
mongoosedoghey guys my sound has stops working, on all applications, the speakers are switched on and it's not muted what could be the problem02:12
slick666to be honest there are some things I can't get working without going into alsamixer02:13
slick666are you familiar with that?02:13
mongoosedogi also been getting this when i run media tomb02:16
mongoosedogFirefox can't establish a connection to the server at
mongoosedog        02:17
mongoosedog        02:17
mongoosedog        02:17
mongoosedog    *   The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few02:17
mongoosedog          moments.02:17
mongoosedog    *   If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network02:17
mongoosedog          connection.02:17
mongoosedog    *   If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure02:17
mongoosedog          that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.02:17
Raidsongwhat OS are you runnin02:17
mongoosedogubuntu 9.1002:20
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Nose_PickHello Lads05:24
pedro3005hey Nose_Pick05:24
Nose_PickWhats the news? If any?05:25
pedro3005Nose_Pick, hm.. not much05:25
pedro3005hey tenach05:26
Nose_Pickhey tenach05:29
tenachhello pedro3005 Nose_Pick05:29
pedro3005heeeeey MadameTock05:41
MadameTockHello pedro300505:44
MadameTockHow goes it?05:44
pedro3005MadameTock, good05:44
pedro3005MadameTock, how are you?05:44
tenachMadameTock, paultag posted this and I thought you'd agree05:47
MadameTocktenach, I actually really wanted to get one of those05:49
MadameTockpedro3005, I am doing pretty well. Got off from the day job and enjoying a bit of coffee.05:49
tenachpedro3005, join #ubuntu-beginners-team05:55
tenachSo you and MadameTock dont' get off topic here. :D05:55
MadameTockYou know, because I'm the Oracle and all05:56
MadameTockpedro3005, transcendental idealism? :p05:56
tenach<MadameTock> You know, because I'm the Oracle and all05:56
tenach<MadameTock> pedro3005, transcendental idealism? :p05:56
pedro3005MadameTock, what is that?05:56
tenachpedro3005, heard of Immanuel Kant?05:57
pedro3005tenach, sure05:57
pedro3005he was a real piss ant, very rarely stable05:58
tenachHe called himself a transcendental idealist but an empirical realist05:58
tenachpedro3005, I meant to paste that to -team05:58
smeag0lgood morning07:16
ZachK_hey team09:25
hobgoblingood morning ZachK_09:28
hobgoblinhi smeag0l09:40
smeag0lhi hobgoblin09:40
hobgoblinlong time :)09:40
smeag0lkind of09:41
ZachK_hey smeag0l and hobgoblin09:51
ZachK_sorry i didn't respond....filing taxes09:51
* hobgoblin hates taxes09:52
hobgoblinyou lot over there appear to always be having to do the filing thing - do you have to all do it annualy?09:52
hobgoblinhi Bodsda10:14
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duanedesigni unplugged my mouse. I plugged my mouse back in. Now it does not work. Does anyone know a service i could possiblly restart to get the mouse recognized17:19
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jdeloachCould someone help me remove the current Nvidia-GLX drivers on my system with ATI ones, as I am running an ATI card.17:33
jdeloach( It stops me from getting GLX to work! for games! )17:33
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MindgamerHi. I am a very new Linux user. Wanted to ask if it is possible to configure software RAID when I have done a desktop install using the graphical installer.. or do I have to do a new install using the alternate install? When I tried to configure Software RAID on the current installation the process returned an error: Failed to execute child process "mdadm" (no such file or dir)22:31
pedro3005Mindgamer, attempt this: sudo apt-get install mdadm22:34
Mindgamerwould this require a network connection? my system is not hooked up22:34
pedro3005Mindgamer, it would :/22:35
Mindgamerok, its is a solution anyway.. i will hook up tomorrow and give it a try. thank you for the advice22:35
=== paultag_not_here is now known as paultag
pedro3005Mindgamer, np :)22:36
BlubbTeci got a really low mic volume with karmic 9.10 in teamspeak 322:50
BlubbTecexternal mic, non usb though, and at a desktop-pc(no laptop/netbook etc)22:50
BlubbTecturning up the capture volume didnt help22:52
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RaMcHiPhello everyone23:33
pedro3005hello RaMcHiP23:33
RaMcHiPI am new to ubuntu and using 9.1 I have got compiz installed configured and its all pretty but I am trying to figure out howto use hand gestures with my webcam to accomplish this - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBnCc64eZ9w&feature=related23:34
RaMcHiPanyone willing to help me or point me in the right direction with that?23:34
pedro3005RaMcHiP, seriously awesome, but I have no idea how he did it23:36
RaMcHiPonly thing I can think of is opencv23:36
RaMcHiPor handvu23:36
RaMcHiPI wanna go all minority report on this23:36
phillwRaMcHiP: you may be better asking over at http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=334  that is the section that deals with media stuff23:37
DarkwingDuckAnyone ever find out what happened to starcraftman?23:38
pedro3005DarkwingDuck, never heard from him23:38
DarkwingDuckI hope everything is okay23:38
duanedesignhe did disappear from the forums for a year before23:40
duanedesigni am not sure what the catalyst for that was, but this might not be all that out of character for him.23:43
RaMcHiPty phillw23:55

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