
dna42syddraf: thats pretty weird00:00
syddrafdna42: I bet some packages got lost in translation somewhere. I'm going to do a full reinstall tonight and see wha thappens.00:00
arandpenguin42: Actually the SI unit K is kelvin.00:01
penguin42arand: Sorry, not unit, prefix00:01
dna42syddraf: hey, thats right, while i got my upgrade, i had some warnings about packages not being fetched, if i remember right00:01
dna42syddraf: the weird thing is that the system didnt fetch them afterwards with the first update...00:02
crimsunneat, ubuntu-desktop is installable again00:10
ninjaiis it possible to tether with ubuntu? Just curious... if you need any special drivers or anything00:12
bjsnidercrimsun, i have replaced my creative card with an m-audio transit00:14
arandninjai: For me it asks if I want to use the phone to connect to the internet as soon as I connect it via BT, so I'd assume not, but I've never tried...00:15
ninjaiarand: me either, just cruious.00:15
crimsunbjsnider: good card.00:24
* penguin42 wonders why kvm/libvirt can't boot from a usb disk00:33
BUG_vacationsninjai: what device?00:35
BUG_vacationscause android is pretty easy00:36
BUG_vacationsjust enable tether on the phone side, and plug usb cable or enable wifi/BT00:36
BUG_vacationsand your PC will _just_ work00:36
bjsnidercrimsun, is the neil aldur ppa going to be necessary for the transit to work in lucid?00:43
crimsunbjsnider: err, I don't know. I use my own scripts.00:44
DanaGtransit? m-audio?00:45
crimsunI've carried them since 2006 or so.00:45
DanaGcrimsun: random thing: now my CM106 card randomly started configuring CORRECTLY upon hotplug.00:45
DanaGNot sure what changed... but there was my only gripe with PulseAudio... now fixed!  Sweet.00:46
bjsnidercrimsun, that ppa has madfuload00:46
crimsunbjsnider: ...so does multiverse?00:46
bjsniderdoesn't work00:46
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crimsunhuh? It WFM.00:46
crimsunwhere is it broken for you?00:47
crimsun...and where's the bug report? :-)00:47
bjsniderit simply doesn't do its job. the ppa version does. the driver is not loaded until the ppa version is in there00:47
danyRhey guys, some urgent help: how are ATI drivers working for you? i'm going to buy a new laptop with a Radeon 5650 and I plan (I will!) use only Ubuntu and suse 11.2 kde.00:47
crimsunbjsnider: err, that isn't going to help. I need an strace, at least.00:48
bjsniderwell, you have the hardware00:48
crimsuncompare the udev rules, etc.00:48
crimsunbjsnider: yes, and it works here00:48
crimsunso if it doesn't work for *you*, I need a bug report00:48
bjsniderthe ppa owner undoubtedly knows all there is to know about this00:48
bjsnideri just bought the thing today00:48
geniibjsnider: Any word on bluray libs?00:50
bjsnidergenii, the project leader has been awol for months. either he's dead or he's not currently alive00:51
almoxarifeI use google-chromium, it needs java plugin, I don't want to run firefox anymore, I can't get rid of firefox because java plugin depends on firefox, how do I get around that? is there a way to trick java plugin into considering chromium a dependency in lieu of firefox?01:06
almoxarifeI want to un-install firefox, failed to mention01:07
almoxarifeany reason to not upgrade to kernel xxxxxxx.19?01:08
nhasianany idea why my iphone 3G no longer mounts when i plug it in?01:12
BlaWizi installed 10.04 from a cd-image, will this install become "stable" when 10.04 is deveoped to stable?01:15
penguin42BlaWiz: Pretty much, there are normally a few small differences between one installed from final and one installed and upgraded, but from the beta level it should get pretty close01:15
IdleOnethere are no java packages in lucid?01:16
IdleOne!search sun-java601:16
ubottuFound: java, java-#kubuntu*01:16
penguin42IdleOne: I was told they moved to a partnet repo01:16
BlaWizpenguin42: cool :)01:16
BlaWizi can upgrade 10.04 once a day now :P01:17
BlaWizso much development!01:17
IdleOnepenguin42: where do I enable this partner repo?01:17
penguin42BlaWiz: Watch out the Gnome 2.30 stuff is just settling down again01:18
penguin42IdleOne: Not sure01:18
BlaWizpenguin42: what do you mean?01:18
penguin42BlaWiz: Sometimes the changes to the beta can get worse before they get better; the last few days a lot of the gnome stuff has been changing01:19
IdleOnepenguin42: ok how is it that java is working fine for me?01:20
penguin42IdleOne: I don't know - is it?01:20
IdleOneit was01:20
IdleOnelemme test again01:20
BlaWizpenguin42: ah... that would explain some nastyness occuring on my comp01:21
yofelIdleOne: by default openjdk should be installed for java (with icedtea plugin for firefox)01:21
IdleOneyofel: ok and if when I upgraded I had java installed?01:21
yofelIdleOne: and the partner repos should be available in the 'Other Software' tab in software properties01:22
yofelIdleOne: you mean sun java? not sure01:22
yofelIdleOne: maybe it just left the karmic version installed, what does 'apt-cache policy sun-java6-jre' tell you for the installed version?01:22
IdleOneI don't see anything about partner repo in the software sources01:23
yofelIdleOne: well, the soures.list enties are these:01:24
yofeldeb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu lucid partner01:24
yofeldeb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu lucid partner01:24
IdleOneyofel: thank you01:26
ug|xdcc13i am getting the grub 17 error, and have tried to use the livecd to remove data from my thumbdrive, but it won't read it.01:26
ug|xdcc13anyone can help?01:26
penguin42ug|xdcc13: When do you get the grub error exactly?01:27
yofelhm... does anyone know if it's possible to install grub2 to a floppy?01:27
IdleOnewhat's a floppy?01:27
IdleOneI have no clue but probably01:28
StikI've used lilo too long I don't know jack about grub yet :|01:28
ug|xdcc13•penguin42• at startup01:28
penguin42yofel: I'd try grub-mkimage01:28
yofelI know it sounds weird, but something in win7 destroys my in the MBR installed grub2 regularily and I need to boot a live disk to reinstall grub, would be nice to have a backup option01:28
penguin42ug|xdcc13: On your hard disk or your thumb disk?01:28
IdleOneyofel: if you figure it out would be something to add to the !grub2 wiki01:28
yofelpenguin42: will try, thanks01:29
yofelIdleOne: good idea01:29
penguin42yofel: Also the system->Administration->make start up usb disk works great01:29
ug|xdcc13penguin, grub on thumb drive, and loads bios, then 1st startup is USB... freezes01:29
yofelpenguin42: do you know the app name? I don't use gnome01:30
IdleOneyofel: like you said, could be a good backup for some01:30
penguin42ug|xdcc13: Hang on, explain your setup, you have grub on the thumb drive, then something else on usb?01:30
penguin42yofel: Try usb-creator-gtk or usb-creator-kde if that's your cup of tea01:30
yofeloh that one, well, I just want a backup of grub, not an usb live image01:31
IdleOneohhhh ahhhh kernel upgrade01:31
crimsunok, we should be good to go with GNOME 2.30 seeing as ubuntu-desktop is installable again01:31
ug|xdcc13just grub on thumb, nothing in cd, and xp on hdd. that was and is the startup sequence. was working for a 6+ months. now upon starting comp with TD, get grub 1701:31
crimsunI'll leave the warning in the topic for a few more hours, but it can be removed afterward01:32
penguin42ug|xdcc13: OK, so ubuntu is also on the thumb drive?01:34
ug|xdcc13•penguin42• yes01:34
penguin42ug|xdcc13: And how did you create that thumb drive?01:34
ug|xdcc13it was given to me a while ago by someone01:34
penguin42hmm so a disk that was given to you a while ago that we don't know how it's setup suddenly stopped booting01:35
ug|xdcc13yeah... i cant access the TD to get my info off to do a clean install01:36
ug|xdcc13it is from my step-dad01:36
penguin42ug|xdcc13: That's a bit messy with out knowing how the thumb drive was setup01:36
ug|xdcc13ok, what info should i ask him, i can email him, but he might not answer for a few hours...01:37
penguin42ug|xdcc13: Just ask him how he created the thumb drive image01:37
matmatmatafter upgrading to lucid my computer boots into console instead of x01:37
penguin42ug|xdcc13: In particular where it's data goes01:37
matmatmathow can i fix this?01:37
matmatmati can startx just fine01:38
penguin42matmatmat: try start gdm  (if you're a gdm user)01:38
penguin42not sure01:39
nick125xfce uses GDM, IIRC.01:40
ug|xdcc13•penguin42• I know that everything is stored on the TD unless I mount the HDD, then I can use it...01:40
nick125Well, either gdm or something like....01:40
matmatmatits mythbuntu actually, thats a mythtv kind of thing, its supposed to automatically log on01:41
penguin42ug|xdcc13: I wonder how it's stored on the hard disk though - it might be an overlay file or it might be a separate partition; figure that out I'd say and then you can find your data01:41
matmatmati wouldnt want a gdm before that01:41
penguin42ug|xdcc13: In particular he may have made it with the 'start up disk creator'01:41
matmatmattheres neither gdm nor xdm installed01:41
ug|xdcc13•penguin42• ok, would it make a difference if there is a user/password?01:42
matmatmatand im not sure if it would screw up anything if i did install01:42
penguin42ug|xdcc13: Depends how it was done01:42
penguin42matmatmat: Nah, you sohuld be OK to install gdm01:42
ug|xdcc13ok. waiting for a reply from him01:42
almoxarifeApr  1 17:26:07 portopim python: hp-systray[17232]: error: option -s not recognized <-- my syslog shows this error, hp-systray is not installed though, I see 'python' I assume it was called by it, where might I look to strip that call?01:43
TakyojiWhen booting 10.04 today (worked fine earlier today and all), apparently the screen is completely blank, and there's no LCD backlight (perhaps implying that the LCD screen isn't being used). Trying to switch to a terminal (via Ctrl+Alt+F#) makes no difference. Can't even boot in recovery mode either. But can boot my Ubuntu 9.10 partition just fine.01:44
TakyojiAssuming it's an X11 issue01:44
penguin42time for bed01:44
ug|xdcc13•penguin42• thanks, i will be looking for some help tomorrow01:44
ug|xdcc13•penguin42• it was installed direct from a CD to the thumb drive without a HDD installed.01:47
ug|xdcc13anybody else feel like helping out?01:49
ug|xdcc13any one esle on here that knows ubuntu and grub?01:53
killownthere is many peoples having many trouble with ubuntu lucid?01:57
killowni am thinking upgrade to lucid01:57
killownif it has not so unstable01:58
collinpIt's still beta/prerelease software - we're still making things work right.01:58
killowncollinp, if i upgrade it for lucid, there is anyway for downgrade?02:00
collinpkillown: Not as far as I know.02:00
collinpIf you're worried about stability issues, don't upgrade until the official release.02:01
KayAteChefwhat is better about Lucid?02:04
killowngnome 2.30?02:05
killownubuntu music store02:05
killownboot more fast02:06
killownbest hardware support02:06
KayAteChefhardware support eh... interesting02:06
KayAteChefI am running jaunty on three machines and I was never able to get sound to work on the HP laptop02:07
killownyes, lucid has a new kernel i think is 2.6.32 or .3302:07
KayAteChefunless I plugged in a usb sound card02:07
killownyou can use oss402:07
KayAteChefokie doke02:07
KayAteChefodd number kernel releases are 'experimental', I think ubuntu would use the even number02:08
avuKayAteChef, that only goes for the second number (the 6 in our case)02:10
KayAteChefoh ok02:10
avuand that model has basically been abandoned02:11
DanaGwhat model?02:12
DanaGI was  thinking model of some product.02:12
avumore lke development-model :)02:13
DanaGI wish all those ARM netbooks weren't so vaporware-ish.02:13
bsmith093what is that message about not upgrading02:17
bsmith093i am already updating all the packages with synaptic b4 i opened this02:18
bsmith093so any reasons why i shouldnt02:18
bsmith093can anyone hear me02:20
vorianbsmith093: packages are being built for 2.3, so if you upgrade there could be temporary breakage02:21
bsmith093so im running lucid beta now02:21
bsmith093am i safe02:21
vorianlets check the builders02:22
vorianI'm sure crimsun is keeping an eye on them though02:22
vorianor not check, it's taking forever to load02:23
vorianpatience is a virtue02:23
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=== v is now known as vorian
vorianbsmith093: there are still gnome packages building02:28
bsmith093so i shouldnt apt-get upgrade just yet on the lucid beta i have just to be clear02:28
bjb1959installed 10.04 beta 64 and everything works except.... one of my 2 external usb drives won't mount at boot. They are both formated ntfs and have lines in fstab. the FreeAgent drive works fine but the LeClie gives an error when trying to boot that ubuntu is waiting for it. If I comment out the fstab line it works fine and I can mount it when it boots. Any ideas??02:28
bsmith093ok then thanks02:28
bsmith093so in the final lucid release are there any huge changes or just bugfixes and things from the last 2 combined02:29
akioAre the packages still "fluxing"?02:30
vorianbsmith093: its all about bugs - features have been frozen for some time now02:30
vorianstill building, yes02:30
akiomy X bombed hard02:30
bsmith093ok then i have a minor complaint that has probably already been fixed but the bluetooth usb adapter isnt being recognized on lucid02:31
bsmith093jaunty sees it fine02:31
vorianbsmith093: file the bug then, that's not a feature change02:31
bsmith093ok then02:32
akioso there!02:32
akio19 updates since an hour ago02:32
akioI'd say they are fluxing quite a bit still.02:33
akioAptitude is badass.02:34
akioAnybody else seeing Aptitude core dump lately?02:38
TViYHhowdy all..just installed 10.04 server and everything necessary for gnome, but now instead of gnome starting, my monitor turns off02:41
TViYHany help?02:41
plauclairis it normal that I can't unlock the panel on the netbook edition ?02:49
yofelplauclair: I remember someone saying that before02:51
Random832plauclair; there's no space to click on it02:51
plauclairwell, there's the separators02:52
plauclairand the place with your username02:52
plauclairthe options are there but they're all greyed out, it's odd02:54
Random832try gconf-editor?02:55
plauclairyeah, it's a bit more complicated according to the forums, apparently it is disabled by design...02:56
victory747Hi, I'm having troubles changing user and group id's in the "User Settings"03:01
killowni am thinkg upgrade ubuntu for help with bug report issues03:03
victory747it allows you to change the User ID, but it never changes it underneath when you quit the "User Settings",03:03
IdleOneyofel: btw sun-java6-jre and sun-java6-plugin work fine from the partner repo03:04
peter__is there a staffer on board that can help me register and set a nick?03:04
IdleOnethanks for the info earlier03:04
IdleOnepeter__: #freenode can help you with that03:04
yofelIdleOne: we get that question quite frequently ;)03:04
IdleOneyofel: I wasn't aware that they had moved java03:05
IdleOnepeter__: /join #freenode03:06
peter__ok, sorry,. I am new to this03:06
IdleOnepeter__: no problem03:08
DanaGplauclair:  dpkg -S mandatory03:10
DanaGthere'll be something with 'une' in the name,03:10
DanaGand that's what's forcibly locking down the panel.03:10
Atamiskcan i ask about kubuntu installed over lucid in here?03:34
macoAtamisk: yes03:34
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voss749Apparently the Linux Mint people had a different of opinion with shuttleworth , Linux Mint 9 will keep its buttons on the right03:46
DanaGhmm, anyone know how to get ubuntuone set up on a headless box?03:50
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dooglusdoes anyone know how to set up ubuntu one on a non-headless box04:00
Some_PersonMy java doesn't seem to be working04:06
bjsniderSome_Person, maybe you're not brewing it strong enough04:06
Some_PersonFirefox doesn't seem to see the java plugin04:09
yofelSome_Person: sun java?04:10
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Some_PersonI have sun-java6-plugin installed04:11
yofelSome_Person: bug 532174?04:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532174 in sun-java6 "[Lucid] sun-java6-plugin not recognized by firefox anymore" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53217404:11
Some_PersonBut I don't have any java files in /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/plugins/04:12
Berzerkeranyone here use opera?04:12
yofelSome_Person: libjavaplugin.so?04:13
Some_Personnot in that folder04:13
Some_Personthe only file there is flashplugin-alternative.so04:13
yofelSome_Person: got a /etc/alternatives/xulrunner-1.9-javaplugin.so?04:14
Some_Personyofel: yes04:14
yofelSome_Person: ok, got a libjavaplugin.so in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins?04:15
Some_Personyofel: no04:16
ShishireI've been running lucid in a VM, I booted it up today, only to find that I can't log in because my keyboard isn't registering input. It works fine in recovery mode, but once booting to the login screen, it registers the keypress event (blinking cursor freezes), but no text happens.04:16
yofelSome_Person: you have nothing in mozilla and xulrunner-addons? o.O04:16
yofelSome_Person: well anyway, try the alternatives command from the comments for your architecture, should work then04:17
Some_Personyofel: The one in /etc/alternatives is actually a link to /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/lib/amd64/libnpjp2.so04:17
yofelyes, that's how it's supposed to be04:17
Some_Personyofel: Thanks. Now it's working04:18
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Guest89093has anyone viewing other drives with Dolphin04:32
Guest89093drives are not mountable and unavailable04:32
GnimshMy mtp mp3 player will not be mounted by rhythmbox or gnomad, so I can't transfer files to it. Any files copied by nautilus to not show up in the device.04:41
Gnimshany ideas?04:41
GnimshI'm thinking of filing a bug04:41
Gnimshrythmbox returns an error04:41
matmatmatis it a sony?04:42
Gnimshcreative zen vision:M04:43
vexati0nso... in lucid... no TTYs or what?04:43
perscitusCan i do a suggestion for 10.10 code name animal?04:43
bazhangperscitus, not in this channel04:44
nhasiani think Mark Shuttleworth chooses the name right? its not voted on04:44
bazhangstill offtopic for here04:45
gibxamcan someone please help me I'm trying to update my repos and I'm getting a failed to fetch.....04:45
nhasianwhat package needs to be installed so that my iphone mounts when i plug it into USB?04:47
GnimshI may have fixed it, gonna log out to check04:47
Berzerker-so I did "new panel" in the right click menu, and it made it invisible, how do I get rid of it? I can't right click anywhere04:48
freevryheiddang - can't install my favorite python editor: spe: Depends: pychecker (>= 0.8.17-5) but it is not installable04:51
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noNickFoundnhasian: as far as I know it is all Shuttleworth no voting.04:52
billybigrigger_nhasian, what firmware?04:52
nhasianbillybigrigger, iphone 3g version 3.1.304:52
nhasianbillybigrigger, karmic used to see it just fine.  something is amiss in lucid.  maybe i'm missing a package...04:54
billybigrigger_nhasian, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone04:55
Berzerker-anyone have any ideas?04:56
noNickFoundberzerker: if you hold your cursor on the edge of the panel that shows and be quick about it you can right click04:59
Berzerker-I can right click on the top panel no problem05:00
Berzerker-it's just the invisible ones, I can't right click05:01
noNickFoundcan you see your invisible one when you scroll over it05:01
Berzerker-let me try rebooting, hold on05:01
noNickFoundwell was going to say he had too many app launchers on the bar05:02
noNickFoundberzerker: do you have a lot of app launchers on your panel?05:03
BerzerkernoNickFound: no I got it though05:03
BerzerkernoNickFound: rebooting it made the visible so I could delete them05:04
noNickFoundI wonder if logging out and back on instead of full boot would have worked05:04
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mattgriffin_Shishire: ping05:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 546759 in gnome-panel "add new panel does not work" [Low,Triaged]05:05
noNickFoundubottu is not correct05:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:05
Shishiremattgriffin_: pong?05:06
noNickFoundShishire: beer05:06
mattgriffin_Shishire: keyboard issue is known - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/54889105:06
ubottuUbuntu bug 548891 in gdm "keyboard input broken at gnome login prompt after package updates" [Undecided,Incomplete]05:06
bbordwellBerzerker, Is the bug i pasted the one you were talking about?05:07
Shishiremattgriffin_ yeah, I ended up seeing that after a while.  I added myself to the subscriptions list.05:07
Berzerkerbbordwell: yup. that's it05:07
nhasianbillybigrigger, i didnt have ifuse installed so i installed it just now.  still no luck05:07
mattgriffin_DanaG: ping05:07
Berzerkerbbordwell: rebooting makes them show up05:07
DanaGI'm here.05:08
DanaGwhat's up?05:08
bbordwellBerzerker, yep that is stated in the bug report05:08
ShishireI managed to get in, so I set it to auto-login to avoid the problem until it gets fixed05:08
Berzerkerbbordwell: except the ones on the sides are drawn using horizontal bar images05:08
bbordwellBerzerker, yep there is also a screenshot of that in the report...05:08
bbordwellmark it as affecting you05:08
mattgriffin_DanaG: if you're still looking for ubuntu one headless info, join #ubuntuone and there should be people there that can help.05:09
BerzerkerI didn't know if you included that as part of the bug05:09
mattgriffin_DanaG: in about 5 hours05:09
Berzerkerbbordwell: marked.05:09
bbordwellBerzerker, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/41938932/Screenshot.png05:09
DanaGoh, and I discovered that ubuntuone doesn't deal too well with thousands of files.05:09
DanaGThousands of files, as in, my pidgin logs. =þ05:09
Berzerkerbbordwell: yeah I saw it in the screenshot, I just didn't know if you included that in the description also05:10
mattgriffin_DanaG: yeah. some infrastructure improvements are in the works that should speed that up some05:10
DanaGHmm, I also have ubuntuone syncing my dropbox folder. =þ05:10
DanaGThat may be asking for pain. =þ05:10
mattgriffin_DanaG: heh05:11
bbordwellBerzerker, edited the description to explicitly point out that after a restart it does not look right and pointed to the screenshot05:11
Berzerkeralso, is there a way to get a notification panel icon for just empathy?05:12
bbordwellBerzerker, I use alltray05:12
bbordwell!info alltray05:12
Berzerkeryeah I have alltray05:12
ubottualltray (source: alltray): Dock any program into the system tray. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.69-1ubuntu4 (lucid), package size 58 kB, installed size 256 kB05:12
Berzerkerjust makes the icon look weird05:12
Berzerkeroh wait, it appears empathy has its own icon05:13
Berzerkerexcellent, problem solved. :P05:13
Berzerkeralso, I have a conky script start up multiple conky scripts on boot, sometimes not all of them start up...is there a way I can fix this? Like by adding a sleep command or something05:20
cleaverrootDanaG: are you doing that just to have double backups or just to see if you can05:22
DanaGcleaverroot: so I can sync stuff to ARM and Windows.05:23
DanaGARM beagleboard: yes ubuntuone (once I get it headless), no dropbox.05:23
DanaGamd64 host Linux: yes ubuntuone, yes dropbox.05:23
DanaGWindows: no ubuntuone, yes dropbox.05:23
NinoScriptHi! the other day, I updated Lucid, and a udev file, in which I loaded an experimental driver for multitouch trackpads, changed and I am not able to load that driver again… the file is "/lib/udev/rules.d/66-xorg-synaptics.rules", the line I used was: ENV{x11_driver}="multitouch". How do I add it load it now?05:25
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DanaGAnother question: is there any way to get an ubuntu liveCD (actual CD, or rather a U3 fake-cd) to use a casper-rw partition?05:27
DanaGThat is, my U3 cruzer has a virtual CD that is now an Ubuntu ISO, as well as a flash drive with one fat32 and one ext4 (casper-rw) partition.05:27
apparlehow to install JRE05:28
leniosapparle, "aptitude search jre" gives you "openjdk-6-jre" for example05:30
alex_mayorga!info icedtea05:30
ubottuPackage icedtea does not exist in lucid05:30
apparlelenios: but where is sun-java6-jre .... I want the sun's version05:30
alex_mayorga!info openjdk-6-jre05:30
ubottuopenjdk-6-jre (source: openjdk-6): OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT. In component main, is extra. Version 6b18~pre4-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 252 kB, installed size 820 kB05:30
apparle!info sun-java6-jre05:31
ubottuPackage sun-java6-jre does not exist in lucid05:31
yofelapparle: any specific reason why you want sun?05:31
yofelit's available somewhere else05:31
alex_mayorgaapparle: last I heard it's no more on lucid05:31
lenios!info icedtea-6-jre-cacao05:31
ubottuicedtea-6-jre-cacao (source: openjdk-6): Alternative JVM for OpenJDK, using Cacao. In component main, is extra. Version 6b18~pre4-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 289 kB, installed size 728 kB05:31
apparlealex_mayorga: why?05:31
yofelapparle: WHY do you want sun?05:31
yofeldoesn't openjdk work for you?05:31
apparleyofel: it never fails05:32
alex_mayorgayofel: it is not for me05:32
yofelalex_mayorga: ?05:32
alex_mayorgabug #55345205:32
apparleyofel: it means sun05:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553452 in firefox "Java applet unable to load" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55345205:32
yofelalex_mayorga: ah05:32
alex_mayorgayofel: and seemingly others too05:32
yofelwell, sun-java6 was moved to the canonical partner repos05:32
yofelget it from there05:32
alex_mayorgaI'm triaging that one, or trying :)05:32
alex_mayorgayofel: got instructions for those?05:33
murlidharlucid still doesn't have preferences>appearances>interface !!! :(05:33
ddecatoryah, java still isn't compatible with FF 3.6...05:33
yofelalex_mayorga: it should be in the 'other sofware' tab in software properties unless you deleted it05:33
apparleyofel: partner repos?05:33
alex_mayorgais the "in-flux" still goin on?05:34
murlidharthere is no tab called interface in the the appearance application !05:34
yofelalex_mayorga: not that much, *should* work fine now05:34
yofelapparle: yes, there is a canonical partner repos, you should be able to enable it in the other software tab in Software Properties (where ppa sources are managed)05:35
alex_mayorgafetching updates, there seems to be an icedtea update05:35
apparlealex_mayorga: should I install sun's or openjre05:35
alex_mayorgaapparle: try open05:35
yofelapparle: try openjre first, once it breaks install sun05:35
apparleopen works with firefox?05:35
alex_mayorgaapparle: what yofel says05:36
alex_mayorgaapparle: it should05:36
yofelapparle: yes, you'll actually need a workaround to get sun-java6-plugin to work with firefox at the moment05:37
alex_mayorgaby the way that now needs a rename to oracle-java6 right? :)05:37
apparleyofel: then sun-java6-jre goes to hellll...... I prefer things which are straight forward and as you are saying I hope openjre is good enough05:37
apparleso which package should I install for the firefox plugin05:38
yofelalex_mayorga: tell that debian, we usually just use their package :P05:38
yofel!info icedtea6-plugin | apparle05:38
ubottuapparle: icedtea6-plugin (source: openjdk-6): web browser plugin based on OpenJDK and IcedTea to execute Java applets. In component main, is extra. Version 6b18~pre4-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 78 kB, installed size 268 kB05:38
murlidhar!find openjdk05:39
ubottuFound: openjdk-6-dbg, openjdk-6-demo, openjdk-6-doc, openjdk-6-jdk, openjdk-6-jre (and 4 others)05:39
* yofel still hasn't found out why it's called icedtea...05:39
* ddecator thinks it might be a play on java being coffee05:40
* alex_mayorga agrees with ddecator05:40
yofelthat would actually make sense...05:41
apparleya.... so finally I also have found some meaning for icedtea05:41
alex_mayorgawhat might have nuked gnome-do from my system?05:44
yofelupdaing in the last days?05:44
alex_mayorgayofel: tomboy too?05:44
* holstein is up to date05:44
holsteinand gnome-do is working05:44
BGL-[2]am i the only one having a screen saver issue w/10.04 b1? i can't get the thing to stop turning on, regardless of settings05:44
BGL-[2]even with power management off05:45
yofelalex_mayorga: could have happend due to some package conflict if you used dist-upgrade without double checking what it did05:45
alex_mayorgayofel: maybe 3 days ago05:45
murlidharhave they removed the tab " interface " in the appearance preferences app in lucid ???05:45
apparlehow to open a fixed bug in launchpad05:45
yofelBGL-[2]: do you have 'xscreensaver' runninng?05:45
alex_mayorgaI always do safe-upgrade05:45
alex_mayorgabut who knows05:45
alex_mayorgahow do I reinstall the desktop?05:46
yofeldunno, shouldn't have removed it then05:46
yofelalex_mayorga: try removing and installing ubuntu-desktop again05:46
BGL-[2]in processes ? no05:46
yofelBGL-[2]: really? hm, that's what happened to me05:46
murlidhar!info ubuntu-desktop05:46
ubottuubuntu-desktop (source: ubuntu-meta): The Ubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.194 (lucid), package size 30 kB, installed size 56 kB05:46
alex_mayorgayofel: would reinstall do?05:47
alex_mayorgasudo aptitude reinstall ubuntu-desktop05:47
yofelalex_mayorga: not sure, it has to pull in the recommends again, I don't know if it does that on reinstall05:47
alex_mayorgayofel: you're right, reinstall won't do05:48
BGL-[2]hello vivid05:49
alex_mayorgayofel: remove/install pulled tomboy and others05:49
DanaGnote to self: get bigger sd card before setting up ubuntuone on the beagle.05:50
DanaG1.7 or so gigs used on a 2 gig card... and at least 0.7 gigs on dropbox.05:50
DanaGer, and now ubuntone.05:50
vividBGL-[2], helo random person i dont know05:50
BGL-[2]i see you're in WA05:50
Ian_CorneDanaG: 8gb SD cards are getting really cheap05:51
bbordwellanybody else getting synaptic in their system tools menu?05:52
vividBGL-[2], yes, me and about 6.5 million other people05:52
alex_mayorgayofel: can you check the bug on icedtea I posted earlier?05:52
yofelalex_mayorga: what should  I check05:54
alex_mayorgayofel: launch firefox from terminal and go to http://www.javatester.org/version.html05:54
yofelI'm using sun ATM05:55
alex_mayorgayofel: haven't tested that05:55
alex_mayorgadoes firefox usually runs as root?05:55
alex_mayorgayofel: who owns /usr/lib/firefox-3.6/libnssutil3.so on your system?05:56
yofelfirefox should never run as root, unless the root user is using it05:56
yofellemme check05:56
yofel644 root:root05:57
alex_mayorgasame here06:00
DanaGhmm, it offers to install plugins... and then tells me there are none to install.06:01
yofelalex_mayorga: a user should only need to read that  file so that should be fine06:02
murlidharfirefox doesn't yet support java applets ?06:10
alex_mayorgamurlidhar: it does06:10
murlidharalex_mayorga: i don't see java plugins in firefox at all.06:10
alex_mayorgamurlidhar: try http://www.javatester.org/version.html06:11
alex_mayorgamurlidhar: what does it say?06:11
murlidharalex_mayorga: it says the browser has java disabled.06:11
alex_mayorga!find icedtea06:12
ubottuFound: icedtea-6-jre-cacao, icedtea6-plugin06:12
alex_mayorgamurlidhar: install icedtea6-plugin06:12
alex_mayorgamurlidhar: that should get you applets06:13
running_rabbit07!find beer06:13
ubottuFound: pysycache-buttons-beerabbit06:13
murlidharalex_mayorga: sun java jre is already installed ...but06:14
murlidharalex_mayorga: it doesn't help in running java applets ?06:14
alex_mayorgajust moments ago yofel said there's a glitch on it06:14
yofelbug 53217406:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532174 in sun-java6 "[Lucid] sun-java6-plugin not recognized by firefox anymore" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53217406:15
yofelmurlidhar: there's a workaround in the comments06:15
alex_mayorgamurlidhar: got a URL to the applet?06:16
alex_mayorgaI could use a test URL06:17
murlidharalex_mayorga: nseindia.com06:17
running_rabbit07!find acrobat reader06:17
ubottureader is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, partner06:17
murlidharalex_mayorga: the ticker on the top page isnt' working...06:17
running_rabbit07!find acrobat karmic06:18
ubottuFile acrobat found in boa-constructor, kde-icons-oxygen, libcherokee-server0, scribus, texlive-doc-en06:18
yofel!find acroread06:18
ubottuFile acroread found in app-install-data-partner, apparmor-profiles, bash-completion-lib, claws-mail-tools, cups (and 26 others)06:18
murlidharalex_mayorga: the work around works now though. :)06:19
yofeloh wait, that's in the partner repos too...06:19
alex_mayorgamurlidhar: works on icedtea too06:19
alex_mayorgamurlidhar: the "Index Futures" at least06:19
alex_mayorgamurlidhar: nothing on equities though06:20
cleaverrootwhat is the difference between icedtea version of java and suns will it work the same06:20
alex_mayorgamurlidhar: are you a stock guru?06:20
alex_mayorgacleaverroot: icedtea is the FOSS one06:20
murlidharalex_mayorga: nopes. i have some shares in nse so i try to follow them.06:20
* alex_mayorga thinks stock is like gambling for the most part06:21
murlidharalex_mayorga: i find firefox font rendering so pathetic now.. 3.5.8 's font rendering is very good.06:22
cleaverrootalex_mayorga: I'm just asking cuz I just started taking a java programming class and want to know if I can go with the open one06:22
murlidharalex_mayorga: :)06:22
murlidharalex_mayorga: i don't do much of trading.. just little.06:22
alex_mayorgacleaverroot: should work the same in theory at least06:23
alex_mayorgacleaverroot: do you already have icedtea?06:28
cleaverrootnot yet alex_mayorga06:29
alex_mayorgacleaverroot: feeling adventurous?06:29
cleaverrootalex_mayorga: easy enough to get though lol06:29
bbordwellDoes anyone else have synaptic package manager in their applications>system tools menu?06:30
cleaverrootalex_mayorga: might be :-)06:30
ddecatorbbordwell: yes06:30
alex_mayorgajust want to know if anyone else has the same stacktrace I have at Bug #55345206:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553452 in firefox "Java applet unable to load" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55345206:30
cleaverrootI do have sun's installed will that conflict06:30
bbordwellddecator, I made a bug a while back for it, do you know if there was already one under a different package than synaptic?06:31
alex_mayorgacleaverroot: I don't think, back in karmic one could change among them06:31
ddecatorbbordwell: not that i know of. it might not be a bug. i know synaptic won't be a default install eventually (software center will replace it) so they might be moving it to the applications menu instead of the system menu. not sure though06:32
bbordwellddecator, ah well even if they are moving it there, it does not open with root privlages if you use the button in system tools which makes it pretty useless06:32
ddecatorbbordwell: oh yah, you're right, that is odd...06:33
cleaverrootalex_mayorga: cool; I'll try to install both then06:33
bbordwellddecator, well i mentioned it in my bug report, someone that knows more about synaptic will see it and if they are moving it there i will just change the title to say that synaptic does not open with root privlages06:34
ddecatorbbordwell: sounds good to me06:34
MurielGodoiHi guys, Brasero is not recognizing my new media dvd on drive... can that be a bug06:36
ddecatoralex_mayorga: are you actually working on a fix for the java issue?06:37
ddecatorMurielGodoi: i think i've seen that bug before...06:37
alex_mayorgaddecator: trying to at least see if other people have it too06:37
ddecatoralex_mayorga: well the "assign to" part of lp is meant to assign the bug to a person working on a fix ;)06:38
alex_mayorgaddecator: need to confirm if it happens somewhere else than my laptop06:38
ddecatorplus it may be the same as the other bug...06:38
alex_mayorgaddecator: last I checked a triagger can be an assignee too06:38
alex_mayorgaddecator: what other bug?06:39
ddecatoralex_mayorga: bug 49609706:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 496097 in openjdk-6 "icedtea6-plugin not compatible with Firefox 3.6+" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49609706:39
alex_mayorgaddecator: but maybe you're right and I;m just getting on the way06:39
ddecatoralex_mayorga: it's not a big deal, it just can get confusing when triagers assign themselves. don't worry about it now, but in the future you don't need to assign it, just leave comments and we'll see that you're working on it =)06:40
x3464put the buttons on the left they said.06:42
alex_mayorgaddecator: just removed the assignment, for clarity sake :)06:43
alex_mayorgaddecator: do you have icedtea?06:44
ddecatoralex_mayorga: yes, with FF 3.7 (although i have 3.6 installed)06:44
alex_mayorgaddecator: also isn't that bug now "fix released"?06:45
alex_mayorgaapplets do work with icedtea06:45
ddecatoralex_mayorga: the one i referenced is still wishlist, although i'm not certain they're the same bug (haven't checked them in detail)06:45
ddecatoralex_mayorga: there isn't full java support last i tried06:46
alex_mayorgahttp://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml works for me06:46
ddecatoralex_mayorga: that worked for me too, but i still have trouble when i try to use java on some sites (like booking tickets with amtrak) although i haven't tried with the latest update06:47
MurielGodoiddecator: That seens like bug 23813006:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 238130 in linux "CD/DVD Creator fails torecognise blank DVD (8.04)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23813006:48
MurielGodoiddecator: but still happens in lucid06:48
MurielGodoiddecator: I've got the dmesg errors... should I attach in the same but or fill another?06:49
ddecatorMurielGodoi: is it new media or erased media?06:49
MurielGodoiddecator: new media06:50
ddecatorMurielGodoi: hm, so it's not the bug i worked on...06:51
MurielGodoiddecator: "This disc doesn't have any tracks I recognise" has logged in dmesg06:51
MurielGodoiddecator: after that several i/o errors06:51
DexterLBthis isn't much lucid but I am installing anyway so...06:51
DexterLBI have a problem.06:51
ddecatorMurielGodoi: looks like that might already be in the dmesg attached to the bug. if it looks similar to yours, then just mark it as affecting you and maybe leave a comment that it's present in lucid still06:52
ddecatorDexterLB: can you be more specific please? =)06:52
DexterLBI boot the karmic livecd to back up some files as the karmic is broken and will take long to fix. But the livecd cannot mount the local filesystems and gparted says they're locked.06:53
DexterLBwhat does that mean?06:53
ddecatorDexterLB: well this is for lucid support, but it sounds like your filesystem was encrypted06:53
ddecatorDexterLB: can you please ask in #ubuntu since this channel is for lucid support?06:54
DexterLBI did06:54
DexterLBno one answers06:54
ddecatorDexterLB: this is a slower time of day, so maybe try tomorrow?06:55
DexterLBI'm in a wierd time zone06:55
DexterLBanyway I'm burning the lucid alternate cd now06:55
DexterLBas the regular one freezes on WM start06:55
DexterLBand I'll install it without backup :-)06:55
DexterLBany idea why it freezes by the way?06:56
ddecatorwhen does it freeze?06:56
DexterLBwell on the splash with the dots06:57
ddecatorso plymouth...06:58
ddecatorwhat version of the cd were you trying? beta 1?06:58
bbordwellDexterLB, do you a multi monitor setup?06:58
DexterLBshould I disconnect one?06:58
* DexterLB disconnects one cable leaving only one monitor06:59
SometimesRomanowhat is plymouth?  i am having issues with that not starting as well on my laptop. I was saved by adding another monitor07:00
ddecatorSometimesRomano: it's the new splash screen07:00
DexterLBoo, more problems caused by eyecandys07:00
SometimesRomanois there somewhere i should look to fix this?07:00
DexterLBanyway, reboot brb07:00
ddecatorSometimesRomano: have you made sure you're running the latest version? they just pushed a couple of updates07:01
SometimesRomanoi've been updating several times a day lately, but i'll check again, thanks07:01
ddecatorSometimesRomano: the latest version is 0.8.1-407:02
MurielGodoiddecator: ok.. the old bug is tagged as 8.10. The lucid guys will check that?07:02
ddecatorMurielGodoi: the devs will get an email with your comment07:04
SometimesRomanoddecator: thanks, found several more updates07:04
ddecatorSometimesRomano: np, i know they've been pushing a lot lately (make sure it won't remove anything, there has been a lot of "in flux" moments lately)07:05
DanaGplymouth refuses to give me a splash, since I have a serial console in addition to my local tty.07:05
=== Dribbles is now known as EntityReborn
MurielGodoiddecator: ok thanks... now +1 but issue07:05
ddecatorMurielGodoi: issue?07:05
MurielGodoiddecator: The mute and volume button aren't working at my asus eeepc running lucid07:06
ubottuUbuntu bug 553386 in kubuntu-default-settings "Plymouth theme should use circular progress indicator" [Medium,Confirmed]07:06
DanaGbleh, stupid ubuntu plymouth theme... looks like a deranged progress bar.07:06
MurielGodoiddecator: /s/but/bog07:06
MurielGodoiddecator: /s/but/bug :)07:06
* ddecator still isn't sure why they are pushing plymouth so much when the goal is a sub-10-second boot07:07
SometimesRomanoalright, restarting, brb07:07
ddecatorMurielGodoi: i'm looking a sec..07:07
yofelI think I wouldn't even see plymouth on my desktop with nvidia if it wouldn't interrupt due to an nfs error07:08
ddecatorMurielGodoi: the hotkeys, or the applet?07:09
ddecatoryofel: exactly07:09
MurielGodoiddecator: the hotkeys07:10
MurielGodoiddecator: as sample: mute used to work in Fn + F10 on karmic07:11
DexterLBtwo birds with one stone07:12
DexterLBnow that the second monitor is off the livecd works07:12
DexterLBand it opens the filesystems07:13
ddecatorMurielGodoi: look at bug 537763 and see if that's what you have07:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 537763 in udev "Asus Eee PC 1201n: Function Keys" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53776307:13
ddecatorwhy would having and extra monitor lock the filesystem?07:13
SometimesRomano:) no issues with plymouth after updating and restarting :)07:13
ddecatorSometimesRomano: good to hear =)07:13
ddecatorMurielGodoi: especially the last comment07:13
SometimesRomanoddecator: thanks a lot, i was freaking out and forgot to check my bases07:14
ddecatorSometimesRomano: no problem07:14
DexterLBbut the filesystem is read-only :(07:14
* DexterLB tries root07:14
SometimesRomanoi almost re-installed, lol07:14
bbordwellDexterLB, I take it you have a nvidia graphics card?07:15
ddecatorSometimesRomano: that would have been freaking out =p07:15
DexterLBI'll install the nonfree driver afterwards07:15
bbordwellDexterLB, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/+bug/53313507:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 533135 in plymouth "System fails to boot with plymouth installed (nouveau driver with >1 display)" [Medium,Triaged]07:15
alex_mayorgaon the java stuff http://blog.fuseyism.com/index.php/2010/04/01/icedtea6-173-released07:18
alex_mayorgawhat version is the one on lucid?07:19
ddecatori have a 1.8 pre-release07:20
ddecatoraccording to FF 3.707:21
ddecatori can check synaptic in a sec (updating right now)07:21
alex_mayorgaddecator: 6b18~pre4-1ubuntu107:21
ddecatoralex_mayorga: yup07:21
alex_mayorgaddecator: I guess IcedTea6 1.7.3 (2010/03/31) is newer anyay, right?07:22
shoonyahow to configure/use nvidia driver in lucid. is there a way to get nouveau and nvidia driver working together ?07:22
DexterLBreboot, installing lucid, wish me luck, bye07:23
ddecatorshoonya: just use jockey to get the proprietary driver07:23
yofelshoonya: no, if you use nouveau nvidia won't work07:23
alex_mayorgaDexterLB: good luck07:23
echosystmok dudes07:23
echosystmwhat is up with this buttons on the left side ridiculousness07:23
ddecatoralex_mayorga: idk for sure07:23
echosystmthis does not float my boat07:24
shoonyayofel: how do i disable nouveau and use nvidia07:24
alex_mayorgaddecator: idk?07:24
ddecatorechosystm: should be theme-specific07:24
echosystmits not at the theme level ddecator07:24
yofelshoonya: as ddecator said, just install the nvidia driver from jockey07:24
alex_mayorgashoonya: System > Hardware drivers07:24
echosystmits at a system level in gnome07:24
yofels/jockey/Hardware Drivers/07:24
ddecatorechosystm: if it isn't implemented yet, the plan is to have it be theme-specific07:25
echosystmalso, because the order of the buttons is changed, when you set them to normal the graphics break07:25
echosystmah ok07:25
echosystmthats great07:25
ddecatorechosystm: and the order is changing07:25
shoonyajockey did not show any driver, i installed nvidia-current using synaptic07:25
echosystmdo you know if there are plans to keep the same theme, but with the buttons in all the normal places?07:25
ddecatoralex_mayorga: idk if that is newer than what is in the repos or not07:26
KB1JWQThe ssh package on Lucid changes three key items that the default openssh-client doesn't.  Is this new for Lucid or does it exist earlier?07:26
alex_mayorgaddecator: IDK = I don't know?07:26
yofelshoonya: should work fine then07:26
ddecatorechosystm: idk for sure, i think ambiance and radiance will be left-side only07:26
ddecatoralex_mayorga: yes07:26
KB1JWQThe one that just caused 30 seconds of hang on every connect was the GSSAPIAuthentication yes option.07:26
alex_mayorgaechosystm: gconf07:27
bbordwellechosystm, https://launchpad.net/~stownsend42/+archive/light-themes07:27
ddecatorshoonya: that should have installed the 195 driver for nvidia07:27
bbordwellechosystm, If you add that ppa and install the package from it, then log out and log back in again your buttons should be on the righ07:28
shoonyawhen i reboot and try to enable compiz, it says no 3D support07:28
echosystmanother thing that has always bugged me about ubuntu - the packages seem quite strange07:28
echosystmif i install gnome-core07:28
alex_mayorgaddecator: never heard of that one07:28
MurielGodoiddecator: I added a comment to bug 537763. Thanks07:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 537763 in udev "Asus Eee PC 1201n: Function Keys" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53776307:28
ddecatorshoonya: did you restart since installing the nvidia_current package?07:28
echosystmwhen i start gnome, i get a tonne of errors saying stuff is missing (icons, taskbar applets, etc.)07:28
ddecatoralex_mayorga: really? o.o07:28
ddecatorMurielGodoi: no problem =)07:29
echosystmobviously gnome-core has the same config files as gnome full07:29
ddecatorechosystm: did you update during the gnome flux?07:29
echosystmits really messy packaging07:29
echosystmno ddecator, it has been like this in ubuntu ever since i can remember07:29
echosystmright back to 6.1007:29
ddecatori've never heard of that happening...07:29
echosystmits one of those things that gives me the willies about ubuntu and makes me not want to use it07:29
yofelshoonya: does 'lsmod' in a terminal list nvidia or nouveau?07:30
ddecatorechosystm: have you ever searched for a bug report?07:30
ddecatorshoonya: try running jockey again and see if you need to activate the driver07:30
yofelshoonya: do you have /usr on a seperate partition?07:30
ddecatorit might detect it now that you installed the package07:31
shoonyayoasif: yes07:31
yofelshoonya: ok, that's the bug then ;)07:31
yofelshoonya: let me explain07:31
ddecatoraw, i lose...07:31
echosystmddecator, i just figured this was "the ubuntu way"07:31
ddecatorechosystm: to have everything broken?07:32
shoonyayofel: is there a workaround07:32
echosystmthat being, if you deviate from one of the standard installs, then things like this are gonna happen07:32
echosystmyeah pretty much ddecator lol07:32
alex_mayorgais there an openjdk IRC?07:32
yofelshoonya: yes, please let me explain, I can't type that fast ;)07:32
echosystm#openjdk ?07:32
ddecatorechosystm: well, deviate how exactly?07:32
alex_mayorgaechosystm: not quite07:32
echosystmits on another server alex_mayorga07:33
echosystmoftc i think07:33
alex_mayorgaechosystm: that's right http://openjdk.java.net/irc/07:33
ddecatorechosystm: i'm not sure how that works, but you're always welcome to file a report on launchpad and see what the devs have to say about the issue =)07:33
echosystmddecator, i like to install my linux from a base cli07:34
echosystmand not have all the cruft installed07:34
echosystmim kinda anal retentive like that07:34
ddecatorechosystm: have you thought about using xubuntu or lubuntu then?07:34
echosystmxubuntu has just as much crap as normal ubuntu lol07:35
ddecatorlubuntu is even lighter07:35
echosystmand i dont like LXDE07:35
alex_mayorgaechosystm: or gentoo07:35
echosystmim not concerned about ligtness07:35
echosystmi like gnome07:35
echosystmi just dont want all these games and stuff installed07:35
alex_mayorga!fing jnlp07:35
ddecatori uninstall the games too07:35
yofelshoonya: there is a file  /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf  that takes care of blacklisting nouveau so that it doesn't get loaded, but that file is a symlink to a file on the /usr partition and as /usr isn't yet mounted when nouveau gets loaded nouveau still gets loaded even though it should not, workaround: 'sudo cp /usr/lib/nvidia-current/modprobe.conf /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf'07:35
echosystmor open office running off GCJ instead of sun-jre the way god intended :P07:35
alex_mayorga!find jnlp07:35
ubottuFile jnlp found in jruby, jruby1.1, jruby1.2, kdelibs-data, libjdic-java (and 3 others)07:35
demismi got lucid and i was wondering how i can get kubuntu-desktop on it? I get a bunch of depends but wont be installed messages, any ideas?07:36
alex_mayorga!find webstart07:36
ubottuFile webstart found in libnb-java3-java07:36
ddecatorechosystm: you should be able to configure ubuntu how you want and have it work, so i encourage you to file a report on launchpad =)07:36
echosystmthis is just one instance though07:37
echosystmi get the feeling its just going to keep hapenning07:37
ddecatordemism: that could be for various reasons. it could be that updates are being pushed that break dependencies, so trying again later may work07:37
billybigriggerhmmm....does anyone here have problems viewing embedded wmvs?07:40
billybigriggeri can hear the sound but no video07:40
SometimesRomanoi am finding it impossible to navigate Network / windows network / workgroup07:41
Dr_Willisdemism:  when in doubt.. wait a while. update the package listings, upgrade teh system, try reinstalling it agin.07:42
alex_mayorgaechosystm: no reports warrant it would keep happening indeed07:43
demismi managed to get it through the package manager, changed some settings. Couldn't get it through command line :/07:43
Dr_Willisas of this morning - my kde system had some issues where plasma-desktop wasent getting auto-loaded. I had to alt-f2 and run it by hand.07:46
almoxarifeSometimesRomano: I am with you, it depends on the update it seems to me, now I can and one update later I can't07:47
demismDr_Willis: I'll see how it goes. :) Did you go gnome->kde?07:48
Dr_Willisone one box i did07:49
shoonyayofel: opps power went off...07:53
shoonyadid i miss something07:53
yofelshoonya: did you get my message with the workaround?07:56
shoonyayofel: no07:56
yofelshoonya: there is a file /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf that takes care of blacklisting nouveau so that it doesn't get loaded, but that file is a symlink to a file on the /usr partition and as /usr isn't yet mounted when nouveau gets loaded nouveau still gets loaded even though it should not, workaround: 'sudo cp /usr/lib/nvidia-current/modprobe.conf /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf'07:56
shoonyaok, let me reboot and check07:59
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
eboyjrWho decided that the window buttons were going to be on the left side? :/08:02
Dr_Willisbill gates08:02
eboyjrlol no wonder08:03
cleaverrooteboyjr: the not ms community decision group i guess08:04
ubottuThe titlebar buttons have switched to the left during the development phase of Lucid. No need for alarm! The developers are testing this and listening to user feedback. The final decision about the position will be made after beta. Kindly be patient. For more insight, read : http://www.ivankamajic.com/?p=28108:04
cleaverrootno need for alarm lol08:04
cleaverrootWho thinks it will make the final cut08:05
Dr_Willisdosent look like they will change their mind however.08:05
Dr_WillisIm betting its going to stay on the left. and be a big point of argument and ranting in #ubuntu08:05
cleaverrootDr_Willis: I agree08:06
eboyjrOh okay it's good that it's a democracy sorta08:06
Dr_Willisits not a democracy....08:06
eboyjrI think it's gonna have the minimize and maximize on the left, and close on the right08:06
cleaverrooteboyjr: what democracy lol08:06
Dr_Willisthere was apost  by our ubuntu-featrless leader sayingjust that08:06
eboyjrDr_Willis, It isn't? Well they do ask for our opinions08:06
Dr_Williswith the gnome-3 changes to a more netbook like interface.. it may not matter08:07
ddecatorit's already officially going to stay on the left, but the order will be changed08:07
Dr_Williseboyjr:  actually they dident ask befor the change..08:07
cleaverrootthey care if you are a dev sure08:07
Dr_Willisand  there was several blog/mesage posts where it was stated taht 'ubuntu is not a democracy' :)08:07
blekoshello how can I install kubuntu beta 1 from command line?08:07
eboyjrHaha ok08:07
Dr_Willisblekos:  what os are you booted to now?08:07
blekosubuntu :)08:08
Dr_Willisblekos:  and the reasonyou are not using the normal gui installer is what?08:08
blekosi thought i should add additional repos or something08:09
yofelblekos: why don't you just install kubuntu in ubuntu?08:09
Dr_Willisboot live cd... start installer.... or do you want to clarify your question08:09
shoonyayofel: tried the workaround did not work. I also added (replaced splash) nomodset in grub.cfg. still no luck08:09
yofelno need, just install 'kubuntu-desktop'08:09
shoonyalsmod still shows nouveau loaded08:09
DexterLB-lucidI installed the proprietary driver for nvidia, but I don't have 1280x1024 in the VGA's resolutions. I have 1024x768 which is too little and 1360x768 which is tooooooo widescreen08:10
blekossorry,but kubuntu-desktop will install the 9.10 wright?08:10
yofelblekos: oh, you're running karmic?08:11
blekosno, I am running lucid beta08:11
yofelshoonya: odd, that workaround worked for someone else having /usr seperate...08:11
blekosohh i see08:11
blekossince I am running lucid install-kubuntu will give the appropriate kubuntu :)08:11
yofelblekos: kubuntu-desktop will just  install kde and everything else that's necessare for kubuntu08:11
DexterLB-lucidI installed the proprietary driver for nvidia, but I don't have  1280x1024 in the VGA's resolutions. I have 1024x768 which is too  little and 1360x768 which is tooooooo widescreen08:12
DexterLB-lucidhad to ask that in #ubuntu too08:12
cleaverrootblekos: don't do kubuntu no one likes it08:12
yofelshoonya: hm, does the file you created (nvidia.conf) contain 'blacklist nouveau' ?08:13
yofelmissed him -.-08:13
blekoshaha, I would but, there is a problem with my wlan card not being able to connect to wpa & wpa2 networks08:13
blekosthere is already a bug in launchpad for this08:13
blekosfrom what i've read this does not exist in kubuntu :(08:14
andrew-jackWhat does the "ipconfig" process do?  I have an "ipconfig" process that is using 100% of one core (on a dual-core machine). This first started a few days ago after I updated (i'm running lucid).  http://i.imgur.com/pFV5J.png08:14
Dr_Willisi find thelatest kde very use able08:15
ddecatorandrew-jack: ipconfig deals with your network information (ipaddress, mac address, etc.)08:16
ddecatorshouldn't use 100% of a cpu core though...08:17
andrew-jackhmm. the annoying thing is that i can't find anything on Google about it. The search results are "polluted" with questions about windows ipconfig or linux ifconfig, not linux ipconfig (i honestly didn't think that anything called ipconfig existed in linux)08:19
andrew-jacki might start a bug report. what's the best way to go about that? just sign up to launchpad?08:20
ddecatori might be thinking about ifconfig...08:20
ddecatorandrew-jack: you could, but idk what package that would be filed against08:20
andrew-jacklol me neither.08:21
ddecatoryofel: any idea?08:22
andrew-jacki can kill the process, but it starts up again every time i boot up my computer. is there a way to list what processes start when ubuntu boots up?08:22
cleaverrootsorry late to the game here what bug in gnome?08:22
ddecatorcleaverroot: the wpa one that blekos mentioned?08:23
cleaverrootddecator: k08:23
yofelddecator: not sure... he might be able to attach strace to the stuck ipconfig and see what it does all the time, but I'm not sure if anyone here would actually understand the output08:23
yofelhave to go for now, bbl08:24
ddecatoryofel: i know i wouldn't, i just didn't know if you happened to know what package that would be related to08:24
cleaverrootddecator: the wlan card not connecting?08:24
ddecatoryofel: alright, cya08:24
ddecatorcleaverroot: maybe? idk what gnome bug you're talking about, haha08:24
cleaverrootddecator: don't think it exist. I've read most bug reports none on wlan not connecting08:25
ddecatorcleaverroot: idk, blekos is the one who mentioned it, i haven't looked08:25
ddecatorblekos: ^^08:26
cleaverrootblekos:  what exactly is your error?08:26
cleaverrootmy question is: does anyone else get the error msg that says volume control is not loaded on a reboot08:28
Dr_Williscleaverroot:  not seen that issue here08:29
blue102no not really08:29
cleaverrootDr_Willis: hmm08:29
Dr_Willisthat dosent prove anything however. :)08:29
cleaverrootevery time I reboot08:29
blue102installed on a laptop compaq armada e 50008:29
blue102and runs really well08:30
cleaverrootrebooting to get exact msg08:30
ddecatoris it the sound applet that isn't loading?08:30
blue102how do I get flashplayer to work anybody???08:32
andrew-jackflash on x86 or x64?08:32
Dr_Willisi just install the proper flash package from the repos08:33
Ian_Corneapt-get it :)08:33
Dr_Willisitsincluded in the ubuntu-restricted-extras package also isentit?08:33
blue102tried that08:33
ddecatorblue102: is it not working at all?08:33
blue102apt-get install08:33
Ian_Cornethere's a difference between some packages08:33
Dr_Willistryed what exactly blue102 ?08:34
blue102just give me the comand line please08:34
andrew-jacksudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree08:34
blue102ah thanks08:34
ddecatorthat should be it08:34
blue102will try now08:34
cleaverroot_nvm didn't show up this time08:34
Dr_Willishdh.. apt-get install.. needs a actual package name.... :)08:34
Dr_Willisthats why i asked exactly what command yoiu used  :P08:35
Dr_Willisinstalling 'ubuntu-restricted-extas' is also going to install a lot of stuff you p[roberly want as well08:35
andrew-jackit should be in the "ubuntu software centre" too, just scroll down to "flash plugin"08:35
andrew-jackwell, do a search on "flash" and it will come up in the list08:36
blue102working new had something wrong :=(08:37
andrew-jackworking!!?! yay!08:37
andrew-jackabout my strange "ipconfig" process that is using 100% of a CPU core08:39
andrew-jackstrace of the "ipconfig" process shows these three lines repeated over and over (the gettimeofday line has different numbers on each iteration but the rest is the same):08:39
andrew-jackrecvfrom(4, "E\0\0T\0\0@\0@\21<\227\177\0\0\1\177\0\0\1", 20, MSG_PEEK, {sa_family=AF_PACKET, proto=0x800, if1, pkttype=PACKET_HOST, addr(6)={772, 000000000000}, [18]) = 2008:39
andrew-jackpoll([{fd=4, events=POLLRDNORM}], 1, 11000) = 1 ([{fd=4, revents=POLLRDNORM}])08:39
andrew-jackgettimeofday({1270191414, 255897}, NULL) = 008:39
andrew-jacki really don't know what package "ipconfig" is from. possibly yaird, klibc-utils, or even part of the kernel?08:40
andrew-jackis there any way to tell?08:41
ddecatornot that i know of. and i don't know what any of that output means either, sorry =\08:43
RPG-MasterWould debs for 9.10 from getdeb work with the beta?08:43
ddecatori'm sure theres a way, but i'm not familiar with network related stuff like that08:43
ddecatorRPG-Master: most should08:43
RPG-Mastercool, thanks08:43
blue102question I have a samba network how can I change that to a linux network08:45
blue102I have ubuntu server 9.10 i386 installed08:47
yofelandrew-jack: try 'ubuntu-bug -P $(pidof ipconfig)'08:47
yofelandrew-jack: while it's running08:48
Dr_Willis  blue102  err... samba is just a service that runs on a network of machines.. what are you asking? Install the samba service if you want samba. or the nfs server if you want to share things via nfs08:48
Dr_Willisinstall nfs server then and configure it.08:48
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.08:48
blue102thank you08:49
ddecatoryofel: you can use ubuntu-bug with a process id o_O?08:49
blue102have a go at that08:49
blue102What I want to do is get rid of ms windows08:49
Dr_WillisYou can use samba for linux to linux transfers as well.08:50
blue102that's why I have samba running08:50
Dr_Willisnfs is proberly faster.. but has its own quirks to watch out for08:50
yofelddecator: sure, ubuntu-bug --help will tell you ;)08:50
blue102like what?08:50
ddecatorthings just keep getting more and more amazing o.o08:50
blue102Thanks a lot guys for the help08:53
andrew-jacknp. glad it's working!08:54
cleaverroot_I have an hp t-series printer installed on a windows network hooked up to a windows server. I find the printer and have divers for it but when I print I get weird symbols; like no samba is present08:54
blue102do you have the ppd file08:55
andrew-jackare the drivers PCL or PostScript(PS)? sometimes a printer has drivers for both but the actual hardware has PS "deactivated" and you have to pay extra to have PS activated08:55
cleaverroot_no how do I find it08:55
andrew-jackis it printing fine from the windows computers?08:56
cleaverroot_andrew-jack: does it matter that it is a printer about 5 yrs old?08:56
Dr_Willisi got a 14 yr old printer :)08:56
cleaverroot_andrew-jack: yes it prints fine from the windows comuters08:56
blue102should not matter at all mine is 10 years old08:57
Dr_Willisif its printing symbols.. well it could be some driver/config issue.08:57
blue102hp 4100dtn08:57
andrew-jackno way! i think i have one here in the office. i don't print to it tho... i could give it a go and see what happens :)08:57
blue102I think it could be the ppd file for for cups08:57
cleaverroot_so that it is printing at all and printing weird symbols means driver right?08:58
cleaverroot_do I have to give it an IP?08:59
andrew-jackas blue says, it looks like it might be a driver issue08:59
blue102do you jetdirect08:59
andrew-jackmine has a "jetdirect 610N" network card in the back of the printer08:59
blue102mine as well09:00
cleaverroot_very old printer09:00
blue102I think you might need to use cups09:00
blue102with a ppd file from the hp website09:01
Dr_Willischeck the cups.org site also as to what to use for it09:02
blue102what is the printer name09:02
andrew-jacksorry, just went and looked and the jetdirect network card is stuffed09:04
blue102can you ping it09:04
andrew-jacki'm running the hp4100n off a miniature linux print server from the parralell port (about the size of  a deck of cards, with the parrallel port at one end and ethernet port at the other)09:04
andrew-jackit's printing over standard LPT protocol if that's any help :(09:04
blue102I run it with the jetdirect over tcp/ip09:05
cleaverroot_Dr_Willis: will do now09:07
Dr_Willisyea - my little print-server can dolike 4 different printting service protocalls09:07
Dr_Willisshowing thats theres more thenjust samba :)09:08
cleaverroot_sorry,guys it was because the printer was named twice one under the windows network and once under the actual printername09:09
blue102there you go :-)09:09
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blue102ok guys thanks09:11
andrew-jackthx see yas09:12
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DexterLBso, NVidia now allowed me to use 864p but still doesn't let me do 1024p09:39
DexterLBVGA ports suck09:39
DexterLBI'll try the other cable, although it's a long shot09:39
cleaverroot_i have not left09:48
blue102totem can not play mmhs what to do??09:49
apparlewhy is search not working in kubuntu beta09:55
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Tm_Tapparle: how it isn't working?09:56
apparleI have a particular file in my home folder, I can very will see it... but when I type the name in the search bar at the top, I get no results found in status09:56
Tm_Tapparle: it works with all other files?09:57
apparleTm_T: actually it doesn't work for any file09:59
Tm_Tapparle: that is search bar in dolphin, right?10:01
apparleTm_T: yes10:01
Tm_Tapparle: have you upgraded today?10:03
apparleyes... all the latest package10:04
Tm_Thmm, check you have strigi and nepomuk running properly10:04
apparleTm_T: how?10:05
Tm_Tapparle: systemsettings -> advanced tab -> desktop search10:05
apparleTm_T: both are enabled in it10:05
Tm_Tapparle: there in second tab, you have your homedir selected?10:06
apparleTm_T: it says Strigi is currently indexing ....10:06
Tm_Tapparle: uhhh, you might like to wait it to do the job then10:06
apparleTm_T: that's too much I have just told it to index about 500GB10:07
apparleTm_T: anyways to do an old search without indexing10:07
Tm_Tapparle: I don't know, I don't use Dolphin myself much10:07
apparleTm_T: how do you do it10:08
Tm_TI'm old fart using Konsole10:08
apparleTm_T: I don't mind command line... just don't know how to10:08
apparleTm_T: I want to seach the files containing a string in a lots of cpp in lots of folders10:09
apparleTm_T:  how to do that10:09
Tm_Tapparle: filename contains the string or file contents?10:11
ryeAnybody used indicator-applet shortcut yet?10:11
ryeWARNING: do not use it right now, need more info10:11
apparleTm_T: I want to find what all files are calling a function in a project folder10:12
ryeIt looks like it locks the keyboard, anybody heard of such behavior? Or better yet, experienced?10:12
Tm_Tapparle: so it's file contents10:12
apparleTm_T: ya10:12
Tm_Tapparle: in project folder, run "grep -iRHn -C2 searchword *" or something like that10:13
ryenext question - anybody experienced host system lockup during kvm guest activity?10:16
apparleTm_T: thanks10:19
cleaverrootjoin #ubuntu-women10:20
CosmiChaosoh lotsa plymouth upgrades and a new package plymouth-label plus changed theme packages10:28
CosmiChaosi hope they removed violet in the default logo xD10:28
CosmiChaoscleaverroot, yes thats this chan10:34
ryeok, confirmed this on 2 more machines - DO NOT use indicator-session applet shortcut - this will render your keyboard unusable and menus of ALL applications will stop working10:43
ryeuntil X restart10:43
simion314hi, i managed to install kubuntu lucid using noacpi noapic and nomodeset in the installer but i can/t boot it with ths options any idea what is the fix?10:50
simion314this bug is present only in lucid no problem in karmic , but disabling KMS should fix it10:50
simion314other problem is that searching on google about this bug reveals a lot of other bugs, and i can't find this one, i have ati card10:51
Machtingnah.. my printer won't print duplex.. even though i set it in the system options as standard and in the printing programm before giving the print job..?10:51
simion314i wll be back , i will try xforcevesa option10:54
simion314is not wotking xforcevesa faield, i do not belive that it started with VESA11:02
Guest97668hi :) I was wondering if someone might be able to get my vaio laptop fan under control please? It's running loudly, and almost constantly so it's quite noisy :(11:05
Guest97668BTW: I'm running kubuntu 10.04 (with all the recent patches).11:06
=== Guest97668 is now known as jamesth
CosmiChaosGuest97668, is it noisy because its just constantly at 100% or because of the bearings broke? if secondly than no software can help you11:07
jamesthbearings are fine, just running constantly11:08
CosmiChaosjamesth, does your bios offers a Q-Fan, Fan-SmartControl or Cool and Quiet or what else the heck the call it?11:08
CosmiChaosjamesth, does it have onboard nvidia... and do you exceed it?11:10
jamesth@CosmiChaos I can certainly reboot and check, but I don;t ever recall seeing anything in there that controls fan speed etc. But I'm happy to reboot and check it. fyi: CPU is at approx 2-10%.11:10
jamesth@Costichaos - it does have onboard nVidia (which i'm using atm) but let me check my settings, i think it's an nvidia 8500M or something11:11
CosmiChaosi dont know if theres a software fan control feature in linux at all, since it can only work if the mobo has got that feature11:12
CosmiChaosif it has such a feature, mostly it has a bios setting, since its a notebook it would be strongly intelligent for sony to make those feature accessible by bios11:12
CosmiChaosi know those bioses are of thin width but i dont believe theres no fan control in a notebook :)11:13
jamesthI'll have a look in the bios, and see what's there. I'll also have a look to see if it's the latest bios too :)11:13
jamesthmight be there, but it might be hidden from the end-user to 'protect us from ourselves' ;)11:14
CosmiChaosi had one of that early vaios that ha d bad soldered nvidia-gpu so one day i had it been fired of the board by its own heat11:14
CosmiChaosjamesth, since then i stopped seeing hd gaming on portable computers is a good idea at all :)11:16
simion314anyone have problem with the pc rebooting at login or a few seconds after? can't find anything on google but i can't be the only one11:16
apparlewhat is the command to get all the packages required to build a source?11:35
apparleif I have downloaded the source from repos11:36
Dr_Willishmm apt-get build-deps package11:39
Dr_Willisor somthing11:39
Dr_Willissudo apt-get build-dep packagename11:40
Davieyapparle: people tend to recommend building in a pbuilder chroot.. pbuilder will satisfy the build deps for you.11:41
apparleDaviey: I have just downloaded xserver-xorg-video-ati with apt-get and want to compile it..... how to get what all -dev packages are required11:42
DavieyWhat Dr_Willis suggested will do it.. but it'll leave all the extra stuff on your machine11:42
Davieyapparle: Using pbuilder will build it in a sterile enviroment, and tear it down afterwards.11:43
apparleDaviey: Dr_Willis thanks11:44
Davieyapparle: using pbuilder, you would do something like $ pbuilder-dist lucid build xserver-xorg-video-ati_6.12.99+git20090929.7968e1fb-0ubuntu2.dsc11:45
Dr_Willisnever used pbuilder.11:46
Dr_Willisbut i tend to just build a few packages here and there11:46
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bullgardWhat does indicate in Synaptic in the column "S" an exclamation mark with the particular DEB program package?11:50
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nishanthmy computer freezes ....any way to find out why?12:09
bazhangnishanth, using lucid 10.04 ?12:09
nishanthis there a way to find out why this might be happening?12:11
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGa_vacations
Dr_Willisgive moar details of when/how for starters12:14
nishanthmy computer freezes in between work....any way to find out why?12:15
Damascenehello, we shouldn't update yet?12:15
om26erDamascene, why?12:16
penguin42nishanth: When you say freeze, does it completely freeze? Does capslock still work? Does it do it any particular time?12:16
Damascene| GNOME 2.30 being uploaded. Packages are in-flux, so don't upgrade yet. |12:16
om26erDamascene, most of the packages are already 2.30 in Lucid12:16
penguin42Damascene: Last night Crimsun said he would leave that there for a while but it seemed to be OK, I don't know if anything has changed over night12:17
nishanthpenguin142: not any particular times.....nthng works not even mouse or any keys12:17
penguin42nishanth: Does it do it at any particular time or just randomly?12:18
BUGa_vacationsanyone having trouble in a LAN pinging other PCs ?12:18
BUGa_vacationseither some network module of Lucid went caputz or my router did12:18
penguin42BUGa_vacations: Seems OK here12:18
nishanthpenguin142: randomly12:19
BUGa_vacationsI can't ping my android, a karmic laptop can't ping my lucid one :\12:19
BUGa_vacationsvery very strange12:19
BUGa_vacationsbut internet works fine12:19
BUGa_vacationspenguin42: know any tool to _browse_ a lan?12:20
penguin42BUGa_vacations: What do you mean by 'browse'?12:20
BUGa_vacationsto see where's the blockaged12:20
BUGa_vacationsor the problem12:20
BUGa_vacationssince ping to machines doesn't work12:20
BUGa_vacationsbut to router works fine12:21
penguin42well there's tcpdump just to watch the packets (or wireshark for a gui)12:21
nishanthpenguin142: randomly12:21
cozziemotowhat is the timeline for safe upgrade  considering the topic?12:22
penguin42nishanth: Very difficult to diagnose; you can try looking in the logs after you reboot, but depending on the freeze it might not have made it to the logs12:22
Dr_WillisTheres a weird 'frame' around allmy gnome menus, and wallpaper. and other places...12:23
BUGa_vacationsgonna try to power cycle the router12:23
Dr_Williswonder if its because i updated/upgraded stuff as i was logged into gnome.12:23
penguin42nishanth: If you have desktop effects/compiz enabled I'd disable it and see if it's any more stable - 3d drivers are often the weekest link12:24
nishanthpenguin142: well this started happening once after i started using compiz a lot12:25
esaydo you think is 10.04 better than 9.10  i cannot compare because i couldnt use 9.1012:26
nishanthesay : i like 10.0412:28
nishanththough i highly reco not using the beta version12:28
BUGabundopenguin42: FYI rebooting the router fixed it12:29
skydromewhats the difference with readahead and ureadahead?12:29
robin0800nishanth: working ok here there were only 26 updates this morning think most of gnome is here now12:30
esaythanks nishanth12:30
nishanthrobin0800: i kind of lot of issues on lucid12:32
topyliyay, my eeepc boots for the first time without me having  to remove plymouth first <312:32
robin0800nishanth: not here12:33
JEEBsvtopyli: mine has been able to do that for quite a while :D12:34
JEEBsvalthough I first installed after the Interface Freeze12:34
nishanthrobin0800:actually my system froze twice today12:34
topyliwell i haven't actually tried too often. it failed after i installed lucid, so i've been routinely checking that it's removed. decided to try now and it works12:35
vividmine has never frozen except while running some wine apps12:35
robin0800nishanth: no freezes no nothing in fact.12:35
apparleHello guys12:35
apparlein kubuntu beta1 the tray is not functioning rightly12:35
vividsometimes bad hardware can cause freezes, maybe try memtest12:36
nishanthrobin0800: I am asking people around if there is a way to figure out what might have caused it12:36
robin0800nishanth: graphic driver?12:37
vividnishanth, my first guess would be your hardware being faulty, the linux kernel is quite stable12:37
ryeis the plymouth message about disk check is overlapping one another only for me or for others as well?12:37
nishanthvivid: how to check wat could be wrong12:37
rippsaptitude/update-manager seems to freeze during update/checking at 99%, I don't know why.12:37
robin0800nishanth: logs12:38
nishanthrobin0800: no idea12:38
vividnishanth, run memtest first to see if your memory has errors12:38
nishanthvivid: how?12:38
vividreboot select memtest, wait12:38
ryeok, not mounting /home again...12:38
vividnishanth, might have to install it, search 'memtest' in synaptic12:39
rippsnm, it just took 10 min, must be something with the servers.12:39
nishanthvivid: updates installing now.... will take some time12:39
vividnishanth, if it reports errors *any* errors, your memory is faulty, if not check your video drivers/card12:40
robin0800ripps: there is a built in delay of 2mins here dosn't matter how quickly sudo aptitude works12:43
apparleThe Krunner is responding very very slowly in Kubuntu beta :(12:44
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGa_vacations
Damasceneany idea why autoremove and autoclean have no effect on /var/cache/apt/archives/12:46
Ranakahhi.. when i try to boot from live cd ubuntu 10.04 i get only black screen (i have radeon 3870)12:48
catweazletake only apt-get clean12:49
Ranakahhave anybody any idea what i can to do?12:49
zniavregood aafternoon12:49
zniavrei got strange border around pictures when thumbnail are in the desktop12:50
zniavrereally huge border > http://dl.dropbox.com/u/187396/border.png < is it a feature ?12:51
bazhangzniavre, looks like the theme12:52
smflucid has stjerm 0.11 its from 2007, it doesnt have 0.13 from 2009/1212:53
smfplz fix12:53
robin0800zniavre:  probably part of the theme try customizing themes .... change the controls12:53
apparlewhy is krunner behaving erratically in 10.04 beta12:54
Ranakahhow do i disable kms in ubuntu 10.04 live cd boot?12:56
vegasmf: you really think it will be fixed by stating "plz fix" on this channel?12:57
vegaalso, lucid is one month away from being released, new versions of software will _not_ be included at this point12:58
apparleRanakah: if its for radeon driver then, radeon.modeset=0, for others I don't know. But I think for overall disabling, it must be "nomodeset" but I am not sure12:58
robin0800smf: if its a bug raise it or add your self to it if it already exists12:59
Ranakahapparle where i set this?13:02
apparleRanakah: press F6 and select the nomodeset option13:03
apparlejust before booting13:03
robin0800Ranakah:  think this in an xorg.conf also works " #Option    "FBTexPercent"   # "0" "13:03
nishanthvivid; how do you run memtester?13:03
apparleRanakah: Are you using the open source driver13:04
robin0800nishanth: hit shift at boot time13:04
Ranakahno.. i just try to boot from live cd13:04
apparleRanakah: any success13:05
[diablo]afternoon all13:13
[diablo]guys, the "in-flux" means what exactly please?13:13
Dr_Willis[diablo]:  in a state of change13:17
[diablo]hi Dr_Willis13:17
Dr_Willis ' a work in progress ' ' could chang at any time '13:17
[diablo]ok... maybe you can tell me, Empathy vanished from menu and installation ... I´ve waited a couple of days but now just apt-get installed it again13:18
[diablo]Dr_Willis, should be no issue no?13:18
Dr_Williswhat issue?13:19
Dr_WillisTheres been all sorts of issues with gnome this week13:19
[diablo]I mean reinstalling it after it vanishing :-)13:19
Dr_WillisWhat are we even talking about exactly?13:20
[diablo]ok..  I did a 10.04 beta 1 install13:20
[diablo]had Empathy there as normal... after a few upgrades, it got de-installed, dunno why13:20
[diablo]now I have reinstalled it13:21
=== kermiac_ is now known as kermiac
Dr_Willisdoes it work now? if so .. all is good I guess.13:22
[diablo]yeah it works.. only thing I noticed is that it has an icon showing rather than itergrating with the email, chat etc icon13:23
[diablo]indicator applet13:23
[diablo]ah relax, its no big deal anyway LOL13:24
[diablo]actually the lvm mounting issue is more annoying atm, but that is bug reported and in progress13:25
sobersabrehi. how can I cause svn package to NOT use neon-gnutls, but regular neon library ?13:34
sobersabreI'm tired compiling my own package,13:34
sobersabreI want a once-for-all solution13:34
penguin42why do you need to?13:34
sobersabregnutls doesn't work with openssl certificates.13:35
=== kermiac is now known as kermiac_
sobersabreor maybe I am mistaken ?13:36
kklimonda|G1sobersabre: does subversion package depends on neon-gnutls only or on neon-gnutls | neon ?13:36
sobersabrekklimonda|G1: unfortunately it depends on the neon-gnutls.13:37
sobersabre(it's libsvn1 actually)13:37
sobersabresubversion depends on libsvn113:37
boournshi there, having a weird problem since upgrading to lucid, my gmail is showing the wrong time for everything, but my google settings have the right time zone, and my ubuntu time zone settings are correct. using chromium 5.0.365. any ideas?13:37
sobersabrelibsvn1 depends on libneon-gnutls13:37
sobersabrewhich is annoying.13:37
sobersabreit's a licensing issue.13:38
sobersabreboourns: maybe your chrome locale is chosen incorrectly....13:38
penguin42hmm not good - I've just upgraded -> that machine and X is hanging solidly13:38
sobersabrekklimonda|G1: any\ insights13:39
Machtinis there any eclipse cdt repository?13:39
kklimonda|G1sobersabre: not really, if its the licensing issue you will have to build package yourself.13:40
penguin42this is weird; post upgrade that I've just done (from a beta as of a week ago) I now have no keyboard/mouse on the X server - X is otherwise working OK it's just I can't get it any input - udev??!13:45
yofelhm, I had that yesterday once, but restarting X fixed it13:46
BUGa_vacationsthere were a few changes to13:46
boournssobersabre, i can't find how to change the chrome locale, looked in options + googled, any suggestions?13:46
BUGa_vacationssynaptic and other x-input last Monday13:46
penguin42yofel: Doesn't seem to want to - I don't think X is seeing any input devices at all; they're fine from the console13:47
BUGa_vacationsboourns: ask in #ubuntu-mozillateam, to fta13:47
abhifxhi... i have installed nvidia drivers, but i still dont get any hardware acceleration? why? help me plz13:48
yofelabhifx: do you have /usr on a seperate partition?13:48
vegapenguin42: i have the same problem.. thought it was the dinovo edge usb13:48
penguin42vega: Are you running xorg-edgers or straight lucid ?13:49
vegadon't know about edgers.. so just plain lucid i suppose13:49
vegaonly way to access machine is via ssh13:49
abhifxyoasif, no13:49
abhifxyofel, no13:49
penguin42vega: and if you ssh and run chvt 1 does it get you a console?13:50
yofelabhifx: ok, can you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?13:50
vega(haven't upgraded in a while, just running 335 packages being upgraded)13:50
abhifxyofel, hold on plz13:50
ryeis there anybody who runs lucid on a VM or does not mind switching to terminal and restart gdm - bug #553918 - It would be great if that is confirmed fast enough before people start locking their workstations via indicator applet shortcut13:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553918 in indicator-session "Keyboard shortcut usage blocks keyboard and other menus" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55391813:50
vegapenguin42: Couldn't get a file descriptor referring to the console13:50
penguin42vega: Do a sudo -s   and then do the chvt 113:51
vegapenguin42: it outputted nothing.. but no errors also13:51
penguin42vega: But did your machine switch console?13:51
vegapenguin42: ah so i need to go to the machine and check :)13:52
yofelabhifx: you can use pastebinit to do it faster from a console13:52
abhifxyofel, here it is http://pastebin.com/BH0VJEGK13:52
abhifxyofel, my net is slow.. sorry13:52
vegapenguin42: yes it went to text console13:53
penguin42vega: and the keyboard works there?13:53
vegabut then again, i might be affected by this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/26985113:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 269851 in bluez "Bluetooth Logitech Dinovo Edge Keyboard/Mouse dones not work anymore" [Undecided,New]13:53
penguin42vega:oh, works for me at the console13:54
vegaok, then this is a different case13:54
yofelabhifx: odd, the nvidia driver is used properly by X, might be a compiz issue13:54
abhifxyofel, even the nvidia-setting is not able to get the glx info13:55
yofelabhifx: really? what does 'glxinfo | grep render' give you?13:55
abhifxyofel, Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig13:56
yofelOxymoron: you here?13:56
abhifxyofel, so??13:56
Oxymoronyofel: Yes? :)13:56
yofelOxymoron: didn't you have a similiar error?13:56
Oxymoronyofel: Similar like what? Sorry I havent read in this channel today, just turned on my computer13:57
abhifxyofel, Oxymoron 1st of al... thanks for helping13:58
yofelOxymoron: "Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig"13:58
Oxymoronyofel: I dont recognize that, or yeah well one time.13:59
Oxymoronabhifx: Silly question maybe, but do you have nvidia-common installed?13:59
myk_robinsonGot a laptop with INtel graphics, works great but cant adjust screen brightness. The hotkey does envoke the onscreen brightness graphics, but not actual adjustment takes place. Any ideas?13:59
abhifxOxymoron, let me check... but i dont remember installing it14:00
abhifxOxymoron, no14:00
penguin42myk_robinson: A few people have had that - not sure what the fix is14:00
myk_robinsonpenguin42: all worked well in the last release.. Go figure....14:00
yofel... WHY does the xorg.log show the nvidia driver if it isn't even installed o.O?14:00
penguin42myk_robinson: Yeh it happens14:01
abhifxyofel, but it is installed14:01
penguin42any udev wranglers?14:01
abhifxyofel, and the xserver is using it14:01
yofelabhifx: huh? nvidia-current is the driver package, if you don't have it installed how are you using the driver?14:01
Oxymoronabhifx: Try install that, I got one problem before because i didnt jave modaliases and nvidia-common installed.14:02
abhifxyofel, the newer one doesnt install it by default... in karmic ... i had it there14:02
Oxymoronabhifx: Then launch jockey and see what it says14:02
abhifxOxymoron, modalias  is installed though14:02
abhifxOxymoron, er.. what?14:02
Oxymoronabhifx: Which distro do you use?14:03
abhifxOxymoron, ubuntu... lucid14:03
abhifxOxymoron, synaptic hung up while installing common14:03
Oxymoronabhifx: Ah sorry about that, I am used to my Kubuntu that uses an application called jockey to install proprietary drivers like nvidia14:04
Oxymoronabhifx: Define hang up?14:04
OxymoronAnd try to do it in console instead by sudo apt-get install nvidia-common14:04
abhifxOxymoron, now it crashed14:04
yofelabhifx, Oxymoron: jockey is what the menu calls 'Hardware Drivers'14:04
Dr_Willisbrainstorm idea. Have programs named AT LEAST a little closely to what their menu items call them. :)14:05
abhifxOxymoron, looks like it got installed14:05
abhifxyofel, thx... looking at it14:05
abhifxyofel, Oxymoron jockey says nvidia-current is installed14:06
yofelDr_Willis: KDE does it my showing both names in the Menu, gnome should do something like 'Hardware Drivers (Jockey)'14:06
edgyHi, I installed fglrx in lucid on an ATI HD 5730 and I got Segmentation fault on the log file and when I launch glxgears, what's wrong?14:07
Oxymoronabhifx: Does it says anything more, like its activated or in use?14:07
abhifxyofel, Oxymoron jockey says active but not in use14:07
abhifxDr_Willis, good idea :)14:08
* yofel thinks we had that discussion once on ubuntu-devel-discuss already, could have been somewhere else though14:09
penguin42edgy: You'll need the new version of frglx for lucid14:10
Oxymoronabhifx: Ah well that was my issue before as well. It was because nvidia-common wasnt installed. I got helped to fix this issue. Alright, try this: "sudo apt-get remove nvidia-current" then make sure you have nvidia-common installed and nvidia-*-modaliases or what they call them. Then launch jokcey (HArdware drivers) and  you should be able to see three different drivers unselected there. Then highlight nvidia-current and make14:10
Oxymoronjockey install it for you, after that you restart computer and hopefully it should be in use.14:10
abhifxOxymoron, yofel thank you both. going to restart xserver to see the changes. thank you once again14:11
Oxymoronabhifx: And also make sure you have latest jockey release, they made a patch for that thing before that say it was active but not in use14:11
abhifxOxymoron, i will... thx again14:12
Oxymoronabhifx: If you restart xserver I dont know if it will apply, mostly you have to reboot computer if you fiddle with nvidia drivers because i Think kernel must apply the module in bootstrap process to make it in use for xserver14:13
abhifxOxymoron, good tip... trying now14:13
Oxymorondo that and tell if you got it working later on :)14:14
edgypenguin42: I updated to the latest14:14
penguin42anyone know how to use udevadm info ?14:14
Oxymoronyofel: Btw, do you know if v4l2 is installed by default in Kubuntu Lucid?14:15
yofelOxymoron: no idea, the only think I have to do with video is watching DVB in Kaffeine on my desktop, but that just somehow worked out of the box14:16
Oxymoronyofel: Just wonder how Skype, Kmess and Kopete does. I am not sure with my dv video is properly installed by firewire 139414:17
abhifx_Oxymoron, didnt work :(14:19
BUGa_vacationsguys, rant or serious thread http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntucat/why-i-might-switch-to-mac-from-ubuntu/14:22
Oxymoronabhifx_: Sorry I cant answer right now, important conversation with my girl.14:22
BUGa_vacationscause I identify myself with A LOT of those POV14:22
yofelabhifx_: 'lsmod | grep nouveau' gives nothing right?14:23
redwhat does this mean: *** glibc detected *** aptitude: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x09dc87e8 ***14:23
BUGa_vacationsred: known14:23
red(when doing sudo aptitude update)14:23
BUGa_vacationsthere's a pathc14:23
redi found it via google too but so far not much talk on any way to fix it14:24
BUGa_vacationsworkaround : -q14:25
redoh so it's nothing more than a error :p14:25
reddoesn't mean the update doesn't fetch everything etc?14:25
BUGa_vacationsred: yeah it works fine14:26
BUGa_vacationsjust output14:26
yofelBUGa_vacations: about the blog post: well, I did switch to KDE as I don't like what the ayatana team is doing anymore and I think he's right when it comes to the kernel, grub and brainstorm. I think the only reasons I actually still stick with Kubuntu is the community and launchpad PPAs14:28
BUGa_vacationsme too14:28
BUGa_vacationsI hope I don't ever move to apple14:28
BUGa_vacationsall my hardcore linux friends that did, never looked back14:29
BUGa_vacationsso they are doing something very well14:29
yofelI would actually like to have an iMac for things like photoshop or as a fallback option, I think I would at least like it better than windows14:29
penguin42BUGa_vacations: I'm not moving to Mac, and I like .deb/apt - but stuff is starting to really annoy me and I'm not sure what to do14:30
bjsniderstuff sucks14:30
penguin42bjsnider: Primarily the continuing reduction in flexibility in gnome - it's not how I want my GUI to go; and grub2 frankly is a whole lot more complex than I need, but it does work for me; plymouth+mountall is a disaster14:32
bjsniderwhat reduction in flexibility?14:32
* yofel just wants a sane way to configure upstart...14:32
BUGa_vacationsyofel: +10014:32
bjsniderupstart is brand new, so there's no gui YET14:33
BUGa_vacationsI want a fast login14:33
BUGa_vacationsbjsnider: come on, I've been hearing about upstart for 4 years :(14:33
penguin42yofel: Yeh upstart is half done - we're not at the point of having the level of control we had for good old fashioned init scripts14:34
yofelbjsnider: I'm not talking about a gui, I'm talking about a way to configure it that survives package upgrades, or where i don't need to merge config files on upgrades14:34
bjsnideryou want everything to be perfect right now14:34
bjsniderdoesn't happen that way14:34
penguin42bjsnider: I'd rather stuff didn't get much more broken14:34
BUGa_vacationsbjsnider: no we don't14:35
BUGa_vacationswe are here daily, on every cycle14:35
BUGa_vacationshelping out, providing feedback, testeing14:35
BUGa_vacationswe do understand the time to devople stuff14:35
yofelwell true, but it would have been better we could have done that either a bit earlier so upstart would be more mature now for the LTS release or it should have been postponed to lucid+114:35
BUGa_vacationsand iroing out bugs14:35
* yofel still refuses to call karmic anything else than a technoligy preview14:36
penguin42yofel: But with so many major changes in Lucid as well what's the difference - I want a just-fix-bugs cycle14:36
bjsniderwell, i'm really glad for what i have here considering it's free. i didn't pay a microsoft tax on this rig14:37
yofelwell you're right for that, but I just can't shake the feeling that hardy was more ready than lucid at this point (ok, I didn't yet follow ubuntu development back then)14:38
bjsniderlucid is not ready until it's ready14:39
BUGa_vacationspenguin42: I don't14:40
BUGa_vacationsstuff grows and evolves14:40
BUGa_vacationsthere's no/little sense in bugfix cyckle14:40
bjsniderpenguin42, what did you "reduction in flexibility" remark vis a vis gnome refer to in specific terms?14:41
penguin42BUGa_vacations: Yeh but I'd like things like mountall and plymouth and pa just to sort themselves out before we try and pile a bit more on14:41
edgyCan any one tell me why I am getting segmentation fault for my ATI HD 5730 on http://pastebin.ca/185495814:41
penguin42bjsnider: Lots of stuff ending up as only modifiable by gconf rather than config guis, stuff being handed down as 'this is the ui design hard luck'14:41
bjsniderpenguin42, what config options would you like in the gui rather than in gconf, for instance?14:43
BUGa_vacationsI rather not see anything in gconf14:44
BUGa_vacationsbut that's not pragmatism14:45
penguin42bjsnider: The icons on menus is a good one, button position is another one, and I've seen it's not unusual within apps as well to have features that you can only get to with gconf14:45
bjsniderbutton position. not this crap again14:46
yofelisn't this something that is decided by gnome? or does ubuntu change anything there?14:46
yofel(not talking about the buttons or notify-osd)14:47
deanusmaverick meerkat? lol14:47
penguin42yofel: Ah thank you for reminding me14:47
penguin42bjsnider: notify-osd behaviour/position was another classic14:47
* BUGa_vacations pulls the UI bugs list he filed over the last 3 cycles14:48
yofelwell, the position looks odd, but it does have a reason14:48
mcnesium_i am trying to use my scanner canon n650u (fully supported by sane) and i did use it on prior ubuntu installations. now i got 10.04beta running and lsusb shows the scanner, but simple scan and xsane say they cannot find any scan devices. so what can i do about this?14:48
* BUGa_vacations notes it doesn't fit on this screen14:48
bjsnideryou can't change button position or, as far as i know, any other gui feature in osx14:49
penguin42bjsnider: And I'm not a Mac user14:49
yofelbut you can in xfce and kde14:49
bjsniderthere are very few gui options in windows14:50
BUGa_vacationsbjsnider: I feel the buttons position should be a THEME thing14:50
* yofel thought that ubuntu didn't want to be like windows or mac?14:50
BUGa_vacationslike it used to be in kde14:50
BUGa_vacationsand also window title14:50
BUGa_vacationsI hate having mine left14:50
BUGa_vacationsfor years I've been using themes that center it14:50
bjsniderand the ones that do exist in windows involve drawing stuff on top of the already-drawn windows 2k theme14:51
penguin42bjsnider: My point is that the behaviour is that someone somewhere decides what my desktop should look like and makes it hard to change back; I don't like that - I'm OK with someone making the decision (even if I disagree with it) but I think it should respect peoples preferences14:52
bjsniderpenguin42, it sounds like you want the k desktop environment and its 300 million options14:52
penguin42bjsnider: I've looked at moving to KDE a few times recently, but my view is that they're doing the same thing with their desktop; some stuff is again too fixed for me14:53
penguin42KDE3.x was more to my taste in flexibility14:54
mcnesium_i am trying to use my scanner canon n650u (fully supported by sane) and i did use it on prior ubuntu installations. now i got 10.04beta running and lsusb shows the scanner, but simple scan and xsane say they cannot find any scan devices. so what can i do about this?14:54
penguin42mcnesium_: USB?14:54
mcnesium_yes penguin4214:54
penguin42mcnesium_: Try an lsusb and see if it is seen14:54
mcnesium_penguin42 i did this and it is seen (as i already wrote)14:55
bjsniderpenguin42, kde is too fixed for you??? even with all of the confusing menus and sub menus and sub-sub-sub on to infinity menus?14:55
penguin42mcnesium_: hmm I'm not sure where it's looking for its devices14:55
mcnesium_penguin42 how can we find out?14:56
BUGa_vacationspenguin42: when I moved from wind to linux 100% time14:56
penguin42bjsnider: I've got specific issues; in particular in KDE4 you can't drop an arbitrary launcher onto the desktop easily (like you can in gnome or any other X wm for the last 20 years)14:56
BUGa_vacationsI started with KDE314:56
BUGa_vacationsit offered me all the controls I liked14:56
BUGa_vacationsthen faded to the ease of GNOME14:57
BUGa_vacationsbut now I agree the rigid of gnome is blaunt even for me14:57
penguin42BUGa_vacations: Yeh I've bounced between the two over the years - my problem is at the moment they're all frustrating me!14:57
BUGa_vacationsme too14:57
BUGa_vacationsguess we are all moving to LFCE14:57
reubenone thing that kde3 had perfect - right click on anything to configure it14:58
Dr_Willisi cant stand the pcmanfm file maanger14:58
BUGa_vacationsDr_Willis: ?14:58
Dr_Williskde4 has some very neat features. but still annoying in some ways.14:58
Dr_Willisbeen using kde4 on 3 of my machines.14:58
Dr_WillisGet the desktops set up exactly how I work.. not how gnome forces me to work14:59
Dr_Willisbut i dont see the point in the default kde desktop setup on some things14:59
BUGa_vacationswhich other WM do you  guys _trust_15:00
BUGa_vacationsto work decently and ease daily work flow15:00
BUGa_vacationskeep in mind I'm stuck with the love for COMPIZ15:00
yofeldunno, I'm using a rather havy customised KDE now and I'm happy with it15:00
Dr_Willisi dont see how compiz helps my work flow mich at all.15:01
topylienlightenment dr16 is still the best window manager ever written15:01
BUGa_vacationshelps me15:01
topyliso there15:01
BUGa_vacationsI tried it once, didn't lik15:01
Dr_Willisevery time i try Enlightment - i wonder how to turn off 99% of the junk they enable15:01
topyliDr_Willis, sounds like you've been playing with dr17. don't do that, it's crack :)15:02
BUGa_vacations16 is better?15:03
BUGa_vacationsis it in the archive?15:03
Dr_Willisits in the archives15:03
BUGa_vacationswhat's the meta package?15:03
Dr_Willisi recall when 'E' was the heavy window manager/desktop in the pack.. now its claim to fameis eye candy thats light15:03
BUGa_vacationsI've hear very good things about lxfce15:03
penguin42Dr_Willis: Haha yeh - running it on a SPARCStation4 in ~96 was HEAVY15:04
bjsnidercompiz's days are numbered15:04
penguin42actually likes bits of compiz; although I don't use it15:05
topyliDr_Willis, enlightenment was never heavy, i think it uses about the same amount of ram as fvwm15:05
topylidunno about e17, it's probably heavier15:06
penguin42topyli: Not back in the 90's15:06
topylipenguin42, no. i can't remember ever considering another window  manager for resource usage back then15:07
penguin42topyli: fvmw was deinitely lighter back then15:07
reubenif fluxbox got a decent UI designer on the project, they'd be a contender. the themes are a little "basement" at the moment15:07
topylii't less than a megabyte, about the same15:07
BUGa_vacationsreading the comments on http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntucat/why-i-might-switch-to-mac-from-ubuntu/ is even more scary then the blog post15:08
BUGa_vacationsand confirms what I see on all my friends that moved to mac :(15:08
BUGa_vacationsif Ubuntu is the best its has been so far in terms of Linux UX15:08
=== None is now known as cleareyes
BUGa_vacationswe are screewd15:09
Dr_Willistopyli:  im speaking when it came out.. like befor there was kde/gnome - it was considered heavy back then15:09
Dr_WillisE - seems to get redone totally every other year. :)15:10
topylii didn't consider it heavy15:10
Dr_WillisThey should rename it 'pheonix'15:10
Dr_Williswhen  a 10gb hd was considerd huge.. :) it was15:10
Dr_WillisPent 1 100  =  a fast machine back then15:10
Dr_WillisThe GOOD old days.15:11
topyliE is, and was, less than 1MB in ram, like i said15:11
BUGa_vacationsI remember ppl saying Wn vista  and W7 taking 16GB was crazy15:11
Dr_Willisback when getting TTF support was  a major task15:11
JEEBsvreminds me that I still have a P200 machine running15:11
jibadeehai remember when i had 30MB HD with Windows 2.0.1 on it and MS-DOS 3.315:11
penguin42JEEBsv: You extravegent guy, I've got a P90!15:11
Dr_WillisI rember when just getting a CD-RW working was a kernel recompile15:11
BUGa_vacationsmy slowest running machine a AMD 1.9+15:11
penguin42Dr_Willis: CD-RW?!!! Heck, the CD ....15:12
BUGa_vacationsBluesKaj: mornig15:12
JEEBsvpenguin42: haha, nice to know that people still have that stuff running 8)15:12
BUGa_vacationsjust in time for old times memories15:12
Dr_WillisI got a Cel 500 in the garrage as a spare machine. :)15:12
BUGa_vacationsoh and I began this chat because of http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntucat/why-i-might-switch-to-mac-from-ubuntu/ BluesKaj15:12
penguin42JEEBsv: It's my firewall15:12
jibadeehaDr_Willis, are you the same Dr_Willis that use to be on Dalnet and use Windows NT and it kept blue screening15:12
BUGa_vacationsGUYS BACK ON TOPIC, please15:12
Dr_Willisjibadeeha:  i used to be on Dalnet - bt never used NT15:12
Viper1432kinda' ironic...all that stuff working but my bluetooth logitech keyboard/mouse are frickin' borked under lucid.  bug 55028815:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 550288 in bluez "bluez fails to discover mx5000 keyboard and mouse" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55028815:13
Dr_Willisive heard of others with similer issues Viper143215:13
Dr_WillisI cant afford to switch to a mac.. and no idea why id want to. :P15:14
Viper1432I submitted that bug a couple days back...noone has touched it.  It would seem to me that more than just me and two others are using the logi keyboards. lol15:14
Dr_Willisbluetooth is the kind of thing that chould of been so COMMON and good years ago.. but it just never took off.15:14
Viper1432Dr_Willis,  the thing is....under karmic and arch its seen as a usb hub so no issues.  But...lucid suddenly thinks its a bluez device again.  haven't had any issues wit this since intrepid.15:15
Viper1432but dangit, my 1x cd drive works fine.  -snickers.15:15
topylii don't see how using a mac fixes ubuntu's problems15:16
Dr_WillisI dont see how using ubuntu fix's mac's problems either. :)15:16
penguin42Dr_Willis: Me neither; never did like the Macs gui15:16
Dr_Willisi dont like being nickled and dimed to death for every little app/tool/what3ver out there ...15:17
Dr_Willisgood old 'shareware' days memories.15:17
cozziemotosafe to update now? ")15:19
BUGa_vacationscozziemoto: fine for me15:20
cozziemotoBUGa_vacations,  ok will try it :) thanks15:20
BUGa_vacationscozziemoto: you do ask??15:20
BUGa_vacationsI just upgrade 4 times a day15:20
cozziemotoBUGa_vacations,  yeah genrally i do dist-upgrade several times a day but the topic warned of not upgrading most of the morning15:21
Viper1432BUGa_vacations,  he's asking because motd is warning about not updating yet.15:21
BUGa_vacationscozziemoto: distupgrades?15:21
BUGa_vacationsare you crazy?15:21
cozziemotoBUGa_vacations,  :)15:21
BUGa_vacationsaptitude safe-upgrade is all you need15:22
cozziemotoBUGa_vacations,  well I can do apt-get update  ... I rarely if ever use aptitide15:22
cozziemotoI mean upgrade15:22
BUGa_vacationscozziemoto: aptitude is better15:22
Crashbitcozziemoto: use apt-get safe-upgrade15:23
BUGa_vacationsupgrade does nothting special15:23
BUGa_vacationsCrashbit: there's no such thing AFAIK15:23
Crashbitmm, oh! is really15:23
BUGa_vacationsaptitude is still better15:24
cozziemotohow about I let synaptic take care of it :)15:24
BUGa_vacationseven worse15:25
BUGa_vacationsI'm not joking15:26
cozziemotono big deal which i do ..if it breaks i reinstall  and clean instal when release is realized15:26
BUGa_vacationsthe amount of times synaptic upgrades messes my system baffles me15:27
cozziemotoBUGa_vacations,  wow.. I never have issues with dist-upgrade here  or synatpic for that matter but this may the time :)15:28
Viper1432actually synaptic just about buggered my test install up last week.  it wanted to "partial upgrade" and part of that was to remove about 60 applications without replacing them.  When in doubt cli aptitude is the best option as it is the most verbose about what is going on.  imho.15:30
BUGa_vacationsNEVER do a partial install15:30
BUGa_vacationsunless you KNOW what you are doing15:30
BUGa_vacationsnever got why it so prominently offered15:30
Viper1432BUGa_vacations,  duh.  lol.  read the whole post.  ;)15:30
BluesKajwell, BUGa_vacations , my attitude is , one has to expect a few problems with alpha-beta releases , but I'm not sure i understand your reasons for contemplating a switch to something as proprietary as OSX .15:31
paradoxuncreatedI see Pulseaudio is not working with Jack in the default install. Have you tried jack_startup script?15:33
cozziemotook dist upgrade went well15:41
* davisc ponders upgrading straight from Jaunty to Lucid beta15:50
daviscOr am I asking for a world of pain?15:50
bazhangdavisc, not possible15:50
bazhangdavisc, unless you mean a complete fresh install15:51
daviscbazhang: Ah, thought it would let me. That solves that :-)15:52
penguin42does anyone know if there is a channel for xorg-edgers?15:52
yofelupdate-manager won't let you, you'll first need to upgrade to karmic and then to lucid15:52
Dr_WillisLTS to LTS is supported.. otherweise its one rele4ase at a timeupdatess15:52
yofelpenguin42: #ubuntu-x ?15:52
penguin42yofel: Thanks - didn't spot that15:53
yofelwell, it's not that there isn't a way to go directly from jaunty to lucid, but that *is* asking for pain15:53
BUGa_vacationspenguin42: we mention that # here so many times15:53
BUGa_vacationsGPM bug15:53
penguin42BUGa_vacations: I actually looked through the channel list and missed it!15:53
BUGa_vacationsanyone on gnome15:53
BUGa_vacationsput laptop bright to MAX15:53
BUGa_vacationsI get a ballon saying battery fully charged15:54
patdk-wkheh, I have gone directly from fiesty to karmic :) and it seems to work, but it was also a server, lot less things to break15:54
BUGa_vacationsanyone else?15:54
yofelthe issues is mostly the thing with transitional packages, those won't work right if you skip releases15:55
patdk-wkwell, my main issue was I waited too long15:55
patdk-wkso I couldn't upgrade it to gaunty, so kindof screwed15:56
* BUGa_vacations files bug15:56
patdk-wkgnome is still being uploaded?15:56
yofelpatdk-wk: not really, should be finished now, the warning should vanish today I think15:58
patdk-wkI go on vacation today :)15:58
yofelmeh, mountall now depends on plymouth :/15:58
patdk-wkjust want to make sure my system is unstable as possible before I leave :)15:59
* penguin42 now has keyboard but none of the arrow/home/end keys16:01
monkey_dustin bash scripting, how do i insert a blank line? i'm testing with "^[ ]*$" but that's a kind of eternal loop16:03
yofelmonkey_dust: huh? posting a blank line to the terminal?16:03
patdk-wknot sure what regex has to do with bash16:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 554000 in gnome-power-manager "setting laptop bright to max show "Battery is charged"" [Undecided,New]16:03
BUGa_vacationsyofel: define NOW16:04
BUGa_vacationscause I purged plymouth this week16:04
patdk-wkmaybe you want, ^\S*$16:04
BUGa_vacationsand it didn't take anythign else with it16:04
monkey_dustyofel, i 'm trying to create a .sh file16:04
yofelBUGa_vacations: mountall 2.10 "* Add hard dependency on Plymouth; without it running, mountall will ignore any filesystem which doesn't show up within a few seconds or that fails to fsck or mount.  If you don't want graphical splash, you simply need not install themes."16:05
BUGa_vacationsif I won't boot next time, you know what's the culprid16:07
monkey_dustin bash scripting, how do i insert a blank line? i'm testing with "^[ ]*$" but that's a kind of eternal loop => http://paste.ubuntu.com/408142/16:07
=== FFForever-Away is now known as FFForever
patdk-wkthat is nothing to do with bash scripting :)16:08
yofelmonkey_dust: just what are you trying to do?16:08
monkey_dustit's in bash, tho16:08
patdk-wkreplace, grep "^[ ]*1$", with echo16:08
* yofel would suggest what patdk-wk said too16:08
patdk-wklooks like a mess :)16:08
JumusaI have a problem on starting liveCD, it completely freeze on the red dots, any help?16:09
yofelecho without any arguments will simply print a newline character to stdout16:09
patdk-wkhmm, my system till works, after update :)16:09
monkey_dustpatdk-wk, echo did the trick and i am now ready to shoot myself ;)16:09
reubenJumusa - is it responsive to your keyboard? try hitting ctrl alt del once16:10
Jumusano help16:10
reubenJumusa - that unfreezes the boot for me16:10
costreJumusa, First, try waitning for like half an hour16:10
costreim serious16:11
OldFarterI got a broad variety of issues with 10.416:11
Jumusaokay, I didn't wait that long, because in my laptop it started instantly.16:11
costreif in doubt, wait half an hour, regardless :) works like 75% of the time16:11
costreespecially when installing or booting from liveCD16:11
OldFarterFirst of all, im very pleased with the boot speed16:11
costreoften it takes only a few minutes, but I have experienced at least 15 minutes16:12
JumusaThanks, I'll test it16:12
costre"That's what SHE said!"16:12
OldFarterMy sound only work every now and then16:12
costreOldFarter, Have you run many other distros?16:13
OldFarterseems like the sound card isn't recognized16:13
costreok, and it has worked?16:13
OldFarterSame issue with sound in 8.0416:14
OldFarterperfect in 9.1016:14
OldFarterin 8.04 i run "sudo alsa force-reload"16:14
OldFarterand it fixes the problem16:14
patdk-wknow this is stupid16:14
patdk-wksomething crashed, and apport is attempting to file a bug16:15
patdk-wkand asking me a crapload of questions16:15
patdk-wkbut has yet to let me see anything about it, so I dunno what I am reporting :(16:15
patdk-wkoh, more of these soft lockup things :(16:15
OldFarterbut i have to do that before  i log in through GDM if not i get issues with libfuse16:15
espen77hmm....my trackpoint middle button on a thinkpad stopped working in the last updates. any ideas?16:16
OldFarteroh yeah and my bootup screen is only 16 colors16:16
patdk-wk16 is more than enough16:16
OldFarterpatdk-wk,  thats 14 too many16:17
* patdk-wk is attempting to get back to 216:17
OldFarterI have an old "color" monitor in the basement....    it lets you change the backlight color16:17
OldFarterFucking rad!16:17
patdk-wk"color" = cga? :)16:18
OldFarterIt only works with serial and some low VGA16:18
BUGa_vacations! COC > OldFarter16:19
ubottuOldFarter, please see my private message16:19
OldFarternewest computer it works with is the hot new IBM ps216:19
mawstI had one of those.16:20
mawst22mHz OMG!16:20
OldFarter1MB ram16:20
mawstI had 4mb16:20
OldFarter20mb hd16:20
patdk-wkI had two 4mb full length, full height isa cards :)16:20
OldFarterBut did you have a ethernet card?16:20
mawstWin 3.1 + AOL16:20
OldFarterah back when windows kinda worked!16:21
OldFarterBefore native networking16:21
patdk-wkhmm, my dad kept trying to use GEOS back then :)16:21
mawstI went from the PS2 to a Sega Saturn + Netlink Expansion.16:22
sioux_33hi i got lucid working on my laptop need little help. i use usb network dongle with atheros chipset so when i plug usb the cpu is moving up to around 30% when i unplug it then i get 0 to 2 % cpu how to sort it out? i use wicd16:22
OldFarterim going to reboot and see if by some obscure stoke of luck i get sound16:22
sioux_33hi i got lucid working on my laptop need little help. i use usb network dongle with atheros chipset so when i plug usb the cpu is moving up to around 30% when i unplug it then i get 0 to 2 % cpu how to sort it out? i use wicd16:28
DexterLBI cannot add keyboard layouts16:32
DexterLBgnome-keyboard-properties freezes16:32
monkey_dustthis works, but i'm trying to put some text before the variables, how do i do it? => http://paste.ubuntu.com/408155/16:38
yofelmonkey_dust: do you want to run or print the varialbe contents?16:39
monkey_dustyofel, the result of the variables, i.e. IP addresses16:40
yofelmonkey_dust: result? so you want to run the contents?16:40
yofelok, that should be fine then, printing is done with echo: echo "text" [or echo -n "text" without newline]16:41
monkey_dustyofel, i'm trying to create something like "your local IP address is xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"16:41
yofelmonkey_dust: oh, so the IP address is stored in IPADDR, and not the command to get it?16:42
monkey_dustyofel, i know echo, but how do i put text and variables on one line?16:42
Dr_WillisTime to read some bash basics tutorals i think16:43
jbwivguys, I've downloaded the Lucid alternate cd, and I've verified the md5sum. I burned to disc, then dd'd the disc back to iso, and it was also correct. Yet, when I try to reboot and install, my machine resets just after selecting "Install Ubuntu". Is anyone else having this issue?16:43
ubottuAdvanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/16:43
yofelmonkey_dust: echo "address: $IPADDR"16:43
Dr_Willisecho Hello this is $variable16:43
monkey_dustsome other guy just said minutes ago, that this has nothing to do with bash scripting16:43
jbwivI should add this is amd64 alternate cd16:43
Dr_Willisit has everything to do with bash basics.. and it is covered in the ABS guide16:43
yofelmonkey_dust: back then you just had a bunch of grep commands, now this is starting to look like a bash script16:44
Dr_Willisjbwiv:  was this a daily build iso?16:45
jbwivDr_Willis, no, the beta cd. Downloaded it from the site this morning16:45
Dr_Willisjbwiv:  that is odd. You may want to try the daily build iso images. they will have all updated from the past few weeks included.16:46
jbwivchecksum 98a3ca7015ebb61a2bc5ff49cf3b442e, ubuntu-10.04-beta1-alternate-amd64.iso16:46
Draglormonkey_dust: IF="your interface"; echo "Your local IP Address is: `ifconfig $IF|grep "inet\ "|cut -d \: -f 2|cut -d \  -f 1`"16:46
Dr_Willisive seen other 'what is my ip' scripts out there on the internet. Some access those  'what is my ip' web sites16:47
Draglormonkey_dust: set IF to your interface (eg. IF="eth0") and it should print you IP as you wanted16:48
monkey_dustDraglor, i'm just learning, first the easy scripts ;)16:48
Draglorthis is easy .. just some commands piped together monkey_dust16:48
Draglorifconfig shows your interface , grep takes the "inet " line from it and cut suts everything except the IP from the string .. thats all16:49
monkey_dustDraglor, one at a time :)16:49
DexterLBis there an alternative to gnome-keyboard-properties?16:49
monkey_dusteasy for you is not easy for me, i read victor hugo and jk huysmans in french ;)16:50
topyliDexterLB, sure, gconftool :)16:50
DexterLBaand, gconf-editor16:51
Draglorifconfig $INTERFACE (interface is e.g. eth0) shows your interface config including your ip16:51
Draglorgrep takes the line including "inet " and removes everything else .. and cut strips everything in the line except the ip address16:51
Dr_Willisguess he showd you! :)16:51
DexterLBbut where are the layouts?16:52
Draglorit's just about knowing some commands .. it's easy if you know them, but getting to know them sometimes isn#t that easy16:52
DexterLBI need to add a layout16:52
zzz_IPAcur=`wget http://checkip.dyndns.org/ -O - -o /dev/null | cut -d: -f 2 | cut -d\< -f 1 |tr -d [:space:]`16:55
JumusaLiveCD jammes on start, blue dots are not moving, waited over 30 min.16:55
Jumusaany help16:57
DexterLBsame here, any help?16:57
yofelcan you still press esc? does it print anything? what graphics card are you using?16:59
DexterLBJumusa: I had the same problem16:59
DexterLBJumusa: if you've got 2 displays disconnect one16:59
fvssubversion doesn't install on amd6417:00
yofelfvs: why?17:00
JumusaI have 2 displays, yes17:00
fvsFailed to fetch http://ubuntu.securedservers.com/pool/main/a/apr-util/libaprutil1_1.3.9+dfsg-3build1_amd64.deb  Hash Sum mismatch17:01
Jumusaok. test that one17:01
xfactJust upgraded to Lucid and now I can't see any window border (Minimize. Maximize button etc.) any ideas how to have it back?17:03
BUGa_vacationsxfact: what is your GPU? drivers? do you have compiz on?17:03
BUGa_vacationshave you tried to restart? or choose a theme from Appeareace?17:04
xfactBUGa_vacations, I have good Nvidia 256 MB graphics card, in Karmic I had Compiz on and yes I have tried restarting but still same17:04
nick125xfact: Were you using the proprietary nvidia drivers before?17:05
xfactnick125, The default 185 driver for Karmic17:05
BUGa_vacationsthat's no longer the driver17:05
BUGa_vacationswe now ship nvidia-current17:05
nick125xfact: In Lucid, they're now using the Nouveau driver, which is open source...but has a few issues.17:05
BUGa_vacationscheck jockey to see if that what you hae17:06
bjsniderxfact, open a console type glxinfo, note the result17:08
xfactbjsnider, Now should I show the result to you?17:09
bjsniderthe first line17:09
xfactYup sorry17:10
xfactI got it17:10
xfactActually in compiz under "Window decorations" the command was like "-- emerald replace"17:11
xfactNow I changed it into default and the window borders are clearly visible17:11
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
xfact*it was my previous fault17:11
xfactThank you :)17:12
kingrayrayhey does anybody have problems with empathy not remembering accoutn details? and also where does it store them? I think I need to nuke them or something lol17:16
Dr_Willissee if a new user has the same issues17:17
kingrayrayDr_Willis: ooh good idea..17:18
yofeloh nice, usb-creator is completely useless "isoinfo: Permission denied. Cannot open '/media/ext/ubuntu-iso/kubuntu-lucid-desktop-i386.iso'. Cannot open SCSI driver."17:19
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BUGa_vacationsyofel: when it ever wasn't ?17:20
DexterLBlucid rocks!17:20
DexterLBexcept for doing anything useful17:20
yofelBUGa_vacations: I think I can remember some long gone time when I actually managed to get it to work... when was that again...17:21
kingrayrayDr_Willis: appears to work fine in a new account, any idea where the account settings are stored? I recently restored a backup of my ~/ so it might be having permission issues or something17:21
=== FFForever is now known as FFForever-Away
yofelthe best thing is: I only get that error if I run usb-creator with sudo, if I run the gui I can select the image, but once I click on create I immediately get 'Installation Failed."17:22
Dr_Willisproberly bad ownership of comthing17:24
Dr_Willisset everything in your home to be owned by your user17:24
jnghi -- anyone know how to get the sun-java6-plugin working in firefox?17:25
yofeljng: yes, mom17:25
yofeljng: see the workarounds on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sun-java6/+bug/53217417:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 532174 in sun-java6 "[Lucid] sun-java6-plugin not recognized by firefox anymore" [Medium,Confirmed]17:25
rexndoes anyone know of a ubuntu based security oriented distro similar to backtrack? does such a thing exist?17:25
BUGa_vacationsrexn: not the # to ask17:26
jngtks yofel.. i'd been there, but /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/lib/i386/libnpjp2.so is awol on my machine17:26
bazhangrexn, #backtrack-linux17:26
yofeljng: then you don't have the jre installed17:27
yofelDr_Willis: yep, bad permissions, nfs can be confusing sometimes...17:27
jnghmm. it says it is... aptitude search java | grep sun17:28
jngi A sun-java6-bin                   - Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (17:28
jngi A sun-java6-jre                   - Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (17:28
jngwill try and remove and put back...17:28
yofeljng: do you have amd64 or i386?17:28
jngoh joy.. got a core dump from apt when I tried to remove..17:29
BluesKajjng, ubuntu-restricted-extras ?17:29
penguin42is it me or is flash getting even less reliable?17:29
rexnbazhang: thank you17:29
yofeljng: if you used aptitude then use '-q'17:30
Dr_Willispenguin42:  but is has innovative ways to put ads in videos now!17:30
flyguy97Will I be able to go from lucid beta to the final version without reinstalling?17:30
Dr_Willisflyguy97:  yes.17:30
bazhangflyguy97, yes17:30
nick125penguin42: I didn't think it was possible, but yeah.17:30
jngah.. just checking the sources...17:30
jngtks all17:30
Dr_Willisthats is such a faq :)17:30
flyguy97excellent thanks, will it be through the update manager?17:31
=== BUGa_vacations is now known as BUGa_snack
DSpairHi gang, I'm having issues with multiple users and PulseAudio...17:35
DSpairMy wife an I share a computer. We have seperate logins and use the fast user switching to share the PC. The first person to log on has audio, and the second person cannot play audio at all.17:36
DSpairAny usggestions?17:36
ryeDSpair, hm, system-wide pulseaudio server?17:37
holsteinDSpair: im not sure about how the fast-user=switcher works, but if you completly log out, can the 2nd user get audio?17:38
Dr_Willismy wife vnc'd into my machine once.. and started playing pacman.. i had the sound downstairs :) that was amuseing17:38
Dr_Willispulse audio with multiple users.. that would be a bit of a challenge to get it right17:39
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BluesKajPA is a challenge for single users DSpair , is it required on your system for audio , or can you get by without it.17:44
yoasifDSpair, it's a bug, dtchen posted about it on some mailing list17:45
yoasifi think it is being worked on though, look around17:45
=== BUGa_snack is now known as BUGa_vacations
BluesKajI still say dump PA, and run with alsa for audio if PA is causing problems17:46
DSpairholstein: Yep, and I found a post explaining why.17:46
* penguin42 would have thought PA should have dealt well with multiple users17:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 433654 in gnome-system-tools "[Karmic]&[Lucid] Only one user has sound; no hw shows in Sound Preferences" [Medium,Fix released]17:47
holsteinnice DSpair17:48
holsteini was going to suggest adding users to the audio group to see what would happen17:48
holsteinyou might find something useful here17:50
BluesKajThere's no reason to use PA unless you run a fancy sound system , normal 2 ch audio doesn't benefit much17:51
penguin42BluesKaj: Not strictly true17:51
penguin42BluesKaj: The audio mixing is a nice benefit17:52
penguin42BluesKaj: With PA my flash doesn't block just because I'm playing music and/or the other way17:52
BluesKajaudio mixing is out of the ordinary imo17:52
BluesKajpenguin42, block ?17:54
holsteindoesnt lock up the audio device with one task17:55
penguin42BluesKaj: Yeh, if you aren't using PA or similar, and you are playing music and you open a webpage with flash on the flash player will hang trying to open /dev/audio17:55
holsteinusually... in theory17:55
BluesKajinteresting, i don't play music while surfing media sites , I expect audio , so anything that was playing is paused anyway17:57
penguin42but with PA it just works17:57
holsteineven if its paused, the audio still takes over the sound device17:57
holsteinthats whats cool about PA17:57
BluesKajnot on my pc or laptop, no audio whatsoever with PA..had to dump it17:58
penguin42BluesKaj: That sounds fixable; PA has managed to play audio fine for me since Karmic17:58
Dr_Willisive rarely had any sound issues also.17:58
BluesKajas soon PA was removed , voila! audio17:58
penguin42BluesKaj: Worth giving it a try again, for playing it seems to work pretty well these days17:59
Dr_Williswow - 'Maverick Meerkat' comming soon....17:59
* Dr_Willis is sick of the cute names18:00
penguin42Meerkats are getting too much press these days18:00
BluesKajpenguin42, well I tried several times to fix PA, but to no avail so I now I can't be bothered18:00
robbit10is GNOME 2.30 still being uploaded? If so, is it safe for me to upgrade to Ubuntu 10.04 right now?18:00
penguin42robbit10: Seems to be there in one piece now18:00
penguin42(having said that X broke for me, but I'm running bleeding edge X)18:00
nick125Nothing has blown up here yet...so I think it might be safe.18:00
robbit10okay, i'll try upgrading. But before that, i have a problem.. I removed GNOME and Ubuntu-desktop and installed kubuntu-desktop. How do I revert to Ubuntu?18:01
penguin42robbit10: Just install ubuntu-desktop18:01
holsteindomjohnson: hey18:02
domjohnsonHow can I fsck another partition other than the one that /bin/bash is on?18:02
penguin42domjohnson: Is it mounted?18:02
domjohnsonCan't mount it18:02
penguin42domjohnson: Easy - fsck /dev/sdwhatever18:02
robbit10penguin42: But if I remove KDE and install ubuntu-desktop, will it be ready for the upgrade?18:02
penguin42robbit10: Yeh should be18:02
robbit10penguin42: ok18:02
* penguin42 wishes he could make his uparrow work18:03
robbit10penguin42: thanks18:05
* domjohnson cries18:05
domjohnsonLooks like my 40GB has gone18:05
domjohnsonSuperblock is corrupt - any way to fix that, or is it just buggered?18:05
domjohnsonPardon my albanian.18:05
guntbertdomjohnson: what command did you enter?18:06
domjohnsonfsck /dev/sdc18:06
guntbertdomjohnson: the device itself has probably no file system - you need fsck /dev/sdc1 (or whatever number you want)18:07
guntbertto check18:07
=== FFForever-Away is now known as FFForever
domjohnson'tis doing something now18:09
domjohnsoncheers :)18:09
* Dr_Willis waits for the kaboom18:09
guntbertDr_Willis: is cassandra your middle name? ;-)18:10
Dr_Willis'but wheres the earth shattering kaboom!'18:11
* Dr_Willis upgrades to Maverick Meerkat18:11
domjohnsonIT'S WORKING18:11
guntbertdomjohnson: you're welcome :-)18:11
domjohnsonRight...gonna have to back up my home folder18:11
domjohnsonIt's been showing signs of dying for some time18:12
domjohnsonWell...a couple weeks.18:12
BerzerkerI lost my sound icon in the notification bar, how do I get it back?18:12
nick125Berzerker: Add the "Indicator Applet" applet18:14
Berzerkernick125: I don't need the mail icon, is there a way to remove just that one?18:15
Dr_Willistheres some guides on doing that Berzerker18:16
Dr_Williseither at the OMGubuntu site or the webupd8 ubuntu news site18:16
Dr_Willisi think i bookmarked them at  http://delicious.com/dr_willis18:17
bcurtiswxi upgraded from Karmic to Lucid and the plymouth boot screen doesn't show.. now is my GDM login background changed18:30
gorgonzolahello. i'm experiencing degenerate cpu usage from xorg, anywhere from 40% to 80% permanently. any ideas on how to debug?18:32
bloodydogwhat is the default/recomened file system for the upcoming lucid lynx release ?18:33
penguin42bloodydog: ext418:34
bloodydogpenguin42, thank you18:34
brontosaurusrexis there a page with lucid new features, dekstop ones?18:35
Dr_Willisbrontosaurusrex:  some of the ubuntu news sites have a few articals.18:43
dopowergnome 2.30 packages still not done?18:44
Dr_Willissaw one today '5 changes you may have overlooked...' on.. i forget the site. :) its in my news feeds18:44
exExcan any trobleshoot my remote desktop problem18:44
Dr_Willisand whats the problem?18:44
exExits that i have 2 pc's connected via LAN using Ubuntu and remote desktop connection establishes and i see the desktop and when i play a video only one frame of video shows and another on reconnecting18:46
exExand even the desktop connection is not smooth18:46
exExboth PC's are Intel core 2 Duo e4500 with ddr2 2 Gib ram18:47
dopoweris there any status on how much packages of gnome 2.30 are done yet?18:47
dopowersite etc18:47
exExhelp please18:48
yofeldopower: should be done now18:48
exExhelp please18:48
dopoweryofel: so its safe to update?18:48
dopower /topic says something different18:49
exExits that i have 2 pc's connected via LAN using Ubuntu and remote desktop connection establishes and i see the desktop and when i play a video only one frame of video shows and another on reconnecting18:50
yofeldopower: topic is like that for the last 2 or 3 days, it should be safe now18:50
* DSpair hates it when companies take Linux and use it for the basis of a product and remove the guts and make it unuseable.18:50
dopoweryofel: ty18:51
exExhelp i need lucid help18:51
yofelexEx: please be patient a bit, not all of us follow the channel in real time and not all of us use remote desktop connections18:52
Dr_Willisplaying a video over remote desktoip is not that good a way to do it.18:54
Dr_Willisbetter to access the file via samba/nfs/sshfs and play it that way18:55
exExi dont understand18:55
Dr_Willisinstall/use whatever fileshareing service you want.. access remote filesystem18:55
exExbut remote desktop works fine with windows 718:55
Dr_WillisIf they are on the same local lan.. NFS would be fastest.. but sshfs easietst to get going for a quick thing18:55
Dr_WillisI dont do windows..18:56
exExwats sshfs18:56
Dr_Willisremote desktop is using vnc. so that can be sluggish18:56
Dr_Willis!info sshfs18:56
exExplz tell me wats sshfs18:56
exExinfo sshfs18:56
Dr_Willisgee.. why dont you ask again befor i even have time to answer...18:56
ubottusshfs (source: sshfs-fuse): filesystem client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2-1build1 (lucid), package size 39 kB, installed size 140 kB18:56
Dr_Willissshfs lets you mount a remote machine to a local directory using SSH.18:56
Dr_Willis'ssh file system'18:57
exExhow can i do that18:57
exExsorry for repitition18:57
Dr_Willisinstall 'sshfs' -  and install ssh on both machines. use sshfs command to mount remote box to a directory18:57
brontosaurusrexoh, its all pinky and stuff18:58
* brontosaurusrex sells his macpro at once18:58
Dr_Willisbrontosaurusrex:  lilac and lavander. :)18:58
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)18:59
brontosaurusrexDr_Willis: are there any better menu systems inside, like search for an app while typing and stuff like that?18:59
exExssh client for ubuntu??18:59
Dr_Willisbrontosaurusrex:  i tend to use gnome-do for that sort of stuff18:59
Dr_WillisexEx:  yes. theres ssh clients for ubuntu...18:59
brontosaurusrexDr_Willis: right18:59
Dr_Willisits called 'ssh'19:00
exExi need graphical one19:00
vishanyone using inkscape on Lucid?19:00
Dr_Willisopen terminal, ssh remotebox   there ya go19:00
Dr_Willisthere is putty for linux.. but its not really needed19:00
vishseems i lost my scrollbars in inkscape :(19:00
* Dr_Willis looks under the desk19:02
exExok done thanks guys19:02
penguin42vish: They still seem to be here19:03
brontosaurusrexany known problems with virtualbox installs?19:03
vishpenguin42: hmm , why are they gone for me :s19:03
vishpenguin42: thanks19:03
exExi installed virualbox it says no kernel module for lucid19:03
bermudahi @all19:04
brontosaurusrexexEx: i meant running lucid in virtualbox as guest os19:04
exExsorry : i did it with windows its perfectly fine19:05
domjohnsonbcurtiswx - this may be ill informed, but I don't think the splash is supposed to appear...19:05
Dr_WillisHeh - my gnome is broke - its all 'white' but the menus do pull down and stuff19:07
leagrisDr_Willis, don't you like white gnome?19:10
yofelDr_Willis: white as in, _blank_ white? ^^19:10
Dr_Willisblank like a peice of paper19:11
Dr_Willisi do see a bit of a line where the panel is at..19:11
Dr_Willisbut no icons/text/anything else.   I ran an app from the menu it appears when i click where it should be at least19:11
Dr_Willisso it is sort of working :)19:12
leagrisDr_Willis, did you activate 3D effects with compiz?19:12
Dr_Willisleagris:  i dont recall if i had them on or off19:12
Dr_Willislooking now..19:12
lotiaanyone have issues with the login message indicating an incorrect number of packages that can be updated (logging in remotely over ssh)19:12
leagrisDr_Willis, this can happen with some effects when your graphic card is low on texture memory19:12
Dr_Willisthats amuseing..  ALL of the 'check box' under wallpaper -> effects tab.. were unselected.19:13
Dr_Willisnone of the 3 (none, some, custome) was checked.19:13
Dr_WillisI checked None and the desktop came back19:13
leagrisDr_Willis, when I can't sort gnome bugs related to tuning I move ~/.gnome2 to ~/.gnome2.save and try with a fresh setup. I can revert with moving ~/.gnome2.save ~/.gnome219:14
Dr_WillisI checked None, then extras. and it all seems to be working.19:15
centaur5How do you restart samba in Lucid?19:15
Dr_Willislooks like some gnome settings got messed up. Yep19:15
Dr_Willissudo service samba restart19:15
leagrisDr_Willis, look like much the texture memory issue19:15
Dr_Willisor was it 'sudo service smbd restart'19:15
centaur5Dr_Willis: thanks,19:16
Dr_Willisthe appearance-perferances tool seems to have crashed.19:16
leagrisDr_Willis, I prefer tu use conpizconfig instead19:16
leagristhis leave more options with more plugins19:16
Dr_WillisI normally just turn it Off completely19:16
leagrisI replaced the windows decorator with Emerald I like19:17
Dr_Willisi was suprised emerald was still in Lucid.19:17
Random832what's emerald?19:18
Dr_Willisa window-decorator compiz can use19:18
Dr_Willisone of 3 that exist.19:18
bcurtiswxhey all, I just upgraded from Karmic to Lucid and my login screen is still the old one.  How would I fix that?19:22
Dr_WillisI noticed its using the old xplash wallpaper here also.19:23
bcurtiswxisn't usplash gone? should I get rid of it?19:23
bcurtiswxah it is removed.. nevermind19:24
bcurtiswxnext idea?19:24
maxbdunno, I see the same problem on one (and only one) of my three supposedly identicalish lucid systems19:24
akkHi -- I'm getting error messages in lucid from /etc/acpi/sleep.sh, missing files in /var/lib/acpi-support.19:25
akkIn karmic those files were part of the acpi-support package, but they aren't in lucid any more19:26
akkbut I can't figure out what script is calling them -- grepping in /etc/acpi isn't finding anything.19:26
akkFiles like /var/lib/acpi-support/system-manufacturer19:26
=== uRock is now known as running_rabbit07
wolterI hope today's update fixes some of my disturbances19:29
bcurtiswxwhat package is for the login screen?19:30
akkgdm, yes19:31
bcurtiswxalso my the purple plymouth(i think) screen is low res.. how do I fix that?19:32
bcurtiswxthe one with the colored dots underneath19:32
wolterbcurtiswx, you have an nvidia card?19:33
bcurtiswxwolter: yes19:33
wolterIt is supposed to be like that19:33
wolterbecause nvidia propietary drivers do not support KMS19:33
charlie-tcabcurtiswx: http://www.netsplit.com/2010/03/30/all-about-kernel-mode-setting/19:33
wolterSo thats the workaround ubuntu devs thought of19:33
robin0800bcurtiswx: Read /usr/share/doc/plymouth/README.Debian19:35
bcurtiswxwolter: robin0800: charlie-tca: read up.  figures my laptop is ATI and works fine... got scacred when I came to my desktop with NVidia..  Thanks :D19:36
charlie-tcaI got one desktop that works and that don't here, both with nvidia19:37
AsaI have a laptop where the touchpad worked in Karmic but it doesn't work at all in Lucid. I'd like to file a bug, but I'm having trouble figuring out which package I should file it against in launchpad. Does anyone here know where this should go?19:37
penguin42Asa: I've seen lots of people say that in the last few days19:38
ninjai_Anyone have a problem with their brightness keys?19:39
bcurtiswxAsa:  not to be sounding like a jerk, but did you check the settings to make sure you have your touchpad enabled.. and also aren't using a laptop that has a button that turns the touchpad on or off19:39
penguin42ninjai_: Yeh sounding like a lot of people have had that as well19:39
arandAsa: xserver-xorg-input-synaptics might be likely, but if what penguin42 say is true therer will likely be a relevant bug already reported...19:40
ninjai_what does that do? is that a package to install or a file to edit?19:41
Asabcurtiswx: thats a reasonable question. I do have a button that toggles the touchpad, it toggled successfully in Karmic. In Lucid I get a notification at the top of my screen that tells me when I enable and disable it, but even if its enabled, it doesn't work. I've also booted into windows and verified that the touchpad does still work. If I boot the Beta1 CD I get a notification when I toggle the touchpad, but it doesn't make any difference19:41
penguin42Asa: I'd report it - someone who knows that package will merge it with whatever the main one is if they know it19:42
Asathank you :)19:43
robin0800Asa: install pointing device from the ubuntu software centre19:44
Asarobin0800: installing Pointing Device seems to have fixed it19:47
AsaI'm still filing a bug though because this should work by default19:48
robin0800Asa: I think if a touch pad is detected the Pointing Device should be installed by default19:50
robertzaccourmy wireless stopped working. i tried to connect to it from the list again, and it wouldn't connect. then i restarted, didn't work. updated, didn't work. i checked the hardware drivers from the systems menu, it says its active, but its not in the list in the upper right. then i tried removing and reactivating, that didn't work. any ideas?19:53
BUGa_vacations"Ubuntu 10.10, which is scheduled to arrive in October, will be codenamed Moribund Moth Maverick Meerkat."19:54
* penguin42 assumes it should be simples to use19:54
robertzaccourmy wireless stopped working. i tried to connect to it from the list again, and it wouldn't connect. then i restarted, didn't work. updated, didn't work. i checked the hardware drivers from the systems menu, it says its active, but its not in the list in the upper right. then i tried removing and reactivating, that didn't work. any ideas?19:55
wolterAnybody getting "Uknown Application" hanging on logout?19:55
arandBUGa_vacations: "Maverick" Is an interesting statement in my opinion...19:57
robertzaccourmy wireless stopped working. i tried to connect to it from the list again, and it wouldn't connect. then i restarted, didn't work. updated, didn't work. i checked the hardware drivers from the systems menu, it says its active, but its not in the list in the upper right. then i tried removing and reactivating, that didn't work. any ideas?19:57
BUGa_vacations"The meerkat was chosen as the mascot for the new version because the creature embodies some of the key values that will influence the coming development cycle."19:58
BUGa_vacationsrobertzaccour: witch NM version?19:58
BUGa_vacationsPPA or archive?19:58
robertzaccourBUGa_vacations, i don't know. i know its a netgear router19:59
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ninjai_its dead in this joint20:06
penguin42BUGa_vacations: The meerkat is the subject of a particularly good TV advert in the UK at the moment; I think it has raised the Meerkats profile somewhat20:07
akkHaving their own TV series raised meerkats' profile quite a lot already.20:07
penguin42akk: They pop up everywhere20:08
BUGa_vacationshey kklimonda20:08
BUGa_vacationswho is andchat treating you?20:08
BUGa_vacationsthere's irissi now20:08
koltrollaah. I "fixed" the problem I had just by starting to type in the question!20:08
BUGa_vacationskklimonda|G1: ^^^^20:08
kklimonda|G1BUGa_vacations: there is? is it any good?20:09
TechnovikingAnyone having the problem of cups not loading at boot?20:09
BUGa_vacationsits the BOMB20:09
kklimonda|G1BUGa_vacations: market?20:09
penguin42Technoviking: I did have a while ago, but it seems OK now20:09
BUGa_vacationskklimonda no20:09
BUGa_vacationscyanogen site20:10
BUGa_vacationsits binary and all linked20:10
zzz_2am here in Laos, minutes ago I checked launchpad.net/builders and saw the build status queue empty, so I ran the sudo ...update&&...safe-upgrade command, and received a *** glibc detected ***, followed by numerous lines ending with Aborted (core dumped). Should I do something or wait and try again later?20:10
kklimonda|G1thanks, will download in a moment20:10
BUGa_vacationslet me get it fro you20:10
Technovikingpenguin42: I have to run sudo /etc/init.d/cups start after I boot to print now20:11
BUGa_vacationskklimonda http://n0rp.chemlab.org/android/apps/irssi20:11
robertzaccourmy wireless stopped working. i tried to connect to it from the list again, and it wouldn't connect. then i restarted, didn't work. updated, didn't work. i checked the hardware drivers from the systems menu, it says its active, but its not in the list in the upper right. then i tried removing and reactivating, that didn't work. any ideas?20:11
BUGa_vacationskklimonda and run "export TERM=linux " before20:11
penguin42Technoviking: Try doing update-rc.d cups defaults20:12
kklimonda|G1BUGa_vacations: can't download it :/20:13
kklimonda|G1BUGa_vacations: is it a normal irssi?20:13
BUGa_vacationsno idea20:13
BUGa_vacationsask in CM #20:13
kklimonda|G1i could just ssh to my server then20:13
kklimonda|G1lets see how it works20:13
Michalxohello all! Just installed lucid on dekstop machine and was unable to login20:14
penguin42Michalxo: What happens?20:14
bsmith093are the gnome pacakges stabe yet?20:14
MichalxoI pressume the problem was in CAPS LOCK NOT notifying when I added new user /admin/ during isntallation20:14
penguin42bsmith093: Seem to be20:14
Michalxopenguin42 I am reinstalling it again20:14
bsmith093i meant are they still being updted or can i install them now20:15
Michalxo*not again.. just reinstalling, because that click-guide-tour-installator does not give any exclamation mark of pressed caps lock.. heh :-( penguin42 :-) Should I fill it as a bug?20:15
penguin42bsmith093: They seem OK now20:15
brontosaurusrexwhere to enable gnome compositing?20:15
bsmith093ok then20:15
Michalxobrontosaurusrex gconf-editor -> search for metacity composite20:16
penguin42Michalxo: Well, if it's caused you to have to reinstall or done a similar problem like that then yes it's a bug, even if it's only a wishlist that it should tell you something20:16
bsmith093btw can you reccommend a good irc client for windows i found this on google on my windows box webchat.freenode.net20:16
Michalxopenguin42 so should I report it as a bug then? :-)20:16
penguin42Michalxo: Yes20:17
Michalxogood.. maybe it's there already20:17
Michalxopenguin42 ubiquity is tool for windows?20:17
penguin42Michalxo: I don't know the Window sstuff20:18
Michalxoor "global" installer20:18
kklimondaBUGa_vacations: hey, weechat on my server over ssh works great :)20:18
brontosaurusrexMichalxo: hmm, cant find20:19
alex_mayorgawhat's the "right"way to rip a CD into .mp3 files using lucid?20:19
Michalxobrontosaurusrex it's the path IN gconf-editor20:20
nick125alex_mayorga: You could use rhythmbox, sound juicer, etc.20:21
alex_mayorganick125: tried those but none would let me select mp3 as output20:21
Dragloralex88: there are apps for this (grip) ... or in kubuntu you can just access the disk in doplhin and copy the mp3 files to your disk (will be encoded on the fly, I don't know if there's support for this in gnome)20:21
Michalxobrontosaurusrex /apps/metacity/general/compositing_manager should be here20:21
alex_mayorgaguess I'm missign a codec or something like that20:21
Draglortry installing lame before, alex_mayorga20:21
nick125alex_mayorga: You might need to install additional packages to support mp3 encoding...mainly, lame.20:21
alex_mayorga!find lame20:21
ubottuFound: flamerobin, flamethrower, glame, libtwolame-dev, libtwolame0 (and 7 others)20:22
Dragloralex_mayorga: "Lame is the mp3 encoder20:22
G-FarkasHi guys, where I can find the line for sources.list for lucid ? :)20:22
Dragloralex_mayorga: it's in restricted or medibuntu20:22
MichalxoG-Farkas just rename all karmic to lucid in sources.list ;-)20:22
arandG-Farkas: But that is NOT the way to upgrade to lucid20:22
G-FarkasMichalxo, Ill just copy and rename, I need mix them :S20:22
Draglorlame is in multiverse20:23
MichalxoG-Farkas don't mix, rather upgrade or stay20:23
G-FarkasMichalxo, how stable is lucid now?20:23
MichalxoI am on it.. upgraded from 9.1020:23
=== kklimonda is now known as kklimonda|G1
Michalxoand just intalling on deksopt for mum :-)20:23
alex_mayorgathanks all "sudo aptitude install gstreamer0.10-lame" did the trick20:24
G-FarkasMichalxo,  you are lying!! mothers allways wants windows20:24
DraglorG-Farkas: "cat /etc/apt/sources.list | sed s/karmic/lucid/g >> /etc/sources.lucid" would create a new sources.lucid with all sources rewritten from karmic to lucid20:24
G-FarkasDraglor, Thanks you20:25
brontosaurusrexMichalxo: thanks, found it20:25
Draglorso you don't mess up with your original list (you could place it into /etc/apt/sources.list.d/)20:25
BluesKajG-Farkas, or ... alt+f2 , gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list20:25
Draglorif you do so, rename it to something ending on .list (e.g. lucid.list) or it would not be used20:25
G-FarkasDraglor, or ¿whoever¿ , Is already usable lucid? or it have tons of bugs?20:25
nick125Lucid is fairly stable at the moment.20:26
MichalxoG-Farkas haah! Mine is innovative.. but uses XP too :-(20:26
DraglorI'm using it since alpha1 and never had any probs, but it's a beta, there may be some bugs out there20:26
MichalxoG-Farkas upgrade ;-)20:26
G-FarkasMichalxo, you only have to say her that "is win xp" what you install for her. She wont noticed the diference20:26
G-Farkasthanks nick12520:27
G-FarkasMichalxo, how do i do to updrade?20:27
nick125G-Farkas: update-manager -d20:27
G-Farkasnick125, after or before change the repos?20:28
nick125G-Farkas: That command will take care of the repo changes20:28
Michalxono.. not needed20:28
G-Farkasnick125 I'll do :)20:29
MichalxoG-Farkas just run that 1 command nick125 gave you and you're OK ;-) no need to worry about anything else... just read "instructions" when some pop-up during installation20:29
G-Farkasbut later, my conection is slow and I have to try yofrankie first :S20:29
alex_mayorgaif the Disc>Extract option on Sound Juicer is grayed out is that a bug?20:29
G-FarkasIs there gnome 2.30 in lucid right? I can't use gnome 2.28, Its too old, I dont like to live in past20:30
nick125G-Farkas: 2.30 is being uploaded, as per topic. It might be finished....not sure.20:31
arandG-Farkas: See topic ;)20:31
MichalxoG-Farkas http://linuxologist.com/linuxhowto/howto-make-ubuntu-look-like-windows-xp/ :-)20:31
G-FarkasI ll must do the upgrade because i wont uninstall important packages beacuse yofrankie20:34
G-FarkasI just put the upgrade command20:37
G-FarkasI feel so insecure20:37
G-FarkasUbuntu should provide its users psycological help, ubuntu have to take care of its users20:38
ninjai_lol psychological help?20:40
G-Farkasof course, Who didnt get afraid when upgrade the system20:40
Berzerker-I wasn't20:40
ninjai_i always do a fresh install :P lol20:41
Berzerker-because I had done it once already20:41
Berzerker-upgraded UNR Karmic to UNE Lucid no prob20:41
ninjai_upgrading breaks a lot of times20:41
nick125You don't get afraid when you have backups20:41
G-FarkasI never do backups ;)20:41
G-FarkasAn unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade:20:41
G-FarkasEl paquete «update-manager-kde» está marcado para desinstalarse pero está en la lista negra de desinstalación.20:42
G-Farkas This can be caused by:20:42
G-Farkas * Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu20:42
G-Farkas * Running the current pre-release version of Ubuntu20:42
G-Farkas * Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu20:42
G-FarkasI thougth they will be in the same line20:42
G-Farkasthe non english line says:   "the package update-manager-kde is marked for uninstallation but is in the blacklist of uninstallation. (or something like this)20:43
G-Farkaswhat should i do?20:43
Michalxodo you use kde?20:43
G-Farkasbut i installed kubuntu-desktop20:43
Michalxoremove it then :-)20:44
penguin42G-Farkas: Then uninstall kubuntu-desktop and update-manager-kde and try again20:44
G-Farkaswhat about the other repositories packages?20:44
AscavasaionEach time I do an update including a new Kernel Ubuntu is adding a new kernel boot option to my Grub menu.  Is there  away to get it to delete some of the old ones?20:45
penguin42Ascavasaion: System->Administration->Computer janitor20:45
BluesKajAscavasaion, use your package manager to delete older kernels , linux-image20:45
Ascavasaionthank you penguin42 and Blue-Omega20:46
Michalxodpkg -l | grep linux20:46
Ascavasaionthank you penguin42 and BluesKaj20:46
brontosaurusrexis white line around the desktop image normal? if yes, then how to get rid of that?20:47
brontosaurusrexand q2: does anybody ever had that feeling that making gnome panels to behave is similar to wrestling? or is it just me?20:48
Damascenedoes empathy hung for you when reciving a gtalk call?20:49
ninjai_gtalk call? never used that20:50
virtualdis the new light or the new dark theme the default?20:50
G-Farkaswhat a good question20:51
arandbrontosaurusrex: In a good state: "gconftool-2 --dump /apps/panel panel_backup.xml" the restore using: "gconftool-2 --load panel_backup.xml", or simply reset completely to defaults with "gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/panel", possibly you need to reload/killall the gnome panel after those...20:53
brontosaurusrexarand: cool20:55
brontosaurusrexand q3: how would i change keyboard shortcur for alt+f2 to something else for that 'run app' thingy?20:56
G-FarkasHow many MB did you all have to download for the upgrade?20:56
arandbrontosaurusrex: keyboard shortcuts in preferences menu20:57
AngryRoeyquestion about Broadcomm wi-fi drivers:  I have a Dell Inspiron 1564.  I have seen a few threads about it (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=948475) but I do not understand which packages I need to install.  I tried bwcml-kernel-source, but I don't see that the laptop recognizes the wireless card.    Can anyone help me?  I'm using Kubuntu 10.04.20:58
arandG-Farkas: In the order of GB20:58
brontosaurusrexthis newwave theme is really cool20:58
G-Farkasmmm, too much, I'll uninstall a lot of packages that i dont need before proce20:59
hiaslhey! are the screenshots on http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Lucid_Lynx/Bildschirmfotos  are not correct? i just updated and everything is so dark out there21:01
Volkodavhow come xfs is greyed out in gparted ?21:02
Volkodavalong with mant others good fs's21:03
tsuruI'd like to try out netbook-launcher-efl but I can't find a way to enable it.  does anyone know how?21:03
G-FarkasHow 9.10 and 10.04 overall system speed compare?21:04
Michalxo10 is faster21:04
Michalxo10.04 :-) of course... maybe clear install is the fastest ;-)21:04
G-FarkasMichalxo, Did you finish the installation?21:04
Michalxoyeah... pretty fast on my slow machine21:05
G-Farkasand in ram usage?21:05
Volkodavxfsprogs is not installed by default huh ?21:07
Volkodavwhy is that ?21:07
arandVolkodav: xfs not normally used?21:08
G-Farkashow it is that i cant get in #ubuntu+2 ?21:08
arandG-Farkas: Doesn't exist.21:08
G-Farkastry to get in21:09
VolkodavArand not true21:09
Volkodavxfs is very good for certain purposes21:09
G-FarkasVolkodav, I agree, but it's true that there is not too much used for the ubuntu users21:10
arandG-Farkas: Hmm, maybe it's simply reserved by ubuntu admins, I haven't heard of it, so I don't think it's actively used...21:10
G-FarkasI know exactly what ubuntu users use _P21:10
fine_lineC -ca21:10
G-Farkasarand, Ill investigate, we are not speaking about a channel, we are speaking about freedom21:11
arandVolkodav: Good or not, the people who use it will likely know enough to install it, they are not the "works out of the box" target for ubuntu...21:12
G-Farkasunbelieable :P21:15
penguin42G-Farkas: I find boot/shutdown on Lucid is excellent21:16
G-Farkaspenguin42, excellent mean mmm fast? secure?21:19
G-FarkasIt's my first time installing a beta21:19
tetsuo__hello, i seem to be unable to write to my SD card, it says the disc is full but it has plenty of space21:19
penguin42G-Farkas: Very fast21:20
penguin42tetsuo__: Make sure the trash is empty21:20
Volkodavwhy is ntfs-3g so cpu intense ?21:20
tsuruhas anyone gotten netbook-launcher-efl running?21:22
tetsuo__penguin42:  it refuses to delete/21:23
tetsuo__penguin42:  but even with the trashcontent added there is still mor ethen enough space21:23
arandG-Farkas: "#ubuntu+2 #ubuntu+1 Forwarding to another channel" There's the reason.21:25
Ian_Corne<3 recovery mode21:28
G-Farkasarand,  mmm, so it's ok, now im feeling free again21:28
arandG-Farkas: If you leave #ubuntu+1 and try to join it it works as it should, if you are in #ubuntu+1 and try to get into it the redirect fails, but with that very pussling invite error.21:30
G-Farkasthank for investigate arand21:31
penguin42tetsuo__: Go have a look in a shell with an ls -a21:31
tetsuo__so i went to media/123453 and did that21:32
tetsuo__it lists the files21:32
penguin42so delete the files you don't want with rm ?21:33
tetsuo__i dont need the free space though21:34
penguin42oh you just want to write to it - hmm; can you create a file from the command line ?21:34
arandG-Farkas: Actually, #ubuntu-irc pointed it out (and I did test it as well).21:34
penguin42tetsuo__: also what does df -h . tell you about the directory21:35
tetsuo__the files i deleted are not visable in ls -a21:35
Ian_Cornemy input is totaly broken atm21:35
Ian_Corneanyone else?21:36
penguin42Ian_Corne: Tell me exactly what you mean21:36
Ian_Cornewell, I updated to the latest21:36
Ian_Cornewith dist-upgrade21:36
Ian_Cornenothing was going to be removed, just new kernel installed21:36
Ian_Cornewhile updating my disks died21:36
Ian_Corneor became invisible21:37
Ian_Cornei fixed that21:37
Ian_Corneand dpkg --configure -a21:37
Ian_Cornexserver-xorg-input-synaptic gave an error21:37
Ian_Cornereinstalled that21:37
Volkodavarand - so ntfs-3g is in the box but the native linux oners are not ?21:37
Ian_Corneand now on the -19 (haven't tried 18) I have no mouse or keyboard input21:37
Ian_Cornetrying -18 now21:38
Ian_Cornekeyboard does work in grub21:38
Ian_Corneand in -19 recovery mode21:38
Ian_Cornedoesn't work in -18 either21:38
penguin42Ian_Corne: Do you run xorg-edgers?21:38
Ian_Cornejust normal repo stuff21:38
camelothi little help please when i connect to internet something use 30% of my cpu when i disconnect then cpu is used in about 2% does anyone know why and how to sort it out?21:39
Ian_CorneI might have to reinstall alot of xorg stuff21:39
Ian_Cornealot of things could have gone broken during the crash21:39
arandVolkodav: Yes, due to the target of ubuntu, I would assume. And windows convertees will likely be less likely to know that ntfsprogs needs installing than users of XFS...21:39
tetsuo__penguin42:  did that pastebin help?21:40
Volkodavis it on a live CD at least ?21:41
penguin42tetsuo__: Sure looks like a full 470M disk to me21:41
tetsuo__it says used 0% available 100%21:41
penguin42Ian_Corne: OK, so my input broke totally this morning but that turned out to be an ancient xorg-edgers pacakge I had21:41
tetsuo__which is not true21:41
Ian_CorneI've got version 1:7.5+3 installed of xorg21:42
tetsuo__how can i check the filesystem used/21:42
Draglor"du -sh" tetsuo__21:42
Draglordf -sh21:42
Draglor"df -h" .. not it's correct21:43
Volkodavdf -hT21:43
Volkodavit works only for mounted systems though21:43
tetsuo__makes sense21:44
penguin42Draglor: it's du -sh to find usage21:44
Draglormount the disk and type "df -hT" again21:44
Draglorpenguin42: I know, I corrected myself some time before21:44
tetsuo__the values look more accurate with df -hT21:44
Volkodavgivers you type21:45
Ian_Cornepenguin42: xserver-xorg-core conflicts: xserver-xorg-input-421:45
Ian_Cornewhich one do you have installed?21:45
camelothi little help please when i connect to internet something use 30% of my cpu when i disconnect then cpu is used in about 2% does anyone know why and how to sort it out?21:46
penguin42Ian_Corne: I'm running xorg-edgers on here so it might not match  [ but I have -core21:46
Volkodavthat something may be flash evil21:46
Volkodavcamelot run top and see what happens21:47
arandVolkodav: Yea, it's installed on the liveCD.. presumably they are installed if you mount an xfs for the install...21:47
Volkodavand on install things dissapear21:48
Volkodavalong with gparted21:48
kjelecrimsun do you know if we need to load module-console-kit with pulseaudio?21:48
tetsuo__ok guys21:48
Ian_Cornerunning dpkg-reconfigure -a21:48
Ian_Cornemaybe that will fix issues21:49
brontosaurusrexwhat are some known preinstalled fatsos, besides openoffice?21:49
Ian_Cornecause I'm not about to reinstall every xorg package manually :p21:49
tetsuo__this command: df -hT told me the truth, so i delete some files and all works now21:49
tetsuo__but the output with the other command and with nautilus remains incorrect21:49
camelot<Volkodav> from shell top gnome-system-monitor 15% xorg 10% udisks 10% gvfs 8%  dbus 6% at the moment and when i disconect internet everything is going to 0%21:50
tetsuo__and suddenly they all work21:50
Ian_Cornebah, it's not fixe21:50
VolkodavAbiword with all pligins comes in with a lot of functionality and decent footprint21:50
tetsuo__so there is some kind of bug reading full sd cards21:50
Ian_Corneany other ideas penguin42 ?21:50
Ian_Corneexcept reinstalling the system :p21:50
amx109i dont have any 'input' hardware available in sound preferences21:51
Ian_Cornei've noticed dkms would be removed by aptitude full-upgrade too21:51
amx109they seem to have dissapeared on the upgrade to luciod21:51
Ian_Corneso the thing that required that is gone?21:51
Volkodavcamelot - does stay at 30 or keep creeping up ?21:51
brontosaurusrexVolkodav: i mean preinstalled fat software, i dont need any office21:51
amx109i cant find any bugs/forum info on this. can anyone help me figure out how i fix it?21:51
Volkodavfat software ?21:52
brontosaurusrexVolkodav: software like openoffice, thats sits there and takes 300megs of disk space21:52
camelot<Volkodav> going to 30% sometimes more then going to 10% and again 30% between 10 and 40% in total it must be something to do with network i mean network manager or something the same problem had with udev in karmic but sorted it out by downgrading it21:52
camelotdont know how to sort it out in lucid21:53
Volkodavoh the monsters you mean21:53
kjeleDoes anyone knows what the pulseaduio module module-console-kit really does?21:53
Volkodavgimp is pretty heavy21:53
Volkodavcamelot - hoe adequate is cpu/ram ?21:53
Volkodavspecs wise21:54
brontosaurusrexgimp seems not to be in lucid anyway, but found fspot and evolution21:55
Volkodavevoltions is a big one21:55
camelot<Volkodav> ram by programs 8% in cache 13%21:55
kjelebrontosaurusrex: you can install gimp in lucid21:56
brontosaurusrexkjele: i'am trying to unistall as much as possible21:56
penguin42Ian_Corne: So can you log in remotely to it?21:57
Volkodavcamelot  cat /proc/cpuinfo21:57
kjelebrontosaurusrex: That does not really make sense. You just want to run the kernel? :)21:57
roey_I have a Broadcom 4312 wifi card; I have the wl driver loaded, but iwscan doesn't find anything.  What gives?21:57
Volkodavmodel name ?21:57
brontosaurusrexkjele: huh? no, trying to make a cute/lil ubuntu to go (virtual appliance)21:57
Volkodavcamelot  and also free -m21:57
* Volkodav notices some serious lag on older machines21:58
brontosaurusrexkjele: i can allways reinstall stuff like openoffice if there is a need anyway21:58
camelot<Volkodav> u want me to paste it in pastebin? i got quad core q9000 2ghz 4gb ddr2 ati hd4850 graphic sound intel+ati hdmi hd 500gb21:59
kjelebrontosaurusrex: Ok. But for some people bandwidth cost a lot so have everything on the hdd is better22:00
Volkodavcamelot  no22:01
Draglormaybe you should just install ubuntu-minimal and then install needed apps .. this would give you an small system using only the apps you need brontosaurusrex22:01
Volkodavyou have a decent box22:01
Volkodavwhat browser do you use ?22:01
camelot<Volkodav> paid for it 3000$ so it should work with lucid right? maybe it doesnt becouse lucid is to old or something?22:02
camelot<Volkodav> firefox22:02
brontosaurusrexDraglor: just exporting the appliance, lets see how fat will that be22:02
Volkodavcamelot - r u up to daTE ?22:02
kjelecamelot: It is more like your comp is too new. The kernel needs to catch up with new hardware22:02
deanusIts still hit n miss as to wether my wireless (or the wl driver) is loaded on bootup and my wireless being available at all..Have to reboot for it to work.. any ideas?22:02
G-Farkasguys: E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall22:03
G-Farkasgive me this when trying to uninstall some packages22:03
camelot<Volkodav> i think so no updates in synaptic for me yet:)22:03
camelotso what the solution for me?22:03
camelotgo back to karmic?22:03
Volkodav32 or 64 bit ?22:03
kjeleG-Farkas: What are you trying to uninstall?22:03
VolkodavI will defenitely run 64 bit on your box22:04
G-Farkaskjele, kde-base-runtime22:04
G-Farkaskjele,  kdebase-runtime22:04
Volkodavtry opera camelot22:04
G-Farkaskjele, and a lot of packages that depends of it)22:05
brontosaurusrex1.63 GB, yes i probably need to start with something smaller....22:05
Volkodavor chrome22:05
Volkodavor both22:05
kjeledeanus: You can unload and reload the module if you tick on the network-manager applet and reenable network22:05
Volkodavand see what happens with those22:05
PatrickGleasonim sure this has been asked dozens of times, but is there a list of things that are supposed to be new and exciting and or awesome coming in 10.4?22:05
Volkodav3 different engines22:05
cameloti dont think firefox use my cpu cos its off now and i use just irc im talking about that when i even dont open anything when just connect to internet without open any web etc the cpu is going up22:06
Volkodavyou need to catch in top what process is it22:06
deanuskjele, enable wireless is ghosted out when its not loaded/detected .. so I cant do anything22:07
amx109jamm. fixed it - misconfig'd hardware tab in sound preferences22:07
camelot<Volkodav> from top i see few processes when i disconect from internet all of them stop too22:07
kjeledeanus: Enable networking22:07
deanuskjele, it does it on my netbook which is broadcom STA also..22:08
deanuskjele, ah.. i`ll try next time22:08
Volkodavdo terminal full screen and watch22:08
Volkodavall most intense processes will be on top of the list22:08
camelotnow is udisks then it changes to xorg then gnome system monitor etc22:09
Volkodavit maybe some plugin22:09
cameloti had the same issue with udev in karmic22:09
camelotcant find the solution for lucid22:09
kjeleG-Farkas: Are you sure it is kdebase-runtime package? Mountall is related to boot nothing to do with that package22:10
VolkodavI would reinstall to 64 bit22:10
Volkodavand give it some time22:10
kjeleG-Farkas: And I just uninstall mine and does not get any problems22:10
camelot<Volkodav> year more?22:10
VolkodavI mean till relese22:11
Volkodava month22:11
Volkodavit may just go away - still in beta22:11
Volkodavthey keep ironing it22:11
camelot<Volkodav> whats the latest kernel for lucid?22:11
VolkodavI am in 1922:11
kjeleLinux liz 2.6.32-19-generic #28-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 1 10:39:41 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux22:12
G-Farkaskjele, that is what synaptc said22:12
camelotLinux camelot 2.6.32-16-generic #25-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 9 16:33:52 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux22:12
Volkodav and you said you are upto date22:12
camelotbut there is no updates in synaptic22:12
VolkodavI do not trust them22:13
VolkodavI do old way22:13
kjeleG-Farkas: Try to remove that package with apt-get and post the msg with pastebin22:13
Volkodavapt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade22:13
G-Farkaskjele, ILL DO22:14
camelot<Volkodav>0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.22:14
kjelecamelot: try change mirror22:15
Volkodavwhat mirror are you on anyway ?22:15
Volkodavmay need to be looked at ...22:16
Volkodavcamelot - your box screams for 64 bit system too22:16
Volkodavtoo many rains in UK I guess22:17
camelotnot much really22:17
kjeleSince you are in UK why not just use the main server?22:17
kjeleMore like too much snow22:17
Volkodavwhat is your connection by the way ?22:17
camelottrying to scan for best one synaptic selected that one not me22:17
=== DBO_ is now known as DBO
VolkodavI find Scandinavia be very good at mirrors22:19
Volkodavwith their fiber all over22:19
kjeleVolkodav: yea small contries22:19
camelotthis time i got morror from nl and 450mb to updates to download22:19
Volkodavkjele - where are you ?22:20
VolkodavI had a friend from bergen22:21
camelot<kjele> i know kristiansand bergen oslo trondheim22:21
kjeleI am using the university mirror from Bergen and it is faster than usit22:21
camelot<kjele> jeg ar norsk22:21
camelotthats everything i can say22:21
kjeleThat is more like Sweedish22:22
kjeleshould be er*22:22
camelotar mean me right?22:22
kjelear is the verb be22:22
VolkodavSweden is 100/100 mgb for like 30-40 $22:22
kjeleWell it is er22:22
camelot<Volkodav> what about u? are u svenska?22:23
camelotthen russian?22:23
Volkodavthat too22:23
camelotmozem pa russkij rozgoriwat?22:24
camelotor something22:24
tetsuo__hello again, now i have another problem22:37
tetsuo__i have inserted a DVD. but when i try to access a file it says i dont have reading rights22:37
tetsuo__its a WOW install disc22:37
tetsuo__: /dev/sr0       udf    7,8G  7,8G     0 100% /media/cdrom022:41
=== PatrickGleason_ is now known as PatrickGleason
domjohnsonUbuntu 10.04 > 9.10 :D22:50
domjohnsonBoth in numbers and awesomeness22:51
penguin42a happy customer then!22:51
domjohnsonIt's good to see that, after 9.10 being canonical's Vista, it's good to see that 10.04 doesn't look like it will be canonical's Win7.22:51
domjohnsonpenguin42 - yep :)22:52
domjohnsonAny updates today?22:52
domjohnsonHas anyone else got the bug with nvidia-96?22:53
dooglusin nautilus, I can see filename, size, date, etc.  but not "artist", "album", "genre", etc.  is there any way to add those columns?22:54
domjohnsonI hope it gets fixed before the final...22:54
domjohnsondooglus - is it nautilus or PCMan?22:54
domjohnsonBecause the defauly file manager changed in 10.0422:55
domjohnsonto PCMan22:55
dooglusdomjohnson: I don't know22:55
domjohnsonClick on Help>About22:55
dooglusdomjohnson: I run nautilus, but don't really mind22:55
domjohnsonJust noticed that it...err...is nautilus22:55
dooglusdomjohnson: what's the executable called to run pcman?22:55
domjohnsonNot sure22:55
dooglusoh, right22:55
domjohnsonAnyway, lesson from that mini episode - don't trust me to give you Ubuntu advice :P22:56
dooglusI tried konq, dolphin, nautilus, thunar - but didn't find the option to add columns in any of them22:56
deanusnautilus is enough for what I need.. anytihng else I use shell22:56
dooglusdeanus: what if you want to sort your files by artist?22:56
deanusdooglus, I have a music player for that.22:57
penguin42dooglus: I'm not sure Nautilus can do that - I don't think it really knows about the contents of each file22:57
dooglusdeanus: what if you want to tar up all the files by a certain artist?22:57
deanusdooglus,  what if I dont.22:58
deanusdooglus, I`d run the apache mod_musicindex addon and do it that way lol22:59
dooglusdeanus: hmm.  that's one approach.  limit yourself to just doing what the media player can do22:59
dooglusso you wouldn't use the file manager to manage your files - you're use a web server instead?22:59
deanusdooglus, well ive never wanted to do that personally,  so whatever works for you22:59
penguin42dooglus: If I wanted to do that I'd find one of the command line tools that would give me the info about a music file23:01
deanusdooglus, no, just saying thats what I could do when I used to have a music 'server' , before I got with the 21st century and got a new pc with large hd23:02
DrHalani understand that evolution 2.30 isn't included into lucid by default. but is there a place to get the packages ?23:13
lamalexhey guys, suspend stopped working on my laptop and bug report seems to have gone unnoticed23:14
Semitonesheyo dudes23:14
lamalexbroken suspend on intel hardware seems like a pretty serious regressio23:14
SemitonesIs it possible to install Ubuntu on an iMac's SD card?23:15
penguin42lamalex: Quite a few people seem to have had that in the last few days; thing is it's not necessarily Intel hardware generally, it might be a particular laptop vendor or subset23:15
lamalexpenguin42: that doesn't really make the regression any less significant23:17
penguin42lamalex: Indeed, but probably a bit more isolated23:17
lamalexpossibly, i've got a lenovo laptop, it's all pretty standard hardware23:17
penguin42lamalex: Thing is suspend stuff is not just particular hardware but also particular BIOS versions and things - it varies quite a bit23:21
nowthHi. I just upgraded to 10.04. Does anyone know why vga=773 & similar don't work anymore in the TTYs (monitor: "out of range")? Using a Geforce 7950 GT, if it matters.23:21
lamalexpenguin42: still worrying that my bug report has gone entirely unnoticed23:22
penguin42lamalex: If you look you'll find there are hundreds of don't suspend type bug reports23:22
lamalexand if they're all regressions then we have a serious issue23:23
domjohnsonI just downloaded the vlc-plugin-jack ...plugin... and every time a track finishes, JACK kicks vlc.23:23
domjohnsonis there a way to stop this?23:23
brontosaurusrexwhat would one download for lucid-minimal gnome based install?23:24
crimsunkjele: it's autoloaded, so "yes the package needs to load it, but no we don't need to load it manually"23:28
=== peter__ is now known as LucidLynx
DrHalananyone having evolution 2.30 debs?23:32
kjelecrimsun: Ok I file a bug report regarding it #554184 . I have unloaded it and cannot see if it affect the system in any way23:35
crimsunkjele: yes, I'm about to close that bug as wontfix for lucid23:37
crimsunkjele: firstly, when you close the lid, your active seat disappears according to consolekit. PA honours that.23:38
crimsunkjele: secondly, shipping with m-c-k not loaded means that we lose per-user audio sessions.23:38
kjelecrimsun: You sure? It runs as user now23:39
crimsunkjele: is your user in the audio group?23:39
kjelecrimsun: uid=1000(kl) gid=1000(kl) groups=4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),46(plugdev),104(lpadmin),115(admin),120(sambashare),1000(kl)23:40
crimsunkjele: well, of course it'll run *now*, because your user *is* the active seat when m-c-k registered23:40
kjelecrimsun: Well I uncomment the auto load and rebooted23:41
crimsunkjele: that doesn't matter. See the verbose log for the active seat being granted permission.23:41
sweetanyone knows how to solve the passwd-bug in lucid?23:42
KB1JWQsweet: What?23:43
kjelecrimsun: is it under dmesg?23:45
crimsunkjele: no, a verbose PA log23:45
sweetKB1JWQ when I try to change the password with the passwd command i get 'passwd: System error passwd: password unchanged'23:45
aprilharehello. was thinking of upgrading to lucid - why is it planning to delete gnometris?23:46
KB1JWQsweet: passwd: password updated successfully23:46
KB1JWQsweet: Works here.23:46
KB1JWQsweet: cat /etc/nsswitch.conf | pastebinit23:47
sweetKB1JWQ: my buddy has the same problem had it since kernel update 32-1723:47
kjelecrimsun: ok gonna kill pulse audio and log it23:47
aprilharesame-gnome too? what is this!?23:47
sweetKB1JWQ: http://pastebin.com/m1ibTuuC23:48
aprilhareaaahhhh. have answer. http://www.mail-archive.com/lucid-changes@lists.ubuntu.com/msg00129.html seems silly to rename em like that.23:49
kjelecrimsun: Should it say active seat?23:51
KB1JWQsweet: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow libpam-runtime, be sure you disable Winbin NT/AD auth.23:52
sweetKB1JWQ: will give it a try23:52
sweetKB1JWQ: Thanks! It works now23:53
KB1JWQsweet: Yup. :-)23:54
sweetKB1JWQ: can I ask how come it didn't work23:54
KB1JWQsweet: Bug in samba.23:54
toshoHi together. Is there anyone here who can help me with an jbd2 issue?23:54
KB1JWQhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/546874 if you're interested.23:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 546874 in samba "passwd - can't login, change password (pam_winbind pam-auth-update profile)" [High,Triaged]23:54
sweetKB1JWQ: let's have a look23:54
KB1JWQtosho: Well I don't know.  What specific issue?23:54
toshoI cannot unmount any volume because jdb2 sits on every mounted partition resulting in a "device is busy"23:55
penguin42tosho: Don't worry about jdb2 it's just part of the kernel23:56
KB1JWQpenguin42: Well, if he can't unmount because of it... ;-)23:56
penguin42KB1JWQ: It's not what's stopping him unmount23:56
KB1JWQpenguin42: AH, k.23:56
KB1JWQThat'll teach me to assume. :-)23:56
toshoa lsof shows only jbd2 on that volume23:57
KB1JWQtosho: lsof | grep YOURMOUNTPOINT23:57
KB1JWQtosho: You sure?23:57
KB1JWQThat's odd.23:57
tosho lsof | grep YOURMOUNTPOINT shows nothing !??!23:57
tosholsof|grep sdb shows jbd2/sdb223:58
KB1JWQtosho: Yeah, don't do that.23:59
KB1JWQgrep the mountpoint.23:59
penguin42tosho: Try fuser -m /dev/sdb2   (if it's sdb2)23:59
KB1JWQor fuser. :-)23:59

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