
seelein that last screenshot, it shoudl say "Downloading update 15 of 19"00:10
amichairHere's the other progress issue: http://imagebin.ca/view/3B5MZgB.html http://imagebin.ca/view/SBuNW5gQ.html http://imagebin.ca/view/e2yrD-G.html00:18
amichairbtw, the last 'Install' page is never reached, which is a bit strange - instead the window disappears for a couple seconds, then replaced with the installation window which looks and feels pretty different00:19
DarkwingDuckHoly hell that took most of the day. but, 15,000 emails organized finally.00:22
ScottKapachelogger: There's an existing bug on b.k.o for the randr thing.  Given the lack of anything other than marking dupes in the bug, I think the status is "upstream doesn't care".  It might be a fit subject for some of your genius.02:14
daskreechDarkwingDuck: took me two weeks :(02:17
macoSput: feature request: channel-specific highlights. i have a highlight set for "girls" (so when people say stupid things in #ubuntu-offtopic..) but id rather it not highlight in, say, #ubuntu-women or #linuxchix....04:23
maco(where that's a normal word to have in use)04:23
macoor get highlights on swear words only in channels where i'm an op04:24
maco(erm, i would just list which channels those are... i dont mean "detect whether i'm an op..." as thatd be a pain especially when you get chanserv involved)04:24
DarkwingDuckwe'll turn this into mIRC yet ;)04:26
* ScottK hands bugs.quassel-irc.org to maco04:32
macoDarkwingDuck: hmm? i think ive ued mirc once. does it have that?04:35
DarkwingDuckYes, When I was using mIRC back in the day I was able to write a script that listed the highlight rules for each channel.04:36
crimsune.g., ircN04:37
crimsunah, the dark ages of the tubes.04:37
=== DarkwingDuck_ is now known as DarkwingDuck
DarkwingDuckwho has the SVG for the new Branding?05:03
JontheEchidnaI think Riddell has one05:15
DarkwingDuckRiddell: ping05:17
ScottKnixternal too.05:17
DarkwingDuckThe wife like desktop publishing and wanted to give a hand in recreating the kubuntu business card with the new branding05:19
DarkwingDuckI'll upload what we come up with05:20
JontheEchidnaPhysics test tomorrow; I should probably get to bed now...05:21
DarkwingDuckYeah, I'm heading there too.05:21
Sputmaco: that's on our agenda, though I can't tell you an ETA08:30
jussi01maco: as sput says its on the agenda. I think I filed that bug like... err 2 years ago?08:45
jussi01ok... 1 year08:46
jussi01but still :D08:46
jussi01maco: a related bug is: http://bugs.quassel-irc.org/issues/18108:47
apacheloggerScottK: what should happen is a) poke aaron b) if it doesnt improve drop that randr stuff altogether c) wait for a new wicked mind to come up with something that tries to make xrandr's madness easy to use ;)09:23
* persia hopes for a) or c) to support fun and useful use cases09:26
apacheloggerwell, maybe I am wrong anyway09:41
apacheloggerJontheEchidna, ScottK: I was just wondering ... what does kephal do?09:41
* apachelogger finds kephal a better approach to manipulating xrandr stuff, also it would support plug'n'notify09:41
apacheloggerlooks like kephal only tracks the config stuff but doesnt act upon it :S09:58
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you broke partitionmanger btw :P10:04
apacheloggerdoesnt show up in systemsettings10:04
apacheloggerbecause of src/CMakeLists.txt10:04
apacheloggeroption(PARTMAN_KCM "Build a kcm for KDE Partition Manager" OFF)10:04
* apachelogger notes that the display magic is probably a good GSoC project10:15
amichairScottK: During an RSI break, is there any particular excercise that's recommended? or just stay still?11:25
apacheloggeramichair: I am sure there are various quick exercises you can do11:32
apacheloggersome for the hands and some for the eyes and some for the ears and some for the legs...11:33
apacheloggerevery rsi break is an opporunity to do another one11:33
apacheloggerthat said11:33
apacheloggerrsi breaks are very opportunistic and are probably implemented in python11:33
amichairI don't think pythons can get RSI11:39
amichairalthough they do give other ppl stress and injuries11:40
apacheloggerkubotu: google gator vs python11:40
kubotuResults for gator vs python: 1. State: Gator vs. python ends in gory draw: http://www.sptimes.com/2005/10/06/State/Gator_vs_python_ends_.shtml | 2. Gator-guzzling python comes to messy end - Science- msnbc.com: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9600151/ | 3. Photo in the News: Python Bursts After Eating Gator (Update): http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/10/1006_051006_pythoneatsgator.html11:40
amichairbut I'm not concerned by bursting pythons as much as bursting plasma-desktops11:42
amichairA plasma burst is really nasty11:43
amichairThat's why I restart my desktop every couple of weeks just before plasma-desktop reaches 1GB of memory11:43
apacheloggeramichair: maybe you should run it in valgrind :P11:46
apacheloggeror do more security updates :P11:47
amichairis there a plasma shield security update?11:47
* apachelogger needs to at least relogin every now and then for some secruity magic or other kde updateness11:47
apacheloggeramichair: it's not like you can restart your x without restarting plasma :P11:47
amichairor at least a deflector shield so my neighbor gets fried instead?11:47
apacheloggerthem poor neighbors11:47
amichairapachelogger: can valgrind be used on the regular runtime? or do I need to recompile everything?11:55
apacheloggeramichair: regular runtime11:57
apacheloggerI think it is good if you have the dbg package installed though11:57
apacheloggermight be wrong, but I think you can make valgrind resolve symbols using debug data11:57
JontheEchidna^From my experiences yesterday, debug symbols are required to make it useful12:07
apacheloggerwell, otherwise it will only tell you the symbol names I suppose12:09
apacheloggerwith debug symbols it resloves to source line I think12:09
JontheEchidnawhen I looked at synaptic I only got library names :s12:11
JontheEchidnabut maybe that's gtk crappiness12:11
* apachelogger never does code memleaks so he wouldnt know :P12:12
* persia points out ddebs.ubuntu.com12:36
apacheloggerpersia: kde core packages all have -dbg packages12:37
persiaYep :)12:38
nixternalgood mornin'12:39
apacheloggerahoy nixternal12:39
persiaapachelogger: Is there already a bug against LP to store ddebs for PPAs?12:40
apacheloggerpersia: didnt look12:40
apacheloggerI think the soyuz people already hate me for all the silly bugs I file ^612:40
persiaMight want to check.  It oughtn't be that hard to enable, and would save adding -dbg versions to everything of interest.12:40
persiaI doubt that.  I think the main issue with Soyuz is that wgrant seems to be the only developer.12:41
apacheloggeroh my12:41
apacheloggernothing reported in sight12:43
persiaPlease file.  It ought make the way Kubuntu uses PPAs less painful to debug on the edges.12:43
apacheloggeronly if the ddebs are inside the regular repositories12:44
ScottKpersia: Why?  We've already done the work to make the dbg packages.12:44
apacheloggerotherwise I will get additional headache in making kubuntu-debug-installer figure that out ^^12:44
apacheloggerScottK: not for all and every kde pkg12:44
persiaScottK: future-proofing, plus that the cost of filing a bug is low12:45
apacheloggerknm hadnt had a dbg package for like a year or so ^^12:45
persiaapachelogger: I presume they would be: the current "copy to some secret location, and then publish somewhere else" hack has got to be ugly code.12:45
wgrantWell, there are three real Soyuz developers, and a fourth appearing soon, plus me.12:45
wgrantI have most of PPA ddebs implemented.12:45
wgrantBut it's not easy.12:45
wgrantThe current method just copies the ddebs to ~/public_html on the buildd.12:46
wgrantpitti's script checks each buildd regularly, and copies them onto ddebs.ubuntu.com12:46
wgrant== revolting hack12:46
* apachelogger finds that seperate archive silly anyway12:46
wgrantThey would bloat the official archive and its indices to unacceptable levels.12:47
apacheloggerwgrant: even in a seperate repo?12:47
apacheloggermain universe main-ddeb universe-ddeb?12:47
wgrantapachelogger: Didn't you just object to it being in a separate archive?12:47
wgrantAh, you mean component.12:47
persiasame archive, separate component12:47
ScottKFor PPAs they really should be in the regular pool for the PPA.12:48
apacheloggerwgrant: well, for PPAs I want it in the archive itself12:48
wgrantScottK: That's the plan.12:48
apacheloggerbut for the ubuntu archive it would make more sense to have it in a pool12:48
ScottKSensible then.12:48
apacheloggers/a pool/the same pool as the other ubuntu pkgs12:48
wgrantapachelogger: Possibly. But mirrors currently use rsync.12:48
ScottKapachelogger: I think it's due to impact on mirrors12:48
wgrantAnd mirrors won't like a two-to-threefold increase in mirror volume.12:48
apacheloggerthat indeed is a good reason not to do it that way then :)12:49
persiaIs working around that on the feature list for lmirror?12:49
wgrantpersia: It's probably more in scope for the secret mirror split script (which takes the single cocoplum archive and turns it into ports, archive and old-releases).12:49
apacheloggerwgrant: so, do you want me to file a bug report about that ddebs for PPA?12:49
wgrantBut I have plans to move tht into Soyuz soon so we can work better with lmirror.12:49
wgrantapachelogger: There's already one.12:49
* wgrant finds.12:49
persiaAh, cool.12:50
* apachelogger didnt see one12:50
wgrantBug #15657512:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 156575 in soyuz "PPA builds do not create -dbgsym packages" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15657512:50
nigelbnixternal, seems like you had a fun night yday :)12:51
apacheloggerScottK: I made all the dbusmenu related bugs reported properly and milestoned btw12:52
nixternalthat I did nigelb :)  awesome hockey match12:52
nigelbnixternal, your constant tweets reminded me :)12:52
ScottKapachelogger: Great.12:52
* apachelogger is going home today and will do some bugfixing12:52
apacheloggerafter which I will poke a bit more into that randr mess12:52
nixternalhehe, before the 3rd period, the announcer dude said "tweet nixternal tweet!"12:53
apacheloggerbecause from what I have seen until now, krandr should really just be a frontend to kephal12:53
nixternalthey call out people who are tweeting the game12:53
nigelbnixternal, seriously? o_012:53
nixternalyeah, it was pretty cool...there were like 25 people they called out12:54
apacheloggerdidn't amarok have the shortcut for playback actions listed in the tray menu?12:54
apacheloggerNightrose: ^12:54
apacheloggermarkey: ^12:55
apacheloggertriage nixternal triage!12:55
apacheloggerdoesnt work :(12:56
* apachelogger thinks nixternal is broken again :P12:56
nixternalit isn't even 07:00 yet, triage mood == Null right about now12:57
apacheloggerhorrible excuse12:57
nixternalI know it is :)12:58
markeyapachelogger: hm, not sure actually :)13:04
markeyright now it's not there, with the new tray13:04
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macojussi01: haha14:19
macoSput: ok:)14:19
Tscheesynixternal: ping14:38
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zbenjamini maybe found a bug in karmic but i'm not shure. I use iwlagn and try to connect to a AP without luck !. Dmesg tells me this: http://pastebin.com/kMzmBBiG15:02
zbenjaminseems like the connection dies right after its created15:03
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ryanakcaScottK: I guess I'll need to go through with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess#FeatureFreeze for new upstream versions for libqinfinity/kobby?15:44
apacheloggerryanakca: yes15:45
apacheloggerjr can give exceptions though I think15:45
* apachelogger doesnt really know anymore who has which authority where ^^15:45
apacheloggerarchive reorg ftw!15:45
* ScottK can too16:00
ScottKryanakca: Yes.  Please.  It'll be easy to get though.16:01
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ryanakcaScottK: OK. libqinfinity-1.0~beta5-1 is building at the moment. Should I have the Debian folks upload it and then have it sync'd or should I make a -0ubuntu1 ?16:05
ScottKryanakca: Better to get it into Debian.16:05
ScottKWe'll do a direct upload if we really need to.16:05
amichairRiddell: where exactly did u see the text reported in bug #540929?16:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 540929 in ubiquity "oem-config-kde says "installing kubuntu"" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54092916:07
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apacheloggerkubotu: weather Graz, Austria16:09
* apachelogger asks google16:09
apacheloggerkubotu: ping16:10
apacheloggerkubotu: help weather16:10
kubotuno help for topic weather16:10
apacheloggerdid I break it?16:11
apacheloggerkubotu: config get plugins.blacklist16:11
kubotuplugins.blacklist: azgame, chucknorris, deepthoughts, delicious, dice, digg, forecast, fortune, freshmeat, imdb, insult, math, roulette, slashdot, spell, theyfightcrime, threat, wheeloffortune, youtube, quiz, dictclient, dict, realm, grouphug, bash, cal, weather, rot, hl2, wow, tube, url, remotectl, babel, figlet, debug, linkbot, geoip, lart, markov16:11
apacheloggeroh, I wonder why weather is blacklisted16:11
apacheloggerkubotu: config remove weather from plugins.blacklist16:11
kubotuplugins.blacklist: azgame, chucknorris, deepthoughts, delicious, dice, digg, forecast, fortune, freshmeat, imdb, insult, math, roulette, slashdot, spell, theyfightcrime, threat, wheeloffortune, youtube, quiz, dictclient, dict, realm, grouphug, bash, cal, rot, hl2, wow, tube, url, remotectl, babel, figlet, debug, linkbot, geoip, lart, markov16:11
kubotuthis config change will take effect on the next rescan16:11
apacheloggerkubotu: rescan16:11
kubotusaving ...16:11
kuboturescanning ...16:11
kubotudone. 10 core modules loaded; 49 plugins loaded; 34 plugins ignored; 2 plugins failed to load16:11
apacheloggerkubotu: weather graz, austria16:11
kubotuWeather info for Graz-Andritz, Graz, Austria (updated on 5:10 PM CEST on April 05, 2010); Temperature: 53.9 F / 12.2 C; Humidity: -999%; Wind: North at -; Pressure: - (Steady); Conditions: Mostly Cloudy; Visibility: 6.2 miles / 10.0 kilometers; UV: 1 out of 16; Clouds: Mostly Cloudy (BKN) : 5000 ft / 1524 m; Sunrise: 6:30 AM CEST; Sunset: 7:32 PM CEST; Moon Rise: 2:03 AM CEST; Moon Set: 10:22 AM CEST; Moon Phase:16:11
kubotuWaning Gibbous16:11
apacheloggerthat humidity looks wrong ^^16:12
apacheloggerkubotu: weather wels, austria16:12
kubotuWeather info for Sankt Marienkirchen An Der Polsenz, Austria (updated on 5:00 PM CEST on April 05, 2010); Temperature: 48.2 F / 9.0 C; Windchill: 46 F / 8 C; Humidity: 59%; Dew Point: 35 F / 1 C; Wind: NW at 5.8 mph / 9.3 km/h; Pressure: 30.25 in / 1024.3 hPa (Steady); Conditions: Mostly Cloudy; Visibility: 6.2 miles / 10.0 kilometers; UV: 1 out of 16; Clouds: (FEW) : 2800 ft / 853 m  Mostly Cloudy (BKN) : 5000 ft /16:12
kubotu1524 m; Sunrise: 6:34 AM CEST; Sunset: 7:39 PM CEST; Moon Rise: 2:14 AM CEST; Moon Set: 10:22 AM CEST; Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous16:13
* apachelogger finds that all way too cold -.-16:13
ScottKkubotu: weather ellicott city, maryland, usa16:22
kubotuWeather info for Calhan West - N Ellicott Hwy & Kobilan Rd, Calhan, Colorado (updated on 9:22 AM MDT on April 05, 2010); Temperature: 51.9 F / 11.1 C; Humidity: 25%; Dew Point: 17 F / -8 C; Wind: SSW at 24.0 mph / 38.6 km/h; Pressure: 29.64 in / 1003.6 hPa (Falling); Conditions: Clear; Visibility: 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers; UV: 3 out of 16; Clouds: Clear (CLR) : -; Yesterday's Maximum: 64 F / 17 C; Yesterday's16:22
kubotuMinimum: 31 F / 0 C; Sunrise: 6:35 AM MDT; Sunset: 7:24 PM MDT; Moon Rise: 1:45 AM MDT; Moon Set: 11:12 AM MDT; Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous16:22
kubotuFire Weather Warning, Fire Weather Watch: Expires 8:00 PM MDT on April 06, 2010 Statement as of 5:58 am MDT on April 5, 2010 ... Red flag warning remains in effect from 10 am this morning to 10 PM MDT this evening... ... Fire Weather Watch remains in effect from Tuesday morning through Tuesday evening... A red flag warning remains in effect from 10 am this morning to 10 PM MDT this evening. A Fire Weather Watch remains16:22
kubotuin effect from Tuesday morning through Tuesday evening. This includes the following fire weather zones... in Colorado... 222... 226... 227... 228... 229... 230... 231... 232... 233 ... 234... 235... 236... 237 Critical fire weather conditions are expected today as southwest winds of 20 to 30 mph with wind gusts in excess of 50 mph at times will be realized across the area. These strong winds combined with afternoon16:23
kubotuhumidities of less than 15 percent will result in volatile conditions for fire behavior. Gusty winds will continue across the area on Tuesday with critical fire weather conditions remaining possible from Tuesday morning through early Tuesday evening. Precautionary/preparedness actions... A red flag warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now... or will shortly. A combination of strong16:23
kubotuwinds... low relative humidity... and warm temperatures will create explosive fire growth potential. A Fire Weather Watch means that critical fire weather conditions are forecast to occur. Listen for later forecasts and possible red flag warnings.16:23
ScottKThis may be why you had it blacklisted16:23
jussi01just maybe...16:23
ScottKWrong location anyway, but won't try again16:24
apacheloggerkubotu: list config16:24
apacheloggerkubotu: config list16:24
kubotumodules: wikipedia, send, lastfm, auth, debug, encoding, irc, irclog, core, nickserv, rejoin, factoids, markov, twitter, remote, greet, http, rss, weather, log, salut, server, seen, autoop, identica, translator, google, plugins, keyword, chanserv, host, wheelfortune, ri16:24
apacheloggerkubotu: config list weather16:24
apacheloggerkubotu: config get weather.advisory16:24
kubotuweather.advisory: true16:24
apacheloggerreading ruby code always makes me happy :)16:27
apacheloggerkubotu: config set weather.advisory false16:27
apacheloggerkubotu: weather ellicott city, maryland, usa16:28
kubotuWeather info for Calhan West - N Ellicott Hwy & Kobilan Rd, Calhan, Colorado (updated on 9:27 AM MDT on April 05, 2010); Temperature: 53.0 F / 11.7 C; Humidity: 24%; Dew Point: 17 F / -8 C; Wind: SSW at 23.0 mph / 37.0 km/h; Pressure: 29.64 in / 1003.6 hPa (Falling); Conditions: Clear; Visibility: 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers; UV: 3 out of 16; Clouds: Clear (CLR) : -; Yesterday's Maximum: 64 F / 17 C; Yesterday's16:28
kubotuMinimum: 31 F / 0 C; Sunrise: 6:35 AM MDT; Sunset: 7:24 PM MDT; Moon Rise: 1:45 AM MDT; Moon Set: 11:12 AM MDT; Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous16:28
apacheloggermuch better16:28
apacheloggerkubotu: help weather nws16:28
kubotuweather nws <station> => display the current conditions at the location specified by the NOAA National Weather Service station code <station> ( lookup your station code at http://www.nws.noaa.gov/data/current_obs/ )16:28
apacheloggerScottK: ^16:28
* ScottK looks16:29
ScottKkubotu: weather nws kbwi16:30
kubotuAt Mon,  5 Apr 2010 10:54:00 -0400, the wind was Variable at 6.9 MPH (6 KT) at Baltimore-Washington International Airport, MD (KBWI). The temperature was 70.0 F (21.1 C) with a heat index of , and the pressure was 1019.1 mb. The relative humidity was 64%. Current conditions are Mostly Cloudy with 10.00mi visibility.16:30
ScottKThere we go.16:30
ScottKMuch more temperate here.16:30
apacheloggertop temp this week seems to be 18 C in graz :S16:31
ryanakcakubotu: weather nws cygk16:31
kubotuError retrieving data: 300 Multiple Choices16:31
* apachelogger needs to finish packing16:32
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amichairwhen picking a foreign language in livecd boot menu, what does it supposed to affect (except the boot menu itself)?17:41
shadeslayerhuh... you lose the nice kubuntu logo in the kickoff menu if you change the theme17:58
shadeslayerQuintasan: me?18:00
QuintasanRiddell: uploading KOffice to beta ppa18:00
Quintasanshadeslayer: you too :P18:00
shadeslayeroh and scrolling is ultra slow...18:01
Quintasanyeah, now uploading 54449kB, will take tons of time18:02
shadeslayerQuintasan: any ideas to get the logo?18:05
Quintasanshadeslayer: the Kubuntu logo?18:05
shadeslayerQuintasan: yeah... in the kickoff18:06
Quintasanshadeslayer: I'm entirley sure, that if you right click on Kickoff, pick Options from the menu, then go to Options tab you can select an icon to use instad of default geared K18:07
Quintasanshadeslayer: then go to .kde and look in plasma config files for path to the icon18:07
shadeslayerQuintasan: hehe.. not that one the other one when you click the kickoff18:08
Quintasanoh I see it now18:08
QuintasanYou don't like it?18:09
shadeslayerQuintasan: oh i mean i like it so much i want it to work with the glassified theme18:09
Quintasanshadeslayer: check kubuntu-default-settings package18:10
Quintasanor there is a patch in kdebase18:10
shadeslayerQuintasan: probably kubuntu-default-settings18:10
shadeslayerQuintasan:   * Update kubuntu-menu icons to match new logo18:11
shadeslayernow...which file? :P18:12
QuintasanRiddell: uploaded to Beta PPA18:30
ofirksomeone knows how to re-show the main toolbar in gwenview?19:01
ofirkI accidentally hide it and now I don't know how to make it appear again19:01
ofirkin case someone didn't understand, I am talking about the toolbar with the File, View, Help menus19:02
ScottKDoes ctrl-m do it?19:03
ofirkyou are genius!19:03
ScottKYou're welcome.19:03
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amichairRiddell: Fixed a few ubiquity bugs in branch, incl. both progress bars.20:25
amichairIf you have more info on the other two on the milestone list, I can take a look.20:25
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neversfeldeQuintasan: koffice 2.2 beta2 tarballs available :)20:44
amichairJontheEchidna: ping20:59
JontheEchidnaamichair: pong20:59
amichairJontheEchidna: Bug #55522821:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 555228 in software-properties "software-properties-kde crashed with UnicodeDecodeError in init_distro() (dup-of: 545927)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55522821:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 545927 in software-properties "Can not open the Edit Software Sources window from KPackageKit " [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54592721:00
Quintasanneversfelde: I just uploaded beta1 :DD21:00
JontheEchidnaamichair: ah, kk21:01
amichairJontheEchidna: it's a dup of what u made public,21:01
amichairJontheEchidna: but I think I'm getting mixed up with the versioning21:01
neversfeldeQuintasan: I know21:01
JontheEchidnaamichair: the bug is happening in the version that should be fixed :(21:01
amichairamichair: yeah. reported against 0.75.9, which according to the bzr log, does not have that line anymore... where did the fix go?21:02
amichairthere I go talking to myself again... gotta take those meds!21:02
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amichairJontheEchidna: can u make sense of this?21:05
JontheEchidnanot really. the official debdiff sez it should be in the released version: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/software-properties_0.75.8_0.75.9.diff.gz21:05
JontheEchidnagotta go, bbiab21:05
Riddellamichair: ooh fixes21:07
amichairRiddell: ah, I was just thinking of you... ^^21:07
amichairRiddell: u did that merge, maybe u can figure it out...21:07
Riddellamichair: which merge?21:13
QuintasanRiddell: do not mind that upload, will grab the beta 2 now :S21:14
amichairthat last spk one (them links above)21:14
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QuintasanRiddell: huh, I get permission denied on ktown, I did not change my GPG key21:15
QuintasanSSH key rather21:15
apacheloggerhullos o/21:15
macoQuintasan: using a different computer than usual?21:16
Quintasanmaco: nope21:16
Quintasanapachelogger: sup21:16
apacheloggerhome sweet home21:16
apacheloggerafter working more than a week on a netbook, the fonts on my regular setup seem overly large ^^21:16
amichairRiddell: a dude just reported the same bug with a stack trace showing the old code on the new version (whose debdiff shows the new code!)21:16
ScottK-droidRiddell: Would you please accept the pending kubuntu-meta upload. I'm -><- close to a ppc live CD that's not oversized.21:17
apachelogger890MB updates -.-21:21
RiddellScottK-droid: accepted21:25
apacheloggerwhy is kdelibs-dbg > 50MiB21:25
ScottK-droidRiddell: Thanks.21:26
Riddellbecause debugging symbols are big space hogs21:27
DarkwingDuckRiddell: Do you have the SVGs for the new branding of Kubuntu?21:32
RiddellDarkwingDuck: yes, in kubuntu-default-settings21:36
DarkwingDuckRiddell: Thanks21:36
DarkwingDuckOkay, time to play games with my system.21:36
DarkwingDuckI'll catch up.21:37
QuintasanRiddell: can you check out whats with my key being not allowed?21:41
RiddellQuintasan: mine isn't either (!)21:43
amichairwow! what googly eyes you have!21:45
QuintasanThat's for packaging today :/21:45
apacheloggerRiddell: well, the thing is ... lzma sqeezes around 35% out of the dbg packages ... meaning kdelibs5-dbg with gzip would be super fat21:45
nixternaloi oi....who wants to go riding?21:50
Mamarokapachelogger: dear, why do you ship KDE SC 4.4.2 with Phonon 4.3.1? It should use Phonon 4.3.80 for the KDE SC 4.4.x series, no?21:56
apacheloggera) I dont know b) we ship phonon as part of Qt21:58
Quintasanc) it is your fault if we ship wrong version :P21:59
apacheloggerd) true21:59
Quintasanif it isnt working, blame it on apachelogger; that's my policy :P21:59
MamarokQuintasan: Oh, is it? KDE SC 4.4.2 should have Phonon 4.3.80, according to it's maintainer21:59
Riddellphonon-backends is at 4:4.4.0-0ubuntu1 in lucid22:00
Riddelland phonon in qt is patched to 4.4.022:01
QuintasanRiddell: any idea who should I bug to get our keys unlocked?22:01
RiddellQuintasan: I need to contact sysadmin22:01
MamarokRiddell: so why does mine say 4.3.1?22:01
Mamarokusing Lucid, clean install22:01
apachelogger#define PHONON_VERSION PHONON_VERSION_CHECK(4, 3, 1)22:02
apacheloggerbecause it is22:02
QuintasanRiddell: okay22:02
apacheloggerI recon we have a Qt patch for that though, dont we?22:02
apacheloggeror did that get dropped already?22:02
Riddellkubuntu_07_phonon_4.4.0.diff is there22:03
MamarokI used this to find my version: strings $KDEDIR/lib/libphonon.so | grep -P "\n4.*.*\n"22:04
apacheloggerIT IS 4.3.1 :P22:05
apachelogger./phononnamespace.h:#define PHONON_VERSION_STR "4.3.1"22:05
Mamarokwhich is bad :/22:05
apacheloggerthen again my system is out of date ;)22:05
Mamarokmine is not22:06
apacheloggeroh oh oh oh22:06
apacheloggermaybe the patch just doenst change the version22:06
apacheloggerfor compability reasons or some stuff22:06
QuintasanMamarok: if that Phonon really is not 4.3.80 are we in some deep trouble?22:10
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
SputKDE 4.4 certainly won't work properly with older versions22:13
Sputthough it also couldn't have compiled against 4.3.1 afair22:13
Quintasanmy phonon backend xine is 4.4.022:14
amichairJontheEchidna: do u think the reporter of that spk bug had a failed update of some sort? Is there anything we should ask him to check or do?22:14
ofirkhi everybody, take a look at the new kubuntu website:22:14
Riddellyeah, and phonon-backends wouldn't have compiled either, and this muckle patch must be doing somehting22:14
ofirkHomepage - http://violetech.org/kubuntu-website-screenshot-homepage.png22:14
ofirkDownload page - http://violetech.org/kubuntu-website-screenshot-download.png22:14
ofirkFeature tour - http://violetech.org/kubuntu-website-screenshot-feature-tour.png22:14
* apachelogger falls over22:14
apacheloggercan we please get rid of that stupid ktorrent icon?22:15
QuintasanDO WANT22:15
apacheloggermakes me wanna throw up every time I see it22:15
MamarokQuintasan: how do you read that backend version? All my packages state 4:4.6.2 which is the Qt version, but not the Phonon version22:15
QuintasanMamarok: look for phonon-backend-xine22:16
apacheloggerupdate finished22:16
* apachelogger runs post-update checks22:16
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
MamarokQuintasan: OK, so only the libphonon package reads a wrong version22:17
RiddellI suspect sandsmark's phonon patch to qt just doesn't update the version number, which is a bug but not a big problem22:17
* Quintasan wants his motorola milestone22:17
MamarokRiddell: good, I am relieved, I was just worried for a moment.22:17
MamarokSorry for the noise22:17
Riddellwe should ask sandsmark about it anyway22:18
Riddellbut now I must sleep22:18
apacheloggernini Riddell22:18
* apachelogger gives Riddell a good night kiss :*22:18
Riddellamichair: sorry can't look at that merge issue tonight, I'll make sure to do it tomorrow22:18
amichairg'nite Riddell22:18
apacheloggertime for reboot!22:18
amichairRiddell: np, thanks. Sweet dreams!22:19
Quintasannight Riddell22:21
amichairofirk: nice! when is it going online?22:24
ofirkI hope for 10.04 release22:24
amichairofirk: (I won't tell anyone that in the blurred out contact list, the reflection is not blurred ;-) )22:27
ofirkoops :)22:27
ofirkapachelogger: the ktorrent icon is already built deep into the site theme, so you might want to get a throwing bag :)22:28
apacheloggerI will just kill whoever makes a new site with that fugly icon :P22:28
apacheloggerI surely am mad enough now that I used plasma-netbook and built mysql on a netbook :P22:29
JontheEchidnaamichair: it could be that the crash happened before the update, but didn't get reported until the next reboot for some strange reason.22:29
amichairofirk: the version numbers, copyright years and text are not final, right?22:29
JontheEchidnaamichair: This crash should be always-reproducible, right? Maybe we should ask if it happens every time22:29
ofirkamichair: yes22:30
amichairJontheEchidna: yeah, it happens every time u run spk with a non-latin locale22:30
ofirkamichair: but thanks for pointing this out, I almost forgot it!22:30
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: so I got that stupid crash report notification again22:31
apachelogger...at login ... as usual22:31
amichairofirk: when you have a working version, I'd be happy to proof it22:31
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: and apport did take like 1 minute to figure out that the app from which the report came is no longer installed22:31
apacheloggerand then apport was going like ... uh that report is no valid because foobarz is not installed!!!! omg!!!22:32
apacheloggerand I was like... what are you talking aobut22:32
apacheloggerand then I xkilled it22:32
amichairofirk: r u perhaps familiar with an RTL language?22:32
* apachelogger feels much better now22:32
ofirkamichair: I speak Hebrew22:32
ofirkamichair: why?22:32
amichairofirk: do progress bars really go from LTR? it looks really wierd.22:33
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: can we somehow burn apport?22:33
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: the launchpad crash retracer usually gets backed up with retracing requests, then as an excuse to how it fails at retracing, it rejects them all the next week since there have been new updates since.22:33
amichairofirk: I meant, from RTL22:33
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: burn it with fire! it's the only way to be sure22:33
ofirkamichair: in which picture you see it?22:33
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: and then pipe it to /dev/null, just to be extra save22:34
amichairofirk: unrelated to the website... I was fixing up progressbars on ubiquity and tested Hebrew22:35
ofirkamichair: oh. no they don't22:35
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
amichairofirk: there are many RTL issues there, and I noticed the progressbar goes the other way... was wondering if this is normal. Seems wierd to me.22:35
ofirkamichair: but I base that on my old memories from Windows...22:36
ofirkamichair: actually, I think it is really wrong to make them go RTL!22:37
amichairofirk: I tried googling it or looking for a sample on youtube, but came up empty.22:37
ofirkamichair: you talking about progress bars on RTL systems other than linux?22:37
amichairofirk: progress bars in general, I guess22:38
amichairofirk: digits are LTR (in Arabic too, iirc), so it makes sense the progress (percentage) would be LTR, however Qt makes them RTL. I'm just not sure what's right.22:38
amichairofirk: btw, are u involved with the slideshow there by any chance?22:40
ofirkamichair: no, I just fixed the kubuntu logo22:41
amichairofirk: ah, ok. The artwork does feel consistent with the site (and looks good!)22:42
ofirkamichair: I found a video on youtube which says that progress bars on Windows actually DO go RTL!!!!!!!!!22:42
ofirkamichair: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfH5nsi_kmE22:43
ofirkon 1:4522:43
amichairhehe, he's shaking it around a lot22:45
amichairIit sure looks wrong, in the moral sense :-)22:45
amichairBut it's one less bug to fix, I suppose...22:46
amichairofirk: Well, I've learned something today. Thanks!22:47
ofirkdo you use KDE with Hebrew?22:47
amichairofirk: only when testing unicode/RTL bugs...22:47
ofirkamichair: I too, I guess it looks weird since we are used to LTR interfaces22:48
ofirkamichair: BTW, if you need help with translation to Hebrew or any other help (not related to C, C++ programming) I would love to help22:49
macoofirk: have you seen the translation part of launchpad.net?22:49
amichairofirk: I'm sure there's work to do (but have no idea how or who)22:49
ofirkmaco: yes, I actually in Ubuntu Hebrew Translators group22:50
amichairofirk: the whole ubiquity slideshow was not translated, at least as of the daily-live, plus some other parts of ubiquity. I suppose it's as good a place to start as any :-)22:51

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