
geniipolek: Ask away00:03
geniiBah. tab fail00:03
PoleyIs anyone here?00:37
PoleyCould you answer some of my questions about Xubuntu?00:37
Sysiof course00:38
Sysiyou disappeared fast last time :p00:39
PoleyOk---I want to be able to boot it off a USB drive without altering my hard drive00:39
PoleyI've tried everything00:39
PoleyI can find, but it wont work00:39
PoleySometimes, I have been able to get into Xubuntu, but it always crashes and I am unable to boot it off the USB without starting over and reformating the USB drive00:41
Sysiare you making live-usb or persistant installation?00:42
PoleyI think I have tried both--but what I want is a setup where Xubuntu is booted off the USB drive and all settings/etc. are saved onto the drive so they remain there on future reboots00:43
Sysii think you need to have ubuntu and use liveusb-creator for that00:43
Sysimaybe possible also on other way but i dunno if00:44
PoleySo I first get ubuntu, I assume using a live CD?00:44
Sysior just make bootable usb with unetbootin, if your computer supports it00:45
Sysiand ofc k/x/ubuntu all work00:46
PoleyI actually just tried that--it worked up until I clicked "logout", and to log back on it asked for a username and a password even though I had never set that up, and when I rebooted it started to load up Xubuntu, but then just froze on a blank screen00:46
SysiIDK, that maybe isn't supported on livesystem00:47
Sysiunetbootin-created newertheless don't save settings00:47
PoleyOK--so any suggestions as to how I should continue now?00:48
Sysiare you using it on just one computer?00:50
PoleyYes--Windows Vista Ultimate on Dell XPS M1530 laptop00:51
_Techie_as far as live cd passwords go00:53
_Techie_for the ubuntu livecd, the user us ubuntu00:53
_Techie_with no password00:53
PoleyOK-thanks for that00:53
Sysiyou could run install from cd and make it to usb-stick, then select from bios menu to boot win or linux00:53
_Techie_not completely sure about xubuntu though, load it up and run whoami in terminal00:53
_Techie_do you wish this USB to be persistant?00:54
_Techie_i have a link for you then00:54
_Techie_gotta find it first though00:55
PoleyOK--I am fine waiting for a while00:55
_Techie_found it00:58
PoleyThanks--I will try that00:58
PoleyJust one more question thoough00:58
PoleyWill I be able to easily set up my network/internet?00:59
PoleyOr do00:59
PoleyI need special drivers?00:59
_Techie_if it workse out of the box in the livecd, then it will work out of the box in the USB00:59
PoleySo the internet will already be working?01:00
_Techie_should be01:00
PoleyThanks for all the help01:00
_Techie_no problem01:00
PoleyI will try that now--bye01:00
_Techie_im gonna restart and re install my DVD drive, be back soon01:02
PoleyHello again--sorry for bothering you, but what persistence option should I select: 1 GB, 2GB, 3GB, 4GB (all Casper-RW)?01:04
PoleyOh well--I choose 2GB01:12
PoleyThanks anyway01:12
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam
tykmohi guys need help.03:06
tykmoany one here03:06
_Techie_Sysi, my minds gone blank, syntax for installing from a local .deb package using dpkg please03:12
ubottudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.03:12
ubottudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.03:13
=== mOOey is now known as m00se
terroh8erhey guys.. im having trouble with my ethernet connection. it won't connect and i'm sure its not the router04:51
terroh8erit is an older PC04:51
bazhangwhat does sudo dhclient in terminal return04:52
bazhangerr sudo dhclient eth004:52
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terroh8erDHCPDISCOVEDR on eth0 to port 6704:53
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terroh8ermultiple times04:53
bazhangno dhcpoffers?04:54
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terroh8erthe odd thing is.. it says there are 168 updates available. how would it know if there were updates if internet wasnt on?04:54
terroh8eryea no dhcpoffers received04:54
bazhangwhat does ifconfig show04:54
bazhangeth0 lo and wlan0 ?04:55
terroh8ereth0, eth0:avahi and lo04:55
terroh8erits an old pc, no wlan04:55
bazhangand sudo apt-get update ?04:56
terroh8erfailed to fetch04:56
bazhangalso try sudo ifup eth004:56
terroh8erignoring unknown interface eth0=eth004:56
terroh8eralso its onboard.. i had to enable it in the bios04:59
Kruczyslawdamn i have lan problems too05:00
Kruczyslawbut i think i install bad drivers....05:00
bazhangthat should not be an issue, ie onboard05:00
bazhangterroh8er, what is the chipset05:00
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terroh8erone sec. also i just checked the router settings.. it shows up05:01
terroh8erasa a dhcp client05:01
bazhanglspci in terminal05:02
terroh8erohh wait a minute05:04
terroh8erno.. i set it up manually and it said "connection established" but firefox doesnt load. one sec05:04
Kruczyslawbazhang: how to remove driver/ethernet? I have bad drivers...;|05:06
terroh8erDavicom Semiconductor, Inc 21x4x DEC-Tulip compatible, rev 1005:06
bazhangKruczyslaw, what chipset05:06
bazhangterroh8er, I doubt that is it; pastebin the entire output of lspci please05:06
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:06
terroh8erhow am i supposed to paste it?05:07
terroh8erim typing from a laptop05:07
Kruczyslawbazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/407896/05:07
Kruczyslawfail -_-05:08
KruczyslawIts asus chipset as I remember....05:08
bazhangKruczyslaw, does ifconfig show eth005:08
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Kruczyslawyep but I cant modify/use it also cant add new connection ;]05:11
Kruczyslawin applet network menager i see "device unsupported"05:13
terroh8eri think i may have found a fix for my problem05:15
Kruczyslawbazhang: heres my ifconfig anyway: http://pastebin.pl/2107805:17
bazhangterroh8er, dns?05:17
terroh8erno.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18643005:19
terroh8ernoob question here.. how do i save a file i've modified in nano?05:19
terroh8ernm lol05:20
terroh8erif this fixes it, ill shit myself05:21
terroh8erand send pieces of my soiled underwear to everyone here05:22
bazhanglanguage please05:22
Kruczyslawbazhangany any solution for me?05:23
terroh8erdidnt work05:26
terroh8eri guess offtopic.. but does anyone know of an alternative distro that will fit my needs (playing DivX movies to my tv through the S-video out and playing mp3s.. thats it)05:34
_Techie_the main distro that comes to mind is xbmc05:36
_Techie_there is another media player distro but i cant remember the name of it05:36
_Techie_oh yeah, its GeeXboX05:36
_Techie_either one should meet your needs fine05:37
terroh8erhmmm isnt xbmc a live cd only? i guess it doesnt matter huh05:46
_Techie_its both a livecd and an application and distro05:46
terroh8eranother problem is that the pc is old.. 750mhz celeron, 256mb of ram05:46
terroh8eri didn't thin kyou could install it to a hard drive but i may be wrong05:47
_Techie_youd be suprised what i could do with that05:47
terroh8erthanks techie im downloading it now05:48
terroh8er_Techie_: this might be dumb but can i access the internet via geexbox?05:50
terroh8ero ok i guess i can :P05:50
terroh8erit looks confusing though05:50
DaSteelegeexbox is new to me05:51
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DaSteeleim wanting to build a htpc05:51
DaSteeleboungh an mvix ultio05:52
DaSteeleits not quite ready for prime time05:52
DaSteeleimho :D05:52
terroh8eri just want to be able to watch divx movies, as well as hulu content on my tv05:52
DaSteeleic cool05:53
DaSteeleyea I can't get TV out to work05:53
DaSteelesoem xorg bug on this laptop05:53
DaSteelenot even through vga out05:54
DaSteeleunless I go way back to hardy05:54
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1205:55
_Techie_get used to that05:55
_Techie_because unfortunately xorg is becoming old05:55
DaSteelei know I need a newer machine soon05:59
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution06:03
DaSteelethanks ubottu you're a great help06:10
Liquid_Snakedoes anyone know if hard drive access time affects download speed?06:12
DaSteeleI assume it can06:13
DaSteeleon a very very fast server06:13
Liquid_Snakeoh talkin to me06:14
Liquid_SnakeDaSteele:  was that directed to me?06:14
_Techie_it was06:14
Liquid_SnakeI've heard it doesn't06:14
Liquid_Snakefrom linux but I dunno06:14
_Techie_if your downloading slower than your write speed, then no it wont06:14
_Techie_if your downloading fater than your write speed then it will06:15
DaSteelegood answer :)06:15
Liquid_SnakeDaSteele:  I would image wouldn't it make a difference downloading from a 5400 or a 7200 might make a difference06:15
Liquid_Snake_Techie_:  thanks, and thanks DaSteele,06:16
_Techie_no problem, here to help06:16
_Techie_although, good luck downloading at a faster rate than your hard drives can be written at06:18
_Techie_anyway, time for me to start dissasembling my computer for this LAN party06:20
DaSteelein sacramento?06:22
RaMcHiPhowdy *06:24
euthow can i disable the splash screen with the hovering sparkles and the ubuntu logo?06:24
RaMcHiPim not sure eut06:26
eutyou know what i'm talking about right?06:26
DaSteeleon booting?06:31
DaSteeleuse startup manager I think http://www.ubuntugeek.com/startup-manager-change-settings-in-grub-grub2-and-usplash.html06:32
DaSteelethats called the usplash06:33
euti dont see that on the xfce menus06:33
DaSteeleoh yea06:34
DaSteelesudo apt-get install startupmanager06:35
eutin the second tab, appearance, i can only choose between the ubuntu and xubuntu usplash themes. i cant disable them altogether?06:38
DaSteelemight have to hand edit grub.list06:40
eutgrub2 :/06:40
eutso its grub.cfg06:40
DaSteelegd I hate grub 206:40
DaSteelewhy I'm sticking to jaunty for now06:41
euti've already removed quiet and splash from the options line06:41
eutmaybe i have to set nosplash?06:42
euthmm ok06:44
euti see that same sparkley ubuntu logo three times06:44
eut1) after bios, 2) before login chooser (which i still see after disabling it with startupmanager), and 3) after i login but before the desktop fully loads06:45
eutwhen i removed splash from the grub.cfg i stopped seeing it the first time06:45
DaSteeleum install grub 1 :)06:46
DaSteeleidk on this one06:46
DaSteeleunless you use synaptic to remove all usplash packages06:47
eutand remove xubuntu-desktop :/06:49
eutis xubuntu-desktop necessary? :P06:50
eutso removing that wont remove xfce?06:50
matmatmatno it wont06:51
matmatmati dont have it06:51
matmatmatbut think about what youre doing still06:51
matmatmati think it removes gdm e.g,06:52
eutnope, still have gdm06:54
eutand nope, still seeing the splash06:55
eutappears to be the xubuntu splash06:55
matmatmatwhat splash?06:55
moetunesif you want to turn gdm of rename the link in /etc/rc2.d for it so it starts with x instead of s06:56
eutxubuntu logo with sparkly white things flying in a circular cloud below it06:56
euthow can i configure gdm displays?06:57
eutok got it07:03
euthad to remove xsplash07:03
eutnow... how to disable the login chooser? i'd like to just type my username and password07:04
Balsaqgood morning citizens of Xubuntu!08:53
Sysiis it normal that i cant get alsa to xfce-mixer in lucid?10:49
Sysipulseaudio only has master, i need all speakers to work10:50
moetunesSysi: that would be a quwstion for #ubuntu+110:50
Sysimoetunes: xubuntu devs are here10:50
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule10:51
Sysiiirc i've been here longer than you :)10:51
knomeokay boys, calm down :P10:52
Sysiknome: is developer cnah only for development thing or would that be place for lucid questions also?10:53
Sysii'm not sure if this mine is that kind of question10:53
Sysibut are they even going to put that as option to graphical mixer?10:54
knomeSysi, i'd say maybe #xubuntu-devel or #ubuntu+1 for not released releases, but it's true we've been answering to lucid questions in #xubuntu as well10:56
Sysiare there xfce-specific people on #+1?10:58
knomesome, but that's why i also said #xubuntu-devel10:58
mr_pouitSysi: install gstreamer0.10-alsa11:05
Sysimr_pouit: i can use alsamixer in terminal11:16
mr_pouitwith gstreamer0.10-alsa installed you'll be able to select more controls in xfce4-mixer11:17
mr_pouitbut if you want to use alsamixer, that's fine11:17
Sysiah, right11:17
Sysicool ♥11:20
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=== gent_flossk is now known as ardian_flossk
RaMcHiPI made a big boo boo lastnight how would I got about booting into terminal and changing my startup options with xfce?  I made a change to my compiz fusion and whenever it boots up now it locks up15:36
Pres-GasRaMcHiP, when it locks up, can you go into one of the virtual consoles?  Press "ctrl + alt + F2" to get to one.  To go back to the GUI, you can then press "ctrl + alt + F7".15:41
RaMcHiPits a total lockup :(15:43
RaMcHiPyeah and to make things even worse I cannot remember EXACTLY what option I enabled with fusion that is locking it up I believe it was the deform cube option15:44
RaMcHiPso somehow I need to get into my xfce startup file manually and edit it and takeout the compiz-fusion -replace startup line15:45
Pres-GasRaMcHiP, if you hold down the "shift" key right after your BIOS splash, you should get to the GRUB boot screen...Select the latest kernel listed that says "(recovery mode)".  That should get you to a terminal and start up the bare minimum of stuff....then tweak away!15:46
Pres-GasDrop to the root shell prompt15:46
xGrindxubuntu does not recognize partitions of windows15:47
RaMcHiPwhat file would I edit to change my startup options I got to the root shell15:47
RaMcHiPbut I need to change it for my users xfce options15:47
RaMcHiPim still VERY new to linux as a whole :D15:48
Pres-GasNow there you got me RaMcHiP.  I only use the compositing already provided by xfce.  Anyone else care to weigh in?15:48
RaMcHiPyeah I am kind of at a loos myself15:51
RaMcHiPcant find a guide or anything either15:51
RaMcHiPah ha I believe I found it15:53
RaMcHiPok now what is a good text editor to use in console? :D15:53
bazhangnano ?15:54
RaMcHiPkk TY :D15:54
Pres-GasRaMcHiP, nano for newbies!15:54
RaMcHiPBRB with results15:54
Pres-GasBut learn vi somtime15:54
RaMcHiPDOH that isnt it15:54
RaMcHiPthats for my compiz settings :( and I can remember what plugin I activated to get this result :/15:55
RaMcHiPI need xfce startup settings so I can play around with it15:55
RaMcHiPwait I have an idea15:55
RaMcHiPno go :(16:20
RaMcHiPI found a different compiz config file in my etc folder but I didnt see anything in there that looked like it would be of use to my situation16:20
RaMcHiPthank god I got my windows boot still :D16:21
RaMcHiPotherwise even coming into this chan would be impossible16:21
RaMcHiPok I found the file I want to delete16:40
RaMcHiPbut I CANNOT for the life of me figure out the delete command16:40
RaMcHiPI am ~/.config/autostart and I want to delete the file "16:40
RaMcHiP"Compiz Fusion.desktop"16:40
RaMcHiPhow would I go about doing that16:40
RaMcHiPdel rem delete remove nothing works for deleting a file :(16:41
RaMcHiPhow would I delete a file with a space in it through console?16:52
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam
RaMcHiPhello everyone18:04
RaMcHiPanyone here know howto accomplish what is on this vid?  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBnCc64eZ9w&feature=related18:11
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam
terroh8erhi guys.. having some trouble21:33
psycho_oreosask and you may receive21:33
terroh8eri installed xubuntu last night, then i updated. now i turned it on and there is no "taskbar" nor is there the bar at the top that has the applications21:33
terroh8erand also, the terminal and firefox pop up every time it starts up21:34
psycho_oreoshmm update as in distro upgrade?21:35
terroh8erno like.. it said there were 186 updates to install21:36
psycho_oreoswhich version of xubuntu is this?21:36
psycho_oreosafaik there used to be a bug when updating xubuntu, with the xfce-taskbar not showing at boot, I can't remember the links21:37
psycho_oreosas for terminal and firefox starting up, if you have previously started them up, xfce sometimes saves the session so that on the next boot with xfce it will load up those applications21:38
terroh8erwell its happened after 4-5 restarts but i figured it had somethign to do with the taskbar not showing up21:41
terroh8erill do some searching thanks21:41
terroh8erhmm ok so i fixed it by typing xfce4-panel in terminal21:43
terroh8erbut it gives me an error21:43
terroh8er"libxfce5mier-CRITICAL xfe_mixer_get_track assertion GST_IS_MIXER (card) failed21:44
terroh8erah ok21:45
psycho_oreosI'd try to pipe that into google21:45
terroh8eri just did. the person said to put it into the alt-f2 prompt instead of terminal21:47
terroh8erseems to work21:48
terroh8ereverything works now, woot22:03
terroh8eri hope s-video works.. thats the only thing left to try22:04
rofl__i want to have a keyboard shortcut that brings the last used terminal window to foreground22:08
rofl__how would you do that ?22:09
TheSheeprofl__: you could try programming that with devilspie22:10
rofl__interesting, do you also know of other methods ?22:12
rofl__i saw this in a youtub vid ( http://goshawknest.wordpress.com/2009/08/25/how-to-install-eclipsedescentldc-d-programming-language-compiler-and-configure-auto-completition/ ), it looks quite practical22:12
rofl__he seems also have s22:14
rofl__a more advanced edition of the places thingie22:15
rofl__which doenst open thunar, but instead shows the content of the chosen folder in the popup22:15
rofl__again saves from a cluttered taskbar22:18
TheSheepI don't know other method to do that with xubuntu, but other window managers have pretty flexible macro languages22:19
rofl__is there a concept like window messages which i could use ?22:27
rofl__i'm pretty familiar with m$ window handling, sendmessage and so on22:28
rofl__but i have no clue about how X, or the window manager does that22:28
TheSheeprofl__: I suppose that's covered in devilspie documentation22:35

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