[00:41] micahg - do you have any more changes to get in to firefox? i'm going to start doing a test build in about 10 minutes, and then i'll tag it and upload it once i've done that [00:42] chrisccoulson: not this time, there's a bug that needs to be fixed before release though [00:42] chrisccoulson: bug 526291 [00:42] Launchpad bug 526291 in firefox "abrowser menu entry has Firefox icon" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/526291 [00:46] chrisccoulson: unless you want to figure it out quickly, I spent some time last night on it without success [00:46] chrisccoulson: feel free to take if you find a solution [00:47] * micahg thinks it has to do with the makefile but isn't sure [00:48] chrisccoulson: so you decided to remove kazehakase? [00:48] micahg - yeah, it doesn't make much sense in keeping it [00:49] you're right, the webkit backend doesnt work. i thought i'd tested that, but i must have just got a bit confused with all the different things i did last week ;) [00:49] chrisccoulson: nice, the debug switch is fixed :) [00:50] chrisccoulson: I still have to port kazehakase for hardy, jaunty, and karmic [00:50] micahg - yeah, it's fixed for builds with DEB_MIN_SYSDEPS=1, but the fix would break if it's built without that [00:51] weird [00:51] but that's ok for now, i need to try and figure out exactly how the wrapper script is meant to work really, and do a proper fix [00:51] but that's for next cycle [00:53] Mook_sb: no more linux? [00:53] micahg: no more linux QA and binary releases, yeah :( [00:54] (it keeps building on the buildbot and stuff, though, since, among other things, we actually _use_ it there internally...) [00:54] Mook_sb: well, we don't use the binaries, but will it still be buildable or are we on our own to patch for linux issues [00:54] Mook_sb: the real question is should we still try to package it or not? [00:55] yeah, I don't think there's going to be too much difference for you, except for maybe longer review times for preed [00:55] let's put it this way: I'd still like a package :) [00:55] Mook_sb: ok, as long as we'll still have some support from upstream, I'm game for trying [00:56] sadly, it's mostly a problem of not being able to get people to actually pony up license money for linux (for the branded distributions). [00:56] Mook_sb: license money? [00:57] yeah; we're actually getting income for device people shipping songbird as their device + media player software [00:57] micahg - oh, that's strange. i did a 3.6.3 build earlier with system xulrunner (i just wanted to see how different the binary packages were), and i get the proper abrowser icons in that build ;) [00:57] nobody wants to even try to spring for a linux license though :( [00:58] Mook_sb: I seem to be missing something WRT a linux license [00:58] chrisccoulson: interesting [00:59] micahg: basically, no (licensing) customers are interested in linux, hence we need to focus on other things that actually generate income [00:59] Mook_sb: ah, ok, when does someone buy a license? [01:00] micahg: to ship songbird as part of the software package when they ship physical mp3/whatever players [01:00] basically, we get bundled [01:00] Mook_sb: ah, ok, cool [01:01] chrisccoulson: I have to run, I'll chat with you over the weekend maybe...please push thunderbird as well if possible :) [05:03] this will be interesting. support the community build of songbird and maintain it downstream, or work on a fork of songbird that is completely opensoure and focused on linux (lyrebird) === yofel_ is now known as yofel [18:01] Hi [18:08] As the songbird developers dropped linux support today, are there any further plans to integrate Songbird into the Ubuntu repos? [18:41] lito - not that i'm aware of [18:42] tbh, we already have enough work to do ;) [18:51] sure, I was just asking cos ddecator made a remark, that maybe, songbird could be in the repos for 10.10, but the step today by the songbird devs to drop linux support made that plans somehow unrealistic [18:54] well, thx anyway for the info === BUGabundo is now known as BUGa_vacations [19:14] evening === BUGa_vacations is now known as BUGabundo_dinner === BUGabundo_dinner is now known as BUGa_vacations === JanC_ is now known as JanC