
Tonio_it's fixed hahaha ;)00:08
Tonio_Riddell: I have the fix for QT00:09
Tonio_Riddell: may I upload to kubuntu experimental ?00:10
Tonio_I've been tracking this for a year (maybe 2...)00:15
Tm_Twhat is QT ?00:33
lex79Tm_T: Qt library, libqt401:22
Tm_Tlex79: Qt != QT though (:01:23
Tm_Tmost of the time QT is QuickTime but I assumed that's not what toni meant01:23
=== robotgee1 is now known as robotgeek
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: zomg, akonadi started without complaint02:08
DarkwingDuckHmm, I'm having a dbus issue with akonadi again02:31
DarkwingDuckHow do I register Akonadi with dbus at startup?02:40
JontheEchidnaDarkwingDuck: Basically that means akonadi failed to start, with the fact that it failed to register with DBus being evidence to this failure02:57
verbalshadowOT which did you think is better to use with gmail DIMAP or IMAP03:01
ScottKRiddell, nixternal: Just accepted -workspace with the last KDE bits for Plymouth smooth transition (slangasek did the package).03:12
JontheEchidnaverbalshadow: if you're using KMail, I'd go with pop3 :P03:15
ScottKAt least on Karmic, dimap is working well for me (but not with gmail, don't use it)03:17
ScottKDefinitely between imap and dimap, use dimap with kmail.03:17
verbalshadowJontheEchidna: any reason?03:17
verbalshadowScottK: good to here03:17
JontheEchidnaKMail's IMAP support has never been... robust...03:18
ScottKWell said.03:18
JontheEchidnapop3 support in kmail has probably been around for a decade, and since it's all synchronous it inheritly has less chance of causing crashes03:18
JontheEchidnabut since imap is all a bunch of asynchronous calls to an imap server...03:19
verbalshadowwill the refactor make it better?03:19
JontheEchidnathough I am starting to lose faith in upstream KDEPIM03:19
verbalshadowguess i should look at kmail's repo03:20
verbalshadowJontheEchidna: ??03:20
JontheEchidnaOh, there have been more decisions that I've not been too thrilled with.03:20
JontheEchidnaKAddressBook 4.4 makes everybody look bad, and there's rumor that KMail+Akonadi won't be ready for 4.5, even though it's been merged in to trunk03:21
verbalshadowany place i should read up at?03:21
verbalshadowKAddressBook is useless for me i can't even merge contacts :(03:22
nixternaloi oi03:45
DarkwingDuckJontheEchidna: I guess the question would be how to fix it04:28
JontheEchidnaHrm, hard to tell without knowing exactly why it's not starting04:28
DarkwingDuckWhat you need?04:30
DarkwingDuckJontheEchidna: Here is the error log... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/408421/04:32
JontheEchidnaDarkwingDuck: What happens if you run "akonadictl start" manually?04:33
JontheEchidnaOh, actually, look at test 1504:34
JontheEchidnaa nice crash there04:34
JontheEchidnaNot sure how to fix that04:34
DarkwingDuckJontheEchidna: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/408424/04:37
JontheEchidnaYeah, same crash. Probably want to file a bug on that. (bugs.kde.org for best results)04:37
apacheloggerJontheEchidna, lex79: It was the worst combo of QA fail ever to be witnessed, spanning across 2 different programming languages!!!!!08:06
apacheloggerJontheEchidna, lex79: last I checked it was usable though08:07
apachelogger"usable" being - had to install samba AND already knew how to use the horrible UI08:07
apacheloggerIIRC it was a bit of the slower kind but sharing and unsharing worked08:07
apacheloggerJontheEchidna, DarkwingDuck: from what I have seen there 2 quite ugly akonadi startup bugs, I am not sure how to resolve ... one being that it cant register to dbus at times, second that it cant find any agents even though there are like a billion of them in akonadi's own error log08:09
apacheloggeroh, also, if nepomuk is not on for whatever reason, akonadi also whines08:09
apacheloggernot that I would know why it would do that, but oh well....08:10
* apachelogger went to bed at 23:0008:10
apacheloggerkubotu: time08:11
kubotuapachelogger: Europe - Vienna - Sat Apr 03 09:13 CEST08:11
apacheloggeryet I am way too tired08:11
apacheloggermaybe I am getting old :(08:11
Mamarokapachelogger: trying to catch up with me?08:30
apacheloggerMamarok: on? where? how? :)08:32
* apachelogger is all for catching up :D08:33
Mamarokyou said you were getting old :)08:33
apacheloggerah ^^08:33
* apachelogger hugs Mamarok08:33
* Mamarok rehugs apachelogger08:33
apacheloggerhoney, you are not old, just not as young as JontheEchidna ^^08:33
apacheloggerthen again, only quintasan is younger anyway08:34
apacheloggermaybe all of kubuntu is getting old...08:34
apacheloggerthose things only become problems when no one cares for new minions :P08:35
apacheloggeris that logo in the menu too small?08:54
Mamarokit's a bit small, but doesn't that depend on the screen resolution anyway?08:55
* Mamarok has a really tiny panel by default on her screen08:56
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: I submitted a bug for it. KDE bug:23313208:56
apacheloggerMamarok: I dont think so, because kickoff is thesame size on a small screen as on a large one08:57
apacheloggerwhat looks horrible in the reported issue is that clashing of name and logo08:57
apacheloggerwhich IMHO is a general problem anyway08:57
DarkwingDuckonly thing that sucks is it making kmail totally unusable08:57
apacheloggerubottu: kde bug 23313208:58
ubottuKDE bug 233132 in general "Akonadi crashes during startup" [Crash,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23313208:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:58
apacheloggerMamarok: IMHO the size in http://imagebin.ca/view/dH4wMLLH.html is just perfect ^^08:58
apacheloggernot ultimate stylish whitespace surrounding the logo08:59
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: you should attach things to bug reports directly rather than using paste services and the like08:59
apacheloggerevery bug management software allows attaching of data these days08:59
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: roger08:59
DarkwingDuckI'll output it to a txt file and upload it.09:00
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: you are on lucid?09:00
apacheloggerall updated and stuff?09:00
DarkwingDuckYes, that's what started it09:00
DarkwingDuckI was running lucid on my desktop. updated to grab 4.4.2 and kaboom09:01
apacheloggerthat might be the other case that requires a fix09:01
apacheloggerforgot about that completely09:01
DarkwingDuckSo it's your fault again?09:02
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: didnt nixternal tell you, it's always my fault :P09:02
DarkwingDuckYup :P09:02
apacheloggerthat is a bit of a clumys issue though09:02
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: are you 100% positiv that my recent akonadi fix doesnt help?09:03
apacheloggeri.e. did you restart since last update and all09:03
DarkwingDuckYes, I'm check upgrade one last time, I'll reboot and see what it does for me.09:03
DarkwingDuckokay, everything updated. Give me a sec to reboot.09:04
apacheloggercause otherwise I need to touch the mysql package again, and I hate touching that package :P09:04
apacheloggerMamarok: are you on lucid?09:05
Mamarokapachelogger: yep09:05
apacheloggerMamarok: wanna test this size real quick? ;)09:06
Mamarokapachelogger: not right now, compiling VLC 1.1, that takes time :)09:06
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: Yup, same issue09:08
apacheloggerMamarok: well, if you get to it09:08
apacheloggersudo -- wget -O /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/default/share/apps/desktoptheme/default/widgets/branding.svgz http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/tmp/branding.svgz09:08
apacheloggerthen just restart plasma09:08
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: well, then, please install mysql-server-5.109:08
Mamarokapachelogger: thanks, I will try it09:08
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: then run mysql_upgrade --socket=$HOME/.local/share/akonadi/db_misc/mysql.socket09:09
apacheloggerthen restart akonadi09:09
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: as root?09:09
apacheloggerthe user you run akonadi with09:09
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/408513/09:11
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: is akonadi running?09:11
DarkwingDuckshouldn't be... hang on09:11
apacheloggerDatabase process exited unexpectedly during initial connection!09:13
DarkwingDuckdarkwingduck@StCanard:~/projects/Kubuntu/Lucid$ akonadictl stop09:13
DarkwingDuckUnable to connect to dbus interface of control service09:13
apacheloggersince the socket does not seem to be present the mysql server is not starting either09:14
apacheloggerand that should be largely unrelated from dbus or the other crap09:14
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: please tar up .config/akonadi and .local/share/akonadi and send it to apachelogger@ubuntu.com09:14
apacheloggereither your configs are somehow fckd up or your system is :P09:14
* DarkwingDuck has to get creative in sending an email, hang on09:15
apachelogger100402 20:47:57 [ERROR] Unknown/unsupported table type: innodb09:15
apacheloggerI have seen that error before09:15
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: you sure have some webmail service you can use? ;)09:15
DarkwingDuckYeah, I setup a google accound when I get my droid.09:16
DarkwingDuckI just have to remember the password.....09:16
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: sent09:20
* apachelogger starts breaking his akonadi ^^09:21
DarkwingDuckYOu trying to duplicate it?09:23
* DarkwingDuck raises an eyebrow09:23
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: I think your tables are broken09:24
DarkwingDuckOkay, is there an easy way to fix/reset that?09:25
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: removing the dirs you just sent me will reset all akonadi stuff09:26
apacheloggerdunno how to fix the database alone though09:26
DarkwingDuckOkay, I'll try that.09:26
apacheloggermaybe mysql_install_db helps09:26
apacheloggeror you wait for me to try it ^^09:26
* apachelogger restores backup and breaks all oer again09:35
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: that bad?09:44
apacheloggerit is mysql09:45
apacheloggerit was meant to be crap09:45
DarkwingDuckAhh, okay.09:45
DarkwingDuckSo, that means there is no easy fix.09:46
apacheloggerdont see how09:46
apacheloggerfrom what I have read that issue mostly relates to a mismatch between mysql's config and the actual data09:47
apacheloggernote: mysql will fail if a freaking logsize does not match the size in the config!!!!!09:47
DarkwingDuckOkay, so, aside form cleaning my system is there way to clean mysql and reset that?09:47
apacheloggerA LOG FILE!09:47
apacheloggerdigg that09:47
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: it shouldnt happen again09:47
apacheloggermaybe something made mysql go down while it was trying to create the tables09:47
DarkwingDuckBut, I still have a farked up system09:48
apacheloggerhow so?09:48
DarkwingDuckAkonadi wont start09:48
apacheloggerjust wipe those two dirs you sent me09:48
DarkwingDuckahh, okay09:48
apacheloggerthen start it manually and everything should be fine09:48
apacheloggeraside form an acotional flux where akonadi cant register to dbus09:48
apacheloggererm ... occasional flux09:49
* apachelogger thinks that plasma-netbook, python and mysql make his brain rot away09:49
DarkwingDuckwhy do we still use mysql?09:50
apacheloggerwhatelese would we use?09:50
apachelogger...mostly because mysql is the only thing really supported by akonadi upstream...09:51
apacheloggernot that they are much help ... akonadi trunk looks more like a completely new codebase :P09:51
DarkwingDuckahhh, I know there are a couple of other FOSS SQL servers out there that are worth something09:51
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: thanks.09:54
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: I really dont know why they did not go with postgresql to begin with -.-09:54
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: and darn you... thanks to you helping me I have 2700 emails to sort.09:54
DarkwingDuckTHATS that one09:54
DarkwingDuckI wonder how hard it would be to change...09:55
apacheloggerthough last I talked with one of the responsible dudes he said that they are pondering switching to sqlite09:55
apachelogger(i.e. an embedded database)09:55
DarkwingDuckANYTHING with lite/light in the title get an auto #fail from me.09:55
apacheloggersqlite is quite good09:55
apacheloggerhad performance issues in the past, but those are gone now09:56
apacheloggerwell, performance issues with a lotta data ^^09:56
DarkwingDuckhmm, I look at lite/light the same way I look at "enterprise" and "clouds"09:56
apacheloggerthe cloud is cool09:57
apacheloggerif you cant explain some technical stuff09:57
apacheloggerdraw a cloud09:57
apacheloggerif you dont wanna explain some technical stuff09:57
apacheloggerdraw a cloud09:57
apacheloggerif you dont have no solution at hand09:57
apacheloggersay its going to be solved in the cloud09:57
apacheloggerrun out of free disk space09:57
apacheloggermove stuff to the cloud09:57
apacheloggerIT IS A SERVICE09:57
DarkwingDuckIt's a solution of standing in a circle and pointing left09:58
apacheloggerthe cloud could even solve the freaking halting problem09:58
apacheloggerif only people would let it09:58
apacheloggerbeware the almighty cloud!09:58
DarkwingDuckWould have solved my mysql problem?09:59
apacheloggerthe data would be in the cloud09:59
DarkwingDuckI'm sold09:59
DarkwingDuckOkay, it's 4am and I know the wife is going to want me to help her unpack tomorrow. So, I'll be back in a few hours. I'm gonna recharge the batteries10:00
apacheloggersearching for cloud pics I get http://t3n.de/news/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/cloudfront.png10:00
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: good night10:00
DarkwingDuckOh yay! darkwingduck@ubuntu.com and @kubuntu.org work. :D Now I can go to bed :P10:01
* apachelogger puts on his bug hunt gear, takes his laser screwdriver and leaves for a hunt10:02
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: http://havethebuttonsmovedbackyet.com/10:03
DarkwingDuckWith that, I'm off to bed10:04
DarkwingDuckon another note... why is GRUB2 actually Grub1.98?10:06
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: because it is not stable yet10:06
apacheloggerof course ubuntu never carred for that sort of thing anyway10:07
DarkwingDuckIt's not...10:08
Tm_Tok, here comes the results of my upgrade: don't do it unless you like to handle all broken packages and dependencies yourself10:20
Tm_Tjust, nuts10:20
Tm_TI wonder what I still have broken here10:22
DarkwingDuckTm_T: Other then a slight akonadi issue that apachelogger helped me with the upgrade went well.10:22
Tm_TDarkwingDuck: I upgraded directly from Intrepid to Lucid :-P10:23
DarkwingDuckIn Kubuntu or Ubuntu10:23
Tm_TI have both -desktop packages installed10:23
DarkwingDuckI'm thinking for a wishlist for the next two years is an installer for LTS to LTS upgrades10:24
DarkwingDuckIt will rub the upgrade, check missing dependancies and auto install and configure.10:25
Tm_Tit's not that easy, I'm afraid10:25
DarkwingDuckIf we keep track...10:25
Tm_T4 release cycles is plenty of time to change things big time10:26
DarkwingDuckI just think if we are going to advertise updating LTS to LTS upgrades we need to at least make it easy10:26
Tm_Teven this 3 cycles upgrade of mine wasn't anywhere manageable without big axe10:26
Tm_TDarkwingDuck: true that10:27
Tm_Tif done right, it is easy and mostly smooth10:27
DarkwingDuckI know it wont be easy but, it's not to be done before 12.0410:27
Tm_Tfirst of all, it has to make sure no old packages can break dependencies, nor stay behind10:28
DarkwingDuckThat's another program apachelogger can take care of ;)10:28
Tm_Tnone of current dependency checkers does that10:28
Tm_TDarkwingDuck: yeah, he has too short todo at this point anyway (;)10:28
* Tm_T hides10:28
* Tm_T is building Qt10:29
* DarkwingDuck doesn't program except XML and PERL. 10:29
DarkwingDuckSomehow I don't think that we want an LTS program written in PERL10:30
Tm_Twhy not10:30
DarkwingDuckLast time I wrote a large program in PERL it added 150,000 lines of code on it's own after 6 years...10:31
DarkwingDuckI swore I made skynet10:31
Tm_Tsee, it would fix and create bugs on its own10:31
DarkwingDuckIt was a database and custome BBS... It added soooo much crap. I still have the code trying to figure out what it did.10:32
DarkwingDuckI don't think it really followed a syntax rule... If it didn't understand or there was an error, it guessed.10:33
DarkwingDuckIt was kinda creepy10:33
DarkwingDuckOk, for realz, I'm goign to bed. It's 440a10:36
apacheloggerI do not quite follow10:51
apacheloggerTm_T: intrepid -> lucid is not supported10:51
Tm_Tapachelogger: I am well aware (:)10:52
apacheloggerindeed no upgrade path is supported other then intrepid->jaunty->karmic->lucid10:52
apacheloggerTm_T: so dont complain about broken packages :P10:52
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: su, Kubuntu didn't have a LTS?10:52
apacheloggerintrepid = 8.1010:52
apachelogger.10 is never ever lts10:52
DarkwingDuckBut, Hardy was?10:52
Tm_Tapachelogger: I don't complain (:)10:52
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: nope10:52
DarkwingDuckOkay sweet10:53
apacheloggerhardy didnt get LTS because of KDE 4 being one second away and KDE 3 old and shabby and unsupportable10:53
apacheloggerthough i suppose the idea is to support hardy upgrades never the less10:53
Tm_Tapachelogger: just had to do this quickly, and was interested to see how bad it would be10:53
apacheloggerof course I do think that everyone is incredibly unconcerned with all the implications caused by this10:53
DarkwingDuckHowever, since 10.04 is LTS then we will ahve to have something in place by 12.04 to support10:53
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: yes10:54
DarkwingDuck*nods* great.10:54
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: also, didnt you go to bed? ^^10:55
DarkwingDuckLOL No, I was working on something I was writing about the death of Open Source as we KNEW it.10:55
apacheloggerbug 554039 should be called kubuntu logo is fat and ugly ^^10:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554039 in kubuntu-default-settings "Kubuntu logo is oversized in Kickoff Application Launcher" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55403910:56
apacheloggerwould be much more fun10:56
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: open source is going to die? does cloud open source replace it?10:56
apacheloggerCLOUD OPEN SOURCE10:56
apacheloggerthat is a new buzzword10:56
apacheloggerowncloud for example is cloud open source10:57
apacheloggerinstead of moving everything to the cloud ... lets move it to the open cloud :D10:57
DarkwingDuckNo, the idea is it is no longer playing catchup with Microsoft and Apple. It's setting new standards10:57
DarkwingDuckJust stay out of my cloud10:57
DarkwingDuckOpen Source for years has been trying to play catchup. Now, it's setting the standards that the "big boys" are trying to emulate10:58
Tm_Tdoes Qt and Soprano have conflicting build dependency?10:58
apacheloggerbug 55403910:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554039 in kubuntu-default-settings "Kubuntu logo in Kickoff is fat and ugly!" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55403910:58
Tm_Tunixodbc-dev vs libiodbc2-dev10:59
DarkwingDuckapachelogger ++10:59
DarkwingDuckThat was for fixing m system10:59
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: the cloud?10:59
apacheloggeryeah, it is the ultimate bugfix10:59
apacheloggerTm_T: worth looking into I suppose11:00
DarkwingDuckOk, smoke then bed... really11:00
apacheloggerone would think the build stack should be aligned or something11:00
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: sure :P11:00
Tm_Tapachelogger: indeed, care to look? I'm still trying to get this system uptodate11:01
apacheloggerkubotu_: np11:01
kubotu_apachelogger is listening to "Thunder" by The Prodigy -- see http://www.last.fm/user/apachelogger for more11:01
apacheloggerTm_T: no, report bugs and assign them to me :P11:01
Tm_Tthen it has to wait until I get this all done, brrrh11:02
* apachelogger is not in the mood to do yet another mind warping packaging activity on a netbook11:02
apacheloggerkubotu_: nick11:02
kubotu_incorrect usage, ask for help using 'kubotu_: help nick'11:02
apacheloggerkubotu_: help nick11:02
kubotu_nick <newnick> => change the bot nick to <newnick>, if possible11:02
apacheloggerkubotu_: nick kubotu11:02
=== kubotu_ is now known as kubotu
* Tm_T goes with libiodbc2-dev and see if Qt fails11:02
apacheloggersilly thing11:02
apacheloggerkubotu: 8ball is judgment day today?11:03
* kubotu shakes the magic 8-ball for apachelogger ... why the hell are you asking me?11:03
apacheloggerkubotu: cause you are freakin father of skynet I have been told!!!11:03
apacheloggersilly thing^211:03
apacheloggerkubotu: markov11:03
kubotuincorrect usage, ask for help using 'kubotu: help markov'11:03
apacheloggerkubotu: help markov11:03
kubotumarkov plugin: listens to chat to build a markov chain, with which it can (perhaps) attempt to (inanely) contribute to 'discussion'. Sort of.. Will get a *lot* better after listening to a lot of chat. Usage: 'chat' to attempt to say something relevant to the last line of chat, if it can -- help topics: ignore, readonly, delay, status, probability, chat, chat about11:03
apacheloggerkubotu: help markov status11:04
kubotumarkov status => show if markov is enabled, probability and amount of messages in queue for learning11:04
apacheloggerkubotu: markov status11:04
kubotumarkov is currently disabled11:04
* apachelogger cant remember how to enable ^^11:04
apacheloggerkubotu: help markov ignore11:04
kubotuignore hostmasks or channels -- topics: add, remove, list11:04
apacheloggerkubotu: chat11:07
kubotuno in /var/lib/dpkg/info/hicolor-icon-theme.postinst11:07
apacheloggerkubotu: that does not make sense at all :P11:08
kubotuoh Yes, that one of the checkbox just doesn't make sense to have the skype call window on another cd and friends11:08
apacheloggerbug 55451411:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554514 in akonadi "Kmail crash for akonadi error in XDG_DATA_DIRS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55451411:20
kubotuthe texts on the road and the kde3.5 one doesn't need it for this one doesn't11:26
Mamarokyay, phonon-backend-vlc works great :)11:28
apacheloggerseele: isn't bug 552709 something reported recently already?12:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 552709 in kpackagekit "Software Management in Systemsettings (Kubuntu)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55270912:01
=== shadesla1er is now known as shadeslayer
=== effie_jayx is now known as keffie_jayx
seeleapachelogger: there was a mailing list topic about it, i dont know about a bug12:27
=== shadesla1er is now known as shadeslayer
=== shadeslayer is now known as Guest95587
apacheloggerseele: maybe I am thinking about that then ^^12:29
Quintasanghostcube_maemo: \o12:49
Quintasanghostcube_maemo: How do you like your n900?12:50
* Quintasan wants one too but he is a poor high school student12:50
Quintasanoh, dinner12:50
ghostcube_maemoits cool. i like the way it works12:50
QuintasanI want one, gimmie >_<12:50
* Quintasan grabs ghostcube's N90012:51
ghostcube_maemoheh, i bought it and set my mobile contract to not include a phone12:51
ghostcube_maemoso i nearly payed the same now, as i would in 24 month12:52
ghostcube_maemoit has some cool gimmicks12:52
ghostcube_maemofm transmitter and direct tv out12:52
ghostcube_maemoiam happy nit to bought an apple thingy12:53
kubotubought an tomtom one added it to work12:53
ghostcube_maemoi have tomtom one too. it sux a bit cause xp doesnt revognize it.12:54
kubotuit sux then it should go in 4.1.312:54
shadesla1erhmm... i think the recovery option in the grub menu is useless....12:57
kubotuwhat's the most visited website in the grub Theme alone is enough market12:57
shadesla1erkubotu speaks?12:57
ghostcube_maemowho is adding autoanswer on regexp to the bit12:57
shadesla1eroh btw i got a 1 TB portable hd... :D12:58
kubotuI think We've got a notification pops up, the old apparmor mysql problem12:58
=== shadesla1er is now known as shadeslayer
JontheEchidnaghostcube_maemo: most likely apachelogger turned on the markov chain plugin13:03
kubotuhehe, there is a doctor so he did13:04
ghostcube_maemook, good to know13:04
shadeslayerthanks for the 600 MB download in form of package updates...... :S13:05
shadeslayergonna take me 5 hours to download..... :)13:06
kubotu>implying that it look me > 7 hours to live with the current breaks-if-you-look-at-it-the-wrong-way theme.13:06
shadeslayerkubotu: chat13:11
kubotuoh so slow13:11
QuintasanWhy do I get the impression that apachelogger is responsible for kubotu talking?13:12
Quintasankubotu: order cookies for apachelogger13:13
* kubotu slides a whole bunch of world's finest cookies down the bar to apachelogger.13:13
kubotuorder chistmas cookies for example code often doesn't get changed upstream anyway13:13
* shadeslayer goes and transfers data to new hd...13:13
kubotugoes and gets published, I think Qt is teh winnah...at work we usual support, no need to upload amarok it'll actually see and go from there.13:13
ghostcube_maemoquintasan, cause hes bored  i think13:15
JontheEchidnaWondering if bug 519724 would be an appropriate beta freeze upload13:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 519724 in k3b "missing help files for k3b" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51972413:41
JontheEchidna(If it is, it would also be nice if a core-dev could confirm the nomination)13:42
=== shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer_
=== shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer_
ScottKapachelogger: The idea for Hardy -> Lucid is that we don't officially support it, but because it's supported for Ubuntu and some people have both installed, we should try and fix problems we become aware of.15:49
* ScottK is waiting to hear if any of Tm_T's problems were Kubuntu packages.15:49
Tm_TScottK: actually mostly gnome packages, but there were too many to list out15:49
ScottKTm_T: Any KDE?15:50
ScottKIIRC we've been pretty careful about keeping conflicts/replaces and stuff.15:50
Tm_Tonly one I remember, that was old knetworkmanager package (versus network-manager-kde)15:50
kubotuthe one I have :)15:50
Tm_T...then there was problem with amarok, one file moved to other package15:51
ScottKThat's exactly the kind of problem we need to know about.15:52
ScottKDo you have the packages involved?15:52
Tm_Tamarokcollectionscanner is the binary that cause the grief, so it's amarok and ... was it amarok-common?15:53
kubotuindeed I think he had seen Kubuntu, which is the official backports?15:53
Tm_Tkubotu: yes, you are very smart bot15:54
ScottKThis is when more minions would come in handy.15:56
kubotumaybe this come in kde4.2 ppa in the menu?15:56
Tm_Tamarok-utils is the current location of that binary15:56
Tm_Tand amarok in intrepid15:56
kubotubut virtualization should work in intrepid is released tomorrow, it is15:56
Tm_TScottK: now I remember, one library in kdepim moved to other package too15:57
kubotuI was secretly in love with fedora, so now I get run even in -ninjas too15:57
Tm_Twhich cause conflict15:57
ScottKTm_T: OK.  Need details on that one too.15:57
Tm_Twill try to think, I was without monitor some of the time as system didn't handle all those changes well15:58
ScottKOK.  Thanks.15:58
kubotuOK. Thanks. Maybe jtechidna will turn the MI15:58
Tm_Tsomethgin related to kdepim-wizards... hmmm16:00
Tm_TScottK: got it, /usr/share/kde4/services/kresources/knotes/kolabresource.desktop16:03
ScottKTm_T: OK.  And what was it in before?16:03
kubotuOK. And I'm sure add an Xsession file that had a desktop that runs the distro front and back. On the amarok stuff, cdbs and have 2 notifiers16:03
Tm_TScottK: that's in knotes package in intrepid, and kdepim-groupware in lucid16:03
ScottKTm_T: Perfect.  Thanks.16:03
Tm_Tother than that, kde was smooth16:04
ScottKTm_T: Both fixed in bzr.  Thank you.16:27
kubotuupdate-manager-kde does the openoffice kde stuff in bzr. I looked, but that's what16:27
Tm_TScottK: great, thanks16:33
Tm_Toh my, gold linker is fast16:35
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
apacheloggerkubotu: config set markov.probability 517:12
kubotulemme take care of that for you17:12
apacheloggerkubotu: save17:13
kubotuokay then :)17:13
apacheloggerkubotu: rescan17:13
kubotusaving ...17:13
kuboturescanning ...17:13
kubotudone. 10 core modules loaded; 50 plugins loaded; 33 plugins ignored; 2 plugins failed to load17:13
apacheloggerlets see how that goes17:13
apacheloggerit there someone?17:13
apacheloggerScottK: as it it with ugprade bugs.... usually they only get reported after the release17:13
apacheloggerso I think the bot doesnt like to talk anymore17:15
apacheloggerpoor bot, ended up in total silence ^^17:16
shadeslayerkubotu: chat17:16
kubotuI'll wontfix the bug reports :O17:16
apachelogger<3 kubotu17:16
apacheloggerwontfix for all bug reports!17:16
* shadeslayer slides kubotu a cookie17:17
shadeslayerapachelogger: hehe...17:17
shadeslayerstupid USB drive...cant go above 5-6MBps...17:18
apacheloggeris someone friends with a kwin dev?17:18
* apachelogger wants bug 389658 fixed though17:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 389658 in kubuntu-default-settings "KDE menu button should have a Kubuntu Logo" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38965817:21
* apachelogger wants more branding in general17:21
apacheloggerkde's reference distribution is opensuse :P17:22
apachelogger<3 bug 55403917:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554039 in kubuntu-default-settings "Kubuntu logo in Kickoff is fat and ugly!" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55403917:23
shadeslayerapachelogger: lol... its true though :)17:24
* apachelogger thinks that Tonio__ is on a lag run17:24
shadeslayerwe need new logos... nixternal probably has some :)17:24
apacheloggerwhat do you think about that for bug 35187417:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 351874 in kubuntu-default-settings "[Kubuntu] GTK apps launched as superuser are unthemed" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35187417:25
apacheloggerset the gtk env var via kdesudo?!17:25
apacheloggeri.e. not copy the config, but just use the user's config17:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: or use qtcurve...17:26
apacheloggerread the report :P17:26
shadeslayershortest bug report eva17:26
apacheloggershadeslayer: commentstoo17:27
apacheloggerand I say comments comments comments17:28
apacheloggerthey are the answer to everything17:28
apacheloggerjust comment until no one wants to read the mails anymore and then wontfix17:28
apacheloggergentoo uses this approach :P17:28
* apachelogger likes it TBH17:28
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Wallpaper+Clock?content=119563 << seen this?17:29
apacheloggerits a pythorn software!17:29
kubotunow my buttons in konqueror rendered often appears in the configured icon themes)17:29
apacheloggerkubotu: that is no good17:30
apacheloggerwe could rewrite that in javascript17:30
shadeslayerapachelogger: the site has a pretty amazing wallpaper set though :P17:30
apacheloggerand boot lubyou17:30
shadeslayerlubyou: easy does it :)17:30
apacheloggerlubyou: could you please stop flooding somewhere?17:30
shadeslayeri guess not...17:31
kubotuif testbuild fine I think it didn't FTBFS17:31
apacheloggerso here I am, kubuntu council member, and I cant even lock someone out :P17:31
apacheloggerjussi01: irc team fail :P17:31
apacheloggerall your fault :P17:31
* apachelogger is just glad that we dont get the actual flood ^^17:31
shadeslayerapachelogger: lol... well were getting the mini join and part flood17:32
shadeslayerapachelogger: ???17:33
apacheloggerplasmoid download dialog needs UI feedback17:33
apacheloggerI imagine it looks broken on a slow connection, when it is busy downloading content17:33
shadeslayerapachelogger: the get new hot stuff thing?17:33
shadeslayerapachelogger: oh the new one is much much better17:34
shadeslayerwe probably should have patches using it everywhere....17:34
apacheloggerthat clocks thingy just crashed plasma17:34
shadeslayerapachelogger: weird... runs fine here :P17:34
apacheloggershadeslayer: no we shouldnt17:35
shadeslayerapachelogger: why?17:35
shadeslayerits obviously much better than the old one..17:35
apacheloggerbecause patches are evil17:35
apacheloggerand bad17:35
apacheloggerand dirty17:35
apacheloggerand ugly17:35
apacheloggerand stupid17:35
apacheloggerand stoned17:35
shadeslayerhmm... :)17:35
apacheloggerand join-part-flooding17:35
shadeslayerhehe :D17:35
=== shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer_
shadeslayer_brb... got to do some work :)17:36
apacheloggeroh dear17:36
kubotuoh dear oh dear17:36
apacheloggerthat thing is crap17:36
apacheloggergot a pm/am switch == crap17:37
apacheloggertsimpson: could we do something about lubyou?17:39
shadeslayer_apachelogger: i think jussi01 or Riddell can do the needfull17:44
apacheloggerneither is around17:44
shadeslayer_apachelogger: #ubuntu-ops :P17:44
apacheloggershadeslayer_: you could go ask in #ubuntu-irc or what their channel is called17:44
apacheloggerthey should have permissions in here nowadays17:44
shadeslayer_sure thing17:44
apacheloggeryet I do not :P17:45
apacheloggerkubotu: chat17:45
kubotuand i could fix it, should be obvious awell17:45
* apachelogger could make kubotu markov react on joins and parts :P17:45
apacheloggersome of the var names in kdesudo make me wonder about the point of life17:46
shadeslayer_apachelogger: same thing with lubyou in #rekonq17:47
shadeslayer_and #kde...17:47
shadeslayer_apachelogger: had a look in #kubuntu-offtopic in the past hour? its hilarious...17:48
apacheloggershadeslayer_: in that case you might wanna poke the masters of freenode17:49
shadeslayer_apachelogger: yeah i was thinking the same thing...17:49
apacheloggershadeslayer_: and tell the mighty gods of freenode greetings from me ^^17:49
shadeslayer_apachelogger: hehe :)17:50
apacheloggershadeslayer_: I am not in kubuntu-offtopic, what was so hilarious?17:51
shadeslayer_apachelogger: its gone way beyong Offtopic.. it should be renamed #Love :P17:52
apacheloggershadeslayer_: can you paste the log?17:52
apacheloggerdid someone have intercourse?! Oo17:52
kubotucan someone have to work on porting kita2. At a time via the kubuntu wiki was down :P17:52
shadeslayer_apachelogger: sure,but i have only half of it17:52
apacheloggervia irc!!!??17:52
apacheloggershadeslayer_: we can ask jussi01 or tsimpson for the other part, I think ubottu lurks in there, and I supose ubottu logs all and everything ;)17:53
shadeslayer_apachelogger: probably17:54
jussi01apachelogger: what?17:56
shadeslayer_jussi01: ah finally!17:56
kubotuah dangit, those days?17:56
apacheloggerjussi01: look at the join part mess :P17:56
shadeslayer_jussi01: our saviour!17:56
shadeslayer_apachelogger: http://pastebin.com/bhUNWUYa17:57
jussi011 sec17:57
shadeslayer_jussi01: ##fix_your_connection will now be flooded :P17:59
jussi01happy now?17:59
shadeslayer_jussi01: :D17:59
jussi01shadeslayer_: thats what its for...17:59
shadeslayer_apachelogger: did you see the pastebin?18:00
apacheloggeroh my18:01
* apachelogger would have run that in a query and not in -offtopic18:02
shadeslayer_kubotu: chat18:02
kubotugoogle does tend towards more restrictive18:02
apacheloggerkubotu: lol, and I am god18:02
shadeslayer_apachelogger: told ya... :)18:02
apacheloggerjussi01: thanks18:02
kubotu(we could try to talk to free memory, and I had a story, fancy tidying it up18:02
apacheloggerjussi01: also, would it be possible using this new magic of you irc people to have the kubuntu council op in kubuntu channels?18:03
jussi01apachelogger: did you see my message the other day?18:03
apacheloggerthe which one18:03
jussi01apachelogger: re: LART18:03
apacheloggerkubotu: lart apachelogger18:03
* kubotu puts lye in apachelogger's coffee18:03
* apachelogger is wondering what lye is18:03
apacheloggerjussi01: what was it in particular?18:04
jussi01I just suggested that you disable it, as we have done across the rest of the ubuntu channels18:04
kubotuin particular? nedko is checking18:04
apacheloggerI had it disabled until some time ago :P18:04
ubottuLART has been disabled in this bot.18:04
apacheloggerthen I did python programming18:04
shadeslayer_did anyone notice that 10.10 was announced18:04
apacheloggerwhich caused immediate need for larting ^^18:04
apacheloggerkubotu: config add lart to plugins.blacklist18:05
kubotuplugins.blacklist: azgame, chucknorris, deepthoughts, delicious, dice, digg, forecast, fortune, freshmeat, imdb, insult, math, roulette, slashdot, spell, theyfightcrime, threat, wheeloffortune, youtube, quiz, dictclient, dict, realm, grouphug, bash, cal, weather, rot, hl2, wow, tube, url, remotectl, babel, figlet, debug, linkbot, geoip, lart18:05
kubotuthis config change will take effect on the next rescan18:05
apacheloggerkubotu: save18:05
apacheloggerkubotu: rescan18:05
kubotusaving ...18:05
kuboturescanning ...18:05
kubotudone. 10 core modules loaded; 49 plugins loaded; 34 plugins ignored; 2 plugins failed to load18:05
apacheloggerkubotu: lart jussi0118:05
kubotujussi01 are seeing are either frozen or can it go upstream :)18:05
apacheloggerjussi01: happy? :P18:05
jussi01apachelogger: awesome.18:05
apacheloggerkubotu: that does not make no sense dude!18:05
kubotuhow did you testbuild the new intel standard on modern laptops, it would make no promises of success :)18:05
jussi01apachelogger: in response to your question, does the kubuntu council have a LP group?18:06
apacheloggerkubuntu-council ^^18:06
shadeslayer_jussi01: yep :)18:06
jussi01apachelogger: then yes. You just need to put it on the ircc agenda and we will make a decision - but I cant see us saying no. just a matter of doing it.18:07
* apachelogger thinks kubuntu members should undergo a training course before being appointed members18:07
apacheloggerlesson 1: learn about the almighty council18:07
apacheloggerlesson 2: learn about almighty apachelogger18:07
jussi01apachelogger: lol18:07
apacheloggerlesson 3: forget about lesson 1 and consider apachelogger your god18:07
apacheloggerjussi01: k, thanks18:07
shadeslayer_apachelogger: lesson 4 : just forget lessons 1-318:08
jussi01apachelogger: does that make Riddell a demigod?18:08
apacheloggerjussi01: where do i put it on the agenda? ^^18:08
jussi01apachelogger: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcCouncil/MeetingAgenda18:08
apacheloggerdemigod? we aint got no demigods!18:08
shadeslayer_apachelogger: i hope the repos have all the kde packages now?18:08
kubotuI've got no gtk style18:08
apacheloggerjussi01: cheers18:08
apacheloggerkubotu: I am looking into that already18:08
shadeslayer_kubotu: i thought you were partial to kde? :(18:09
apacheloggershadeslayer_: why shouldn they?18:09
shadeslayer_apachelogger: just confirming18:10
shadeslayer_plasma freeze....18:10
jussi01apachelogger: Just one thing to realise, anyone on the access lists of the support and offtopic chans is required to idle in -ops ;)18:11
shadeslayer_jussi01: im guessing you know rsync?18:12
kubotu:( what you mean the KDE libraries are not clickable18:12
apacheloggerzsync is superior anyway18:12
apacheloggerkubotu: they are freakin libraries, how would you click them?!?!18:12
kubotusomething is fishy with that final option when you click it18:12
shadeslayer_apachelogger: i need to sync folder 1 to my new portable HD18:13
apachelogger/* pointer to the new process */18:13
apacheloggerp = NULL;18:13
apacheloggerp = NULL;18:13
apachelogger/* pointer to the new process */18:13
kubotu/* pointer to upstream author18:13
apacheloggerthat is an example of bad var naming18:13
apacheloggerat the moment you need to comment a var to give it meaning, the name of the var is no good18:14
jussi01apachelogger: probably worth a look at this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/OperatorRequirements (expectations from ops).18:14
apacheloggerjussi01: it says expected18:16
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: Told ya I was gonna crash18:16
apacheloggernot must18:16
apacheloggerthat is quite the difference from my POV18:17
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: I think you just didnt comment and played killerbots ;)18:17
DarkwingDuckLOL Fallout 3 actually :P18:17
DarkwingDuckHad to give my PS3 some love too18:17
apacheloggeruhhh, a fancy graphics lover :P18:17
DarkwingDuckA console gamer18:18
apacheloggerkubotu: google robots bsd game18:18
kubotuResults for robots bsd game: 1. Robots (computer game) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robots_(computer_game) | 2. BSD games - LQWiki: http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/BSD_games | 3. File:Robots text screenshot.png - Wikimedia Commons: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Robots_text_screenshot.png18:18
kubotuBSD, and others use "include debian/cdbs/kde.mk". What is complicate about them? the archive18:18
apacheloggerI doubt BSD uses cdbs :P18:18
ScottKkillbots is awesome.18:18
DarkwingDuckI was going to Download it for my phone the other dat18:19
apacheloggerbad wiki article18:19
kubotubah! you and ScottK run kubuntu18:19
apacheloggerdoesnt mention killbots18:19
apacheloggerbiased gnome stuff18:20
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: you want to run bsd on your phone?18:20
apacheloggeryou really want to reconsider this ;)18:20
ScottKapachelogger: No, killbots is in kdegames.18:20
apacheloggerScottK: yeah, but the wikipedia doesnt mention this18:20
apacheloggerbut must advertise the gnome version18:21
apacheloggeras if it was any better than any other clone18:21
apacheloggerthat said, I still find the original version best18:21
* ScottK didn't know a Gnome version even existed.18:21
apacheloggerdoesnt look that sexy TBH18:21
apacheloggermeh, sudo is an evil monster18:22
jussi01apachelogger is sudo... :D18:22
* apachelogger is wondering why one cant except a whole env var from being cleared :(18:22
apacheloggerjussi01: nono, see, that is why we need this kubuntu-member introduction course :P18:23
jussi01apachelogger: lol18:23
* apachelogger is mathemagician, professional ranter, god, good looking, awesome, cool...18:24
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
apacheloggerif sudo was able to not unset the GTK env var we could easily theme sudo'd gtk apps18:25
apacheloggerbut unfortuantely... :/18:25
shadeslayerheh rsync is faster than cp :P18:25
ScottKEven the first time?18:26
* apachelogger notes that bug 262924 should be closed due to pointlessness18:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262924 in kubuntu-default-settings "[kubuntu] shared folder" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26292418:27
apacheloggerit doesnt really belong anywhere18:27
apacheloggeralso I do think this needs to be implemented in ubuntu foundations18:27
apparlewho works on kubuntu firefox integration18:31
shadeslayerapparle: probably apparle18:32
shadeslayeri mean apachelogger18:32
apacheloggeropensuse does18:32
apparlea great job... I seriously love the fact that I don't have to specify the files18:32
apacheloggerand debfx I think18:33
apacheloggerat least he did the packaging bits AFAIK18:33
apacheloggerso he is to praise18:33
apparleapachelogger: who decides which themes etc go with the default firefox package18:33
apacheloggerbut by general rule I am to blame if something goes wrong18:33
apacheloggerapparle: there dont go any18:33
apparleapachelogger: why not...18:34
apparleapachelogger: the default one does not look good at all..18:34
apacheloggerdefine default18:34
* apachelogger notes that gtk cannot look good anyway18:35
kubotunotes that the expected type and then I'll see if youe Wine menu properly, or the debian branch into the repos, not on purpose.18:35
apparlethe one which gets installed when I open firefox installer present in the menu of a standartd kubuntu installtion18:35
apacheloggerthere is no theme in this case18:35
apacheloggerwhat you get by default is qtcurve-gtk18:36
apacheloggerwhich stacks oxygen icons upon the gtk stuff18:36
apparleno I mean... I have installed just a persona and it does look good and goes with the kubuntu theme well18:36
kubotuno I have a bug for http://ryanak.ca/~ryan/nepomuklog against virtuoso or nepomuk? It's happening on my internal data out!! :)18:36
apacheloggerand that is the only way theming should be done18:36
apacheloggerapparle: I have no clue what you are talking about ... screenshots please18:36
shadeslayerapachelogger: personas are like Firefox themes18:37
apacheloggerso why not call it themes?18:37
* apachelogger doesnt follow18:37
apacheloggersounds like marketing speech :P18:37
apparleapachelogger: I myself didn't get that18:37
shadeslayerapachelogger: well... idk.. but its just a fancy name18:38
apparlebut I liked one so I installed it18:38
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:38
apacheloggershadeslayer: see :P18:38
apacheloggermust be some silly thing if it got such a silly name18:38
shadeslayerapachelogger: tried rekonq lately?18:38
kubotusilly thing works on RC2, updating to a democrat18:38
apacheloggerusing konquer with webkitkde18:38
apacheloggerquite happyily I might add18:38
kubotumight add that in the fridge had nobody to run the smart solution.18:39
shadeslayerapachelogger: hmm... wel rekonq now has the same type of urlbar as with crhome18:39
apparleapachelogger: see this http://imagebin.org/9147218:40
apparleAlso I'd like to say that you developers have done a great job... the beta I am using is the most stable kubuntu I have seen after gutsy18:43
ScottKGood to hear.  All the ones after that were crap on stabllity.18:44
apparleScottK: not exactly.... previous one was also good...18:45
apparleapachelogger: what say about the image...18:45
apparleIf only there were no issues of KMS18:45
ScottKapparle: Karmic and my Intel video don't always get along as well as I'd like.18:46
ScottKGPU gets wedged every now and then or something.18:46
apparleScottK: I have an ATI so I am used to GPU problems in every new release... I rather judge releases on everything except the graphics issues18:46
kubotureleases on my desktop widgets and such.. Theming is disabled, it is not about18:47
ScottKapparle: During development I'll apply blame on parts of the stack, but after release, I want it all to work.18:47
apparlekubotu: what18:47
ScottKTm_T: You'll probably want the mountall update that just finished on powerpc before you get adventerous and reboot or anything.18:48
kubotuI know I was doing now before you melt down18:48
apacheloggerapparle: and that is how firefox looks out of the box?18:48
apparleScottK: everyone wants everything to work at a  release18:48
apparleapachelogger: that's modified with the persona and a google toolbar installed...18:48
apacheloggersee :P18:49
* apachelogger thinks that persona thing comes from firefox package itself though18:49
apparleapachelogger: wait I'll give a screen shot of default look18:49
* apachelogger also finds it quite worthless18:49
* apachelogger is patching better adblock into kdelibs and kdebase18:49
apparle_apachelogger: got disconnected.... is this channel logged18:54
apparle_apachelogger: where's today's lo18:55
apacheloggerin 04/03 I suppose18:56
apparle_apachelogger: not there18:57
apparle_apachelogger: so if you said anything... repeat it18:57
apparle_apachelogger: see here is the default look http://imagebin.org/9147418:58
apacheloggerapparle_: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/04/03/%23kubuntu-devel.txt18:58
apparle_apachelogger: it does not contain...our chat... 5 min ago18:58
apacheloggerapparle_: so what is so bad about that default?18:59
apparle_apachelogger: doesn't look as cool as whole of the other KDE18:59
apacheloggerhow so?18:59
apparle_apachelogger: the ubuntu one looks much better18:59
kubotuwhat is there a native ubuntu one Music plugin for akonadi :)18:59
apacheloggerhow so?19:00
apparle_apachelogger: it sould be nice and glossy19:00
kubotusould be there... but still, it was innocent19:00
* ScottK stares at the samba4 build on hooker and urges it to peddle faster.19:00
apacheloggerkubuntu is not glossy19:00
kubotuI have never done it once, it is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in kubuntu is "depressingly #255 blue" :P19:00
apacheloggerkubotu: not you :P19:00
* apachelogger needs a cloud he can make compiles in ^^19:01
apacheloggerapparle_: anyhow, what changes do you propose?19:02
apparle_apachelogger: I just thought maybe the persona could be included in the default firefox installation..19:03
lex79poor kubotu19:03
apparle_apachelogger: coz I liked it19:03
apacheloggerapparle_: what perosna?19:03
apacheloggerthe one you had earlier?19:03
apparle_apachelogger: ya19:03
apacheloggernot gonna happen19:03
apacheloggerbecause that really breaks integration19:03
apparle_apachelogger: how19:03
apachelogger+ is disturbing for people with visual impairment19:03
ScottKNope.  too slow.19:03
* ScottK gets to wait ANOTHER hour.19:04
* apachelogger hugs ScottK and hands him a cookie19:04
apparle_apachelogger: ahh... never thought of that19:04
apacheloggerapparle_: did you see another KDE app with a gigantic firefox on top? :P19:04
apparle_apachelogger: but how does it break integration19:04
apacheloggerapparle_: did you see another KDE app with a gigantic firefox on top? :P19:04
ScottKThanks apachelogger19:05
apparle_apachelogger: no... I am suggesting only about firefox :P19:05
apparle_apachelogger: oh...19:05
apacheloggerif firefox looks different than the other apps, what is the point of having it look kdeish altogether19:05
nigelbthere is a kde specific bug that you folks might be interested in, bug 53534119:06
kubotuthis was all disappointing to watch his head swell, he and I have to be a widespread issue, seeing as I said is why the Alpha candidates from Tuesday (when they enter internal testing) rather than the license was changed19:06
apacheloggerwhat is the point of even having a kde look and feel19:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 535341 in vim "vim-gnome "swap already exists" dialog erroneously triggers hot corners" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53534119:06
apacheloggerwe could implement a stlye randomify and start every app with another style19:06
apacheloggerthat wouldnt even be terribly difficult :P19:06
nigelbthe patch to fix it is attached to the bug.. anyone willing to get it readY?19:06
apparle_apachelogger: got the point19:06
apacheloggerk :)19:06
apacheloggernigelb: how is that kde specific?19:08
nigelbapachelogger, happens only in kde19:08
DarkwingDuckI wonder how the text to speech programs are for linux19:08
nigelbapachelogger, wait, its a bug in gnome because it works around a kde bug?19:09
apacheloggeryes, dont even know if it is a bug in kde 3.1 :P19:09
apacheloggernigelb: needs to be fixed in vim19:10
kubotuhttp://nixternal.com/files/song.txt <- ScottK here is to be bugged again -.-19:10
apacheloggernot esepcially related to us19:10
nigelbapachelogger, ahhh.  /me gets to work on it19:10
* nigelb should learn to read properly.. for a change19:10
apacheloggernixternal: uhhh, what would be the tune for that song??19:11
apparle_anyone here who understands jabber protocol / kopete works.. I need some help19:19
ScottKIME, jabber + kopete != works.19:19
apparle_ScottK: so why doesn't anyone fix it... for others it seems to work but not at all for me19:21
ScottKapparle_: No idea.19:21
amichairis there a list of bugs whose fixing is needed/wanted to make it into lucid?19:22
apparle_ScottK: that's why I am looking for a guy who knows somethings about them... so if he himself can't ... at least he would be able to guide19:23
ScottKProbably more luck in a #kde channel of some kind19:23
kubotuno echos in current version, get it working with ubuntustudio-dev for a virtual interface, there is some kind of stuff that annoys m19:23
SputScottK: jabber + kopete works fine for me19:24
larsiviapparle_: jabber in kopete works fine for me (gtalk for example)19:24
apparle_larsivi: that't the problem... I just am unable to reproduce my problem... and I am facing it since, intrepid and it can't be a firewall problem coz psi and pidgin can connect19:25
larsiviin fact I chatted over it an hour ago, on lucid19:26
ScottKamichair: My advice would be start of the ones that annoy you, but really most anything that doesn't break U/I or string freeze is good to have.19:26
apacheloggeramichair: see topic19:29
amichairScottK: I meant top-priority showstoppers, if any - whatever is most urgent. Maybe what apachelogger said, though I don't see the pattern there (are the low priority bugs high priority too?)19:37
apacheloggeramichair: if they were nominated for lucid then they are at least fixable in time for release19:38
kubotufixable in hotkey-setup "Hardy/Gutsy crashes when trying to overwrite org.soprano.Model.xml whitch exist in jaunty (Cannot copy private stuff on there, and I pinged doko, let's hope the Kubuntu Firefox integration :)19:38
apacheloggerso everything on that list should be fixed, since it is fixable19:38
ScottKapachelogger: Did you get akonadi figured out?19:38
ScottKThat would be a top priority showstopper.19:38
apacheloggerI am not sure19:38
apacheloggerit work19:38
apacheloggerand it doesnt19:38
amichairapachelogger: what did u slip into kubotu's drink?19:38
apacheloggerit is one pile of bugs wrapped into each other19:38
apacheloggerbut I think the most important one is down19:39
apacheloggeramichair: only the good stuff, only the good one ^^19:39
ScottKGood evening Riddell.19:45
apacheloggerour dekroator version is old19:45
apacheloggerlike really old19:45
kubotubad timing on that one is old and documented ... ohloh sez my sources list or combo of both?19:45
apacheloggerhi Riddell19:45
ScottKRiddell: Do you know if shtylman is planning on more installer stuff for beta2?19:45
Riddellgosh, we got slangasek to become a Kubuntu developer19:45
RiddellScottK: not that I know of19:46
ScottKIt was a bit of an open question from the release meeting.19:46
ScottKRiddell: There are several ubiquity bugs milestoned for beta 2.  They ought to be adjusted then.19:46
kubotubut that seems to be one of 'em19:46
Riddellmm, release meeting on a bank holiday19:46
ScottKNot for the release manager.19:46
apacheloggerRiddell: so how do we make slangasek a kubuntu dev?19:47
apacheloggerwould bribing with cookies work?19:48
Riddellwe have 9 milestoned bugs tagged with kubuntu none high priority, pleasingly low.  probably most of them are marked as beta 2 but we can change that to rc or final19:48
Tm_TScottK: thanks19:48
ScottKapachelogger: He did the last kdebase-workspace upload.19:49
apparle_I have never used beta earlier... so when beta2 comes out.. do I just upgrade19:49
apparle_when is it coming out19:49
ScottKScheduled for Thursday19:49
apacheloggeroh dear19:51
Riddellapparle_: there will be upgrade instructions linked from the announcement on kubuntu.org19:52
apparle_Riddell: ahh19:52
apacheloggerfixing bug 372379 would violate string freeze19:52
ScottKRiddell: I think the biggest worry right now is akonadi, but apachelogger thinks he possibly has that sorted.19:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 372379 in kubuntu-default-settings "Konqueror ships ancient EasyList blocklist" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37237919:52
apacheloggerI have the most important part of it sorted19:52
apacheloggerakonadi is broken by design, since it uses mysql19:53
apacheloggerthat said, does dbusmenu work again?19:53
RiddellScottK: apachelogger did uploads of akonadi and mysql which should have fixed the main problem19:53
* apachelogger is wondering if he could streamline the easylist stuff so that it can survive without GUI changes19:53
ScottKapachelogger: I think mostly you just need to get nixternal to say it's OK.19:55
apacheloggerno, string changes == untranslated19:55
ScottKAre they tranlsated now?19:56
apacheloggercompletely new19:56
apacheloggerand if I understand the code correctly, this just as well work without the GUI19:56
apacheloggersince the functional implementation is in khtml19:56
kubotuTest daily images to make the thought moot however. _if_ there is no way to work fine in khtml part "Kopete crashed with SIGSEGV on start" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43799919:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 437999 in kdepim "kontact crashed with SIGSEGV on start (dup-of: 427073)" [Medium,New]19:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 427073 in kdepim "kontact crashed with SIGSEGV in QListData::begin()" [Medium,Fix released]19:56
apacheloggerwell, first I need to get khtml compiled anyway ^^19:57
apacheloggerkubotu: config add markov to plugins.blacklist19:59
kubotuplugins.blacklist: azgame, chucknorris, deepthoughts, delicious, dice, digg, forecast, fortune, freshmeat, imdb, insult, math, roulette, slashdot, spell, theyfightcrime, threat, wheeloffortune, youtube, quiz, dictclient, dict, realm, grouphug, bash, cal, weather, rot, hl2, wow, tube, url, remotectl, babel, figlet, debug, linkbot, geoip, lart, markov19:59
kubotuthis config change will take effect on the next rescan19:59
apacheloggerkubotu: rescan19:59
kubotusaving ...19:59
kuboturescanning ...19:59
kubotudone. 10 core modules loaded; 48 plugins loaded; 35 plugins ignored; 2 plugins failed to load19:59
ScottKRiddell: If you have a moment, would you please move idjc to multiverse (build-deps on multiverse package)?20:07
RiddellI can20:08
ScottKRiddell: Thank you.20:10
ScottKDoes that need a publisher run to take effect or it is ~immediate?20:12
RiddellI'm pretty sure it needs a publisher run20:12
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
Tscheesynixternal: is there a new approach for translations now? and if - is there a howto?20:22
* apachelogger thinks that we should move the window control buttons to the left, like mac osx20:27
* ScottK would thank apachelogger to NOT do that so he doesn't have to deal with hyper ventilating teenagers at home.20:29
apacheloggerbut look20:30
apacheloggerit frees up space on the right quite nicely20:30
apacheloggerwe could put a blinking pony unicorn there20:30
macoScottK: "daddy you bought us a mac?!?!?!"20:31
ScottKmaco: No, Sylvia said it was fine there on a Mac, because she was used to it, but to move it on KDE would drive her mad.20:32
apacheloggeroi oi oi oi !20:33
apacheloggerubuntu did not get that idea from mac!20:33
macoi use the kbd to close windows on a mac so i dont have to remember where the buttons are20:33
apacheloggerit just looks like it because there isnt much space where you could move those buttons20:33
apacheloggerI for one would prefer to have them bottom right20:33
apacheloggerunfortunately there is no space for buttons there :(20:33
apacheloggeralso note that the original order was all different from mac!20:34
apacheloggerit was buttons->shiftLeft();20:34
ScottKNo, Ubuntu got the idea for designers who have no thought for the affect of changes on existing users.20:34
apacheloggerIMHO ubuntu is becoming osx 2.0 anyway20:35
apacheloggerthis khtml compile is driving me mad :S20:37
ScottKHow will we tell the difference?20:37
apacheloggerScottK: of ubuntu and osx?20:38
apacheloggerubuntu will have icons that look like oxygen ;)20:38
ScottKapachelogger: No, you before and after khtml compiling drives you mad.20:38
apacheloggerScottK: possibly I will start running around nakkid!20:38
apacheloggerat least in here20:39
* ScottK looks for his darkest sun glasses.20:39
apparle_I think the screenshot looks good but... it will take time getting used to the buttons on left... after all I have been using them on right for about 10 years now... for you guys it must be more than that20:49
apparle_How to write those * ScottK looks for .... type messages20:51
ScottKapparle_: Start the line with /me ....20:51
* apparle_ can also write these type of messages now20:52
apacheloggerthis is so awesome20:53
apacheloggerif we dont make this default I must go to fedora!20:53
jjessethe unicorn is the greatest20:56
jjesselove the mac osx theme :)20:56
apacheloggerTHAT IS NO OSX THEME!20:56
apacheloggeri just accidently looks like it20:57
apacheloggerI was just moving buttons around, and next thing you know it looked it *a bit* like osx20:57
jjessehahaha a bit :)20:57
apacheloggerkubotu: identica dent !kubuntu 10.04 http://imagebin.ca/view/S2wMq1.html20:59
kubotustatus updated20:59
* apachelogger notes that we actually only recently went from 10.03 to 10.0420:59
lex79looks pretty good :)20:59
apacheloggerpretty good?21:01
apacheloggercome on21:01
* amichair wants a pony!21:01
apacheloggerit is incredibly unbelivable awesome21:01
ScottKWith Hannah Montana riding it.21:01
lex79apachelogger: I want hannah montana on the pony21:02
apacheloggerbut I plan on making it interactable with21:02
apacheloggerit will not only blink21:02
apacheloggerit will also switch to pink glasses mode upon clicking!21:03
apacheloggerturns your desktop into fluffy bunny mode!!!!!21:03
apacheloggercan you believe it!21:03
apacheloggerthis will be so awesome21:03
apachelogger[100%] Building CXX object khtml/CMakeFiles/khtml.dir/kcookiejar_interface.o21:04
apacheloggerLinking CXX shared library ../lib/libkhtml.so21:04
* apachelogger starts doing things21:04
amichairdoes oem-config run only from DVD?21:05
amichairScottK: How do I do it from CD?21:06
promuloRiddell, hello21:06
Riddellhi promulo21:07
promuloI have just submitted my proposal on melange21:07
promulothe gsoc site :)21:07
Riddellhmm, I don't see it21:10
promuloRiddell, try this link http://socghop.appspot.com/gsoc/student_proposal/show/google/gsoc2010/romullo/t12703249726821:12
promulobut in this view you can't post comments21:13
promuloRiddell, it's pretty much the same of wiki.. I've only updated some terms like "work" you said that day :p21:15
promuloand added the zeroconf task as you suggested21:16
lex79I fixed this bug 554011 in bzr21:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554011 in kdemultimedia "ships with /exists directory in violation of FHS" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55401121:44
lex79it was my copy/paste mistake21:44
lex79ScottK: can we upload or after beta2?21:44
apparle_apachelogger: so what's decided.. window control buttons on left or right?21:54
ScottKlex79: Yes.22:08
ScottKapparle_: We aren't changing22:08
lex79ScottK: ok, thanks22:09
apparle_ScottK: :D why has ubuntu changed it?22:09
ScottKBecause their designers think it's better.22:09
ScottKThey didn't explain why.22:09
apparle_that's aweful... so what if mac does that.... most people are shifting from windows and they don't like such changes.... because they are already trying to grasp a big change of win to linux22:10
apparle_moreover have the designers tried using it22:11
apparle_it takes time getting used to22:11
ScottKThey say don't worry, you'll adjust quickly.22:12
ScottK#ayatana is the channel some of them hang out it.22:12
ScottKIt's really OT for here.22:12
apparle_ScottK: OT=?22:12
ScottKOff Topic22:13
ScottKNothing to do with Kubuntu.22:13
apparle_ahh.. let it be... not interested.. I was only concerned about kubuntu22:13
apparle_do I have to install a backend or something for neopmunk?22:14
ScottKShould get it automagically.22:15
ScottKSlang for automatic.22:17
apparle_then why isn't it working22:17
apparle_does it work for you22:18
ScottKIt starts.22:22
ScottKDidn't play with it beyond tha22:22
apparle_the search in dolphin doesn't work for me22:24
ScottK ...t22:25
ryanakcaScottK: Hi, Greg says that Kobby/libqinfinity 1.0~beta4 don't work with libinfinity-0.4. He says that the current development branch does and that he can tag a beta for us if it will solve the problem. He's planning on releasing an RC in a month or so.22:35
ryanakcas/an RC/a RC/g22:36
ScottKryanakca: Sounds like that's best (tag a beta).  We need to move forward.22:36
ScottKryanakca: Thanks for looking into it.22:36
ryanakcaScottK: OK, I'll get the packages updated with the new beta when it gets done22:36
ScottKryanakca: Thanks.22:36
amichairThe graphics in ubiquty's slideshow are very pretty. Who made them?22:39
ScottKshtylman, I believe.22:45
ofirk_amichair: do you have an online link for the slideshow? I want to see it without downloading the whole iso...23:25
amichairofirk_: sorry, no. I just started working on ubiquity and couldn't help but notice it.23:26
ofirk_amichair: thanks anyway :)23:27
DarkwingDuckhas nixternal been around?23:28
amichairDarkwingDuck: Nay.23:29
DarkwingDuckahh, thanks amichair23:29
lex79ofirk_: apt-get source ubiquity-slideshow-kubuntu23:30
ofirk_lex79: thanks!23:32
ofirk_really nice slideshow23:32
lex79no problem23:32
ofirk_just noticed that the kubuntu logo isn't up-to-date23:50
Riddellofirk_: I'm sure you can fix it with your graphic skills :)23:54
ofirk_Riddell: :)23:56
ofirk_Riddell: I just don't know how to update the original image23:57
ofirk_is it somewhere on launchpad?23:57

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