
MuscovyDoes anyone know how to make changelogs that the update manager supports?01:12
wgrantMuscovy: You can't. At the moment update-manager is hard-coded to look at changelogs.ubuntu.com01:26
wgrantMuscovy: But Launchpad is currently gaining the ability to store changelogs itself. So we might be able to soon adjust update-manager to look at Launchpad instead.01:26
MuscovyI can't seem to apt-get source my packages?04:10
wgrantMuscovy: Have you added the deb-src line to sources.list?04:11
MuscovyNope, only add-apt-ppa04:16
wgrantMuscovy: that doesn't add the deb-src line, so it makes sense that you cannot use apt-get source.04:17
MuscovyWhat's the line I need to add?04:19
wgrantMuscovy: The same as the line starting with 'deb', except with 'deb-src' instead of 'deb'.04:20
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dashi'd like to add a feature to launchpad and i'm curious if anyone else has worked on or wanted this before:06:21
dashhaving a rel="me" link on a user's page so that social graph api stuff can pick up a launchpad profile as associated with a user in some other system06:22
dashin particular i'm thinking of Google Buzz.06:22
wgrantdash: I haven't seen that requested before. I'd start by filing a bug against launchpad-registry, and maybe asking #launchpad-dev during the American (or maybe European) working day next week if you want to work on it yourself.06:24
dashi figured i'd have a poke at it, launchpad can't be worse than any other giant python project ;)06:24
idnarI'd probably be interested in that06:25
idnaralthough I think there's a lot more work you'd need to do that to make that user's Launchpad activity usefully discoverable from the profile page06:25
dashidnar: not much06:25
dashidnar: there's already rss feeds there06:25
wgrantUseful activity feeds for projects and people are something that everyone has been wanting for a while.06:26
dashfor bugs/branches/revisions06:26
wgrantIt just hasn't happened yet.06:26
dashwell. having another way to export them might catalyze that :)06:26
idnardash: you can discover the feeds, but you can't really extract the data from them06:26
idnarthey're just opaque items06:27
idnarbut, yeah, it's a start06:27
dashthat's enough to start with :)06:27
dashgoogle buzz seemed useless to me until i realized it would pull in data from all over06:27
idnarI actually find the social graph stuff a lot more useful in search than in Buzz06:28
dashhm, how's it work in search06:28
idnaryou get stuff like this: http://slipgate.za.net/~mithrandi/google-social-search.png06:30
idnar(or you can go use social explicitly, of course)06:30
dashhuh yeah, i'm noticing that now06:30
Andre_GondimI can't see this bug https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/55323207:27
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/553232)07:27
wgrantAndre_Gondim: It contains no sensitive information, so I've made it public.07:29
Andre_Gondimwgrant, thanks ;)07:30
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad to: LP in readonly mode 09:00 - 09:30 UTC | http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: matsubara | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
vishcold someone correct the link > http://blog.launchpad.net/maintenance  this is the one used in the yellow info10:08
vishex: Bug 110:10
vishBug #110:10
vishbleh , bot is no here too :s10:11
wgrantvish: There is a branch in proress to fix that, I believe10:11
vishwgrant: neat , ty10:11
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad to: LP in readonly mode 09:00 - 10:00 UTC | http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: matsubara | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad to: LP in readonly mode 09:00 - 11:00 UTC | http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: matsubara | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
dolmenthe maintenance link currenlty at the top of LP is outdated11:09
dolmenI had to go through 3 redirect to view http://identi.ca/launchpadstatus11:09
wgrantdolmen: Yep, that's being fixed.11:09
Lord-Readmanthen is readonly mode going off?11:21
nookie^hi isn't it possible to view branches right now?11:26
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad to: LP in readonly mode 09:00 - 12:00 UTC | http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: matsubara | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
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=== mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: matsubara | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
keffie_jayxhello, is code hosting still in maintenance?12:32
dolmenI'm still not able to login on LP: Sorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad Login Service.12:54
dolmen(Error ID: 1553canistel47)12:54
dolmenI've not been able to login since tuesday (I didn't use my account for weeks before)12:55
azopkeffie_jayx: it doesn't appear so12:55
azopkeffie_jayx: mthaddon removed the readonly mode from the topic shortly before you arrived12:56
keffie_jayxazop: thanks. just my branch failed tio upload a couple times. thanks again12:56
mthaddonazop: does your email address have any unicode characters in it by any chance?12:57
mthaddoner, sorry, I mean same question for dolmen12:57
salgadomthaddon, how can I see the OOPS mentioned by dolmen?12:59
mthaddonsalgado: I've pasted you a link13:02
salgadosaw that, thanks13:02
dolmenmthaddon: no unicode in my e-mail. But unicode in my last name (Olivier Mengué)13:07
dolmenmthaddon, salgado: here my user page: https://launchpad.net/~dolmen13:10
mthaddondolmen: I'm trying to find someone who might be able to help - the login service was recently split out from LP, so it's not really something LP devs can help with much any more I'm afraid13:12
salgadodolmen, where you trying to login to report a program crash?13:12
dolmenNot this time. But I tried several times in the previous days.13:13
* dolmen is testing Xubuntu on an old ThinkPad T22 from his aunt13:14
dolmenmthaddon: so, who should I annoy for the login problem?13:17
mthaddondolmen: we're working on it - should be able to let you know something either way before too long13:17
dolmenmthaddon: thanks13:19
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salgadodolmen, you've logged in before, right?14:10
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mdeslaurcould someone take a look at OOPS-1553EB95715:29
maxbErr, something very odd is broken. I'm refreshing edge/builders and the page sometimes shows zero amd64 pending builds, sometimes ~3515:31
maxbIs it possible there's an appserver out there talking to a stale DB?15:31
maxband following a link to a supposedly building build page shows it as "Starts in 3 hours"15:33
maxbIt looks like LP has some kind of  split-brain situation going on15:34
maxbmatsubara-afk: really afk?15:34
dolmensalgado: yes, I've logged in before: my account is 5 years old15:38
salgadodolmen, can you try resetting your password?  that should work now.  sorry for the inconvenience15:38
maxbIs there a LOSA around?15:40
james_wmdeslaur: bug 54227415:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542274 in malone "Bug OOPSing due to missing LFC" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54227415:47
mdeslaurthanks james_w15:48
dolmensalgado:                                       Your login was unsuccessful       HTTP Response status from identity URL host is  not 200. Got status 40415:49
dolmensalgado: I've reset my password and I'm now authenticated on login.laucnhpad.net. But still not on http://launchpad.net15:50
salgadodolmen, and if you click on 'Login' on launchpad.net, it fails like that?15:51
chexmaxb: hi there15:51
Damasceneis there any thing to add?15:59
Traveler__cannot send bug reports, redirects me to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs16:03
Traveler__I am already registered at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?start=7516:03
dolmensalgado: yes, it fails with that error: HTTP Response status from identity URL host is not 200. Got status 40416:16
maxbchex: Hi. I'm seeing the rather bizarre behaviour as I mentioned above. Namely that launchpad page requests seems to be randoly showing an up-to-date build status, or the status of the builds from a few hours ago.16:17
maxbFor example if I load the Url https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+builds?build_state=pending 10 times, most cases return 497 results, but a couple return 777 results16:18
maxbThe symptoms are as if some requests are being served from a lagged replication slave16:19
salgadodolmen, would you mind trying again?  might have been a time-related issue16:24
chrisccoulsonhmmm, what on earth is going on with launchpad? i'm getting bug mail from people commenting on bugs, but when i try and view them on launchpad they are not shown16:27
dolmensalgado: login.lauchpad.net now says: "Your account has been deactivated"16:30
salgadodolmen, this is not fun, eh?  I'm getting someone to help sort this out16:37
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maxbchex / other LOSA: Did you see my comments above?17:30
chexmaxb: yes I did, was investigating what could be causing that17:40
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jcastroderyck: ping19:08
deryckhi jcastro19:08
jcastroI have a question for you.19:09
jcastroso nigelbabu wants to run patch days19:09
jcastroand I was thinking, is it possible to run a query to get a list of projects with the most amount of patches attached?19:10
jcastroso we can basically figure out what's doomed the most.19:10
jcastroderyck: it doesn't have to be like a fancy page or something, just like a one off query we can run monthly or something19:10
jcastroenough to get us going19:10
nigelbabujcastro, we have https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-reviewers/+subscribedbugs19:11
jcastroyeah but I also want ones that aren't subscribed19:11
deryckjcastro, something you guys can access on LP, or just ping someone on the bugs team to get the data for you is enough?19:11
jcastrojust the data is fine19:11
nigelbabuah :)19:12
jcastroI can trudge through it and stuff19:12
jcastroderyck: basically enough for us to go "oh we should concentrate on these 10 packages first" or something19:12
deryckjcastro, gotcha.  I can pastebin you something right now from staging, which could be a day or two old, but should be pretty close.  Sound cool?19:12
deryckjcastro, will take just a second as I work out a query by hand, but then should be simple to re-run when you need.19:14
jcastroderyck: no worries, just thought about it today so it's no rush19:15
* deryck is kind of bored since it's sooooo quiet with everyone gone19:16
deryckmight as well query19:16
nigelbabuderyck, thank you :)19:18
derycknigelbabu, np19:19
ftawhere can i see the status of an upload waiting for approval? the link i got in the email is broken19:28
deryckfor those playing along at home, here's the query I'm using:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/408245/19:33
deryckjcastro, nigelbabu -- http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/408246/  That sort of thing work for you guys?19:37
nigelbabuderyck, definitely :)19:37
ZarathoustraI'm trying to create an account on launchpad since three days but I always get an error when I try to enter my new password.19:40
jcastroderyck: awesome, thanks!19:40
Zarathoustra Sorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad Login Service.19:40
ZarathoustraWe’ve recorded what happened, and we’ll fix it as soon as possible. Apologies for the inconvenience.19:40
Zarathoustra(Error ID: 1553canistel117)19:40
deryckjcastro, np!19:40
deryckZarathoustra, is there an OOPS id anywhere on the error page?  Should be of the form OOPS-XXXX where XXX is unique each time.19:41
ZarathoustraDoes somebody know what is the problem ?19:41
deryckZarathoustra, see my question to you in the scrollback.19:41
Zarathoustraderyck: just Oops!19:42
jcastroderyck: hey wait a minute. ;)19:42
jcastroderyck: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/clamav/+patches19:42
jcastrobut the query says 268?19:42
nigelbabuderyck, did you take fix Released status too for the count?19:42
deryckoh, yeah, crap.19:42
deryckjcastro, nigelbabu -- my stupidity, sorry.  I didn't filter on status.19:43
derycklet me try again. :-)19:43
jcastrooh, that would be 268 patches ever?19:43
deryckjcastro, nigelbabu -- so you just want open bugs then counted?  i.e. filter out  WONTFIX, INVALID, FIXRELEASED ?19:44
jcastroderyck: yes please19:44
jcastrosorry I wasn't clear before19:44
deryckjcastro, no, that should be obvious.  I was stupid. :-)19:44
nigelbabubtw, to date clamav has only had 163 bugs, so 268 patches sounds wrong19:46
nigelbabu163 bugs in all statuses19:46
derycknigelbabu, ok, I can run a second simpler query to confirm data here in a second.19:47
nigelbabuoh cool :)19:47
derycknigelbabu, jcastro -- I'm assuming we don't care about FIXCOMMITTED either?19:47
nigelbabucan you have that separate if possible?19:48
Zarathoustraderyck: any idea about my problem?19:48
nigelbabuin some package sets it has a meaning19:48
nigelbabuZarathoustra, did you find an oops?19:48
nigelbabui.e. oops ID19:48
Zarathoustrano oops ID19:49
derycknigelbabu, sure, I can do that one separate.19:49
ZarathoustraJust "Oops" as the first word in the html page19:49
nigelbabuthanks :)19:49
deryckZarathoustra, without an OOPS, I don't think I can help.  maybe sinzui might be able to figure it out.19:50
deryckhmm, yeah, so there must be some other field I need to filter on.  numbers seem high from what we show on LP.19:50
Zarathoustraat the end of the page, there is "(Error ID: 1553canistel117) "19:51
sinzuiZarathoustra, try using login.ubuntu.com, the real SSO service.19:51
Zarathoustraok, I'll try19:51
nigelbabuderyck, how much of a difference?19:52
derycknigelbabu, just looking at samba, I get 42 in my chart and 5 on the +patches view.19:54
nigelbabuouch, thats too much, lemme take a look at samba19:54
Zarathoustrasinzui: my try failed  ;(19:54
Zarathoustrasinzui: (Error ID: 1553carambola20)19:54
sinzuiokay, so we know this is actually a problem with SSO, not launchpad19:55
* sinzui think who knows how to diagnose SSO issues19:55
sinzuiZarathoustra you are https://launchpad.net/~herrsergio ?19:56
* sinzui likes the monkey19:56
ZarathoustraI have no account yet19:56
ZarathoustraOk ;-)19:57
ZarathoustraI understand your question19:57
sinzuiZarathoustra, okay, so this is definitely about Ubuntu's SSO. have you received the email that had the registration URL?19:58
ZarathoustraYes, of course19:58
salgadoZarathoustra, do you use accented characters on your password, by any chance?19:58
nigelbabuderyck, I'd say the fix released is still not filtered out19:58
Zarathoustrasalgado: no, just ascii19:59
Zarathoustraall letters uppercase19:59
salgadoZarathoustra, do you have an OOPS ID from an earlier attempt?20:01
Zarathoustrasalgado: no20:01
derycknigelbabu, I got it now.  needed to limit by distribution, too.20:01
nigelbabuderyck, aha :)20:02
salgadoZarathoustra, ok, I'm getting someone to get me the logs. hopefully that'll give me a clue on how to workaround the problem20:03
deryckhmmm, ok, so still off a bit from +patches.  but very close. :-)20:03
* deryck looks at schema again20:03
nigelbabuwell, we're getting closer than before :)20:04
Zarathoustrasalgado: logs of the registration service ?20:04
salgadoZarathoustra, yes, the error logs20:05
Zarathoustrasalgado: do I need to stay on the channel? Can you get my email address in the logs?20:06
salgadohi phanatic20:08
deryckah, dupes20:08
phanatichi salgado, how can i help?20:08
salgadoso, Zarathoustra is having problems registering an account: the OOPS ID is 1553carambola2020:08
* phanatic looks20:09
derycknigelbabu, I think there difference now is the +patches view filters dupes, and I'm including them.  You want me to filter them out too?20:09
deryckjcastro, ^^20:09
nigelbabuplease do :)20:09
Zarathoustraphanatic: the last is 1553canistel12320:10
phanaticZarathoustra: the first one has no detailed informations unfortunately, and the latter wasn't synced to our web interface yet. i'll ask for a manual sync to check it out.20:11
salgadophanatic, I can see the second one20:12
zygaany u1 music store devs around?20:12
jcastrozyga: see #u1msbeta20:13
derycknigelbabu, jcastro -- now we have a pretty accurate list, I think.  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/408255/20:13
jcastrothat one makes way more sense20:14
* nigelbabu points to kernel team20:14
nigelbabuI think we can leave kernel and xorg bugs to the respective teams20:14
jcastroyeah, they're always doomed20:15
jcastrostill, plenty of apps on there where normal people can dive in20:15
jcastroderyck: thanks!20:15
deryckjcastro, you're weclome!20:15
nigelbabuderyck, hugs and beer when we meet :D20:15
derycknigelbabu, :-)20:15
alexmoldovanHello folks, can you tell me if I can erase one of the project from "Affects" from one of my bugs?20:16
phanaticZarathoustra: sync is in progress, i hope you can stay around for a little while (ca. 15 minutes)20:17
deryckalexmoldovan, no.  you can set the task invalid or re-assign to the null project if you need to get rid of the bug mail noise.20:17
Zarathoustraphanatic: I can wait, what I have to do after?20:18
phanaticZarathoustra: hopefully i'll have more information by then about the problem that prevented you from registering20:19
Zarathoustraphanatic: ok, I wait unil you ping me20:19
phanaticZarathoustra: thank you20:20
Zarathoustraphanatic: no, thanks you ;-)20:20
deryckI'm out.  Later on, all...20:23
phanaticZarathoustra: the problem seems to be that according to the database you don't have any preferred email address set, and apparently we don't handle that scenario gracefully :(20:27
Zarathoustraphanatic: I just try to create an account20:28
Zarathoustraphanatic: when I register my email address, I get the following mail:20:28
phanaticZarathoustra: the second oops happened on the reset password url20:28
ZarathoustraWe've received a request to create a new account with your email address.20:29
ZarathoustraIf this was you, perhaps you've forgotten your password?20:29
Zarathoustra    https://login.launchpad.net/+forgot_password20:29
phanaticZarathoustra: when you want to register a new account?20:30
ZarathoustraI tried several days ago20:31
phanaticwas it completed?20:31
ZarathoustraMy first try was wednesday, probably not completed, I received the same email I pasted20:32
Zarathoustraas the first mail from launchpad20:33
phanaticZarathoustra: if you receive this mail, it means you have already been registered with this email address20:33
phanaticyour registration is probably stuck somehow20:33
phanaticlet me try to unstuck it :)20:33
Zarathoustraphanatic: sure, I let you! ;-)20:34
ZarathoustraWell... Thank to everybody who tried to help me22:04
ZarathoustraMANY thanks to phanatic !22:05
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