
sobukusHey, folks... I am wondering where I should put the flames (eh... helpful bug reports;-) about the ubuntu studio lucid beta01:07
sobukusI tried an install and am still struggling to get the system working.01:07
sobukusHints about how to get USB GSM/3G modem dialup would be appreciated, too (that used to work out of the box with plain ubuntu 9.10)01:08
* sobukus is not sure if this should go to some mailing list, generic launchpad tracker... special tracker...01:15
holsteinhey there sobukus01:15
holsteinsounds like your going through it01:16
sobukusoh, of course01:16
holsteinunfortunaly, im still running karmic01:16
holsteinon my studio box01:16
holsteinI TEND to run a seperate machine01:17
holsteinfor the audio produtions01:17
sobukuswell, I wanted to try some "standard" distro on the box, so that there is a remote chance that my band isn't freaked out by me hacking away in scary terminal windows all the time01:17
holsteinOR a shared home set-up01:17
holsteinOR a dual-boot01:17
sobukusthe machine is specifically for that purpose, there in the practice room01:17
holsteinthe mailing list is rather active01:18
holsteinfor ubuntustudio01:18
sobukus-devel? -users?01:18
holsteinyou can join both AFAIK01:18
sobukusthing is ... perhaps you can help me there ... is it normal that after an install, I got no network manager?01:18
holsteinOH yeah01:19
holsteinits not in ubuntustudio01:19
holsteinOR it wasnt in karmics studio01:19
holsteinim not positive01:19
* sobukus notes that it is on the DVD01:19
holsteinim told NM can cause issues with the RT kernel01:19
holsteinim running it01:20
holsteini did a vanilla install01:20
sobukusHm, so networking is supposed to work using the debian-like /etc/network/interfaces ?01:20
holsteinand added studio meta-packages01:20
holsteinand i havent had any problems yet running NM01:20
holsteinsobukus: AFAIK01:20
holsteini havent really tried under ubuntustudio01:20
holsteinBUT it should be the same01:21
holsteinand i got a lucid-server install01:21
sobukushm, so maybe they left out the PPP stuff in studio, too01:21
holsteinand it seemed to be the same01:21
holsteinsobukus: possible01:21
holsteini dont think getting ubuntustudio online is a major concern01:21
sobukusI installed the manager plus provider info using dpkg (synaptic doesnt work properly with the dvd:-/) ... but it doesn't find the modem01:21
sobukuswhile the driver is loaded in the kernel (serial port is created)01:22
holsteinthe USB one?01:22
sobukusoption modile01:22
holsteini havent had the opportunity to use one of those yet either01:22
sobukusperhaps it would magically work when I install ppp packages01:22
holsteinwhere are you?01:22
holsteinyou could try a Loco channel01:22
sobukuswhat's that01:23
holsteinits your local ubuntu team01:24
sobukuswell, I don't assume that huawei USB modems are special to germany01:24
holsteineasier than trying to get a word in over at #ubuntu01:24
sobukusbut you info on studio cutting away network manager on purpose is already valuable01:24
sobukusnot that I like it for personal use, but my idea was to go to ubuntu on the studio to show off that linux can be "easy"01:25
holsteinit can01:25
sobukusjust click on flashy buttons, things happen automatically ...01:25
sobukusso they stop whining to install windows01:25
* sobukus waits for the but01:26
holsteini still research hardware purchases01:26
holsteinand ask a lot of questions before buying things01:26
Blank__most people don't01:26
holsteinhey Blank__01:26
sobukusthe hardware should work... only thing is that ubuntu has annoying behaviour on SCSI systems01:27
sobukusI need massive rootdelay to make it find the root drive01:27
holsteinBlank__: you know about USB GSM/3G modems?01:27
sobukusI found that back then when building the studio box and ditched ubuntu as option, went for rather custom, source-based system01:28
holsteini tried to set up dialup on ubuntu a while back01:28
holsteinand i ran into a hardware set-up issue01:28
holsteinand gave up01:28
sobukusthing is, on standard ubuntu everything is just there01:28
ubottuTo install Ubuntu Studio on top of a vanilla Ubuntu install, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Installation01:28
holsteinsobukus: check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/UpgradingFromHardy01:29
sobukusof course, I don't claim that it's there on lucid, I tried only 9.10 recently01:29
holsteinfor the future01:29
holsteinyou could try a lucid live CD01:30
holsteinand confirm if its a lucid, or a lucidstudio issue01:30
sobukuslive CD should show if the network stuff at least works01:30
* sobukus notes that it really should be lucid because of nasty old version of ardour2 in 9.1001:30
Blank__holstein, nope :(01:31
sobukusyeah, gonna burn a live cd01:31
sobukusthough I still hope to the the current install up to shape... or at least utilize the studio DVD for packages because ... well, 3G uplink is not very thick when you don't have the best connection01:32
sobukusholstein: and  I'll try to report to the -users list about the issues (I assume the boot manager install is just confused about the SCSI setup ... people don't expect real SCSI nowadays)01:33
holsteinsobukus: good idea01:33
holsteini think the devs would appreciate that kind of info01:34
* holstein gotta run01:35
sobukushave fun ... and good night01:38
ScottLsobukus,   this is a more expansive article on upgrading from plain, vanilla ubuntu to ubuntu studio  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu%20Studio%20Upgrade%20from%20Ubuntu01:43
Zenkerheay check out my ubuntustudio background, the colors are a lil depressing because of the jpg n all, if u like gimme your email and ure screen rez and ill render one that'll fit your screen perfectly :)03:39
rlameirogood morning12:18
YAYBREADDoes this distro have pretty decent apps for beginning guitarists??13:42
holsteinYAYBREAD: you still around?15:27
floatinghello... does anyone here have a problem with ubuntustudio 9.10 and mp3 playback?15:44
holsteinhey there floating15:46
holsteinfloating: did you install an mp3 codec?15:46
floatingyeah, it plays15:46
holsteinjust jittery or something?15:46
floatingbut after ~20 minutes it hangs15:46
holsteini was working on some tracks last nite15:47
holsteini exported wav's from ardour15:47
holsteinusing jack15:47
floatingthen I restart either rythmbox or audacious it it's back15:47
holsteineverything was great15:47
holsteinand then i converted them to mp315:47
holsteinshutdown jack15:47
holsteinand tried playing both the mp3's and wav's15:48
holsteinin VLC and other apps15:48
holsteinand the all took a while to get started15:48
holsteinkinda jittery15:48
holsteinpops and clicks15:48
* holstein not really sure why15:48
floatingno, mine starts fine, so not jittery, just halfway through an album it hangs...15:48
holsteintheres a guy in my ubuntuLOCO channel15:49
floatingI'm hoping it's a 9.10 only issue15:49
holsteinhes got the same issue15:49
holsteinhell, i could have it too15:49
floatingyeah I've seen some bug reports online15:49
holsteinive never played a mp3 for more than a few minutes15:49
holsteinjust to hear a track or something15:50
floatingeverything else works %10015:50
holsteinis the sound dead at that point?15:50
holsteindo you have to resart the app to get the sound to play again?15:50
holsteinwhile the audio is hanging, can you make any other sounds?15:51
floatingI have to restart the app15:51
floatingI haven't tried that yet15:51
floatingthat's a good point15:51
floatingI'll play with it a little15:52
holsteini'll ask around too15:52
holstein i got a local friend on the kernel team15:52
holsteinhe might have some ideas15:53
floatingok, thanks... I appreciate it15:53
floatingI get the feeling it's a gstreamer issue15:53
floatingbut I could be wrong15:53
holsteinmakes sense15:53
holsteinis there a fluendo mp3 codec still?15:54
holsteina free one in the repos?15:54
holsteinyou could try that too i suppose15:54
holsteinget rid or ubuntu-restricted-extras15:54
holsteinand install the fluendo one15:54
floatinggood idea16:32
floatingI'll give that a shot also16:32
PatrickGleasondoes anyone here use ubuntu for web design?19:13
PatrickGleasonDoes anyone here use ubuntu for web design?19:25
jussi01PatrickGleason: some. whats your question?19:35
PatrickGleasonjust wondering what real peoples workflow is like.19:35
jussi01Ive used quanta a little.19:35
jussi01mind, its nowhere near the standard of dreamweaver19:36
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator19:36
ubottuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/19:37
jussi01there we are...19:37
jussi01PatrickGleason: youll likely get a better reponse from our mailing list19:46
PatrickGleasonwhere do I sign up?19:46
ScottLPatrickGleason,    https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-studio-users20:05
=== PatrickGleason_ is now known as PatrickGleason
YAYBREADholstein you still there?23:45

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