
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter
Tm_Tgood morning everyone08:36
=== remix_auei is now known as remix_tj
=== remix_tj is now known as remix_auei
bazhangsudo apt-get install webcam ?12:20
jussi01bazhang: ?12:23
bazhangdidn't thin k that was for enabling webcams12:23
jussi01its a webcam grabber12:23
jussi01webcam - image grabber and uploade12:23
bazhangimage-grabber iirc12:23
jussi01!info webcam12:24
ubottuwebcam (source: xawtv): image grabber and uploader. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.95.dfsg.1-8.1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 37 kB, installed size 116 kB12:24
ubot4jussi01: webcam (source: xawtv): image grabber and uploader. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.95.dfsg.1-8.1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 37 kB, installed size 116 kB12:24
ubot2jussi01: webcam (source: xawtv): image grabber and uploader. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.95.dfsg.1-8.1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 37 kB, installed size 116 kB12:24
bazhangyep PM'ed ubottu :)12:24
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bazhangeleizer must understand by now the #ubuntu-es is the correct channel15:08
erUSULbazhang: i will tell hime now. three times in a row is too much ;)15:08
bazhangerUSUL, more like ten by now :)15:09
bazhangnon response via my PM so far15:09
m4veleizer isn't already in u-es?15:09
erUSULm4v: cada vez que entra primero pregunta en #ubuntu despues alguien le dice que vaya a #ubuntu-es y va. y asi cada vez15:10
erUSULcomo está instalando los drivers de lagrafica ha reiniciado un par de veces. mas otra vez que lo hecho el bot etc etc ....15:11
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »15:11
m4verUSUL: heh, parece que hay un aumento de personas que aparentan no leer lo que uno les dice...15:14
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guntbertwhat is the general opinion on ubuntu-tweak? is it something dreaded like automatix/ultramatix or is it ok?20:32
m4vit is a shell script?20:34
IdleOneguntbert: not supported but not discouraged officially I believe20:35
guntbertIdleOne: ok thx - serraphyn in #ubuntu is/was talking about it20:36
IdleOneguntbert: at the end of the day all we can do is let people know about the dangers of using unsupported apps not from the repos.20:37
IdleOneafter that if they break their system we can say well all you can do now is a clean install20:37
guntbertIdleOne: that was my point - should I warn him?20:37
IdleOneguntbert: yes20:37
IdleOneguntbert: I haven't used it but I think all it does is automate installing of codecs and such20:40
guntbertIdleOne: I warned him (he thought it was "another package manager")20:41
IdleOneyeah FUD is awful20:41
IdleOnewell from the screenshot I see it looks like it probably connects to the repos for package mangement ( not sure which repos ) and also has menu for compiz config and gconf20:43
IdleOneguntbert: you just helped him change the password to a stolen laptop with ubuntu on it :P21:04
IdleOneman I hope not :/21:04
guntbertIdleOne: whos got the hardware got the system - its the ancient rule :-)21:05
IdleOneyeah I guess so21:05
IdleOneI always get a weird feeling when people ask how to change the password because they forgot it21:06
IdleOneI mean how does anybody forget their password?21:07
IdleOneI know mine, my parents, my sisters plus all the different passwords for work and a couple of my coworkers passwords also21:07
guntbertIdleOne: easy: just change it, and don't the compi for some time - that was my last time21:08
guntbert*don't use21:08
IdleOneguntbert: I remember my pin numbers for bank accounts that have not been used in years21:08
IdleOnejust something I remember easy I guess21:09
IdleOnedon't ask me when my mothers birthday is lol21:09
guntbertIdleOne: thats fine for you - and the other thing is not so fine :-)21:09
m4vI always lose my GPG key 'cause I forget my passphrase21:09
IdleOnem4v: yeah I do that too :/21:10
IdleOneguess I am not as perfect as I think :P21:10
Myrtti♥ encryption ♥21:11
IdleOneMyrtti: even encryption can be cracked, to get the pass out of my head they will have to kill me21:12
IdleOnegood thing I don't have anything worth killing me for21:12
Myrttianyway, encryption is useless if it's hardware they're after21:13
Myrttilike most laptop thiefs are21:13
m4vI guess guntbert did right as long as it doesn't start giving tutorials for john the ripper or other hash breaking tools :P21:13
arandWhat's with the invite only #ubuntu+2 by the way? Is this where the secret true rulers of ubuntu reside?21:18
guntbertarand: I guess that is one way to keep it empty...  - no sense in giving support for that :-)21:20
m4vthere's #ubuntu+3 too!21:22
Myrttier, there is not #ubuntu+2. It appears as invite only if you are on #ubuntu+1 - since #ubuntu+2 is actually a redirect to #ubuntu+1.21:22
guntbertMyrtti: it appears as invite only here too :-)21:24
=== remix_tj is now known as remix_auei

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