
sebi`hi, what is the canonical URL for a bazaar branch? for example, when I have a branch at "lp:~$USER+/junk/$BRANCHNAME", and someone without the launchpad plugin for bazaar wants to get this particular branch, what would be the canonical URL (or command, or w/e)?01:04
wgrantsebi`: The Launchpad plugin is distributed by default. But the public read-only URL is http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~USER/PROJECT/BRANCH01:04
sebi`ah, i didn't know the launchpad plugin is part of bazaar01:05
sebi`thank you01:05
wgrantThe writable URL is bzr+ssh://THEIRUSER@bazaar.launchpad.net/~USER/PROJECT/BRANCH01:05
sebi`also, how would i move a branch from /+junk to an official project? I'm somewhat lost at that point, or i'm thinking the wrong direction01:06
wgrantsebi`: You could just push to the new location, but that doesn't work too well if there are other artifacts associated with the branch.01:07
wgrantIf there's nothing like an MP, bug or blueprint linked to it, just push to the new location and delete the old one.01:07
wgrantOtherwise you can use some API magic to move the branch.01:08
sebi`okay, i'll try it01:08
sebi`api magic? :D01:08
wgrantTry which? The API method?01:09
sebi`i'm just going to try to move the branch first01:09
wgrantsebi`: Have you used launchpadlib before?01:10
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sebi_`i'm terribly sorry, I had a connection reset01:12
sebi_`no, i haven't used launchpadlib before, infact i'm not very familiar with bazaar either (only the most basic commands... I just started using it, so please don't expect too much)01:12
wgrantsebi`: Which branch is it?01:13
sebi_`it's lp:~sebi90/+junk/frey01:13
wgrantsebi_`: There's nothing attached to that, so just re-push to the new location and delete the old one.01:14
wgrantNo point moving it.01:14
sebi_`and how would I do that? :/01:15
wgrantsebi_`: Hm, was there a VCS for this before? It looks like a reasonably large codebase.01:15
sebi_`it's kind of large, about 6MB currently01:16
sebi_`no, i haven't had a VCS before01:16
wgrantSo, 'bzr push --remember lp:~sebi90/frey/trunk'01:17
wgrant'trunk' can be whatever you want.01:17
wgrantThen subsequent pushes will push to the new location.01:17
wgrantHm, but the frey project doesn't seem to exist on LP?01:18
sebi_`no, and frankly, I have no idea how to register it as project01:19
wgrantsebi_`: https://launchpad.net/projects/+new01:19
wgrantIt's linked from the front page.01:19
sebi_`i'm sorry, must have overlooked that :(01:19
sebi_`thank you01:19
=== Ignignokt is now known as elb
sebi_`okay, done01:23
sebi_`okay, pushed and commited, working as expected \o/01:25
sebi_`wgrant: thank you very much01:26
wgrantsebi_`: Excellent. One last thing:01:26
wgrantRun 'bzr whoami "First Last <email@address>"', so your commits are linked back to your Launchpad account.01:27
wgrantIf you look at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~sebi90/frey/trunk, you'll see that they're not at the moment.01:27
MuscovyIs there any way to bypass Launchpad's password requirements? I went to change mine, but apparently it needs capitals and numbers, though my current password has none.01:44
lifelessLaunchpad now uses the Ubuntu single sign on service, and that has different requirements than the old part-of-launchpad service had.01:45
wgrantAnd USSO isn't developed by the Launchpad developers.01:49
wgrantDoes ISD maintain a public presence at all?01:49
lifelesswgrant: not in the way lp does. We should change that.01:51
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medexis it possible to upload a tar file for user download in a project07:40
wgrantmedex: Have a read of https://help.launchpad.net/Projects/FileDownloads07:47
medexgreat perfect07:51
maxbHi, what's a typical turn-around time for a new code import review?08:37
* maxb is waiting for https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~maxb/guice/trunk08:37
* wgrant points out that it's a weekend, and a long one at that.08:38
maxbI filed it before the weekend :-)08:38
maxbDoes code import reviewing serve any purpose beyond stopping people importing entire Subversion trunk,branches,tags trees?08:39
wgrantThat's pretty much the point of it.08:42
wgrantAnd why Git imports are automatically approved.08:42
maxbI wonder if "auto-approve if svn URL ends with /trunk" would be worth considering08:43
issyl0Hello there.  I'm wondering what's up with karma?  I did loads of translation yesterday and the day before, but my launchpad karma hasn't increased for days and normally it does...08:48
maxbissyl0: It's a Saturday, you'd be better off filing a question so someone who works at Canonical sees it when they get into work after the weekend08:51
wgrantissyl0: I would suggest waiting a couple of days more. There has been DB work over the past couple of days that was disrupting the karma update script.08:51
wgrantIt has probably finished by now, so everything may update when the script next runs tomorrow.08:52
issyl0Ah, OK.  I see.  Thanks!08:53
issyl0I wasn't being *that* impatient, I was just wondering :)08:53
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manishCan anyone tell me how to get the WADL file for each resource? Is it using GET or POST?09:31
manishfor example for this "resource_type_link": "https://api.edge.launchpad.net/1.0/#branch_merge_proposal" how do I get it. Using GET doesn't help much09:32
lifelesssend an OAUTH cookie with your request09:32
manishlifeless, I am sending it09:34
manishusing AUthorization header in the request09:34
manishwhat should be the Content-Type for the request?09:34
wgrantmanish: Send the correct Accepts header.09:34
manishwgrant, text/xml ?09:34
manishor text/wadl ?09:35
wgrantmanish: Check the 'WADL Description' section on https://help.launchpad.net/API/Hacking09:36
manishwgrant, thanks09:37
wgrantmanish: You should issue a GET with that header field to the webservice root (eg. https://api.edge.launchpad.net/1.0/)09:38
wgrantAnd it does need to be authenticated at the moment, but that should be fixed son.09:38
manishwgrant, yes. I saw this bug #54842909:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 548429 in launchpad-foundations "WADL file is hidden" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54842909:40
wgrantThat's the one.09:40
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grypare there problems with bazaar.launchpad.net?12:48
geseranyone around who can lookup OOPS-1553FTPMASTER11 and OOPS-1553FTPMASTER16?13:05
geserthey both are from a "Failed to upload" error log13:05
wgrantgeser: Link to the logs?13:19
geserwgrant: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/meta-gnome2/1:2.28+1ubuntu3/+build/1596443 and https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rubberband/1.3-1.1build1/+build/159644916:14
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kobrienis karma broken? I've done much in the last few days and my karma ain't going up?19:24
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=== Guest62568 is now known as kobrien
kobrienis karma broken? I've done much in the last few days and my karma ain't going up?19:31
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ianm_when someone does a "bzr co --lightweight lp:luz", often a later "bzr update" will say they're at the latest rev, when in fact they're not-- any ideas as to why?20:50
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=== Guest26685 is now known as kobrien
tsimpsonianm_: you should try asking in #bzr21:25
ZykoticK9It seems my karma hasn't been updated since March 31 - is this an issue for anyone else?22:33
ianm_ZykoticK9: happened to me once re committing code, it had to do with the whole email address associated with my commits22:35
ZykoticK9ianm_, thanks for the reply - but nothing has been changed regarding email, the account both launchpad and email, seem to be working fine - other then the dead stop in karma22:36
wgrantZykoticK9: The has been a database change in progress that was blocking the karma update script a couple of days.22:48
wgrantI'm not sure if that's resolved yet.22:48
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ZykoticK9wgrant, thanks :)23:46

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