
rickspencer3kenvandine, I think I figured out how to write a GUI to choose which desktopcouch databases to synch01:30
rickspencer3I'll try it tonight, seems like it would take about an hour or so01:30
rickspencer3kenvandine, http://imgur.com/qnfuD01:41
kenvandinerickspencer3, sweet!02:28
kenvandineslip cover... lol02:29
rickspencer3kenvandine, accessing the gwibber_preferences couchdb immediately pegs my CPU02:39
rickspencer3gwibber-server and desktopcouch-se02:39
kenvandinegot a test case?02:39
rickspencer3I'll package the app I just wrote02:39
rickspencer3and you can run it yourself02:39
rickspencer3it's 100% reliable02:39
rickspencer3hold on02:39
kenvandinei would like to get ryan to do it to02:40
rickspencer3kenvandine, can i just email you the deb?02:40
kenvandineor IM it to me :)02:40
kenvandineempathy rocks02:40
rickspencer3$quickly package ftw02:41
rickspencer3sure, good idea02:41
kenvandinequickly rocks too02:41
rickspencer3kenvandine, so when you run this, it will list out each of your desktopcouch databases as a button02:41
rickspencer3see what happens when you click gwibbermessages02:42
kenvandinei get a crash dialog :)02:43
kenvandinefrom slip-cover02:43
rickspencer3oh well02:43
kenvandinenot for other dbs02:43
rickspencer3it doesn't even run?02:43
kenvandinelet me change my passwords to plaintext so i can run gwibber02:43
kenvandineit does02:43
kenvandinejust clicking on gwibbermessages gives me a crash dialog02:44
kenvandineit doesn't seem to crash though02:44
rickspencer3I bet my way of getting the records from it doesn't work02:44
rickspencer3I used a super convenience method02:44
rickspencer3let me see if there is a better way02:44
rickspencer3oh crikey02:45
kenvandineoh... here02:45
kenvandine  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/desktopcouch/records/server_base.py", line 454, in get_records02:45
kenvandine    raise KeyError("View doesn't already exist.")02:45
kenvandineKeyError: "View doesn't already exist."02:45
rickspencer3I have to do hard things02:45
kenvandinethat was in the terminal02:45
kenvandineno worries02:46
kenvandineok, gwibber is running02:46
rickspencer3so get_records() doesnt' quite work reliably02:46
kenvandinelet me make sure the cpu doesn't peg02:46
rickspencer3kenvandine, if you run photobomb first, and go to the gwibber tab, it should work02:46
rickspencer3slipcover, that is02:46
rickspencer3actually, I wonder if that will pin the CPU02:47
kenvandinei just did 3 refreshes02:48
kenvandinewith plaintext password... no load02:48
kenvandineok, time for slip-cover again02:48
rickspencer3I have plane text passwords too02:48
kenvandineyou said gwibberpreferences pegs it?02:48
rickspencer3kenvandine, can you see if photobomb pegs it for you?02:49
rickspencer3bzr branch lp:~rick-rickspencer3/+junk/photobomb02:49
kenvandineyeah, one sec02:49
kenvandineso just opening gwibberprefernces pegs it for you?02:49
rickspencer3but I've run photobomb, which asks gwibber_preferences to create a view for get_records02:50
rickspencer3that's why slip-cover works for me on that database02:50
rickspencer3I'll have to write a few lines to create a proper view02:50
kenvandinei ran it02:52
kenvandinewaiting now :)02:52
kenvandinegwibber_messages is pretty big02:52
kenvandinerickspencer3, ^^02:54
kenvandineand i am not seeing the CPU load02:54
rickspencer3kenvandine, do you have quickly-widgets installed from universe?02:55
kenvandinei wonder how your accessing it that causes it02:56
kenvandinedo you read in all the records?02:57
rickspencer3kenvandine, yes02:58
rickspencer3kenvandine, photobomb also causes the cpu to pim02:59
kenvandinenot for me03:00
rickspencer3when you refresh on the gwibber tab?03:00
rickspencer3it does not peg your CPU?03:00
rickspencer3on photobomb, there is a gwibber tab03:00
kenvandinelet me do that03:01
rickspencer3you have to hit the refresh button for it to start grabbing photos from your gwibber accounts03:01
rickspencer3it also reads you gwibber settings database and pulls your facebook credentials03:01
kenvandinewow... photobomb is using a ton of ram03:03
kenvandine2G and growing03:04
rickspencer3a tad leaky?03:04
kenvandinenot really seeing any load problems though03:05
rickspencer3kenvandine, so the gwibber page didn't peg your CPU?03:05
rickspencer3this is soooo weird03:05
kenvandineyou said it does it to desktopcouch too03:05
kenvandinedesktopcouch-service? or beam.smp?03:06
rickspencer3so certain apps, when they access gwibber preferences, cause the CPU to peg03:06
rickspencer3kenvandine, both03:06
rickspencer3but the thing is, the apps that do this are different for different people03:06
rickspencer3IT MAKES NO SENSE03:06
kenvandinevery weird03:06
kenvandineso if it is making gwibber-service spike03:06
kenvandineit must be changing records03:06
kenvandineotherwise gwibber would never even know it03:07
rickspencer3like something is listening for record changes?03:07
kenvandinebut, gwibber-service does have "Monitors" setup for the dbs it cares about03:07
kenvandineyeah, so gwibber sees records added or updated as events03:07
rickspencer3and then gwibber writes records in response to these events, gets invoked, etc...?03:08
kenvandinebut you are doing a get_record03:08
kenvandinegwibber sees something else writing to it03:08
kenvandineit wouldn't get an event for it at all if there aren't records changing03:08
rickspencer3my desktopcouch-se is just running one of my CPUs at 99%03:08
kenvandinewhich is weird03:08
rickspencer3for like the last 5 mins03:08
kenvandineok... well... that is familiar :)03:08
kenvandineis slip-cover still running?03:09
rickspencer3gwibber though03:09
kenvandinei bet that is the same thing i was seeing03:09
kenvandinekillall gwibber gwibber-service03:09
rickspencer3but I never saw this until I accesssed gwibberaccounts03:09
kenvandinewhich is weird03:09
kenvandinewe need chad03:10
rickspencer3kenvandine, oh well, at least  you found that bug in DictionaryGrid for me04:10
rickspencer3was happy to fix that04:10
kenvandinegood night04:10
rickspencer3kenvandine, we'll figure it out tomorrow04:10
rickspencer3the answer is staring you guys in the face, I am convinced04:10
rickspencer3a good night's sleep will prolly help ;)04:11
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
vuntzhuats: hello07:38
huatshello vuntz07:38
vuntzdidrocks: any idea why simple-scan is at 0.9.10 in the ubuntu packages, but the latest tarball is 0.9.9?07:39
didrocksvuntz: robert_ancell probably forgot to create the milestone and upload the tarball. Do you want it? I can apt-get source and push it somewhere08:14
didrocksvuntz: that's why Quickly rules: it does it for you :p08:14
didrockshey huats08:14
huatshello didrocks08:14
vuntzdidrocks: better to annoy rob when he'll be here :-)08:33
didrocksvuntz: sure, do not hesitate :p08:33
desrtvuntz: hey08:57
desrtdidrocks: hello08:57
didrockshey desrt, quite late for you, isn't it?08:57
desrtcan't sleep08:57
didrocksargh :/08:57
desrtdidrocks: might i be able to harass you about some universe stuff?08:57
didrocksdesrt: sure08:58
desrtnormally i bother seb, but he's committed to vacationing today :)08:58
desrttwo things:08:58
didrocks(yeah, it's a shame :))08:58
desrt1) can you guys update to the freshly-released valac version?08:58
desrt(that's the easy one)08:58
desrt2) http://packages.debian.org/source/sid/zeromq08:59
desrt(that's the hard one)08:59
desrti'm not really familiar with how difficult it is to get new package into the archive this late in the cycle if they have upstream versions already existing in debian09:00
didrocksdesrt: nothing too risky in the new vala release? ("Infer type arguments when calling generic methods." <- no impact?)09:01
vuntzdidrocks: it's the stable release09:01
didrocksvuntz: ok, 0.7.10 isn't? it follows odd number == unstable too?09:01
vuntzso better to have a stable release than a development one, I'd say09:01
desrtdidrocks: no.  0.8.09:01
desrtquite freshly released09:02
didrocksdesrt: yeah, I was asking if "0.7.10" (the current one we have) is unstable. Understood, will update :)09:02
didrocksfor the new package09:02
didrocksit should be easy to get a Feature Freeze Exception09:02
desrti don't think vala really follows the normal stable/unstable versioning scheme in a meaningful way09:02
didrocksdesrt: care about opening a bug telling why this package is necessary? Then we will subscribe ubuntu-archive to get a grant09:03
desrtdidrocks: i'm not sure it *is* necessary :)09:03
desrtbut it seems like a relatively easy (and entirely zero-risk) inclusion09:04
desrtand there's a good chance that dconf will use it09:04
didrocksdesrt: well, let's say "it's good to have and there is no risk"09:04
didrocksdesrt: just open a bug stating that and I will subscribe to get the grant09:04
desrtok.  cheers.09:04
desrtwhat do i file against, exactly?09:04
didrocksupdating vala now09:05
didrocksdesrt: ubuntu itself09:05
desrtdidrocks: what do you guess the chances are?09:09
desrtgod i hate launchpad09:09
desrtevery time i try and use it it's a timeout error :(09:09
didrocksdesrt: for the new package? it's high has there is no impact on existing things09:13
didrocksdesrt: but it will be treated probably after beta2 (next thursday)09:14
desrtof course09:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 553858 in ubuntu "please pull zeromq from debian" [Undecided,New]09:15
desrtdidrocks: thanks09:15
didrocksdesrt: thanks, subscribing now :)09:15
didrocksI'm updating vala now and try to build something with it09:16
didrocksdesrt: btw, do you know what's the best practice for vala is concerning upstream?09:16
desrtdidrocks: the best test case for vala is vala itself :)09:16
didrocksI mean, I see some upstream generated the .c file in the tarball, and some not09:16
desrtdidrocks: bugzilla09:16
desrtoh.  that.09:16
desrtthe widely accepted practice is to have .c in the tarball09:16
desrtbut not in git09:17
didrockssure, only in the tarball09:17
didrocksok, I'll track down upstreams which don't do that :)09:17
desrtthere's nothing wrong with shipping tarballs without .c09:17
desrtit's just non-standard behaviour09:17
didrocksyeah, I mean, I guess that most of the time, they don't really know it's best for packagers09:18
desrtand everyone, really09:18
desrtnote also: the automake vala rules do this automatically09:18
desrtadd the .c files to the dist tarball09:18
desrtso the only time you'll encouter .vala-only is in cases were people have homebrew makefiles or have manually worked-around the standard automake behaviour09:19
didrocksdesrt: oh, so they just don't include it09:19
desrtif you're going to file bugs with upstreams it might be useful to point that out09:19
desrtthe vala support came with automake version 1.1109:19
didrocksyeah, I note that down to be able to help upstream making this09:20
* desrt plays with zeromq a bit as a sleep-deferal strategy :)09:23
didrocksheh :)09:25
desrtdidrocks: thanks for the vala refresh and the zeromq sponsor09:26
didrocksdesrt: y/w ;)09:26
didrocksdesrt: note that the vala refresh, even in universe, should be pushed manually in the repo by an archive admin09:27
didrocksdesrt: so, probably Monday or Tuesdsay with Easter week-end :)09:27
didrocks(beta freeze is no more a soft freeze, even for universe)09:27
desrtyes.  that's quite reasonable.09:28
asacwhat is needed to get auot login nowadays?10:10
asacis that gconf setting?10:11
asacdidrocks: ^^10:11
didrocksasac: no, it's in /etc/gdm/custom.conf. One sec10:11
asacok... thats enough info10:12
didrocksok :)10:12
asacwe just wondered if thats still it because it doesnt work here for someone10:12
asacwe will figure10:12
didrocksasac: hum, it should work :) the live system use that :)10:12
didrocksok, good luck!10:12
NafaiHi didrocks!10:12
Nafai<- can't sleep :)10:12
asacdidrocks: yeah. you probably get a bug ;)10:12
didrockshey Nafai, you should go to sleep :)10:13
NafaiI will go back in a bit10:13
didrocksasac: I'm sure you will file one and assigne to me :)10:13
Nafairick mentioned yesterday that I should collaborate with you on UNE stuff10:13
didrocksNafai: how was your first official day as Canonical employee? :)10:13
NafaiGood, just a lot of "meta" work (reading wiki, subscribing to mailing lists, etc)10:14
didrocksright, first days is that :)10:14
asacdidrocks: seems he had wrong gnome session file for une10:14
asacdidrocks: installed just ubuntu-netbook10:14
asacwhy doesnt that install the right one?10:14
didrocksasac: asac if you install  ubuntu-netbook, the session is set to une if no default session has been set previously10:15
didrocksasac: DefaultSession=gnome in custom.conf?10:15
vishhmm , is seb on vac today?10:15
asacdidrocks: =une was in there10:15
asacjust installed ubuntu-minimal ... then ubuntu-netbook10:16
asacthen a few times worked and rebooted10:16
asacsuddenly it was broken10:16
didrocksasac: hum, apart from the fact they he unlog, set a different one into gdm (and so populate .dmrc), I don't see what changed it10:16
asaclet me ask10:16
didrocksvish: right, Lorraine and some countries are on national holidays today10:17
asacdidrocks: ok. afte rinstallin ghtere was  no custom.conf10:17
vishoh , :(10:17
asacso he added that manually10:17
vishdidrocks: thanks ..10:17
asacso guess was a user bug10:17
didrocksasac: yeah, no custom.conf is quite strange, let's blame the user :)10:18
didrocksvish: some for next Monday btw10:18
ftawhere are the keyboard layout options stored?10:19
vishdidrocks: ah, ok.. do you have any info about the humanity update?  seb  was doing it last night , but it seems to have not landed..10:19
asacdidrocks: whats the gnome-session file installed10:19
didrocksvish: he maybe pushed it but as we are in beta freeze, an archive admin has to accept it10:20
vishdidrocks: ah , the admins .. thanks10:20
didrocksasac: gnome-session file? ~/.config/gnome-session or /etc/X11/Xsession.d/55gnome-session_gnomerc?10:20
asacdidrocks: wasnt there a .desktop file?10:21
didrocksoh, the desktop file10:21
didrocksright, so, concerning session management10:21
didrocksyou have .desktop file in /usr/share/xsessions/10:21
fta(n-m, gconf)10:22
didrocksgnome.desktop for the gnome session, you get the failsafe session and when installing une, you got the une.desktop file10:22
didrocksbasically DefaultSession={name_of_the_file_without_extension}10:23
asacdidrocks: yeah. thx. we have to check something here10:23
asac  * debian/patches/70_glib2.0-gatomic-arm.patch:10:36
asac    - dropped since that patch was added without details nor reference10:36
asac      to a launchpad or upstream bug and it's not clear if it's still required10:36
asac      now with the change done upstream recently10:36
asacthats ANNOYING10:36
asacwhen seb comes back i will have to talk to him10:37
asacespecially because HE added that patch on his own10:38
asactwo uploads before10:38
didrocksasac: he will be there on Tuesday10:39
asaci know10:41
asacdidrocks: what should be in custom.conf to start proper une?10:50
asacwe get a full gnome + the launcher if we use une in there10:51
asacimo this feels not natural ;)10:51
asacok we figured10:52
didrocksasac: just DefaultSession=une, but if user changed it, it's in .dmrc10:52
asacusing une-efl seems to start full gnome + launcher10:52
asacwhy does it need to be like that?10:52
asacthats a bug i guess?10:53
asace.g. using just une works10:53
didrocksasac: right, I told you that we should create a setting package10:53
didrocksasac: I pinged you and Jamie about it a while ago10:53
asacyeah sorry. long time ago that was ;)10:53
didrocksyeah :)10:53
didrocksasac: that can be easily done. I can have a look next week if you want. You want the same settings than une?10:54
asacdidrocks: is there anything that strikes you that we wpuldnt want from the une setting10:55
didrocksasac: hum… we hide some items on the menu but it will make sense for you too… and now that go-home-applet is compatible, I don't see anything you won't want10:56
asacwhats going on:11:01
asac"You are not the bug assignee nor the maintainer of glib2.0 (Ubuntu), and therefore cannot edit this bug's status. "11:01
asaccore devs cant change bug status anymore?11:01
asacor is that because launchpad is currently read-only?11:01
didrocksasac: I guess it's a side effect about the read-only yeah11:05
asachmm. its not coming back :(11:08
asacits supposed to be back since 10 minutes ;)11:08
asacoh its still one more hour11:08
didrocksyeah  :/11:15
asacanyone sees the searchplugin being amazon here?12:54
asacplease test http://people.canonical.com/~asac/tmp/ubufox_0.9~rc1-0ubuntu1_all.deb12:54
asacto see if its fixed there12:54
didrocksasac: how can I reset to the default one to check if it's fixed?12:59
chrisccoulsondidrocks - you could try a fresh profile in a guest session13:01
didrockschrisccoulson: right, good idea, let's try this13:02
chrisccoulsondidrocks - i tried it in french already :P13:02
didrocksoh ok, no need so :)13:02
chrisccoulsonyou can still test it ;)13:02
didrocksit's ok there :)13:03
chrisccoulsonasac - did you see the gnome-shell module proposal on desktop-devel-list?13:03
chrisccoulsonthey mentioned briefly about the dependency on spidermonkey, but nobody seems to think it's a real issue :/13:04
asacchrisccoulson: jump in there and say thats a dead end ;)13:07
asacone second13:07
asaclet me see if i can find the bugzilla bug13:08
chrisccoulsonasac - yeah, i think i will draft a response later, but i want to do it in a way that doesn't get me shot-down by everybody ;)13:08
didrockschrisccoulson: spidermonkey is so bad?13:11
chrisccoulsondidrocks - yes13:11
chrisccoulsondidrocks - we're actively trying to reduce the number of dependencies on spidermonkey, to fit more with the new mozilla support model13:12
asacchrisccoulson: i need to find the upstream bug where they made it clear that they dont want to make any efforts to maintain a stable API even in securty updates13:12
chrisccoulsonasac - ok, thanks, that would be interesting13:13
didrockschrisccoulson: hum, right, that doesn't sound good at all13:13
chrisccoulson^^^didrocks - asac's response summarizes quite well why we are doing this ;)13:13
didrockschrisccoulson: yeah, I was at the UDS discussion about the new mozilla support model13:13
chrisccoulsondidrocks - so, there is no guarantee of API stability even between minor versions, and consider that we are going to move to a model where we follow major updates throughout the life of a release....13:14
didrocksso, that's weird that they rely on a mozilla component13:14
chrisccoulson....that would make something like gnome-shell unsupportable13:14
asacmozilla bug 50689013:15
ubottuMozilla bug 506890 in Build Config "Make it possible for Ubuntu to provide libmozjs.so as a system library" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=50689013:15
asacread that and there you go13:15
asacchrisccoulson: ^^13:16
asacreading this ... everyone using mozjs needs to go somewhere else13:16
asacif they ask "where?" ... i dont have an answer13:16
asacbut the answer is definitly not "stay with mozjs"13:16
asacthey should complain on that bugt13:16
asacmaybe having upstreams complain that they wasted all their effort etc. will change their minds13:17
chrisccoulsonasac - thanks, that's interesting to read13:17
asaci tried to discuss this in various ways13:17
asacdistro pushing doesnt help13:17
asaconly upstream folks going to that bug might help13:17
asacthey should appeal to mozillas foundation approach ... e.g. they want to be the good guys and want to make the web a better place13:17
asacimo having a js lib is the way to go13:17
asacmaybe if they notice how many folks they bust they will move a bit13:17
asacchrisccoulson: the folks commenting there are all senior ... VP etc.13:18
asacits not that its some random developers saying that13:18
asacits their official strategy in order to compete against chrome13:18
asacsimilar folks should go to chrome and tell them that v8 should become stable13:19
asacthey have the same answer: "dont use us  .. we dont care if there is no other solution ... but its not us" ;)13:19
zygaasac: may I ask what are you talking about? js library?13:19
asacyes ...13:20
asacread above13:20
asaci think the right way would be someone coming up with a small subset of essential js funcs13:20
asacand then writing a wrapper for mozjs13:20
zygaI read but I'm a little puzzled, is the question about having a stable (api-wise) js library?13:20
asacthat can be maintained in case they break api13:20
asaczyga: yes. if that exists now ( i think there was something for gnome now) ... thats the way to go13:21
asacwe cant really let anything in the archive with a straight face that uses mozjs or v813:21
zygaasac: what about jscore from webkit?13:21
zygaasac: it's not v8 but it's was good enough for a long while13:22
asachavent checked with them13:22
asacmaybe thats a choice13:22
asacwe should try13:22
asacbut we should first check if its stable with them ;)13:22
zygaasac: what's the target for that library (I assume it's not a browser)13:22
asacdesktop apps needing js13:22
zygaasac: I think that's your choice then13:22
asaceveryone uses mozjs ... and complains that we dont make a system lib out of it (e.g. we make it intentionally hard to use it=)13:22
asacright. i think i pointed a few folks to webkit in the past13:23
zygaasac: what's the point with mozilla not willing to make it stable api-wise13:23
zyga(disregarding the fact that mozilla has horrible api that doesn't look like anything else)13:23
asacbut then webkit has problems on its own wrt to stability/security updates from what i was told by security team13:23
asaczyga: go to that bug and complain13:23
asaci dont see it13:23
asaczyga: i tried to discuss a small subset api13:23
asacbut they are not even willing to do that13:23
zygaasac: jscore is pretty small, do have a look at that13:24
zygaand it's pure C++13:24
asace.g. i would be willing to do a separate source package ... with --build-stable-api-only13:24
asacif that option existed13:24
zygano nifty quirky runtimes13:24
asacand mozjs developers thought it was a good eceision13:24
asacbut hen that bug above made it clear that noone with seniority in mozilla wants that13:24
zygaasac: I think webkit is not going forward so rapidly and they don't put everything and the kitchen sink inside13:24
asaczyga: C++ APIs aren't really famous for its easy ABI stability ;)13:25
zygamozilla is more like 'ooh, we have this shiny new js function'13:25
zygaasac: I know that C++ is not perfect but C++ WITH some klunker like Qt or mozilla code is worse than plain C++13:25
asacbut all js solutions are C++ ... so we just need to find someone who says: yes, we have policy to maintain ABI/API stability for security/stability updates13:25
zygaasac: what about apple13:25
zygaasac: apple uses jscore for safari13:26
asacthey use the full webkit stuff ... dont they?13:26
zygaasac: that sounds/smells/feels like 1) stable 2) maintained 3) secured13:26
asacimo they will be next feeling pressured to boost their performane most likekly13:26
zygaasac: yes13:26
asacwith all browser having to catch up with chromium13:26
zygaasac: but the jscore is a part of the plaftorm (AFAIR, i'd need to check that)13:26
zygaso breaking the api is a no-no for them13:27
asacthats what make mozilla drop all this ... as they dont see competitive when they have to keep js api stable13:27
asaczyga: please check that13:27
asaczyga: also find whatelese is using htat in the platform13:27
asacif its just one or too rdepends its easy for them to just roll all at the same time13:27
zygaasac: I think lots13:27
zygaasac: basically apple commited to this by putting webkit in the official apis for everything13:27
zygafrom iphone/ipad to the desktop13:28
zygaI'll try to give you a nice link, wait13:28
ftafunny, if i open https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xinit/+bug/320886 both in ff and ch, ff lacks the comments i made ~1h ago13:28
ubottuUbuntu bug 320886 in xinit "$HOME/.Xdefaults no longer being read" [Low,Invalid]13:28
asaczyga: does jscore work on windows?13:28
zygaasac: yes13:28
asacstuff like couchdb need that etc.13:29
zygaasac: it's on safari for windows after all13:29
asacydeah. anyway. i usuallypoint folks to webkit if they want something13:29
asacso i will just continue to do that ... cant be worse than mozjs13:30
zygaasac: it's better IMHO13:30
asacchrisccoulson: so everyone wanting to use mozjs should go jscore of webkit13:30
zygamozilla has the momentum but webkit has the efficiency and focus on being slim13:30
asacotherwise they cant go in main ... and we will not export mozjs as system lib13:30
asacif they want mozjs they should complain on the upstream bug13:30
asacchrisccoulson: ^^13:30
zygaasac: http://webkit.org/projects/javascript/index.html13:31
zygaasac: jscore builds to a separate .so already13:32
zygaasac: so it's not really bound to webkit13:32
zygaasac: I'm not 100% up-to-date with this (I's 1.5 year old experience) but if you want to ship webcore + jscore (webkit) + some apps then you should not need to duplicate everything13:33
baptistemmsomeone can approve my mail in ubuntu-devel? thanks14:25
didrockswell, time for me to take an early week-end, taking the train to help my brother moving this week-end14:44
didrockssee you on Tuesday ;)14:45
LaserJockkenvandine: so are all the CPU-at-100% bugs supposed to be fixed for gwibber now?14:47
kenvandineLaserJock, no14:58
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rickspencer3kenvandine, hi15:28
kenvandinehey rickspencer315:29
kenvandinehey seb12815:29
rickspencer3release meeting in 30 minutes, right?15:29
seb128hello kenvandine rickspencer315:29
seb128how are things going today?15:29
kenvandinei think it is in an hour15:29
kenvandinei should check :)15:29
seb128I noticed none of the dx or ols went through15:29
rickspencer3kenvandine, let's ask for some help with this couch<->keyring<->gwibber bug15:29
kenvandine          value = gnomekeyring.find_items( gnomekeyring.ITEM_GENERIC_SECRET, {"id": str("%s/%s" % (account["_id"], key))})[0].secret15:30
kenvandinei replaces that with value = "mypassword"15:30
kenvandineand no load15:30
kenvandinei tried to get the debugger in there and failed15:30
kenvandinein python-gnomekeyring15:30
seb128do you get the bug using a small pygtk test too?15:30
kenvandinecan't figure out where it is happening15:30
seb128or only in desktopcouch context?15:30
rickspencer3that's a good question15:31
rickspencer3hi seb128, btw15:31
kenvandineno, but i can't see how this could be related to couch15:31
rickspencer3seb128, I tried to write a minimal repro script last night by calling desktopcouch15:31
rickspencer3sometimes is repro'd, sometimes not15:31
kenvandineand duplicating this would be a fair bit of code15:31
kenvandinerickspencer3, but we would want to something that uses threads the same way as gwibber-service15:32
rickspencer3kenvandine, but could we not write a program that ask the keyring for something15:32
kenvandinebut without using desktopcouch15:32
rickspencer3like a 2 line python script15:32
rickspencer3see if that can trigger it15:32
kenvandinerickspencer3, that wouldn't break it15:32
kenvandineit is threading related15:32
rickspencer3so call it from a thread15:32
rickspencer3we need a reliable repro for this15:32
rickspencer3I can give that a shot15:33
seb128kenvandine, duplicating what?15:33
kenvandinethere is no couch code at all in this part of gwibber15:33
seb128just write a few liners calling gnomekeyring.find_items15:33
seb128to see if python-gnomekeyring bugs15:33
rickspencer3seb128, I'll try now15:33
kenvandinewe would need to do it with python multiprocessiing15:33
seb128if you think the issue is this call15:33
kenvandinecalling it from a script is fine, gotta call it from a thread15:33
rickspencer3I can put it on a thread and do it in a loop on a thread or something15:33
seb128so it's a multuprocessing issue?15:33
seb128good luck with that15:34
dobeyit's a thread locking issue15:34
seb128I'm not even sure gnome-keyring is meant to work in those case15:34
kenvandinedobey's work around was by using gtk.gdk.lock15:34
seb128lot of libs are not15:34
dobeythe exact same keyring call works fine if i just do it directly in interactive python (without threads, just making the keyring calls)15:35
kenvandineand it is a real pain that i can't get any trace that shows keyring access at all15:35
dobeybut inside threads, bam, lock.15:35
dobeyat least, if there's a glib main loop15:35
dobeyit's probably ok from a thread without a glib main loop15:35
dobeythough i haven't tested it15:35
dobeykenvandine: what does the trace show? dbus junk?15:36
rickspencer3dobey, do you think you could write a minimal repro script?15:36
kenvandinemostly curl actually15:36
kenvandinedobey, but it doesn't show anything remotely keyring related, afaict15:36
dobeyrickspencer3: probably, yes. shouldn't be hard15:37
seb128not sure if that's a keyring bug15:37
kenvandineseb128, chad has found a version of libgnome-keyring0 that he thinks works with desktopcouch15:37
seb128or a desktoptouch15:38
kenvandinebut that version doesn't fix gwibber15:38
kenvandinebut it does seem to fix desktopcouch15:38
seb128which one?15:38
seb128does the update from yesterday fix desktopcouch?15:38
dobeydesktopcouch *might* just be getting lucky15:38
kenvandineseb128, chad said it didn't15:38
seb128so it's the new codebase15:38
seb128not 2.2815:38
seb128the diff is not that much to review15:39
dobeybecause it has a weird function that does some main thread check thing15:39
kenvandinebut that version is still broken for gwibber :/15:39
dobeyand it could be that the keyring calls might just always end up being from the main thread anyway in some cases15:39
dobeywhich would mask the problem15:39
seb128good luck with that15:39
dobeyalright, let me get fully awake in the next few minutes, and i'll write a simplified test case15:40
seb128dobey, do you think it's a keyring bug?15:40
seb128or it should just be used as it's used now?15:41
dobeyseb128: i think a change to libgnome-keyring is exposing problems in existing code in apps using it15:41
seb128change = rewrite15:41
seb1282.28 to 2.29 is basically a rewrite15:41
seb128gnome-keyring uses dbus now15:41
dobeyseb128: mainly because threading in gtk+/glib is insane15:41
seb128the lib is just a wrapper for compatibility15:42
dobeyif people don't get it right15:42
kenvandinedobey do you think we should be looking at python-gnomekeyring instead of libgnome-keyring0?15:42
dobeykenvandine: no15:42
dobeyalthough, i don't think any minor change is going to fix the problem either, if it's switched to using dbus-glib15:44
dobeyand it sems it has, which is the cause of all these problems15:44
seb128it seems to use libdbus rather15:45
seb128but as said before yes that's new15:45
seb128it used to use sockets15:45
seb128and it's using dbus since this cycle15:45
kenvandinei love the beta-2 burndown :)15:48
kenvandineway below the line :)15:48
dobeyeh, dbus is just an abstraction over sockets15:50
dobeyanyway, let me write simple test cases15:50
dobeywtf :)16:24
dobeyi wonder if i somehow installed a keyring update that works now16:25
kenvandinedobey, seb128 did upload another patch that did fix it for gvfs yesterday16:28
kenvandinebut not for gwibber :)16:28
dobeybad gwibber!16:28
dobeyclass Dispatcher(dbus.service.Object, threading.Thread):16:29
dobeyformula for BOOM16:29
dobeyit's mixing up main loop and thread interaction all over the dispatcher16:29
rickspencer3dobey, could I ask you to log a bug on that and briefly describe why it's bad a potential work around?16:30
rickspencer3and dobey, do you think such a thing could be implicated in the 100% bug?16:30
kenvandineor comment on bug 55400516:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554005 in libgnome-keyring "accessing keyring from python threads sometimes causes 100% CPU utilization" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55400516:30
dobeyrickspencer3: yes, this definitely could cause threadlocks16:30
rickspencer3yeah, that's better16:30
dobeykenvandine: how do i run tests in gwibber source?16:36
kenvandinewe need a test suite :/16:36
kenvandinethat is on my todo list for next cycle16:36
kenvandinegwibber desparately needs it16:37
dobeyi think i have a proper fix16:37
dobeyi'll push and you can try16:37
* kenvandine waits to hug dobey...16:37
dobeykenvandine: merge lp:~dobey/gwibber/gwibber-keyring-unthreaded and see if it's fixed for you16:39
* dobey thinks it should be16:39
Nafaimorning all16:40
kenvandinedobey, ok... i just tried nearly the same thing and it didn't fix it16:40
kenvandinei didn't do this16:41
dobeykenvandine: well is it fixed? i ran gwibber-service from my tree and it wasn't eating any cpu, but i don't know if that's because it fixes it or because i don't have anything in the keyring16:41
rickspencer3hi Nafai16:41
dobeykenvandine: but desktopcouch-service was grinding my cpu hard16:42
rickspencer3Nafai, should be a quiet day today, because lot so euro-folks are on holiday16:42
* Nafai nods16:42
NafaiI talked with didrocks for a moment in the night when I had a bit of a "I can't sleep" moment, we're going to sync up on Tuesday16:43
rickspencer3Nafai, awesome16:43
rickspencer3Nafai, apparently Dx has a bug with keyboard access for indicators16:43
rickspencer3maybe you could ask if they need some help with that?16:43
NafaiSure thing16:44
rickspencer3apparantly if you key into an indicator, and then hit escape, you are rather screwed16:44
* Nafai heads over to #ayatana16:44
rickspencer3I really want good key access for indicators in Lucid ;)16:44
dobeykenvandine: did my branch fix it? :)16:45
kenvandinedobey, it seems fixed!16:45
dobeyyay me!16:45
kenvandinesorry, busy in release meeting too :)16:45
kenvandineyay dobey16:45
* kenvandine hugs dobey16:45
kenvandinelet me test a bit before i upload16:45
dobeykenvandine: tell them to put the new ubuntuone-client in the archive :)16:45
dobeykenvandine: one second, and i'll re-submit my merge proposal :)16:46
dobeykenvandine: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~dobey/gwibber/gwibber-keyring-unthreaded/+merge/2270416:54
kenvandinethx dobey16:54
kenvandinedobey, he said he would look at u1 client later today16:54
dobeyand now, for some lunch :)16:54
kenvandinedobey, no code change in that merge proposal, right?16:54
dobeykenvandine: hrmm? that proposal is for the branch i just had you test16:55
kenvandinejust checking16:55
dobeyso it removes the threading from Dispatcher, yes :)16:55
dobeyunless i'm confused and you're asking about u1-client package or something16:56
ftais there a way to unlock the keyring permanently? i mean, for a home desktop in autologin mode, there's no point in asking a password to start evolution17:35
tgpraveen1fta: only way is to set blank password for it or something like that iirc17:45
ftawell, it's worked on my previous desktop, but in my fresh install of lucid, i can't find where it's supposed to be done17:49
Nafairickspencer3: looks like they have a fix in the works, do you have any other high priority things I should look at today?17:59
tgpraveen1fta: previous desktop was pre karmic? it used to work for me alos back then18:06
tgpraveen1though i dont know how. if you ever do get a fix for this pls do tell me18:06
seb128rickspencer3, hey18:14
seb128rickspencer3, why did you reopen the libgnome-keyring bug?18:14
* Nafai takes an early lunch18:15
rickspencer3seb128, because gwibber was still busted and we needed on for the release meeting18:15
rickspencer3seb128, you can change it back though18:15
seb128can we get an another bug?18:15
rickspencer3seb128, I already did that18:15
seb128I feel we are mixing issues in the same bug18:15
rickspencer3seb128, yes18:15
seb128which makes things harder to work on an track18:15
rickspencer3I just haven't set the keryring back to fix-released yet18:15
seb128ok good18:16
rickspencer3but we've opened a new bug and, etc18:16
seb128I was just going to hint we should open a new bug18:16
seb128rather than keep using this one18:16
seb128did you get a testcase while I was not there?18:16
seb128or did you make any progress on the issue18:17
kenvandinewe have a branch of gwibber that stops using threads in the dispatcher18:18
kenvandinewhich fixes the load problem... but breaks something else18:18
dobeykenvandine: does it break something, or are other issues just more apparent now?18:20
kenvandineno, it breaks functionality18:21
kenvandineloading_complete seems to never get called18:21
kenvandinewhich is from the timeout_add18:21
dobeyi think it's another thread vs. mainloop issue18:22
dobeybut i don't really see from reading the code, how it ever would have worked :)18:23
kenvandineit worked fine :)18:24
kenvandineand it still works fine if i add the gobject.threads_init() back18:24
kenvandinebut of course then i get the lock18:24
rickspencer3Nafai, sort of18:26
rickspencer3Nafai, https://launchpad.net/bugs/35767318:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 357673 in linux "No notification when sliding audio volume, muting volume on ThinkPad X23, X24, X31, X32, X41, X60, T22, T40, T42, T60, R50e, R51, R52" [High,Fix released]18:26
rickspencer3the deal here is that this is fixed in the kernel, but not on the desktop18:26
dobeykenvandine: how can it work fine if it's using 100% cpu and thread locked? :)18:26
kenvandinedobey, it still works... just makes my laptop very hot :)18:27
rickspencer3if you could look into this and at least see where the fix needs to be made, that would be helpful18:27
rickspencer3Nafai, this one looks rather harmful for certain users as well:18:28
ubottuUbuntu bug 548891 in gdm "keyboard input broken at gnome login prompt after package updates" [Undecided,Incomplete]18:28
dobeykenvandine: weird18:28
dobeykenvandine: but it clearly marks this as another thread vs. mainloop issues18:28
dobeyand i really have no idea how it actually managed to work in the first place :)18:28
robbiewseb128: ping18:38
robbiewcan anyone tell me how to change the background of the login screen?  I apparently did for Karmic, and cannot UNDO for Lucid :/18:41
jcastroI have a machine that updated to lucid but is still stuck with the karmic wallpaper in gdm so I would like to know how to do that too18:42
seb128robbiew, sudo -u gdm gnome-appearance-properties or gconf-editor18:44
seb128robbiew, you can also remove .gconf in /var/lib/gdm18:45
seb128you're welcome18:45
Nafaiback :)20:04
rickspencer3hey Nafai20:08
NafaiI saw the two bugs you shared after I stepped away20:09
NafaiOf course the thinkpad one isn't exhibited on *my* Thinkpad :)20:10
rickspencer3Nafai, so when you use hardware buttons to control volume, you get notifications?20:14
NafaiI have a T-61p, which might have a better ACPI implementation20:14
rickspencer3ok, what about the no keyboard for gdm in kvm one?20:14
rickspencer3can you repro that?20:14
* Nafai looks20:15
NafaiI can install VMware and try if you like20:16
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rickspencer3Nafai, well, what else is on your list?20:27
Nafaiother than a rhythmbox bug that MacSlow says he is looking at a potential notify-osd fix for, not mcuh really20:28
rickspencer3then ya', it would be helpful to get kvm set up and see if you can repro that bug20:28
rickspencer3also, kenvandine can probably use some help testing gwibber and related fixes20:29
kenvandineNafai, you a python threading guru by chance?20:29
Nafaikenvandine: not really, but I'm good enough at Python to take a stab. :)  All concurrency I've done in Python has been asynchronous with Twisted or glib :)20:32
kenvandineNafai, if you don't mind, take a look at this20:37
kenvandineit is to deal with threadlock and the keyring20:38
kenvandineproblem is... removing the gobject.threads_init() means it never calls the callback on complete20:39
dobeykenvandine: do i need to help fix the other issues too?20:39
kenvandineso anything that depends on that, is busted20:39
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kenvandinebut it fixes other issues20:39
kenvandinedobey, if you can figure out why that callback never gets called :)20:39
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kenvandinethat is the only real issue20:39
dobeybecause it's being called from a thread20:39
kenvandinethe threads complete20:40
kenvandineall the individual operations complete20:40
dobeyso it's calling something that doesn't exist on that thread20:40
kenvandinewell... this is the weirdest part20:40
=== bjf is now known as bjf-afk
kenvandinewhen the next scheduled refresh starts, the first thing that happens is loading_complete gets called20:41
kenvandineit's like waiting20:41
Nafaibtw, does anyone have a recommendation for a good netbook?  I'm considering buying one.  My wife has an Acer Aspire one that I feel is a little flimsy, so I'd like other options20:45
kenvandineNafai, i don't20:55
kenvandineok... i might have fixed gwibber now20:55
NafaiI've just been looking at the API docs for this stuff :)20:56
NafaiI've got a ton to learn20:56
kenvandinethreading.Thread.__init__(self, target=loop)20:56
kenvandinesetting the mainloop there in MapAsync seems to do the trick20:56
Nafailet me know if you need me to test20:56
kenvandinethe is no end to the google search results for people complaining about problems with threading in python :)20:56
kenvandineNafai, thx20:56
LaserJockNafai: my only netbook is a AA1, which I like, maybe you need an iPad :-)20:57
NafaiLaserJock: haha20:57
NafaiNow I wouldn't mind a tablet for web surfing and games, since my laptop doesn't leave the office now its primary function is work.  But...no thanks.20:57
LaserJockI just tried out Gmail's tablet UI, it might not be so bad20:58
Nafaiyeah, I saw some screenshots20:58
LaserJockbut I would require a terminal and that's where I think the iPad and I would part ways20:58
Nafaiand I couldn't easily run Emacs on it, either :)20:59
LaserJockemacs doesn't run "easily" on a lot of things I use20:59
LaserJockbut when you get the OS loaded initially it seems to go ok ;-)20:59
kenvandinedobey, mind reviewing my fix?21:00
dobeykenvandine: which one?21:01
NafaiI had it running on my G1 in a Debian chroot21:01
Nafaithat was interesting :)21:01
kenvandinethreading.Thread.__init__(self, target=loop)21:02
kenvandineis the gist of it21:02
kenvandinein class MapAsync21:02
kenvandinesetting it to use the same mainloop21:02
kenvandinedobey, that is on top of your branch21:02
dobeykenvandine: MapAsync doesn't have a loop argument21:04
dobeykenvandine: url to your diff? :)21:04
kenvandineit does now :)21:04
kenvandineone sec21:04
kenvandinedobey, ^^21:06
rickspencer3Nafai, netbook = Dell mini 10v21:06
rickspencer3the "v" is important21:06
NafaiI seem to remember you saying you had wireless problems...is that because you got the non-v?21:06
rickspencer3Nafai, when you run gwibber, do you get your CPU pegged at 100% sometimes?21:06
dobeykenvandine: also i don't think that works how one expects it to21:07
dobeykenvandine: i'm surprised that works...21:07
kenvandineyou didn't think this could have worked before :)21:07
dobeygrr, pydoc docs suck.21:07
dobeywell, at this point i am just classifying gwibber code as 'magic' :)21:08
Nafairickspencer3: I haven't noticed because the last time I ran gwibber it was crashing on me with some desktopcouch error and I seem to remember you guys talking about it, so I haven't tried it21:08
Nafaidobey: Usually that's the case when you use threads :)21:08
rickspencer3Nafai, so do a distupgrade21:08
rickspencer3the crashers should be fixed21:08
dobeyNafai: no no. i ♥ threads21:08
dobeyNafai: and i still think gwibber is magic :)21:08
Nafaiyeah, I just re-launched after this morning's upgrade and it launched fine, no CPU pegging yet21:09
Nafaidobey: async :)21:09
rickspencer3but kenvandine and dobey are trouble shooting a threading bug, and if you can repro it, I'd like you to help with testing21:09
dobeytarget is the callable object to be invoked by the run() method. Defaults to None, meaning nothing is called.21:09
dobeykenvandine: ^ that's why i am amazed that works21:09
kenvandineok... so this re-introduced the CPU load problem :)21:09
rickspencer3Nafai, ok .. then please do this:21:09
kenvandinehumm... that isn't what i read21:09
rickspencer31. go to your gwibber settings21:09
rickspencer32. pick identical21:09
kenvandinebut now it works again as expected with plaintext passwords21:09
rickspencer33. change the password, then change it right back to the right one21:10
rickspencer34. click save21:10
dobeykenvandine: so your fix brought the cpu usage back? :)21:10
rickspencer3then reboot and see if you get the pegging problem21:10
kenvandineyup :)21:10
kenvandinebut now the operations complete :)21:10
* kenvandine is getting frustrated!21:10
rickspencer3kenvandine, I can see that you are close21:10
kenvandinedobey, but without that, even not using the keyring it never called loading_complete21:11
dobeykenvandine: haha, thraedlocks ftf21:11
rickspencer3I'm guess there is just a tad more complexity and you just have a bit more to tease out21:11
dobeyok, let me poke at the code21:11
kenvandineand google is no help... full of people having the same problems and no solutions21:11
kenvandinedobey, thx!21:11
kenvandinedobey, you clearly understand this way better than me :)21:11
dobeykenvandine: at some point in time, i made it a point to try and understand threads + glib/gtk+ :)21:13
Nafaiok, I'm getting the CPU pegging when I added my identi.ca account :)21:13
kenvandineNafai, yay!21:13
kenvandinenow hang tight to test fixes :)21:13
Nafaisure thing21:13
kenvandineor poke at code to make it not suck... your choice21:13
kenvandinebut i think dobey will fix it before we could :)21:14
kenvandinedobey, from what i have found on google... not many people understand this, at least in python21:14
Nafaiyeah, probably21:15
dobeykenvandine: most people don't understand it in C either21:15
Nafairickspencer3: so the 10v isn't available any more, supposedly the current mini 10 supercedes it.  what was the reason for the "v"?21:16
jcastroyou want the v if it's a 1021:16
jcastrothe normal 10 was pulsbo21:16
kenvandinedobey, your right, clearly target= is wrong21:16
jcastroyou want a mini 1012 if you want a dell21:16
kenvandinebad google juice there21:16
jcastroNafai: just make sure it doesn't have a GMA500.21:17
dobeykenvandine: yeah, and calling mainloop.run() on a running mainloop isn't going to be useful21:17
dobeyGMA500 is the debil21:17
jcastroNafai: ime the hp mini's have better keyboards, and I find the touchpad on the dell netbook basically unusable21:17
dobeyat least not from another thread21:18
Nafaijcastro: oh, I do remember playing with an HP, the keyboard did seem nice21:18
rickspencer3jcastro, the touchpads on the Dell mini's were fixed by tsleliot like 6 months ago21:19
rickspencer3they work quite fine now21:19
jcastrorickspencer3: I have a problem with it even after the fix, I think it's just the built in buttons don't jive with me21:19
rickspencer3they work find21:20
rickspencer3fine, even21:20
rickspencer3though if you can't get the "v", there's nothing to discuss21:20
rickspencer3you don't want poulsbo graphics :(21:20
NafaiIt says it has an Intel NM10 Express graphics card21:20
rickspencer3Dell is quite supportive of Ubuntu and FOSS, so I default to them21:21
jcastrothe mini 1012 has all the new pinetrail hotness, but they don't offer that on their ubuntu store yet21:21
Nafaiyeah, the one I'm looking at comes with XP21:21
dobeyi wish fujitsu would make a new U without gma50021:22
jcastroNafai: when you decide on one lmk, I am looking for an ubuntu netbook for my dad21:22
Nafaisure thing21:22
jcastrobut I am waiting on dell to refresh their options.21:22
NafaiI might be until after UDS, though I'll probably wish it was before when I get there :)21:23
LaserJockyou should get one with Windows 7 on it, it makes you appreciate Ubuntu that much more ;-)21:23
LaserJockI spent hours and hours and hours on mine just to get iTunes set up, I can't believe they actually sell that stuff21:24
rickspencer3Nafai, are you getting the Gwibber 100% bug?21:24
Nafaiyeah, I was until I quit gwibber :)21:25
kenvandineLaserJock, :-D21:25
dobeyugh, reading python modules written in C that wrap C libs hurts21:26
Nafaidobey: too much refs and unrefs and the like?21:28
dobeyNafai: too many weird line breaks and the like21:28
dobeyand all the weird PyExc names and stuff21:28
NafaiI wish there was a decent FFI that was used more21:28
NafaiOne thing I like about Haskell.  You wrap C code by written Haskell code21:29
vishhmm , this README needs to be removed/modified : /usr/share/notify-osd/icons/hicolor/scalable/status/README21:31
dobeyi think i might need to call C from python21:31
vishiirc it was either pitti or macslow who made the last upload21:32
dobeywhere the heck is glib.threads_init even defined21:38
dobeykenvandine: so this sucks21:40
dobeykenvandine: so i think the 'correct' answer here, is that we need to make a fairly large fix to pygobject :(21:41
dobeykenvandine: because it doesn't currently wrap gthread.[ch], except for calling g_thread_init() for threads_init()21:42
dobeykenvandine: and all the mutex stuff is in there21:42
kenvandinethat sounds sub-optimal... and like fixing that would be useful21:43
kenvandinebut yikes!21:43
dobeykenvandine: we might be able to use ctypes to load libgthread and map/call a few methods that we need, as an interim fix though21:45
kenvandineall this to store passwords in the keyring :)21:48
dobeythe keyring thing is just a little bump. i don't know how gwibber wasn't already having these problems21:48
dobeyi think it was but nobody noticed them until now :)21:49
kenvandinewithout the call to gnomekeyring.find_items_sync, everything is fine21:49
dobeyfor different perceptions of fine i guess :)21:51
kenvandinehehe... well it all worked with no CPU load problems... but was insecure, sure21:51
dobeyi mean, i am surprised that it would have worked without threadlocking21:53
dobeyand desktopcouch threadlocks for me still21:55
kenvandineyeah, chad has found an older version of libgnome-keyring0 that doesn't cause that21:56
kenvandinethat is the last version that didn't expose this21:56
kenvandinebut, that version doesn't fix gwibber21:57
dobeywell it's weird, because i wrote a test script with the intention of locking up21:57
dobeyand it runs just fine :(21:57
dobey    Thread(target=get_kr_entries).start()21:58
dobeyall that does is find_items_sync() and return them21:58
dobeyand it succeeds21:58
kenvandinedobey, so you think those are the two possible fixes? fix pygobject or map the C methods ourself in gwibber?22:06
dobeyso i've got myself a threadlock now in a simple test22:12
dobeykenvandine: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/408313/22:21
dobeykenvandine: or the other option is to just remove all the threading stuff, and use objects/signals instead22:47
dobeykenvandine: and just make it async22:48
dobeywhich it should probably do anyway. dispatcher.py frightens me :)22:48
rickspencer3signals ftw22:49
dobeylater, gotta get away from the computer :)22:59
rickspencer3bye dobey23:01

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