
stubWhat's the bestest way of running a single story nowadays?07:44
deryckMorning, all.10:59
=== deryck changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad Development Channel | Week 4 of 10.03 | PQM is open | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Get the code: https://dev.launchpad.net/Getting | On-call review in irc://irc.freenode.net/#launchpad-reviews | Use http://paste.ubuntu.com/ for pastes
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad Development Channel | Week 0 of 10.04 | PQM is open | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Get the code: https://dev.launchpad.net/Getting | On-call review in irc://irc.freenode.net/#launchpad-reviews | Use http://paste.ubuntu.com/ for pastes
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salgadomaxb, around?  have you tried running the python2.6 branch of LP recently?14:33
barrygmb: ping14:45
gmbbarry, Hi14:48
barrygmb: hi.  responded to your email.  thanks for your help with this!14:50
gmbbarry, No worries. Sorry for letting myself get sidetracked *again*14:50
gmbbarry, FYI, I've converted Mark's export to Launchpad interchange format and I'm going to try doing the import locally to see what happens to the patches.14:51
barryawesome, thanks14:51
gmbI'll reply to the thread with what I find out. Hopefully should have some answers today.14:51
kfogelbarry: got a sec?  In my spare time I'm working on bug #23102315:06
mupBug #231023: on status change, show new status in Subject: <email> <Launchpad Bugs:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/231023>15:06
kfogelbarry: ... and although I'm adding all sorts of instrumentation to lib/canonical/launchpad/mailnotification.py:BugNotificationBuilder.build15:07
kfogelI can't seem to get any of it to take effect in launchpad.dev.  Is that the right place?15:07
barrykfogel: sure15:07
kfogelbarry: and lib/lp/bugs/doc/bugnotification-email.txt should also pass/fail based on changes I make in that code, right?15:08
barrykfogel: that's what i would think.  did you put a break point in .build()?15:10
kfogelbarry: well, I'm doing this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/409510/15:11
kfogelbarry: IOW, I added an "x" suffix to "Bug" just to make sure things are working, and then log the whole subject to a tmpfile.15:11
maxbsalgado: hey. Not recently, no15:12
kfogelbarry: last week, I'd run that code and then go into launchpad.dev and make all sorts of bug changes -- but my tmpfile never showed up.15:12
kfogelbarry: trying again now15:12
barrykfogel: it's always helpful to stick a pdb.set_trace() in there and see if the code you think is getting hit actually is ;)15:13
kfogelbarry: that's a good idea15:13
salgadomaxb, I've asked because I'm trying to resurrect it but am blocked on what seems to be http://reinout.vanrees.org/weblog/2009/11/13/distribute-buildout-recursion-fixed.html (which should be fixed on our version of buildout)15:41
maxbAh. For any insane buildout behaviour, I would direct you towards gary :-)15:41
salgadomaxb, if only he were around today... :<15:43
kfogelbarry: even this patch http://paste.ubuntu.com/409529/ is not throwing me into the debugger15:51
kfogelbarry: this is when I go to https://bugs.launchpad.dev/firefox/+bug/5 and make various changes (I add a comment, change status, change assignee, etc)15:52
kfogelbarry: I'm wondering if there's something I'm supposed to do to get the entire notification system "turned on"?15:52
deryckmars, hi.  Do you have a minute to help me work out something for a Windmill test?16:04
marsderyck, yes, in a few minutes16:04
deryckmars, ok, thanks!  Just ping when you have 2-3 minutes.16:05
kfogelderyck: you have backscroll to see my above conversation with barry?  If you know why I can't seem to get launchpad.dev's bug notification system operating, pls let me know.16:20
marsderyck, online, let me know when you have a moment, and I can help you16:21
deryckkfogel, so lp's notifications system is really just a set of calls to notify() and then running the notification script.  I would guess the script acts based on config settings, but I've not actually run it locally.16:24
deryckmars, cool.  thanks.  So I'm working on bug 49425716:25
mupBug #494257: Users not notified in email when subscribed by someone else <email> <ubuntu-qa> <Launchpad Bugs:In Progress by deryck> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/494257>16:25
marsderyck, ok16:25
deryckmars, and the issue there is that the notify(ObjectCreatedEvent()) stuff happens in browser code, not model code.  So it's never hit from JS use of API...16:26
deryckmars, so I want a windmill test to verify this and do TDD on the fix for it.  So see:  http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~deryck/launchpad/not-notified-someone-else-subscribed-494257/revision/1060716:26
deryckmars, the event listener stuff there doesn't seem to work, and I'm wondering if BugsWindmillLayer will support this approach to testing this?16:27
marsderyck, the first thing I have to ask about this is: does windmill share process and configuration with the application server?16:29
marsI know that we can now use the ObjectFactory with windmill16:29
marsbut that fact does not imply that the event listener in your windmill test is being registered with the application server process16:31
kfogelderyck: "notify()", huh?  Sounds like that's a major entry point that I've... not encountered yet in code, though I've heard it referred to ;-).  Where is the "notification script"?  Is it ./cronscripts/send-bug-notifications.py ?16:34
deryckkfogel, yes, that's the script.  and look through model/bug.py for notify calls.16:34
kfogelderyck: thx16:35
marsrockstar, ping, do you remember who set up the windmill objectfactory integration?16:35
marsrockstar, it was done recently IIRC16:35
deryckmars, I think it was flacoste and BjornT at various times, but neither is available today, I believe16:35
marsderyck, yeah, may have been BjornT16:36
deryckmars, this is actually what I'm asking you, is can this be done?  i.e. is there access to the app server in windmill in this way16:36
marsderyck, I don't know.16:36
deryckmars, ok, cool.  thanks anyway :-)16:37
marsno problem.  Hopefully BjornT knows.16:37
deryckI thought BjornT might be the only one to know.  but was casting about for help. :-)16:37
marsI think he is the only person who knows the entire system structure.  Others know parts of it, and can assemble the whole thing if need be.16:39
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Ursinhasinzui, hi17:54
Ursinhasinzui, is bug 548578 really ready to qa? I mean, are you able to qa that on staging or edge?17:54
mupBug #548578: scripts/cache-country-mirrors.py is generating files with perms 0600 <qa-needstesting> <Launchpad Registry:Fix Committed by sinzui> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/548578>17:54
Ursinhaor anywhere else17:55
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sinzuiUrsinha, yes it is ready for QA because it will be test by spm on the machine that is affected18:02
Ursinhasinzui, right18:02
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jelmer_hi thumper20:31
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kfogelWhoa. pqm.launchpad.net says "Now playing...  * 1 request(s) for other project(s).21:31
kfogelWhat does that mean?21:31
salgadokfogel, it means it thinks the submission's target is not a LP branch21:33
kfogelsalgado: ah, okay.  Pity it's not more... informative about that.21:34
salgadoyeah, it could do a lot better21:35
kfogelsalgado: I guess I'm trying to find out if those messages are about the two branches I just submitted.21:35
kfogelsalgado: I should wait for the email?21:35
salgadokfogel, yeah, you'll get FAILURE emails shortly, but you might re-run the pqm-submit commands with --dry-run to find out what's wrong21:37
salgadounless you're not landing launchpad branches?21:37
kfogelsalgado: my intention was certainly to land launchpad branches.21:37
kfogelsalgado: what PQM thinks my intention is, I cannot say.21:37
salgadokfogel, and to make things worse it won't clearly tell you what went wrong in the FAILURE emails. we can only infer that by looking at what was sent to PQM,21:39
kfogelsalgado: Yes.  In retrospect, it was probably a mistake to put PQM in charge of all NATO air defense systems.21:45
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bdmurrayCan I set bug 544387 to fix released?22:50
mupBug #544387: date_created for a bug subscription not exported in the API <qa-ok> <Launchpad Bugs:Fix Committed by brian-murray> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/544387>22:50
wgrantbdmurray: Yes.22:54

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