
BlubbTecLomi: https://launchpad.net/~diwic/+archive/ppa this is the alsa-plugins posted in the bugreport, which i'm using00:00
jham_lindowWell, I have a printer with a built in media reader and it won't accept two of the three flash media devices I use. One mounts without problems while the other two have major problems.00:00
Tombuntunorbi905: and add universe00:01
LomiBlubbTec, so it's a buffer issue resulting from the change?00:01
ubuntu__Getting error at startup: Mount of file system failed. A maintenance shell will be started Control D will terminate...00:01
jham_lindowPrinter has been supported by Ubuntu since 8.04 so that is obviously not the problem.00:01
norbi905Tombuntu, main, universe and multiverse .. try that00:01
BlubbTecLomi: uff, i'm actually not sure what causes the bug internally, but it's some miscommunication between alsa and pulse caused by some bugs in the karmic-alsa version00:02
Tombuntunorbi905: Thanks got it.00:02
LomiBlubbTec, so just get update?00:02
* PunchyPanther jumps for joy00:02
LomiBlubbTec, or go change the aperture aswell?00:02
BlubbTecLomi: all I did was downloading the alsa-plugins in that ppa00:03
LomiBlubbTec, alright man, I'll have a look.00:03
jham_lindowIsn't it right that flash memory degrades over time? Then that might be the problem with the two devices that I am having issues mounting.00:06
ringerchecking /var/log and there is a file poularity-contest anyone know what this is?00:06
jham_lindowLike as of constant use.00:06
ardchoillering1: that contest has to do with debian stuff00:07
ardchoilleor so I was told00:07
ubuntu__Can someone help me with this: Getting error at startup: Mount of file system failed. A maintenance shell will be started Control D will terminate...00:07
unopringer, popcon takes a poll of commonly used packages and sends information back to the package maintainers00:07
ardchoilleunop: Thought so, thanks for that00:07
ringerok - thanks guys - I did some updates the other day - must be from that00:07
ubuntu__no one?00:08
ardchoilleIs there an easy way to theme the notification popup bubbles that show in the right top corner?00:09
=== alden is now known as alden_away
ardchoille!away | alden_away00:09
ubottualden_away: You should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»00:09
ubuntu__ok is there a way to install over existing install without writting over home?00:10
alden_awayah i see00:10
LomiOn a related note. Since switching from Debian to Ubuntu, I'm finding myself waiting far longer for the headers on an apt-get update than I did under Debian. Any reasons why? I mean it's not that big of a deal, just curious if it works differently.00:11
unopubuntu__, no. but you can backup /home before the install and then restore it afterwards.00:11
Nadia24_Free french MP3 from Québec:   www.jacquesdurocher.com    www.jacquesdurocher.com    www.jacquesdurocher.com    www.jacquesdurocher.com    www.jacquesdurocher.com    www.jacquesdurocher.com    www.jacquesdurocher.com00:11
unopLomi, you might want to try using mirrors of the repositories that are closer to you.00:11
Nadia24_Free french MP3 from Québec:   www.jacquesdurocher.com    www.jacquesdurocher.com    www.jacquesdurocher.com    www.jacquesdurocher.com    www.jacquesdurocher.com    www.jacquesdurocher.com    www.jacquesdurocher.com00:11
Nadia24_Free french MP3 from Québec:   www.jacquesdurocher.com    www.jacquesdurocher.com    www.jacquesdurocher.com    www.jacquesdurocher.com    www.jacquesdurocher.com    www.jacquesdurocher.com    www.jacquesdurocher.com00:11
FloodBot2Nadia24_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:11
ubuntu__way too big for that, whay does ubuntu not install home as a seperate dir?00:11
ArumAny can help me plase?00:12
ArumUse Tinychat and webcam?00:12
unopubuntu__, /home is a separate dir00:12
Draglornot in the default install unop00:12
Draglorjust did it for my brother today00:12
ubuntu__unop: by default?00:12
alden_away!away | alden_away00:12
ubottualden_away, please see my private message00:12
unopubuntu__, Draglor - do you mean "separate partition" instead??00:13
Draglorthere's only swap and /00:13
ubuntu__unop: yeah00:13
V3RR3ZHow do I make a Make file00:13
unopubuntu__, yes /home is always a separate dir then00:13
ardchoilleyou can set up home to be on a sep part, but you need to do it manually00:13
ubuntu__unop: so i should be ablt to reinstall to the root dir and not touch home00:14
unopubuntu__,  well, is your /home on a different partition or not?  if not, then no00:14
ubuntu__unop: right ansd ubuntu defaults to only 2 part. swao and everthing else00:15
ubuntu__last try anyone Getting error at startup: Mount of file system failed. A maintenance shell will be started Control D will terminate...00:17
unopubuntu__, perhaps, i'm not sure -- I always create a separate partition for /home -- the point is, if the installer formats / in the install process, then you lose /home -- you can stop the installer from formatting / but then that defeats the point of a 'clean install' or a 'reinstall' as you are left with all the cruft from the old install.00:17
ardchoilleubuntu__: I would start by reviewing /etc/fstab and then determine if the hard drive is having problems00:17
Draglorhe could wipe anything instead of home before install00:17
ZombieI have Dial up Modem support issues.00:18
ubuntu__ok thks00:18
unopubuntu__,  enter the maintenance shell and then try ..  sudo mount -a  # that should list the problem hopefully00:18
ZombieI have found that a non-Winmodem made by 3Com doesn't work right under Ubuntu00:18
Zombiebut DOES work right under Mandriva.00:18
ZombieThe modem is fully detected in Ubuntu00:18
ubuntu__there you go00:19
Zombiebut gives fragmented responsees.'00:19
ZombieAs opposed to Mandriva00:19
ZombieWhere it works perfectly.00:19
ZombieWhat's going on?00:19
blakkheim!enter | Zombie00:19
ubottuZombie: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:19
markus86i wannt hacking the web00:21
ninjai_hey guys im having some problems with the live cd booting on 1 computer.  I tried the 10.04 beta, and now im trying 9.10.  I get to the boot screen then after I hit enter to launch the live CD everything on the screen goes black, then the cd drive stops spinning and reading.  What can I do about this?00:21
Liquinn45Wondering how I can login if I have installed Ubuntu 9?00:21
ZombieSo, does anyone have any solutions for me?00:21
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Liquinn45I've gotta go soon, so any help welcomed.00:21
Liquinn45I'm basically trying to login, but I'm not sure on the login details, the version I'm using is Ubuntu 9.00:22
blakkheimLiquinn45: there is no ubuntu 900:22
Liquinn45Hmm, let me check00:22
palanthas_I am trying to install WinXP for a co-worker (although I would rather Ubuntu) but even after formating/install XP twice, it doesn't install right... anywho, I tried to install Ubuntu 9.04 and Kubuntu 9.04 and both return with "Traceback (most recent call)" or somehting along those lines... and won't let me move onto installing the (k)ubuntu... any help would be appreciated!00:22
Pirate_HunterLiquinn45, if you google online you'll find information on how to reset your pass, off my head boot using recovery than it would be something like passwd [username] newpass00:23
Liquinn45Hmm, you sure? I only have access to the login screen, dunno how I'd change the password with only having access to that00:23
ninjai_can anyone help me with boot CD issues?00:23
Liquinn45ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386 is what I'm using00:23
Dragloryou could start from cd, chmod into your installed system and change the password then Liquinn4500:24
Pirate_HunterLiquinn45, in grub menu choose recovery and from there use the following command than reboot again and login with your new pass00:24
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Liquinn45It's a Virtual Machine, dare I say it, can't install it on my Vista laptop (I tried to dual boot) hmm... one issue at a time xD00:25
blakkheimDraglor: i think you mean chroot00:25
Pirate_HunterDraglor, errrrh don't think Liquinn45 is ready for that recovery would be simpler and straight forward00:25
=== jimtuv_ is now known as jimtuv_atk
Liquinn45It's a Virtual Machine lol00:25
Draglordoes ubuntu give full root access on recovery console?00:26
Liquinn45I have 3 configured, though I'm breaking the law with one of them.00:26
ZombieI am finding that Ubuntu's support is slipping00:26
blakkheimZombie: so contribute00:26
Liquinn45Anyone able to give me a few steps on what to do?00:26
unopDraglor, yes00:26
ShadwDrgnwhenever I try to burn files to a CD/DVD ubuntu reports size of my blank cd wrong00:26
ShadwDrgnanyone know anything about this issue?00:26
Draglorthinking about that .. is there a way to set up a password in grub2?00:26
blakkheimShadwDrgn: which version00:26
Zombieblakkheim: I work with the WahCade project.00:27
Liquinn45I'm having a problem00:27
Liquinn45logging into the thing00:27
ShadwDrgndisc in the drive right now is being reported as 2.2 meg00:27
Pirate_HunterLiquinn45, ignore that last statement on breaking the law, reboot your ubuntu vm, on the menu for grub chose recovery00:27
ShadwDrgnbut it's completely blank00:27
unopDraglor, yes00:27
Liquinn45It's illegal for someone to have a Mac OS Leopard VM xD00:27
Pirate_HunterLiquinn45, are you a troll?00:27
Liquinn45I need help, sorry00:28
harisundok so I want to be able to create a local mirror of the karmic updates after a fresh installation so all the karmic clients on my LAN can connect and get their packages from there, instead of having to go to Ubuntu's website .. what's the tool for that?00:28
Liquinn45Grub doesn't come up00:28
Pirate_HunterLiquinn45, concentrate it doesn't matter what your doing just follow instructions for ubuntu, boot into recovery00:28
ShadwDrgni've found a bugtraq bug that seems to be same issue i'm having, but i don't see a resolution, and i'm not 100% certain it's the exact same issue00:29
Liquinn45Dunno how to do that, sorry :x00:29
ShadwDrgnsupposedly "low importance"00:30
Liquinn45I have an older version of Ubuntu as a Virtual machine too, that installed with no problem00:30
ninjai_hey guys im having some problems with the live cd booting on 1 computer.  I tried the 10.04 beta, and now im trying 9.10.  I get to the boot screen then after I hit enter to launch the live CD everything on the screen goes black, then the cd drive stops spinning and reading.  What can I do about this?00:30
Liquinn45think I'm gonna get some sleep00:30
daftykinsninjai_: try the memory test first, if you know the CD is good then the CD drive might be gone - or it might just hate the PC00:31
Liquinn45I re-start the VM, grub doesn't come up00:31
Liquinn45I don't know how to access grub00:31
Zecjust install it and update it00:31
Liquinn45I can't login...00:31
Liquinn45to the machine.00:31
Liquinn45That's the problem00:31
Zecuse liveCD00:32
Liquinn45What's the username/password for the thing?00:32
daftykinsLiquinn45: screenshot what you see.00:32
Pirate_Hunterninjai, could be a bad cd or it didn't burn alright or those versions need perculiar commands to run from your drive or mob, have you checked online for any posted issues with your mob type or cd?00:32
ninjai_daftykins: will using the alt cd to install solve this little issue?00:32
ShadwDrgnso i take it no one knows the wrong size blank cd issue resolution?00:32
Liquinn45A login box00:32
Zecthere is not password00:32
ninjai_i know the CD works00:32
Liquinn45this is complicated :<00:32
amimusahello, strange behavieur ... i don't know why i don't have sound. i go to system-preferences-sound and i get a "wating to the sound system to respond" message00:32
daftykinsninjai_: not likely. if it's stopping reading from it, it could be a fair number of things. try the memory test and see if it does anything00:32
Liquinn45I don't get how I can login to the machine (00:33
amimusaI can't listen audio, i don't have the volume control ... but from youtube i can listen00:33
daftykinsLiquinn45: you should have installed it yourself therefore know what user+pass you entered into setup.00:33
daftykinsLiquinn45: i suggest you reinstall.00:33
amimusaany idea ?¿00:33
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amimusathanks in advance00:33
BlubbTecamimusa: try writing pulseaudio -D into a terminal00:33
Liquinn45I remember now, sorry00:33
Liquinn45it's like 12:30am here lol00:33
daftykinssame here ;)00:33
Liquinn45Trying to remember my details00:34
DR_Fun1hey peeps00:34
amimusastart daemon fails00:34
Liquinn45Thanks guys!00:34
DR_Fun1is there any one around thats good with http servers00:34
amimusait says, in spanish00:34
Liquinn45Something so simple lol00:34
Liquinn45Niceeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)00:34
Liquinn45Thanks for the help, it's now working00:34
Pirate_HunterDR_Fun1, just ask if someone knows they'll help00:34
Liquinn45Next issue, while I'm here00:34
ninjai_DR_Fun1: ive done a lot of apache stuff00:34
BlubbTecamimusa: ok, did you change anything that could've caused your sound to break?00:34
DR_Fun1can we talk00:34
Liquinn45I did burn off the same .iso to a CD-RW which loaded up on my vista machine which was what I wanted00:35
BlubbTecany big changes?00:35
=== passten is now known as NO12DAY
Liquinn45And it didn't install for some reason on my Vista machine... not sure why?00:35
amimusai don't think so00:35
=== NO12DAY is now known as NO12day
Liquinn45The virtual machine is working, but I wanna dual boot my vista laptop with Ubuntu00:35
amimusai just tried to change the home directory to other device, mounting it00:36
amimusabut i don't know what is the relation00:36
BlubbTectry mounting it back and run pulseaudio -D again00:36
amimusanothing BlubbTec00:36
chrizthopis there a problem in dual booting with ubuntu and vista?00:36
BlubbTecsee if it works00:36
AnAnonymousKillehi folks, i was just wondering if windows in virtual box can do DirectX rendering on an ubuntu host... i'm guessing not :-)00:36
amimusai have mounted it again00:36
daftykinsAnAnonymousKille: i think there is some hardware acceleration with virtualbox VMs, but it'll be dire performance wise if it does00:37
dever23bHello all-- Can anyone give me some assistance/suggestions for burning some of my AVI/MPG videos to DVD, in DVD format, from 9.10/Karmic?00:37
AnAnonymousKilleoh, thanks !00:37
Stealth--Is it considered safe to run a external HD 24/7? The last two I've let run all the time have failed shortly after so I'm wondering if that was the problem. However, they were also both pretty old00:37
BlubbTecamimusa: i'll search for a bit aswell, maybe its a rather common thing...00:37
AnAnonymousKilleStealth, i imagine that heat might be a problem in those smaller enclusures00:38
amimusawell, i would have to unmount the device i have set as home, and try to use the older home diretory00:38
amimusathank you BlubbTec00:38
Stealth--Yeah, that's what I was thinking too00:38
Pirate_HunterStealth--, if it is a good make, bought from a well known shop than yes if not maybe00:38
amimusai am going to restore the home directory as before and i come back, since i will need to reboot00:39
amimusai will come back to say how it goes00:39
=== chrizthop is now known as asazine
Eri_So I can't log onto my Ubuntu.00:40
Eri_init: job_process.c:529: unhandled error from job_process_spawn: permission denied00:40
Eri_init: job_process.c:529: unhandled error from job_process_spawn: permission denied00:40
Eri_init: Failed to spawn mountall-shell pain process: unable to execute: Permission denied00:40
daftykins!pastebin | Eri_00:40
ubottuEri_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:40
daftykinsEri_: what did you do before this started happening?00:41
Eri_daftykins Thanks.  I'll use that in the future.00:41
Eri_daftykins I installed pysdm.00:41
tetsuo__how do i extract a rar archive ?00:41
switch10any recommendations on a disk recovery utility?  I am going to repartition a drive, and then try to recover the data on it...00:42
daftykinstetsuo__: install unrar or unrar-nonfree00:42
Eri_daftykins I've read that there are a lot of problems with people and booting their machines when they install it, but I haven't seen the problem solved yet.00:42
sinisterstufhi, how do you use signals such as usr1?00:42
daftykinstetsuo__: the built-in archive manager will then be able to handle it00:42
tetsuo__daftykins: it says extracting but doesnt actually put any files in the folder00:42
Pirate_Hunterswitch10, ok maybe you want to try recovering the data than repartitioning the drive00:42
iamnotaguestHey, I'm trying to start compiz fusion, and I get this error: http://pastebin.com/8ZA6SJQQ00:42
iamnotaguestI have an NVIDIA gfx card, so I'm not sure what's up00:43
daftykinstetsuo__: i had that with either unrar or unrar-nonfree, one works, one doesn't00:43
daftykinsEri_: was it an ubuntu install you have anything important on?00:43
sinisterstufswitch10: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk00:43
soreauiamnotaguest: Did you install the driver through hardware drivers? (in sys>admin)00:43
switch10Pirate_Hunter: na this will be a test.  I have an old HDD that I want to test a disk recovery util on.00:43
iamnotaguestsoreau: I did nothing, perhaps I00:43
iamnotaguest'm using a generic driver?00:43
Eri_daftykins: I'm not sure.  I know I can overwrite it with a new install easy as pie, but I'd love to just be able to get in without having to wipe it.00:44
soreauiamnotaguest: The default is nv or nouveau in karmic, both of which do not offer 3D to run compiz00:44
tetsuo__daftykins: i accidentally installed the free version00:44
switch10sinisterstuf: thanks, Ill check that out.00:44
Eri_daftykins: I'd MUCH rather not overwrite it.00:44
daftykinsEri_: have you tried booting the 'recovery' option? if you don't get the options at boot, hold down shift before the computer starts reading from the disk00:44
soreauiamnotaguest: actually, nouveau can, but it's officially unsupported for 3D and is the default in lucid now00:44
tetsuo__thanks it works now00:44
JenniferBHi folks, I want to share a 50mb folder with another person by providing him a link to my file.. how can I open up such a spot for my file? is it hard? thank you for your help00:44
sinisterstufswitch10: it was recommended by several people in the NWLUG00:44
Pirate_Hunterswitch10, ok but like I said recover first than repartition I am 80% sure you can't partition a disk than try to recover the data, however, there is still 20% chance that I am wrong00:45
daftykinsiamnotaguest: pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:45
Eri_daftykins: Recovery mode gives me the same result.00:45
iamnotaguestdaftykins: http://pastebin.com/7hA2QU2i00:45
cycrosismhow do i filter ssh packets on tcpdump00:45
jimbeam12hey all00:46
switch10Pirate_Hunter: :) ya I think you are wrong...  It has been done.  I just want to do it myself for the experience.00:46
daftykinsEri_: ok i think what you'll need to do is boot a livecd, mount the install, chroot into it and then remove that package00:46
iamnotaguestsoreau: Ok, trying a new driver.. Apparently it's properietary.00:46
jimbeam12anyone install avg ...just installed it and ive got no icons for it..help00:46
sinisterstufnobody know how to send signals like usr1 to a running task in the terminal?00:46
dever23bCan anyone walk me through converting an AVI/MPG video to DVD?  I'm pretty sure I need to use ffmpeg, but I'm not quite sure what options to use, of if it's even necessary00:46
daftykinsiamnotaguest: standard 'nv' driver there then.00:46
bazhangdever23b, try devede00:46
Eri_daftykins: chroot?00:46
Pirate_Hunterswitch10, oh, ok, than do tell me of your endeavour once your done, I am now curious00:47
sinisterstufdever23b: you could try using DVD Styler? i'm not sure00:47
daftykinsdever23b: that's not the purpose of this channel. see !ot00:47
jimbeam12help..just installed AVG...and ive got no icons for it..00:47
soreauiamnotaguest: yes, that's the one you want for now. reboot after it's done installing and compiz should work00:47
daftykinsEri_: yes it's a way of using the local install as if it was what you were booted into, but via the livecd00:47
dever23bbazhang, sinisterstuf | Thanks00:47
Eri_daftykins: How exactly do I use it?00:47
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:47
switch10Pirate_Hunter: check this link out that sinisterstuf sent me:  http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk  It looks really good.00:47
switch10Pirate_Hunter: ill let ya know if it works though00:48
daftykinsEri_: are you in a livecd on the computer right now?00:48
Pirate_Hunterswitch10, I have... I have across that app before never had to use it but do know of it and yeah please do tell me00:48
Eri_No, I'm on a different computer.00:48
daftykinsEri_: ah, step 1 is boot a livecd on the affected computer then :D00:49
sinisterstufguys please, anyone know how to send the usr1 signal to something running in the terminal??? i'm desperate00:49
Pirate_HunterSinister, huh? care to explain?00:50
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as Car_Ram_Rod
Eri_daftykins: I don't think I have the livecd here.  I'm redownloading Karmic now.  Is there a way I can download a smaller image that will do what I want it to do?  I don't think I need the entirety of Ubuntu to do this one thing.00:50
AnAnonymousKillesinisterstuff: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SIGUSR1_and_SIGUSR200:51
iamnotaguestsoreau: Ok let's seee :)00:51
dindoboa noite00:51
sinisterstufboa noite00:51
sinisterstufeu no falo portuguese :D00:51
Myrtti!pt | sinisterstuf00:51
ubottusinisterstuf: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.00:51
iamnotaguestsoreau: OK appears to work! A few things not quite right, but that's fixable :)00:51
iamnotaguestThanks soreau + daftykins00:51
sinisterstufAnAnonymousKille: thanks =) my name has only 1 f btw00:51
AnAnonymousKillesry  :-)00:51
daftykinsiamnotaguest: no probs :)00:52
sinisterstufdid i just cause that guy to quit? :S00:52
skywalker_I am trying to connect two monitors00:52
skywalker_I hav ubuntu00:52
daftykinsEri_: mmm, most likely there's a small distro that would do the same thing - can't think of something that'd definitely have the right utilities though00:52
daftykins!ask | skywalker_00:52
ubottuskywalker_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:52
daftykinshey Myrtti how go the travels? :D00:53
Eri_daftykins: Do you know where I could find one?00:53
BlubbTecEri_: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#alternate is a text only version of the live cd00:53
BlubbTecEri_: or wait, maybe its only installation, and not livecd, i'm not sure00:54
daftykinsEri_: i was just pondering puppy linux or knoppix, puppy is small and could probably do it00:54
sinisterstufskywalker_: I've never done that, so I wouldn't know how, does your graphics card have 2 outputs?00:54
sinisterstufoops gotta go, bye guys00:54
daftykinsskywalker_: do you have them both connected?00:55
axonplease help me. i want to know how i can change the background of a cell in openoffice for certain cases (for example when its value is lower than 25 it turns red). I have no idea how it works00:55
Eri_daftykins: I'll give Puppy a try.00:55
daftykinsaxon: that's called conditional formatting, in MS Office. probably the same there00:55
Zechow can i open firefix in terminal ?00:55
daftykinsZec: type "firefox"00:55
skywalker_Hi, I just installed Ubuntu in my brand new sony viao laptop, with Nvidia card in it.  My laptop monitor went blank. But when I connected an external Flat panel monitor it works. I figured out how to get the laptop monitor to work, by changing the xorg.conf file to read the EDID of the laptop monitor by the customEdid option. But then My external monitor doesn't work !! I want both of them to work.00:57
skywalker_@dafty - yes00:57
amimusaBlubbTec, still around ?00:58
daftykinsskywalker_: are you running an nvidia driver? if so, use the nvidia X server settings program to setup twinview00:58
Red0hello, could someone help me with nm-applet? i just want to know if this is still a suitable solution http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=187874 for the keyring prompting00:58
amimusai think i know what it could be, ...00:58
amimusai can't log in in the window system00:58
amimusadue to a ecrypted problem on the home directory00:59
amimusai guess00:59
amimusabut now i don't have time to check that00:59
skywalker_I am running the nvidia driver. But the nvidia settings doesn't detect my laptop monitor00:59
amimusai just profit i can listen on youtube and see a serie00:59
amimusathe big bang theory01:00
daftykinsskywalker_: that's really weird. what graphics and which nvidia driver?01:00
skywalker_nvidia geforce2 330 M card01:00
skywalker_the 185 driver01:00
skywalker_its lik, the kernel isn't choosing the right EDID for the monitor01:01
daftykinsskywalker_: it might be worth trying the newer versions; https://launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau/+archive/ppa01:01
skywalker_what are those ?01:01
daftykinsthe nvidia PPA to get the 190 and 195 driver01:01
skywalker_how do I install those ?01:02
skywalker_found it01:02
skywalker_I will give it a try01:02
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skywalker_thanks dafty01:02
FloodBot2skywalker_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:02
daftykinsnp :)01:02
KentrelI can't get the global hotkeys to work in Amarok. Is there some issue with kde applications using global hotkeys in Gnome?01:04
UbuntuBoyQuestion: I have Adobe Reader 9 on Ubuntu 9.04. Every time I open a PDF it opens it in about 10% zoom. If I resize it and close it, and reopen it it will still be zoomed at 10%. How can I change it to open the way I want it (say 95% for example)?01:04
meowbuntuHappy Easter01:04
daftykinsUbuntuBoy: wouldn't you rather use a nice FOSS PDF reader? :D01:05
daftykinsyou too meowbuntu01:05
UbuntuBoyI don't know what FOSS is :( I use adobe.01:05
daftykinsfree open source software01:05
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing01:05
daftykinsKentrel: ty :)01:06
KentrelOkular is a nice pdf app01:06
daftykinsUbuntuBoy: yeah, why use adobe reader? use something free. if you insist though, if there isn't something in the settings about a default zoom level you'll probably have no choice01:06
KentrelThough there are "free-er" ones01:06
UbuntuBoyWell I also use foxit and others and try to use FOSS when I can, but adobe seems to be superiour.01:07
BlubbTecamimusa: wb. when you got some time, try a pulseaudio -v and pastebin the result01:07
UbuntuBoyFoxit seem to have the same probs as Adobe (although it does open a bit bigger).01:08
daftykinsyeah i put Fox-it PDF reader on peoples computers that i setup / advise it to people01:08
daftykinsbut that's windows...01:08
CyberaX2195UbuntuBoy: you talkin about the embedding /launch and /action into pdfs?01:09
UbuntuBoyno more suggestions?01:09
KentrelI couldn't get Fox it working on Ubuntu under wine01:09
Kentrelbut okular is still good01:09
drcOnde coloco #ubuntu-br?01:10
mcurringtonBy default, Ubuntu has a email icon on the panel which interfaces with email and im. Is it possible to get that menu to use Mozilla Thunderbird instead of Evolution?01:10
CyberaX2195mcurrington: can't you just drag the thunderbird icon onto it ?01:10
UbuntuBoy@Kentrel: foxit has a native linux version01:10
bazhangmcurrington, sure, drag from the applications menu and put it there01:10
UbuntuBoyFirst install thunderbird though01:11
user__hi, I installed ubuntu mini with openbox and auto startx after login but i need to auto login without gdm googled for it but they ask me to edit inittab but not applicable in 9.10 please help01:11
BlubbTecbtw, i want to change the evolution link in that menu to a kdocker evolution call, is that possible?01:11
UbuntuBoy@CyberaX2195: i don't think so, I'm talking about Adobe opening PDF always at 10% zoom01:12
mcurringtonCyberaX2195 , bazhang : It just places itself next to the icon, doesn't want to move into the menu?01:12
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bazhangmcurrington, removed evolution yet? then just slide tb icon into place01:12
drcAlguem pode me dar uma ajuda?01:13
bazhangdrc, /join #ubuntu-br English here01:14
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drcbazhang, onde coloco #ubuntu-br?01:15
Guest83295ya tu quelqun qui parle francais icitte01:15
drcseria mais facil o ubuntu levar a assistencia do seu país, mas enfim...01:15
bazhangGuest26460, #ubuntu-fr01:15
Eri_daftykins: I am now at the Puppy Linux home screen.  How do I chroot?01:16
bazhangoops Guest26460 sorry Guest83295 #ubuntu-fr01:16
bazhangEri_, this is not puppylinux support, check in their channel01:16
BlubbTecbazhang: its legit, dafty told him to do so, he wants to chroot into his ubuntu install01:17
umachiWith Lucid my brightness controls don't work. I don't even have the brightness files in /proc/acpi/video/* .... Any fixes?01:17
bazhangumachi, #ubuntu+1 please01:17
daftykinsEri_: open a terminal and run "fdisk -l" which should show your hard disk and its' partitions01:17
Guest83295a les englais cer pas drole ca non non non01:17
bazhangGuest83295, english here only #ubuntu-fr for French01:17
UbuntuBoyCould I upgrade Ubuntu to Xubuntu or kubuntu?01:18
jacintoanybody wanna help me with avant window navigator??????01:18
Guest83295bla bla bla01:18
bazhangUbuntuBoy, sure, install xubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop packages01:18
daftykinsUbuntuBoy: upgrade isn't the right term. install the packages "kubuntu-desktop" or "xubuntu-desktop" for that01:18
jacintoi'm new here01:18
daftykins!ask | jacinto01:18
ubottujacinto: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:18
daftykinsEri_: let me know how many partitions show up, e.g. /dev/sda101:19
UbuntuBoyand will that make it the same as install Kubuntu instead of Ubuntu at the beggining?01:19
kevin1hey guys.. i am new and have a question. i wanted an encrypted home directory, so i created a new user and set it for the home directory to be encrypted. i then deleted my old account. is there anything i have to do with the new account regarding permissions etc to make it like my old?01:19
Guest83295non mais cérieusement ya vraiment pas personne01:19
drcAnyone speak portuguese?01:19
jacintoi'm totally lost here, i'm new at this linux01:19
bazhangGuest83295, french in #ubuntu-fr01:19
UbuntuBoyjacinto: what do you help with?01:20
bazhangdrc, in #ubuntu-br or #ubuntu-pt01:20
jacintoavant window navigator01:20
xecuterwie geht es euch meine lieben ubuntuer01:20
jacintoi downloaded, but when i click it, nothign happends01:20
BlubbTecxecuter: #ubuntu-de for german01:20
bazhangxecuter, #ubuntu-de please01:20
Eri_daftykins: Six.01:20
Eri_daftykins: /dev/sda1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.01:21
Gdodge77hey all, any chance i can get some help with installing Promol on ubuntu 9.10?01:21
daftykinsEri_: ok is it a PC with more than just ubuntu on? or do you know the partitioning setup you used?01:21
bazhangGdodge77, what is promol01:21
jacintoUbuntuboy, any suggestions? i cannot run avant window navigator01:21
Gdodge77molecular visualization software01:21
Gdodge77ive downloaded the .tar, extracted01:22
Gdodge77and ran ./setup.sh01:22
Gdodge77which creates a script to run the .exe for promol01:22
Eri_daftykins: Dual-booting Vista and Ubuntu with an extra "documents and stuff" partition and a swap partition.01:22
Gdodge77i run that script (./pymol)01:22
daftykinsEri_: ok, try typing chroot to see if it exists, to see if it's worth going any further first.01:22
bazhangGdodge77, windows app? try wine01:22
Eri_daftykins: What determines, on this screen, whether or not it "exists"?01:23
kevin1hey guys.. i am new and have a question. i wanted an encrypted home directory, so i created a new user and set it for the home directory to be encrypted. i then deleted my old account. is there anything i have to do with the new account regarding permissions etc to make it like my old?01:23
Gdodge77hrm...  the thing is that i have the exact same program running on three other boxes in my lab01:23
Gdodge77worked every other time01:23
Gdodge77keeps returning a pymol.exe not found error01:24
Gdodge77and i can see the exe in the GUI01:24
xecuterhow i can install teamspeak 3 client?01:24
Gdodge77inside the directory01:24
daftykinsEri_: whether running it says command not found or similar01:24
marckerim thinking change my ubuntu's distro now, exactly. 10.04 is a better option?01:25
mfroggwow - i haven't been in IRC in forever.  <blinks>  Newbie to Ubuntu, and had a few questions.  1) How many network maps to a ubuntu desktop (9.10) are allowed?  in Xp, its 10 (i think).  2) Is Ubuntu 9.10 desktop adequate for running OpenVPN?  ...uh..that's it off the top of my head.01:25
Eri_daftykins: The command exists.01:25
bazhangmarcker, no, its still beta01:25
daftykinsEri_: ok, so first check if there's anything inside /mnt01:26
Eri_daftykins: How?01:26
cedriczgHi everyone.01:26
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buffmanhi cedriczg01:26
Gdodge77someone want to see if they can install pymol? it might just be my laptop... i dunno01:26
Gdodge77i can line the ,tar01:26
daftykinsEri_: "ls /mnt" will show something if there is anything01:26
cedriczghi buffman :)01:26
marckeryou know bugs in 10.0401:27
Eri_daftykins: I see "cdrom data dvd flash floppy msdos ram1 swap zip".01:27
jacintoavant window navigator does not run,01:27
jacintoany help?01:27
bazhangmarcker, lucid discusiion in #ubuntu+101:27
dave3334if i log out of a live cd is there a user name and password to login with?01:27
bazhangdave3334, no01:28
daftykinsEri_: ok best to make a new folder then. "mkdir /mount"01:28
cedriczgjacinto: that is a type of taskbar right?01:28
bazhangjacinto, with what01:28
daftykinsjacinto: stop it.01:28
jacintoyes cedriczg01:28
cedriczgjacinto: I recomend you to use docky instead01:28
jacintoi need help running avant window navigator01:28
bazhangjacinto, have you read the awn faq yet? on how to use it?01:29
cedriczgjacinto: I had avant window navigator and now I am using docky instead. Much better01:29
jacintoit tells me to run compiz01:29
bazhangjacinto, then give the exact errors; saying it doesnt work wont get you any help01:29
jacintolet me try docky01:29
Zechow to minimize something in xterm (terminal) ??????????//01:30
UbuntuBoyI have 3 hard drives on my system. I can't save files on two of them. It tell me that I don't have permission to save files to them. How do I give myself full rights to this hard drive/partition permanitely?01:30
cedriczgjacinto: When I installed it someone recomended me to install the latest packages. But I suppose now you can install it from the repositories01:30
UbuntuBoyI need urgent help!01:30
bazhangUbuntuBoy, what filesystems on them01:30
Eri_daftykins: Done.01:30
filipuxotem alguém do Brasil aqui???01:30
marckertem eu BR01:31
bazhangfilipuxo, in #ubuntu-br01:31
BlubbTecfilipuxo: #ubuntu-br01:31
marcker... porque?01:31
jacintowere is docky ??01:31
filipuxotava querendo ver sobre atualizar para a versão 9.1001:31
jacintobazhang, were is docky? i don't find it01:31
UbuntuBoythey are NTFS.01:31
bazhangfilipuxo, /join #ubuntu-br01:31
daftykinsEri_: sorry dog started barking. ok so now you need to mount the partition that should be your / partition to that folder. e.g. "mount /dev/sda3 /mount"01:32
UbuntuBoyboth are for document storage.01:32
cedriczgjacinto: let me remind the commands to add the repositories01:32
filipuxomarcker: qual versão do Ubuntu vc usa?01:32
BlubbTeccedriczg: app-apt-repository01:32
marckermas estou indo para a 10.401:32
cedriczgjacinto: please write my name so the message you send gets to me01:32
BlubbTeci think01:32
marckerfilipuxo voce quer atualizar01:33
bazhangBlubbTec, add-apt-repository but thats not the full command, its listed on the PPA site01:33
jacintocedriczg: i cannot find docky in my software center01:33
bazhangmarcker, english here only please01:33
marckerokay okay01:33
filipuxomarcker, eu uso a 9.04 queria atualizar pra 9.10, só que tenho medo de buga tudo aqui01:33
Eri_daftykins: Done.01:33
user__hi, I installed ubuntu mini with openbox and auto startx after login but i need to auto login without gdm googled for it but they ask me to edit inittab but not applicable in 9.10 please help01:33
cedriczgjacinto: I know. You may need to add some resources. Let me find those for you01:33
daftykinsEri_: ok type "ls /mount" now and tell me what you see01:34
bazhangfilipuxo, you too, #ubuntu-br for portuguese, English here01:34
jacintocedriczg thnks01:34
marckerexcuse me!01:34
jacintocedriczg: thnks01:34
filipuxo<marcker>, estou querendo01:34
BlubbTeccedriczg: i think its gnome-do01:34
UbuntuBoybazhang: they are NTFS01:34
BlubbTecatleast thats what i figured from the package manager01:34
marckerfilipuxo, the version 9.10 is very good too. You have 9.04 version?01:35
filipuxo<bazhang> o canal ubuntu deveria ser universal,  #ubuntu-en para inglês01:35
bazhangfilipuxo, no.01:36
cedriczgjacinto: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-docky-from-ubuntu-ppa.html01:37
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MfroggJeez - much better.01:37
cedriczgjacinto: Prueba ese link (supongo hablas español ;) )01:37
Eri_daftykins: "bin dev *initrd.img lost+found opt sbin sys var boot etc *initrd.img.old media proc selinux **tmp *vmlinuz *cdrom home lib mnt root srv usr *vmlinuz.old"  The starred ones are colored differently, and tmp is highlighted.  They are in rows of eight.01:38
filipuxo<marcke>, yes01:38
filipuxo<marcke> my version is 9.0401:38
daftykinsEri_: cool, that's your root partition then. do you see stuff if you "ls /mount/boot" ?01:38
cedriczgjacinto: try to follow the instructions in that web01:38
moszerhai everyone, i need help with my 'transmission', the port is closed? how can i make it open?01:38
daftykinsmoszer: are you behind a router?01:39
Eri_daftykins: I do.  Do you need me to type it out?01:39
daftykins!hi | guest8450401:39
cedriczgguest84504: hello01:39
ubottuguest84504: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:39
guest84504what are you guys talking about?01:39
daftykinsEri_: nah not if you're seeing kernel items and initrd images etc.01:39
dave3334so i cant run the restricted drivers on a live cd because it needs a reboot to use them?01:39
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jribdave3334: you can, just modprobe and restart X01:39
GriffonAmbushwho here has mw2?01:40
MfroggFrom other computers, how many mapped/mounts can I make to a box running Ubuntu 9.10?01:40
daftykinsEri_: now run "mount --bind /dev /mount/dev" and "mount --bind /proc /mount/proc" and "mount --bind /sys /mount/sys"01:40
moszerdaftykins: please help me01:40
neezerWhen I plug in my usb hard drive I get an error...cannot mount Elements. Not authorized....elements is the name of the drive.01:40
GriffonAmbushgo check on youtube?01:40
daftykinsmoszer: ok so google/find on portforward.com the guide to opening a port for transmission on your make+model router01:41
neezerI had mounted it earlier, and transferred my music to the drive. so I know I have connected before.01:41
masu3701trying to install ubuntu server but get this error message: THis kernel requires an x86-64 cpu, but only detect an i686 cpu. unable to boot....01:41
masu3701what do i need to do?01:41
moszerdaftykins: im on it01:41
daftykinsmasu3701: you downloaded a 64-bit ISO instead of a 32-bit01:41
Eri_daftykins: Done.01:41
cedriczgCan anyone help me with my laptop battery monitor on my ubuntu 9.10? Before it showed the time remaining. But now it doesn't. I researched on forums but could not find the solution yet01:41
daftykinsmasu3701: you're gonna have to download the 32-bit and install that instead01:41
cedriczgjacinto: Could you install docky?01:41
masu3701oh so this is 64 bit?01:42
daftykinsEri_: ok, now run "chroot /mount/" - the prompt should then change from user@host:/# to something else, then if you type "pwd" it should say "/"01:42
filipuxoUna persona de España en esta lista?01:42
daftykins!es | filipuxo01:42
ubottufilipuxo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:42
cedriczgfilipuxo: No de españa per de Uruguay01:42
cedriczgfilipuxo: Te recomiendo pruebes entrar en #ubuntu-es01:42
arand!es | filipuxo01:42
Eri_daftykins: It does.01:43
moszerdaftykins: is this software for ubuntu?01:43
Eri_daftykins: The new prompt is "root@puppypc:/# "01:43
daftykinsEri_: ok now try "apt-get remove pysdm"01:44
marckerwhy not to use others languages here...01:44
apatheticsheephowdy folks,  I am trying to install wordpress on my ubuntu server.  so i figured i would do so the ubuntu blessed way and use apt-get.  after ward I tried to run the setup-mysql script and got an error.  "Access denied for user 'root@localhost'@'localhost'"01:44
masu3701i dont see ubuntu server edition for 32 bit on the site01:44
masu3701where can i get it?01:44
cedriczgDoes anyone have your latptop with the battery monitor with time remaining?01:44
daftykinsmarcker: because there are language-specific channels01:44
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daftykinsmasu3701: it's pretty clear. keep looking01:45
marckerand here is universal channel, not?01:45
cedriczgapatheticsheep: What did you run for running that mysql script?01:45
bazhangmarcker, no01:45
marckerfor all01:45
daftykinsmoszer: it's a support channel for ubuntu01:45
bazhangmarcker, english only01:45
dragonALSA or OSS? Why?01:45
masu3701daftykins: ok01:46
marckerbazhand you is the BOSS?01:46
apatheticsheepcedriczg: I made a soft link in /var/www to /usr/share/blahblah01:46
daftykinsmasu3701: you need to click "Alternative download options"01:46
daftykinsmasu3701: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download-server01:46
Eri_daftykins: I read a lot of "can't" and "cannot".01:46
bazhangmarcker, please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic01:46
DaZdragon: which oss? :f01:46
dragonDaZ: latest one? 4?01:46
daftykinsEri_: :( what's it saying it can't do?01:46
daftykinsEri_: i sensed there might be difficulty using a non-ubuntu distro to chroot, so that might be a problem :(01:47
DaZdragon: oss, because it's better at software mixing.01:47
Eri_daftykins: Among the lines of code: "Removing pysdm ... Processing triggers for man-db ... perl: warning: setting locale failed.01:48
BlubbTecEri_: live cd dl took 10mins or sth01:48
apatheticsheepcedriczg: why would it use the user root@localhost@localhost instead of jsut root@localhost or just root01:48
dragonAlso, I'm having volume issues with this box. Can it be possibly fixed by migrating to OSS?01:48
dragonDaZ: ^01:48
daftykinsEri_: hmm, it might've done enough01:48
Eri_BlubbTec: What?01:48
Eri_daftykins: I'll reboot and check.01:49
daftykinsEri_: try "exit" then "umount /media" then restarting01:49
masu3701daftykins: dont see alternative download options...looks like there only 64 bit01:49
DaZdragon: it's possible, but volume issues are usually related to pulseaudio <:01:49
daftykinsmasu3701: do you want me to screenshot? XD01:49
dragonDaZ: maybe I'm using pulseaudio. How do I find out?01:49
BlubbTecEri_: when i dled my liveCD it took about 10minutes, with 1.1mb/s01:49
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up01:49
masu3701daftykins: lol01:49
daftykinsmasu3701: where are you based?01:50
moszerdaftykins: is there anywhere i can find it through Terminal? maybe download something01:50
masu3701daftykins: US..why?01:50
masu3701daftykins: where you at?01:50
daftykinsmasu3701: i could pick a mirror, hit download then link you01:50
cedriczgapatheticsheep: So what would be the actual command you run in order to run the script?01:50
Eri_BlubbTec: How does that help me?01:50
masu3701daftykins: please01:50
Eri_daftykins: Nope.01:50
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daftykinsmoszer: find what sorry?01:51
DaZdragon: dunnolol, I don't really use ubuntu nor pulseaudio01:51
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Eri_daftykins: Still won't boot successfully."01:52
moszerdaftykins: excuse my english, do i have to install anything from portforward? if i have to, maybe i can 'sudo' it just from "Terminal'01:53
daftykinsmasu3701: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-server-i386.iso01:53
daftykinsmoszer: no, a port being opened is a setting on your router to let your torrent client get connected easier01:53
codeshahhey guys, I am looking for a quick timer tool I can use for ubuntu - any suggestions?01:53
codeshahthis way I can log my hours and then copy/paste them into my invoicing stuff later01:54
daftykinsEri_: :( ok i don't know what to suggest then i'm afraid, perhaps the same process for chroot to remove the package from an ubuntu livecd would work01:54
moszerdaftykins: correct me if im wrong, so its my router that i have to set, not my computer01:54
cedriczgSorry to ask again. Does anyone have the battery monitor showing the time remaining in your ubuntu 9.10?01:54
apatheticsheepcedriczg: bash /usr/share/doc/wordpress/examples/setup-mysql -n name fqdn01:55
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daftykinsmoszer: that's correct yes01:55
greezmunkeyAhh Friday...nice.01:55
eyezengreetings...I know ubuntu doesnt official put out release dates..but it is April so any feelers for 10.04?01:56
bazhangapril 29th or so eyezen01:56
bazhangeyezen, #ubuntu+1 for lucid support01:56
moszerdaftykins: i need to enter my router as admin, & then?..if you dont mind teaching me here01:56
eyezencool thanks01:57
daftykinsmoszer: as i say, if you know your router's manufacturer+model # you can look it up on portforward.com :)01:57
ssv1994hello, could someone help me?01:57
daftykinseyezen: actually if you google for "ubuntu lucid release schedule" you can see the proposed schedule. release is ~30th april01:57
daftykins!ask | ssv199401:57
ubottussv1994: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:57
greezmunkeyI suppose that depends on the problem ssv1994.01:57
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ssv1994will ati radeon x1600 work on ubuntu 10.04 and others?01:58
moszerdaftykins: ok, brb. please stay online01:58
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shazbotmcnastyI have 60 tar.gz's in one directory01:59
shazbotmcnastyand I want to extract them ALL to that directory01:59
MfroggHow many network mount connections can I make to an Ubuntu 9.10 desktop?  ie - map w:\ in windows to something..?01:59
masu3701daftykins: thinks man01:59
shazbotmcnastytar -xvf <file>*.tar.gz isn't working01:59
greezmunkeyssv1994: look here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport01:59
=== sexghost is now known as lurenjia
daftykinsMfrogg: a lot more than a windows desktop OS that's for sure :D02:00
cedriczgapatheticsheep: did you try to run "bash /usr/share/doc/wordpress/examples/setup-mysql -n name --user=user --password fqdn"02:00
MfroggXp allows 10.. I'm hoping it's somewhere in the 50's.. heh02:00
cedriczgapatheticsheep: or something like that were you specify the user and that it should ask for password02:00
Mfroggsmall business network, hoping to use U9.10 desktop as a fileserver over vpn.02:00
daftykinsMfrogg: it's for this very reason i'm running SAMBA atop a Linux install for a new file server, so the windows file sharing limit isn't hit02:00
antihc3got an issue.  I have ubuntu server running xserv and fluxbox session.  My monitor just left me for the trash and i need to see if it is possable to connect to the fluxbox session over ssh02:00
apatheticsheepcedriczg: will give it a shot02:01
Mfroggis it advisable to run OpenVPN on the file server?02:01
UbuntuBoyssv1994: Well ATI has a driver for the card. but I'm not entirely sure if it is 10.04 compatible.02:01
ssv1994why not?02:01
daftykinsMfrogg: not really, but there's no reason you couldn't run an OpenVPN server atop the file server as a VM02:01
bahaahi guys02:01
cedriczgapatheticsheep: by the way. Are you running ubuntu on a laptop?02:01
bahaado you know hackthissite.org02:02
apatheticsheepcedriczg: no02:02
bahaahow can I connect to their IRC02:02
daftykinsMfrogg: wait for server 10.04 lucid lynx at the end of april, as it's an LTS release and therefore will be supported longer02:02
cedriczgapatheticsheep: ok. thnx02:02
yvan300how do you add an image in a thumbnail format on the forums?02:02
freaky[t]hi all. does anyone know the command to install only the dependencies for a package, but not the package?02:02
Flare-Laptop!ot | bahaa02:02
cedriczganyone here running ubuntu 9.10 on a laptop?02:02
ubottubahaa: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:02
MfroggI'm extremely new to linux and ubuntu.. I installed a vm of ubuntu server, and.. dang.. console. =/02:03
daftykinsMfrogg: it's all about CLI :D02:03
BlubbTecfreaky[t]: tried apt-get build-dep <package>?02:03
bahaaFlare-Laptop: ok let me put this way how can I chose the IRC server in xchat-gnome???02:03
freaky[t]BlubbTec ahh thanks :D02:03
MfroggThen I read the forums...boy that's a heated topic.. so I was hoping to just make an easy fileserver with a Ubuntu Desktop.. of all the times i've tried to learn nix cli, it's a pain to remember everything.l02:04
DR_Fun1u here02:04
Mfroggdos? no problem.. nix? apt what?02:04
BlubbTecfreaky[t]: sure, though i've never used it, so no idea if it works :P02:04
moszerdaftykins: my router is listed there, do i have to download the application? if so, i have to open it with wine, right?02:04
cedriczgok, seems noone has a laptop on ubuntu here...02:04
freaky[t]BlubbTec it works thank you ^^02:05
apatheticsheepcedriczg: don't seem to be able to pass mysql opts to this script like that. or atleast not in that order.02:05
Mfroggcedriczg - i'm running it on a dell laptop, inspiron 9300, in a VM.02:05
Mfroggi've run it before on this without a VM though, and a gateway02:05
BlubbTecfreaky[t]: right, np then ;)02:05
daftykinsmoszer: no no, just find the settings and follow the guide02:05
neezerIs there a way to change the beginning location of a partition? I want to move the start of my / partition to sector 128 so that it aligns...I have an SSD drive.02:06
cedriczgapatheticsheep: those options work at least for the mysql command try to run "man setup-mysql" to see the options then02:06
neezerI was not given the option of where to start the partition when I installed.02:06
Eri_daftykins: I'm working on getting that image working.  If I just download the .iso, can I put it on a flash drive with Mac?02:07
cedriczgapatheticsheep: or maybe that script does not have man pages...02:07
daftykinsneezer: since when do SSDs need strict alignment 0o02:07
neezerdaftykins, I've read that it can cause lots of write latency due to write amplification....02:08
cedriczgMfrogg: Are you running on batteries now? I want to check if you see the time remaining for your laptop batteries02:08
masu3701to use linux server do you need to have only linux OS?02:08
daftykinsEri_: hmm i don't know of any way to put an ISO on a flash drive with a mac02:08
masu3701am trying to learn servers02:08
Mfroggadvisable to use SynPM to get Samba installed?02:08
neezerdaftykins, I've just read that it helps and would like to try, I just don't know why it didn't give me the option when I installed.02:08
Mfroggcedriczg - no, but one moment, I will be. :)02:08
daftykinsneezer: technically no ubuntu version right now supports TRIM anyway so it's all a bit meh02:08
cedriczgMfrogg: thanks :)02:08
daftykinsneezer: well, ubuntu's designed to be easy to use. you need to partition in a lot more advanced way to achieve that02:09
almoxarifeI need to set up a remote access server that relies on a client with web browser with only flash installed, any ideas, vnc relies on java on the client02:09
Eri_But I can do it with Vista, right?02:09
Mfroggwhat's Samba 4? over Samba?  and what's the little ubuntu symbol mean in SynPM?02:09
TenkawaAnyone tried running ubuntu on an hp touchsmart tm2 yet?02:10
brah-highly doubt it would work02:11
Tenkawawell.. it supposedly "works" just questionable how well02:11
masu3701am trying to learn servers02:11
daftykinsMfrogg: samba is an open source implementation of SMB, server message block, the windows file and printer sharing service / comms method02:12
masu3701to use linux server do you need to have only pc with linux OS?02:12
Mfroggso I should apt-get that, and not Samba4?02:12
daftykinsmasu3701: just run it in a virtual machine if you want to learn it02:12
almoxarifesomeone has put thought into it, the hp touch.......02:13
daftykinsMfrogg: top tip: type "apt-cache search x" where x is something to search for, e.g. "apt-cache search samba" then the list that results will tell you package names to try. so then it may say "samba" is one, so you can run "sudo apt-get install samba"02:13
Tenkawaoh well..02:13
masu3701daftykins: i have a pc i dont use...i am gonna install it on it and try it02:13
forcekmfmasu just boot from a live cd02:14
daftykinsmasu3701: ah ok :) sorry i'm not sure what you meant with your question then02:14
Mfroggcedriczg - i can't find the battery option for panel..02:15
cedriczgMfrogg: So if you hover the mouse ver the battery icon on the panel you just see the percentage reamining?02:16
bigtom21485good evening02:16
giikerhi everyone, need recomendations on what to run o a file server for sharing and backing up data. I also need authentication and maybe on the fly encription?!02:16
Mfroggcedriczg - found the battery, put it on my panel - hovering is not resulting in anything.02:16
bigtom21485how do i force my amd processor to run at full rated freq all the time by command prompt? (the panel app doesnt always do what its told)02:16
giikerclients will be Winblows OSs02:17
cedriczgMfrogg: ok, thanks for trying it02:17
daftykinsbigtom21485: why would you want to waste power like that?02:17
Mfroggcedriczg- yeah hovering isn't doing anything.  I'll try it later on a fresh disk - maybe the VM is hiding results?02:17
bigtom21485daftykins: when im running battery, if i set the panel app to 2GHz userapp, it wont go above 1GHz02:18
bigtom21485*2GHz userspace02:18
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tsyj2007bigtom21485: it is not important...02:18
bigtom21485it is02:18
Mfroggdog walking - brb02:18
giikerhi everyone, need recomendations on what to run o a file server for sharing and backing up data. I also need authentication and maybe on the fly encription?!02:18
giikerclients will be Winblows OSs02:18
tsyj2007giiker: samaba02:19
cedriczgMfrogg: I see. Maybe VM does not do the work right.02:19
lavinentify madmax02:20
giikertsyj2007: does samba have authentication?02:20
bigtom21485tsyj2007: how do i control it manually with terminal commands...i want to learn how to run linux without the gui, like its intended02:21
tsyj2007giiker: I just know it can share files with windows...you can google it02:21
giikertsyj2007: oh ok02:22
DaZsamba in cli is tough.02:22
tsyj2007giiker: just google it .you can  obtain the answer02:22
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lavindoes anyone know were i can get some help with ettercap?02:23
tsyj2007giiker:A Windows SMB/CIFS fileserver for UNIX02:23
ThomasG33Klavin: are you being naughty?02:23
giikertsyj2007: I had already heard about samba years ago, and its capabilities, but I dont trust it02:24
lavinnot really jound with my iphone trying to get remote browser to follow on bt4ust playin ar02:24
lavinall mixed up02:24
FeasibilityStudyAnyone else have the problem in FF 3.6 of every word you type being mispelled (the red underline) even if it is spelled correctly?  WTF02:25
lavini carn't get webspy to work either i can in ubuntu but not on bt402:25
ThomasG33Klavin: jus messin with you.02:25
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tsyj2007giiker:yes ,but just try it02:25
lavini know, u got any advice on it?02:25
giikertsyj2007: I will, on a VM though :=)02:26
ThomasG33Klavin: Ive played with it and its great for dns redirects but I have done nothin serious with it02:26
tsyj2007giiker: gluck02:27
giikertsyj2007: I need to help a friend setup a network with 5 clients, he has important files scattered all over the network (Winblows XP network) and told him I could help him setup one more secure and free02:27
giikertsyj2007: thanks02:27
lavinThomasG33K, it says its poisoning but in the terminal it says   Error: cannot open display: :0.002:28
lavinsuff .htm02:28
giikerhi everyone, need recomendations on what to run o a file server for sharing and backing up data. I also need authentication and maybe on the fly encription?!02:28
daftykinsgiiker: SAMBA works great. you don't want to be running a file server as a VM though...02:28
giikerclients will be Winblows OSs02:28
ThomasG33Klavin: So are you having trouble with X and ettercap?02:28
lavinwhats x02:28
moszerdaftykins: are you there?02:28
daftykinsmoszer: yep02:29
giikerdaftykins: I was thinking on dl Ubuntu server and install samba there and see how it feels02:29
ThomasG33Klavin: nvm. The terminal output you can ignore if you ran etter from the terminal02:29
moszerdaftykins: i love u, thanks02:29
daftykinsgiiker: yeah i did just that for a new server recently. i get 115MB/sec over gigabit LAN so all works well :D02:29
daftykinsmoszer: transmission all happy now? :D02:29
happyfacewhy does cups always break after updates? ugh02:30
moszerdaftykins: yes i am, thank youuuuuuuuu very much02:30
lavinThomasG33K,  just ettercap it's something to do with the brwser cause webspy says same sort of error02:30
daftykinsmoszer: :D my pleasure :) thanks for the feedback02:30
giikerdaftykins: wow 115 MBps. I also need to secure the connection to Smaba, what if someone starts sniffing traffic on the LAN?02:30
issamhi all i got an Acer Emachine E725 and i'm running ubuntu 9.10 , i have a problem wifi card it's nor recognised by the system, i look in forums but nothing seems to help02:31
lavinThomasG33K,  i saw that on google i tried to update it but the command would not work02:31
ThomasG33Klavin: Sadly I have no experience with webspy or whatever and havent touched etter in awhile so maybe ask someone else or join backtrack's irc channel maybe02:31
issamany one have idea about that!?02:31
giikerdaftykins: this friend has confidential data, it needs to be secured when it is stored or transmited02:31
daftykinsgiiker: you can set samba to be locked down on a per-IP basis, so you could set all the PCs to be statically addressed then permit only the right ones. also then have user+pass on top02:32
daftykinsgiiker: that's not really going to happen with samba. or windows clients ;)02:32
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moszerdaftykins: ive got another one, been searching for help for a while, its pcsx2, i have downloaded and i am trying to install it, are you using it?02:33
giikerdaftykins: with a sniffer bad haxor can scope the LAN and impersonate the real owner IP, is the authentication secured?02:33
lavinThomasG33K,  were do i find the bt channel what network sever is it on?02:33
knoppiesIm looking for a linux alternative to netscan. Anybody got any ideas (Ive thought of creating a bash script that loops pings, but I don't know enough of bash).02:33
daftykinsmoszer: no idea what that is i'm afraid02:33
greezmunkeyknoppies: nmap?02:34
daftykinsgiiker: yes encrypted password storage02:34
giikerdaftykins: just found the wiki for samba, uggghh, to much to read02:34
moszerdaftkins: no worries, thanks again02:34
daftykinsmoszer: no problem :D02:34
giikerdaftykins: I meant, is the authentication process encrypted or on the clear?02:34
lavinknoppies,  could uyou use nmap ?02:35
daftykinsgiiker: hehe, yeah you don't really need to read it all02:35
Irishmanlukedoes anyone want to walk me through sound troubleshooting02:35
issamhi all i got an Acer Emachine E725 and i'm running ubuntu 9.10 , i have a problem wifi card it's nor recognised by the system, i look in forums but nothing seems to help02:35
daftykinsknoppies: as lavin says, nmap scans networks and port scans, and much more!02:35
daftykins!sound | Irishmanluke02:35
ubottuIrishmanluke: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:35
ThomasG33Klavin: #backtrack-linux on freenode02:35
masu3701am installing ubuntu server...and am having a problem....02:36
masu3701partitioning the disk02:36
lavinThomasG33K,  ok thanks i'll try there02:36
daftykinsgiiker: now you found the wiki that can answer your questions :)02:36
ThomasG33Klavin good luck :D02:36
knoppieslavin, probably could, Ive looked at it before but I was not able to get it to do what I wanted it to do. Im not clued up with nmap though.02:36
masu3701i get errror: NO root file system is defined02:36
masu3701how do i correct that02:36
knoppiesthanks daftykins02:36
giikerdaftykins: yeap! i guess I'll read it. Did you install any backup app? or just using rsync and old school tools only?02:37
daftykinsknoppies: once installed, to scan a subnet, do for example "sudo nmap -sP" which would scan for PCs on every IP between 0.1 and 0.25402:37
issam hi all i got an Acer Emachine E725 and i'm running ubuntu 9.10 , i have a problem wifi card it's nor recognised by the system, i look in forums but nothing seems to help02:37
giikermasu3701: you have to create your root partition02:37
knoppiesthanks daftykins. That sounds like what Im looking for.02:37
lavinknoppies,  it's got a easy gui if you download zenmap02:37
issamplease help02:37
lavinThomasG33K, thanxs i will need it02:38
daftykinsgiiker: the box i built has a 12TB RAID6 array, so backup isn't really so important yet. i'll need to look into something though to make use of USB external HDDs to backup to02:38
Mfroggi just fresh installed 9.10, and it's telling me I should install Firefox and Firefox 3.5?02:38
masu3701giiker: how big should it be? i have a 40 gb hd02:38
daftykinsgiiker: i'll probably learn to use rsync/zsync02:38
knoppieslavin, I will have a look at that. thanks again.02:38
giikermasu3701: I once gave it like 10 GB, but that will fill up quicly with some apps, so I suggest at least 35 GB02:39
masu3701at the partition disk i have these options:  USe entire disk, use entire disk and set up LVM, or use entire disk and set uip encrypted LVM02:39
logossomebody here plays urbanterror?02:39
daftykinsmasu3701: i'd make a 100MB ext2 /boot, 10GB ext4 /, RAM x 2 swap and the rest as /home ext402:39
ThomasG33Klogos: UT sucks IMO02:40
lavinknoppies,  no prob, what are you trying to do ?02:40
daftykinsofftopic conversation, people02:40
daftykinslogos some in ##club-ubuntu do02:40
progre55__hi people! I used to have a screen resolution of 1600x900, but now I bought this laptop, and the max resolution is 1366x768. Is there any way I could make it 1600x900? =)02:40
logosThomasG33K im having an issue... Its nos offtopic02:40
logosdaftykins im havin a graphic problem.02:40
ThomasG33Klogos: sorry just stickin in my two cents ;P02:40
daftykinsprogre55__: LCDs and laptop displays have a native resolution - you can't run it any higher than that without getting an ugly image02:41
tm0Hi ubuntu canada, i am trying to make a conky startup script. For various reasons, i cannot add it to the startup itself. So i use this. But it doesn't work02:41
knoppieslavin, scan an IP range (and display IPs/Hostnames) to see which IPs are occupied by a PC. It also helps me find out which IP a specific machine has.02:41
progre55__daftykins: hmm.. sucks02:41
giikermasu3701: follow daftykins it sounds good, although i did not have it like that02:41
strangehello guys is there a way to link te email icon in the tray to thunderbird instead of evolution?02:41
tm0Hi ubuntu canada, i am trying to make a conky startup script. For various reasons, i cannot add it to the startup itself. So i use this. But it doesn't work. Can anyone help? This is two different files. http://pastebin.com/XaPekNUC02:42
knoppiestm0, I dont know python, but I just added conky to the startup thing in gnome, why cant you just add it to that?02:43
progre55__daftykins: oh and btw, when I open the Display thingy, it says Monitor: Unknown. Maybe that's why it cannot get any larger.. Can I at least make it "known"? =)02:43
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acovrigcan I login as user1 (normally, X:0.0), and open xterm and 'become' user2?02:43
daftykinsprogre55__: no, that's not very important. it's very common :)02:43
progre55__daftykins: damn =) arright, then I just have to deal with it )02:43
Mfroggstrange: can you Add thunderbird to the panel, and remove the email thing?  would that do it?02:43
strangeMfrogg: yes02:44
daftykinsprogre55__: i'm afraid so!02:44
strangeMfrogg: if it shows me an icon when i have new mail02:44
progre55__daftykins: well, thanks man, appreciate02:44
Mfroggstrange: Have you tested it? or am I confused about what you want?02:44
giikerstrange: thunderbird pops up a small window telling you u have mail, and then dissapears02:45
strangeMfrogg: oh you are asking me if i can, i dont know if i can add a notification from thunderbird in tray02:45
strangegiiker: yeah i know but i want something more permanent like that tray icon :)02:45
tm0Hi ubuntu canada, i am trying to make a conky startup script. For various reasons, i cannot add it to the startup itself. So i use this. But it doesn't work. Can anyone help? This is two different files. http://pastebin.com/XaPekNUC02:45
lavinThomasG33K,  i must be banned from there it wount let me on ??? it's zero-chaos he don't like me :)02:45
daftykinsprogre55__: my pleasure :)02:46
ThomasG33Klavin: must think ur a script kiddie or somethin ;)02:46
Mfroggstrange: one would think it'd be a setting on the icon.. i'm updating stuff, then give it a shot.02:46
giikerstrange: read this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MessagingMenu/02:46
daftykins!repeat | tm002:46
ubottutm0: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.02:46
daftykins!cn | tm002:46
ubottutm0: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:46
Mfrogghowever, being new, I know crap about ubuntu, but these challengs will help me learn. :0)02:46
Red_HamsterXtm0, there's a 'sleep' utility.02:46
lavinThomasG33K,  why ever would he get that impression02:46
strangegiiker: http://moztraybiff.mozdev.org/02:46
strangethats what i need :)02:46
daftykins!ca | tm002:46
ubottutm0: Canadian Ubuntu users can be found in #ubuntu-ca02:46
ThomasG33Klavin: lawl02:47
UbuntuBoyI would appreciate it if someone could help me solve this problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=906788802:47
tm0Daftykins i am in the CA channel.  Red_HamsterX How do i use it?02:47
knoppiesdaftykins, lavin, is there a way to get nmap -sP to resolve hostnames as well?02:48
MfroggI did some research earlier, but seemed to get conflicting answers on the interwebs.. does Xampp support Asp.net?  Apache 2 does, but then there was mention it was given up?02:48
giikerstrange: have you tried it yet?02:48
lavinThomasG33K,  everytime i'd go on aircrack-ng he'd log off  you know (i'm not plsying and i'm taking my ball home with me it was a penalty, weep weep)02:48
Red_HamsterXUbuntuBoy, sudo chown <yourname>:<yournmame> <files>02:48
ThomasG33Kknoppies: sorry my nmap is rusty. better use the almighty google02:48
Red_HamsterXtm0, 'sleep 20; conky', I'd assume.02:48
knoppiesThomasG33K, I was about to give that a try.02:48
unopknoppies, is the set of hosts you are scanning a private IP address range?02:48
knoppiesThomasG33K, Im reading the man page.02:49
logosis there some command that i can type on a ttyX to kill a process at tty7(running serverx)02:49
daftykinstm0: it's just the way you were addressing canada in here is all ;)02:49
ThomasG33Klavin: that sucks02:49
knoppiesunop, yes. 192.168.101.x (between 1 and about 100)02:49
daftykinsknoppies: no, you can't get hostnames from PCs via nmap like that - well, not with -sP02:49
unopknoppies, do you have a DNS server that maintains a zone for that range? or entries in a host file for that range?02:49
tm0Sorry DaftyKins, i have been trying to get them active its been a pain.02:49
knoppiesdaftykins, is there another way?02:49
tm0Red_HansterX just in a normal .sh file?02:49
knoppiesunop, just the DHCP server that runs on the router.02:50
lavinThomasG33K,  yeh, no bova thow i did end up abu he done it about 10 timessing him but only after02:50
acovrigcan I login as user1 (normally, X:0.0), and open xterm and 'become' user2?02:50
Red_HamsterXtm0, yes, it should work in a basic script.02:50
strangeyup works.02:50
tonsofpcsacovrig: ^02:50
knoppiesacovrig, I may be wrong, but I think you can do something like that with su02:50
ThomasG33Kknoppies: try this maybe http://www.networkuptime.com/nmap/index.shtml02:50
unopknoppies, then there's no way, unfortunately ... if some of the hosts are windows machine or run samba's nmbd, then you can attempt to learn their netBIOS names - but not DNS names or hostnames in the unix sens02:51
unopsense *02:51
daftykinsknoppies: one for google i'm afraid. i must sleep now! good night everyone02:51
knoppiesThomasG33K, thanks, Im still reading the man page.02:51
tm0Red_HamsterX i will try and report back. Many thanks :)02:51
knoppiesdaftykins, sleep well.02:51
lavinknoppies, i'm not sure you should google it or google for a tool that will do ik i know it's a sniffer but it gives good info (i just don't know what half of it means)t, what about wireshar02:51
UbuntuBoyRed_HamsterX: so what command would I use if I wanted to make my hard drive (called Acer) and all the files on it mine? "sudo chown Acer?"02:51
daftykinsty <302:51
giikerdaftykins: bye02:51
cmdbbqdoes anyone know the proper way to stop or restart transmission-daemon?02:51
knoppiesnetBIOS names? In windows when it asks you to name your PC, is that a hostname or netBIOS name?02:51
acovrigknoppies, I don't mean in the terminal, but In X, I am running normally (on the physical computer, display :0.0) I want to open xterm, or something to login as a different user without switching users (have both users running at the same time, user2 inside user1)02:52
jub369Can someone help me i trying to reinstall windows xp on my pc it has Linux on it now but i want to remove linux and just have XP02:52
knoppieslavin, never thought of using wireshark for that kind of thing, but maybe I will play with it some more.02:52
unopknoppies, it's a NetBIOS name and microsoft folk like to call it a hostname02:52
Red_HamsterXUbuntuBoy, I have to ask the same question as Arsaine: are you sharing thiese HDDs with Windows?02:52
lavindoes no one know why i'm getting this error on ettercap, or what relevance it is to mozilla Error: cannot open display: :0.002:53
lavinsuff .htm02:53
knoppiesacovrig, not sure, If you ran two different X servers (each on a different TTY), but then I know nothing about that at all.02:53
Mfroggjub369- unless you want to edit the mbr and such, it's easier to wipe and reinstall windows - it'll put the hdd the way it wants it.02:53
lavinknoppies,  i think it might work for host name02:53
giikerlavin: what r u trying to accomplish?02:53
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knoppiesunop, thanks for the clarification, Then can I resolve the netBIOS name using nmap? or should I continue looking for another tool?02:53
jub369Mfrogg i have inserted my windows disc and all it says is therea  error with the blue screen and it wont let me install it any more02:54
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lavingiiker,  remote-browser on ettercap, even webspy gives me the same kind of error02:54
unopknoppies, I don't think nmap can do it -- but nbtscan can or nmblookup (part of the samba suite)02:54
Mfroggjub369 - you press any key when it's spinning up your cd, to start the Windows Install?02:54
lavingiiker,  only on bt4 on ubntu webspy is ok but ettercap not at all02:54
jub369i get to windows boot02:54
jub369windows boot says theres a error installing the windows02:55
acovrigis there any way to run user2 inside user1?02:55
forcekmfwhats the proper command to completely shutdown via cmd line in ubuntu?02:55
unopforceflow,  shutdown02:55
jub369Mfrogg its a window xp home edition service pack 1 if it helps02:55
unopforcekmf, ^^02:55
Mfroggjub369 - Does it ask you to press F6 to install extra drivers?02:55
lavinjub369,  is there anything wrong with your start-up cd or your bios02:56
kyppcgeekjub369: you REALLY need to upgrade to SP302:56
jub369Kyppcgeek i doing this long enough to put in mac in my pc02:56
giikerwell the error means it can find some X app on that display02:56
giikerlavin: well the error means it can find some X app on that display02:56
knoppiesthanks unop, lavin, ThomasG33K.02:56
jub369mfrogg so when it says press F6 i press F6 or wat02:57
unopacovrig, when you say " run user2 inside user1", what do you mean ?02:57
giikerlavin: whenever I try to run my firefox on the remote machine from my terminal, I used to get this same error02:57
forcekmfshutdown: time expected is what i get but if i do "shutdown now" it just reboots02:57
UbuntuBoyRed_HamsterX: I have a dual-boot Windows XP Media & Ubuntu 9.04, and these hard drives are accessible via Windows (one has the Windows OS on it). So if that's what you mean by sharing then yes they are shared.02:57
MfroggIf it gets to that, and you don't have a sata drive needing raid drivers, then it should ask you which hdd to install to.  You have to delete the partitions and then create a partition in the space.02:58
Red_HamsterXUbuntuBoy, are they both NTFS?02:58
giikerlavin: have u tried to check for magic cookies yet?02:58
unopforcekmf, you might want to explicitly 'halt' the machine after shutdown then.   shutdown -h now02:58
lavingiiker,  @ x- app@ ThomasG33K  mentionend that i don't know what it is let me investigate, how did you solve it02:58
acovrigunop, the equivalent of switch users, only keep user1 running, and open something to run user2, close that something (xterm maybe) and user2 gets forced logged out, per say02:58
jub369well let me try agagin Mfrogg and i rember what the error says so i can paste it iin paste bin for ya02:58
giikerlavin: have u tried to check for magic cookies yet?02:58
lavingiiker never heard of them, i'm new to all this you see02:58
Mfroggjub369 - ok02:59
greezmunkeyPretty nice media server tutorial: http://www.cognitivecombine.com/2009/12/diy-ubuntu-nas-with-afp-smb-dlna-and-itunes/02:59
tm0Red_hamsterX It didn't work with the sleep02:59
UbuntuBoyRed_HamsterX: Yes, both are NTFS 5 I believe.02:59
Klownereven using "recovery mode", I can't remount root as read-only because it's "in use"02:59
giikerlavin: do you have acess to the remote box first?02:59
Red_HamsterXtm0, what was the problem?02:59
=== jimtuv_ is now known as Roger_The_Shrubb
lavingiiker,  do you mean if it's got cookies blocked then it will not open new tabs?02:59
=== administrator is now known as Guest88193
=== Roger_The_Shrubb is now known as Roger_Shrubber
unopacovrig,  well, there's sudo that can do this.   sudo -u user2 xterm  .  or you can use something like the gdmflexiserver or gdmXnest which either setup a new display or embed one in an already running display.03:00
tm0Conky needs to start 20 seconds after boot, and you told me to make a SH with this "sleep 20; conky"03:00
Red_HamsterXUbuntuBoy, that may be the reason for the inaccessibility, then. Microsoft has a long history of not wanting to let anyone else play with its NTFS content. Google may be a better source for answers.03:00
giikerlavin: not cookies for the browser, this is another kind of cookies that X uses03:00
=== Vampire__ is now known as Vampire
lavingiiker,  yes but it's a iphone, i got laptop , ps3 n iphone ps3 not on thow just playing around03:00
Red_HamsterXtm0, I meant, why is it failing? What messages are you seeing?03:00
Red_HamsterXtm0, 'boot' or user login?03:01
=== Vampire is now known as Vampire0
UbuntuBoyWill I have access if I convert it to a Fat 32?03:01
tm0Red_HamsterX I am not seeing anthing. And i mean on log on log off.03:01
Red_HamsterXUbuntuBoy, it's likely, but the last time I touched Windows was a decade ago.03:02
giikerlavin: well, if you can run this: xauth list03:02
Red_HamsterXtm0, where have you placed this script?03:02
lavingiiker,  it's on about irix03:02
ranjanhello every body I am having some issue in sharing some file on network using samba .. I am getting an msg  as  "lock directory /var/run/samba does not exist" so does any body have any idea how to solve this .. any help would be of great help thanks in advance03:02
tm0In /home/me03:02
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P03:02
tm0Red_HamsterX In /home/me03:02
=== boozer is now known as basix
UbuntuBoyRed_HamsterX: okay but so what command would I use to change the permissions so that i'm the owner?03:03
acovrigunop, run as user1, or sudo -u user2 gdmflexiserver -n03:03
lavingiiker,  it's got a 0 before lots of num.03:03
Red_HamsterXtm0, are you using Gnome? (The Ubuntu default)03:04
unopacovrig, you don't need sudo to run gdmflexiserver. just run it as you would with any other command.03:04
lavingiiker, http://pastebin.com/FsbSu2LY03:04
Red_HamsterXUbuntuBoy, they should be automatically given appropriate permissions when Ubuntu detects them on start-up, but, again, I don't know for sure.03:04
tm0Red_HamsterX Yes i am using Gnome. I have not updated to the newest version, released (today?).03:04
giikerlavin: going to see it03:04
Red_HamsterXtm0, why do you need a 20-second delay?03:04
tm0On startup i will see it, but once my background shows up, it hides.03:05
jrglasgowis anyone else having a problem with apache running wild out of control?03:05
tm0Red_HamsterX On startup i will see it, but once my background shows up, it hides.03:05
giikerlavin: run: echo $DISPLAY03:05
Red_HamsterXtm0, make that script executable and add it under System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications. It should work.03:07
jeeezhi, how do i check a video file's properties like frame rate and stuff?03:07
lavingiiker,  o.o, that comes up in the errors i feel were getting warmer03:07
GibbyJust did a fresh install of 9.10, restored my thunderbird profile, then upgraded to thunderbird 3.0.4 and now all my accounts are missing....help please03:07
tm0Red_HamsterX that is what i did. I made it a SH file and ran it from there.03:07
Red_HamsterXtm0, did you make it executable?03:07
Red_HamsterXtm0, chmod u+x <filename>03:08
Red_HamsterXIf not, it'll just fail silently.03:08
giikerlavin: Iḿ trying to replicate the error in my VM, wait a minute!03:08
Guest88193I'm having an issue with printing, My Epson RX-80 impact printer is printing at about 2 lines a minute and the text only driver doesn't work.03:08
lavingiiker,  no prob...03:08
tm0Red_HamsterX I did not do that :/ Could that be it?03:09
Red_HamsterXtm0, it very well could be, yes. Try it and log in again.03:09
tm0I will, thank you again very much Red_HamsterX03:10
=== zz_FeiRuoWa is now known as FeiRuoWa
jub369Mfrogg i got the paste bin link03:10
Mfroggjub369 - ok03:11
giikerlavin: are u running remote_browser.so or remote_browser.la03:11
Red_HamsterXDid it work, tm0?03:11
lavingiiker,  not sure how to check?03:12
giikerlavin: on your conf file03:12
tm0Red_HamsterX I just came back to say thank you, thank worked :) Thank you very much for dealing with me :P I know i can be hard.03:12
tm0Red_HamsterX I just posted that in the wrong channel, whoops :P03:12
Red_HamsterXtm0, not a problem. Glad to know it worked out. :)03:12
Red_HamsterXtm0, now you can help others. Forgetting to make custom scripts executable is a strangely common problem.03:13
lavingiiker,  just remote_browser = firefox -remote open url ...etc03:13
giikerlavin: ok03:13
tm0Red_HamsterX I feel bad though. I felt proud, dipped into python, trying to get it to work, and it turned out to be something that simple :(03:13
=== gary_ is now known as Guest50064
GibbyJust did a fresh install of 9.10, restored my thunderbird profile, then upgraded to thunderbird 3.0.4 and now all my accounts are missing....help please03:14
Guest50064anyone know where i can get movies03:14
dustin_hey guys I am working with ubuntu 9.10 64bit and having trouble getting my IR device to be recognized any advice?03:14
lavingiiker,  im try changing it to .so and .la03:14
Red_HamsterXtm0, Python is love, but it's not alwayds the answer. You could do what I'm about to PM you if you're so inclined, though.03:14
giikerlavin: are u running as root?03:15
BRkkhi all03:15
BRkkcould someone help me her pls03:15
lavinyes even mozilla is running as root03:15
lavinwhats up brkk03:16
BRkkiam in my kde desktop...messed up the bottom panel03:16
BRkkand now i dont know how to restore back it03:16
dustin_what did you mess up on it?03:16
lavinBRkk i'm not sure sorry03:16
BRkkremoved the panel by mistake03:17
dustin_BRkk what is missing on it?03:17
dustin_BRkk right click on your desktop and select add panel03:17
BRkkthe whole panel..03:17
BRkkright click and add panel?03:17
lavinBRkk,  thers something like a manger were you can add and remove items from your pannels03:17
dustin_BRkk yes that is how i had to do it when I ran KDE03:18
BRkkyes can i restore it back to original settings03:18
lavinBRkk :)03:18
giikerlavin: wait alomost done03:18
dustin_Brkk once you get it you can add to the pannel anything you are missing03:19
BRkkyah what does kde used for substite for terminal like in ubuntu03:19
kelopezBRkk, Konsole03:20
dustin_alt+f1   ;)03:20
ocramalguemtemalgumasolucaodecomousar internet banking usandolinux03:20
=== Guest88193 is now known as Karth
ocramprincipalmente caixa e BB03:20
dustin_BRkk the alt+f1 is dirty trick I picked up by accident one day03:20
giikerlavin: it works on mine03:21
giikerI think you might be doing some wrong03:21
lavingiiker,  what does, how did you do it03:21
BRkkstrange everything is locked03:21
dustin_BRkk on what?03:22
BRkki got  xchat running ok...its locked ..cant move it anywhere03:22
dustin_BRkk can you right click and unlock?03:22
goodocram ubuntu-br pls03:22
masu3701am installing ubuntu server...am new to this...which software should i install?03:23
ocrameu ubuntu server03:23
masu3701i have a long list03:23
BRkkis there a command to restore the kde to default through gnome03:23
giikerlavin: well I did it a little different. I tried using running ettercap but the standalone version, not in BT03:23
lavingiiker,  on ubuntu ?03:23
giikerlavin: run ettercap as root, yeap in ubuntu03:24
dustin_masu3701 you may want to try channel #ubuntuserver03:24
lavinhang on i have to re-boot03:24
giikerlavin: weather I run it in BT or Ubuntu it doesnt matter as long as it is run as root/sudo03:24
lavingiiker,  i'm on live cd it's always root no?03:25
goodocram usa o canal de seu idioma tipo #ubuntu-br ou ubuntu-PT03:25
giikerlavin: bt is always root03:25
ocramok obrigado03:25
lavinwebspy works in ubuntu fine but ettercap doesn't03:26
goodocram :)03:26
giikerlavin: did you load the plugin correctly, how did you lod it?! on a conf file, did you use the GUI ettercap?03:26
forcekmfanyone know how to add another vmnet interface for a virtual machine03:26
lavingiiker,  what do you mean, gui and cli, i try both , on gui, sniff arp:remote,  chk-arp , remote -browser03:27
lavingiiker,  it gives me the urls in ettercap display just doesn't forward to browser03:28
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masu3701i just installed ubuntu server....only install the dns server...how do i install mail and lamp server?03:28
UbuntuBoyRed_HamsterX: Thanks for your help :) I definately believe you about the NTFS problem because I can't delete files to the trash from that drive.03:29
giikerlavin: weirddddddd03:29
giikerlavin: wait03:29
* the-sandman 03:29
=== the-sandman is now known as the-sandman|away
lavingiiker,  in ubuntu r-brow, doesn't work at all03:29
magicvibes!how to setup ATI 3650 Ubuntu 9.1003:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:29
masu3701i just installed ubuntu server....only install the dns server...how do i install mail and lamp server?03:30
KayAteChef!how ATI03:30
hudcwho use ubuntu on x6103:31
KB1JWQhudc: t51003:32
KayAteChefmasu3701: did you google it?03:32
dustin_hey guys I am working with ubuntu 9.10 64bit and having trouble getting my IR device to be recognized any advice?03:32
KB1JWQdustin_: Does dmesg see it?03:32
=== Swilky is now known as Sean_Wilkinson
KB1JWQdustin_: does lsusb show the reader?03:32
quartecmIs there a way to force an application, from the main menu application starters in gnome, to run under a specified directory instead of just the home directory which it does by default? This app when started creates some folders and files that appear in the home dir that i rather appear in a specified dir and the app won't let me specify.03:32
KB1JWQquartecm: That's a strangely coded app.03:32
giikerlavin: sorry i misunderstood you, I could see the urls too03:32
KB1JWQquartecm: Which app is it?03:32
quartecmit's a windows app running via wine :P03:32
thenetduckhey can someone help me with my fronts?03:33
lavingiiker,  ok, does it not forward to your browser aswell?03:33
dustin_kb1jwq ok ty found the device03:33
dustin_now how do I configure a mitsumi?03:33
=== Sean_Wilkinson is now known as swilky
thenetduckI need help installing Helvetica ....03:34
thenetduckI don't know where I can find it03:34
giikerlavin: nope, did you check the forums yet?!03:34
giikerlavin: I saw asome post about it03:34
greezmunkeymasu3701: dID YOU GET WHAT YOU NEEDED?03:34
thenetducki'm very sad ...03:35
dustin_masu3701 use "sudo apt-get install lamp03:35
masu3701greezmunkey: no03:35
lavingiiker,  i've cheked everywere same'ol, just says to change remote_browser from mozilla to firefox, what about using different browser konqueror no good03:35
quartecmFor example cd "/home/isaac/.wine/drive_c/users/isaac/Application Data/Crawl"; wine "/home/isaac/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Crawl/crawl.exe" works but running an application as a gnome launcher will not allow me to do a cd :P03:35
greezmunkeymasu3701: see dustin_, but look here too: http://tuxtweaks.com/2009/10/install-lamp-on-ubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala/03:35
KB1JWQthenetduck: Helvetica isn't available I don't believe.03:36
quartecmthenetduck: Helvetica is avaliable but you have to have a paid version of it03:36
KB1JWQ!pm | hudc03:36
ubottuhudc: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.03:36
giikerlavin: i will see now on my BT VM and see if it rund03:36
quartecmthenetduck: then you can copy it to your ubuntu machine03:36
lavingiiker,  this is from webspy webspy: listening on wlan003:36
lavinwebspy: root window has no children on display :0.003:36
dustin_ty greezmonkey that is a nice site too bad I didnt have it when I learned my school of head lumps03:37
thenetduckKB1JWQ, that's very sad indeed :( I have a make that has the font on it, I wonder if I can just copy it from my mac03:37
quartecmthenetduck: you can copy it from your mac but i'm not sure that is legal soooooo no one is going to help you hear with that :P03:37
KB1JWQthenetduck: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5658303:37
thenetduckriiiiight... thanks guys03:37
KB1JWQquartecm: It's not restricted.03:37
KB1JWQthenetduck: My link shows you how to get it.03:38
greezmunkeythenetduck: there is a package you can install with synaptic that my help you, it is msttcorefonts03:38
Karthanyone know why printing a page on a 9pin dot matrix would take about 20 minutes on 9.10?03:38
greezmunkeyKarth: is it printing the line over and over?03:39
thenetduckok thanks again03:39
Karthgreez:no its printing about 5 characters, pausing for 15-20 seconds and continuing03:39
greezmunkeyKarth: Parallel, or serial?03:39
greezmunkeyKarth: I'd try a differant driver then.03:40
Karthgreez: I tried about 7-8, all the same03:40
Someguy771when I manually iinstall the NVidia 195 drivers and restart ubuntu, following this guide, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=990978 , ubuntu restarts in low graphics mode, can someone help?03:40
KarthGreez: it normally does about 3ppm03:41
greezmunkeyKarth: Do you know what the parallel port is set up as in your BIOS?03:41
Karthgreez: its a cheap system, I can't configure it03:41
Ivanlulhow can I check if ubuntu is using my graphics card?03:41
greezmunkeyKarth: so it usually works fine, just not now?03:42
KarthGreez: yeah before I changed the OS from XP it worked fine, a bit slow but not this slow03:42
KarthGreez: also every time a print order is given I can hear the CPU fan go way up03:43
Ivanlulhow can I check if ubuntu is using my graphics card?03:44
greezmunkeyKarth: read the tunelp man page, it may help...03:44
jmad980Ivanlul, for 3d?03:45
meeper2can anybody recommend alternatives to hamachi? or is hamachi the best option for setting up a lightweight vpn?03:45
Ivanlulwhat do you mean?03:45
milardo2anybody here would like to help me with errors when i try to cross compile xine gui03:45
Ivanlulk I typed it in the terminal03:45
Ivanlulgears loaded, what now?03:46
jmad980if it works well its ussing it03:46
KarthGreez: will do, ty03:46
giikerlavin: I'm  having probs with BT203:46
IvanlulI'm talking about a dedicated graphics card03:46
masu3701 i just installed ubuntu server but when i start the pc i get a black screen that ask me to log in03:47
lavingiiker,  it must be firefox03:47
lavintry webspy03:47
masu3701 i just installed ubuntu server but when i start the pc i get a black screen that ask me to log in03:47
masu3701 i just installed ubuntu server but when i start the pc i get a black screen that ask me to log in03:47
lavingiiker,  try webspy03:47
DR_Fun1whats the comand to extract a large group of files into my /www/ file03:47
greezmunkeymasshuu: your question is?03:47
jmad980Ivanlul, yeah, if it can display that without being too choppy, it should be setup correctly, other wise you could try playing a game that uses 3d, or perhaps desktop effects03:47
Ivanlulisn't there like a "system info" thing in ubuntu?03:48
bobpaul'dpkg --get-selections' lists all packages installed. Is there an easy way to list the packages that were installed by the original installer, instead of what's currently installed?03:49
giikerlavin: let me see03:49
IvanlulXIO:  fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server ":0.0"03:49
Ivanlul      after 42 requests (42 known processed) with 0 events remaining.03:49
meeper2has anybody used remobo? this looks like a good hamachi alternative?03:49
SemitonesOk, hey, here's what I did. I used to have two IDE hard drives, one crappy one, and one new one that was the "slave." It was starting to make noises and signs it was failing, so I opened up the case and unplugged the powerchord, without changing the Data ribbon. Now grub has an error because it can't find the first hard disk. I'm booted into the live cd now. Can I install grub2 on the "slave" hard drive from the live cd? Or do I have to open the03:50
Semitones case back up and make the remaining hard disk the "master?" I'm not very experienced with hardware, as you can probably tell! Thanks03:50
jmad980Ivanlul, well I gotta go eat dinner, so as far as I can tell it's working, but if you need more help i'm sure someone here (thats running ubuntu :p) could help03:50
meeper2Semitones: I hope you have some good backups!03:50
bobpaulsemitones, you'll be fine03:51
Semitonesmeeper2, of course!03:51
DR_Fun1whats the comand to extract a large group of files into my /www/ file03:51
Semitonesbobpaul, great :D03:51
SemitonesMy second question was going to be, "ok, now how do I go about installing grub2"03:51
bobpaulsemitones that was pretty stupid to unplug without turning off the computer... were you using grub or grub2 before? I'll try and find a tutorial for you03:51
kairudoes this sound right, since my big screen's size is 1920x1080 and my laptop is 1024x768 and its to the left not above or below the (xdim,ydim) of the virtual screen would be 1920x184803:52
Semitonesbobpaul, no, I unplugged the computer, did the change, and plugged it back in. I was using grub before, but I'd like to install grub 2 if possible03:52
bobpaulwell, I'd go with grub for the time being. you can always switch to grub2 later03:52
meeper2so can anybody recommend a good hamachi alternative?03:53
bobpaulsemitones: linux was on the slave, right? or were they mirror'd?03:54
bobpaulI mean.. your root partition03:54
Semitonesbobpaul, my root partition was on the slave, but Grub was installed to the MBR of the master. I think.03:54
* DR_Fun1 whats the comand to extract a large group of files into my /www/ file03:54
giikerlavin: have to go, sorry03:55
lavinggi thanks all the same tek care03:56
lavingiiker,  t c03:56
giikeri'm dl BT4 now, so it willl take a while, but i will come back in 15 or so, if you are still here03:56
AlcorDR_Fun1 in the terminal?03:56
SlybootsKind of stuck on an issue, An application I need needs a newer version of libgcrypt ( but karmic only has 1.4.4-203:57
KarthGreez: well I used the tunelp command, its printing at about 2 lines a minute now, but its still really slow03:57
SlybootsHow can I upgrade it wihtout breaking my system o.O03:57
bobpaulsemitones: yeah. ok. That's a common setup. Here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows ... if you want to play with grub2, I would recommend leaving grub on the mbr, but installing grub2 to a partition (eg, /dev/sda1). Then you can use chainload +1 in grub to boot grub2. This lets you still boot without a livecd if you screw up grub203:57
DR_Fun1i want to extrat a file 2 my www file03:58
kairuanyone have a good knowledge of xorg and xrandr?03:58
DR_Fun1im new 2 web hosting03:58
DR_Fun1i have a irc server up03:58
Ivanlulmoment of truth....03:59
=== Roger_Shrubber is now known as jimtuv_
greezmunkeyKarth: So, some improvement. Sounds like you are on the right track. I suggest googlin' around for more specific info. Unfortunately, you may have to "tinker" with that printer to really get it going. Is it for forms, two part docs?03:59
AlcorDR_Fun1 the file name or what is in the file?03:59
Karthits for carbon copies03:59
DR_Fun1its coo04:00
greezmunkeyKarth: What kind of printer is it?04:00
KarthGreez: an Epson RX-8004:00
KarthGreez: kinda rare nowadays04:00
greezmunkeyKarth: I was hoping you'd say Okidata, yeah...04:01
bobpaulsemitones: here's instructions to upgrade to grub2 after you got grub working again: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub204:01
AlcorDR_Fun1  if its a list of file  names within a file do: cat "file" >> /www/ file04:01
SlybootsI've a .bz file for libgcrypt04:01
SlybootsBut if I install it by hand.. without using Apt will it break anything?04:01
KarthGreez: have an epson LQ-850 too, but for whatever reason ubuntu makes the heads fire so hard it pokes holes in the paper :/04:01
SlybootsOr have two differnet version of libgcrypt installed?04:02
AlcorDR_Fun1  the >> is a redirect append to the bottom fo a file04:02
SlybootsAnyone? :P04:03
KarthGreez: that one worked fine in ubuntu 6, compatability with the things seems to be going down04:03
GneaSlyboots: is there a PPA for it?04:03
SlybootsDont know.. dont think so04:03
Semitonesthank you so much bobpaul04:04
GneaSlyboots: do you have the source for the software that needs it or is it pre-compiled?04:05
SlybootsIts on launchpad.. but doesnt seem like there is a PPA04:05
SlybootsGot the sourvce04:05
SlybootsBut the system hsa a earlier version installed, and removing it will break a LOT of stuff04:05
GneaSlyboots: I would suggest making sure that, when you install it, that it goes to /usr/local or /opt instead of /usr04:05
Slybootswell it should go into /local by default..04:06
Gneathere is no /local04:06
Slyboots/usr/local I mean04:06
greezmunkeyKarth: See what happens when you type "lpr -o raw" (minus quotes) in a terminal...04:06
Gneawell, /opt is even more out of the way and probably safer. I like it because then it's easier when reading ldconfig04:07
Alcorne1 look in printcap?04:07
Zenkeris there a "shelf" similar to rocket dock or an icon organizer similar to Fences04:07
Chak820315someone who knows about cron?04:08
ortsvorsteher!someone | Chak82031504:08
ubottuChak820315: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:08
greezmunkeyAlcor: for the dot matrix issue?04:08
kazamaalguem aew04:08
kazamacomo usa isso04:09
tachiro1btw, man, i feel like i'm gonna be working on ubuntu sound for a good while before it becomes something that is consistently decent04:09
greezmunkeyAlcor: I was hoping I wouldn't have to go there, it's been a while!04:09
kazamaestou usando linux agora mas quero saber a fundo04:09
kazamahey man04:09
Chak820315i need to make a cron to do backups (full / incremental) to ORACLE database server through RMAN04:09
kazamai dont understant emglish04:09
Chak820315i have the scripts for rman04:09
kazamau speak portuguese?04:09
KarthGreez: 1 second, the thing refuses to abort the last test page04:09
Slybootsts still using the older lib to run the software04:10
bazhangkazama, /join #ubuntu-br04:10
KarthGreez: even with the device removed04:10
SlybootsUgh, this is a pain in the ass..04:10
Alcorgreezmunkey yeah me also, but sometimes you can see how its listed and what options are being used04:10
greezmunkeyAlcor: agreed, do you know the command to reset the parallel port? I'd have to look it up.04:11
Chak820315ubottu, can u help me?04:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:11
tachiro1anyone often get this unpredictable and spontaneous shitty sound quality from time to time?04:11
Semitonesbobpaul, ugh, it says I need a jaunty live cd to recover grub legacy :P I wonder if I still have one04:11
Chak820315someone who knows about cron?04:12
Alcorgreezmunkey not on hand ---04:12
bazhangtachiro1, please watch the language04:12
greezmunkeyKarth: is it still hung?04:12
Alcorbrb ill look04:12
tachiro1jeez that's the second time that's slipped out LOL yo04:12
KarthGreez: its still printing the test page, and I removed the printer04:12
tachiro1ubottu needs to be all over the censorship04:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:12
tachiro1agh! stupid machines!04:12
KarthGreez: its been going for 10 minutes and is just now doing the gradient part04:13
greezmunkeyKarth: Alcor is helping, it's a matter of clearing the spooler...been a while. Looking.04:13
KarthGreez: np, no rush04:13
greezmunkeyKarth: this may be cool, open a browser and do this: http://localhost:631/printers/04:15
KarthGreez: well it shows my two network printers, good to know04:16
danijelhow can i acess to other hard disc in xfce ?04:16
greezmunkeyKarth: is the print job there?04:16
KarthGreez: no04:16
danijelhow can i acess to other hard disk in xfce ?04:17
greezmunkeyKarth: then that job is cached in the printers memory (probably), can you cancel or clear the printer on its panel?04:17
KarthGreez: If I disconnect the thing's cable it stops04:17
KarthGreez: besides it has like 32kb of memory04:17
greezmunkeyKarth: when you did that www thing, did you click on the "jobs" tab?04:18
KarthGreez: ofc04:18
danijelhow can i acess to other hard disk in xfce04:18
danijelcan anybody answer me ?04:18
bazhangdanijel, what filesystem04:18
Alcortry a lpstat to see if ne jobs present04:18
danijeland i want to acess to sda04:18
bazhangdanijel, thats not a filesystem; ie ntfs, ext3 etc04:19
danijelhow can i check what is that filesistem ?04:19
greezmunkeyKarth: you said two network printers?04:19
greezmunkeyKarth: what about the dot matrix?04:20
danijeli think its ntfs04:20
KarthGreez: yeah both on windows machines in another part of the house04:20
ortsvorsteherdanijel, may you start gparted and switch do the device. there you will see which file system and partition its on.04:20
ortsvorsteher-do +to04:20
greezmunkeyKarth: what about the dot matrix?04:20
KarthGreez: I removed it to try and stop the printing, that worked last time it did this04:20
BilnaoHello, does APT support http basic authentication ? source.list like : http://user:pass@ip ?04:20
danijelhow to do that ?04:20
Zenkerdoes anyone know of a program like Stardocks Fences that will work in ubuntu?--or even better a shelf like program that i can store some files on ?04:21
=== eric is now known as Guest86902
danijelhow can i do that ?04:21
KarthGreez: canceling the job for whatever reason didn't do anything04:21
ortsvorsteherdanijel, just look if there is gparted installed and after that, start it04:22
Guest86902Help, I'm having trouble with ffmpeg, can't convert .flv to .mp404:22
mach94Anyone use Gnome Epiphany?  I keep getting my mouse locked up so I cannot click on anything -- any idea what causes this problem with Ubuntu 9.10 ?04:22
HowardTheDuckdock on top vs. bottom of the screen...which is best and why?04:22
bazhangGuest86902, you might try handbrake04:22
danijelgeparted ?04:23
Alcorgreezmunkey  do a man cancel and see if that is what you want04:23
danijelwhat is the name of application gepartef ?04:24
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php04:24
greezmunkeyAlcor: this brings back way too many painful memories :)04:25
greezmunkeyAlcor: But, lpstat is your friend04:25
Alcorgreezmunkey  yessir - system 504:25
Alcorgreezmunkey  serial printers are the worst04:26
greezmunkeyAlcor: dude.04:26
HowardTheDuckdock on top or bottom04:26
Alcorgreezmunkey  am i dating myself?04:26
greezmunkeyAlcor: Hey, I backspaced over what I hade here so I wouldn't!04:27
Karthgreezmunkey: well I switched the thing off for now, any idea how to stop it? or shall I just restart the PC04:27
greezmunkeyKarth: try running "lpstat" in a term, see what you get.04:28
Karthgreezmunkey: absolutely nothing04:28
danijelhow to use gparted ?04:29
greezmunkeyKarth: lpstat -s04:29
AlcorKarth A reboot never hurts04:29
greezmunkeyAlcor: that's next!04:29
danijelwhen i run it, it says me that root privilegies are04:29
ortsvorsteherdanijel, start it with sudo command04:29
Karthgreezmunkey: shows my 2 net printers, gonna just restart04:29
greezmunkeyKarth: that bytes...04:30
Mfroggis there a way to Su from File Browser so i can modify folders/files?04:30
danijelroot privilegies doesnt suport gpart04:30
bazhangMfrogg, what folders/files04:30
MfroggI'm trying to create a Primary folder to be the root of a file share04:31
greezmunkeyMfrogg: i think gksu nautilus will get you there.04:31
greezmunkeyMfrogg: Use with caution04:31
ortsvorsteherdanijel, just type in an terminal sudo gparted04:31
AlcorGreez do a ps -aef?  and kill the print job - may have a zombie running04:32
greezmunkeyAlcor: yeah, Karth is rebooting now...04:32
Alcordo a man ps first04:32
danijeli run it04:32
danijeland how can i acess to disk ?04:33
Mfroggwould I want a share like this to be a seperate partition, for protection purposes?04:33
Karthyay it stopped04:33
Guest86902Can anyone help me convert a .flv file to .mp4 using ffmpeg?04:33
Sioux-33<Guest86902> no04:34
ortsvorsteherdanijel, just open your mind... look at the gui and on left top you will be able to select another disk...04:34
bazhangGuest86902, have you considered handbrake04:34
greezmunkeyAlcor: (ps aux | awk '{ print $8 " " $2 }' | grep -w Z) find a Zombie, or so says whoever wrote it.04:34
Guest86902handbrake makes them into .m4v instead of .mp4, I just tried it.04:35
bazhangGuest86902, no handbrake can make them into mp4, works fine here04:35
alastairpI'm looking for sistpoty04:35
alastairpanyone know what channel I could find him in?04:35
gbramwellIs there a way to hook a Ubuntu to output an HDMI signal that will work on an HDCP TV?04:36
bazhangalastairp, no idea, try /wii sistpoty04:36
Alcorgreez thx - i added that to my notes04:36
bazhangalastairp, that has nothing to do with Ubuntu though04:36
alastairpbazhang: nah, looks like his channels are masked04:36
danijelhow to use gparted04:36
Karthgreezmunkey: now that the thing is stopped, any suggestions on speeding it up?04:36
greezmunkeyKarth: did you try the "lpr -o raw" command, and then a short text print?04:37
bazhangdanijel, you have a livecd? ubuntu or gparted livecd?04:37
Karthgreezmunkey: I couldn't enter the command cause LPT was busy, lemme do that now04:37
Guest86902ffmpeg gives me this error message "Unsupported codec for output stream #0.1"04:37
danijeli just want to acess my disk04:37
greezmunkeyKarth: it may also be useful to have that CUPS web page available so you can track the process04:37
danijeli can it with gnome04:37
danijelbut with xfce i cant04:38
bazhangdanijel, care to answer my question?04:38
danijelyes i have livecd04:38
Guest86902I already downloaded the unrestricted extras04:38
bazhangdanijel, then boot with the live cd04:38
danijelwhy ?04:39
Sioux-33does anyone know how to downgrade udev in lucid?04:39
bazhangSioux-33, #ubuntu+1 for lucid04:39
Karthgreezmunkey: ok command entered and a 7 line doc is printing, no imporvement04:39
greezmunkeyKarth: yeah, it wants you to submit file to print, that won't work for you. Alcor is right I think, about digging into /etc/printcap.04:39
danijeli want to acess my ntfs disk04:40
paranoid_ndroidjust a question: why is gnome unable to tile the windows horizontally or vertically automatically?04:40
bazhangdanijel, is it mounted?04:40
Sioux-33<bazhang> they dont know anything do u know any other lucid channel?04:40
bazhangSioux-33, that is the only lucid channel, btw downgrading is not supported04:40
AlcorKarth sudo find / -name printcap =print04:40
Mfrogghmm - i can't view my Windows Workgroup - tells me the server failed to respond?04:40
brah-MFrogg try agai04:41
AlcorKarth sudo find / -name printcap -print04:41
danijelbut i want to acess it with04:41
bazhangdanijel, and what is the error you are getting?04:41
Mfroggunable to mount location, failed to retrieve share list from server04:41
danijellook it is not exiting04:41
bazhangdanijel, that does not make sense then04:41
danijelsorry for my eng04:42
ortsvorsteherje li bolje u kanalom srbija?04:42
bazhangdanijel, what is your native language04:42
danijeli want to acess to files in othed hard disk04:42
ubottuMolimo udjite u #ubuntu-rs za pomoc u vezi sa Ubuntuom na srpskom jeziku.04:42
AlcorKarth it finds 2 locations; Dont know which 1 to use (i'm new to Ubuntu)04:42
danijeleverybody is sleeping now04:42
KarthAlcor: ok command entered, it found 3 files04:42
danijelin room of my leng04:42
Sioux-33in lucid is installed udev ver 151 as far as i remember this udev version use a lot of cpu the same problem i had in karmic with 147 6.1 when i downgraded it to 147 6.0 the cpu went straight to 0 max 2% i tried lucid and i know that i got high cpu cos of udev so i want to downgrade it but dont know how cant do it from synaptic need another way  after04:42
bazhangSioux-33, #ubuntu+1 not here04:43
danijeli just want to acess files in other hard disk, to open program with wine04:43
AlcorGreez U know which 1 to look at04:43
KarthAlcor: one under /usr one under /var and one under /etc04:43
danijelbut i cant find icon of other hard disk in xfce04:43
Sioux-33bazhang> tnx so very much good man god bless u04:43
bazhangdanijel, you wish to run an application that is on your windows disk via wine?04:44
bazhangerr partition04:44
danijelbut i dont know how to acess04:45
danijelto that file04:45
danijeli can do it in gnome04:45
danijelbut i cant in xfce04:45
bazhangdanijel, pastebin the exact commands you are using for both ubuntu and xubuntu, and the errors you are getting04:46
danijelhow to do that ?04:46
greezmunkeyAlcor: just got back, lemme catch up.04:46
bazhang!paste | danijel04:46
ubottudanijel: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:46
tm0Hi, quick question the light blue conky on this page http://conky.sourceforge.net/screenshots.html has a music script. What do i name it?04:47
danijeli just want to acess files in ntfs hard disk, in gnome i have icon for that file system, but in xfce i cant find it04:47
AlcorKarth I only have 2 locations on my sys.  Dont have one in /etc04:47
bazhangdanijel, please pastebin the commands you are using, for ubuntu and xubuntu, and the errors you are getting, stop repeating the same questions with providing more info please04:48
KarthAlcor: dunno, I have /etc/printcap04:48
danijelbut i dont know to explain to u ?04:48
KarthAlcor: its a pretty recent install04:49
danijeli just want to acess my hard disk what is not my primary where is ubuntu. How to acess it ?04:49
greezmunkeyAlcor: If you look in /etc/printcap you will see a warning, pointing you to /etc/cups/printers.conf. I'm not that familiar with cups right now, but I assume that manually editing that file is a no no.04:49
compaqalguien habla español04:49
bazhangdanijel, simply open a browser, and go to the pastebin site, then paste the errors resulting from the commands you are using. then save, and give us the url to that pastebin04:49
bazhangcompaq, #ubuntu-es please04:49
danijeli dont have errors04:50
danijelu re idiot, sorry for sayying that04:50
bazhangdanijel, then stop repeating yourself, without providing more info, you won't get any help04:50
danijelwhy ?04:50
bazhangdanijel, that language is not called for here.04:50
AlcorGreez i know you wan to be careful ancopy the origional 1 to Oprintcap before editing the other04:51
danijeljust tell me04:51
ortsvorsteherdanijel, probay da sutra pitas u svoj jezik04:51
bazhang!attitude > danijel04:51
ubottudanijel, please see my private message04:51
masu3701is there any mac channel?04:51
danijelnecu sutra da probam da pitam u svoj jezik04:51
ortsvorsteherradi sta hoces04:51
bazhangmasu3701, ##apple or ##macos you can /msg alis list *term* to see more04:51
danijelee salim se xD mislio sam da si robot04:51
ortsvorsteherja nisam ;)04:52
KRStwomasu: ##mac04:52
bazhangdanijel, english here04:52
masu3701its ##mac04:52
greezmunkeyAlcor: Karth yeah, I'm going to look around a bit about this...brb04:52
AlcorGreez you then can go back to where u were.  Note the permissions.  if you mess up, copy the Oprintcap to printcap04:52
wolterwhy is the paste.ubuntu.com page asking for login again?04:53
danijelreci mi samo kako da udjem u drugi hard disk, na gnome ulazim bez problema al na xfce ne znam gde mi je ikonica za drugi hard ??? pomagaj. please just this on serbain04:53
Karthgreezmunkey: ok04:53
maco!serbian | danijel04:53
ubottudanijel: Molimo udjite u #ubuntu-rs za pomoc u vezi sa Ubuntuom na srpskom jeziku.04:53
meatbunhow to create a new loopback adapter in ubuntu?04:53
ortsvorstehercekam u ubuntu-rs04:53
shazbotmcnastywolter, it's not for me..04:53
danijelvazi hvala!04:53
bazhangdanijel, /join #ubuntu-rs04:53
shazbotmcnastyoh myt04:53
shazbotmcnastywolter, nvm it is04:53
wolteri hate when they do that04:54
wolterits so crapy04:54
Mfroggearlier, it opened my windows shares on two other machines, now it's only opening Mac and itself.. ?04:54
ed1thow do i upgrade ubuntu server 9.04 to ubuntu server 9.10 ?04:54
bazhang!upgrade | ed1t04:55
ubottued1t: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading04:55
shazbotmcnastyed1t, apt-get dist-update04:55
tm0Hi, quick question the light blue conky on this page http://conky.sourceforge.net/screenshots.html has a music script. What do i name it?04:55
bazhangshazbotmcnasty, dist-upgrade does not do that04:55
shazbotmcnastybazhang, there was supposed to be a '?' after that04:56
shazbotmcnastyI'm not watching computer.04:56
shazbotmcnastyNCIS is on :304:56
eric_I have a really dumb question but I need help. How do you register with IRC?04:56
bazhang!register | eric_04:56
ubottueric_: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode04:56
Semitonesbazhang, is there a different mechanism for ubuntu servers? Or is there a cli update-manager?04:57
johnjohn101how can I get ubuntu to hold my resolution after a reboot?04:57
bazhangeric_, /join #freenode for further help04:57
bazhangSemitones, you read the upgrade link yet?04:57
Semitones:P how did I know you would say that04:57
greezmunkeyKarth: look in /dev specifically for anything like lp0, lp0:0, or the like, let us know what you find...04:58
robertzaccourbrasero always fails to open disc drive after copying a disc. any way to fix it?04:58
robertzaccouri always have to manually eject and then the data is dropped and not saved for the blank disc04:58
Karthgreezmunkey: there is a lp0 in there04:59
bazhangrobertzaccour, do other burner software have this issue as well? k3b gnomebaker etc?04:59
ed1tbazhang: the link u gave me talks about how to do it from the GUI04:59
ed1ti only have cli04:59
robertzaccouri didn't know there was anything else that could do a 1:1 copy04:59
greezmunkeyKarth: you only have one printer installed, right?04:59
Karthgreezmunkey: 1 local and 2 network04:59
bazhangrobertzaccour, you mean copy a iso/dvd/cd?04:59
greezmunkeyKarth: cool, hold a minute, I want to try something...05:00
robertzaccourbazhang, yes05:00
bazhangrobertzaccour, k9copy can do that afaik05:00
robertzaccourbazhang, oh ok thanks05:00
robertzaccourany others? i should write them down if there is05:01
bazhangrobertzaccour, rip to iso? could you clarify please05:01
greezmunkeyKarth: in a terminal: sudo cat /etc/cups/printers.conf - paste the line that says DeviceURI05:01
Rebelstaranybody knows how to restore the compiz settings to original?...im in dire need of help..pls help!!05:01
Red_Tideis there an ubuntu off topic?05:01
bazhangRed_Tide, #ubuntu-offtopic05:01
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:01
StopSignany chans about ipods and alt os's for them05:01
bazhangRebelstar, asked in #compiz yet?05:01
Red_Tidecool thanks05:02
robertzaccourbazhang, the problem with brasero 1:1 disc copy is that it fails to eject, and dumps the data before i can put the other disc in. if it ejected automatically it would be saved for the next disc pop in for recording05:02
Rebelstarbazhang: hmm thanks..:)05:02
Karthgreezmunkey: gotta change the default printer for that, hold on05:02
bazhangStopSign, such as rockbox? you could /msg alis list *rockbox*05:02
Karthgreezmunkey: hmm that command only shows one of my network printers05:03
StopSignbazhang, right on05:03
robertzaccourhorray offtopic police lol05:03
Karthgreezmunkey: device URI is parallel:/dev/lp0 though05:03
bazhangrobertzaccour, never tried with brasero, so cannot advise there, k9copy can do that as I have used that to backup data dvd's and the like ie 1:1 copy05:03
Karthgreezmunkey: for the impact printer05:04
robertzaccourbazhang, oh ok thanks05:04
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greezmunkeyKarth: check the group/user attributes on that file...05:04
greezmunkeyKarth: then copy it to x/x/printers.conf.orig05:05
greezmunkeyKarth: same path ;)05:05
Karthgreezmunkey: group: lp Owner: root05:05
Danijelhow can i add visual efect like box on xfce ????????????/05:06
bazhangDanijel, you mean the cube?05:07
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greezmunkeyKarth: once you've made a backup copy, edit the printers.conf, DeviceURI to file://dev/lp005:07
bazhanginstall ccsm Danijel05:07
greezmunkeyKarth: you may or may not have to restart cups for that to take effect.05:07
DanijelE: Couldn't find package ccsm05:08
madPJKfanhi everybody - anyone know how to install thunderbird-3.0.4 from deb's in karmic?  Having no end of troub... ??05:08
bazhang!ccsm | Danijel05:08
ubottuDanijel: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz05:08
bazhangmadPJKfan, which repo?05:09
Karthgreezmunkey: whats the copy command in the terminal?05:09
madPJKfanbazhang: tried the daily ppa - but I get 3.0.5pre05:09
Danijeland on the end what i need to type in terminal ?05:09
madPJKfanneed 64bit build too05:09
bazhangmadPJKfan, got the PPA link?05:10
greezmunkeyKarth: in /etc/cups, sudo cp ./printers.conf ./printers.conf.orig05:10
madPJKfanhave had a look around - no 3.0.4 there05:10
madPJKfan3.0.3 and 3.0.505:10
=== eric_ is now known as ciretalu
greezmunkeyKarth: once you do the edit, restart cups: sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart05:11
Karthgreezmunkey: no such file or directory05:11
Danijelwill ccsm work on my comp: 512 ram, grafic card 128 mb ? ???05:11
greezmunkeyKarth: did you cd /etc/cups first?05:11
bazhangDanijel, asked in #compiz ?05:11
Karthgreezmunkey: ah, my bad, ok its copied05:12
=== hp is now known as britany_okla
greezmunkeyKarth: once you've made a backup copy, edit the printers.conf, DeviceURI to file://dev/lp005:12
greezmunkeyKarth: once you do the edit, restart cups: sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart05:12
Danijelwtf ?05:12
soreauDanijel: If you join #compiz, I will help you get it working05:13
Karthgreezmunkey: whats the command to edit a file, sorry I'm used to DOS05:13
greezmunkeyKarth: sudo gedit {filename}05:14
eremitehow do I play the entire contents of a folder using CVLC in terminal without adding each file path manually?05:14
bazhanghttps://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=karmic madPJKfan only 3.0.3 and 3.05 from what I can see05:14
flyingtabmowi need to conditionally load a modmap file... i've tried adding this as a startup application, but for some reason the modmap file doesn't load (or gets clobbered by something after it loads), and .xsession doesn't seem to be run at all... where's the best place to put this kind of script, so that it always runs on graphical login?05:14
greezmunkeyKarth: That business, once done should output your print jobs directly to the device, if it fails, at least you have a backup copy. :)05:15
madPJKfanbazhang: and back again - xchat decided to die on running the channel list - not happy05:15
bazhanghttps://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=karmic only see .03 and .05 madPJKfan05:16
Karthgreezmunkey: well I edited it and saved, but sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart doesn't work05:16
greezmunkeyKarth: that figures...you are on 9.10 right?05:16
Karthgreezmunkey: yep05:16
madPJKfanbazhang, yeah - confuzzled as to where one might find 3.0.4 - only other option is to install a tarball - not particularly elegant05:16
bazhangmadPJKfan, any reason for only that version?05:17
greezmunkeyKarth: use cups instead of cupsys05:17
__goo__histo, I tried editing my sudoers file to give my user full priveliges. Once i restarted, I am not able to access anything in kernel space. Switching to root or using the sudo command gives me the error "must be setuid root"?05:17
deltarayIs there some kind of ncurses configuration program for ubuntu similar to setup on redhat/centos ?05:17
Karthgreezmunkey: that worked, let me try it05:17
madPJKfanbazhang, well, apart from being the stable release, it is the one that all the lightning addons work in05:17
bazhangdeltaray, installer? setup what; please clarify05:18
Karthgreezmunkey: its printing, but just as slow as ever05:18
bazhangmadPJKfan, not sure there, sorry05:18
greezmunkeyKarth: bah!05:18
paul3333hi, could you please tell me how to set individual monitor rezolution? using envyng and one monitor has a proper rezolution but the other one is set to 800x600 and can't find where to set it to something else...thanks05:18
madPJKfanbazhang, np - cheers anyway05:18
britany_oklahey i need to ask some port forwarding questions05:19
purplebluesilverhere's a question and I hope you can help. I have an itunes directory on a windows drive. It has mp3 files in it. When I start Rhythmbox I get nothing. I ask to open a folder (has a group name on it) and nothing happens. Can you give me any advice since I'd like to play these tunes?05:19
bazhangpaul3333, envyng should always be the very last option; what video card maker05:19
Karthgreezmunkey: gonna switch to text only driver, see if it helps05:19
paul3333it's an ati 955005:19
eremitehow do I play the entire contents of a folder using CVLC, VLC, MPlayer or Totem in terminal without adding each file path manually?  If I want to play 2 files in a row, I usually add teh full path to each.  Is there a quicker way to do this, and play ALL files in the folder with one command?05:20
bazhangpaul3333, and hardware drivers has nothing for it?05:20
StopSignbazhang, sucks man i got a Apple Ipod Classic (6th Generation), rockbox wont work :(05:20
paul3333bazhang it does but no control panel or such if I use them to enable dual monitors, they just sit on clone05:21
ScuniziKarth: another way to access cups is through firefox.. http://localhost:631  from there you can restart cups, add printers, and generally set defaults up the way you want.05:21
eremiteStopSign: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPod05:21
greezmunkeyKarth: what the heck, that may do it.05:21
StopSignbazhang, thanks man05:21
britany_oklahey I could use some suggestions about port forwarding05:21
paul3333bazhange isn't there any file I can just go to and edit to change rezolutions for them?05:21
Karthgreezmunkey: the text only driver errors out05:22
eremiteuse xrandr to change resolutions05:22
bazhangbritany_okla, on your router? portforward.com05:22
KarthScunizi good to know I can restart cups in there05:22
britany_oklacan I msg bazhang05:22
bazhangbritany_okla, sure05:22
moemoneyI'm getting a   modprobe: FATAL: Could not open /lib/modules/...    error on a fresh build of a kernel and the dir is there - something missing in mkinitrd maybe?05:23
paul3333eremite while using envyng?05:23
lv_hi  any1 know where to get a free pgp key for gnuGPG ?05:23
eremitesorry, misunderstood your problem paul333305:24
britany_oklaits not letting me msg bazhang but my router is not on the list05:24
ScuniziKarth: /etc/init.d/cups restart I think is superceeded by sudo service cups restart05:24
paul3333eremite: so any idea?05:24
bazhangbritany_okla, let us go to #ubuntu-offtopic please as this is not ubuntu support05:24
Brkkanyone know how to change the login screen in ubuntu 9.1005:25
Karthscunizi: its ok, the command entered fine05:25
eremiteNo, that isnt in my tool box of knowledge.05:25
eremite@ paul3333 ^05:25
Karthscunizi: I'll keep that in mind though05:25
Brkkit was easy in 9.04 but the option is not is 9.10\05:25
mcurringtonBrkk: Use the menus. System -> Administration -> Login Screen05:25
paul3333eremite come again? i don't understand05:26
latWhat will happen if I uninstall gdm and install xdm on ubuntu 9.10?05:26
mainframehi all, any preferences on remote control to get for xbmc on nix (ubuntu specifically)05:26
Brkkyes doesent give me options to change it05:26
eremitelat: you will have xdm and not gdm.  Its harder to configure unless you know how to navigate the coding.  I use xdm on slow machines.05:26
eremitepaul3333: I cant help you, I dont have knowledge in that department.  Understand05:27
lv_hi  any1 know where to get a free pgp key for gnuGPG ?05:27
paul3333eremite yea alright05:27
Scunizi!pgp | lv_05:28
ubottulv_: gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts05:28
greezmunkeyKarth: try this, see what happens: cat /etc/fstab|/dev/lp005:28
madPJKfanbazhang, ahhh, fuck it - I'll build it from source... anyone know how to make debs?05:28
lateremite, for some reason gdm no longer shows my stumpwm windows manager. Any idea what might be the problem?05:29
Scunizi!compile | lat05:29
ubottulat: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)05:29
moemoneyI'm getting a   modprobe: FATAL: Could not open /lib/modules/...    error on a fresh build of a kernel and the dir is there - something missing in mkinitrd maybe?05:29
bazhangmadPJKfan, watch the cursing please05:29
bazhang!packaging > madPJKfan05:29
ubottumadPJKfan, please see my private message05:29
StopSignbazhang, thanks man works good05:30
Karthgreezmunkey: permission denied05:30
Brkklogin window is gone from 9.10 why..how can i change my login screen name05:30
greezmunkeyKarth: sudo it05:30
Karthgreezmunkey: I did05:30
eremitelat: that is an odd problem.  You can replace the window manager by typing   stumpwm --replace   I think.   Then you might want to edit your GDM file and see if the entry for stumpwm is still there.  I have never used stumpwm before, but I shouildnt be too different fom other WMs\05:30
=== ogen is now known as purplebluesilver
greezmunkeyKarth: hmm05:31
paul3333can anyone help me set individual monitor rezolutions on envyng running big desktop?05:32
eremitepaul3333: xrandr should work I think.05:33
paul3333eremite how exactly?05:33
eremitepaul3333: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-change-display-resolution-settings-using-xrandr.html05:33
purplebluesilverI dont have a command -- $ xrandr   "command not found.05:35
MaletorNice to see the ubuntu channel this quiet on beautiful Friday nights.05:37
purplebluesilverCan I play one of the mp3 files in an itunes folder on a windows partition using SoundRecorder?  Didn't seem to work and wonder what I could have been doing wrong.05:37
lv_saturday afternoon here05:37
latScunizi, thanks. I'm reading that document now.05:37
greezmunkeyKarth: The only other thing I found out there was to set the printer up as an IBM ProPrinter. That seems to have fixed a few peoples issues...05:37
eremitepurplebluesilver: just type xrandr  without $05:37
Karthgreezmunkey: ok, can't hurt05:37
purplebluesilverbut the web page showed it that way eremite. How was I to know?  (Sometimes I just hate being so new.)05:38
lateremite, thanks. I'll check the gdm file.05:39
Karthgreezmunkey: same speed05:39
purplebluesilverah yes. I see now. That meant after the prompt. (wonders how the prompt went from > (in my mind) to $ (in the terminal).05:39
eremitepurplebluesilver: when you see a $ that just represents the beginning of a new line of commands.05:39
greezmunkeyScunizi: if "sudu cat /etc/fstab | /dev/lp0 fails permission denied, would adding your user to the lp group help, at least temporarily for testing?05:39
eremitepurplebluesilver: you have a ~$ at the end of yoru terminal anme, correct?  That is the exact same thing05:39
purplebluesilverso it seems. and so it seems that I am at my max on this termina. SADLY!05:39
* purplebluesilver is thinking of watching the second episode of "V". Have fun guys.05:40
eremiteRock on dude05:40
purplebluesilverThank You.05:40
flyingtabmowi need to load a modmap at login... what's the best way of doing this?05:41
greezmunkeyKarth: well I hate to admit defeat, but I am. I can't suggest anything else to try. Perhaps someone else here can help. Good luck.05:42
Karthgreezmunkey: well thanks for the effort, If I set up a win98 machine will samba connect to it?05:43
greezmunkeyKarth: Yes, I have a smb connected printer, works fine.05:44
Karthgreezmunkey: I ask as I know ubuntu doesn't seem able to access my win98 shared files, connects to xp fine05:44
flyingtabmowanyone know how to load xmodmap files at login?05:45
greezmunkeyKarth: I don't know why it wouldn't unless you're not running Netbios/tcpip.05:45
greezmunkeyKarth: on the W98 box that is.05:46
Karthgreezmunkey: dunno, all I know is I can't seem to connect to the 98 shares with anything newer than xp, anyhow, I'll deal with that thanks for the help.05:47
greezmunkeyKarth: cool, 'g-night05:48
zentahello i tried to install software and i extract the file then type ./configure but give me bash: ./configure: No such file or directory05:48
Karthgreezmunkey: its probrably the age of the 98 protocols and the fact they are 16/32 bit and not pure 32, gnight05:48
zentaany body can help05:49
a|3xstrange thing, i am trying to sudo aptitude install nscd and it tells me The following packages will be REMOVED: antlr{u} fastjar{u} gcj-4.2-base{u} libantlr-java{u} libgcj-common{u} libnspr4-dev{u} libnss3-dev{u}05:49
a|3xany ideas?05:50
flyingtabmowzenta: is there a configure script in the directory?05:50
langtreeHow do I see the system log from before I rebooted ?05:50
purplebluesilvera few minutes ago firefox dies. I restart it and ubuntu freezes.05:50
purplebluesilverjust now ff dies.05:50
purplebluesilverIt had bees so robust???05:50
zentaafter extract the file there are many content but i can installed05:50
purplebluesilverthanks for letting me play the #ubuntu lottery05:51
flyingtabmowzenta: are you working from the terminal?05:52
zentafrom terminal05:52
flyingtabmowif you type "ls | grep configure" is there a line that indicates there is a configure script in the directory?05:52
zentaroot@ubuntu:/home/zenta/Desktop/heuntold-demo-linux-x86-2.2-rc2-28-g5f80fd0# ./configure make05:52
zentabash: ./configure: No such file or directory05:52
flyingtabmowwhat about just typing make05:53
flyingtabmowzenta: and then "make install"05:54
Semitoneshey I added this section to the wiki. Would anyone who remembers how to recover Grub doublecheck its accuracy? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#For Grub Legacy05:54
zentamake install05:54
flyingtabmowzenta: first "make", then "make install"05:54
flyingtabmowzenta: when make is done05:54
zentai type first ./configure gave me bash: ./configure: No such file or directory05:56
langtreeIf Ubuntu crashes, is there a good place to look for information on why ?05:56
langtreeLike log files, etc ?05:56
zentaso i cant do make its gave error the same05:56
Semitonesdepends on the type of crash I think05:56
aetariclangtree: log files are in /var/log05:56
langtreeIt was a hardware failure.05:56
aetaricanyone know if kdump is installed and configured by default?05:57
aetaric!info kdump > aetaric05:57
flyingtabmowzenta: is there a makefile in the directory?05:57
aetarici guess there is no kdump05:58
jenueguys. i need help =(05:58
zentaNo package make available05:58
mossyWhat do you need help with Jenue05:58
jenueyes. running warcraft 3 in ubuntu05:59
mossyAh, okay.05:59
zentabecause now i tried yum install make05:59
mossyIs that your only option? You have no other OS you could use for this?05:59
flyingtabmowzenta: make should be included by default05:59
jenuei've only have ubuntu here05:59
jenuewarcraft 3 is already installed in my machine but running warcraft 3 using wine will diplay a black screen06:00
flyingtabmowzenta: are you just typing "make" at the prompt? only "make", not "./make" or "./configure make" or anything else?06:00
zentafirst i type ./configure after gave me bash: ./configure: No such file or directory so when i type make gave me root@ubuntu:/home/zenta/Desktop/heuntold-demo-linux-x86-2.2-rc2-28-g5f80fd0# make06:02
zentamake: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.06:02
zenta 06:02
jdforsythequestion - i installed 10.04 beta 1 and during install set aside a partition as ext4 /data to store my data that i want to share between 8.04 and 10.0406:03
bazhangjdforsythe, #ubuntu+1 for lucid please06:03
flyingtabmowzenta: if there is no configure script or makefile, is the program already compiled?  are you sure you downloaded sources?06:04
jdforsythei popped open nautilus and the /data folder is root and not my user, so I can't write to it06:04
jdforsytheah my fault06:04
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jdforsythenonetheless, i don't think this is release-specific - just want to know how i can set the folder to accessible by user and not root06:04
zentai download the file heuntold-linux-demo.tar.gz after i extracted06:05
jdforsythei'm assuming with chmod but what's the syntax to change it to this user?06:05
jdforsytheor would I have to modify /etc/fstab to add the gid uid?06:05
zentapls how can i make sure the sources is downloaded ?06:06
flyingtabmowzenta: give me a moment, i'm downloading the file, will take a look at what's inside06:07
zentaok thankuo06:07
stevensonI got an acer aspire one, I install Lucid lynx on it the webcam works but the mic won't.06:07
zentaits a game06:07
JenniferBhi folks, how can I give another user access to my svn repository?06:08
flyingtabmowzenta: this is not source code, so you don't need to configure or make it or anything.  there's a binary inside, simply type "./hacker-evolution"06:08
jhoc2x2hello all06:10
mach94stevenson: did you contact your retail provider?06:11
zentaroot@ubuntu:/home/zenta/Desktop/heuntold-demo-linux-x86-2.2-rc2-28-g5f80fd0# ./hacker-evolution06:11
zenta./hacker-evolution: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_image-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory06:11
bazhangstevenson, #ubuntu+1 for lucid please06:11
flyingtabmowzenta: ah, well now we're on to different issues... you don't have the necessary dependencies installed.  try "sudo apt-get install libsdl-image1.2"06:13
jdforsythecan anyone help me out here? chmod or /etc/fstab?06:13
=== deepak is now known as skmidry
jdforsythei think i had to do this before to enable rw on my ipod... is it gid=1000,uid=1000,rw ? options for fstab?06:13
zentai did it but now another issues ./hacker-evolution: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_mixer-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory06:17
zentai tried to apt-get install libSDL_mixer-1.2 but its the same06:17
flyingtabmowzenta: aha, now try "sudo apt-get install libsdl-mixer1.2"06:18
zentai did but gave me Reading package lists... Done06:19
zentaBuilding dependency tree06:19
zentaReading state information... Done06:19
zentaE: Couldn't find package libSDL_mixer-1.206:19
FloodBot2zenta: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:19
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as uRock
zentaok i am sorry for that06:20
zentaso i am still in the smae issues06:22
flyingtabmowzenta: did you type exactly this line: "sudo apt-get install libsdl-mixer1.2"06:24
flyingtabmowzenta: don't type "libSDL_mixer1.2", type "libsdl-mixer1.2"06:24
jhoc2x2excuse me, I have downloaded a .sh file (HON client installer for linux) to my downloads folder,, i double clicked it but it says i need to choose an application to run (WTF) lol, how can i make install this on my rig?06:24
kitche2jhoc2x2 open terminal and do a chmod +x on the file and do ./file06:26
jhoc2x2wait.. im opening now a terminal06:26
RalphSpencerjhoc2x2, they look really beatiful06:26
jhoc2x2sorry kitche2 but should i just type that?06:27
jhoc2x2brb.. reconnecting in 30 secs06:27
RalphSpencerchmod +x <file>06:27
rocket16For Financial Calculation, which is better? Economize or GnuCash?06:28
zentayes now its work 100%10006:28
flyingtabmowzenta: great, have fun06:28
zentathankyou for your help06:29
mach94jdforsythe: does hacker evolution game support ubuntu?06:29
mach94jdforsythe: have you contacted them regarding support for your ubuntu desktop?06:29
zentai am new user in linux so i am sorry for distrib u06:29
mach94jhoc2x2: hiya06:29
mach94zenta: heya06:29
flyingtabmowzenta: no problem, all have to learn at some point06:29
jhoc2x2syntax error06:30
rocket16Ah, Geany is great!06:30
zentaso how can i know the file its source file or binary and how i deal with it06:30
zentayes thankyou i am started now to learn more06:30
jeffesquivelhi, is anyone experiencing freezes on netbook edition lucid beta 1 on a dell mini 1012 ?06:30
rocket16zenta: It is a binary file if it is automatically executable, and to run it, you can use "./file" command06:30
=== rainofkayos is now known as SolarisBoy
jhoc2x2am i doing this right?? i typed " chmod +x '/home/jhoc2x2/Downloads/HoNClient-0.3.1.sh' "06:31
zentaok thats for binary file thankuo06:31
flyingtabmowzenta: if you download source, it will usually say so on the links you click on, and furthermore in the directory you download you'll find files full of source code, as well as scripts like "configure" and files like "Makefile"06:31
jhoc2x2mach94, you there?06:31
mach94jhoc2x2: yup06:32
zentaoh ok goooooooood06:32
jhoc2x2mach94,  am i doint it right? i typed "chmod +x '/home/jhoc2x2/Downloads/HoNClient-0.3.1.sh'"06:32
jhoc2x2mach94,  it does nothing06:32
mach94jhoc2x2: you should ask on the Heroes of Norad message board, because they support ubuntu06:32
jhoc2x2not norad bude06:33
jhoc2x2its Heroes of Newerth06:33
flyingtabmowjhoc2x2: chmod won't say anything when it runs06:33
kitche2jhoc2x2 it does something just that you dont get output06:33
flyingtabmowjhoc2x2: as long as it's successful06:33
jhoc2x2ohh.. i see06:33
flyingtabmowjhoc2x2: now just run the file06:34
jhoc2x2i did06:34
jhoc2x2i dont know if it work or not06:34
jhoc2x2i can't see if its installed or fail06:34
flyingtabmowjhoc2x2: there's no output from the shell file?06:34
jhoc2x2flyingtabmow, nothing06:35
flyingtabmowjhoc2x2: do you know what the file is supposed to do?06:35
zentaso each time i wnat to play this game i have 2 do this steps because i didnt find it in applications06:35
mach94jhoc2x2: do you need the link?06:35
jhoc2x2flyingtabmow, it's supposed to do an installation of my favourite game Heroes of Newerth06:35
jhoc2x2mach94, the link to what?06:36
flyingtabmowzenta: no, from now on just type "./hacker-evolution" in the directory where the game is∫06:36
zentaok thats clear now my firend i am very happy06:37
flyingtabmowzenta: haha, great ;)06:37
flyingtabmowjhoc2x2: do you know where it is supposed to install to?06:37
mach94jhoc2x2: http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com06:37
rocket16zenta: No, another easier way is to set up a shortcut,06:37
jhoc2x2i'll start from the beginning, I downloaded HoNClient-0.3.1.sh from the website, it's on my download folder, but I don't know how to install this thing06:37
zentaohhh yes i thought its like windows haha06:38
jhoc2x2thanks mach94 .. i'll see to that06:38
mach94there is a linux desktop support forum there -- they are very responsive too06:38
mach94s2games is awsome06:39
rocket16zenta: What the location of the game folder?06:39
flyingtabmowjhoc2x2: sorry, i can't help you much further, can't really diagnose anything from here06:39
jdforsytheplz can anyone help? i set up a partition /data during install and it's mounted as root, only read access to user. how do i change this so my main (only) user can have rw access?06:40
jhoc2x2thanks to all anyway.. mach94 your given link really helps.. tnx dude06:40
tonyyarusso!permissions | jdforsythe06:41
ubottujdforsythe: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions06:41
rocket16zenta: Ok, then right-click the desktop, create launcher and in command box enter "sh -c "cd /home/zenta/Desktop/heuntold-demo-linux-x86-2.2-rc2-28-g5f80fd0; ./binaryfilename"06:41
jdforsythewouldn't i want to change it in /etc/fstab?06:41
Dr_Willisjdforsythe:  what filesytem? if ext2/3/4 you need to chown/chmod the mountpoint after its mounted.. or chmod/chown dirs on the FS. for the user to have full rights to it06:41
tonyyarussojdforsythe: nope06:41
jdforsytheaha! right! forgot about chown06:41
Dr_Willisjdforsythe:  i always make a subdir on my 'data' filesystems - one for each user. and chown/chmod that dir for them06:42
rocket16zenta: Where binary file name is the name of the game file, and enter the name as "HAcker's Evolution"06:42
jdforsythei was searching the man page for chmod and couldn't find how to change the owner! duh06:42
jhoc2x2I am installing the game now.. thanks a lot mates06:42
nyxtomI wonder if there's a way to get a simple connect to external monitor hotkey (without fn+f4)06:42
jdforsythety all... now i feel like such an idiot... lol06:43
jhoc2x2signing off06:43
rocket16zenta: And you can start the game by double-clicking the launcher06:43
nyxtomi'm moving from windows 7 over to ubuntu, loving it! but the windows+p was a pretty convenient shortcut06:43
zentai am trying now to do it06:43
rocket16nyxtom: You can make your own keyboard shortcuts in Ubuntu in System-Preferences-Keyboard Shotrcuts06:44
Dr_WillisI have to wonder how often a day you use the external moniotor shortcuts..06:44
Dr_Willisnyxtom:  depending on the card/video you could set up some xrandr commands to do changes also via a keypress06:45
nyxtomwell i do it every day morning and night at least06:45
nyxtomsince i have a laptop i like to code away from the monitors before i go to sleep06:45
nyxtomi'll have to look at the xrandr commands06:46
Dr_Willisnyxtom:  on my netbook - oddly enough. If i plyg in a external montoir - it defaults to that06:46
jdforsytheyea just go to system / prefs / keyboard shortcuts and set whatever you wish06:46
Dr_Willisnyxtom:  i set it up once.. and not had to ever yse theose shortcuts again06:46
nyxtomoh nice06:46
Dr_Willisnyxtom:  I do recall having to have the monitor plkugged in BEFOR i power up however.06:46
totleHow do I tell Ubuntu to connect to internet when booted up without the necessity to log in? Is that possible?06:47
Dr_Willistotle:  you mean via 'wireless' netwroking?06:47
Dr_Willistotle:  and yes its possible.. i just dont recall the best way06:47
totleDr_Willis, exactly.06:47
Dr_Williswired would allready be doing that. :)06:48
totleDr_Willis, that's right. I forgot to mention that.06:48
rocket16totle: Check https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/internet/C/connect-to-internet.html06:48
rocket16totle: There is a procedure mentioned06:48
totlerocket16, thanks, I found some stuff myself too.06:49
zentasorry in command box enter sh -c only ,or all the  directory ?06:49
tonyyarussolol, feisty docs?06:49
tonyyarussototle: You should be able to just check the box for "Make available to all users" in network-manager and be done with it.06:50
atinderi m having problem with my wireless bcm card on backtrak ubuntu06:50
atindercan any 1 help me06:50
sambagirldoes seveas still work here?06:51
totletonyyarusso, that wouldn't be a problem at all, since I'm the only user. Thank you!06:51
tonyyarussosambagirl: nobody "works" here06:51
Gnea"work" here?06:51
aetaricatinder: you should try the backtrack channel as #ubuntu doesn't support it06:51
=== sambagirl is now known as bingbongboing
aetaricatinder: i believe the channel is #backtrack06:52
DarqWolffDifficult problem06:54
DarqWolffI am trying to run this bot: http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Bucket06:54
DarqWolffI am at step 3 in the set up, and getting errors06:54
DarqWolffMaking the necessary tables06:54
DarqWolff#mysql is unhelpful06:55
arandDarqWolff: This is support for ubuntu, #ubuntu-offtopic or otherwise please.06:55
DarqWolffI am looking for support :P I'll head there, maybe it is more fitting06:56
sambagirli just did an update for amd64 using wubi. is the correct syntax like apt-get update install ?06:56
=== sambagirl is now known as amigamia1
rocket16zenta: type exactly: sh -c "cd /home/zenta/Desktop/heuntold-demo-linux-x86-2.2-rc2-28-g5f80fd0; ./binaryfilename"06:57
nyxtomxrandr works better, as long as i can just do a quick command i'm cool06:57
nyxtomhitting fn+f4 a few times is a little annoying, now i can just type the exact config i want and run the command06:57
arandDarqWolff: But most likely irc://irc.foonetic.net/xkcd is the best place for support ;)06:58
DarqWolffI know, I frequent there, they are a shade more helpful than /b/ :P06:59
ug|xdcc13have an indepth ? about ubuntu and grub. can someone help07:01
arandug|xdcc13: What is your question, specifically?07:02
ThomasG33KDarqWolff: xD07:02
ug|xdcc13i have ubuntu loaded to a thumb drive, and i am getting the grub 17 error after working for 6+ months...07:03
rabbit1my friend says redhat cannot be install redhat on SATA HDD, is this true? sorry for nontopic,07:03
DarqWolffHow do you get to the mysql prompt?07:03
DarqWolffWhat command?07:03
zentaalso include ; " or removed ?07:03
paviDarqWolff, $mysql07:04
rocket16zenta: Yes, include ; there,07:04
ug|xdcc13don't care about reformatting drive, but want info off first... tried CD to boot up, but it wont read my TD07:04
rocket16zenta: exatcly what I write there, since ; distinguishes the two commands07:05
paviDarqWolff, $mysql -p if there is a password for the root user07:05
arandug|xdcc13: What happens when you try to mount the partition?07:05
bloopletechI've just got a new laptop and installed karmic; I'm a bit new to running ubuntu graphically though, and the display manager hasn't detected my monitor resolutions07:05
DarqWolffThere is, I know about -p07:05
ug|xdcc13•arand• tells me not formatted07:05
ug|xdcc13•arand• that is through windows and ubuntu 9.10 (or is it 9.1?)07:06
bloopletechAnd I'm not sure what to do to get it working in my native resolution; I've searched it a bit and it looks like I need to change my Xorg config07:07
bloopletechis this true?07:07
DarqWolffI need to get this document to be able to make sense with MySQL, where db_anything here means the stuff that has to do with the MySQL database: http://pastebin.com/HMetiBck07:07
junioxguys, just installed postfix on ubuntu 9, but i'm unable to send out emails ... getting timeout when sending to gmail for example, there is no firewall rule, also changed the default port to 2500 just to verify.. no luck either, any idea?07:07
DarqWolffI'm a MySQL noob07:07
DarqWolffAnd semi-linux-noob, I don't know much more than the average linux noob07:08
DarqWolffBut I do know some07:08
arandug|xdcc13: In windows it's understandable since it can't read the ext filesystem, but does that happen on the 9.10 liveCD as well?07:08
DarqWolffI'm brand new to linux07:08
ug|xdcc13•arand• yes07:08
DarqWolffSo how would I edit the text at the above link and what mysql commands would I have to run to make it work?07:08
ug|xdcc13i know when the TD was first set up it was from a CD on a computer with the HDD removed.07:09
rothsdadhi, how to use dd to format a usbdisk?07:09
zentaohhhhhhhhh great its work now at first i thought its not included " haha07:10
ubuntuguyhello, I know this sounds stupid, but, can someone walk me through the steps of restoring Grub to the MBR? I get stuck on a certain part07:11
arandug|xdcc13: What do you mean by TD by the way?07:11
arandubuntuguy: Are you booted into a liveCD now?07:12
ug|xdcc13•arand• thumb drive...07:12
ubuntuguyI'm following this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows07:12
ubuntuguyarand: yes07:12
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ug|xdcc13•arand• I know it is not a space issue as it is a 16GB.07:12
makkalothi all i'm using the git version of radeon driver ,my card is radeon hd 3650,when i startx with radeon driver i get a black screen and nothing else,startx works well with vesa driver,xorg.xonf : http://paste.pocoo.org/show/197026/ ,xorg.log : http://paste.pocoo.org/show/197025/ ,any ideas ?07:12
=== Ronald_McDonald is now known as uRock
mouseOkay I was messing around with /usr/share/icons/ and I have a question.  Is there supposed to be a humanity and a Humanity directory?  I don't think there was two before.07:14
arandug|xdcc13: Ah, right... Hm, I have had thumbdrives fail miseraly on me before, and I've yet to find anything that recovered the proper state of it... What I have been able to do though is to use photorec to recover stuff into a (disorganised) heap of files in a directory, it might be better than nothing.07:15
ardchoillemouse: I have Humanity and Humanity-Dark dirs in /usr/share/icons07:15
ubuntuguyarand: my root directory is /dev/sda1, but I don't know what hd(x,x) it is07:15
denishello, any ideas of how to activate my wireless?07:15
arandubuntuguy: Ok, so first, are you using karmic, jaunty, or a karmic upgraded from jaunty?07:16
arandubuntuguy: karmic being 9.10, jaunty 9.0407:16
mouseardchoille:  I have the Humanity-Dark too but what I'm talking about is two humanities.  One with a capital H and a lowercase h.  Is this supposed to be like this?07:16
ug|xdcc13•arand• ok... still a noob so I need a bit more about photorec... program? if so, for what os?07:16
rocket16zenta: My pleasure, :)07:16
ubuntuguyarand: lucid fresh install, (but seeing as this is a grub2 problem, I think asking for support here should be ok)07:17
jeffesquiveldenis, was it working before and now it stopped working or has it never worked before?07:17
zentathank you and hope see u in next issues haha07:17
ubuntuguyit's not grub legacy :P I thought I had that installed for some reason07:17
arandug|xdcc13: available in ubuntu, from a liveCD, I think you'll have to activate the universe repositories in System>Administration>Software Sources.07:18
ardchoillemouse: nope, the opne with a lower h is probably made by you07:18
denisthe problem is with my laptop, it works in jaunty but now I had some problems and i decided to change for karmic07:18
LincoN^Hey #Ubuntu. How do i formate(clean) my ubuntu computer?07:19
arandug|xdcc13: and then simply "sudo aptitude install photorec" and then "sudo photorec"07:19
mouseardchoille:  Hmm I wonder how that happened.  Thank you.07:19
ubuntuguyarand: what actually happened was I had two hard disks installed, and I removed the master because it was failing, leaving only the slave (which contained the root partition)07:19
arandubuntuguy: Let's jump into #ubuntu+1 since it's Lucid support ;)07:19
ubuntuguyarand: as you wish :)07:20
ug|xdcc13•arand• ok. i'll try that in the a.m... thanks!07:21
paul3333does anyone have a guide on how to turn on dual screens (not big desktop) on ubuntu 8.4 with ati graphic card?07:22
captain-obviouswhy such an old version of ubuntu?07:23
rlp10I'm trying to upgrade an old 7.04 server, but apt-get won't work (IP addresses are old?).  Any ideas how to do an upgrade?07:24
captain-obviousdo a clean install?07:25
rlp10captain-obvious: won't I kill all my data?07:25
captain-obviouspaul3333:  why such an old version?07:25
captain-obviousrlp10: back it up?07:26
paul3333captain-obvious: i need to be able to run dreamweaver and photoshop in wine, and the newer versions aren't compatible07:27
captain-obviousi see07:27
rlp10captain-obvious: thanks for your thoughts07:27
captain-obviouswhy not just dual boot?07:27
captain-obviouswin7 doesn't take up that much space07:27
rlp10paul3333: or run them in a virtual machine like vbox?07:27
paul3333captain-obvious: the reason I moved to ubuntu is because my machine is old and the most I can run on it is xp, and I got hacked a lot of times which is bad for business since I develop for a living :)07:28
captain-obviousi see07:28
bahaasome times my screen get's black07:29
bahaaI'm using a laptop07:29
paul3333is there any easy way to enable dual monitors?07:29
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captain-obviousno idea07:29
bahaajust the backgruond lights turn off07:29
bahaaand every thing keep working07:29
bahaabut with no light07:30
bahaawhat is wrong07:30
ug|xdcc13•arand• way off topic... you do anything with android?07:30
arandpaul3333: It should be fully possible to have several versions of wine installed at the same time.07:30
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arandug|xdcc13: Nope, haven't even used one afaik.07:30
paul3333arand: what does whine do with dual monitors?07:31
ug|xdcc13gonna look for a channel... I have a good program idea...07:31
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RalphSpencerIrkutsk ✈ Berlin07:32
ubuntuguywas that your name? Thanks everything is working!07:32
DrupalJimok im goin crazy. i have jaunty server on my vmware. and i cant get copy and paste to work with vmware tools07:32
arandpaul3333: Hmm, I don't have fual monitors, so frankly I have no idea, I would assume that it's handled just as any other application..07:32
DrupalJimany suggestions?07:32
arandubuntuguy: Glad to hear! :)07:32
HEADHUNTERZhow are you people?07:32
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toffeevery bad07:32
arandHEADHUNTERZ: Please don't advertise here.07:33
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ubuntuguyarand: hehe, sorry about the name :P thanks so much07:33
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toffeesalesmen are not working at the weekend07:33
arandubuntuguy: No problem, glad to help.07:33
toffeewell, can you hear me?07:34
paul3333arand: it's insanely hard07:34
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arandpaul3333: I know playonlinux provides a fairly easy way to manage several wine versions and installed wine applications.07:37
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cdehi guy ! nice 2 see you all07:46
captain-obviousyeah, all 1200 of us07:46
captain-obvious1197 people07:46
captain-obviousi rounded up to 120007:46
bloopletechDo I need to install the proprietry ATI driver to use my Mobile Radeon 5650 chipset?07:47
bloopletechthis thread looks like it might solve my current problem http://newyork.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=142276207:48
captain-obviousbloopletech: depends on what you plan on doing with it07:48
hafidzhello ppl07:48
cdebloopletech, sure, u caan get the nice Graphic.07:48
hafidzi have some question07:48
hafidzi have installed kde in my ubuntu07:48
bloopletechcaptain-obvious: Well my immediate issue is that ubuntu hasn't detected the resolution of my screen07:49
rocket16hafidz: Sure, what is it?07:49
rocket16hafidz: Ok,07:49
hafidznow i want to remove it..07:49
hafidzbut i want to know..07:49
cdehafidz, why not gnome?~ gnome nice :)07:49
hafidzif i remove it..would it damage my system07:49
captain-obviousi'd say yes then07:49
hafidzi use gnome and kde..07:49
bloopletechOK, well thanks07:49
toffeekde is the fattest07:49
arand!puregnome | hafidz07:49
ubottuhafidz: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get --purge remove kdelibs4c2a kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal07:49
cdehafidz, hor...i like Gnome ... kde look like Xp  = =07:49
rocket16hafidz: In Synaptic, search for Kubuntu-Desktop and unmark it, then "Apply"07:50
cdebut i know got diffen07:50
toffeegnome looks sucks in ubuntu07:50
hafidzwould it harm my system after that07:50
rocket16Yesm GNOME is better, since KDE is more massive,07:50
hafidzi mean iworried if it would mess my ubuntu07:50
arandhafidz: That will rip any KDE-specific aplications also, say if you installed k3b in gnome.07:50
rocket16hafidz: No, because KDE is just a Desktop Manager, and nothing else,07:50
toffeei won't rate lxde07:51
toffeeit's a trap!07:51
arandhafidz: But it should not mess up the system, no (in theory, and if you don't have a very weird setup or anything..)07:51
hafidzokay thanks arand07:51
hafidzthanks rocket07:52
mobius2Hey folks I figured out the disc swap problem during Call of Duty 1 installation in Ubuntu, however there is a last second stub which pertains to my video adapter missing one or more of the required attributes to run the program. I have an older laptop ( gateway m-275 )  but the ram is at 1 gig  ( upgraded )  and the video adapter is a 64 MB 3d  integrated Intel G.P.U. more than enough to run the  program....   could it be direct x emu07:54
mobius2this is COD 1 original box set  under WIN latest07:54
mobius2thats wine latest sorry07:54
rocket16hafidz: M pleasure, :)07:55
rocket16hafidz: My pleasure, :)07:55
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mobius2if anyone is familiar with a gamers chan please feel free to point da way07:56
meowbuntuhappy easter to all07:57
mobius2is anyone familiar with how to "install" direct x to ubuntu?07:57
mobius2and happy easter mate :)07:57
mobius2been one year to the DAY i got my new house07:57
yellowroost924is anybody else having problems with http://www.inkscapeforum.com/ ???07:57
meowbuntumobius2, direct x is a windows program right07:58
hafidzi do have prob too yellowroost07:58
mobius2I did notice that the error report contained all sort of inaccuracies about my system specs,  and also that it was loading "config0"....ominously07:59
yellowroost924hafidz: htanks for confirming07:59
captain-obviousit's a framework not a program07:59
mobius2and yes its a windows only  runtime plat  though i think it's emulated with  some* success  by the OS movement07:59
hafidzwelcome yellow. seems like the server down07:59
meowbuntui get error 2 yellowroost92407:59
mobius2in open GL07:59
meowbuntumobius2, y do you need it ubuntu has far better things than direct x08:00
meowbuntumobius2, are you new to ubuntu08:00
mobius2meowbuntu,  I am attempting to install an older  FPS game called Call of Duty  ( original  box set )08:00
mobius2i have gotten past disc swap08:01
meowbuntumobius2, get wine, and playonlinux that should do it (for free stuff anyway)08:01
mobius2i  have gotten to the veeery end of the whole deal but then  there is  some gross inaccuracies  in  my wine crash report  when the  stub occurs  saying my hardware cannot run the program  which I already knowis not the case08:01
mobius2and no08:01
mobius2ive run gentoo for 7 years08:01
mobius2but i just got time off08:01
meowbuntumobius2, THIS IS UBUNTU RIGHT08:02
mobius2can you help me?08:02
meowbuntunow have you got wine08:02
mobius2meowbuntu,  yes08:02
meowbuntuhave you got playonlinux08:02
Dr_Willisi always cheat and use  my windows installs files for problematic games08:02
mobius2i have crossover and cedega..... but i sure do not have  "playonlinux"08:03
meowbuntu^ Dr_Willis you play them on windows???08:03
meowbuntuplayonlinux is an addon for wine.08:03
Dr_Willismeowbuntu:  ages ago id take games like that - install them on windows.. track down no-cd cracks and make up  a 'fixed'  version/installer that did it all for me.08:03
Dr_Willismost of them would then work very well in wine also08:04
Dr_Willisthat is an Old old game however. :)08:04
meowbuntuDr_Willis, to run on linux08:04
Dr_WillisI imagine the wine app database has a lot of info on it. I wonder where my original cd's went to for it.08:04
meowbuntuDr_Willis, wine works best with old stuff08:04
Dr_Willismeowbuntu:  wine works best with what the wine devs work to make it work with08:05
Dr_WillisCopy Protection on many old games - the biggest issue.08:05
mobius2Dr_Willis,  I had considered such a thing to get past my problems with the disc swap.... but the problems I am  currently having appear to be  due to a lack proper system specs.... I am assuming this is due to my lack of having the  ( playonlinux)  software08:05
hafidzhello..anyone here know about processing?08:05
rocket16For DOS Games, Dosemu and DosBox are nice, but few people like them,08:05
Dr_Willismobius2:  ive neverused PlayOnLinux - i tried it out once.. and dident really need it. So i cant really advice if its needed or not08:05
hafidzi just download processing and extracted it08:05
meowbuntumobius2, well get playon linux then08:05
hafidzbut i can't run it08:05
mobius2meowbuntu,  am doing in real time08:06
hafidzi can't run it in karmic08:06
ugurHi all. Does anyone know how to create a multi boot usb pendrive with grub2 and iso bootables?08:06
meowbuntumobius2, if you can post the error it gives you may get more help.08:06
mobius2i will post the error to pastebin08:06
Dr_Willisugur:  its doable.. theres guides out on it.. i got links to some at -> http://delicious.com/dr_willis under the grub2 tags08:06
bindaashi,can't find md5sum hash for 10.04 beta in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes08:07
Dr_Willisugur:  its not too hard to do either. :)  install grub2 to thependrive. make a grub.cfg that has the right entries..  copy over iso files. done.08:07
ugurI am using this guide: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/install-grub2-on-usb-from-ubuntu-linux/08:07
Dr_Willisugur:  so whats the exact issue you are having then?08:07
ugurbut i cant see grub menu at startup08:07
uguronly a blank screen08:07
bindaasany idea where can i find it?08:07
meowbuntumobius2, also join #whinehq here on freenode they may be able to help08:08
Dr_Willisugur:  the thing is not booting from thependriv?or your  grub.cfg is wrong thenn would bemy guess08:08
ugurDr_Willis: I double checked the grub.cfg file. Any other guess?08:09
meowbuntuugur, ok y are you needing grub2 on usb08:09
Dr_Willisugur:  what did you use to make the grub.cfg?  and what filesystem is thependrive?08:10
ugurFile system is FAT3208:10
meowbuntuugur, i hve 3 os on 1 usb atm never used grub 2 its not to suitable08:10
Dr_Willisugur:  ive bnever used the method that guide uses.. i use other methods. toi let me boot several differnt iso files. I would try a different guide08:10
ugurI installed grub with this command: sudo grub-install --grub-setup=/bin/true --no-floppy --root-directory=/media/MULTI/ /dev/sdb108:11
TecnaWhat octal dmask and fmask do I need on smbfs in fstab for owner=rwx group=rw others=none?08:11
Dr_WillisI have 5+ iso files on a pendrive all booting from grub2. works very well for me.08:11
ugurand downloaded grub.cfg from the link in the guide08:11
grapelzcan someone recomend the best image downloader .. downthemall and bulkimage ff extensions arnt working for me :((08:11
meowbuntuugr you need to make grub in boot sector ont on partition.08:11
Dr_Willisugur:  you could of done a mistake in the directions and never put grub on thembr of the pendrive also. its hard to tell08:11
mobius2meowbuntu,  playonlinux is installed ( but not even looked at yet )  and the  wine error report is at http://pastebin.com/DqWBBb5p08:11
ugurDr_Willis: Can you recommend another guide that you have used ?08:12
meowbuntutry /dev/sdb at end08:12
Dr_Willisugur:  see my delicious.com links i gave above08:12
ugurOk thanks08:12
mobius2meowbuntu,  notice the bit near the top about the "config0" being used  that sounds like  my issue08:12
meowbuntumobius2, try running playon linux adn using it. check out there forums on tehre forums about things that si all i can do for you08:13
mobius2meowbuntu,  everything about my system in that profile is wrong except for the 1 gb of ram08:13
meowbuntuugur, please listen to this it may help. y do you need grub 2 on usb flashdrive.08:13
Dr_Willisugur:  this one looks good -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128860408:13
ugurgrub is also ok08:14
meowbuntuugur, you dont have to accept my help but i have 3 os booting from 1 usb hdd08:14
meowbuntu^ without grub08:14
ugurlike how_08:14
Dr_Willisugur:  i basically follow the guide at -> http://rww.dreamwidth.org/3100.html08:15
meowbuntuugur, y are you wanting to put grub on usb08:15
ugurnot necessarily grub but I thought it would be easier08:15
Dr_WillisGrub2 can do it very well. Depending on the disrto.08:16
DrupalJimanyone runnign ubuntu in a vmware08:16
meowbuntuugur, nope. have you heard of the bilt in program in ubuntu called usb startup disk creator08:16
DrupalJimi cannto for the life of me get copy and paste to work from host os to guest os08:16
ugurmeowbuntu: Yes and I used it08:17
meowbuntuok so y put grub on it. do you want more than 1 os08:17
Dr_WillisIf you want a persistant save/home - the usb-startup-creator is a good tool to use.08:17
meowbuntu^ ugur08:17
meowbuntuugur, can i pm you08:17
ugurmeowbuntu: Yes and I want to be able to boot from multiple iso images on the disk if possible08:18
StopSignanyone got a program working for ipod with a 6th gen classic ?08:19
suigeneriscan you tell me briefly how to burn an image using command line?08:20
Dr_WillisStopSign:  i hear with 10.04 they work out of the box08:20
StopSignnice i will wait then08:20
Dr_Willissuigeneris:  Hmm.. cdrecord command i thought. but been years sincei last used that08:20
StopSigni can get it to mount ans show files and play them, but cant add or edit them lol08:21
Dr_Williswodim - write data to optical disk media08:21
sda_Hi all!, i've just updated my chromium-browser, and now the visualization of the page is wrong, for example, where the title of the article have to stay in only one line now goes in two because look like too big for only one line (nfl.com or other).08:22
Wht11is ubuntu a better system then windows08:22
^mNotIntelligenthello everybody08:22
suigenerisDr_Willis wodim img.iso /dev/cdrw?08:22
Anvoidopenssh-server and sshd is the same thing?08:22
^mNotIntelligentWht11, zillion times better :-)08:23
Dr_Willissuigeneris:  no idea. check the man pages.. it dosent seem to use /dev/cdXXX type naming08:23
nishanth could someone tell me how i can install winehq on ubuntu08:23
Dr_Williswodim -v speed=2 dev=2,0 cdimage.raw08:23
Dr_Willisnishanth:  winehq is a web site - with their own debs of wine. they got directons for adding their ppa at their homepage to use their wine builds  i nubuntu08:23
nishanthi dont understand most of the stuff mentioned on the wine website08:23
sda_Wht11, I always say: Depend what you have to do. Personally I prefer much more ubuntu.08:23
^mNotIntelligentsda_, i second that08:24
theadminnishanth: I can give you a command, just put it in terminal08:24
nishanthyes plz08:24
Dr_Willislooke like wodim can take  an dev option also -->   wodim -v speed=1 dev=/dev/cdrw08:24
nishanththeadmin: which command?08:25
Wht11how come this is free ...to run08:25
nishanththeadmin: wine is used for running windows applications right?08:25
mcurringtonWht11: Because the ability to access information should not cost money..08:26
theadminnishanth: wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - && echo deb deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt $(lsb_release -sc) main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wine1.208:26
theadminnishanth: wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - && echo deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt $(lsb_release -sc) main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wine1.208:26
^mNotIntelligentWht11, opensource does not make you pay for something...08:26
theadminsry, wrote "deb" twice08:26
^mNotIntelligentmcurrington, rightly said08:26
Eridaftykins: I'm back.08:27
mcurringtona phrase that often runs through my head ^mNotIntelligent :)08:27
theadminnishanth: And yeah, WINE is used to run windows apps08:27
sunilrhello evry buddy08:27
Wht11so we are getting ripped off by the others??08:27
nomad77 !ubuntu | Whit1108:27
ubottuWhit11: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com08:27
^mNotIntelligentmcurrington, LOL08:27
Eridaftykins: And I have the LiveCD of Ubuntu up on the computer in question.08:27
Wht11what joke ..ill think ill stick with this...08:28
^mNotIntelligentWht11, with what ? new to ubuntu/linux/opensource ?08:28
theadminWht11: Ubuntu is free. You can download it at www.ubuntu.com/get08:29
Dr_WillisOn IRC - it pays to be very clear with your statements.08:29
Wht11well this is free ill take time to explore its features thx08:29
Dr_Willisits 'gpl free' :)08:29
Wht11ahh ok thx08:30
Dr_WillisFree as in speech.08:30
LincoN^How do i clean my system?08:30
Dr_WillisLincoN^:  soapy water?08:30
Dr_WillisLincoN^:  theres a few tools out to cleanout various caches.. but its normally not an issue08:30
Dr_WillisLincoN^:  if you try the compute-janitor tool be VERY VERY VERY carefull with it.08:30
^mNotIntelligentLincoN^, clean as in ?08:30
nishanthi am planing to have a dual boot can any one tell me how I can partition my disk space?08:31
JourneyHey kids, try this command for a bit of fun: rm -rfv /*08:31
sda_does anybody have problem with chromium page visualization?08:31
theadminnishanth: Okay, but you need a Live CD08:31
mcurringtonLincoN^: In the menu there is System -> Administration -> Computer Janitor08:31
LincoN^formate (?) i want to install windows again... (ubuntu powns but im more like a gamer type and then windows is better)08:31
theadminJourney: Fail troll is fail.08:31
nomad77!op | Journey08:31
ubottuJourney: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!08:31
arandnishanth: If you start the liveCD installer it can set up the dual-boot automatically for you.08:31
theadminbazhang: ty. Those people... :/08:32
Ne0N0vahelp ettercap08:32
nishanthi have ubuntu...and it completely used my entire disk space08:32
nishanthi am planing to try windows 708:32
LincoN^formate (?) i want to install windows again... (ubuntu powns but im more like a gamer type and then windows is better) ^mNotIntelligent08:32
theadminnishanth: I have a guide on how to make a dual-boot with windows, do you want a linky?08:32
nishanthcan it do the partitioning for me08:32
Dr_Willisnishanth:  i tend to use perhaps 4 partitons tops. -> (windows) (linux) (linux HOME) (swap) all primary partitions08:32
^mNotIntelligentNe0N0va, any issue ?08:32
mcurringtonDr_Willis: The compute-janitor you were referring to before, is that the one in the menus by default?08:32
Dr_Willismcurrington:  yes.. it can really cause issues...08:32
Ne0N0vahow do i get this away: SSL dissection needs a valid 'redir_command_on' script in the etter.conf file08:33
Ne0N0vaPrivileges dropped to UID 65534 GID 65534...08:33
Wht11yah i like this...much quicker then windows08:33
Dr_Willismcurrington:  the ubuntu-tweak tool has some clean the caches features also that i use a lot08:33
LincoN^formate (?) i want to install windows again... (ubuntu powns but im more like a gamer type and then windows is better)08:33
EriI can't log into my main Ubuntu, and believe I have singled out the problem that is causing it.  It's a program called pysdm.  But, in order to uninstall it, I need to log into Ubuntu.  I have a LiveCD session up on my computer right now.  How can I uninstall the program from the LiveCD session?08:33
mcurringtonDr_Willis: Are you able to elaborate or is there more information somewhere else? I'm interested.08:33
Wht11the browser wowo really quick impressed08:33
nishanththeadmin : wats the linky?08:33
robertzaccourhow do i shrink an iso to fit on a standard dvd disc? its 5.7 and i need it to fit on a 4.708:33
Dr_Willismcurrington:  about what? ubuntu-tweak? it has its own homepage.08:33
theadminnishanth: Read this: http://ubuntutotalnoob.blogspot.com/2010/03/getting-dual-boot-with-windows.html - it should be pretty clear what to do08:33
Ne0N0vaSSL dissection needs a valid 'redir_command_on' script in the etter.conf file08:34
Ne0N0vaPrivileges dropped to UID 65534 GID 65534...08:34
Wht11is there like winrar program in ubuntu08:34
Dr_Willisrobertzaccour:  you could try k9copy - if its a video disk.08:34
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free08:34
LincoN^How do i clean my computer (install windows again)08:34
Dr_Willis Wht1108:34
mcurringtonDr_Willis: no, how the other one causes issues08:34
arandnishanth: Yes, if you choose "install side by side" it will, you can choose how much space you want to take from the windows install for ubuntu.08:34
Dr_Willismcurrington:  it can remove things you dont want removed.. and its suggestions are often just wrong.08:34
robertzaccourhow do i shrink an iso file?08:34
^mNotIntelligentLincoN^, its takes some time to get used to ubuntu/linux... but once you get a hang of it...you become sort of addict to linux, because of the immense power at your hands... do anything you want just using the commad lines.. i would rather say.. give it one more chace.. and we are here to help you people out.. do let us know if you face any issues..08:34
Dr_Willismcurrington:  its the sort of tool that should really not be included. in its present state08:34
robertzaccouri have a 5.7 that i need to fit onto a 4.708:34
nishantharand it is the oter way around.. i have ubuntu....i want to assign space to windows08:34
Dr_Willisrobertzaccour:  and this is a movie iso file?08:35
LincoN^^mNotIntelligent, the problem isnt ubuntu. it's that im more like a gamer... and ubuntu doesnt fit well for gamers :)08:35
mcurringtonDr_Willis: OK, maybe we should file a bug report about this? Or has this already been done?08:35
robertzaccourDr_Willis, no, its my shit its legit08:35
bazhangrobertzaccour, no cursing please08:35
theadminLincoN^: Why not a dual-boot then?08:35
robertzaccourok sorry08:35
Dr_Willisrobertzaccour:  so whats On the iso file then? if its 5+Gb of  actual data. not a movie.. well its going to stay that big..08:35
^mNotIntelligentLincoN^, there are many other linux flavors tailormade for gamers.. why dont you try one of them ?08:35
LincoN^theadmin, i think i have to small drive08:36
theadminMethinks this ISO is of a dual-layered DVD.08:36
robertzaccourDr_Willis, its all together, can't separate it08:36
LincoN^^mNotIntelligent, orly?08:36
Dr_Willisrobertzaccour:  if its 3000+ images and other files. you could mount the iso and copy the files to 2 different isos08:36
robertzaccourare there any programs like iso shrinkers?08:36
theadminLincoN^: See the link i gave to nishanth above, http://ubuntutotalnoob.blogspot.com/2010/03/getting-dual-boot-with-windows.html08:36
robertzaccourDr_Willis, it has to stay together08:36
Dr_Willisrobertzaccour:   you could use the various archiver tools then I guess.08:36
Nickfeldhi guys ... i tried ubuntu many times and every time i use it i get another problem concerning the compatibilty of windows programs , is this problem solved in the lates edition of ubuntu 9.10?08:36
^mNotIntelligentLincoN^, I've not used them personally...but know there are many.. I guess someone here Like Pici or Dr_Willis can give you a better idea on that08:37
Dr_Willisrobertzaccour:  but thenit will be a 2 step thing to access the files.08:37
robertzaccouris there any way to shrink an iso?08:37
robertzaccourwill dvd shrink work or is that just for movies?08:37
Dr_Willisrobertzaccour:  the fact its an iso dosent really seem to matter..08:37
LincoN^theadmin, so it works with 80(74Gb) drive?08:37
theadminNickfeld: This is not a problem. This is normal. Ubuntu should not, nor never will be, fully compatible with Windows.08:37
Dr_Willisrobertzaccour:  dvdshrink reencodeds video files.. you stated thats not what your data is.08:37
LincoN^ubottu, game08:37
bazhangLincoN^, /msg ubottu games08:38
arandnishanth: Is it for XP or later win?08:38
robertzaccourDr_Willis, oh ok, didn't know what other files it handled08:38
theadminLincoN^: I have 2 partitions there, 40 GB Windows, 39 GB Linux and 1GB linux-swap08:38
^mNotIntelligentNe0N0va, tell me what kinda problem you are facing with ur distro08:38
nishanthis it possible that i could use parted to free some space instead of using a live CD?08:38
nishantharand: win708:38
theadminnishanth: You can't resize the disc from which the system is loaded, sorry.08:39
LincoN^theadmin, is it easy to fix partions?08:39
StopSignyep i hate loading up virtualbox everytime just to add songs to my ipod 6th gen lol08:39
^mNotIntelligentLincoN^, have a look here : live.linux-gamers.net08:39
robertzaccouris there any way to change the size of an iso?08:39
theadminLincoN^: Depends on your skill. For me, it was simple. For others, might be hard08:39
Ne0N0vahave problem to get ettercap work in backtrack 408:39
Dr_WillisNe0N0va:  see the backtrack channel08:40
bazhangNe0N0va, this is not bt4 support try their channel08:40
suboneMy firefox crashes anytime I open a Java page. Someone said "Which JRE are you using and have you symlinked the plugin ? (it will crash if you copy the plugin because the plugin can't find the JRE)" What's my next step? How can I fix this?08:40
bazhangNe0N0va, #backtrack-linux08:40
robertzaccourneed to backup software, i backup everything i have08:40
LincoN^theadmin, skill on what? computers, linux, partions?08:40
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning08:40
theadminLincoN^: Well, basic stuff. If you ever twinkled around with partition tables before, you will find GParted very simple to use08:40
Dr_WillisThey updated the factoid. :) wee08:40
^mNotIntelligentLincoN^, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-games-33/best-linux-distro-gaming-pc-429938/, www.linux-gamers.net/,  etc08:41
icerootDr_Willis: that one is old imo08:41
Dr_Willisiceroot:  i dont recall it printting that pretty.08:41
LincoN^never dealt with partions b4, dont like deleting things at the computer at al :P but theres like only 1 of my games that works on Ubuntu, and now im on a LAN and would be great while sharing some games08:41
^mNotIntelligent!hi | Daniel_Ubuntu08:42
ubottuDaniel_Ubuntu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!08:42
arandnishanth: What I would do is boot a liveCD and use gparted to rezise the ubuntu partition towards the end of the disk (at this point ubuntu will no longer boot, it will be fixed later), then install w7 inot the free space at the beginning of the drive, and make sure it starts ok, then again boot a liveCD and reinstall grub for the ubuntu partition !grub or !grub2 has a guide. That should be it..08:42
theadminLincoN^: You don't need to delete ANYTHING, GParted can resize without damaging the data!08:42
icerootDr_Willis: hm, its only looking pretty if i dont maximise my irssi windows, with maximiezed windows its not looking nice :)08:42
LincoN^ẗheadmin, atm deleting isnt a problem :) just to be able to play somehow08:42
LincoN^^mNotIntelligent, does it work with the latest games?08:43
LincoN^^mNotIntelligent, BC2 MW2 Grid etc?08:43
suboneLincoN^, I missed your question08:43
LincoN^subone, i cant "get rid" of ubuntu. i like it but im a gamer and ubuntu doesnt stack well with games...08:43
^mNotIntelligentLincoN^, I've never tried them, so I dont have any answer for them,but I would suggest you to have a look over there.. you might find somethign useful08:44
theadminLincoN^: How well i understand you :( You know, running my favorite games (HL2, Portal, etc) on Ubuntu is hardly possible.08:45
suboneLincoN^, so you have decided to install another operating system?08:45
LincoN^subone, i tought so, but it woudnt let me08:45
EriI can't log into my main Ubuntu, and believe I have singled out the problem that is causing it.  It's a program called pysdm.  But, in order to uninstall it, I need to log into Ubuntu.  I have a LiveCD session up on my computer right now.  How can I uninstall the program from the LiveCD session?08:45
LincoN^theadmin, can u help me partion?08:45
th3sk3pticThats why I have a consle, PC gaming imo isnt what it used to be08:46
theadminLincoN^: Most definetly yes. Do you have a LiveCD? If so, boot from it and come here again.08:46
LincoN^subone, every time i use windows xp cd it bluescreens. i cant mount windows files and install that way08:46
theadminLincoN^: Oh, you haz bad CD then.08:46
LincoN^theadmin, ok. let see if it works :)08:46
theadminwhat the?08:46
suboneLincoN^, and so you are attempting to delete your linux partitions before the Windows install?08:46
LincoN^and i downloaded like lots of Win7 files. but it says i need some drivers to install08:47
theadminLincoN^: Uh, downloading Windows is not legal.08:47
theadmin...not that i care though08:47
LincoN^Windows isnt worth the money08:47
Wht11stick with ubuntu its free08:47
HecklerI second that08:47
LincoN^yeah, but only prob is games08:48
suboneits worth it if you need it that bad08:48
cdoublejjdoes burning an iso meant for cd have problems being burnt to a dvd? i can't get xubuntu to boot i burnt it to dvd r08:48
LincoN^any linux gamer here?08:48
Hecklercan you run your games in virtual machine or Wine08:48
bazhangLincoN^, lets take this to #ubuntu-offtopic please08:48
LincoN^Im almost out of DVD-discs :708:48
suboneLincoN^, many windows games run on Wine08:49
Dr_WillisIalways make pendrive insallers for my linux mchines.. i rarely use disks any more08:49
HecklerAnyone running dual boot Windows 7 and ubuntu 9.1?08:49
LincoN^But not MW2, BC2, Grid etc08:49
LincoN^but i can try partion disk08:50
MaletorI'm confused about the www-data user and group. What exactly is there purpose and do I need one for files in /var/www ???08:50
EriI can't log into my main Ubuntu, and believe I have singled out the problem that is causing it.  It's a program called pysdm.  But, in order to uninstall it, I need to log into Ubuntu.  I have a LiveCD session up on my computer right now.  How can I uninstall the program from the LiveCD session?08:50
=== guest is now known as tony-home
Dr_WillisIf you dont even have a legal copy of windows.. well.. good luck08:52
Wht11hey Dr_Willis  very nice indeed08:52
soreauEri: What makes you think this program is the problem?08:52
Wht11the freedom to have as many desktop as u want ..wow08:52
Erisoreau: After I installed the program, Ubuntu stopped booting.  Also, there are a couple people on the forums that have had the same problem.08:54
Dr_Willis!info pysdm08:54
ubottupysdm (source: pysdm): Graphical Storage Device Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 28 kB, installed size 292 kB08:54
soreauEri: How did you install this program?08:54
Erisoreau: The program seemed to have changed some settings on my hard drive, preventing me from having "permission" to use it when I boot.08:54
kasunHello, My Microphone is not working in ubuntu. Only front jack is working! But when I go to "Sound preferences", hardware is identified. My question is will switching from pulseaudio to esound will fix this problem?08:54
Erisoreau: Synaptic.08:54
Dr_Willisall pysdm does i thought was give you a gui to edit the /etc/fstab file08:54
kasunthanks in advance!08:54
Dr_Willisremoveing psysdm may NOT restore that file.08:54
soreauEri: Can you boot into recovery mode?08:54
EriDr_Willis: If that's the case, I'd love to know how to change fstab.08:55
Erisoreau: No.08:55
kasunubottu, Hello, My Microphone is not working in ubuntu. Only front jack is working! But when I go to "Sound preferences", hardware is identified. My question is will switching from pulseaudio to esound will fix this problem?08:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:55
soreauEri: If the problem is with fstab, you can mount the file system from the live cd and try to fix fstab08:56
Wht11whens the next release coming out...08:56
Erisoreau: I don't know how to edit fstab.  I have fstab up here, but I don't know what to do from here.08:56
chilli0Hello, I would love some assistance in setting up Mixxx with my setup. I have my default sound running via my HDMI cable. That works fine, when i change the sound settings (in ubuntu's sound mananger) It comes out the laptop speakers as expected and If i plug in headphones It comes out of thoes. How can I setup mixxx to use the headphones for headphones, and hdmi ( or default) for sound? Thanks08:56
Dr_WillisEri:  fstab is just a text file.. sudo vi /etc/fstab08:57
Dr_WillisEri:  pastebinit for the channel to see08:57
WAR10CKMluvi tady nekdo cesky?08:57
Dr_Willisive heard of others breaking things with that pysdm tool.08:57
suigeneris!pl | WAR10CK08:58
ubottuWAR10CK: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.08:58
soreauEri: First, you need to make sure you have open the fstab file from the root file system on the hard drive, and not the file in memory that will be erased when your live session ends08:58
Erisoreau: I know.  I have the fstab from my root.08:59
WAR10CKa neco jako #ubuntu-cz by nebylo?08:59
suigenerismy colleague installed ubuntu the other day, and his root fs in on /dev/loop0. how can this be possible?08:59
shazbotmcnastyhow do I run a .jar file?08:59
EriDr_Willis: Working on it.08:59
shazbotmcnastyjust 'java <filename>.jar'  ??09:00
Dr_Willisshazbotmcnasty:  often  java --jar foo.jar  i thought09:00
suigenerisshazbotmcnasty yes09:00
EriI have several partitions because I'm dual-booting Vista and Ubuntu, and I have a documents and stuff partition and a swap partition.09:00
Dr_Willistrying to recall my freecol docs/guides ive read. :)09:00
openmindjdoes any one here use hydrogen?09:01
shazbotmcnastyDr_Willis, it didn't work :I09:02
chilli0How can I set up Mixxx to work with the main sound though hdmi , and the headphone sound through the headphones09:02
Dr_Willistheres always java --help09:02
Wht11anyone drinking today....??09:02
Dr_Willisit could be -jar  for all i can rember.. im old...09:02
shazbotmcnastyDr_Willis, :D I just had to right click and choose to run with java09:02
shazbotmcnastysrry for ignorance, and thanks09:02
Dr_Williswhat if it was a nongui app. :)09:03
icerootshazbotmcnasty: java -jar /path/to/file09:03
openmindjany one have or know where I can find some good hydrogen drum kits @?09:03
happi2nighthi everyone09:04
happi2nightcan anyone help me with reformatting problems?09:04
EriSorry it took me so long. http://pastebin.com/7VTqMrd809:05
=== flossk is now known as gent_flossk
openmindjim far from an expert, but you can try and run your problem by me (happi2night)09:05
suigenerismy colleague installed ubuntu the other day, and his root fs in on /dev/loop0. how can this be possible?09:05
openmindjany one here make music with ubuntu studio?09:05
arandsuigeneris: Wubi?09:05
happi2nightok umm i got this code from reformatting a sdhc can you tell me what it means?09:06
happi2nightError erasing: helper exited with exit code 1: In part_del_partition: device_file=/dev/sdb, offset=419430409:06
happi2nightEntering MS-DOS parser (offset=0, size=8166309888)09:06
happi2nightMSDOS_MAGIC found09:06
happi2nightlooking at part 0 (offset 4194304, size 8162115584, type 0x0b)09:06
happi2nightnew part entry09:06
happi2nightlooking at part 1 (offset 0, size 0, type 0x00)09:06
happi2nightnew part entry09:06
FloodBot2happi2night: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:06
moetunessuigeneris: that's how it is here09:06
Dr_Willissuigeneris:  is he using  WUBI?09:07
LincoN^!kernel panic09:07
EriDr_Willis: It's up.09:07
Erisoreau: It's up.09:07
happi2nighti dont know how to paste the code.....09:07
suigenerisDr_Willis no idea, I just saw it installed09:08
moetunes!paste > happi2night09:08
ubottuhappi2night, please see my private message09:08
Dr_Willissuigeneris:  depending on how he installed and what other things are going on..it could be on somthing like that09:08
openmindj..was searching that meaning for you (happi2night)09:08
suigenerisDr_Willis would that be the case if he had installed it with WUBI?09:09
Dr_Williswubi uses a loop type file for the linux filesystem. so i would not be suprised at that09:09
suigenerisDr_Willis okay thanks09:09
happi2nightwhat u mean? (openmindj)09:09
openmindjwhats the private message command.sry...havent used irc in a while..lol09:11
bazhangopenmindj, /msg nick message09:11
Gryllidahow do I install Firefox JRE plugin?09:11
=== gent_flossk is now known as ardian_flossk
KitenaHey boys and girls, try this at home: rm -rfv /*09:12
visofhow can i know how much specific program take from memory and cpu ?09:12
arand!dangerous | Kitena09:13
ubottuKitena: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!09:13
visofin command line09:13
suigeneriswhy these idiots :S09:13
Wht11hey dr.is that a  program like diskeeper  in ubuntu09:13
Gryllidaarand, Kitena has left.09:13
suigenerisvisof try top09:13
Dr_WillisWht11:  ive no idwa what 'diskeeper' evendoes09:13
Wht11a defrag program in ubuntu does it need it09:13
ubottuThe default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.09:13
Dr_WillisWht11:  not really09:14
arandGryllida: I know, but I fugured it was the best way to pass the waring around anyways.09:14
Wht11oh good thx09:14
GryllidaHow do I install Firefox JRE plugin? In Terminal, some -sudo line or something?09:15
arandWht11: However, if you have a windows filesystem, you will need to start windows in order to defrag it, there are currenlty no linux utilities to clean up the frag mess on ntfs.09:15
icerootGryllida: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin09:16
Wht11ahh thats not nice..they should have one09:16
icerootWht11: why? we dont need/use/like ntfs09:16
Dionnasftn ekil/esu/deen tnod ew ?yhw :11thW09:16
Wht11ohh hold on i got one whold drive dedicated to ubuntu 400gig09:17
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam
pfuihow do I load firmware without rebooting?09:17
visofoh firefox is taking relatively a lot of memory and cpu09:18
gypsymauroI recall there was a program to check cdrom surfaces..but I don't remember the name , any hint?09:19
arand!hi | gypsymauro09:19
ubottugypsymauro: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!09:19
=== medex is now known as mtx_init
moetunesvisof: always has...09:19
visofmoetunes is google chrome like that too ?09:20
arandgypsymauro: Surfaces?09:20
moetunesvisof: never used it sorry09:20
visofSHR part refer to shared mem "swap"  ??09:20
=== mtx_init is now known as medex
gypsymauroarand, I remember a visual tool that shows the cdrom image with damaged sectors and so on09:21
visofis there anyone know why we need swap in linux ?09:21
Dr_Willisvisof:  seen articals on how it  is still used in some cases.09:22
Dr_Willisvisof:  hibernate/suspend is one case where its very needed.09:22
ajnewboldis there a utility to adjust fan controls?09:22
moetunesvisof: for suspend/hibernate and some apps seem to use it - I never go above 500mb but swap still gets used09:22
Dr_Willisvisof:  its also a good safeguard.09:22
visofwhen i try to install linux i create double of actual ram for the swap, is that right ?09:23
sparkerGot probs with my 9.1 ltsp edubuntu server, can anyone lend a hand helping me configure my NICs?09:23
bazhangvisof, seems a bit high09:24
bazhangvisof, how much ram09:24
arandgypsymauro: I do not know of such an application...09:24
subone but when i go to try the java verification page it says i can install missing plugins, either "icetea" or "the java(tm) plug-in, java se 6"09:24
subone try to install java6-plugin over this...09:24
subone is there any application that allows you to find lost files... i mean for example if i install files to a ../bin directory and the installer isnt a package how can i ever remember where they are or how to uninstall them? i was wondering if there is a program to scan your computer and identify files that are without "packages"09:24
chilli0How can I set up Mixxx to work with the main sound though hdmi , and the headphone sound through the headphones09:24
FloodBot2subone: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:24
bazhangvisof, should be no issue then09:24
subonethat wasnt a flood09:24
DiverdudeI am on a LAN behind a router...when i try to SSH out, nothing happens....how may I chack from my laptop if it is because the ssh port on the router on the network i am on is closed?09:24
subonejust a question...09:24
suboneoh i guess it was a flood...09:25
Dr_WillisI recall a deborphan program some where09:25
visofbazhang i create the swap partition 2Gb09:25
subonewhat i meant was:09:25
subone is there any application that allows you to find lost files... i mean for example if i install files to a ../bin directory and the installer isnt a package how can i ever remember where they are or how to uninstall them? i was wondering if there is a program to scan your computer and identify files that are without "packages"09:25
bazhangvisof, that's fine09:25
Dr_Willissubone:   ../bin could be anywere. if you are installing things to /bin/ you should beusing the proper package manager tools.09:25
Dr_Willissubone:  apt has tools to track down orphans.09:25
Dr_Willissubone:  stuff from source should be either made into packages. or perhaps put in /opt/ or /usr/local where they can be  isolated09:26
subonei mean some installers you download online are scripts.... who knows what they install where and if there are even uninstallation instrctions09:26
visofbazhang ok , your name refer you are from south of east Asia ?09:26
Dr_Willissubone:  'self installing executables' are  a free for all.09:26
Dr_Willissubone:  thats why the linux community tends to frown on them09:26
suboneDr_Willis, hence my question, is there any utility to track down such apps that could very well be forgotten and reside still09:27
Dr_Willissubone:  i doubt it. Never seen one. never even heard of one.09:27
Dr_Willissubone:  in theory the installers SHOULD be going to /opt/ or /usr/local   thats the proper place for them to be doing their work09:28
suboneand what does that mean for me the novice user? it means i have stuff in /opt/ now that i should go deleting willy nilly?09:29
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Dr_Willissubone:  depends on what it is.09:29
Dr_WillisYou are the admin.. its your job to pay attention to what you are doing09:29
suboneseems very unorganized...09:29
heatherjm45is this the ubuntu help channel?09:30
Dr_Williswe dont controll what 'others' do in their install scripts09:30
bazhangheatherjm45, yep09:30
Gryllidaheatherjm45: true.09:30
Dr_Williseverthing i see in /opt/ is somthing ive installed.09:30
heatherjm45cool...I recently got new bt home hub and I cant connect to it wireless.  Can connect to BT Openzone09:31
meowbuntuhi how can i refresh the desktop without shutting down open apps09:31
visofi can't ssh from ubuntu to ubuntu, what are the things that prevent that ?09:31
heatherjm45noticed that when I enter my password it seems that network manager changes it into hex (I think)09:31
lintwhat should i do when i find out the security on my computer had been conmpromised?09:32
MaletorJesus H I just had a mini freakout. Partitioning needs to start with 0s for the record.09:32
MaletorEverything is ok though.09:32
moetunesvisof: no ssh daemon on one of the ubuntus09:32
Dr_Willisvisof:  firewall. or ssh not installed.09:32
AJ_Z0lint: First accurately describe what you have actually found - just the facts09:33
Dr_Willislint:  depends on your paranoia levels.  restore from known safe backup point is what a coporation would do.09:33
lintdr_willis yeah, good idea.09:33
AJ_Z0or just nuke the system from orbit. It's the only way to be sure09:33
moetuneslint: not behind a router?09:34
costreYou can't make that kind of decision, you're jsut a grunt ... no offense09:34
rabbit1one of the php file created by drupal is locked, how to change the permission of it,09:34
Dr_WillisAJ_Z0:  but you are only a Grunt. :P09:34
AJ_Z0Game over, man! Game over!09:34
costrebest. movie. ever :)09:34
HecklerHello all.....anyone had a problem with dual boot win7 and ubuntu 9.1....bootloader being overwritten?09:35
rabbit1Dr_Willis: how can i change the permission of a file (even sudo can't open it)09:35
heatherjm45anyone know why network manager changes my password into hex?09:35
Dr_Willisrabbit1:  what file and on what filesystem?09:36
Hecklerwas able to recover however now stage 1 and 2 are corrupted or sometging09:36
Hecklersupergrub can"t even repair09:37
meowbuntuok how to change the 60 sec logout function its not necessary.09:37
Dr_Willismeowbuntu:  thats gone in 10.04 i noticed09:37
rabbit1Dr_Willis: its "settings.php" file, created by drupal6, owner is www-data09:37
visofDr_Willis how can i disable firewall ?09:37
Dr_Willisrabbit1:  sudo chown, and sudo chmode - is allive ever used09:38
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Dr_Willisvisof:  flush the iptable rules if you have any09:38
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.09:38
Dr_Willissudo iptables --list shows any rules you have09:38
ravenhow to call a process from cmd but run it free from it - # after cmd? (does not work...)09:38
Dr_Willisraven:  you mean 'command &' ?09:39
heatherjm45ok guess no one knows..will have to sort itmyself..:(09:39
Dr_Willisthen use exit command to close the shell if you want09:39
Dr_Willisheatherjm45:  for a wirless network thekey actually IS in hex i think  the ascii is for our benifit.09:39
ravenDr_Willis, yes thats it tnx (should to wake up or go to bed again.... ;) )09:40
rabbit1Dr_Willis: any idea ?09:40
heatherjm45thnx dr W but it always used to show password as normal never translated it before09:40
rabbit1Dr_Willis: sorry, will check out, thx09:41
Dr_Willisheatherjm45:  i recall some checkbox to show it or not..but im on 10.04 now. so cant double check09:41
meowbuntuDr_Willis, how to remove it now i been meaning to just never got around to id09:41
Dr_WillisI always rember the hex and the ascii :)09:41
Dr_Willismeowbuntu:  no idea. I never worried bout it. and its not an issue for me any more09:41
heatherjm45yes Dr W thats how I know it is translating key into hex09:42
moetunes!tab | heatherjm4509:42
ubottuheatherjm45: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.09:42
heatherjm45ooo ta v muchos09:42
MaletorI want to run mdadm --grow /dev/md2 --level=5 --raid-devices=4 which is my root filesystem. can i do this while logged in?09:43
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shinjitestrochI bring yet another problem though I doubt it is the beta issue I had a week ago. I'm stuck at the initramfs screen. /dev, /sys etc.. file or directory not found yadda yadda.  What do I do?09:43
bazhangshinjitestroch, which version of ubuntu09:43
Dr_Willisshinjitestroch: using the beta release? see #ubuntu+109:44
costreMaletor, You skipped using the gui disk utility?09:44
Maletorhey there09:44
rabbit1Dr_Willis: i need to change it back to same permissions after editing, kindly let me know the to find the existing permission, and then changing it to edit and then again getting back the same permissions as before.09:44
Maletorya - just cli for now -- i want to do this and i think this is all that is necessary09:44
Maletorit's a lot of data i need to move09:44
heatherjm45ok i'll give up on this community thanks anyway09:44
Maletorso I think growing it is the right thing to do. then tell my lvm to expand into it's new free space.09:45
shinjitestrochI didn't think it be a beta problem. I left my netbook on without power while logged in and I'm pretty sure doing that was a bad idea. You guys sure it is a beta problem I rather not be it that again.09:45
bazhangshinjitestroch, lucid?09:46
moetunesshinjitestroch: any modprobe error?09:46
shinjitestrochYus, but I doubt it is a beta problem.09:46
bazhangshinjitestroch, the correct channel is #ubuntu+1 nonetheless09:47
moetunesshinjitestroch: sounds like a beta prob...09:47
shinjitestrochcurses stuck there again.09:47
shinjitestrochcya guys09:47
Maletorcostre: we are reshaping right now09:47
monkeybcan I install from a working 9.04 into a secondary partition without burning/rebooting etc? I dont have a cd or usb key atm09:48
monkeybI wanna install 10.0509:48
Maletor16k min. to finish costre09:48
Dr_Willisrabbit1:  ls -l filename,  to see what permissions it has09:48
costreMaletor, :D09:48
Dr_Willismonkeyb:  may be safest to test it in virtualbox.09:49
Dr_Willismonkeyb:  or try 'debootstrap' but that may be a challange09:49
babu__does anybody know about sdcc compiler09:49
shinjitestrochI wish I could test in VB not enough RAM and processing power lols.09:49
monkeybhrm, vbox with physical partition, & mounted iso, would I be able to reboot into that without kernel panics etc?09:50
monkeybDr_Willis, cheers09:50
rabbit1Dr_Willis: this is what it has "-r-xr-xr-x 1 www-data www-data 9482 2010-03-30 01:00 settings.php"09:50
visofDr_willis i got result of the address i want to ssh when i do ssh i got no route to host09:50
Maletorcostre: sudo vim /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf reveals that config file did not get updated....09:50
Dr_Willisrabbit1:  so thats the permissions and ownership then.09:51
Dr_Willisvisof:  its on a local lan? you are doing it via the ip# ?09:51
babu__anyone got my qn09:51
babu__anyone got my qn09:51
visofDr_willis both09:51
Dr_Willisvisof:  can you ping the other box via ip?09:52
moetunesbabu__: sounds like noone atm does - ask again in a bit09:52
rabbit1Dr_Willis: now i use "chmod -rwxxxxrwx filename"09:52
costreMaletor, Forgot to save? :)09:52
Dr_Willisrabbit1:  no.. you need to use the proper syntax for chmod.09:52
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions09:52
visofDr_willis no09:53
rabbit1Dr_Willis: thats the page i am looking at Dr....09:53
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Dr_Willisrabbit1:  ive never seen the syntax -rwxxrxxrww used befor,09:54
moetunesvisof: what does   ifconfig   return?09:54
shinjitestrochI thought the change permissions command was shorter than that.09:54
rabbit1Dr_Willis: ok, it should be "chmod g+x filename" ? and then to change back what?09:54
shinjitestrochooo that one09:54
rabbit1Dr_Willis: should be "chmod g-x filename"?09:55
Dr_Willisrabbit1:  that sets the excutable bit. if thats what you want for the group.09:55
Dr_Willisexeutable for a file - dosent make it writeable.. for a dir. it would09:55
rabbit1Dr_Willis: i have no idea as of now, i just need to edit a file where i don have permission at all, even with sudo, so if i give g+x i guess i would be able to edit it, what do u suggest ?09:56
Dr_WillisYou make it writeable and its editable.. exeuctable has nothing to do with that on a file.09:57
rabbit1Dr_Willis: u mean g+w ?09:57
visofmoetunes for which machine ?09:57
Dr_Willistry it and see.  makes more sence then -x to me rabbit109:57
shinjitestrochMaking a file executable is simple just go into properties or use chmod.09:58
moetunesvisof: the one you can't ping from09:58
rabbit1Dr_Willis: operation not permitted.09:58
Dr_Willisyou did use sudo as needed rabbit1 ?09:58
rabbit1Dr_Willis: worked withsudo,09:58
Dr_Willislogical eh :)09:59
LincoN^Stupid computer09:59
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visof_moetunes http://pastie.org/90147309:59
Daniel_Ubuntuhey guys09:59
rabbit1Dr_Willis: its a read only file as well.10:00
LincoN^!hi Daniel_Ubuntu10:00
Dr_Willisrabbit1:  you could use  'mc' to set modes also. its a text based file manager that has a nice little gui for that.10:00
Dr_Willisplux it shows the #'s for the modes. so you learn the #'s as well10:00
Daniel_UbuntuGuys i got a question10:00
Daniel_Ubuntueverytime i update my Ubuntu10:01
Daniel_Ubuntuwhen i try to Boot into it im getting error...10:01
moetunesvisof: k - it's not thatcomps connection - the other comp is connected ok then? - to solve the ping bit first10:01
Daniel_Ubuntuso i need to reinstall everytime :(10:01
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rabbit1Dr_Willis: "mc filename" ? on promt ?10:01
Dr_Willisinstall it if needed10:02
rabbit1Dr_Willis: yeap, installing10:02
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Guest58450is anyone to help?10:02
Dr_Willisa through understanding of file permissions/ownership is a VERY good thing to learn10:03
rabbit1Dr_Willis: rite, thought i would never come to that part,,, :(10:03
Dr_Willisyou are aparently trying to run a web server without learning the basics.. thats like trying to  waterski befor you can swim. :)10:04
moetunesor stand10:04
Dr_Willisi belive you set your users to theproper groups and they can edit those html files.. but i rarely do that sort of work10:04
Dr_WillisIknow theres a better solution then chantgeing the permissions/owner, editing, then changeing it back10:05
chilli0How can I set up Mixxx to work with the main sound though hdmi , and the headphone sound through the headphones10:08
rabbit1Dr_Willis: no luck :(10:09
shinjitestrochWilli are you trying to just change file permissions?10:10
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MaletorWhere do I find the manual on the color sheme in PC1 for terminal?10:12
Dr_WillisMaletor:  clarify that a bit more.10:13
moetunesMaletor: google for bashrc10:13
Maletorlike what to color the folders or files etc.10:13
Dr_Willisls colors them depending on the ls settings10:13
Dr_Willisthats not related to the PS1 prompt colors10:14
moetunesls --clolors=auto maybe Maletor as an alias in bashrc10:14
Maletorso it's not in .basrc?10:14
Dr_Willisits a ls setting10:15
Dr_Willisand its customizeable.10:15
Dr_Willisijust do ls -l  on a dir and figure out what they mean10:16
rabbit1Dr_Willis: kool, i just ran ugo+rwx, edited and then ugo-w ....10:16
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rabbit1Dr_Willis: thx for ur time, u r great !10:16
Dr_Willisrabbit1:  you may want to learn how 'groups' work. changing modes to edit those thigs are proberly not theideal way10:17
simonawhen the new LTS will be released?10:18
DJones!lucid | simona10:18
ubottusimona: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule10:18
rabbit1Dr_Willis: yeap, will surely learn,10:20
rocket16Ah, this Ubuntu Offtopic channel is a bad place, three people, namely AtomikSpark, UberNacho and Seveas are always harashing the newcomers, :(10:23
rocket16Oh man,10:25
abracadabraaanyone know how long they will test the besta before releasing finished version?10:25
bazhangrocket16, stay on topic10:25
Dr_Willisthey have a schedule for all that abracadabraa10:26
bazhangabracadabraa, #ubuntu+1 please10:26
abracadabraabazhang thanks10:26
rocket16bazhang, please do not consider the channel to be your own property,10:26
solexiousHow can I check what version of a particular package though apt-get?10:27
Obadubaloneed instructions to set up LIRC to work with the new apple remote. I was only able to get one button working. Any how to?10:29
Dr_Willischeck the Lirc homepage yet?10:30
moetunes!info lirc10:30
ubottulirc (source: lirc): infra-red remote control support. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.6-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 545 kB, installed size 2448 kB10:30
TreyvonHey guys and gals, try this at home: rm -rfv /*10:31
toffeethe 4/1 has passed10:31
Obadubalo<Dr_Willis> yes but it is to technical for me and there is no config file specific for my hardware. I am looking for something a little easier to follow.10:32
Dr_WillisObadubalo:  check their forums for user submitted configs perhaps.10:33
Obadubalo<Dr_Willis> thanks! i have been trying for quite a while. anyway its gonna be great when i finally get it working!!    :)10:34
moetunesseems to be a few folk with apple h/ware installing ubuntu - says something10:35
Dr_Willisthey got lots of spare cash?10:35
brontosaurusrexmoetunes: what do you mean?10:36
Obadubalowell i use it on a mac mini10:36
moetunesbrontosaurusrex: seen a few apple users in here lately is all10:36
ZombieI have found that a non-Winmodem made by 3Com doesn't work right under Ubuntu.10:37
Obadubaloit is small, quiet, consumes little power10:37
ZombieThe modem is fully detected in Ubuntu, but gives fragmented responses to AT Commands10:37
gheddy_zarcmm 9.10 with all the whistles and bells is nice on any platform, wonder what 10.04 will be like10:37
ZombieIs there a problem with setseral?10:38
brontosaurusrexmoetunes: right, i keep forgeting that there are less powerfull things than macpro, i keep running virtual engines on my entry-level macpro, they work faster than standalone ubuntu installs on my older dual-core opteron10:38
Blank__is it possible to "wear out" a USB thumbdrive prematurely by installing ubuntu on it?10:39
brontosaurusrexgheddy_zarc: minimize/close buttons are now defaulted on top-left, which goes fine with apple :P10:39
ZombieBlank__: No....10:39
Dr_WillisBlank__:  they have limited life. a 'live cd' type install wont wer it out as fast. butive never managed to wear one out yet...10:40
brontosaurusrexmoetunes: i know bunch of apple people who run ubuntu natively just for houdini thought10:40
Dr_WillisBlank__: so its really not much of an issue10:40
ZombieDr_Willis: I know someone who runs Ubuntu on an Arcade machine.10:41
stevecamif i buy an official ubuntu cd, will money go towards the ubuntu project?10:41
moetunesbrontosaurusrex: I saw an apple comp once - it seemed ... overpriced10:41
brontosaurusrexmoetunes: they are10:42
Blank__well is it possible for the computer itself to spazz out while using a USB drive? for some reason i'm getting ext4-fs read errors, and it seems the drive has ceased reading or writing10:42
brontosaurusrexmoetunes: i'd say they are 4 times overpriced, i mean not just 2x10:42
stevecamive had mixed thoughts about apple ever since there iPhone10:42
Dr_Willisive had mixxed thought about since  the 1990's :)10:43
bazhanglets get back on topic please: Ubuntu support10:43
brontosaurusrexive had mixxed thoughts about anything that can run windows 4ever10:43
stevecambrontosaurusrex, and what thing is that?10:44
richard123Hey folks, anyone have an idea why when I minimize a window it disappears instead of appearing on the task bar? (using 9.10)10:44
brontosaurusrexstevecam: today anything almost10:44
bazhangstevecam, brontosaurusrex #ubuntu-offtopic please10:44
Dr_Willisrichard123:  you do have the window-list applet on thepanel?10:44
brontosaurusrexbazhang: ok, sorry10:44
Dr_Willisrichard123:  is it onl one program  or all that do that?10:45
bazhangrichard123, using alltray?10:45
stevecamoh my10:45
stevecamI've been told were to go10:45
richard123Dr_willis: all do that. how do I get the window-list aplet?10:45
Dr_Willisright click onpanel add applet10:46
geekyogi i want to understand snort structure.. and workings to the code level.. can anyone suggest some book or link.??10:46
technikfreakdoies anyone have a ipad10:46
bazhangtechnikfreak, related to Ubuntu somehow?10:46
angel_need help. how can i install ubuntu witout DE (gnome) and other soft, like archlinux.10:46
stevecambazhang, are you an op?10:46
bazhangangel_, archlinux try #archlinux ubuntu try the minimal iso10:47
bazhang!minimal | angel_10:47
ubottuangel_: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD10:47
technikfreakbazhang anyway10:47
angel_bazhang: minicd verion without "pppoe" packets, and its want connect to the internet with ppp over ethernet10:48
technikfreakbecause in germany it is not out10:48
bazhangPatrycja, please stop that10:48
Dr_Willisangel_:  thers minimal ubuntu variants.. or use the server edition.10:48
technikfreakand i am interested in real testing not the fake articles10:48
Dr_Willisangel_:  or remove what you dont want10:48
bazhangtechnikfreak, please discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic this is Ubuntu support only10:48
angel_Dr_Willis: server version without X?10:48
bazhangPatrycja, do you have an Ubuntu support question10:48
richard123Dr_willis: I can right click and get: add to panel: but what is the exact name of the aplet please from the list- I cant see it? Thanks.10:48
Dr_Willisangel_:  server has no X - corrext10:48
Dr_Willisrichard123:  no idea.    proberly windowlist.. start adding till you figure it out10:49
angel_Dr_Willis: ty, will try that10:49
Patrycjahmmm... no.10:49
bazhangPatrycja, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic then please10:49
Patrycjaok. bye10:49
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geekyogi i want to understand snort structure.. and workings to the code level.. can anyone suggest some book or link ?10:51
Dr_Willisgeekyogi:  snort homepage, and source code.. and google for guides.10:51
chilli0Hello I'm trying to convert .avi to ipod format , I'm using WinFF but im getting this error,  Unknown encoder 'libfaac' . But i have got Libfaac installed. Help pleaseee10:51
madPJKfanevening all - I had it so gparted would boot from my boot menu - but it was booting off the NTFS partition - is there anyway to get this to boot from grub boot menu?10:52
geekyogiDr_Willies Thanx.. :)10:52
bazhangchilli0, perhaps tried handbrake? that works well in that situation10:52
Dr_Willischilli0:  it could be the versionof mencoder or ffmpeg its using - dosent have faac support10:52
brontosaurusrexchilli0: the right tools are: x264 + neroaacenc + some knowhow about x264 command lines + mp4box or get handbrake10:52
chilli0bazhang, I really like using Winff lols but if i must. I will10:52
bazhangchilli0, dont know about winff, sorry not to be more helpful10:53
chilli0It's k10:53
Dr_Williswinff is just a front end to the other tools.  theres some versions of mencoder out there that dont have all the options compiled in for legal reasons i recall10:54
Dr_Willismencoder has examples of convertingfor various decices in its faq/docs ive seen10:54
leaHi !10:57
brontosaurusrexthought the repos version of x264 says this; or libav* formats if compiled with lavf support (no) or ffms support (no)., so to avoid using ffmpeg or mencoder, one will have to do a custom compile of it10:58
DiverdudeI am on a LAN behind a router...when i try to SSH out, nothing happens....how may I chack from my laptop if it is because the ssh port on the router on the network i am on is closed?10:58
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xtermjust bought a keyring/photoframe. Ubuntu finds it when I plug in USB but mounts it as read only. How can I change this?10:59
stevecamDiverdude, have you tried pinging your host?10:59
bootninjahi folks11:00
Diverdudestevecam, pinging? but that does not use the ssh port does it?11:00
stevecamDiverdude, no, but it will tell you if there is a ping reply from your host11:00
Diverdudestevecam, yes, but i am interrested to find out if the ssh port is open...i know my host exists11:01
stevecamare you currently using another port on the host?11:01
costreDiverdude, No port forwarding issues? Just guessing here11:02
bootninjaI just bought a usb sound card for my laptop, and I am having trouble getting all applications to use the new card.  Vlc uses the new card, but hulu and the system sounds still come out of the built in laptop speakers11:06
ubuntuCould someone help me with my problem?11:08
ubuntuit is discuessed here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=144325511:08
ubuntubasically I've lost one of my raid partitions after a failed install attemp11:08
bootninjaubuntu, sorry I don't know anything about raid11:08
* alessiofachechi saluta il clan11:09
bootninjaso does anybody have any ideas on how to select default sound card in 9.10?11:11
moetunesbootninja: right click the icon in the panel?11:12
redilyn_right click on the volume icon in the systray and choose preferences11:13
redilyn_then go to the hardware tab11:13
redilyn_choose the soundcard you want as defaukt11:13
bootninjamoetunes, I have already selected the new sound card in the sound properties, there.  I even went so far as to turn off the internal sound card. but it's still outputting sound to the internal card11:13
redilyn_what sound card did you install? are all system sounds going to internal or only some applications?11:14
bootninjait is a usb card from creative, the x-fi go!  Vlc and the music preview in nautilus go to this new card, but system sounds and the hulu desktop application go to the internal sound card.11:15
redilyn_I was just looking at the sound preferences, did you select the new card on all the tabs?11:15
moetunesbootninja: you might have to turn the onboard of in the bios - I never use usb sound so that is just a semi-educated guess11:16
bootninjaI even went so far as to disable the internal card11:16
artanis^Must really say that after 1 day on ubuntu I really like it. Never had tried something so simple where I don't feel that I miss alot as I did with mandrake.11:16
bootninjamoetunes,  sadly, my bios is a proprietary gateway bios and I don't have the option to turn off the internal card in bios11:16
redilyn_can you use lsmod and determine what module is your internal card?11:18
moetunesbootninja: :(11:18
redilyn_you could unload the module and blacklist it11:18
bootninjaredilyn, the internal card is the snd_hda_intel and when I try to unload it, it says that it's in use and can't unload11:18
redilyn_bootninja: thats fine, add it to /etc/modules/blacklist and then reboot and see what happens11:19
carmenquien eres?11:21
redilyn_bootninja did you get that suggestion?11:21
bootninjaredilyn,  yes, thanks  I assume you meant /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf?11:22
redilyn_bootninja, yes sorry, i should have actually checked the folder names :)11:22
bootninjaredilyn, no problem.  I'm rebooting now.  brb11:23
redilyn_i need help with a software raid problem, can someone help me?11:24
icerootredilyn_: the manpage or a detailed question11:24
redilyn_I have lost one software raid0 partition after a failed lucid install attempt, i need to recover this partition.11:25
redilyn_problem described in detail here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=144325511:25
carmenwhere are you from?11:25
costreredilyn, Isn't the partition formatted and nothing usuable will be lost if you reassemble it?11:25
carmengood bie11:26
redilyn_costre, the partition in question was never formatted, md0 was and that is fine, md1 just vanished but nothing was deleted or formatted as far as I know11:26
carmenwhere are you from?11:26
tsyj2007i think wine is not very good11:26
pentagramyou need first install win after ubu11:26
iceroottsyj2007: hi, you have a ubuntu-support question?11:27
costreredilyn, Have you tried booting from liveCD and see what happens in disk utility?11:27
tsyj2007iceroot: yes11:27
redilyn_costre, i am in a livecd now. can you check the forum thread. I have tried several things already which should give you some more info11:27
icerootredilyn_: hm raid0, with raid 1 i would say remove the borken part of the array (mdadm -r /dev/sdX) and reappend it (mdadm -a /dev/sdX) so the array could be rebuild but with raid0 i dont think that is working11:28
icerootredilyn_: not i a running system11:28
rocket16tsyj2007, But why do you dislike Wine? Which version are you using?11:28
bootninjaredilyn, thanks!  We have progress.  now all sounds are routing through the new card, but for some reason I'm only getting sound out of one headphone11:28
tsyj2007rocket16 :1.111:29
rocket16tsyj2007, 1.1.38?11:29
tsyj2007rocket16 :yes?11:29
tsyj2007rocket16 :yeah11:29
rocket16tsyj2007, Oh,11:29
redilyn_iceroot, the 2 partitions which makeup md1 are still there and appear fine, but when i try to assemble them it says bad superblock on /dev/sda211:29
rocket16tsyj2007, But what is the problem?11:29
tsyj2007rocket16 :it's compatibility is not very good11:30
redilyn_bootninja, its a start are applications playing out of both headphones?11:30
rocket16tsyj2007, Oh, are you trying to run Microsoft's own Programmes?11:30
iceroottsyj2007: again, what is your ubuntu-support related question?11:30
tsyj2007rocket16 :when i installed office2003,it failed11:30
bootninjaredilyn, I actually just fixed that by adjusting the balance in sound properties.  I'm all set.  thank you so much for your help11:30
iceroottsyj2007: use openoffice, also have a look at the appdb11:30
costreredilyn, It happened to me that the drives had changed one time, from sdf through sdi to sde through sdh .... :) Not much help I think11:30
iceroot!appdb | tsyj200711:30
rocket16tsyj2007, Check out the Compatibility of wine at wine.hq.org11:30
ubottutsyj2007: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help11:30
pentagramhow set sudo-password help-me please11:31
redilyn_bootninja, your welcome. glad i could help11:31
icerootpentagram: the sudo password is your user-password11:31
tsyj2007rocket16 :ok,thanx11:31
LinuxGuy2009What package is responsible for drawing the layout of the netbook-remix? I mean the menus and launchers?11:31
rocket16tsyj2007, you are welcome, :)11:31
LinuxGuy2009I need to file a bug report.11:32
sreejumy theme showing warning as " this theme will not look as intended because the required icon theme 'human' is not installed ."11:32
sreejuwhat to do?11:32
rocket16sreeju, Just type "sudo apt-get install human-icon-theme"11:32
rocket16sreeju, In terminal11:32
digim0nkwhat's the feedback on 10.04 .. how is it .. any issues especially with the wireless drivers11:32
LinuxGuy2009#ubuntu+1 for lucid11:33
sreejuok thank you11:33
bootninjaI had a few problems with it,  mostly in the area of proprietary radeon drivers11:33
digim0nkbootninja, did the wireless work ?11:33
redilyn_lucid has worked fine for me on 2 systems but failed on one system with software raid11:33
bootninjayes, my atheros wireless worked flawlessly11:33
costreredilyn, I had the same problem kinda sorta a while back, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=977891&page=211:34
digim0nkbootninja, cool thanks11:34
richard123Hello, anyone know of a good way to unlock the region code of a DVD on 9.10 like region killer in windows?11:34
redilyn_costre, thanks reading it now11:34
stevecamrichard123, i don't think ubuntu cares about regions to worry about unlocking them in the first place11:34
brontosaurusrexstevecam: dvd player firmware may care?11:35
richard123stevecam: but I cant play the disc with any media player I try?)11:35
ewphey im on ubuntu. how do i make kde apps use gtk gnome theme11:35
stevecami wasnt aware that dvd players stopped all reading activities after seeing a region code11:36
stevecamrichard123, have you tried using VLC?11:36
richard123stevecam: yes, wont do it.11:36
brontosaurusrexstevecam: i dont remember how that works really, but i think it was something along that line11:36
bootninjamost dvd rom drives do all that in software anyway because it's cheaper11:36
digim0nkrichard123, did you install the restricted extras for your distro11:36
costreredilyn, Bad superblock wasn't the only error message I got, but it was one of them :)11:36
richard123digimonk: please explain more?11:37
redilyn_costre, gparted shows the partitions by the correct designation, and sudo mdadm --examine --scan lists the partitions as belonging to md111:37
digim0nkrichard123, look for restricted extras in your add/remove progs11:37
bootninjarichard123, to view a css protected dvd in linux you have to install the css decoder package.  used to be called libdvdread I think11:38
nir2000hi what Emacs to install11:38
bootninjanir2000, install vim instead :)11:39
stevecamrichard123, do you know what a patent is?11:39
richard123bootninja: I have libdvdread installed in Synaptic, but still cant play the DVD: do I need to activate the decoder somehow or is it automatic?11:39
nir2000bootninja vim is too complicated11:40
digim0nkrichard123, bootninja is correct .. i didnt know that that there was no DVD playback included in Restricted Extras11:40
bootninjarichard123, did you install libdvdread before installing your media player?11:40
stevecamrichard123, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs11:40
bootninjanir2000, I was kidding.  you might try the default nano11:41
richard123bootninja: no afterwards, last thing I did.11:41
bloopletechcan anyone recommend a replacement for gnome-terminal with Ctrl+F text search, and that doesn't have https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=579022 ?11:41
icerootnir2000: sudo apt-get install emacs22 (but think of, if you dont know how to install emcas maybe its not a good idea to use it)11:42
bootninjarichard123, Try uninstalling your media player and reinstalling11:42
richard123bootninja - will try now. .11:42
nir2000thanks iceroot11:43
brontosaurusrexbloopletech: check terminator?11:43
richard123bootninja: still no go :-(11:44
bloopletechbrontosaurusrex: had a look, I would prefer one not written in Java (and that's speaking as someone who used to program Java ;)11:45
icerootnir2000: there is also emcas23 but if you want to learn a real editor, use vim11:45
bootninjarichard123, follow instructions at this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs11:45
=== jofo__ is now known as jofo
richard123bootninja: I see that: CD/DVD/Blu-Ray Drive: FOODMATTERS_PAL11:46
nir2000iceroot why everybody recommends vim?11:46
icerootnir2000: its THE editor, also it doesnt need a gui11:46
richard123bootninja: maybe it is not a region but a blueray problem?11:46
icerootnir2000: and remember vi != vim, ubuntu only comes with vi so you have to install vim11:47
bootninjathought you were having problem with dvds.  blueray is a different format and may need different libraries11:47
nir2000iceroot, is it installed already in Ubuntu11:47
icerootnir2000: no, just vi is installed, not vim11:48
bootninjarichard123, if you're trying to play blueray movies, try this link:11:48
icerootnir2000: sudo apt-get install vim11:48
bootninjaiceroot, vi *is* vim11:48
icerootbootninja: no11:48
icerootbootninja: vi doesnt know the arrow-keys for example11:49
nir2000iceroot, how do I installed vim?11:49
icerootnir2000: sudo apt-get install vim11:49
bootninjaiceroot, last I had heard all distros installed vim and vi was a symlink to the vim binary11:49
nir2000thanks iceroot11:49
costrenir2000, Or go to system -> administration -> synaptic package manager and search11:50
icerootbootninja: ls -l /usr/bin/vi  should be vim.tiny11:50
icerootbootninja: vim is NOT installed on ubuntu11:50
sreejumy theme showing warning "this theme will not look as intended because the required gtk+ theme engine 'ubuntulooks' is not installed."11:50
sreejuwhat to do?11:51
bootninjaiceroot, my mistake11:51
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icerootbootninja: no problem11:51
icerootsreeju: sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-ubuntulooks11:52
iksikhow can I upgrade my libQt into 4.6.x ?11:52
sreejuok thanks11:53
redilyn_iceroot, why does it tell me device or resourse busy? "udo mdadm -A /dev/sda7 /dev/sdb2 /dev/md111:53
redilyn_mdadm: cannot open device /dev/sdb2: Device or resource busy11:53
redilyn_mdadm: /dev/sdb2 has no superblock - assembly aborted"11:53
icerootredilyn_: imo sudo mdadm -a /dev/sda7 /dev/md1 && sudo mdadm -a /dev/sdb2 /dev/md111:54
redilyn_iceroot, mdadm: cannot get array info for /dev/sda711:55
SpiceManthere was a factoid on how to remove KDE et al, which was it?11:55
redilyn_iceroot, changed the error message....11:55
iceroot!puregnome | SpiceMan11:55
ubottuSpiceMan: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get --purge remove kdelibs4c2a kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal11:55
SpiceManiceroot: thanks11:56
icerootredilyn_: i cqant remeber what was the correct way11:56
icerootredilyn_: maybe search for a tutorial on building raid0 with mdadm11:56
Ahmed\When you open up the terminal...you got, ubuntu@ubuntu as a default user unless you type in sudo -i for @root , Right ? and every time you have to why can't i set it as default ALWAYS @ROOT no more passwords to type11:56
SpiceMananother question, this is a KDE 9.04 => upgraded to 9.10 with ubuntu-desktop11:56
SpiceManbut when booting it still shows kubuntu11:57
SpiceMan*kubuntu 9.0411:57
icerootSpiceMan: you mean splashscreen?11:57
Ahmed\It will show you kubuntu unless you uninstall it you get Gnome :)11:57
gregghi all - i need some commandline help - I need to delete all directories that do NOT have *.mp3 in them or their subdirectories - any ideas?11:57
redilyn_iceroot, this might change things, fdisk lists md1 as assembled?!? Disk /dev/md1: 151.0 GB, 151024107520 bytes11:57
iceroot!splash | SpiceMan11:57
ubottuSpiceMan: To change the Gnome splash screen, use gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.11:57
DexterLBcan I change the fonts of one of the X screens to be bigger but keeping the size for the other screens?11:57
DexterLBlike, seperate settings11:57
icerootredilyn_: cat /proc/mdadm (use tab to complete, dont have mdadm running here, there you will see the status of the raid)11:58
SpiceManiceroot: thanks11:58
DexterLBgregg: write a script11:58
Ahmed\Anyone here @_@11:58
greggDexterLB: sounds good in principle - if I knew how to do that then I'd be a step closer ;)11:59
costreAhmed\, no11:59
Ahmed\Okay well ! thank you11:59
redilyn_iceroot, md1 : active raid0 sda7[0] sdb2[1] 147484480 blocks 64k chunks - so perhaps i just need to recover the ext4 partition stored on md1?11:59
DexterLBgregg: wait a sec11:59
greggDexterLB: oki11:59
costreAhmed\, Nevermind that, I thought it was a question :)11:59
icerootredilyn_: your md1 is /?11:59
digim0nkis there a GUI to switch the window button placement and arrangement in 10.04 beta12:00
Ahmed\HHHHHHHHHHH it was HUH what else you expected :$12:00
redilyn_iceroot, no md1 is /home, this is why im trying so hard to get it back12:00
redilyn_iceroot, md0 was /, i told the installer to format it12:00
redilyn_iceroot, it failed to format md0 which is what caused all of this12:01
brontosaurusrexgregg: i'd google for 'negate glob bash'12:01
icerootredilyn_: but the result from /proc/mdadm is looking good12:01
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greggbrontosaurusrex: ok - hopefully google will tell me what that means lol12:01
icerootdigim0nk: /join #ubuntu+112:02
digim0nkiceroot, thanks12:02
costreAhmed\, I thought you asked "Is there anyone in here?" ... And because there are 1300 people in here, I answered "no" :p12:02
redilyn_iceroot, yes but the ext4 partition from md1 is no where to be found, i had no idea the array was already assembled. is it safe to use testdisk on md1 to try and recover the partition?12:02
brontosaurusrexgregg: also http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ12:02
greggbrontosaurusrex: thx, looks good12:03
brontosaurusrexgregg: and especially http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/016 , you may also want to ask something later in #bash12:04
DexterLBgregg: here's what I wrote for you also: http://pastebin.com/1hMtwRnm12:04
sixtilais there multitouch notebook premade with ubuntu?12:04
greggDexterLB: looks nice - just put the path instead of <your_folder> and run from anywhere?12:05
DexterLBgregg: yes but try it on another folder first12:06
DexterLBit's untested12:06
DexterLBif there's a mistake it'll delete everything12:06
Idleheadsixtila no. but you can easily but your own ubuntu on them12:06
greggDexterLB: of course12:06
sixtilaidlehead the multitouch i am looking to buy is from HP - has ubuntu drivers to support if fully?12:07
Idleheadsixtila which one from hp exactly?12:07
sixtilaidlehead touchsmart tx2 i guess(looks to be recent)12:08
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Idleheadsixtila it seems that ubuntu does not have drivers pre-installed for that. but on the other hand, the forum posting I found is from 2009, so things might have change12:10
Idleheadsixtila, sorry. the posting is from a few days back. not 2009 xD12:11
sixtilathanks dude12:11
Idleheadno problem12:11
Idleheadjust give it a try12:11
sixtilado you think the lucid will come up with the required drivers?12:11
Idleheadi think so. multi-touch devices are emerging so I think lucid will provide drivers sooner or later12:11
Idleheadalso, the most recent fedora has multitouch support12:12
Idleheadso it's just a matter of trial and error ;)12:12
=== Kasun is now known as Guest60048
maquetero-ppcI cannot find multi touch devices usefull at all12:12
sixtilawhat i need to be able to do is write quick notes/draw/put my thoughts12:13
Idleheadmaquetero-ppc, it is a matter of how you use them. small multi-touch notebooks can be pretty handy for scribbling or taking notes or signatures12:13
sixtilaya, thats is my main purpose ;12:13
sixtilaif I dont get the drivers, then probably I will dual boot it with windows12:14
artanis^I'm starting to miss winamp :(12:14
sixtilaafter all I need to be able to do .net in it12:14
emghazalWhat's an easy way to backup my home folder to a samba share?12:14
jribartanis^: what about it?12:14
Idleheadsixtila, i wanted one for drawing, since i can't get comfortable with my drawing tablet12:14
jrib!backup > emghazal12:14
ubottuemghazal, please see my private message12:14
artanis^jrib; Have tried 5 players for Ubuntu now and none of them comes close.12:15
jribartanis^: what exactly is missing?12:15
redilyn_artanis^, audacious is the closest ive found12:15
costreartanis^, I agree, something really small and simple like that would be nice. Fortunately I don't use mp3's too much12:15
artanis^I use it all the time :/12:15
Idleheadwhy not use rhytmbox or banshee?12:16
sixtilaeven amarok12:17
ammuluI've ubuntu 9.04...it isn't detecting the contents of the cd...what do i do?12:17
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maquetero-ppcIdlehead: maybe in few cases... in really small devices like phone or something like that. in computer is is not usefull just rise the prises12:17
Idleheadammulu, try to see if another pc is recognizing the contents of the cd12:17
artanis^audacious seams to be something I can live with.12:17
Idleheadmaquetero-ppc, i have to disagree with that. for me, a tablet pc with multitouch and stylus support would be perfect for drawing (artist)12:18
DraglorMaybe he just doesn't like it or it doesn't fit it's needs, as he said, Idlehead12:18
ammuluidlehead, its working on my frnds system...12:18
Idleheadammulu, when you insert the CD does it show that there is a CD or does the CD not show up at all12:19
qdbhello. bug is here: my sister's gnome bottom panel background is photo12:19
emghazaljrib: I read those pages, there is nothing about backing up to a samba share12:19
qdbat my account it's normal12:19
redilyn_gdb, right click on the panel and choose properties12:19
redilyn_gdb, then go to the background tab12:20
jribemghazal: well, for example you can just tar the directory up and place the tarball in a samba share.  It depends on what you want to do12:20
ammuluidlehead, yes its showing that i have a cd drive but its not reading its contents...12:20
Dragloremghazal: Backing up to a samba share is the same as backing up somewhere else ...12:20
redilyn_ammulu, is the cd badly scratched?12:20
Idleheadammulu, could it be that the CD is protected with some kind of copy protection?12:21
ammuluredilyn_, its wrking on my frnds system12:21
Dragloremghazal: I found "backintime"  usefull for this task12:21
jribemghazal: and several of the other backup solutions given there, if you read their documentation, will tell you if they support backing up to samba or not12:21
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Draglorammulu: Some copy protection mechanisms doesn't work on all drives .. so maybe your drive doesn't work, but your friends does12:22
ubuntu_how 2 create repository 4 ubuntu pack....]12:22
ammuluidlehead, Its 9.10 cd, shipped from canonical12:22
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Draglorammulu: what's this for a CD and does yyour friend use ubuntu as well?12:23
ammuludraglor, yes12:23
ammuludraglor, whe uses 9.10...m upgrading it12:23
Draglorand the CD? what is it?12:24
ammuludraglor, ubuntu 9.1012:25
qdbredilyn, thank you12:25
ubuntu_how 2 create repository just like fedora12:26
jribemghazal: I imagine most will work fine.  The only issues I could possibly foresee is it not retaing attributes like permissions and ownership (I don't know if samba does this), but if you are backing up your own files, it shouldn't matter12:26
Draglorammulu: does the cd boot on your system?12:26
ammuludraglor, no...Its not reading it12:27
Draglorjrib: some of the backup solutionseven store peremissions etc. in a seperate file, even on a fat fs.12:28
redilyn_ammulu, what are you trying to do with the cd? install ubuntu? if so, perhaps you can make a liveusb at your friends house12:28
ammuluredilyn_, yes I can do that but I wanted to put my cd drive in order :)12:29
redilyn_ammulu, i was just thinking sometimes its best to leave things be, especially if it reads other cds without problems12:30
emghazalAfter trying few programs, I think I'm doing this wrong. I'm using the samba share address (smb://iomega-d1491/backup/) as the destination. What else should I do?12:30
costreartanis^, I just installed winamp and run it using wine. Works good, except there seems to be some issues when adding mp3's not in the wine c-drive12:30
ammuluredilyn_, thats the problem, it aint reading any cd...12:30
Dragloron boot ammulu? if the cd does work on other systems and you even can't boot it ...  I'd think your cd drive or the cd is somehow broken12:30
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DaZcostre: i'd understand running foobar12:31
ubuntu_what is samba12:31
DaZcostre: but there's like ten winamp-like players on linux >:12:31
redilyn_ammulu, ah, sorry i didnt read the whole conversation. are you sure your cd-rom didnt just die? I had a liteon that one day just would read anything12:31
costreDaZ, I wouldn't know :) Strange they don't include one in ubuntu12:31
Dragloremghazal: you have to say your backup programm which directorys to sync end where to sync them (smb://iomega-d1491/backup/).... thats all12:31
ammuludmesg | grep CD lists the cd drive12:32
mattycozehey guys how can i check a burned disks integrity?12:32
redilyn_ammulu, even if the cdrom is detected doesnt mean it is working!12:32
redilyn_ammulu, if you have compressed air try sparying some inside the cdrom, might clean the lens12:32
sixtilaisn't there yet a netbook that comes with native support for ubuntu?12:32
sixtilapreinstalled and all drivers set12:33
Draglormaybe you have to mount the smb share local first12:33
ammuluredilyn_, ok thnx... I'll try it out :)12:33
cezikosJest jakis polak ?12:34
emghazalgrsync gives me "ssh: Could not resolve hostname smb: Name or service not known", backintime opens a window to browse folders, and pasting the samba share address in the address bar doesn't do  anything.12:34
ubuntuhow to create repository in ubuntu12:34
ughcoderhello, is there someone who could help me with VPN pptp?12:35
emghazalDraglor: How do I mount it? I'll be happy with a URL to a howto page.12:35
ubuntuwhat is samba share12:35
g0ddi3is someone here who speaks german? :)12:36
reeniginEesreveRhow to find out which version of the package will be installed if i do apt-get install xyz ?12:36
bazhangg0ddi3, in #ubunu-de12:36
bazhangerr #ubuntu-de12:36
midohey Guyz12:37
asad2005I am having a problem, i think with nvidia driver, the screen and keyboard becomes not responding. Does it have anything with latest kernel update ? i tried previous kernel same problem but not sure if there was a driver update lately or not12:37
g0ddi3oh, thank you :)12:37
asad2005Can anyone please help12:37
Pirate_HunterreeniginEesreveR, you can use apt-ache policy for that...12:37
midoI've a problem with printing ,, it tells me that it cant execute some filters12:38
asad2005When i changed driver to vesa the screen doesnot fit properly on my LCd12:38
redilyn_asad2005, if you think it was an update that broke your system you may want to boot into recovery mode, choose root terminal with networking, and rerun apt-get update && apt-get upgrade12:38
mattycozeodd... wouldn't have given it much thought till now though12:39
ughcoderis there someone who could help me with VPN pptp?12:39
asad2005Actually i updated the kernel plus some other packages few days back and the  problem surfaced today only12:40
asad2005my PC is normally on 24hr12:40
ubuntuasad2005: just reboot ur machine press e when grub loading and find the kernel line and apend i8042.reset it wil solve ur problem12:40
reeniginEesreveRi'd like to install a newer version of erlang than the one available in the repo ... if i move to intrepid, i think all of my existing packages would be upgarded ... is it possible to upgrade only erlang from intrepid?12:41
asad2005ubuntu, what will this option do ? and u mean i8042  or i8042.reset12:42
ubuntuasad2005: i8042.reset12:42
* the-sandman 12:43
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asad2005is this specific to nvidia card or any card12:43
ubuntuasad2005: any card12:43
ubuntuasad2005: it will work in my lenovo laptop12:44
jrib!away > sandman|away12:44
ubottusandman|away, please see my private message12:44
reeniginEesreveRi wanna include a certain package from intrepid while retaining rest of packages from normal repos ... is that possible?12:46
ubuntuany1 know how to create repository in ubuntu12:47
brontosaurusrexhow wrong is this fstab entrie? http://b.pastebin.com/7PEkiG9X ?12:49
emghazalAh. My problem is solved, I just needed to mount the samba share as a local directory. Thanks for the help.12:50
brontosaurusrexiam trying to move /home and /var to new disk12:50
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AshokHScan any1 know video converter s/w for ubuntu12:54
verbatimAshokHS: mencoder?12:57
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jasonmchristoswow all the way from italy12:59
ujkanovici need help13:00
ujkanovicwhit cpanel13:00
Idleheadwhy is the freenode server so laggy today? or is it just me?13:03
Elfixujkanovic: what do you need help with exactly?13:03
ElfixIdlehead: I don't have any problem for now13:04
IdleheadElfix, strange. i guess i'm gonna keep an eye on my connection then...13:04
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Elfixmight be your connection or the freenode server you're using, you might want to try another server which is closer from your location13:04
ughcoderneed help with installing vpn (pptp) syslog @ http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/Bpw6wvdE13:04
u-fokaHy! Anyone has some idea how to add my own syntax highlighter to gedit?13:06
verbatimanyone know why my gnome-terminal windows are all just named "Terminal" rather than my current directory, etc.?13:06
brontosaurusrexi need a 'for dummies' guide on how to move /home and /var to new HD? just isnt working :/13:06
zentai have this issuesE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)13:06
zentaE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?13:06
zentaany body know my issues13:08
ortsvorsteherzenta, may you run synaptic and another package tool too...13:09
zentaah ah yes13:09
zentai will try to close synaptic13:10
* ujkanovic slaps zenta around a bit with a large trout13:10
ujkanovicbro can you help me whit cpanel13:10
sharat87hello, I am trying to combine two flv files.. but have been failing.. I tried a few options found through google, using ffmpeg, mencoder, pitivi etc., but I think the flv files are of different bitrate or something..13:11
sharat87how do i check it?13:11
sharat87or is there another preferred option on ubuntu to combine flvs?13:12
brontosaurusrexsharat87: how do you combine flvs when not on ubuntu?13:13
sharat87i never did...13:13
sharat87i have ubuntu at my disposal now so.. looking for ubuntu options :)13:14
brontosaurusrexsharat87: there is your answer, no freaking way13:14
sharat87so, what do u suggest? some software on windows or something?13:15
verbatimsharat87: i think mencoder will do it if you do something like "mencoder -oac copy -ovc copy file1 file2 file3 … -o final_movie.mpg"13:15
sharat87that's what i tried previously.. i came up with the same search result :)13:16
sharat87but i want an flv..13:16
sharat87is it a different command for flv13:16
Someguy77how can I check if my graphics driver is working properly?13:17
billy2007so just change the mpg to flv13:17
brontosaurusrexsharat87: it wont work13:17
benni123hi there, is there a way to use another ubuntu on a mounted disk as if it was booted normally to install updates?13:17
billy2007Someguy77, what are you on 9.1013:17
Someguy77yes karmic13:17
brontosaurusrexsharat87: at least i'am not aware of any tool on any os that would do that13:17
sharat87just changing the sctension did not work13:17
sharat87i get a corrupted video file13:18
billy2007Someguy77, go to system adminstration hardware drivers13:18
billy2007Someguy77, if your drivers are not on or not working it will tell you13:19
Someguy77billy2007: hardware drivers won't start13:19
billy2007Someguy77, hmmmm13:20
Someguy77billy2007: it says searching for avaliable drivers forever13:20
billy2007Someguy77, im not sure on that m8 sorry :(13:20
billy2007ah thats what should happen13:20
costreSomeguy77, forever? Do you interrupt the process?13:20
Someguy77I've been waiting for several minutes13:21
costreok. Most issues are due to impatience :)13:21
benni123Is it possible to login to a mounted ubuntu drive, something like ssh style?13:22
Someguy77its still going!!13:22
Someguy77I think its been searching for over 10 minutes13:22
Someguy77should I try reinstalling the drivers?13:22
ubutom3hhm, would the netbook remix be better for my kinda old laptop with celeron@1Ghz and 512MB RAM? Normal ubuntu is very slow on it...13:23
StevenRhi. When I adjust the volume, a grey rectangle appears near top right showing the volume adjust... but when I alter my laptop's panel brightness, it doesn't do that. How do I get this back?13:23
Someguy77isn't the new name for the netbook remix actually Ubuntu netbook edition?13:24
fabio333<ubutom3>: a clean ubuntu is fast enough there13:24
thechefbenni123, you mean you have another ubuntu-installation mounted to /mnt/other-ubuntu-root for example? In that case use: sudo chroot /mnt/other-ubuntu-root13:24
ubutom3fabio333, idk, my machine is really very slow ;)13:24
benni123thechef, exactly13:24
ubutom3especially with firefox13:25
fabio333ubutom3>: i got an old laptop with 512 mb rab ....13:25
ubutom3fabio333, and what processor?13:25
digimOnk_ubutom3, have you tried xubuntu13:25
benni123thechef, I get chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Exec format error13:25
fabio333ubottu, a littler better than yours13:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:26
ubutom3digimOnk_, no, but i tried using fluxbox as desktop manager13:26
ubutom3fabio333, a celeron at 1ghz is like a pentium III with 700mhz13:27
billy2007ive ben looking at jolicloud that looks pretty good13:27
StopSignanyone know a good music app for cleaning up dirs13:27
digimOnk_ubutom3, using xubuntu  on an eeePC which is a celeron wth 512 MB .. its fine13:27
fabio333ubuntulog,  how much it's worth you can get a decent pc with few dollars or euros...13:27
ubutom3digimOnk_, k, will try that if it doesnt improve after the upgrade :)13:28
fabio333ubuntulog,  anyway lucid is faster than karmic13:28
ubutom3fabio333, thats retarded, why should i buy new hardware if there is software that runs better on it?13:28
billy2007!lucid fabio33313:28
jcknotify-send does not right.. where do i file a bug report, libnotify or notification-daemon?13:29
fabio333ubuntu, ???13:29
billy2007!lucid | fabio33313:29
StopSignbigger faster stronger ubutom313:29
ubottufabio333: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule13:29
tachiro1that was extremely informative ubotto13:30
fabio333lucid is more stable than karmic now13:30
billy2007!lucid | fabio33313:30
ubutom3StopSign, the point is, I wanted to know if the netbook remix runs better on my laptop, I dod not want to have advice like buy yourself a new laptop13:30
Idleheadfabio333, i beg to differ. but lucid has more flaws than my karmik installation right now.13:31
fabio333ubutom3,  that's not what i meant13:31
tachiro1yo can't someone make ubottu censor profanity here?13:31
StopSignubutom3, i know i was just having a little fun :p13:31
billy2007tachiro1, init we could swear then13:31
fabio333celeron 1ghz is crap, whatever you run on it .... buy on old decent pc13:31
Slarttachiro1: it's just a bot.. it can't censor stuff13:31
tachiro1ahhh ok13:31
fabio333i'm not  talking about core i713:32
ubutom3fabio333, please shut up if youre not helping13:32
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:32
Idleheadubutom3, have you been using the netbook remix?13:32
ubutom3Idlehead, no, I asked if it would be better for my laptop13:32
Idleheadubutom3, don't even think about using it. the interface lags as hell and does not run well under 1,3 ghz. don't know why though.13:33
askhltachiro1, you may be able to have your local IRC client censor rude words though13:33
ubutom3Idlehead, hm, tahts odd, thought it was altered to fit netbooks, Atom-CPUs aren't very fast in general :)13:34
tachiro1we might not be thinking of the same thing.. but i know pidgin (using) has option13:34
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tachiro1there's a paintball chat that i go to that has this hilarious solution to that13:34
Idleheadubutom3, it is supposed to run well, but i tried it on my new eee and well, it lost against moblin13:34
ubutom3hmkay, thanks13:35
digimOnk_ubutom3 , the NBR was a little slow on my eee13:35
IdleheaddigimOnk_, i noticed the slowness as well and marked it as not usable for me. moblin is way better for eee :)13:36
StopSignso lets say i buy a netbook for my girl, u think it wont be worth a dam comp to winblows13:36
ubutom3yeah, maybe i should do a fresh install with 9.10, upgraded this box from idk what version to 8.04 and now to 10.4 to test :)13:36
digimOnk_Idlehead, yeah  wanna give moblin a try13:36
tachiro1btw is there a distro that's build specifically for laptops?13:36
tachiro1well to run most efficiently13:37
tachiro1or more*13:37
=== freevryheid is now known as fvs
IdleheaddigimOnk_, the only flaw i could not get rid of: moblin does not recognize my wifi hardware inside the eee :/13:37
digimOnk_Idlehead, ouch .. really13:37
billy2007tachiro1, check out jolicloud13:37
Slarttachiro1: there are some "lighter" distros.. and distros you can customize yourself.. archlinux is customizable.. dsl is small and light.. puppylinux is also said to be lean13:37
IdleheaddigimOnk_, yeah. it sucks to need a cable connection everytime i wanna use it while eating breakfast. but i think i can get it working13:38
Slarttachiro1: there are so many distros.. why not have a look at distrowatch, see if they have some kind of recommendation13:38
billy2007Slart, jolicloud is made specifically for netboks13:38
Idleheadbilly2007, jolicloud is actually the same as the ubuntu netbook remix: slow and laggy13:38
tachiro1well i got a few guidelineswhich one won't put me at a complete stand still until i master terminal13:39
tachiro1guidelines. *13:39
guest6980hi i just installed ubuntu 10.04 and all my window action b uttons like minimisze and close are on the left side of my window, how can i put them on the right?13:39
digimOnk_Idlehead, good to know everythin else works .. i shud give moblin a spin13:39
Slart!lucid | guest698013:39
ubottuguest6980: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule13:39
Idleheadguest6980, open the gconf-editor13:39
billy2007Idlehead, i never knew that thanks 4 the info :)13:39
Slartbilly2007: I'm reading about it now.. never seen it before.. thanks13:39
tachiro1i'm using karmic btw .. and i'm just wondering where this stand on a scale of 1-10 as far as lean'ness13:40
guest6980Idlehead, yesm and then?13:40
Idleheadguest6980, then navigate to apps > metacity > general13:40
tachiro1distrowatch <googling>13:40
Idleheadguest6980, look for the entry "button_layout"13:40
billy2007Slart i just came across it one night and liked the layout and look of it13:40
ubutom3I think i'll give moblin a try :)13:40
guest6980Idlehead, ok, im there13:40
BasttraxHey all13:40
Idleheadguest6980, if you want the oldschool button layout use ":minimize,maximize,close"13:41
guest6980Idlehead, thank you very much13:42
Idleheadguest6980,  you can also use this little python script to switch the buttons: http://pastebin.com/HmiDQeHy13:42
tachiro1oh gawd, i just clicked the drop down menu at that site, ("select distribution")13:42
SlartIdlehead,guest6980: #ubuntu+1 for lucid discussion and support, please13:42
Idleheadit allows for customisation as well13:42
tachiro1what in the F13:42
IdleheadSlart, if he's here and asks and i'm here and i can help, why should we switch channels13:42
SlartIdlehead: because someone decided that this channel is for released versions and ubuntu+1 for upcoming..13:43
SlartIdlehead: just channel policy13:43
adalalhey, i can't seem to connect to my to a openvpn server from my machine13:43
IdleheadSlart, bureaucracy...13:43
nowy09hi all13:44
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adalalanyone here familiar with openvpn?13:45
tobi_I've had a complete system freeze yesterday, prolly x fault, how do I investigate the problem?13:46
Idleheadtobi_, does it work now?13:46
Idleheadtobi_, then never mind :P13:46
tobi_no I don't want it in future13:46
Slarttobi_: you can check the logs.. /var/log/syslog and /var/log/kern.log might be a good start13:47
Idleheadtobi_, I don't know much about X, but doesn't it generate some logs?13:47
Idleheadoh, slart was faster13:47
moetunesor dmesg13:48
tobi_ye, thx13:48
tobi_gonna take a look13:48
bcjAre there still plans to replace Firefox with Epiphany in Ubuntu (at some point)?13:48
tobi_bcj epiphany is a joke lol13:48
tobi_even ie is better13:48
bcjtobi_: WebKit fans would say Gecko is a joke13:48
mamoushello all13:48
mamousI have problem with terminal13:49
BasttraxJust installed Ubuntu 9.10 on my Dell XPS M1330. Everything works great except the keyboard layout is a bit messed up. Anyone have any experience with thisÉ13:49
bcjtobi_: I know developers who have handled the code for each and WebKit is far better (by their testimony).13:49
Guest1i am Grzegorz13:49
theadminBasttrax: Try going to System - Preferences - Keyboard - Layouts and finding one which fits you13:49
Devil_Wanghi all13:49
Devil_Wangone of my question is13:49
Devil_Wangwhether , C++ code could be found in kernel.13:49
Devil_Wangi am curios about that .13:49
Devil_Wangwhether c++ code could be found in kernel13:49
FloodBot2Devil_Wang: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:49
Devil_Wanganyone could tell me?13:49
Commander_Keenhow do i remove DRM protection on vmw files?13:50
bcjtobi_: ...and, no, iE is the cause for most of the badly coded pages on the web.13:50
theadminDevil_Wang: Kernel, as far as I'm aware, is mostly written in C13:50
bcjtobi_: There's no way you can say that's a good thng.13:50
tobi_bcj wan't all that serious :)13:50
SlartDevil_Wang: I think it's mainly in C.. but I doubt it's *only* C13:50
bcjtobi_: ?13:51
bcjtobi_: You're not making sense.13:51
tobi_bcj I dispise the simplicity of epiphany, because it lacks common features13:51
Idleheadbcj, the engine itself is not that bad, but epiphany is like firefox 0.5 imho13:51
SlartDevil_Wang: there might be better channels to ask this.. isn't there a ubuntu-kernel channel?13:51
xerox1hi, i am looking for an application to use "remember the milk"; i don't like to use tasque; any alternatives?13:51
purplebluesilverCould this linux command stand for something? linux show hardware wisely? lshw13:51
bcjtobi_: Which features do you miss the most?13:51
theadminxerox1: Sorry, what? Could you rephrase that?13:51
theadminpurplebluesilver: LiSt HardWare13:52
tobi_bcj just use Opera for a while, and you're gonna see what I mean13:52
Commander_Keenany1 who knows how to remove DRM encryption?13:52
sixtilawhat is the shortcut to switch between tabs in a terminal?13:52
Basttraxtheadmin, Maybe its something to do with me being in Canada13:52
bcjtobi_: Which features?13:52
SlartCommander_Keen: wrong channel for that..13:52
IdleheadCommander_Keen, removing DRM is a violation of law :/13:52
vividCommander_Keen, yea lets not be pirates13:52
tobi_ad blocking is not there in standard13:52
xerox1theadmin, i am looking for an app to use the service "remember the milk"; the only one i found was "tasque", but it seems to have bugs;13:52
bcjtobi_: Maybe there's a case to make to the Epiphany guys?13:52
tobi_bcj a lot of small things I do not remember atm13:53
theadminxerox1: No idea what milk are you talking about :/ Doubt I can help13:53
bcjtobi_: Not important enough to remember, hmm.13:53
Slartxerox1: you might want to look into firefox addons as well.. I think there is one or two in there13:53
adalalanyone here familiar with openvpn?13:53
Slart!anyone | adalal13:53
ubottuadalal: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?13:53
theadminSlart: One or two? There are tons of FF addons13:53
Commander_Keenis there such a channel where one could speak of theoretical sugestions?13:53
xerox1Slart, i have looked for it, but couldn't find one13:53
adalalSlart: i tried asking the question about 10 minutes ago, with no reply...13:53
Idleheadtheadmin, he meant addons for "remember the milk"13:53
SlartCommander_Keen: ask in #freenode13:54
purplebluesilvertheadmin, That's good, I also like linux show hard ware  -- I am making a list of useful to me commands. But the last one got trashed when this box froze. So someone gave me another computer. I need to see how good it is. INside. OUTside it's a styley gamer mode.13:54
Commander_KeenSlart: thx alot13:54
theadminIdlehead: Oh.13:54
asad2005nvidia driver 185 suddenly crashing is there a known bug ? How do i troubleshoot and where is the log13:54
Basttraxtheadmin, Thanks. It was set to "Canada English" but it still wasn't happy. When I switched it over to USA it worked like a charm13:55
theadminBasttrax: Heh. Good that you fixed it13:55
theadminubottu: yay | Basttrax13:55
ubottuBasttrax: Glad you made it! :-)13:55
BasttraxI probably could have figured it out, but you guys on here are always so helpful :)13:56
BasttraxIs there a way to turn off people entering and leaving in X-Chat?13:57
rsistaWireless question in 10.04 : The WPA password is not being saved.  I had to enter it everytime I login to the desktop.13:57
SlartBasttrax: depends on which xchat you're using.. but try right clicking the channel name.. there might be a setting there13:58
ubutom3yeah, right click ont he channel ta and select show /hide enter leave messages13:58
ubutom3channel tab13:58
comfyhi, everyone. I reinstalled firefox and restarted the system, but when I tried to start firefox, a window pops up and says "Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system."13:58
Basttraxubutom3, Woohoo!13:58
comfyI tried to start it from terminal and the message "Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system."13:58
ubutom3Basttrax, searched for that a while some time ago :)13:59
Slartcomfy: try running this in a terminal "pkill -9 firefox"13:59
Slartcomfy: then try again13:59
Idleheadcomfy or just "killall firefox"13:59
comfythanks slart and idle head, i'll try that13:59
mamoushello all13:59
Idleheadhello mamous13:59
mamousI have a problem in my transmission bittorent clint14:00
mamousis here any one can help me please14:00
Idleheadthe first time i helped people on this channel i realised how much of a geek i've become14:00
theadminmamous: What is the problem?14:00
sixtilai have compiz running, can i still have a shortcut to switch tabs in a terminal14:00
brontosaurusrex!ask | mamous14:00
ubottumamous: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:01
comfyI tried "killall firefox" it says "firefox: no process found"14:01
mamousI open a port in my Router oky.. when it make it in the settings it said it is closed14:01
comfyand I tried pkill-9 firefox, and nothing14:01
Slartsixtila: you can set a compiz shortcut to change desktops.. see !ccsm14:01
Idleheadsixtila, doesn't shift+ctrl+pgup/down work?14:01
mamousbut when I check the proxy settings it is open14:01
mamoushow come14:01
bcjcomfy: That means Firefox isn't running :)14:01
mamouswhat to do14:01
FloodBot2mamous: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:01
comfybut when I start firefox, it says "GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname() called multiple times"14:01
purplebluesilvercomfy I forgot how but what you need to to find the process number. Soemtimes you have to do that.14:01
theadminmamous: Maybe it is closed for this specific application?14:01
sixtilaidlehead it doesnt14:01
comfyhmm..., so reinstall?14:01
theadmincomfy: It's normal, same here14:01
mamousno man it is not closed I open it in my router14:02
purplebluesilvercomfy list processes14:02
purplebluesilvercomfy it left something behind14:02
mamousbut it is open when I check the proxy setting in the transmission settings14:02
comfyhow can I list process?14:02
mamouslike the port is closed when the proxy settings is unchecked14:02
theadmincomfy: Install htop for something like Windows taskmanager by the way14:02
Slartcomfy: ps aux    in a terminal.. or use the system monitor14:02
mamousand it is open wen the proxy settings in the transmission is checked14:03
Idleheadsixtila, what happens if you press the shortcut?14:03
Idleheadsixtila, does anything else happen?14:03
mamouswhat to do ?14:03
comfyi listed the process in my terminal, but it's really long14:03
rsistaWireless question in 10.04 : The WPA password is not being saved.  I had to enter it everytime I login to the desktop.How to save Wireless password so as to not enter it everytime I reboot the computer in Ubuntu 10.04?  Anyone?14:03
sixtilaidlehead it ctrl+shft+pgup takes me up, in the same terminal14:04
theadmincomfy: you can do "ps aux | less" for it to become scrollable14:04
purplebluesilvercomfy I googled it and got this -- The ps command displays all of the existing processes. This command is also directly linked to issues with stopped processes (also known as "stopped jobs").14:04
purplebluesilverOccasionally, you may see the message There are Stopped Jobs.14:04
purplebluesilverIf you log off the system without properly stopping your jobs, some jobs/processes may remain in memory tying up the system and drawing unnecessary processing bandwidth.14:04
purplebluesilverType ps and hit enter. This will list all of your current processes running, or stopped.14:04
FloodBot2purplebluesilver: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:04
purplebluesilversorry dude bot14:04
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
* purplebluesilver just discovered I gan google commands. FTW and good night again14:05
=== zz is now known as Guest486
comfyHmm... not quite sure what I'm looking for in the listed process, but nothing seems to contain "firefox"14:06
Idleheadsixtila, does Alt+1, 2, 3, 414:06
Idleheadsixtila, does Alt+1, 2, 3, 4 work?14:06
sixtilaidlehead wow that does14:06
sixtilathanks man14:06
Idleheadsixtila, you're welcome14:06
sixtilai m playing with some C++ so need to switch tabs a lot14:07
comfyHmm... I think I'll have to reinstall again14:07
comfyThanks everyone14:07
ubutom3comfy, try ps aux | grep firefox14:08
Basttraxcomfy, why are you re-installing firefox to begin with?14:08
homovitruviusanything for helping me sorting and organizing a big bunch of pdf, video lectures, e-books? Thx.14:08
IdleheadBasttrax, because reinstalling solves everything...under windows that is ;)14:08
ubutom3reboot and reinstall *g*14:09
Idleheadand reinstall your distro while you're at it ;)14:09
comfyrestored my bookmarks, but then bookmark-organizing library is empty, even though the drop down menu shows bookmarks14:09
comfyso I tried to delete ******.defaults files in firefox profile folder14:10
comfythe folder is something like ~/.mozilla/firefox (found info online)14:10
Idleheadcomfy, i ran into this problem on my girlfriends computer (windows) but i forgot how i solved it. all i know i was getting very angry at firefox...14:10
ubutom3xxxx.default is your profile14:10
Idleheaddamn...i'm hungry... gotta grab something. idle now14:11
comfyyeah, it was suggested on some pages that several bookmark issues are related to the profile14:11
comfyso I tried to delete that14:11
* Idlehead goes into the wilderness to hunt down sliced bread14:11
BasttraxYeah things get a bit mess in Firefox when working with profiles :(14:12
comfythen for some reason, i thought it would be good to complete remove and reinstall firefox at that point :(14:12
BasttraxAre you doing it through the Ubuntu Software Manager? Or from the site?14:12
ubutom3removing firefox wont remove your profile14:12
Vigocomfy: Did you backup any data or anything or do you ever?14:12
=== ubuntu is now known as justsomeguy
comfyubutom3: yeah, that i figured out from trial and error :P14:13
comfyhmm I only backup bookmarks with Xmarks14:13
ubutom3comfy, yeah, the profile resides in .mozilla/firefox or so14:13
Basttraxcomfy, Ubuntu is a pretty quick install. Maybe start from scratch?...14:13
dorkfaceHi all.  Does anyone have any recommended documentation on how to prepare an ubuntu system to switch from a nvidia card to an ati/amd card?14:14
comfyyikes @@~14:14
comfyI might consider giving up on firefox for good, and finally try chrome. This is actually the second time14:14
ubutom3comfy, I copied my firefox profile from windows to linux and the other way around, I just put it in the profile folder and changed the file profile.ini or whats it called14:14
comfythat it's happenedn, I don't remember what I did last time though14:15
Vigodorkface: Purge and configure or backup critical data and install fresh, I guess.14:15
Basttraxcomfy, You'll come back from Chrome. Everyone always does :)14:15
ubutom3comfy, sometimes the problems start with wrong permissions on the profile14:15
ubutom3at least it was like that in my case when i copied the profile from windows :)14:16
comfyBasttrax: :D14:16
Basttraxdorkface, Yeah. Backup everything, switch cards and restart. If you can install the drivers afterbootup with new card thats great. If not, reinstall Ubuntu14:16
brontosaurusrexcomfy: chromium14:16
VigoI kinda like Chrome, is zippy , sorta.14:16
dorkfaceBasttrax: Sheesh, that's kinda brutal :/14:16
synapseAny reason why my microphone sound never works?  I've tried reading most of the forums, etc.. all other sound works fine from the motherboard14:16
comfyHmm... ok, I'll try what I can and if all fails, I'll probably try to reinstall ubuntu :(:( Though, it's seems kind of drastic to reinstall ubuntu because of glitch in firefox14:17
brontosaurusrexcomfy: chromium + dolce gabbana skin are unbeatable ;)14:17
Basttraxdorkface, lol yeah. There's not much you can do. Honestly though I think you'll be alright after re-install. I think the bootup will detect the new card.14:17
comfyI fell like I should break something else first :(14:17
ubutom3dorkface, had no problem with switching gfx-card in the past, be sure to uninstall nvidia driver if installed manually14:17
Vigodorkface: That is safest way I know of and less hassles from a goofy system setup.14:18
comfybrontosaurusrex: no time better to try chromium than when ff is broken :)14:18
Basttraxcomfy, aww. Google "How to completely uninstall firefox from ubuntu" if thats the case14:18
Basttraxcomfy, but a reinstall might be faster in the long run14:18
comfyBasttrax: thanks :)14:18
ubutom3dorkface, in general ubuntu starts on pretty much everything, switched here from an old intel to an amd with totally different mainboard, etc :) gfx card doesnt have to be a problem imo14:19
purplebluesilverI want to mount the floppy drive. what must I install to do this?14:19
Idleheadpurplebluesilver, what is a floppy drive? (just kidding)14:19
Vigo!mount | purplebluesilver14:20
ubottupurplebluesilver: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount14:20
ubutom3purplebluesilver, insert a disk and right click on floppy in nautilis and select mount?14:20
comfyThanks everyone, I was a little afraid to post my questions, but you're all very friendly and helpful :)14:20
Basttraxcomfy, The ubuntu crowd is usually a good one ;)14:20
Basttraxcomfy, I wish we had a better answer for you though14:21
purplebluesilverwhen I do that it tell me mount special device /dev/sdc does not exist14:21
synapsesynapse@darkside:~$ cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec14:21
synapseCodec: VIA ID 44114:21
synapseIs VIA a sound card manufacturer?14:21
ubutom3purplebluesilver, there is a floppy int he drive?14:21
Basttraxsynapse, They are. CPU's too.14:21
comfyThat was plenty helpful, really, it's more frustrating googling for the answer14:21
purplebluesilverI put one in but it might not be formatted ubutom314:21
Slartsynapse: I'm not sure they make sound cards.. but they make all kinds of chips that handles sound14:22
Basttraxsynapse, onboard stuff mostly14:22
synapseso Im reading this howto to apparently work around a bug tha ubuntu has14:22
comfyOk, I'm back to trying and fix firefox. bye everyone~14:22
synapseoptions snd-hda-intel model=MODEL14:22
Vigocomfy: I would rather see questions asked than none.14:22
purplebluesilverI think I will just ask a neighbor with a windows machine. I want to install a program on it.14:22
synapsedo I do model=VIA ?14:22
billy2007hey guys i know i should be on ubuntu+1 but there useless im on mobile broadband and going to upgrade to 10.04 will it download then install or do it all at once because i dont want to disonnect from inet half way through14:22
synapsesomething like this in options snd-hda-intel power_save=10 power_save_controller=N model=VIA alsa-base.conf?14:23
ubutom3purplebluesilver, ok, i just inserted a floppy in my laptop :) now i can mount it under places14:23
BasttraxInstalled it while the computer was running...?14:23
Vigobilly2007: Yes, try #ubuntu+1 and or look at Launchpad.14:23
bazhangbilly2007, lucid in #ubuntu+1 not here14:24
DDAZZAWill this system be compatible with Ubuntu (http://www.cclonline.com/system-info.asp?product_id=34698)14:24
purplebluesilverubutom3, yes, but mine doesnt show. Does that mean it is unformatted. Oh wait I'll try another disk.14:24
billy2007bazhang, there useless dont even attepmt to answer questions14:24
bazhangbilly2007, still the proper channel, be patient14:24
ubutom3hhm, idk purplebluesilver don't really use floppies that much nowadays, but the one i have is formatted14:24
aarHi, I've got a file full of lines in this format: " foo X random garble Y bar". Is it possible to tell sed to delete from X to Y (with the random garble in between) in all lines and keep the rest?14:24
DexterLBlol. And someone said canonical/ubuntu site devs never joked... http://uppix.net/7/8/3/04aea8f81eb5b1e1e3e3f20b408cb.png14:25
bazhangDexterLB, dont paste that here14:25
Vigobilly2007: Here is the Launchpad info>https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid14:26
stronzeokay here is the issue. i installed 9.10 and we haft to use a USB wireless booster to reach our wireless.now we try to connect his computer to the wireless network BUT it cant connect.it tries then gives up and we cant figure out why it does this.tried WICD but it cant find the network at all even if we are 5 feet from transmitter. there is no wire internet here.14:26
synapseWhat the hell do I use for Codec: VIA ID 441 as the model?  its not listed in alsa14:26
synapseits an asus motherboard14:26
synapsesabertooth 55i14:27
Basttraxstronze, Are you sure it's compatible with Ubuntu?14:27
stronzeeverything runs fine except it jsut wont connect14:27
BasttraxWireless usb sometimes gets a bit pissy with linux14:27
BasttraxCan you try any other networks?14:27
purplebluesilverubutom3, I tried 2 others that should contain data. same story. I'm going to give this one u and go do this project on a windows machine. All I want to do is get a report on this failed windows installation with "Belarc Advisor" and get the OEM number for it. I'll leave it for another day. Another computer. Thanks for trying14:27
Basttraxstronze, The first thing to do is figure out if it's just that network it cant connect with, or all of them.14:28
stronzebasttrax - it only detects the one network.his built in wireless isnt that strong compaired to mine.i detect several14:28
Basttraxstronze, hmm14:28
VigoThat is a hrmmm14:28
britany_oklausing ubuntu but i am having connection issues on other servers with konversation14:28
Basttraxstronze, Whats the model number of the wireless booster?14:29
purplebluesilversynapse there is a program that allows you to use a windows driver for a wireless thingy14:29
synapsewhat?  this is an onboard soundcard problem14:29
stronzebasttrax - g sky link gs-27usb14:30
stronzebasttrax - i didnt even think to see if booster is the issue14:30
theadminubottu: who | synapse14:31
ubottusynapse: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:31
Basttraxyeah that would be my first guess14:31
maquetero-ppcirssi Rules!!!!14:31
Vigog sky?14:31
ubutom3best bet is to always ask google if they work with linux before buying any peripherals. Got tired of having issues because of win only hardware.14:31
britany_oklausing ubuntu but i am having connection issues on other servers with konversation14:32
stronzebasttrax - i had him take his laptop to the transmitter and see fi it will connect14:32
Traveler0how can i put ubuntu on usb if i dont have ubuntu :/14:32
bazhangTraveler0, unetbootin14:33
bazhangTraveler0, what OS14:33
Traveler0thanks bazhang that was the program i was using14:33
capwie komme ich in ubuntu-de?14:34
aarHi, I've got a file full of lines in this format: " foo X [random garble] Y bar". Is it possible to tell sed to delete the string from X to Y (with the random garble inbetween) for all lines whilst keeping the rest of teh content?14:34
bazhangcap, /join #ubuntu-de14:34
Traveler0bazhang i can but any usx based os?14:34
theadmincap: Bitte, machen sie "/join #ubuntu-de"14:34
bazhangTraveler0, windows? another version of linux? which OS14:34
Slartaar: sure.. something like    sed 's/X.*Y/XY/'    should work14:34
maquetero-ppcC'mon man I'm trying to learn a little english!! :) je14:35
Traveler0bazhang its for kubuntu but i want to try mac os x too :)14:35
Basttraxstronze, Just googled the booster and linux. didn't see any issues, or much of anything on it really14:35
The_ExplorerIS there a GUI that let me manage startup options easier? Like, i would rather boot to bash than have X start auto.14:35
stronzebasttrax - is there a way i can download the latest updates for him and usb it to him?14:35
aarSlart, thanks I'll try that14:35
bazhangTraveler0, only apple for that, not supported here nor on freenode; you can use unetbootin to get ubuntu from windows if you wish though unetbootin.sourceforge.net14:35
stronzebasttrax - odd, its working now14:36
maquetero-ppcTraveler0: I have Os x leopard in my macbook I prefer Gnu/linux14:36
Basttraxstronze, Yay!14:36
theadminThe_Explorer: No. If you want to boot into a console, do "sudo mv /etc/init/gdm.conf /etc/init/gdm.DISABLED"14:36
Traveler0maquetero-ppc on ppc??? non there isnt flash! you cant watch flash on ppc with flash 9 but i stil :)14:37
stronzebasttrax - lol, all that googling and it fixes itself.i think it was making fun of me14:37
theadminThere is a "gdm" file in /etc/init.d though, unsure whether this will work because of that one.14:37
The_Explorertheadmin: So, if i do that, I boot to bash and i can /startx to get into X14:37
Basttraxstronze, Gotta love computers14:37
theadminThe_Explorer: Yes.14:38
The_Explorertheadmin: Thankyou14:38
britany_oklais there an irc support channel14:38
stronzebasttrax - LOL.thanks for the effort tho14:38
Freeaqingmewhat's the scheduled release date for 10.04?14:38
maquetero-ppcTraveler0: Both14:38
theadminFreeaqingme: 29th April 201014:38
Freeaqingmekk, tnx14:38
britany_oklaIs there an IRC support channel for Konversation14:39
maquetero-ppcTraveler0: this one is running ubuntu14:39
theadminbritany_okla: the closest place to ask stuff about kde apps would be #kde14:39
britany_oklaThank you14:40
Basttraxstronze, No problem! hehe14:42
=== warriorforgod is now known as Guest17427
britany_oklatheadmin great channel not one comment so far lol14:42
theadminbritany_okla: XD Well, everyone is away or dead i guess14:43
britany_oklaI am thinking dead lol14:43
BasttraxThat damn IRC plague is going around ...14:43
phaedrabritany_okla, you could try #kunbuntu also14:43
adalalanyone aware of any transaction gateway software?14:43
theadminbritany_okla: #kubuntu , not #kunbuntu, phaedra14:44
britany_oklaHow about this IRC 17F msg me and I will do pic with phone14:44
phaedraah... typo's... :(14:44
britany_oklaok maybe kidding about pic14:44
bazhangbritany_okla, thats not appropriate please dont14:44
britany_oklaI was teasing14:44
theadminbazhang: No rules about private messaging methinks14:45
theadminbritany_okla: Also, post your question on ubuntuforums.org14:45
napoleaois there a way to remove the name of the monitor in the top corner when using dual monitors»14:46
napoleaomy displays, "samsung 20"14:46
napoleaowant to remove that :)14:46
purplebluesilverQUESTION: Friend runs centos cant see flash. What format can I convert a flash movie into so he can see it? What program would I use to do that?  Thanks.14:46
=== alessandro1997 is now known as alessandro1997[A
Slartpurplebluesilver: try avidemux14:46
Basttraxnapoleao, Thats odd. I have dual monitors and dont get that14:46
theadminpurplebluesilver: He needs a flash player. Flash ain't convertable.14:46
DaZpurplebluesilver: mplayer plays flv14:47
Basttraxpurplebluesilver, Centos can download flash last time i checked14:47
theadminnapoleao: Maybe there's some sticker on your monitor? Never heard of such things.14:47
Slartpurplebluesilver: if it is a movie.. not a flash.. ahem.. whatever they are called.. executables? ie a game or some such14:47
theadminDaZ: I think he means an .swf14:47
Basttraxyeah flash14:47
napoleaoin the top corner, i have "Samsung 20"14:47
purplebluesilvertheadmin, really? Once I download it I cant change it to mpg4 of avi or something?14:47
napoleaoand in my laptop in the corner "laptop13"14:48
theadminpurplebluesilver: Maybe ffmpeg can do it, but i really don't know how to use that piece of awesomeness14:48
bazhangpurplebluesilver, ubuntu support or centos?14:48
yinlongwho knows how to make tomcat connect to mysql in ubuntu?14:48
DaZffmpeg won't do it, probably because swf isn't a movie <:14:48
napoleaoi can show the screenshot if you want :)14:48
Basttraxnapoleao, oh I believe you. lol14:49
Basttraxnapoleao, not that easiest thing to google :(14:49
napoleaoyes i tried14:49
BasttraxAnyone else have dual-screen setup?14:49
hdonwhat karmic package provides -llualib?14:49
HaffeBasttrax: Yes.14:49
HaffeI run 10.04 with two 20.1" monitors.14:50
=== jnperlin__ is now known as jnperlin
BasttraxHaffe, Do you have the name of the monitor in the top right corners?14:50
purplebluesilverok thanks14:50
HaffeBasttrax: Note that I have noticed.14:50
Traveler0unetbooting doesnt work for me sothing else14:50
bazhangTraveler0, for creating bootable usb of Ubuntu?14:50
BasttraxHmm. napoleao, what have you done!14:50
napoleaowhat i did, was "detect monitors"14:51
napoleaothen it did detect the second monitor14:51
Slarthdon: have you tried lua5.1 ?14:52
Slart!info lua5.114:52
Basttraxis "Show displays in panel" checked in the display settings14:52
Traveler0bazhang i am too lazy too boot from cd14:52
ubottulua5.1 (source: lua5.1): Simple, extensible, embeddable programming language. In component main, is optional. Version 5.1.4-3 (karmic), package size 139 kB, installed size 344 kB14:52
bazhangTraveler0, not my question, unetbootin is software to create a usb bootable flash key; you stated it does not work, for which OS?14:53
Basttraxnapoleao, uncheck that14:53
VigoI am using eth2? Why is that?14:53
napoleaoalready tried that14:53
napoleaosame thing hehe14:53
Slarthdon: there's also liblua5.1-0 and liblua50-dev14:53
Basttraxunchecked it, then a restart?14:54
cratelnever had problems with firestarter and internet connection sharing before. Today it isn't working. I have dhclient server/client setup. The connected computer finds an IP no problem, can ping the host, but cannot find the internet. ?14:54
BasttraxI checked it and it came up on mine14:54
hdonSlart, i'm aware. but for 5.1 i can't find a package that provides liblualib.a or liblualib.so14:54
crsHi there chaps. I am having wireless connection problems with my AR2413 using ath5k and networkmanager ubuntu 9.10. Network works very well until some point then it stops working. Network manager claims it is still connected. While I disconnect it manualy it won't be possible to connect again before reboot. It will ask for wpa key few times but nothing will connect. On the other laptop (next to not working14:55
crsone) it works perfectly all the tim (running 9.10 as well but with different network card). I have tried to use madfiwi and wicd instead but I couldn't find any networks at all. Is there a known solution? It is being extremely annoying and makes laptop unusable. Please if anyone had the same problem to speak up. I have tried to google but found only exactly the same problem posted on forums by other people14:55
crsbut no solution were given.14:55
FloodBot2crs: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:55
crsOh dear, didnt know it is gonna be that long. Sorry. :)14:55
SlartVigo: since ubuntu remembers previous network interfaces.. the info is save in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules14:55
napoleaook, Bastrax will try to restart, have not done that yet ;)14:55
stein1is mount.cifs missing from ubuntu 9.10 live CD? In other words, can it mount CIFS shares?14:55
VigoSlart: Thank you.14:55
SlartVigo: *saved14:56
Basttraxnapoleao, K. let me know how it goes. dont forget to uncheck the box first!14:56
SlartVigo: you're welcome14:56
rabbit1firefox shows error on in drupal.org site14:57
napoleaoyes, brb14:57
=== ardian_flossk is now known as gent_flossk
Slartrabbit1: http://drupal.org/ works on my system, no errors14:57
Vigorabbit1: Same here, popped right up14:58
rabbit1Slart: check vigo14:58
rabbit1Vigo: whats happening ?14:59
=== purplebluesilver is now known as tripelb
rabbit1Fatal error:  Call to a member function get_handlers() on a  non-object in /var/www/drupal.org/htdocs/sites/all/modules/views/includes/view.inc  on line 372. WHATS THIS ?14:59
Vigorabbit1: Comes up or loads in three different browsers.14:59
Slartrabbit1: no idea.. you get that when you go to http://drupal.org/ ?15:00
rabbit1strange, it happend only in ff, no prob with chrome15:00
rabbit1Slart: yeap15:00
Slartrabbit1: might have been a temporary thing15:00
rabbit1Slart: now its fine i guess, check out15:00
Ali_icant connect to an ad-hoc network15:02
napoleaoBasttrax , did work after reboot, thanks :)15:02
WishingMasterhi everyone,15:02
WishingMasteri have a simple issue........15:03
Basttraxnapoleao, Yay!15:03
BasttraxWishingMaster, Go for it15:03
WishingMastermy 3gusb modem has stopped working since i upgraded to lucid15:03
rabbit1my ff is going for toss15:04
WishingMasterBasttrax, any clue?15:06
brontosaurusrexWishingMaster: #ubuntu+115:07
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »15:07
WishingMasterbrontosaurusrex,what ? i was talking to Basttrax not you......15:08
trismWishingMaster: lucid support is only in #ubuntu+115:08
BasttraxWishingMaster, I was just googleing it15:08
BasttraxWishingMaster, Yeah I would head over there15:09
BasttraxWishingMaster, They sometimes take a bit longer to respond, but are better with stuff like that15:09
WishingMasterBasttrax, a lot of people are facing this issue , have you upgraded to lucid yet?15:10
borja_hi man15:10
tripelbDear #ubuntu -- this was my answer to the question about my user friend with centos, bad flash, telling me it cant be done or go to centos. (I'm learning.) OK HERE IT IS.    GOOGLE convert swf to avi linux  ((I didnt know the term swf before I asked the QUESTION)15:10
tripelband lucky for me someone said I think he means swf so I looked it up.15:10
brontosaurusrextripelb: swf to avi? how can you convert something nonlinear/interactive to linear avi?15:12
underdevis there a way to set theme information via a shell script?15:12
underdevif so, can someone point me in the general direction?  I don't think i need my hand held, i just don't know where to start...15:12
WishingMasterBasttrax, usb-modeswitch   this is what i think is needed to solve the issue, what do you think?15:13
tripelbbrontosaurusrex, you save the file.15:13
underdevI would like to configure toolbar placement, panels in the toolbars, etc15:13
brontosaurusrextripelb: ?15:13
hdonunderdev, i think gnome has something like the MSWindows Registry that contains that info... maybe15:13
BasttraxWishingMaster, Yeah i would give it a try. I don't see any definate answers in google15:13
underdevhdon, ty15:14
BasttraxWishingMaster, Since it's more recent, i don't think there's a proper fix yet ;( sorry15:14
underdevyeah, i should have specified gnome desktop...15:14
tripelbbrontosaurusrex, this one is probably windows but the idea is the same. E.M. Magic Swf2Avi is the extremely powerful Flash(swf) converter15:14
tripelbwhich can convert SWF to AVI and other popular formats. This15:14
tripelbsoftware is designed to convert swf for your mobile video player as15:14
tripelbavi, 3gp, mp4, mp3, PSP, PS3, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, XBOX 360, PS3,15:14
FloodBot2tripelb: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:14
tripelbZune etc and also CD, VCD, DVD or Blu-ray player.15:14
yiyimark aem15:14
Random832how do i make flash work consistently with pulseaudio? I've had deadlocks, crashes, and sound just not working15:15
tripelbsorry bot15:15
Pirate_Hunterhas 10.4lts server been released yet?15:15
BasttraxCant wait for HTML5 to take over :S15:15
bazhangPirate_Hunter, no15:15
dagny_taggartRandom832: same here, i uninstalled pulseaudio but it's still inconsistent15:15
Pirate_Hunterbazhang, hmmm, do you know when the server version will be released considering the desktop has been released as beta15:16
brontosaurusrextripelb: again, swf is usually an interactive thingy, when all this are video formats, so you can't just convert that...., no matter what converters will trying to promis15:16
tripelbswf to avi linux http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=2&ved=0CBgQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fhelp.lockergnome.com%2Flinux%2Fconvert-swf-AVCHD-3GP-AVI-iPhone-iPod-Mpeg--ftopict505846.html&ei=l023S4v6HIiyswPMjenoDA&usg=AFQjCNGhbRW-moGlCgk5yOoYy1WJg-NslQ&sig2=ZN_CwIpNB9DFzQcS34WtFA15:16
bazhangPirate_Hunter, you mean the beta?15:16
bazhangPirate_Hunter, #ubuntu+1 yes server and other flavors as well15:17
tripelbbrontosaurusrex, ok will check in on this later on. thanks15:17
Pirate_Hunterbazhang, yeah, I can't find the link for the server version15:17
bazhangPirate_Hunter, check the topic in #ubuntu+1 please the channel for lucid support and discussion15:17
Pirate_Hunterbazhang, will do also how do I check if the processor on this pc is 64bit?15:18
=== matt is now known as Guest40525
FreezingFridayHey all! :)  Happy Easter Eve!15:21
PatrickGleasonFreezingFriday: you too :D15:21
jesuselifeletholA como estan todos15:21
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:21
jesuselifeletholA kunai15:21
FreezingFridayQuick question: Can anyone please explain the syntax for chown?15:21
owaisloneFreezingFriday: chown uid file15:22
kunaive al canal español15:22
FreezingFridayowaislone, Thanks :) and -R means recursive?15:23
FreezingFridayowaislone, Thanks a ton :)15:23
jason201has anyone tried puppy linux on an old machine?15:25
PatrickGleasonjason201: yes15:25
bazhangjason201, try the puppylinux support channel15:25
jason201ah, didn't realize there was one, thanks!15:26
jason201first time here15:26
bazhangjason201, /join #puppylinux15:26
jason201perfect, I was just looking for that, thank you15:27
JabberWalkieok, so I am looking to backup my data, should I use an external or internal drive for this? or does it matter?15:27
BasttraxJabberWalkie, Depends. Both is really the best option.15:27
BasttraxAnd external you can keep offsite though15:27
JabberWalkiehmmmm, k thanks15:28
BasttraxJabberWalkie, i would say external if you had to pick though15:29
=== Commander_Keen is now known as Lord_Chewbakka
Lord_Chewbakkahow do i register if my mail is not valid15:30
erUSULLord_Chewbakka: in freenode ? ask in #freenode15:30
Lord_Chewbakkao sry15:30
bzaksdoes anyone know if Ubuntu has a hard time connecting to wireless B?15:32
jason201connects well on my netbook15:32
PatrickGleasonbzaks: proboly depends more on your hardware15:32
owaislonehave to ask something about Quickly15:32
owaisloneno one is answering on #Quickly15:32
=== mentr is now known as mentr_bnc
PatrickGleasonbzaks: do you have any proprietary drivers installed for your wireless?15:33
bzaksI have the Intel Wifi 5100, running `lshw -C network` says that it supports abgn15:33
PatrickGleasonowaislone: what is quickly?15:33
=== administrator is now known as Guest90739
owaisloneQuickly, the rapid app toolkit... kinda15:33
PatrickGleasonbzaks: is there a prop. driver available?15:33
bzaksPatrickGleason: No I don't .... I'm running what ubuntu installed out of the box.15:33
hal_9000welcome to the machine15:34
PatrickGleasonbzaks: can you hook up with ethernet to check for prop. driver?15:34
bzaksI'm on another computer right now - I'm looking for it15:35
PatrickGleasonowaislone: ask your question and if someone knows they will answer15:35
owaislonei wrote an ubuntu-cli app with quickly 3.9015:36
owaislonethen started with a quickly ubuntu-application app15:36
owaisloneimported my cli app in the GUI ubuntu-application15:36
PatrickGleasonowaislone: try to keep your story all on one line. easier to follow.15:36
bzaksdang Ubuntu15:36
owaisloneworks fine15:36
tachiro1hmm, <tapping chin> there's gotta be a distro intended for phones, aren't there?15:36
owaislonequickly package wont make it depend on the cli app15:36
daftykinsbzaks: do you really have 802.11b hardware around still?15:36
bzaksand their slow kernel release schedule.15:36
Slarttachiro1: android?15:37
bazhangtachiro1, #ubuntu-offtopic please15:37
tachiro1that's what that is?15:37
bzaksdaftykins: I actually bought this router for $11 5 years ago. Its at my parents house15:37
daftykinsah :)15:37
PatrickGleasontachiro1: i think there is an ubuntu mobile15:37
PatrickGleasontachiro1: yeah. here http://www.ubuntu.com/products/mobile15:38
tachiro1wonder what the name is15:38
bzaksPatrickGleason: Thanks for the help - if I want to support my card better - I can either A) compile the latest kernel or B) download the driver... when does the next ubuntu release come out?15:38
PatrickGleasontachiro1: actually theats more for internet tablet things....15:38
PatrickGleasonbzaks: soon. beta is out now i think, or alpha.... check our #ubuntu+1 for the latest15:38
tachiro1ohh ok15:39
bzaksBah - screw it. I've always wanted to compile a kernel! ;-)15:39
bzaksoh wait15:39
bzaksI have .3115:39
tachiro1which brings me back to something i mentioned earlier, i really gotta learn about how to get media playback to an acceptable quality here, i'm using ubuntukarmic15:39
daftykinstachiro1: form it as a question and ask away15:40
PatrickGleasontachiro1: check this out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EmbeddedUbuntu15:40
tachiro1pat: this is crazy, time for another cup of coffee to digest this15:41
tachiro1dafty: still remixing15:42
bzaksPatrickGleason: So upon further research - http://www.intellinuxwireless.org/ says that my kernel (.31) should support the drivers innately. However - its just the B) network its not detecting.15:42
magicvibesi had an app on my other ubuntu which i cannot remember what it was, but it let me configure compiz under System > Preferences -- does anyone know what I could use to configure compiz with a gui? preferable through right-clicking desktop and going to Visual Effects tab in Change Desktop Background ??15:42
SuspectZerohey there ,i was reading this tutorial >> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=688872 << in the first part of "what are the differences" it talks about an approach that only allows write access to certain important files/folders. which approach would that be?15:42
brendacomo estas15:42
remoteCTRL1still all of this seems more "informative" than practically applicable... no hcl there at least...15:42
bazhang!CCSM | magicvibes15:42
ubottumagicvibes: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz15:42
tachiro1ok i got a solution, so i'll comeback when i'm stumped again15:42
magicvibesbazhang, thanks :)15:43
remoteCTRL1tachiro1: would be interested in knowing what that is?15:43
bzaksbrenda: are you having problems or sharnig your WPA2 key?15:43
bazhangbrenda, english here #ubuntu-es for Spanish15:43
Seveas!es | brenda15:44
ubottubrenda: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:44
bazhangbrenda, /join #ubuntu-es15:44
maquetero-ppcbrenda: hola brenda15:44
tachiro1remote: ok what are some simpler solutions to improving the sounds quality in ubuntu karmic?15:44
bazhangbrenda, maquetero-ppc english here15:44
maquetero-ppcbrenda: es mejor el canal en español si no puedes realizar tus preguntas en ingles. se molestan :)15:45
tachiro1<- curently knows little, but i know i'm using that ALSA driver(?) for sound15:45
ManDayWhere do I get the "Vista Icon Theme" from?15:45
bazhangManDay, gnome-look.org ?15:45
brendahola a todosç15:45
nagarajahi all15:46
senthilhey dude one help..15:46
aarManDay, or kde-look.org (if you use kde)15:46
ManDaybazhang, darn it15:46
ManDayyeah right just ignore me15:46
maquetero-ppc no problem man!! I'm telling her the same15:46
ManDayi mistook it for a gtk engine15:46
senthilhow to install skype in ubuntu 9.1015:46
tachiro1sound quality*15:46
brendano lo entiendo15:46
maquetero-ppcI think you have a deb for skype15:46
kelopezbrenda, entra a #ubuntu-es15:47
aarsenthil, skype is in the medibuntu repository15:47
PatrickGleasongo to skype.com15:47
PatrickGleasonand download the .deb15:47
nagarajasenthil: http://technical-itch.co.uk/2007/09/18/how-to-install-skype-on-ubuntu/15:47
=== cyber-life is now known as rocket16
nagarajai think that link will be useful fr installing skype in linux15:47
aarsenthil, i would recommend doing it through the medibuntu repository. you will be sure it is compatible with ubuntu15:47
senthilaar: i cant understand15:48
kelopezbrenda, en el cliente irc, escribe /join #Ubuntu-es15:48
aarsenthil, follow nagaraja's URL.15:48
kelopezbrenda, tú ¬¬15:49
brendayo no15:50
maquetero-ppcsenthil: you have free options to skype15:50
maquetero-ppcekiga maybe15:50
newbie123abcpq o Ubuntu está em português de Portugal?15:53
bazhang!br | newbie123abc15:53
ubottunewbie123abc: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:53
MichaelXX2No english speakers in here?15:53
bazhangMichaelXX2, sure there are15:54
yellabshi there15:54
MichaelXX2This might not be the place for this, but has anyone tried running Linux on a Dingoo thing?15:54
MichaelXX2I heard they implemented that a while ago15:54
bazhangMichaelXX2, what version of Ubuntu?15:54
MichaelXX2I have no clue15:54
MichaelXX2It's called "Dingux"15:55
bazhangMichaelXX2, so speculative, or a support issue15:55
MichaelXX2I just want to know if it improves the performance or not15:55
bzaksInteresting - I've checked an iPhone, an Android Phone, a Window 7 client and a Ubuntu 9.10 client. The only one that detects the wireless b router is the windows client.15:55
MichaelXX2I heard it makes the emulators run more smoothly.15:55
PatrickGleasonbzaks: if I may be so bold, why 802.11 b?15:55
bazhangMichaelXX2, any connection to Ubuntu in there ?15:56
WishingMasteroh lord what any why i have done to my sys ?15:56
bzaksPatrickGleason: because the router is here at my parent's house and I was just trying to get wireless for the holiday weekend.15:56
MichaelXX2I never knew the difference between ubuntu and linux15:56
MichaelXX2I'm sorry, they all seem to be used in the same context15:56
bazhangMichaelXX2, #ubuntu-offtopic for chat please15:56
MichaelXX2Will do.15:56
PatrickGleasonbzaks: its a b router? wow-15:57
PatrickGleasonbzaks: do you have another laptop with g? you could set it up to do internet sharing.15:57
WishingMasterhow to get a 3g usb modem work in lucid?15:58
Pirate_HunterWishingMaster, #ubuntu+115:58
userRrhay algún ts o algo por el estilo en LInux?15:58
bzak2PatrickGleason: - sorry - I got disconnected - did I miss something?15:58
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:59
userRr!TeamSpeak for Linux16:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:00
userRr!google TeamSpeak for Linux16:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:00
userRr!google TeamSpeakLINUX16:00
bzak2userRr: http://www.google.com16:00
WishingMasteris there anyone who has upgraded to lucid ?16:00
userRrque asco de bot16:00
=== bzak2 is now known as bzaks
bazhangWishingMaster, sure in #ubuntu+1 the support channel for lucid16:01
sahilskhye, how can i install two linux distribution on the same hdd??16:02
qazibasitneed help installing ubuntu on laptop16:02
sahilskfor instance ubuntu+fedora?16:02
jribsahilsk: install fedora, leave room for ubuntu, install ubuntu16:03
bzakssahilsk: google dual booting16:03
senthileer: it show many error while installing skype16:03
bzaksqazibasit: what laptop? Where are you getting stuck?16:03
jribqazibasit: download ubuntu install iso, burn to a cd, put cd in disk, reboot and boot from cd, follow instructions on screen16:03
magicvibeshow does one setup desktop-switcher to middle-mouse click ?16:03
bzaksmagicvibes: I'd probably start in preferences16:03
toomydo u install skype by apt-get???16:03
jrib!skype | toomy16:04
ubottutoomy: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga16:04
Dr_Willismiddle mouse click - is normally 'paste the selection' buffer  -  not sure you can remap that easially16:04
magicvibesbzaks, i will start there then lol :P16:04
RelytHow do I enable Direct Rendering?16:05
edgy360what application?16:05
bzaksubottu: how do I learn your great wisdom?16:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:05
LincoN^My computer is alergic to windows16:05
qazibasitha ha ha ha16:05
RelytTrying to enable Direct Rendering for Frets On Fire16:05
qazibasitmine still having window16:05
bzaksLincoN^: only if you're not trying to use wireless B16:05
userRrand my computer too16:05
qazibasitand i am giving epinephrine as anti allergic to it16:06
larrylamsyHi, can someone help me to locate the menu.lst in Ubuntu please.16:06
LincoN^I try to install it16:06
roadapathyARRGHHH. Anybody with ATI HD3200 trying to recompile the kernel???16:06
Relytmenu.lst is in /boot if you have grub116:06
Relytgrub2 doesn't use menu.lst16:06
larrylamsyI could not find any it my /boot.16:06
qazibasitactually i am jealous to bill gates and hence dont want to use windows16:06
roadapathyActually, all I really want right now is a boot MENU...I want to be able to SELECT my stupid Kernels when I boot. Why does it force just the 1 kernel?16:07
RelytDo you have GRUB?16:07
qazibasitu have to edit the script16:07
qazibasityes in GRUB16:07
BluesKajRelyt, usually Direct rendering is automatic if your graphics card driver is capable16:07
roadapathylarrylamsy: Ubuntu 9.10? It doesn't have a menu.lst.16:07
larrylamsyYes , I have GRUB located in my /boot. But there is no menu.lst.16:08
dgmhi. is there anyway to convert an .mp4 file to an .avi? thx16:08
RelytI have an NVidia Geforce FX 5200 that says the driver and the card is capable of DR, but it says it's not enabled..16:08
roadapathySPEAKING OF GRUB/GRUB2. How can I get the menu back? I like the old style menu where it lets me choose from a list of Kernels! :-(16:08
qazibasitupdate the driver16:08
tsyj2007roadapathy: yes,it's /boot/grub/grub.cfg16:08
shevyi am using some ubuntu ... kernel 2.6.31 and using grub 1.97-beta4 - i don't find the grub menu.lst though. Does it have another name on Ubuntu, or is there some other file that lists the available kernels? I am asking because i just finished compiling a custom kernel16:08
BluesKajRelyt, run glxinfo | grep direct16:08
Dr_Willisroadapathy:  just set it not autohide the menu in the /etc/default/grub file16:08
roadapathytsy: I know about grub.cfg. I edit that too....I just want a menu16:08
LincoN^It gets bluescreen evrytime it goes in windows installation16:08
roadapathyDr: THANKS!!!!!16:09
=== ubuntudd is now known as RuyalarPrensi
ardchoilleRelyt: keep in mind that direct rendering is not the same as 3d graphics acceleration16:09
larrylamsyBut it does not allow me to edit the grub.cfg.16:09
Pirate_Hunter!grub2 | shevy16:09
ubottushevy: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub216:09
tsyj2007roadapathy: you can remove grub-pc,then install grub16:09
RelytIt's when I try to play the game, the output in Terminal says NVIDIA: Direct rendering failed, attempting indirect rendering.16:09
shevyah yes found it quickly Pirate_Hunter thanks. new name seems to be 'grub.cfg'16:10
Bokkiehow can I copy files from the original filesystem to an nfs share while using a live CD?16:10
Pirate_Huntershevy, I don't mess with it haven't had a need to yet but at least you found it16:10
bzaksBokkie: You can connect to a file share all the same as if you were using the normal version16:10
larrylamsyMany thanks, guys.16:10
userRresto es ubuntu españa xD!16:10
qazibasitso u found what u were looking for larrylamsy16:11
ardchoilleshevy: don't edit grub.cfg driectly16:11
Pirate_Hunter!es | userRr16:11
ubottuuserRr: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:11
qazibasitlarrylamsy thats amazing16:11
Bokkiebzaks: that works, I know... but somehow I can' t write to the share... so I must be doing something wrong...16:11
bzaksBokkie: Then its a permissions issue16:11
BluesKajRelyt, check this out ,  http://www.pastebin.ca/1855826 , sub gdm for kdm in those commands , since i run kde16:11
RelytHow do I go to a link in xchat, idk how to copy in paste in it...it won't let me16:12
BokkieI'll try again, even though I have 775 set on the original directory...16:12
RelytI know it's an off-topic question, but it's trying to get to that link..16:12
bazhangRelyt, right click16:12
bzaksBokkie: what NFS mount are you using? Samba? FTP?16:12
RelytOh, sorry, newb question :P16:12
userRry qué? esto es -es16:12
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:13
bazhanguserRr, /join #ubuntu-es16:13
bazhanguserRr, here is english #ubuntu-es for Spanish16:13
userRr;) #ubuntu-us16:13
Bokkiebzaks: simple nfs -> accessing via gnome16:14
userRrlol, bye bye16:14
whallallaHi guys. i installed ubuntu in a pc where win7 was installed. So now win 7 is not bootable. I have the cd in and tried o bootrec.exe /fixboot but no way. also /rebuildbcd says that the file system is not recognized16:14
bzaksBokkie: yes - but who is hosting it?16:14
kubanchow do i reintsall gdm16:14
Bokkiebzaks: the other ubuntu machine...16:14
ardchoille!fixgrub | whallalla16:15
ubottuwhallalla: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.16:15
chazcoHow long will 9.10 be supported for?16:15
whallallaardchoille, I lost win after ubuntu16:15
ardchoillewhallalla: oh, sorry16:15
RelytI've tried reinstalling the driver, even with that method...DR was still not work16:15
bzaksBokkie: Okay - try doing a triple 7 on the directory - I'm assuming you have all the users set up correctly?16:16
Bokkiechazco: since 8.04 is the previous LTS, I guess the difference between those too 8-)16:16
Bokkiebzaks: afaik... I'll have a try.16:16
chazcoBokkie - Just found it on wikipedia - April 2011. Thanks :)16:17
whallallaIf I run bootsect /nt60 C: it says: Access Denied16:17
Pirate_Hunter64 bit or 32 bit desktop, are the 64 bit application more stable than errrrh 5yrs ago... I am being serious. Does flash still has its qwerks working on 64bit?16:17
bazhangchenxing, #ubuntu-cn for Chinese16:17
BokkieHmmz... there's a thought: create the "ubuntu"  user on the server, and that'll do the trick 8-)16:17
kubanc** (gdm-binary:869): warning **: coudn't connect to system: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system/_bus_socket:no souch file or directory. what should this mean?16:17
cousteauwhen does ubuntu exactly enable the horizontal scrolling on laptop touchpads? I'm on lubuntu and it doesn't work by default, I want to know what should I edit to make it work by default16:18
cousteaumaybe a script on /etc/X11/Xsession.d/16:18
whallallaany idea guys?16:19
Pirate_Huntercousteau, I am just about certain that xorg.conf takes care of that, however, you might want to get a second opinion on that16:19
cousteauisn't xorg.conf empty since Hardy or so? (except for Nvidia cards)16:20
Pirate_Hunterwhallalla, if you lost windows just fix grub, reinstall it or manually edit it16:20
=== warriorforgod is now known as Guest75219
cousteau(ok, it's not empty, it simply doesn't exist)16:21
Pirate_Hunterwhallalla, what do you mean you lost it, when you reboot doesn't grub give an option to boot into windows? the weird screen with he count down and options16:21
shevyupdate-grub helped, the new kernel was automagically recognized and added :)16:21
Pirate_Huntercousteau, yeah forgot about that due to many comps working without xorg.conf they left it out but you can make it yourself16:21
Pirate_Huntercousteau, of course that good news for top end pcs but lower end pcs don't have such luck I had to make mine but than I did have a back up of it16:22
cousteauwell, this is just a single line command: xinput set-int-prop 'SynPS-2 Synaptics TouchPad' 'Synaptics Edge Scrolling' 8 1 1 016:24
cousteaubut afaik it works well on ubuntu by default, it doesn't on lubuntu, that's why I want to know how does Ubuntu make it work by deault16:24
Pirate_Huntercousteau, lubuntu?16:25
cousteauyes, an LXDE-based version16:26
cousteauI tried ubuntu netbook on my netbook, but it uses too many opengl things and doesn't work very well16:26
cousteau(also, karmic takes a lot to boot, so I installed lubuntu lucid)16:27
maquetero-ppcjust to install what you want16:27
Pirate_Huntercousteau, just redo your xorg with all options that should get everything working like it should and pop that option in their as well otherwise it might complain or mess up things which you might have to edit in rescue mode16:27
maquetero-ppccousteau: I did it in my imac and is awesome16:28
cousteaumaquetero-ppc: did what?16:28
Milp_mainDoes ubuntu support yaffs2?16:31
Pirate_Hunterwell i'll be off in a sec to reformat this comp and add a new hd16:31
Pirate_Hunterquick a question I can answer?16:32
Milp_mainDoes ubuntu support yaffs2?16:32
Milp_main:) theres a question for you :D16:32
maquetero-ppcinstall exactly what you want in those machines(netbook). maybe ubuntu run a lot things you won't  use. and of course you can costumize all system for a fast init16:33
magicvibesi <3 ubuntu and all the #ubuntu help :D16:33
cousteauMilp_main: a quick search on ubuntu packages doesn't show any package name or description containing yaffs16:34
Pirate_Huntermaquetero-ppc, apparently so but I aint certain since I never used that but this link makes it seem so - http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/browse_thread/thread/cd8731bd3c512688?pli=116:34
hdonmagicvibes, mouselook is broken and alt+tab is broken on some systems on ubuntu. yeah, rock on. :\16:34
Milp_mainok thanks cousteau, its a filesystem btw16:34
cousteauMilp_main: yeah, I guessed it from its name16:35
DustyStyx_Greetings.  I've a problem in that my network connection is not fully passing network traffic to programs in gnome (firefox, chat programs, etc.).  I can ping servers from within a terminal screen, and I can access the webportal ( of my DLS modem through Firefox, but if I try to display an actual webpage, it will time out. Any suggestions?16:35
DustyStyx_using 10.0416:35
Bokkiebzaks: no luck yet... now I apparently don't have rights to read the source HDD (the laptop's HDD)16:36
cousteaumaybe the DNS?16:36
=== DustyStyx_ is now known as DustyStyx
Pirate_Hunterok im off for a few long hours and DustyStyx check DNS in /etc/resolv.conf its probably pointing to default which would be something like erh add your own ones16:36
DustyStyxcousteau: maybe, but I'm using the ping command: ping www.yahoo.com and it resolves an IP just fine.16:37
cousteautry to use the ip instead of the domain name, just in case...16:37
DustyStyxit will actually resolve an ip for any webpage name I ping to.16:37
DustyStyxI'll try that thanks16:38
juancarlospacohi, i need help or opinion, i need to setup a crappy PC for public to use it like a Ciber, conected directly to a good hardware server, what do you recommend?, LTSP?, Userfull?, Virtualbox+RDP?16:38
Code_BleuHas anyone done an upgrade of their OS that is using a dm-crypt / LUKS encrypted HD?  I have a laptop that is encrypted and am wanting to upgrade to 10.04 when its released, but I just want to make sure there wont be any issues with it being encrypted16:40
SwedeMikeCode_Bleu: I've had problems with that ever since I upgraded to 9.10, I logged a case for 10.04 and it's underway16:41
juancarlospacoLSTP seems complex, maybe its better to make a VBOX on the server and connect the client with RDP16:42
Code_BleuSwedeMike: what kind of problems have you had?16:42
domcyrustrying to add xinput settings to /etc/X11/Xsession.d/90trackpoint16:42
domcyrusbut they are not getting sourced when starting gnome...16:43
DustyStyxcousteau: alright, it does look like it may be the DNS.  I'm getting to various wepages using the IP well enough. O16:43
DustyStyxI'll look into the file Pirate_Hunter indicated16:43
cousteausometimes the dnss work slow...16:43
guitar-maniacHey! Can anyone help me with .iso files through wine? Id like to install one game and i have it .iso files..16:44
DustyStyxI think it might have gotten confused when I tried connecting to a seperate wireless point yesterday16:44
cousteauguitar-maniac: mount it16:44
SwedeMikeCode_Bleu: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/51652416:44
cousteausudo mount -o loop file.iso /mnt16:44
guitar-maniacmsg/cousteau How can i mount it?16:44
cousteauand then tell wine to use /mnt as unit E: or whatever16:45
mawstI think I want to change pulse to alsa16:45
mawstpulse seems buggy16:45
erUSUL!iso | guitar-maniac16:45
ubottuguitar-maniac: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.16:45
guitar-maniacOk, i try that link. thanks! :)16:46
cousteauwell, the link is only needed if the image is on a weird format16:46
cousteau"iat" is the program for that, I think16:46
magicvibescan someone help me diagnose and possible fix my Art Manager? every time i click "download only" or "install" it crashes16:47
m0arHow do I install kde on lucid?16:47
ardchoille!lucid | m0ar16:47
ubottum0ar: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule16:47
brontosaurusrexis there a way to see diff bewteen two files with gedit or similar?16:48
ardchoillebrontosaurusrex: I use meld for that16:48
ardchoille!info meld16:49
m0arardchoille: I'm aware of that.16:49
ubottumeld (source: meld): graphical tool to diff and merge files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.0-2 (karmic), package size 658 kB, installed size 2304 kB16:49
ardchoillem0ar: then you should ask in #ubuntu+116:49
brontosaurusrexardchoille: ty16:49
ardchoillebrontosaurusrex: yw16:49
m0arardchoille: A simple question like that?16:50
ardchoillem0ar: all lucid questions go in #ubuntu+1 right now16:50
m0arardchoille: Since I asked in both I figured one would be faster to reply.16:51
m0arardchoille: Not like it's totally irrelevant16:52
brontosaurusrexardchoille: cool stuff, i could saw at once that no merging is required, just a replace16:52
ardchoillebrontosaurusrex: yep, meld is nice16:52
ardchoillem0ar: the "Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1" from the bot should have tipped you off16:53
autoclesis!media players16:53
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs16:53
DustyStyxcousteau & Pirate_Hunter:  Thanks, that's working great now.  I just stuck a # in front of  the 192 address and made sure it's pointing to my IPS's DNS.16:53
DustyStyxerr the line containing the 192 address.16:53
ardchoille!info totem16:54
ubottutotem (source: totem): A simple media player for the GNOME desktop based on GStreamer. In component main, is optional. Version 2.28.2-0ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 500 kB, installed size 1444 kB16:54
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:54
lallamode %n &216:54
Pirate_HunterDustyStyx, no problem glad to help even knowing I popped outside and still managed to see your message :D16:54
lallame &216:55
ardchoillelalla: Need help with something?16:55
lallaardchoille,my  xchat says i'm in +i mode16:56
paul3333hi...I created another user (pauluser) with desktop privileges..but when I try to log in right that, the system automatically logs out after 10seconds..any ideas?16:56
lallawha is it?16:56
ardchoillelalla: This prevents you from appearing in global WHO/WHOIS by normal users, and hides which channels you are on.16:57
sireorioni got one question.... have any one here used motion before?16:57
magicvibescan someone help me diagnose and possible fix my Art Manager? every time i click "download only" or "install" it crashes16:57
sireorionif u have how do i see the output on the web16:57
mossyAnyone know if 10.04 works in parallels16:59
WilabobHi, I'm having a problem installing ubuntu... I've installed it a bunch of times and never had this problem. For whatever reason the installer won't install grub. The alternate cd gets to installing the grub boot loader and then says error installing the package grub-pc into /target/ and on the live cd it says configuring grub boot loader and then it reboots. When it starts it says Grub error: file not found. Any suggestions?16:59
ardchoille!lucid | mossy16:59
ubottumossy: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule16:59
paul3333hi...I created another user (pauluser) with desktop privileges..but when I try to log in right that, the system automatically logs out after 10seconds...any ideas?16:59
mossyThat was my fault.16:59
* mossy is sorry17:00
ardchoillemossy: no worries17:00
VigoWilabob: What version?17:00
mossyI guess I'll scoot on over there then17:00
WilabobVigo: 9.1017:00
dagny_taggartWilabob: do you have enough disk space on /target/ ?17:01
rogue780Hello! I'm trying to get urbanterror running, but when I run it my mouse sticks to the bottom right. I can start moving it but then it keeps jumping back to the bottom right. Does anyone know how to fix this?17:01
VigoWilabob: Is it standalone , or are there other OSs on the box?17:01
Vigorogue780: Is that a deb package or is it a Wine something?17:04
rogue780Vigo, no. It's just a linux binary from urbanterror.net17:04
paul3333hi...ubuntu won't keep logged in new users I add from my super-user, anyone have a clue?17:05
Vigorogue780: Do you have the Alien installed?17:05
kltrgHi. My Epson Stylus SX410 printer/scanner is not recognized as a scanner, neither by xsane nor by gscan2pdf. It is, however, listed as a supported device on sane-project.org which seems to be the underlying backend for scanners in linux (am I right?). What could be the problem? Do I have an outdated sane version on my Ubuntu 09.10?17:05
WilabobVigo: sorry was afk... It's a standalone and the hard drive has 160GB so I think thats enough17:06
ardchoille!alien| Vigo rogue78017:06
ubottuVigo rogue780: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)17:06
jmcantrellubuntu one syncing working for anyone?17:06
WilabobVigo: And I've installed on this machine a bunch of times before so I don't know why it's doing this17:06
rogue780ardchoille, uh, was not using RPM files...17:06
ardchoillerogue780: just wanted you to know since Vigo asked if you had it installed17:07
VigoWilabob: Yes, I was also looking at dagny_taggarts reply, let me look up some data...17:07
rogue780oh, my bad. no I do not have alien installed.17:07
flyingtabmowanyone know how to load a modmap file at login?  (unfortunately can't use .Xmodmap or similar, has to be via a script... the loading is conditional)17:08
VigoWilabob: Grub error? you suppose or ,hrmmm17:08
cousteauflyingtabmow: I put a script on /etc/X11/Xsession.d for something similar17:09
jribflyingtabmow: see xmodmap's man page for syntax: xmodmap FILE17:09
cousteauyou can also add it to Startup Apps17:09
WilabobVigo:  I don't know... It just started doing this recently.17:09
zero-coolhello did anybody was install ubuntu from external hard drive?17:09
flyingtabmowcousteau: i've tried that, but it seems to get clobbered... it doesn't stick around17:09
Vigorogue780: Alien can be a few things, binaries and such may need a package from the repository to work correctly.17:10
flyingtabmowcousteau: or did you put it after 99x11-common-start?17:10
NobleWhat is the default filesystem on / on a 9.10 install?17:10
zero-cool i was taking unetbootin but when process done i reboot and boot they told me no operanting sistem17:10
cousteauflyingtabmow: actually, I put it on 50 or so17:10
erUSULNoble: ext417:11
Roastedhey - is there any way to netsend a windows box a message from ubuntu?17:11
NobleerUSUL: ty17:11
cousteauare you using an absolute path for the file?17:11
VigoWilabob: Welcome to Freedom! It is a bit of a learning curve, or forgetting curve, I am still looking that data up, i386 or 64bit?17:11
WilabobVigo: i38617:12
sine_how do i search a file i need to fine gdm.conf gdm keeps freezing on my and i have to restart it so i want to enable debug17:12
rogue780Vigo, I think it's an X configuration problem. I remember fixing this before by editing xorg.conf...but with the new ubuntu versions, there is no more xorg.conf really17:12
flyingtabmowcousteau: hmmm... something must be odd about my gnome setup, when it's low numbered like that it doesn't stick around (i've also tried adding it to startup applications, which many people online suggest, but that doesn't seem to work for me either, even though i know it's being run)17:12
jribsine_: should be in /etc/17:12
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cousteauflyingtabmow: are you using an absolute path for the file? because if you're using `xmodmap file` or `xmodmap ~/file` it will probably not work17:12
Hekos_nbr 10.4, any way to unlock the panel ?17:12
icerootHekos_: #ubuntu+117:12
sine_ok of course that is where all the config files are stored. just out of curiosety how do i search for a file17:12
flyingtabmowcousteau: i've tried it both ways... it seems to run successfully, but then afterwards something else loads a different one i'm guessing17:13
Hekos_iceroot, k17:13
jribsine_: use « locate » or « find »17:13
WilabobVigo: Actually, I think when I installed I used the 9.04 disk then updated :S17:13
cousteauflyingtabmow: or add something like `bash -c 'sleep 10 && xmodmap FILE'` to your startup apps17:14
cousteau(without the backticks)17:14
flyingtabmowcousteau: cool i'll try that, thanks17:14
EnkkHello everyone from a new ubunter! :)17:15
Pirate_Hunterrealised I can't format my comp yet well that was awkward17:15
VigoWilabob: Ahh, that helps, a little, still looking,,,17:15
jmcantrellubuntu one syncing working for anyone?17:15
Enkkcould i ask something? :D17:15
Pirate_HunterEnkk, please do otherwise this channel is pointless17:16
sine_what is the config file for gdm17:16
switch10_Pirate_Hunter: hey just FYI I was unsuccessful in recovering data with testdisk.  It did recover the partitions though..17:17
sine_i cant seem to find one17:17
VigoWilabob: Secondary HDD or a single unit?17:17
Pirate_Hunterswitch10_, I see, was it because you repartitioned first or because the data had been overwritten?17:17
ardchoillesine_: What are you wanting to do?17:17
WilabobVigo: It has two HDD but I'm using the primary one17:17
sine_i want to kno why gdm keeps freezing and i lost my work17:18
VigoWilabob: This might be it: > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=144509517:18
Enkkso, i have a logitect webcam and i would like to found some  drivers for it17:18
Pirate_Hunterswitch10_, I am curious to know what went wrong17:18
sine_someone suggested turning on debug mode so i can read whats happening17:18
Enkkbut i don't know what version it is17:19
Enkkso, how can i discover it?17:19
MaletorWhat should I set the permissions to on /var/www/mydomain.com ???17:19
crankharderafter installing 9.10 server it can't find any boot medium -- I booted into rescue mode and there's nothing inside of /boot -- any ideas why that may be?17:19
cousteauEnkk: webcam drivers are usually not needed17:19
switch10_Pirate_Hunter: I think it was because I repartitioned. I think it may have worked if I had just deleted the partition and not written over it with a new one.  test # 2 I guess :)17:19
ardchoilleMaletor: I suggest leaving them as they are so the server can do what it needs to do17:19
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cousteaujust open cheese and try to see if it works17:19
Pirate_HunterMaletor, give permission to www-data and yourself17:19
WilabobVigo: Nah, didn't help17:20
Enkkcousteau, is not that easy, i already tried but it doesn't work. It stays "on" for like 20 seconds, then the imagine turns black17:20
Pirate_Hunterswitch10_, will wait for test 2, if you wouldn't mind could you write your results in the forum, I'll be able to read exactly what you did and how you did it17:20
switch10_Pirate_Hunter: I want to test it on a failed HDD, but i need to find one first.17:21
cousteauEnkk: maybe if you wait a bit... my cam looks black until it gets good light17:21
DasEicrankharder: maybe corrupt disk ?17:21
DasEi(installer medium)17:21
switch10_Pirate_Hunter: yeah I will document the next test in a post17:21
VigoWilabob: Are you upgrading or doing a fresh install over an older version?17:21
jmcantrellubuntu one syncing working for anyone?17:22
WilabobVigo: Fresh install17:22
Enkkcousteau i waited for about 30 min :p17:22
Enkkand also, it doesn't work in emesene.17:22
switch10_jmcantrell: yes.  are you unable to connect?17:22
WilabobVigo: Well actually there was another ubuntu on it but I erased it and then installed this one17:22
Pirate_Hunterswitch10_, just make your hdd fail I bet you can find ways to do so online without actually breaking it, I know a while back I found one to test how many writes you can do on a usb before it completely fail lol, wonder if it cna be changed to hd instead but you may not be able to recover it afterwards :s17:22
crankharderDasEi: my ubuntu disk or the hard drive?17:22
cousteauwebcams stopped working on MSN when they changed the protocol, I think17:23
DasEicrankharder: the cd, did you verify the d/l and the cd itself ?17:23
brontosaurusrexwhats a decent 'home' icon, other than lil houses?17:23
Pirate_Hunterjmcantrell, no clue don't use it, yet17:23
jmcantrellswitch10_: it connects, but nothing syncs.17:23
VigoWilabob: Ok, that may matter, I am still reading a few Documents,,,,17:23
Enkkcousteau, so one one is able to use it?17:24
Pirate_Huntercousteau, webcams work on empathy with msn, you might need to use the package from the ppa17:24
switch10_jmcantrell: have you tried removing the config file?      rm .config/ubuntuone17:24
cousteauPirate_Hunter: dunno, the webcam support was dropped from aMSN since the protocol changed17:24
Pirate_Hunterbrontosaurusrex, home icon can be whatever you want even a head or a picture of yourself17:24
jmcantrellswitch10_: i guess i can try that.17:25
Pirate_Huntercousteau, oh amsn errrrh haven't touched that in a while I thought it wasn't being supported anymore17:25
Enkkwell i know that emesene introduced the webcam only in lastest versions17:25
VigoWilabob: This is the Official Document on that:> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation , about middle page is : Installing on external or RAID hard disks17:25
cousteauPirate_Hunter: it is, they released 0.98.3 a while ago... it even supported audio/video conversations on 0.98.1 before the protocols were changed17:26
Pirate_HunterWilabob, just did a server install with raid and  lvm I might be able to help, what is your problem?17:26
cousteauwhat isn't moving is that aMSN2 thing17:27
Enkkalso emesene2 is going to be up17:27
WilabobPirate_Hunter: I'm not doing a server install. The problem is that grub won't install17:27
Pirate_Huntercousteau, oh didn't know but what is wrong with using the app provided by ubuntu empathy is doing great with video support i've tested it, however, not recently17:27
Pirate_HunterWilabob, stick with lilo for raid I still havent managed to get grub working, lilo is simple17:28
cousteauwell, maybe they fixed it, but I think it might have also stopped working there17:28
Pirate_HunterWilabob, and did you put boot in raid1 otherwise it wont boot the system which is a pain17:28
WilabobPirate_Hunter: Can I do that without reinstalling?17:28
thechefIf you have a PC running Linux, is it still a PC?17:29
zubin71hello, anyone here worked on iptables?17:29
WilabobPirate_Hunter: I don't know..17:29
cousteau"Voice and video call using SIP, XMPP, Google Talk and MSN." - I thought aMSN was the only with voice support...17:29
zubin71i`ll rephrase; anyone worked on any project related to iptables?17:29
WilabobPirate_Hunter: I was running grub before but I needed to reinstall and now it's not working.17:29
switch10_thechef: PC= personal computer.  no matter what the apple commercials tell you...17:29
DasEithechef: what else ?ß sure17:29
VigoPirate_Hunter: Wilabob stated earlier is rather new at Ubuntu.17:29
Adhokswitch10: /agree17:30
switch10_thechef: so yes.  an apple is a personal computer as well...17:30
Pirate_HunterWilabob, that I ain't too sure but if it is a clean install reinstalling shouldn't be a problem, however, you may want to wait for soemone who can help you fixing that without reinstallinh17:30
frxstremis there an alternative to iTunes for Ubuntu that would let me sync my iPod touch to my computer?17:30
WilabobVigo: Alright... what guide do you want me to follow? How do you know I have a RAID HDD17:30
cousteauwell, maybe I'm wrong and the protocol change only affects aMSN17:30
erUSUL!ipod | frxstrem17:30
thechefokay, then some game publishers and apple must be weird17:30
ubottufrxstrem: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod17:31
Pirate_HunterVigo, oh didnt read that17:31
DasEi!ipod | frxstrem17:31
Pirate_HunterWilabob, you had grub running earlier with raid and it booted the system before you had to reinstall?17:31
VigoPirate_Hunter: It was stated earlier, all good.17:31
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Lord_Chewbakkaany1 know a good CDburning program?17:32
Pirate_HunterVigo, ok i missed it oh well will be more helpful if I can17:32
VigoWilabob: Do you know if you used the LVM?17:32
switch10_frxstrem: yes I wrote a how to with a vid..  http://u-bunted.blogspot.com/17:32
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Pirate_HunterVigo, that is what I was think but they said grub was working and I would assume just like the server version lilo would be chosen as the boot loader instead of grub17:33
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WilabobVigo:  I don't know what that is... :S17:33
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Pirate_HunterLord_Chewbakka, depends on you but brasero, gnome-baker are all good17:33
frxstremwell, will any of those methods work on a not jailbroken iPod touch/iPhone?17:33
etyhello...anybody know the channel for windows user?17:33
DaZety: ##windows ? :f17:33
switch10_frxstrem: see my link..17:33
frxstremswitch10_: yes I did17:33
Lord_ChewbakkaPirate_Hunter: currently on xcdroast, but it wont work, is brasero good?17:34
Pirate_HunterWilabob, lets start from the start what exactly happened, what tutorial did you follow to install ubuntu on raid, since at the moment I am going in circles17:34
switch10_frxstrem: it works great on a non jailboken ipod touch..  I have done many for friends.17:34
VigoWilabob: Okee dokee, Large Volume Manager17:34
Pirate_HunterLord_Chewbakka, they are all good depending on what you mean by good, brasero don't work for me but gnome-baker does with the patch17:34
frxstremswitch10_: alright, I'll try it17:34
Lord_ChewbakkaPirate_Hunter: how come it doesnt work, only work with sum disbs?17:35
etyDa2: thanx17:35
Pirate_HunterLord_Chewbakka, it all depends on your system but try them and see which is betetr for you17:36
brontosaurusrexPirate_Hunter: sure, i mean what could be used as a symbol really, found greek 'theta'17:36
WilabobVigo: I tried the alternate cd and the live cd. I used the live cd last. I followed the instructions and chose Guided - use entire disk. I also tried manual and made a seperate /boot partition but that didn't work either. The installation went through, got to 95% and then said configuring boot loader and restarted.17:36
Lord_ChewbakkaPirate_Hunter: thank maan17:37
lydiaHello, how can I deactivate network access for wine ?17:37
Pirate_Hunterbrontosaurusrex, sorry I lost you...17:37
VigoWilabob: Ah, Thank you, I believe that Pirate_Hunter and I can assist you better now,,,,17:37
erUSULlydia: i do not think you can do that easily17:38
magicvibeshow can i setup my ATI Radeon ?17:38
brontosaurusrexPirate_Hunter: nm17:38
erUSUL!ati | magicvibes17:38
ubottumagicvibes: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:38
magicvibesone second compiz recognizes and produces good quality gui effects, next second it tell me not supported graphics17:38
WilabobVigo: I'm in the alternate cd right now, and I'm at Partition disks, should I choose anything different than I did before?17:39
jcpIs there a way to instruct xdg-open to invoke vlc to open mms:// urls? Chrome is using xdg-open to open streaming ASF files, but Totem doesn't know how to understand them while VLC does.17:39
Lord_ChewbakkaPirate_Hunter: brasero worked like a charm! awsome!17:39
Pirate_HunterWilabob, if the first time you chose full install and the second time you partitioned a section for boot it wont work I had the same issue had to literally wipe the disk to zero and clear mbr before redoing the process again17:40
VigoWilabob: Not really, just select Use Entire Disk, what Pirate_Hunter said is important also.17:40
Pirate_HunterWilabob, for soem reason once raid is chosen you can't undo the partitions unless the disk is wiped I found that quite strange17:41
WilabobPirate_Hunter: I never chose raid. So how do I wipe the mbr?17:41
DasEiPirate_Hunter: soft raid ? you can edit the md device, but if you do other then resize, data gets lost same as in standard hd17:42
coachjcan someone tell me how to disable the screen lockout?17:42
DasEicoachj: scrrensaver ?17:43
Pirate_HunterWilabob, you never chose raid, sorry, so why did you try to create a boot partition, what went wrong the first time17:43
Pirate_HunterDasEi, ok17:43
WilabobPirate_Hunter: Old bios and I had windows in the seccond partition.17:44
coachjDasEi:::yes after a few minutes it goes to a blank screen then requires the password to get back in17:44
Lord_Chewbakkadoes ubuntu have a built in partition tool?17:44
WilabobPirate_Hunter: I started this whole thing so that I could get rid of windows...17:44
igoryonyaHello, my panels freeze, after boot, intermittently. Once, I boot, they are ok, an other time, they freeze, and when they freeze, I have to reboot and hope that they will not be frozen after boot. How can I fix it? Ubuntu 9.04 64bit Gnome.17:44
PatrickGleasonLord_Chewbakka: yup- gparted17:44
Pirate_HunterWilabob, I think a reinstall is in order otherwise you can try fixing grub yourself17:44
Pirate_Hunter!grub | Wilabob17:44
ubottuWilabob: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.17:44
Vigo!gparted | Lord_Chewbakka17:45
ubottuLord_Chewbakka: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php17:45
DasEicoachj: system > preferences > screensaver17:45
coachjDasEi:: Oh my I didn't see it....WOW17:45
Pirate_Hunterigoryonya, you can start by reading the logs in /var/log/ for problems i.e. dmesg, sys.log, message and kernel17:45
DasEicoachj: you'll find it there17:46
WilabobPirate_Hunter: Thing is I've reinstalled like 4 or 5 times since deleting windows and it has never worked, It always has the same grub error.17:46
crankharderI think my installation issue is that the grub installer thinks my boot HD is hd0 -- when it's actually sde.  I'm still in the installer, dropped to a shell and there's no menu.lst in side of /boot/grub -- where can I edit this?17:46
coachjDasEi: got it LOL17:46
DasEicrankharder: karmic ?17:46
DasEicrankharder: is karmic, it uses grub2 now, the config changed, file to edit is /etc/default/grub, but..17:47
escalador_wtf is this17:47
DasEicrankharder: I didn't get your whole question/issue17:48
PatrickGleasonescalador_: ?17:48
Lord_Chewbakkaubottu: do i have to restart and wait for boot, because if i shut down my computer it crashes?17:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:48
rdogg112guys i was mkfs'ing my external hard drive, and i accidently closed the terminal, now not even dmesg will see the drive17:48
escalador_sry i choose the wrong channel17:48
rdogg112did I kill my drive or can i fix it?17:48
crankharderDasEi: i think it's trying to boot to hd0 and not sde (which is where i choose to install to)17:48
crankharder...it's done this before17:48
DasEiLord_Chewbakka: ubott.. is the channel ro-bot17:48
escalador_and the wrong server xD17:48
crankharderhad to manually change it because the installer screws up17:48
DasEi!brain > Lord_Chewbakka17:48
ubottuLord_Chewbakka, please see my private message17:48
coachjIf I wanted to go to a them that looked more like the them on 9.10 which one would i select?17:48
crankharderDasEi: I don't see hd0 or sde in that config file17:48
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Pirate_HunterWilabob, boot livecd follow the instructions in this link http://how-to.wikia.com/wiki/How_to_wipe_a_hard_drive_clean_in_Linux it even gives you the command to wipe mbr. I think its best to start with a clean hd also you might want to check for any issue with ubuntu and your board, however I very much doubt it17:49
Lord_ChewbakkaDasEi: im such a noob17:49
rdogg112so can I fix my drive?17:49
crankharderDasEi: I'm looking for what used to be /boot/grub/menu.lst17:50
DasEiLord_Chewbakka: np, everybody got it's pros n lacks17:50
VigoWilabob: Yes, what Pirate_Hunter said, this is an older post, it is relevant to the issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=752939&highlight=wipe+disk17:50
igoryonyaPirate_Hunter: what's the command to see last few lines in the log?17:50
maverickapollotail -f17:51
DasEicrankharder: it is a complete new grub now, see :17:51
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub217:51
coz_crankharder,  that has changed with grub2... to get a better idea about this you may want to visit the #grub channel17:51
Pirate_Hunterigoryonya, tail / tail -100 to see the last 100 lines but I would stick with less which shows you everything17:51
Lord_ChewbakkaDasEi: understood, some day il be leet you see ;D17:51
Pirate_Huntermaverickapollo, tail -f is useful when spotting error or checking what programs are doing17:52
coz_crankharder,  its all script driven now17:52
VigoRatso, I forgot the command, that is bad17:53
DasEicrankharder: so whole story is you have grub installed on first hd and want it to boot another hd ?17:53
Pirate_HunterLord_Chewbakka, you'll never be leet there is no such thing where always learning something new or how to do something we already knew a different way17:53
frxstremcan you revert the ifuse command?17:53
coachjUbuntu just does take advantage of my video card like  !@#$% (another Distro) does, wonder why.17:53
DasEicoachj: ati ?17:54
coachjDasEi: yes17:54
BitEncryptHow do i delete a icon from my application menu17:54
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frxstremBitEncrypt: System -> Preferences -> Main Menu, find the icon there and remove it17:54
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cdc09or right click on a panel and go properties17:55
DasEicoachj: there is a problem with xorg since hardy, as ati's propitary won't install easily anymore, but the openhd driver , least for 2d does well, which modell ?17:55
Pirate_HunterBitEncrypt, right click menu > edit menu > find category where is located > remove17:55
VigoOnline Ubuntu bot> http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi17:56
Pirate_HunterVigo, are you just messing with the bot?17:56
coachjDasEi: Radon 900017:56
Lord_ChewbakkaPirate_Hunter: thx for the peptalk, my spirit is now broken D:17:56
VigoPirate_Hunter: Not me! I was just figuring or remembering those commands or calls,,,no not me!17:57
DasEicoachj: with  that can use openradeon only for this time, lowest is a 9200 can be tricked as far as I know17:57
coachjDasEi: didnt follow you17:58
Pirate_HunterLord_Chewbakka, dont be it is actually more useful this way believe me17:58
Synapse-is there a channel for usb linux drivers?17:58
Synapse-or dev channel for USB17:58
VigoSynapse: Try #hardware or such?17:59
cdc09how do u stop a running telnet connection in terminal17:59
Pirate_Huntercdc09, typing \q or quit should do18:00
VigoTelnet-: Sorry, did not see the -, did you try #hardware?18:00
cjwaredoes anyone here give me some advice on ubuntu server18:00
DasEicoachj: did you look under system > hardwaredrivers if there is an option for your card ?18:00
Synapse-how do you view the usb devices in karmic?18:00
DasEiSynapse-: lsusb18:00
cdc09Pirate_Hunter, \q doesnt work, aswell as cntrl+z and contrl+x18:01
coachjDasEi: it doesn't give an option, I am looking for 3D like to play UT once in awhile18:01
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal18:01
Pirate_Huntercdc09, typing quit should do18:01
DasEicoachj: that'll be hard on that , can try :18:01
hafidzcdc09 kill process18:01
cdc09tried that too, this ofcourse has nothing to do with my open irc tab18:01
Brokiehi guys18:01
gbear14275my mouse stopped working... not sure what to do.  Its showing up under lsusb... but yeah... not sure where to go from here... anyone able to help?18:01
blendmaster1024how do i go about getting a program in the repository?18:02
hafidzgbear unplug the mouse and checked back18:02
BrokieSlightly off subject, but http://digg.com/odd_stuff/boycottjusthost <--- Justhost has a time machine, they use to suspend accounts BEFORE they cause problems :)18:02
DasEicoachj: sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx18:02
jrib!packaging | Brokie18:02
ubottuBrokie: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports18:02
jribblendmaster1024: erm, that was for you18:02
Pirate_Hunterblendmaster1024, if it is in the repository just type apt-get install or aptitude install than the name of the app18:02
cdc09ahh no worries, the connection was closed on the other end. its weird that hotkeys to kill it didnt work18:02
coachjDasEi: i'll try it18:02
DasEicoachj: after that ..18:02
Synapse-I used lsusb and the device doesn't show up in lsusb because there is no driver for linux18:03
Synapse-is there a way I can mount the filesystem somehow?18:03
gbear14275hafidz: unplugged and plugged back in... no effect... or did you want me to do something else?18:03
jribblendmaster1024: do you want to install a program that is already in the repositories, or do you want to add a program to the repositories that currently isn't in it?18:03
Synapse-or register some generic driver for the filesystem18:03
blendmaster1024Pirate_Hunter, i'm trying to get my application into the repository18:03
VigoSynapse-: Mouse?18:03
Synapse-Bus 002 Device 013: ID 0582:0077 Roland Corp.18:03
hafidzhmm..what type of mouse do u used?18:04
Synapse-thats my roland drum/bass machine18:04
Synapse-it showed up in lsusb18:04
coachjDasEi: still  here18:04
Synapse-is there anyway to mount the fs?18:04
Pirate_Hunterblendmaster1024, that is different, hmmm, never tried that, sorry can't help you can try doing it through ppa but i can't help you there either18:04
gbear14275hafidz: logitech anywhere mx... it was working before... but I've been running lucid beta and it stopped working18:04
DasEicoachj: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf   ,  add :18:05
Pirate_Hunterok i'll be off booting to windows before I erase it permanently and reformat this system, adios amigos18:05
hafidzlsusb..can u show me the read?18:05
gbear14275hafidz: I'm in ubuntu+1 as well... but no one is there... was hoping to do some more troubleshooting but never had a problem and don't know what to do other than see if its registering under lsusb... which it is18:05
gbear14275Bus 005 Device 007: ID 046d:c52b Logitech, Inc.18:05
DasEicoachj: Section "Device"18:06
VigoSynapse-: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=539389&highlight=usb+driver18:06
DasEicoachj: Identifier   "Configured Video Device"18:06
Synapse-Vigo: there is no driver for what I'm using18:06
Synapse-which is why I want to get it working and document it18:06
DasEicoachj: Driver  "fglrx"18:06
Synapse-how do I mount a USB device's filesystem?18:07
DasEicoachj: End Section18:07
VigoSynapse-: That is the lspci command, wait, a Drum machine?18:07
DasEicoachj: line by line,  as given, save xorg.conf,  close gedit18:07
hafidzgbear* wait i'll check it out18:07
DasEiSynapse-: which /dev  is it ?18:07
coachj  DasEi: got it18:07
DasEicoachj: log off and back on to reload x18:08
gbear14275hafidz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/408675/18:08
DasEiSynapse-: (lsub tells you)18:08
karanhow do i erease a cd-r in ubuntu? i tried to burn the iso for lucid lynx but i installed it as a file so i wanna know how to erease the cd-r18:09
karanany help?18:09
Vigokaran: Do you have another CD-r or a USB?18:10
badweatherDoes anyone know how to change the font and increase the font size when loading an app using X tunneling with a server like Xming?18:10
Synapse-Bus 002 Device 013: ID 0582:0077 Roland Corp  |  iManufacturer           1 BOSS Corp | iProduct                2 BOSS DR-88018:10
Synapse-DasEi: thats it18:10
hafidz*so if u unplugged it it still not working eahh?18:10
karanim low on cd-r's so18:10
karani dont wanna waste the18:10
Vigokaran: Have you tried the Upgrade?18:10
Synapse-dasei: Bus 002 Device 013: ID 0582:0077 Roland Corp  |  iManufacturer           1 BOSS Corp | iProduct                2 BOSS DR-88018:10
gbear14275hafidz: if I unplug it?  I'm not sure I understand...18:11
DasEiSynapse-: sudo fdisk -l , which dev ?  /dev/sdb1 ?18:11
karan<Vigo> how do i do that?:s18:11
Synapse-I dont think its going to show up as a filesystem18:11
hafidzi mean u unplugged the mouse out18:11
DasEiSynapse-: should18:11
Vigokaran: One moment please, getting that information now.18:11
hafidzand then plugged it back18:11
Synapse-Im gonna privmsg you something18:12
gbear14275hafidz: the mouse is a wireless mouse with one of those micro usb dongles.  I have tried plugging and unplugging it multple times... but if it is unplugged then it wont work.18:12
ubutom3a cd-r cannot be erased18:12
Synapse-see ms18:12
karan<Vigo> okay18:12
zapdsli keep getting an "unexpected inconsistency, run fsck manually" when i boot up, and i'm pretty sure i'd be able to run fsck myself, but i can't seem to get myself to a prompt...is there some non-obvious key combination i'm missing?18:12
Vigokaran: Here it is:> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades18:13
DasEiSynapse-: that's your internal, yes18:13
Harrison_BergeroCan someone help me with starting pulseaudio?18:13
karan<Vigo> OMG thank you18:13
Vigokaran: You are very welcome, I hope that is the page you were looking for, happy Upgrades!18:14
Harrison_BergeroI get this message when attempting to start it:  W: lock-autospawn.c: Fehler beim Zugriff auf Autostart -Sperre.18:14
Harrison_BergeroE: main.c: Failed to acquire autospawn lock18:14
glorikafack you18:14
Synapse-DasEi: it doesn't show the filesystem mounted18:15
JenniferBis there an easy way to let people in an download a file or folder with linux? ... i have ftp and ssh installed.. but don't how to provide them with the link to the file18:15
karan<Vigo> do i install the updates first or can i just upgrade without installing them18:15
DasEikaran: on the unmounted (!) dive : cdrecord dev=/dev/cdrom blank=fast18:15
Synapse-DasEi: pasting you more stuff, sorry18:15
StevenRhi. When I adjust the volume, a grey rectangle appears near top right showing the volume adjust... but when I alter my laptop's panel brightness, it doesn't do that. How do I get this back? It used to do it but stopped yesterday.18:15
Vigokaran: Upgrade, then Update, daily.18:15
eremitekaran: I would update before upgrading.  sudo apt-get update18:15
Synapse-thats my startup and it doesn't mount because there is no driver that exists for the roland18:15
Synapse-and I basically need to load recognize the filesystem somehow18:16
eremiteVigo: should should update before upgrading, always18:16
JenniferBno one?18:16
DarsVaedahi, does somebody know how to install digikam 1.2.0 on ubuntu 9.10?18:16
eremite!ask | JenniferB18:16
ubottuJenniferB: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:16
Synapse-in windows you basically drag a file onto the filesystem and it works18:16
DarsVaeda(or can provide a link)18:16
Vigokaran: Whoops, eremite is correct, I thought you had an updated system. My apologies.18:16
DasEiSynapse-: I assume next to your internal it's the only additional storage ?18:16
eremiteSynapse-: you can drag an d drop in Linux filestsyems too18:17
localnutterJenniferB: If you have FTP running, then just give the FTP address to the file.18:17
karan<Vigo> its alright i just reinstall 9.10 thats why..18:17
Synapse-its some shitty storage on the roland, probably like a flash card18:17
Synapse-but the USB recognizes, if I could just mount the filesystem somehow, I'd be good18:17
eremitekaran: ALWAYS update your current machine befoer upgrading, unless you are doing a *clean* install.18:17
Vigokaran: Ok, eremite is still correct, update that, then upgrade to whatever.18:17
Synapse-its never been done before18:17
DasEiDarsVaeda: install cheese and see if it gets detected18:18
coachjDasEi: xorg comes up blank.18:18
Synapse-which is why I wanted help from USB driver folks18:18
DarsVaedanot A digikam... :D18:18
DarsVaedathe program digikam :D18:18
DasEicoachj: as in default in karmic, yes18:18
aarHi, I'd like to ask lynx to dump the content from a list of URLs into a single file. I'm doing: "lynx -source [origin] > [output]", but that replaces the content of teh file each time. How could I make it append the data to what's already there in the file, rather than substitute it?18:18
DasEi!info digikam | DarsVaeda18:18
ubottuDarsVaeda: digikam (source: digikam): digital photo management application for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.0.0~beta5-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 8963 kB, installed size 30480 kB18:18
Ali__i cant connect to a wireless networks18:18
coachjDasEi: so i need to type in what you sent?18:18
DarsVaedayeah its just 1.0.0 in the repo18:18
Synapse-* Cannot join #hardware (Channel is invite only).18:18
eremiteSynapse-: do not use ENTER as punctuation.  Type everything in one line so that we can understand it and follow it.  Otherwise it just looks like partial sentences that make little to no sense to many of us.18:18
DarsVaedai want 1.2.018:19
DasEiDarsVaeda: sudo apt-get install digicam18:19
DasEiDarsVaeda: have you searched for newer version ?18:19
Harrison_BergeroPulseaudio anyone?18:19
karan<Vigo> <eremite> okay18:19
DarsVaedain apt-get?18:19
bahaain xchat-gnome how to see what's in room???????????????????????18:19
DasEiDarsVaeda: no, on the projects webpage18:19
DarsVaedayes there is version 1.218:20
DasEiDarsVaeda: a deb or a tarball ?18:20
eremitebahaa: please elaborate.  What do you men, "how to see what's in rooom?"18:20
bahaa*who is18:20
Synapse-HEH, this roland USB is so touchy18:20
eremitebahaa: look at the room list?18:20
bahaaeremite: how to see who are the users in a room18:20
Synapse-it locks up the USB chain18:20
bahaaeremite: where?18:20
DasEiSynapse-: I assume next to your internal it's the only additional storage ?18:20
Synapse-additional storage?18:21
eremitebahaa: look at the room list, usually to the left hand side of the chat session.  Try enabling that window in your preferences if you do not see it18:21
Synapse-I dont think you know what a roland is18:21
Synapse-it probably has 8MB of storage, its for music man18:21
DasEiSynapse-: you said usb storage18:21
Synapse-it is USB storage18:21
bahaaeremite: there is a pane and it only has (freenode       #ubuntu)18:21
frxstremwhat is the best BitTorrent client for Ubuntu?18:22
eremiteSynapse-: what are you talking about?  Your Roland synth?  What about it?18:22
Synapse-but a very valuable storage point for music18:22
Synapse-I can't get the filesystem mounted18:22
jasonmchristostransmission is simple and works18:22
DasEiSynapse-: so is it a instrument /w storage or a usb storage ? I can't know whole of roland18:22
eremitebahaa: on the RIGHT, sorry.  If you do not see the list on the left then you need to go into your preferences and enable it, I would assume.  I use XCHAT and IRSSI, not XCHAT-GNOME which is different.18:22
bahaafrxstrem: I tried the default the good thing about it that it's easy and you can choose the files you want to download from a toorent18:22
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:22
=== rkh is now known as Function
Synapse-sorry, not using enter from now on, yeah, I can get the device to recognize in linux, but there is no driver for it and I think I can mount the filesystem somehow, maybe if I could use a USB snooper18:23
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:23
sanghoi have question about time-complexity18:23
jasonmchristosvuze doesnt work like it does on winbloze18:23
jasonmchristosso i would go with tranny18:23
sanghowhat is the difference of theta-notation between Big-oh-notation?18:23
Synapse-DasEi: yes, google dr-880 if you want, it has windows drivers, but nothing for linux, it lets me upload guitar pro songs in midi format for the drum and bass sections18:23
frxstrembahaa: well, my experience (and I friends too) is that it's really, really slow18:23
DasEiSynapse-: if fdisk -l don't list ist, got a driver issue, try rosegarden maybe18:24
frxstrembahaa: also, that are features that almost every BitTorrent client have18:24
eremite!google | Synapse-18:24
ubottuSynapse-: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.18:24
DasEiSynapse-: you're the one to fetch the link ;-)?18:24
DasEi!info rosegarden | Synapse-18:25
ubottuSynapse-: rosegarden (source: rosegarden): music editor and MIDI/audio sequencer. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.7.3-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 4020 kB, installed size 9788 kB18:25
jasonmchristosu fetch18:25
Synapse-why would I use rosegarden18:25
Synapse-when I have a piece of hardware that destroys that18:25
DasEiSynapse-: as it got an interface for midi devices18:25
Synapse-OK, nevermind18:25
Synapse-thanks for the help18:25
Synapse-not much learned18:25
FloodBot2Synapse-: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:25
bahaafrxstrem: you are right it's slow but I tried tornado and it's slower!!!!!!18:25
eremiteSynapse-: you can use VST's to accomplish the same thing.18:26
=== Svet is now known as gadriel
Vigoaar: I found the Man on that, kinda funny page,18:26
gadrielanyone have an idea how to record a .pls stream that requires http authentication?18:27
gadrielI can record streams with vlc usually, but this one uses cookies and they're not supported in vlc18:27
Vigoaar: Here it is:> http://www.mirbsd.org/htman/i386/man1/lynx.htm sorta18:27
eremitegadriel: run a line from yoru mic/line-in to your speakers and use something like Audacity to record the stream.18:27
DasEigadriel: authenticate as used to, ply in vlc, record with audacity or streamripper18:28
gadrielI can't play it vlc at all since vlc doesnt support cookies tho18:28
coachjDasEi: don't think it worked here is output of jeff@Ubuntu:~$ glxgears18:29
coachjSegmentation fault (core dumped)18:29
DasEigadriel: tried streamripper from cmdline18:29
eremitegadriel: play it in ANY player, run a line from mic input to speaker input and then hit record with audacity.  It will record flawlessly.18:29
DasEicoachj: fglrxinfo says ?18:29
StevenRanyone any idea why the panel brightness control doesn't appear in the notification stack any more? I'm running 9.10, up to date with security fixes. Everything else that uses the stack seems to work. Is there some way to configure the stack?18:30
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:30
gadrieleremite: you mean cable from the mic into the speaker?18:30
coachjDasEi: fglrxinfo18:30
coachjSegmentation fault (core dumped)18:30
DasEieremite: sounds dangerous18:30
VigoStevenR: Metacity running?18:31
eremitegadriel: cable from MIC/LINE-IN running into your STEREO-OUT.  You will not be able to hear the audio being recorded because your speaker-out line will be plugged into your mic.18:31
StevenRVigo: not sure18:31
eremiteDasEi: how so?  Works fine and isnt dangerous at all.18:31
gadrielshouldn't be dangerous yeah... now i have to find a cable :)18:32
igoryonyaPirate_Hunter: Well, I would only need to see the log for several minutes of recording of unsuccessful (frozen) panel, why would I want to see an entire log?18:32
Evil_Can someone help me get wireless working for 9.1?18:32
aarVigo, thanks for that, I'll check it out.18:32
DasEieremite: I never tried so, but basically put a highlevel out on a mic in ..18:32
Ali__how can i adjust ips in ireless adaptor ?18:32
VigoStevenR: Overall Contrast?18:32
StevenRVigo: what do you mean?18:32
Vigoaar: You are very welcome.18:33
eremiteDasEi: you would obviously adjust the volume setting and do some testing prior to reocrding.  Obviously.  Anyone who is a recording artists should know to test and make sure your volume isnt too loud.  Its common sense.18:33
VigoStevenR: In System>Settings18:33
DasEieremite: also if he can play it, audacity will catch it from the s-card directly18:33
VigoStevenR: ERm System<Preferences18:33
mrman208anyone need any help?18:34
gadrielDasEi: How do I use audacity like that?18:34
DasEieremite: might be fine on pc, on common pa could easily kill the  mic-in's IC18:34
mrman208Evil_: What do you need?18:34
Evil_I can't get my wireless working, I have dual-boot Windows7 and Ubuntu 9.1018:34
coachjDasEi: can I revery by deleting xorg.conf?18:34
DasEigadriel: set it to record from line18:34
eremiteDasEi: who the hell is using a PA fo0r recording an audio stream?18:35
StevenRVigo: errm. System -> Preferences -> where next?18:35
mrman208Evil_: What wireless card do you have?18:35
VigoStevenR: Appearance18:35
=== sebi_` is now known as sebi`
SickPuppyhey there , I wanted to try to compile xtables-addons using the tutorial from here-- http://linuxtechie.wordpress.com/2009/12/03/iptables-tarpit-support-in-karmic/  and i get a build failure ,log of which is here-- http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/kuWv65Q618:35
Evil_How do I find out? lol18:35
SickPuppyany ideas anyone ?18:35
nrgeekHello all18:35
mrman208Evil_: You'd have to open up your computer actually18:35
eremitegadriel: seriously, I do what I suggested to you all the time.  I record streams by plugging my speaker-out to my mic and hit record.  I watch the levels and make sure they are not too high or in the red and everything si ALWAYS fine.18:35
``y7will this work with an intel cpu: ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso   ?18:35
mrman208Evil_: actually, ive been having the same problem18:36
eremite``y7: yes18:36
DasEieremite: hmm, or even a better sound card, hopefully they are protected18:36
Evil_I see18:36
``y7eremite, will it work with an amd cpu as well?18:36
mrman208Evil_: i just get to the internet through my macbook18:36
eremite``y7: yes18:36
Evil_The cable works fine lol, but the cable doesn't reach to my room18:36
gadrieleremite: i'd like to listen to it while I record tho - otherwise I'd do that18:36
zoharhi, someone knows how to get sound with Via audio card on ubuntu 9.1 ??18:36
gadrielmight still use it to record overnight too18:36
``y7what happened to when one had to dl different iso's for diff cpus? are those days behind us?18:36
Evil_I don't really want to take the laptop apart to see, because well, it was a birthday gift from my wife, and I don't want to mess it up.18:36
DasEigadriel: tried streamripper from cmd-line ?18:36
mrman208Evil_: oh, its a laptop?18:36
gadrielaudacity would be ideal18:37
eremitegadriel: get a splitter cabel and plug into yoru speakers.18:37
gadrielno ill try that too18:37
nrgeekHey Im wanting to dual boot xp on one hd and Ubuntu 9.10 on a seperate physical drive .. what do I need to get a boot menu to boot this way ?18:37
DasEicoachj: yes, can revert that way, but maybe paste your xorg.conf to have a look at ?18:37
StevenRVigo: I can't see any option for that. If I use the Fn-hotkeys the panel brightness does change.... the notification stack doesn't show it though18:37
mrman208Evil_: then id suggest getting a USB wireless adapter somewhere and use that18:37
Evil_Alright :)18:37
Vigogadriel: Yes, I use to do that with a splitter from Radio Shack or someplace.18:37
mrman208Evil_: thats all i can think of, i got one for about 7$ off of amazon but it hasnt arrived yet :P18:37
coachjDasEi: i'll try pasting18:38
Evil_haha :)18:38
Evil_Thanks, I need to restart. I'll brb.18:38
Ali__i need help with wireless connections18:38
DasEicoachj: is why I changed to nvidia, even if you get this to working, that card is very capable, used nvids are quite cheap nowadays18:38
denwerkois there somebody to help me with setting of iptables ? i need to forward one port to other IP in LAN18:39
coachjDasEi: Section "device"18:39
coachjIdentifier "Configured Video Device"18:39
coachjDriver "fglrx"18:39
coachjEnd Section18:39
FloodBot2coachj: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:39
DasEicoachj: sudo apt-get install pastebinit18:39
eremiteDasEi: what is pastebinit?18:39
DasEicoachj: pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com  /etc/X11/xorg.conf , give url here18:40
DasEi!info pastebinit18:40
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.2-1 (karmic), package size 22 kB, installed size 344 kB18:40
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:40
mrman208for me flash is always buggy and slow on my ubuntu 9.10 machine, any ideas?18:40
coachjboy look what i did18:40
nrgeekanyone have a website to refer me to .. dual boot on seperate hds xp on one and ubuntu 9.10 on the other hd.. I can do it on one just cant firgure wat to do for two differnt hds18:40
eremiteDasEi: odd, i tried running   whatis pastebinit  in terminal and it wasnt found.18:40
ChogyDanmrman208: I think allot of that is fixed in lucid18:41
eremitenrgeek: http://ubuntu-georgia.org/installing_ubuntu_and_windows_xp_on_separate_drives18:41
DasEieremite: apt-cache search (also try show here) pastebinit18:41
coachjDasEi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/408690/18:41
VigoStevenR: Radeon?18:41
mrman208ChogyDan: thanks, i installed the Lucid beta but got rid of it18:41
eremiteDasEi: yes, I used the cache after, but   whatis should have found it18:41
nrgeekThanx eremite :)18:42
mrman208i think ill install it again18:42
WishingMasterdoes anyone have/had an issue with 3g usb modem in lucid?18:42
eremiteno problem nrgeek18:42
StevenRVigo: Intel Mobile 4 series18:42
mrman208well, im off to install lucid, c you all!18:42
eremite!ubuntu+1 | WishingMaster18:42
ubottuWishingMaster: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule18:42
=== D_ReaL_PuNiShEr is now known as vnc
StevenRVigo: it used to do it.... just stopped for some reason18:43
VigoStevenR: I just read on the forums that xgamma is a command that works, still looking,,,,,18:44
WishingMasterso no lucid experts in here?18:44
ilmenitehi, i just got the latest sources from kernel.org, and its not showing me any other processor families other than x86_64.... i need to build a kernel for another machine.... which is x86... anyone have any suggestions?18:44
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule18:44
DasEicoachj: http://paste.ubuntu.com/408693/18:44
ChogyDanilmenite: have you tried the mainline kernel ppa?18:44
zoharhi, someone knows how to get sound with Via audio card on ubuntu 9.1 ??18:45
ilmeniteChogyDan, didn't understand you well, ppa?18:45
=== vnc is now known as D_ReaL_PuNiShEr
DasEieremite: have you got it installed ?18:45
eremiteDasEi: got what installed?18:45
ChogyDanilmenite: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/MainlineBuilds!18:45
DasEinrgeek: got answered ?18:45
=== Darky is now known as zz_Darky
eremiteDasEi: got what installed?\18:46
ChogyDanilmenite: oops, minus the !bang!18:46
DasEieremite: pastebint >> whatis18:46
nrgeekYES DasEi .. eremite already gave me the info18:46
eremiteDasEi: nope, no need for pastebinit, I rarely use pastebin.  I host my own output on my own server if I need to share it with somone.  Pastebinit is not needed for me.18:47
DasEicoachj: need more hel to bring it to that form ?18:47
nrgeekI searched all over google.. could find lots on dual boot on one drive just couldnt find on multiple hds .. I knew this would be the place to ask18:47
gadrieli know i have a splitter and i can't find it, however i found something else that I was looking for earlier18:48
bahaaeremite: where should I look for it ??????   http://xchat-gnome.navi.cx/wp-content/uploads/2006/01/irc-prefs.png18:48
DasEieremite: yes, but is why whatis doesn't work then, but repo-search does18:48
alex_557hi first irc chat of my life, i'm having problems with docky. where should i go?18:48
eremiteDasEi: apt-cache search .   <--- this gets a list of cache'd apps available, not what is installed.18:48
bahaaguys does any body use compaq presario 2100 ?????????????????????????????????????18:49
nrgeekIve been using linux distros off and on for many years .. the newest distros have finnaly gotten close enuff to really give desktop non techs a alternative to win and mac18:49
coachjDasEi: Trying now18:49
bahaanrgeek: that's cool right18:50
eremitenrgeek: Linux is the elite!18:50
DasEieremite: yes, but a cached info , so almost current repo-content, giving you the info without being installed, whereas ..18:50
VigoStevenR: Have you looked at http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/18:51
bahaaeremite: you're freezing cool right too :)18:51
nrgeekMandrake was pretty good .. but ubuntu is the bomb .. Im building my 8 yr old his first computer . ubuntu all the way .. but Im goig to give dual boot for the few apps that wont work under linux18:51
bahaaeremite: but have you seen the screen shot I refered to???18:51
eremiteDasEi: here's I used pastebin just for you to show you :D -- http://paste.ubuntu.com/408699/18:52
gadrieleremite, DasEi thanks for the help guys18:52
eremiteno problem gadriel18:52
StevenRVigo: I don't see anything there to help me :S18:52
bahaadoes anybody here use xchat-gnome?????????????????18:53
eremitebahaa: just get rid of xchat-gnome and use xchat.  Its in the software center and repos.  If you cannot figure out how to use an application then I suggest you use a different one.  XCHat (not xchat-gnome) is better and you should see the usr list no problem.18:53
DasEieremite: are we two pasties ??  hehe, nv.m : apt-cache search pastebinit (needs no sudo)18:53
VigoStevenR: I saw a lot of posts in the Forums that suggested that site for Screen Resolution issues, still looking in Official Documentation and User Contributed,,,,18:53
DasEi!info pastebinit | eremite18:54
bahaaeremite: ok thanks18:54
ubottueremite: pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.2-1 (karmic), package size 22 kB, installed size 344 kB18:54
eremiteDasEi: sorry, you're not making sense to me.  Please use full sentences or rephrase it using different words.18:54
nrgeekAnyone here from WV or Chattanooga , TN ?18:54
eremiteDasEi: ignore that last on e18:54
bahaaeremite: but today I was talking to some guys and they said "thanks god we don't use xchat"?? what do you think?18:54
DasEieremite: iI was kidding about us two, no offense18:54
VigoStevenR: Here is official documents on Laptops and Resolution, https://help.ubuntu.com/search.html?cof=FORID%3A9&cx=004599128559784038176%3Avj_p0xo-nng&ie=UTF-8&q=screen+resolution+laptop&sa=Search18:55
PatrickGleasonbahaa: i do18:55
eremitebahaa: I think they were pulling your leg.  The ONLY difference between the apps is the GUI which was designed for gnome, but if you use the non gnome version you will still be able to have it integrate with your theme because it is based on gtk.  Trust me, its better.  If you cant find out how to do a simple thing l;ike see the user list of a room then you need a different client which is easier to use.18:55
PatrickGleasonbahaa: wait, idk. the orange one lol18:56
bahaathanks eremite18:57
bahaapatrickgleason: what do you mean man???????18:57
eremitebahaa: "When xchat-gnome was first written, we stuck the user list in the main UI, just like we were all used to. It was in a different spot, but it seemed natural that it should be there. As we used it more, we realized something. In order to be useful, the user list was taking up a lot of space, but we were rarely even looking at it. And so, it got hidden behind a button, and pops up. This gives us several advantages, but one in par18:57
PatrickGleasonbahaa: the xchat I use has an orange icon. above that, I dont know which one it is lol18:57
DasEibahaa: there are many pros and contras for messengers, take a look at pidgin, evolution, xchat, irrsi maybe, and see what fits your needs best, there are lots more18:58
eremitePatrickGleason: xchat and xchat gnome are slightly different, visually.18:58
bahaaeremite: you are totally right; and I like the way you are talking in(we)18:58
bahaadasei: I use pidgin for messenger but for irs I like xchat-gnome but I just want to see the users once :(18:59
eremitebahaa: just press the user list button!!!!18:59
bahaaeremite: ok got it19:00
DasEibahaa: as I remember you can configure gnome-xchat to diplay user list19:00
bahaaeremite: haha19:00
bahaadasei: it's in front of me but I thought it just was a number sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry guys :(19:00
dion_has anyone had any experiance adding the cricket a60019:00
DasEibahaa: bahahaah, np19:01
alex_799somone using smuxi can help me joining the #docky channel?19:01
costre!hi | bluesman_19:01
ubottubluesman_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:01
bahaadasite eremite patrickGleason: sorry guys, but any way I like the way it's too, it's nice19:01
lydiaHello, I'm going to disable networking in wine. Does a firewall exists that allows me disabling network access fo a whole program ?19:01
=== necro is now known as metbsd
Joker_-__USB Card reader error. Can anyone help on that: http://pastebin.com/LjgPmRj619:02
Vigo!firewall | lydia19:02
ubottulydia: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.19:02
wombatmanthis is completely unnecessary and ill-advised but for some reason I really want to be able to scratch the music playing when i spin my cube19:02
wombatmanthat'd be elite and sell linux/ubuntu19:02
StevenRVigo: I don't see anything there :S.... it all works fine... except for the brightness notification19:02
wombatmanto the masses who just want to scratch19:02
bahaadasite eremite patrickGleason: and it's under the (list : Discussion) too, lol19:02
mneptok!enter wombatman19:03
costrewombatman, There are masses who want to scratch?19:03
mneptok!enter | wombatman19:03
ubottuwombatman: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:03
PatrickGleasonwombatman: haha nice19:03
costreI have an ounce of whatever wombatman is smoking19:03
Joker_-__wombatman: good idea19:03
bahaamonalisa: hi19:03
monalisaanyone here to help me19:03
bluesman_what's the problem?19:03
mneptokwombatman: IRC is not the best place to file a feature request. try Launchpad or the bugtracker for your music player.19:04
bahaamonalisa: just ask????????19:04
monalisai want to learn vi editor19:04
Joker_-__USB Card reader error. Can anyone help on that: http://pastebin.com/LjgPmRj619:04
monalisaprivately chat with me19:04
VigoStevenR: So many laptops, so little time to keep up with them all, I posted that page because it covers most all manufacturers.19:04
costrethere are laptops, and there are craptops19:04
costrei just thought that up19:04
VigoI want to try a netbook!19:05
bluesman_talking about laptops... has anyone ubuntu installed on a macbook pro?19:05
wombatmanI wasn't really filing it. I'm sure there are more important things to do like improve the stuff that people really need for jobs and the like but I just had to say it. The masses demanded me too. The masses generally don't expect or even desire results though. Hence the unwillingness to file a feature request19:05
linux_infernobluesman_:  im on one right now19:05
Joker_-__I'm not mentally challenged so if anyone knows anything about usb card readers problems, on karmic, any pointer would be appreciated. I'm not home, this is not my computer and I don't have like a week to sort that out. http://pastebin.com/LjgPmRj619:06
bluesman_I'm waiting the release of the new macbooks and If I finally buy one I'd like to install ubuntu natively19:06
costrewombatman, If one really listened to the masses Ubuntu would be a pair of breasts alongside a UFC fight .. and that would be all19:06
aetaricbluesman_: yes there is a channel for it too #ubuntu-mactel19:07
wombatmancostre: You should see my current theme. It's like you read my mind19:07
eremiteJoker_-__: Im not mentally challenged either, but dont think that I will do the work for you.  If you dont have time to read and learmn, how do you expect us to take time to teach you?19:08
Joker_-__eremite: please, either help or shut up. thank you.,19:08
DaZs/help/solve it for me/19:08
eremiteJoker_-__: watxch your language.  It is not tolerated here.19:08
Joker_-__eremite: I'm remotely accessing this chat from my mothers computer, trying to help her sort a problem.19:09
meerowhen will be new version of ubuntu?19:09
eremiteJoker_-__: good for you.  Want a cookie?19:09
Joker_-__eremite: honestly, fuck off19:09
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule19:09
mneptokJoker_-__ / eremite: stop the ad hominem attacks, please19:09
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!19:09
eremiteJoker_-__: doesnt know how to be civil19:09
Joker_-__mneptok: sry<.19:09
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:09
mneptokeremite: you're not doing such a good job of it, either.19:10
eremitemneptok: ive been here helping folks all day.  If you cant pay attention then leave me alone19:10
Joker_-__eremite: try and see how long I've been here19:10
mneptokeremite: being active does not give you license to break channel policies19:10
mneptokeremite: i'm asking you nicely to stop.19:10
eremiteJoker_-__: im in here EVERYDAY.  I hardly see how its relevant to yoru immaturity, though.19:11
mneptokJoker_-__ / eremite: stop the ad hominem attacks, please. this will be the last time i ask.19:11
Joker_-__mneptok: I'll just ignore him, sry for the language19:11
mneptokJoker_-__: great idea.19:11
Out_Coldi thinks the both of yous should go into offtopic19:11
VigoOk ok, knock off the chatter please or take it somewhere else so that peoples can be assisted, Thank you.19:11
eremiteI think you shoudl just mind yoru own business Out_Cold19:11
eremiteOK ladies, enough whining, nothing to see here.  Move along19:12
Joker_-__I'm still trying to find any pointer to solve "my" usb card reader's problem tho: http://pastebin.com/LjgPmRj619:12
Out_Colderemite, if i join and all i can read is your nonsense then it becomes my business..19:12
mneptokeremite: i'm fast losing patience with you.19:12
eremiteOut_Cold: drop i]\t or leave.19:12
Joker_-__I googled for an hour but nothing interresting showed up. I always ask here as a last resort19:13
eremitemneptok: please go back and pay attention to how this started.  If you seriously think Im in the wrong here then you donrt knwop hwo to read.19:13
Out_Coldthank you..19:13
Joker_-__I'm sry to have created this "situation"19:13
aetaricJoker_-__: has the slot worked before?19:14
magicianlord10.04 needs to be more streamlined19:14
bahaamonalisa are you still there?19:14
bahaamonalisa are you still there?19:15
aetaricmagicianlord: #ubuntu+119:15
magicianlordneed to go with minimalist, square, black and white look.19:15
Joker_-__aetaric: sadly, it was working flawlessly in windows... It's an external usb to card readert thing... I also tryed to plug the card directly in the kodak but still, it works for 3 seconds or so and then crash19:15
Joker_-__aetaric: have a look at this if you like: http://pastebin.com/LjgPmRj619:15
Joker_-__it's the dmesg19:15
magicianlordoh i c19:15
hiexpoanyone have any experience installing the cricket a600 modem in ubuntu 9.1019:15
aetaricJoker_-__: i read it.19:15
Joker_-__well, the revelant part of ir19:15
aetaricJoker_-__: the task is hanging and timing out.19:16
mneptokJoker_-__: tried booting to a previous kernel to see if that works?19:16
Joker_-__aetaric: yup, I don'T know why tho.19:16
aetaric_"echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.19:17
aetaric_i wonder what command you should sudo/19:17
Joker_-__mneptok: nope, havent tryed that...19:17
Joker_-__aetaric_: disabling the message woudn't solve anything19:17
mneptokJoker_-__: i'd try that, and then boot kernels with the "noacpi" option to see if the acpi layer is the issue.19:17
Joker_-__mneptok:  thanks, I'll try that right now. How can I install a previous kernel (this is a "fresh" install)19:18
mneptokJoker_-__: use the GRUB menu to see if there's a pervious kernel already present19:18
Joker_-__mneptok: I don't think there is19:18
Joker_-__mneptok: I installed ubuntu on this last week19:19
Joker_-__mneptok: I don't remember seing an other kernel install19:19
Joker_-__mneptok: I'll try and see, but what if not?19:19
mneptokJoker_-__: have you run a full update on the system to get any new kernels since Karmic was released?19:19
Joker_-__mneptok: I installed it from scrath last week, so obviously I updated... So yeah, you're right, there should be at least an other kernel, the first one released on the CD19:20
* mneptok nods19:20
Joker_-__mneptok: aight I'll try that. and tell you whats up in a few minutes.19:20
=== Joker_-__ is now known as JokerAway
meerowhen will be new version of ubuntu?19:21
JokerAway29 april19:21
mneptok!away | JokerAway19:21
ubottuJokerAway: You should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»19:21
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases19:22
HovefirseHi folks. I have a rather big directory tree, and in quite a few of the directories in this tree there is a file called info. I'd like to make a copy of the directory tree, and only copy the files named info into the corresponding place. Did some fiddling around with cp in the command line, but didn't figure out the correct arguments. Any suggestions?19:22
genghis_Anyone feel like helping a complete newbie with screen resolution?19:23
Out_ColdHovefirse, maybe something like cp -r *info* /path/to/dest/19:25
hiexpogenghis_, what you need19:26
HovefirseOut_cold: Unfortunately it does not do a run through the dierctories :(19:27
crankharderhow do I "zero out the super blocks"  is dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda sufficient?19:27
genghis_new install of ubuntu 9.10 yesterday, didn't recognise any resolution higher than 800x600 - downloaded nvidia drivers, and it'll now go to 1360x768 but my monitor's native res is 1680x1050 and I have no idea how to get that19:28
Out_Coldcrankharder, that'll give you a fresh disk but it'll take a long time for anything over 50 GB19:28
crankharderis there a faster way to prep a disk for an md array?19:29
hiexpogenghis_, go into admin nvidia19:29
magicianlordIs there a way to format disks and flash drives from terminal easily?19:30
Ahmed\how to clear "search result" from tracker search tool19:30
genghis_hiexpo right19:30
=== JokerAway is now known as Joker_-_
Whisky_My WiFi works at times and at times it doesn't it's like it has a mind of its own. It connects fine and I can see my network too but I just can't browse or have any connectivity at all! At other times (rarely) it will work just fine. [Works flawlessly all the time on Windows]19:30
AlinaMHi! I made an upgrade to 10.04 beta. Seems to have problems with NVidia drivers. From safe mode all is ok, but when trying to boot on normal mode, the X crashes at login. Any idea why?19:30
Joker_-_mneptok: it doest give the error in dmesg anymore, but it doesnt work either...19:30
Ali_not available in the current data :@19:30
Joker_-_mneptok: it works for like, 1 or 2 files (pictures, 2mb each) and then it hangs19:30
Joker_-_mneptok: the laptop doesnt hag, the transfert does19:31
Ali_not available in the current data :@19:31
ton_join #linux19:31
Lord_Chewbakkawhat is gvfs metadata and why does it eat up my harddrive?19:32
Joker_-_mneptok: imma try with the -noacpi19:32
Ali_not available in the current data :@19:32
genghis_hiexpo what do I do now I'm there? ;)19:32
=== Joker_-_ is now known as JokerAway
JokerAwaymneptok: just so you know, it just gave the same error message...19:32
JokerAwaytrying -noacpi19:32
amimusahello, I am with ubuntu 9.10 and I don't know why I can't access to sound sytem. I get these error messages from syslog those repeat in loop: http://pastebin.com/u9XBatqw19:33
amimusaanybody could help me19:33
h4fwhy did pidgin get replaced by empathy.  empathy can't do even half pidgin can do!19:33
Out_Coldh4f, because of user input... just remove it and reinstall pidgin19:33
magicianlordWhy doesnt Ubuntu have ICQ '98? It's better than Pidgin or Empathy.19:34
amimusai would like not to reinstall my system ...19:34
h4fOut_Cold: that's what I. what user input are you talking about ?19:34
Out_Coldh4f, i think that there was a desire from users to have different support that empathy could offer over pidgin....19:35
Out_Coldand i think pidgin caught up... so really, pidgin is the winner in my books19:35
zleapcjware, hi19:35
amimusaanybody have taken a look to my error logs : http://pastebin.com/u9XBatqw ???19:35
amimusait's pulse audio related19:35
Tomcat_haim trying to get UT to run on ubuntu19:36
h4fOut_Cold: yeap. the real question is what empathy can do what pidgin can't ?19:36
Out_Coldh4f, something regarding video chat19:36
Tomcat_hait basically just starts and then crashes19:36
genghis_Anyone else want to help me with screen resolution? hiexpo seems to have quit19:36
Lord_Chewbakkawhat is gvfs metadata and why does it eat up my harddrive?19:36
guntbertAlinaM: 10.4 support in #ubuntu+1 please19:36
Scrimmerhello all19:37
h4fOut_Cold: don't know. but seems that I am not able to make call with empathy neither on googletalk nope ICQ19:38
amimusawhat is autospaw ?19:39
JokerAwaymneptok: Now the card isnt mounted at all. It's recognized in dmesg, but it doesnt mount and besides, if I try to mount it manually, mount hangs.19:39
Out_Coldh4f, i'd switch back to pidgin lol19:39
xtermHave someone tried to get a photo-keyring containing the DPFMate.exe program to work under linux? Here is why it's not working.. http://www.techsupportforum.com/security-center/general-computer-security/300862-digital-photo-keyring.html19:39
dariuszhi all19:39
Lord_Chewbakkawhat is gvfs metadata?19:39
=== overmind is now known as Guest30861
dariuszmowi ktos po polsku19:40
mudassarany body please help me solving kubuntu 9.10 mic problem19:40
Guest30861I woner if omeone would have to have some time to get me ttarted'19:40
dariuszwhat problem?19:40
AlinaMguntbert thanks!19:40
Out_Colddariusz, polish?19:40
=== Guest30861 is now known as Local_Overmind
Out_Cold!polish > dariusz19:41
ubottudariusz, please see my private message19:41
Ellenhey guys trying to find a place for CHEAP ubuntu hosting19:41
Elleni want to use ubuntu 8.04 LTS19:41
genghis_Pretty please some help with screen resolution in ubuntu 9.10?19:41
dariuszprivate massage, what this is?19:41
Out_Colddariusz, new window with information ;)19:42
Ellenill probably need 10 GB of space and at least 256 RAM19:42
guntbert!ot | Ellen19:42
ubottuEllen: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:42
=== paprna is now known as p0l0
=== p0l0 is now known as paprna
xtermUbuntu finds the photo-keyring and mounts it read only as it's enreperated as a cd rom19:42
Local_OvermindWell I hve been in the hopital toay so Im kin ubdated, bt I need to intll .exe files (drivers) and I cant figure out ow, and yea, keybord is boken o im doing my best19:42
zleapxterm, what does "enreperated" mean19:43
mneptokJokerAway: i'd blame a somewhat wonky USB MSC chip in the reader. try another reader?19:43
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:43
mudassari have been facing mic problem in ubuntu 9.10 ........... please help me in that19:43
xtermzleap, sorry bad english... interpret19:43
zleapare you sure its not mounting on /media/cdrom19:44
matelot1I'm running out of space in home folder - http://i.imgur.com/kJSYk.png - how to increase it ?19:44
zleapthat happened to me, i put in a new hard disk and it ended up mounting on the first available mount point /media/flash19:44
Local_Overmind;_; noone have time with a little "how to execte on Linux" guide in  PC with me? :(19:44
un00btuis there a way to start terminal with the keyboard?19:45
Tomcat_hawhy cant i go to my .wine directory in terminal19:45
Out_Coldmatelot1, you have any other space somewhere?19:45
Tomcat_hai just type in cd .wine19:45
genghis_Nobody free to help with screen resolution?19:45
Tomcat_haand it wont19:45
Tomcat_hasays it aint there19:45
Bzarsure, you can hit alt-f2 to start run box then gnome-terminal (if you're using gnome, if kde just you use konsole)19:46
Bzaror bind a key to the terminal under keyboard shortcuts19:46
matelot1Out_Cold: well yes....it's only my home folder is maxing out...19:46
Tomcat_hai needed to sudo19:46
un00btuBzar, is there a one-step way?19:46
matelot1Out_Cold: I'm on WUBI btw19:46
crankharderwhy does mdadm keep renaming my md array from /dev/md0 to /dev/md_d0 (and it doesn't work) :(19:46
matelot1and I see in system monitor - my root disk is only 50% full19:46
Bzarun00btu, change your keyboard shortcuts (system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts or something)19:47
xtermyepp.. it's mounting on /media/cdrom... as it should be..... Whell.. It should be interpreted as a cdrom under windows anyway. Then You should use a program called dpfmate that does some magic and turnes it into a removable media....19:47
Out_Coldmatelot1, i'm not sure with wubi but if you can make a new partition, you can copy your home folder to this new partition and mount it at /home19:47
un00btuBzar, thnx19:47
matelot1Out_Cold: so is it right that user are stuck with some size quota ?19:49
Guest90559trying to install stuff from sudo apt i get this error19:49
Guest90559E: Type ‘“deb’ is not known on line 65 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list19:49
Out_Coldmatelot1, wubi is supposed to be like a 'try before you buy' and i'm not sure of the setup that you get with it19:49
Guest90559do i need to remove something from the sources or what?19:49
macoGuest90559: is there a " before the word deb on that line in that file?19:50
Out_ColdGuest90559, line 65 is probably something you entered and there is an error19:50
Guest90559ah okay thanks19:50
Guest90559also, iv installed what i think are the right codecs19:50
Guest90559but when i play some xvid movie with mplayer everything is green/red ?19:51
genghis_Can anyone recommend anywhere else to take my noobish questions about screen resolution then?19:51
Guest90559seems to be a codec problem, what codecs do you guys recommend?19:51
sexyoneyatirhi guys...I am new to ubuntu19:51
Out_ColdGuest90559, install ubuntu-restricted-extras19:51
sexyoneyatirbut I have a question19:51
Guest90559yeh i already got that installed19:51
Guest90559but it still the same?19:51
sexyoneyatiris this the place to ask?19:52
=== Guest90559 is now known as ubuntunoob
sexyoneyatirhi, could you help me19:52
Out_ColdGuest90559, which movie app?19:52
ubuntunoobmplayer and vlc19:52
oriCan someone please help me use bluetooth? I installed all the software, but i dont even see no bluetooth icon... I don't know how to be more specific?19:52
Out_Cold!ask | sexyoneyatir19:52
ubottusexyoneyatir: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:52
ubuntunoobvlc just open's then closes its self..19:52
sexyoneyatiris there a channel just for girls?19:52
ubuntunoobi have no idea im only a few days old on linux19:52
Basttraxori, What version of Ubuntu are you using?19:52
oribasttrax: 9.1019:53
fuzion24Hello, I am using a Dazzle DVC 100 with Ubuntu 9.10. It mounts the video to /dev/video0 and the audio to /dev/dsp1... I am trying to convert old vhs into digital format.  VLC shows serious lines in the video.  Cheese plays it fine, but I cannot seem to capture audio.  Can someone recommend some good a/v software for this purpose?19:53
Out_Coldubuntunoob, vlc shouldn't close with errors. how did you install it?19:53
ubuntunoobfrom terminal apt-get19:53
Basttraxori, Mine detected automatically during install and put the icon in the taskbar after install automatically19:53
lxaaaahow do I dump a list of the packages that are installed?19:53
Out_Coldubuntunoob, and you are sure that the *.avi files are ligit?19:53
sexyoneyatirok...let me try this...I can't see the X or the rectangle to maximize or minimize open windows....I think it messed up after I installed mysql19:53
genghis_One last try: ubuntu 9.10 with proprietary nvidia drivers installed will not recognise native screen resolution for my monitor. Any ideas?19:54
ubuntunoobyeh they are legit my pal19:54
ubuntunoobeven my legit dvds play in green/red tinting :/19:54
ubuntunoob100% a codec problem i just dont know what todo19:54
hekinamigenghis, you got a right xorg.conf configuration?19:54
sexyoneyatirwhere is the female channel for ubuntu? nobody cares? hello19:54
Out_Coldubuntunoob, not too sure myself... the codecs are gstreamer though19:54
amimusaplease, i don't have sound... any help ?¿19:54
fuzion24avi is typically xvid and dvd is mpeg2... indicating its probably NOT a codec problem19:55
Out_Coldsexyoneyatir, this is the chat place to be... whether you are agirl or not19:55
genghis_hekinami no idea - am a complete noob who is wary of terminal19:55
ubuntunoobwhats the command to edit the sources so i can see what i added to mess it up?19:55
amimusai am trying different things,19:55
sexyoneyatirokay, can you help me?19:55
amimusareinstallling pulseaudio19:55
amimusaand other things19:55
amimusabut no success19:55
fuzion24Hello, I am using a Dazzle DVC 100 with Ubuntu 9.10. It mounts the video to /dev/video0 and the audio to /dev/dsp1... I am trying to convert old vhs into digital format.  VLC shows serious lines in the video.  Cheese plays it fine, but I cannot seem to capture audio.  Can someone recommend some good a/v software for this purpose?19:55
Out_Coldubuntunoob, sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list19:55
jyraiai need some help how to install Reconstructor on Xubuntu??19:55
amimusasound in system-preferences doesn't appear19:55
amimusaplease, any help ?¿19:56
amimusathank in advance19:56
Out_Coldsexyoneyatir, ask away.19:56
oribastrax: the icon isn't on my toolbar... but i have google desktop... so entered it, and  i get the error: bluez failed... any ideas?19:56
sexyoneyatirOut_Cold: I am new to this operating system but after I installed mysql...my GUI messed up. I don't see the upright corner buttons...19:56
amimusaApr  3 20:56:49 nomada pulseaudio[7069]: core-util.c: Failed to symlink /home/manou/.pulse/948e35f7c6a0642e0287a2114b8da862-runtime to /tmp/pulse-Fssw4GJCgXCk: Operación no permitida19:56
amimusaApr  3 20:56:49 nomada pulseaudio[7069]: lock-autospawn.c: No se puede acceder al bloqueo de autogeneración.19:56
amimusaApr  3 20:56:49 nomada pulseaudio[7069]: main.c: Failed to acquire autospawn lock19:56
hekinamigenghis_, paste you /etc/xorg.conf, and some clue would be found19:56
amimusai got this looping at syslog19:57
fuzion24Hello, I am using a Dazzle DVC 100 with Ubuntu 9.10. It mounts the video to /dev/video0 and the audio to /dev/dsp1... I am trying to convert old vhs into digital format.  VLC shows serious lines in the video.  Cheese plays it fine, but I cannot seem to capture audio.  Can someone recommend some good a/v software for this purpose?19:57
amimusai think I remove some files from /home/manou19:57
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hekinamigenghis_, with pastebin, please19:57
amimusabut ... can't I create a new user ?¿19:57
sexyoneyatiris this channel this dramatic? how do I change the color to pink?19:57
Out_Coldsexyoneyatir, have you restarted yet?19:58
sexyoneyatirOut_Cold: yes19:58
gadrielhow do i make the current bash command run in the background?19:58
fuzion24Hello, I am using a Dazzle DVC 100 with Ubuntu 9.10. It mounts the video to /dev/video0 and the audio to /dev/dsp1... I am trying to convert old vhs into digital format.  VLC shows serious lines in the video.  Cheese plays it fine, but I cannot seem to capture audio.  Can someone recommend some good a/v software for this purpose?19:58
phiberoptikdamn i tried adjusting my time and it keeps saying /home/phiber/.kde is not writable, i did chown phiber /home/phiber, any ideas?19:58
oriHElp! when entering bluetooth manager, i get Error: connection to bluez failed! does anybody know what to do?19:59
macosexyoneyatir: if yu hit alt and click and drag a window... does it move to a place where those buttons become visible?19:59
ubuntuactually i have lost that setting on gnome panel where you can edit and lock items @_@ i guess i did it after installing ubuntu tweak, HELP please :)19:59
macosexyoneyatir: alt+click&drag is how you move windows that have the titlebar off-screen19:59
macosexyoneyatir: or is it that your windows have no titlebars at all?19:59
sexyoneyatirmaco: I am so stressed out..19:59
fuzion24Hello, I am using a Dazzle DVC 100 with Ubuntu 9.10. It mounts the video to /dev/video0 and the audio to /dev/dsp1... I am trying to convert old vhs into digital format.  VLC shows serious lines in the video.  Cheese plays it fine, but I cannot seem to capture audio.  Can someone recommend some good a/v software for this purpose?19:59
britany_oklaBazhang r u here19:59
sexyoneyatirmaco: it doesn't work19:59
macophiberoptik: chown or chown -R ?19:59
gadrielanyone know how can I make a bash command that's already running run as a background process? as if I ran it with & but once it's already running?19:59
macosexyoneyatir: are there titlebars on the windows?19:59
=== ubuntu is now known as Ahmed
Juulif i want to start something other than my windowmanager on gdm login, which file do i edit?20:00
=== Ahmed is now known as Ahmed\
cow_begadangkok g da tmn20:00
sexyoneyatirmaco: yes, but where are my buttons?20:00
phiberoptiki did chown20:00
fuzion24Hello, I am using a Dazzle DVC 100 with Ubuntu 9.10. It mounts the video to /dev/video0 and the audio to /dev/dsp1... I am trying to convert old vhs into digital format.  VLC shows serious lines in the video.  Cheese plays it fine, but I cannot seem to capture audio.  Can someone recommend some good a/v software for this purpose?20:00
phiberoptikdoesn't work20:00
Ahmed\actually i have lost that setting on gnome panel where you can edit and lock items @_@ i guess i did it after installing ubuntu tweak, HELP please :)20:00
macophiberoptik: you need "chown -R" if you want to affect files *inside* your home directory20:00
phiberoptikah ok20:00
sexyoneyatirmaco: ????20:00
sexyoneyatirmaco: please help20:00
macophiberoptik: without the -R it only affected the directory itself20:00
hdonhi all. how can i reconfigure my hostname? i believe i should use dpkg-reconfigure but i don't know what parameter20:00
phiberoptikthanks maco20:01
macosexyoneyatir: can you go to system -> preferences -> appearance and see maybe if you change the theme they'll show up?20:01
fuzion24Hello, I am using a Dazzle DVC 100 with Ubuntu 9.10. It mounts the video to /dev/video0 and the audio to /dev/dsp1... I am trying to convert old vhs into digital format.  VLC shows serious lines in the video.  Cheese plays it fine, but I cannot seem to capture audio.  Can someone recommend some good a/v software for this purpose?20:01
markizanohdon: try $ man hostname20:01
Ali_i cant play mp3 files20:01
sexyoneyatirmaco: okay, hold on20:01
guntbert!hostname | hdon20:01
ubottuhdon: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.20:01
oriHElp! when entering bluetooth manager, i get Error: connection to bluez failed! does anybody know what to do?20:01
fuzion24Hello, I am using a Dazzle DVC 100 with Ubuntu 9.10. It mounts the video to /dev/video0 and the audio to /dev/dsp1... I am trying to convert old vhs into digital format.  VLC shows serious lines in the video.  Cheese plays it fine, but I cannot seem to capture audio.  Can someone recommend some good a/v software for this purpose?20:01
hdonah, i thought i would feel safer using dpkg-reconfigure so that other places it might need updated20:02
www b20:02
om26erAhmed\, which version of ubuntu are you using?20:02
guntbertwww: stop please20:02
maco!ops | www spamming20:02
sexyoneyatirmaco: it doesn't show...i changed it and everything but nothing happens20:02
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!20:02
hdonwww, hey what's your favorite letter?20:02
markizanoI just bought a Toshiba Satellite Pro L500 and i can't configure it to use the sound drivers properly20:02
macosexyoneyatir: ok, try runnign this in a terminal then:  gconftool-2 --set /apps/metacity/general/button_layout --type string “:maximize,minimize,close,”20:02
guntberthdon: don't feed it please20:02
sexyoneyatirmaco: I hope you are a nice guy20:03
fuzion24Hello, I am using a Dazzle DVC 100 with Ubuntu 9.10. It mounts the video to /dev/video0 and the audio to /dev/dsp1... I am trying to convert old vhs into digital format.  VLC shows serious lines in the video.  Cheese plays it fine, but I cannot seem to capture audio.  Can someone recommend some good a/v software for this purpose?20:03
sexyoneyatirmaco: seriously20:03
sexyoneyatirmaco: I am gonna try it20:03
macosexyoneyatir: i am. im an ubuntu developer :)20:03
=== gary_ is now known as Guest35638
macosexyoneyatir: well except for the "guy" part ;-)20:03
oriHElp! when entering bluetooth manager, i get Error: connection to bluez failed! does anybody know what to do?20:03
markizanoanybody have a link i can visit to get ubuntu Karmic to use sound right on  this Toshiba L500?20:03
sexyoneyatirmaco: could you develop this thing so it is easier for me?20:03
macosexyoneyatir: i20:04
macosexyoneyatir: i'm more on the kde/kubuntu side, sorry20:04
sexyoneyatirmaco: it doesn't work20:04
fuzion24Hello, I am using a Dazzle DVC 100 with Ubuntu 9.10. It mounts the video to /dev/video0 and the audio to /dev/dsp1... I am trying to convert old vhs into digital format.  VLC shows serious lines in the video.  Cheese plays it fine, but I cannot seem to capture audio.  Can someone recommend some good a/v software for this purpose?20:04
Ahmed\om26er: its Karmic 9.1020:05
macosexyoneyatir: maybe if you log out and back in after running the gconftool thing? thats supposed to put your min/max/close buttons on the right side of the titlebar20:05
macosexyoneyatir: but...you're sure the titlebar's there, right? cuz if its not, you just have to run "metacity --replace"20:05
sexyoneyatirmaco: the title bar is there...the buttons located in the right hand corner are not there20:06
ubuntunoobhow do u install a .run file?20:06
sexyoneyatirmaco: like maximize, minimize and close are not there but the title bar is20:06
Dervishhi everyone =)20:06
markizanohead -n 1 on the file20:06
markizanoubuntunoobhead -n 1 on the file20:06
markizanoubuntunoob: head -n 1 on the file20:06
hdonmarkizano|tail -n 120:06
guntbertsexyoneyatir: are you certain you didn't make a type in gconf-tool? you can check with gconf-editor too20:07
markizanoubuntunoob: try to see if it's a script or a binary file20:07
phiberoptiktime to install oracle baby!20:07
sexyoneyatirgunbert: where is this gconf-editor?20:07
oriHElp! when entering bluetooth manager, i get Error: connection to bluez failed! does anybody know what to do?20:07
markizanoubuntunoob: if it's a script, then you simply run it in the console, if it's a binary, it's best to run in your file browser20:07
carlosgaldinoHello, I wanna know if is there some policy that allows just 2 medias to be mounted at time. Is that true?20:07
Gelflingi think pulseaudio hates me20:07
ubuntunoobi have no clue markizano its teamspeak20:07
hdonubuntunoob, markizano: you can use the "file" command to try and figure out what type of file you have20:08
markizanoubuntunoob: what hdon said20:08
guntbertsexyoneyatir: in the console just type gconf-editor -- it will open a GUI to look at the settings20:08
fuzion24Hello, I am using a Dazzle DVC 100 with Ubuntu 9.10. It mounts the video to /dev/video0 and the audio to /dev/dsp1... I am trying to convert old vhs into digital format.  VLC shows serious lines in the video.  Cheese plays it fine, but I cannot seem to capture audio.  Can someone recommend some good a/v software for this purpose?20:08
frxstremdoes Ubuntu have an equivilent of the blue screen of death in Windows?20:08
Gelflingubuntunoob, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TeamSpeak20:08
macosexyoneyatir: i dont think gconf-editor is installed by default20:08
icerootfrxstrem: kernel panic but you will never see it20:09
frxstremiceroot: okay :)20:09
oriHElp! when entering bluetooth manager, i get Error: connection to bluez failed! Bluez daemon is not running, blueman-manager cannot continue. does anybody know what to do?20:09
Gelflingfrxstrem, you could always use the BSOD as a nice wallpaper =)20:09
markizanoI just bought a Toshiba Satellite Pro L500, GDM makes noise, but gnome doesn't. How do I configure gnome to properly use the sound drivers in Karmic ?20:09
guntbertmaco: ah I didn't think of that (btw you are still opped :-))20:09
sexyoneyatirI am stressed out20:09
frxstremGelfling: haha, I might just do that xD20:09
macoguntbert: im not normally an op here, so i cant deop and reop at will. i'm just covering for someone else20:10
magicianlordwhich file do i need to open with nano to change the font in vlc's interface20:10
Gelflingi have it as my wallpaper on my windows box =P20:10
=== denny is now known as Guest20543
guntbertmaco: ahh sorry20:10
Ahmed\gnome-panel is all locked i cant change a thing after installing and changing some setting by ubuntu-tweak20:10
Gelflingoh and kernel panic's are fun =(20:10
=== alessandro1997 is now known as alessandro1997[A
Ahmed\Thanks anyways i have unlocked HUH20:11
=== matt_ is now known as Guest45292
slashmeI've got a new usb wlan adapter for my laptop, and Ubuntu's network-manager is managing the connection, but it keeps on losing the password: I use the "edit connections" window, edit the connection (at which point I have to give my login password) and then go to the security tab, and often the password is just blank.20:11
markizanoI just bought a Toshiba Satellite Pro L500, GDM makes noise, but gnome doesn't. How do I configure gnome to properly use the sound drivers in Karmic ?20:12
Guest20543Hi all, can someone tell me how to monitor my local network using ubuntu?  i'm trying to set up my machine as a UPnP server for my ps320:13
Gelflingmarkizano, you may need to install restricted drivers20:13
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
Gelflingsystem -> administration -> hardware drivers20:13
wadeI need help making my screen resolution bigger it only gives me 2 very small options, i have a nvidia fx 520020:13
kushaloneI installed a basic nVidia 32 MB AGP graphics card and got rid of the old 60 GB hard disk (whose status in disk utility was "unknown") and 9.10 has virtually no more problems. I learned that a faulty hard disk drive can cause a computer to randomly restart.20:13
Gelflingwade: have you installed the restricted nvidia drivers?20:14
wadeand thats when my screen resolution messed up20:14
Gelflingdid you run the nvidia tool?20:14
wadeno luck20:14
markizanoGelfling: The only restricted driver in use is myWifi card :( , which is actually working rather well ^_^20:14
Ali_if the swap partition is smaller than ram , that makes system slower ?20:14
Gelflingmarkizano thats about the extent of my knowledge20:14
markizanoAli_: it can20:14
Gelflingim a noob myself, lol20:14
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info20:15
markizanoGelfling: that's a ouch :/ - well, thanks for the lead :)20:15
kushalonewade, what are the two resolutions that you get?20:15
Ali_i have already istalled ubuntu 10 , i feel like it s slow , or i am used to windows 7 ?20:15
Gneawade: have you successfully installed the nvidia restricted driver?20:16
kushaloneAli_ Lucid still has issues.20:16
wade320x260 and 640x38020:16
wadeyes i have20:16
guntbertAli_: lucid support in #ubuntu+1 please20:16
frxstremif I reinstall Windows after deleting it when I installed Ubuntu, will I still be able to boot into Ubuntu?20:16
Gneawade: in 9.10?20:16
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule20:16
wadeno the beta version20:16
wadei had the same problems20:16
wadein 9.1020:16
wadeso i upgraded hoping it would help :P20:17
Ali_did i ask about lucid ??20:17
Gelfling<Ali_> i have already istalled ubuntu 10 , i feel like it s slow , or i am used to windows 7 ?20:17
Gelfling10 is lucid i believe...20:17
GneaAli_: by running it, you automagically ask about it20:17
Ali_so , i am running it ?20:18
Local_Overmindanyone who can help me with how to instll .exe on ubnttu?20:18
fuzion24Hello, I am using a Dazzle DVC 100 with Ubuntu 9.10. It mounts the video to /dev/video0 and the audio to /dev/dsp1... I am trying to convert old vhs into digital format.  VLC shows serious lines in the video.  Cheese plays it fine, but I cannot seem to capture audio.  Can someone recommend some good a/v software for this purpose?20:18
ubottutrolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel20:18
carlosgaldinoHello, I wanna know if is there some policy that allows just 2 medias to be mounted at time. Is that true?20:18
hdonLocal_Overmind, you'll want to use wine20:18
GneaAli_: consider your use of the english language when you said it.20:18
hdon!wine | Local_Overmind20:18
ubottuLocal_Overmind: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu20:18
fuzion24I am using a Dazzle DVC 100 with Ubuntu 9.10. It mounts the video to /dev/video0 and the audio to /dev/dsp1... I am trying to convert old vhs into digital format.  VLC shows serious lines in the video.  Cheese plays it fine, but I cannot seem to capture audio.  Can someone recommend some good a/v software for this purpose?20:18
Ali_Gnea: am i using it ?20:18
Ali_or may be . I am using it , right ?20:19
GelflingLocal_Overmind, in console, type sudo apt-get install wine20:19
Local_OvermindAh thank, Ill tke a look (keyboard broken so sorry)20:19
GneaAli_: you said 'is' not 'was', thereby implying that, yes, you are.20:19
Gelflingwhen its installed type winecfg20:19
Gelflingset it up the way you need.20:19
fuzion24can someone help me please20:19
* kushalone is close to using ignore for some people on this channel. 20:19
fuzion24What software for ubuntu 9.10 can capture both audio and video!?!?!?!20:19
Gelflingthen in console goto your .exe location and type wine then the .exe filename20:19
Gneawade: where did you install the nvidia driver from?20:20
Gelflingor you can just double click the file after wine is installed/setup20:20
Ahmed\i have uninstall the grub ubuntu headers how do i install a new one will it boot cause i accidently removed all ? any help i did it by (ubuntu-tweak)20:20
wadethe restricted drivers20:20
wadehardware drivers thing20:20
wadein ubuntu20:20
=== JimmyJ|zz is now known as JimmyJ
fuzion24what is some good software that capture a/v20:20
kushalonewade > System > Administration >> Hardware drivers should let you know if there is any20:20
Gneawade: could you please pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file?20:20
ubuntunoobav ?20:20
fuzion24the dev files are there... /dev/video0 and /dev/dsp120:21
fuzion24I need some software that can record them both20:21
Gelflingfuzion24, http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/200807130419006/Video.html20:21
guntbertfrxstrem: you would have to repair grub - because windows mercilessly overwrites the boot sector20:21
kentdoes anyone know how i could get Leagues of Legions on Ubuntu 9.10?20:21
Gelflingkent, what is it?20:21
Whisky`Why won't I get connectivity with WiFi? It connects fine but I just cant browse or anything :( Works flawlessly with wire20:21
kenta game20:21
Gelflinga windows game?20:22
frxstremguntbert: okay - so I could just install Windows and then reinstall Ubuntu instead?20:22
fuzion24Gelfling,  there is nothing on that list that helps20:22
Gelflingtry installing it using wine20:22
fuzion24the closest thing is cheese20:22
Gelflingfuzion24,  have you googled it?20:22
fuzion24which is perfect, but cant do audi20:22
GneaWhisky`: maybe you need a newer driver20:22
fuzion24ive been looking on google for hours20:22
kenti installed wine and play on linux its not listed (well i didnt see it on there)20:22
wadewhen i click X server display configuration it says unable to load X Server display Configuration page Failed to query noscanout for screen 020:22
Whisky`Gnea, I've heard the broadcom STA wireless driver works? How do I get it?20:22
fuzion24ive read 100 forums and tried at least 20 different pieces of software20:22
Wavesonics10.04 data size's in base 10 == FAIL20:22
Gneafuzion24: vlc20:23
guntbertfrxstrem: did you see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo ?20:23
fuzion24I am using a Dazzle DVC 100 with Ubuntu 9.10. It mounts the video to /dev/video0 and the audio to /dev/dsp1... I am trying to convert old vhs into digital format.  VLC shows serious lines in the video.  Cheese plays it fine, but I cannot seem to capture audio.  Can someone recommend some good a/v software for this purpose?20:23
Local_OvermindGlfing an you others thanks for your tips.20:23
fuzion24 "VLC shows serious lines in the video."20:23
frxstremguntbert: no, but it was really just a theoretical question, you see20:23
Gnea!broadcom | Whisky`20:23
ubottuWhisky`: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx20:23
Whisky`Gnea, thank you,20:23
fuzion24I guess I could ask the question why vlc shows shitty picture, but cheese shows nice picture?20:23
wadegnea when i click X server display configuration it says unable to load X Server display Configuration page Failed to query noscanout for screen 020:23
Gneafuzion24: oh. I've had some success with mythtv in that regard.20:24
guntbertfrxstrem: reinstall ubuntu is not necessary - you *can* repair grub20:24
guntbert!language | fuzion2420:24
ubottufuzion24: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:24
Gneawade: can you open a terminal?20:24
frxstremguntbert: well, I just thought, I could as well do it, since it doesn't take a lot of work to do anyway20:24
oriPLease help With Bluetooth. I Installed (i think) eveerything i need for bluetooth to work, have both bluetooth and bluetooth manager starting at login, and when i go to bluetooth manager, i get the following error: Connection to BlueZ failed. Bluez daemon is not running, blueman-manager cannot continue.20:24
kentdoes anyone know if ubuntu is gona be switching to KDE insted of Gnome?20:24
fuzion24I will give mythTV a go... havent tried that yet.20:24
macokent: certainly not.20:24
Gneakent: ever heard of kubuntu?20:25
Gelflingfuzion24, have you tried kino ?20:25
macokent: if you prefer kde, that'd be kubuntu20:25
guntbertfuzion24: and "why" questions find seldom an answer here - no developpers20:25
frxstremkent: no, Kubuntu is the KDE version of Ubuntu20:25
Whisky`Gnea, I have an Intel wireless card in my notebook.20:25
kentI tried Kubuntu its more complicated20:25
fuzion24yes, kino did not work well at all20:25
GneaWhisky`: then why did you ask about broadcom?20:25
Gelflingfuzion24,  http://www.kinodv.org/20:25
kentKubuntu is not as good as ubuntu20:25
frxstremkent: well, Kubuntu is, as I said, essentially Ubuntu with KDE instead of GNOME20:25
fuzion24it only worked with firewire from what i read20:25
Gneakent: it's actually the same thing, but using kde instead of gnome.20:25
Whisky`Gnea, I don't know I looked up some site on Google someone was recommending it :/ :(20:25
macokent: kde does give you more choices and power than gnome.  if thats not your preferred way of working, then you're best off with ubuntu/gnome, i think20:26
Gelflingfuzion24, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29348920:26
Gelflingis about all i could find for you =/20:26
kentno the whole Kubuntu set up is way different then ubuntu20:26
Chris___I want to give user B r/w access to a certain folder in user A's ~ directory, while avoiding sudo. Can I do this with symlink?20:26
macokent: thats because it's kde20:26
frxstremkent: that's because it's KDE20:26
kentno duh realy20:26
kenti figured that part out20:26
Gelflingkde is too busy for me20:26
GneaWhisky`: well, figure out what you want to do and get back to us20:27
markizanoI just bought a Toshiba Satellite Pro L500, GDM makes noise, but gnome doesn't. How do I configure gnome to properly use the sound drivers in Karmic ?20:27
* maco likes kde20:27
kentbut KDE is more stable then gnome thats why i was wondering20:27
wadegnea: yes i ccan20:27
Gelflingmaco, if i wasn't adhd and could sit down and config it properly20:27
oriPLease help With Bluetooth. I Installed (i think) eveerything i need for bluetooth to work, have both bluetooth and bluetooth manager starting at login, and when i go to bluetooth manager, i get the following error: Connection to BlueZ failed. Bluez daemon is not running, blueman-manager cannot continue.20:27
Gelflingin sure it wouldn't be so busy =P20:27
guntbert!ot | kent20:27
ubottukent: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:27
fuzion24Gelfling,  already read that fourm and tried their suggestions =/20:27
Whisky`Gnea, I want to make WiFi work on my Intel 394520:27
Gelflingfuzion24, sorry thats about all i can offer, sorry i wasn't more of a help20:27
Gelflingstill learning as I go =/20:28
infidhow can i tell my printer to print unicode chars?20:28
kentguntbert: whats that meen? !ot | kent?20:28
Gelflingon topic20:28
infidi have an HP deskjet20:28
Gneakent: you don't quite understand. the underlying software base is the *same* in ubuntu and kubuntu. they use the *same* repositories to install software. I've actually found ubuntu more stable than kubuntu, but that's just me. I actually hate gnome and replaced it with E17, which is faster than both, but that floats my boat.20:28
armor-64Hi!i have a problem with my laptop!i am in Ubuntu and it's not showing exactly how much battery i have!what should i do?20:28
markizanokent: it means get the "off topic" stuff and put it's output in your view - it's an IRC function ^_^20:28
macoGnea: i would assume kent means in terms of the desktop apps crashing/leaking memory/etc.20:28
guntbertkent: (ubottu seems asleep) - I wanted to ask you to move the discussion about kde to #ubuntu-offtopic20:29
fuzion24thanks for trying, Gelfling20:29
Chris___I want to give user B r/w access to a certain folder in user A's ~ directory, while avoiding sudo. Can I do this with symlink?20:29
Gneawade: please type this:  sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit     then, paste here the resulting URL20:29
kentGnean: yeah like gnome is better at applications but when it comes to boot KDE is better i think20:29
markizanoChris___: no, i think you would have to use chmod20:30
slackste1Hi, I'm trying to burn a dvd remotely from command line. does this look right? growisofs -Z /dev/dvdrw -R -J /home/datz/Music/.torrents/8.0-RELEASE-i386-all/8.0-RELEASE-i386-dvd1.iso20:30
kentok well i am gona go thanks for answaring my question20:30
Gelflingslacker_nl, that looks like its an illegaly downloaded file...20:31
Gneamaco: that's pretty much why I had to go to E17.  I don't need a GUI that consumes as much, if not more memory than my web browser.20:32
slackste1Gelfling: heh20:32
wadegnea http://pastebin.com/0YdjjvAw20:32
=== slackste1 is now known as slackster
slacksterI'm geting confused here with nicks. :P20:32
slacksterGelfling: talking to me?20:32
Gelflingthe other guy20:33
Gelflingor you20:33
oriPLease help With Bluetooth. I Installed (i think) eveerything i need for bluetooth to work, have both bluetooth and bluetooth manager starting at login, and when i go to bluetooth manager, i get the following error: Connection to BlueZ failed. Bluez daemon is not running, blueman-manager cannot continue.20:33
Gelflingim confused now, did you change nicks?20:33
ubuntunoobsome1 tell me in a nuttshell , what will happen if i install windows xp on this ubuntu pc20:33
infidubuntunoob: you'll have ruined a perfectly good machine?20:33
Gelflingubuntunoob, we will curse you20:33
macoubuntunoob: ubuntu would not be bootable anymore because windows would replace the bootloader20:34
slacksterGelfling: yes, but only slightly after it was changed20:34
macoGelfling: not nice20:34
Gelflingi was kidding =P20:34
Gelflingubuntunoob, it all depends20:34
infidubuntunoob: if it can run ubuntu it should run xp, if that's what you're asking20:34
slacksterGelfling: anyway, does that command look right?20:34
guntbertGelfling: don't make that kind of jokes here20:34
Gelflingubuntunoob, it all depends20:34
Gneawade: hrm, need to know which version of the nvidia driver you installed: dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep nvidia-glx20:34
Gelflingare you removing ubuntu completely?20:34
slacksterGelfling: it's freebsd..btw20:34
Gelflingor are you gonna dual boot?20:34
ubuntunoobwell doing the dual booting partition stuff seems abit risky..20:34
Gelflingif you remove ubuntu, and install windows20:35
Gelflingyou will need to repair the MBR20:35
wadegnea what do you mean by that20:35
Gelflingthere is a guide on the forums in the tips section for it20:35
ubuntunoobi cant even get my microphone working via skype >.>20:35
Gelflinglet me link you20:35
guntbert!who | Gelfling20:35
ubottuGelfling: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:35
Gneawade: well, I have an FX 5600 and only a certain version of the driver will work - all other versions will ignore the card or not detect the monitor correctly20:35
ubuntunoobi had to install some drivers for creative soundblaster xfi soundcard.. but no mic20:35
ubuntunoobGelfling: im talking about installing windows now ontop of ubuntu?20:36
PowderkingHi all! I've installed Mythbuntu 9.10 i386 on an Asus eeeBox EB1501 and tried to setup LIRC for a Philips MCE Remote RC1974506/00; I have chosen module for mceusb2 but irw doesn't show anything. What can I check next?20:36
ubuntunoobwhat will i need to do after that for them both to show up on some bootloader?20:36
wadegnea: soo i'm stuck ?20:36
Gneawade: no, that's why you need to run that command to find out what version is installed. if it's the wrong one, the fix will be easy. if it's not, the fix will be difficult.20:37
xJoshRis there any reason why when trying to boot from liveCD (9.10) it hangs after choosing either to install or try ubuntu?20:37
Gelflingubuntunoob, so you wanna keep ubuntu and install windows along side it? or no?20:37
macoubuntunoob: do you already have a partition for windows to install into?20:37
guntbert!md5sum | xJoshR did you check?20:37
slacksterI guess I'll try to burn it.. wonder what is the worst that can happen...20:37
ubottuxJoshR did you check?: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:37
wadegnea: i copied and pasted the command you said and nothing came up i think you may have typed it wrong20:37
JokerAwaymneptok: nothing seems to solve the problem20:37
ubuntunoobyes Gelfling20:38
macoubuntunoob: if not, you need to resize your ubuntu partiton andmake an ntfs partition for windows using an ubuntu live cd. then install windows to that partition. then reinstall grub from an ubuntu live cd20:38
ubuntunoobno i do not maco20:38
JokerAwayWhat is the "new" grub.lst ? or where is it now located?20:38
Gelflingubuntunoob, what windows version?20:38
Gneawade: dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep nvidia-glx   <-- pretty sure I typed it right20:38
ubuntunooband thats all maco ?20:38
ubuntunoobi would go for windows 7 or windows xp ?20:38
ubuntunoobsome sleek custom windows xp >..20:38
Ganymedehow do i specify additional nameservers in additional to the ones i get from DHCPv4? this page https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html says "If the DNS server names are retrieved dynamically from DHCP or PPPoE (retrieved from your ISP), do not add nameserver entries in this file. It will be overwritten." but it simply does not mention where to add nameservers if i AM using DHCP20:38
Gelflingubuntunoob, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103599920:38
wadegnea: nothing happens lol20:38
JokerAway/boot/grub/menu.lst doesnt exist anymore, what is replacing it?20:39
armor-64hey!how i can configure grub?20:39
Gelflingubuntunoob, this is a howto for installing windows 7 on top of ubuntu20:39
guntbert!grub2 | JokerAway20:39
macoubuntunoob: yep, believe so20:39
ubottuJokerAway: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub220:39
adimithello. I'm trying to ecrypt my laptop's internal HDD (encrypted w/ ecryptfs). Typing ecryptfs-mount-private in the home directory of the old drive yields nothing. Any hints?20:39
Trumanhow can i tell if my ubuntu is 32 or 64 bit ?20:39
guntbertarmor-64: grub or grub2 ?20:39
wadegnea ohh do i type them all 1 by 120:39
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macoTruman: uname -m20:39
armor-64guntbert: grub220:39
Gneawade: no, it's 3 different commands, but they are piped together to produce the desired outcome20:40
ubuntunoobofc i cant reize the partition on ubuntu now?20:40
macoTruman: if it says x86_64 it's 64bit. if it says something else, its not20:40
ubuntunoobhas to be live cd right20:40
guntbert!grub2 > armor-6420:40
ubottuarmor-64, please see my private message20:40
macoubuntunoob: right. never resize a running partition20:40
Trumanmaco: where should i type that " am new to ubuntu" ?20:40
macoTruman: applications -> accessories -> terminal20:40
Gneawade: if you type dpkg -l by itself, you get too much output. you first want to see the installed packages, and then which nvidia driver packages are installed20:40
Gelflingmaco, ever use yakuake ?20:41
macoGelfling: no20:41
Gelflingmaco,  i love it =D20:41
ubuntunoobi love ubuntu just lacks in the gaming area :/20:41
Trumani686, so it s 3s bit , right ?20:41
macoGelfling: i know what it is, and ive used tilda, but i have a terminal open all the time anyway20:41
macoTruman: right, 32bit20:41
Gelflingubuntunoob, i can run almost every game on unbuntu20:41
wadegnea: http://tinypic.com/r/md369e/520:41
Gneaubuntunoob has quite a few games nowadays... they're just not the kind that are hyped about in the media as much20:41
Gelflingubuntunoob,  besides games that use gameguard and hackshield20:42
gbramwellI'm trying to use a keyboard that's showing in lsusb, but isn't working on the login screen.  Where should I start troubleshooting?20:42
adimitWoW runs perfectly :-P20:42
forcekmfcrossover games - 9.0 works with almost anything20:42
Gneawade: okay, try it like this:  dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep nvidia20:42
BluesKajubuntunoob, buy an xbox  :)20:42
`JackI have a real problem here ... last week, I made a irc server on my pc. all worked fine. on the second day, port 6667 and many other ports were closed for global using, including port 80. the users from my internet network from my city can access it, but nobody else can ! any suggestion ?20:42
deanusif only wow didnt suck.. heh20:42
armor-64guntbert:it's grub2!my main prob is the battery.my friens says tha i can configure the battery via grub and it will work then20:43
wadegnea: http://pastebin.com/aybcbjxW20:43
ubuntunoobyes iv had an xbox20:43
ubuntunoobgot banned ^^20:43
`JackI have a real problem here ... last week, I made a irc server on my pc. all worked fine. on the second day, port 6667 and many other ports were closed for global using, including port 80. the users from my internet network from my city can access it, but nobody else can ! and the ports that I need are opened in my firewall and in iptables... any suggestions please  ?20:43
oriPLease help With Bluetooth. I Installed (i think) eveerything i need for bluetooth to work, have both bluetooth and bluetooth manager starting at login, and when i go to bluetooth manager, i get the following error: Connection to BlueZ failed. Bluez daemon is not running, blueman-manager cannot continue.20:43
ubuntunoobin that last big mircoshit ban wave :(20:43
Gneawade: gotcha.  sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-17320:44
ubuntunoobwas thinking about getting a ps3 :) but i still like my fps games on the pc20:44
Gneawade: then reboot20:44
guntbertarmor-64: "configure the battery via grub"?  sorry - I never heard about that - what should that do?20:44
guntbert!ot | ubuntunoob20:44
wadegnea: ok brb20:44
ubottuubuntunoob: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:44
`JackI have a real problem here ... last week, I made a irc server on my pc. all worked fine. on the second day, port 6667 and many other ports were closed for global using, including port 80. the users from my internet network from my city can access it, but nobody else can ! and the ports that I need are opened in my firewall and in iptables... any suggestions please  ?20:44
Gnea!repeat | `Jack20:45
ubottu`Jack: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.20:45
GelflingGnea,  is the 173 better than the 185 version?20:45
macoubuntunoob: people watch your language20:45
GneaGelfling: 173 works with the FX 5000 series20:45
GelflingGnea: ahh gotcha, i have a crappy card, i use the 185 lol20:45
natrixnatrix89Now when I make printscreen, there is no mouse anymore. where did it go?20:45
`JackGnea, I saw that nobody answered me and it's king of urgent ..20:45
`Jackkind *20:45
GneaGelfling: crappy, you say? ha! that's gotta be newer than FX ;)20:45
knoppies`Jack, let me go read what you wrote.20:45
`Jackok :|20:46
GelflingGnea: i forget what kind i have, how do i check, lol20:46
armor-64guntbert: the problem is that i don't know how much battery i have!it's always showing me tha i have 0.0% battery or when i am charging i have full!and that's a problem for me becouse i dont know how much battery i have and the pc shut down becouse of battery20:46
GneaGelfling: lspci | grep VGA20:46
wadegnea: now what? lol.20:46
knoppies`Jack, have you double checked your routers port forwarding? and iptables?20:46
Gneawade: now try to change your resolution20:46
GelflingGnea,  nVidia Corporation C67 [GeForce 7150M / nForce 630M]20:46
wadegnea: no differnt20:47
`Jackknoppies, I don't have a router or a modem.20:47
knoppies`Jack, maybe the IP address of your server (or router) has changed since you set it up?20:47
orb01hey, I have a couple of files that contain illegal characters, how can I rename the file?20:47
PowderkingCan anybody help me with my LIRC problem I described above?20:47
macoarmor-64: try typing "acpi -b" on the command line20:47
knoppies`Jack, oh, ok.20:47
`Jackknoppies, I don't have a router or a modem, and the IP address is the same ..20:47
oriPLease help With Bluetooth. I Installed (i think) eveerything i need for bluetooth to work, have both bluetooth and bluetooth manager starting at login, and when i go to bluetooth manager, i get the following error: Connection to BlueZ failed. Bluez daemon is not running, blueman-manager cannot continue.20:47
guntbertarmor-64: that has (in my experience) nothing to do with grub - its all about power management - what notebook do you have?20:47
`Jackas far I know.20:47
GneaGelfling: ah, a notebook card. definately newer. and it's not a Go.20:47
macoarmor-64: i find that command to be *much* more likely to work even when the battery applet is being stupid20:47
ubuntu__hello all20:47
`JackI tried many ways .. reconfigured firewall.. but nothing worked.20:47
knoppies`Jack, double check it.20:47
`Jackknoppies, I checked. it's the same.20:48
knoppies`Jack, are you using a domain name or your IP address when you connect to it?20:48
armor-64maco: in terminal?20:48
GelflingGnea, know any tricks in ubuntu to keep it from overheating? lol20:48
armor-64gunbert: LG E-50020:48
macoarmor-64: aye20:48
macoarmor-64: i mean "yes"20:48
Gneawade: weird. do you have a green light in preferences->administration->hardware drivers?20:48
`JackI don't use a domain name20:48
wadegnea: yes20:49
`Jackknoppies, this problem wasn't before. something is blocking some ports that I need20:49
Gelfling`Jack, are you connecting using your ip address instead of a name server?20:49
armor-64maco: i know don't worry!xaxa20:49
`JackGelfling, connecting on what ?20:49
Gelfling`Jack,  the irc server20:49
`Jackyes, using my ip address20:49
GneaGelfling: yeah, use it on a flat surface, not on a blanket or clothing or anything that would restrict air movement from below/sides20:49
maco`Jack: is it possible your ISP got Not Happy at your traffic usage, realised you had a server, and took action?20:50
infidcan the courier font print unicode characters?20:50
guntbertarmor-64: did acpi -b give any useful output?20:50
BlueEagle`jack: If you do not have a router nor a modem... how exactly do you connect to the interweb?20:50
`Jackmaco, I didn't had traffic at all.20:50
Chris___can crontab be used as a "timer"? I only need someone done once, not recurringly20:50
`JackBlueEagle optical fiber20:50
verbatimChris___: you probably want to look at "at" instead of cron20:50
gbramwellIs there a reason why a keyboard showing in lsusb wouldn't work on the splash screen?20:50
Gelfling`Jack, are you using any type of firewall in ubuntu ?20:50
`Jackdirectly in my network cark20:50
Gnea`Jack: have you considered using a different port?20:50
`JackGelfling, yes, quicktables.20:50
`JackGnea, no, but this shouldn't be a problem for website users ?20:51
Gelfling`Jack, have you made sure all ports are open in quicktables? dumb question, but gotta ask lol20:51
knoppies`Jack, with optical fiber, do you only have one IP (as in no external IP)?20:51
armor-64guntbert: i am installing it!i give you answer in 2 min20:51
`JackGelfling, Yes. all open20:51
`Jackknoppies, one ip, yes.20:51
guntbertarmor-64: ok - take your time :)20:51
knoppies`Jack, give me your IP, so that I can try connect. I want to see what kind of error I get.20:51
Gnea`Jack: as far as I can see, it looks more like your webserver just isn't setup right20:52
BlueEagle`jack: ...and when you say optical fiber directly into your network card does that imply that you do not use an ethernet cable? Because where I live optical fiber connections are terminated in a modem usually along with TV and telephone.20:52
rdogganyone know if theres a free alternative to cpanel so I can make my own webhost?20:52
Gnea`Jack: nevermind20:52
lampliterhaving a problem with 9.10 server. Machine had been working well but now boots into blank screen and never comes up. Turning off splash mode and quiet shows some output from the boot process but then, it again goes into a blank screen and never responds20:52
m2fuhi guys, i have a quick question, if i install 9.10 will i be able to upgrade to 10.04 when it comes out without formatting and all that?20:52
lampliterany ideas?20:53
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »20:53
knoppies`Jack, what port should I be using?20:53
orb01hey, I have a couple of files that contain illegal characters, how can I rename the file?20:53
`JackGnea, the ip is for you and all others are open just some ports20:53
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guntbert`Jack: you realize that this channel is publicly logged? so posting your IP address might not be the *best* idea :_)20:53
armor-64guntbert: i type what maco says acpi -b and acpi says:battery 0 unknown, 0%20:53
Eettem2fu: yes. you can upgrade without reformatting.20:53
DaZguntbert: dude...20:53
`Jackguntbert, I know. but I really need to solve this.20:53
m2fuperfect, thanks20:53
Powderkingm2fu yes you can upgrade from the running system20:53
HowardtheDuckhey will mencoder work on a 64 bit quad core20:53
guntbertDaZ: I beg your pardon?20:53
Gnea`Jack: are you aware that Romania can and will block anything it wants to?20:53
bsmith093jack whats the problem20:54
brontosaurusrexHowardtheDuck: sure20:54
armor-64guntbert: plus rate information unavailable20:54
Gelfling`Jack, is your irc server running now?20:54
macoarmor-64: yuck. sounds like a bug. did you mention grub earlier? it wasnt "i set it to boot with noacpi" was it?20:54
Ganymedeorb01, try a shell that cycles through filenames when you use tab completition, then keep on hitting tab until the file comes around (if there are fewer than like 20 files)20:54
DaZguntbert: ips are public as well.20:54
HowardtheDuckbut...will it divide the workload between the 4 processors?20:54
`JackGnea, this is against my consumer rights :)20:54
`Jackif my ISP blocked my port20:54
Gnea`Jack: what is? :)20:54
`JackGelfling, no, I stopped it when I saw that the ports are down20:54
`JackI erased the archive too.20:54
knoppies`Jack, Im trying to connect to it now...20:55
armor-64maco: you say acpi -b it's wrong?20:55
`Jackknoppies, will be timed out.20:55
`Jackon port 8020:55
Gnea`Jack: if they think you're using bittorrent, then perhaps it's not against your rights20:55
orb01Ganymede: that's the problem, it displays the files in Dolphin e.g., but I can't open them through there. The filename contains ? characters, and find nor rename can't find them20:55
Gelfling`Jack,  did you change the ports?20:55
guntbertarmor-64: it seems that there are problems recognizing your hardware - please try to lookup your notebook on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport20:55
Ganymedeorb01, or try copying them into new files: something like: for i in *; do cp -iv "$i" $(uuidgen); done20:55
`JackGelfling, I changed only the ssh port. that's all.20:55
macoarmor-64: im saying it sounds like the kernel doesnt know whats going on with your battery20:55
brontosaurusrexHowardtheDuck: i know that x264 will encode in 12 threds on quad core, dunno about mencoder, since this is a pack of gazzilion thingies20:55
wadegnea: anything else i should try20:55
`JackGnea, bittorrent doesn't use port 80. they know that.20:55
armor-64guntbert: ok!thanks20:55
Gelfling`Jack, sorry but i can't help you. =(20:55
Gnea`Jack: you seem to miss the point.20:56
knoppies`Jack, actually getting unknown host. What port were you using for your IRC server?20:56
armor-64maco: dunno!what should i do?20:56
`Jackknoppies, 666720:56
`Jackdefault one20:56
Ganymedeorb01, that will make copies of the file with new filenames20:56
macoarmor-64: file a bug. "ubuntu-bug linux"20:56
`Jackit's closed that too.20:56
knoppies`Jack, did you have something (like a web server) running on port 80?20:56
`Jackknoppies, just a website made with drupal20:56
macoarmor-64: also, give a 10.04 live cd a try. see if lucid may have already fixed it20:56
bsmith093just randomise the port like use 5141320:57
knoppies`Jack, using no-ip (and probably some others) you can avoid using the default ports.20:57
`JackI don't care about the irc server, I just need the port 80 .20:57
`JackSo.. my ISP could block those ports, right ?20:58
armor-64maco: i i give a try with the newest Ubuntu and see what's happening!if it's not working i send an e-mail!can i contact with irc with them?20:58
knoppies`Jack, in theory, but Im not sure why they would.20:58
`Jackknoppies, me either..20:58
macoarmor-64: not email. file a bug on http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs20:59
knoppies`Jack, you want to try port 80 redirect using no-ip?20:59
macoarmor-64: if you do it with the "ubuntu-bug linux" command from the live cd, it'll include lots of debugging info automatically for the kernel developers, and that'll help fix it faster20:59
`Jack"using no-iP" ? i'm a little bit more noob in linux ..21:00
armor-64maco: ok i see what i can do!thanks for the help21:00
knoppiesno-ip is a website that hands out subdomains for free. They have a paid service as well but You dont have to pay for this service.21:00
macoarmor-64: good luck :)21:00
brontosaurusrex<`Jack> how is your router set?21:00
`Jackbrontosaurusrex, I don't have a router.21:00
knoppiesbrontosaurusrex, no router, its an Optic Fiber connection.21:01
`Jackknoppies, I have a free subdomain on my ip from afraid.org21:01
`Jackthat could be a problem for port 80 ?21:01
knoppies`Jack, do they do port redirection?21:01
knoppies`Jack, not unless you only tried to connect to your webserver with their subdomain, if you used your IP then it shouldnt haffect it.21:01
`Jackknoppies, I don't think so .. I have 3 servers with subdomains from there and I don't have problems.21:01
`Jackjust on that one21:01
kevin_HELP! I updated my Hardy Heron and I lost the entry for my Windows XP in the menu.lst file.21:03
`JackI'm out of ideas. I tried everything.21:03
knoppies`Jack, is your webserver running now?21:03
yourmghqHow can i see what my cd drive can support21:03
`Jackknoppies, yes, but only for me as I can say21:03
Rafael folder of a windows client computer to be mounted on my ubuntu server. that folder is on a non -administrative user. i had  to do it as a Share folder for all users since if i did it other way it won let me..any help..this is the command that i ended using, were the F folder is the share for all users.  sudo mount -t cifs -o username=xxxx,password=xxxx // /home/rgotten/FrontDesk.Windows21:03
knoppies`Jack, I got one. just hang in there.21:03
`Jackfor users from the  same network.21:03
Nick_Meisterhi guys i was wondering if there was anyway to setup a remote desktop, so that multiple users connecting get a different one, and someone who is using the computer already gets one as well, that way there can be multiple user sessions, also so that i can like resize the viewers window and the resolution changes as well,(like virtual pc but with a remote system)21:03
phiberoptikkde 4.4 seems to run slower and not as smooth as the default gnome on 9.1021:03
knoppies`Jack, could that be the problem?21:03
`Jackthe subdomain ?21:04
macokevin_: http://tinycorelinux.com/forum/index.php?topic=459.0 may help21:04
knoppies`Jack, that only users on the same network can connect to it. All this time Ive been under the impression that your server was connected to the internet. Something tells me its not.21:04
bauersuboptimal routing experience21:04
cliffhangerDoes any1 know if I can install the 64bit version of ubuntu on a system that has 32bit installed without having to run a fresh install? Just looking 4 a way 2 upgrade without having to lose all my files and programs I have installed...21:05
`Jackknoppies, it is. I'm sure of this. :)21:05
jeanette-1234hey peeps I have an OT question: my laptop is connected to an external monitor. The laptop's display is broken. Can IO just cut the cord connecting the laptop's display and only use the external?21:05
bluebaronwhat's the openssl-devel package called now?21:05
`Jackknoppies, can I contact you in 20 minutes ? I will go to that apartment. and I will tell you more infos.21:05
knoppiescliffhanger, dont think its possible. Most of the files you want to keep will be in your home directory anyway.21:05
knoppies`Jack, if you think it will help. I should still be here in 20minutes.21:06
gbramwellI have a basic USB keyboard that shows up in lsusb, but isn't recognized by the splash screen.  Any ideas on where I can start looking for what's wrong?21:06
`Jackok. brb. :)21:06
kevin_thanks maco21:06
cliffhangerOk thanx knoppies.21:06
=== root is now known as Guest41222
gbramwellI have a basic USB keyboard that shows up in lsusb, but isn't recognized by the splash screen.  Any ideas on where I can start looking for what's wrong?21:07
guntbert!repeat | gbramwell21:08
ubottugbramwell: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.21:08
bluebaronwhat's the openssl-devel package called now?21:08
knoppiesgbramwell, I read it the first time. Please dont repeat it so quickly. You could check that USB legacy support is enabled in your BIOS, other than that I have NO IDEA.21:08
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kkerwinNot sure where to ask this. Just bought a micro usb cable for use as a data cable for my phone. Turns out that it is a charging cable only. Damn sales rep lied to me when asked about it. Anyway, I saw something on a google search one time about getting charging cables to work as a data cable. Anyone have any experience with that, or know where I should ask?21:10
=== maple1 is now known as ccnz
knoppieskkerwin, other than google (or maybe even the ubuntu forums) no. I think the only difference would be that the data cable has more copper connections than the charging one, so I would assume you just add a few. But then Im sucking my thumb.21:11
kkerwinknoppies: Thanks. Saw something about just a driver, so not even a hardware solution. Definitely confused, also.21:12
tbrockhey guys, i was running a mv command in an ssh window to move a ton of data from one server to another over nfs ~1.5tb21:12
tbrockand I got disconnected21:12
tbrocki see that the mv is still in top21:13
knoppieskkerwin, hmm, Have you tried to use it as a data cable (without doing any modifications)?21:13
kkerwinknoppies: Device doesn't even show up in lsusb.21:13
tbrockso i think the command is still running, is there any way to still be able to see the output/reconnect to the command21:13
whorushhey, transmission says my "port is closed" , don't get it.  sometimes it is, sometimes it isnt.  last night it was open and fast as hell, today its closed and pretty slow.  whats up?21:14
knoppieskkerwin, I think we have exhausted my knowledge on this. I hope you find a solution. That does sound interesting though.21:14
tbrocki can see the user is still logged in and running the command if i type w or who21:14
knoppieswhorush, is something else using the port?21:14
kkerwinknoppies: Thanks for your help, anyways! :-)21:14
knoppieskkerwin, my pleasure.21:14
whorushknoppies, ya know its some port up there like 57416, i doubt it?  besides i've tried a bunch of ports that are all closed.21:15
knoppieswhorush, The next thing I would suggest is investigating any firewalls (maybe even your router) but I dont even know how to use iptables.21:16
Kuukkeli^Hmmmh, does anyone here have Steam client running under wine?21:16
whorushyeah it could be the ubuntu firewall?21:16
knoppieswhorush, dont know.21:16
knoppieswhorush, assuming ubuntu has one by default, its possible.21:16
whorushthanks, anyone else know how to unblock my port in transmission?21:17
whorushsometimes my port is blocked, sometimes it isnt21:17
=== goingtomoonbrb is now known as goingtoceresbbl
compgeniusguys, how would I make a window appear on X from ssh21:18
compgeniuslike run a gnome app from ssh but make it appear on the real gnome21:18
knoppiescompgenius, X of your host or client?21:19
compgeniusof the computer i'm running gnome on.21:19
compgeniuson my ubuntu21:19
=== goingtoceresbbl is now known as goingtomoonbrb
knoppiesssh -X user@servername21:20
Kuukkeli^Does anyone know what should i do? Im having this irritating problem on TF2 running on steam through Wine, it has extremely low fps and it keeps flooding the console with missing .vtf files.21:20
compgeniusi'm on windows knoppies21:20
knoppiescompgenius, did you read that?21:20
compgeniusi'm trying to make a window appear on my ubuntu's gnome.21:20
compgeniusi'm using putty21:20
Berzerkeranyone know how to check in sh, if a directory is empty or not21:20
knoppiescompgenius, oh, I get it now. I dont know. I know how to set up an X server on windows and then use that.21:20
compgeniusI only have 2gb of space21:21
macocompgenius: and not have it show up on your window machine at all? because VNC or remote desktop may be your best bet21:21
gerberDesktop effects could not be enabled21:22
compgeniusmaco: VNC is slow.21:22
knoppiesgerber, I would assume graphics drivers.21:22
poincare101gerber: have you installed drivers?21:22
gerberdv5-1235dx this is hp laptop21:23
sosexi_Hi guys. does anyone know where Ubuntu.. stores images ive viewed online? in firefox?21:24
Out_Coldso i've been having a **** of a time trying to get LVM to work properly with a fresh install.... If i were to do it after a minimal install, would I just copy all my directories into my new LVs?21:24
gerberdv5-1235dx this is hp laptop21:24
Out_Coldsosexi, maybe in .mozzila/21:24
Gneasosexi_: ~/.mozilla/firefox/<profile>/Cache/ iirc21:24
gerberwhere i can get the driver21:24
poincare101gerber: what graphics card?21:25
trismcompgenius: you just need to set DISPLAY and XAUTHORITY correctly, and then gui apps launched through ssh will show up on the desktop of the machine you are ssh'd into21:25
poincare101gerber: what company is the graphics card? Stick that comany's game into google.21:25
gerberdv5-1235dx this is hp laptop21:25
gerberdv5-1235dx this is hp laptop21:25
poincare101gerber: the GRAPHICS CARD's company like nvidia21:25
EnelarPeople help. I mount new (not used) flash. "Transend JetFlash V15". But ubuntu returns this error. "mount: block device /dev/sdc1 is write-protected, mounting read-only mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock, missing codepage or helper program, or other error."  etc21:26
poincare101(it probably has a little sticker like the processor sticker)21:26
poincare101gerber: consult the manual if you don't know.21:26
Enelaron flash I dont found button - read only...21:26
poincare101gerber: if you don't have the manual, go to HP's website, find the product and find out the hardware on it.21:26
amstanhey, can anyone help me in finding what wifi card i have? i know i have a broadcom, but i can't find the model number21:26
gerberhp has driver for ubuntu ?21:27
poincare101gerber: it probably has a driver for linux.21:28
guntbertcompgenius: I guess you want ssh -X user@host  (its a big X) - in putty  settings you would go to category SSH/X11 and select enable X11 forwarding21:28
under_is there a gui to modify grub2 sequence list?21:28
Out_ColdEnelar, this is a vfat system?? you need to mount with options. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions21:28
gerberok thank you guys21:29
frxstremis it possible to set up an SSH server with UPnP in Ubuntu?21:29
guntbert!grub2 | under_: no21:29
ubottuunder_: no: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub221:29
poincare101gerber: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/softwareCategory?lc=en&dlc=en&cc=us&product=3860525&21:29
Enelar<Out_Cold> on box writed "AntiVirus USB Flash Drive". On supported systems only windows))21:29
under_guntbert, i'm reading...21:30
Out_Coldunder_, gui is in the works for grub221:30
poincare101gerber: try reinstalling opengl before you try to find a linux driver.21:30
Out_ColdEnelar, do you need the antivirus? you could just format it and have a new stick21:30
Enelar<Out_Cold> ye, but fdisk cant do that..21:31
frxstremis a firewall and antivirus necessary in Ubuntu?21:31
Out_ColdEnelar, use gparted if you can't figure out fdisk21:31
under_frxstrem, no.21:31
Out_Coldfrxstrem, firewall is important.21:31
Enelar<Out_Cold> gparted told that on this drive some error and he cant work with it21:32
mcurringtonfrxstrem: Also, anti virus is available for Ubuntu21:32
frxstremokay, has anyone got a firewall to recommend?21:32
Out_ColdEnelar, what's the error?21:32
Enelar<Out_Cold> stc21:32
almoxarifefrxstrem: you behind a router?21:32
Out_Coldfrxstrem, as long as you don't open up new services, then you should be fine21:32
frxstremalmoxarife: yes, how come?21:33
Out_ColdEnelar, i'm not sure what stc means21:33
almoxarifefrxstrem: does the router provide firewall?21:33
Out_Coldfrxstrem, your router should be your firewall..21:33
Enelar<Out_Cold> now he just dont see flash))21:33
DR_Fun1hey dose any one know how to extract files i downloded to my www folder for some reson it wont let me extract to the folder21:34
lieterDR_Fun1: you probably don't have the right permissions to do so21:34
Out_ColdDR_Fun1, you don't have permissions to do so.. use sudo21:34
mcurringtonDR_Fun1: What sort of file are you trying to extract?21:34
lieterDR_Fun1: you can try sudo21:34
DR_Fun1k sudo what21:35
Enelaradministrator@ubuntu:/mnt/sdb1/var/svn/certus$ sudo fdisk /dev/sdc21:35
EnelarCant open /dev/sdc21:35
Out_ColdEnelar, sdc121:35
Out_Coldsdc is not a partition21:35
mcurringtonDR_Fun1: sudo <the program you are trying to use to extract>21:35
DR_Fun1k ty21:35
DR_Fun1ill try that21:36
DR_Fun1any one know where ninjai is21:36
Out_ColdDR_Fun1, any complaints about permissions can usually be fixed using sudo <commands>21:36
guntbertDR_Fun1: but be certain that is is nothing malicious - could be desaster with root permissions21:36
=== DrJ is now known as Bacon
=== Bacon is now known as DrJ
Enelar<Out_Cold> cant open /dev/sdb121:37
guntbertDR_Fun1: its usually better to copy that file into your home directory and extract it there - look at it , test it ...21:37
DR_Fun1any one know where ninjai is21:39
caseydon't no who you mean21:39
caseyknow even21:39
* Researcher is now away: You Can find me on Dalnet/Freenode/IrcNet/Efnet/GameSuge/Ircbox.com21:40
crankharderanyone actually have netatalk working on ubuntu?21:40
crankharderseems that every time i connect a client to it, it crashes21:41
mcurringtoncrankharder: You should file a bug report21:41
Gnea!away | Researcher21:41
ubottuResearcher: You should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»21:41
bidhui want to connect internet through mobile21:41
DR_Fun1ninjai i see u21:41
DR_Fun1where are u21:41
guntbertDR_Fun1: please keep to the topic21:42
bidhuhe any121:42
caseywhat is the topic??????21:42
mcurringtonDR_Fun1: Please contact this person through private message, unless it has something to do with Ubuntu support.21:42
mcurringtoncasey: Ubuntu Support Channel, type /topic21:42
guntbertcasey: this channel is for ubuntu support only21:42
bidhuhelp me .........i want to connect internet to  my laptop using samsung mobile21:42
bidhuhow could i do it21:43
DR_Fun1ok is any one handy with tomcat?21:43
bidhucan nay1 help me21:44
caseyso it's not a place to read what others are typing online?21:44
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:44
bidhuhelp me .........i want to connect internet to  my laptop using samsung mobile21:44
balanI am new to Ubuntu, want to activate my webcam and microphone21:45
caseyit appears that you are on your own there21:45
bidhui wana connect internet using mobile on ubuntu os laptop21:45
DR_Fun1where are the helpers to day eh21:45
caseycanadian eh?21:46
bidhuhe ....casey .......cn  u help21:46
caseydumb as nails here21:46
bidhuDR..........can u help?21:47
caseysurely a dr can help21:47
xiongDot folders used to sort after regular folders in Open dialogs. Now it seems the dot folders sort first. What did I do? How to fix this?21:48
mcurringtonDR_Fun1: Do you need help with tomcat? Try the #tomcat channel21:48
bidhumr. casey if u r here to make fun of others den dere are other bettr places21:48
DR_Fun1i dint know there was a chan for it21:48
KylaxGuys my camera wont work on ubuntu21:49
caseybidhu is english your second language?21:49
caseygo check out da channel21:49
KylaxBus 002 Device 003: ID 040a:05b3 Kodak Co. EasyShare Z710 Camera21:49
bidhu@DR no i wana start internet on ubuntu using my mobile21:49
bidhu@casey.......i thought dis is ubuntu forum ...not an english class21:50
jzacshhello, I'm trying to play around with android development on ubuntu with eclipse (never really used eclipse before)- tried following instructions, and some trouble shooting, no luck. I keep getting dependency errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/408702/21:50
caseyI think u misunderstand me21:50
blakkheimjzacsh: just use vi21:51
guntbertbidhu: please stay polite21:51
guntbert!u | bidhu21:51
DR_Fun1well sory i found a new freind that helped me with somen elce here so pffffff21:51
ubottubidhu: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.21:51
=== ce_se_tia is now known as andik
DR_Fun1thats why i was asken for ninjai21:51
=== mrcurrington is now known as mcurrington
Ali_can i upgrade to netbook ?21:51
eexit_anyone succeed to install Karmic via netboot?21:51
goingtomoonbrbPlease be patient when asking for help. Many of us are busy or just as clueless as you are. :)21:52
jzacshblakkheim: I do -- but I want to play around with this ide and google's well documented suggestions on running android emulation.21:52
* goingtomoonbrb falls into the clueless category, most of the time.21:52
KylaxBus 002 Device 003: ID 040a:05b3 Kodak Co. EasyShare Z710 Camera21:52
KylaxGuys my camera wont work on ubuntu21:52
infidwhat's an RSS feed reader for ubuntu that will popup new feeds in a notify bubble?21:52
eexit_no one?21:53
bidhuok....so now .......can anyone help me to connect ...in connecting internet through mobile on ubuntu21:53
caseynope sorry21:53
kevin_How do I check which location (hd0,0) for example my XP installation is?21:53
jzacshinfid gnome-do does, if you use gnome-do -- (not an rss reader, but it has an rss plugin you can turn on that does that)21:53
bidhuand why not21:53
KylaxBus 002 Device 003: ID 040a:05b3 Kodak Co. EasyShare Z710 Camera21:53
goingtomoonbrbbidhu: I would recommend trying google if no one immediately responds on here.21:53
KylaxGuys my camera wont work on ubuntu21:53
goingtomoonbrbbidhu: also, try ##linux21:53
caseywhat they said21:53
jzacshkevin_: I don't understand your question. can you rephrase that?21:54
bidhuguys ..can anyone help me to connect  internet through mobile on ubuntu21:54
costreKylax, Get a sdcard reader :)21:54
xiongThis is an issue with qfiledialog.21:54
jzacshbidhu: what's "mobile"?21:54
kevin_jzacsh, im trying to add my XP installation to my grub.lst file, but I need to know the location of the disk.21:54
bidhui googled but didnt got any fruitful solution21:55
MaletorHow do I allow www-data to write a file to /tmp ???21:55
caseyhow about contacting the mobile provider for help?21:55
Maletora socket file to be precise.21:55
guntbert!who | bidhu21:55
ubottubidhu: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:55
bidhujzacsh: samsung corby plus B341021:56
jzacshkevin_: did you try uncommenting the suggestd "windows" option in the grub config? (idk I might be talking about grub pre-version 2, thouhg).21:56
kevin_jzacsh, im using 8.0421:56
KentrelDo I need to have desktop effects switched on, in order to use Compiz?21:56
kevin_jzacsh, and there is no windows option21:56
jzacshbidhu: you've installed ubuntu on a phone? what is that?21:57
OerKentrel, yes21:57
kevin_jzacsh, what happend was i did a kernal update, and then i lost my xp installation21:57
jzacshkevin_: do you know which config file I'm talking about?21:57
KentrelOer, thank you, that explains why they weren't working, thanks!21:57
kevin_jzacsh, are you talking about "menu.lst"?21:57
bidhu@ casey....... i contacted them and they said to go to networking option in internet but there is no such option there21:57
jzacshkevin_: /boot/grub/menu.lst yes21:58
kevin_jzacsh, i dont see a windows option anywhere21:58
caseyperhaps not with ubuntu?21:58
bidhu@jzacsh: no ubuntu is on my laptop21:58
OerKentrel, you also need compiz manager21:58
KentrelYep, got that. Zoom is working now, thanks!21:58
infidjzacsh: are you sure? i dont see any rss plugin, i even typed 'rss' into the plugin search in gnome-do21:58
fabio_hello to all21:58
guntbert!hi | fabio_21:59
ubottufabio_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:59
Ali_can i upgrade karmic koala into netbook remix ?21:59
fabio_how to create a voip server and make free call for all over world mobile phones inclued?21:59
jzacshkevin_: scroll down to the green text and you'll see the one that starts with : "title Microsoft..."    --idk that this example is correct, but you didn't see anything remotely like this when viewing your menu.lst? http://boff.wordpress.com/2007/01/17/editing-bootgrubmenulst-to-change-the-grub-boot-menu/21:59
cutiyarhow to create new harddisk?21:59
infidjzacsh: nm it wasnt in the 'all plugins' section. thanks21:59
bidhuok guys seems every1 is a bit busy here...............thanks for the help21:59
jzacshinfid: np21:59
kevin_jzacsh, this is my menu.lst file: http://pastebin.com/qGhiLjne22:00
jzacshbidhu: don't place @ infront of names22:00
jzacshit defeats the purpose (our IRC clients only hilight our names if you address us the way we've addressed you)22:00
caseywhy not use a @22:00
LinuxGuy2009Is there any way to have apt-get or something similar, to download a package and all of its deps to a folder? I mean all deps as in all of them whether they are already installed or not. So I can make a custom set of repository disks.22:00
bidhuok jzacsh22:00
bidhubt y22:01
fabio_how to create a voip server and make free call for all over world mobile phones inclued?22:01
jzacshbidhu: I say this, because I just relized you said something to me -- because it wasn't hilihgted22:01
icerootLinuxGuy2009: /var/cache/apt  there are all deps going you installed, also you can use apt-get -d to just download a package (have a look at man apt-get)22:01
bidhujzacsh ....nut i asked that to you22:01
xiongDoes anybody know a thing about where to get help with QFileDialog preferences?22:02
StevenRbidhu: because that's the convention for IRC :) ... most clients do it that way because that's the way it is :) twitter uses @22:02
jzacshbidhu: so, ubuntu is on your laptop -- now what's the "mobile" you mentioned ealier (and the samsung device you mentioned)?22:02
xiongUser preferences, not developer or application prefs....22:02
caseyit's a free world even online22:02
bidhujzacsh......its samsung B341022:03
kevin_jzacsh, you know how you have to put (hd0,0) or something like that in the menu.lst file. well i don't remember which one my XP installation is. Im just wondering how I can find it.22:03
blakkheimkevin_: fdisk -l22:03
miyageShould Ubuntu support eee pc 701 (4G) from the box? I can't get wlan to work22:03
SmaSh2yeah fdisk -l22:03
makkalothi i'm trying to get radeon driver working but didnt have luck with it,vesa works ok. My xorg.conf : http://paste.pocoo.org/show/197026/ xorg.log : http://paste.pocoo.org/show/197025/ any ideas ?22:04
MaletorHow do I allow www-data to write a socket file to /tmp ???22:04
kevin_blackkheim, fdisk -l doesnt do anything22:04
blakkheimkevin_: run it as root22:04
jzacshkevin_: I think the last time I did it I just tried a few different combinations22:04
guntbertkevin_: sudo fdisk -l22:04
Ali_i have ubuntu 9.10 karmic koala , can i upgrade to netbok remix ?22:04
costremakkalot, have you tried envyNB?22:04
bidhuhe jzacsh22:04
fabio_how to create a voip server and make free call for all over world mobile phones inclued?22:04
LinuxGuy2009Ali_: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook-remix22:05
jzacshbidhu: yes, you have a samsung b3410 -- what is that?22:05
SmaSh2is apt-get the same is aptitude?22:05
SmaSh2as aptitude*22:05
DaZfabio_: first you have to win shedload of cash to make it free22:05
guntbertfabio_: are you certain that this is an ubuntu support question?22:05
LinuxGuy2009SmaSh2: apt-get is apt-get aptitude is aptitude22:05
bidhuits a mobile22:05
blakkheimSmaSh2: aptitude is smarter and handles dependencies better22:05
SmaSh2thanks !22:06
jzacshSmaSh2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aptitude_%28software%2922:06
kevin_blakkheim, jzacsh, guntbert, ok well now i know that its dev/sda1, but i dont know (hdx,x) does that mean 0,0?22:06
kevin_or maybe hd(0,1)22:06
jzacshkevin_: yes, i believe so22:06
jzacshkevin_:  0 022:06
makkalotcostre: no i didnt what is it ?22:06
guntbertkevin_: are you on grub or grub2?22:06
poincare101blakkheim: no. they use the same f***ing database.22:06
jzacshkevin_: but its not hda, its sd22:07
blakkheimpoincare101: i didn't say anything about the database, calm down22:07
guntbertjzacsh: doesn't matter in grub22:07
poincare101blakkheim: apt-get and aptitude use the same database from which they gather dependencies22:07
bidhubye jzacsh22:07
blakkheimpoincare101: yes, and?22:07
miyageNobody use Ubuntu with Asus Eee PC 701?22:07
jzacshbidhu: I'm having a tough time understanding you. what is a "mobile". in the US that can mean a mobile phone, or a netbook22:07
bidhuwill t ry to solve it on my own22:07
costremakkalot, It's a program to install and config graphics drivers. It helpsout a lot most of the time22:07
jzacshbidhu: bye22:07
cutiyarhow to add new hard ?22:07
guntbertkevin_: /dev/sda1 would be (hd0,0) then (in grub)22:08
kevin_OK, my XP installation is "dev/sda1/". What do I put where for the numbers (hdx,x)22:08
poincare101blakkheim: so, one cannot handle dependencies better than the other.22:08
kevin_guntbert thanks22:08
blakkheimpoincare101: aptitude handles dependencies better than apt-get, despite them using the same database.22:08
bidhujzacsh:ya thats a mobile phone.......with which i wana connect internet22:08
jzacshbidhu: tethering?22:09
kevin_thanks for the help you guys22:09
bidhujzacsh:on my laptop running ubuntu..............now u got me.........:)22:09
Ali_ldconfig deferred processing now taking place22:09
cutiyar how to add new hard ?22:09
cutiyarhow to creAte new hard ?22:10
bidhujzacsh: why tithering22:10
guntbertpoincare101: because aptitude keeps track of what it installed as dependency only - so when you remove the depending app the dependecies get removed too22:10
_romeo_i need to use my ubuntu to use the credentials my ldap server provides ... how can i do that ?22:10
Ali_blakkheim: ldconfig deferred processing now taking place22:10
_romeo_experts please help22:11
_romeo_ i need to use my ubuntu to use the credentials my ldap server provides ... how can i do that ?22:11
jzacshbidhu: I don't know anything about tethering (never had to do it) -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tethering22:12
robinetdis there a way, in lucid, to make the maximize, minimize and close buttons go back to the right side of the window?22:12
h4frobinetd: yeap there is a command for that22:12
jzacshcutiyar: can you elaborate?22:12
blakkheimrobinetd: yes but this is not a channel for lucid support22:12
karani installed22:13
karanlucid lynx22:13
karaneverything works now22:13
LinuxGuy2009If I use aptitude in a TTY to remove all of gnome and install KDE as my main desktop, can I later use the live CD to reinstall gnome or do the gnome packages have to be downloaded again to install?22:13
h4frobinetd: go to #ubuntu+122:13
karanyoutube doesn't lagg with compiz, and i can play war sow22:13
_romeo_i need to log into ubuntu using the ldap authentication .... through the login screen ... how can i do that ?22:14
Out_Coldso.... i'm ripping my hair out because of this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9062889#post9062889 Can I make a normal install, create my LVs and migrate the existing data over to the new LVs?22:14
pagorekaran that means taht u have an ATI card :P22:14
jzacshkaran: awesome! i have yet to use lucid --  try to write on one line22:14
pagoreits the same like i had22:14
karan<pagore> yes22:14
karan<jzacsh> absoloutly22:14
CastleFoxCan anyone recommend a Ubuntu small laptop with good battery life?22:15
karanlinux ftw22:15
Out_ColdCastleFox, eeepc22:15
LinuxGuy2009CastleFox: Dell sells with Ubuntu preinstalled.22:15
pagorefor those who still use karmic and want to play games and use compiz with a ATI card22:16
jzacshCastleFox: worked will for me on an acer aspire one.22:16
pagorethey can add this ppa http://ppa.launchpad.net/k0ekk0ek/ppa/ubuntu22:16
MaletorHow do I allow www-data to write a socket file to /tmp ???22:16
Out_ColdCastleFox, using just command line and low backlight settings i can get like 7 hrs out of my laptop22:16
CastleFoxWhat version off eee ?22:16
Out_Cold1005ha i think22:16
=== No13Day is now known as Bumboo
waddai can't find any mention of an irc channel for chrome... does anyone know if one exists?22:17
Out_Cold/msg alis list *chrome*22:18
Out_Coldwadda ^^22:18
mcurringtonwadda: I was trying to get into #chrome the other day and it is +k22:18
karanyeah is there a channel for google android? 0o22:18
mcurringtonkaran: #android22:18
Out_Coldkaran, use the line i showed to find channels... just change *chrome* to *what-you-are-looking-for*22:19
jzacshdoes anyone here use eclipse to play with the android development tools?22:19
tonyyarussoI'm having trouble getting an iPod Nano (2nd gen) to work properly in Ubuntu.  It will show up under Places > Computer, but Rhythmbox, Banshee, GtkPod, and Hipo don't recognize it.22:19
karanis not a channel22:19
mcurringtonkaran: Well it is, but not for the Google Chrome browser22:19
karanguyz guyz guyz22:19
karanim gonna22:19
karango to the windows22:19
FloodBot2karan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:19
karann piss22:19
jzacshkaran: http://developer.android.com/resources/community-more.html22:20
Salva1I do not want anything to write log files.22:20
Out_Cold-alis- #android                                           361 :Welcome to the official Android-platform IRC channel!22:20
karansorry floodbot22:20
Salva1Whaich thind should I disable in order to do that?22:20
Out_Coldnope doesn't exist....22:20
jzacshSalva1: a lot of programs write log files. why don't you want log files produced?22:21
karancan i speak now?22:22
jzacshkaran: you can speak, just all on one line22:22
jzacshSalva1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxLogFiles22:22
Out_Coldkaran, have you registered with freenode? you can't join certain channels without registering first22:22
Salva1To keep the hard disk inactive as much as psible.22:22
karanin the #WINDOWS channel they are pissed at me22:22
karani told them ubuntu was the best22:22
ubuntunoobYOU LEGEND.22:23
lxaaaaUnable to get WPA settings working for my wifi card.  Getting link is not ready error message.22:23
Out_Coldkaran, we try not to start feuds in here22:23
ubuntunoobwindows is best for gaming tho :p22:23
Vampire0You are right karan, still you shouldn't use one line per word ;-)22:23
Gneakaran: it's not nice to bring up off-topic topics in other channels like that.22:23
SickPuppyI'm using Firestarter, In "Active Connections" it's showing a connection to port 1 tcpmux,,but it doesnt show up in netstat .22:23
SickPuppyHow can I be sure this is accurate ?22:24
CastleFoxI think I might get this one and put ubuntu on it OUT-COLD22:24
jzacshSalva1: I'm curious, why? are you getting warnings that the disk is bad?22:24
Out_ColdCastleFox, sounds like a good idea... just ummm get any color but black.22:25
Salva1No, but I ant to do as much as posible to not to wear as posible.22:25
CastleFoxlol dont like black ?22:25
Out_Coldbad for prints22:25
Salva1I do not want a hard disk crash.22:25
karanthey muted me22:25
Out_Coldkaran, it happens usually when you start being lippy ;)22:26
jzacshSalva1: I think log files will be the least of your worries. hard disks are meant to be spun, you really should rely more on backup methods than anything else, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem22:26
karan<Out_Cold> lol22:26
Salva1I do back ups.22:27
guntbertkaran:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?22:27
Salva1But I think that I do not currently need to log activities.22:27
ZolomonHow do I find where sun's java jdk installed itself? :)22:27
CastleFoxugggggggggg Out-Cold22:27
Out_ColdSalva1, i agree... no matter how much you try to reduce spinning.. it's inevitable.. you could mount /var on another disk and have logs there..22:27
* Zolomon is a new ubuntu/linux user.22:27
jzacshSalva1: you can try replacing all the log files with links to /dev/null (not sure if the harddisk will spin anyway though)22:28
ZolomonInexperienced is a more suitable term.22:28
CastleFoxI Wasn this one http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00303G9FO/ref=noref?ie=UTF8&s=pc but its sleep mode doesnt work in ubuntu.   :(   Lame sause22:28
Out_ColdCastleFox, the 1005ha works great with suspens22:28
mac9416Zolomon, did you install it with APT (Synaptic, Software Center)?22:28
Out_Coldasus is better than toshiba IMO22:29
mac9416Zolomon, would you happen to know the package name?22:29
CastleFoxbetter linux support ?22:30
Zolomonsun-java6-jdk IIRC22:30
Out_Coldasus has good compatibility... i've never had issues22:30
mac9416Zolomon, then run 'dpkg -L sun-java6-jdk' and it will list all files installed with that package.22:30
Out_Coldgood driver support22:30
Zolomonmac9416: Thanks!22:30
mac9416Zolomon, no problem.  :-)22:31
chris59Hi what is a good bittorrent client? I tried Transmission and it's too light, and Vuze doesn't seem to work at all (won't launch)22:31
infidjzacsh: the rss feed reader plugin for gnome-do only supports OPML files22:31
Out_Coldchris59, open synaptic and search for torrent. or use apt-search list torrent22:31
jzacshinfid: I've never had an issue with it.22:31
mac9416!bittorrent | chris5922:32
ubottuchris59: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P22:32
Out_Coldmy answer: good. mac9416's answer: better ;)22:32
KentrelI'm getting a weird thing with grep. When I type "grep -i kent *.log" I get "grep:invalid option -- 'p'22:33
mac9416Out_Cold, hurray for automation.  :-)22:33
mac9416Out_Cold, ready-made responses rather.22:33
Out_Coldmac9416, i can barely remember the bots name let alone a quarter of his responses22:33
infidjzacsh: what do you mean? it only lets me add downloaded opml files as feeds, not urls22:33
mac9416Out_Cold, haha. I just guessed.  :-P22:33
macochris59: can you file a bug on vuze? "ubuntu-bug vuze" in your terminal22:34
jzacshinfid: just a sec, let me see.22:34
KentrelHelp, grep won't work22:34
chris59Maco, I uninstalled it,  I'll get around to filing a bug later22:34
KentrelI'm getting a weird thing with grep. When I type "grep -i kent *.log" I get "grep:invalid option -- 'p'22:34
infid'Simple RSS feeder'22:34
chris59ah it seems I don;t need to reinstall22:35
Out_ColdKentrel, i don't think grep likes *22:35
amaureaLately, when doing stuff that causes a terminal application to print an alarm char, my system has started actually obeying them, and plays an irritating sound. For example, echo -e '\a' produces this sound. I want to turn it off. How do I do this?22:35
Out_Coldtry grep -i kent log22:35
guntbertOut_Cold: grep doesn't see the * : it should be expanded by the shell22:36
chris59Thanks guys, I have stuff to do now Bye22:36
Out_Coldguntbert, i figured as much... just didn't know the underlying reasons22:36
jzacshinfid: I'm not sure, but I think the notifications I've been getting have been from my twitter account I have setup (i follow a bunch of news orgz on twitter) -- anyways, I was curious about opml and it looks pretty nifty. its a nice way for you to manager your feeds from one file. here's an example http://scripting.com/feeds/top100x.opml22:37
guntbertOut_Cold: so his line *should* work (and does here)22:37
Out_Coldguntbert, oh... i umm have had issues using * before...22:37
GneaCastleFox: good system, but if you want to save a few bucks: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Asus+-+Eee+PC+Netbook+with+Intel%26%23174%3B+Atom%26%23153%3B+Processor+-+Black/9614645.p?skuId=9614645&ky=1whxm51gbOgORrn6M8JOUlLjDtR0yY7Rx&cmp=RMX&id=1218131341427   it's basically the same thing22:37
MannequinI've got two users on an Ubuntu Server installation (one for me and one for a co-worker).22:38
MannequinI would like to know if it's possible to set her terminal messages in another language (not English), as she's new to Linux and not well versed at reading English.22:38
Out_Coldthat's my model there.... great lil guy22:38
Mannequin(but I would like to keep mine in English)22:38
guntbertOut_Cold: if you got time you might want to read on bash and expansion :-)22:38
icerootMannequin: no, they are depending on the program22:38
guntbertKentrel: what is your shell?22:39
ZolomonIf I want to set JAVA_HOME to the path where my jdk installed itself, is /usr/liv/jvm/java-6-sun- the correct path then? Or should it be the bin path inside that path?22:39
Out_Coldguntbert, i always have time to read monotonous tutorials and manuals22:39
Mannequiniceroot: what do you mean by "the program"? the program or command that has been run on the terminal?22:39
Kentrelguntbert, bash22:39
CastleFoxGnea:    I love the price but the 'up to 3hours and 50min of battery time" concerns me.22:40
Mannequin(I would like translated messages for commands like "ls", "aptitude", etc)22:40
Kentrelits weird, because those grep commands were working the other day22:40
icerootZolomon: use /var/lib/jvm/sun-java6-jre (without version numbre)22:40
Out_ColdCastleFox, like i said.. i can push mine up to 7 hrs22:40
ZolomonAh, thanks22:40
CastleFoxI guess I can just wait for 10.04 and see if any new netbooks come out then22:40
icerootMannequin: yes, because the program is doing the output22:40
guntbertOut_Cold: :)   -- I think I remember where you had troubles with * : was it find? if you use special characters in the pattern you must enclose it in " ... "22:40
icerootMannequin: but you can set the language-var for a user22:40
macoMannequin: i think locale can be set per-user22:40
Mannequiniceroot: ok, thanks!22:40
Mannequiniceroot, maco: yes, that's what I'm looking for22:40
iceroot!locale | Mannequin22:40
ubottuMannequin: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf22:40
Out_Coldguntbert, that kind of makes sense. and yea it probably was me and find...22:41
macoMannequin: set "LANG=X" (where X is the abbreviation) in the user's ~/.profile22:41
CastleFoxout cold, Did the one button at the bottom bother you?22:41
guntbertKentrel: strange - try grep -i kent /var/log/syslog22:41
chezubuntu doenst start up properly, it gets to the ubtuntu loading screen and then restarts, where are the logs i should look at ?22:41
lydiaHow can I run wine as other user without problems? If I run wine with sudo as other user I'm getting "Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded."....22:41
Out_ColdCastleFox, it's a left/right click... and it does a little.. i occasionally move my mouse when i don't want to22:41
macoMannequin: like "fr" or "de"22:42
GneaCastleFox: good point22:42
icerootchez: /var/log/syslog and /var/log/boot22:42
Mannequinmaco: thanks, will try that.22:42
Kentrelguntbert, it doesn't give an error in that case22:42
jzacshKentrel: are you using bash? echo $SHELL22:43
amaureaHow do I change the sound theme?22:43
lydiagksu does not work, too...22:43
KentrelDoes grep not like * or something22:43
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cheziceroot: syslog only has comments from when ubuntu has fully loaded, boot log has nothing, how would i get boot log to record ?22:44
jzacshKentrel: I haven't bene following the conversation much -- but did you try grep -i kent ./*.log    ?22:44
guntbertKentrel: as I said before: the * is expanded by the shell - so grep doesn't see it at all22:44
Kentrelah, that works22:44
icerootchez: press esc at splashscreen to see tty122:44
jzacshKentrel: no, your shell should be expanding on the asterisk, grep shouldn't see it22:44
CastleFoxI wish Asus models came will a different style keyboard22:45
Kentrelputting ./*.log instead of *.log works :)22:45
=== maddy_ is now known as Guest30134
Out_ColdCastleFox, what's wrong with qwerty?22:45
jzacshKentrel: glad I could help :)22:45
guntbertjzacsh: how did you come up with *that* ?22:45
frxstremcan I remove a repository I've added using "add-apt-repository" in Ubuntu?22:45
peepsalotcould someone help me with my nvidia video card.  i want to use the nvidia binaries. nothing is showing up under the hardware drivers utility.  i installed nvidia-glx-185 with apt-get, but it didn't seem to enable the driver22:45
CastleFoxno qwerty is pimp.  I like the chicklet style keyboard better.  With my large hands I sometimes smash too many buttons22:45
Guest30134hi.. when I start networking service i get a  SIOCADDRT: No such process .. can someone please tell me how do i fix this22:46
jzacshguntbert: with what?22:46
=== Guest30134 is now known as amitprakash
Kentreljzacsh,  Though that works it won't search recursively even though I use -r22:46
mac9416frxstrem, yes, by using System>Administration>Software Sources.22:46
Out_ColdCastleFox, it takes a little gettign used to.. i am over it... and i have big hands22:46
guntbertjzacsh:  ./*.log22:46
mac9416frxstrem, or 'gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list'22:46
peepsaloti tried to run nvidia-xconfig, but it says it cannot find the x configuration file22:46
jzacshKentrel: do you know for sure its not searching recursively? (is the a subdirectory that has soething you know it should come up with) ?22:46
frxstremmac9416: thanks :)22:46
ubuntuNO TO JESTEM22:46
Kentrelyeah, its  my miRC chat logs folder. I'm just searching the nickname i use on almost every folder22:47
jpdsubuntu: Hi.22:47
mac9416frxstrem, no prob.  :-)22:47
jzacshguntbert: not sure? reading about regular experssions and how things get mixed up with each other?22:47
amitprakashhi.. when I start networking service i get a  SIOCADDRT: No such process .. can someone please tell me how do i fix this.. i am pasting my interfaces config here.. http://pastebin.ca/1856107.. the gateway ip refers to that of my ppp022:47
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guntbertjzacsh: thx anyway :)22:47
peepsalotcan anyone see my messages?22:48
Kentreljzacsh, would the fact that its searching an NTFS drive make a difference?22:48
jzacshpeepsalot: yes22:48
Out_Coldpeepsalot, yup22:48
Out_Coldand if you don't?22:48
jzacshKentrel: no, i don't think so22:48
peepsalotbrb restarting x22:49
NOTSUREHEREWhen unplugging a USB thumb drive - Which is best option to use "Eject" or "Safely Remove Drive" ? ? or does it matter ? ?22:49
mac9416NOTSUREHERE, if I had to guess, the second one. But I'm not sure what the difference is.22:50
jzacshNOTSUREHERE: generally I use "safely remove"22:50
CastleFoxIs there any way to add an extra location to the weather thing?22:50
Out_ColdNOTSUREHERE, eject is handy for read-only but i think it also 'safely removes'22:50
NOTSUREHEREjzacsh: Thx22:50
=== eric is now known as Guest20193
Out_ColdCastleFox, yes.. just edit and add22:50
Guest20193Can anyone tell me the best method to transfer files to my iPod touch?22:50
NOTSUREHEREOut_Cold: Ok22:51
CastleFoxI didnt see where to edit and add22:51
mac9416NOTSUREHERE, you might find this helpful: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=823657522:51
jzacshGuest20193: what kind of files? and what kind of enivornemnt? jus tdumping files as if its a flash drive?22:51
Out_ColdCastleFox, click on the time... then edit in there..22:52
jzacsh!hi | jagjr22:52
ubottujagjr: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:52
CastleFoxdamn, im not in there22:53
CastleFoxThanks though22:53
amitprakashhi.. when I start networking service i get a  SIOCADDRT: No such process .. can someone please tell me how do i fix this.. i am pasting my interfaces config here.. http://pastebin.ca/1856107.. the gateway ip refers to that of my ppp022:54
Out_ColdCastleFox, i have like 6 locations so that i can tell what time and weather it is in cities that my friends live in22:54
Guest20193jzacsh, I want to transfer .m4v, .mp4, and .mp3 files22:54
CastleFoxlol, your hardcore Out_Cold22:54
duliI can't enable 3d windows effect on karmic. The effect is there on the compizconfig manager, but I enable it and nothing. Everything else works. Any pointers?22:54
jzacshGuest20193: you can use rhythmbox (probably) - my firend uses it easily (drag/drop) with her ipod22:55
Out_Coldi don't like to harass my friends if it's a dismal 7am22:55
jagjrwho is good with airodump?22:55
Out_Coldjagjr, ask your questions but beware if you are trying to do something illegal, we won't support you22:56
mac9416Guest20193, I've tried with several apps on a recent Nano, and all failed. Apparently Apple is making it harder for 3rd-party apps to work with their products. But you may have different results.22:56
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jagjrOut_Cold - im testing my own wireless network22:56
Out_Coldask away then22:56
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mac9416Out_Cold, we have no way of knowing it he's doing anything illegal.  :-P22:56
jagjri have a netgear router22:56
jagjri have put a wep encryption on it22:57
jagjrwhen i try and run airodump22:57
jagjri get22:57
bastid_raZor!enter | jagjr22:57
ubottujagjr: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:57
Out_Coldmac9416, nope.. but you can make assumptions from questions like "i want to crack...." or "i don't have a password"22:57
jagjrARP linktype is set to 1 (Ethernet) - expected ARPHRD_IEEE80211,22:57
jagjrARPHRD_IEEE80211_FULL or ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM instead.  Make22:57
jagjrsure RFMON is enabled: run 'airmon-ng start eth1 <#>'22:57
jagjrSysfs injection support was not found either.22:57
FloodBot2jagjr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:57
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto22:57
mac9416Out_Cold, true.22:57
Out_Coldjagjr, does that statement not tell you exactly what to do?22:58
jagjrno, ive tried to change it but it doesnt work22:58
Out_Coldjagjr, you aren't in monitor mode on your wifi nic. You should read more on airmon22:58
jagjri tried it in monitor mode22:59
Guest20193jzacsh, Rhythmbox does not read the iPod as a removable media when I scan it22:59
jagjrnot working22:59
Out_Coldairmon-ng start wlan0 <channel>22:59
jagjrthats the point22:59
jzacshnot sure -- it was just plug/play for me22:59
Out_Coldjagjr, does your card support injection>22:59
jagjri dont have wlan only eth122:59
Out_Coldso airmon-ng start eth122:59
jagjrwhich produces that error22:59
CastleFoxOut_Cold, Any other comment about that laptop ?23:00
amitprakashjagjr, try this..ifconfig eth1 down && iwconfig eth1 mode monitor && ifconfig eth1 up.. tell me if that works23:00
Out_Coldyou could ask in #aircrack23:00
amitprakashhi.. when I start networking service i get a  SIOCADDRT: No such process .. can someone please tell me how do i fix this.. i am pasting my interfaces config here.. http://pastebin.ca/1856107.. the gateway ip refers to that of my ppp023:00
Out_Coldoh yea... your card has to be off to switch to monitor23:00
Out_ColdCastleFox, yea i had to go out and buy a better wifi usb.23:01
CastleFox:( :(23:01
iamnotaguestHey, Ubuntu is working fine.. Expect the bar at the top and bottom are unresponsive23:01
Out_ColdCastleFox, the built-in is good... but not to my standards23:01
iamnotaguestIt keeps doing this since yesterday :/ Maybe it's compiz?23:01
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iamnotaguestMy desktop is fine too, it's just the bars.23:02
CastleFoxYa I read something about flakey wifi23:02
amitprakashOut_Cold, any ideas on my problem :) the networking service runs the same config fine if i change the address to a class C subnet :)23:02
mac9416iamnotaguest, have you tried restarting gnome-panel? Just a thought.23:02
bastid_raZor!panels | iamnotaguest .. try this to see if it helps?23:02
ubottuiamnotaguest .. try this to see if it helps?: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »23:02
fwaokdaI've read where my wg111v3 should work in 9.10 but it doesn't where can i find the drivers for it?23:02
iamnotaguestubottu: Oh it just started responding again, with no help from me23:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:02
iamnotaguestBut it's still annoying me23:02
ubuntunoobis rtorrent a pain to install or ?23:02
ubuntunoobout the box config or do i need to edit and make my own?23:03
mac9416iamnotaguest, write those instructions down and have them handy.  :-)23:03
Out_Coldamitprakash, i don't think i caught your problem23:03
iamnotaguestmac9416: Saved to dropbox ;) Thanks23:03
nucc1ubuntunoob, transmission not good enough?23:03
Out_Coldi love transmission..23:04
amitprakashOut_Cold,  when I start networking service i get a  SIOCADDRT: No such process .. i am pasting my interfaces config here.. http://pastebin.ca/1856107.. the gateway ip refers to that of my ppp023:04
amitprakashjagjr, whats the error that you get23:04
mac9416iamnotaguest, perfect. Hope the problem doesn't come back.  :-)23:04
tropsoborwhat's the cleanest way to install Wesnoth 1.8 onto Ubuntu 9.10?23:04
tropsoboror the suggested way23:04
iamnotaguestmac9416: Hmm that's not the only thing that's happening today with ubuntu23:04
iamnotaguestIt reminds me of the random crap XP used to throw at me :s23:04
Out_Coldamitprakash, why not use network manager? or wicd?23:05
mac9416iamnotaguest, fire a few more questions off then. Likelier than not, someone will know the answers.23:05
Out_Coldtropsobor, compile from source23:05
amitprakashOut_Cold, well i am using ICS over an ad-hoc wireless to connect to the ppp0 dial up on this system23:05
amitprakashand network-manager seems to fail terribly at it23:05
iamnotaguestmac9416: I'll write down exactly what I was doing/done last time they happen actually23:05
Out_Coldamitprakash, haha sounds too advanced for my advice :p23:05
iamnotaguestIt'd be way too vague right now23:05
Out_Coldamitprakash, wicd is a python manager...23:06
mac9416iamnotaguest, k23:06
LinuxGuy2009I wanted to verify these images found here are official correct? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD23:06
nucc1amitprakash, what version of ubuntu are you using? desktop or server?23:06
amitprakashnucc1, 9.1023:07
amitprakashOut_Cold, wicd doesnt do much better either :P23:07
coolballwhy is ubuntu an attractive OS ?23:08
fwaokdaanyone can help me get my wireless adapter working in 9.10 ?23:08
amitprakashOut_Cold, imo.. wicd fails on ad-hoc connections complete23:08
Out_Coldamitprakash, yea i have never tried advanced settings like that23:08
amitprakashfwaokda, which card23:08
Out_Coldcoolball, because it's free, heavily supported and better than winblows23:08
tropsoborthank you Out_Cold23:09
fwaokdaamitprakash, netgear WG111V323:09
RinsmasterDoes anyone know what game this is? http://www.ubuntu.com/files/masthead/910/tour/ubuntu-910-games.jpg (it's from the tour on ubuntu.com)23:09
nucc1coolball, no answer to that question. its awesome to me cos it fits the way i like to use my computer.23:09
amitprakashfwaokda, usb?23:09
ubuntuselur1is emma watson hot?23:09
DaZRinsmaster: which one? :f23:09
Out_Coldtropsobor, if you need help compiling let us know23:09
RinsmasterDaZ, the fullscreen one23:10
fwaokdaamitprakash, think i finally found a tutorial that might work23:10
amitprakashfwaokda, http://newyork.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=73282723:10
Rafael  can anybody help me: it appears that when i try to mount Myplasticare Pictures ubuntu does not like me to have the word separate ....sudo mount -t cifs -o username=Rafael,password=xxxx // Pictures /home/rgotten/FrontDesk.Windows23:10
tropsoboran URL will suffice, Out_Cold :)23:10
arricherekkThe hard drive of my laptop has somehow came disconnected from everything else, and, in order to not void the warranty, I can't do anything about it for a while.  In the meantime, I want to run a Ubuntu 9.04 live. It is not booting successfully.  All of the errors look similar; one such line is at http://pastebin.com/WTmbEgv9.  What could the problem be?23:11
Out_Coldtropsobor, usually there are compiling instructions inside the source tar23:11
pokoko222how can i download these on ubuntu http://sam.ntpi.spcollege.edu/spjc/view/channel.jhtml?stationID=170623:11
amitprakashhi.. when I start networking service i get a  SIOCADDRT: No such process .. can someone please tell me how do i fix this.. i am pasting my interfaces config here.. http://pastebin.ca/1856107.. the gateway ip refers to that of my ppp023:11
tropsoborgreat, thank you Out_Cold :)23:11
Out_Coldtropsobor, ^^23:12
=== hannibal is now known as Guest69176
sten2join/ #ubunyu+123:13
amitprakashwhy would networking service work fine if i give a class C static ip/netmask but fail with   SIOCADDRT: No such process for a class A static ip/netmask23:13
sten2JOIN/ #ubuntu+123:13
arandsten2: /join ;)23:14
ZolomonIf I want to install http://www.pitman.co.za/projects/charva/Download.html and they mention that I need the ncurses-devel rpm, is libncurses5-dev the right apt package to install then...?23:14
ZolomonNot install, run..23:15
amitprakashOut_Cold, ah.. a lil progress23:15
Out_Coldis it the right subnet?23:15
nucc1Zolomon, if you're compiling, yes23:15
bjb1959I have 2 external usb drives. both ntfs formated one FreeAgent and one LeClie with virtually identical fstab lines. the FreeAgent boots fine but the system won't boot if I try to mount the LeClie from fstab, have to manually do it after boot. Any ideas?23:15
amitprakashOut_Cold, so problem isnt the class but the gateway.. maybe because its already in use by ppp023:15
Zolomonnucc1: Thanks!23:15
amitprakashand yes its the right subnet23:15
rekhi i don't hear the audio in gnomeradio what can i do?23:15
Out_Coldlol well networking is never a fun subject23:15
el_yiyogood evening23:15
amitprakashOut_Cold, indeed.. the gateway ip shifted one digit works fine.. now to figure out how to set a correct gateway :)23:16
el_yiyohas anybody here installed ClamAV?23:16
Out_Coldamitprakash, ever thought to call in to your ISP and get details from them?23:16
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2123:16
amitprakashOut_Cold, er.. i could just use route to find that out :P23:16
amitprakashand just did and fixed it xD23:17
jopa123Hi, can anyone answer an ubuntu install question plase?23:17
Out_Coldlol your own personal linux problem solver :p23:17
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:17
amitprakashOut_Cold, mainly because noone bothers writing viruses for linux :P23:17
BluesKajjopa123, just ask23:17
jopa123I am attempting a new install on a fresh drive.  9.10 desktop.  I get a message that I can't get past23:18
Out_Coldamitprakash, because there is a difficulty in running those said virii23:18
jopa123this device cannot be managed via the videoa /kbd/ mouse something or other23:18
ZolomonIf I have javah installed and if I get an error saying that it isn't when I run the ant command specified from the site, what can I do? They say it looks like an option ant component23:18
amitprakashOut_Cold, difficult doesn't mean impossible :)23:18
lydiaHello. I'm still trying to disable internet access for some apps. Now I'm using a script that changes the GID. My problem is now, that if I'm going to chang the GID with the "sg" tool I'm asked for a password and no password works... How can I deactivate the password or what password is the tool asking for?23:19
Out_Coldamitprakash, and it's not impossible to have nix virii... just improbable23:19
amitprakashtrue :)23:19
nucc1jopa123, you need to say what the specific error message is23:19
jopa123the device cannot be managed via the video/kbd/mouse interface23:20
Out_Coldso i've been having a **** of a time trying to get LVM to work properly with a fresh install.... If i were to do it after a minimal install, would I just copy all my directories into my new LVs?23:20
arricherekkThe Ubuntu live system is not booting successfully on my laptop.  The errors are all displayed as in http://pastebin.com/xJagsZ4D.  What could be the problem?23:20
daftykinsarricherekk: try disabling ACPI support23:21
amitprakashOut_Cold, weird.. works fine w/ lvm's here23:21
arricherekkdaftykins, as in by adding ACPI=off?  I've tried that.23:21
jopa123I never get to a screen where I can disable acpi23:21
jopa123it boots to the cd and I get that message23:21
jopa123no cmd line23:22
daftykinsjopa123: you see where i used the name of another user? that's me talking to someone else23:22
Out_Coldamitprakash, i get errors with server install: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9062889#post906288923:22
daftykinsarricherekk: hmm have you looked up ubuntu and your laptop make+model ?23:22
tm0Hi Ubuntu, what is the command line for removing a program, i just can't remember :(23:22
nucc1jopa123, i think you can disable acpi at boot time ... try a google search. i can't recall, and my connection is crap23:23
jopa123will do, thanks23:23
nucc1tm0, sudo apt-get remove program_name23:23
Out_Coldtm0, sudo apt-get remove program23:23
tm0Thank you Nucc1 and Out_Cold23:23
Rapsodiuswhat packages make the netbook remix different from a regular *buntu install?23:23
Out_ColdRapsodius, it has a cool home desktop layout23:23
EnelarHow use iptables iptables prerouting only for host with static ip a.b.c.d?23:24
Rapsodiusfine, but what packages make the cool part?23:24
Out_ColdRapsodius, not sure what the names are... but if you find them let me know ;)23:24
tm0Okay i screwed something up back :/  I installed a program, yet it won't let me remove it :/23:25
Out_Coldtm0, what's the error?23:25
Ddordadoes dell studio 1747 works good with Ubuntu?23:25
tm0Out_Cold, it can't find the program.23:25
frxstremtm0: did you install it with a deb package or with apt-get etc., or did you compile it yourself?23:25
nucc1tm0, which program?23:25
Out_Coldtm0, how did you install it?23:25
amitprakashOut_Cold, not really sure why thats happening, i had a similar issue except till i realized that the drive names changed from sda to hda/hdb and were causing the issue.. doesnt look like the case w/ you tho23:26
amitprakashthe floppy thing seems do be doing something similar tho23:26
Out_Coldamitprakash, no.. not sure what's up with it.... it's giving me grey hair ;)23:26
tm0Frxstrem, Out_cold I've done both :/ Nucc1 Its whatpulse23:27
Out_Coldtm0, if you compiled, you can remove by deleting.. if you used apt or synaptic/software center, you use that to remove23:27
tm0Out_Cold where is it located? /etc/ i assume?23:28
Out_Coldtm0, depends where you installed it and what steps you did23:28
arricherekkdaftykins, I did another Google search with my laptop make/model, found that others are recommending acpi=off. Now, I am getting messages that look like this: "http://pastebin.com/icR4tkax"23:28
daftykinsarricherekk: what make+model is it? have you tried a memory test?23:29
nishanthanyone know how to use logs to find errors?23:29
arricherekkdaftykins, Hang on, I may have it.23:29
tm0Out_Cold, i installed a .deb package.23:30
arricherekkdaftykins, It looks good now.  Thanks.23:30
daftykinsarricherekk: so it started up?23:30
fwaokdaanyone else get a 404 error when trying sudo apt-add-repository ppa:team-xbmc/ppa23:30
Out_Coldtm0, then you should use apt to remove23:31
tm0Out_Cold It didn't work though. What annoys me is its in the applications menu.23:31
Out_Coldtm0, can you still access the program?23:32
tm0Yes, with errors, Out_Could.23:32
johntramphi is there a way i can remove all the notes from my one.ubuntu account?23:33
FloodBot2infinityx: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:33
tm0Out_Cold Yes it says a file isn't useable. Regardless i need to upgrade it anyways.23:34
riverthiefSup all23:34
riverthiefNeed some quick help23:34
Out_Coldtm0, if it's not useable it could be a broken link.. try dpkg -l whatpulse23:35
riverthiefMy Ubuntu install (9.10) doesn't recognise my wireless card. How do I fix this?23:35
Out_Coldriverthief, plug it in with a wire and update23:35
tm0Out_Could, no packages found :/23:35
riverthiefIt's 100% updated23:36
Out_Coldtm0, then it's a broken link and your package is gone23:36
DanMDHey there everyone, new 10.04 user. I was wondering... every time I hit the middle button on my mouse the search for files applications pops up, even in my games. Is there a way to unbind this key?23:36
riverthiefI'm on it now, with an eth connection23:36
tm0Out_Could Crap, so what do i do to fix it?23:36
Out_Coldriverthief, try in command line: iwconfig23:36
johntrampriverthief: what wireless chipset? look in lspci23:36
riverthiefK 1 sec23:36
Out_Coldtm0, go into system menu and look for menu something or others23:36
macman_anyone used dvddump ?23:37
riverthieflspci doesn't pick it up23:37
riverthiefIt's on too23:37
Rafaeli am gettign an erro   permision denied when i try to edit with nano nano /etc/fstab  any idea23:37
arricherekkdaftykins, Sorry, I'm a noob with all this; usually when I go to boot it up, it works fine.23:37
riverthiefI'm on a Toshiba L500 Satellite Notebook23:37
macman_run it with sudoe Rafael23:37
tm0Out_Could thats not the problem though. I start it from terminal usually. I want to remove the program though :.23:37
Out_Coldtm0, can you run it from terminal still?23:38
tm0Out_Cold, i still get errors but yes.23:38
Out_Coldnot too sure then23:38
riverthiefiwconfig will not work either23:40
tm0Out_Cold thank you anyways :)23:41
=== amstan__ is now known as amstan
leagrisI can not click buttons or actions inside flash-plugin using adobe nonfree version. Same problem inside Abrowser/Firefox or google Chrome. Do you have the same issue or know a fix?23:43
amstanleagris: try killing the plugin in chrome and refreshing the page23:43
riverthiefWell, after a few commands, Ubuntu will NOT even pick up 'wlan0'23:43
amstanthat happens for me from time to time, flash is horrible23:44
Out_Coldriverthief, it may not if your driver is not installed23:44
leagrisamstan, I onwly see npviewer from Abrowser and often need to kill abrowser because killing npviewer does not help23:44
riverthiefAnd....how would I find the correct driver?23:44
amstanleagris: from chrome.. because chrome can kill plugins23:44
DaZleagris: it happens sometimes or always?23:44
deanusleagris, are you using the 32bit plugin?23:45
mephistopelusHi to all!23:45
deanusleagris, I had npviewer problems before installing 64bit flash.23:45
leagrisdeanus, don't know because I have an 64bit ubuntu23:45
DaZleagris: then probably you're not using 64bit flash23:45
amstanleagris: how did you install flash?23:45
DaZget it :f23:46
Out_Coldriverthief, lshw will tell you what card you have.. then you use google and ubuntuforums to get it working ;)23:46
amstanleagris: how did you get flash?23:46
riverthieflshw isn't picking up anything network related other than my eth023:47
rdoggGuys , i ran dist-upgrade and it said 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded... and im on mint7 and want mint8 without the need to reinstall HELP?23:47
riverthiefrdogg: There's a Mint IRC :P23:47
amstanrdogg: go to the mint channel?23:47
rdoggoh sorry23:47
rdogg#mint right?23:47
riverthiefThink so23:48
leagrisamstan, version
brontosaurusrexrdogg: its another server23:48
riverthiefI think it's freenode23:48
riverthieffor mint23:48
amstanleagris: so.. i would try to restart the plugin a few times23:48
Out_Coldthis is freenode23:48
amstanflash is very sketchy23:48
brontosaurusrexit used to be irc.spotchat.org23:48
rdoggok i asked there too , but any idea why it does that?23:48
riverthiefgot em mixed up23:48
amstanleagris: so... go in chrome, kill the plugin from the task manager then refresh23:48
amstanrepeat until it works23:49
brontosaurusrexrdogg: other than that, do a fresh install23:49
Lunzhi,how to recover ubuntu 9.10 after installing xp?23:49
Flare-Laptop!grub | Lunz23:49
ubottuLunz: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.23:49
jim__hello is there anyone that can help with config for supergrub23:49
leagrisamstan, killed every instance of flash, restarted chrome, no changes. This unrelated to chrome because the same problem is in firefox or konqueror23:51
leagrisamstan, it appear the flash plugin does not recieve the mouse down event23:52
amstanleagris: that sucks23:52
riverthiefBrb, Reading TFM :P23:52
mephistopelusI have a problem on 9.10 - when i try to install something from Software center, in the end of installation i have an alert which contain this text "Package operation FAILED", but program installs (i don't now how much correctly). HELP somebody23:52
amstanleagris: i'm not sure, when this happens ocasionally for me, i can fix it that way23:52
leagrisamstan, I will try removing flash plugin non free23:52
ZykoticK9leagris, http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/clicking-in-flash-not-working23:53
wookiehangoverleagris: are you using 64bit or 32bit flash?23:53
ObsidianXhey folks im trying to follow the ubuntu wiki page on setting up an svn server via webdav on apache but whenever i try to commit to the repo it gives me an error "503 Service Unavailable" in response to PROPFIND request23:53
Ali_how can i resize the swap partition ?23:55
juliohi there23:55
leagriswookiehangover, 64bit because my system is 64bit23:55
juliocan anyone tell how to know wich is my wifi eth?23:55
julioi have 0 and 123:55
wookiehangover<Ali_>make a usb startup disk or a live cd and use gparted to resize23:56
knoppiesjulio, if you connect one up and not the other and you have conky installed, then I can.23:56
julioconky is installed but not running, i have some setup pending on it23:57
benjamin_i'm new to irc, is this a general ubuntu forum?23:57
Out_Coldbenjamin_, yup23:57
knoppiesjulio, I know what you mean. I can pastebin my config file if you want.23:57
Out_Coldexcept this is a chat room, not a forum23:57
benjamin_i'm no expert but i'm having some problems i could use help with23:57
wookiehangoverleagris: Zykotick9's link worked for me http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/clicking-in-flash-not-working23:58
julioknoppies, maybe first wanna see how it looks23:58
artanis^Its irc. aka multi player notepad.23:58
benjamin_i have two machines set up, on the first old machine dpkg has failed23:58
benjamin_the  second i can't use the ubuntu software center (this is state of the art gateway box)23:58
knoppiesjulio, is that asking for a screenshot?23:59
Ali_how can i resize the swap partition ?23:59
Out_ColdAli_, shrink or grow?23:59
julioknoppies, we're understanding each other hehe, iḿ lil picky on the arrangement of meters :p23:59

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