
tonyyarussoeh, the button order is just a gconf key.00:09
TakyojiAny interesting April Fools' at all?01:02
TakyojiI've already seen Slashdot, Ars Technica, the new RFC, xkcd, canvasdemos.com, and deviantART01:02
Takyojiand Thinkgeek01:02
Takyojiand Gmail01:03
kermitoh i like the new xkcd interface01:27
kermiti hope thats not just for today01:27
kermiti never really got used to this pointy clicky stuff01:27
TakyojiI typically prefer a GUI interface; but the xkcd theme I absolutely love. xP01:28
kermitHAHA i just started trying to page up using ctrl-a { up, and shift pageup.01:29
kermitTakyoji: you must be young ;p01:29
TakyojiThe Linux kernel is a few months older than I. :P01:29
TakyojiApparently the Facebook interface now uses Bing for web searches..01:56
tonyyarussoFacebook does web searches?01:57
TakyojiWhen you do a search, sometimes it may aggregate results for a web search02:00
TakyojiAnd whenever you do a search on Facebook, there's an option to do solely a web search02:01
kermitTakyoji: i'm older than BSD02:34
Takyojiheh http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=205085502:41
tonyyarussoI'm older than Linux!02:42
Takyojiheh http://tremulous.net/02:46
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tonyyarussoAnd you're still right where you started!20:48
Obsidian1723man 10.04 is gonna be a support nightmare if some things dont change.20:49
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