
=== chaotic_ is now known as chaotic
=== chaotic_ is now known as chaotic
* darkmatter yawns in boredom while waiting for gnome to finish upgrading09:33
zniavregood afternoon12:47
zniavrei got huge border around some .png .jpg .svg pictures inside the desktop >http://dl.dropbox.com/u/187396/border.png12:47
zniavreis it "normal" behaviour (some are bordered , some others not) ?12:48
knomezniavre, i suppose you have borders if the file has to be resized or it has a bg color12:51
darkmatterzniavre: yes it's normal. they changed the default border size on thumbnails in an attempt to beautify them. it failed ;)12:52
zniavreknome, darkmatter  hello thank to answer12:52
zniavredarkmatter,  it s a bit too much i think12:53
darkmatterthumbnails also lost the drop shadows in the process12:53
zniavreim not sure to know what is it   :o)12:55
vishheh , it had the border earlier too and that was better , now it is tooooo much  :s14:36
vishzniavre: i thought you hated wallpapers ;-)  , but you like aubergine eh?14:37
vishanyone using inkscape on Lucid?  seems i lost my scrollbars in inkscape :(19:01
vishfalse alarm , got them back :s19:06
troy_svish: Can you move and dock the toolbars in SVN?21:44
troy_svish: I can't.21:44

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