
bencrisfordhighvoltage: ah ok00:23
bencrisfordstgraber: are edubuntu hosting any openweek sessions?00:23
sparkerMy clients are not connecting to my new 9.1 install.00:40
sparkerI already had some trouble configuring dns so guess that my eth1 also needs configuring but I dont know how -00:41
sparkerAnyone able to help a Noobie?00:41
* bencrisford thinks 1.10am is time for bed...01:12
bencrisfordnight all01:12
Noob1eIs any oneavailable for support?09:18
=== sparker is now known as sparker100
* bencrisford is a bit concerned about gcompris10:19
bencrisfordthe games are really neat, my 4 year old cousin really enjoyed himself on it10:20
bencrisfordbut when its not in a game10:20
bencrisfordit crashes every 30 seconds10:20
bencrisfordand eventually it renders my pc useless and i have to reboot10:20
bencrisfordreboot by pressing the power button, which i despise doing10:21
bencrisfordit makes me wonder whether we should include something in our packages that could damage someones computer...10:21
bencrisfordit needs *alot* of attention10:21
=== highvolt1ge is now known as highvoltage
mhall119bencrisford: I've never had a problem with gCompris before, what version are you running?13:36
bencrisfordmhall119: im not entirely sure, but it is updating so i obviously dont have the latest..  but i came back to ubuntu a week ago so whatever version i have it was the latest a week ago13:39
bencrisfordi never used to have trouble with it13:39
bencrisfordbut now it hangs, and takes a long time to load up stuff13:39
bencrisfordonce you are in a game it runs fine13:39
bencrisfordbut i have trouble getting back to the main menu and quitting13:39
mhall119bencrisford: on 10.04?13:41
mhall119hmm, I'll have to try it13:42
bencrisfordmy lil cousin absolutely loved the games, well the one we got working...13:42
mhall119I ran it on alpha 2 without a problem13:42
mhall119it has all kinds of good stuff for 4 year olds13:43
mhall119childsplay too13:43
bencrisfordwell i dont see how it would be my hardware, when ive just spent 3 hours playing heroes of newerth without trouble :P13:43
bencrisfordi wasnt sure how good the content was, so i was interested to see what he thought13:43
bencrisfordand he loved the number matching game with the butterflies13:44
mhall119could be an sdl bug or something13:47
mhall119try childsplay and see if it does the same13:47
bencrisfordwell, im just concerned about it because we now know that people are using edubuntu for stuff like educating aids orphans...13:47
bencrisfordand they cant afford to have their computers broke..13:47
bencrisfordi dont have childsplay installed, hang on, ill install now13:49
mhall119when you're at the main gCompris screen, do you hear music playing?13:50
mhall119I ship gCompris with Qimo, which is used by a lot of low income families, or ones with special needs kids, so I know how important it is that things just work13:50
bencrisfordyeah i hear the music :)13:51
bencrisfordchildsplay seems to work fine btw13:51
mhall119I'll check it out, need to rebase Qimo on the beta today anyway14:05
bencrisfordmhall119: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~edubuntu-bugs/+packagebugs-search?field.distribution=ubuntu&field.sourcepackagename=gcompris&search=Search14:14
bencrisfordthere seem to be a few reports of crashes/hangs there...14:14
JohnkxI need help with something21:28
bencrisfordJohnkx: whats the problem? :)21:30
Johnkxthere's something wrong with the flash plug-in on youtube21:32
Johnkxwhenever I try to watch21:32
bencrisfordJohnkx: ok, have you recently installed/upgraded your edubuntu?21:32
JohnkxI can't move that bar for viewing and I can't click on the pause button too21:32
Johnkxoh.. I'm not using edubuntu, just ubuntu21:32
Johnkx>_> I guess there's a difference huh21:33
bencrisfordoh :/, this is the edubuntu channel, but i might be able to help you anyway21:33
bencrisfordnext time, try #ubuntu21:33
Johnkxcool thanks21:33
bencrisfordso you can view the video?21:33
Johnkxoh ok21:33
bencrisfordjust not control it?21:33
Johnkxyes I can21:33
bencrisfordyou're using firefox?21:33
JohnkxFirefox ver. 3.5.8 For ubuntu21:34
Johnkxcanonical - 1.021:34
bencrisfordhas this suddenly stopped working?  or is it a new install?21:34
Johnkxits a new install21:34
JohnkxI tried using other flash plugins but adobe's the only one that works21:35
Johnkxworks but not perfectly :P21:35
bencrisforddo you have 64bit?21:36
bencrisforddid you download the 64bit flash plugin?21:36
Johnkxoh, I didn't download it from this site21:37
bencrisfordthats an alpha development version21:37
bencrisfordso you might not want to try it..21:37
bencrisforddont install that just yet..21:38
JohnkxI got mine by using the install missing plugins that shows up whenever you don't have a flash plugin21:38
Johnkxoh ok21:38
bencrisforddo you have desktop effects?21:38
bencrisfordsudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager21:38
bencrisfordin terminal21:38
bencrisfordtell me when thats done21:38
bencrisfordnow run ccsm21:39
bencrisfordand disable the video plugin21:39
bencrisford"Video Playback"21:39
Johnkxoh ok21:40
bencrisfordnow try youtube21:40
bencrisfordif it still doesnt work, try re-enabling.  i have looked on forums and someone tried disabling and found it worked when they re-enabled after21:40
bencrisfordhows it looking?21:41
Johnkxi still can't click it21:41
Johnkxshould I try re-enabling it?21:42
bencrisfordgive it a go21:42
bencrisfordim not sure why it would work, but people have said it does21:42
Johnkxfor some reason youtube's site is really slow at this time21:42
bencrisfordbtw, you did restart firefox before testing it?  after you disabled video playback?21:43
bencrisfordok goof21:43
bencrisfordand any other apps using flash?21:43
bencrisfordwell disable video and close all applications using flash21:44
bencrisfordthen open firefox and try youtube21:44
bencrisfordhows it going??21:45
Johnkxnot working21:45
bencrisfordand restarting + re-enabling?21:46
Johnkxyeah I've been trying it for a while21:47
Johnkxno luck21:47
bencrisfordalright, im running out of suggestions21:49
bencrisfordtry disabling desktop effects21:49
bencrisfordand seeing if it will work21:49
bencrisfordthat way we can find out if it is compiz that is the problem21:50
bencrisfordif it is, then we can re-enable and find a fix, else we can find out what the problem is21:50
JohnkxI just disabled visual effects21:50
bencrisfordbe sure to restart the flash applications first21:50
Johnkxfrom Appearance preference and yea i closed it already21:51
Johnkxfound the problem21:51
bencrisford? :P21:51
JohnkxIt was the visual effects21:51
bencrisfordok, now we have to find a fix21:52
bencrisfordon forums a few people have suggested different things21:53
Johnkxso yeah basically whenever I enable Visual effects on Extra my flash doesn't work properly21:55
Johnkxand when i turn it off it works21:55
bencrisfordthe problem is compiz+flash21:55
mhall119Johnkx: try enabling/disabling hardware acceleration in the flash configuration21:56
Johnkxbtw just so you know, I can't enable/disable the hardware acceleration when my VE is working21:57
mhall119try changing it while VE is off, and see if that makes a difference21:58
Johnkxyeah I did that too21:58
JohnkxI just turned it off and it did21:58
Johnkxand I used VE again and see if it works, but it didn't21:58
bencrisfordmhall119: it sounds like compiz is fine, flash is fine, but together they dont work21:59
Johnkxyeah, sounds just like that21:59
bencrisfordmhall119: hes using 64bit, and compiz has always been a bit buggy there21:59
mhall119I didn't even know flash was working on 64bit these days22:00
bencrisfordi hear its still pretty bad...22:00
bencrisfordbut it must work, because Johnkx can view youtube when V.Effects are off22:01
Johnkxyeah I can view youtube even if its on/off22:01
Johnkxits just that I can't click it properly22:01
Johnkxlike pausing it22:01
Johnkxor moving the time bar22:01
Johnkxsometimes it works, but mostly it doesnt22:01
Johnkxlike when I spam click on it, It takes maybe 30-50 clicks before it pauses22:02
Johnkxduring when V.E is on22:02
Johnkxeverything works perfectly when its off22:02
Ahmuckhas anyone seen drawpile?22:02
bencrisfordJohnkx: i have found another thread on forums...  they seem to be suggesting pretty much the same things we have been22:05
Johnkxtakes 4ever to download lol22:05
JohnkxI see22:05
bencrisfordJohnkx: theres a couple of things there we havent tried22:05
Johnkxoh cool lets try it22:06
bencrisfordtry editing /usr/lib/nspluginwrapper/i386/linux/npviewer22:07
bencrisfordand add this line the line before last:22:08
bencrisfordexport GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=122:08
bencrisfordthats what the guy on forums says...22:08
Johnkxwhere can I see that /usr/lib/nsplugwin thingy22:08
Johnkxshould I type it in the terminal?22:08
bencrisfordyou could go into terminal and type:22:09
bencrisfordsudo nano /usr/lib/nspluginwrapper/i386/linux/npviewer22:09
bencrisfordthen add a line just before the last one22:10
bencrisfordexport GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=122:10
bencrisfordsomeone on forums suggested it22:10
bencrisfordonce you have edited it22:12
bencrisfordpress Ctrl+X22:12
bencrisfordthen say yes to saving22:12
bencrisfordJohnkx: hows it going?22:14
Johnkxlol sorry I'm really slow on using terminal. font is screwed up lol22:14
Johnkxlol sorry22:15
Johnkxwhen I try to press ctrl - x22:15
Johnkxit says xoff ignored, mumble muble22:15
bencrisfordok, close without saving22:16
bencrisfordi dont feel confident suggesting this...22:16
bencrisfordi dont want to risk you breaking anything22:16
Johnkxkk =p22:18
bencrisfordtheres the 64bit flash download...  but thats an alpha version, so it doesnt come without risk either22:18
JohnkxI guess I'll wait for the beta22:18
Johnkxjust wondering, how come they say Linux is better than windows, but linux has a lot of things that still doesn't work22:20
bencrisfordsorry about that22:27
bencrisfordJohnkx: did i miss any messages from you?22:27
bencrisfordi had computer trouble ;)22:27
bencrisfordJohnkx: im sorry, i have to go22:30
bencrisfordare you around later?  we could have another go at your flash22:31
Johnkxahh na you didn't22:45
Johnkxsorry about the late rep lol22:45
Johnkxyeah sure, we can fix it later. Thanks btw22:46
bencrisfordnight everyone23:47

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