
akgranerIdleOne, what is the difference in these 2 wiki's http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Fr/Evenement and http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Fr/Basededonnée00:31
akgranerI put both headers on one wiki so you can see them00:32
akgraneroh NEVER MIND ME I GET IT  - DOH!00:36
akgranerhttp://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/PagesNeedingTranslated - ok *now* I think it's ready :-)01:46
IdleOneakgraner: PagesNeedingTranslated looks awesome :)03:01
akgranerthanks hope that helps I need to rearrange some of the columns in a better priority03:04
akgranerbut it's a start03:04
IdleOneI like it03:10
IdleOnealso created a Fr/ImpliquéVous/UbuntuWomen == GetInvolved/UbuntuWomen03:12
IdleOnekeeping track of all these links in my head is making me dizzy :)03:13
pleia2gosh, I really need to go through this03:13
pleia2Robin hasn't been the planet contact for years03:13
pleia2there, fixed03:15
pleia2I am not sure the Ideas page should be translated per se03:17
pleia2maybe an Ideas page for each language would be useful03:17
pleia2Events is one we we need to fix up too03:19
IdleOnehehe your killing me03:19
pleia2sorry :\03:19
nigelbabuIdleOne, she can be a slave driver sometimes :D03:20
pleia2Events is on the to be fixed page!03:20
pleia2nigelbabu: aww, give me a break, I was at work when akgraner put this page together :)03:20
nigelbabupleia2, j/k03:20
IdleOnewhere is the to be fixed page?03:20
pleia2in progress03:21
pleia2we should also hold off on translating Translators03:21
akgranerlyz shoot me which pages to hold off on03:22
* pleia2 removes link to defunct goog group03:22
akgranerI'll color code them with some obnoxious color03:22
nigelbabuwhats wrong with the mentors page btw?03:22
akgranernot up to date03:22
pleia2nigelbabu: it doesn't reflect reality, we've never used that03:22
akgranerneeds to be reworked03:22
pleia2it's a maverick goal :)03:23
nigelbabumeaning, you want more people listed offering services?03:23
akgranerpleia2, I am still editing the all pages page03:23
akgraneronce I am finished can you makes some notes on there03:23
IdleOne<pleia2> we should also hold off on translating Translators. OK blocked off03:23
pleia2I think GetInvolved/UbuntuWomen is ok now03:24
akgraneras I complete stuff I will just comment it out but have it for history03:24
pleia2Ideas should be per-language probably, not translated directly03:24
akgranergive me like an hour I am on the "G's" tight now03:24
pleia2shouldn't PagesNeedingTranslated be PagesNeedingTranslation? :)03:24
pleia2I guess I'll hold off on this03:26
IdleOnepleia2: on Translators page Please Contact Us, and I will add you to the [[http://groups.google.com/group/i18n-mentor|i18n-mentors]]...  the Contact Us should have an email link or link to mailing list??03:27
pleia2IdleOne: I removed that03:27
IdleOneoh ok ##03:28
IdleOneI see03:28
IdleOnenever mind03:28
pleia2this was written ages ago by a woman who is no longer involved03:28
IdleOneFr has 4 pages completed :)03:29
pleia2oh, I remember these GetInvolved/ pages03:30
pleia2I wrote all these when I was hoping we could move http://ubuntu-women.org/getinv.html to the wiki03:30
pleia2before I had web access03:30
pleia2if you notice, GetInvolved/UbuntuWomen is almost a duplicate of the bottom of http://ubuntu-women.org/getinv.html03:31
pleia2the website was actually updated, the wiki was not03:31
pleia2that's why the wiki was out of date, it wasn't really being used03:31
pleia2we replaced all the other GetInvolved/ pages with a link to the official Ubuntu documentation03:31
pleia2anyway, the GetInvolved pages should either be deleted, or linked to the main website03:32
pleia2(I vote most of them being deleted, duplicating the work of the official docs is silly)03:32
IdleOneso no getInvolved?03:34
pleia2we can probably keep GetInvolved/UbuntuWomen - but it should be renamed to something else, maybe just GetInvolved03:35
pleia2and remove all the GetInvolved subpages03:35
* pleia2 does this03:35
pleia2ok, all we have now is http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/GetInvolved03:38
pleia2which has questionable usefulness, but we can keep it for now :)03:39
IdleOneready for translation?03:40
pleia2not changed much from GetInvolved/UbuntuWomen03:40
* pleia2 goes to see about food03:41
elky<3 the wiki03:43
nigelbabuelky, ah, just the person I was lookin for :)03:43
nigelbabuelky, do you mind a PM?03:44
elkygo for it03:44
akgranerpleia2, Chrome just crashed and none of my changes on the All pages saved03:58
akgranerI am callin it a night03:58
akgranerjust add notes for me and I'll look at in the morning03:58
akgraneroh crap the IRC Purpose needs to be fixed as well - looks like it is still all the ideas04:04
pleia2akgraner: doh :( will do - have a good night!05:01
nhandlerpleia2: Thanks for adding the Ubuntu Women team reports. You might want to follow this guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BuildingCommunity/TeamReporting/HowTo and switch to the newer method of using <Include()> tags for the reports05:17
pleia2nhandler: we can't include, we're on a different wiki05:18
pleia2sorry :(05:18
pleia2wiki.ubuntu-women.org isn't at all linked with wiki.ubuntu.com05:18
nhandlerHmm...Let me double check. I thought there was a way05:18
pleia2I would have done it properly months ago if I knew of a way (I already converted a bunch of teams to that new way)05:19
nhandlerLet me think about this. I believe my script that prepares the reports would handle the <<Include tag properly, but the wiki doesn't want to display it.05:22
pleia2ok, thanks :)05:24
akgranerGood Morning :-)06:03
macoakgraner: why are you awake again already?06:03
macoakgraner: it's still sleepy time in our timezone!06:03
rwwthe IRC addiction is starting to take hold of akgraner!06:03
akgraneri have no idea - I only take naps these days - maco - haha what are you awake06:04
macoakgraner: im a student. im always up late06:04
pleia2akgraner: I worked on AllPages lots06:04
akgranerrww, IRC Intervention06:04
akgranersounds like a great idea for a blueprint06:05
rwwakgraner: I think I need one of those.06:05
macome too06:05
akgranerpleia2, oh cool thank you!!!06:05
akgranerhehe bekabug that's cool - we call my daughter BeccaBug :-)06:06
macoakgraner: have you checked that your daughter's actually asleep?06:06
akgranermaco, hehe06:06
akgraneryeah - between wrestling, colorguard and gardening she is tired these days06:07
akgraneroh and performing - she is going to be performing at the Goat Festival  that invited me to set up the ubuntu Booth06:08
akgranershould be a really fun time and a great new way to introduce people to open source via ubuntu06:08
akgranerpleia2, WOW!06:10
akgraneryou weren't kiddin were ya06:10
macothe goat festival?06:12
akgranerpleia2, 39 Languages  - I left of Slovenian, Swedish , and Spanish somehow :-/06:21
akgranermaco, yep the American Dairy Goat Farmers have a headquarters in Spindale NC06:21
akgraner(of all places)06:21
akgranerand they raise goats to give to women in Africa06:22
akgranerwell one of the things they do is that06:22
akgranerand show give them a way to make a living with goats06:22
akgranerand when they found out about "ubuntu" the philosophy, spirit, and the OS and that is has it's roots in Africa - they said "You have to have a booth at the Festival"06:23
akgranerto which Pete replied - talk to my wife - she is the community person and she can help you with your computer  (I was a little touched by the fact he told them to talk to me)06:24
macohehe sorry i gotta laugh at the kernel hacker saying that the still-calls-herself-NTEU is the one that can help with the computer06:25
akgraneryeah well about that  - yeah I think I will always call myself and NTEU for some reason..  me looks around for nigelbabu (he said he was going to kick me everytime I call myself that :-P )06:26
akgraneran not and06:26
akgranerso now the music store where Becca, Pete and Matt take lessons from all their computers are Ubuntu, the wireless provider we have runs Ubuntu Servers, the Goat Festival People are trying it out and I have a meeting with our economic planning board to see where the city can start using open source06:28
akgranerso yeah kinda cool06:28
akgranerout of the box kinda stuff06:28
macoum...or gospel...if you prefer06:29
akgranerit's all good06:29
akgranernow if I could only make money doing all this I would be golden :-)06:29
macomy brain just went "wait! catholic! easter! Devils Music doesnt it!"06:29
akgranernah time and place for everything :-)06:30
akgranerI haven't been teaching much lately - 45 mins to get to the church or the school here so... I have gotten lazy and don't want to drive places unless I *have* too these days06:31
akgranerbut I did find out there is a whole group of Ubuntu Users who are working to get the Catholic Church to use Ubuntu and or any Open Source OS and/or applications06:32
maco(cant spell...stupid word)06:33
akgranerI dunno - I haven't looked into really06:33
akgranersomeone just sent me links - and well I have enough to do atm  - figured that could wait06:33
akgranerI added it to my "this would be cool to look into when I have nothing else todo" folder06:34
macoicthus used to be "christian edition"06:35
macothe i-word i cant spell is christian edition06:35
macothe s-word i cant spell is muslim edition06:36
akgranernah - I that's not it - but last year when I was talking about parental controls I saw something about it though06:36
akgranerthey have some interesting parental controls06:36
akgranerwell one of the things they use06:37
macoi put that on my cousin's laptop before giving it to her06:37
macothough iirc theres no gui to configure it?06:37
akgranerthere is not any *one* thing but a series of things they recommend iirc06:37
akgranerit's been over a year now - kinda foggy on the details with that these days06:37
akgraneryeah I can't remember off the top of my head now06:38
akgranerand too lazy to switch desktop windows and google it06:38
akgranerso sad06:38
akgranerdang it  - this enter key and I  -  I meant   - so sad I am so lazy :-P06:39
akgraneranyone use inkscape?06:39
macoi do06:40
akgraneroh cool06:40
macowhat did i just sign up for?06:40
akgraneryou'll be at SELF right?06:40
rwwI can kinda use it.06:40
macoyes i will06:40
macoi *may* have figured out carpool/hotel-room-share too06:40
akgranerI still can't figure it out well enough to use just inkscape and hope back to pages when I get stuck trying to do something06:40
macoive never used inkscape for like....a newsletter06:41
akgranerhop I mean06:41
macojust to make individual images to use in other stuff06:41
macoi use scribus for desktop publishing type stuff06:41
akgraneryeah  - GIMP and I are BFF's these days and I want to learn to use and open source desktop publisher06:42
rwwakgraner: inkscape isn't really a desktop publisher06:42
akgranerand well neither scribus or inkscape are working for me (learning curve issues I am sure)06:42
rwwwell, I guess it is. I just use it for vectory stuff.06:43
akgranerrww - hmmm then I wonder why I keep getting told to use inkscape06:43
macoakgraner: will you be at OLF? i intend to submit a talk thats an overview of inkscape06:43
akgraneryep - I'll be there too06:43
macoit *can* be used for publishing. thats how FCM is done06:43
akgranerI submitted 3 talks to OLF hoping 1 would get picked up06:43
macoFCM had a howto on how they did it06:43
rwwI've never used scribus, I should try it out some time06:44
akgranermaco, oh cool - I'll have to look for that - I'll have some samples of things I do in Pages - and maybe we can figure out how to help me understand how to do them in inckscape06:44
akgranerwell if ya have time to help me that is  - I am assuming a lot aren't I :-/  sorry about that06:45
akgranerrww, I tried scribus and inkscape last last Feb - March ('09)  and  well  - it was painful and very frustrating06:46
akgranerso I just used open office for some simple stuff I was working on06:47
rwwakgraner: yeah. I use inkscape for LoCo stuff, and get confused and go poke Flannel repeatedly. It is hard :(06:47
macoakgraner: remember the vine i made? that was in inkscape06:47
akgranerrww is that what was used for the CD covers06:47
macoakgraner: it took like 3 days i think06:48
rwwakgraner: yeah06:48
akgranermaco, vaguely06:48
macoakgraner: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Ideas/TShirtDesigns06:48
rwwI guess those CD sleeves are desktop publishing, come to think of it. So yeah, I'm crazy, it is a DTP tool :S06:49
akgranerrww, yeah after OSCON last year I revisited inkscape  because I want to modify the CD cover to use  and well as you can see I don't have a modified one sooo...06:49
akgranermaco, now I remember06:50
akgranerthat is cool06:50
akgranerI would really like to learn to use those 2 applications06:51
akgranermaco, just added SELF - Maco - inkscape to my Calendar :-)  hehe06:52
macoakgraner: hehe ok. we'll do an in-person tutorial thingy and then that'll help me figure out how to explain at OLF if i get to speak there again06:52
macothough ooooh id also LOVE to show off MyPaint06:52
akgranerThere should be time  - will be coming to SC on Friday?06:53
macolast OLF when she got off the stage i grabbed ebeth to tell her about how awesome mypaint is. then at the party that night i handed her my laptop and wacom to play06:53
akgranerubucon from 1-6 on Friday and 9-noon on Sunday06:53
macothats the plan06:53
macobut not by 1!06:53
macoi have school around noon i think06:54
akgranerno worries I will be there Thursday through Sunday06:54
akgranerrww, you going to make it Portland for OSCON this year?06:54
akgranermake it to06:55
rwwakgraner: I haven't decided yet.06:55
akgranerdang it - sorry you have to read my mind06:55
akgranerahh ok - I'll be there for CLS and OSCON - doing the Linux Pro/Ubuntu User booth again06:55
akgranerGareth and I submitted a talk to OSCON - well he submitted it - I just helped with it - so we are waiting to see how that goes06:57
akgranerI think I have had entirely too much caffeine in the last 24 hours07:00
akgranersorry y'all for babbling07:01
akgranerHaHa you mean there really is more than one Linux Distribution - http://www.linuxtoday.com/infrastructure/2010040300735OSCY07:56
Mamarokhm, Carla seems to change distro quite often lately, I remember a post of her about switching to PCLinuxOS08:19
Mamaroknot so long ago08:19
macoprobably gives 'em all a shot to see whats new so she can report on t08:19
melissawmhi folks, anyone around?12:10
elkymelissawm, kinda. 'sup?12:33
melissawmhi! :) i just wanted some little help with the translation of the wiki12:37
melissawmin the "how to translate" page, the instruction is to create a translated page right away. is that what i should do? even if the translations are not 100% complete?12:38
DolasillaHi Melissawm! to solve issue with uncomplete translations you can copy the existing english page to the new one, so for the untraslated part you can leave the english text12:50
Dolasillato copy the page you can use the "actions" on the top of the page. One of the available actions is to perform the copy of the page12:50
melissawmDolasilla: great! thanks :) another small question though: in the translations project, we use pt_br as our language code. in the page that is linked in the how to translate wiki, there is no such language code, though12:52
melissawmbut if i use pt (for portuguese) i'll be trampling over portuguese (from portugal) as opposed to pt_br which is portuguese from brazil12:52
Dolasilla:( sorry melissawm, I can't help on this, I thought you could simply set12:54
Dolasilla#format wiki12:54
Dolasilla#LANGUAGE it12:54
Dolasillaon top of page12:54
Dolasillain place of it, pt_br12:54
Dolasillabut I don't know if it works12:55
melissawmok. i can always do this now, and if it's wrong i can fix it later, right?12:55
Dolasillaof course! :)12:55
melissawmgreat :) thanks!12:55
Dolasillayour welcome! :) gotta go now, bye! :)12:55
melissawmi have to go now but thanks for your help!12:55
akgranerhttp://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/PagesNeedingTranslated  If someone is looking to translate the wiki pages - please direct them to this table 1st :-)  I'll add it to the mail wiki page as well15:34
popeymaco: http://img708.yfrog.com/i/o8j.jpg/17:09
popeyDoctor Who biscuits!17:10
macopopey: i made blue TARDIS biscuits once. crimsun has a photo somewhere17:25
crimsunthey're on my pc; do you want me to post them?20:04
akgranerbiscuits as in cookies or biscuits as in southern style breakfast ones?20:14
macoakgraner: "biscuits" as in "popey said it, so go with the british meaning"20:22
akgranerthat is so strange to me :-/  some southern things are just en-grained  and sound so funny with any other meaning  - :-p20:24
popeybiscuits over there are like muffin things arent they?20:24
popeyi recall hearing KFC do chicken, biscuits and gravy? whereas in the UK it's chicken, chips, beans20:25
popeyer, thats french fries :)20:25
popeygah, I'm hungry now :)20:26
popeymaco: http://www.guardian.co.uk/tv-and-radio/tvandradioblog/2010/apr/03/doctor-who-eleventh-hour - note- contains spoilers20:29
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