
FremenBluejames147: u cant help me?00:00
James147FremenBlue: sorry, not very fimilar with patching things00:01
FremenBlueu familiar with irc?00:01
FremenBluecan u tell me how to auto-identify myself to nickserv?00:02
FremenBluei using quassel00:02
bazhangFremenBlue, #freenode00:02
James147FremenBlue: I think you have to register the nick somewhere00:02
FremenBluealrdy did00:02
FremenBlueits just i get a message from nickserv asking for password that is rlly annoying00:02
James147FremenBlue: and then put the login info in the settings00:03
FremenBluethanks james00:03
FremenBluei g2g now00:03
Maranathaanyone helping me on the issue I have come accross?00:04
=== ncc1701 is now known as seawolf
geniiMaranatha: How did you install your flash player?00:06
Maranathanot a clue really. I don't remember. I think it was through chrome00:06
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash00:07
=== henkka is now known as Henzeh
ubottuTämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-)00:08
Maranathagenii: I ran into an error at the end "E: Couldn't find package flashplugin64-installer"00:10
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:10
Maranathagenii: http://paste.ubuntu.com/407789/00:11
geniifabio333: Desist with that in here please00:12
fabio333<genii>: you know what us that?00:12
geniifabio333: I looked at the link yes. It's offtopic for this channel. Push websites in another place and not here please00:13
fabio333flash related....00:14
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
Maranathagenii: I am still having the same issue00:27
=== dark is now known as Guest36137
=== ubuntu is now known as Ahmed\
Ahmed\i gotta questio00:38
Ahmed\question !00:38
NoRedemptionask maybe i can help you out00:39
Ahmed\i mean why the hell i can't pause or resize the youtube's videos on flash SOME TIMES ?00:39
Ahmed\Oh ! would be nice it happens some times00:39
Ahmed\i hate that and on other browser SAME THING00:39
NoRedemptionOn Ubuntu?00:39
Ahmed\or KDE where ever you go00:39
NoRedemptionWell if both browser got it maybe you should talk to the devolper of the flash :)00:40
Ahmed\but you can pause on by pressing the SPACE bar on keyboard but cant by mouse clicks00:40
Ahmed\Man i mean it works fine since i installed that stupid thing adblockplus00:40
NoRedemptionWell i also pause sometimes the youtube with space on windows00:40
Ahmed\OMG I can use that TAB THANKS DUDE00:41
Ahmed\Yes same thing with me00:41
Ahmed\i have to pause by space00:41
Ahmed\cause mouse doesnt really works sometimes00:41
NoRedemptionWell if it workse00:41
Ahmed\or unless you clear or clean up the history completely00:41
Ahmed\are you new here?00:42
Ahmed\I mean i really am :)00:42
NoRedemptionYes i am new here00:43
Ahmed\Switched from windows ah gates good bye :$00:43
NoRedemptionfirst day00:43
Ahmed\OMG thats good00:43
Ahmed\:) We can be friends00:43
NoRedemptionWell i did use Ubuntu a time ago00:43
NoRedemptionbut it never did like overcome me to just use that00:43
NoRedemption:) we can00:43
Ahmed\Oh well ! i see00:43
Ahmed\Old user then00:43
NoRedemptionBacktrack 4 made me do that :)00:44
Ahmed\umm i didn't heard about that00:44
Ahmed\i guess idid00:44
Ahmed\whats that anyway ?00:44
=== leigh is now known as grindey
grindeydoes anybody know how to use rythmbox to put songs onto ipod?00:48
grindeyor what program is best00:48
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod00:49
=== jeff_ is now known as jovis
ne7workplease someone help me..01:28
ne7worki need 64-bit flash player on my 64-bit linux01:28
Ahmed\Download it01:29
phoenix_hello everyone01:30
ne7workI use ubuntu 9.10 64-bit01:30
Ahmed\OKAAY OKAY I HEARD YOU i also use the same01:30
ne7workplease help01:30
ne7worki'm beginner01:30
FloodBotK1ne7work: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:30
Ahmed\See my OT messages !01:30
jovisOT? ane you an operating thetan?01:31
phoenix_i am using gyachi 1.2.6 that i have compiled from the source, in every version of the gyachi, the voice chat plugin crashes when i press the off button in it. this does not work and i havnt heared a voice yet01:31
phoenix_i tried to see if i get any error message in the termnal but nothing01:32
phoenix_someone here told a command to trace a program few days back,  forgot it, can anyone tell me01:33
phoenix_i am using gyachi 1.2.6 that i have compiled from the source, in every version of the gyachi, the voice chat plugin crashes when i press the off button in it. this does not work and i havnt heared a voice yet01:40
phoenix_i tried to see if i get any error message in the termnal but nothing01:40
phoenix_someone here told a command to trace a program few days back,  forgot it, can anyone tell me01:40
MaranathaI have this issue when trying to play youtube videos in full screen "The following plug-in has crashed: /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so"01:43
Maranathain chromium01:44
joviscan you play flash at all?01:44
jovislike with firefox?01:44
phoenix_is there a channel for gyachi01:48
Maranathajovis: I can01:48
jovisthen its a browser problem01:49
Maranathauninstall and reinstall might fix it?01:49
jovisdobut it but maybe01:49
Maranathaah ok01:49
ne7worki need help :(01:58
puntois there a known memory leak in plasma-desktop?02:01
puntobecause I have to kill it every couple of days when it's using like 1gb of memory02:02
v1ttuwhen idle?02:04
phoenix_punto: some reported the same thing02:05
phoenix_punto: what is your kde version02:06
puntowhen can I see the version?02:07
Maranathane7work: what do you need help with02:07
puntoon kubuntu 9.1002:08
phoenix__punto: i experienced the same, but i upgarded and the program is gone02:09
phoenix__v1ttu: problem.sorry typing mistake02:10
puntophoenix__: is there a package that can be upgraded?02:10
phoenix__punto: check in the system activity, whether the process java is consuming the resources02:11
v1ttudo you know how to upgrade your kde version punto?02:11
puntov1ttu: no02:11
v1ttui think it would be a good idea to upgrade to 4.4.202:12
v1ttudo you have a second pc nearby?02:12
puntoyeah.. with windows02:13
phoenix__punto:sudo  apt-get upgarde02:13
phoenix__punto: sudo apt-get upgrade02:13
puntophoenix__: is there 1 package that will trigger the upgrade of just kde?02:13
v1ttuo yeah, you have installed updats yeah?02:13
puntoprobably not02:14
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=== vorian is now known as v
=== v is now known as vorian
peter__Hi Gab, I am a new user. trying to connect here02:44
macohello :)02:44
macoyou're connected just fine02:44
peter__I was not sure how to set a pw and user name but it seems I don't have to,02:45
peter__Is this a Kubuntu 10.04 beta forum?02:46
macoon irc? if you want you can pick a nick thats not taken yet and register it for the server.02:46
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode02:46
macoactually this is support for the current stable releases. if you're running the upcoming version, visit #ubuntu+102:46
peter__Thanx! I'll try to find that. I am new with this irc also02:47
macoyou can type "/join #ubuntu+1" to get there (no quotes)02:48
macopeter__: also, if you say someone's name, they'll likely get a notification from their client that someone's talking to them02:48
peter__Thank you02:49
peter__join #ubuntu+102:49
macoyou need the /02:49
atamiski think i screwed up folks03:20
atamiski installed kubuntu over lucid03:21
atamiskdid i make a fail?03:21
atamiskall i get is a terminal...03:21
macodid you do it from a cd and overwrite the lucid install and go "aww but i wanted lucid!"03:21
macoor did you just install kubuntu-desktop within lucid? cuz thats totally cool03:21
atamiskthat one03:21
atamiskbut  there's no desktop to manage03:21
atamiskall i have is a terminal window03:22
macodo you get kdm?03:22
macosomeone else said today in #kubuntu-devel that after they login at kdm the plasma-desktop doesnt load03:22
atamiskthe login looks alright, and the mouse looks right but there's no desktop enviroment03:22
macowell if you've got a terminal you can type "plasma-desktop" in it03:22
atamiskfunfact, i might have to close xchat to do so03:23
macono window manager, eh?03:23
Atamiskyes, KDE is very snazzy, too bad i can't really use it. closing the instance of terminal logs me out :P03:26
Atamiskand it's always on top03:27
Atamiskvery odd03:27
Atamiskis there a way to MANUALLY set plasma to autostart?03:27
Atamiskrecap, plasma ain't workin in my lucid install. i just get a terminal03:29
Atamiska super-terminal in fact, the computer freaks out if i close it03:30
Mr_Sonomaupgraded to 9.10 the other night now wireless wont connect. anyone got any good suggestions on where to start?03:32
Atamiskadapter on, network manager active?03:32
Mr_Sonomanetwork manager active, adapter shows active03:34
Mr_Sonomajust wont connect03:34
Atamiskwhat does it do when you try to connect? does it show any networks in the list?03:34
macoAtamisk: i think its a bug03:34
Mr_Sonomayes it shows the networks in the list03:35
Atamiskwhoa, echo03:35
Atamiskthanks maco03:35
Mr_Sonoma*sigh* shoulda done testing before upgrading, everytime i don't test i get bit, but if i do everything works fine03:35
Atamiskhow would've i tested it?03:36
Mr_Sonomai'm talking about my situation. usually i run from LIVE CD and see if it works03:37
Atamiski got kubuntu directly from the internet. it's overlaid over my regular lucid-ubuntu03:37
Atamiskgot confizz'd03:37
Atamiski had issues with 9.10 too, but my wireless usually worked03:38
Atamisktry restarting your adapter?03:38
Mr_Sonomabeen there too. trying to research from windows then if i find a solution that needs network connection to fix i'll have to go upstairs to the router :(03:39
Atamiskwhat a pain03:39
Mr_Sonomawas hoping someone would have seen it enough that it would be easy suggestion03:39
Atamiskbrb, switching back over to gnome until i figure this craziness out03:40
Atamiskaaaand we're back in gnome03:43
Atamisk(with kubuntu's mouse pointer. go figure03:43
Atamisknow, to peruse the interwebs for a fix!!03:43
v1ttuwhats the prob atamisk?03:44
Atamiskplasma won't load03:45
Atamiskall i get is a single-use terminal03:45
Atamiskv1ttu, any ideas?03:47
v1ttudo u have a seond pc nearby?03:49
Atamiskyeah, running windows though03:49
v1ttukk sweet03:49
v1ttujust to check03:49
v1ttuare u sure the default session isnt xterminal?03:50
Atamiskshouldn't be, but how do i check?03:50
v1ttuare you using windows or linux now?03:50
Atamisk(well actually right now i know it's GDM but it helps to know :P)03:50
Atamiskgnome linux03:50
v1ttui see03:50
v1ttudo you have autologin?03:51
v1ttuon the login screen look for sessions03:51
v1ttuselect session03:51
v1ttuor whatever its called ingnome03:51
v1ttuif your logged into gnome03:51
v1ttuim being dumb03:51
Atamiskwell, it takes 2 seconds to reconfig and reboot03:52
v1ttuwhat happens when you try to log into kde?03:52
Atamiski get to log in normally (with KDE's login) then it drops me into a terminal03:52
v1ttudid u install kde alongside gnome?03:53
Atamiskthe terminal refuses to move, and there's no window around it03:53
Atamiskusing synaptic03:53
v1ttudo you know about ctrl+atl+f1?03:53
v1ttuyou know how to login that way?03:54
v1ttutry this03:54
v1ttulogin thru CTRL+ALT+f103:54
Atamiskthen start plasma?03:54
v1ttuthen run sudo rm -r ,kde03:54
v1ttusudo rm -r .kde03:54
Atamiskwait wat?03:54
v1ttuill pm ya03:55
caterpillarhello.. all loners04:17
=== peter is now known as Guest89093
Benny__How do I install KDE4  9.10 using KDE3  9.0404:57
Benny__Can someone answer my question please04:58
leighmy ipod doesent seem to work with ubuntu can anyone help05:07
=== leigh is now known as grindey
bazhanggrindey, using which app to access it, what version of ubuntu/kubuntu ; what make / model of iPod05:09
grindeyive tried rythmbox, banshee and gtkpod05:10
bazhangversion of Ubuntu/Kubuntu, what make/model of iPod05:10
grindeyi am using 8 gb a1285 ipod05:11
grindeyubuntu 9.1005:11
grindeyrythmbox is somhow able to read the files but i now apparently have o songs on my ipod05:12
grindeythe other apps cannot recognise that my ipod is mounted05:12
grindeythe desktop does show the ipod icon and my ipods name05:13
bazhangtouch? nano? video?05:13
grindeynano sorry05:13
bazhangnano works fine here05:13
grindeyi have no idea whats going on with it05:14
grindeyonce the ipod is plugged in should banshee or gtkpod recognise its there05:14
bazhangyou could try the iFuse PPA, or wait for next version of Ubuntu/Kubuntu when it will be native05:14
bazhangyes, but the issue is not being able to copy songs I would imagine05:14
bazhangie you can see it, but nothing is changed once you remove it05:15
grindeyyea, it has deleted all my songs off the ipod05:15
grindeybut when i plug it in, rythmbox is able to access my music ? lol05:15
grindeyand play it05:15
bazhangnever had that issue. just trying to remove/copy and nothing is changed once removed05:16
grindeyis there a way to test if it is mounting correctly05:17
MaranathaI downloaded a program how do I install it through terminal05:18
rosco_yCan anyone help me with the mount command: http://pastebin.com/R44M8GNc05:19
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=== Guest26744 is now known as Flanker
brain_how can i export my packagelist in kubuntu 9.10?06:16
brain_i want all my progs use on my second pc06:17
=== frenando is now known as HOMOEROTICUS
robbit10How do I switch from Ubuntu to Kubuntu?06:35
bazhangrobbit10, install package kubuntu-desktop06:36
bazhang!purekde | robbit1006:36
ubotturobbit10: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »06:36
robbit10bazhang: thanks, that's what i was looking for :)06:36
robbit10!purekde > robbit1006:59
ubotturobbit10, please see my private message06:59
robbit10bazhang: I'm getting an error when trying to uninstall KDE using the Manual instructions. The automatic one only removes the ubuntu-desktop metapackage07:05
macojust install kubuntu-desktop add kde to your system07:05
robbit10erm, i meant GNOME, sorry07:05
robbit10i was distracted a bit07:05
macoi read wrong too.... read "trying to install kde"07:06
macopastebin the error?07:06
robbit10no, i want to remove all the GNOME programs from my system, because they're cluttering up the KDE menu07:06
robbit10maco: http://pastie.org/private/srvym2mbgx3i224csziw07:07
macorobbit10: any chance youre on lucid right now?07:09
macocuz there is at least one major kde package in a not-installable state right now with lucid07:10
macowhich could confuse it07:10
macoand what happens if you just run "sudo apt-get install -f"?07:10
robbit10maco: I'm not on lucid, but I used the KDE SC 4.4 from the backports PPA (in the topic) to install Kubuntu. I'll try apt-get install -f07:26
robbit10maco: That did nothing. apt-get -f didn't detect any errors.07:27
macodoes aptitude why-not <package> say anything useful if you tell it the packages that it says will not be installed?07:27
robbit10maco: http://www.pastie.org/private/bgvhx28v667tszdlxxnw07:29
macohmm try removing phonon-backend-null and replacing with phonon-backend-xine?07:31
robbit10maco: sudo aptitude remove phonon-backend-null didn't do anything, and neither did aptitude install phonon-backend-xine :S07:32
robbit10maco: I tried apt-get, and it tells that phonon-backend-xine is installed and phonon-backend-null is not installed07:33
demismi got lucid and i was wondering how i can get kubuntu-desktop on it? I get a bunch of depends but wont be installed messages, any ideas?07:34
moetunesdemism: you could ask in  #ubuntu+1 - that's for lucid07:35
demismmoetunes: thanks :)07:36
moetunesnp :)07:36
robbit10aptitude says the Phonon packages AND kubuntu-desktop in the PPA are broken.07:40
robbit10maco: Do you think i should first install the official Kubuntu packages, then upgrade them via the PPA?07:43
Seazorsince i updated kdeSC 4.4.1 to 4.4.2 from PPA, i have a problem with netbook interface08:02
Seazorcan someone help me ?08:03
Seazorplease, is there someone who can do some support here ?08:16
umakantSeazor:  for ?08:17
Seazorsince i updated kdeSC 4.4.1 to 4.4.2 from PPA, i have a problem with netbook interface08:19
Seazorthe panel at the top of the screen appear only when plasma (the "desktop") is the application with the focus08:21
Seazorit disapear when you click on another window08:22
njathanAnyone knows of this is supposed to work for batch download with wget? ->  wget http://example.com/slide{1-5}.jpg08:36
Tm_Tnjathan: try [1..5]08:36
njathantried that... it doesn't recognize the metachars... just looks for the file named slide[1..5].jpg, and eventually returns a 40408:39
Tm_TI cannot remember how this kind of thig is supposed to be done08:40
njathanthe guy in this thread uses a tiny script, which i am sure will work.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4325744&postcount=908:40
njathanbut i was just wondering why wget does not understand standard metachars08:40
njathanTm_T: whups! worked.... silde{1..5}.jpg does the trick!08:42
Tm_Tnjathan: aah, great (:08:42
mfraz74Can anyone help me with my Kontact problem?08:45
njathanmfraz74: someone might try provided you ask the right queston08:48
mfraz74I upgraded to kde 4.4.2 yesterday and I think I've sorted out Akonadi, but I can't get Kontact to respond to anything after I load it08:50
mfraz74The individual programs work - KOrganizer, KAddressBook, KMail etc but not Kontact08:55
=== dev_ is now known as dev__
Serpardumkubuntu some version.  I forget the command to check for  programs.09:06
Serpardumconsole command09:06
Tm_TSerpardum: what you need to do?09:08
Serpardumconfigure: line 475: cas: command not found                 so I need to find what program cas is09:09
Serpardumand install it09:10
Serpardumgah, n/m09:11
Serpardumit's the last line of the script file09:11
Serpardumand I"m sure it was supposed to be case09:11
Serpardumand got cut off09:11
Serpardumbasically I have an incomplete configure file.  thanks09:11
Serpardumhi aantsa09:17
aantsa testing Quassel irc software09:18
Serpardumit seems to be working on our end, that is, we see what you are typing09:19
aantsagood, and even I can join my favorite channel in quakenet09:20
aantsanot bad :D09:20
aantsabecause I am really newbie with kubuntu09:21
aantsathis is good09:22
aantsaI can hide everykind happens09:23
aantsajoin, quit...09:23
mfraz74why can't I get Kontact up and running? Aaaagh09:28
aantsaseeya, need to go09:33
apparleWhy is search not working in lucid09:51
Tm_Tapparle: lucid help in #ubuntu+1 (:09:51
apparleTm_T: but all the people there don't consider Kubuntu in ubuntu+1... so I won't get any help regarding KDE09:52
Tm_Tapparle: they should09:53
apparleTm_T: they should but there's no one who uses lucid kubuntu... so I get negligible help regarding it09:54
Tm_Tapparle: we are there (:09:55
apparleTm_T: alright you help me out there09:55
Tm_Tas much as I can09:55
=== ubuntu is now known as Ahmed
AhmedHow do i use aircrack :) i have installed but doesnt seem to work :)09:58
=== Ahmed is now known as Guest6680
Tm_TAhmed: I have never used it, sorry09:58
=== Guest6680 is now known as Ahmed\
Ahmed\Any other to crack into wifi ?09:58
Tm_Tno, I don't do such things, especially as it's often considered illegal09:59
Ahmed\I'm having my internal IP from US of A and you think its illegal09:59
Ahmed\Oh great09:59
Tm_TAhmed\: no, I don't say that is illegal10:00
=== jonathan1 is now known as mutanabbi
Ahmed\Oh you !!!!!10:08
FloodBotK1Ahmed\: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:08
mutanabbiThe official kubuntu support doesn't seem to be flooded right now, do you mind if i just drop some general questions on how it all works or should i just keep researching?10:10
NoRedemptioniam back10:10
NoRedemptionjust ask10:10
Ahmed\welcome back10:10
NoRedemptionthx :)10:10
Ahmed\Chris, i need 3gp codecs10:10
Ahmed\for Mplayer10:11
FloodBotK1Ahmed\: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:11
Ahmed\dont suggest me a VLC oh please10:11
NoRedemptionhmmm wait10:11
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:11
Ahmed\I mean i just dont get the voice but video works10:11
NoRedemptiondid you already tried the cheapeds trick10:12
jussi01Ahmed\: kubuntu-restricted-extras should give you all you need.10:12
jussi01and make sure pulse audio is disabled if you have it installed.10:12
Ahmed\i have it installed from the day 110:12
Ahmed\yes so how do i enable the audio :) O_o10:13
NoRedemptionloook for drivers10:13
jussi01Ahmed\: make sure pulse is uninstalled/disabled.10:13
Ahmed\no no its not about drivers10:13
Ahmed\Okay wait10:13
Ahmed\dude there are like dozens of pulse installed10:14
Ahmed\which to uninstall /10:14
=== 77CAAGHWX is now known as Twin_ge_
Ahmed\difference between ubuntu-restricted-extras and kubuntu-restricted-extras10:15
Ahmed\Okay well guys i cant see my desktop after an application didnt respont10:17
Ahmed\unless i logout10:18
Ahmed\it wont be back10:18
FloodBotK1Ahmed\: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:18
NoRedemptionhow did it go10:19
Ahmed\all i can see is desktop background10:20
NoRedemptionwhat happened?10:21
Ahmed\i mean i lost my desktop icons10:21
NoRedemptiondid you look on screen 2 and 110:22
Ahmed\there same10:22
Ahmed\WHy can't i get voice on a 3gp formats on mplayer ?10:30
Ahmed\only video appears10:30
mutanabbiSince i started using linux and ubuntu derivates i have had problems with my videodrivers (for an ati card) i wonder how the drivers fro kubuntu work10:38
moetunesthey seem ok - for a guide to set them up10:39
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:39
mutanabbithanks, i think i checked most howtos out though, but i'll check into this one10:40
mutanabbiI use irssi, is there any way to hide info on people moving in and out of the chat?10:48
moetunesmutanabbi:from here - http://linuxreviews.org/software/irc/ - To hide join/parts in a channel, try    /help ignore    for instructions.10:53
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=== james is now known as Guest97668
=== Guest97668 is now known as jamesth
esaywhich desktop do you think is better "Gnome- KDE - Xfce - lxde"11:42
bazhangesay, matter of opinion, try them out yourself. chat in #kubuntu-offtopic please11:43
bazhangesay, or you could ask bestbot in #ubuntu-bots11:43
mutanabbiIs there a good, safe way to simply switch Kwin for a nice flexible tiling wm?11:50
bazhangmutanabbi, install one?11:50
mutanabbiYeah, but then i have to replace it afterwards right? Or use it as a second session?11:51
mutanabbiif i just replace kwin with --replace this will not be a premanent change?12:08
bazhangmutanabbi, using compiz? which wm were you referring to12:08
mutanabbiI am using compiz right now, but i would like to use a tiling wm, like awesome or wmii12:09
=== peto_ is now known as peto
mudassarhello, i could never got my laptop mic work properly in kubuntu and skype even i bought a new laptop and latest version of kubuntu13:01
mudassarplease help me13:01
mudassarhello anybody here ?13:03
mudassarhello anybody there ?13:07
mudassarHello please help me13:27
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=== Guest35046 is now known as jovis
mfraz74is there any way of starting the Akonadi configuration from scratch?13:46
=== Zin is now known as ZinBr
Draglorremoving the old one would have this effect13:51
Machtinis there no more eclipse-cdt package in 10.04?13:51
bazhangMachtin, #ubuntu+1 for lucid13:52
mfraz74how much of it can i remove?13:52
Machtinmh, k13:52
ZinBrhow i install the controller video ati radeon x1200 in kubuntu 9.10?13:54
jovismaybe go to their website13:56
jovisand download the linux drivers13:56
=== xristos is now known as Guest16653
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swat_graphsomeone are french ?14:12
jovisvoulez vous?14:14
swat_graphje debute sur linux etc.. je découvre Quassel irc la14:17
jovisque pasa?14:18
jovisburrito supreme?14:18
jovissorry i was speaking mexican14:19
joviscomment avez-vous découvert l'IRC ?14:21
=== ubuntu is now known as Denis23423525
Denis23423525ci sono italiani __?14:22
Denis23423525scusa amico ti posso fare una domanda in privato su kubuntu ?14:22
Denis23423525che lo appena installato e noto una cosa che nn dovrebbe esserci14:23
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=== ubuntu is now known as Denis23423525
jovisque pasa14:49
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
swat-graphSomeone are french ?15:17
arch0njw!fr | swat-graph15:18
ubottuswat-graph: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois15:18
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=== hrna_ is now known as hrna
john__Hablo Español15:44
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:44
john__Hay alguien ahí15:44
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keffie_jayxjohn__: por lo general si15:52
jovistaco supreme15:53
spirov92I have an RV250 which fglrx dropped support for, and radeon is being horribly slow. what do you guys think is better-debugging radeon or using an old fglrx which supports my card?16:02
spirov92I would just buy a working card but this one's soldered to my laptop's main board and would be hard to replace :(16:04
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itguruI've found a bug in how kubuntu handles pptp connections -- how do I go about reporting it?16:57
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots16:58
itguruBasically, when a pptp connection is made, it routes all traffic via the pptp connection, rather than just the traffic destined for the far network16:58
itguruI had to manually alter the routing table to stop all my *downloads* going via the vpn!16:58
apparlekopete supports proxy?17:05
=== Guest403 is now known as vleaf
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vbgunz_can kate autocomplete python files Vs just doing syntax highlighting?17:14
James147vbgunz_: kate has vary basic autocompete, i think it just completes words you have already typed in the document :)17:15
vbgunz_yeah, I see that :/17:16
James147vbgunz_: keep iun mind its `just` ment to be a text editor not an ide17:16
vbgunz_yeah, just autocompletion and nothing else would be grand.17:17
vbgunz_its all good17:17
apparleI prefer kate for its sensiblity in simplicity....... no better text editor than kate17:21
James147apparle: and has more features then any other text editor i have seen, even vi input mode which is nice17:22
apparleJames147: I never used vi... but hats off to kate...17:23
James147apparle: vi can be nice, if you take the time to learn how to use it... very powerful but a very large learning curve :S17:24
maddinhey guys17:37
maddinis here someone knowing what to do with soundproblems17:38
James147!sound | maddin17:38
ubottumaddin: If you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP317:38
maddinkay thx already tried to solve the problem by searching in forums17:40
mfraz74what sound problems?17:40
maddinkubuntu 9.10 drivers for the soundchip are loaded17:40
maddinno soundtest works17:40
maddinroot@oichl:/home/martin# cat /proc/asound/cards17:41
maddin 0 [Intel          ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel17:41
maddin                      HDA Intel at 0xf9ff8000 irq 2217:41
maddinroot@oichl:/home/martin# aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Left.wav17:46
maddinNo protocol specified17:46
maddinXOpenDisplay() fehlgeschlagen17:46
maddinNo protocol specified17:46
maddinXOpenDisplay() fehlgeschlagen17:46
FloodBotK1maddin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:46
maddinWiedergabe Wave '/usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Left.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Samplingrate: 48000 Hz, Mono17:46
maddinsry is it wrong to paste something with enter?17:48
phoenix_i am trying to compile my first hello world program using cmake, it is giving me some error, is there a channel for kde programming?17:49
yaroslav_Всем привет17:50
moetunesmaddin: there's a topic at the top off the page when you enter here - you should paste it to  http://paste.ubuntu.com17:50
phoenix_i am trying to compile my first hello world program using cmake, it is giving me some error, is there a channel for kde programming?17:50
maddinokay than putting it in like this?17:51
moetunesphoenix_: there's #programming iirc17:53
phoenix_moetunes: ty17:53
maddinokay http://paste.ubuntu.com/408199/17:53
moetunesmaddin: looks like it played ok - got no sound from it?17:55
moetunesmaddin: in konsole do   alsamixer   and is everything turned up?17:56
maddinturned up17:57
maddinif i press the sound controll buttons on my keyboard 100%17:57
maddinmaster 100%17:58
maddinin alsamixer17:58
moetunesmaddin: try pcm instead of master17:58
vHandaDoes anyone know of a way I can get an exact replica of my OS as a live cd(I actually want to load it on a pendrive), with all the software it has right now?17:59
maddinhow can i change pcm-sound?17:59
moetunesmaddin: in the sound applet choose pcm not master17:59
maddinyes in alsamixer17:59
maddinand then17:59
maddini tried to scroll it up18:00
maddinbut nothin happens18:00
maddina now18:00
maddinpcm 100%18:00
moetunesvHanda: try bootcd18:00
buckfastWhy isnt jdownloader in the ubuntu/debian repos?18:00
moetunes!info bootcd18:00
ubottubootcd (source: bootcd): run your system from cd without need for disks. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.15 (karmic), package size 72 kB, installed size 284 kB18:01
vHandamoetunes: All right, thanks. I'll try it out.18:01
maddinmoetunes: same error http://paste.ubuntu.com/408209/18:02
moetunesmaddin: in konsole   lspci   and paste the sound card line18:02
maddinmoetunes: here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/408210/18:03
maddinmoetunes: soundcardline 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) HD Audio Controlle18:05
moetunesmaddin: having a google now18:05
moetunesmaddin: search returned scratchy sound probs but not anyhting about it not working...18:08
slavchi, i installed kubuntu 9.10. everything works ok, only problem i have is with lugitech bluetooth mouse, which is not recognized. What do i need to do to make it work? Any suggestions?18:08
maddinmoetunes: that means18:09
moetunesslavc: try this -  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup18:09
moetunesmaddin: I'm outta ideas - I never have sound issues so my debbuggung skills are limited there18:10
slavcmoetunes: thx18:10
slavcmoetunes: none of the suggested commands on that link show the mouse18:18
moetunesslavc: sorry but apart from that link I know nothing about bluetooth18:18
moetunesmaybe someone else will speak up...18:19
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:19
moetunesgiacomo: try /list18:19
maddinmoetunes: thx anyway18:20
HazamonzoHey folks. Im looking for some CPU temperature monitoring software for Kubuntu... thoughts?18:27
moetunes!sensors > Hazamonzo18:28
ubottuHazamonzo, please see my private message18:28
kristoffer__> hellu, i am at the gathering....... and i need to use dc++ i have downloaded it. but i dont know what i shall do.... can anyone help me?18:29
moetuneskristoffer_: there is #programming iirc18:33
kristoffer_how do i open it?18:34
moetuneskristoffer_: /j #programming18:35
cuzntkristoffer if it is not in your menu you mught have to restart18:35
cuzntalso dc++ did not work well for me. OI have kubuntu 64 but18:35
cuzntso i had to use jucy dc++18:35
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slavcmoetunes: i found the solution here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=316358&highlight=toshiba+phoenix+bluetooth18:55
slavcnow bluetooth is working18:56
moetuneswell done slavc :)18:56
slavcthough the svn is now git, everything else working as said there18:57
=== robin is now known as Guest76405
=== WindPower_ is now known as WindPower
=== Ahmed is now known as Guest51174
=== ubuntu is now known as Ahmed\
Ahmed\command apt-get clean doesnt work shows an error of permission denied ? WHY19:49
pal0breAhmed\: did you type sudo apt-get clean19:50
Ahmed\sorry :$19:50
moetuneshehe :)19:50
Ahmed\doesn't work still tried by root too19:51
paul2141556645hi, can anyone help me get my sound back in ubuntu? i exhausted all the advice on google for 2h now19:51
Ahmed\i didn't get any error now but doesnt work either like stays there and thats it19:52
pal0brethen try sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb19:52
Ahmed\rm: cannot remove `/var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb': No such file or directory19:53
James147Ahmed\: dose "ls /var/cache/apt/archives/" give any output?19:53
Ahmed\Oh GOD, thank GOODNESS James is here19:54
Ahmed\Yeah its saying lock partial19:54
Ahmed\No such file or directory19:54
Ahmed\nope !19:55
paul2141556645can anyone help out a bit?19:55
=== robin is now known as Guest84744
James147Ahmed\: and "ls /var/cache/apt/" ?19:55
pal0breAhmed\: than try to open that directory with your file manager19:55
Ahmed\archives  pkgcache.bin  srcpkgcache.bin19:56
James147Ahmed\: ... its looks like its there:S try "ls /var/cache/apt/archives"  again19:57
Ahmed\:~$ ls /var/cache/apt/archives19:58
Ahmed\lock  partial19:58
James147Ahmed\:  looks like it worked... why do you think "sudo apt-get clean" didnt work?19:59
Ahmed\Cause James20:00
Ahmed\it doesnt shows a thing i mean cause its nothing to clean20:00
James147apt-get clean dosn't output anything on success20:01
James147like alot of nix commands20:01
Ahmed\oh really @_@20:01
James147unix ^^20:01
Ahmed\But what does it remove ?20:01
James147Ahmed\: all the *.deb files from /var/cache/apt/archives20:01
Ahmed\unix now what exactly is Unix :) had enough of Linux im not gonna switch to WIndows ever again20:02
Ahmed\but what are those files for ?20:02
James147Ahmed\: they are the files that apt-get, aptitude or anyother packagemanagment program downloads before it installs them20:02
Ahmed\so they are installers ?20:02
Ahmed\and thats how you can remove it ?20:02
James147Ahmed\: they contain the program and resources that the programs need, but you dont need the .deb once the program in installed20:03
Ahmed\man i can't really install realplayer i tried a lot20:04
James147Ahmed\: to remove a program you should use apt-get or aptitude (or other packagmanagment program) to remove them20:04
Ahmed\installer broken i mean i am on 64 bit20:04
James147Ahmed\: http://www.real.com/realplayer/linux <- download the DEB and when its done click on it in dolphin20:07
Ahmed\okay wait20:08
dbc254when I boot up, I always have to click on my desktop, and OK my desktop photo before it's visible. What's wrong?20:08
Ahmed\i am on Gnome will i have to switch ?20:08
James147Ahmed\: shouldn't you should be able to click on it in and file manager...20:08
Ahmed\i have downloaded it20:09
Ahmed\and those very same files20:10
Ahmed\but should i try on dolphin ?20:10
Ahmed\on KDE ?20:10
James147dbc254: what version of kde are you using and what type of wall paper (image?)20:10
James147Ahmed\: it doesn't matter what file manager you use...20:10
Ahmed\but it always shows up broken20:11
Ahmed\lets see20:11
James147Ahmed\: I suggest dolphin because this is #kubuntu and its the default for most ppl, #ubuntu is for gnome20:11
dbc254it's a .jpg of my motorcycle. and I'm using the latest-n-greatest. Just did and apt-get upgrade20:11
Ahmed\James what's the best thing you finds in Linix :) lemme know that and WHY :)20:11
James147dbc254: tell me the version anyway :) dont know if your on 4.3.x or 4.4.x :)20:12
Ahmed\DOwnloaded realplayer20:12
Ahmed\now what20:12
dbc254um, how can I tell?20:12
James147dbc254:  any kde program -> help -> about kde20:12
phoenix_hello james20:13
James147phoenix_: Hey20:13
phoenix_i have successfully installed vlc 1.0.520:13
Ahmed\JAMES i have downloaded20:14
James147Ahmed\: then click on it in a filemanager ...20:14
Ahmed\whats that now20:14
Ahmed\i mean gDebi /20:14
Ahmed\Error: Wrong architecture 'i386'20:15
Ahmed\sick of it20:15
EruaranAhmed\: What are you trying to do?20:15
Eruaran(I only just joined a minute ago)20:15
Ahmed\trying to INSTALL REALPLAYER 11 deb20:15
Ahmed\i have installer but shows en error20:16
Ahmed\Error: Wrong architecture 'i386'20:16
James147dbc254: :) what type of wall paper are use useing? (right click desktop -> desktop (activity?) settings -> Wall paper -> "type") is image, slideshow or something?20:16
EruaranAhmed\: Are you using 32Bit or 64Bit Kubuntu?20:16
Ahmed\64 bit on Gnome KDE 4.420:17
dbc254James I did that, but when I boot up, it's like my system has to be retold each time where my /home is???20:17
Ahmed\currently on Gnome20:17
EruaranAhmed\: You may have downloaded the wrong version of RealPlayer20:17
Ahmed\I tried every version HUH three20:17
EruaranAhmed\: What do you want RealPlayer for anyway? ;)20:17
=== jay is now known as Guest28567
Ahmed\i like it so at least plays 3gp20:18
dbc254I have a soundclip set to play upon bootup also, but it doesn't work unless I click on my home directory. Then it loads those folders, and the sound plays. If I don't, no sound, and no desktop pic of my motorcycle20:18
James147Ahmed\: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RealPlayerInstallationMethods#64-bit RealPlayer20:18
EruaranAhmed\: 3gp?20:18
Ahmed\Phone's format video :)20:18
EruaranAhmed\: ah ok20:18
Ahmed\which recently turned into MP420:18
James147dbc254: so you have it set to image (just trying to make sure)20:19
iconmefistoAhmed\: vlc should play 3gp20:19
EruaranAhmed\: the link James147 gave you should be helpful... Though have you tried VLC?20:19
Ahmed\i have VLC20:20
Ahmed\yes it shows the same its for 32 bit HUH20:20
EruaranAhmed\: Did you install VLC with the package manager?20:20
EruaranAhmed\: Then it should be the correct version20:21
James147dbc254: could you pastebin the contents of ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc20:21
Ahmed\it says no realplayer for 6420:22
EruaranAhmed\: VLC or MPlayer should play 3gp20:22
Ahmed\yeah they do20:22
Ahmed\NO VOICE20:22
FloodBotK1Ahmed\: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:23
Ahmed\it play but20:23
Ahmed\no voice20:23
EruaranAhmed\: Do you get sound if you try to play videos on YouTube and things like that?20:23
Ahmed\yeah it works so well fine i mean i have all videos and codecs well installed20:24
James147Ahmed\: does anything produce sound?20:24
EruaranAhmed\: Ok, just making sure you didn't have a different problem.20:24
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:25
dbc254james found the file, but how do you pastebin?20:25
James147Ahmed\: have you followed those guides?20:25
James147!pastebin | dbc25420:25
ubottudbc254: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:25
Ahmed\I did like 3 times20:25
Ahmed\HEY now i can see it on synaptic20:26
Ahmed\lemme download20:26
Ahmed\thanks guys that site helped20:26
dbc254!pastebin | dbc25420:26
ubottudbc254, please see my private message20:26
James147Ahmed\: try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17845520:27
=== eric is now known as Guest99847
Guest99847hey guys kubuntu .. does it like ATI Gfx adapters20:28
EruaranAhmed\: Looks like the link James147 just posted might do the trick.20:29
Ahmed\yes it did help20:30
Ahmed\i gotta install something to get thrid party softwares20:30
Ahmed\not this but previous link20:30
James147Guest99847: Dont think there are too many problems with the ati graphics cards, but I dont use them so cant be sure20:30
James147dbc254: have to placed it on pastebin yet?20:35
dbc254can't pastebin20:36
James147dbc254: why not?20:36
James147dbc254: you could try renaming it loging out and back in (will reset your desktop) then try changing the wallpaper and see if that works20:42
AngryRoeyquestion about Broadcomm wi-fi drivers:  I have a Dell Inspiron 1564.  I have seen a few threads about it (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=948475) but I do not understand which packages I need to install.  I tried bwcml-kernel-source, but I don't see that the laptop recognizes the wireless card.    Can anyone help me?  I'm using Kubuntu 10.04.  Can anyone help me?20:58
James147AngryRoey: Could try on #ubuntu+1 for lucid (10.04)21:00
Lord-Rahlanyone know what the menue editer is called21:00
James147Lord-Rahl: kmenueditor21:01
Lord-Rahlthanks :)21:01
James147LeeJunFan: kmenuedit sorry21:01
James147LeeJunFan: sorry :)21:01
AngryRoeyJames147, I'm there, thanks21:02
=== ubuntu is now known as Ahmed\
Ahmed\Is there is anything such as wavepad for ubunty ?21:14
MaharaAhmed\: Audacity21:15
Lord-Rahl? I have kde netbook remix how do i remove icons in the netbook plasmode21:15
Ahmed\lemme try dude21:16
Ahmed\this lookslike wavepad21:16
MaharaAhmed\: also have a look at  http://alternativeto.net/desktop/audacity/?platform=linux&sort=likes && http://www.osalt.com/ && http://www.linuxalt.com/ , they present lots of alternatives21:17
James147Lord-Rahl: which icons?21:17
Lord-Rahlkblue trimetraker under the Search and Launch setion21:17
Lord-Rahlin the widgets21:18
Ahmed\James i gotta question :)21:19
James147Ahmed\: sorry, my comps seems to be crashing :s brb :p21:19
James147better :)21:22
Ahmed\welcome back21:22
Lord-Rahlno takers21:23
James147Lord-Rahl: the icons on the top of the search and launch screen? or one ones that apeare as you search for things?21:23
Lord-Rahlnot the fav menu if you do a fresh reboot you come to the main page it has Contacts, Bookmarks, Office so on.. Hoe do i remove like Contacts, Bookmarks21:25
Ahmed\anything easier i mean sound editing software  apart from audacity :) JAMES21:26
James147Lord-Rahl: ahh, not sure about them :S21:28
Ahmed\JAMES147: any software for sound editing just for editing :)21:29
amorphous_I have a problem with apt-get update - it wont connect - seems to want to connect to my local router..? can anyone here help me - have tried loads but dont want to clog up in here with it unless there's wiling help here...21:31
Ahmed\try using it @root21:32
roey_hola Ahmed\21:33
roey_question about broadcomm wl driver:21:33
roey_I have it loaded21:33
roey_from bootup021:33
roey_ but when I try to 'scan' for networks with KDE's applet,21:33
roey_I get nothing21:33
Ahmed\tell me any good audio editor software like wavepad in windows21:33
Ahmed\Ask James21:34
roey_James147:  hi21:34
roey_Riddell:  hola!21:34
amorphous_is there a reason why apt-get update would be "unable to connect to" when trying to contact the repositories. I dont seem to have any proxy set up and no resolv.conf file...21:35
James147roey_: when you run "iwlist wlan0 scan" dose it list anything (replace wlan0 with your device21:36
roey_ah one sec21:36
Ahmed\James, Please tell me any good audio editing software @_@21:36
roey_roey@aux:~$ iwlist eth1 scan21:37
roey_eth1      Interface doesn't support scanning.21:37
zeltakhya guys, any one knows how to create a hotkey in kde to bring a prog to focus and in front?21:37
roey_James147:  when I did iwconfig I saw 'eth1' listed there as an 802.11 devie21:37
amorphous_is there a reason why apt-get update would be "unable to connect to" when trying to contact the repositories. I dont seem to have any proxy set up and no resolv.conf file...21:37
James147Ahmed\: I don't know that answer to everything, ask if I know I will say... if I don't answer assume i don't know21:37
amorphous_ahmed - audacity21:37
MaharaAhmed\: I already told you and provided you with the links necessary to find more21:37
Ahmed\i have installed that any other please :) beside audacity21:37
James147roey_: it could be eth1 :)21:38
roey_ok :)21:38
roey_James147: aight :)  So what's the meaning of the return message I got?21:38
roey_eth1      Interface doesn't support scanning.21:39
roey_roey@aux:~$ sudo iwlist eth1 scan21:39
roey_eth1      Failed to read scan data : Invalid argument21:39
amorphous_ahmed ardour?21:39
roey_James147: tried it with sudo too, but got the above21:39
Eruaranzeltak: You can create a new hotkey or keyboard shortcut in System Settings > Computer Administration: Input Actions21:39
James147roey_: whats the output of iwconfig?21:41
James147!pastebin | roey_21:41
ubotturoey_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:41
zeltakthx Eruaran i did that but my problem is how to make it bring to front a specific program (amarok lets say)21:42
zeltaki dont want to launch amarok again just make it focused and in front, is there a way to do that?21:42
roey_James147:  http://pastebin.com/i5tHTXZc21:42
roey_James147:  (disclaimer, I've been using linux since '98 ;)21:43
James147roey_: :)21:43
roey_James147: (so you can talk to me freely)21:43
roey_grr broadcom21:43
Eruaranzeltak: hmm21:44
Eruaranzeltak: I'd look in the window/app config > icon at extreme left of title bar21:45
Eruaranzeltak: click and go to advanced21:45
zeltakhmmm ok but how can i bind such action?21:46
Eruaranzeltak: special application settings21:46
Eruaranzeltak: I dunno, but you can config Amarok to always be front an centre when you click on it in the system tray21:46
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
zeltakyeah i know i just wanted to bind diffrent applications to different keys for quick acess but i guess thats complicated21:47
zeltakthx anyway Eruaran for the help!21:47
roey_James147:  so I gave the output...21:47
Eruaranzeltak: yeah I'm not sure... if there isn't a way, let one of the KDE devs know... surely there's a way to make a way even if there wasn't previously a way... :P21:48
James147roey_: :S seen it, not entirly sure why it wont scan though21:48
roey_btw what does :S signify21:48
roey_like that?21:48
James147roey_: confusion mostly :p21:49
zeltakkk thx Eruaran ill try the kde channel21:49
roey_James147:  thanks for teaching me that :)21:49
roey_I  need that21:49
Eruaranzeltak: Or just use alt+tab ;)21:49
zeltakhehe alt-tab is to slow ;-021:50
zeltakespecially when you have like 20 progs open :)21:50
Eruaranahah I see your point21:50
James147zeltak: Alt+F3 in the application -> advanced -> Spical Application settings -> Preferences -> "Shoutcut"  <<- that what you looking for>?21:53
zeltakon sec21:54
James147zeltak: dosent work when amarok is in the sys tray (and dosent ahve a window open) but will bring it to the front if it is open21:54
roey_hi mamarok21:54
Eruaranzeltak: I think I might have the answer... just a sec lemme test21:55
zeltakyeah exactly what i wanted :) thx alot James14721:55
zeltakahh shame about the amarok thing but works well with konsole :)21:55
zeltakEruaran: you have an alternative way?21:55
James147zeltak: Also the krunner has a plugin that allows you to switch to opened windows by typeing their title21:56
zeltakthx James147 but thats to cumbersome for me (plus i use kupfer..highly recommend it guys :))21:56
Eruaranzeltak: nah use what James147 said :P21:57
zeltakkk thx alot guys..appriciate it :)21:57
roey_can't d0o this anymore21:58
roey_fuck broadcom21:58
roey_fuck nvidia\21:58
FloodBotK1roey_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:58
Eruaranzeltak: There is also a way to have a shortcut to Amarok if it is not open: right click Kickstart menu and choose menu editor... find Amarok and click the advanced tab... down the bottom you will see you can set a shortcut key21:58
EruaranKDE is win21:59
EruaranKDE = awesomeness21:59
roey_Riddell, when do you think canonical will devote more to making KDE a first-class citizen like GNOME?  I keep hearing about how "much better" openSUSE is and I wonder what the difference is22:01
roey_KDE has papercuts22:01
roey_all over the place22:01
roey_that said22:01
roey_It's  been my desktop for ten years now22:01
corsairsI have used suse and Mandriva and Kubuntu, they are all pretty good22:01
corsairsbig differences i have found is the control centers and sources22:02
ubuntu_people moan about kubuntu because ubuntu gets much more attantion but it's just a pretty standard kde install22:02
corsairsSuse and Mandriva have had many years with their Yast and MCC to get them working good22:02
EruaranI've been using Kubuntu since 2005. Canonical has never given it the love it deserves. The goodness in the latest version of Kubuntu is mostly thanks to the community, especially the KDE community.22:03
roey_I like kubuntu but this is infuriating:  every instruction for ubuntu I find on the web gives you a click-through guide...FOR UBUNTU.  There's no command-line admin guide (at least, they seldom appear near the top of Google's search results page).22:03
corsairsKubuntu is much like ubuntu that you sometimes have to go tweak conf files22:03
EruaranI think Kubuntu is on the right track now22:04
* ubuntu_ dislikes yast and mcc, centralised controlls always seam like a compromise, each tool should have it's own configuration tool (or not) rather than a 1/2 way mess of yast/etc22:04
=== ubuntu_ is now known as RiotingPacifist
corsairsi do like the progress kubuntu is making between the last 2 versions22:04
roey_I'm going22:04
roey_and thanks all22:04
RiotingPacifist^the above statement was mine nothing to do with ubuntu/canonical22:04
FloodBotK1roey_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:04
EruaranSome decisions made meant Kubuntu had a rough time last year but they were worthwhile in the long term.22:05
EruaranThings like adopting KDE4 early on, and the switch to KPackageKit yield long term benefits.22:05
RiotingPacifistcan i use flgrx on a liveCD22:05
roey_I mean I like the Kubuntu devels (Jonathan riddell is great) and I just wish canonical would accord kubuntu some more importance than what I have seen in the past22:06
roey_ciao :)22:06
corsairsive used Mandriva for years so have gotten very used to mcc and rpmdrake, the suse platform is good just they differ from the RH platform enough that it takes me a while longer to find files that needed editing22:06
Eruaranroey_: Maybe if they make more money Canonical will give Jonathan Riddle a pay rise and a couple of helpers ;)22:06
roey_eristikophiles, is he the only kubuntu dev at canonical??22:07
RiotingPacifistroey_: why? kde gets a lot of plain upstream development, gnomes development is much more fragmented distro depended i don't see why canonical should do more, i mean shuttleworth is already a huge donator to KDE foundation22:07
corsairsbeen playing with Kubuntu in vbox to check it out and learn it more22:07
roey_RiotingPacifist, there have been articles upon articles about this subject22:07
EruaranRiotingPacifist has a good point.22:08
RiotingPacifistroey_: I think he was the only kde specific dev a while ago, lower changes (network-manager, etc) are shared between DEs (ofc there are problems that they only test the changes against ubuntu not kubuntu, but thats a communication problem IMHO not a funding one)22:08
roey_RiotingPacifist, don't get me wrong, I am in love with kde, and I am happy that kubuntu exists22:08
roey_I don't know about funding22:09
roey_it sometimes seems like Ubuntu proper is a completely different world22:09
roey_with its own GUI tools22:09
roey_and because of that, the procedures and methods illustrated in the on-line ubuntu guides don't necessarily map to kubuntu22:10
RiotingPacifistI prefer kubuntu to stay closer to upstream, writing your own tools seams like a workaround when really improvements should be made upstream (but that is just my option)22:12
roey_that's not what I meant though;22:12
roey_I acknowledge that gnome and kde have different ways of doing things.22:13
roey_I just want to see online guides for Kubuntu thatare as detailed as those for Ubuntu.;22:13
roey_because when all I have to go by are guides for Ubuntu,22:13
roey_it is *I* who has to map these procedures and methods back to my Kubuntu machine\22:14
roey_fuck gnome.22:14
roey_ciao :)22:14
FloodBotK1roey_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:14
EruaranJames147: Those advanced settings for windows and apps are awesome... I tried making a shortcut for Amarok and it works nicely22:14
James147Eruaran: :D22:20
zusJames147, that update you gave me the other night, worked for me  thank you22:24
zusanyone use VLC?  how can i use it to make a video or movie a wallpaper like i see on youtube? although its mostly windows videos the settings should be the same right preferences and setting up the wallpaper options...22:25
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Eruaranzus: You mean like take a snapshot?22:29
zusEruaran,  the back ground wallpaper was the movie..or video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zo9s4aBLbCg&feature=related22:31
zuslike i said i  know many of the videos are for windows but its vlc isnt that the same program as in linux?22:31
zusi never knew vlc could even do that, windows or not its neat though.22:34
Eruaranzus: Oh i c what you mean22:34
Eruaranzus: Same program yes but DirectX applies to Windows only22:34
Eruaranzus: I'm just having a look at how the Linux version differs...22:35
zusEruaran, so with out directX the feature isnt available?  me too im looking now22:36
zusEruaran,  i dont have a playlist button up by tools, its in the dropdown menus though way in there but even still there certain options i  aint got.22:37
Eruaranzus: I'm not sure, I'm looking at my VLC right now22:37
zusi dont have anything to set as a wall paper22:39
zusEruaran,  no biggie really would have been  nice, as a eyecandy feature and a brilliant discovery. i rarely use vlc so i thought id look around in youtube on thigns about it22:42
Eruaranzus: Here you go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLVSaqvshRc22:43
zusEruaran,  brb watching it now22:43
zusEruaran,  no audio or is it just me?22:44
Eruaranzus: KDE allows for different settings for your desktop activities, so its a feature that though not yet default in KDE is an easy plugin that allows you to set video as wallpaper in KDE... VLC doesn't need the feature on Linux it seems.22:44
Eruaranzus: I don't think the video has audio22:44
Eruaranzus: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2009/09/19/video-for-your-desktop/22:45
zusEruaran,  by activities you mean when i zoom out and the desktop opens to all four? thus having  4 (for a cube ) zooming out i can have 16 activites?22:45
Eruaranzus: yes, if you have a different activity set for each desktop22:46
Eruaranzus: which means in KDE you could have a different video playing for each desktop if you want to go crazy with it :P22:46
zusEruaran,  brilliant! how do i set that? i'd rather the option of activities before i have animated wallpapers )22:47
* zus smiles wide22:47
zuswhy did't i spend the last 4 months on kubuntu?22:47
Eruaranzus: Go to System Settings > Desktop > Multiple Desktops22:48
Eruaranzus: Tick the checkbox which says "Different activity for each desktop"22:49
Eruaranzus: To quickly check its enabled, change your wallpaper and then zoom out your desktops - the one you changed should now have a different wallpaper than the others22:50
TemplarKnightSorry, which was the name of the effect that lets you zoom out to see your desktops?22:57
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TemplarKnightI found it! Desktop grid... Thanx22:59
the_wave3hi, i know this is a not-kubutu question but i don't knwo where to turn for more information/help.23:01
the_wave3i use a isdn connection (with a billion isdn tiny usb modem) and it works fine for one computer.23:01
the_wave3the other computers can not use it so i wanted a isdn-router - they sold me a linksys wag120n.23:01
the_wave3the cover says ADSL but they asured me, that it can use isdn. i started to read about isdn, adsl and all this stuff,23:01
the_wave3but i got confused.23:01
FloodBotK1the_wave3: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:01
the_wave3what is this adsl-over-isdn?23:01
zusEruaran,  now my widgets and stuff went away...23:07
James147zus: on all desktops? or are they hiding on one?23:08
zusEruaran,  never mind i see haha, neat... seems as if though my main desktop wasnt the one displayed after i clicked "different activity for each desktop"23:09
Eruaranzus: yeah sometimes you have to put those back but its cool23:11
larsiviwould anyone know why I don't get actual desktop effects from alt+tab? it just brings the next window to the top23:17
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James147larsivi: what kde version?23:19
larsiviJames147: 4.4.2 now, but I've had this issue with most 4.x installs I've had23:20
James147larsivi: System settings -> Desktop -> Desktop effects -> General | Are effects enabled and what effect is under "Effects for window switching?23:21
larsiviJames147: yes, and I've tried them all :)23:22
James147larsivi: Do other effects work?23:22
larsiviJames147: I had it working on one of my installs, and I have no idea what was different there23:22
larsiviJames147: shadows and highlighting of windows work fine at least, I'm not really into most of it23:23
James147larsivi: hmm23:25
larsiviJames147: could this have something to do with the hardware driver I'm using? currently the xorg-something-ati (not fglrx since I'm on lucid)23:25
James147larsivi: have you just been upgrading since you had this issue?23:25
larsivikde just told me I couldn't explode my windows for example23:25
James147larsivi: possibally23:26
zusis there a away of changeing desktop side? alt KP1 or alt KP2 etc?23:26
larsiviJames147: this is a new laptop, so I've only tried lucid on it sofar23:26
James147zus: desktop side?23:26
James147larsivi: is probally a driver issue if some of the other effects dont work, but i ma not sure, you could try #ubuntu+1  (for lucid)23:28
zusJames147,  i change the 2 to 4 desktops for the cube...23:30
James147zus: ok, but what are you trying to do?23:31
zusJames147,  not use my mouse to change desktops23:34
James147zus: ahh :) alt +F1... alt + F2 ... etc, you can change the keys in system settings -> Keyboard & mouse -> Global Keyboard Shortcuts23:35
James147zus: ^^ kde compoent: KWin   --    you can also set to a shutcut for "next desktop" (and previous)23:36
James147zus: sorry, ctrl not alt23:36
James147zus: ctrl + F1-N23:37
zusJames147,  thanks.23:39
zusJames147,  seems like ctrl f2 is where the main desktop is? when i hit ctrl f1 it changes and nothing i son it.23:41
zusis that in fact the default ?23:42
James147zus: your "main" desktop might be desktop 2?23:42
James147zus: by default C^F1 will take you to the first desktop, C^F2 to the second23:43
zusJames147, i  noticed that it'll be some getting used to then.23:45

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