
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
d1avlosorry :(01:10
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arrrghhhhey all, does anyone use MPD to play music locally from their server?  i had been using pulseaudio, and it worked OK locally until an update recently broke it, and i uninstalled pulse and went back to alsa.  now the music is playing, but every 10 seconds to 30 seconds, the song pauses for about 2-3 seconds.  the audio doesn't cut out, the song literally pauses... i don't get why pulse would work and alsa wouldn't.02:31
JackLDHaving a really hard time installing 10.04 server on a Dell with mirrored drives. Once the install gets started, it fails on not having a CDRom driver (even though it booted up, fine)03:03
arrrghhh10.04 isn't released yet...03:03
JackLDbeta 103:04
arrrghhhnot final.  did you at least try it with 9.10?03:04
arrrghhhthat would rule out a software issue.  it's probably hardware tho.03:04
JackLDWell, I think it is goofy hardware. I just wondered if there was a way to identify the cdrom. I didn't see anything in /dev03:05
arrrghhhdid you try booting a livecd instead of going straight to the server install?03:07
JackLDYeah, I gave in and set it up with the 10.04 desktop. But I really wanted the server kernel03:09
donspaulding1hmm, I upgraded my server from Intrepid->Jaunty->Karmic->Lucid without restarting in-between each release.  Now all my init-related scripts seem to be horked.  I can't run anything in /etc/init.d/, they all just point me at "start foo" and "stop foo" and all those commands hang.  I got an error on the Lucid upgrade that said "System user messagebus already exists.  Exiting."  That seems to have left things in an inconsisten03:24
donspaulding1Without really knowing what I'm doing, I would guess a critical system service is either hung or broken.  Based on my googling thus far, I'd think it was DBus, but that's just speculation.03:25
donspaulding1anyone know what to do when the upstart scripts are totally hung and you no longer have any init.d scripts?03:25
arrrghhhfresh reinstall & lesson learned?03:26
donspaulding1I didn't realize I had stumbled into #windows-server03:26
arrrghhhthen spend way more time trying to flail through the mess you made.03:27
donspaulding1and what would the lesson learned be?  don't test out beta releases?03:28
arrrghhhand don't upgrade thru 5 versions w/o rebooting.03:29
* the-sandman 03:29
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arrrghhhand yes, i would not install lucid until it's final on a server unless you don't mind blowing it all away.03:29
JackLDNah, I don't mind blowing it away. But, once on, the updates are straightforward.03:30
donspaulding1yeah, I've never had a problem upgrading servers.03:31
arrrghhhthe only time you really need to reboot with upgrades in linux are kernel updates.  but you should when you get each update.03:31
donspaulding1and there's no critical data on this machine, I just thought I'd test it out.  That being said, I won't learn anything by blowing it all away.03:31
arrrghhhyou reboot when the system says you should?03:32
donspaulding1I reboot when it's convenient.03:32
donspaulding1My other mistake was doing things the old-fashioned way.03:33
arrrghhhi use do-release-upgrade03:33
donspaulding1Hand-editing sources.list and doing a dist-upgrade03:33
dustin_masu3701 what are you wanting to use that server for that you are installing?03:34
masu3701dustin: i am trying to learn servers03:39
masu3701dustin_: so im installin it to practice03:40
masu3701i just installed ubuntu server but when i start the pc i get a black screen that ask me to log in03:45
masu3701i put the password and i dont get nothing (GUI)03:46
masu3701am loged in in command line03:46
masu3701am new to server03:46
masu3701how do i get to see the GUI?03:48
masu3701how do i get off the command line?03:48
ScottKmasu3701: There is no gui on Ubuntu Server.  That's pretty much the point.03:49
masu3701Scottk: but when i boot the pc it ask me to log in..so i put the user name and pwd but i only get the command line...saying 67 packgaes can be update and 31 update are security update then have a prompte03:52
dustin_masu3701 if you are wanting to just fiddle with an ubuntu server I would reccomend simply adding lamp on a normal ubuntu install03:52
dustin_masu3701 that way you can have the gui for a crutch if you need it03:54
arrrghhhmasu3701, yea you can install the ubuntu-desktop package and get a gui, but that really is not the point of ubuntu-server.03:57
masu3701arrrghhh: wait...am lost...so in ubuntu server you dont have gui? then how do you do things?03:58
arrrghhhyou can install the regular ubuntu and run all of the same "server" programs like apache, mysql, etc... ubuntu-server is just a stripped version to save resources to dedicate to those processes.03:58
arrrghhhmasu3701, by typing in the command line?03:58
arrrghhhif you want a point and click gui server, run windows...04:01
arrrghhhi just have a network cable and a power cable going to my server.  streams video to my ps3, plays music, it's a hub for all my files... who needs a gui?  just unnecessary bloat.04:02
arrrghhhit powers my website.  everything.04:02
ScottKzul: Next time before you blog about the availability of packages you might want to see if they build first....04:04
ScottKzul: Any consideration of doing posgresql 9 snapshots?04:04
arrrghhhanyhoo.... anybody use MPD to run music locally/04:06
masu3701arrrghhh: what?04:09
masu3701so its not gui?04:10
masu3701dont make sense04:10
ScottKmasu3701: In the case of the pending updates, enter "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade", hit enter, and then put your password in.04:11
masu3701scittk: then how do you set up rules and all that?04:12
ScottKRead what it says and make sure it doesn't want to remove a bunch of stuff.04:12
ScottKrules for what?04:12
masu3701Scottk: have you ever use windows server?04:13
ScottKNot in about 11 years.04:13
masu3701its gui....you just click click and you're there04:13
ScottKI get that.04:13
masu3701it sucks then if its only command line04:14
masu3701how do you join a domain and stuff?04:14
masu3701set up rules?04:14
ScottKI can also deploy a full featured mail system using ~20% the hardware you'd need for a Windows/Exchange system of similar scale.04:14
ScottKmasu3701: I'd recommend you have a look at the Ubuntu Server Guide.  https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/index.html04:15
ScottKIt does require more up front learning that Windows, but you get better security, scalability, and a lot more control over your system.04:16
ScottKI did put a GUI on the first Linux server I set up, but I think I only used it for a week or two.04:17
masu3701so ubuntu server is alll command line?04:59
aetaricmasu3701: yes05:00
masu3701aetaric: what?05:00
masu3701dont make alot sens05:00
aetarichey guys, what is the highest load you have ever seen?05:00
masu3701so how is that better then windows server?05:00
aetaricmasu3701: a GUI increases the load and uses more resources05:00
masu3701in windows you can just click here click there and you done05:01
aetaricby removing the GUI you server has more resources to use for your 'tasks'05:01
aetaricinfact, i'd much rather never use a GUI again05:02
masu3701so how do i access the server? how to i connect to it?05:05
aetaricuh. ssh is the prefered remote connection method.05:06
aetaricputty will let you connect to it.05:06
masu3701aetaric: but Gui is always easier to use05:10
aetaricmasu3701: easier doesn't make it better.05:10
masu3701aetaric: but if you dont know anything about command how are you gonna get around?05:11
masu3701how do yo access the server?05:11
aetarici'm microsoft certified in Windows Server 2003, and i don't even use a microsoft product in my house.05:11
aetariclogin via the login prompt05:11
masu3701aetaric: i am logged in but dont know what to do or where to start05:12
masu3701i just get a prompt05:12
masu3701where to go?05:12
masu3701i dont know05:12
masu3701so how is this better?05:12
aetaricmasu3701: what do you want to use it for?05:13
masu3701to learn servers05:13
masu3701aetaric: but now am just stock at the command prompt not knowing what to do05:13
aetaricread a guide? you need to install the software for each application you want.05:13
aetaricand on windows you are stuck on a GUI not knowing what to do05:14
masu3701aetaric: no...on windows you can click on things and find out what they do05:14
aetaricif you want a webserver, type sudo apt-get install apache2 php505:14
masu3701aetaric: i want to save files on the ubuntu server...how do i do that05:15
aetaricmasu3701: samba, which lets you transfer files over the network like windows machines do05:15
aetaricsudo apt-get install samba05:15
masu3701aetaric: and how to i start transfering files from my pc to the server?05:17
aetaricthe same way you do on windows?05:18
masu3701aetaric: first how to i connect to the server05:19
masu3701then how do i transfere files05:19
aetarici can't help you with a step by step way to learn how to use a server. i'd suggest you look at the forums for how to do stuff.05:21
aetaricif you have an error, i'll be glad to help you with that.05:21
masu3701aetaric: i just install filezilla on my other ubuntu computer...now am trying to connect to the server...how do i do so?05:25
masu3701where do i get the hostname from?05:25
aetaricyou set it during setup05:25
masu3701the ip?05:25
masu3701the host is the ip right?05:26
masu3701cause i just  have a user name05:26
aetaricyou can run ifconfig  to get the current ip05:26
masu3701aetaric: i have the inet ip and bcast ip....which one?05:29
ubuntologisthi there! in setting up dhcp3-server, is it possible to serve an ip to the interface doing the serving? or is this thinking a bit odd...like what came first - the chicken or the egg?05:32
erichammondubuntologist: I believe I may have accidentally experienced just what you describe today.  I forgot to restart the network interface on my DHCP server when I switched the configuration from DHCP to static IP.  A few hours later the DHCP IP address lease expired and it got assigned a new IP address by the DHCP server running on that machine.05:57
erichammondubuntologist: I haven't completed the investigation, but that's what appears to have happened based on my initial scan.05:58
erichammondubuntologist: However, the machine did have an old IP address already assigned to it when it asked to renew the lease.  I don't know if it could be done when the system is booting and the DHCP server itself has no IP address yet assigned.05:59
ubuntologisthi eric - yes, that sounds like what i am testing. i.e. to define a static ip in the dhcpd.conf file as the interface serving requests and in /etc/network/interfaces allow the interface to be dynamically assigned. doesn't seem to work as planned though. still playing around but i may end up just defining it as static and be done with it.06:04
frojndHello there.10:01
frojndAnyone here. Hope there is one :)10:02
frojndCan someone explain me in what way GUI on server makes system more vulnerable?10:02
jeffesquivelfrojnd, well... running a GUI means you have more stuff installed and running on your system10:08
jeffesquivelfrojnd, which means, the probability of having a security-related bug present on your system is bigger10:08
RoyKfrojnd: normally it won't hurt much11:18
RoyKfrojnd: but then, normally, who would need a gui on a server...?11:19
RoyKfrojnd: if you need/want a gui on the server, I'd recommend installing ubuntu desktop and later installing the linux-image-server package for server optimisations and then your services11:22
RoyKubuntu server and desktop are mostly the same11:22
sherrfrojnd: X Windows is big - lots of code, lot of extra potential vulnerabilities11:39
sherrfrojnd: also lots of extra resources needed (ram,cpu etc.)11:39
sherrAlthough I am not a zealot. A server is OK with a GUI if that's what's wanted.11:40
sherr*A server with a GUI*11:40
* sherr thinks it's too early ...11:40
RoyKsherr: it doesn't really matter much on most systems - a gui doesn't add more ports to listen to, as with new services. for local vulnerabilities to be exploited, you need a local user account or find another vulnerability through which you can pipe the attack11:43
RoyKbut the gui wastes memory (for some time until the swapper takes care of it)11:44
* the-sandman 12:43
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facetiousproxywhat is a really good book for Intermediate level training for a LAMP Server?12:51
facetiousproxyi am going through the Docs of each system but they aren't really that much help for training other people12:51
monkey_dusti have two pc's, one laptop, one desktop, both have openssh-server + client installed -- i can ssh from the laptop to the desktop, but not the other way -- hints & tips pls?13:44
joschimonkey_dust: configuration & logs pls?13:54
monkey_dustfrom what? i'm a newbie in networking13:56
monkey_dustnmap from desktop to laptop says, that ALL ports on my laptop are filtered13:57
monkey_dustok, it was caused by ufw14:00
RoyKroot@door:~# lsb_release -r14:03
RoyKfirst test server on 10.0414:03
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bogeyd6Im trying to setup a virtuhost redirect on a website and am having problems using this conf http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/408622/15:33
bogeyd6the server serves the default page, not the redirect15:33
RoyKfirst, use a separate file to make things look better - second, I have no idea why this doesn't work. I just tried with this http://pastebin.com/c6tHs8LR and it works like a dream15:40
bogeyd6RoyK, nevermind, i dropped it into apache2.conf and all is working15:43
RoyKI would recommend not doing that15:43
bogeyd6thas ok15:43
bogeyd6i doesnt afraid of anything15:43
RoyKone config file in /etc/apache2/sites-available per site15:43
RoyKthen symlink to /etc/apache2/site-enabled15:43
bogeyd6i just need it working until the main redirect server is back online15:43
bogeyd6RoyK, i did that, but the default website keeps overriding it15:43
bogeyd6i split the files15:44
bogeyd6so i hace 000-default and example in the /etc/apache2/sites-enabled15:44
bogeyd6enabled the rewrite mod15:44
bogeyd6this is why i use SLES for any production servers we use15:45
RoyKheh - I use ubuntu on rather large servers in production15:46
RoyKwe're moving everything to those these days15:46
bogeyd6yeah but15:48
bogeyd6i shouldnt have to spend 45 minutes to an hour figure out something that is documented in the apache2 documentation15:48
RoyKI don't15:52
RoyKbut then, I've been using ubuntu/debian for 10 years, so I somehow know my way around them15:52
RoyKis linux-image-virtual now the same as linux-generic-pae?17:08
RoyKor linux-image-generic-pae17:08
RoyKdpkg -L linux-image-2.6.32-19-virtual reports /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-19-generic-pae install, no 'virtual'17:09
pwnguinwhen did universe come enabled by default?18:19
RoyKpwnguin: afaics it's enabled by default in 8.04lts18:21
ScottKI think Feisty was the first release, but I'm not sure.18:48
exobuzzwhat is the status of the server edition when it comes to raid? what I mean is, the mdadm/software raid support in ubuntu is really quite broken and outdated. There are a variety of patches, and fixes on launchpad, yet lucid looks destined to ship with an MDADM which is ~ 18 months old, and has some major bugs as well as lacking support for any of the new and interesting features that the kernel 2.6.32 brings18:59
exobuzzis there anyone actually maintaining it ?19:00
exobuzz(debian testing currently has a much newer mdadm, although triggers raid building using the more traditional method instead of via udev)19:00
exobuzzcurrently i run a new mdadm on my machine, along with a couple of patches so it works from within the ubuntu initramfs19:01
exobuzz(but am thinking to switch to debian, where it all seems better supported)19:01
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* RoyK hands exobuzz an opensolaris cd19:07
exobuzzI really dont want to run opensolaris..19:08
RoyKif you want stable storage, osol beats them all19:08
aetarici lol'ed. solaris should burn19:08
RoyKzfs ftw19:08
RoyKuntil btrfs gets stable, zfs is the only good storage platform there is19:09
exobuzzI dont need zfs. also, its not really an answer to my problem. its like the old "how do i do this in mysql" "use postsgresql" type thing.. or "use ruby".19:09
RoyKexobuzz: linux md usually works well, and I've been using it a lot. what is your particular problem?19:10
exobuzzext4 despite being quite legacy, is serving me well. and I'm more at home with linux.. i ditched my last sun machine with solaris a long time ago19:10
exobuzzRoyK, that ubuntu ships with ancient stuff, and hasnt fixed any of the reported bugs19:10
RoyKwhich ones?19:10
RoyKubuntu/debian usually uses old versions with backported fixes19:11
exobuzzyou can start here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mdadm/+bug/13625219:11
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 136252 in mdadm "[->UUIDudev]  mdadm.conf w/o ARRAY lines but udev/mdadm not assembling arrays. (boot & hotplug fails)" [Medium,Triaged]19:11
exobuzzdebian has mdadm 3.1.1 ubuntu has 2.6.719:11
exobuzzi run my own mdadm with some home rolled patches19:12
exobuzzalso https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReliableRaid19:13
exobuzzwhich refers to a bunch of bugs19:13
* RoyK still sticks to opensolaris for storage :)19:14
exobuzzbut even a simple upgrade to 3.1.1 or 3.1.2 would solve at least some of the major bugs19:14
exobuzzthe rebuild failures19:14
RoyKhow does it fail?19:15
exobuzzand 3.1.2 works with ubuntu, with a small change to the ubuntu initramfs structure (missing a needed folder)19:15
exobuzz2.6.7 has bugs dealing with interrupted reshapes etc19:15
RoyKi thought most of that was in kernel19:15
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 256666 in mdadm "mdadm cannot resume array reshape" [Undecided,Fix released]19:15
exobuzzits marked as fixed, but its not actually.. since 2.6.7 has some of the same bugs as 2.6.319:16
exobuzzRoyK, 2.6.7 has some conditions where it can segfault19:16
exobuzzanyway. it jut makes no sense at all to ship a mdadm 2.6.7 with a kernel
exobuzzdespite the hotplug construction issues, upgrading mdadm would at least be something, so people can avoid some long standing rebuild bugs, as well as having new features like reshaping between raid levels (1->5 for example). and reshaping with new stripe width19:22
exobuzzi actually wonder if moving mdadm to udev was a good idea, just because it seems to have been incomplete, and not tested well.19:24
ScottKexobuzz: Most of the people who would deal with this aren't generally around on the weekend.  It might be useful to put this into a message to the ubuntu-server mailing list so it can be discussed.19:27
RoyKexobuzz: what happened when you tried to recompile mdadm?19:30
exobuzzwell. i took the ubuntu mdadm 2.6.7 source, and did a uupdate on it, after manually removing uneeded patches from the ubuntu diff. I then made a change to where mdadm stores its map file for raid construction, so that it would work from the ubuntu initramfs, however an easier fix is to add the missing /var/run/mdadm folder (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mdadm/+bug/550131)19:32
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 550131 in mdadm "initramfs missing /var/run/mdadm/ dir (loosing state, race, misconfig)" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:32
exobuzzbut anyway. i now have a working 3.1.2 mdadm on my ubuntu karmic.19:33
[diablo]guys, anyone know any info on JEOS 10.04 please?20:04
* [diablo] looks at soren 20:04
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uvirtbotNew bug: #554775 in samba (main) "package samba-common-bin 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade:  (dup-of: 554763)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55477520:46
alvinReading the backlog, I'm suddenly afraid for my Ubuntu fileserver with mdadm...20:47
uvirtbotNew bug: #554782 in samba (main) "package samba-common-bin 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55478221:02
Rafael folder of a windows client computer to be mounted on my ubuntu server. that folder is on a non -administrative user. i had  to do it as a Share folder for all users since if i did it other way it won let me..any help..this is the command that i ended using, were the F folder is the share for all users.  sudo mount -t cifs -o username=xxxx,password=xxxx // /home/rgotten/FrontDesk.Windows21:03
jeffesquivelRafael, what you want to do is to share it only for that username and not for everyone else?21:05
Rafaeljeffesquivel: if i try only to share it with that username on the windows client when i write the command i get an error21:09
jeffesquivelRafael, which error?21:10
Rafaelpermission denied21:11
jeffesquivelRafael, what version of Windows are you using?21:13
Rafaelxp prof21:14
jeffesquivelRafael, is it part of a Domain or Active Directory, or is it an standalone computer?21:16
Rafaeljeffesquivel:4 windows client workgroup is OFFICE21:18
jeffesquivelRafael, have you tried to access that share directly with smbclient?21:22
Rafaeljeffesquivel: i try but i am newbe so maybe i am doing something wrong...when i did the share of all users it worked21:22
jeffesquivelRafael, you can try with something like smbclient -U username //
jeffesquivelthat will ask you for the password21:25
Rafaeljeffesquivel: passowrd of that user not of adminsitrative correct?21:26
jeffesquivelRafael, right21:26
jeffesquivelpassword of the user in the windows computer21:26
Rafaeljeffesquivel: let me ask you a dum question21:32
jeffesquivelRafael, yes?21:32
Rafaeljeffesquivel: i want to understand this..if let say user John is a limited user and on the D drive has a folder called F under my doucments...will you go from my account whcih is rafael and since i have administrative privilleges go to c: document settings bbb and look for John and rigth click on F or is there other way fo doing this correctly?21:34
dvheumenhi, anyone got any experience with setting up file shares on a linux host and authenticate users via likewise with Windows server? I'm stuck at not getting access to the share from client machine accessing the share21:35
jeffesquivelRafael, I don't understand you... you should be able to share the folder with user John, usually, you don't need to be an administrator to share folders21:35
Rafaeljeffesquivel: let me try one more time and see21:38
jeffesquivelRafael, ok21:40
Rafaeljeffesquivel: i try and if you are not a administrator, you can not do it22:20
jeffesquivelRafael, hmm.... you're right... sorry, the user I tried it with was an administrator and I thought it wasn't...22:24
jeffesquivelRafael, may be this document can help: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/304040 ?22:29
Rafaeljeffesquivel: let me take a look22:29
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Rafaeljeffesquivel: what happens if the shared folder has a space in between, let say My Documents  how do you type it so it can be mount?22:59
ScottKYou have to quote it.22:59
ScottKEither "filename with space" or filename\ with\ space should work.23:00
Rafaelso in this case how will you do it..since is giveing me an error: sudo mount -t cifs -o username=Rafael,password=3544 // Pictures /home/rgotten/FrontDesk.Windows23:03
RafaelMyplasticare Pictures23:04
ScottKHow about Myplasticare\ Pictures23:04
Rafaellet me try23:04
uvirtbotNew bug: #554845 in clamav (main) "package clamav-daemon 0.95.3 dfsg-1ubuntu0.09.04 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55484523:07
Rafaellook at error: http://pastebin.com/qssQrXfi23:07
ScottKNot sure.23:08
Rafaelanybody can help?23:08
jeffesquivelRafael, how about sudo mount -t cifs -o username=Rafael,password=3544 "// Pictures" /home/rgotten/FrontDesk.Windows     ?23:10
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Rafaeljeffesquivel: Thanks..it worked23:14
jeffesquivelRafael, np23:14
ddecatorwhen i ssh to my server outside of the local network, am i supposed to use the external ip of my server, or of the router it is connected to?23:31
jeffesquivelddecator, it depends... can you access the external ip of your server from outside your local network?23:32
ddecatorjeffesquivel: not sure. i had to forward the port from the router to the server, so i'm guessing i use the router's ip?23:34
jeffesquivelddecator, yep, most probably23:35
Rafaeljeffesquivel: i have added that lst one to my /etc/fstab do i have to quote it...look: # Samba automatic load23:35
Rafael/ /home/rgotten/mnt   cifs  credentials=/root/.credentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 023:35
Rafael/ /home/rgotten/charts.windows   cifs  credentials=/root/.credentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 023:35
Rafael/ Pictures /home/rgotten/FrontDesk.Windows   cifs  credentials=/root/.credentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 023:35
ddecatorjeffesquivel: i tested the router's ip and it worked =) thanks23:37
jeffesquivelRafael, I don't know if you can quote like that on fstab... why don't you try it and tell me? :-)23:38
jeffesquivelddecator, you're welcome23:38
jeffesquivelddecator, but I really did nothing... he he23:38
Rafaeljeffesquivel...that is my next question..how can i test the fstab?23:39
Rafaeljeffesquivel: like reboot and see if it is mounted..or how?23:40
jeffesquivelRafael, well... first... if you try mount /home/rgotten/FrontDesk.Windows23:40
jeffesquivelRafael, it should go looking to /etc/fstab to try to get the rest of the info23:40
jeffesquivelRafael, IIRC, you could try mount -a too (which mounts everything that is set to auto mount on boot)23:41
Rafael<jeffesquivel> this is what i get: rgotten@myplasticare:~$ mount /home/rgotten/FrontDesk.Windows23:41
Rafael[mntent]: line 17 in /etc/fstab is bad23:41
Rafaelmount: can't find /home/rgotten/FrontDesk.Windows in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab23:41
jeffesquivelRafael, is line 17 the share with the space?23:43
Rafaeljeffesquivel...i do not know if i should keep trying the hard way or just change the name of tha fodler to a single word?23:44
Rafaelwhat do you think?23:45
jeffesquivelRafael, I personally, prefer using single words to avoid all of that...23:48
Rafaelyour are rigth mu froiend23:48
Rafaelmy friend23:48
Rafaeljeffesquivel: i just want to share with you this...you can use octal representation of the space "\040 and using that it worked: //\040Pictures /home/rgotten/FrontDesk.Windows   cifs  credentials=/root/.credentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 023:53
Rafaeljust found that by googling23:53
jeffesquivelRafael, great! and thanks for the tip23:54
Rafaelno..thanks you for your patient with this newby23:54

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