
=== Guest88193 is now known as Karth
Karthwould anyone know why my RX-80 dot matrix printer prints at 1 line a minute under xubuntu?03:21
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willdoHi everyone10:31
moetuneshey there willdo10:34
willdohey, I have a very very straightforward question about xubuntu vs ubuntu10:35
willdoI am running ubuntu 9.10 on a Atom330, ext4 partitions10:36
willdoI have to wait couple seconds each time I navigate in a new folder10:37
willdoand wanted to know if it would be faster if i were on xubuntu10:37
willdoor if it is hopeless, or caused by something else10:37
moetuneswilldo: atom330 is the cpu right?10:37
willdothat for saying that the computer is not super fast, Atom330 is a dual core 1.6ghz, initially used in very small laptops10:38
moetunesthe kernel is prob not set up for it - just needs a source d/load and recompile - I don't know if xubuntu caters to them out of the box10:39
willdohow do I know which version of kernel would be "tuned" for this ?10:40
moetuneswilldo: I should add that that is a guess10:40
willdoI thought that it was nautilus' fault, that's why I was thinking about an other file explorer10:41
moetuneswilldo: give me a min and I will explore the options10:42
willdovery kind from you, thanks !10:42
willdomaybe i should have said my ubuntu is 64bit10:43
moetunesseems it works better in 32bit willdo10:45
moetunesbut the diff is small - www.google.com/linux?hl=en&q=atom330+64bit&btnG=Search10:46
willdoalso, it may be caused by ext4 ?10:49
moetuneswilldo: ext4 tests quicker in read/write than ext3 - so I would doubt it10:51
moetunesunless you have more than 4g ram 64bit is more hassle then it is worth imo10:51
willdoI have just 4, one part is used by the ION chipset, the rest is for the systme, but it is far from using it10:54
moetuneswilldo: from research on #ubuntu-offtopic - if you're using the 64bit ubuntu it shouldn't play a part - google was prob wrong10:57
willdothe last phoronix test about linux kernels on 32 32PAE and 64 found great advantages of 64bit10:58
moetuneswilldo: that was why "they" came up with 64bit10:58
willdook ;)11:01
moetuneswilldo: that slow nautilus start might be due to the graphics settings - I got an improvement from my file browser by adding backingstore to the xorg.conf cause the logs said it was disabled11:02
moetunesan improvement in all apps loading time in fact11:03
willdoI'll give it a try11:05
moetuneswilldo: read   /var/log/Xorg.0.log   and see if it is appropriate first11:06
willdoi looked at the xorg.conf file and add neither "RenderAccel" "backingstore" nor "AllowGLXWithComposite" inside11:09
willdo-add +had11:09
moetuneso - what's the graphic card? - lspci will tell in terminal11:11
willdo(==) NVIDIA(0): Backing store disabled11:12
willdoint he log11:12
willdomine is NVIDIA ION11:12
moetuneswilldo: you need to add   Option"backingstore" "true"   to a xorg.conf   file in /etc/X11/11:14
willdoi did, i am suprised cause my xorg file is only 20 lines long, although it is the one loaded (as stated in the log)11:15
willdothere is for example no line about keyboard mouse nor monitors11:15
moetuneswilldo: it is mostly automated now - except for what is in the xorg.conf file afaik11:17
moetunesthe log will say something about using hal11:17
willdoyes it does11:18
moetuneswilldo: you can make a full xorg.conf and edit it to your liking with   Xorg -configure   in terminal - then   mv -v  ./xorg.conf /etc/X11/11:19
willdoI typed alt+k+print screen11:22
willdois that enough or do i need to reboot ?11:23
moetuneswilldo: logout - hit ctrl+alt+backspace   and login11:23
moetunesrestarts X11:24
moetunesthere's gdm to restart11:24
willdoyeah, that what alt + k + printscreen is doing, (from 9.10)11:24
moetunesI know nothing of that - I'm old school :)11:25
moetuneswilldo: did you notice X restart?11:25
willdoi'll check logs to see if it changed something11:26
moetuneswilldo: check the log then mate :)11:26
willdodid it, it's ok11:27
moetunesnautilus is better?11:27
willdocan't say11:27
moetunesthat was the point after all...11:27
willdoif there is a differents, it's very small11:27
willdobut i also installed xunbuntu desktop so i'll check on xfce11:28
willdobe right back11:28
willdomany thanks for your time11:28
moetunesI'm on a 2.8ghz cpu here and thunar tahes 3-5 secs to open a dir first time11:28
willdothunar ?11:29
moetunesnautilus for xubuntu11:29
ubottuThunar is a file manager for !Xfce. It is a lightweight alternative to !Nautilus and is quite similar. More info at: http://thunar.xfce.org/index.html - Want to Replace Nautilus with Thunar? See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/nonautilusplease11:29
willdo3-5 sec !11:29
willdohow can you bear that11:30
moetunesI have lots of files :)11:30
moetunesthat's first time - once they're cached it is almost instantaneouslt11:30
willdoI am not tied to nautilus, so if xfce is better, why not :)11:31
moetunesI spelt that wrong...11:31
willdoby first time you mean after login, or in a row ?11:31
moetunesI have thunar on all my desktop comps11:31
moetunesafter opening once11:32
moetunesagain - many files in my folders - most need thumbnails11:32
willdoi am on xfce right now11:36
willdobetter tell me what's so good about nautilus or i am sticking here11:36
willdoits so fast,11:37
lifeofguenterhi all11:37
willdofeels like windows XP :)11:37
moetunesgnome is getting bloated imo - xfce is sooo much quicker11:37
lifeofguenterany roadmap / plan on 10.4?11:39
willdowow, backspace works to go to previous dir !11:40
moetuneslifeofguenter: you could ask in #ubuntu+1 or follow11:40
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule11:40
willdowow, alt + up go to parent dir11:41
lifeofguenterthanks moetunes11:41
willdothanks so much moetunes for your help and your time11:56
moetuneswilldo: glad to help :)11:56
willdoI was really really considering installing XP instead, just because of this slow explorer11:57
willdoit was close ^11:57
moetunesno explorer in linux pls11:57
willdowhat instead ?11:57
moetunesfile browser11:57
willdofair enough11:57
moetunesk :)11:57
moetunesluck willdo12:00
=== highvolt1ge is now known as highvoltage
=== ardian_flossk is now known as gent_flossk
pyI just installed karmic on an older pc, which is fitted with a GeForce 2 MX 400. With the driver "nv", I cannot get higher than 800x600/60, and with the "nvidia" driver, it is even worse, at 640x48015:23
pyThis pc was previously running a (very) outdated gentoo, and it was running at 1280x1024/85Hz flawlessly. How can I get that resolution back?15:24
psycho_oreosisn't there a nvidia x server config tool you can use?15:25
pywhen I enable the "nvidia" driver, there is this nvidia-settings control panel which I can use, but it doesn't offer me any chance to get higher than 640x48015:26
psycho_oreoshmm the only other way I can think of is to manually add the lines in yourself into xorg.conf file15:27
rofl__which command would you use to chmod all files 660 but all directories 770 ?15:32
rofl__need to write a perl script for that ? :)15:32
pychmod 770 `find ./ -type d`; chmod 660 `find ./ -type f`15:33
rofl__cool, is that recursive ?15:34
rofl__meaning applied to subfolders as well15:34
pyyeah, just look at the output of find ./ -type d and find ./ -type f: it wiil be what the chmod will be applied to15:34
py(you can do so before running the actual chmod, so you can make sure it is what you want)15:35
rofl__thanks, very handy15:35
rofl__i need that often15:35
pyregarding my X resolution problem, I happened to still have the config from the previous old install (which was still called XF86Config... vintage stuff ;-)). I replaced the broken xorg.conf by this version, and it actually works...15:36
psycho_oreosin other words you fixed it? :)15:37
pypsycho_oreos: yeah, seems so15:37
hal_9000you know, i noticed that there aren't as many problems posted here for xubuntu compared to ubuntu. maybe because of better performance or less people using it.15:44
charlie-tcaless users15:44
charlie-tcaUbuntu has millions, we have thousands15:45
hal_9000yes, "its all very clear to me know"....oops! was that HAL talking? LOL15:46
jyraianeed some help, how to install Xubuntu?19:53
jyraiaReconstructor on Xubuntu19:54
TheSheepa what?19:54
jyraiaTheSheep,  did you know?19:55
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam
dna42hi! could you please explain how much impact different themes and fonts have on a xubuntu installation on a netbook?22:34
dna42i mean, performance-wise?22:40

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