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alxgomzfor some reason I removed my pc from machine that can connect to my ubuntuone account, how can i add it again?09:16
duanedesignalxgomz: hello09:33
duanedesignalxgomz: you should be prompted to add your machine when you open ubuntu one. If not you probably need to delete your U1 Token from your keyring.09:50
duanedesignalxgomz: Open Applications->Accessories->Passwords and Encryption Keys, go to the Passwords and delete the Ubuntu One Token09:52
duanedesignalxgomz: then the next time you open U1 you should be prompted to add your machine.09:53
=== BlackZ_ is now known as BlackZ
solexiousJust followed this faq, but ubuntu one doesn't seem to be syncing down from the ubuntu one servers and the local ubuntu one folder on my net book is still empty... any ideas? https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+faq/77810:54
duanedesignsolexious: are you running Karmic? what version do you have installed 'dpkg -l ubuntuone-client'10:58
solexiousjust as you replied things started showing up, I guess I was just impatient! Took 15 mins though11:00
duanedesignsolexious: yes the U1 team is working hard to speed up the whole process :)11:03
solexiousIs there a way to force a sync?11:29
BlackZsolexious: why should it be "forced" ?11:30
solexiouswell one of my connected computers doesn't seem to be syncing on its own11:32
BlackZsolexious: try to disconnect and connect it11:33
solexiousBlackZ: tried that one11:34
BlackZis supposed the order of the button of not aligned ? bug #549167 thanks.12:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 549167 in ubuntuone-client "Services tab options alignment" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54916712:20
PaulGitvds: ping12:34
duanedesignBlackZ: I think it is intentional.13:21
BlackZduanedesign: why can't be it aligned ?13:22
duanedesignBlackZ: you can probably get more meaningful answers when the Ubuntu One developers are here. They are here Mon-Fri 13:00-21:00 GMT13:24
BlackZduanedesign: sure, thanks13:25
duanedesignBlackZ: I read your report and think you make some good points.13:25
BlackZduanedesign: thanks :)13:26
BlackZI have just confirmed & provided a patch for it13:27
duanedesignsolexious: files still not syncing? Are these files you uploaded through the webUI?13:28
benniehi guys i'm having an issue with an album purchase, i have bough an album and one the music store it has been saying "Transferring to your Ubuntu One storage"13:42
benniefor over a day now13:42
benniethe music does appear on the we interface of the ubuntuone site. But doesn't sync to my computer so doesn't appear in rhythembox13:43
benniei've reopened bug #544526 as it seems to be the same problem13:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544526 in rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store "Downloads do not progress beyond tranferring to Ubuntu One storage" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54452613:44
duanedesignhello bennie. let me look at the report, and also see if there are any current 'known issues'13:45
duanedesignbennie: could you please run the following command:   u1sdtool -s13:49
bennieState: QUEUE_MANAGER13:49
bennie    connection: With User With Network13:49
bennie    description: processing queues13:49
bennie    is_connected: True13:49
bennie    is_error: False13:49
bennie    is_online: True13:49
bennie    queues: IDLE13:49
duanedesignthank you13:50
duanedesignbennie: can you pastebin your syncdaemon log at http://paste.ubuntu.com?  ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log14:06
bennieill give it a go14:07
bennieright its a quite big file, so its taking a bit (and killing chrome a little).14:10
benniehere we go http://paste.ubuntu.com/408601/14:11
duanedesignbennie: also look in the folder: ~/.ubuntuone/Purchased from Ubuntu One14:11
duanedesignand see if you see your music there14:11
bennienope, nothing has synced there14:12
bennienot even the parent folders14:12
benniejust empty14:12
bennieoh and my system is fully up to date as of this morning14:14
duanedesignbennie: ok, could you please reconnect syncdaemon with:    u1sdtool -d; u1sdtool -c14:14
duanedesigntry this commmand again and see if   queues: IDLE14:17
duanedesignhas changed:   u1sdtool -s14:17
bennieState: SERVER_RESCAN14:17
bennie    connection: With User With Network14:17
bennie    description: doing server rescan14:17
bennie    is_connected: True14:17
bennie    is_error: False14:17
bennie    is_online: False14:17
bennie    queues: WORKING_ON_METADATA14:17
duanedesignok thats better.14:18
jdobrienbennie, do the files show up in on the web interface?14:18
duanedesignbennie: it looks like it restarted ok and should start downloading content in a while. I'd say to give it 5 minutes for complete rescan14:19
benniethey apeared pretty quickly on the web interface. although rhythembox says its still syncing14:19
jdobrienbennie, ok great. There are some issues which we're fixing in the rhythmbox interface14:19
bennieahh ok cool14:19
jdobrienbennie, if you start your syncdaemon as duanedesign indicated, you should eventually get the files locally14:20
benniei have restarted a couple dozen times since this error orignally appeared14:20
bennieill keep an eye and let you guys know14:20
jdobrienbennie, ahh ok. try this little trick that worked for me :) create an empty file in  ~/.ubuntuone/Purchased from Ubuntu One14:21
jdobrienbennie, it will trick the syndaemon into thinking the folder changed and needs to be updated14:21
bennieahh ok14:21
jdobrienbennie, give it a few minutes. I have to step out for a while, but let me know if that works14:21
benniealthough it has a strange sync ion on the right of the file icon, two cyling arows with a exclimation mark14:22
jdobrienbennie, oh...you're on karmic?14:22
bennienope lucid14:22
bennieright its turned to a tick14:22
jdobrienbennie, ok14:22
jdobrienbennie, if you're running a server rescan as u1sdtool indicates, that has to finish before anything will happen14:23
benniethats fine, thanks for the help :-)14:23
bennieright u1sdtool -s now gives14:25
bennieState: QUEUE_MANAGER14:25
bennie    connection: With User With Network14:25
bennie    description: processing queues14:25
bennie    is_connected: True14:25
bennie    is_error: False14:25
bennie    is_online: True14:25
bennie    queues: IDLE14:25
bennieand the purhesed folder is still empty is still empty14:25
duanedesignbennie: ok14:27
bennieoh dear14:28
benniei just rechecked the web interface and the songs no longer apear14:28
benniejust the new file i created as suggested by jdobrien14:28
duanedesigncheck the folder ~/.ubuntuone/Purchased from Ubuntu One14:29
bennieempty other than the file i created14:30
duanedesignCan you try, if you haven't already, going to the front of the music store (with the "house" icon) and then going back to My Downloads to see if that helps?14:42
duanedesignbennie: there were some cases that helped.14:43
benniei've done that a couple dozen times already (even after shutting down rhytembox and the computer), i seems stuck14:44
bennieit seems stuck*14:45
bennieby the way i do have more than one machine synced to this account14:45
duanedesigni dont know why it is going back to queues: IDLE14:49
duanedesignif you have a large Ubuntu One folder it can take a bit for songs to download.14:50
duanedesignbut it shouldnt go IDLE in that process14:51
bennieseeing as it has wiped the music from my account now. Maybe it has finished syncing14:51
bennieeverythign else seems to have synced ok14:51
bennielike my normal files14:51
benniebut the music has gone totally now. (lukcly i manually downloaded them when i noticed a problem)14:52
duanedesignugh, thats not good14:52
duanedesigngood you saved them14:53
duanedesignnot good they were removed14:53
bennieworse part is this was the first time i've ever paid for a download.  Still i bought it with the intention of beta testing so it all ok.14:57
duanedesignbennie: if you have time could you pastebin your  ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log  again.15:13
bennieoh i just thought of one additional thing that make my setup a little unusual, i have a seperate home partition which i use to dual boot with karmic  (just incase of breakage)15:13
benniewill do15:13
benniehere we go http://paste.ubuntu.com/408617/15:16
duanedesignbennie: thank you15:19
benniebtw the file i created in the purchased folder was called new15:21
duanedesignbennie: i was about to say something about that15:23
duanedesignis there anything in the syncdaemon.exceptions.log?15:24
benniei think this is what you want:15:25
bennie2010-04-03 14:24:01,463 - dbus.connection - ERROR - Exception in handler for D-Bus signal:15:25
bennieTraceback (most recent call last):15:25
bennie  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/dbus/connection.py", line 214, in maybe_handle_message15:25
bennie    self._handler(*args, **kwargs)15:25
bennie  File "/usr/bin/ubuntuone-preferences", line 1067, in got_newcredentials15:25
bennie    self.present()15:25
bennie  File "/usr/bin/ubuntuone-preferences", line 1062, in present15:25
bennie    if self.dialog.visible:15:25
bennieAttributeError: 'UbuntuOneDialog' object has no attribute 'visible'15:25
bennie2010-04-03 14:36:16,477 - ubuntuone-preferences - ERROR - org.freedesktop.DBus.Python.AttributeError: Traceback (most recent call last):15:25
bennie  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/dbus/service.py", line 702, in _message_cb15:25
bennie    retval = candidate_method(self, *args, **keywords)15:25
bennie  File "/usr/bin/ubuntuone-preferences", line 1062, in present15:25
bennie    if self.dialog.visible:15:25
bennieAttributeError: 'UbuntuOneDialog' object has no attribute 'visible'15:25
benniethat wasn't there yesterday btw, it was empty15:26
duanedesignbennie: looking at the loga that looks like about the time you purchased the songs15:28
duanedesignor at least the time U1 saw the songs were purchased. ;)15:29
benniei bought them yesterday around miday i think (uk time)15:29
bennieso thats a big delay15:29
bennieid bet they occoured at the same time i ran u1sdtool -d; u1sdtool -c15:31
duanedesignbennie: well i should say that is the first time they were seen today.15:35
jdobrienbennie, by totally gone now, do you mean it's not on https://one.ubuntu.com/files/#path=/User%20Defined%20Folders/Purchased%20from%20Ubuntu%20One15:40
bennieyep exactly15:41
bennieno where to be found, and i don't think i can redownload them to the system as rhythembox is stick on the transfering screen.15:42
jdobrienbennie, that is very strange.15:45
benniemeh, well im concerned that this may be due to the seperate home partition, which was being used under karmic15:46
benniecould it be it has some outdated configuration files still?15:47
jdobrienbennie, need to find out why you can't see them on the web anymore15:47
jdobrienbennie, unless you deleted the Purchased from Ubuntu One folder locally15:47
bennieand yet it is still syncing in rhythembox15:47
bennieno i dont think i did, its never once apeared on my computer15:48
jdobrienbennie, that is probably just a flaw in the API. (it's VERY beta code)15:48
bennieits cool, dont worry15:48
jdobrienI got my pixies album!15:48
bennieit got wiped when i put an empty file in like you sugested. i think it must have synced incorrectly15:49
benniestill very odd15:49
duanedesignjdobrien: Surfer Rosa is a great album15:50
bennieare you suggesting the ubuntuone thinks the pixies are better then The Prodigy. now that is a bug15:50
jdobrienbennie, yeah that's got to be an issue. could you add that information to the bug you reported?15:50
jdobrienbennie, The prodigy should download faster15:51
benniesorry which data would you like appended15:51
jdobrienbennie, that your files were on the files interface then disappeared15:52
duanedesignjdobrien: Surfer Rosa is a great albumbeyou arre xir on Launchpad?15:54
duanedesignbennie: you are xi......lol15:55
bennieyes i had issues in the past with that name on irc, so i just kept it to something else out of habit15:56
duanedesignbennie: ok i will go ahead and attach the last log file i received to the report15:56
duanedesignbennie: is it bug 54452615:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544526 in rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store "Downloads do not progress beyond tranferring to Ubuntu One storage" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54452615:57
benniei used that bug because i thought it was the same rhytembox issue (which it is sort of)15:57
bennieso is there any more information i can offer to help you guys or should i just keep an eye on it and let you know if anything changes?16:18
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