
hexdump_gawd I just had this working now it's just torturing me00:07
hexdump_sudo sed -i "s/file:\/\/var\/www\//g" I mean what am I screwin' up here?00:09
geniihexdump_: Closing delimiter01:28
clevefanhi channel02:11
clevefanhaving some trouble with xubuntu install any help appreciated02:12
nasrullahI did install picasa 2.7 on xubuntu karmic but not able to open it02:50
nasrullahhow to make picasa work02:53
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BalsaqGood morning Xubuntu Technicians...and to all of you who reside in the lush, tropical, binary jungle know as...Xubuntu!07:06
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knomemorning Balsaq :)09:14
Balsaqmornin knome, good to see you.09:17
knomeBalsaq, how are you?09:17
Balsaqi am fine....whats new a the top?09:17
knomewell, windy09:17
Balsaqah...always windy in the executive offices...09:18
knomemore like a hurricane now :P09:18
Balsaqlot goin on huh09:19
Balsaqhope it for the good09:19
knomei hope so as well09:19
Balsaqyou seemd a lil tense about it last time we spoke09:19
knomestill am09:19
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knomehey Daviey :)13:59
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zooboontoocould anyone please tell me how to access the network in xubuntu15:33
daniskamizooboontoo: Xubuntu comes with Network Manager which usually sits in the upper right corner somewhere15:33
zooboontoosorry I meant the lan15:34
zooboontoodaniskami I meant the lan15:35
zooboontoohow do you view your shares15:36
moetunesifconfig in terminal will let you know if it is up15:36
zooboontooI mean the shares on the network15:36
moetunesI use nfs - no windows in my home15:37
zooboontoonfs is too complicated15:37
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.15:38
zooboontooi just installed zoobootoo for the first time15:38
Sysissh/sftp/scp is easy15:38
zooboontooive been using ubuntu for a while15:38
zooboontoowhy can't you see it in thunar?15:38
moetunesnfs is two files15:38
zooboontooyour network shares, i mean15:38
zooboontooanyone know what Gigolo is?15:39
moetunes!info gigolo15:39
ubottugigolo (source: gigolo): frontend to manage connections to remote filesystems using GIO/GVfs. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.2-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 103 kB, installed size 512 kB15:39
moetunesubottu does15:40
daniskamiI use Gigolo for GUI scp15:41
moetunesdaniskami: zooboontoo might have some questions ok?15:42
daniskamifeel free to ask questions15:43
zooboontoodaniskami, I would like to make folders read/writable on two computers both ways. They are both total disk encryption. One is xubuntu, the other is ubuntu.15:45
zooboontooor anyone else15:46
daniskamizooboontoo: so user X on computer 1 can access some folders on computer 2, and user Y on computer 2 can access some folders on computer 1?15:47
zooboontoodaniskami, yes and write to them15:47
daniskamizooboontoo: are you familiar with ssh? I think will be easiest here if you don't want nfs15:48
zooboontoodaniskami, why can't I use samba?15:49
zooboontoodaniskami, whatever is easiest15:49
daniskamizooboontoo: oh, you sure can use samba, but I'm not familiar with it as I never worked with Windows and never needed it15:49
zooboontoook how to do it with ssh?15:50
Sysiinstall openssh-server and watch your ip with ifconfig15:51
daniskamiopenssh-server, yes15:51
zooboontoothat sounds like a good way to get hackes15:51
daniskaminot if you don't allow connections from outside15:52
Sysibuntu by default don't block ssh?15:52
moetunesSysi: nope15:53
moetunesI use my router for that15:54
Sysii only have everything from outside blocked from router15:54
moetuneshow does http - web pages - get in?15:55
Sysii don't have a actual server15:56
Sysii just noticed that ssh is easy to file transferring15:56
zooboontoook I've got samba set up now I just need to know how do you view your samba shares?15:58
daniskamizooboontoo: mount them with Gigolo, and see here what to do to open them appear in Thunar: http://www.uvena.de/gigolo/help.html16:02
daniskami(or, follow one of the links from ubottu above)16:02
zooboontoodaniskami, it says connecting failed and, "Not a mountable file system"16:04
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moetunes!hi slow-motion16:31
moetunes!hi | slow-motion16:31
ubottuslow-motion: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:31
Sysislow-motion is oldie16:31
moetunesmy new keyboard is giving me the irrits....16:34
Ferrenrockhey guys16:45
Ferrenrockwhat's the name of the font xubuntu uses in menus and folders etc?16:45
moetunesgood question16:50
moetuneslets see16:51
moetunescody-somerville: what's the name of the font xubuntu uses in menus and folders etc?16:51
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daniskamican't you look it up (and what's more important, change it) in Settings->Interface16:53
moetunesI'm on a dapperserver running fluxbox atm - looking it up isn't an option16:54
moetuneswhen I get home I'll check16:57
moetunesif I get home...17:06
moetunesI'm not going home tonight :(17:11
Sysii'm confused19:50
Sysii have fast, working and goodlooking system19:50
Sysiwithout doing pretty much anything19:51
Sysiwhat i'm supposed to do know?19:52
moetunesSysi: learn bash and make a script using curl to d/load weather info for your city and display it on the desktop19:53
Sysimoetunes: i can get that to my panel with plugin coming by default19:54
Sysii know i could compile kernel19:54
moetunesSysi: no challenge in that...19:54
everlosthi xubuntu folks, i have a question, i got a dell latitude d400 with xubuntu, and when closing lid, screen goes blank, and non responsive, thanks in advance20:18
everlosthmm, can one hear me here  ? :)20:26
matmatmathello, can someone help me to set sound output to hdmi?20:26
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_Techie_i need help creating mass symbolic links, is there a way to create symbolic links for everything in a folder without having to manually create each link?21:17
Sysicp -s Folder/* /where/ could work21:20
_Techie_that might actually work, never knew cp had a symbolic option21:22
Sysithat's only way i know for doing those :P21:23
_Techie_sweet \21:24
_Techie_it worked perfectly21:24
_Techie_you just saved me hours of work21:24
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zooboontoocould anyone tell me how to migrate from xubuntu to ubuntu?22:48
knomezooboontoo, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop22:48
_Techie_sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop && sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop22:49
knome_Techie_, FROM xubuntu TO ubuntu22:49
_Techie_other way around22:49
knome_Techie_, but removing the xubuntu-desktop meta package doesn't really remove anything22:49
knome_Techie_, so needless22:49
Sysiwith aptitude it should22:50
Sysiremember the bot!22:50
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get --purge remove kdelibs4c2a kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal22:50
geniiWell it should remove XFCE specific stuff22:50
Sysiwe'd need xfce-spesific bot22:50
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »22:50
* genii hands Sysi a coffee22:51
knomezooboontoo, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome22:51
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dna42hi guys, is this channel also responsible for the lucid beta?23:08
Sysiofficially not23:09
dna42because i just upgraded from 9.10 and now i have no wlan anymore23:09
dna42(im somehow able to lose my wlan after each upgrade)23:10
dna42and sadly i cant find the name of the chipset of my wlan23:12
dna42i only know that im using the onboard card of the eee-pc 1005-M23:13
Sysimy 1005ha wifi worked out of box after clean install23:14
dna42thats weird23:15
dna42does your webcam work?23:16
Sysii haven't tested23:17
dna42i normally use eeepc-tray to turn hardware on/off, but after the update the webcam vanished and i cant turn the wlan on23:18
poleyHello? I have a noob question about Xubuntu23:46

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