
IntuitiveNippleIs there a tool on end-user (not developer/build) PCs to determine the package architecture in use (i386/amd64/ppc) ?01:14
crimsunIntuitiveNipple: do you mean a friendly version of dpkg --print-architecture?01:24
IntuitiveNippleYes. I kinda found a way: ARCH=$(apt-get -v | head -n1 | cut -d" " -f 4)01:24
crimsunerr, I don't know if I'd recommend the latter over the former ;-)01:24
IntuitiveNippleSomething that will 'just work' on a user PC that hasn't had dev tools installesd01:25
crimsunwell, dpkg will always work if it's a standard Ubuntu system.01:25
IntuitiveNippleIt's only for some instructions for a bug report for users to download a correct .deb from a PPA01:25
crimsun(and pretty much Debian, too)01:25
crimsunis the Ubuntu release at least 9.10?01:25
crimsunif so, why not just recommend using add-apt-repository?01:26
IntuitiveNippleTo avoid adding the PPA to apt sources since there's *lots* in there, I'm just giving some instructions including some 'wget ...' lines and wanted to ensure they're generic01:26
crimsunI'm not sure why you would recommend doing that instead of getting the necessary package into the repo proper01:27
IntuitiveNippleBecause it is for testing, and the package I've put in my PPA is in the process of going into the repos. It's on Debian mentors right now01:28
crimsunwhat is the oldest supported Ubuntu version for your target package?01:28
crimsunreally, it makes more sense to use dpkg --print-architecture01:29
crimsunthat is its function, after all01:29
IntuitiveNippleOh kick me! I was misreading 'dpkg' as one of the dev tools, not the generally available tool, doh *blush*01:30
IntuitiveNippleyeah, so, that'd work :p01:30
IntuitiveNippleI knew I'd done it before but couldn't find it when I needed it01:30
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wzssyqahow pbuilder use packages in /var/cache/result as rep?06:40
desrtis it too late to have a new package pulled from debian for lucid?08:55
geserdesrt: yes (unless you have a really good reason to get an exception)09:21
* sebner giggles at Maverick Meerkat10:24
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ScottKLucidFox: Are you using the quassel Qt packages on Lucid?13:40
ScottKIs there anyone that cares about evolution-mapi, it looks like it may have to be removed from Lucid.13:43
LucidFoxScottK> No, I don't have them installed13:44
LucidFoxWhat's the matter?13:47
ScottKLucidFox:  bug 55390613:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553906 in quassel "cannot select any text (i.e. select text to copy and paste)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55390613:53
ari-tczewplease sponsor bug 26223515:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262235 in clutter "[SRU] Does not work on 64bit properly" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26223515:24
ari-tczewbdrung: thanks for sponsoring obexd, could you get sponsorship @ bug 262235 as well?16:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262235 in clutter "[SRU] Does not work on 64bit properly" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26223516:04
bdrungari-tczew: please add the required information to both of these bugs.16:15
bdrungari-tczew: borked date16:21
bdrungSat, Sun16:21
cndI've got a fix for a gnome-settings-daemon bug (bug 484186), I've linked to a branch, but when I go to nominate it for a release it says there's no release manager16:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 484186 in gnome-settings-daemon "Cannot switch Monitor configuration CRTC 58" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48418616:21
cndis this the right approach?16:22
bdrungcnd: you don't nominate a bug for the development release. nomination is for stable release updates.16:24
cndbdrung: ok16:24
dutchieHi, I'm looking at fixing bug 541951 by applying the supplied patch, but I'm not sure how to deal with the .tar.bz file in lp:ubuntu/firefox. Could anybody point me in the right direction?16:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 541951 in firefox "Firefox 3.6 does not honour lockPref " [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54195116:30
micahgdutchie: I think this is being discussed in #ubuntu-mozillateam ATM16:31
dutchieoh, does that exist?16:31
dutchieI'll go and ask there16:31
ari-tczewbdrung: so do I need to reupload revision?16:31
bdrungari-tczew: yes, would be nice16:32
ari-tczewbdrung: after this, do you will upload?16:33
bdrungari-tczew: i will check it and probably upload it16:34
ari-tczewbdrung: reuploaded17:09
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bdrungari-tczew: you could push a new revision instead of reuploading17:29
ari-tczewbdrung: I asked: reupload? you: yes...17:31
bdrungari-tczew: "upload" interpreted as general term. ;)17:31
bdrungbut anyway17:32
bdrungari-tczew: done17:36
AJ_I need to know how do I get the Ubuntu package manager to know that a new version to my software is available and it needs to update it18:24
AJ_Is there something i need to specify in my debian package18:26
AJ_So I have a debian package which can be downloaded and installed18:28
nigelbis it going to be in ubuntu/debian or in a ppa?18:28
AJ_its on a website18:30
AJ_just like google chrome18:30
nigelbas a deb?18:30
nigelbin that case, you cannot have package manager show that there is a new version, sorry18:31
AJ_So how does google chrome does it18:33
nigelbI haven't tried, so I dunno.  probably someone else knows the answer18:33
AJ_Doe anyone know the answer18:34
azeemAJ_: google chrome just checks back with google whether there's a new version I guess18:35
AJ_But i can see google chrome on synaptic package manager listing18:37
AJ_so this means package manager checks to see if a new version is available18:37
nigelbpackage manager checks only if a line is added to your sources.list file18:38
azeemAJ_: do you have a special chrome APT repository activated in synaptic?18:39
AJ_How do I check that18:40
AJ_so when i open synaptic package manager and i search for chrome it gives me a list entry with google-chrome-beta   installed-version        current -version         description18:43
nigelbAJ_, go to system > Administration > software sources18:44
nigelbin the second tab, see if there are more than 2 lines18:44
AJ_yes there is a google listing available there18:45
nigelbah, so thats how you get updates to chrome via package manager18:45
nigelbyou need to have an apt repository18:45
AJ_how do i manage to do that18:46
azeemas a user or as a developer?18:46
AJ_having an apt repository for my application18:46
azeemit's probably easiest to have a PPA18:46
AJ_as a developer18:46
azeemand publish/advertise it to your users18:46
nigelb+1 to the PPA suggestion18:46
AJ_is there a good tutorial available for setting up PPA18:47
nigelbhelp.launchpad.net should have some18:47
AJ_will check it out18:48
AJ_thanks a ton guys for ur help18:48
jcastroAJ_: the chrome deb works by dropping a google sources.list in /etc/apr/sources.list.d18:49
jcastrothat should bet /etc/apt I mean18:50
nigelbjcastro, yeah, thats what we figured out too.  He's going to set up a PPA for his app :)18:50
stevecrozzwhat's the name of that tool that helps you update debian/control?19:40
nigelbabustevecrozz, what do you want to update?19:41
stevecrozznigelbabu: I'm building an experimental package from an existing one, i was going to add a dependency for one thing19:41
nigelbabustevecrozz, no, I meant what do you want to update in debian/control..19:42
stevecrozzthe dependencies19:42
nigelbabuah, you have to do that manually I guess19:43
stevecrozznigelbabu: ok, what about the changelog? isn't there a util for that?19:43
nigelbabudch -i19:44
stevecrozzah that's right, thanks19:44
nigelbabuand to update maintainer 'update-maintainer'19:44
stevecrozznigelbabu: I'm updating nginx to add http://projects.unbit.it/uwsgi/wiki/RunOnNginx19:53
stevecrozzso I need to add a new line to debian/rules, which needs to reference uwsgi19:54
stevecrozzdo I need to build a package for uWSGI also? or should I just copy the uWSGI source files into the nginx source folder?19:54
nigelbabustevecrozz, sorry, I don't know enough to help you.. hang around and see if others can help19:55
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mcurringtonHello. Who maintains the package irssi? In apt-cache show it tells me "Ubuntu Core Developers"21:47
ScottKThat would be who it is.  In Ubuntu almost all packages are team maintained21:49
arandmcurrington: "aptitude changelog irssi" and see who does the most changing?21:49
stevecrozzafter uploading a package with dput is there anything special I need to do to get the builder to build it?22:42
chrisccoulsonstevecrozz, no, as long as it was accepted22:44
sistpotyLaney: mind taking a look at bug #550191? Especially if we should follow debian and drop haskell support on ia6423:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 550191 in haskell-utils "please remove haskell-utils (binary, source) (rm'd in unstable)" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55019123:46
Laneysistpoty: you can fix that by syncing hmake23:49
Laneyassuming it builds23:50
sistpotyLaney: *nod*, haven't checked it yet, still on my list ;)23:50
Laneysistpoty: I should look at the remaining packages23:54
Laneywe are close now23:54
LaneyI saw your bugs about the doc package renaming not providing an upload path, that's disappointing23:54
sistpotyLaney: actually I only found that out since that lead to a FTBFS in ubuntu... the arch:all package with the old name was still available and got drawn in, however it had a versioned dep on haddock that couldn't get fulfilled23:56
sistpotyLaney: I don't think the upgrade path is too much of a problem though, it'll only mean that the new -doc package won't get upgraded to, however it doesn't result in installation failures23:57
Laneysistpoty: Yes, it's not a big problem, just a bit careless.23:57
sistpotywell, things happen, like /me preparing an upload before dinner, uploading it after dinner and forgetting to change anything but changelog :)23:57
LaneyI wonder when pandoc will be finished23:58
sistpotyyeah, it's starting to get late for lucid23:58

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