
* Blank__ is still wondering why both 9.04 and 9.10 have problems with the login menu03:09
Blank__or is it just 9.10, either way all i get from both a fresh install and an upgrade are a plain vanilla login menu with a grey gradient as the background03:09
Blank__ubuntu studio that is03:09
ScottLBlank__, for 9.10 is was because no one prepared or implemented a gdm screen, complete oversight by a incomplete team03:27
Blank__ah :(03:27
ScottLcory was quite disappointed that it had happened (he had stepped down just recently before I believe)03:28
Blank__so is there any possibility of grabbing the old files from an older release and remaking it?03:31
ScottLi would suppose so, but I'm not very knowledgeable about gdm or how to change the background image, mayhaps ubuntu forums?03:44
Blank__ScottL, i'll be looking into it05:47
Blank__(sorry for the delay - just went into town and snagged some 4GB usb drives for $AU 8 each_05:48
tucemiuxScottL, is here??06:09
openmindjhello everyone09:00
openmindjdoes any one here use hydrogen?09:00
openmindjany one here know where I could find some good hydrogen drum kits?09:38
lasconichi there10:30
lasconicis anybody using MuseScore in Ubuntu Studio ?10:30
lasconicBlank_: not interesting in music notation ? or you use something else?10:34
minedmindHi! Does anyone knows how i can change de font type in gaupol? It doesn't recognize french symbols like é è ç à etc. It uses UTF 8 and western (windows 1252). I don't know what to use as french font type nor how to change the "font profile" in preferences...11:38
holsteinminedmind_: did you figure out your font issue?14:53
ScottLhi holstein15:35
holsteinScottL: hello15:36
* holstein about to run out to local LUG meeting15:36
holsteinive got a canonical guy talking today15:37
holsteini hope its well attended15:37
ScottLthat's cool :)15:49

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