screen resolution to what i want, and when i click display it says; It appears that your graphics driver does not support the necessary extensions to use this tool.  Do you want to use your graphics driver vendor's tool instead?13:23
wadei have a nvidia fx 5200. help?13:23
C-S-B-N900flad: you dont install drivers.13:23
aiyaIs anyone has idea how to make shell and give to people all.Just like in shellium(they provide shell for user by free.).13:23
Dr_Williswade:  use the 'nvidia-settings' tool. 'gksudo nvidia-settings'13:23
lazarusgconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/panel/default_setup/toplevels/top_panel/size"19" it should work right?13:24
Ghost|BTFHtastyfish: Yeah, it's a mild improvement, I'd say.  Lucid should be rather sexy when it comes out in about a month.13:24
coz_wade,   open nvidia-settings13:24
wadecan't do it through there either13:24
Dr_Willisaiya:  install ssh server. they can then ssh in.13:24
C-S-B-N900flad: what is the usb stick model again?13:24
fladC-S-B-N900_ d-link13:24
coz_wade,  if you open nvidia settings in the terminal with   sudo nvidia-settings  you should be able to write that to the xconfig13:24
aiyaDr_Willis is that possible to make it in ubuntu and how do i have the space for the user and add user and configure it?/13:25
=== No10Day is now known as blueghost
tastyfishGhost|BTFH: I wouldn't call it mild, I remember having to install almost every driver manually, doing alot of stuff in the terminal etc. This time I just installed it on a laptop it shouldn't really have been compatible with last time I checked and almost everything worked.13:25
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wadewrite what to the config? it only gives me 2 screen resolution options13:25
Dr_Willisaiya:  be more clear in what you mean.. If you install ssh server.. people can ssh in and get a shell.  You add a user account for each one you want13:26
C-S-B-N900flad: try sudo modprobe rt2870sta13:26
C-S-B-N900i think thats the chipset?13:26
aiyaWhat is the command to install ssh server?13:26
Ghost|BTFHtastyfish: Oh, that's just me being a smart arse.  From version 6, Karmic is like a whole new OS.13:26
Dr_Willis!ssh | aiya13:27
ubottuaiya: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)13:27
Ghost|BTFHtastyfish: It makes Windows look pointless, and I like that. :)13:27
tastyfishGhost|BTFH It sure is, the only thing not working is my wifi button not changing color when I toggle it!13:27
ubottuSCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/13:27
Ghost|BTFHtastyfish: You mean the physical light on the laptop?13:27
tastyfishGhost|BTFH: It sure does, I look at my Windoze XP machine from time to time and I just think "what the fuck?" to myself.13:28
Dr_Willistastyfish:  ive seen that on other laptops as well13:28
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, sshd is the server (or daemon) of SSH. For setting up the SSH server, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html . Advanced SSH uses: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Advanced . For SSH client information, see !ssh . Related: !scp (Secure CoPy)13:28
tastyfishGhost|BTFH Yeah, A friend recommended trying to do some sort of hardware hack for it but I'm to lazy, the wifi works just not the light.13:28
fladC-S-B-N900: okey, i wrote that, and after typing my sudo password, a new line just came up. is that usual?13:28
tastyfishDr_Willis: I didn't know it was a common problem?13:28
Ghost|BTFHtastyfish: Yeah, my wife's lappy does the same thing - I don't even consider it an issue when you can just right click and say "Turn off Wireless"13:28
Dr_Willistastyfish:  some laptop makers like todo things... oddly :)13:28
C-S-B-N900flad: do you have a new device in ifconfig?13:29
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Dr_Willistastyfish:  on one i have. i can turn it off with the switch. but the switch dosent turn itback on.. nor does rebootig :)i have to boot to windows.. use the switch.. then reboot back to linux13:29
Dr_Willistastyfish:  so i never touch that switch now13:29
fladstill eth0 and lo13:30
tastyfishGhost|BTFH Haha that's weird... The toggle works though, just not the light :D.13:30
Ghost|BTFHDr_Willis: ifup ath0 won't do it either?13:30
tastyfishDr_Willis Man that's weird :).13:30
Dr_WillisGhost|BTFH:  its wlan0 here... ive not tried it.13:30
C-S-B-N900flad: in dmesg did you get and info? try unplugging the usb then plug back in and check what appears in dmesg13:30
Ghost|BTFHDr_Willis: That's how I fix issues when my wife's old wireless card used to throw a fit and not want to connect to the secured router anymore.13:31
isolat3dsh33phello, can nautilus-action be used on karmic?13:34
C-S-B-N900flad: ?13:34
fladwell, i unplugged13:34
skxI'm looking for a good, command-line nntp (also called usenet or news) reader capable of downloading and reassembling binaries (files), could you recommend one?13:34
scribawfExperiencing an issue with Evolution, restoring backup file from Desktop to Laptop Using Karmic Koala on both, any suggestions?13:34
fladand plugged in, and some messages appaired in dmesg13:35
tastyfishI love  9.10, the apps I used in windoze works perfectly, like chrome, dropbox and tweetdeck :).13:35
skxI'm looking for a good, command-line nntp (also called usenet or news) reader capable of downloading and reassembling binaries (files) and working over ipv6, could you recommend one?13:35
mrx_When I write "python somefile.py | less" into the terminal I cannot scroll the output as expected. How can I achieve to get an output from a python process that is scrollable?13:35
erUSUL!repeat | skx13:35
ubottuskx: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.13:35
C-S-B-N900skx: try hellanzb13:35
skxerUSUL, read carefully, I didn't repeat myself :)13:35
skxC-S-B-N900, thanks13:35
fladC-S-B-N900: last message (after registring the device i guess) is that it renamed the wlan0 to wlan813:35
arinelhey guys, what's the man package for system calls?13:35
arinelor libc?13:36
flad"renamed network interface"13:36
arinel'man malloc' provides no results13:36
arinelneither does man sigaction13:36
C-S-B-N900flad: can you do sudo ifconfig wlan8 up?13:36
rwwarinel: manpages-dev13:36
Ghost|BTFHskx: Have you searched Synaptic for an ntp?13:36
arinelrww thanks13:36
fladC-S-B-N900: i just did, and got "SIOCSIFFLAGS_ Permission denied13:36
C-S-B-N900flad: sudo?13:37
skxGhost|BTFH, no, tbh I don't want to install 15 apps to get the one I need so I took a shortcut13:37
fladC-S-B-N900: hahaha13:37
C-S-B-N900flad: does it appear in ifconfig?13:37
lubsehello, how to add an "edit with vim" button to the right click menu?13:37
Ghost|BTFHskx: I'd try that since they have very detailed descriptions, and there's over 20 of them.13:37
Dr_Willislubse:  nautilus has a scripting feature you could use to add such a thing.13:37
fladC-S-B-N900: now it does!13:37
C-S-B-N900flad: woot!13:38
tastyfishI asked a friend that also uses ubuntu and he said spotify doesn't work that well yet, especially not with the pulseaudio drivers. That's the only app I'm missing right now and I just wanted to check if it was true?13:38
lubseI have KDE13:38
Ghost|BTFHskx: You could read, find one that does exactly what you want, give it a shot.  What you're looking for is rather specific - it's not something that will be easy to find someone else who uses the same type of thing.13:38
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lubsedoes nautilus work on KDE?13:38
fabio333lubse>: yes but there is better there13:39
Dr_Willislubse:  it can.. but it can goof things up13:39
fladC-S-B-N900: not its on ifconfig! (sorry for anwering late, i type most of the messages in the terminal the first time. two keyboards fucks my head up)13:39
rwwflad: watch your language, please13:39
Jovarotastyfish, I think it is supposed to work with wine13:39
fladrww: im truly sorry13:39
skxGhost|BTFH, specific but not rare, thanks13:39
C-S-B-N900flad: i dont understand the first bit?13:40
C-S-B-N900flad: can you iwlist scan?13:40
GibbyHey room, just installed 9.10 32 bit, booted with onboard video, working perfect, installed nvidia drivers and booted to pci-e card. so it is all slow and locking up now, i just had 9.10 64bit installed and it was working fine13:40
fladC-S-B-N900: 2 sec, ill check13:40
tastyfishJovaro: Oh allright! I read some about it beforehand and people said some songs get distorted on stuff even with the new wine. Seems not worth it honestly...13:41
ndlovuI need to install antivirus on an ubuntu smb fileserver... I was thinking clamav, but it seems that does not perform well on tests - any recommended strategy?13:41
fladC-S-B-N900: wlan8 no scan results13:41
maginotGood morning.13:41
Dr_Willisndlovu:  theres clamav and avg i think has a linux version.. not sure of any others out there thats not costing $$$13:41
nubuntuI drive 9.10 32 bits and drive perfect speed13:41
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C-S-B-N900flad: well it thinks it has a interface at least.13:41
Ghost|BTFHmagical: Good mornin'13:42
C-S-B-N900flad: keep scanning?13:42
fladup enter, up enter up enter?13:42
ndlovuthanks Dr_Willis... I suppose if those are the only options, it simplifies the decision somewhat ;)13:42
C-S-B-N900maybe install kismet or airodump to see if you can see any packets?13:42
Jovarotastyfish, OK, I have never tried it, but spotify themselves think it should work fine. http://www.spotify.com/int/help/faq/wine/13:42
C-S-B-N900flad: it should pick up your wireless if its there in range.13:43
tastyfishJovaro: Hmmm... I guess I'll try it out sometime, right now I'm running it on my old Windoze like 50 cm to the left of my laptop anyway.13:43
fladC-S-B-N900: its in range, im on a windows laptop right next to in on wireless atm13:44
WhiteDawnflad: back up from the router, being too close can mess up the signal13:44
fladC-S-B-N900: oh wait. never mind WhiteDawn it was my fault. haha . i keep forgetting sudo13:44
* crack05 is away (Gone)13:45
=== crack05 is now known as CRACK05
C-S-B-N900flad: can you pick it up now?13:45
fladC-S-B-N900: now i got alot of information about the network13:45
rwwubottu: away > CRACK0513:45
ubottuCRACK05, please see my private message13:45
GibbyHey room, just installed 9.10 32 bit, booted with onboard video, working perfect, installed nvidia drivers and booted to pci-e card. so it is all slow and locking up now, i just had 9.10 64bit installed and it was working fine..... any help?13:45
C-S-B-N900flad: now you need to configure you interface to connect with your key.13:46
DrSoundI want to have sound on a server running in the kitchen :). I installed alsa, xmms2 - nothing - in the log alsa complains about not finding card 0 - I'm at a loss on how do I get this fixed, where to I start?13:46
fladC-S-B-N900: ok. i know the key, i just need the command to connect13:46
fladif tis that easy13:46
hmwresizing my usb thumb drive's partition made it stop being bootable. it says "boot error" now. Anyone knows, what went wrong or how to fix?13:47
WhiteDawnhmw: resizing it probraly messed up the partition, you should backup before resizing. My suggestion is to boot up a live cd and run fsck on it13:47
WhiteDawnDexterLB: hello13:48
DexterLBchmod -x `which chmod`13:48
DexterLBwhat now?13:48
C-S-B-N900flad: you need to config /etc/network/interfaces13:48
hmwWhiteDawn: it is my live-"CD"  - i made a boot stick and customized it a little (partimage, aso). i would like to not have to make it again13:48
C-S-B-N900flad: google will help you there.13:48
WhiteDawnhmw: you'll need to boot a linux os to do anything to your usb stick unless its formated to fat32 or something, then u can run chkdsk in windows13:49
fladC-S-B-N900: Yes, im on it! thank you so much, you rock13:49
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hmwWhiteDawn: the drive is accessible13:49
C-S-B-N900flad: all working?13:50
bill_How do I capture audio from my sound card with ffmpeg?13:50
WhiteDawnhmw: allright, hten try to repair the partion using chkdsk/fsck13:50
hmwanyone knows, why resizing a Ubuntu-boot-stick breaks its capability to boot?13:50
fladC-S-B-N900: not yet, as you said, ill google the command to get connected, and configure that interface if i need to i think13:50
deydenis my computer 32 bit or 64 bit ? how can i tell?13:51
C-S-B-N900flad: let me know when it works.13:51
C-S-B-N900flad: or if you need me.13:51
lunksHello, I'm having two issues regarding video playback on Ubuntu. I've tried so far MPlayer, VLC, and Totem. First, I was trying to see a video via a SMB share. It was fine for a moment, then it starts having some buffering issues, and I can state it by looking on a bandwidth monitor. All three of them just stops pulling more content. So, I tried to copy them to my PC. And now most of the time they're slow as if my hardware couldn't handle this 720p video.13:52
maginotdeyden, do you know what is your processor ?13:52
deydenmaginot: intel centrino13:52
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maginotdeyden, well, centrino isn't a processor type, is just a group of intel hardware13:53
WhiteDawndeyden: what os are you in right now13:53
lunksdeyden, if in doubt, you can safely go with 32-bit version of Ubuntu.13:53
deydenWhiteDawn: ubuntu 9.1013:53
Ghost|BTFHlunks: Type of video?  Are you sure you actually copied the whole thing?  Are you sure the video files aren't corrupted?13:53
maginotdeyden, what "dmesg | grep -i nr_cpu" outputs?13:54
lunksGHOSTERONI, mkv, H264 encoded. I copied the whole thing and no, files are not corrupted. Closing and opening it again works, for a while13:54
deydenmaginot: [    0.000000] NR_CPUS:8 nr_cpumask_bits:8 nr_cpu_ids:2 nr_node_ids:113:55
Ghost|BTFHlunks: And you're on 32 or 64 bit?13:55
lunksGHOSTERONI, 64 bit13:55
Ghost|BTFH9.10, right?13:55
WhiteDawndeyden: enter this in console: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name" and give up the output13:55
lunksGhost|BTFH, 64 bit13:55
lunksDamn, so many ghosts13:55
Ghost|BTFHI know, there's often a lot of dead people in here.13:55
Ghost|BTFHHere, this should help...13:56
deydenWhiteDawn: model name: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T5450  @ 1.66GHz model name: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T5450  @ 1.66GHz13:56
=== Ghost|BTFH is now known as BinaryFu
sudobashzombie's do exist13:56
BinaryFuThere...now you won't keep incorrectly auto tabbing me. :P13:56
lunksBinaryFu, there's a man and fu, but ok13:56
hmwWill Ubuntu on an SSD thumb drive be faster, if I used ext4 instead of whatever Windows formats it to? How much of an improvement is there to be expected?13:56
BinaryFulunks: So you'13:56
WhiteDawndeyden: allright you have 64 bit, u can grab the AMD64 version13:56
BinaryFulunks: So you're using 64 bit Karmic...13:56
sudobashhmw yes13:56
[Xiru]I'm using lucid. Gwibber and desktopcouch services are using 100%. Is there an workarround?13:56
sudobashhmw much quicker actually13:56
lunksBinaryFu, exactly13:56
BinaryFuXiru: Try #ubuntu+1 for Lucid talk13:57
deydenWhiteDawn: no. actually i had install some s/w and it asked wether 32 bit or 64 bit!13:57
[Xiru]BinaryFu: thanks13:57
WhiteDawndeyden: ah, so u wanna see what one is installed then?13:57
deydenWhiteDawn: yup :)13:57
BinaryFulunks: And you're running H264 encoded (which I have no clue wtf that is...) no corruption...it runs fine for awhile...but then starts bogging down...13:57
lunksdeyden, u should actually check if u're on a 64 or 32 bit version of ubuntu13:57
lunksdeyden, uname -a13:58
BinaryFulunks: And I'm assuming you have all the extra flavor codecs installed, right?13:58
lunksit should tell right away13:58
deydenlunks: that is what i want to check! and i dont remember installing what version of ubuntu is on my system13:58
lunksBinaryFu, assuming it's running, yep13:58
lunksdeyden, 64-bit should show x86_64, not sure what 32 bit will show, probably just x8613:58
BinaryFulunks: You have nvidia?13:59
deydenlunks: 2.6.31-20-generic #58-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 12 05:23:09 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux13:59
lunksBinaryFu, exactly13:59
lunksdeyden, it's 32 bit13:59
maginotdeyden, actually that didn't help to much ... this will give the final answer, if you see LM them you're on a 64bits cpu: grep flags /proc/cpuinfo13:59
deydenlunks: thanks13:59
maginotlunks, that is just the kernel version.. don't mean if the CPU is 32 or 64bits13:59
lunksmaginot, he wants to know which ubuntu he installed, actually14:00
maginotubottu, cn | BinaryFu14:00
ubottuBinaryFu: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:00
BinaryFulunks: You have libvdpau?14:00
lunks!cn | binbin14:00
ubottubinbin: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:00
maginotlunks, oh, so uname will help indeed14:00
deydenmaginot: http://pastebin.com/HJzL6aEB14:01
bill_What is the address of my soundcard?14:01
lunksBinaryFu, won't help, gpu is too old14:01
BinaryFulunks: That could be the issue then...14:01
lunksBinaryFu, the hiccups don't seem from hardware14:01
maginotdeyden, do you see a LM on that line?14:01
DrSoundbill_, dunno how can I find out?14:01
BinaryFulunks: Are you dual booting that box?14:01
lunksBinaryFu, no14:02
BinaryFulunks: Then you can't be certain it's not hardware related.14:02
deydenmaginot: yeah! there is nx and then lm14:02
lazaruswhat does tar -xzf do14:02
bill_I want to use ffmpeg to capture sound from my computer, how do I do it?14:02
BinaryFulunks: However, one possibility would be just trying the latest vid drivers, since the decoding seems to be passed directly to the hardware if able, and most likely nvidia has a software workaround otherwise...14:02
deydenlazarus: unzip14:03
WhiteDawnlazarus: extract a .tar file14:03
deydenlazarus: see: man tar14:03
BinaryFulunks: Which should be in one of their latest drivers, and the version being used in your system could be old or "open source" and not quite doing its job properly, if that makes sense.14:03
maginotdeyden, so you have an 64bit Processor, but uname shows that you are using an 32bit kernel14:03
lunksBinaryFu, if my hardware wasn't capable of delivering it shouldn't my cpu be on 100% or something?14:03
lazarusok just cross referencing14:03
lunkslazarus, tar xf would do the job14:04
lunksno need to -xzf most of the time14:04
deydenmaginot: so which bit version of the s/w should i install on  my ubuntu 9.10 ?14:04
lunksdeyden, 32bit14:04
BinaryFulunks: Depends...could be trying to shove it down the GPU's throat.14:04
Syrinx_Hello all.  I downloaded the latest Nvidia proprietary driver from their site to test it out, and it has a ".run" extension.  Any suggestions on how to install it?14:04
lunksSyrinx_, sh file14:05
WhiteDawnSyrinx_: sh ./<name of file>14:05
lunksSyrinx_, but why should you try to run it?14:05
lunksSyrinx_, isn't nvidia driver from the repositories doing the job?14:05
sine0how do i rename a user account if i spelt the name wrong not that i did but the hypothetical question fits my situation14:05
BinaryFulunks:  You could also check for libmpeg4ip-014:05
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BinaryFulunks: That's supposed to have full support for the h series codecs.14:05
Syrinx_Oh, I just wanted to see if it gave better performance than the 185 driver14:06
Syrinx_On some podcast someone commented that the proprietary driver ran smoother on 9.1014:06
Syrinx_We'll see14:06
lunksSyrinx_, tell me if it does, having performance issues here. be aware that updating your kernel could be a little bit longer14:07
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lunksSyrinx_, every time you update your kernel, you will have to install it again14:07
Syrinx_Ah, good to know.  Thank you.14:07
Syrinx_Ugh, maybe I won't bother than14:07
jedtHi, I dual boot ubuntu with a broken vista but now i'm out of disk space 38/40GB is there anything i can do to resize the linux partition?14:07
Syrinx_Dont want to hose anything14:07
lunksSyrinx_, be sure to get the header files for your kernel, too14:07
WhiteDawnjedt: you can run gparted from live cd14:08
lunksSyrinx_, I did it a few times and it's a pain in the ass :P14:08
BinaryFuSyrinx_: However, with all that...the latest drivers do deliver better performance...and it's simply a matter of stopping gdm from the command line, and then using sudo sh NVIDIA-driver.sh14:08
Syrinx_Meh, totally not worth it then.  I'm not that great at working under the hood.14:08
BinaryFuSyrinx_: Or sudo run Nvidia.sh, whatever it is...forget.14:08
Syrinx_Huh, okay... we'll see how brave I feel :)14:09
Syrinx_Thanks all!14:09
BinaryFuSyrinx_: I've done it quite a lot, and honestly, once you get used to it, it's not an issue at all, and suddenly all these games that don't quite work magically work just fine.14:09
BinaryFuSo...to me, it's worth it.14:09
BinaryFuBecause dammit, I have to play Blood Bowl.14:09
BinaryFuAnd Vegastrike.14:10
lunksBinaryFu, from the changelog on nvidia's website, I'd say you're right14:10
BinaryFulunks: I am?14:10
lunksI'll probably just update to Lucid, and see if it updates the driver14:10
BinaryFuHoly carp, I'll try not to do that again.14:10
jedtHello anyone who can help me?14:11
WhiteDawn!ask | jedt14:11
ubottujedt: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:11
WhiteDawnjedt: you can run gparted from live cd14:11
teachmeplshello all :) how about work 4096 kb sectors in  new hard disk (wd 1TB green EARS) in ubuntu 9.10 ?!14:11
mattishis there a way i can edit the grub on a ubuntu usb key install to not ask for language and boot into live mode automatically14:11
lunksBinaryFu, from 185 to 193 is a big step, and just from the last version tehre is indeeed a lot of 'improves performance'14:11
jedtWhiteDawn,  I wont have data erased right?14:12
WhiteDawnjedt: usualy not, helps if you defrag the windows drive first. Still good idea to back up when you do anything to your hardrives.14:12
teachmeplshello all :) how about work 4kb sectors in  new hard disk (wd 1TB green EARS) in ubuntu 9.10 ?!14:12
BinaryFuSeriously lunks, my being right was strictly accidental. >.>14:13
lunksBinaryFu, as is everything in life.14:13
mattishwhere is the language selection and then boot menu located ?14:14
mattishim guessing it is grub ?14:14
lunksOk, how do I enable update-manager to let me install Lucid?14:14
BinaryFulunks: This is true...if I tried to get up every morning, I'd still be asleep...it just happens by accident.14:15
WhiteDawnlunks: you might wanna do a clean install instead of a upgrade for the best enviroment, im sure hte iso can be found on ubuntus website14:16
lunksBinaryFu, going for a distro upgrade, wish me luck. :)14:16
lunksWhiteDawn, I know, but I didn't have my home on a partition, so it'd be a pain14:16
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
BinaryFulunks: May the gods Libnux grant you crash free distro-upgrading...I'll sacrifice a goat with a shovel for ya.14:16
lunksWhiteDawn, if you have any tutorials on how to migrate home and have all my current programs from repo installed, be my guest14:17
lunksBinaryFu, amen14:17
* BinaryFu grabs the shovel and heads for the temple...err...shed...14:17
iustinian                                   Google has announced that the company will change name to Topeka starting 1AM14:18
WhiteDawnlunks: fair enough :P14:18
BinaryFuiustinian: Happy April 1st.14:18
iustiniansame to you lolz14:19
lubseDoes anyone know how to get sound working in flash? (youtube)?14:19
lubseI have kubuntu version 9.1014:19
jedtThanks WhiteDawn14:19
lunksWhiteDawn, I usually do a clean install, but this time it's going to be a real pain, lots of stuff, from zsh shell to gnome theme14:19
iustiniani heard canonical got bought by Microsoft14:19
bazhang!ot | iustinian14:19
ubottuiustinian: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:19
BinaryFuI heard Bill Gates converted to Ubuntu on all his main servers.14:19
greenpeasshould I create a swap partition for ubuntu ona eeepc? I ve been said is a bad idea:/14:20
lunksgreenpeas, I haven't tried yet, but there's Ubuntu Netbook Remix14:20
greenpeasyeah I ve eeebuntu14:20
teachmeplsanybody here14:20
greenpeasbut I dont know if I have to create a swap partition14:20
BinaryFuteachmepls: No, we're just bots....beep.14:21
erUSULgreenpeas: swap in a SSD is a bad idea yes14:21
lunksgreenpeas, I have been using Ubuntu on a 6GB partition for a while, while it has been a little full-disk hell, it worked fine14:21
teachmeplsBinaryFu, it was a test14:21
teachmeplsBinaryFu, thx14:22
=== jan247_ is now known as jan247
lunksteachmepls, test worked, feel free to talk... beep14:22
BinaryFuteachmepls: np, ummm...my reply was a test too...yeah...14:22
dr34mc0d3ris there a cross platform desktop widget application? im wanting to develop a widget for all windows and linux users at my company?14:22
BinaryFulunks: <data transfer i/o protocol>14:23
notlisteningdr34mc0d3r, look at scripting languages eg tcl/tk and others ...14:23
greenpeasapparently the eeepc 1000H has no ssd drive14:23
lunksdr34mc0d3r, I used one a long time ago that accepted vista sidebar apps, maybe you should be looking for it.14:24
BinaryFugreenpeas: If you have a regular HD, go for the swappy.14:24
obiwan_yayyy guys14:24
moetunesdr34mc0d3r: java I thought14:24
obiwan_i solved all my sound issues uninstalling pulseaudio hehe14:24
BinaryFuobiwan_: That usually solves all my problems.14:24
greenpeasthanks a lot :)14:24
dr34mc0d3rdesktop widgets like konfabulator14:24
BinaryFuobiwan_: That's the first thing I do on any linux install...rip Pulse out, stuff Alsa in.14:24
obiwan_aahahh BinaryFu i was so pissed off14:24
obiwan_yeah BinaryFu sound works perfect in my gentoo with just alsa, so i said let's try removing pulse14:25
mebitekhello. i have a intel i5 430m. which kernel is the right choice?14:25
madjoewhat's the procedure to update any application from Synaptic to the most recent stable version?14:25
BinaryFuobiwan_: I hate Pulse with a psychopathic passion.14:25
mebitekactually on ubuntu lucid kernel 2.6.32-19 cpu temperature, turboboost, suspend and hibernate do not work. some tips?14:25
obiwan_and wow! now counter strike plays awesome on wine hehe14:25
HandyGandyDoes anyone here know anything about NTFS junction points on linux?14:25
obiwan_BinaryFu: from now on, i'm a hater too ehehe14:25
kr_217hello,how can set password to grub for loading any OS?14:25
lunks!lucid | mebitek14:25
ubottumebitek: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule14:26
BinaryFumadjoe: Ummm...are you saying you're wanting everything at standard distro updated level, ie, no more bleeding edge?14:26
kr_217hello,how can set password to grub for loading any OS? i.e for dual booting14:26
BinaryFuobiwan_: Welcome to the IHPA group.  We'll be sending you your ID badge in the email.14:26
mebiteklunks: i know. but i'm asking why new intel cpu are not fully working14:26
madjoeBinaryFu: something like that, yes :)14:26
lunksBinaryFu, is it easy to install alsa over pulse audio?14:27
BinaryFumadjoe: Remove the bleeding edge repositories, reload...then perhaps select said broken programs and tell it to reinstall, which should reinstall the older versions.14:27
BinaryFulunks: In 9.10, it's retardedly easy.14:27
lunksBinaryFu, how to do it?14:28
aiyaIm using ubuntu 9.10.My laptop has NVDIA grapic card.when ever i enable special effect the screen freeze.How do i fix it?14:28
lunksaiya, do you have restricted drivers on?14:28
obiwan_BinaryFu: actually i read about it somewhere. the developer made a lot of changes, and he argued that the rest of the developers haven't adapt their programs to it, so it's not his fault but other dev's who don't adapt their things to the new changes14:28
costreIs there a way to allow Firestarter to grant access to every connections coming through a specific program? In this case a Tor-bridge, that gets connections on all sorts of ports, from all sorts of IPaddresses14:28
aiyalunks : I have enable it.I install the driver also from resticted driver14:29
madjoeBinaryFu: I'm quite new in Ubuntu, can you give me some more instructions? for example, I'd like to update my Pidgin to 2.6.6, but my Synaptic has Pidgin 2.6.214:29
lunksaiya, which version?14:29
aiyalunks : Im not sure.Is that playing part ?14:29
BinaryFuobiwan_: It's not the developers of Pulse's fault that their default sound volume doesn't work properly, causes crackling noises, that their server cannot handle multiple sounds without ramping up a memory bleed and maxing out CPU?14:29
lunksmadjoe, if you want the latest one, maybe you should try installing it off the repo, but that's not recommended. You should try Pidgin website, they have a PPA which enables you to have latest version to be downloaded from the repository.14:30
BinaryFumadjoe: Just a sec, mate. :)14:30
BinaryFulunks: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130667914:30
lunksaiya, check on restricted drivers, you probably has 3 options, and one recommended.14:30
madjoelunks, BinaryFu: thanks14:30
obiwan_BinaryFu: he said he enhanced a lot his product, but with the counterpart of not getting along too much with legacy programs14:30
shishirdwivedi20i need help14:30
aiyalunks : I had install the recommanded by ubuntu.When i checked its show me it only14:31
shishirdwivedi20when i am sending file to pendrive14:31
BinaryFuobiwan_: I dunno, sounds like whining to me.  Everyone I know is drinking the PulseAudio Kool-Aid.  I just do a LOT with audio work, so...if it don't work, I don't use it.  Period.14:31
obiwan_that's it14:31
lunksaiya, open restricted drivers on system/administration (not sure about the path)14:31
lunksand check what's there14:31
obiwan_BinaryFu: was pulseaudio in jauny?14:32
shishirdwivedi20it show mesage unlock keyring when i am giving the password then  it does'nt dissappear and ask it again14:32
obiwan_BinaryFu: cause sound worked perfect for me in jaunty14:32
DunkirkAnyone know how to list packages on your system that have come from a particular repo?14:32
obiwan_but since i switched to karmic, omg, all this months' been a hobby heck14:32
lunksBinaryFu, will try it, thanks! =D14:32
shishirdwivedi20when i m denying then also it appears and ultimately no file transfer occur14:32
BinaryFuobiwan_: Yes.  It's been in Ubuntu since...ummm...Hoary I think?  I can't remember.14:32
lunksBinaryFu, after the distro upgrade.14:32
madjoelunks, so the recommended way to go is to sit and wait for Synaptic to be updated to include my application with the required version?14:32
obiwan_well so it worked great for me in jaunty BinaryFu14:32
BinaryFulunks: I can't promise you it'll work the same to do so in Lucid, I'm not beta testing that.14:33
shishirdwivedi20plz answer14:33
BinaryFuobiwan_: It's never worked great for me.  I could get multi-sounds for about 5-10 minutes, then suddenly it'd start deciding to toss out some sounds and not others...or stop playing my music.14:33
lunksmadjoe, head to pidgin website, there will be some directions on how to get the latest one on ubuntu.14:33
BinaryFumadjoe: You still need help flipping back to the older versions of stuff?14:34
madjoelunks: I know, but you told me it's not recommended14:34
madjoeBinaryFu: thanks, dude, I think I can handle it now14:34
DunkirkI can see how to do this with Synaptic (origin), but not the command line.14:34
shishirdwivedi20plz help14:34
lunksmadjoe, yeah, you should wait for synaptic to have the new version on the next one. If it's working, it's working. If you need a feature it's not in there, go at your own risk.14:35
lunksmadjoe, specifically for pidgin, it's not a big issue though14:35
BinaryFushishirdwivedi20: Sounds like it is requiring a password for the drive itself.  Are you sure it's not a secure drive?14:35
BinaryFuEh, I guess he couldn't be bothered with waiting for an answer.14:35
madjoelunks: what if I go to update it manually with their PPA, will I be able to update that app through my Synaptic anymore, without additional tweaks?14:36
lunksmadjoe, yep!14:36
kr_217hello,how can set password to grub for loading any OS? i.e for dual booting14:36
obiwan_BinaryFu: but since i switched to karmic omg, hobby nail, i've been craving to make sound work. i had so many problems with sound in browsers. i thought it was a flash isue, till today i tried to play counterstrike and sound problems again. then i just thought it could be a thing with pa and its sound multiplexing.14:36
madjoelunks, ok then... so where is the risk then? I'm trying to figure out the downside of it14:37
BinaryFuobiwan_: Yeah, for me the final straw was when I was just trying to run a game in WINE, have my music running, and using voice chat at the same time and it just crapped itself completely.14:37
obiwan_exactly hehhe14:37
BinaryFuobiwan_: I then figured out how to rip its heart out and slapped ALSA in its place, suddenly everything worked - flawlessly.14:37
lunksmadjoe, on the worst scenario, you would have to reinstall the older version, or lose your account history, something like it.14:37
obiwan_well , good to know, finally. hehe14:38
lunksmadjoe, go for it =P14:38
madjoelunks, ok :)14:38
BinaryFulunks: He won't lose account history unless he goes into his home directory and deletes .pidgin14:38
madjoelunks: should I remove the older version first?14:38
obiwan_lunchtime for me BinaryFu , mtfbwy dude14:38
BinaryFuThat's one of the biggest bonuses to running Linux over Windows in my opinion.  Separate /home directory = <314:39
lunksmadjoe, not needed14:39
kr_217hello,how can set password to grub for loading any OS? i.e for dual booting14:39
madjoelunks: sweet, thanks14:39
BinaryFuobiwan_: Enjoy!  It's just mid-morning here.14:39
CarlFKBinaryFu: how did you swap alsa and ... pulse or whatever14:39
BinaryFuCarlFK: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130667914:39
lunksBinaryFu, if there's a database change on pidgin and something goes wrong, you could mess with your history14:39
BinaryFulunks: Meh, I think their db is pretty solid...and if they did, they'd probably have an import feature. ;)14:40
lunksBinaryFu, happened to me a couple of times when trying gajim. It was bleeding-edge gajim (straight from svn), but still.14:40
kr_217hello,how can set password to grub for loading any OS? i.e for dual booting14:41
UrdaQuestion: Can I chown without being sudo?14:41
llutzkr_217: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=136901914:41
=== mOOey is now known as m00se
CarlFKBinaryFu: thanks14:41
erUSULUrda: if the file is yours sure14:41
BinaryFuCarlFK: np.14:41
UrdaerUSUL: hmmm doesn't seem to be working :-\ trying to change a file from my ownership to www-data:14:41
BinaryFuAfter using chown on a file I have rights to, I personally prefer to yell outloud "CHOWNED!!!"14:41
UrdaI get an Operation not permitted14:42
erUSULUrda: what error you get?14:42
BinaryFuBut that's just me.14:42
=== BinaryFu is now known as Ghost|BTFH
UrdaBinaryFu: lol14:42
lunks'You have to download a total of 1,290MB' for the Lucid?14:42
erUSULUrda: what directorie is the file in?14:42
=== mentr is now known as mentr_bnc
Ghost|BTFHOh noes lunks, I R a ghost again.14:42
UrdaerUSUL: oh you know www-data might own the dir hang on14:42
kayserhola buenos dias14:43
lunksGhost|BTFH, u're the forth on auto-completion list for 'ghost'. Expect a compliment from GHOSTERONI.14:43
lunks!es | kayser14:43
ubottukayser: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:43
Ghost|BTFHNow everyone will misspell my name and call me GHOSTERONI or something. :D14:43
UrdaerUSUL: it is in a directory in /var/www/ and I own the sub directory the chown is going on in14:43
Ghost|BTFHMeh, this is my name on the Ubuntu forums.14:43
Ghost|BTFHRoni can deal with it.14:43
* Ghost|BTFH flexes14:43
=== JonMelamut is now known as JonMelamut-afk
Ghost|BTFHI'm weird, I actually use my forum name. ;)14:44
lunks3h left to download14:44
Ghost|BTFHagony_: zomg hai.14:44
mouseI doubt those same people are still here but thank you for your advice on gparted.  It worked perfectly.14:44
Ghost|BTFHlunks: Just 3?  Servers are whippin' today.14:45
UrdaerUSUL: basically I am copying a settings file into a backup dir, and want to chown, chmod the file afterwards14:45
kayserubottu,  gracias !14:45
lunksGhost|BTFH, I use Lunks since ever on everything. It's nice to have an unique name. :P14:45
Urdaall without sudo, chmod works fine, but the chown won't work without sudo14:45
lunksUrda, chown won't work, it changes ownership.14:46
hmwI want green [ OK ] messages on boot. The script /lib/lsb/init-functions has function log_end_msg() which checks the variable log_use_fancy_output. I can't find, where to set that variable. /etc # grep -R log_use_fancy_output doesnt help me, it only shows 3 if commands, no log_use_fancy_output = false;14:46
Urdalunks: so no way to do it without sudo?14:46
lunksUrda, if it's not yours, you can't claime it yours. Unless you're a... superuser.14:46
kibibytedo i need runnig X server on host which i connect with ssh -X to ?14:46
Urdalunks: but it is mine :(14:46
Ghost|BTFHlunks: I have too many names.  But I try to keep them uniform within categories, like...Ubuntu Forums...#Ubuntu...that kinda thing.14:46
lunksUrda, looks like it's not, if you need chown14:46
erUSULUrda: if the parent dir is not yours maybe you have no permissions to chmod it14:46
lunksUrda, where are the files?14:46
Urdalunks: I'm trying to chown it to www-data:www-data14:46
=== JonMelamut-afk is now known as JonMelamut
thropeafter doing ubuntu updates it seems my nomachine nx has stopped working: http://pastie.org/898801  anyone got any ideas?14:47
UrdaerUSUL: ok I see14:47
=== arvind_k is now known as arvind_khadri
astra-xanyone have a deb of tranmission 1.92?14:47
astra-xfor ubuntu 9.1014:47
Ghost|BTFHthrope: 9.10 or Lucid?14:47
thropeGhost|BTFH: 9.1014:47
moetuneskibibyte: afaik you need the X installed - to get the default    twm14:48
thropeGhost|BTFH: and not an os update - just started package updates (been on 9.10 since it came out and nx was working)14:48
Urdalunks: erUSUL got a workaround for now, I can place it as MyUSER:www-data with chown and be OK14:48
Ghost|BTFHthrope: Do you have a custom nvidia driver install?14:48
thropeGhost|BTFH: maybe but not that ive changed14:48
llutzUrda: only root can change ownership14:48
aciculaastra-x: packages revisions are tied to the distribution version, newer versions go in newer distribution releases but you dont see much intermediate revision updates bar security updates etc.14:48
prodigelhi all. I've tried installing linux kernel virt and now the system isn't booting anymore. I get 'gave up waiting for root device' and initramfs console14:48
erUSULUrda: ok14:48
Ghost|BTFHthrope: I mean, have you gone to the nvidia site, downloaded their linux driver, and installed it at some point in the past?14:48
astra-xacicula: ahh I guess i have to build it myself (transmission 1.91 has security flaws)14:49
prodigelis there a way to restore the initial kernel ?14:49
thropeGhost|BTFH: no - all through ubuntu repos on this machine14:49
aciculaastra-x: that being said sometimes you can find a newer revision in someones PPA or14:49
Urdallutz: but If I own the file I can at least change the group to get www-data to be able to access it14:49
thropeGhost|BTFH: its office workstation so i wouldnt have bothered doing that - it runs headless most of the time14:49
llutzUrda: you can chgrp but not chown14:49
aciculaastra-x: then notify the ubuntu maintainer so it can be updated14:49
aciculaastra-x: or patched14:49
Ghost|BTFHthrope: How odd.  Most of the times such issues are because of nvidia drivers/kernel updates making things crap themselves.  Damn, I'll actually have to think now...14:49
moetunesprodigel: you don't have a menu to select a kernel when you boot?14:49
Urdallutz: Yes I understand that now :) Thank you so much to erUSUL and lunks for helping a permissions noob14:50
=== Cream is now known as LOL
erUSULUrda: no problem ;)14:50
=== LOL is now known as lol
prodigelmoetunes, I have, but there is only one kernel version normal+recovery and neither is working14:50
lunksUrda, np14:50
moetunesprodigel: that's not good - if grub doesn't show it - it is hard to boot into it14:51
thropeGhost|BTFH could have been a kernel update - ive given up now and plugged the monitor in... you think its worth playing around with graphics drivers?14:51
boymeetsworld_I have just downloaded libopenal1, a deb package....how do I install it?14:51
thropeGhost|BTFH: i updated nx server stuff to latest versions as well14:51
lunksboymeetsworld, gksudo gdebi package.deb14:51
lunksboymeetsworld, or just double click it. :)14:52
thropeGhost|BTFH: ah something funny - when i go into display settins it says "it appears your graphics driver does not support the necessaary extensions to use this tool - do you want to use vendors tool instead" - not seen that before14:52
thropevendors tool is nvidia14:52
prodigelmoetunes, can I install a fresh kernel version over the current system without losing all the already installed software?14:52
Ghost|BTFHthrope: One potential solution I've found from using Google is that clearing your /tmp may resolve the issue.14:52
thropeGhost|BTFH: yeah i tried that as well14:52
Ghost|BTFHthrope: Hmmm...give it a shot.14:52
boymeetsworld_You are recommended to install the software from the channel instead. what's this?14:52
boymeetsworld_I get this while running that deb package14:53
thropeGhost|BTFH how do i change back from nvidia to normal?14:53
lunksboymeetsworld, it's because there is the same package on the repository, try finding it on synaptic14:53
moetunesprodigel: if there is a kernel installed but not listed a live cd would let you enter it as an option14:53
aciculathrope: disable the driver in Hardware Drivers14:53
lunksboymeetsworld, why did you downloaded it on the first place?14:53
omikron4_mierda niño que me quita el enchufe del router14:53
lunks!es | omikron4_14:54
ubottuomikron4_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:54
sfdev2009hi all14:54
sfdev2009i have a server which is really low on disk space14:55
aciculaboymeetsworld_: try installing libopenal from the repositories via apt-get/aptitude/synaptic14:55
sfdev2009is there a command i can run that will show me where the disk space is used?14:55
moetunesprodigel: you could install a kernel and initrd and add it to the menu but I'm not on the latest ubuntu atm14:55
=== sam_ is now known as Guest15995
aciculasfdev2009: baobab (gui)14:55
Ghost|BTFHlunks: Because he needs it for a pr0n installation...sheesh, nosy nelly today, aren't ya? :P14:55
llutzsfdev2009: du/df14:55
boymeetsworld_acicula,  thank you, I'm trying some packets to get my regnum online sound working:(14:55
boymeetsworld_acicula,  thanks14:55
erUSULsfdev2009: sud -cs /*14:55
erUSULsfdev2009: sud -cs /* | sort -rn14:56
=== omikron4_ is now known as omikron4
erUSULsfdev2009: then go down the dir tree14:56
sfdev2009erUSUL: thanks, i'll give it a shot14:56
aciculaerUSUL: sud from what package?14:56
* Ghost|BTFH is now known as TheBTFHFormerlyKnownAsGhost|BTFH14:56
erUSULacicula: sfdev2009 sorry is just "su"14:56
erUSULacicula: sfdev2009 sorry is just "du"14:57
llutzerUSUL: du14:57
* erUSUL .... D'ho14:57
aciculathanx, thats a nice one, way better then using baobab14:57
moetunes2 o's in oops llutz14:57
Rafaelcan anybody help me with this: rsync: recv_generator: mkdir "/home/rgotten/Prueba/Myplasticare/Charts/charts.documents" failed: Permission denied (13)14:57
Ghost|BTFHmoetunes: Maybe he was hoping for ops.14:57
llutzhe wasn't14:58
Ghost|BTFHllutz: How do YOU know...he could have been...oh wait.14:58
Ghost|BTFHRafael: Check permissions on /Charts14:59
=== thrope_ is now known as thrope
moetunesRafael: sudo needed perhaps15:00
Ghost|BTFHRafael: If you copied the files over from say, a backup drive or something, sometimes it won't deliver your permissions to you, and it winds up being something necessary for sudo to chown/chmod to fix.15:00
moetunesor what Ghost|BTFH said15:00
Ghost|BTFHmoetunes: Your version was easier to read.15:01
CyLMay I talk privately to ubottu?15:02
Ghost|BTFHCyl: He's a little shy...and a bot.15:02
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sine0i want to run an ssh daemon15:02
sine0so someone can connet15:02
rblstcan anyone please help me with setting up printer Lexmark Z602 in Ubuntu Karmic?15:02
Ghost|BTFHCyl: You need help in your native language or something?15:02
RafaelGhost|BTFH: it is a windows folder that is share, mounted on the server and i want to make backups to the server?15:02
sine0whats the best option15:02
CyLGhost|BTFH: sure, but I would like to consult some factoids without floodind the cannels15:02
llutzsine0: sudo aptitude install openssh-server15:03
aciculasine0: openssh-server15:03
thropeGhost|BTFH: removed nvidia driver but nx error is the same15:03
Ghost|BTFHCyL: Hmm...I dunno, never tried whispering the little guy.  I guess you could give it a shot.15:03
sine0ive installed it but it wont let me run it15:03
CyLGhost|BTFH: I want to help to translate some factoids for the ubuntu bot on mai native language15:03
sine0do i just sshd15:03
aciculaif you installed it is allready running15:03
llutzsine0: sudo service ssh start15:03
aciculaand yeah the daemon is called sshd15:03
Ghost|BTFHthrope: That's weird...Have you checked google?15:04
CyLGhost|BTFH: He says he doesn't know me... Do we ever will know if it is a guy or a girl?15:04
thropeGhost|BTFH: ah got it - i think its a client issue15:04
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!15:04
Ghost|BTFHCyL: I'm pretty sure bots are male.  Otherwise there'd be at least 20 people trying to have cybersex with the poor fellah.15:05
jussi01CyL: ?15:05
CyLDamn, sorry op's.. I didn't know it was an emergency trigger15:05
raw_i've set up a samba pdc using ldap. joining domain (with a windows 7 client) is working, but as far as i login with a user, it asks me to change the password because of first-time-login. ok, would be no problem, but after changing the password, it asks me again and again to change it15:05
dolmenis LaunchPad down?15:05
CyLjussi01: I'd like to help to translate some of ubottus factoids for my native language ubuntu channel bot...15:05
elkyGhost|BTFH, that's rather an inappropriate thing to say15:05
AmberJIs there a minimal netinstall CD release for ubuntu like debian ?15:05
CyLjussi01: And I would like to have access to a list of ubottus factoids15:06
llutz!minimal > AmberJ15:06
ubottuAmberJ, please see my private message15:06
raw_now iam wondering where the problem can be, because the password is changed, but it still asks me to change it again15:06
jussi01!bot > CyL15:06
ubottuCyL, please see my private message15:06
CyLjussi01: and is possible also do it privately to not overflood the channel...15:06
AmberJThanks llutz15:06
jussi01CyL: /join #ubuntu-bots15:06
Ghost|BTFHelky: I sorry if you found it inappropriate.  I found it humorous and sadly accurate for the mindset of most IRC users.  I'll attempt to modify my comments to strictly net-neutral non-sexual non-aggressive non-interesting comments from here on out.15:07
CyLjussi01: thanks for the advice...15:07
CyLjussi01: sorry about having alarmed you neddlessly..15:07
jeeves_Mosshow do I alt+tab out of the "term server client" that is the default on 9.10?15:09
Ghost|BTFHelky: Forgive me or must I traverse the lands knowing that you shall forever hold a grudge against me?15:09
raw_any ideas for my problem?15:09
C-S-B-N900flad: hello15:10
dolmenlaunchpad.net tells me: "Sorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad Login Service."15:10
Ghost|BTFHraw_: So you have the user set up on the Windows box?15:10
dolmen3 times on 2 different computers15:10
elkyGhost|BTFH, You're acting out and I don't particularly want to encourage you to continue making a fool of yourself. Please read the guidelines, they're in the /topic15:10
Ghost|BTFHraw_: Have you gone into the Windows user management and set it for "password never changes" and tried that?15:11
maginotraw_, did you tried #samba?15:11
raw_maginot, #samba is death :/15:11
damaguHey all. My ext3 external hard drive has all of a sudden become read only. It's possible that the cause was disconnecting without unmounting properly. Can't be sure. No apparent data loss just no longer writeable. Anyone know how to fix this other than reformatting?15:11
raw_Ghost|BTFH, i need to create a local user on order to login into the domain?15:12
Ghost|BTFHelky: Oh, it's no trouble, I make a fool of myself as often as I help others...I just like to joke as well.  Perhaps if you used apt-get install humor you might understand me better.15:12
maginotraw_, there are 118 users there, and there is the right place, or wasn't called #samba15:12
Ghost|BTFHraw_: Mmmm...not sure.  I was thinking you were maybe using samba on a local Windows box.  You're logging into a domain?15:13
raw_maginot, well, thats what i thought first, but after asking my question some user states that the channel is death :)15:13
hotdog003Does anyone have any pranks for April Fools' day?15:13
aciculahotdog003: offtopic15:13
hotdog003Ok, sorry.15:13
raw_Ghost|BTFH, yeah, login into a samba PDC domain which uses openldap as backend15:13
Ghost|BTFHraw_: Okay, I'm not too familiar with that setup, but...I'm presuming you can create an account remotely then, is that how it works?15:14
maginotraw_, This is an specific ubuntu support channel, so try #linux, is even more active then here.15:14
raw_Ghost|BTFH, yeah, i create a account in openldap and login with that accountin in the domain using the windows client... it is checking the password and comes to the conclusion that i have to change it. again and again15:15
Ghost|BTFHraw_: Because if that's the case, there's got to be a way to set the option to use a specific password, which should bypass the "user must change pw at beginning of next session" rubbish.15:15
raw_Ghost|BTFH, specific password is set... well, as maginot suggests, i will try #linux15:16
raw_Ghost|BTFH, and the password is also set to the new one when i change it on the windows machine, but after that, it wants me to change it again15:17
Ghost|BTFHraw_: Okay bud, but I'd also check out something else...15:17
Ghost|BTFHraw_: http://search.cpan.org/~ghenry/Samba-LDAP-0.05/scripts/smbldap-useradd15:18
stevecamGhost|BTFH, what does the T mean in your nickname?15:18
Ghost|BTFHThere's a LOT of options for useradd.15:18
Ghost|BTFHstevecam: Tech15:18
Ghost|BTFHstevecam: And thank you for knowing the rest of it.15:18
Ghost|BTFHstevecam: That just makes my day. :)15:18
stevecamtechie or just tech?15:18
Ghost|BTFHraw_: Like useradd -B 015:19
Ghost|BTFHstevecam: I'm a repair tech, ISS, and a few other things.15:19
raw_hm Ghost|BTFH that might be the reason .. the mustChangePassword attribute does not exist for my user15:19
Ghost|BTFHstevecam: So, tech as in, computer repair tech. :)15:20
hmwhow can I make the [ OK ] messages green?15:20
Ghost|BTFHraw_: See?  Sometimes it only takes an extra head to come up with a solution.15:20
stevecamoh, do you repair circuits or do you just do all the easy stuff?15:20
Ghost|BTFHstevecam: I *prefer* to do the easy stuff...but I know my way around a soldering iron.15:21
Ghost|BTFHstevecam: It's just generally cheaper to fix something by replacing it now-a-days.15:21
bl4ckc00k1e_alguien me puede ayudar conel tema sonido15:22
moetuneshmw: thats your irc clients option15:22
Ghost|BTFHstevecam: With the exception of laptops...but then, people bring me dead ones and say, "Can you fix it?" and my answer is always the same, "Yes, but do you want to spend the money to have that done?"15:22
bl4ckc00k1e_ahora ya ni me aprece el altavoz15:22
aciculabl4ckc00k1e_: spanish or portugese?15:22
hmwmoetunes: i was refering to the boot messages, or when you start stop daemons15:22
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:22
bl4ckc00k1e_acicula, sorry was a mistake15:22
Xpistosis there a special way to tag ogg files or easy tag should be able to handle it?15:22
stevecami find that there is just as much solder work in a laptop as there is in a pc15:23
bl4ckc00k1e_ey guys can help me with my sound?? in alsamixer onle y see master and pcmi...15:23
Ghost|BTFHXpistos: Easy Tag for the win.15:23
bl4ckc00k1e_i cant lisen someting with headphones15:23
moetuneshmw:  I edited the files in /etcinit.d for that - if you mean during boot]15:23
moetunes*/etc/init.d hmw15:24
hmwmoetunes: are you serious??15:24
hmwmoetunes: go to the files and look for echo "[ ok ]" - you wont find it15:25
aciculahmw: you have to tinker with the bootscritps a bit to change the text and colors these output15:25
moetuneshmw: yep - I might have guessed your question wrong - you were vague15:25
NucleusWhere do i download ubuntu 9.10 x64 ? I can't find it in ubuntu.com :|15:25
aciculaNucleus: its called amd6415:25
aciculaNucleus: selecting the 64 bit option will get it15:25
Ghost|BTFHNucleus: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/15:26
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XpistosGhost|BTFH: Thanks brother!15:26
DexterLBI executed the classic fork bomb and now my system is broken (X doesn't start and I'm dropped to tty1)15:26
DexterLBwhat can I do?15:26
Ghost|BTFHXpistos: No problem. :)15:26
aciculaDexterLB: kill the fork bomb and do a service gdm stop and start15:26
Ghost|BTFH^^^^ And don't do it again.15:26
DexterLBwell I shit the PC down15:27
DexterLBso the fork bomb is non-existant15:27
DexterLBbut I'll try /etc/init.d/gdm restart (or start)15:27
aciculax doesnt come up after you reboot?15:27
hmwmoetunes: acicula: perhaps i did ... i started to look in /etc/init.d and finally ended up trying to manipulate /lib/lsb/init-functions, but my file does not look like all the tutorials claim, and it does not contain echo "[ OK ]" or soemthing, only fail and warning15:27
DexterLBacicula: yes15:27
aciculahmw: manipulating init-functions sounds like a decent place to do it15:28
aciculaDexterLB: try reconfiguring x15:28
moetuneshmw: a hint - where it says "echo" if you want colour you need "echo -e"15:28
aciculavia a rescue console15:28
hmwacicula: i want to have the "if log_use_fancy_output; then" to trigger... i cant find that function15:29
moetuneshmw: apart from that I'm done15:29
hmwmoetunes: thanks... btw... acicula: i am using 9.0415:29
aciculahmw: im sure its possible, but cant be specific on where you should look15:30
hmwirs so weird15:30
Ghost|BTFHlunks: How's the DL time doing?15:30
DexterLBnope, gdm won't start. I get an error15:30
hmwits either echo . (if a var == 0) or echo "warning" or "fail". No "ok"15:30
DexterLBbrb and I'll tell you what the error is15:31
Ghost|BTFHDexterLB: Pastbin the error and link it if you can.15:31
aciculahmw: well does the boot sequence echo ok to begin with?15:31
hmwacicula: the init scripts return 0 on success. if they return anything else, it ends up in [fail] or something. i don't know, where the calling script is.15:32
aciculaupstart handles the starting of the scripts15:33
hmwacicula: i have jaunty15:33
hmwisnt upstart a grub replacement?15:33
jayer89i have a question15:33
aciculahmm thats still sysvinit i think?15:33
jayer89to use wine do i need to have windows installed15:33
aciculaisnt it just init iterating through the runlevel dir?15:33
geniijayer89: No15:34
javatexanjust curious, is there something like active directory in ubuntu....from the server side?  It would be nice to have my users login on any machine and have policies, etc.15:34
aciculajayer89: no you do not need windows to use wine15:34
hmwacicula: i can't remember15:34
moetunesacicula: I think it's initrd he's talking about15:34
jayer89how would i install a program that is for windows inside wine15:34
aciculajavatexan: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/samba-ad-integration.html ?15:34
hmwsomewhere must be a echo [ ok ] statement, and i am determined to find it lol ... thanks for your time15:35
llutzhmw: seen this? not sure if related http://fatcat.ftj.agh.edu.pl/~przyboro/other/init-functions15:35
acicula!wine | jayer89: wine <program>, also have a read here15:35
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu15:35
DexterLBthe gdm start error is "Rejected send message" and stack15:35
hmwllutz: that's one of those tutorials, that tell me to change this file, but mine looks not like this. the example has the mentioned "echo [ OK ]" command, my file does NOT  !!15:36
erUSUL!es | Kikinho15:36
ubottuKikinho: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:36
hmwllutz: it is often using   if log_use_fancy_output; then   statements, i guess i should find that function15:36
Kikinhoquien eres15:37
erUSULKikinho: an ubuntu user15:37
bill_How can I capture audio from my computer with ffmpeg?15:38
aaronHello everyone15:38
aciculabill_: you mean rip the audio from a video file?15:38
marcuyi'm booting from a livecd to restore my grub2 configuration, but when I mount the linux partition on /mnt and tried to execute 'sudo chroot /mnt' i get chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Exec format error anyone knows how to fix it_15:38
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Ghost|BTFHBill_: you mean like...audio streams?15:39
bill_acicula Yes, or for example I want to play a youtube video and grab the audio15:39
aciculamarcuy: chroot sets the root to that dir15:39
aciculaand then tries to spawn a shell from that roots /bin/bash15:39
bill_Ghost|BTFH Yes, any kind, from a video file or mp315:39
Guest30861I am completely new to ubuntu and linux in general, and I installed the OS and since my audio doesn't work.15:39
k0d3g3arhas there been recent changes in software updates for 9.10 that would stop all of my computers with PPTP VPN access from working on VPN connections?   No network routes are working anymore (but the Windoze machines are still working fine).  Its affected all Ubuntu systems at the same time.15:39
aciculaso without a /mnt/bin/bash (and everything else you need) its not going to work15:39
freemananyone know of any good newsletter mailing list software that is open sourced? I want to put a sign up on my website and with ubuntu send out the mass mail15:40
k0d3g3arfreeman:  phplist15:40
tembraeanyone know how to do the compiz show all screens when u go with cursor to corner of desktop?15:40
Ghost|BTFHbill_: http://ask.metafilter.com/32867/How-to-capture-audio-streams that might be what you're looking for.15:40
marcuyacicula: I have /mnt/bin/bash because it's the partition of linux15:40
bill_Thanks man!!15:40
aciculamarcuy: you need to chroot into where you mounted your ubuntu15:40
Ghost|BTFHNo problemo.15:40
ManDay<---- I want to sort a list of files in nautilus according to FILEENDING - is that possible? FOr example I've several fileendings in my directory but they are all "plain text"!15:40
jraxxoI've got a problem with my pc.... I installed kubuntu 10.04 beta and it won't recognize my realtek (RTL-8111C) adapter even though i have installed the official driver from realtek. any advice?15:40
marcuyacicula: I had mounted it on /mnt15:40
freemansweet thanks k0d3g3ar15:41
aciculamarcuy: can you pastebin the output from mount and ls /mnt ?15:41
Ghost|BTFHjraxxo: Try #ubuntu+1 for Lucid help.15:41
marcuyacicula: sure15:41
tembraeanyone know how to do the compiz show all screens when u go with cursor to corner of desktop?15:42
marcuyacicula:  http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=jV2FU83E15:42
jlduponthi - is it just me or the latest updates for Karmic are unstable?15:42
bill_Ghost|BTFH I'm using this command : ffmpeg -f x11grab -s 1024x768 -r 30 -i :0.0 /tmp/out.mpg -f oss -i /dev/dsp It works but the file has no audio. Is /dev/dsp the usual name for a soundcard?15:42
jldupontNautilus keeps crashing15:43
jldupontcopying files: at the end of file copy, all Nautilus instances exit15:43
marcuyacicula: http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=5w0P22EW15:43
faganjldupont: what version of ubuntu are you using?15:43
Ghost|BTFHbill_: You should use whatever your sound card's name is, if I recall correctly...like, mine would be /dev/sb15:43
bill_Ghost|BTFH The site you gave me left the -f oss -i (Sound device) field blank.15:44
jldupontalways with the latest updates15:44
jldupontI've got Samba running too.15:44
klappiwill my friend with windows xp will be able to read a dvd i burn with udf under k3b?15:44
aciculamarcuy: output of file /mnt/bin/bash and uname -a ?15:44
bill_Ghost|BTFH How can I find out my soundcard's name?15:44
jldupontfagan: any clues?15:44
autoclesisdoes the ubuntu approximation of lightscribe work15:44
autoclesisor should i even bother15:44
Ghost|BTFHbill_: You running Pulse or ALSA?15:45
faganjldupont: nope, id have to see a bug report to get a good idea of whats wrong15:45
marcuyacicula: http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=ETUaMhhe15:45
bill_Ghost|BTFH Karmic, I think it's ALSA,,,,pulse doesn't work.15:45
faganjldupont: does ubuntu pick up on the error?15:45
jldupontfagan: I'd like to produce a bug report but it is not deterministic15:45
Ghost|BTFHbill_: asoundconf list15:46
jldupontfagan: where should I look?15:46
jldupontfagan: dmesg?15:46
aciculamarcuy: and file /mnt/bin/bash ?15:46
aciculafile as a command15:46
marcuyacicula: ops ;)15:46
faganjldupont: nope, apport should pick up on the crash and ask if you want to submit the bug report15:46
bill_Ghost|BTFH It said...command not found15:46
h2ocan anyone help me,. whit something very easy ?15:47
DexterLBso, what are the things I could do if gdm doesn't start?15:47
jldupontfagan: apport?15:47
Ghost|BTFHbill_: Hmmm...then you're probably running pulse or you haven't installed asoundconf (which is a sin if you run alsa)15:47
aciculamarcuy: it probably says 64 bit executable?15:47
jldupontnever heard of this.15:47
faganjldupont: try run nautilus in terminal and give me the output after the crash15:47
marcuyacicula: http://pastebin.com/4X9BLVE515:47
jldupontfagan: good idea.15:47
marcuyacicula: you are right15:47
Ghost|BTFHbill_: Check System -> Preferences -> Sound.  If that works, you're using Pulse.  Should have the info in there...if it hangs, you're using ALSA, go download asoundconf.15:47
agony_Do you know someone if in Preston exist ubuntu team ?15:47
moetunesh2o: just jump in when it's busy - no point being shy here15:47
jldupontfagan: I've got lots of segfaults error related to Nautilus in dmesg...15:48
aciculamarcuy: you are trying to chroot from a 32bit livecd to a 64bit system, which does not work15:48
marcuyso the problem is that I'm trying to execute a 64bits file with a 32bits system?15:48
jldupontfagan: http://pastebin.com/BuwZ2YAa15:48
marcuyacicula: mmmm15:48
faganjldupont: segfaults dont help too much in figuring out whats wrong15:48
aciculamarcuy: you can chroot from 64bit to 32bit but not vice versa since the kernel does not support 64bit if its pure 32bit, try again with a 64bit livecd15:48
jldupontfagan: ok.15:48
marcuyacicula: do you have any idea how can I fix grub2 instead?15:48
faganjldupont: oh you are using dropbox15:48
faganjldupont: that may be the problem15:49
fladis essid the name of a network, og the address of it?15:49
jldupontfagan: ok, will try to get rid of it... never had a problem until a couple of days ago with latest Samba etc updates.15:49
aciculamarcuy: easiest way is chrooting into your system as you have to run some programs if you have to reinstall the bootloader15:49
marcuyacicula: I get it.. the problem is that I don't have any 64 livecd close to me..15:49
aciculamarcuy: well any computer and a usb stick will do15:49
mrboomany body help me plz//// I installed warcraft 3. but it inhibit15:49
faganjldupont: samba is very stable it shouldnt cause crashes like that in nautilus15:50
aciculamarcuy: you can make a 64bit livecd/usb from the 32bit livecd15:50
bill_Ghost|BTFH In My sound config. box in KDE, under capture it lists My Intel device, under it is pulseaudio, but pulseaudio is 'greyed' out, not available......wait I'll download asoundconf....15:50
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:50
jldupontfagan: then it's probably dropbox playing some tricks...15:50
mrboomкто говорит по русске15:50
moetunesmrboom: using wine?15:50
Ghost|BTFHbill_: Ooooo...kde...you're using ARTS.15:50
faganjldupont: well you could use ubuntu one instead anyway15:50
DexterLBI did dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg gdm but gdm still doesn't want to start and drops me into tty115:50
jldupontfagan: I am using Chrome and this one too keeps crashing.... with no signs of bug reports on the Chrome side...15:50
moetunesmrboom: try #winehq15:51
jldupontUbuntu One ?   can transfer to Windozes machines??15:51
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marcuyacicula: u've been really helpful thanks!15:51
mrboommaybe try to install cedega ?15:51
faganjldupont: it can but you have to use the web interface for windows15:51
jldupontfagan: thanks for the tip!15:51
faganjldupont: they are working on a windows client though15:51
* jldupont now thinking this was obvious...15:51
aciculamarcuy: yw, good luck with making a rescue stick/cd15:52
mrboomany body play on garena ??????15:52
aaronHello. I need help with setting up a You Tube search engine for Midori but am running into a problem. The You Tube engine doesnt search You tube videos but searches channels. Can someone help me set it up? Thank you!15:52
jldupontfagan: thanks for your help... will try 'dropping' dropbox for a while to see what's cookin'15:52
=== aaron is now known as aaron11
DexterLBnow when I type 'service gdm start' or 'start gdm' in a root shell it says it's started, but then if I try restart it says unknown instance, so it isn't started15:53
moetunesjldupont: dropping was right :)15:53
DexterLBwhat could the problem be?15:53
faganjldupont: all I know is that nautilus shouldnt crash like that without something else breaking it15:53
marcuyacicula: i'm on the way for it ;)15:53
DexterLBany way to repair that?15:53
bill_Ghost|BTFH I installed asoundconf and the gtk app, it still says command not found from the shell, the program appears in the kicker menu, but does not run. I installed it from Kpackage manager15:53
Ghost|BTFHDexterLB: Have you tried CTRL+ALT+F7 to get to the default GDM display?15:54
jldupontfagan:  ah ah!  dropbox bug report: http://forums.dropbox.com/topic.php?id=17578&replies=815:54
DexterLBGhost|BTFH: of course, yeah15:54
faganjldupont: that looks like the problem15:54
DexterLBGhost|BTFH: nothing happens, as if tty7 doesn't exist15:54
aaron11Hello. I need help with setting up a You Tube search engine for Midori but am running into a problem. The You Tube engine doesnt search You tube videos but searches channels. Can someone help me set it up? Thank you!15:55
ManDay<---- I want to sort a list of files in nautilus according to FILEENDING - is that possible? FOr example I've several fileendings in my directory but they are all "plain text"!15:55
* jldupont this time, segfaults report did help track down the issue....15:55
Ghost|BTFHbill_: Try sudo asoundconf15:55
DexterLBok... I'll be doing a clean install of lucid anyway... if I install the beta now will it be easy to do a network upgrade to the release when it's released or will it break a lot of stuff?15:55
jaoudestudiosis there a way to sleep ubuntu remotely and wake it on demand15:56
Ghost|BTFHDexterLB: That's really odd...but it doesn't error or anything, just starts the gdm with no complaints?15:56
DexterLBGhost|BTFH: well it used to error15:56
moetunesDexterLB: there'll be an option to upgrade15:56
DexterLBGhost|BTFH: but I did 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg gdm' and it doesn't error any more15:56
bill_Ghost|BTFH got this message..........sh: /usr/bin/asoundconf: not found15:57
bill_You need to make sure asoundconf is active!15:57
bill_By default, asoundconf's configuration file is ~/.asoundrc.asoundconf15:57
bill_and must be included in ~/.asoundrc. Open this file to make sure it is!15:57
bill_.................wait a second, I'll just check it out15:57
FloodBot1bill_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:57
DexterLBmoetunes: I know ther will be, but will it change lots of settings etc?15:57
Ghost|BTFHDexterLB: >_< So it half solved the problem...heh.15:57
jaoudestudioswithout using wake-on-lan15:57
jaoudestudiosas it is an old machine15:57
jaoudestudioswith no WoL :(15:57
moetunesDexterLB: depends on what they need to fix - #ubuntu+1 will know15:57
DexterLBGhost|BTFH: having half of your blood is better than having none but you're still dead15:58
Ghost|BTFHDexterLB: Indeed.15:58
bill_Ghost|BTFH that's weird I couldn't find that file /.asoundrc15:58
Ghost|BTFHbill_: No surprise...sec.15:59
bill_Ghost|BTFH I'm doing a 'find file' search in dolphin.........15:59
moetunesfind flogs the hd16:00
Ghost|BTFHbill_: Actually I believe the issue is that they, in their infinite wisdom, removed asoundconf functionality in karmic.  If I recall correctly, I resolved this problem by installing asoundconf from Jaunty.16:01
FlimmI can share my desktop with my friend using Empathy, however, I can't do it the other way round, I get this error:16:02
FlimmConnection to host was closed.16:02
FlimmAny one know what's wrong?16:02
bill_Ghost|BTFH I see, is there any other way I can find out the name of my sound card? The file search in dolphin said.....0 files found16:02
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=== Cain` is now known as Cain
Ghost|BTFHbill_: Sadly, the only way I can think of accurately is asoundconf...other than that, you *might* be able to accurately guess its name from lspci or lshw, but asoundconf just gives you the straight scoop on the actual name used.16:04
Ghost|BTFHbill_: Like my lspci shows it's an Intel HDA blah blah blah, but then says SBx00 and its real name is SB16:05
bill_Ghost|BTFH .........bugger!! Wait...I'll try it...16:05
=== Ghost|BTFH is now known as Ghost|BAFK
Ghost|BAFKBe back in a bit.16:05
invitingdopemandoes anybody know were i can get beta 1 without haveing to burn an image to a cd like direct download16:06
DexterLBinvitingdopeman: net upgrade?16:07
Tobarjahmm... i have two tasks in top that in the time column show 5124095h which i've calculated out to just over 584 years. HUH?16:07
invitingdopemanok dexter LB how do i go about doing that16:07
DexterLByou already have... which version?16:07
invitingdopemani have 9.1016:08
aciculainvitingdopeman: like run from usb stick?16:08
invitingdopemandont have a usb stick im a poor folk16:08
DexterLBinvitingdopeman: go to ubuntu.com, click on the download beta 1 link, look for net upgrade16:09
R0dAnyone with Android?? I have a litte problem with my mobile and "adb" :S16:09
invitingdopemanhold will do16:09
PitelR0d: I have android and adb working16:09
bill_Ghost|BTFH *-multimedia16:10
bill_             description: Audio device16:10
bill_             product: 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller16:10
bill_             vendor: Intel Corporation16:10
bill_             physical id: 1b16:10
FloodBot1bill_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:10
bill_             bus info: pci@0000:00:1b.016:10
acicula!pastebin | bill_16:10
ubottubill_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:10
R0dPitel, I just bought an Galaxy Spica, but "adb devices" tells that no device is attached16:11
aciculainvitingdopeman: if you want to upgrade your existing install you can do that via update-manager when lucid is released16:11
PitelR0d: i remember there were some issues with usb permissions... google for it16:11
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit16:11
marlenhello, I'm using xubuntu, how can I control the volume?16:11
R0dPitel, I have a problem with my mobile (cannot connect to google servers, so cannot use Market, Gmail, gtalk, etc) and I have seen on a forum that I need to delete a specific file using adb16:12
epaphusHello. Is there a disk throughput performance hit when using the ubuntu encryption in the installer....  ???16:12
marlenthere is no volume icon on the panel...16:13
DexterLBI'm an idiot16:13
invitingdopemancouldnt find it16:13
DexterLBtell me, why did I execute the fork bomb?16:13
koltrollHey people. I've got XP on virtual box, I'm trying from the virtual machine to access my local server. Any idea on how this can be done? Preferably I'd be able to use the the host names declared in /etc/hosts from my virtual machine. That would be real neat.16:13
PitelR0d: http://forum.archosfans.com/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=26483 this might help16:14
R0dPitel, I'm on it :)16:15
=== carlos is now known as Guest29059
invitingdopemanacicula didnt find it16:18
aciculaepaphus: by definition, yeah, but only your home is encrypted16:18
jaoudestudioscan anyone help me with sleeping & waking an ubuntu server remotely?16:18
aciculainvitingdopeman: it doesnt show as long as its unreleased unless you force it via -d16:18
greenglyphHello, all! Happy Fool's Day!16:18
robbit10How do I customize the GNOME menu? For example, the names of the submenu's, and the items in them?16:18
invitingdopemanwhats -d16:19
DexterLBinvitingdopeman: you're a newbie :-(16:19
greenglyphSo I've got a question or 2 about some command options...16:20
DexterLBinvitingdopeman: you know how to open a terminal?16:20
invitingdopemannot a newbie just been out the game16:20
DexterLBso... -d is an option16:20
invitingdopemandexterLB terminal is open16:21
greenglyphIn the following command: iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING ! -i ppp+ -j CONNMARK --restore-mark16:21
winterelfhi there. got a bit of a problam with "make" command. i'm trying to "make" after "./configure" of a Bitchx package and i get this error message when trying to make : /usr/local/bin/bash ./configure make: /usr/local/bin/bash: Command not found   make: *** [default] Error 12716:22
discozohanHello. Is there any point to buy 4gb of memory for ubuntu x32? Or there won't be any difference vs 3gb ?16:22
greenglyphI'm assuming that the '!' means 'not' and in the ppp+ , the '+' is a wildcard.16:22
DexterLBso... -d is an option to a command you've been told16:22
greenglyphIs this true?16:22
=== traveller_ is now known as traveller
hmwgreenglyph: iptables script? yes16:22
* DexterLB starts burning lucidbeta1 to cd16:23
greenglyphhmw: thanks. in the case of ppp+, would there be a way to declare an 'or' statement there?16:23
=== mOOey is now known as m00se
ZykoticK9!bitchx > winterelf16:23
ubottuwinterelf, please see my private message16:23
DexterLBtell me some essentials from / I have to back up before formatting pls16:23
DexterLBalthough I've upgraded lots of times I never know what to back up16:24
hmwgreenglyph: you mean like "ppp+ or eth+"? I don't know, guessing "no". I'd expect it to be done with 2 separate rules16:24
greenglyphOkay. Thanks again.16:24
invitingdopemanyo dudes what do i do next16:24
=== Tierney__ is now known as Tierney
DexterLBinvitingdopeman: dunno, I lost track16:25
ssv1994hello, does someone know, will ati radeon x1600 videocard work with ubuntu 10.04 and others?16:25
switch10_DexterLB: backup /home and what ever you modified from /.  i.e. /etc/fstab /etc/apt/sources.list16:25
invitingdopemandexterLB upgrade to beta1 without iso threw terminal with -d16:25
winterelfhmm, my problem still stands , i download a package from the web and it can work if i make and install please help16:26
discozohanShould i buy 4gb of opera for x32 ubuntu, or 3gb will be enough ? Anyone ?16:26
switch10_winterelf: it is a tar.gz?16:26
switch10_winterelf: or .tar16:26
znikhow can i uninstalll a bin file i have installed on my ubuntu 9.10?16:26
ZykoticK9winterelf, BUT perhaps making a symlink from /usr/local/bin to /bin/bash might get around the configure error16:26
Star2010more is always better16:26
greenglyph4gb of opera???16:27
switch10_winterelf: is there a readme included in the tar?16:27
icerootznik: depending on the file16:27
icerootdiscozohan: you cant use 4gb ram with 32bit (without pae) you only will get ~3.3GB16:28
znikiceroot: it was *.bin file and installed itself in the applications .16:28
winterelfswitch10_:yes, there's readme file and more readable files16:28
znikiceroot: there is no uninstall opyion16:29
discozohan<iceroot>, yup, i know, but i asked this question to be sure, that there is no anything around it, that i don't know -.-16:29
switch10_winterelf: that readme should explain exactly how to install it.16:29
invitingdopemanhow can i hack into my lan16:30
ZykoticK9switch10_, winterelf's issue is the ./configure step is looking for /usr/local/bin/bash, thus my suggestions to create a symlink16:30
frxstremwhat is the /tmp directory for?16:30
greenglyphdopeman: what exactly do you mean?16:30
stevecaminvitingdopeman, whoops, wrong chat room!16:30
winterelfswitch10_:i'll check if i missed something but i did what i should with the steps in this site: http://www.bitchx.com/faq.php16:30
popeyfrxstrem: storing temporary files16:30
frxstrempopey: so is it safe to delete the files in that directory?16:30
yvan300could someone tell me where the conky config file is located?16:30
popeyfrxstrem: generally not16:30
popeyfrxstrem: unless you created them16:31
frxstrempopey: okay, thanks for your answer :)16:31
switch10_yvan300: ~/.conkyrc16:31
znikiceroot: so how can i uninstall?16:31
winterelfZykoticKs: how should i do that? i have no much of idea16:31
Ghost|BAFKbill_: I'm back, you get everything resolved yet?16:32
greenglyphTake care, all. Prank someone today. Even if it's a just a tiny little prank.16:32
ZykoticK9winterelf, cd /usr/local/bin && sudo ln -s /bin/bash16:32
bill_Ghost|BAFK no......from the forums it came down to ppl asking canonical to release asoundconf for karmic users...I figured I might just install intrepid in a virtual machine and run asoundconf from there......16:33
DexterLBallright, lucid time16:34
Ghost|BAFKbill_: Meh, I just installed the jaunty version after uninstalling it in karmic.16:34
DexterLBwish me luck16:34
ZykoticK9DexterLB, wait!16:34
Ghost|BAFKbill_:  Works flawlessly.16:34
DexterLBZykoticK9: what16:34
k0d3g3arwhat log file contains errors relating to network routing?16:35
bill_Ghost|BAFK So you are running Ubuntu Jaunty?16:35
ZykoticK9DexterLB, don't upgrade right now -- see #ubuntu+1 channel topic - Lucid packages are broken, thus "GNOME 2.30 being uploaded. Packages are in-flux, so don't upgrade yet."16:35
DexterLBZykoticK9: I'm not upgrading, I'm doing a clean install16:35
winterelfZykoticKs: dude , thanks16:35
Ghost|BAFKbill_: No no, I run Karmic.  But I uninstalled asoundconf and grabbed the Jaunty package and installed that manually.16:35
winterelfswitch10_: thanks too :)16:36
ZykoticK9DexterLB, ok - all good then! But don't try to do any updates after install, until things are resolved - if you get a Partial upgrade available - don't do it16:36
neothecatcan anyone recommend something like a a freenas interface i can run on top of ubuntu server?16:36
moetunesZykoticK9: doesn't say any packages are broken16:36
ZykoticK9moetunes, it's a partial upgrade situation - if you try upgrading thing will break16:37
bill_Ghost|BAFK ........I suppose I could do that....install Jaunty> grab the asoundconf deb package, and then reinstall it into Karmic......16:37
ZykoticK9moetunes, "Packages are in-flux, so don't upgrade yet" translates to "things are kinda broken - don't upgrade"16:37
moetunesZykoticK9: but you said ZykoticK9> DexterLB, don't upgrade right now -- see #ubuntu+1 channel topic - Lucid packages are broken, - none are mentioned as broken16:37
=== Ghost|BAFK is now known as Ghost|BTFH
DarthVaderhttp://news.cnet.com/8301-13506_3-10471356-17.html?tag=mncol;posts Say goodbye to linux16:38
Ghost|BTFHbill_: No...you just need to download the deb online and install it.16:38
yvan300could anyone help me a bit with this conky?16:38
znikhow can unistall a s/w i installed using a bin file!16:38
bill_Ghost|BTFH Could you post the link for me?16:39
littlegirlIs there a channel for encoding support on this server?16:39
Ghost|BTFHbill_: Trying to find it for ya.16:39
yvan300i downloaded this config and it said that all the files need to be in the same folder in order for conky to work properly, where should i put it?16:40
Ghost|BTFHOh duh.16:40
Ghost|BTFHbill_: Forgot I wrote a thread about it. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134860416:40
aciculaznik: use the .bin uninstaller16:41
aciculaznik: if it exists16:41
moetunesyvan300: I use conky - I put my 3 configs in one folder and made a script to start them all16:41
yvan300moetunes, which folder?16:41
bill_Ghost|BTFH Thanks! You are the man!!! I'll install it right now!16:41
moetunesyvan300: I made ~/conky16:41
* Ghost|BTFH humbly bows16:42
arakthoryvan300, you might be able to use `which conky` to determine where the executable is. In my experience, most programs from apt are usually installed in /usr/share/<programname> if that helps16:42
znikacicula: it did not extract itself anywhr.and  no uninstaller in applications16:42
aaron11Hello. I need help with setting up a You Tube search engine for Midori but am running into a problem. The You Tube engine doesnt search You tube videos but searches channels. Can someone help me set it up? Thank you!16:42
Ghost|BTFHAs the Vulcans, I am here to serve.16:42
yvan300but would conky know that the files are located in that folder?16:42
aciculaarakthor: in share non-program/library code thats not platform specific is placed16:43
ZykoticK9yvan300, to start conky with a specific config use "conky -c /path/to/config_file"16:43
acicula!fhs | > arakthor16:43
ubottuarakthor, please see my private message16:43
moetunesyvan300: conky -c ~/conky/"your/file16:43
yvan300moetunes, ZykoticK9 thanks16:44
arakthoracicula, thanks16:44
GibbyI think I got my video card issue fixed, however now when I log in, compiz is freezing up my system, I removed compiz rebooted, and now I can't login, I just have red X's.... reinstalled compiz and i still have the red X's16:45
dtcrshris there a good image converter for ubuntu?16:45
dtcrshrfspot is a good.. viewer16:45
=== jan247_ is now known as jan247
dtcrshrgimp is to advanced.. im looking for a simple mid term16:46
aciculadtcrshr: convert16:46
yvan300moetunes, you know how conky kinda gives this 3d effect, how do i make it look 2 d16:47
moetunesacicula: convert is cli - if the gimp is too advanced...16:47
dtcrshracicula, ?16:47
dtcrshrno such name on synaptic16:47
dtcrshrim on ubuntu 9.1016:47
moetunesyvan300: remove any reference to shadows16:47
aciculamoetunes: gimp is an image manipulation program16:47
yvan300moetunes, thanks16:47
aciculadtcrshr: convert is a cli program16:47
ZykoticK9dtcrshr, convert is part of the imagemagick program16:48
aciculaclaudio__: to join use /join16:48
moetunesacicula: sorry - I use it to convert as well16:48
yvan300moetunes, i don't see the option, should i enter it?16:48
=== asd_ is now known as Guest36618
Gibbywhen I kill compiz, I lose the top of my windows and cant move them or click in them... is there any fix to this?16:48
MisterWiki|busyhow to auto mount a drive when the system starts?16:49
nighthmm i've added disable-mouse3buttons.fdi to my  /etc/hal/fdi/policy/, restarted x, then my computer as  well, but emulate3buttons is still active, here's my fdi  for that: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/196352/ so.. what am  I doing wrong with this?16:49
theadminGibby: You kill the window manager, what do you expect?16:49
ZykoticK9MisterWiki|busy, add the drive to the fstab file16:49
moetunesyvan300: default_shade_color  is what it is - sorry16:49
Gibbytheadmin, but compiz is locking up my system16:49
Gibbyit is a fresh install with nvidia 195.36.1516:49
theadminGibby: Hit alt+f2, do "metacity --replace", then trough preferences disable compiz completely16:49
MisterWiki|busywhat's fstab?16:50
MisterWiki|busy(sorry :P)16:50
yvan300moetunes, all i see is default colour which is set to FFFFF16:50
theadminubottu: fstab | MisterWiki|busy16:50
ubottuMisterWiki|busy: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions16:50
=== ningyi_ is now known as ningyi
nighthmm i've added disable-mouse3buttons.fdi to my  /etc/hal/fdi/policy/, restarted x, then my computer as  well, but emulate3buttons is still active, here's my fdi  for that: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/196352/ so.. what am  I doing wrong with this?16:50
soreau! fstab | MisterWiki|busy16:50
moetunesyvan300: set the default_shade_color to the same for now16:50
theadminsoreau: Beat you to it :P16:51
Gibbytheadmin, I get Window manger error: Unable to open X Display16:51
soreautheadmin: oh, didnt see you there16:51
theadminGibby: Huh, wha? Ahem, do you currently have a desktop running?16:51
Gibbytheadmin, yep, even did a service gdm restart16:51
theadminGibby: Huh.16:51
Gibbyit is sitting there waiting for me to click my name and log in16:51
theadminGibby: No idea :/16:52
yvan300moetunes, it's the same way :(16:52
soreauGibby: If you log in what happens?16:52
Gibbysoreau, it logs me out immediatley16:52
soreauGibby: If you need to disable compiz without logging in, run chmod -x /usr/bin/compiz.real16:52
=== mOOey is now known as m00se
theadminsoreau: Is it THAT simple?16:52
bill_Ghost|BTFH Installed it, I ran the ffmpeg commannd ....ffmpeg -f x11grab -s 1024x768 -r 30 -i :0.0 /tmp/oujggjt.mpg -f oss -i Intel.........but NG);  I/O error occurred16:52
bill_Usually that means that input file is truncated and/or corrupted.16:52
soreautheadmin: yes16:53
theadminsoreau: Cool.16:53
moetunesyvan300: I have shades on my 3 conkys - don't know what else to say - maybe search the forum16:53
theadminsoreau: gotta love the CLI16:53
ubottuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.16:53
jayer89who can help me with wine16:53
theadminjayer89: How about visiting #winehq ?16:53
jayer89im there now16:53
jayer89but no one is replying16:54
yvan300moetunes, ok cool16:54
Gibbystill no go, can't log in, I get a red X above the login screen16:54
dtcrshrZykoticK9, is there a gui for it?16:54
theadminjayer89: aw, bad. Well, if they can't help, doubt we can16:54
jayer89well can we try ?16:54
theadminGibby: Okay, did you perform that command? As root?16:54
theadminjayer89: Well, okay, shoot it16:54
soreauGibby: Sounds like you have many more problems than just drivers or compiz then16:54
Gibbytheadmin, yep16:54
jayer89i have just installed a game in wine and it will not launch16:54
ZykoticK9dtcrshr, don't think so16:54
theadminjayer89: Details. What game? How do you launch it?16:55
Gibbysoreau, I think it is b/c i ran apt-get --purge remove emerald fusion-icon compiz compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-fusion-plugins-extra emerald librsvg2-common16:55
jayer89the game is called crossfire16:55
soreauGibby: Yea, no reason to do that16:55
Gibbysoreau, I read that is how to install compiz, so I figured that is how to remove it lol16:55
Gibbynot a good a idea16:55
Ghost|BTFHbill_: So asoundconf list shows it as INTEL?16:55
theadminjayer89: huh o_O That reminds me of crossover, a commercial version of WINE :D16:55
jayer89and usually i would just start it up and log in and play it on windows but i have no idea why it isnt starting up16:55
soreauGibby: Reinstall at least librsvg2-common should get restore the red X most likely16:56
theadminjayer89: Well, WINE can't be perfect.16:56
ZykoticK9jayer89, seems to get a Garbage rating http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=15850&iTestingId=3888716:56
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:56
=== bluestar is now known as Guest59659
bill_Ghost|BTFH That's correct16:56
soreauGibby: Can you pastebin the X log for the failed session?16:56
Guest59659just stopping by16:56
Ghost|BTFHstefania_: Salut.16:57
Gibbysorea, yep 1 sec16:57
=== Guest29059 is now known as {Carlos}
Ghost|BTFHbill_: Did you put it down exactly as it's shown? (ie case seNsiTive?)16:57
bill_Ghost|BTFH Yes, I just double checked it.16:58
geniiIs there a way to get an USB floppy to recognize as a floppy and not a hdd ?16:58
modAny one have suggestions for getting around printing issues with Ubuntu+Chrome?  I've spend hours trying suggestiosn from the web, no luck16:58
modgenii, what would the difference be?  A block device is a block device.16:59
raj-darkmysterymod, whtz d problem wid chrome?16:59
modraj-darkmystery, doesn't print, heh.  Well once in a while does.  When I print from Chrome, queues stick, printer not found.  When I print from FF or OO, its fine.17:00
bohnehi i have a dell vostro 200 with 64bit ubuntu 2.6.28-18-generic only addressing 3.3GB ram of 4GB, does anyone know why?17:00
nighthow do I turn off Emulate3Buttons?17:00
theadminbohne: Which Ubuntu version? Might be important17:01
modbohne, I bet your onboard video is eating up 768k17:01
moder 768M17:01
Ghost|BTFHbill_: Okay, let's go back to square one...you're wanting to take file foo.mpg and strip the audio from it, correct?17:01
bohnemod: ah i see17:01
ZykoticK9bohne, what is the output of "uname -m" from a terminal?17:01
=== LoRez is now known as Rez
modbohne, go into your bios and see17:01
bohneuname -m17:01
bohne 17:01
ZykoticK9bohne, ya - that's the 64bit version all right17:01
=== Rez is now known as LoRez
bill_Ghost|BTFH Actually I want to capture sound and video from my desktop. For example, I play the matrix movie in Totem, and capture itsound and video.......using ffmpeg17:02
bohnemod: thanks17:02
Ghost|BTFHbill_: Hmmm...okay...so, what are you using to view the file?17:02
theadminIf only VLC didn't have issues with capturing audio, i'd LOVE it17:02
DarthVaderanyone here code PHP?17:02
theadminDarthVader: How about going to #php ?17:02
costreif vlc supported vdpau, I'd love it17:03
Bahe!lucid | Bahe17:03
ubottuBahe, please see my private message17:03
DarthVaderI went to #php and was thrown to #overflow17:03
bill_Ghost|BTFH Xine, or youtube....or any video player...but I have been trying with xine...actually i want to capture the whole desktop with the xine video player window on the desktop17:03
Ghost|BTFHbill_: Gimmie a minute or three, it's been awhile since I used xine (I just run vlc for most of my video luvin')17:04
=== DarthVader is now known as kyppgeek
Ghost|BTFHbill_: Is it streaming video?17:04
Ghost|BTFHWell, duh17:05
JohnTedWhat is the irc channel to talk about lucid?17:05
Ghost|BTFHIt would kinda have to be since you want to capture it.17:05
nightSo anyone here know how to turn off Emulate3Buttons?? It doesn't work from hal, I'm running a xorgless config so that's out of option too.. any other suggestions?17:05
geniimod: Sector/head etc needs to be specified with ufiformat, then mkfs.xxx applied. So at the moment the prob is that I have a bios update floppy which is a win .exe that when run in wine and specified to use /dev/sdd for instance can't understand the underlying capacity17:05
daftykinscreate a xorg.conf17:05
bill_Ghost|BTFH Yes, that's what I want to do, I want to record my desktop, video and sound ...just like the utility recordmydesktop...but with the ffmpeg command17:05
nightdaftykins: to what purpose?17:06
nightdaftykins: My system is configured to *not* use xorg.conf17:06
daftykinsdisable the 3 button emulation17:06
daftykinsso you're saying you're optionally avoiding a potential solution?17:06
yvan300what's the command to add a ppa in karmic?17:06
daftykinsapt-add iirc17:07
Ghost|BTFHbill_: Sorry to ask, but what's the command you're using again for it?17:07
trismyvan300: add-apt-repository ppa:ppa_name_here17:07
nightdaftykins: I am not optionally avoiding that solution because it's nto a solution, I don't want to reconfigure my system to xorg.conf17:07
trismyvan300: it will give the correct command on the ppa page17:07
daftykinsnight: ok gl then17:08
yvan300trism, thanks17:08
bill_Ghost|BTFH ffmpeg -f x11grab -s 1024x768 -r 30 -i :0.0 /tmp/out.mpg -f oss -i Intel17:08
bill_Ghost|BTFH  I think I just realised what's going on....mpg has no sound right??17:09
djveerIs there an offtopic channel for #Ubuntu ?17:09
dhunI update ubuntu and during that process an icon apperaed telling me that a remote user logged into my desktop, for obvious reasons I will have to reinstall that machine now, and am not amused about that17:09
daftykins!ot | djveer17:09
ubottudjveer: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:09
Ghost|BTFHbill_: Try ffmpeg -f oss -i /dev/dsp -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 /tmp/out.mpg17:09
Ghost|BTFHbill_: The x11 option is to yank video only.17:09
djveerubottu: Thanks!17:10
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)17:10
djveeroh lol17:10
daftykinsdhun: sounds like you had it configured badly17:10
switch10_dhun: do you use VNC at all?17:10
daftykinsdjveer: i triggeed it ;)17:10
dhunyes might be17:10
Ghost|BTFHOf course, /dev/dsp would probably be /dev/Intel or whatever.17:10
djveerdaftykins: Well thank you! Hopefully you're not a bot17:10
Ghost|BTFHNot sure.17:10
* daftykins whirs17:10
djveerif so.. dang these bots are getting good17:10
dhunI don't know how it was configured exactly since I wasnt using the machnie for quite some time17:10
Ghost|BTFHdaftykins: We're all bots.17:11
dhunbut the error was caused by the update I think17:11
dhunmaybe I allowed anybody to access it in my local net, behind the router17:11
dhunand the installation changed to worldwide17:11
switch10_dhun: it was a pop up in the top right corner right?  not an error message?17:12
dhunyes it was a pop up17:12
Andurino2hola, se puede preguntar en español?17:12
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:12
costredhun, could it someone you know, who knows your IP and your "standard passwords"?17:12
dhunno I don't think so17:12
DexterLBthe lucid liveCD freezes right before starting window manager17:12
Andurino2la cuestion es que vengo de ubotty17:12
dhunand I am behind a router17:12
DexterLBon both try and install mode17:13
dhunit was open without password17:13
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:13
arjunak01how can i conference audio calls in pidign17:13
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:13
costremoetunes, My brain decided to skip that word :)17:13
bill_Ghost|BTFH /dev/video0: Error while opening file17:13
switch10_dhun: go to system>prefs>remote desktop, and see if it is even configured..17:13
krabexhow can i recover my data using myrescue? i'm made a bitmap file but what next?17:13
DexterLBarjunak01: you can't17:13
costredhun, That sucks :p17:13
dhunyes it was confuigured, to be open worldwide17:13
switch10_dhun: ahh got ya.17:13
arjunak01DexterLB: then what should i do for call conference17:13
dhunand the dialog told me about a funny url under which you could reach my desktop17:14
DexterLBarjunak01: dunno, anything but pidgin17:14
switch10_dhun: so what are you going to do?17:14
Ghost|BTFHbill_: Hmmm....ermmm...not sure what video0 would be.17:14
arjunak01 DexterLB:how about empathy or will i have to use skype?17:14
costredhun, reinstallation takes no time at all ... make a good backup :)17:14
dhunreinstall, and complain to you, because somehow the apt-get upgrade seems to have caused it17:15
Ghost|BTFHbill_: Check this out http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-doc.html and see if you can translate some of their quibble.17:15
flakiferolinHi! I'm looking for some help configuring flashplayer in firefox, cause I can see only some videos (for eg) in youtube17:15
dhunreinstallation will take forever since I need a lot of special software17:15
JohnTedCan I make my $HOME an encrypted private directory? I want the entire thing to be encrypted.17:15
dhunsomehow 5 hours17:15
theadminflakiferolin: This is most likely a bug that you can not fix.17:15
switch10_dhun: make sure in your back up you dont save those config files for remote desktop...17:16
arjunak01DexterLB:how about empathy or will i have to use skype?17:16
dhunyes I will use debian this time17:16
theadminarjunak01: You can't connect to Skype with empathy. You can only connect to Skype with Skype.17:16
flakiferolintheadmin: there is a way to make it run with chrome?17:16
dhunand I will not do any backup, I will just nuke it17:16
theadminflakiferolin: No idea about that, i'm a devoted FF user17:16
switch10_dhun: sudo dpkg --get-selections > /home/user/backup/installed_packages17:16
dhunyes you can do17:17
arjunak01theadmin: what i meant was can i conference audio calls in empathy (or pidgin) or will i have to switch to skype17:17
dhunthe problems is that other people are running into the same problem, while we are chatting17:17
dhunI think that a bot logged into my machine and took the desktop17:18
moetunes!who | dhun17:18
ubottudhun: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:18
arvind_khadriflakiferolin, you cant view it, even after you restart FF ?17:18
dhunand this bot will keep waiting for new vitims17:18
theadminarjunak01: AFAIR you can do so but i dunno17:18
switch10_dhun: highly unlikely17:19
dhunwell very likely I think17:20
switch10_dhun: who else has experienced this problem?17:20
Administer_I am using Ubuntu 10.04 everything has worked fiine up untill my last upgrade then my networking stoped. My i get some assistance in fixing this problem?17:20
switch10_Administer_: #ubuntu=1 please17:21
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lun4tichi, i have a problem with compiz. my gnome does neither fallback to metacity not start compiz although my nvidia binary driver is installed correctly and compiz works when startet manually after gnome was startet. the "appearance settings" do start compiz but the confirmation dialog that shows the timer freezes when compiz is startet. after that i can use gnome as usual. except for the still frozen appearance settings. when i restart X.org or17:21
lun4tic the whole computer i have the same problem again17:21
lun4ticanybody knows this bug?17:21
lun4ticdies anybody know this bug?*17:21
dhunswitch10_ there will be a lot of people, anybody who allowed access behind the router and updates get global access17:22
Tjololo12does anyone know where/what files to use on my pxe server for karmic? I found a link to the netboot download, but I don't want to have to replace my whole pxelinux file just to have ubuntu on there.17:22
illyumeHuh. Does the beta of 10.04 not let you move things around on the panel? >.>17:22
arvind_khadri!lucid | illyume17:22
ubottuillyume: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule17:22
illyumeOh, oky! :17:22
lun4tics/dies/does :D17:22
Administer_switch10_, i do not understand.17:22
switch10_dhun: and doesnt have a nvc password, and doesnt have a root password...17:22
Andurino2i have a problem -> my computer as crash in all time , i think the problem as for card driver nvidia and i prove with diferents metods but dont runing correct, now i have a crash and one messaje when i type in terminal 'genome-appearance-propeties' -> Gdk-CRITICAL **:GDK_DISPLAY_SYNC:ASSERTION 'gdk_is_display (display)' failed17:23
ZykoticK9Administer_, re-ask you question in #ubuntu+1 to get there use "/join #ubuntu+1"17:23
dhunno it does not require a password17:23
switch10_dhun: if you require it to it does..17:23
dhunyes if you requiere17:23
dhunbut I got to go to sports now17:24
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simerHI all , I am unable to install SIS 771/671 graphics driver on Ubuntu 10.04 lucid17:25
MaletorHow do I grow /dev/sdb1 onto my RAID-1 /boot at /dev/md0 and how do I grow /dev/sdb2 to /dev/md1 my root partition and RAID517:25
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule17:25
sireorionhow do i unpack rar files?17:25
Maletorsireorion: sudo apt-get install rar17:25
llutzsireorion: unrar x file.rar17:26
sireorionoki =)17:26
sireoriontnx llutz17:26
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sireorioncan i convert mkv to avi?17:27
daftykinssireorion: they're container formats, so yes17:28
sireoriondaftykins, do u know how?17:28
daftykinswhat are you trying to do?17:29
sireorioni got a extern mediacenter and it dont take *.mkv but it takes *.avi17:30
arvind_khadrisireorion, i guess ffmpeg does that. not sure17:30
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switch10_sireorion: try avidemux if you want a GUI17:31
sireorionswitch10_, is that a application?17:31
switch10_sireorion: yes17:31
arvind_khadriSirDidi, yes17:32
Gibbysorea, /var/log/Xorg.0.log or 1.log?17:32
arvind_khadri!info avidemux | sireorion17:32
ubottusireorion: avidemux (source: avidemux): a free video editor - GTK version. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:2.5.1+repack-0ubuntu2.1 (karmic), package size 876 kB, installed size 2300 kB17:32
arvind_khadriSirDidi, oops, sorry :)17:32
major_redhatquestion - is WiMax a dying technology for wireless internet?17:34
kolpurhow to access the applications in system tray with keyboard ??17:35
switch10_kolpur: you can hold shift+numlock, and then use your numpad as a mouse17:36
bill_Ghost|BTFH I got it......sox -t alsa "default" -q -c1 -r48000 -t raw - | ffmpeg -f s16le -i - -acodec copy -f x11grab -s 1024x768 -r 30 -i :0.0 /tmp/cap2.avi17:37
bill_...........but this produces a scratchy background noise...just like recordmydesktop does for me);..............here's the link  .........http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1179861.html17:37
=== PhilMather is now known as zz_PhilMather
kolpur<switch10_> its not working ..17:37
=== eLeNa is now known as EBC99
EBC99Are someone there?17:39
switch10_kolpur: it works on my US keyboard17:39
EBC99¬¬ it17:39
ubuntu_can anybody help me with instaling grub loader on live cD ?17:39
mezquitalecan you make the boot menu more descriptive?  And can you edit the menu items so that you can move the first OS option to last17:40
switch10_ubuntu_: sudo apt-get install grub17:40
ubuntu_i cant install grub17:40
DexterLBthe liveCD freezes, and I tried nomodreset17:41
CarlisI need help17:41
DexterLBalso freezes17:41
CarlisI am trying to install a Microsoft Office Trial with playonlinux but I don´t see the Office Application in the list. How can i fix this issue ?17:41
ubuntu_i have installed win xp and that was deleted grub17:41
DexterLBI'm now downloading the daily one17:41
gamla_kossanhi people - when I boot hte 9.10 livecd, does it have ntfs support?17:41
switch10_mezquitale: sudo apt-get install startupmanager17:41
madjoeHow can I check how much free space has left for my wubi installation of Ubuntu?17:41
terry_ Carlis Install OO17:41
kolpurswitch10_: did you mean like shift+numlock+numbers or what ?17:41
DexterLBis there a way to solve this?17:41
DexterLBI'm on x8617:41
switch10_kolpur: yes that is what I said.17:41
chreekatSo why is it that when I use the Dvorak keyboard layout, Terminal still thinks I want qwerty as soon as I press and hold the control key?17:41
Carlisno, because It´s possible to install Microsoft Office with playonlinux17:42
kolpurswitch10_: not working for me ..17:42
switch10_kolpur: sorry.17:43
madjoeHow can I check how much free space has left for my wubi installation of Ubuntu? Is there a way to increase that somehow?17:43
CarlisI am trying to install a Microsoft Office Trial with playonlinux but I don´t see the Office Application in the list. How can i fix this issue ?17:43
kolpuri'm on gnome .. does that work on it ??17:43
mezquitaleCarlis, if you want to test microsoft products then just install windows on virtualbox17:43
wombatmanno wine can be just as good at times maybe not for office17:44
wombatmani think more people should just use openoffice17:44
switch10_Carlis: it is better to run native Linux apps in Linux.  OPen Office is great.  I don't see a reason for anybody to run Mirco office on any platform..17:44
ubuntu_how can i join some roob17:44
terry_Carlis: Did you see:  http://www.google.com/search?q=install+Microsoft+Office+with+playonlinux&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=uki&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&tbs=vid:1&tbo=u&ei=XM20S-yCHIP7lwf3vqh7&sa=X&oi=video_result_group&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBEQqwQwAA ?17:44
wombatmanhow exactly did ms think it was wise to abandon their own gdi stuff with the release of the new offices?17:45
Gifted_ChildHey Room17:45
wombatmanthats offtopic17:45
bubbles|how can i deactivate the root acc again, if it has been activated?17:45
sinisterstufmicrisoft office 2007 doesn't run well in linux, it does run, but not nicely, open office is better17:45
sinisterstufactive root acount? using bash# ?17:45
sinisterstufor what?17:45
CarlisThanks Terry17:46
Ghost|BTFHbill_: SWEET!17:46
chreekatCarlis: For something to appear in "the list" (I'm assuming you mean the application list in the Ubuntu interface?) the program being installed has to be inside a package that knows about the list17:46
madjoehow can I increase a disk usage for my /home dir?17:46
chreekatms office, of course, doesn't know a thing about it17:46
wombatmanput more stuff in the directory17:46
Devil_Wangchreekat, faint17:46
Ghost|BTFHbill_:  I should have known it'd be something simple like alsa "default"17:46
CarlisI mean inside playonlinux17:47
madjoewombatman: lol I tried to, but Ubuntu told me there's 51M only left for my /home dir... I use wubi.17:47
chreekatthen i have no idea17:47
terry_madjoe: sudo passwd -l root17:47
sinisterstufdoes anyone know how to copy an entire hard disc to another disk if the first one can't be mounted cos it's corrupt?17:47
Gifted_Childi have a question about the courser on booting up Ubuntu 9.10 is there a way to hide that so its just the boot splash17:47
ikoniasinisterstuf you would be copying the corruption then17:48
ikoniasinisterstuf: so what's the point in that, as the new hard disk wouldn't mount either17:48
switch10_sinisterstuf: clonezilla maybe?17:48
madjoeterry_: oh, do you think I could put more stuff as a root?17:48
sinisterstufbecause i need to work on fixing it, but i dont want to touch the original data incase i damage it further17:48
sinisterstufi'm trying to fix it17:48
ikoniasinisterstuf: then do a block level copy with "dd"17:48
Ghost|BTFHsinisterstuf: gparted, copy/paste...clonezilla....both viable options.17:48
terry_madjoe: What?17:48
Ghost|BTFHWhat ikonia said.17:48
ikoniasinisterstuf: however if you don't know how to copy it, I don't you'll be able to fix it17:49
madjoeterry_: I don't understand your sudo passwd -l root17:49
sinisterstufwell, i'll cross that bridge when i get there17:49
researcher1I have a Ubuntu PC network but want users  to have less privileges. What should be the configuration on clients?17:49
ubuntu__can anybody  help me with installing grub ?17:49
sinisterstufthe guys in the NWLUG suggested some tool for me to try, that might fix it17:49
terry_madjoe: http://www.debianadmin.com/enable-and-disable-ubuntu-root-password.html17:49
ikoniaresearcher1: less privileges to what17:49
terry_ubuntu__: apt-get install grub17:49
Ghost|BTFHAhhh, the Teddy Kennedy approach...he'll drive into that bridge when he goes under it.17:49
ubuntu__yes but17:50
mezquitaleswitch10_, you know how to add a string into the boot up menu?  Instead of saying just plain "ubuntu" I want to put "ubuntu karmic", Im trying testing lucid in another partition and i would like the menu to be a little more descriptibe17:50
TA_this is probably not related to ubuntu, but it is about security. Which encryption method is the best when using truecrypt? AES, Serpent, Two-fish, AES-twofish, AES-twofish-serpent,  serpent-AES, serpent-twofish-AES or twofish-serpent?17:50
researcher1I dont want clients to install any program but just surf Internet there17:50
madjoeterry_: I don't see how is that related to my question17:50
ikoniaresearcher1: non-privileges users (not in the admin group) can't install anything17:50
switch10_mezquitale: I dont know how with grub2..  check the wiki17:50
sinisterstufthanks for the help, i'll be back17:51
madjoeHow can I check how much free space has left for my wubi installation of Ubuntu? Is there a way to increase that somehow?17:51
bill_Ghost|BTFH http://n2.nabble.com/How-to-record-sound-on-Ubuntu-8-04-8-10-9-04-td2988982.html#a2988982   <<<<< This guy says that scratchy bg noise is inevitable with ALSA. Do I also have OSS on my distro?17:51
terry_madjoe: Sorry, that was for bubbles| "sudo passwd -l root"17:51
sinisterstufmadjoe: probably with gparted17:51
ubuntu__[ Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For17:51
sireorionwhat is the video and audio for standard on a *.avi file?17:51
ubuntu__the first word, TAB lists possible command17:51
ubuntu__completions. Anywhere else TAB lists the possible17:52
switch10_mezquitale: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1195275  this may tell you17:52
ubuntu__completions of a device/filename. ]17:52
ubuntu__grub> find /boot/grub/stage117:52
FloodBot1ubuntu__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:52
ubuntu__Error 15: File not found17:52
sinisterstufmadjoe: you can select the ubuntu partion and increase the size17:52
SingAlongis there a way to find out how long a processes takes to complete its task?17:52
sinisterstufanyway, g2g cheers17:52
mezquitalesinisterstuf, youre talking about data recovery, if you cant mount the hard drive it's pretty much dead, you have to revive it, if it ever wakes up from the dead then copy the entire drive(image) into a good known working drive, work on the image once it's copied on the hard drive that actually works17:52
terry_madjoe: df17:52
Ghost|BTFHbill_: aoss = alsa driver for oss programs.17:52
ZykoticK9SingAlong, there is a "time" command - but run it before your regular command for example "time ls"17:52
Ghost|BTFHbill_:  So you can technically use that to run it as oss instead of as alsa...17:52
mezquitaleswitch10_, thanks, startupmanager couldnt make the changes with karmic, im booting lucid to see if it's able to make the changes17:53
ZykoticK9SingAlong, s/but/put17:53
madjoeterry_: df -a returns 78% in use for my home dir17:53
ubuntu__can anobody help me on private ?17:53
bubbles|ok, thanks terry_17:53
SingAlongZykoticK9: thanks. i got 3 values. sys, usr and real. which one should i consider?17:53
Ghost|BTFHbill_: But no, you don't want to use the REAL oss.17:53
terry_ubuntu__: What are you trying to do?17:53
sireorionwhat is the video and audio for standard on a *.avi file?17:53
ikoniaubuntu__: ask your question in the channel and people will respond17:53
Ghost|BTFHbill_:  That would be like stabbing yourself in the foot with a shotgun.17:53
bill_Ghost|BTFH How would I code that into my ffmpeg command >>>>>>>>sox -t alsa "default" -q -c1 -r22025 -t raw - | ffmpeg -f s16le -i - -acodec copy -f x11grab -s 1024x768 -r 30 -i :0.0 /tmp/cap4.avi17:54
CarlisTerry the link you gave did´t serve me17:54
ZykoticK9SingAlong, real probably is what your looking for17:54
CarlisI am trying to install a Microsoft Office Trial with playonlinux but I don´t see the Office Application in the list. How can i fix this issue ?17:54
madjoeI'm not using a dedicated partition for my wubi, and I'd like to increase it's installation size... Any suggestions?17:54
mezquitaleubuntu__, generally people will not help you in private unless it's really necessary, most of the time you want to post on the channel17:54
Ghost|BTFHbill_: Errmm...if you aoss installed, I would "guess" you'd use /dev/dsp (which I think is the default for oss) ...which I probably should have thought of in the first place...17:54
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Ghost|BTFHbill_: In my defense though, I did not have any caffeinated beverages before I started helping you.17:55
bill_Ghost|BTFH It seems that I will need to get an external usb soundcard.....if I want to get rid of the horrible scratchy sounds.......17:56
=== bluestar is now known as Guest98922
bill_Ghost|BTFH LOL! Thanks so much for your help though...I think I am ok from here...!!17:56
Ghost|BTFHbill_: Awesome!  Sorry for not being able to help ya earlier.17:56
bill_Ghost|BTFH No worries....cheers for the asoundconf info!!17:57
=== emanuel is now known as bogomips
cellofellowquiet in here18:02
=== his` is now known as TommyThaGun
EntityRebornHow can I get linux (Ubuntu) to rescan my hardware for changes?18:05
duleephello how about HSPDA dongle use in ubntu18:06
duleepya same pro have to me my usb not recognize18:07
EBC99Im bored :S18:08
R0dPitel, are you there?18:08
R0dsomebody else using Android devices with Ubuntu?18:09
metatagghello! i can't get compiz to start in lucid18:10
ikoniametatagg: lucid support is in #ubuntu+118:11
costrejoin #ubuntu+1 for lucid questions18:11
metataggikonia: thnx18:11
EntityReborn\/join #ubuntu+118:11
EntityRebornoops ;p;18:11
FloodBot1EntityReborn: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:11
costreoops again :D18:11
EntityRebornHow can I get Ubuntu to rescan my hardware for changes?18:12
Trekhow can I send trash directly into oblivion so that i can't recover it?18:12
prayiiSystem > Administration > Hardware Drivers18:13
prayiii think18:13
biopytequestion 1: what package can i use to merge (reverse split) .mp3 or other siund files? question 2: playing audio-cd-roms using audacious2 or others, i observe havy load on the hard drive? why is this necessary, cant this be stopped? why cant the app pipeline the audio from the cd-drive directly to output?18:13
Trekis erUSUL or ikonia around?18:13
Trekikonia: do you know of a command that I can use to redirect my trash into nothing or /dev/null?18:13
ikoniaTrek: it's a gnome gconf option for the trash directory, do that, or symlink your trash directory to /dev/null18:14
GlorfBonjour tout le monde18:14
ikonia!fr | Glorf18:14
ubottuGlorf: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois18:14
GlorfOh, bad see18:14
Trekikonia: how can I access the gconf option?18:14
ikoniaTrek: use the gconf editor, however, I have no idea where it is18:15
Trekalrighty, thanks ikonia18:15
ikoniaTrek: as in I have no idea where in the tree the option is18:15
GlorfI've a little problem : i can't boot on a  ubuntu/xubuntu/kubuntu/lubuntu with my hp pavillion dv200018:15
Trekikonia: i was wondering how to access the gconf editor18:15
Glorfi see the console at the beggining18:15
Treki can find the option myself18:15
Glorfthe logo18:15
ikoniaTrek: gconf-tool I think it's called18:15
costreGlorf, How long have you waited?18:15
TrekGlorf: did you just let it run?18:15
Trekthanks ikonia18:16
Glorfand then18:16
EntityRebornTrek, there's a option in Nautilus for this18:16
Glorfmy screen became all red/orange18:16
Glorfand i can't do anything18:16
costreGlorf On one installation I had to wait what felt like 15 minutes18:16
Glorfbut i can boot on a debian live usb (console only)18:16
Glorfi let it run18:16
costredo so18:16
Glorfnow my screen is18:16
costrewait 30 minutes : then come back18:17
nikolamhm, does anyone have idea how to set 1280x1024@85Hz , fglrx driver. I have 1280x1024@85 but I would like 960. I am on 8.04 LTS 64bit, fglrx18:17
costreif you need o :)18:17
TrekEntityReborn: where's the option stored?18:17
EntityRebornUm... lemme look18:17
prayiiis there a working ATI driver for lucid yet?18:17
Trek!lucid | prayii18:17
ubottuprayii: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule18:17
nikolamI have 1280x960@60 and 1280x1024@85 available. Would like 1280x960@8518:17
scp1hi there18:18
prayiisad face18:18
costrenikolam, You mean 1280x960@85?18:18
Trek!hi | scp, do you have a question?18:18
ubottuscp, do you have a question?: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:18
nikolamcostre, yes18:18
EntityRebornTrek, edit/preferences/behavior/always include Delete option that bypasses Trash18:18
TrekEntityReborn: where do I access that?  what tool to access?18:18
EntityRebornWhile viewing any folder18:18
EntityRebornTrek, I'm assuming you are using Gnome18:19
* scp1 is new 18:19
TrekEntityReborn: yup, but on a netbook, so...18:19
costrenikolam, Sorry, no answer right away .. I remember I messed around with custom resolutions. search www.ubuntuforums.org18:19
EntityRebornSHould be the same?18:20
EntityRebornTrek, ^18:20
nikolamcostre, i think it was something with modeline i xorg.conf dont remember right18:20
TrekEntityReborn: yeah, just the resolution prevents me from seeing the "apply" and "close" buttons or whatnot18:20
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scp1ok thanks18:21
TrekEntityReborn: lol indeed, but oh well, 90% of the time i do commands through CLI anyways :P18:21
costrenikolam, I remember that, also messing around with different codes for your graphics card :)18:21
Trekikonia: how do I symlink my trash into /dev/null?18:21
ikoniaTrek: use ln18:21
samokkI am trying to create a multi binary package from a python setuptools app. I got CDBS + pysupport to work, but I am now trying to create several binary packages. is there any help somewhere ?18:22
Trekwhere's trash stored in the system, ikonia?18:22
blakkheim!trash | Trek18:22
ubottuTrek: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash18:22
prayiiAre there any SSD's that are recommended with Ubuntu or do they all work equally well?18:23
Guest9145In attempting to install ubuntu-server, I receive this error: http://pastebin.com/MhsfnAEA - any input greatly appreciated18:23
blakkheimprayii: intel and ocz make the best ones right now18:23
prayiiblakkheim: thank you much sir18:23
blakkheimprayii: although with ubuntu's old kernel, you don't get TRIM support18:23
costreprayii, I'm runnning on a 6month old samsung SSD, works like a dream. Newer drives work even better18:23
blakkheimprayii: so you might want to use a distro that's up to date or compile 2.6.33 yourself on ubuntu18:24
prayiiLucid will come with latest though correct?18:24
linduxedsince pastebin.com redesigned its site, it seems pastebinit doesn't work anymore18:24
daftykinsprayii: 2.6.32, 2.6.33 has TRIM support afaik. so not good for SSDs yet.18:24
blakkheimprayii: i don't know. last i heard it was staying with .3218:24
daftykinsGuest9145: did you apt-get update first?18:25
linduxedin fact the only service the command works with anymore is yourpaste, which isn't the best service really18:25
Guest9145daftykins: sure did18:25
Trekiknoia: i'm getting an error "can't hardlink directories"18:25
Guest9145daftykins: wait, one sec18:25
daftykinsGuest9145: why install the deskie on a server install? D:18:25
Guest9145daftykins: i updated the list--not update itself. one sec18:25
Trekikonia: it says "hard link not allowed for directory"18:25
linduxedis there another application, or an update to pastebinit so i can have a proper pastebinning application?18:25
blakkheimlinduxed: wgetpaste18:25
Guest9145daftykins: i'm trying to use nomachine NX18:25
Guest9145daftykins: running update now, one sec18:26
trismlinduxed: pastebinit will work if you specify http://paste.ubuntu.com as the address18:27
Trekikonia: can I provide you wiht a pastebin of what the error(s) say?18:27
Guest9145daftykins: did not work18:27
daftykinssudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:29
daftykinsthen reboot, then try18:29
prayiipeople always tell me how amazing aptitude is. why does everyone always use apt-get then?18:29
Ghost|BTFHprayii: Because it works.18:30
prayiidoes aptitude not work?18:30
Guest9145daftykins: http://pastebin.com/y4XPDQnS18:30
daftykinsi've never checked the difference between the two to be honest18:30
prayiinot trying to be smart - just uneducated in the difference between aptitude and apt-get18:30
costreapt-get if you know what you want i guess18:30
Trekcan anyone help me figure out how to make this symlink?  i get errors with this: http://starfleet.pastebin.com/Psgv9CbU18:30
Ghost|BTFHprayii: usually it does, but some options it can't use...so...until they merge the two...one is good for some things, one good for another.18:31
daftykinsGuest9145: no idea then18:31
prayiiGhost|BTFH: is there plans to merge them?18:31
blakkheimprayii: aptitude is a smarter version of apt-get that handles dependencies better18:31
llutzTrek: you cannot hardlink between 2 fs18:31
Ghost|BTFHprayii: I hope so.18:31
Guest9145anyone else on http://pastebin.com/y4XPDQnS ? "Errors were encountered while processing: xserver-xorg" "Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"18:31
Trekllutz: okay, so is it possible to symlink my trash folder into /dev/null at all?18:32
llutzTrek: try ln -s /dev/null /bla/foo/trash18:32
Trekllutz: i think it worked...18:33
prayiithere are 8 bits in a byte?18:34
costreprayii, usually :)18:34
Trekllutz: if it worked, do i delete something and if it doesn't show up in trash it worked?18:34
wombatmanthere are also two nibbles in a byte18:35
llutzTrek: idk, i never used trash18:35
adacI installed openvpn gnome network manager plugin, but i cant save the profile because the button is always disabled... any ideas18:36
prayiiso 4 megabits = .5 megabytes... usually? lol18:36
wombatmanthere are issues18:36
wombatmanbecause that's less standardized18:36
prayiithere should be an organization that standardizes computer units18:37
Ghost|BTFHUmmm...isn't it...8 bits to a byte, 1,024 bytes to a kbyte?18:38
wombatmanmicrosoft would never join18:38
wombatmanunless 1000 bytes to a kilobyte18:38
prayiilike in lucis18:38
wombatmanwe prefer 102418:38
prayiiLucid uses the 1000:1 thought18:38
prayiiKarmic uses 1024:1 correct?18:39
wombatmandon't know18:39
wombatmani never rely on that18:39
llutzGhost|BTFH: 1024 bytes = kibibyte18:39
wombatmanthis is 16bit18:39
Ghost|BTFHI didn't even know kibi had teeth.18:39
prayiiI think I read it's changing in next version. But right now in ubuntu I believe its 1024 bytes = 1 kb18:40
odb|fidelhi - quick question (using ubuntu 9.10 & gnome here) - just updating my installation via apt in terminal - while apt is still downloading & installing the updates gnome displayed a dialog which tells me it requires an reboot. how is that realized?18:40
llutzkilobyte = iso = 10^3 bytes (1000 bytes)18:40
odb|fidelsome special paket which is flaged as critial - or how does gnome realized that one of my updated packages think it required a reboot?18:40
Ghost|BTFHodb|fidel: Wait for the updates to finish.18:41
erUSULodb|fidel: the former. some packages are marked as boot required. (kernels mostly)18:41
odb|fidelGhost|BTFH: for sure i wait - that’s not the point here - butthanks18:41
odb|fidelerUSUL: ok18:41
odb|fidelthanks for the quick replies18:42
Ghost|BTFHodb|fidel: Ah, you're just wondering why it happened...what they said.18:42
prayiiIn Karmix 1 kilobyte = 1024 bytes18:42
Ghost|BTFHodb|fidel: It's rare people want to know why, just how to fix it. :)18:42
odb|fidelthere is nothing to fix here - at least right now ;)18:42
odb|fideljust want to understand the link from apt to gnome-notification18:43
Ghost|BTFHodb|fidel: Mmmm...sounds like my computers and sadly, my client computers too...I need to start sending out some negative mojo so there's more crashes for me to fix...daddy needs a new car.18:43
deleuzercould anyone suggest a way to repair an ubuntu-desktop, i'm getting dependency errors and i the X environment hangs before it gets to login screen.  I'm really desperate.  this error happens with apt-get install -f " subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 245" (among others)18:43
alex88if i want to pass the result of a command as argument to another? in linux shell..18:45
erUSULalex88: command1 | command218:45
Ghost|BTFHdeleuzer: Which flavor of ubuntu are you currently using, what occurred just before the crash?  Details, details.18:45
llutzprayii: even if 99.9% of users use kilobyte for 1024 bytes, it is wrong. kilo is a SI-prefix and means "10^3" not "2^10"18:45
fuorviatoshello all18:45
erUSUL!cli | alex8818:45
ubottualex88: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro18:45
DaZor command1 --something `command2` <:18:45
alex88erUSUL: i mean, like script -> url, then wget that url18:46
llutzalex88: wget $(script)18:46
erUSULalex88: wget $(script)18:46
* erUSUL damm18:46
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Ghost|BTFHThat was pretty fast.18:46
Ghost|BTFHI just erased mine.18:46
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prayiillutz: was just stating how its read in Karmic. I know it's wrong. =D18:46
jriberUSUL: you could have won with backticks18:46
alex88worked perfectly..thank you all18:46
Ghost|BTFHI was still on wge18:46
setuidI just installed ubuntu 9.10 server, and the default gdm theme is horrid. How do I change that? gdmsetup doesn't have the same options as the previous version18:47
llutzbackticks are ugly18:47
deleuzerGhost|BTFH: I'm using ubuntu 9.10, just before the crash I tried to get mod working which requires a bunch of different librarys particularly glib I'm sure this is what caused the problem, but how to fix?18:47
jribsetuid: you can't, use something like kdm or xdm18:47
setuidbackticks are ugly, and in most cases, insecure18:47
blakkheimsetuid: why would you use gdm on a server..18:47
eremitesetuid: http://www.ubuntumini.com/2009/09/hack-karmics-gdm-login-screen.html   you need to hack it now.18:47
jribsetuid: insecure because?18:47
erUSULjrib: no sure two keypresses needed in my spanish keyboard ;)18:47
jriberUSUL: oh, you're one of those :)18:47
Ghost|BTFHdeleuzer: Okay, did you get the libs from the repositories or did you download and manually install them?18:48
setuidjrib, insecure because it's subject to race conditions, and it escapes to a subshell, so subject to shell expoits and interpolation.18:48
setuidIt's never a good idea to use them. I see people using them in Perl all the time: Dead wrong.18:48
erUSULjrib: guadalinex users ? yes praudly so :D18:48
* Ghost|BTFH does a funky dance to Get Ur Freak On18:48
jribsetuid: are you saying `` is different than $()?  I didn't know this18:48
Ghost|BTFHOkay, I feel better now.18:48
deleuzerGhost|BTFH: most I got from the repositories, but there were some not in the repos.18:48
setuidjrib, Looks like gdm-2.20 is what I needed, gdm is no longer sufficient.18:49
setuidEach new GNOME release, removes more and more features...18:49
jribsetuid: gdm was rewritten from scratch and that part wasn't written yet18:49
Ghost|BTFHdeleuzer: Getting anything outside of the repos = high risk.18:49
dazsetuid: because features confuse users.18:50
Ghost|BTFHmanually installed libs...hmmm...well, if you knew what they were called specifically when installed, you *could* sudo apt-get purge lib-name-version18:50
setuiddaz, Apparently18:50
llutzsetuid: $(cmd) and `cmd` are equaly handled by bash18:50
deleuzerGhost|BTFH: I have a list of the untarred packages...18:50
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fuorviatosHello guys18:51
DexterLBthe daily CD also freezes18:51
fuorviatosand girls :)18:51
DexterLBhelp please18:51
setuidllutz, Not quite the same thing... one does not blindly execute commands buried in variables like the oher would.18:51
Ghost|BTFHdeleuzer: I'd give sudo apt-get purge lib-name-version a shot then...which might make it yank a few others out as deps...but such is life.18:51
fuorviatos got a problem with virtualbox. I ran Ubuntu 10.04 beta as a host machine. It was almost warking well since I've installed the guest additions modules to the kernel. Now it won't recognize my graphic, the screen starts flickerning. You've got any idea if that might be related to vbox in any way or OS in beta version is the reason of the issue?18:51
maginotfuorviatos, #virtualbox18:51
llutzsetuid: according bashs man-page they are equal (backticks are just the historical form)18:51
Ghost|BTFHfuorviatos: For help with Lucid Beta, please visit #ubuntu+1, for virtualbox, #virtualbox18:52
deleuzerGhost|BTFH: I'll give it a try. tx18:52
mattishwhat would cause only one of my nvidia cards to be intiated on the first boot of x, but upon restart the second works ?18:52
fuorviatosmaginot, thanks, but I already ping there18:52
Ghost|BTFHdeleuzer: If that doesn't work, there's more violent intrusions that can be done.18:52
maginotfuorviatos, so wait for someone give you a hint18:52
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jub369Can someone give me a channel were i can ask about installing a mac Os x on a external hard drive using a pc18:53
Ghost|BTFHfuorviatos: But just 'cause I'm nice, my first stab in the dark would be you have compiz running.18:53
maginotGhost|BTFH, I have compiz and have no problem with my vms..18:53
fuorviatosGhost|BTFH, Thank you. That might be an interesting hint to check out18:54
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z0netnone of my instant messengers can connect to msn (I tried all of them: pidgin, koepete, emesene, amsn...) any tips?18:54
Ghost|BTFHmaginot: In Lucid?18:54
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maginotGhost|BTFH, no. But did you saw anything related ?18:54
ZykoticK9fuorviatos, GhostFreeman__ magical - i'm not having any problem with Lucid guests with VBox OSE, but PUEL version seems to be having some issues18:54
Ghost|BTFHfuorviatos: The second thing I'd consider is video drivers being used by Lucid vs perhaps nvidia drivers.18:55
jibadeehaz0net, you sure it is not a problem with the server you are connecting to18:55
Ghost|BTFHmaginot: Only that he said he's running 10.04 beta.18:55
z0net[jibadeeha]: ya.. because I can enter in msn with meebo.com or other sites18:55
fuorviatosZykoticK9, What is "PUEL" sorry?18:55
ZykoticK9fuorviatos, the version direct from Sun/Oracle18:56
llutzfuorviatos: "Personal Use and Evaluation License (PUEL)"18:56
jibadeehaz0net, ah but they might use a different server or connect via a 3rd party API or something18:56
jibadeehaz0net, what version of pidgin you using18:56
DarxusWhat command does the "install ubuntu" icon on the desktop of the install disk run?18:56
linuxrevolutionthis is my problem: Error activating XKB configuration.   help please18:56
z0net[jibadeeha]: 2.6.618:57
jibadeehaz0net, i am using 2.6.2 and msn is working fine for me18:57
z0net[jibadeeha]: can u see the right server for me in ur pidgin?18:57
Ghost|BTFHlinuxrevolution: Stop trying to activate XKB, obviously.  Just teasing, could you give just a tad more information?18:58
z0net[jibadeeha]: mine is messenger.hotmail.com, port 186318:58
jibadeehaz0net, ditto but you might get load balanced to a different server18:58
linuxrevolutionGhost|BTFH: ya, I want to change keyboard layout and I see this error and I can't change it.18:58
sammyI'm looking at the details of a package in aptitude, and it's saying mysql-server is 'UNAVAILABLE' which doesn't seem to make much sense, considering it's installed. what am I missing?18:59
z0net[jibadeeha]: How can I do that?19:00
Ghost|BTFHlinuxrevolution: What OS are you using, what are you attempting to change the kb layout to?19:00
ZykoticK9sammy, do you happen to be running 64bit Lucid?19:00
j41r0hi every one, long life to GNU19:01
sammyZykoticK9: nope. 32bit karmic19:01
ZykoticK9sammy, ok just checkin'19:01
linuxrevolutionGhost|BTFH: I use ubuntu 10.04 beta 1 and this is the error: http://imagebin.ca/view/Et2pAHH.html   when I want to change between USA and IRN (Persian)19:01
sammyZykoticK9: whats up with mysql-server in 64bit lucid?19:01
ZykoticK9sammy, it doesn't install/work19:01
Ghost|BTFHlinuxrevolution: Well, for help with lucid, you should be in #ubuntu+1, however the issue you have is something that's happened in the past, so perhaps this solution will be of use to you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83431819:01
linuxrevolutionGhost|BTFH: ok mate thanks a lot for the help :)19:02
sammyZykoticK9: odd.19:02
Ghost|BTFHlinuxrevolution: Don't thank me, thank Topeka...I mean...Google...19:02
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znikhow can i serach for the location of some library file??19:03
ikoniaznik: use "find"19:03
z0netI can't connect to msn.. I tried all the messengers.. any tips?19:03
sammyznik: locate filename19:03
erUSULznik: or locate19:03
ikoniasammy: locate won't search the file system19:03
j41r0znik: much better is use locate command19:03
linuxrevolutionGhost|BTFH: well you know I searched it but there is another problem! I have no xorg.conf in X11 folder! so I couldn't use this topic19:03
ikoniaj41r0: no it's not better to use the locate command unless he knows it's in the locate cached file systems19:04
Ghost|BTFHlinuxrevolution: LoL19:04
llutzj41r0: not in all cases19:04
j41r0type man locate to know how to19:04
Ghost|BTFHz0net: messenger.hotmail.com for server, gateway.messenger.hotmail.com for http method, port 186319:04
j41r0I think much of the time locate plus grep is  the better way to know complete file path19:04
Ghost|BTFHz0net: If you still can't connect, check your account, because mine's working just fine with pidgin with those settings.19:04
ikoniaj41r0: no - it's not19:04
trismznik: you could also use dpkg -S file_name; (for installed packages) or apt-file search file_name (for everything)19:04
sammyikonia is right, if the library file isn't somewhere being indexed by locate, it wont show up. but I think most library files are, at least library files installed with the package system.19:04
ikoniaj41r0: locate only searchs specific file systems19:05
ikoniasammy: he's lost the files - so they could be anywhere19:05
costrez0net, Try killing telepathy-butterfly19:05
z0net[Ghost|BTFH]: that's the problem.. when I installed ubuntu the last time it worked.. now it doesn't =\19:05
ikoniasammy: if they where not lost they would be in /usr/lib19:05
Ghost|BTFHz0net: Verion you're using of ubuntu and what chat programs?19:06
j41r0parameter depends19:06
z0net<Ghost|BTFH: I tried all of them, and all get loading and then stop in some part of loading...19:06
sammyz0net: if its not an issue with the client, maybe you're behind a restrictive firewall of some sort?19:06
j41r0locate - find files by name19:06
z0nethow can I configure my firewall19:06
ikoniaj41r0: no - it searches only specific file systems19:07
Ghost|BTFHz0net: You've tried in karmic and lucid???19:07
llutzj41r0: needs updatedb and works different from "find"19:07
j41r0read man pages man19:07
vng`when is Ubuntu 10.04 going to be released?19:07
Ghost|BTFHvng`: In about a month19:07
z0net[Ghost|BTFH]: I'm in lucid.. but in karmic it's the same problem..19:07
j41r0locate  reads  one or more databases prepared by updatedb(8) and writes19:07
sammyj41r0: all ikonia was saying was that there are places locate doesn't index. if the library is in one of those places, locate wont find it.19:07
j41r0       file names matching at least one of the PATTERNs  to  standard  output,19:07
j41r0       one per line.19:07
z0netjust not connect =\19:07
ikoniaj41r0: I have read the man pages many time19:07
ikoniaz0net: lucid support is in #ubuntu+1 please19:07
ikoniaj41r0: only the file systems that are in the database19:07
vng`Ghost|BTFH: in the end of April?19:07
sammyznik: you might want to update your locate databse if this file was installed recently. usually your locate database is only updated ... I think daily.19:08
Ghost|BTFHz0net: I installed myself for pidgin, and it's working peachy in Karmic.19:08
Ghost|BTFHvng`: Yep yep.19:08
sammyand z0net, I don't know what kind of firewall you might be behind. you mentioned you were able to connect to msn before but its not working now. what has changed?19:08
llutzj41r0: "reads  one or more databases prepared by updatedb(8)"   <- that's the important thing19:08
vng`Ghost|BTFH: thanks!19:08
Ghost|BTFHvng`: 29th, if I recall correctly, which means you'll want to do the dist-upgrade around May 5th19:08
zniksammy: ok got it19:08
vng`Ghost|BTFH: ya19:09
Ghost|BTFHvng`: Because the servers get hammered for the first week.19:09
llutzj41r0: " grep -i prune /etc/updatedb.conf"  tells you why it will fail in some cases19:09
j41r0so if you you want to locate a library what is the reason be located in a diference file system have not any sense19:09
Ghost|BTFHvng`: At least, that's what I'm planning....bottle of tequila, salsa...burritos....and dist upgrade to Lucid on Cinco De Mayo.19:09
j41r0thanks llutz19:09
z0net[sammy]: that's the mystery.. nothing chaged19:09
CAPcapwhere do cookies get stored?19:09
setuidin the cookie jar19:10
setuid(yes, literally)19:10
vng`Ghost|BTFH: thanks for info19:10
sammyj41r0: I'm with you on that, libraries installed by apt should show up with locate, but maybe they've installed something non-standard. which is probably why someone suggested using find, that will find it no matter where it is (if you start looking in / )19:10
Ghost|BTFHThat's the best question to have to answer. :)19:10
Ghost|BTFHvng`: np19:10
Ghost|BTFHvng`: I can suggest some good tequilla if you need it.19:10
sammyz0net: well, you might not know what has changed, but if it worked before and its not working now, *something* has changed :) do aim or yahoo or gtalk work?19:10
underdevhi, does anyone know what that cool peice of software that installs games under wine is called?19:10
vng`Ghost|BTFH: :)19:11
z0net[sammy]: ya.. all works but msn..19:11
j41r0thanks sammy, is totaly truth what you said19:11
underdeva friend is asking about it, and i can't remember the name19:11
Ghost|BTFHunderdev: playonlinux?19:11
underdevGhost|BTFH: that's it19:11
underdevGhost|BTFH: thanks19:11
Ghost|BTFHunderdev: It's almost like I have a brain.19:11
z0net[sammy]: it's not a problem in the clients, it's something else that I don't no =\19:11
Ghost|BTFHunderdev: You're welcome. :)19:11
underdevGhost|BTFH: I remember having a brain in the early nineties.  Good times... good times...19:12
Ghost|BTFHunderdev: Oh man, it was back in the 80's for me...19:12
Ghost|BTFHunderdev: after that, everthing just became a blurr I call "yesterday"19:12
sammyz0net: hmm. I think someone mentioned the server and port for msn connections, maybe try telnetting to that server and port, see if your computer can connect to it at all. take the client out of the equation.19:12
Ghost|BTFHunderdev: "So when did you last use Windows 95?" "Oh, umm...I dunno...sometime yesterday..."19:13
z0net[sammy]: reading error19:13
gibby13I just did a fresh install of 9.10 32 bit, How do I disable compiz?19:15
z0net[sammy]: I'll forget msn by now.. thnx for helping.. cya o/19:15
soreaugibby13: sys>prefs>appearance>visual effects <-- set to None19:15
sammyhas anyone come across aptitude telling them a packge is UNAVAILABLE ?19:16
gibby13soreau, ok that is what it is at, but seems like everytime i install the nvidia drivers it changes and then the machine becomes unstable still i kill compiz19:16
Ghost|BTFHsammy: unavailable but is being referred to by another package?19:16
indmdlpI just installed Ubuntu 9.10.  My max screen resolution is 800x600.  I can't seem to get a higher resolution.  Can anyone help?19:16
hwildewhy is grub just sitting at the grub menu???  i need it to auto boot!!!19:16
gibby13indmlp, did you install video drivers?19:17
sammyoh its a misspelling in a package in someone's repository :) there we go. hard to see the difference between mysql-server and msyql-server :)19:17
gibby13hwilde, are you using grub or grub2?19:17
indmdlpI haven't installed any drivers.  Just using what comes standard with the OS Install.19:17
soreaugibby13: I dont think compiz is the problem but solely that of the nvidia driver. Maybe you can try a different version of the driver if you havent already19:17
Ghost|BTFHsammy: Glad we could help.19:17
Alpha-DOGhey all :D19:17
sammyGhost|BTFH: :D19:17
gibby13soreau, tried 173, 185, 190, 195........19:17
soreauindmdlp: Which graphics card?19:17
eremiteindmdlp: you need to use xrandr.  check out thsi post on this website, teh second half of the post teaches you how to change resolutions http://chvnx.com/post/280205781/change-screen-resolution-in-linux-ubuntu19:18
indmdlpOK.  Thx.  I will read through.19:18
eremitesoreau: Ubuntu is major-fail detecting resolutions.19:18
gibby13soreau, what would be the difference between 32bit and 64bit os, i did not have this problem with 64bit19:18
Ghost|BTFHI've never had an issue with it.19:18
Ghost|BTFHOf course, I'm silly...I actually check to see what hardware is supported by my OS before I just go installing willy-nilly.19:19
Ghost|BTFHWhich is a great program, btw...you should all check out willy-nilly...19:19
CAPcapwhere do i find my cookies?19:19
Ghost|BTFHI run the 64-bit version.19:19
soreaugibby13: I dont know. Sounds like you are hitting a somewhat serious bug in the nvidia driver19:19
gibby13Anybody want to trade video cards?19:19
eremiteGhost|BTFH: my hardware worked with Ubuntu but that didnt matter, it only detects 600x800 as native, which is a joke.  I have a 22" monitor.19:19
Guest9145apt-get install ubuntu-server yields "Errors were encountered while processing: xserver-xorg" ANY insight would be sincerely appreciated19:20
Ghost|BTFHeremite: Mine detected 1280x1024 because, well...that's the max my monitor can do, and...my monitor is recognized by ubuntu.19:20
quebecliberatedi have a problem whit buring dvd whit ubuntu (programk3b)19:20
Alpha-DOGlook in windows has medias and i have 2 hardisks so where can i find the other one :)19:20
Ghost|BTFHeremite: It's not the vid card, it's the monitor that makes Ubuntu default to such oddballs usually.19:20
Ghost|BTFHeremite: And it's to be silly and protect your monitor from blowing itself up.19:20
quebecliberatedi have a problem please!19:21
eremiteGhost|BTFH: well, it worked with EVERY other OS except Ubuntu.  Its an Ubuntu problem, imo.19:21
quebecliberatedi have a problem please can you help me?19:21
Ghost|BTFHquebecliberated: I have a few you could have...but if you want, I'll try to help with your problme instead.19:21
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:21
quebecliberatedi have a problem whit buring dvd whit ubuntu (programk3b)19:21
Ghost|BTFHquebecliberated: Can you be more specific as to the problem?  If necessary, you can message me in French19:22
livizyhello,what difference between setting in appearance and editing font configre file19:24
hwildegibby13, grub2 i guess i dunno the new stuff19:24
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gibby13hwild, edit /etc/default/grub then run update-grub219:24
n0000bhey peeps19:25
sudiptahey,can anyone tell me how to compile and run c\c++ programs in kdevelop4 in karmic??????19:25
blakkheimsudipta: man gcc19:25
hwildegibby13, that file is blank19:25
beanerhey all, does anyone know how I can create a text files that makes a list of all files in a folder?19:25
ikoniasudipta: what part don't you understand ?19:25
blakkheimbeaner: ls -a > list.xt19:25
gibby13hwild run sudo apt-get install grub219:25
beanerthank you19:26
livizyhello,what difference between setting in appearance and editing font configre file19:26
blakkheim!repeat | livizy19:26
ubottulivizy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.19:26
hwildegibby13, sorry aptitude is all borked. looks like this was an aaborted upgrade.19:26
n0000bi've been a dickhead. i've changed my fstab file, i changed something from ro to rw, thinking it was my external attached, but it was my internal. in terminal i try to change the file with sudo pico /etc/fstab but it tells me its read only file system!!!!19:26
blakkheimn0000b: boot from livecd/usb19:27
ikonian0000b: please control your language19:27
n0000boh sorry for the swears19:27
sudiptai am able write a code in it but can not find anything(buttons)that just do it for me19:27
ikonian0000b: changing something from ro to rw will not make your file system read only19:27
n0000bi can log in as root at the terminal, can i easily change it back?19:28
ikoniasudipta: you have to create a development environment19:28
ikonian0000b: changing something from ro to rw will NOT make your file system read only19:28
gibby13hwilde, fix apt first19:28
ikoniasudipta: you need to read the docs on kdevelop it's a large ide19:28
quebecliberatedi have a problem whit buring dvd whit ubuntu (programk3b)19:29
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n0000bwhen i change the letter back, the hit ctrl+x, then y, enter it says [ Error writing /etc/fstab: Read-only file system ]19:29
ikoniaquebecliberated: the word is "with"19:29
ikonian0000b: so what did you really do to make your root file system read only ?19:30
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sudiptaikonia:i have opened "documentation" but that is empty,the "help option doesn't seem to help me19:31
n0000bi downloaded the file using sftp to my mac, changed the 'ro' part of the file to 'rw' thinking it would give me write access to an external drive attached (which was the problem i was trying to solve), and now it wont boot19:31
n0000boh i sftp'd the file back to /etc/19:31
ikoniasudipta: the documentation is on the kde website19:31
n0000band then it wont boot19:31
NemesisDanyone know why blacklist.conf would be invalid? i need to blacklist the module kvm_intel. I have it in my blacklist conf but i still have to manually do modprobe -r kvm_intel all the time19:31
quebecliberatedi have a problem whit buring dvd whit ubuntu (programk3b)19:31
ikonian0000b: what was the file19:31
eremitequebecliberated: use a different program?19:32
kenkkuis it normal that I get a warning "untrusted versions of the following packages will be installed!" when installing from universe?19:32
n0000bits just called fstab located in /etc i think its to do with mounting drives(?)19:32
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gibby13soreau, hmm same issue again, compiz-real messing it up19:32
sudiptaikonia:can u give me the link19:32
ikoniakenkku: are you %100 sure they are coming from universe19:32
ikonian0000b: fstab is not something you should download19:32
ikoniasudipta: www.kde.org - docs links on there19:32
kenkkuikonia: that's the problem, how can I find out?19:32
n0000blol, i'm starting to wish i didn't19:32
ikoniakenkku: look at your repos19:33
soreaugibby13: Why do you think compiz is running?19:33
ikonian0000b: you'll need to manually re-create it19:33
n0000bi run XBMC Live on an acer revo, which i think runs on a skeleton version of ubuntu19:33
n0000bthats ok i still have the fstab file on my desktop19:33
kenkkuikonia: well, I have looked at my repos and there isn't anything else they could come from19:33
gibby13soreau, i do a ps-ef|grep compiz and see compiz.reall running, i kill it and the system stops hanging19:33
n0000b(desktop on my macbook im on now)19:33
ikoniakenkku: then it's probably the gpg key has expired19:33
kenkkuthe package in question is pgadmin319:33
soreaugibby13: Did you enable visual effects then?19:34
n0000bi thought maybe i could copy it back somehow, or undo my changes, ie edit the file from the machine itself19:34
gibby13soreau, nope, it is still on none19:34
enthusHi all..i want to connect internet in ubuntu9.10 throug BSNL WLL CT800P from India, help please!!19:34
znikhow can i include some file while doing ./configure which configure is not able to find?19:34
ikonian0000b: easy way, boot from a livecd, mount your disk, copy the file back into place19:34
soreaugibby13: hmm.. that is weird. You still should be able to prevent it from running with chmod -x /usr/bin/compiz.real19:35
gibby13soreau, i will try it again19:35
erUSULznik: install the corresponding -dev package19:35
Noxohi all19:35
vernick456456456I'm trying ICS 2 ubuntu systems. I have a connection established message but I can't ping successfully anyone help please19:35
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:35
n0000bthe acer revo has no optical drive, can i boot from a usb pen?19:35
soreaugibby13: Any time compiz causes problems with X, the bug is almost always with in the graphics driver19:35
kenkkuis there any way in apt-get or aptitude to show more information on why it's issuing this warning?19:35
ikoniavernick456456456: ics2 ubuntu systems?19:36
znikerUSUL: the dev package is installed. but somehow configure is not able to find it19:36
vernick456456456internet connection sharing19:36
ikoniavernick456456456: oh you mean you're trying to connect "two" systems using ICS, not ICS 219:36
j41r0whats the problem with the  BSNL WLL CT80019:36
quebecliberatedi have a problem whit burning dvd whit ubuntu (programk3b) (disque inconnu sur mon lecteur dvd maison)19:36
ikoniaquebecliberated: the word is "with" not "whit"19:36
znikerUSUL: http://pastebin.com/4PBJH6GA19:37
ikoniavernick456456456: how are you sharing, via proxy's or packet forwarding19:37
vick_1188guys i need help about "Qt"19:37
vick_1188guys i need help about "Qt"19:37
ikoniavick_1188: what help?19:38
ikoniavernick456456456: ok, so what is the gateway address of the machine that can't ping ?19:38
vernick4564564560.0.0.0 i think19:38
sometuxHow to install Xen hypervisor on ubuntu?19:38
ikoniavernick456456456: no it's not19:38
ikoniasometux: xen is not supported on ubuntu19:38
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juan__i need some help changing the screen resolution more than 1024 x 76819:38
cynicusdoes anyone know how to flip the top panels in gnome? (i.e. menu on the right, calendar clock et al on the left)19:38
erUSULznik: maybe it needs libpqxx-dev ??19:39
sometuxikonia: are you kidding me?19:39
kenkkucynicus: moving the widgets manually19:39
ikoniasometux: no19:39
dr3mrohi all , what is the highest compression ration format to keep my files archived .... I mean the highest ration ever19:39
mcurringtonjuan__: Right click the item you are trying to move, and deselect "Lock to panel". You should now be able to move them across.19:39
ikoniadr3mro: bz219:39
blakkheimdr3mro: bzip2 and 7z are both very good19:39
vick_1188ikonia: when i'm done with writing the code.i can't run it. the whole menu of "BUILD" goes inactive19:39
juan__i need some help changing the screen resolution more than 1024 x 76819:39
blakkheim!repeat | juan__19:40
ubottujuan__: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.19:40
ikoniavick_1188: ok - so that's a QT issue not an ubuntu issue, try in #qt19:40
mcurringtoncynicus: Right click the item you are trying to move, and deselect "Lock to panel". You should now be able to move them across.19:40
prayiijuan__: are you sure your screen supports a higher resolution?19:40
sometuxikonia: so ubuntu don't have a hypervisor19:40
vick_1188ikonia:i already write there , that it's about Qt19:40
ikoniasometux: yes, many kvm for example19:40
ikoniavick_1188: yes, and this ia a QT problem19:41
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vernick456456456If anyone could link me to a good tutorial on ICS I'd be more than happy.19:41
ikonia!ics > vernick45645645619:41
ubottuvernick456456456, please see my private message19:41
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vick_1188ikonia:ok, i thought that i'll get the answer, did i expect something wrong?19:42
sudiptaikonia:i have searched the link u given but nothing is there19:42
ikoniasudipta: yes there is, there is a full documentation set on kdevelop19:42
sometuxxen-hypervisor-3.3 - The Xen Hypervisor for i386 and amd64.19:42
ikoniasometux: what about it ?19:42
cynicusmcurrington: cheers, willl try that19:42
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen19:42
HollyechoNeed help with getting my Ubuntu to see the printer attached to my Win7 Computer.  I keep getting You must log in to access, I do not have a password on my win7 computer. I have tried everything I could think of - will not access - I have Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala. All my other windows computer (xp, vista, and a win98) can see it and use it.19:42
HollyechoI keep getting the popup on Ubuntu "You must log in to access E520-PC" (E520-PC is the name of my win7 computer) I do not have ANY passwords on my win7 computer - I even tryed my logmein password to the Win7 computer and that didn't work either- says not authorized, the password may be incorrect - I can easliy connect via logmein to this win7 computer.  I have even tried to make a new user on this computer with a password (19:42
Ghost|BTFHHey, question - Anyone remember an issue with Karmic and burning CDs and DVDs giving an "Unknown Disc" error when you install blank media?19:43
sudiptaikonia:but when i searched the documentation with kdevelop it says that The application kdevelop could not be found. Please check if you entered the name correctly, or use the navigation on the left to access the complete KDE User Documentation.19:43
Ghost|BTFHI swear I remember dealing with something like that, but I can't for the life of me remember the solution.19:43
sometuxikonia: what do you mean Xen not supported on ubuntu?19:43
sometuxikonia: try apt-cache search X19:44
sometuxikonia: try apt-cache search xen19:44
vernick456456456@ ikonia thanks anyway19:44
ikoniasometux: why ?19:44
ikoniasudipta: first hit on google http://www.kdevelop.org/19:44
sometuxikonia: xen hypervisor is in the online repository19:45
ikoniasudipta: if you can't search for documentation for a development tool well, you're going to struggle to use it19:45
ikoniasometux: I didn't say it wasn't in, it's just not supported, check the notes19:45
bercik111Hi all19:45
quebecliberatedi have a problem whit burning dvd with ubuntu (programk3b) (disque inconnu sur mon lecteur dvd maison)19:45
sometuxikonia: works or not ?19:45
ikoniasometux: people have sucess with it, people struggle also, if you're confident with it, I'm sure you'll be fine19:46
bercik111Is Ubuntu (Fedora or Mint) able to let me use legacy Ati drivers? radeon x30019:46
astra-xso if i broke apt by installing phpmyadmin without mcrypt (cause there no installation candidate) and i cannot modify software now; any suggestions19:46
sometuxikonia: thanX19:46
ikoniabercik111: ubuntu can use some legacy xorg drivers, it depends if they are built against older libraries that ubuntu has obsoleted19:47
HollyechoNeed help with getting my Ubuntu to see the printer attached to my Win7 Computer.  I keep getting You must log in to access, I do not have a password on my win7 computer.19:47
HollyechoI have tried everything I could think of - will not access19:47
HollyechoI have Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala19:47
HollyechoAll my other windows computer (xp, vista, and a win98) can see it and use it. I keep getting the popup on Ubuntu "You must log in to access E520-PC" (E520-PC is the name of my win7 computer)19:47
HollyechoI do not have ANY passwords on my win7 computer19:47
FloodBot1Hollyecho: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:47
HollyechoI even tryed my logmein password to the Win7 computer and that didn't work either- says not authorized, the password may be incorrect - I can easliy connect via logmein to this win7 computer.  I have even tried to make a new user on this computer with a password (help w/password of 1234) and still will not Authenticate19:47
abhinavikonia: wow .. so you kick people out because they don't know how to spell "with", which might probably be because english is not their native language ?19:48
bolexWhere, by default, does XAWTV store captured jpegs?19:48
ikoniaabhinav: no, I kicked him because I'd asked him to stop using that word and corrected him 3 times and he kept copying and pasting the same question after I'd corrected it for him19:49
eremiteHollyecho: is yoru caps lock on?  That could be a problem.19:49
j41r0is not a reason to kick people man19:49
abhinavikonia: ah .. so basically because he was a non english speaking IRC noob ..19:49
eremiteabhinav: even if iot was "what the hell" I see no reason to boot somone for that19:49
ikoniaabhinav: no, I've just exaplined myself to you, please don't discuss it any further in this channel19:50
Hollyechono cap locks, I don't have any passwords for my win7, no login passwords, it shouldnt be asking for any19:50
abhinavikonia: fine, kick me out also :)19:50
eremiteHollyecho: why are you asking about Windows7 here?  Windows7 is not Ubuntu.19:50
bolexikonia: When you kicked me for asking for help while running Linux-mint, I later tried again on Ubuntu, had the exact same problem :P19:50
bolexikonia *banned sorry19:50
ikoniabolex: so ?19:50
Ghost|BTFHbolex: Linux-Mint != Ubuntu19:51
HollyechoSince it was insisting on a password, I made a new user 'help' with pw '1234' that did not authenticate either.19:51
eremiteOK, so everyone is on a power trip and sad because they got booted.  Cry about it somonewhere else, kids.\19:51
bolexikonia: So my guess is you enjoy exercising your power19:51
Ghost|BTFHI'd enjoy it.19:51
ikoniabolex: not at all19:51
bolexikonia: lol maybe that too.. if you enjoyed it you'd be kinder19:51
prayiieremite: hes trying to connect to Win7 printer from Ubuntu. Its Ubuntu question.19:51
eremiteHollyecho: this is for UBUNTU not Windows.  We do not assist with windows problems.  Ask in a windows channel about Windows errors.19:51
ikoniabolex: maybe you'd like to stay on the channels topic, which is not "why did you kick someone" or "mint support" - it's ubuntu support only please19:52
bolexk. Where does XAWTV store grabbed jpegs19:52
eremite!ubuntu-offtopic | ikonia19:52
ubottuikonia: Love is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.19:52
Hollyecholet me re-explain.  I have Ubuntu 9.10, it is the ONLY computer I have that can not connect to the printer that is off my windows 7 computer.19:52
ikoniaeremite: what ?19:52
j41r0alguien necesita ayuda en español ???19:53
sometuxIs there a way to customize the login screen in Ubuntu 9.10?19:53
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:53
eremiteikonia go to offtopic or stay on topic.  OP or not, you're off topic.19:53
j41r0some one need spanish help ?19:53
AJW256!es | j41r019:53
ubottuj41r0: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:53
bolexeremite: it's !offtopic. !ubuntu-offtopic just makes a random message19:53
eremite!es | j41r019:54
sometuxikonia: u r full of enargy :>19:54
j41r0jajajaj you make me laught man19:54
j41r0if you want support I can hel you jajajajajaja19:54
HollyechoThis is a Ubuntu question.  Ubuntu willnot connect to my printer that is attached to my win7 computer19:54
ikonia!es | j41r019:54
ubottuj41r0: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:54
sometuxikonia: the chat list full of ikonia19:55
sometuxikonia: ;)19:55
ikoniasometux: what ?19:55
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:55
j41r0Holly : is a comunication protocol problem, you want to use you share printed?19:55
tianshaohi all19:55
Ghost|BTFHHollyecho: Actually it's a "help, I'm using a cross platform network share and there's an issue *somewhere* in this equation" question.19:55
kingtiger01its a Samba password issue19:56
HollyechoYes, shared printer.  It is asking for a username and password.  there isn't any password19:56
ikoniaHollyecho: what is the sharing OS ?19:56
sinisterstufhi, i'm back again19:56
fuorviatosguntbert, Sorry. I got disconnected19:57
ikoniaHollyecho: is the share being done by windows, or by printer software ?19:57
Mr_DDDIs there anyone what can help me get 3x monitors working with 2x ATI videocards?19:57
sometuxHollyecho: you mean Vista SP219:57
guntbertfuorviatos: wrong window :)19:57
yaaaranybody know much about nut/upsd? i'm trying to plug an APC ES350 in via usb folllowing this: http://blog.shadypixel.com/monitoring-a-ups-with-nut-on-debian-or-ubuntu-linux/ ...I see it come up in /var/log/messages when i plug it in, nut installed fine, and i created /etc/nut/ups.conf ok (just using driver=usbhid-ups and port=auto), but when I try to start upsdrvctl i get this error:19:57
yaaarCan't claim USB device [051d:0002]: could not detach kernel driver from interface 0: Operation not permitted19:57
sometuxHollyecho: :>19:57
zoharhi, someone knows how to get sound with Via card on ubuntu 9.1?19:57
fuorviatosguntbert, What channel are you on?19:57
Ghost|BTFHsometux: Now now...it's more like...SP3...19:58
guntbertfuorviatos: we were talking in #vbox19:58
Ghost|BTFHThey did do a lot of fixing on it.19:58
sinisterstufi have a question about dd; is it acceptable to give a harddisk name as the output file?19:58
Mr_DDDRunning 9.10, 2x ati videocards, 3x monitors, can anyone help to get it work?19:58
sometuxGhost|BTFH: :>19:58
AJW256sinisterstuf: yes, by using "/dev/hda" for example19:58
Ghost|BTFHsometux: And hell, you just can't argue with a 15 second boot time...and 5 minute loading time after the desktop shows up.19:58
yaaarsinisterstuf: if by 'harddisk name' you mean 'device file' then yes19:59
Ghost|BTFHsometux: That was some skill.19:59
sinisterstufAJW256: will it work?19:59
DengyAny chicks in the house?19:59
eremiteGrub takes longer and longer to load every time I boot.  Anyone know why it might do that?19:59
sinisterstufi want to copy /dev/sde to /dev/sdd19:59
DengyAny chicks in the house?19:59
Ghost|BTFHDengy: Yeah baby, I'm a chick...19:59
sometuxGhost|BTFH: Linux forever!19:59
yaaarsinisterstuf: simple as 'dd if=/dev/sde of=/dev/sdd'20:00
Ghost|BTFHDengy: What? Seriously...ignore the beard.20:00
Dengythat is a funny one.P20:00
eremiteDengy: this is not a chat room for you to pick up women.  This is a help channel.  If you do not have a questions regarding Ubuntu then please leave and go to #ubuntu-offtopic20:00
sinisterstufyaaar: thanks20:00
sinisterstufcheers, see you all later20:00
brontosaurusrexfrom cli, how would i remove all files (files only, not dirs) which  filename starts with 'wget'?20:00
Mr_DDDRunning 9.10, 2x ati videocards, 3x monitors, can anyone help to get it work?20:00
Ghost|BTFHsometux: Well, I look at it this way for me - I could use Windows...but then I'd have to buy about $2,500 worth of software for what I do on Linux for free.20:00
eremitebrontosaurusrex: that didnt make sense to me.  Can you re-phrase that?20:01
brontosaurusrexeremite: del wget*20:01
abhinavbrontosaurusrex:  rm wget* for all files in the current directory which you're in (not subdirs)20:01
brontosaurusrexlinux way20:01
Dengywho needs women when you have jolta cola and a computer..:P20:01
yaaarbrontosaurusrex: sounds like you want to use 'find' and have it match the file type and filename20:01
Ghost|BTFHDengy: Other women.20:02
eremiteDengy: please stay on topic or you may have to be removed from the channel.20:02
sometuxGhost|BTFH: waste of money, keep using Ubuntu20:02
running_rabbit07Are the any good TCPDump tutuorials for ubuntu?20:02
brontosaurusrexabhinav: thanks20:02
Ghost|BTFHsometux: That's been my philosophy since ummm...Fedora 4, I think.20:02
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sinisterstufback again20:02
sinisterstufdoes dd not display anything while it works?20:02
yaaarbrontosaurusrex: er...are you wanting to walk a whole directory structure doing that? or just get rid of the ones in the current working directory? if you're just looking for how to do "del wget*" in linux, the answer is "rm wget*" ...but your first question sounds like you want something more sophisticated than that20:02
Ghost|BTFHrunning_rabbit07: Google is your friend for finding tutorials.20:02
Ghost|BTFHsinisterstuf: Not unless you use -v, I think for verbose mode.20:03
AJW256sinisterstuf: no, IIRC20:03
brontosaurusrexyaaar: just one folder20:03
yaaarsinisterstuf: no. dd, like most unix tools, doesn't produce any output unless it encounters errors20:03
sinisterstufcrap, wish i knew that earlier20:03
j41r0find / -type f -name "wget*" exec rm {};20:03
sinisterstufok thanks20:03
sinisterstufi'm gonna go do something useful while i wait. thanks for the help.20:03
Mr_DDDI'm running 9.10, 2x ati videocards, 3x monitors, can anyone help to get them workin'?20:04
erUSULj41r0: find / -type f -name "wget*" -exec rm '{}' \;20:04
j41r0bronto: try using find / -type f -name "wget*" exec rm {};20:05
yaaarj41r0: still missing that final escape20:05
brontosaurusrexj41r0: anything wrong with 'rm /path/wget*' ?20:05
yaaarbrontosaurusrex: the fancy find commands they're giving you will walk the whole filesystem looking for those files and removing them20:05
j41r0if you want to delete only file I think is the better way20:06
yaaarbrontosaurusrex: if you just want to nuke the ones in the current working directory, you don't need anything fancier than 'rm wget*'20:06
brontosaurusrexyaaar: cool20:06
zoharhi, someone knows how to get sound with Via card on ubuntu 9.1?20:07
j41r0that ritg my comman line is for whole sistem20:07
j41r0and is necessary run it as sudo20:07
bizarrefishhi, all20:07
astra-xin what repository is php5-mcrypt located in because i cannot seem to find it20:07
AJW256!find php5-mcrypt20:08
ubottuFound: php5-mcrypt20:08
AJW256!info php5-mcrypt20:08
astra-xwell the package is a ghost20:08
ubottuphp5-mcrypt (source: php-mcrypt): MCrypt module for php5. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.2.6-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 14 kB, installed size 104 kB20:08
yaaarastra-x: universe/web20:08
acovrigjust a little April Fools-"2 people, nick and quit are in a boat, nick fell off, who's left?"-only originally it was /nick and /quit, but that just gets evil, cuz typing "/quit" exits20:09
astra-xyaaar: .com/ubuntu karmic universe/web for syntax?20:09
Ghost|BTFHacovrig: I prefer the one about rm -dfvr, but then, I am a BTFH...20:09
BerzerkerI like workspaces, but is there a way to stick an application to a certain workspace? or if there are any other equivalents for it?20:10
setuidI've got an ubuntu server (9.10) running with ssh listening on port 22 and 12345. I can ssh into it from the LAN on these ports, but nowhere else. I have a firewall rule that opens these two ports from the outside, but nobody can connect. Why?20:10
AJW256setuid: you need to forward the ports on your router/modem too20:10
kingtiger01Hollyecho: is having a issue with Samba Authentication of a Printers Share on a Windows NT-7/W7 Based server20:10
setuidAJW256, I did that20:10
setuid99.16.211.3  -> port 22 and port 12345, all point into this VM20:11
AJW256Berzerker: try right clicking a window, I think it's in the dropdown menu somewhere20:11
=== AzoteLogiko is now known as _Nacho_
j41r0setuid : may be you need a DMZ20:11
Ghost|BTFHacovrig: It's like a BOFH but I'm a tech, not an operator.20:11
BerzerkerAJW256: it doesn't work correctly, if I alt+tab to it, it moves it to my current space20:11
setuidj41r0, Nope, because if I change the firewall rule to point to my laptop (VM is, laptop is it works fine, and I can ssh from the outside, into my laptop20:11
Ghost|BTFHacovrig: Look up BOFH if you're still confused.20:11
brontosaurusrexso if my username is 'b', then this crontab will remove all wget* and update.php* files in my home dir every hour - 5 * * * * rm /home/b/wget* && rm /home/b/update.php* - ?20:11
j41r0ok I see20:12
setuidThe problem is something local to the 9.10 server install... forbidding ssh connections20:12
AJW256Berzerker: ahh, sorry can't help more than that20:12
kingtiger01anyone give Hollyecho some help, its not my area of Expertise20:12
aircastI need some help with ejabberd and external auth, does someone know a good chan for that ?20:12
setuidI've dropped the firewall rules (iptables -F), and stopped apparmor (/etc/init.d/apparmor stop), but that didn't help20:12
j41r0setupid: there is any MAC rule ?20:12
setuidit works with the laptop, and other machines (I have other services port-forwarded to other machines on my LAN), just not this one machine20:13
AJW256setuid: what software you use for VM? By what method are your networks attached? NAT? Bridged?20:13
setuidAJW256, vmware workstation 7.01 on the host (host is Ubuntu Lucid), and the networks I tried were both NAT and bridged. Both fail in exactly the same way (when firewall rules are modified to suit each config)20:14
j41r0where is installed the fire wall router side or server side20:14
matmatmatmy sound is being sent through the analogue output instead of hdmi, how can i change that?20:14
setuidj41r0, firewall is on the router20:14
setuidEVERY machine inside my LAN works as expected, just not this one20:14
setuidI can ssh into this machine FROM the lan machines, just not from the outside20:15
setuidso sshd is configured and listening properly on the requested ports20:15
j41r0coul you specify the model ? linksys, dlink other?20:15
kingtiger01Please help Hollyecho, i need to run.20:15
setuidj41r0, irrelevant, but it's a Buffalo20:15
j41r0is quite relevant my friend , give me a second20:16
setuidj41r0, I also tried the AT&T 2WIRE, just to be sure (configuring the same exact fw rules), and it also fails20:16
setuidIOW, everything (8 machines, dozens of port rules) works fine behind EITHER the Buffalo or the 2WIRE, but this 9.10 server VM does not.20:16
j41r0I see, is very weird but sure something is missing20:16
=== JoshuaL_ is now known as JoshuaL
setuidYep.. someting other than iptables and apparmor is denying ssh connections on any port, to machines not inside 10.0.1.x20:17
AJW256setuid: You said you can ssh to VM from another machine on the LAN, not only host machine?20:17
yaaaranybody know much about nut/upsd? i'm trying to plug an APC ES350 in via usb folllowing this: http://blog.shadypixel.com/monitoring-a-ups-with-nut-on-debian-or-ubuntu-linux/ ...I see it come up in /var/log/messages when i plug it in, nut installed fine, and i created /etc/nut/ups.conf ok (just using driver=usbhid-ups and port=auto), but when I try to start upsdrvctl i get this error:20:18
yaaarCan't claim USB device [051d:0002]: could not detach kernel driver from interface 0: Operation not permitted20:18
setuidAJW256, yes20:18
masshuuwhats the command to remove a script from the RC. folders20:18
setuidThe VM responds to ssh and telnet from any machine on the 10.0.1.x segment20:18
masshuui can never remember :/20:19
matmatmatdoes nobody ever use hdmi sound output or what20:19
AJW256masshuu: update-rc.d20:19
SandGorgonanybody know of a free font similar to Calibri - I installed it on Ubuntu and forced my browser to use Calibri and it looks just amazing !20:19
jefycan anybody tell me how to install .bin ?20:20
matmatmatcan anybody tell me how to output sound over hdmi ?20:21
setuidjefy, chmod +x file.bin && ./file.bin;20:21
Ghost|BTFHmatmatmat: Most likely, Google can tell you that.20:21
matmatmatwell it didnt20:22
jefysetuid,  in the terminal? like this: chmod +x googleearthlinux.bin ?20:22
AJW256jefy: yes20:22
Ghost|BTFHmatmatmat: Try search pattern how to output sound through hdmi ubuntu20:22
Ghost|BTFHWorked for me.20:22
matmatmati really did that20:22
Ghost|BTFHVery odd.20:23
matmatmati adjusted the volume, as stated and tried other things20:23
jefyAJW256, where should I put the .bin file? my desktop?20:23
jefysorry. im too new to this20:23
matmatmatalso i'm using xfce20:23
AJW256jefy: ANywhere, desktop is fine20:23
jefyAJW256, thanks20:23
firmW__how do I unrar a file?20:23
costrefirmW__, apt-get install unrar20:23
AJW256firmW__: sudo apt-get install unrar20:24
setuidunrar x file.rar20:24
Ghost|BTFHmatmatmat: Did you see http://www.mediaboxblog.co.uk/blog1.php/2008/08/15/howto-audio-over-hdmi-with-the-hd3200-rs20:24
guntbertjefy: what are you trying to install?20:24
Ghost|BTFHmatmatmat: As for xfce, I couldn't help you with that, if they have an xbuntu chat channel, I'd try there.20:24
jefyguntbert, google earth20:24
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels20:25
firmW__thank you guys!20:25
guntbertjefy: wait - that should be available in another way20:25
jefyguntbert, alright. waiting :)20:25
erUSULjefy: guntbert medibuntu has it afaik also google has its own ubuntu repo20:25
guntbertjefy: listen to erUSUL please20:25
erUSUL!medibuntu | jefy20:26
ubottujefy: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org20:26
WhiskyHello. Im getting painfully slow internet speed on my fresh install. I'm using a wired network and my internet is fine on windows. P.S: How do I set the bit rate for my network card?20:27
jefydoes that means i cannot install it?20:27
Ghost|BTFHWhisky: Painfully slow internet speed doing what?20:27
AJW256jefy: Add the repo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu20:27
everlosthi there, i asked already in the xubuntu irc, just wondering, does anyone has an idea, why my dell d400 latitude screen goes non responsive when closing lid20:27
AJW256then you can install20:27
WhiskyGhost|BTFH: Downloading, mainly. Can't get over 20 kb/s20:28
erUSULjefy: that means that you can install it easily from Software center once you added medibuntu20:28
everlostand its a xubuntu 9.10 desktop20:28
jefyerUSUL: oh ok :)20:28
eremiteWhisky: only on torrents or for all files?20:28
firmW__How do I install support for a usb pen drive?20:28
Ghost|BTFHWhisky: Internet dling, like files/video or update dling like...well...dling updates?20:28
macman_Question .. there a way to scroll thru a long command in terminal instead of holding arrow keys ? there short cut keys ?20:28
static^I'm using VMWare fusion on a mac to play with 10.04. It works great, but once I apt-get upgrade, something takes out my keyboard and it no longer accepts input. Any idea which package might do that?20:28
costreWhisky, Tried switching hardware between the windows and linux machine? cables, ports etc?20:29
AJW256!less | macman_20:29
static^mouse still works, tho20:29
eremiteWhisky: does your ISP throttle bandwidth?  Mine does.  I cant get speeds higher than 30kbps durring *peak* hours, basically 4pm to 2am.20:29
nbtstatzany knows, why i can add NIC R6040 module in initramfs to use in LTSP clients?20:29
AJW256!info less | macman_20:29
ubottumacman_: less (source: less): pager program similar to more. In component main, is important. Version 429-2 (karmic), package size 123 kB, installed size 312 kB20:29
erUSULmacman_: man readline --> key bindings20:29
murbank`Is there a more direct way of getting the current RCS version of a file without grepping the log?20:29
Whiskycostre: It's notebooks and it's been this way because of the fresh install.20:29
jefywhat is the keyboard shortcut to Terminal?20:29
Whiskyeremite: Noop. Over 200kb/s here on Windows20:29
erUSULnbtstatz: maybe adding the modulename to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and rebuilding the initrd ?20:30
frosty_just installed ubuntu on my desktop but i dont have sound? Creative soundblaster x-fi fatality edtion?20:30
costreWhisky, But there has to be cables involved? Or do you use wireless?20:30
frosty_do i need some extra driver?20:30
WhiskyGhost|BTFH: I'm in shell because my graphics got damaged due to a disturbed update because my power rAN out20:30
nbtstatzerUSUL u know as i can do it? or have a tuto?20:30
eremitecostre: wireless tends to be slower than wired.  Why would you nee wireless if you are wired?20:30
Whiskycostre: I can't use wifi at the moment and yes, it was the same with wifi.20:30
steelboxhi there!20:31
WhiskyI've heard of the bit rate being set at 1MB/s by default at times. How do I change it to 11M for eth0?20:31
costreeremite, That's stupid. I have laptops I carry around the place, using wireless network conections20:31
firmW__When I plug my pen drive it doesn't mount it. What I need to do?20:31
steelboxI had a problem during the migration toward Ubuntu Karmic20:31
Ghost|BTFHWhisky: Same question...is it trying to download files like, via bittorrent, web browser, or strictly updates?20:31
costrepen drive is a usb memory dongle?20:31
eremitecostre: you're stupid.  I never said anything about laptops, I said why do you need wireless if you are wired?  Whoo said anything about laptops or portability?  Not me.  Dont call me names, asshat.20:31
firmW__costre, yes20:32
WhiskyGhost|BTFH: Updates only. I'm trying to fix my messed up system because of a failed upgrade20:32
steelboxI have to call gconftool at each reboot for reloading panels; is there a way to avoid that?20:32
wildc4rdevenin' all20:32
costreeremite, If it was a joke, it went over my head20:32
eremitecostre: you confirm your stupidity.  Thanks.20:33
swoodyfirmW__: do you have gnome-volume-manager installed and running?20:33
Ghost|BTFHWhisky: Have you had Synaptic check to see the best location for downloads for you yet?20:33
HollyechoI have ubuntu 9.10, want to use a printer that is connected to a Windows 7 machine. I have the printer shared, and the shared works with the other windows computers, but when trying to connect with Ubuntu, it keeps asking for a user name and password.  I have never setup a password on any of my windows machines.  How to make it connect to Ubuntu?20:33
eremiteHollyecho: your ubuntu admin pass does not work?20:33
Hollyechono, tried that 1st20:34
ikoniaHollyecho: what is doing the sharing, thw windows OS or the printer software20:34
WhiskyGhost|BTFH: Can you just tell me how to set the bitrate? Becuase I know it's with my network configuration not my location and shit20:34
steelboxI have to call gconftool at each reboot for reloading panels; is there a way to avoid that?20:34
firmW__swoody, just if it default.20:34
HollyechoWindows os is doing the sharing20:34
ikoniaHollyecho: ok - so first thing's first, go to ##windows and get them to help you setup the share correctly and test it with a windows client20:34
Whiskyi know iwconfig does it for wireless but I wanna know about wired :)20:34
swoodyHollyecho: and not entering a password doesn't help? I think this may be like samba, where you're going to need to setup a password on the Windows machine20:34
steelboxI have to call gconftool at each reboot for reloading panels; is there a way to avoid that?20:35
swoodyfirmW__: which version of Ubuntu are you running?20:35
yaaaranybody know much about nut/upsd? i'm trying to plug an APC ES350 in via usb folllowing this: http://blog.shadypixel.com/monitoring-a-ups-with-nut-on-debian-or-ubuntu-linux/ ...I see it come up in /var/log/messages when i plug it in, nut installed fine, and i created /etc/nut/ups.conf ok (just using driver=usbhid-ups and port=auto), but when I try to start upsdrvctl i get this error:20:35
yaaarCan't claim USB device [051d:0002]: could not detach kernel driver from interface 0: Operation not permitted20:35
guntberteremite: please don't call people stupid20:35
firmW__swoody, I think it's the last one.20:35
Ghost|BTFHWhisky: Hmmm...well, ifconfig I believe does the deed...but if you're having dl speed troubles in wireless on updates, I'm tellin' ya...you need to change where you're dling from...but w/e20:35
HollyechoI tried to setup a new account with the user name help and 1234 as the password, still will not get past the user name and password screen20:35
swoodyfirmW__: 9.10 Karmic?20:35
steelboxI have to call gconftool at each reboot for reloading panels; is there a way to avoid that?20:36
firmW__swoody, not sure it it's karmic named. how do I cehck it?20:36
steelboxanyone can help me?20:36
WhiskyGhost|BTFH: It was the same with wireless even when downloading firefox, watching youtube, browsing google.com20:36
erUSULsteelbox: how exactly you run gconftool ?20:36
swoodyfirmW__: System>Admin>System Monitor, it should say under the 'System' tab20:36
WicaeedHi there, I'm kind of new to Ubuntu, is there any way I can list installed memory modules in a system?20:36
WhiskyGhost|BTFH: I'm wired at the moment. How do I change bitrate for my network card? Not my wifi card?20:37
steelboxerUSUL: gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel20:37
AJW256Wicaeed: best to check in BIOS20:37
firmW__swoody, yes. it's called karmic.20:37
HollyechoI am using 9.10 ubuntu - updated this morning20:38
swoodyfirmW__: excellent. Now go to System>Admin>Synaptic, and search for: gnome-volume-manager20:38
erUSULsteelbox: if you do not do that the panels do not appear or what? do they crash ?20:38
swoodyfirmW__: it should show a green box next to the name if it's installed20:38
steelboxerUSUL: exactly, otherwise panels are empty are each reboot20:39
znikis thr a package for postgis 1.5.1 on ubuntu 9.10 ?20:39
Ghost|BTFHWhisky: I'm guessing you'd have to change it in the config files.20:40
static^I'm using VMWare fusion on a mac to play with 10.04. It works great, but once I apt-get upgrade, something takes out my keyboard and it no longer accepts input. Any idea which package might do that?20:40
swoodyznik: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ :)20:40
WhiskyGhost|BTFH: etc/network/interfaces?20:40
sine0i want to md5 check a file is there somthing built in to linux20:40
guntbert!md5sum | sine020:41
ubottusine0: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:41
Ghost|BTFHYou know, like /sys/class/net/eth0/something or another.20:41
erUSULsteelbox: :/ the running gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/panel *once* should be enough to cure something like this ...20:41
bigjbIs there anyway back from having modified nsswitch.conf to use winbind when not logged in as root that doesnt involve been physically at the machine?20:41
guntbertsine0: and if you type md5sum in your terminal you will see that its already installed :)20:41
steelboxerUSUL: yeah but in fact not in my case20:41
Ghost|BTFHWhisky: You *might* be able to do that in there as well...I know for like, older ports, you'd have to go through /sys/class/ blah blah and set the speed there.20:41
steelboxerUSUL: so, I'm a little bit lost20:42
swoodyfirmW__: did you find it?20:42
steelboxerUSUL: I need some help because I don't want to reinstall20:42
WhiskyI'm a 1 day old Linux user :/20:42
swoodywelcome aboard Whisky :)20:43
Whiskythanks swoody20:43
Dracarii got an odd issue here.. i wanted to install Xubuntu to my spare 200GBHDD. side by side w/ Windows server 2008 R2, but when i went to prepare by splitting the drive  gparted shows it as unpartitioned. when it works fine in windows.20:43
Whiskyvery tough time given by Linux20:43
blackxoredhi guys20:43
blackxoredI was wondering20:43
firmW__swoody, well, I think I had to install it. But hasn't mounted my pen drive yet.20:44
Ghost|BTFHWhisky: And you're trying to mess with network card speeds...20:44
swoodyDracari: do you have ntfsprogs and ntfs-3g installed?20:44
Ghost|BTFHWhisky: Wow.  You're going to have lots of fun.20:44
DracariLiveCD of xubuntu 9.1020:44
WhiskyGhost|BTFH: Yes20:44
swoodyfirmW__: you're going to have to reboot. Also make sure it shows up in System>Prefs>Startup Apps.20:44
danopianautilus *really* needs a "Skip All" anytime there is a dialog with "Skip"20:44
Dracaribut gparted sees my 500GB win7 drive properly.20:44
swoodyfirmW__: otherwise it won't auto-load during startup20:44
erUSULsteelbox: can you create a new user and see if the isuue happens to it too ?20:44
blackxoredI have several server vms laying out my desktops, so I downloaded ESXi for a more serious virtualization solution, the machines are VirtualBox-based but Im able to conver them through VBoxManage utility, I was wondering, how can I easily deploy this virtual machines to this ESXi server just intalled,20:45
blackxoredand what's about vClient evualation, after 60 days I have no access to management but yes to virtual machines right???20:45
blackxoredor my virtualization goes away after that evaluation expires???20:45
Ghost|BTFHWhisky: You do realize that would be like me jumping into Windows without knowing anything about the OS, and wanting to figure out how to rewrite the explorer.exe file.20:45
steelboxerUSUL:  I did that but the problem is worse20:45
Raptors23Has anyone used ettercap?20:45
ikoniablackxored: how is that an ubuntu issue ?20:46
erUSULsteelbox: how is worse ?20:46
Raptors23Where is etter.dns located?20:46
steelboxerUSUL: I can't switch between windows20:46
WhiskyGhost|BTFH: I'm not retrying explorer.exe I'm trying to set my card speed because my downloads are painfully slow20:46
blackxoredikonia, damn it ikonia my join #vmware was ignored by xchat, damn bug ;)20:46
ikoniayes, I'm sure20:46
erUSULsteelbox: in the new usr account ?20:46
firmW__swoody, where is it installed?20:46
steelboxerUSUL: yeah20:46
eremiteWhisky: you cant simly blow off linux after 1 day.  Im sure you didnt learn everything about Winblows in a day.20:46
fwaahcan anyone tell me why i can't change grub things at all? I think i might have botched that #! install...20:47
Ghost|BTFHWhisky: And I'm just saying...you just don't up and try to futz with network card bitrates "just because my dl is slow" you check forums for what might be causing the issue, listen and learn.20:47
erUSULsteelbox: so the pannles are crashy even on a freshly created user? :(20:47
blackxoredikonia, hi BTW20:47
Ghost|BTFHNot assume it's automatically some sort of error that you can tweak.20:47
guntbertblackxored: try /join #vmware :)20:47
steelboxerUSUL: indeed20:47
erUSUL!grub2 | fwaah20:47
ubottufwaah: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub220:47
swoodyfirmW__: it's just a daemon that runs in the background, but it should be shown in System>Prefs>Startup Apps. so it starts automatically20:47
Whiskybut I can't learn till it's fixed :/ I'm having trouble with X20:47
blackxoredguntbert, I did, hehehe at least I thought I did ;)20:47
Whiskymy laptop shut off because of low battery inbetween an update20:48
Ghost|BTFHWhisky: But I wish you much luck in your endeavorers.20:48
Whiskysucks for me :/20:48
Ghost|BTFHWhisky: Then fix your download location, as I suggested.20:48
steelboxerUSUL: so, I suppose I need to reinstall, right?20:48
erUSULsteelbox: sudo aptitude reinstall gnome-panel20:48
Ghost|BTFHWhisky: I mean, worst case scenario, if you haven't done any major configuring before the update, wipe/reinstall, configure your download location, update.20:49
Ghost|BTFHWhisky: Take this as Lesson #1: Don't do updates on battery power.20:49
costreWhisky, also, keep your computer plugged in :p20:49
WhiskyGhost|BTFH: It's nothing to do with the download location :/20:49
steelboxerUSUL: it's done, I reboot now20:49
steelboxerUSUL: see u soon20:49
Whiskycostre: I was just trying to check if the lightening next to the battery image goes if I unplug and forgot to plug back in20:50
erUSULsteelbox: good luck20:50
Ghost|BTFHWhisky: If you say so, I've seen that cause the slow DL on my wife's lappy, on my main system, and on my five clients who have been converted to Ubuntu.20:50
Dj_FlyBywhat app is it that UNR uses to auto maximize the apps used?20:50
Ghost|BTFHWhisky: But don't take my word for it...I've only been running Ubuntu since Breezy.20:50
WhiskyGhost|BTFH: I know what I'm saying, atleast here20:50
firmW__swoody, I think I need to Add Program Tto Session Startup , no?20:50
Ghost|BTFHWhisky: Okay, you have my pieces of advice, do with them what you will and good luck. :)20:51
costreWhisky, If you ask me, a laptop should sound an alarm like a jet engine when battery goes low :)20:51
=== Ghost|BTFH is now known as Ghost|BAFK
swoodyfirmW__: yes, if it's not shown after installing it, you'll need to add it20:51
Whiskythanks guys20:51
swoodyfirmW__: have you tried rebooting since you installed it?20:51
Whiskylet me try my luck with the slow doanloads20:51
Whiskythanks anyway20:51
Whiskygood night20:51
FloodBot1Whisky: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:51
firmW__swoody, this way I need to locate it on HDD. Where does it install the apps?20:51
firmW__swoody, no, haven't rebooted yet.20:52
swoodyfirmW__: try rebooting really quick, and see if it adds itself to that list :)20:52
firmW__swoody, ok. brb20:52
dtcrshrwell, many hours20:52
frosty_can anyone help me find creative soundblaster x-fi fatality drivers for ubuntu?20:53
dtcrshrdidnt find any image editor for simple use20:53
dtcrshras windows image manipulator by default20:53
Jef91I just reinstalled Ubuntu and want to rip a dvd using hand brake however I do not have the "add to queue" option highlighted after I select my disc source. I am assuming I am missing a libdvd/codec or something. Anyone know if there is a list of what I need to do this? Had it working before the format and not sure what I am missing now20:53
dtcrshri just need to crop20:53
frosty_only sites i can find seem to be in russian20:53
dtcrshrand resize20:53
swoodyJef91: can you play the DVD?20:53
guntbert!enter | dtcrshr20:53
Jef91swoody yep20:53
ubottudtcrshr: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:53
swoodyJef91: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766683 go to section 4/5 and make sure you have those packages installed20:54
=== cpdstudio_ is now known as No11Day
Jef91thanks swoody will do20:54
dax2112rushShould I format my partition with ext3 or ext4 (if this is relevant, I need to use the RT kernel for realtime-audio work)?20:54
dtcrshrsorry. anyone can recommend a good simple image editor? gimp is too advanced, and fspot is just a viewer. i20:55
vbundiI just installed Lucid 10.04 along side my Windows 7 and Ubuntu will not boot... grub was installed to /dev/sda but grub isn't even popping up20:55
swoodydtcrshr: try gthumb or gpicview - my two faves :)20:56
vbundidtcrshr: try mtpaint20:56
kyppcgeekvbundi: you should try Linux Mint 820:56
swoodythat too ^20:56
Dj_FlyBywhat app is it that UNR uses to auto maximize the apps used?20:56
steelboxerUSUL: it's worse than before now20:56
vbundikyppcgeek: no thanks.... I just want to fix my grub220:57
erUSULsteelbox: o.0!20:57
vbundiDj_FlyBy: maximus20:57
steelboxerUSUL: I can't open a new xterm20:57
erUSULsteelbox: ruled out disk corruption ? fsck the partition from a livecd ?20:57
steelboxerUSUL: I did that, no problem20:57
steelboxerUSUL: another solution?20:58
erUSULsteelbox: i'm out of ideas sorry20:58
Dj_FlyByvbundi: thanks20:58
steelboxerUSUL: well, I need to reinstall ...20:59
ScoobyDooHow can I make just the window >Borders< Transparent? And not the whole window?20:59
firmWswoody, ok man, it work now. Thank you very very much... but why does it works like that anyway?20:59
erUSUL:( sorry to hear that20:59
vbundiAnyone know why installing Ubuntu 10.04 won't boot after installing it on a Windows 7 machine?20:59
swoodyfirmW: well nautils doesn't do auto-mounting of drives, so gnome-volume-manager does it :)20:59
erUSUL!lucid | vbundi20:59
ubottuvbundi: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule20:59
steelboxok, bye all20:59
vbundierUSUL: thx21:00
swoodyfirmW: it should have been installed by default, but it must have got removed somehow (happed to me a few times, too) :)21:00
Ghost|BAFKScoobyDoo: There's some advanced Compiz setting you can use...you have to install an additional piece of software for Compiz...I'd have to look it up.21:00
Grunge_Alright, new problem for today. How do i burn an .iso through karmic?21:00
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz21:00
Ghost|BAFKGrunge_: Preferred method is k3b.21:00
Ghost|BAFKGrunge_: But that's just because it's zomg shiggity awesome.21:00
erUSULGrunge_: right click on it and choose write to disk21:00
Grunge_I need to burn it to an usb21:00
swoodyGrunge_: I would use Brasero. Open it, make sure to select 'Burn an image' and select the .iso :)21:01
soreauScoobyDoo: Depends on what theme youre using for your decorator21:01
Dracarithre wasnty much important data on my 200gb hdd anyways so im going to just use the entire drive for xbuntu but before i do.. the installer's Partitioner isnt detecting Windows 7 at all "This computer has no Operating systems on it"21:01
AJW256i use gnomebaker but IDK what it works under21:01
Ghost|BAFKGrunge_: Burn an iso to a USB burner...or...???21:01
Dracariso is it saf eto go ahead or?21:01
swoodyGrunge_: Startup Disk creator - System>Admin>Startup Disk Creator21:01
Grunge_need to make the usb bootable21:01
Ghost|BAFKGrunge_: Ah, what swoody said.21:02
swoodyGrunge_: it works almost too well ;)21:02
Grunge_with a windows copy21:02
firmWswoody, ok, thank you ! ;)21:02
swoodyfirmW: np :)21:02
ScoobyDoosoreau: I'm using compiz, I do have the compiz settings, But that only allows you to make the entire window transparent21:02
swoodyGrunge_: a windows .iso? I would try that still, if not I would use unetbootin21:02
costreGrunge_, I would download imgburn and run with wine. unbeatable21:02
soreauScoobyDoo: The decorator is a different process. You might look into emerald too21:03
gianHello, could someone give me a help with compiz??21:03
swoodyGrunge_: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ very easy to use, make sure to make the file you download executable by right-clicking on it, and changing the executable option in the properties21:03
soreau! ask | gian21:03
ubottugian: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:03
guntbertcostre: please don't recommend windows apps for tasks where there are plenty linux apps21:04
Jef91swoody added all of those and nothing... any ideas?21:04
vdr-noobDoes anyone know how to get the vdr 1.7 from the yavdr-repo with karmic; to use multiple recording folders. I have made folders vdr.00 and vdr.01 in home folder, and written Video_Dir=/home/user/vdr.00 in the file /etc/default/vdr. Both the folders have the neccessary rights and have different hard drives mapped in them.21:04
gianI made freewins download21:04
gianand give a make21:04
swoodyJef91: unfortunately not, I havn't ripped DVD's at all :/21:04
gianbut receive an error21:04
swoodyJef91: have you tried another program? Maybe a bug with that one?21:04
soreaugian: pastebin it to pastebin.com21:04
vdr-noobThe problem is, that the vdr.00 is in use, but the .01 isnt21:04
Jef91Thanks anyways swoody. Makes me want to install Mint on here. My media center with mint it just worked OOTB21:05
Jef91swoody been using handbrake for awhile now21:05
gianNo package 'cairo-xlib' found21:05
swoodyJef91: gotcha. sorry I couldn't be of more help21:05
=== Wisdonsim_ is now known as Wisdonsim
AJW256!find cairo-xlib | gian21:05
ubottugian: File cairo-xlib found in libcairo2-dev, libcairo2-doc21:06
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costreguntbert, I have problems burning img in brasero :) I guess there is a workaround, but I like imgburn too much21:06
gianI get them... but the error persist21:06
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WierdAARHello, I can't seem to find my wireless card, that's is, it doesn't show up anywhere. Any ideas?21:07
yaaaranybody know much about nut/upsd? i'm trying to plug an APC ES350 in via usb folllowing this: http://blog.shadypixel.com/monitoring-a-ups-with-nut-on-debian-or-ubuntu-linux/ ...I see it come up in /var/log/messages when i plug it in, nut installed fine, and i created /etc/nut/ups.conf ok (just using driver=usbhid-ups and port=auto), but when I try to start upsdrvctl i get this error:21:07
soreaugian: Which version of ubuntu?21:07
yaaarCan't claim USB device [051d:0002]: could not detach kernel driver from interface 0: Operation not permitted21:07
guntbertcostre: I don't want to tell you what you should/not do on your machine :-)  my concern was the recommendation in this channel21:07
=== mOOey is now known as m00se
soreauMaybe you can try this http://forum.compiz.org/viewtopic.php?f=114&t=1201221:08
WierdAARHello, I can't seem to find my wireless card, that's is, it doesn't show up anywhere. Any ideas?21:08
erUSULWierdAAR: lshw -C Network21:08
WierdAARSorry, wasn't suppose to double post21:08
soreauWierdAAR: Is it a pci or usb device?21:08
swoodyWierdAAR: how have you tried to find it? ifconfig, iwconfig, lspci? Can you provide details on the adapter?21:08
n0000bive been a fool and edited fstab, changed a bit of text to rw from ro thinking i'd get write access to the external drive attached, and ive changed the internal, but it says its read only. i have a usb bootable XBMC Live drive that i can boot into, and press ctrl alt F1 to bring up a terminal window, can i change the /etc/fstab file from there? im desperate21:08
WierdAARsoreau, Pci. I've tried lspci21:09
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soreauWierdAAR: lspci should show it. Can you pastebin the output? What model is it?21:09
swoodyWierdAAR: and are you sure it's switched on and not disabled in your BIOS?21:09
WierdAARsoreau, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/407196/21:09
WierdAARswoody, No turn on/off option in bios21:10
swoodyWierdAAR: and is there a switch on your computer to turn it off/on? Have you made sure it's set to on?21:10
WierdAARswoody, There is a switch but i dosen't seem to make any different wheater i press it or not21:11
swoodyWierdAAR: can you also pastebin the output of dmesg21:11
erUSULWierdAAR: paste the output of « sudo rfkill list »21:11
Ghost|BAFKYou could try ifup ath021:11
guntbertWierdAAR: on my notebook there is not only a "hardware switch" for wireless but also a FN button to cycle bluetooth/WLAN21:11
Sioux-33hi is possible to run and watch tv using windows media centre in karmic? im asking cos my box is not supported by v4l so no driver for my card and i dotn want to boot up windows when i want to watch tv21:11
epaphus1hello.. is this the latest kernel? 2.6.31-2021:11
Ghost|BAFKWorked on a lappy of a friend of mine's, wouldn't turn on until I did that...then it stayed on.21:12
n0000bhow can i change /etc/fstab on my internal drive if it's read only?21:12
Ghost|BAFKn0000b: sudo gedit /etc/fstab21:12
erUSULn0000b: from a livecd ?21:12
WierdAARswoody, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/407731/21:13
n0000bsudo: gedit: command not found. i have a XMBC Live bootable usb pen, will that work?21:13
WierdAARerUSUL, No output for sudo rfkill list21:13
blakkheimn0000b: use vi instead of gedit21:13
crawlerepaphus: yes, in jaunty the latest kernel is Ubuntu 9.10, kernel 2.6.31-20-generic21:13
guntbert!gksudo | Ghost|BAFK21:13
ubottuGhost|BAFK: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)21:13
Sioux-33hi is possible to run and watch tv using windows media centre in karmic? im asking cos my box is not supported by v4l so no driver for my card and i dotn want to boot up windows when i want to watch tv21:14
guntbertn0000b: please use gksudo with gedit in any case21:14
mluser-WorkI have both kde and gnome installed, when I'm in ubuntu and select a folder it brings up konqueror, is there a way to have it default to gnome's file manager instead?21:14
n0000bi tried that earlier, its a text edit type thing right? i tried sudo pico /etc/fstab but couldnt save my changes. what do i hit after ive typed vi /etc/fstab ?21:14
epaphus1crawler, cool.. how do i confirm iam running amd64 install?21:14
Ghost|BAFKUhhh...thanks guntbert...can't have me telling the noobs how to fix something the partly right way.21:14
arpad_does anybody know where are install  files saved which are downloaded in firefox?21:15
humbolthow can I prevent a user from GDM login? setting shell to /bin/false does not work21:15
Ghost|BAFKgksudo, for the anal-retentive linux user.21:15
Dr4ghey arpad_:)21:15
guntbertGhost|BAFK: not if you are going to make things worse for him21:15
crawlerepaphus: uname -a21:15
n0000bsorry what do you mean gksude with gedit?21:15
n0000bdo i just type gksudo gedit /etc/fstab ?21:16
arpad_hello Dr4g:)21:16
blakkheimn0000b: sudo vi /etc/fstab21:16
Ghost|BAFKguntbert: Yes, because sudo gedit doesn't work... >.>21:16
Ghost|BAFKOH WAIT! It does.21:16
Ghost|BAFKMy bad, for a second I thought I was wrong.21:16
Ghost|BAFKI'm just not right.21:16
guntbertn0000b: yes that would work too21:16
Dr4gHey i'm trying to get my wireless card to work.  My laptop is a dell latitude D630 - i've done an ifconfig and i see wlan0, but it didn't connect or anything so i've connected using my ethernet right now.21:16
guntbert!enter | Ghost|BAFK21:16
ubottuGhost|BAFK: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:16
_Techie_i need help creating mass symbolic links, is there a way to create symbolic links for everything in a folder without having to manually create each link?21:17
samphippen|laptohow do I install the latest nvidia binary drivers on my computer, I just tried downloading and running the 190.29 .run file and it couldn't load the kernel module21:17
Ghost|BAFKguntbert: Are you feeling well?  Just curious, because I've heard less corrections from a rules lawyer in a gaming session.21:17
samphippen|laptoI've currently got the  185 drivers installed through the drivers manager21:17
=== Ghost|BAFK is now known as Ghost|BTFH
n0000bit brings up the file, i recognis it, but how to i change it? if i naigate to the rw part and go to press backsapce to change it to ro (back to what it was) nothing seems to happen21:17
swoodyWierdAAR: do you happen to have an HP or Compaq laptop?21:17
WierdAARswoody, Acer.. An old model21:18
n0000bas soon as i hit o it says Warning: chaning a readonly file. then E303 unable to swap file for "/etc/fstab", recovery impossible21:18
swoodyWierdAAR: and has it worked in the past in ubuntu?21:18
erUSULGhost|BTFH: not using gksudo with graphic can cause real problems. that's just fact. get over it21:18
guntbertGhost|BTFH: please don't give bad advice - and please don't make the channel less readable by scrolling it more :-)21:19
WierdAARswoody, I haven't got it to work with ubuntu yet21:19
sine0how can i create an empty file from cli21:19
blakkheimerUSUL: i use sudo with nongraphical programs, works fine21:19
LoCaaasQii abla todo el mundo en ingles21:19
WierdAARswoody, It has worked on xp21:19
Ghost|BTFHerUSUL: Do tell.  I'd love to hear what problems it can cause, since I've been doing it since Breezy.21:19
AJW256sine0: touch21:19
LoCaatu pu.....21:19
sine0whats the syntax im logged in as root21:19
Berzerkeranyone have any experience with the Logitech G15's gkeys?21:19
sine0dont want to fuck it up21:19
erUSULGhost|BTFH: this type of problem http://www.google.es/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=session+less+than+ten+seconds+iceauthority21:19
icerootsine0: watch your language or go21:19
swoodyWierdAAR: any output from: lshw -C network21:20
erUSULGhost|BTFH: a user that can not log in21:20
icerootsine0: touch filename21:20
sine0i mean i dont want to mess it up21:20
sine0ok thanks21:20
swoodyWierdAAR: may be best to run that with sudo21:20
erUSUL!woksforme | Ghost|BTFH21:20
erUSUL!worksforme | Ghost|BTFH21:20
ubottuGhost|BTFH: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/21:20
=== No11Day is now known as blueghost
Ghost|BTFHerUSUL: Never seen that error, nor have I ever heard anyone having that error, but I really have no issue with telling people to use gksudo if it'd make ya'all feel better...21:21
WierdAARswoody, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/407734/ I doesn't seem to find a wireless card21:21
=== blueghost is now known as NO11Day
n0000bi cant believe i only need to change 1 letter back to what it was and i'm struggling so bad! i could create the file on a usb stick, and copy it to my internal at /etc/ ? i dont know how to mount the usb drive too21:21
jorgenranyone running moonlight? Do you get any sound when you visit www.astateoftrance.com?21:22
humbolthow do I prevent users from login via gdm?21:22
jorgenri can load the site but i can't see any pictures or hear any sound...21:22
swoodyWierdAAR: any output from  sudo pccardctl ident21:22
n0000bmy prompt (i think thats what its called) says root@XBMCLive:~#21:22
rubymonkHello everyone, I try to run xpra... but I get this problem: http://pastebin.com/4mwHBa11 any idea please?21:22
erUSULGhost|BTFH: " ... I really have no issue with telling people to use gksudo ..." Thank you very much.21:22
AJW256n0000b: http://www.unix-manuals.com/tutorials/vi/vi-in-10-1.html21:23
WierdAARswoody, "Socket 0:  no product info available"21:23
Ghost|BTFHerUSUL: Not a problem, thank GOD you showed up...I've only been helping people all day...imagine the damage I could have caused and the THANKS I would have continued to get if you hadn't stepped in.21:23
trembyi don't use the Gnome desktop environment but occasionally i want to run Nautilus. how can i get Nautilus to start without replacing my desktop background?21:24
n0000bcool i'll try that now after a quick read.....21:24
rubymonkI refer to this line: (EE) config/hal: NewInputDeviceRequest failed (2)21:24
blakkheimtremby: man nautilus21:24
trembyblakkheim: thanks21:24
nicetryhey guys, using apt-get can you upgrade one specific package? or should you use install? I'm trying to upgrade from php5-5.2.10 to php5-5.2.1321:25
ikonianicetry: if there is a package for it in the repos sure21:25
trembyblakkheim: and how can i get rid of whatever else it started in the background? i can't get rid of the wallpaper it's set21:25
blakkheimtremby: logout of X, log back in, use nautilus without having it draw the desktop (as described in the manpage)21:25
nicetryikonia: I had to add Dotdeb.org to the repos but I'm not an avid ubuntu user so I'm a bit unsure how to upgrade one package21:25
slugboxtremby nautilaus -no-desktop21:26
trembyblakkheim: yeah, sure. was just wondering if i could undo what it's done without restarting X21:26
Sioux-33hi is possible to run and watch tv using windows media centre in karmic? im asking cos my box is not supported by v4l so no driver for my card and i dotn want to boot up windows when i want to watch tv21:26
ikonianicetry: I would not use 3rd party reos to update core components like php21:26
Ghost|BTFHOr couldn't you just killall nautilus?21:26
ikonianicetry: what is in php 2.13 that's not in 2.10 that you want ?21:26
blakkheimGhost|BTFH: that won't get rid of the wallpaper21:26
WierdAARswoody, Any ideas?21:26
trembyyeah, there's no nautilus process running now21:26
Ghost|BTFHblakkheim: I was wondering if it would or not.21:26
nicetryikonia: some bug fixes that are needed for CMS Made Simple 1.721:26
ikonianicetry: which ones ?21:27
rubymonkHello everyone, I try to run xpra... but I get this problem: http://pastebin.com/4mwHBa11 any idea please?21:27
astra-xdamn it all, my ssl won't work21:27
nicetryikonia: good question, I'm not sure but I asked in #cmsms and they recomend upgrading from dotdeb.org to 2.1321:27
swoodyWierdAAR: still looking, not much left though, lol21:27
V3RR3ZIs it possible to make the GnoMenu Button smaller?21:27
TriciaMy Xorg is using >50% of my cpu pretty constantly21:28
V3RR3ZI made new images for mine but there is alot of empty space.21:28
ikonianicetry: did they tell you that  a 3rd party repo may break your whole ubuntu web server stack ?21:28
nicetryikonia: sorry I ment #cms. anyway would the line look like this?  would it just be apt-get update -s php5-5.2.1321:28
=== samphippen|lapto is now known as samphippen
Triciawell, now it's holding around 30... no, now it's at 6021:28
WierdAARswoody, There is always the chance that this laptop is old as fuck and just broke lol21:28
ikonianicetry: you can do that if you wish, just be aware we can't support your box after this21:28
ikoniaWierdAAR: control your language please21:28
swoodyWierdAAR: that is a possibility, too ;) Have you tried booting into Windows or a liveCD?21:29
nicetryikonia: they didn't though the recomendation came from people who had tried it, and the latest relase of cmsms says that 2.12+ is much more preferable to 2.1021:29
dvheumenhi, my java browser plugin (IcedTea) won't load in firefox. Is there any way to debug this ... I've tried virtually every plugins directory available /usr/lib/{firefox, mozilla-firefox, xulrunner}/plugins etc21:29
nicetryalso I talked to people who spent their whole christmas debuggin why things wouldn't work - 2.12 being the soluation21:29
WierdAARswoody, I used a livecd before installing ubuntu, and it didn't work there, but maybe i should try a diffrent livecd or xp21:29
ikonianicetry: so they should be able to support your web stack from this point on then21:30
n0000bwhen i hit 'i' after sudo vi /etc/fstab, at the bottom in red it says W10: Warning: Changing a readonly file. Here is the contents of the file (i still have it on my macbook desktop, i sftp'd it from the acer to my mac here, chanhed line line 10 to remont-ro from rw)21:30
nicetryikonia: how do you mean?21:30
swoodyWierdAAR: I think that would be a good idea. If it doesn't work with Windows, most likely it's a hardware issue :/21:30
n0000bhttp://pastebin.com/sPu1igqP sorry21:30
ikonianicetry: you're moving your web stack away form ubuntu supported, so they will now have to support it21:30
ikonian0000b: I told you what to do21:30
ikonian0000b: boot from a live CD, mount your disk and edit fstab from the live cd21:30
nicetryikonia: this is what I'm looking at http://www.dotdeb.org/2010/01/11/php-5-2-12-packages-are-here/  I guess they fixed more than 60 bugs in .2.1221:31
WierdAARswoody, Yeah.. I have to buy a new laptop anyway, just would be nice to have a working backup. Well, thanks for all the help anyway. I'm going to try xp, and see if i have any luck there21:31
ikonianicetry: that doesn't change anything, your webstack will no longer be supported by ubuntu21:31
swoodyWierdAAR: sounds good, let me know how it goes :)21:31
WierdAARswoody,  will do! :)21:32
n0000bi downloaded ubuntu but struggled to make a bootable usb drive for the revo to load. i have a usb XBMCLive drive that does work tho, can  i boot into that, press ctrl alt F1 to brng up a terminal window to edit the file?21:32
qqqalexhow do I get unbanned on ubu+1?21:32
jribqqqalex: #ubuntu-ops to discuss bans please21:32
rubymonkHello everyone, I try to run xpra... but I get this problem: http://pastebin.com/4mwHBa11 any idea please?21:32
qqqalexthx, sorry21:32
ikonian0000b: I've told you what to do - download ubuntu livecd - boot from that, mount the disk and edit the file from there21:32
swoodyn0000b: you should be able to, XMBC is based on Ubuntu, so it should have the base system underneath21:33
nicetryikonia: true, if I do that I wouldn't be under your support, but to go back to my orignal question - you can specify a specific package and version with apt-get upgrade?21:33
ikonianicetry: your out of support - ask the guys who now support you21:33
guest1Hi all, my ubuntu won't boot. I get an error saying "mountall: cannot mount /proc device or drive busy" can somebody help me please ?21:33
n0000bdoes anyone have instructions to create a usb thumb drive unbuntu boot, using a mac?21:33
ikonian0000b: any reason you're not using a CD ?21:34
n0000bmy acer revo doesn't have a CD drive21:34
ikoniathat would explain that21:34
V3RR3Zanyone NVM i found out21:34
sinisterstufi was getting gtk but then the computer was turned off before it finished, isn't there a way to continue from where i was?21:34
nicetryikonia: hey no need to put me in a box, I haven't made any non standard changes to my system yet, I'm asking about apt-get because the man page is ambiguous.21:34
n0000bwhen i run vi /etc/fstab, i get the blue ~ at the bottom, from the instructions its looks like thats the only place i can add new lines of text21:35
AJW256n0000b: you need sudo21:35
AJW256n0000b: sudo vi /etc/fstab21:35
ikonianicetry: apt-get update $package-name21:35
swoodyn0000b: try sudo nano /etc/fstab - nano may be easier to use if you're not familiar with vi21:35
nicetrythanks ikonia21:36
airorsudoedit will choose the default editor21:36
swoodyn0000b: just use ctrl+o to save, and ctrl+x to exit nano21:36
guntbertn0000b: you cannot edit the file on a read only partition from a running system - you really need a live CD21:36
n0000bok cool, i was using pico the other day, i'll try nano now...21:36
swoodyn0000b: very similar ;)21:36
guntbertswoody: he's got himself locked out by making / read only in fstab21:36
guest1 Hi all, my ubuntu won't boot. I get an error saying "mountall: cannot mount /proc device or drive busy" can somebody help me please ?21:37
AJW256!boot | guest121:38
ubottuguest1: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto21:38
AJW256guest1: ignore that21:38
guest1sorry im a bit confused21:39
Iulyhi all21:39
AJW256guest1: you might be better off in #ubuntu-boot21:39
AJW256!hi | Iuly21:39
ubottuIuly: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:39
swoodyn0000b: are you familiar with how to boot from single-user mode?21:39
slugboxguest1, can you boot into recovery mode?21:39
robleekipis there any way to tag tracks within rhythmbox? maybe with a plug in i havn't heard of?21:39
guest1no slugbox21:39
guest1im on the live cd at the mo21:39
n0000byeah i cant save the changes cos it's a read only file system, its the same error as pico was giving me when i tried. i kinda understand i need to boot from another system to edit the internal, i'm an apple technician and as its unix its kinda the same.... wow apple really train their geniuses well...21:40
sinisterstufrobleekip: tag tracks as in artist ant track name etc?21:40
n0000bso if i boot from my XBMC Live usb drive, bring up a terminal, that should work?21:40
astra-xso on my ubuntu 9.10, when i create self-signed keys, i keep getting this error: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long21:40
astra-xmy apache confs are: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/196491/21:40
slugboxguest1, did you make any importand changes recently to the system?21:40
n0000bim very familiar with single user on a mac21:40
astra-xif someone can help debug this error, that would be great21:41
AJW256n0000b: yes, boot from your usb, mount your HDD & edit the fstab21:41
deegenI'd like to have a does-everything panel on the bottom, in a similar style to Windows (sorry). I've deleted the top panel and added everything I want to the bottom. However, now, if I right click a program from the and select "Add this launcher to panel" it hides the list of running programs. Is there any way to fix this?21:41
robleekipsinisterstuff: lets say i want to tag a song Hip Hop and also tag it Gangster Rap21:41
swoodyn0000b: it *should* work with XBMC. I would try booting your system into single-user mode, and run: fsck -A -a21:41
swoodyn0000b: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/grub-boot-into-single-user-mode/21:41
guest1slugbox - yeah i think i accidently removed some c libraries21:41
AbuMaiaThis is not a 10.04 question.  I was reading up on the window buttons in 10.04, and came across instructions to move the buttons if so desired, by using gconf.  Is it possible to use the same "trick" to move the buttons in 9.10, in order to get used to the positioning before switching to 10.04?21:41
guntbertn0000b: yes, that should work as well - you just need a system where your partition is not mounted read only21:42
swoodyAbuMaia: yes, it's the same method :)21:42
trukGuten Abend Verehrte und Herren21:42
sinisterstufrobleekip: my name has only 1 f. wouldn't you just write those under genre, separated by a semicolon ; ?21:42
AbuMaiaswoody: is there anything else I need to do after editing through gconf?  I tried it already, and nothing happened.21:43
Typos_KingAbuMaia:    move the window decoration buttons?  minimize/close and such?21:43
AbuMaiaTypos_King:  yes21:43
swoodyAbuMaia: what's the entry now?21:43
mluser-WorkHow do I change the default file manager from konqueror to gnomes file manager in gnome?21:43
robleekipsinisterstuf: ill try it out now21:43
swoodyAbuMaia: can copy/paste it here21:43
n0000bi'll try single user now, then the XBMC usb drive if it doesnt work21:43
swoodymluser-Work: try this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DefaultFileManager21:44
guntbertn0000b: ok21:44
twobelowAnyone Empathy 2.30 users here? Has anyone else noticed that Empathy randomly stops scrolling the IRC chat window? Quite annoying. I guess this might be a bug.21:44
Typos_Kingmluser-Work:    I think is under... you're in Kubuntu I gather.... System settings > Advanced > default applications21:44
mluser-Workswoody: thanks :)21:44
AbuMaiaswoody:  /apps/metacity/general/button_layout: maximize,minimize,close:menu21:44
stephen_dos eny one know how to get team viewer on linux on ubuntu21:45
sinisterstufrebleekip: it doesn't work, i apologise21:45
mluser-WorkTypos_King: actually I'm in gnome right now, but I do have both kde and gnome installed.. but for some reason my default file manager is konqueror, even in gnome21:45
swoodyAbuMaia: hmm... that should do it. Try logging out or rebooting yet?21:45
sinisterstufrobleekip: it doesn't work, i apologise21:45
AbuMaiaswoody:  several times, actually21:46
slugboxguest1: i'm looking for a way to install packages to the hdd installation via live cd, but finding nothing.  sorry i can't help you.  maybe you can look in the apt history somehow and see exactly what changes were made, and go from there21:46
swoodyAbuMaia: or try removing 'menu' and keep the ':' where it is21:46
epaphus1Hey guys, how can I confirm iam running amd64 instead of i386 ?21:46
Matic`Makovecslugbox, chroot the hdd21:46
trukhappy osestern and bybybyby and oao21:46
AbuMaiaswoody: I'll try that and get back to you21:46
guest1how do i view the apt history please slug?21:46
AJW256EagleWatch: uname -a21:46
annikahey guys, i have a HP laptop, where do i find my wlan drivers?21:46
Typos_Kingmluser-Work:    probably a gnome's configuratrioin then :)21:46
AJW256epaphus1: uname -a21:46
slugboxguest1: see what Matic`Makovec  said above :)21:47
n0000bwhen i press esc to show the grub boot screen, (i think) i have 2 options, Ubuntu 9.10, kernal 2.6.31-16-generic and the same underneth but with 'recovery mode' in brackets after21:47
n0000bshall i pick recovery?21:47
guest1chroot the hdd ?????21:47
AJW256n0000b: yes21:47
mluser-WorkTypos_King: thanks.. I already looked in default applications.. but cant find it21:47
h0dg3sI'm trying to boot Ubuntu 9.10 live from PXE.  NFS keeps returning "mount call failed - server replied: Permission denied".21:47
EagleWatchAJW256, kernel-bot-you-no-reply21:47
FremenBluehello, i added the xorg-edgers PPA, and when i try to "apt-get source" i get the source from the official ubuntu, when i need the bleeding edge mesa, what am i doing wrong?21:48
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!21:48
ubottuRetrieve information on a package: !info <package>21:48
annikawhere do i find WLAN drivers for HP?21:48
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution21:48
acovrigwhat was ubottu's site?21:48
ubottuGit is a distributed revision control/software code management project created by Linus Torvalds. For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_(software)21:48
guest1okay ive chrooted into my hdd - what next guys?21:49
=== matt_ is now known as Guest36822
linxehGIT FTW21:49
annikawhere do i find WLAN drivers for HP laptop?21:49
swoodyannika: do you know the specs of your device? Manufacturer/Model?21:49
guntbert!bot | acovrig21:49
ubottuacovrig: Hi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins21:49
AbuMaiaswoody:  no luck21:49
annikaswoody: HP53021:49
Guest36822hi, I have a problem with my sister's pc. I power on it, but the monitor doesn't wake up21:50
swoodyannika: first, try going to System>Administration>Hardware Drivers. Does it show any available there?21:50
Guest36822the keyboard too21:50
slugboxguest1: i've no help to offer, but this looks like a good read: http://superuser.com/questions/111152/whats-the-proper-way-to-prepare-chroot-to-recover-a-broken-linux-installation21:50
Guest36822somebody can help me21:50
AbuMaiaGuest36822:  is it a laptop or desktop?21:50
sinisterstufGuest36822: have u plugged the screen into the motherboard or the graphcis card?21:51
deegenh0dg3s: Are you following instructions to do that, from somewhere?21:51
Guest36822AbuMaia is a desktop21:51
sinisterstufAbuMaia: a laptop wouldn't have a keyboard21:51
swoodyAbuMaia: sorry, I don't know what else to try here. There may be another setting you have to change in gconf-editor. Maybe try asking in #ubuntu+1 and see if anyone knows what the difference is?21:51
acovrigInterference between the keyboard and the chair.21:51
h0dg3sdeegen: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveCDNetboot21:51
AbuMaiasinisterstuf: mine does ^_^, otherwise I wouldn't be able to type21:51
swoodyannika: thank you very much :) But please watch your language ;)21:51
AbuMaiaswoody: thanks for trying ^_^21:52
annikaswoody:sry man :D txh21:52
sinisterstufAbuMaia: lol, netbook?21:52
swoodyAbuMaia: it's np :)21:52
AbuMaiasinisterstuf: nope, inspiron laptop21:52
Guest36822Sinisterstuf the asus motherboard have a integrated video card21:52
sinisterstufGuest36822: so it is plugged into the motherboard?21:53
AbuMaiasinisterstuf: I think you may be thinking of a separate keyboard ^_^21:53
sinisterstufAbuMaia: ofcourse, because if the keyboard wasn't seperate it wouldn't be able to not receive signal from the pc ;)21:53
Guest36822sinisterstuf yes21:53
Ronniedoes somebody know the path the the "wallpaper" of plymouth (10.04)?21:53
sinisterstufGuest36822: i also had an asus, the guys at the shop told me to buy a new one..... i don't know if there's a better solution21:54
deegenh0dg3s: The pxe stuff works, you're getting the menu or whatever, and it's failing from there?21:55
n0000bhmmm, it gives me a similar screen to it normally does when it fails to boot.http://files.me.com/gregnash/zl314h21:55
CarlisI can´t install Microsoft Office 2003 with playonlinux21:55
sinisterstufGuest36822: is your power supply big enough?21:55
Flare183Carlis: Use OpenOffice21:55
sinisterstufCarlis: what's wrong with OpenOffice.org ?21:55
ktdreyerthe cert for https://enterprise.ubuntu.com is expired... if this is not the appropriate channel to report this, please redirect me21:55
n0000bthe fact the prompt starts with root@XBMCLive:~# makes me think i'm at the same place21:55
swoodyCarlis: have you tried using OpenOffice? Any reason you need MS Office?21:55
Guest36822sinisterstuf ah ok..it's so strange 'cuz the keybords doesn't blinking at power on21:55
Carlisyes, I want to learn to install it in linux21:56
swoodyCarlis: have you tried with Wine already?21:56
Guest36822sinisterstuf I have change it with another charger21:56
sinisterstuf<Guest36822> I'm not sure if mine does.21:56
kostkonktdreyer, you could fill a bug report here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website21:57
Flare183!hi | silvapen_21:57
ubottusilvapen_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:57
silvapen_exist default root passwd on ubuntu 9.0421:57
Flare183!root | silvapen_21:57
ubottusilvapen_: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:57
=== wieser is now known as trailhunt
ardchoille!sudo | silvapen_21:57
ubottusilvapen_: sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)21:57
silvapen_ok thx21:57
Guest36822sinisterstuf the other devices are wake instead21:57
Alpha-DOGhello i just want to know how to make a video on linux like is the movie maker on windows ?21:57
ktdreyerkostkon: thanks, I'm not an ubuntu guy, so, cool21:57
blakkheimsilvapen_: there is not one by default although you can set one (despite people here telling you not to and that it's bad etc)21:58
Carlisyes, and I receive this error: msiexec.exe has encountered a seriious problem and needs to close21:58
kostkonktdreyer, :)21:58
panfisti'm trying to ssh into this machine, but i can't seem to troubleshoot the problem. it was working fine a few days ago and i dont remember changing anything21:58
Flare183Carlis: Why would use Want to use crappy office on linux?21:58
sinisterstufGuest36822: the powe supply inside the computer case, hoe many watts does it give>?21:58
blakkheimpanfist: use ssh -v for debugging21:58
panfistif i ssh from my local network it works fine, if i try to ssh from a remote network it just sits there forever21:58
Guest36822sinisterstuf can be the motherboard bios configuration?can I reset it?21:58
panfisti'll try that blakkheim21:58
Carlisyes, I want to learn to install it in linux Flare21:58
blakkheimpanfist: firewall troubles maybe?21:58
Flare183panfist: sounds like you need to port forward manbe21:58
Carlisyes, and I receive this error: msiexec.exe has encountered a seriious problem and needs to close swoody21:59
panfistflare183 the port is definitely forwarded21:59
n0000bi guess i want a prompt that DOESNT start with root@XBMCLive, ie my internal drive thats now read only21:59
swoodyCarlis: ah. Well I don't think I'm going to be much help, I use OO.o :/21:59
sinisterstufAlpha-DOG: you can try with blender http://upperfold.com/blenderdv.shtml21:59
Flare183Carlis: Its very difficult and kinda useless considering that OpenOffice can open and save M$ Office documents21:59
silvapen_i use su -21:59
ardchoillesilvapen_: There is no need to set a root password, in fact that makes the system less secure. Learn to use sudo. A locked root account can't be brute forced :)21:59
Flare183panfist: Hmm weird.21:59
panfistit's hanging on Connecting to ip [ip] port x.21:59
n0000bi'll boot from the XBMCLive installer stick i still have, and bring up a terminal window...21:59
blakkheimsilvapen_: or sudo su21:59
ardchoillesilvapen_: Better to use sudo -i21:59
blakkheimpanfist: can you ping it?22:00
=== mentr is now known as mentr_bnc
swoodyn0000b: try that, it may work rather well :)22:00
TheCleanerhi all22:00
sinisterstufGuest36822: i'm not sure how you would do that, i thought u said the screen doesn't turn on?22:00
swoodyn0000b: also check your /etc/fstab : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130948022:00
guntbertblakkheim: please recommend sudo -i instead of sudo su22:00
deegenI'd like to have a does-everything panel on the bottom, in a similar style to Windows (sorry). I've deleted the top panel and added everything I want to the bottom. However, now, if I right click a program from the and select "Add this launcher to panel" it hides the list of running programs. Is there any way to fix this?22:00
panfistblakkheim well if i'm trying to ping the remote server it's going to ping the firewall and not get forwarded to the host22:00
silvapen_ok sudo -i works22:00
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam
blakkheimpanfist: then it sounds like you need to reconfigure the router22:00
panfistunless i can 'ping' on port x that i have forwarded for ssh22:00
sinisterstufGuest36822: have u tried with a different screen?22:00
Guest36822sinisterstuf yes and the keyboard seems dead22:01
silvapen_i hawe error on packet manager22:01
Flare183deegen: Add the applet called "window list" to the bottom panel22:01
blakkheimpanfist: can you run nmap to make sure the port is open?22:01
Guest36822sinisterstuf yes22:01
panfistblakkheim what would you use to test the router? when i'm on the host and i visit canyouseeme.org it says the port is forwarded22:01
swoodydeegen: the list is still there, it's just to the left of your icon...22:01
sylar_join /#bashfr22:01
TheCleanerhi i am using backtrack can i find any help here (i am new to linux in general)22:01
blakkheimpanfist: nmap22:01
blakkheimTheCleaner: this is not a backtrack channel22:01
swoodydeegen: right-click on the different panel apps and move them around :)22:01
CarlisIf you search it in youtube they can install msoffice in linux but I don`t understand how they did it22:01
Flare183!language | sylar_22:01
ubottusylar_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:01
guntbert!backtrack | TheCleaner22:01
ubottuTheCleaner: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)22:01
silvapen_ok here is the log what to do ?'E:Encountered a section with no Package: header, E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/hr.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_jaunty-updates_restricted_binary-i386_Packages, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.'22:02
Typos_King!language | sylar_22:02
ubottusylar_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:02
Guest36822sinisterstuf Do I bother u?22:02
silvapen_cant update22:02
TheCleanerok thanx22:02
h0dg3sI'm trying to boot Ubuntu 9.10 live from PXE.  NFS keeps returning "mount call failed - server replied: Permission denied".22:02
TheCleanerbye all22:02
jyraiahello how do i enable compiz-fusion-extra repository?22:02
sinisterstufGuest36822: no, sorry, your problem is just difficult to solve, probably hardware related22:02
jyraiai've installed Xubuntu 9.10 64bits22:02
blakkheimjyraia: add it to your /etc/apt/sources.list22:03
swoodyjyraia: are you just looking for the extra compiz settings?22:03
soreaujyraia: It should already be installed. Is there a particular effect you were looking for?22:03
jyraiaburn effect22:03
panfistit says x/tcp open ssh etc ...22:03
Flare183jyraia: sudo apt-get install compiz-fusion-plugins-extra22:03
jyraiai don't get to customize this anymore22:03
blakkheimpanfist: so the port is open?22:03
deegenFlare183: Yeah, I think I can work with that, thanks.22:03
Flare183deegen: np22:04
soreaujyraia: Its already installed, you just have to configure it in ccsm22:04
slugboxjyraia: ccsm22:04
jyraiano no22:04
jyraiai will explain22:04
Alpha-DOGwhere is the my computer in linux i have something in the medias couse i have 2 hard disks22:04
panfistblakkheim it's open on the local network, if i try to nmap from a remote hose it says x/tcp filtered unknown22:04
n0000bhow do i find the name of my non bootable hard disk? can i use diskutil list or is it obvious from line 9 ( http://pastebin.com/sPu1igqP ) that its/dev/sda1 ?22:04
deegenswoody: Yes, I know. This is for use in a school. The users have a variety of skill levels.22:04
Flare183Alpha-DOG: Places, Computer22:04
jyraiai've got this inside ccsm, but i don't get to customize the color random of the burn effect22:04
blakkheimpanfist: then there's your problem22:04
Guest36822sinisterstuf ok..Another curios thing: my uncle had the same pc (it's assembled) and a few month ago it shows the same problem22:04
n0000b(thats the fstab file i edited and messed everything up)22:04
=== Cream is now known as lol
sinisterstufAlpha-DOG: no "my computer" but you have a home folder. to access the other hard discs click 'Places' at the top meu bar22:05
slugboxAlpha-DOG: Places > Computer - or in nautilus address bar, type computer:///22:05
Flare183jyraia: I know where its at22:05
Typos_Kingn0000b:     sudo fdisk  -l22:05
Carlisnobody can´t help me ?22:05
silvapen_i m  upgradeing22:05
panfistblakkheim i'm staring at the router configuration and it looks right22:05
Flare183Carlis: Like I said before, it wouldn't work.22:05
Alpha-DOGi have only desktop documents .... etc22:05
blakkheimpanfist: are you running iptables or something? you'd need to add a rule there22:05
slugboxCarlis: #winehq22:06
n0000bas its 160gb, im guessing its the one with the most blocks22:06
jyraiathere is one option in first window22:06
twobelowHas anyone else noticed that Empathy 2.30.0 randomly stops scrolling the IRC chat window? Quite annoying. I guess this might be a bug. Can anyone confirm?22:06
sinisterstufGuest36822: weird, maybe it is an issue with the motherboard?22:06
Flare183Carlis: Unless you install via a winblows vm22:06
jyraiabut in effects settings theres no one "burn list item"22:06
silvapen_i succesfuly update the packets now  i am upgradeing22:06
swoodyCarlis: have you tried reading over this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Microsoft_Office22:06
Guest36822sinisterstuf maybe the little battery on motherboard empty?22:06
Flare183jyraia: Look in the animations button/option22:06
jyraiaFlare183, then?22:07
jyraiai have all the other effects customization22:08
sinisterstufGuest36822: maybe, probably not. i think it is more likely that there is not enough power coming into the computer. one solution that worked for some people: turn off the pc, unplug all the power cables from the screen and pc, wait for 1 minute, and plug them back in22:08
Alpha-DOGwhere is nautilus lol i can't find the c: :S to make the crack of the game22:08
jyraiaonly one that is not displayed is burn effect22:08
conb123Why is Gparted so slow at resizing partitions, I wanted to drop 19 GB off my ubuntu partition and it has been running for two hours and counting now22:08
silvapen_alway when i login speaker is muted i hawe nvidia nforce2 how to fix it22:08
silvapen_to not go mute when login22:08
Flare183jyraia: Look for the fire effect on the Effect Animations tab22:08
sinisterstufCarlis: have you tried in wine? it should work the same as installing it on windows22:08
Guest36822sinisterstuf ok, now i try22:08
CarlisThanks swoody22:08
jyraiaone moment22:08
swoodyconb123: that's a lot of info to go through ;) It may take a while depending on exactly what you're doing, and how much info you have on your HDD :)22:08
sinisterstufGuest36822: ok, goodluck, i gotta go, cya22:09
slugbox!nautilus | Alpha-DOG22:09
CarlisI get an error in wine22:09
silvapen_i ma not shure os the right sound card sets22:09
swoodyCarlis: otherwise I'm afraid I'm out of ideas :/22:09
Carlisyes, and I receive this error: msiexec.exe has encountered a seriious problem and needs to close swoody22:09
Typos_Kingconb123:   you aren't resizing the partition WHILE IN IT, are you?22:09
Alpha-DOGo can't find the media like c: d: to make the crack i go home >>> no computer there ?22:09
sinisterstufCarlis: run wine config and fiddle with the settings, sometimes it's random things that matter, like making a virtual desktop, i hd to do that for ms-office 200722:10
conb123Typos_King: No live cd, gosh it just surprises me that an os so brilliant could take so long to resize a partition, I remember back in the windows days this stuff too a minute22:10
jyraiaFlare183, you don't understand what i said22:10
slugboxAlpha-DOG: look on the left column, there should be your partitions listed22:10
itguru_I've configured my pptp vpn, and all my traffic goes via the pptp connection, where are the config files, so I can amend the route?22:10
guest1I've chrooted into my hdd using the live cd. I tried to run sudo apt-get upgrade but apt can resolve the web addresses. anyone able to help?22:10
jyraiais not "write with fire"22:10
n0000bdamn. i follwed the guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1309480 al was looking well, gedit didnt work so  i tried nano, and its not the same file as the one i edited and ruined all those hours ago22:10
CarlisI am going to read the link you gave me Thanks swoody22:10
panfisti trust nmap is reporting my port is filtered but it's contradicting this, which has always worked for me when i used to work on windows hosts http://imgur.com/UqlSn22:10
jyraiai've need the close window burn effect22:10
swoodyCarlis: np, best of luck :)22:10
panfistalso the router configuration looks correct...i'm stumped why it's filtering my remote ssh login22:10
sinisterstufAlpha-DOG: they aren't called C: D: in linux22:10
sinisterstufcheers everyone22:10
Alpha-DOGi ahve just pictures documents downloads :S and a file system22:10
jyraiawhat'is link to 3rd party repositore22:10
Typos_Kingconb123:   you're making it sound that your issue is universal, I'd think is some other factor, I can't tell right now, which is playing in YOUR SPECIFIC case22:11
Flare183jyraia: Gimme a sec, I'll show you22:11
jyraiathank's a lot22:11
guest1guys what "failed to conect to upstart" mean ?22:11
h0dg3sdeegen: yes, the pxe menu works and it finds vmlinuz and initrd.lz, but when it tries to load from nfs it gets a permission denied error22:11
swoodyn0000b: did you just do sudo nano /etc/fstab ? If so, that would be the fstab file of your XBMC disc. You need to access the one on your HDD :)22:11
Alpha-DOGwhere to make the crack of the game :S22:12
Alpha-DOGlike in win find target :S22:12
conb123Typos_King: I've seen it mentioned else where to, is it quick for you?22:12
deegenCan you pastebin your menu.c32?22:12
h0dg3sdeegen: and just to test it out I did chmod 777 /srv/nfs/ubuntu -R to make sure it wasn't the permissions on the folder22:12
Typos_Kingconb123:    I've used it lately just when installing, it has been quick yes22:12
n0000byeah but i chaned the directory first like it did in the list, cd /newroot and then ran sudo nano /etc/fstab22:12
n0000bshall i try sudo nano /newroot/etc/fstab22:13
costreAlpha-DOG, Do yuo want to crack a game?22:13
conb123Typos_King: Well I am still using a sata I drive, but seriously it's still 1.5 gb/s, it shouldn't be that slow22:13
n0000bok thats the same file, now see if i can edit it......22:13
Alpha-DOGyes i am installing the warcraft dota and don't know where is the file locater to paste the crack :S22:13
costreAlpha-DOG, Using wine?22:14
Alpha-DOGit's exe file22:14
Typos_Kingconb123:    yeah.... can't say what it might be, but is not the 'norm' though22:14
costreAlpha-DOG, ~/-wine/22:14
costreAlpha-DOG, ~/.wine/22:14
Gifted_Childsome one tell me how i can hide the grub loading screen22:14
* clrg wishes everyone a pleasant evening22:14
rhcp1253How can I remove ubuntu 10.04 from my MacBook? Should I use mac os's disk utility or gparted live cd?22:14
deegenh0dg3s: Can you pastebin you're menu.c32? I assume you've got a line like: nfsroot=
costreAlpha-DOG, /home/YOURNAME/.wine22:15
Typos_KingGifted_Child:   hide?  what do you mean by 'hide'?   boot you right into ubuntu with no menu?22:15
jyraiaFlare183, thanks now i see the option that you talk to me22:15
n0000bok rebooting here goes....22:15
h0dg3sdeegen: the site said to use /etc/extensions, is that not correct?  not sure what c.32 is22:15
Guest36822sinisterstuf ohhhh the monitor is awaken22:15
Flare183jyraia: oh ok22:15
jyraiai've looking for Burn effect inside Animations, not "Animations addons"22:15
jyraiathis change since Ubuntu 8.0422:16
Raptors23Does ubuntu have a firewall running by default?22:16
jyraiai stay a few months away from linux22:16
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.22:16
jyraianow i've back22:16
FloodBot1jyraia: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:16
Raptors23is there a way to turn it off?22:16
n0000bswoody you are an absolute legend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!22:16
h0dg3sdeegen: /srv/nfs/ubuntu,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check,ro)22:16
n0000bman i never thought id see the day!!!22:16
Xodiac13i really need help i did a distro upgrade for my server and now it has a mounting filesystem error22:16
costreRaptors23, sudo apt-get firestarter22:16
n0000bits booted back into XBMC, maaan what a learning curve22:17
costreRaptors23, sudo apt-get install firestarter22:17
jyraiaFlare183, and about the cube effect without cube, this is circle22:17
AbuMaiaswoody:  I figured it out.  I was changing the settings for metacity, without using metacity.  I'm using Emerald instead.  I was able to find the button positioning settings for Emerald, and now it works22:17
LeXus22Всем привет22:17
jyraiadid you know?22:17
LeXus22hi all22:17
slugboxGifted_Child: you could uncomment #hiddenmenu in /boot/grub/menu.lst, and also set the timeout to 022:17
_pepo_hi friends22:17
Flare183jyraia: What are you talking about?22:17
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke22:17
ardchoille!ru | LeXus2222:17
ubottuLeXus22: please see above22:17
Xodiac13is there anyway to save my ubuntu server i did a dist upgrade and now it has a mounting filesystem error22:17
jyraiathe cube is in circle format? not more retangle?22:17
n0000bi work as a mac genius at an apple store so have to dish out advice (for macs) all day and its hard sometime not to get frustrated with the noobness of some people, so thanks everyone so much22:17
Flare183jyraia: um look at cube reflection and deformation22:18
Alpha-DOG:S:S :( :( i can't find nothing :S pls where to find the wine22:18
swoodyAbuMaia: great to hear :)22:18
AJW256Alpha-DOG: sudo apt-get install wine22:18
LeXus22All greetings! Friends, help please)22:18
LeXus22Who takes a great interest Lineage?22:18
costreAlpha-DOG, you know your home directory? /home/YOURNAME/ ?22:18
Alpha-DOGyeah i have it alpha22:18
h0dg3sdeegen: oops, I think what you wanted was this.  append boot=casper netboot=nfs nfsroot= initrd=images/ubuntu/casper/initrd.lz22:18
Alpha-DOGbut don't have a folder wine22:19
User_um i want to install ubuntu karmic.. i have win on one partition already and have another linux distro on another parition.. have /boot and /home on their own partitions.. have an ext3 partition ready for ubuntu.. not sure what to do next? what is best way to install ubuntu as a 3rd OS? i'm sure there will be some issues with grub...22:19
Gifted_Childno king  = i mean when you turn on your come puter there is a breaf screen that says grub loading then a courser then the u or xsplash shows up i would like to hide the grub loading screen and the courser fallowed after22:19
costreAlpha-DOG, You need to "show hidden files"22:19
_pepo_has Ubuntu by default support for SAS disks?22:19
AbuMaiaAlpha-DOG:  ctrl-h22:19
costreAlpha-DOG, CTRL-H22:19
slugboxLeXus22: you mean like genealogy?22:19
swoodyUser_: do you want to install Grub from Ubuntu? Or add an entry to your current boot manager?22:19
Alpha-DOGhaha thanks a lot :D:D:D:D22:19
User_i already have grub22:19
Guest36822sinisterstuf peraps bios says "chassis intruded, system now halt fatal error22:20
costreAlpha-DOG, all files with . in the beginning are hidden22:20
d3mn0idany ideas?22:20
User_is configured for my other linux distro and my win22:20
Xodiac13i need help getting my ubuntu to work i did a dis upgrade and i am having a mounting filesystem error22:20
Typos_KingGifted_Child:   not sure you can :|22:20
deegenh0dg3s: Yes, that's what I was looking for. Is your server?22:20
swoodyUser_: well it's up to whatever you decide, if you want to keep it, you will need to add a manual entry for Ubuntu, if you let Ubuntu install Grub, it should recognze your other OS'es and show them all at bootup22:20
rhcp1253Is there a more user friendly bootloader that will work with windows?22:20
User_i want to install ubuntu on a new partition and edit my grub so it will boot it aswell22:20
swoodyUser_: if you want to keep things as-is make sure to install Ubuntu's grub boot-loader to the ext3 partition...22:21
h0dg3sdeegen: yes.  I typed in the wrong IP address before and it wasn't finding it, but now it's definitely finding it before getting a permission denied error.22:21
Gifted_Childok sind me a step by step on how to do that slugbox im new to the Ubuntu world22:21
swoodyUser_: and you'll also have to select your partitions to install to manually, and use the ext3 partition with no swap22:21
d3mn0idapt-get update does nothing.22:21
d3mn0idto help, that is.22:21
User_it can share the swap with another distro22:22
swoodyUser_: oh, sorry didn't see that you had swap :)22:22
User_i have several partitions22:22
User_have been at this a while lol22:22
zenvoidI noticed some of my bash scripts are failing and I'm getting crazy to understand the reason, if someone here can please help...22:22
slugboxGifted_Child: open a terminal and type gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst then remove the pound symbol before #hiddenmenu, then set the timeout to 0, then save22:23
zenvoidif I have a directory with 3 files named a b and c (one letter lowercase) and I do "ls [A-Z]", what I should expect?22:23
slugboxGifted_Child: but beware, you may need grub later on, and will have to type Esc at boot to get there22:23
swoodyUser_: yeah, that would be about it. Make sure your Ubuntu grub will only be installed on it's own partition, and manually select the partitions during install, and you're good to go :)22:24
User_ok so just don't mount /boot22:24
Typos_Kingzenvoid:   nothing or an error :P22:24
User_with the ubuntu install?22:24
zenvoidTypos_King: yeah, but why do I get "b c" ?22:24
User_i have /boot on its own partition also22:24
swoodyUser_: no, I would just make one / partition, and use the other swap partition, then at the last screen of the install, there's an option where you want Grub to be installed, let me get you a bit more info on that...22:25
swoodyUser_: your boot will be in your / partition22:25
Typos_Kingzenvoid:   ls -l DIRHERE | grep [a-c];     I assume is what you want?22:25
User_yeah if i dont mount /boot then it will go to /22:25
deegenh0dg3s: Sorry. I can't think of anything else.22:25
Typos_King.. actually22:26
Typos_Kingzenvoid:   ls -l DIRHERE | grep ^[a-c];     I assume is what you want?22:26
RafiHey, can someone give me a hand direct connecting two computers via ethernet cable?22:26
acovrigI am having problems with rsync, what is wrong with http://pastebin.com/Cmn3Zx4t - the first line is the command, the rest is the output, given /test is the remote dir, and /Users/acovrig/desktop/0001 is the local dir22:26
User_k so then i just load the other distro and edit it's grub to add the other distro?22:26
dr4ghey i seen a screenshot of a cool desktop widgets or something with CPU meter and memory usage. Where can i get them ?22:26
Xodiac13i need help on getting my ubuntu server working i did a distro upgrade and now im getting a mount felsystem error22:26
arand_zenvoid: bash doesn't do regexp straight off, so [A-Z] will mean something completely diferent22:27
slugboxRafi: you need a crossover cable for that, or a router in between22:27
Typos_KingUser_    usually you donh't have to do all that, sudo update-grub; automates all that adding already22:27
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Seveasarand_, it can, with extglobbing22:27
swoodyUser_: http://www.linuxdynasty.org/images/stories/distros/ubuntu/install6.png22:27
RafiI thought with gigabit cards no router is needed22:27
AJW256!ubuntu-server | Xodiac1322:27
ubottuXodiac13: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support22:27
SeveasRafi, that's entirely untrue.22:27
RafiOK, thanks22:27
swoodyUser_: when you get to that screen, click on 'Advanced' and change Grub to be installed to your ext3 partition that Ubuntu will be installed on22:27
Typos_Kingdr4g: you mean, conky? or gkrellm?22:28
dr4gpossibly ? i'll google conk22:28
swoodyUser_: then in the Grub you have currently isntalled, you just need to create an entry as a chain-loader and have it point to your Ubuntu partition22:28
Gifted_Childslugbox when i sudo in to root or normal theres nothing in the box22:29
slugboxGifted_Child: i'm not sure what you mean.  what box are you talking about22:29
killownhey! how i do to upgrade gnome to 2.30?22:30
annikahow do i find active wifi networks after activating driver?22:30
Typos_Kingdr4g: http://conky.sourceforge.net/conky-hellfire.png  and -> http://www.mindlandgraphics.com/big/GkrellmSS.jpg    gkrellm is the right-sidebar22:30
Seveaskillown, by upgrading to ubuntu 10.04 beta22:30
swoodyannika: left-click on your network icon, top-right of your screen :)22:30
Typos_Kingdr4g: both are in the repos, so22:31
acovrigI did everything in http://troy.jdmz.net/rsync/index.html except ssh-keygen, cuz I already did & crontab, cuz I don't need that yet22:31
zenvoidanders_: but I thought that the * ? and [] expressions were supported by all posix shells for matching files? or I'm wrong?22:31
Gifted_Childwhat you told me to do as far as hiding that grub22:31
killownSeveas ubuntu 10 is a lot unstable22:31
annikaswoody: it says its disconnected22:31
Seveaskillown, it is however the only way to get gnome 2.3022:31
Gifted_Childis there a way to speed it up some to the point you dont even see it22:32
medexyou can just build 2,30 by yourself22:32
medexyou dont need the repositories22:32
swoodyannika: what happens when you click on the wifi name and try to connect to it?22:32
annikaswoody: nevermind i found it22:32
swoodyannika: :)22:32
Seveasmedex, #gentoo is that way --->22:32
slugboxGifted_Child: i need details, my instructions were clear.  re-try them, and tell me at which exact point you get stuck22:32
medexso what22:32
Alpha-DOGgood nighr everyone :D cu tomrow22:32
medexits no less a valid way22:32
Seveasbut not at all recommended on an ubuntu system. Quite the opposite in fact.22:33
FloodBot1AlVaRiToOo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:33
annikaswoody: i love you22:33
swoodyannika: and I you :)22:33
Seveasget a room :P22:33
medexSeveas: why not?  who recommends?22:33
swoodySeveas: :P22:33
Danijelcan anybody help me ?22:34
dim3000my mini mouse is not working22:34
Danijelon private22:34
Gifted_Childok i put in........... "gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst"...........and nothing showed up22:34
swoody!ask Danijel22:34
Xodiac13i am in the ubuntu server chat room and im not getting any help the problem i have a also for ubuntu desktop version so can anyone help me it shouldnt be a problem please help me thats all i ask22:34
swoody!ask | Danijel22:34
ubottuDanijel: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:34
dim3000its glowing and blinks when clicking but not working22:34
Gifted_Childit was a blank page22:34
Gifted_Childim using ubuntu 9.1022:34
yourmghqCould my drive not like dvd+rw but only like writing to dvd-r22:34
yourmghqCould my drive not like dvd+rw but only like writing to dvd-r22:34
yourmghqCould my drive not like dvd+rw but only like writing to dvd-r?22:34
FloodBot1yourmghq: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:34
n0000bi have an HFS (journling disabled) attached to my xbmc live linux box, but can't send files to it over sftp using an sftp app cos its only read only. using terminal on my mac, i ssh into the external drive attached, and if i use sudo mv to rename a file, it also tells it cant cos its read only. i hate read only!!! is it easy to change without reformatting the drive? it's a 1tb you see......22:35
Gifted_Childon a next book22:35
SeveasGifted_Child, ubuntu 9.10 uses grub2. The instructions your are following are for grub122:35
slugboxthat info would have been helpful in the beginning, too22:35
Gifted_Childmy bad22:35
Typos_KingGifted_Child:   I think you might be able to use -> hiddemenu <ENTER> timeout=022:36
costren0000b, chmod?22:36
Danijelcan anybody help me on private ?22:36
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SeveasDanijel, no. Just ask your question in here.22:36
slugboxDanijel: ask in here, you're more likely to be helped that way22:36
n0000bive tried chmod, chown but everytime it tells me the drive is read only22:36
costredanielck, depends ... ask the question in broad terms first22:36
AJW256costre: n0000b changed his root drive to read only in Fstab or something like that22:37
n0000bi think whats confusing me, its seems from what ive learnt today, thats drives are mounted in one place (/dev/) and phically in another (/media) or something...22:37
cheri703is there a way to get a printer working that technically has no driver in linux? that I can find22:37
cheri703it's an older one22:37
costren0000b, Is the drive full of stuff?22:38
n0000byeah loads22:38
swoodycheri703: what manufacturer/model?22:38
cheri703xerox workcentre pro 16fx22:38
cheri703really don't want to have to use windows on my desktop22:38
costren0000b, dev is like the ohysical unit, the hardware .. /media is the partitions and the storage22:38
n0000bwhats weird is that wehn u scan for new media in xbmx, it creates a rhubnail image and a little database file, no problem everytime, so it can def write to the drive22:38
costresort of22:38
=== chains is now known as gBoggs
n0000byeah im slowly getting my head round it i think22:39
winterelfhi , need help please, when i try to do "make install_local" i get a message "make: *** No rule to make target `install_local'.  Stop." btw i am using a step by step article who explain how to install bitchx to my gnu and it suppose to work although i know it's an old version22:39
guest1come on guys!!22:39
jimcooncathow to easily clean /tmp without deleting anything I shouldn't?22:39
n0000bdo i need to unmount the drive first, then try chmod on /dev/sda2 or something?22:40
iamnotaguestWHen calling sudo apt-get update, it sticks on "99% [Waiting for headers]"22:40
iamnotaguestWhat's the problem?22:40
medexcostre: the physical disks are accessed via /dev/disk/  device files in /dev like /dev/hda are just a way to make things easier22:40
swoodycheri703: sorry, I'm not finding anything that looks promising :/22:41
swoodycheri703: you could try to sell it and find a compatible printer? I had to do the same with a Lexmark I had22:41
HollyRainfrom here, cann't be looked for the source packages: http://packages.ubuntu.com/  ?22:41
costreguest1, whats up?22:41
n0000bsudo fdisk -l tells me the drive is GTP under System22:41
cheri703well, I got it as a cast off from my job. I can just mess with it in windows22:42
EnelarPeople. I install mysql-server, then I try use it "mysql -u root -p", but it dont work (ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES))22:42
guest1my ubuntu wont boot dude22:42
guest1bad times22:42
EnelarWhat is default mysql root password?22:42
macman__in nautilus say i have 50 folders with stuff in them .. how do i see what is in each folder at 1 time without going into each one 1 at a tme ?22:42
cheri703I'm likely to have to go to linux in vm anyway with my netbook, so might attempt windows in vm on desktop. would that make it work? or no?22:42
swoodycheri703: do you have a Windows computer at home? You could connect it to that, and share it over your network22:42
n0000bit was formatted on a mac and used with an AppleTV, buts it's all unix right? should be fine to write to the drive?22:42
costreguest1, Does it stop during boot up? Wait half an hour and come back :)22:42
blakkheimmacman__: cd /directory; ls *22:42
cheri703well, my desktop is a dual boot22:42
medexmacman__: use tree(1)22:42
cheri703husband's computer is windows only, but...we'll see.22:42
GMeolaNeat Show...22:42
medexmacman__: you may need to install it22:43
cheri703I presently have 3 printers/faxes that were work castoffs22:43
EnelarI tryed all passwords - local user, root, in my.cnf, "root", "admin" etc. But it dont work22:43
cheri703well, I appreciate the efforts! have a good night/day/whatever22:44
medexEnelar: there are ways to change the mysql password, search google.  Im not exactly sure myself, but have done it before.22:44
NemesisDanyone know why blacklist.conf would be invalid? i need to blacklist the module kvm_intel. I have it in my blacklist conf but i still have to manually do modprobe -r kvm_intel all the time. whats up with that?22:44
blakkheimNemesisD: put it in rc.local22:45
SeveasNemesisD, do you have it in there as 'kvm_intel' or 'blacklist kvm_intel' ?22:45
NemesisDSeveas: lemme check, what's the path for the file again?22:45
winterelfplease help22:45
winterelfhi , need help please, when i try to do "make install_local" i get a message "make: *** No rule to make target `install_local'.  Stop." btw i am using a step by step article who explain how to install bitchx to my gnu and it suppose to work although i know it's an old version22:45
SeveasNemesisD, /etc/modprobe.d/22:45
Enelar<medex> Thats cool, but I should know last pass, before change22:46
Seveaswinterelf, sudo apt-get install bitchx22:46
NemesisDSeveas: i have blacklist kvm_intel and blacklist kvm22:46
Enelar<medex> syntax is mysqladmin -u root password NEWPASSWORD22:46
medexok cool22:46
SeveasNemesisD, something else must be depending on it then22:46
Enelar<medex> and??22:47
Enelar<medex> I dont know default mysql password22:47
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NemesisDSeveas: but its evil and it makes virtualbox mad22:47
medexidk Enelar22:47
winterelfSeveas: there is no Bitchx for gnome or for any dist, that's why i m doing it manually, from this site http://www.bitchx.com/faq.php22:47
killownhave anyway to get gnome 2.30 without upgrade to ubuntu 10?22:47
Seveas!info bitchx | winterelf22:47
ubottuwinterelf: Package bitchx does not exist in karmic22:47
Seveashmm, wtf22:47
blakkheimkillown: compile it yourself22:47
medexkillown: you can compile it from source and install it that way22:47
Seveasso that got dropped then :)22:47
Enelaradministrator@ubuntu:~$ sudo mysqladmin -u root *** ***22:47
Enelarmysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed22:47
Enelarerror: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)'22:47
Seveas!compiling | winterelf22:47
ubottuwinterelf: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)22:47
ubottubitchx (also known as ircii-pana) was dropped from Debian and subsequently Ubuntu (see: http://dy.fi/afb). Consider using irssi or weechat instead.22:48
jesse2Hello.  is there a repo with the final gnome 2.30 on it?22:48
Seveasjesse2, yes, ubuntu 10.0422:48
blakkheimjesse2: compile it yourself22:48
medexjesse2: not yet22:48
zooboontoocould anyone tell me how to migrate from xubuntu to ubuntu?22:48
winterelfi already did the ./configure and make, but the make install dosent work22:48
jesse2rather not compile it22:48
jesse2thanks though22:48
Seveaszooboontoo, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop22:48
blakkheimzooboontoo: xubuntu is just ubuntu with xfce instead of gnome22:48
guest1sod this man22:48
EnelarAnybody know?22:48
winterelfeven though i try "make install_local" cause int the site http://www.bitchx.com/faq.php they say to do it like this22:49
medexEnelar: why not ask #mysql22:49
guest1im backing back to microsoft22:49
guest1better support :(22:49
Enelargood idea22:49
jesse2guest1: whats the prob?22:49
guest1my ubuntu wont boot :(22:50
kane77Seveas, is gnome 2.30 beta the 2.29.92 that is currently in 10.04?22:50
jesse2whats it saying?22:50
guest1says cant mount /proc device or drive busy22:50
costreEnelar, I think the "root" you typed is not supposed to be there22:50
AJW256!hi yiyimar22:51
AJW256!hi | yiyimar22:51
ubottuyiyimar: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:51
Enelar<costre> mb...22:51
winterelfu mustbe kidding me22:51
jesse2guest1: sorry, never had that one before22:51
=== sebi_` is now known as sebi`
costreguest1, If nothing else, use a liveCD to access your harddrives, backup all vital data, and reinstall :)22:52
* AJW256 agrees with costre22:52
HexLaTorguys....i want to make conky starts when i log in ...how to please ?22:52
blakkheimHexLaTor: what window manager22:53
=== ros86 is now known as Drago84
* lallenlowe thinks there are too many people in this channel for it to be useful...22:53
costreHexLaTor, You can use "remember current running applications"22:53
SeveasHexLaTor, system -> preferences -> startup applications22:53
HexLaTorblakkheim, what do u mean ( X ) ?22:53
blakkheimHexLaTor: what window manager are you using22:53
HexLaTorcostre, i'll ..thanks22:53
aciculawinterelf: check the error?22:54
HexLaTorSeveas, does not work ...tried it22:54
HexLaTorblakkheim, Gnome ?22:54
blakkheimHexLaTor: gnome isn't a window manager22:54
HexLaTorblakkheim, i'm newbie...22:54
macman__how can i expand multiple folders without phsyically opening them ?22:54
lallenlowecompiz or metacity or kwin etc.22:54
HexLaTorblakkheim, nautilus22:54
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blakkheimHexLaTor: nautilus is not a window manager either22:54
medexmacman__: what do you mean expand?22:54
HexLaTorblakkheim, give me some examples plz22:54
blakkheimHexLaTor: xmonad, awesome, openbox, dwm..22:55
macman__medex: say i have 10 folders right .. i want to see everything in each folder .. doublick clicking on each is a headache22:55
lallenloweand how could you ever physically open a folder on a computer, there's nothing physical about that22:55
medexmacman__: use tree(1)'22:55
HexLaTorblakkheim, huh ! never heard of them....anyway i'm on Karmic koala22:55
medexI said this already22:55
macman__medex: heh ?22:55
guest1cheers jesse222:55
AJW256HexLaTor: probably GDM is what your using22:55
lallenloweit's abvious hexlator is using the default22:55
lallenloweget over it22:55
blakkheimAJW256: gdm is not a window manager either22:56
blahblahddwhen i hit backspace I get ^? instead22:56
hopaqkhow register on irc here ?22:56
blakkheimblahblahdd: check your keyboard layout22:56
blakkheim!register > hopaqk22:56
ubottuhopaqk, please see my private message22:56
macman__how do i do it22:56
macman__tree ~/Desktop ?22:57
blahblahddblakkheim how do i check my keyboard layout?22:57
AJW256blakkheim: so then what is gnome/x/ubuntu w/e default desktop manager22:57
medexthats find22:57
aciculaAJW256: metacity22:57
AJW256it is? :S22:57
macman__medex: tree ~/Desktop/ ?22:57
aciculaopen a console, type killal metacity(DANGER DO NOT RUN) and you will instantly realize what a wm does22:57
medexmacman__: yes, thats fine22:57
helpahhhi, ok i have just installed ubuntu as my 3rd os.. i need to add it to grub manually now..22:57
helpahhis there a command to have grup scan for new os's?22:58
blahblahddIn VIM, when i hit backspace I get ^? instead22:58
HexLaTorwhat the hell is the window manager in UBUNTU KARMIC KOALA (9.10)22:58
HexLaTorinstallation was by default settings22:58
aciculaHexLaTor: see above, metacity, or compiz if you have effects enabled22:58
HexLaToracicula, yeah compiz is enabled22:58
LinuxGuy2009I have Ubuntu 9.04 installed and was wondering if I pop in a Kubuntu 9.04 CD, can it be added as a package source to install KDE really fast instead of waiting for the packages to download?22:59
HexLaTorso now that i've compiz enabled...how do i make conky starts when i log in please ?22:59
winterelfsay, if i have a software on /home/winterelf/soft/googo/go ("go" is the executable file) and i want the program to run every time when i type go  how can i do that? i should copy all the software to /usr/bin?22:59
medexmacman__: you get it, ive gtg22:59
aciculaLinuxGuy2009: well yeah but then they probably all need updating anyway22:59
Trekwinterelf: set up a CLI alias22:59
jribwinterelf: just symlink the binary to ~/bin/go22:59
aciculaHexLaTor: preferences->startup programs23:00
HexLaTorOk thanks. & Bye23:00
costrewinterelf, I know :)23:00
BlueEagl1winterelf: You have two choises. Either path the executable or symlink it from a location already in path.23:00
costrewinterelf, It's like a windows user saying "make a shortcut" to someone using windows for six hours :)23:00
rapha_Hi all!23:00
LinuxGuy2009acicula: cool thanks23:01
arandguest1: Bug #447747 has alot of info on it, some of which *might* be relevant, one easy thing to try is to boot a liveCD and confirm the fstab uuid entries match that of blkid.23:01
rapha_How do I fix a Jaunty -> Karmic upgrade which has gone awry? (Connection interrupted during the upgrade)23:01
winterelfcostre: yea i had that idea but didn't had a clue23:01
acicularapha_: restart update-manager ?23:01
BlueEagl1winterelf: google is your friend ;)23:01
arandguest1: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mountall/+bug/447747 that is.23:01
arvind_khadrirapha_, just run it from where it stopped23:01
costrewinterelf, To save your and their time, google the answers :)23:01
rapha_acicula: i did that but now it offers to upgrade to LYNX?!23:01
drew1Trying to install Verlihub, but couldn't ./configure - error here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/407771/23:01
MilitantPotatoI'm having an issue with webpage times.  All webpages (facebook, gmail, etc..) are showing GMT time, or 6 hours ahead of my local time.  How do I fix this?23:01
guest1thanks arrand, i dont suppose you could walk me through that ? im in the live cd now23:01
ardchoille!google | BlueEagl123:01
ubottuBlueEagl1: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.23:01
winterelfcostre: yea that's my next step :)23:02
acicularapha_: eh?23:02
acicularapha_: dont start with -d23:02
rapha_ah okay23:02
* rapha_ tries23:02
arvind_khadridrew1, did you search the repos for that package23:02
Typos_King_guest1:     may I ask what are you trying to do?23:02
guest1yep. trying to get my ubuntu to boot23:02
drew1arvind_khadri - Verlihub? I tried sudo apt-get install verlihub23:03
aciculaarvind_khadri: the person in question is building from source, googling seems perfectly acceptable23:03
=== BlueEagl1 is now known as BlueEagle
Typos_King_guest1:     why is not booting?23:03
guest1says /proc is busy23:03
drew1acicula - don't be snide, the error is 304 lines long.23:03
arvind_khadridrew1, aptitude search verlihub23:03
guest1cant mount it23:03
costreguest1, If you pop in your liveCD now, you will have the backup made, ubuntu reinstalled, and backup restored, up and running in 90 minutes :)23:04
=== jon is now known as Guest63652
AJW256!find verlihub | drew123:04
rapha_acicula: now it says nothing to be upgraded which is kind of impossible given the error message it gave after the connection had been interrupted23:04
aciculadrew1: well compiling can have that effect23:04
iamnotaguestWhy the hell won23:04
ubottudrew1: Package/file verlihub does not exist in karmic23:04
geniiHm, mounting /proc , such an idea23:04
Typos_King_guest1:     says when, why?   I mean... why is not booting.... you go boot the machine and the 1st thing that shows up on the screen is that?23:04
iamnotaguest't ubuntu let me change folder permissions ? >.<23:04
guest1how do  do that costre ??23:04
arvind_khadridrew1, that is config.log ? what do you get on the terminal, that will help easily :)23:04
acicularapha_: dunno then23:05
costreguest1, The ubuntuCD isn't booting either?23:05
guest1yep it is23:05
rapha_acicula: k, thx anyway :-}23:05
costrethen access your arddrives, backup all you need to save, and reinstall23:05
acicularapha_: could try apt-get dist-upgrade to see if it missed anything, but if update-manager says its up to date it ussually is, that asides it fetches packages before updatin23:05
Typos_King_guest1:     do you have ubuntu installed to hd?    whatever happened it stopped booting?23:05
drew1arvind_khadri: http://paste.ubuntu.com/407773/23:05
babameloneHi, a friend of mine has installed the 9.10 netbook edition on his netbook, but xorg takes 90 % of the cpu power. intel driver is definitely used, he owns a intel gma 95023:05
guest1yep doesnt boot23:06
Typos_King_guest1:     do you have ubuntu installed to hd?    whatever happened it stopped booting?23:06
guest1says mountall : cant mount /proc device busy23:06
aciculadrew1: also offend easy? blue reffered someone else then you to google23:06
arvind_khadridrew1, sudo aptitude install build-essential23:06
iamnotaguestI can't get rtorrent to work because it can't create folders >.<23:06
Typos_King_!details | gues123:06
ubottugues1: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:06
iamnotaguestchmod 7777 /.../../, is correct, right? :/23:06
guest1version : 9.1023:06
guest1chmod 777 iam23:07
iamnotaguestguest1: That's what I meant :)23:07
iamnotaguestIt's not working still.. It doesn't set the permissions23:07
levente_meszarosmy ubuntu 9.10 fails to suspend, where should I look?23:07
Typos_King_iamnotaguest:   755 will do23:07
iamnotaguestsudo chmod 777 /media/TR/rTorrent/23:07
guest1sudo chmod 77723:07
levente_meszarosit simply locks the workstation instead of suspending23:07
babameloneHi, a friend of mine has installed the 9.10 netbook edition on his netbook, but xorg takes 90 % of the cpu power. intel driver is definitely used, he owns a intel gma 95023:07
arvind_khadrilevente_meszaros, bug reports23:07
aciculaguest stop using enter as a punctuation23:07
ubottuAcronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.23:07
babameloneany ideas?23:07
iamnotaguestguest1: Still down's work :s23:08
Typos_King_!details | gues123:08
ubottugues1: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:08
drew1Thanks arvind_khadri!23:08
* levente_meszaros checking the bug database23:08
iamnotaguestSeriously, this is really annoying me23:08
Typos_King_iamnotaguest:   what is the matter?23:08
arvind_khadridrew1, np, for more details read the README and INSTALL23:08
helpahhi just installed ubuntu as a 3rd OS but now need to update my old grub so it knows to list my new install.. i don't know what to put in it.. help please..23:08
costreiamnotaguest, Try -R for recursive chmod23:08
Rdogg112could someone send me a free copy of ubuntu server edtion?23:09
aciculaRdogg112: you mean physically? as you can just download it?23:09
BluesKajRdogg112, download it23:09
arvind_khadrihelpahh, erm, you can use grub2 to detect all your old ones.23:09
iamnotaguestTypos_King_: I'm trying to set up rtorrent, but it complains it cannot create the directories for the torrents.. So I'm trying to set the permisisons23:09
lallenlowesudo update-grub23:09
AJW256Rdogg112: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download-server23:09
iamnotaguestTypos_King_: sudo chmod 755 /media/TR/rTorrent/ <-- That does nothing.23:09
Typos_King_helpahh:  gimme a few secs, I 'll paste something23:09
lallenloweiamnotaguest: what is the exact command you are typing? PM me23:10
Rdogg112i can't download it, i'm on really slow internet and theres no cd shops here,and it says i already ordered cds even though i've never ordered any.23:10
costreiamnotaguest, sudo chmod -R could help?23:10
iamnotaguestcostre: Nope23:10
rap424I am following the directions on http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-set-up-journaled-quota-on-debian-lenny" and during the 'quotacheck -mavug' it is listing the files are //aquota.user and //aquota.group23:10
helpahherm so i should update to grub2?23:10
[bma]Rdogg112: Try the network install disk, and leave it installing overnight or something23:10
Rdogg112theres not even a linux user group for miles23:10
arvind_khadriiamnotaguest, where are you downloading it ?23:10
ardchoilleiamnotaguest:  why not just download it to a folder inyour $HOME?23:10
Rdogg112i have wireless on the server, and I have no disks at all.23:11
iamnotaguestardchoille: This is a seperate physical disk I prefer to Dl to23:11
ardchoillecostre: please don't use sudo chmod -R with 755 as that will lock a user out of the dir23:11
costreRdogg112, Where do you live?23:11
Rdogg112writable cd's are rare around here, portugal.23:11
Rdogg112in a small town23:11
arvind_khadriiamnotaguest, do you have write permissions onto it ?23:11
iamnotaguestarvind_khadri: Yes, I do23:11
Typos_King_iamnotaguest:   .... that'd give it access for sure to that directory... I'm not that familiar with rtorrent.... I'd think it may be an rtorrent configuration issue23:12
helpahhlol i have grub version .9723:12
AJW256Rdogg112: https://shipit.ubuntu.com/23:12
Rdogg112says i already ordered when i didnt23:12
costreiamnotaguest, Have you tried directing rtorrent to your home dir or somewhere "safe" like that?23:12
arvind_khadriRdogg112, contact your glug23:12
ardchoilleAJW256: from what I understand, shipit is only allowing shipping to loco's now23:12
iamnotaguestcostre: May have to23:13
arvind_khadri!loco | Rdogg11223:13
ubottuRdogg112: Information on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams23:13
AJW256ardchoille: loco's?23:13
costreiamnotaguest, So you know it's possible to work23:13
aciculaRdogg112: could try a minimal install iso on a usb stick?23:13
Simon1245Hi guys, I need some help23:13
ardchoilleAJW256:  Information on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams23:13
arvind_khadri!details | Simon124523:13
ubottuSimon1245: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:13
Rdogg112the comp is too old for usb-booting23:13
iamnotaguestHmm, let's see23:13
Simon1245Well, I want to use Ventrilo on Linux23:13
Typos_King_helpahh:  gimme a few secs, I 'll paste something23:13
billy189589566i have a harddrive already installed with ubuntu its not working so i want to re-install it but when i do it just tries to boot any ideas??23:13
costrebilly189589566, Put the install CD in and reboot?23:14
aciculawell the usb stick equivalent anyway23:14
billy189589566Costre, didnt you read it all23:14
Rdogg112i don't have any floppys or floppy drive to boot the computer from, or any cd's.23:14
arvind_khadri!hi | slyboots23:14
ubottuslyboots: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:14
costrebilly189589566, Have you placed your CD in front of your harddrive in the boot order in BIOS?23:15
AJW256billy189589566: make sure CD is set to boot before HDD in BIOS23:15
billy189589566yes ive already done that23:15
slybootsGot some odd issues using extgob to filter searches23:15
costrebilly189589566, Have you burned the CD correctly?23:15
slybootsTrying to run a command that ignores any files beginning with "_Failed_ or _UNPACK_"23:15
billy189589566yep i used it to install this one23:15
AJW256!enter | slyboots23:15
ubottuslyboots: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:15
hiexpowhen opening f-spot it tries to open than closes ?23:15
costrebilly189589566, Do you have any other bootable cd's? windows discs or such?23:16
slybootsUh, Okay.  Well turned on extgob and ran the command "ls !(*_FAILED_*|*_UNPACK_*)" but that shows no files at all, the command works correctly if I onyl have 1 argument inside the brackets23:16
costreto test he drives bootability :)23:16
Simon1245Anyone know how to use Ventrilo on Linux?23:16
aciculaSimon1245: via wine23:17
Simon1245When I do that I get a error message saying: Failed to get encoder for specified Codec.23:17
Simon1245Unable to initialize outbound codec (GSM 6.10 - 44 KHz, 16 bit): Unable to find the specified codec.23:17
spine-workdoes anyone know how to move the title bar icons ?23:17
slybootsI‥ really need it to work with 2 arguments inside though, otherwise its no good23:17
spine-workfrom the left to the right23:17
Simon1245acicula, I'm doing it from wine but I get that23:17
costreSimon1245, http://www.ventrilo.com/dlprod.php?id=30123:17
costrespine-work, Change the theme23:18
Simon1245costre, I'll check it out, Thanks23:18
slybootsSo bottom line "ls !(*_failed_*) works but "ls !(*_failed_*|*_unpack_*)" does not23:18
spine-workcostre: I went in there but I can't find how to just move the icons23:18
spine-workcostre: I don't want to change the whole theme23:18
costrespine-work, I don't think there is an easy way to do that .. choose a theme that is close to what you want23:19
costreor create your own :p23:19
jesse2can anyone recommend software that will download streamed video and audio files (similar to how realplayer does on windows) ?23:19
hiexpof spot not staying open help23:19
spine-workcostre: yeah that's what I was afraid of :)23:19
costrejesse2, Do you mean listen to streming media, or save the files to your harddrive?23:20
hiexpojesse2, vlc23:20
jesse2costre: the later... saving files to the HD23:20
hiexpojesse2, or just use real player on here23:20
=== 36DAAF2DU is now known as Hulk
jesse2hiexpo: is there a way to download the streamed video to an HD with realplayer/vlc? I cant find the option23:21
SpockVulcandoes anyone now how to get ubutnu to mount a disc on the AirPOrt extreme23:21
Simon1245costre, I don't know how to use that lol23:21
slybootsanyone have a notion what might be the problem, from what I've read it *should* just work and filter both using the | to join them.. but doesnt23:21
billy_costre, i tried to format it using a win 95 install disk but it just tries to boot past it23:21
Typos_King_helpahh:  still around?23:22
hiexpowhat kinda viseo you downloading i use a helper in firefox that works great23:22
AJW256billy_: win95 disc aint bootable23:22
hiexpojesse2, or is it from you tube?23:22
BizboneI'm trying to connect 2 ubuntu machines for ICS (using crossover). I already have a ping but I have no internet access from the client?! help!23:22
SpockVulcanit will get me into the extereme but i will not show the HD23:22
jesse2hiexpo: its from a friend's site, but same idea with youtube files23:22
Simon1245costre, Can you tell me how to do it please?23:23
billy_AJW256, what do you mean??23:23
BizboneAnyone ^^23:23
Hulkwhats the command to tell Tar not to include other folders above the path?23:23
arthur___help i lost gnome panel the top one and cant get it back23:23
AJW256billy_: you can't boot directly from a win95 disc, you need a floppy to start the setup23:23
billy_AJW256, yeah i know that thats what i did23:24
slybootsWould be a huge help if anyone could point me in teh right direction :)23:24
hiexpook for you tube get youtube-dl and from your friends site just use video download helper it is a firefox app and works great23:24
joaopinto!resetpanels | arthur___23:24
ubottuarthur___: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »23:24
Simon1245Anyone know how to fix the Ventrilo Thirdparty script thing?23:24
BizboneI'm trying to connect 2 ubuntu machines for ICS (using crossover). I already have a ping but I have no internet access from the client?! help!23:24
Simon1245I don't get what to do lol23:24
costrebilly_, seems like something is fubar, but it's not an ubuntu issue23:24
arthur___do i need to be su?23:24
SpockVulcandoes anyone now how to get ubutnu to mount a disc on the AirPOrt extreme23:25
joaopintoarthur___, no23:25
BluesKajBizbone, which network client/23:25
billy_costre, of course its an ubuntu issue im trying to install ubuntu23:25
BizboneThe only one?!23:25
arthur___after i gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel restartx?23:25
hiexpoi have that app fubar lol23:25
billy_but my current installation wont let me23:25
BizboneI have a home network with a host and a client23:25
arthur___after i gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel,  restartx?23:26
costrebilly_, But windows disc doesnt nboot either?23:26
BizboneI can ping the client from the host fine23:26
billy_costre, no23:26
SpockVulcandoes anyone now how to get Ubuntu to mount a disc on the Air Port extreme23:26
billy_costre, but i know i can boot because i used an old 10gb harddrive to come on here so i can sort it23:27
costrebilly_, Then it'äs either the boot order that's screwed up, the cddrive is disconnected, or the drive is corrupt .. or something like that23:27
BluesKajBizbone, I assume network manager , and ethernet to a router or gateway ?23:27
lallenlowespock: depends on what protocol the airport is sharing the disk with23:27
BizboneNO I have a crossover23:27
SpockVulcanlallenlowe: i know my windows laptop can pick it up and read/write to it23:27
costreSimon1245, You don't want to run a ventrilo server?23:28
BizboneWith network manager and a static ip which I use as gateway in the client23:28
Simon1245costre, No, I wanna join one :P23:28
lallenloweSpock: that doesn't tell me any specifics, but I guess I'll assume it is using samba23:28
lallenlowePM me23:28
helpahhwhoever told me to upgrade to grub2.. serious u can kiss my ass23:28
BluesKajBizbone, with what are you trying to connect to the internet?23:28
lallenlowehelpahh: PM me23:28
helpahhcan't load shit but winblows now23:28
BluesKaj!language | helpahh23:29
ubottuhelpahh: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:29
BizboneI have internet in the host already. I connected the client to the host with a direct crossover cable (rj45 with different cable positions)23:29
billy_costre, the only reason i want to re-install it is because when i try to boot it says cannot find graphics configuration23:29
AJW256Bizbone: you have 2 NICs?23:29
BizboneNo the host is connected to the modem via usb 2.0 :p23:30
costreSimon1245, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4173723:30
Simon1245costre, I tried it23:31
Simon1245Didn't work :S23:31
BizboneI assume my connection is good to go since I can ping the client no? However I have no internet in the client?!23:31
billy_i have a harddrive already installed with ubuntu its not working so i want to re-install it but when i do it just tries to boot any ideas??23:31
Simon1245costre, I think I did wrong on this, Should it be like this: cabextract /path/to/ventrilo-2.2.0-Windows-i386.exe23:31
arthur___what is the best way to restart x from the commandline?23:31
KSidHi guys23:31
BluesKaj!nic | Bizbone23:32
ubottuBizbone: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection23:32
AJW256Bizbone: http://wiki.kartbuilding.net/index.php/Iptables_forward23:32
bobpaulxsane shows my usb camera and TV tuner on the device dialog, but not my HP LJ 3500 network scanner. Ubuntu detected the printer, but the scanner side doesn't show in xsane. Any ideas?23:32
costreSimon1245, yes23:32
BizboneHardware works perfectly on ubunut23:32
BizboneI'll check the wiki thanks23:32
AJW256Bizbone: actually that's not the best example23:32
Simon1245costre, Ddi't work for me :(23:33
arthur___what is the best way to restart x from the commandline?23:33
slybootsright, wth is wrong with this..23:33
KSidI want to install the latest openssl from source, is there a way to remove the installed version of openssl while leaving dependant packages temporarily broken23:33
costreSimon1245, Of course you replace the /path/to/ with the path that contains the file :D23:33
slybootsI've had 5 other people run this command and it works as expected for them, but not in my Ubunut system23:33
bobpaularthur___: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (or kdm in kubuntu)23:33
AJW256Bizbone: you want to forward traffic from your ethernet to your USB network23:33
Simon1245costre, It's at my desktop lol :D Should it be /Desktop/Ventrilo/file?23:33
BluesKajyeah nic didn't give the response i expected, AJW25623:33
BizboneAny tuts?23:34
costreSimon1245, ~/Desktop if anything23:34
Simon1245costre, Ok, so cabextract ~/Desktop/Ventrilo/ventrilo-2.2.0-Windows-i386.exe23:34
arthur___what is the best way to restart x from the commandline? if im not in the sudoers file>??23:35
costreSimon1245, Have you tabcompleted it so you know it exists?23:35
billy_can ANYBODY help i have a hard drive already installed with ubuntu that i want to re-install ubuntu on because its not working ive used the same pc to install this to come onto irc to get help so i KNOW its not the bios settings or cd-drive23:35
* AJW256 is looking for good iptables forwarding tut23:35
PeterPortyHELLo guys!23:35
BizboneThanks I think I figures out a good tutorial. Need to check my confs thanks!!23:35
Simon1245costre like type a part of it and write, If so yes I have and it does exist in that folder. I also did ls to see if it's there and it is23:35
costreSimon1245, so, did it work?23:36
philhi guys, can you tell me how i can disable all status messages while booting? so as a result i see nothing but a black screen? didnt find anything with google23:36
Simon1245costre, /home/simon/Desktop/ventrilo/ventrilo-2.2.0-Windows-i386.exe: No such file or directory23:36
Simon1245All done, errors in processing 1 file(s)23:36
=== sam_ is now known as rumptydumpty
arthur___can i restart x if i am not in the sudoers file?23:37
arthur___can i restart x if i am not in the sudoers file? from the comandline??23:37
costreSimon1245, Try chmod +x on the file and chmod 77723:37
costreI'm getting tired23:37
costreit's almost one in the morning here :p23:37
Simon1245costre, Which one?23:37
costreSimon1245, The exe23:37
slybootsIm starting to think extglob is broken in Ubuntu o.O23:38
Simon1245costre, Ok, Doing now23:38
billy_can ANYBODY help i have a hard drive already installed with ubuntu that i want to re-install ubuntu on because its not working ive used the same pc to install this to come onto irc to get help so i KNOW its not the bios settings or cd-drive23:38
slybootsThe command Im running seems to work for everyone else, except me :P23:38
arandbilly_: As has been said, it's likely the case that your bios is set to boot from harddisks first and CDs second, have a look at the bois settings.23:38
Simon1245costre, Lol how can I do it trough the terminal?23:38
costreSimon1245, you type chmod +x and the file23:39
billy_arand, are you lot not reading what ive wrote then23:39
costreSimon1245, and chmod 777 and the file23:39
slyboots~/test$ ls !(*_UNPACK_*|*_FAILED_*)23:39
Simon1245costre, Ok i'll try23:39
NCS_Onehow do I create the MBR on a pen ?23:39
slybootsFor some reason, if I run that ls command I get *no* results at all.. instead of filtering anything with upack/failed in the title23:40
slybootsBut ti works on other systems23:40
Simon1245costre, /home/simon/Desktop/ventrilo/ventrilo-2.2.0-Windows-i386.exe: No such file or directory23:40
Simon1245All done, errors in processing 1 file(s)23:40
Simon1245Done I think23:40
FloodBot4Simon1245: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:40
Simon1245costre, Opps wrong line23:40
Simon1245costre, simon@simon-laptop:~/ventrilo$ chmod +x ventrilo-3.0.5-Windows-i386.exe.desktop23:40
Simon1245simon@simon-laptop:~/ventrilo$ chmod 777 ventrilo-3.0.5-Windows-i386.exe.desktop23:40
AJW256!enter | Simon124523:41
ubottuSimon1245: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:41
billy_arand. any other ideas23:41
icerootSimon1245: never!! use chmod 777 there is no reason23:41
arandbilly_: What I read you stating is that you are unable to boot any CD?23:41
Simon1245iceroot, costre told me to23:41
costreSimon1245, Is that the desktop launcher? Or the exefile?23:41
icerootSimon1245: never use it23:41
billy_arand yes on that hard drive23:41
costreiceroot, Im sorry :/23:41
Simon1245costre, ventrilo-3.0.5-Windows-i386.exe23:41
Simon1245iceroot, Ok, But why?23:42
costreSimon1245, Why does it say .desktop?23:42
=== whiter is now known as whiter-pissed
Simon1245costre, Where?23:42
billy_arand could it be anything to do with the jumper settings?23:42
costreSimon1245, It means that everyone can do everything with that file23:42
Simon1245costre, Oh, Ok got it23:42
icerootSimon1245: why need "world" write-access to a file?23:42
costre<Simon1245> costre, simon@simon-laptop:~/ventrilo$ chmod +x ventrilo-3.0.5-Windows-i386.exe.desktop23:42
agrvtdcould anyone please tell me how to get samba working via a gui?23:43
Simon1245costre, I don't know :S23:43
arandbilly_: but you can boot CDs in any other setup?23:43
Gaming4JCAnyone know where I can buy updated repository DVDs? I was under the assumption system76 would, but according to this ( https://answers.launchpad.net/system76/+question/106146 ) they're not... :(23:43
Simon1245iceroot, True point lol23:43
lallenloweagrvtd: PM me23:43
costreSimon1245, Download it again, make sure you know where the file is, and try again23:44
slybootsReally, really stumped why this is not working x.x23:44
billy_arand, yes i used the same pc but a different hard drive to install this23:44
slybootsSeems to be am issue with 9.10 o.o23:44
Simon1245costre, Ok23:44
=== Guest30710 is now known as frosty_
costrebilly_, Face it, linux doesn't override the bios boot order23:44
costreSimon1245, It's not supposed to be a .desktoop-file :p23:45
billy_costre, well its doing somthing23:45
Simon1245costre, Done, It's on the Desktop now23:45
costreSimon1245, and it's called? tab-completed?23:45
Simon1245costre, What you mean?23:45
Mac_Attackwhat command do i need to type to make mdadm to start when ubuntu boots23:45
Simon1245costre, What's Tab-Completed?23:45
costreSimon1245, What is the files name?23:45
costreSimon1245, When you hit tab, and get the full filename23:45
Simon1245costre, ventrilo-3.0.5-Windows-i386(2)23:46
FremenBluecan i get some help?23:46
costrein the terminal23:46
AJW256!ask | FremenBlue23:46
ubottuFremenBlue: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:46
Simon1245Wait, I'll get it23:46
geniiMac_Attack: I seem to recall you asking the same question now over a number of days. What exactly are you trying to do with mdadm?23:46
FremenBlue!fuck off23:46
H3MLOCKhow do you open an irc dialog in empathy?23:46
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)23:46
FloodBot4FremenBlue: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:46
AJW256!language | FremenBlue23:46
ubottuFremenBlue: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:46
geniiFremenBlue: Don't be a troll23:46
FremenBlue!twat ajw25623:47
Mac_Attacktrying to make it start up automatically23:47
H3MLOCKHow do you open an irc dialog in empathy?23:47
slybootsAnyone here any idea why extglob does not accept dual-arguments seperated by a |23:47
slybootsEG GNU bash, version 4.0.33(1)-release (i486-pc-linux-gnu)23:47
slybootsOh, crap sorry23:47
Simon1245costre, ventrilo-3.0.5-Windows-i386\(2\).exe23:47
billy_FremenBlue, shut up litle boy23:47
slyboots"ls !(*_UNPACK_*|*_FAILED_*)" doesnt work, but by everything I've seen and reports from others.. it should23:48
KB1JWQbilly_: HE's been removed.  Please behave.23:48
FremenBlueim right here23:48
billy_KB1JWQ, i am behaving lol??23:48
costreSimon1245, Go to the terminal23:48
angusAnyone using Ubuntu Server in Production Environment?23:49
costreSimon1245, Get to the download directory23:49
iceroot!anyone | angus23:49
ubottuangus: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:49
costreSimon1245, type cabextract ventrilo-etc-etc.exe23:49
costreI just did it, and it worked23:50
Simon1245costre, All done no errors :D23:50
billy_arand, no ideas then??23:50
costreSimon1245, However, you might want to place the file in a nice clean folder first23:50
costrejesus I'm fucked up :)23:50
wubbaI have two internal 500 GIG HD's that I use for data.  How can I have these auto mount so I don't have to mount them each time I restart the system?23:51
blakkheimangus: i hope not23:51
angusone of my ubuntu Servers running mysql 5.1.37 getting issue, basically, got discounted from the network once or twice day for 60+ second23:51
costreSimon1245, But you got an assload of files where they don't really belong, right? :)23:51
slybootsOh I give up x.x23:51
agrvtdcould anyone please tell me how to get samba working via a gui?23:51
costreSimon1245, Sort them after date, and copy them to a clean dir23:51
blakkheimagrvtd: why do you need a gui for thatt23:51
aciculaagrvtd: right click a  directory in the file browser and select sharin23:51
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AJW256!fstab | wubba23:51
ubottuwubba: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions23:51
Simon1245Coool good idea :D23:51
umanyhi everybody23:51
angusanyone got similar connection with server 9.1023:51
agrvtdim trying to share between 2 encrypted machines23:52
wubbaAJW256, There isn't any GUI based stuff is there that will let you auto mount is there?23:52
H3MLOCKuse ssh23:52
cassjust gotta say, im using the 10.4 beta and it rocks!23:52
blakkheimwubba: writing an fstab is very easy23:52
umanyI'm new using linux/ubuntu, I like it but I hava an input sound issue23:53
AJW256wubba: I don;t know, but adding a line to fstab is quite easy23:53
arandbilly_: I'm not quite sure.. so you can boot CDs with one harddrive in and not when another harddisk is present? I would still guess that to be a boot-order and thus bios issue, but if not I really don't know.23:53
costreSimon1245, Or, if it's your download dir, just repeat the process somewhere else. Nothing in there is meant to last forever :)23:53
costrearand that makes twenty of us :p23:54
Simon1245costre, I moved it :D23:54
costrebilly_, If you find out what's wrong, let us know somehow23:54
billy_arand yep ive checked the settins 10 times over before i re-installed on this old hard-drive lol23:55
billy_costre, i will do lol23:55
umaruDoes anyone know if there is a way to get a normal taskbar transmission icon in ubuntu, one that doesn't use indicator-applet, without installing transmission from a non-lucid repo?23:55
umanyI use a sony waio VPCF11FD with i7, no too much problems with ubuntu 9.1 only this no input sound23:55
Nijverheidguys... I think I did something really bad... I've been going through the MySQL install docs, and it mentioned about adding /usr/local/mysql/bin to the PATH variable. so I typed PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mysql into /root/.bash_profile and now my desktop background has disappeared23:55
Nijverheidlast time my desktop background disappeared for no reason, my system broke quite horribly :S any idea how to fix this?23:55
costrebilly_, Is it old IDE drives?23:55
umanyany idea?23:55
billy_costre, yes23:56
lallenlowewubba: there is a gui for the fstab23:56
lallenloweit works great23:56
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costrebilly_, how are they configured?= Master, slave, cable select?23:56
billy_costre, could it be to do with jumper settings on the back?23:56
costrevery very likely23:56
billy_costre, yep23:56
aciculaNijverheid: why are you adding that to the root .bash_profile, running stuff as root?23:56
costrebilly_, Try to put them on separate ide chains23:57
costrecd and hddd23:57
billy_ive just changed it from cable select to master il give that a go if not ill come back online23:57
Nijverheidacicula: well MySQL docs didn't specify where to add the PATH ¬_¬ so I guessed :P23:57
Nijverheidand guessed wrong as it turns out23:57
billy_costre, no im only trying to do it with one hard drive in23:57
costrebilly_, Is there only one IDE chain? Two drives in total max?23:57
aciculaNijverheid: right23:58
billy_costre, can i pm you23:58
costrebilly_, go ahead23:58
Nijverheidacicula: I don't suppose you have any idea how to fix my horrendous screw up? :P23:59
aciculaNijverheid: running stuff as root without knowing what or how , heu dunno where to begin really23:59
aciculatry resetting your background?23:59

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