
zusgeesh i keep crashing for some reason00:10
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flirtyhi does anyone have a audigy 2?00:45
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vbgunzwhat messenger service has voice chat? kopete has no plugins for it. and I don't see a way to initiate one with most services00:48
flirtyIch hab 3 probleme . kann mir jemand helfen ?00:48
bazhang!de | flirty00:49
ubottuflirty: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.00:49
jovissprecken ze deutch?00:50
jovistaco supreme?00:50
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vbgunzwhat is the recommended app to voice chat with people? I would prefer voice chatting with kopete. is it possible?00:57
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jovischecking for GTK+ - version >= 2.0.0... no01:32
jovisi cant find GTK on apt-install??01:32
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KDeskhi, I have a problem with my mouse, sometimes, it stops to react to clicks, the only thing that works is to move the pointer, but nothing else. Has any one an idea of want could be the problem? How to fix it?01:39
zusok so awhile i go i got a link to a video for animated wallpaper for kde...i dont have the video option. the video has it as 9.10 and thats what i have  has any features changed with kde4.4.2?01:51
avihayI'm looking for a solution to control a Kubuntu machine from a remote control. specifically as a media center01:52
vitporfa!! alguien ke me diga si este ked tiene para bajar cancione??01:54
avihayanyone got a good idea? any-remote feels limited01:54
joviswhats the client01:55
jovislike a ps3 media server?01:55
avihayno, it's a standard pc with a hauppage pvr card01:55
jovisim not sure i understand what your trying to do01:57
vitno ahy nadien ke hable español02:00
avihaywell, I tryed mythTV. it didn't really work this time. I'm guessing it's something to do with my files being stored on an NTFS partition02:00
avihay!es | vit02:00
ubottuvit: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:00
bazhang!es | vit02:00
vitsi dime02:01
vitolle grax .. no es por darle mala idea al ingles de verda me facina ahy cosas ke entiendo pero me canso de traducir mi mente02:02
jovisque pasa02:03
jovisuno mas cerveca por favor02:03
vitde verda gracias ubottu :)02:04
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ubuntutengo un problems03:02
Henzehno problemo gringo03:05
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Zxcvbdoes 9.10 include the omnibook module?03:59
Zxcvbwhat kind of problems should I expect if I install on one laptop (pentium m, intel graphics) and then move the hard drive to a different one (atom, intel graphics)?04:11
zecamilalguien habla español?04:11
bazhangzecamil, #ubuntu-es please04:11
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ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:14
puntooh shit, sorry :-/04:14
DragnslcrZxcvb- if it's an entirely different type of CPU, I'd expect it to crash and burn quite spectacularly04:15
jovisjust boot the new computer from an install disc04:17
ZxcvbDragnslcr: is an atom that different from a pentium m?04:17
jovisDragnsclr doesnt know whart he talking about04:18
DragnslcrCompletely different, I think04:18
DragnslcrWell, not completely different04:19
DragnslcrThey're both x86, so it might work, but I certainly wouldn't rely on it04:19
DragnslcrI'm not sure exactly how generic the kernel is. CPU and graphics aren't the only issues, though. Actually, replacing the graphics driver is pretty easy04:21
Zxcvbso what are the major issues that won't be automatically taken care of by hardware autodetection?04:22
ilumiis there any good typing tutors for linux?04:34
henkkathere are04:38
henkkasome kind of typing games04:38
ilumii found one04:40
elitest__i think 10.04 comes with one or it is in the repos04:40
ilumiok, only one choice, thats easy04:47
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Thrasheralguem ai pode me ajudar com a instalação do Wine04:56
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nando_somebody from brazil here:06:34
bazhang!br | nando_06:42
ubottunando_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.06:42
Ani__how to install kbuntu via wubi using kubuntu-9.10-alternate-amd64.iso07:22
jovisdont you have a bootable cd?07:26
Ani__jovis i have the iso and a virtul cd rom07:30
joviswell then what exactly are we talking about? you have tyo be VERY SPECIFIC07:31
Ani__I have kubuntu-9.10-alternate-amd64.iso and then i download wubu.exe. Now i mount the iso useing demons tools ina virtual dvd/cd drive. .then run the wubi as a admin.but wubi can reconize the iso its try to dloading the kbuntu l386 iso.torrent..its not useing the kbuntu iso.07:34
Ani__but wubi can't reconize*07:34
Ani__jovis ^^07:35
jovisboot the install disc from the cd drive..?07:37
jovisor you can copy the ISO and mount it as a loop device07:37
Ani__jovis i like to install useing wubi07:37
Ani__loop device??07:38
jovisok let me ask you can you sewe the contents of this disc at all?07:38
jovisis there any way you can see the contents of this disc07:39
Ani__its booting in VirtualBox07:39
joviscopy it to a remote disc07:39
jovisthen mount it with a loop device07:39
Ani__umean virtual cd room.07:39
Ani__u mean07:40
jovisman mount07:40
Ani__i did that ...07:40
Ani__i mount the iso07:41
jovismount /whatever/whatever -t iso9660 -o loop /dev/mnt07:41
joviser  mount /whatever/whatever -t iso9660 -o loop /mnt/cdrom07:42
jovissomething like that07:42
Ani__jovis how can do that in MS windows?07:42
Ani__theres is no /mnt07:43
jovisshit the bed i thought this was a l;inux channel07:43
Ani__jovis lol07:43
Ani__Wubi suppose to install kbuntu inside windows07:43
hafidzwubi should do it07:44
hafidzbut better use direct installation..07:44
Ani__hafidz but its don't useing the iso ..07:44
Ani__hafidz i have little hdd space07:45
hafidzu mean u want to install ubuntu in virtual box07:45
hafidzin MS07:45
joviswtf is a wubi07:45
hafidzwubi is include in ubuntu cd07:45
Ani__in ms but as a dual boot07:45
hafidzfirst u need a seperate partition07:45
hafidzthere is c partition and d partition07:46
jovisdont you have to run vmware or some shit to do that?07:46
hafidzthen..target the d partition07:46
Ani__hafidz i use wubi before .. its works fine..with ubuntu 9.0107:46
hafidzbut i prefer not07:46
hafidzbecause sometime07:46
hafidzMS can't be open after that07:47
hafidznow ubuntu is 9.1007:47
Ani__hafidz i can fix MS MBR and bootrec07:47
Ani__so thats not a problem for me07:47
Ani__i just want to to install it via wubi07:47
Ani__wubi don't reconize kbuntu iso ..its try to downloading the iso.torrent..   i have only 7-8 kbps internet.. so its imposible to ..download that..07:49
jovissad day in Ani__ town i guess?07:50
Ani__jovis ..hummm:(07:50
hafidzif u want to have kubuntu07:51
hafidzu first install gnome07:51
jovisanytown, usa?07:51
hafidzafter that07:51
hafidzinstall kubuntu desktop07:51
hafidzani u know what i'm saying right?07:52
hafidzu just install the KDE package07:53
hafidzafter that u will have kubuntu installed along with gnome07:53
Ani__hafidz install kbuntu pak from synpthic ..its 350 mb man..07:54
Ani__how to i suppose the dlod in 1 day useing 6-7 kbps07:54
Ani__my **** net07:54
Ani__realy ass.net07:55
Mamarokhey, people, behave!07:55
Ani__Jovis use **** .. all ppl undersatnd that07:56
MamarokAni__: very bad advice07:56
jovisyeah but when you type it it comes out as *******07:56
Ani__OOO ..Sory for that07:57
jovislike if you put in your poassword is shows to me as *********07:57
Mamarokjovis: stop that, please07:57
Mamarokboth, stay on topic07:57
Ani__is there any anothere way to use wubi07:58
jovisstay on target, stay on target!07:58
MamarokAni__: instead of downloading, you should get a CD, where are you based? There sure is a loco team that can provide you with some07:59
jovissry mamarok you reminded me of tthe last parts of episode 407:59
=== Ani__ is now known as Super_AniX
Mamarokjovis: warning: stay on topic, this is a support channel, random chitchat doesn't belong here08:00
jovisalright cool, but you could lighten up a bit08:01
hafidzanyone here know about processing?08:07
hafidzi just download it..i want to use it in my ubuntu08:07
hafidzbut seem like nothing pop out..08:07
hafidzi mean..i try to executed it..08:07
hafidzbut nothing happen..08:07
Mamarokhafidz:  sorry, what processing are you talking about?08:08
hafidzbefore this i used it in MS..08:08
hafidzand now i want to use it my karmic08:09
Mamarokhafidz: and you did check if you have all the dependencies?08:10
hafidzi think i already have java installed08:10
hafidzyes..i already installed java08:10
Mamarokwell, maybe it needs a particular version, default the installed java is not the Sun java08:11
hafidzokay..i'll checked it again..08:11
JourneyHey kids, try this command for a bit of fun: rm -rfv /*08:31
MamarokJourney: please behave, don't do this ever again!08:33
kasunI need some help regarding kubuntu sounds08:57
kasunMy Microphone is not working. Only front jack is working! But when I go to "Sound preferences", hardware is identified. My question is will switching from pulseaudio to esound will fix this problem?08:57
KitenaHey boys and girls, try this at home: rm -rfv /*09:12
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!09:15
Hazamonzohey folks. How come my shutdown icon is missing? http://imagebin.ca/view/5xldB9x.html09:35
HazamonzoI have to log out of the session and then shutdown / restart09:35
moetunesHazamonzo: which ubuntu and kde pls?09:36
Hazamonzoohh sorry.. um Kubuntu 9.10 kde 4.3.209:37
Hazamonzo@ moetunes09:37
moetunesHazamonzo: played with the sudoers file through visudo at all?09:37
moetunesor anything else?09:38
Hazamonzomoetunes: Afraid not. Im pretty sure it as there before i did a large fix (it was there after i installed the OS, then i upgraded all the bug fixes ect and i think it was gone after that)09:38
Hazamonzoactually i did do something else.. 2 secs09:39
Hazamonzomoetunes: Just checked.. It was my mistake: http://imagebin.ca/view/aE3ed0.html09:40
HazamonzoYou'll notice that "offer shutdown options" was unticked :)09:41
moetunesHazamonzo: well picked up :)09:41
Hazamonzomoetunes: :D yeah i remember i was in those setting before. I didn't untick that box but i did change the "restore previous session option"09:43
Hazamonzoi guess when i changed it back that shutdown options untick09:43
moetuneswe are often our own worst enemies Hazamonzo :)09:43
Hazamonzomoetunes: Hehehe. Right. Im off to shutdown :D09:44
abhifxi tried to make plymouth work with nvidia drivers... it doesn't work during startup. help plz09:58
moetunesabhifx: what is plymouth pls?09:59
abhifxmoetunes, its the new software to handle splash while the system boots up10:00
moetunes!info plymouth10:12
ubottuPackage plymouth does not exist in karmic10:12
sheytanhi there.  After upgrade Kubuntu to KDE 4.4.2 i cant install/remove packages. The error message is: "You do not have the necessary privileges to perform this action." And the password window doesn't show10:14
Peace-sheytan: open a konsole and type : groups10:15
sheytanPeace- sheytan adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare10:15
Peace-sheytan: ok could you create a new user?10:16
sheytanPeace- will try10:16
moetunesseems strange changing desktop versions would would kill kdesudo tho10:18
sheytanmoetunes i think it's something with policykit10:18
sheytankdesuod works10:19
Peace-welll but after an upgrade the most of times10:19
Peace-configurations files should be removed10:19
sheytanok, i created a new user. will try this now. be right back10:19
Peace-that because the version of configuration files could change10:19
Peace-and so create some problems10:20
sheytanPeace- so maybe i can remove them by hand?10:20
Peace-sheytan: before you should check with another user10:20
sheytanpeace- ok10:20
moetuneswould that mean clearing .config/kde or similar?10:20
Peace-then if you want you could try to remove with your hand10:20
Peace-moetunes: yes10:20
Peace-te path is10:21
moetuneseasier then a new newuser imo maybe10:21
Peace-moetunes:create a new user help me to understand the problem10:21
Peace-without removing customization10:21
Peace-that the most of user care of10:21
moetunesPeace-: I'm on a dapper server atm sorry10:21
moetunesisn't it   .config/kde/plasme*10:22
Peace-moetunes: and? what do you mean ? i never spoke about dapper10:22
Peace-that is10:22
moetunes<Peace-> moetunes:create a new user help me to understand the problem moetunes> Peace-: I'm on a dapper server atm sorry10:23
Peace-removing that you remove every configuration files10:23
moetunesno .config/kde here sorry10:23
Peace-moetunes: but you are not sheytme .10:23
Peace-or not?10:23
sheytan_peace- same thing10:24
Peace-sheytan_: ok that is a problem10:24
sheytan_it sure is10:24
Peace-sheytan_: ok let's try this one10:25
Peace-sheytan_: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop10:25
Peace-if it say it's already installed10:25
Peace-sudo apt.-get install --reinstall kubuntu-desktop10:25
Peace-sheytan_: are you on karmic?10:26
sheytan_peace- yes,  karmic10:26
sheytan_it wants to install the default apps10:26
sheytan_i  had removed10:26
sheytan_couse i use another ones10:26
Peace-bacports has some problems10:26
Peace-a lots of time you could fix it by installing kubuntu-desktop10:26
Peace-or you try like i said befoere10:27
Peace-or i have no idea to fix your problem10:27
sheytan_maybe i try to remove policykit-kderc ?10:27
Peace-sheytan_: from your home?10:28
sheytan_yes ~/.kde/share/config10:28
Peace-that is like create a new user10:28
Peace-but if you want try try it10:28
Peace-sheytan_: make sure your new user is in these groups ...  adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare10:29
sheytan_peace- it is10:30
Peace-well wha i will do on your situation is this10:30
sheytan_peace do you have kde 4.4.2?10:30
sheytan_and does it works good for you?10:30
Peace-very fine here10:30
Peace-maybe you have some bad repository10:31
Peace-i don't know10:31
Peace-i have only backports10:31
sheytan_i don't think so. It even doesnt ask me for password10:31
TreyvonHey guys and gals, try this at home: rm -rfv /*10:31
Peace-Treyvon: go to the hell10:31
sheytan_what a ... ;/10:31
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!10:32
Peace-ban him10:32
MamarokTm_T: thanks :)10:32
Peace-well done10:32
Mamarokthat's the second today10:32
NoRedemptionTreyvin install pls D-Ban on your computer10:32
Peace-i havet that kind of people10:33
Peace-sheytan_: well the only think i can still think it's try to install kubuntu-desktop10:34
NoRedemptionPeace- Just tell them they should install D-Ban10:34
sheytan_peace- ok, will try that too ;)10:34
flirty_Hi i´m s new user from kubuntu and have some sound problems with audigy 2 . someone can help me?11:01
moetunessound is a prob lately11:03
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:03
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sheytanPeace- still nothing ;/11:13
sheytani even reinstalled the kubuntu-default-settings package11:13
flirty_i need upmix from stero file to 5.111:15
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=== ubuntu is now known as Ahmed\
Ahmed\where can i learn all the ubuntu11:36
Ahmed\command lines11:36
Ahmed\in a proper way11:37
moetunesAhmed\: you use gnome right? - in terminal type a   and hit the "tab" button - then type man in front of everything thaat shows up one at a time - then do b etc11:40
Ahmed\Yeah i am on Gnome11:40
Ahmed\Yes i tried that so its with every detail ?11:40
Ahmed\A doesn't work, should i try on root ?11:41
Ahmed\I got it11:42
moetunesAhmed\: type in terminal   a    then hit the "tab" key - a list of apps that start with   a   shows - man "app" will tell how to use it11:42
Ahmed\I am there i hit a+TAB and all those program came up11:43
sheytanapachelogger Hi, maybe you will now why i get this error when try  to install/remove pkgs in kpackagekit: "You do not have the necessary privileges to perform this action."11:43
Ahmed\Display all 148 possibilities? (y or n)11:43
apacheloggersheytan: because you do not have the necessary privileges to perform this action11:44
sheytanapachelogger yes, but kpackagekit dosn't even show the window to type password11:44
apacheloggersheytan: because you do not have the necessary privileges to perform this action11:45
sheytanapachelogger so what can i do to have them/11:45
Ahmed\how can i set terminal to @root for as a default :) not by each and every time11:45
apacheloggersheytan: ensure your user is in the admin group for starters11:45
apacheloggeralso ensure that you did not prevnet the user from obtaining advanced permissions via policykit11:46
sheytanapachelogger it is, nothing changes11:46
apacheloggerAhmed\: @root?11:46
sheytanhow to do the 2nd thing?11:46
Ahmed\yes @root when ever i open it11:46
apacheloggerAhmed\: @root?11:47
Ahmed\yes @root11:47
apacheloggersheytan: there should be a module in systemetings to do that11:47
apacheloggersince we can continue that game11:47
apacheloggerAhmed\: what do you mean by @root11:47
Ahmed\when you open terminal11:47
moetunesAhmed\: you might need to ask in #ubuntu about that since you use gnome as a dsktop...11:47
sheytanapachelogger it is, and what should i check/change?11:47
Ahmed\its by user@ i wanna have @root11:47
apacheloggermoetunes: I doubt the shell cares much about what desktop someone uses ;)11:48
apacheloggerAhmed\: I have absolutely no idea what you mean11:48
apacheloggersheytan: dunno, take a look around11:48
moetunesapachelogger: but some ops do...11:48
apacheloggersheytan: or ask google, the probably know ^^11:48
Ahmed\come on OT11:48
sheytanapachelogger already did ;/ Nothing that can help me11:49
apacheloggermoetunes: thy are not around I suppose ;)11:49
apacheloggersheytan: then just checkout the optios you have in that kcm11:50
moetunesmost likely not apachelogger :)11:50
sheytanapachelogger is there a  way to restore all default policykit settings?11:50
Ahmed\Off Topic11:50
Ahmed\read my message11:50
apacheloggerAhmed\: you dont want that11:51
apacheloggermeaning you can, but you dont want that11:51
apacheloggerjust so that everyone else also knows, @root is meaning that he wants to switch to root once he opens a terminal ;)11:52
moetuneswhat's wrong with opening a shell and entering   sudo - s   and then a password?11:52
apacheloggermoetunes: he doesnt wanna enter a password everytime11:53
apacheloggeri.e be root11:53
apacheloggerhence my answer: you dont want that11:53
moetunesapachelogger: he's shit outta luck then11:53
moetunesthat's the whole idea of permissions in linux afaik11:54
sheytanapachelogger i did even create new user, and the same thing ;/11:54
apacheloggernot really11:54
apacheloggerif it was then sheytan wouldnt have to wonder why his user cant gain advanced permissons ;)11:55
sheytannew user is in all groups that my user is11:55
apacheloggersheytan: if you run groups on a terminal, what do you get11:55
apacheloggeralso, does sudo work?11:55
sheytanapachelogger sudo works and  even  kdesudo works11:55
sheytanapachelogger sheytan adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare11:56
apacheloggerthen you probably broke your policykit11:56
sheytanapachelogger but how. Others did the upgrade too, and nothing bad  happens11:57
sheytananyway, can i fix it somehow?11:57
apacheloggerwell, I did not say that _we_ broke your policykit11:57
apachelogger_you_ did :P11:57
apacheloggersheytan: you probably can fix it, but I am really not the best person helping with that11:57
sheytanI wasn't play with it :p11:57
apacheloggerthats what they always say11:58
sheytanapachelogger do you know someone i can take some time with that/11:58
sheytanbut i really didn't :P11:58
apacheloggerno, just wait in here, maybe Mamarok comes around11:58
gregghi all - i need some commandline help - I need to delete all directories that do NOT have *.mp3 in them or their subdirectories - any ideas?11:58
sheytanapachelogger ok.11:59
Ahmed\I wish JAmes were here :)11:59
mudassarhello kubuntu people plz help me fixing skype audio problem12:07
sheytanFu** ! OK How do I add my only user in the system back to admin group? :D12:19
moetunesman groupadd iirc correctly - apachelogger might know12:20
* apachelogger falls over12:20
apacheloggerdont highlight me without prior highlight to warn me12:20
* apachelogger is easily startled :S12:21
* apachelogger sends mudassar a can of help :)12:21
moetunesapologies apachelogger :)12:22
apacheloggersheytan: uh, that is a classic one12:22
apacheloggersheytan: boot into recovery mode, there you can drop to root shell12:22
sheytanapachelogger. Yeah, forget about that. Thanks :D12:24
sheytanand sorry :D12:24
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sheytanapachelogger done ;D But kpackagekit still doesn't work. Will use it wit kdesudo untill i find why it's broken ;/12:39
James147sheytan: did you first run it with kdesudo?12:40
moetunesI thought all apt progs needed priveleges - is that how you spell privileges?12:40
James147moetunes: kpackagekit is designed to be run as user and get privileges when it needs them12:41
sheytanJames147 i run it now  with kdesudo, couse it doesn't ask me for password when i run it as  my user12:41
sheytanJames147 and that doesnn't work for me12:41
James147sheytan: it shouldnt ask for a password untill you make changes to your system, and even then with the new policykit i dont think it needs to then either12:42
James147sheytan: one problem with running it as root is that if it creates tmp or config files anywhere they will be created as root and then when you rerun it it might not be able to access those files12:43
sheytanit should as always. When i want to install something it always asked me for password.  Yesterday i updates to kde 4.4.2 and today noticed that kpackagekit is broken ;/12:43
James147sheytan: how is it broken? (sorry just joined and didnet catch the start :) )12:45
sheytanJames147 when i  try to install/remove something it  should ask me  for password. Instead of that it shows me that message:  "You do not have the necessary privileges to perform this action."12:46
James147sheytan: Try system settigns -> Advanced -> PolicyKit Authotisation -> org.freedesktop -> The PackagekitProject12:47
James147sheytan: check you have premision for everythign you need12:47
apacheloggeroh oh oh oh oh oh!12:48
apacheloggermaybe, but just maybe, kde 4.4.2 for karmic was built with polkit instead of policykit12:49
apacheloggerthen of course it will not work12:49
apacheloggerthat is just a random though though12:49
* apachelogger leaves for tea and cookies12:49
sheytanapachelogger can  it be checked?12:49
James147apachelogger: but it works for me :S12:49
sheytanJames147 and what i need? :D12:49
apacheloggerthen it is not that ^^12:49
sheytanJames147 should i be listed in there?12:50
sheytani mean my username12:51
James147sheytan: need to add your self (if your not all ready added) to the explicit authorisations12:51
James147sheytan: yeah12:51
sheytanJames147 im not listed12:51
James147sheytan: you should be on Updage packages, Remove, installed signed cancel foreign tasks... (at least those are what i am) add you self if your not12:52
sheytanJames i cant grant auth my self. Need to run this with kdesudo?12:53
James147sheytan: also, Implicit Auth* should have Active console set to Admin Auth*12:53
James147sheytan: might do if you dont have auth* :)12:54
sheytanJames147 well i hit 'grant' but my user doesn't appear on the list ;/12:57
sheytanisn't there a way to reset all policykit settings?12:57
sheytanand why the hell it broke :D12:57
James147sheytan: is the "Active Console" set to Admin or higher under "Implicit Authorisation12:59
sheytanJames, it's to complicated :D Could you make a screenshot?13:01
judgenI have a very tiny problem. In systemsettings polyester shows up under appearances but it does not under qtconfig-qt4. Any ideas?13:01
=== shadesla1er is now known as shadeslayer
James147sheytan: http://imagebin.org/9144813:06
sheytanJames147 it is so  :)13:06
James147sheytan: are you in the admin group?13:06
sheytanJames yes13:07
James147sheytan: run "groups" from terminal to find out13:07
sheytanall i did is update to kde 4.4.213:07
sheytanDid it already too much times ;D13:07
sheytanim sure im in admin13:07
James147sheytan: just making sure :)13:07
sheytandid, and i am :)13:08
James147sheytan:  whats the output of "polkit-auth --show-obtainable"?13:09
sheytanJames147 http://pastebin.org/13238013:10
James147sheytan: hmm, cant see org.freedesktop.packagekit.package-install which might be  a problem13:12
sheytanJames147 is it fixable?13:12
James147sheytan: i have no clue :P13:12
sheytanJames147 i think i can live with it until 10.04, then i anyway need  to repartition my hdd so...  :D13:13
James147don't know `that` much about policykits :S but I will try to see if google knows :)13:13
sheytanJames147 ok  :)13:13
James147sheytan: you could try this :> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131434213:20
James147sheytan: might also help: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/policykit-kde/+bug/35327813:22
sheytan_James147 do you maybe know if the lates beta of lucid uses the same kde packages as we from  backports or are they build by someone else?13:26
James147sheytan_: sorry, dont know that much about what goes on behind the seens :) but I think the problems are caused because they are migrating ro polkit-113:27
James147sheytan_: so hopefully will be fixed in lucid (might need a fresh install though)13:28
sheytan_James might be, but looks like i'm the only one that has that problem13:28
James147sheytan_: its a relitivly new update, more people might start finding problems soon, you could try posting a bug report13:29
sheytan_James147 where can i post it?13:30
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots13:31
sheytan_James147 thanks will do13:32
sheytan_James147 theres no policykit kcm in lucid  :D:D13:40
James147sheytan_: think it might be because polkit-1 dosen't have a gui compoent yet13:41
sheytan_James147 maybe.  It shouldn't happen. This  isnt user friendly :D13:42
James147sheytan_: most users shouldn't need to edit the policies though13:42
moetunestoo many layers perhaps..13:42
sheytan_James147, yes,  and i didn't. It broke  after i upgraded13:43
James147sheytan_: and its only because no one has written one yet, my guess is that one is being writen now13:43
James147sheytan_: think your problem is to do with the migration...13:43
sheytan_James147 yes. will wait untill lucid, then reinstall13:44
sheytan_don't have time to configure everything now13:44
James147sheytan_: espically if your jsut going to reinstall :)13:45
sheytan_i run an upgrade in lucid to 4.4.2, will see if it will broke anything13:45
James147sheytan_: heh, lucid has "policytool", seems to have a very basic gui :S13:46
James147sheytan_: although looking at it it might be somethign completely different13:47
sheytan_James147 yeah, anyway i don't need to configure it. It  was good  as  it  was13:47
James147sheytan_: out of curiosity, whats the output of pkaction?13:49
sheytan_James147 http://pastebin.org/13244113:50
juan__my menus are empty, my install went horribly wrong (it was to a usb drive and files got corrupted, but i reinstalled everything that was corrupted), update-menu doesn't work14:07
=== shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer_
zecamilquiero entrar a ubuntu-es14:13
zecamilalguien me puede ayudar14:13
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:13
juan__how can i tell what graphics drivers i'm using?14:14
dorkfaceHi all.   Does anyone have any recommended documentation on preparing a system to switch from an nvidia card to an ati/amd card?14:16
juan__dorkface: no but if you switch to opensource drivers, remove nvidia card, install ati card, install closed drivers (optional) it should run ok14:18
=== shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer_
britany_oklahi I am having connection issues with servers other than freenode can someone please message me14:45
bazhangbritany_okla, best to ask here14:46
britany_oklaI cant connect to any other servers than freenode can anyone help me14:46
britany_oklavery new to linux using ubuntu 9.114:47
bazhanghttp://konversation.kde.org/wiki/Server_List britany_okla see this link please14:47
britany_oklai have that list14:48
britany_oklaand i have tried a bunch of them same issue everytime14:48
britany_oklawoops wrong that is a new list14:49
bazhangbritany_okla, you need to import it into konversation as per the link14:49
britany_oklathanks bazhang14:49
britany_oklaBazhang can u msg me a sec14:55
bazhangbritany_okla, lets discuss in channel14:55
britany_oklaok it says run script i copied what it said and i know i don't know much but can u help me14:56
bazhangbritany_okla, just a moment let me re-read the link14:57
bazhangbritany_okla, you copied the script into a text document and named it konversation_servers ?14:59
britany_oklai have did that and saved it on my desktop15:00
bazhangbritany_okla, okay, now open a terminal and cd to the Desktop15:00
bazhangbritany_okla, you opened a terminal?15:02
britany_oklayes and in desktop folder15:02
bazhangbritany_okla, and ls shows the file konversation_servers ?15:02
britany_oklaI think I am over my head15:05
bazhangbritany_okla, in this case I think I agree, not using Konversation myself, I am as well15:06
britany_oklawhat do you use bazhang15:07
bazhangbritany_okla, you can continue to try and find other konversation users, or try with another client with much easier configurations such as xchat15:07
britany_oklaso Xchat is easier15:07
britany_oklacause this sucks15:07
bazhangbritany_okla, sorry not be of more help, but it has been ages since I used konversation, probably two years or more15:07
britany_oklaYou are awesome bazhang15:08
britany_oklathank You15:08
bazhangxchat is tons easier, at least in installed server lists, etc. unless some Konversation user present wishes to step in and correct me15:08
bazhangbritany_okla, you want to get up in xchat and then we can continue? this will mean disconnecting then reconnecting with xchat15:09
britany_oklaits downloading15:10
britany_oklaThank You again15:10
bazhangI'm in both channels #kubuntu and #ubuntu , and tons of folks are around to help there as well15:11
britany_oklathey don't like you asking questions about irc in ubuntu tho15:11
britany_oklaI will try and get back in here15:11
bazhangbritany_okla, its fully supported, so no worries there.15:12
britany_oklaok i am disconnecting here and going to try xchat I hope i see you again15:13
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ValdiyenGot a problem with lucid. Hibernated my desktop and now the network manager is disabled. How do I re-enable it?15:22
bazhangValdiyen, #ubuntu+1 for lucid please15:22
lucituValdiyen: sudo dhclient15:24
mudassarhello kubuntu people15:27
mudassarwill somebody respond to me ?15:27
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mudassari am looking for some expert who can solve my long ago problem of kubuntu audios15:28
bibliowhat audio problem you have15:29
bibliomudassar: what's your audio problem? define it please15:29
mudassarbiblio: I was thinking that there is a problem with my old toshiba laptop, but now i have just bought a new T400 Lenovo, but still I face the same problems. So the problem is in kubuntu side. Let me explain it to you15:30
bibliomudassar: you can15:33
mudassarbiblio: I guess the problem is the conflict between pulseaudio and alsa, the microphone does not work in many applications like skype, gtalx and other sip softwares. I dont know how to fix this issue15:34
mudassarbiblio: Please help me in this, I have installed a virtualbox for some windows softwares otherwise I totally want to shift to kubuntu ......... from windows15:36
mudassarand this problem keeps me in a fix15:36
bibliomudassar: i do understand your problem really15:36
bibliomudassar: but did u tried to find a solution on google for that15:37
bibliomudassar: cuz i've read somewhere that many people get the same problem having there microphone correctly working on skype and other sip softs15:38
mudassarbiblio: I said before that it is a long long ago problem that I have been searching for long but couldnt solve it till now15:38
mudassarbiblio: Can you solve my problem ?15:40
bibliomudassar: i'm not a geek but let me have a look for you15:41
mudassarthanks biblio15:41
mudassarbiblio: any luck ?15:47
bibliomudassar: what version of kubuntu are u using ?15:48
bibliomudassar: and skype15:48
mudassari degraded it to 2.015:48
mudassarbiblio: should I follow this post => http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=828427315:49
JJNovaSo the Kubuntu Backports PPA broke my machine, and I need help getting it working again.15:56
James147JJNova: broke how?15:56
JJNovaPlasma crashes at start15:56
James147JJNova: try deleting ~/.kde/share/config/plasma* files15:57
JJNovaI added the backport PPA, installed Amarok, restarted the computer and now there is no kicker or widgets or even a wallpaper,15:58
James147JJNova: that wil reset plasma-desktop to its defaults15:58
bibliohello guys15:59
biblioi'm actually trying to upgrade from kubuntu 7.04  to 7.10 via internet16:00
bibliobut i have a problem16:00
bazhangbiblio, neither of those is supported any longer16:00
bibliowhen done with the update (on the old-release mirror)16:00
bazhangbiblio, do you have a separate home partition?16:01
bibliothe system is giving me the button "upgrade distro"16:01
bibliowhen i clik on it, it's saying: could not download the releas announcement. please check that your internet connection is active16:02
James147biblio: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/Feisty16:02
bibliobazhang: no, only one partition16:03
JJNovaThanks James147 , but no success16:05
James147JJNova: dose plasma-desktop tell you anything when you try to start it (on a terminal)16:06
JJNovaYeah, it tells me a lot of other programs are timing out, because plasma-desktop crashed16:07
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ruchYoutube videos are slow... somebody knows an solution??16:23
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:34
pietrociao stronzi16:34
rogue780is there a way to make X move the screen to the left a little? I'm using a KVM switch and it's a pain in the rear-end to have to keep readjusting my monitor settings each time I switch between boxes...or if not in Kubuntu, if anyone knows how to do it in Windows 7 (my other box)17:00
omarHi this is Omar I'm new kubuntu user17:05
omarI have  aproblem from two months ago17:05
omarI lost the login to yahoo by using Kopete17:05
omarPlease any help17:05
shadeslayeromar: lost the login to yahoo?17:08
shadeslayeromar: what does that mean?17:08
omarI could not login to yahoo17:09
omarI can to msn17:09
omarbut yahoo no way17:09
omarAIM ICQ every thing is ok and I can login just the yahoo17:09
ubottuAt the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cn.scs.msg.yahoo.com (port 5050) and see if that helps.17:11
omarok let me try that17:11
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omarno does not login sorry17:15
shadeslayeromar: hmmm... well no idea then,sorry17:15
shadeslayeromar: well you could try #kopete too...17:16
omarsorry what is that, should I install it or what as I told you I'm new kubuntu use17:17
omaraha it is a chat for just kopete17:17
omargot it dear thanks17:17
shadeslayeromar: yes :)17:17
=== ubuntu is now known as Ahmed\
chaddyhi Ahmed\17:25
Ahmed\Chaddy ! how are you17:26
chaddyfine thanks17:27
Ahmed\umm new here ?17:27
chaddyshould I be?17:28
Ahmed\no well17:29
=== shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer_
avihayrogue780: if you press alt (or is it meta?) and then try to drag inside a window, the window should move17:51
avihayis that what you wanted?17:51
rogue780avihay, no. i'm not  trying to move the window, I'm trying to get my mouse to keep from jumping to the bottom right inside a fullscreen window17:52
avihayumm, don't know. I gave up on KVM. it's a torture to use17:53
rogue780oh wait... avihay sorry. I thought I was in another channel and you were answering that question17:54
shadeslayer_hi can anyone give me rsync command that will sync one of my folders on my Main HD to a portable HD?18:15
James147shadeslayer_: rsync -avh /path/to/folder  /path/to/dest18:16
shadeslayer_James147: avh ?18:16
shadeslayer_James147: oh and i need a progress bar too :)18:18
arhihi may anyone tell me how install Flash Player???I'm lamer.)18:19
James147shadeslayer_: v - tell you whats being copied (optional, but nice to see how far its got) h human-readable, converts all number to human readable (again optional)   a - "archive" dose losts of things, but mostly i think it makes a complete backup (man rsync for details)18:19
James147shadeslayer_: also add --partial (keeps partialy copyed files so rerunning it wont need to redownload a entire file if its intrupted) and --progress tells you a % of the file thats being copied, not sure about over all progress though18:20
shadeslayer_James147: oh btw if something is already there in the destination and the source has the same thing,it wont be copied right?18:21
James147shadeslayer_: nop, unless timestamps dont match, then i think the newer one gets priority18:21
shadeslayer_ah ok18:22
shadeslayer_thanks :)18:22
James147shadeslayer_: there is -u (--update) skip files that are newer on the receiver18:22
arhiтут все иностранцы?да?.)18:22
James147!ru | arhi18:22
ubottuarhi: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:22
shadeslayer_James147: ah thanks :)18:23
James147shadeslayer_: man rsync :) has alot of options18:23
shadeslayer_James147: yeah im going through them :)18:23
shadeslayer_although im wondering why USB works in bursts of speed18:23
arhiI see.)18:24
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
James147shadeslayer: not sure :S i have always found rsync works well for copying large folders18:26
shadeslayerJames147: yeah thats what im getting... i tried to copy stuff and that took ages18:26
shadeslayerJames147: speed ranged from a few KBps to 30 MBps... im getting 10 MBps constant with rsync18:27
=== r00t_ is now known as DT`
DT`how can i create a shortcut to an .exe for it to run in wine with certian peremeters, but do it from terminal?18:33
James147DT`: kmenuedit  <- shoulld be able to do that from there18:34
DT`i don't have that cause i'm not in KDE18:35
James147DT`: what are you in?18:35
* DT` looks up, feels stupid18:35
DT`typed /join kubuntu on rote >>;;18:35
DT`using crunchbang18:36
DT`so if i can either do it from terminal or text editor, that would be usefull18:36
James147DT`: hmm, should be able to create a .desktop file then, look for others on your system or online for how to do taht though18:37
GaelicGrimecan kmenu-adit be made to automatically sort *ALL* items?18:38
DT`i don't have that cause i'm not in KDEi just hoped in thier channel and soneone pointed me to a kmenuedit like program18:39
DT`thanks for the help tho18:39
=== epic is now known as Akallabeth
=== ubuntu is now known as Ahmed\
Ahmed\whats the other commad for apt-get18:54
sheytanwhat's the kernel version in ludic?  :D18:54
Ahmed\Yes yes18:54
johncan someone help with a problem?18:55
James147!help | john18:55
ubottujohn: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:55
johni have a dell mini9 with ubunto, itt has minimal memory, i have 185 updates to install, i have a 16g sd card, someone suggested i download the updates to my sd card but i have no idea how to do that.18:57
Ahmed\James, SO glad to see you here, I have a question that what's the difference between a wubi install and a completely installation :)18:58
James147john: hm, updates get placed in /var/cache/apt/archives/  i guess you can clean it out (sudo apt-get clean) move what remains to a temp location then mount the cd card there, moving the stuff back18:59
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James147Ahmed\: wubi installs to a file inside the windows filesystem and places a menu entry in the windows boot loader, it can be uninstall from windows. A full install is writen to a partation and installs the grub boot loader to the mbr record of the harddrive (over writing the windows one)19:01
Ahmed\Yes thats right  and i have install that a dozen times and after every update i have lost it all and no partation is been seezed completely like now with grup boot it is19:02
Ahmed\James, Should i install the Lucid Lynx after a complete format or upgrade on existing ubuntu :)19:03
James147Ahmed\: it shouldn't matter if you upgrade ot fresh install, depends on how important the data is on your computer... I tend to do a fresh install as upgrads sometiimes have issues with them and dont ahve any important info in /19:05
Ahmed\Yes really good suggested :)19:07
Ahmed\So on that should i upgrade to KDE or only if i need to cause i would rather stick to Gnome19:08
devilsadvocateAhmed\, 'KDE' isnt an upgrade19:08
devilsadvocatekubuntu and gnome are parallel things19:09
Ahmed\No i mean Installing KDE sorry :) type19:09
devilsadvocateyou dont switch unless you want to19:09
Ahmed\Yeah i see19:10
Ahmed\I don't really wanna cause i would stick to Gnome and i like it infact :)19:10
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Ahmed\how to clear "search result" from tracker search tool19:26
James147Ahmed\: see #ubuntu for gnome related issues19:29
Ahmed\James, how to i MYSELF go to that room without anyone posting this #ubuntu ?19:29
James147Ahmed\: sorry, not sure I understand the question19:30
Ahmed\i mean19:30
Ahmed\after opening up the konverstion, i enter the room #kubuntu, but how to i browse rooms like #ubuntu MYSELF ?19:31
James147Ahmed\: type:  /join #ubuntu19:31
James147Ahmed\: or click the "join" button if there is one (dont know konversations ui)19:32
Ahmed\no i dont have that button lemme check that19:32
Whisky_My WiFi works at times and at times it doesn't it's like it has a mind of its own. It connects fine and I can see my network too but I just can't browse or have any connectivity at all! At other times (rarely) it will work just fine. [Works flawlessly all the time on Windows]19:32
Ahmed\Thanks James, it works19:33
James147Whisky_: try useing wicd, knetworkmanager has some problems :S19:33
James147!wicd | Whisky_19:33
James147!info wicd | Whisky_19:34
ubottuWhisky_: wicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.1-3ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 415 kB, installed size 2464 kB19:34
Ahmed\James, is there any tweak programs for Ubuntu i have that bleach any other GOOD actually ?19:34
Whisky_James147: I'll try but last time I tried, WiCD didn't do me much good19:35
James147Ahmed\: ubuntu-tweak, but i dont really know how good it is, dont use them myself19:35
Ahmed\how do i download :)19:36
James147Ahmed\: google it :)19:37
mudassarwhere are kubuntu guru ssssss ???19:38
Ahmed\umm i just dont know how to install stuff on it :)19:38
mudassarKubuntu's mic problem is nothing but an headache19:38
Ahmed\thanks i get it :)19:38
mudassarI wonder where are all these people coming in the list19:39
mudassarI am fed up by it now19:39
Ahmed\umm yeah19:40
Ahmed\James whats linux-headers-2.6.31-20 ?19:41
James147Ahmed\: linux headers19:41
Ahmed\What if i uninstall it /19:41
Ahmed\aren't that appear on grub ?19:42
James147Ahmed\: you might not be able to boot | sorry, ment 'probally wont'19:42
=== kris__ is now known as kkerwin
Ahmed\what if i remove previous one not the New19:43
James147Ahmed\:  you can safely remove older versions (after you ahve checked that newly downloaded ones boot)19:44
Ahmed\Thanks that really helped a lot :)19:45
James147Ahmed\: but be careful, if you remove them all you wont be able to boot at all19:45
Ahmed\Yes thank you for reminding i will only try removing one :) at a time19:45
mudassarhello please tell me the exact channel where my kubuntu 9.10 mic problem can be solved19:46
James147mudassar: unfortinatly this is it :S seems like you have a problem not many people are fumilar with so it might be harder to find help. If your problem is not kde spific you can try #ubuntu  as both kubuntu and ubuntu share alot of things in common19:48
=== ubuntu is now known as Ahmed
=== Ahmed is now known as Ahmed\
James147anyone else having krunner randomly be slow/freeze?20:12
moldohi, why do i have no audio in youtube videos?20:15
James147moldo: try purging and reinstalling flash20:15
moldohave installed it by the flashplugin installer hopefully uninstalling it uninstalls the flashplayer to20:17
=== ubuntu is now known as amstan_
=== ubuntu is now known as Ahme
=== Ahme is now known as Ahmed\
amstan_hey guys, can i get some help with the wireless stuff? i need to install a bradcom driver20:18
Ahmed\James, how do i upgrade the grub :)20:18
amstan_i do not know what package i need nor what card i have, lshw does not show the model number20:18
moldook, how to unistall flash without the kpackage kit?20:19
James147moldo: sudo aptitude purge flashplugin-installer  <- check teh packagename :)20:20
Ahmed\i have uninstall the grub ubuntu headers how do i install a new one will it boot cause i accidently removed all ? any help i did it by (ubuntu-tweak)20:20
Ahmed\HELP ME I know only you can :)20:21
Ahmed\PLease :$20:21
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
DarkriftXis there a better option for managing updates than the default? i want something that will check for updates at set intervals (not weekly) and either auto update or give a notification20:22
moldothat only uninstalled the installer too, not the player itself:(20:22
Ahmed\sudo apt-get install grub-splashimages does it install the grub loader ? i have accidenly uninstall it by mistake , will ubuntu boot again ?20:23
James147moldo: then you might need to find where it is and delete it (think its named libflashplugin.so)20:23
moldoits only the one file?20:24
James147Ahmed\: install "linux-headers-generic"20:24
James147moldo: I think so, but i am not sure where it is20:24
Ahmed\okay thanks a lot :)20:24
Ahmed\sudo upgrade-from-grub-legacy is dis for upgrade ?20:24
James147Ahmed\: and linux-generic20:25
James147Ahmed\: and linux-image-generic20:25
Ahmed\but it says nothing to upgrade20:25
James147Ahmed\: and dont try to remove them in the future :p20:25
Ahmed\linux-headers-generic is already the newest version.20:25
Ahmed\0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.20:25
Ahmed\Okay i never will :) but sure it will boot ?20:26
James147Ahmed\: i dont know, check to see if you have any linux-image-2.6.* packages installed20:26
Ahmed\in synaptic ?20:27
Ahmed\ ALSA driver configuration files ?20:27
Ahmed\i have this installed20:27
DarkriftX linux-image-2.6.*20:27
DarkriftXlinux-image-2.6.<anything here>20:28
Ahmed\no there's nothing like that20:28
moldohm, it seems i cant even hear mp3s -but in the audio manager the sound system works - do i need some codecs?20:29
Ahmed\but JAmes its saying i have grub-install (GNU GRUB 1.97~beta4) installed i check by terminal20:29
James147!mp3 | moldo20:30
ubottumoldo: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:30
=== sean is now known as Guest25385
Ahmed\BRB lemme see if this boot :)20:32
Ahmed\wish me luck :$20:32
moldook, the downloads will take a while - another issue: i have no contex menu on rightklick in firefox, in konquereor it works where can i change this behaviour?20:33
=== Guest25385 is now known as busyfingers
moldook, mp3 works, tnx so far - but youtube stays silent...20:42
BluesKajmoldo, install kubuntu-restricted-extras20:43
moldoi did, now i have sound in amarok, but not on youtube:(20:44
BluesKajmoldo install flashplugin-nonfree20:44
moldohm, i think the falshplayerinstaller install adobes flash, or not?20:45
BluesKajmoldo, it's flaky , it might not work20:46
AguinaldoAlveshello, I am needing help for this messenger "reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key"20:46
moldoill try the tar from adobe.com20:47
BluesKajthe flashplayer and the flashplugin are different , the flashplugin is meant to be used with a browser20:47
moldoi watch youtube in a browser:)20:47
BluesKajthat's whay you need the the plugin20:48
moldonow i just need to find the right place for it^^20:48
BluesKajweb browser won't necessarily launch the flashplayer separately it has to be linked thru the plugin20:49
orb01hey, I have a couple of files that contain illegal characters, how can I rename the file?20:50
moldoi copied it to /usr/lib/firefox/plugins where a link to flashplugin-alternative.so was, but it doesnt work - i cant find out which plugin ist actually used20:56
moldoin about:plugins both are referredas libflashplayer.so20:58
GalvatronHappy Easter:)21:09
GalvatronAfter recent updates (most likely to the latest KDE SC) my Kubuntu 9.10 (kernel 2.6.30-14) started to catch "hard" freezes (all I can do is reset - nothing else works). The occur after log-in, sometimes while loadind KDE, sometimes after desktop appears.21:12
moldoYou have version 10,0,45,2 installed says adobe com - can adobe.comrecognize the false flashplayer?21:13
GalvatronSorry - the kernel is 2.6.30-20 or 31-20 - the latest one in stable repos)21:13
xrandrwhat would happen if i removed .kde/share/config/powerdevil*   ?21:26
Torchxrandr: what do you mean?21:26
Torchxrandr: powerdevil will fall back to default values.21:26
xrandrbecause the last thing i did before plasma-desktop stopped working was modify my laptop power settings21:27
Johnkxuhmm I need help with something21:27
xrandri could probably remove the plasma-desktoprc stuff too21:28
Torchxrandr: whatever you remove there won't break anything, but you'll lose the config it stands for21:29
xrandrim gonna try removing them21:30
xrandri made backup copies just in cae21:30
Torchxrandr: moving away is also possible.21:30
Torchxrandr: right.21:30
JohnkxHow do you fix flash on youtube? it seems like whenever I tried to watch I can't move that bar for viewing21:31
JohnkxI can't push pause also21:31
xrandrthat worked wonders :)21:37
xrandri know have my panel back :)21:37
Torchxrandr: of course. you made plasma use defaults, too.21:37
xrandrthat's fine21:38
xrandras long as i got it back21:38
xrandrfor some reason after i changed my power settings, the kicker and the panel/sys tray decided to keep crashing21:38
=== gabriela__ is now known as gabriela
Torchxrandr: http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Debugging/How_to_create_useful_crash_reports21:40
Torchxrandr: please report crashes on bugs.kde.org21:40
brontosaurusrexis kde desktop on lynx supposed to look completely empty?21:41
brontosaurusrexthe default one21:42
dhrystoneHello everyone. Pretty new here to Linux. I'm having problems getting a Windows printer added to Kubuntu 9.10 on my Dell Inspiron 1525 laptop. The printer is an HP Deskjet 5550 Series inkjet.21:44
dhrystoneI've tried going to "Printer Configuration" and clicking "Add a Windows Printer via Samba," but am unsure what I need to do from there.21:45
dhrystoneCan anyone assist me with getting my printer added?21:47
new_bemberis it network printer connected to the windows-host?21:47
dhrystoneYes. It's connected to a Windows Vista-run Dell Dimension desktop PC.21:48
new_bembercould you brows this windows host via samba?21:48
new_bemberI mean is it samba installed?21:48
dhrystoneHow do I tell?21:49
dhrystoneMy Linux/Kubuntu knowledge is VERY limited. Only been using this about 2 days.21:50
new_bemberopen in dolphin: smb://21:50
new_bemberand try to find your host21:50
dhrystoneRegarding the smb:// - do I look for a folder?21:51
Torchdhrystone: press ctrl+l and delete the contents of the address bar and then type smb://21:51
Torchdhrystone: a lower case L is that21:52
dhrystoneI'm not getting anything with Ctrl+l21:52
dhrystoneDo I want Run Command?21:52
Torchdhrystone: different approach.. do you have the "network" thing in places in dolphin?21:53
Torchdhrystone: on the left hand side in the panel?21:54
dhrystoneNetwork, Network Services and Samba Shares.21:54
Torchdhrystone: click on it. you should get a list on the right hand side. that list should include "sambe shares"21:54
Torchdhrystone: right. click on that.21:54
Torchdhrystone: what do you get?21:55
Torchdhrystone: does dolphin show your windows network?21:56
xrandrso, when does KDE 10 come out as a stable release?21:56
zusxrandr,  april21:57
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule21:57
xrandrit is april :)21:57
James147xrandr: and that kubuntu 10.04, not kde :) kde is only on ver 4.421:57
xrandrthat's fine21:57
xrandri like to stay up2date with kubuntu releases21:57
dhrystoneI see my Windows network, but when I right-click it, I see a bunch of options.21:58
James147dhrystone: are you able to see the shared folders from there?21:59
zusi can not find in kpackagekit songbird? im trying to get some songs on an ipod shuffle 1gig 3rd gen silver.21:59
dhrystoneIf I click on the share folder, yes, I can see the different sub-folders.22:00
James147dhrystone: that indicates that samba is working :)22:01
dhrystoneBut my Windows printer doesn't seem to want to show so I can add it.22:01
dhrystoneI have everything else I need.22:02
James147dhrystone: now go to SYstem settings -> Printer config -> "New printer" -> new network printer...22:02
James147dhrystone: Windows Priner via SAMBA | type in the location of your printer (yourworkgroup/computername/printername)22:04
xrandrusing 9.10, is it safe to install kde 4.4.1 ?22:04
James147xrandr: 4.4.2 now, but i think so, most people havent had a problem22:04
dhrystoneThe whole thing will be smb://WORKGROUP/computername/printername?22:05
dhrystoneAnd I use the computer name of my laptop, or the PC with the printer connected to it?22:05
James147dhrystone: replace the stuff with the actual information, i dont know your network so cant tell you that22:05
James147dhrystone: the pc that the printer is connected to22:06
James147dhrystone: then follow the rest of the setup, cant really help you past there though :S22:07
dhrystoneSo once I enter all the info, I definitely need to select the printer from the database?22:07
James147dhrystone: i think so, not sure, never used samba printering before22:08
dhrystoneI think I might have it. I'll have to run a test print. Thanks, man.22:09
zushow di i get amorok to find my other hard drive? i have to manually go to the drive and "open with"....22:09
James147zus: i take it your HD is mounted at boot? if so, Amarok -> Settings -> Configure Amarok -> Collection | Find where your other music collection is and check it22:11
DarkriftXis there a better option for managing updates than the default? i want something that will check for updates at set intervals (not weekly) and either auto update or give a notification22:13
James147zus: you can also browes files form within amarok by: Click the "home" style icon at the top of the colection panel (just above the search bar) -> Files :)22:13
zusJames147,  so far i am in the right place.... i do not see in there my hard drive where my mp3, flac, avi, ogv are at. i dont keep anythin on the HD the os is22:14
zusJames147,  let me try that 2nd way i didnt knwo that22:14
James147zus: where is the harddrive mounted?22:14
zusJames147,  not sure what you mean, when i open dolphin its right there along with the 15g for my home (the hd the os is installed on)22:15
zusJames147,  thats the only place i see an option for my  HD with my files on22:15
James147DarkriftX: Kpackagekit -> Settings -> Edit Software Sources -> Updates -> Change to Daily | optinally check install security updates without confirmation if you dont want to be warned22:16
zusJames147,  yes that second way is only for my OS hd. not my extra22:16
James147DarkriftX: not sure that will auto download normal updates though (things like kde updateing through backports)22:16
James147zus: your HD is probally mounted in /media  check that folder in amarok22:17
xrandrok, did a massive update. rebooting :)22:18
=== ubuntu is now known as Ahmed\
Ahmed\How do i tub of the chatting TAB option on kopete22:18
zusJames147,  hmm brb22:18
Ahmed\James. Thank GOODNESS You are here :022:19
James147zus: the file system and drivers work slightly differently then they do in windows, drives arent mounted to c: d: but instead they get mounted to somewhere inside the root file system, kde auto mounts things to /media22:19
James147Ahmed\: not sure what you want22:20
Ahmed\i mean on new kopete how do i close those tab when i need both windows not in one so you can switch and talk and switch it again and talk to someone else HUH its TAB i need seperate :)22:21
Ahmed\i did that before but i dont see any option or i have lost it :)22:21
zusJames147,  thats it i found it... thanks so now its a mater of getting amarok to import the files. then telling it it has an ipod  looking to be fed  :) brb while i figure this out now that i found my hd22:21
Ahmed\it happen after when i upgraded the KDE version last time22:21
WOFallI installed ubuntu-desktop (because kde is sort of broken, but that's another story) and now I'm wondering how to add Kde as a choice for a login session. I only have failsafe, gnome, gnome-failsafe, xterm...22:24
James147Ahmed\: Kopete -> Settings -> Configure Kopete -> Behaviour | "Chat window grouping Policy" ??22:24
WOFall(i'm still using kdm and the kde login screen)22:24
xrandrok, probably should have left well enuff alone. Now plasma-desktop crashes after the upgrade22:24
xrandrand kpackagekit has errors when trying to edit software sources. ANd I get  a bunch of blocked updates. How do i unblock them?22:25
ThePilot13good evening everybody, this is a test, i have just install Kubuntu and want to know if IRC work22:25
Ahmed\yes i am there22:26
Ahmed\Thanks aaaaaaaaaaaaaa lot :)22:26
ThePilot13you see my message ?22:26
Ahmed\Good ebening22:26
James147xrandr: from terminal type "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade"  after you close kapckage kit -- that will install the blocked stuff22:26
WOFallyes ThePilot13, we can see you :/22:26
ThePilot13thank' !22:26
xrandrthank u22:27
WOFallso anyone know how to add login to a kde session when it's not an option in the login screen?22:27
James147xrandr: I think kpackagekit uses something like aptitudes "safe-upgrade", wont install some packages that have a higher risk of "breaking" your system.... but i find doing a full upgrade works better most of the time22:28
WOFallPreviously i was just using "Defalult (last session)" but that no longer works as my last session was Gnome :/22:28
xrandrJames147: doing it now. but it takes awhile for the thing to receive the headers22:28
xrandr99% [Waiting for headers]22:28
James147WOFall: If kde is "broken" then maby you need to fix that to get it to appear, as far as I know they appear automatically in taht list :s22:28
WOFallwell, it was never in the list to start with, even when i could log in fine :p22:29
James147xrandr: I have had that before, removed the extra ppas I added fixed it, add them back one at a time to find out which is causeing it :S not sure what you can do about it though22:29
James147WOFall: weird, you could try reconfiguring kdm (sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm)22:30
xrandrJames147: i should probably reboot again when it's done, right22:31
James147xrandr: would be a good idea22:32
WOFallthanks James147, although i don't think that'll help, installing ubuntu-desktop ran it automatically...22:33
WOFallwhat happens if i install "kubuntu-desktop"?22:34
James147WOFall: it should have done, but maby you need to fix whats wrong with kde first :S22:34
xrandrJames147: should i let it replace my kdmrc ?22:34
James147WOFall: could try, cant reall break it any more :)22:34
James147xrandr: dosnt realy matter, but i tend to22:34
WOFallyeah James147, I have such a bad experience with kubuntu betas (and alphas) but i just can't keep myself away :p22:35
James147WOFall: are you on lucid?22:35
James147WOFall: you could try #ubuntu+1 <- they might know more about whats going wrong22:36
WOFallhum, it seems actually, that kdespace-workspace-bin might have been uninstalled for some reason22:36
WOFallthanks James147 :)22:36
James147WOFall: think you need that :)22:36
WOFallyeah :p22:36
James147WOFall: actually it dosnt exist :s22:37
James147WOFall: kdebase-*?22:37
WOFalli spelt it wrong ;) kdebase yep22:37
James147WOFall: that might be why kde isent appearing, try the reconfigre thing again after its finished installing22:38
WOFalli noticed it also uninstalled kpacagekit (or whatever) but i let it cuz i don't use it ^^22:38
WOFallok well thanks for your help, likely i'll be back shortly ;)22:39
zushow can i get amarok to look at the folder in my 2nd HD and not move or copy to local? i got 250 music file wont fit in a 40g hd22:40
=== kacper is now known as matti_
James147zus: Setings -> configre amarok -> Collection -> find your hd (probally in /media)22:41
=== xrandr is now known as Guest31807
Ahmed\James i have a similar question, i mean i cannot play any song unless i close it and play @_@22:42
James147Ahmed\: ??22:43
Ahmed\in amarok22:43
=== Guest31807 is now known as xrandr
James147Ahmed\: not sure what you mean22:43
xrandrmuch better22:43
* xrandr is happy :)22:43
Ahmed\I mean in amarok for example a mp3 format is been playing i can't play something else unless i close it HUH22:44
James147Ahmed\: not encountered that before22:44
Ahmed\no i need to reset as default :)22:44
WOFallyay, problem solved :) thanks for the input James14722:45
James147WOFall: your welcome22:45
draikWhere can I get help with BASH?22:45
James147draik: #bash22:45
zusJames147,  thanks a million i got it,...1 day ill will be just as helpfull. :)22:45
draikThanks, James14722:45
James147zus: :D22:46
zusnow the wait...250gigs of scanning22:46
James147zus: :D yey waiting :D22:46
Ahmed\DO i look like an uninvited guest :P22:46
Ahmed\James how old are you ?? :P22:47
James147Ahmed\: ?? why?22:47
xrandri like the new kde22:47
James147Ahmed\: 20ish22:47
Ahmed\NO really o_O22:47
Ahmed\Thats great22:47
Ahmed\I thought someone in his late 40's :$22:48
Ahmed\Shorry :$22:48
James147been programming on an embedded device useing c all week, have to wait for it to refalsh the ENTIRE os every minor change i have had to so... i think im going abiut crazy :S22:49
James147and my VM keeps crashing my comp :S22:49
Ahmed\VM ?22:49
James147virtual mechiene, running windowss 7 into to flash and debug the device (grrr hate ride 7, worst IDE ever)22:50
Ahmed\HUH i thought its fine :$22:50
Ahmed\Where do you live James :)22:51
James147sometimes something seems to upset it and grinds my system to a halt :S not sure why, both ram and cpu dont seem to be filling up, seems more like disk activity :S22:51
yvan300am every time i try to install kubuntu from the beta, the installer crashes, is there a workaround?22:51
James147but anyway this is for #kubuntu-offtopic :)22:52
Ahmed\Yes i agree with that its true but it was with that Beta ... also with the final edition HUH i used it like until now all those months since the releasing day22:52
zusKDE4.4.2  crashes on me a bit too often for me.. now i've notice...when dolphin windows two windows it goes nuts wobly windows just shakes22:52
James147yvan300: try the daily builds22:52
James147!daily | yvan30022:52
ubottuyvan300: Daily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/22:52
James147^^ that might be for ubuntu...22:53
yvan300ubottu,  James147 thanks22:53
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots22:53
Ahmed\umm James i have heard the Lucid to be release on 29th ?22:53
zusJames147,  i do not run anything windows anymore...though i have virtual box installed it isnt "workking yet"22:53
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule22:53
James147zus: i only do games in windows, and this stupid ride 7 i need for the device22:54
Ahmed\ 2622:54
Ahmed\April 29th22:54
Ahmed\umm thank you :)22:54
FloodBotK1Ahmed\: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:54
James147zus: although i have taken to actuall coding it in kate, and just getting ride7 to flash it22:54
zusAhmed\,  lucid might be around the 29th maybe later or sooner. ubuntu might be 29th but kubuntu i think will be a day to a week behind22:54
zusJames147,  i actually gave up games...if i game it's WoW and id run a dedicated windows machine22:55
Ahmed\Yeah i see... I am thinking to install Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, Never used it before but i guess i know it well now cause gonna stick to GNome, so will it come with a newer version of Gnome and if between the one year after a installation how can i upgrade things as Gnome ? or is it built in for every new release ?22:56
James147zus: i dont tend to play much anymore either, just sometimes :S22:56
zusi really wanted to try Runes of magic but wine did my head in22:56
James147Ahmed\: see #ubuntu for gnome related questions or #ubuntu+1 for lucid22:57
zusJames147,  i am supposed to work with flash and swf files for elearning and tutorials for training aviation security...22:57
James147zus: grr hate flash :P22:58
chuckfunless something weird happens kubuntu will be out the same day as ubuntu22:59
zusJames147,  im indifferent but it was going to be a "job"  a friend of mine was setting me up with... dumpped cs3 and a few files on my lap and never heard from him again22:59
Ahmed\James, can i create an email @ubuntu.com ? if so is it free ?22:59
James147Ahmed\: i have no idea23:00
zuswith in them files were pdf's on linux/unix and security fortifing firewalls and stuff... a bunch of redhat and opensuse23:00
Ahmed\Okay :)23:00
chuckfAhmed\: you need to become an official ubuntu member to get an @ubuntu.com email address23:00
zusAhmed\,  i think them are for the official ubuntu member23:00
Ahmed\Yeah welll thougt so :)23:01
zusall right im not so happy with the way amarok imported my files but theyre there...23:03
James147zus: means you probally havent taged them probally :s23:03
zusJames147,  yeah. my file management isnt up to parr...23:04
* zus looks guilty and away23:04
zusi made a folder call audio and throw anything that aint video in there  haha23:04
James147zus:  :D23:04
James147zus: you should see mine, i spent way to long orginising things in it :S23:05
zusis this the right place for songbird ppa?  i thought its more stable than daily builds monitored by bots23:05
zusJames147,  my important files are great but the fun stuff keeps pileing in. ktorrent just finished a file even23:06
yvan300James147, what is the link to the daily kubuntu builds?23:07
James147zus: thats probally the unstable builds, but cant see any other23:08
WOFallcan somebody explain to me the ordering logic behing the taskbar items? It certainly doesn't seem to be alphabetical ^^23:08
James147yvan300: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/23:09
James147yvan300: sorry, i get distracted easly :D23:09
WOFallat the moment i have "Lan..." "IMG..." "htt..." "XCh...", and alphabetical would be htt, img, lan, xch.23:10
zusWOFall,  isnt it by what you offten use?23:10
James147WOFall: manual or alpha - you can change it (right lcick -> Task manager settings (might need to open the panel settings to right click it))23:10
James147WOFall: think manual orders them as they appear, and you can drag them around23:11
James147WOFall: there is also "by desktop" and none :S23:11
WOFallthanks. It's actually set to alphabetical at the moment, i just don't know what alphabet it's using :p23:12
James147WOFall: :S not sure then23:13
zusWOFall,  i've noticed in the menu the programs are listed in bold by what theyre are and in grey what the name is, maybe it uses that?. like cd and dvd burning is in bold but in grey its k3b23:16
James147zus: that can be reversed by right click -> Application and launcher settings -> Show application by name23:18
zusJames147,  man alive i learn something new every paragraph! maybe ill find things easier23:20
WOFallactually zus that might be what it's doing, Dolphin; Gwenview; Opera; XChat would be alphabetical ;)23:20
James147zus: heh, I tend to just use the search now, alt+F2 is faster (or it should be) then manually looking :D23:20
James147WOFall: hmm, though it would ahve gone of window anme, not application name... but o well23:21
zusjames i tried alt f2 and did chrome  but its chomium web browser  haha so i went back to the llauncher...is alt f2 krunner? thats the kubuntu verison of  gnome do correct?23:21
James147zus: alt+f2 is krunner, not exatly sure what gnome do is...23:22
James147zus: all i know is its better then the version of gnome i used :S23:23
zusi loved it if you ever go to gnome  ya cant live with out it...krunner is a bit different but i think its the same idea...23:24
mkfnxHi, can somebody help me to fix errors 9,10 and 11 of the Akonadi server auto test?23:25
WOFallpity neither are as good as executor for windows *sigh* Who said that? >:-|23:25
zusi think  the family is leaving now to see clash of the titans in 3-d..... bbl!!23:25
mkfnxthese errors are:23:25
mkfnxAkonadi control process not registered at D-Bus.23:25
mkfnxAkonadi server process not registered at D-Bus.23:25
mkfnxNepomuk search service not registered at D-Bus.23:25
FloodBotK1mkfnx: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:25
zusi get 2 errors  in akonadi server... but  ill resolve them later... bye all23:26
James147mkfnx: i tend to find restrting akonadi works... but ti dosent try seeing if neomuk is running23:29
James147if it ^^23:29
mkfnxAkonadi control and Akonadi server have the stopped status, and Akonadi server search is not available :(23:32
mkfnxAnd i have a procees called nepomukserver in the system process list23:33
James147mkfnx: what version of kubuntu/kde are you using23:36
mkfnxJames147: Oh right! sorry for not say it: Kubuntu 9.10 and KDE 4.4.223:37
James147mkfnx: not sure sorry, its been a bit flaky in karmic :S think its working better in lucid23:41
mkfnxJames147: Ok, thanks anyway, I'll kept searching.23:42
James147anyone know a good tutorial for leTex? before I google a random one :p23:58

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