
Transmogrifox@ScottL - I noticed a mailing list thread w/ you and Teza talking about Rakarrack packaging for Lucid.17:39
TransmogrifoxI thought I would let you guys know we're starting to slow our new features and put efforts into pushing out another release, so hang tight :-) We have a lot of new stuff, which you can see on the sf.net web page help section...The latest is a vocoder17:41
ScottLTransmogrifox, I saw you mention the vocoder in #opensourcemusicians, that's awesome :)17:43
ScottLnothing will happen until May as far as updating17:44
Transmogrifox:-)  Josep and I have been having a lot of fun....17:44
TransmogrifoxMay is a reasonable target for us... I would rather see an upcoming release in the ubuntu repos than 0.4.2...17:45
TransmogrifoxWe keep finding bugs that we have been fixing in the current development, so I think it will be a little more stable17:45
ScottLto be honest, the ubuntustudio devs are limited so we would probably even wait until Debian Multimedia packages it for Debian and then we would sync it to Ubuntu17:46
Transmogrifox:-)  Ok, well that buys time.  0.3.0 is a solid release I think, so my advice would be to save the effort and skip 0.4.2 and hold on until the next version comes down the line...17:48
TransmogrifoxJust my 2 pennies, but I thought I'd let you know what's happening behind the scenes...17:49
ScottLi have a reminder set for may to see about syncing so I'll add this information to it17:49
ScottLoh, i really appreciate your input to us and your work with rakarrack :)17:49
TransmogrifoxThe PPA's are great...if people want recent versions of anything, I have found most everything I would want in PPA's, so it's a nice thing :-)17:50
TransmogrifoxThanks... now I better get back to work :(17:50
Transmogrifox(that is the boring day job work)17:51
ScottLagain, thanks Transmogrifox18:26
TransmogrifoxScottL, you bet.  have a good day18:29

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