
* ScottK returns with more Scotch.05:33
ScottKMore Scotch == More NBS gets done.05:33
ScottKUrgh.  Samba4 got no updates this cycle.  Do we want the 9 month old snapshot we have, the 7 month old snapshot from Unstable, or the 4 month old snapshot from December?05:54
ScottKNeed to rebuild due to talloc transition anyway.05:54
ScottKCorrection, the Experimental snapshot is two months old05:55
ScottKI'll leave all three building when I go to bed and see what survives.05:56
ScottKLooks like the answer may be "the one that builds".  Two of the three didn't make it through configure.06:06
ScottKOK, 0 for 3 and I see it's on the supportable binaries removal list.  Will see what I can do with it tomorrow.06:17
asac  ubufox_0.9~rc1-0ubuntu1_source.changes: done.12:59
asacSuccessfully uploaded packages.12:59
asacok ...12:59
asacslangasek: we wont be able to attend todays meeting ... holiday + travelling12:59
asacslangasek: i will send a mail with our status replying to the meeting reminder13:00
asacslangasek: also will include the stuff we wanted to discuss on omap ...13:00
asaci will be back on Wed13:00
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=== barry_ is now known as barry
slangasekasac: omap> ok, thanks - have a good holiday!15:46
ScottKslangasek: I believe I have a plan: downgrade ldb to 1:0.9.6~git20090912-1, upgrade samba4 to 4.0.0~alpha8+git20090912-1 (from Unstable), then rebuild openchange and sssd.  I've tried these locally.19:05
ScottKCan haz FFe?19:05
ScottK(please no paperwork, I don't think I could stand making a sensible bug of it)19:05
slangasekScottK: how are you handling the downgrade?  +really.git20090912-1?20:33
ScottKExcept ld is getting confused now for some reason.20:34
ScottKerr dpkg-shlibdeps I mean20:36
ScottKI'm trying another local build of the unmodified package to make sure it's related to the rename20:37
ScottKShould know in ~5 minutes20:37
ScottKYeah, builds fine when not renamed20:38
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=== bjf-afk is now known as bjf
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ScottKFoundi t.20:41
slangasekScottK: FFe granted, yes20:44
ScottKOn it's way.21:02
doko__hmm, who did give back schroot on armel? did give it back just 1h ago ...21:24
slangaseknot me21:34
* ScottK neither21:36
ScottKAny ideas what samba4 would be in the Xubuntu package set?22:39
slangaseksounds like a bug to me22:49
* ScottK wonders if the bug gets filed against cjwatson?22:52
ScottKI was wrong about saving a binary New.  The newer samba4 snapshot has new binary packages.22:53
* ScottK is off for a while.22:59
slangasekScottK: the kdebase-workspace repo has an unrelated change to the default homepage; are you ok with that going in w/ the plymouth fix, or should I revert temporarily?23:03
slangasekScottK: I see samba4 in the queue, but not ldb?23:03
ScottKslangasek: I went ahead and pushed ldb through since Universe isn't frozen.23:16
slangasekah, ok23:16
ScottKslangasek: I'm fine with the homepage change (it's been discussed in #kubuntu-devel)23:16
ScottKPushed samba4 too.23:16
ScottKI'm off (really this time).  I 'll at kdebase-workspace when I get back.23:36
slangasekok - should finally reach the queue in 10min or so23:37

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