
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as Car_Ram_Rod
mongoosedogcan anyone help me i've lost all sounds?02:02
yvan300mongoosedog, do you have any idea why it stopped?02:03
mongoosedognope it stopped after watching a movie on the failblog, i hadn't touched anything02:04
yvan300mongoosedog, you tried restarting :) ?02:04
mongoosedogdidn't help02:04
yvan300mongoosedog, ok, well when you go into sound preferences what's the situation?02:05
mongoosedogsorry had a little moment there02:11
mongoosedogyvan300 what am i looking for in sound preferences?02:12
yvan300Well is the sound muted etc?02:13
yvan300darn, what is the volume level then??02:14
yvan300oh and check the output tab and see if there are other drivers to choose from02:15
mongoosedogonly the headset,02:16
yvan300mongoosedog, which one is chosen?02:16
mongoosedoginternal audio analog stereo02:17
mongoosedogwhat the hell, i just kicked in?02:17
mongoosedogthink i got a loose wire02:18
yvan300mongoosedog, so the sound works now???02:18
mongoosedogi changed nothing02:18
mongoosedogare you anygood with mediatomb?02:19
yvan300mongoosedog, what is that?02:19
=== collin is now known as collinp
mongoosedogmedia sever to stream to the ps302:19
nhandlerAnyone know what is in $PATH when a cron script runs?02:19
yvan300mongoosedog, naw, that is foreign to me, sorry02:20
mongoosedogdo you know another good sever?02:20
yvan300mongoosedog, sorry i'm not the server kinda guy, but i think nhandler could help ya out on servers :D02:22
nhandlerI haven't used mediatomb before02:22
nhandlerWhat are you having problems with mongoosedog ?02:23
nhandlerpaultag or pleia2: Any ideas what is in $PATH by default in Ubuntu ?02:23
nhandler(in crontab)02:23
paultagOh yes02:24
paultagit is really locked down nhandler02:24
paultagnhandler: one should always use absolute paths on the cron02:24
paultagnhandler: I think it's just /bin and /usr/bin02:24
nhandlerpaultag: Yeah, I know ;) I was just interested in seeing if it was actually necessary for something02:24
paultagnhandler: aye :)02:25
mongoosedogwell mediatomb runs in firefox but when i run it, it come ups with the page you get if you net drops out02:26
mongoosedogif you know a better server let me know MT sucks the bag02:28
mongoosedogbrb having a smoke let me know tho02:28
nhandlermongoosedog: I've hear of people using http://www.fireflymediaserver.org/ before. Not sure if it supports the ps302:31
mongoosedogmight have to hit google for it, still learning how to get applications running02:35
mongoosedogi have done what this page tells me above the config title and it won't run? any help02:57
mongoosedogPS3 Media Server03:01
mongoosedogsorry this page lol03:01
duanedesignfinding community support in Linux http://ln-s.net/5Z+y03:29
mongoosedogok guys, although i got second life to run, i can't seem to make any other apps not in the synaptic package manager to run, my files are in complete shambles and my head is going to explode, i follow all instructions but when i click run after double clicking a file nothing happens, every seach i do help with program once they are running, but i'm not getting that far, i'm sure it's...04:29
mongoosedog...something really simple but ubuntu seems to operate very differently to what i'm used to (vista) i do enjoy problem solving but i've hit a massive snag, i could use DOS very well but the terminal throws me around, i really need some guidance04:29
pedro3005mongoosedog, what are you trying to do?04:31
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as uRock
mongoosedogsorry pedro3005 just trying to make programs run https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ps3MediaServer trying to make that run, because  mediatomb only run when it wants to, althought right now it is working lol06:56
mongoosedogkids are sick mate sorry06:56
=== uRock is now known as Ronald_McDonald
=== Ronald_McDonald is now known as uRock
hobgoblinmorning - anyone on here got any experience with apt-cacher ?11:16
duanedesignmorning hobgoblin11:27
hobgoblinduanedesign: how's things/11:30
hobgoblinduanedesign: apt-cacher is new to me - and there are different ones to use ...11:37
hobgoblinnvm - I think I have sorted it now12:30
duanedesignhobgoblin: sorry i stepped out.12:37
hobgoblinI think I can forgive you today :)12:37
duanedesignheh, you get apt-cacher set up12:40
hobgoblinthink so with apt-cacher-ng - I won't really know till there are some updates on lucid :)12:41
hobgoblinif I get the downloads quicker than 70kb/s I would hazard a guess it is :)12:41
hobgoblinduanedesign: yep - all appears to be hunky dory :)13:58
AJH101Hi I am hoping to install a dual boot of Ubuntu and Ubuntu Studio, sharing the same /home partition. I this relatively straightforward?17:28
duanedesignAJH101: did you get the info you were looking for?18:25
drubin2/b 1918:29
AJH101Hi I am hoping to install a dual boot of Ubuntu and Ubuntu Studio, sharing the same /home partition. I this relatively straightforward?19:33
paultagAJH101: Humm.19:34
paultagAJH101: I would avoid it ( I used to do that )19:34
paultagAJH101: the issue is configuration changes from install to install19:34
hobgoblinI would +1 that - I try not to use same /home19:34
paultagAJH101: since it is studio, I assume you will be running JACK ?19:34
paultagAJH101: so the default will be set to JACK once you do that on the Studio partition, but when you go back to Ubuntu it will try and use JACK ( and it's not installed ) thusly breaking the Sound system19:35
paultagThere are other concerns. If youwant to share /home, create two users AJH10119:35
paultagbut even that is risky19:35
duanedesignor maybe a  /data partition to share information19:38
paultag+1 duanedesign, not a bad idea19:39
paultagduanedesign: then ln it to ~19:39
paultagduanedesign: I do the same with "/Media" and that has /Media/movies and /Media/music19:39
SoSamonohello every one19:39
duanedesignpaultag: ahh, thats neat19:40
SoSamonocan you help with something plx?19:40
paultagduanedesign: I like it. I keep 100 GB slices of my drive for different distros and I got tired of copying music around19:40
paultagSoSamono: don't ask to ask, just ask! :)19:40
SoSamonook my problem is i want to put VLC player runing as defoult player on the cd-rom whem i put some media on at this moment i have Totem how can i xhange that in Ubunto?19:42
paultagSoSamono: sure can :)19:43
paultagSoSamono: There should be a menu item to change the default handlers19:44
paultagduanedesign: can you help? I am on my sister's box. No Ubuntu :(19:44
duanedesignpaultag: yes19:44
paultagduanedesign: thank you <319:45
duanedesignSoSamono: you can change the default app for filetypes19:45
duanedesignSoSamono: R-Click on one of your movies, for example, and select Properties19:45
duanedesignSoSamono: Select the 'Open With' Tab19:46
duanedesignSoSamono: select VLC. If you dont see it you might have to 'Add' it19:47
duanedesignthen everytime you select that file type it will open with VLC19:47
SoSamonoi sse19:48
SoSamonothnks for that i was looking for some comand line to do that :P19:49
paultagduanedesign: thanks :)19:50
duanedesignnp :)19:53
AJH101register solicitor19:56
hobgoblinI'd not do that19:57
=== DiegoTc is now known as Lord_Turcios
=== Lord_Turcios is now known as DiegoTc
AJH101paultag: any thoughts about sharing partitions, or should I post this on a forum?20:26
paultagAJH101: Humm? Sharing parts is fun & easy :)20:37
phillwAJH101: how do you want to share partitions ?20:47
lstdio_who here uses NViDIA ?20:53
phillwlstdio_: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=37720:54
phillwlstdio_: get it from the people testing stuff :-D20:54
ShadowKnighthey, i had a question of how to set up ubuntu for netbook i wasnt quite sure how20:55
lstdio_phillw, how do you think I found out?20:55
phillwlstdio_: also #ubuntu+1 on IRC20:55
lstdio_I even left a comment...20:55
lstdio_ShadowKnight, install? or configure?20:57
phillwlstdio_: have you had a read of http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=142321020:57
ShadowKnightlstdio_, install it completely new with a windows 7 starter base20:57
phillwlstdio_: threads from the likes of technoviking are allways worth following :-)20:59
michae1trying to get my box set up as a web test environment. went through the steps to get LAMP set up. anyone know where I can find straight forward directions on how to get the box to accept files when trying to upload to it?21:04
ShadowKnightanyone know how to set up ubuntu on a netbook? is it better to do the netbook remix or just regular ubuntu?21:07
lstdio_phillw, threads like mine are always worth following up too. ;)21:08
lstdio_ShadowKnight, in that case then, you'll need a pendrive, and the netbook iso image21:08
lstdio_ShadowKnight, you can make the pendrive bootable using http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/21:09
lstdio_which will extract the image onto it.21:09
lstdio_once complete, all you do is reboot + select the USB Hard Drive from BIOS boot setup.21:10
lstdio_you can also follow this documentation for creating a bootable pendrive. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick21:11
ShadowKnighthmmm okay so in that i download the windows or linux version? and would it work if i put it in my external hard drive?21:11
lstdio_ShadowKnight, you are in windows, right?21:11
lstdio_you download the windows version ;)21:12
lstdio_It is a program21:12
lstdio_you run it.21:12
ShadowKnightlmao okay then just making sure. okay so i download that and the iso image?21:12
lstdio_ShadowKnight, ensure that you use a clean pendrive (ie: format it before using unetbootin on it)21:13
phillwlstdio_: There was no slight on your abilities, I apologise if you felt I was calling your knowledge & experience into doubt.21:14
cliffhangerDoes any1 know if I can upgrade a 32bit version of ubuntu 2 64bit without doing a fresh install? (looking 4 a way so that I don't lose my programs)21:14
ShadowKnightokay thenthanks lstdio_ imma get on this right now.21:14
lstdio_phillw, no worries - I'm not usually named this nick anyway. =)21:14
lstdio_phillw, it does give insight though to see how new users are treated every once in a while =)21:16
lstdio_paultag, plymouth is absolutely useless...21:17
paultaglstdio_: tell me about it. Fails with nvidia drivers.21:18
lstdio_paultag, no it doesn't ;)21:18
paultaglstdio_: yes it does21:18
paultaglstdio_: it comes out with text and not images :(21:18
lstdio_see link :)21:19
lstdio_apparently that is all it needs21:19
phillwlstdio_: you've been grassed on, i know who you are ;-)21:19
paultagty lstdio_ :)21:19
lstdio_/nick sdennie21:19
lstdio_speaking of which, I'll have to email him sometime.21:20
lstdio_phillw, next time I'll come in as n00b then :P21:21
lstdio_meh, if you look at my /whois stats, if it says telf, it's me21:21
lstdio_if it says telf and it isn't ... let me know, asap21:22
* lstdio_ may want to meet them21:23
phillwlstdio_: I would hope to treat anyone politely21:23
lstdio_phillw, and what makes you think that I wasn't treated politely in your custody?21:23
ZachK_hey team21:33
phillwhi ZachK_21:36
ZachK_hey phillw21:36
DiegoTchi danda48 need something?22:09
danda48I have a Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala machine22:09
danda48when i took it to my dads, i hooked up the network connection and it didn't recognize the on board network connection22:11
DiegoTcwhat type of machine do you have?22:12
danda48amd 64x222:12
danda48i just built it for him22:12
danda48do i have to add a network connection and manually put in his mac address and stuff?22:13
nhandlerdanda48: How are you connecting to the internet ;)22:14
DiegoTcdanda48, I am leaving right now nhandleris going to give you a hand22:14
nhandlerethernet? wifi?22:15
nhandlerdanda48: And did it work when connecting at your house ?22:16
danda48yes it did, i'm online with it now22:17
danda48its an M2N68- AM Plus Asus board22:17
nhandlerdanda48: Are you sure he has working internet at his place?22:18
danda48yes, he was borrowing a machine and when i put that one back online it was fine22:19
danda48should i delete the Auto eth0?22:20
danda48before i hook it up to his ethernet connection?22:20
nhandlerdanda48: It shouldn't matter.22:23
nhandlerWhen you click on the networking applet when plugged into his ethernet, does anything show up?22:24
danda48no, nothing22:25
danda48like its not there22:25
lstdio_well, this is annoying :)22:27
nhandlerdanda48: Well, you should also be able to use ifconfig to set this up (http://linuxhelp.blogspot.com/2006/11/ifconfig-dissected-and-demystified.html). But I am a not sure why it would not show up in the applet22:29
danda48do i run ifconfig from the terminal?22:30
danda48thanks for your help22:31
danda48i'll study ifconfig and run it from his connection22:32
danda48thanks again22:32
lstdio_I fixed23:35
lstdio_my special bash configuration http://ufbt.pastebin.com/VERNVqw323:44
lstdio_because I'm weird :)23:44

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