
kkszysiuI have a problem. I have a PPA and I got an error before I releasefirst (bad) version of my lib02:09
kkszysiuError: File telepathy-sunshine_0.1.7-1.diff.gz already exists in Telepathy Stuff, but uploaded version has different contents. See more information about this error in https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/UploadErrors.02:09
kkszysiuI deleted ffiles from PPA but I still get that error02:10
kkszysiuany solutions?02:10
wgrantkkszysiu: You can't upload two different packages with the same version number; that doesn't make sense.02:10
wgrantYou need to change the version number.02:10
wgrant(I would recommend that you start with 0.1.7-0ppa102:10
wgrantThen 0ppa2, and so on.02:11
doctormo*face palm*04:37
doctormoI can't log out someone who was using my computer on Launchpad04:38
doctormoI press log out, then I go to log in... and suddenly I'm logged in as this same person again.04:38
doctormoA symptom of openid?04:38
crimsuncleared cookies, etc.?04:38
wgrantdoctormo: Sounds like somebody in ISD flipped the 'authorize OpenID request automatically' flip for launchpad.net on the SSO provider.04:39
wgrantEr, flipped the *switch*04:39
doctormowgrant: Deal04:39
wgrantThere is one, which is used for U1.04:39
wgrantOh, login.launchpad.net is actually using the new Django codebase now.04:40
doctormowgrant: That's good right?04:41
wgrantdoctormo: Yeah, <3 gratuitously proprietary software.04:42
kirklandhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/409340/ ...  why when I run that i get -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/409341/05:14
z3r0c001i tried to sign the code of conduct and this error message Oops!08:36
z3r0c001Sorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad.08:36
z3r0c001We’ve recorded what happened, and we’ll fix it as soon as possible. Apologies for the inconvenience.08:36
z3r0c001(Error ID: OOPS-1556G944)08:36
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nigelbloggerhead down?10:02
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cr3if someone posts spam in a launchpad question, what should I do?13:33
nigelbcr3, in a bug?13:34
cr3nigelb: in a launchpad question, ie the answer tracker13:34
nigelbcr3, ironically you have to open a question against launchpad itself and the admins will get to it13:35
nigelbderyck, anything else you want for ^?13:35
cr3nigelb: awesome!13:35
derycknigelb, nah, just open a question is good enough and someone will assign to losas to deal with.13:36
nigelbderyck, thanks :)13:37
cr3nigelb: reported question #10651513:38
nigelbcr3, someone should look into it soon :)13:39
=== leonardr changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: leonardr | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
* maxb wonders if someone could approve this code import: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~maxb/guice/trunk15:13
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mfraz74just been looking for a bug on launchpad - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/+bug/55451917:34
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/553745)17:34
mfraz74this says it is a duplicate of bug #553745. how come i can't access that bug?17:34
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/553745)17:35
nigelbmfraz74, crash?17:36
mfraz74it was to do with fsck17:36
lamontwho all has the ability to retry a build in, say, the ubuntu main archive?17:37
nigelbmfraz74, its private.  give me a moment to confirm nothing that cannot be made public is there in the bug17:38
nigelbmfraz74, try bug 553745 now?17:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553745 in plymouth "plymouthd crashed with SIGSEGV in ply_event_loop_process_pending_events()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55374517:48
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geserlamont: everyone who can upload a package can trigger a give-back of that package (plus special teams like buildd admins I guess)18:07
nigelbis the redirect in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug turned off ?18:07
lamontnigelb: ISTR that core-devs aren't redirected18:08
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nigelbapparently bug control isn't either18:08
nigelbbecause I dont get redirected18:08
jpdsnigelb: Yes, people who are in bugcontrol and devs don't get redirected.18:09
nigelbjpds, thank you.  that must be new since I got redirected a few days back18:09
mfraz74nigelb: thanks18:12
nigelbmfraz74, np :)18:12
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rippsHow long before packages in depwait are rebuilt?19:13
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jussi01Hiya all.20:09
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jussi01How does one make bugs private to a particular LP team? and is there a way of doing that at time of filing?20:10
tumbleweedjussi01: security bugs are private to the security contact for the project20:16
jussi01tumbleweed: yeah, what Im trying to do is use LP for private IRC council issues. is it possible?20:18
jussi01tumbleweed: so just marking it as a security bug and having us set as the security contact should do it then, no?20:18
tumbleweedthat should work. I assume security bugs become public when resolved?20:19
jussi01tumbleweed: some of them.20:26
jussi01tumbleweed: its for sensitve community issues, not actual security bugs :D20:28
tumbleweedjussi01: that's why I mentioned that. it's a good policy to have discussion public after the fact. but it may need some time to lapse first20:29
jussi01tumbleweed: ahh. thats another topic altogether.20:30
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dhasthadanilos, are you available?23:46

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