
Riddellpromulo: "I work at Embedded Systems and Pervasive Computing Lab" but you're also a student?00:01
Riddellpromulo: and you're doing a masters course over the summer too?00:02
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Riddellpromulo: I think "Zeroconf integration" can be done as part of phase 2.1, it's very easy to advertise stuff with avahi, just run the command line if nothing else00:08
Riddellpromulo: looks good otherwise00:08
neversfeldemhh, we probably patched away amarok's last.fm icons00:12
Riddellwe did?00:12
RiddellI still see them00:13
Riddellmaybe they won't show on Gnome but I don't think Gnome does menu icons anyway00:13
neversfeldeRiddell: They are away here, after last update. Same problem for kopete00:13
neversfeldeRiddell: this is a fresh lucid installation00:13
* Riddell updates00:14
neversfeldefor kopete this problem exists longer, I did not have the time to check if there is a bug report00:14
Riddellstill there for me00:15
Riddellin new amarok version00:15
Riddellalso has icon overlay too00:15
Riddelloh wait, "love" icon gone now00:15
Riddellprobably agateau is away for easter, could you report a bug and e-mail him?00:16
neversfeldeRiddell: http://imagebin.ca/view/lc6Ng96.html00:18
neversfeldeRiddell: will do00:18
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
Riddell/usr/share/kde4/apps/amarok/icons/hicolor/16x16/actions/love-amarok.png  I think it's because it's in there rather than in the global icons directory00:19
Riddelleasily fixed00:19
lex79Riddell: ehehe that bug took me so long time to figure out and one second to fix00:20
ryanakcaScottK: CMakeLists.txt explicitly refers to libinfinity-0.3 . Should I patch to -0.4 or should we drop libqinfinity/kobby from lucid?00:22
geniiI'm reminded of the printing-press repairman. Comes in, looks around for 8-10 hours. Takes a little mallet inside of the printing press, taps 2-3 times and fixes everything. Hearst says "why should I pay you $20,000 ? I could tap something with a hammer"  repairman says: "Yes, but would you know where to tap it?"00:24
neversfeldeis it planned to have a big logo like this in kickoff? If so, it is not a good idea :)01:01
neversfeldemhh, where is my screenshot01:02
lex79maybe it's too big :)01:07
neversfeldedefinitely   :)01:07
lex79Riddell, apachelogger: I updated kubuntu_12_kubuntu_homepage.diff in bzr, it works01:12
ryanakcaHmmm... Anybody having a hard time connecting to Jabber servers with Kopete since the latest upgrade?01:22
ryanakca(which may or may not have anything to do with it)01:22
neversfelderyanakca: no, everything is fine here01:23
ryanakcaneversfelde: *nod*01:28
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=== v is now known as vorian
macoRiddell: there's not a freeze in effect right now is there?03:10
macoRiddell: nevermind. oops.03:11
macoRiddell: oh wait thats only for main! yay!03:11
Riddellmaco: are you uploading something?  it'll need an archive admin to accept it03:11
macoRiddell: to universe, yeah. python-foolscap to fix a really nasty performance bug03:12
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ScottKryanakca: I'd contact upstream and ask them about 0.4 support04:32
promuloRiddell: sorry, I'd to go out04:44
promulofor "work" I mean the masters course itself =)04:44
nixternalapachelogger: any idea what groo is doing with koffice? why is he uploading to revu when I uploaded 2 days ago 2.1.2?04:55
nixternaloh well, back to work...later04:56
ScottKTm_T: kdeutils is the last 4.4.2 package for powerpc.  It's next up for a powerpc builder.04:59
Tm_TScottK: yay, let's see if other fixes are soon available too05:35
Riddellnixternal: 2.2 beta is different from 2.1.205:57
Riddellexcept quintisan was also packaging it05:57
apacheloggerRiddell: I reopened that bug after the fix, so that it shows up in my assigned bugs list and I make sure to revisit the issue ^^06:04
apacheloggerlex79: cool, thanks06:05
apacheloggerbug 290351 for lucid+1 \o/06:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290351 in casper "live session user and host should be called kubuntu on kubuntu" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29035106:07
apacheloggermhh, quite some bugfixes too06:09
* apachelogger likies06:09
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, did you update kde-l10n in the backports ppa too?06:10
ScottKI was telling one of my daughters (the 16 year old) the story of Ubuntu moving the buttons to the left side.06:19
ScottKShe totally freaked out.  It took several repetitions of "You use Kubuntu, it's Ubuntu being changed, don't worry" to calm her down.06:19
ScottKIt's not just geeks that are annoyed.06:20
apacheloggerwe should have moved the buttons to the left for april 1 :P06:20
* apachelogger totally didnt know we are that close to april until yesterday morning ^^06:21
ScottKWould have been a great idea.06:23
ScottKOff to bed with me.  Good night.06:23
apacheloggernini ScottK06:23
apacheloggeroh my06:24
* apachelogger thinks dr konqi should also be used to report bugs via help->report bugs06:24
Riddellapachelogger: oh I quite forgot about backports06:27
apacheloggerRiddell: cool, let me try the script enhancements :)06:27
apacheloggerhm, that might not be as smooth as with source format 306:29
apacheloggerwell, lets see06:29
apacheloggerRiddell: all I had to do is add a new changelog entry, then06:40
apacheloggerdebian/build-l10n.sh ca@valencia en_GB pt_BR zh_CN zh_TW06:40
apacheloggerand debian/upload-l10n.sh06:41
apacheloggeror maybe not07:20
apacheloggerwith source format 3 it would work ^^07:20
apacheloggerRiddell: can I upload pkg-kde-tools so that it gets left in queue until after freeze?07:35
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
* apachelogger blinks08:05
apacheloggeroh great, now plasma hates me -.-08:05
apacheloggerone cant configure which widgets are embedded in the systray if the panel is locked08:06
* apachelogger finds that a bit confusing08:06
nixternalholy shite, today was nothing but work...all work and no play today08:09
nixternaljust realized it was 02:10...08:09
* nixternal beds08:10
* apachelogger leaves a cookie on nixternal's desk08:14
* apachelogger just found out that when widgets are locked you cant remove them via the scripting api08:15
apacheloggeradding however works08:15
apacheloggerRiddell: new update to kds making updates work when widgets are locked + migrating indicatordisplay to message-indicator08:35
apacheloggerRiddell: also, shouldn't bug 538512 be prevented by freetype?08:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 538512 in kubuntu-default-settings "Preconfigure font rendering settings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53851208:36
apacheloggeri.e. the diffrerence between kde and gnome08:36
apparleI have installed kdenetwork-dbg package, and I want to see the debugging messages of kopete. But when I start the kopete in konsole, I don't get any error, but I cannot login either08:48
apacheloggeryou dont neeed kdenetwork-dbg to get debugging messages08:50
apachelogger-dbg is only good if you have a crash and want to backtrace the crash08:50
apacheloggerto turn on debugging just start kdebugdialog and select everything08:51
apacheloggerthen start kopete form a terminal08:51
apparleapachelogger: alright thanks08:55
apparleapachelogger: and If I want to see the various internals of a driver (xserver-xorg-video-ati)09:00
apacheloggerthe what?09:00
apparleapachelogger: I mean any debugging messages it may be generating, other than that in Xorg.0.log09:01
apparleapachelogger: are ther any such messages?09:01
apacheloggerthere are no others09:01
apacheloggerI wouldnt know09:02
apacheloggerapparle: X is in #ubuntu-x09:02
apparleapachelogger: so if I would like to debug a driver, you have any suggestion09:02
apacheloggerno, #ubuntu-x might09:02
apacheloggerwe do kubuntu in here09:02
apparleapachelogger: thanks09:03
apacheloggerRiddell, JontheEchidna: bug 55386209:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553862 in kdeadmin "First access to system-config-printer-kde kcm shows server setup" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55386209:21
apacheloggersebas: do you happen to know whether the effects settings in the style kcm get detected on-the-fly or are they hardcoded to gpu-- && cpu++?09:23
* apachelogger finds it a bit weird that it claims his atom is a fast cpu ^^09:24
jussi01Maverick Meerkat10:15
Tm_Thi manchicken (:11:41
manchickenLong time no see :)11:41
Tm_Tindeed, been wondering what happened to you11:41
manchickenThese "toddler" things are time-consuming.11:41
Riddellget them coding, that's the answer11:42
manchickenHe wouldn't mind it, that's for sure :)11:42
manchickenYeah, you don't remember?11:42
Tm_TI don't know what that word means11:42
manchickenMy wife tested positive for children during UDS-Sevilla in May of 2007.11:42
manchickenToddler, a rather small child.11:42
Tm_TI see, congrats11:42
Riddellbaby who's starting to walk/crawl11:43
manchickenThis one's starting to use computers.11:43
Tm_Tmanchicken: we have a 1 year 4 months old daughter here (:11:43
manchickenAnd pinching iPhones...11:43
manchickenVery nice :)11:43
Tm_Tand she already learnt to use keyb and mouse11:43
manchickenMy boy just grabs anything with buttons and starts pushing.11:43
manchickenDoesn't matter what it is.11:43
manchickenI've also been playing with a lot of non-Kubuntu-related techs.11:44
Tm_TI have noticed the same11:44
manchickenI've been on the OS X happy path for a little over a year now... which is nice since I haven't had much time, and since my current employer is very Mac-friendly.11:44
manchickenIt's not the same though... I often miss writing software under the direction of Scotsmen and Frenchmen.11:45
manchickenThough I often wonder if my new-found love for Objective-C would fare well in the Kubuntu world.11:46
manchickenI'm fetching 10.04 as we speak, to be installed in boot-camp on this spectacular new 500GB hard drive I picked up two weeks ago.11:47
manchickenI know there's GNUStep... but it's just so ugly.11:48
manchickenÉtoile looks better, but it's still pretty ugly.11:48
manchickenRiddell: What sort of stuff have you guys been talking about for the next go-round?11:55
manchickenSucks... they're going to make me burn the ISO to disc to install it...12:03
Riddellmanchicken: we haven't started looking at Maverick yet12:07
manchickenOooh, you all have named this one after Sarah Palin have you?12:07
jussi01manchicken: you cant use the usb creator?12:08
manchickenMost Americans I believe are weary of that word :)12:08
manchickenjussi01: I'm trying to install it onto bootcamp. I think the bootcamp assistant wants a disc.12:08
jussi01manchicken: oh bleh.12:09
debfxRiddell: the current brightness patch doesn't do anything anymore as the hal property brightness_in_hardware is set to true by default in lucid12:09
Tonio_I'm giving up on the qt cursor thing.... too hard :'(12:10
debfxRiddell: the old patch checked that property as a workaround because some laptops (mainly the MSI Wind, which is fixed in Lucid) send brightness key events on every change12:10
Riddelldebfx: I see12:16
Riddelldebfx: I think we should get your patch upstream before patching our packages12:17
Riddellsince it's partly agateau's code I wonder if he'd be able to help with that12:17
manchickenDookie... I nabbed the wrong image.12:21
debfxbefore the patch can go upstream the osdwidget class needs to be put in a place where both kmix and the battery applet can use it12:22
Tonio_HU ??????????? seems that's the fix12:22
Tonio_strange it's not in the stable branch yet, but that seems to do exactly what I wanted to.... Testing12:23
manchickenSad, nobody's seeding the beta1 torrent right now...12:28
Riddellbeta 1 is old news, everyone is waiting for beta 212:30
manchickenI'm just trying to get something I can throw into boot camp that isn't going to take another two hours to update.12:30
manchickenThat said, it's still probably futile.12:30
manchickenI'll probably do that anyway :)12:30
* Riddell away for weekend12:31
manchickenhttp://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/23489/ <-- I wonder if solution #1 on this idea is even possible. I suppose we'd need to first be able to cross-compile to the A4.12:33
manchickenI guess there'd then have to be some sort of hardware driver for the multi-touch interface. That'd be neat if it could be pulled off though.12:35
apparleI am trying to solve the problem of kopete and gtalk.  I am gettting this error when running Kopete from konsole "Unknown signature value:  795 "12:40
apparleIt is followed by "kopete(3652)/kopete (jabber - raw protocol) JabberAccount::slotClientDebugMessage: "Client stream error.""12:40
manchickenSounds like a TLS issue, no?12:40
manchickengtalk does use TLS, no?12:41
apparlemanchicken: I am not sure, but it does use some encryption12:41
manchickenI'm pretty sure it's using TLS.12:41
agateauRiddell: not sure I understand what you mean12:41
agateauRiddell: I didn't work on powermanager12:41
manchickenapparle: Do you have qca-tls installed?12:42
apparlemanchicken: I'll check12:42
manchickenI would think it's a default install, but it has been a while.12:42
apparlemanchicken: no12:43
manchickenI do believe you'll need qca-tls, but then again, as I said before, it has been a while.12:43
manchickenapparle: What's your kopete version?12:45
ryanakcaScottK: Sent. I'm going skiing with the family, I'll be back Sunday night. Sorry for the delay.12:45
apparleI am running 10.04 beta112:45
apparlemanchicken: I installed qca-tls but I am getting the same error12:48
manchickenDid you restart kopete?12:48
apparlemanchicken: :D yes12:49
manchickenJust checking :)12:49
manchickenI'm throwing 10.04 on bootcamp, I'll be in it shortly.12:49
manchickenI can see if I can replicate. I'll also check LP for a bug.12:49
apparlemanchicken: I am getting this error for specific condidtions12:50
manchickenWhich conditions?12:50
manchickenIt doesn't appear as though this exists in LP.12:50
apparlemanchicken: I am using "talk.google.com" host and "443" port12:50
manchickenThat's what I would expect.12:50
manchicken443 is the SSL/TLS port, talk.google.com is the host for gtalk.12:50
apparlemanchicken: normal ports are blocked by college firewall12:50
apparlemanchicken: what's a bootcamp12:50
manchickenbootcamp is the utility in Mac OS X for booting into multiple operating systems.12:51
apparlemanchicken: normally its gmail.com and 5222/5223 so I told you12:51
apparlemanchicken: by default its like that12:52
apparleand I have to override the default host/port for the one I mentioned above12:52
manchickenAccording to google 443 is also an acceptable port for that, so I would doubt there'd be any issue.12:52
manchickenYeah, but I doubt the port number would make that difference, I'll have to test that once I'm up and running.12:52
manchickenEspecially since Google says 443 is a supported port number.12:53
manchickenI'm going to be booting into the installer now... hopefully I didn't screw up and download the wrong image again :)12:53
apparlemanchicken: my friend has a non- firewalled internet and for him the default setup (gmail.com 5222) works fine12:54
=== jefferai is now known as jefferai_vacay
Tm_Thmm, I think I'll upgrade my Intrepid to Lucid ...13:22
Tm_Tand then cry13:22
apparleTm_T: why13:25
Tm_TI'm afraid that current Maemo SDK won't work in Intrepid properly13:26
Tm_Tand I'm also afraid that due to scale of the operation, my hardware fails totally during the upgrade13:26
apparleTm_T: if I am making a software in Qt, what care should I take so that the code will be portable to maemo very easily13:44
amichairis there any supported upgrade path to lucid other than from karmic?13:45
Tm_Tamichair: and Hardy, no13:45
Tm_Tthose two only13:45
amichairI heard rumors Hardy isn't either, because it's not an official LTS or something13:47
amichairbut if it is, that's great13:47
Tm_Tamichair: ah, that might be true, I'm not in top of this matter13:47
amichairbut a series of sequential updates (+1 each time) should always work, right?13:48
amichairfamous last words :-)13:48
ScottKHardy -> Lucid is not officially supported for Kubuntu, but because it is for Ubuntu, we care about fixing bugs with it.13:54
manchickenStupid broadcom card..13:55
apparlemanchicken: so did you bootcamp?13:56
manchickenYeah, trying to get it running without wires.13:56
manchickenNot playing nice with the broadcom.13:57
amichairScottK: what does the difference translate into? "we'll fixe'm as we find'em" vs. "we'll test it before release"?13:57
ScottKamichair: Yes, plus if we find something late it's not an RC issue.13:59
amichairScottK: what's an RC issue? release blocker?14:00
ScottKRelease Critical14:00
amichairScottK: oh, got mixed up with Release Candidate :-)14:01
ScottKEasy enough14:01
ghostcube_maemohi peoples14:01
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
amichairso that's good enough for me. I'll just wait a while for such issues to be ironed out and then go for it and hope for the best.14:01
Tm_Tdo you like to get logs and reports out of my Intrepid -> Lucid upgrade?14:02
ScottKIf it doesn't work, yes.14:02
manchickenDoesn't «hardware drivers» support broadcom?14:03
ScottKIt does, at least for some broadcom14:04
amichairScottK: you know, there aren't many people who capitalize every chat message. I respect that.14:05
manchickenI'm running on a unibody mbp, it's not showing any drivers at all...14:05
manchickenI expected some for the nvidia as well as the broadcom.14:05
Tm_Tamichair: I would, but I find chat messages being something more of a flow of text, not actual "writing"14:05
amichairTm_T: true, that's why I sometimes do and sometimes don't too.14:06
ScottKamichair: With a few exceptions when texting my teenagers, I capitalize text messsages on my phone too.14:06
manchickenAs do I.14:06
amichairBut then, I'm beginning some RSI symptoms, so trying to go easy on the shift key. At least it makes for a good excuse ;-)14:07
* ScottK just uses rsibreak14:07
manchickenExcept that I don't have any teenagers... I only have the two-year-old who sends incoherent gibberish text messages.14:07
amichairScottK: is that a take-a-break reminder? or something more clever?14:07
ScottKThe former, although it can get pretty aggressive about enforcement.14:08
amichairmanchicken: at what age do kids get a phone nowadays?14:08
Tm_Tlike, throw you out of the office14:08
amichairScottK: interesting, like locking u out for a while?14:08
manchickenamichair: They're born with a two-year contract.14:08
ScottKamichair: Yes, but you can override it.14:08
amichairmanchicken: lol... sad but true :-)14:09
ScottKmanchicken: Enjoy the kid now.  Teenagers are "fun".14:09
manchickenScottK: I sure was. heh14:10
amichairScottK: trying out rsibreak, thanks for the tip!14:11
ScottK"There are two options, you can live at home and follow the house rules or you can move out.  You are trying to create a third option where you stay here, but don't have to follow the rules.  That is not going to happen."14:11
ScottKmanchicken: ^^^ recent actual conversation at our house.14:12
amichairinterestingly, the first RSI symptom I ever got was after fixing a software-properties bug which caused it to crash inconsistently after a bunch of mouse clicks (select/deselect entries). At least the bug got fixed...14:13
manchickenAh, I remember those conversations with my parents when I was in highschool.14:13
amichairScottK: I can't quite put my finger on it, but sounds like you're teaching them to be good programmers somehow...14:14
amichairgood for them :-)14:15
amichairWow, helluva welcome screen rsibreak has!14:17
amichairnow that's usability in linux...14:18
manchickenOkay, I don't have the patience for that.14:19
manchickenNow I remember why I used to have that System76 box.14:19
ScottKnixternal: Would you please look at bug 540177?  The upstart job for kdm needs a bit more tweaking.14:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 540177 in kdebase-workspace "KDM needs plymouth transition patch" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54017714:20
apparleWhat's the meaning of "Unknown signature value:  795 " when I run Kopete in Konsole14:25
QuintasanI wonder how did I manage to get a memory exception14:37
Quintasanapachelogger: ping14:50
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
larsivi_bug 55397915:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553979 in yakuake "Pulling down yakuake cause system hang with graphic glitch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55397915:19
larsivi_bug 55399415:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553994 in plasma-widget-networkmanagement "knetworkmanager doesn't connect with networkmanager" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55399415:54
larsivi_Riddell: didn't you see this last one?15:54
Davieyapachelogger: I hear there are some issues with kubuntu & mysql.. Would you be able to raise a thread on ubuntu-devel-discuss@ ML - as a fix could be related to many different projects.15:58
ScottKRiddell: Are you around for the release meeting?16:09
apparleCan some one confirm this for me https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kopete/+bug/554010 Just reproduce the settings and see if you get the same error16:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 554010 in kopete "Unable to connect to GTalk on port 443" [Undecided,New]16:16
freinhardapparle: i'll give it a try16:18
freinhardapparle: which version are you using atm?16:19
apparlefreinhard: 10.04 will all updates16:19
apparlefreinhard: this bug is there since intrepid16:19
apparlefreinhard: I'll be back in 20-30 minutes.. going for dinner16:20
freinhardapparle: works for me16:23
freinhardapparle: all checkboxes checked on the connection tab, host talk.google.com, port 443 => works16:24
apacheloggerQuintasan_: pong16:27
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: btw, that notificationhelper missing from live session because casper clears out the kded modules to a bare minimum16:27
apacheloggerto free up as much mem as possible I presume16:27
JontheEchidnaany way to blacklist that one from being cleared?16:28
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: just needs to be removed from casper16:28
apacheloggernot sure if that is worth it though ^^16:28
JontheEchidnaEww, apport took a huge dump of nepomukservicestub crashes all over kdebase-runtime16:29
apacheloggerDaviey: the only issue was that some files went from mysel-server-5.1 to -server-core-5.1, which is a dependency of server anyway16:29
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: can we sue apport?16:30
Davieyapachelogger: oh, so there is no issue now?16:30
apacheloggerDaviey: nope, all sorted out in ubuntu11 already16:30
ScottKapachelogger: Up for doing some upstartification?16:30
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: my theory is that since dr. konqi can't pick up those crashes (the service stubs are not KApplications) upstream doesn't know the extent of crashiness that nepomukservicestub has16:30
apacheloggerwell, other than mysql being on gigantic PITA :P16:30
ScottKKDM upstart script needs a bit more work.16:30
Davieyapachelogger: i hear ya :)16:31
apacheloggerScottK: last i worked with upstart was like 2 years ago :P16:31
* apachelogger had an upstarted system way before everyone else :P16:31
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: upstream should make the stubs kapps then?16:31
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: or implement own magic... or QA their software :P16:32
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: KApps would make nepomuk ram usage even more pretendous16:32
apacheloggerhow so?16:32
apacheloggera plain kapp cant require that much16:33
apachelogger+ most of it is shared anyway16:33
JontheEchidnaoh right, I'm thinking python16:33
apacheloggerewww :P16:33
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: bug 553499 .. .how does the not-workingness exhibit?16:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553499 in kdebase-workspace "date and time kcm offers autosync of time?" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55349916:33
apacheloggerany idea how that would work anyway?16:33
apachelogger...is it broken upstream?16:33
JontheEchidnatick the "set date and time automatically" checkbox, hit apply, give your password -> fail dialog16:34
JontheEchidnabroken upstream16:34
apacheloggerbetter than silentfail I guess16:34
JontheEchidnafunny thing is, I can ping pool.ntp.org16:35
freinhardwow, there's an error message, outstanding!16:35
apacheloggeryeah probably the probing code is broken16:35
apacheloggeror whatever it uses16:35
apacheloggeralso, I'd like to raise serious doubt about our accessibility16:36
freinharddoesn't work for me either16:36
apachelogger+ the tools are crap and shouldnt be deployed IMHO16:36
apacheloggerkmag for example is an abomination16:36
JontheEchidnakmag's icon is an abomination16:37
JontheEchidna+ we have the zoom plugin in kwin16:37
apacheloggerworse than python, javascript and plasma-netbook all at once16:37
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I know some people with visual impairment and they all use desktop zoom16:37
apacheloggerkmag is rather useless anyway since it was super laggy last I checked16:37
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: do we have some new minions around?16:40
JontheEchidnanot really16:40
apacheloggerwhat component sets the the ~/Desktop icon?16:41
apacheloggerthose dbusmenu bugs are creepy!16:43
apacheloggerwhere did the policykit kcm go?16:43
apacheloggerwho is up for a bug hunt?16:44
apacheloggeris there anything planed on coordinated bug hunts together with upstream?16:44
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: never got ported to polkit-116:44
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: that name is silly anyway ;)16:44
JontheEchidnathere's a port in trunk though16:44
apacheloggerpolicykit was much superior16:44
apacheloggerI propose that apachelogger writes a billion specs for maverick that someone else must implement :P16:46
* vorian will be helping wrt maverick if that's ok16:52
ScottKIt is.16:53
apparlefreinhard: so can you help me out getting it to work16:54
apacheloggerTm_T: ping ping ping ping ping16:58
apacheloggerTm_T: ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping16:58
apacheloggerno one around :(16:58
Tm_Tapachelogger: yes?16:59
* apachelogger hugs Tm_T :)16:59
* Tm_T hides16:59
apacheloggerTm_T: do you happen to know whether there is a particular reason kopete doesnt come with show-user-pics-by-default turned on by default?16:59
Tm_Tapachelogger: there shouldn't be any reason for that17:00
ubottuKDE bug 190086 in general "Please turn on "Use contact photos when available" by default" [Wishlist,Unconfirmed]17:00
apacheloggercause it looks like quite the crap without pics17:00
apacheloggerespecially with large lists17:00
Tm_T"not every service provider support pics" could be an excuse, but bad one for that17:01
apparlefreinhard: are you there17:01
Tm_Tapachelogger: I'll look that closer after I have gone thru backup&upgrade cycles, mind to make that my bug?17:02
Tm_T(jussi.kekkonen  gmail17:02
* apachelogger assigns17:02
apparleKopete supports proxy right?17:04
apacheloggernixternal: can we haz testing feedback btw?17:07
Tm_Tapparle: yes, kde settings atleast17:08
apparleTm_T: Well, then I am totally at a dead end... just can't get kopete to work. freinhard says he set the same settings and it worked for him...17:09
Tm_Tapparle: what doesn't work?17:10
apparleTm_T: can't login to gtalk17:11
Tm_Tgives any error?17:11
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ScottKAnyone have anything for another kdebase-workspace upload?17:11
apparleTm_T: in the 10.04 beta... no error but it just stays offline17:12
Tm_Tapparle: weird17:12
itguruHey devs! How you doing, sorry to invade your room, but you guys kicked butt with KDE 4.4 - I gotta tell you something to make you feel good17:12
itgurui run fedora, and just for kicks, i decided to check if yum could install all the dependencies of kde without screwing up gnome - spent weeks getting eye candy17:13
itguruIt worked and KDE installed clean, and I thought after a few days to give it a shot -- and it blew my mind17:13
itguruafter 2 minutes, all by devs asked my what i had installed, and where could they get it, now we all run a kde desktop17:14
apparleTm_T: When I run it through konsole I see many things out of while these two seem significant "Unknown signature value:  795" and "kopete(8436)/kopete (jabber - raw protocol) JabberAccount::slotClientDebugMessage: "Client stream error.""17:14
Tm_Tapparle: hmh, some error, unfortunately I don't know that17:14
apparleTm_T: I can connect if I use PSI or Pidgin17:15
itguruthose plasmoid widgets -- and the level of intergration, is a linux admins dream, thank you all :)17:15
Tm_TKdevelop 4.0 rc1 tagged17:17
freinhardapparle: sry no idea how i can help you there. if it's a laptop, try some other network.17:23
apparlefreinhard: can you try one last thing.... plz onnect through a proxy17:23
apparlefreinhard: because I am behind an http proxy17:24
freinhardaint got no proxy17:24
apacheloggerapparle: talk to you network administrator, that will be much a faster solution17:24
apacheloggerbut from above error message it sounds to me as if the firewall does bad things to the SSL stream17:24
apacheloggerwho knows what madness gets applied17:24
apacheloggeritguru: :)17:25
apacheloggerTm_T: is kdevleop as good das qtcreator these days?17:25
apacheloggerbecause qtcreator is the love17:26
apparleapachelogger: Tried that..... they don't even allow a simple IRC... and don't even pay attention to the students17:26
Tm_Tapachelogger: I use neither17:26
apparleapachelogger: if psi and pidgin can... why can't kopete17:27
apparleapachelogger: I also love qtcreator17:27
apacheloggermaybe psi and pidgin are unsecure :P17:27
apacheloggerclearly there is something wrong with the xmpp data kopete receives17:28
apacheloggerapparle: does the proxy require authentification?17:28
* apachelogger remembers that the MS firewall thingy is rather annoying in this regard17:28
apparleapachelogger: no17:28
apacheloggerthen I really dont know17:29
apacheloggerdefenitely not topicy in here anyway :P17:29
apacheloggernot that we are more on topic otherwise ^^17:30
apparleapachelogger: I tried ubuntuforums, kubuntu, ubuntu+1, so I though I would ask here17:30
apacheloggerwell, if the support people do not know help with that kind of problem, then we dont for sure17:32
apacheloggerapparle: last resort would be trying to get hold of the jabber plugin author17:32
apparleapachelogger: where would I find him17:33
* apachelogger isnt google :P17:34
apacheloggerI need minions17:35
apacheloggerideally packaging minions17:36
apacheloggerhard working minions, with little self-esteem17:36
apacheloggeroh and they should be good uno players!17:37
apacheloggersomeone pretty please get me at least 2 of those :S17:37
ScottKAh, a volunteer.17:37
apacheloggerapparle: welcome to the kubuntu minion program17:38
apacheloggerapparle: bug 553489 eagerly awaits your help17:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553489 in kbluetooth "kbluetooth adds pointless entry to menu" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55348917:38
apparleapachelogger: I would seriously love to help... but I have never done any serious development17:39
apacheloggerstuff that needs doing: contact upstream developer and tell them about this pointlessness + master up a patch that set NoDisplay=true in the destkop file17:39
apacheloggerapparle: about time then ;)17:39
ScottKapparle: apachelogger will teach you everything you need to know.17:40
apparleNo problem... minion ready to learn as long as the softwares required support proxy and work only on port 80 or 44317:40
apacheloggerapparle: for the first part of the solution (contact upstream developer) you really just need a browser and a mail client I would think17:41
apacheloggermaybe kbluetooth installed ;)17:41
apparleapachelogger: yes I have it17:42
apacheloggerso first step would be to find out whom to contact17:42
apacheloggerusually you would find that in the about dialog of an application17:42
apacheloggersince kbluetooth should sit in your tray you might just want to check that17:42
apparlemailto:tpatzig@suse.de and mailto:alex@eyeos.org17:43
larsivi_bug 55408017:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554080 in kdebase-workspace "Plasma task bar crashes when selecting a task" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55408017:43
apacheloggerboth then17:43
apacheloggerapparle: please write a mail to those two explaining the situation, referfing to the bug, and asking them to resolve this upstream17:44
apacheloggeri.e. add a NoDisplay=true to the desktop file17:44
apacheloggeras for that NoDisplay... it's behaviour is defined in the freedesktop.org desktop entry spec17:44
apacheloggerkubotu: google desktop entry spec17:44
kubotuResults for desktop entry spec: 1. Desktop Entry Specification: http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/ | 2. Desktop Entry Specification: http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html | 3. freedesktop.org - Specifications/desktop-entry-spec: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/desktop-entry-spec17:44
apacheloggerin that thingy the basic concept of desktop files is defined + a set of standard keys is defined17:45
apacheloggersuch as NoDisplay17:45
apacheloggerlarsivi_: you know that filing this kind of bug in launchpad will result in JontheEchidna or me closing it?17:46
larsivi_apachelogger: nope - why?17:47
apacheloggerbecause it is an issue in upstream source, and we are not fixing upstream bugs due to lack of men power17:47
apacheloggeralso see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Specs/LucidBugTriagePolicy17:48
larsivi_apachelogger: I may very well be wrong of course, but it appears to me that this started happening unrelated to a plasma-update17:49
apacheloggerbecause the crash is not in plasma at all17:49
apacheloggerbut in the kde pixmap caching code17:49
apacheloggerlarsivi_: is  your partition maybe full?17:50
larsivi_far from it17:50
apacheloggerlarsivi_: also you could try chown -Rv $USER:$USER ~/.kde17:50
apacheloggersince the most recent call within the KDE stack seems to be in a function named writeData it is more than likely that the data could for whatever reason not be writte17:51
larsivi_I ran the chown - will note if I observe the crash again17:52
apacheloggerof chown doesnt work either you could try mv ~/.kde/cache-logos/kpc/ ~/17:52
apacheloggerthat will move your current pixmap cache to your home17:52
apacheloggerso it should be recreated completely17:53
larsivi_apachelogger: anyway - I'm curious about the policy to close bugs that are reported upstream - I thought the point of the nice linking functionality in launchpad was to have an easy way of seeing which bugs affect ubuntu, which you in no way can have if they're only reported upstream17:54
apacheloggerhow is that interesting to us?17:55
ScottKlarsivi_: What we need then is people to do all the work of linking and upstreaming.17:55
apacheloggerfor most of the bugs it is nothing but maintenance17:55
apacheloggerlooking at it every once in a while, closing it once fixed, getting to know that they were fixed...17:55
larsivi_ScottK: well, in this case I created the upstream bug, and then linked it17:55
apacheloggerthe tracking in launchpad is just of no use17:56
ScottKRight, but in general.17:56
ScottKNow if it gets fixed, someone will have to remember to close the LP bug when the fix gets uploaded to Ubuntu17:56
larsivi_ScottK: hmm, right - I thought it would be like someone being notified through LP when an upstream bug was closed such that the fix could be uploaded17:57
larsivi_if that isn't the way things happens, then I can see that there is little use17:57
ScottKExcept for important bug fixes we normally wait until KDE releases an update17:57
apparleapachelogger: so should I send them a new .desktop file or should I ask them to add NoDisplay=true17:57
apacheloggerapparle: a modified desktop file, if at all, or even better a diff to the existing one ;)17:58
apacheloggerapparle: up to you17:58
apacheloggerlarsivi_: if we had 100 developers that might be a possible work flow ^^17:59
apacheloggerunfortunately we dont :)17:59
apacheloggerlarsivi_: but if you are interested in become one...17:59
apparleapachelogger: how to generate a diff.. just use the one in my menu, creat a new one and then use diff on them?17:59
* apachelogger is currently looking for people to annoy with all his almighty knowledge ;)17:59
apacheloggerapparle: yes, except you shouldnt use the one in your menu17:59
larsivi_apachelogger, ScottK: ah well, I won't ever do such a thing again :) However, being a project owner elsewhere in open source land (admittedly a much much smaller project), I  do like such reports (although they're not really upstream bugs but more like compiler bugs affecting the project)18:00
apacheloggerapparle: that just made me think of something...18:00
Tm_Tapachelogger: a banana?18:00
apacheloggerapparle: first lecture of the day ... how do i list package content18:00
apacheloggeranswer: dpkg -L18:01
apacheloggere.g. dpkg -L kbluetooth18:01
larsivi_apachelogger: I ocassionally opens kde source, but I'm afraid I have to many things on my plate too :)18:01
apacheloggerapparle: that could be extended to dpkg -L kbluetooth | grep .desktop18:01
apacheloggerwhat do you see when you run that cmd?18:01
apparleapachelogger: just the files with contain ".desktop" in them18:01
apparleapachelogger: :D18:02
apacheloggerlarsivi_: well, should you know someone who wants to feed of my superior intelligence and all ... ;)18:02
apacheloggerapparle: well, how many? :P18:02
apparleapachelogger: one I think :P18:02
apacheloggeryou think? :P18:02
apacheloggerwhat does the cmd spit out?18:03
larsivi_apachelogger: haha, I have enough with my own :D18:03
apparleapachelogger: two18:03
apacheloggersee :P18:03
apacheloggerand that doesnt make you wonder?18:03
lex79omg bug 55401118:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554011 in kdemultimedia "ships with /exists directory in violation of FHS" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55401118:03
apachelogger/usr/share/applications/* are desktop files that build your menu and /usr/share/autostart/* those that get autostarted ... obviously18:03
apparleapachelogger: It made me wonder for a moment18:04
apparleapachelogger: ya I got that18:04
apparleapachelogger: so I would be using the one in /usr/share/applications18:04
apacheloggerapparle: to answer your original question as to which one to create a diff with ... yes, the one in usr/share/applications18:04
apacheloggerapparle: my report says that the problem is that kbluetooth is autostarted and thus the entry in the menu is ugly and stupid18:05
larsivi_apachelogger: well, since you're a qtcreator fan, maybe you like this one then :P bug 55409718:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554097 in qtcreator "qtcreator appears to enter infinite loop at startup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55409718:05
apacheloggerapparle: so why would we want to hide it? there doesnt seem to be any use to the menu entry considering the auto start?18:05
larsivi_apachelogger: here I asked a person working at qt berlin, and he suggested sending the bug to LP ;)18:06
apacheloggerif only danimo was around :S18:06
apacheloggerlarsivi_: that sounds more like a bug in the config18:07
larsivi_apachelogger: I apt-get install'ed it, then tried to start - I've never actually used it18:07
apacheloggerlarsivi_: well, you should try with a new user18:08
apacheloggerbecause it worked here last I used the old stinky 1.3 build :P18:08
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I am glad to report that now my buttons from knh are all messed up18:09
apacheloggeralways these plasma bugs :/18:09
apacheloggerlarsivi_: starts just fine here :S18:10
apparlewhy is the krunner responding very slowly.. it takes 4-5 seconds to execute a command18:11
apparleapachelogger: any specific parameters I should use for diff18:17
apacheloggerapparle: I like diff -urNad18:17
apacheloggerapparle: also, note my questions :P18:17
apparleapachelogger: its useless so hide it18:18
apacheloggerapparle: so I suppose instead we should ask upstream to drop it18:18
apacheloggerapparle: or maybe add NotShowIn=kde ... so that it at least doesnt show in KDE's menu18:19
apacheloggerthat is also a key defined in the desktop entry spec18:19
apparleapachelogger: no the application is there, so we should not delete it. if it autostarts in gnome, then showing it in gnome is also not useful18:20
apacheloggerapparle: so one should find out if gnome does autostart it18:20
apacheloggerbecause I dont think gnome autostarts stuff from /usr/share/autostart/18:20
apparleapachelogger: where does it autostart then? "/etc/xdg/autostart" google says this.. ? but I am not sure18:27
apacheloggerapparle: gnome autostarts from there, kde does too18:27
apacheloggerquestion is if gnome also autostarts if the file is in /usr/share/autostart18:28
Tm_Tdoesn't IIRC18:28
apacheloggerin that case18:28
apacheloggerapparle: not show in kde18:28
apacheloggeri think it is also undesired to have it autostart in gnome18:28
apparleapachelogger: then NoDisplay is better18:28
apacheloggerthen you can boot it altogether18:29
apacheloggernodisplay is good for nothing but if you want to hide something18:29
apacheloggerand since kbluetooth does not autostart in gnome it makes perfect sense that it shows up in its menu18:30
apparleapachelogger: then... notshowin=kde in the application .desktop and notshownin=gnome in autostart file18:30
apacheloggerapparle: according to Tm_T gnome does not autostart from /usr/share/autostart anyway18:30
apparleapachelogger: so a simple notshowin=kde is enough18:32
lex79what about this? bug 55346218:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553462 in kdenetwork "User can't share directory with kubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55346218:35
lex79they want kdenetwork-filesharing package installed by default18:36
lex79btw it's a duplicate of another bug that I can't find in this moment18:37
ScottKapachelogger: qbzr is fixed now thanks to Andrew Starr-Bochicchio (just accepted it)18:37
apparleapachelogger: do the location of the files matter for a diff?18:41
larsivi_apachelogger: apparently the qtcreator bug was a dup - I just had to wait a very long time before it starts, and then it continues to use a lot of CPU for a while (apparently)18:43
apacheloggerScottK: cool18:44
apacheloggerapparle: no18:44
apacheloggerlarsivi_: I am wondering why that is, it starts pretty quickly here18:44
apacheloggerand I am on a netbook ^^18:44
larsivi_apachelogger: bug 45975218:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 459752 in qtcreator "Qt Creator high CPU usage" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45975218:44
lex79larsivi_: fabo was working on that for Debian iirc18:46
larsivi_lex79: well, I'm happy it started at all - it took so long that I thought it wouldn't18:46
lex79tw is an upstream bug18:47
larsivi_apachelogger: fwiw, it appears to be a first time thingy (or at least the second startup was fast)18:47
apparleapachelogger: i sent the mail ... anything else19:24
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Tm_Tok, atleast dependency hell is there from intrepid to lucid22:06
lex79JontheEchidna: have you seen this bug 553462? Can't we add kdenetwork-filesharing into CD? Or is it useless?22:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553462 in kdenetwork "User can't share directory with kubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55346222:12
JontheEchidnalex79: It had quite some quality issues last I checked.22:13
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: ^right?22:13
JontheEchidnayour intolerance for crappy s**t  means you'll probably know :P22:13
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DarkwingDuckYay! Moved into my new house!23:16
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Tm_TDarkwingDuck: yay! (:)23:27
DarkwingDuckIt's really nice to have my desktop back too23:28
DarkwingDuckThere we go... Timezones updated23:36

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