
billy2007is there any better program then wine to play windows games on linux?00:01
topylii would rather play them on windows00:01
billy2007becuase i dont have a pc with windows00:01
benkay86billy2007: Codeweavers, which is based on Wine, may be what you're looking for. Honestly it's probably easier just to dual boot for Windows games. http://www.codeweavers.com/00:02
topylii don't think buying windows games is a very good idea if you don't have a machine to play them on :)00:02
MikeChelenalot of games work ok in wine00:02
billy2007benkay86, im not paying for windows to play some old games lol00:02
MikeChelentry playonlinux (through software center)00:02
billy2007MikeChelen, thats an extension for wine isnt it00:03
benkay86billy2007: Older games are marginally more likely to work with Wine or (for really old games) dosbox.00:03
MikeChelenit handles wine tweaks and helps with installs00:03
MikeChelenyup, probably codeweavers is more powerful, but playonlinux is free ;)00:03
billy2007benkay86, its games like themepark inc and casino tycoon00:04
benkay86billy2007: I don't have any experience with those personally. I suppose you won't know if they work until you try ;-)00:04
ZykoticK9Games with native installers I have running under Lucid (almost all FPSs) http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/gaming00:04
billy2007ZykoticK9, whats that mean :S00:05
ZykoticK9billy2007, it' just a list of games that run under lucid00:05
MikeChelencheck the wine appdb for status of particular games http://appdb.winehq.org/00:05
ZykoticK9billy2007, "native installers" = no wine stuff (there is one that uses wine, many use wine but it's hidden)00:05
benkay86Although the db is, unfortunately, often out of date. So just because a game isn't listed as supported there doesn't mean you can't try it.00:06
MikeChelenyup true00:06
billy2007lol and whats up with a dummy package and the beta release of wine???00:06
MikeChelenbleeding edge ;)00:06
killownvirtualbox install not working in lucid00:08
benkay86killown: Hmmm... Stupid question, but you *do* have the right linux-headers installed, right?00:10
killownbenkay86, linux-headers-2.6.32-19-generic installed00:12
killownuname -a00:12
killownLinux thiago-desktop 2.6.32-19-generic #28-Ubuntu SMP Wed Mar 31 17:46:20 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux00:12
benkay86killown: Well, that certainly ought to be working. Is there anything helpful in /var/log/dpkg.log?00:12
billy2007cdo i need to configure playonlinux to work with wine and anyone answering can you pm me as need the toilet00:12
billy2007and making a cuppa00:13
benkay86killown: Or /var/log/dkms_autoinstaller for that matter.00:13
killowncat /var/lib/dkms/virtualbox-ose/3.1.4/build/make.log00:14
killownmake: Makefile: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado00:14
killownmake: *** Sem regra para processar o alvo `Makefile'.  Pare.00:14
killownmake: Saindo do diretório `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-19-generic'00:14
killownmake: Makefile: no such fikle or directory00:15
killowncat Makefile00:15
killownobj-m = vboxdrv/ vboxnetflt/ vboxnetadp/00:15
yofel!paste | killown00:15
ubottukillown: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:15
benkay86killown: I'm not entirely sure what language that is, but it sounds like dkms can't find the directory /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-19-generic00:17
benkay86Does that directory exist?00:17
yofelok, and 'apt-cache policy linux-headers-2.6.32-19-generic' really shows the headers as installed?00:18
killowninstalled: 2.6.32-19.2800:20
killowni did not understand00:20
benkay86OK, per Google translate, it sounds like dkms can't find a Makefile in /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-19-generic -- not that it can't find the directory itself.00:20
kjele /join #vim00:20
benkay86Not familiar with dkms, so I'm not sure if there's supposed to be a Makefile there or not.00:21
benkay86benkay86: Hmm, apparently there is since I have in my kernel headers (different version of the kernel).00:22
benkay86killown: Can you 'dpkg -L linux-headers-2.6.32-19-generic and see if a Makefile is installed in the right place?00:22
yofelkillown: do you have linux-headers-2.6.32-19 installed?00:22
yofelbenkay86: the makefile is a symlink to the makefile in the general package...00:23
killownyes i do00:23
benkay86yofel: Ah, thanks. Nevertheless, if it's missing from the package, that could explain the error.00:23
billy2007cdo i need to configure playonlinux to work with wine00:23
yofelI have 2.6.32-19-generic here and the makefile is properly installed00:24
benkay86billy2007: I don't suppose it configures itself automatically when you install it?00:24
benkay86Then maybe 'apt-get --reinstall install linux-headers-2.6.32-19-generic'?00:25
yofelkillown: what does 'ls -l /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-19/Makefile' tell you?00:25
killowni am reinstalling linux-header00:25
billy2007obenki dunno thats why im asking00:25
killownExamining /etc/kernel/header_postinst.d.00:26
killownrun-parts: executing /etc/kernel/header_postinst.d/dkms 2.6.32-19-generic /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-19-generic00:26
killowni think it is working now00:26
benkay86billy2007: Try installing it, then ask if it doesn't work. Or use Google. http://wiki.winehq.org/PlayOnLinux00:26
benkay86killown: Hooray!00:26
killownohh man00:27
killownthanks a lot00:27
killownyoasif, benkay86 !! thanks00:27
mazda01i upgraded my computer from karmic and now my sound panel applet has the x on it like it's muted and I click on it and it does nothing.00:32
mazda01i tried to start pulseaudio and it says it's configured per user blah blah. but when I ps aux | grep pulseaudio nothing is there?00:32
penguin42mazda01: /var/log/user.log normally gets errors from pulseaudio - does it have anything which says why it might not have started?00:33
benkay86mazda01: Can you run pavucontrol? (You may have to install it first.)00:33
BUGa_vacationsyou guys know if is it possible to upgrade with the Live CD or just the alternate (or DVD) ?00:35
billy2007BUGa_vacations, you can upgrade without making a cd00:36
benkay86BUGa_vacations: Should be possible to upgrade with either. Or neither -- an Internet connection is sufficient.00:36
BUGa_vacationsI know guys00:36
BUGa_vacationsbut an user is asking if he can upgrade with the Live CD00:37
billy2007BUGa_vacations, yes00:37
BUGa_vacationsand from OLD OLD times, I recall it being possible with just alternate cd00:37
BUGa_vacationsor the DVD00:37
BUGa_vacationshaven't tried it in a few cycles , so it might have changed00:37
benkay86BUGa_vacations: I think so, although I haven't tried it lately. Should work the same as doing it with the alternate CD, see: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading00:38
BUGa_vacationsthanks guys00:38
BUGa_vacationswill pass the info along00:38
billy2007ive got a question my nvidia graphics driver wont install00:38
billy2007version 96?00:38
benkay86Oh lord, that's one can of worms I can't help you with. Made a point of buying open-source graphics cards since 2005.00:41
benkay86I seem to recall there's a way to fiddle with under Administration in Gnome, System Settings -> Hardware in KDE.00:41
mazda01penguin42,  here's the log, http://pastebin.com/FKeN4shC00:42
mazda01benkay86, i can't run it, it fails. connection refused. this lucid is an upgrade from jaunty, then to karmic, now lucid.00:44
benkay86mazda01: In that event, PulseAudio is indeed not running.00:44
mazda01benkay86, well, how do I get it running. did you check out my user.log log?00:45
mazda01benkay86, it has info about pulseaudio in it.00:45
benkay86mazda01: Yeah, looks like alsa *might* be causing problems (I'm not very knowledgable about this). Can you make noise with aplay?00:46
BUGa_vacationsbilly2007: we currently use nvidia-current for it00:46
billy2007whats that00:47
yofelwell, current is 19500:47
yofel96 is 'nvidia-96'00:47
BUGa_vacationsI though it figured the proper one ?00:47
benkay86mazda01: Looking here: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PulseAudio#Troubleshooting00:47
* BUGa_vacations slaps himsefl00:48
yofelbenkay86: that's jockeys job ;)00:48
mazda01benkay86, i just ran the System Testing thiny in System, Admin and the sound test did play sound from the speakers/00:48
benkay86mazda01: Might be some utility in restarting avahi.00:48
yofelBUGa_vacations: that's jockeys job ;)00:48
yofelsry benkay8600:48
BUGa_vacationssleep deprived?00:48
benkay86mazda01: 'sudo restart avahi-daemon'00:48
yofelBUGa_vacations: yep00:48
mazda01benkay86, i just removed the sound icon from the top panel figuring there'd be one in the "add to panel" option, but I don't see anything about a sound applet00:49
mazda01benkay86, or volume applet00:50
benkay86mazda01: I use KDE4 so I don't know, but for testing purposes at least, pavucontrol should have the same functionality.00:50
yofelbilly2007: if you really need 96, can you try to install nvidia-96 in a terminal and see where it fails?00:50
BUGa_vacationsmazda01: it's the indicator applet00:50
penguin42That's erm curious - my machine has started showing a bright purple background for the unlock dialog on the screen locker00:50
billy2007so sudo apt-get install nvidia-96?00:51
BUGa_vacationspenguin42: wait until you see it on the shutdown screen00:51
BUGa_vacationsor TTYs00:51
BUGa_vacationsor gnome-terminal :(00:51
penguin42BUGa_vacations: I mean that's erm VERY purple!00:52
mazda01BUGa_vacations, why would they do that? I can't believe they got rid of the volume applet by itself. what people know that the volume applet is built into the indicator applet. NOt to mention, I just re-added the indicator applet and there's no speaker icon, only a transmission icon, and a  little envelope00:52
BUGa_vacationsmazda01: the plan is to kill ALL notification bar icons00:52
BUGa_vacationsby making indicator applet icons instead /rant00:53
daniel_(asking again in the right channel) Does anyone else got the problem with Ubuntu 10.4 beta 1 (and latest daily, too) that ATI 5750 + HDMI display gets blank during booting the live cd and stays shut down (no signal)? (is there a workaround?) It seems that the desktop is loaded fine since i can ctrl-alt-del reboot.00:54
mazda01BUGa_vacations, i don't have a speaker icon. can you help me figure out what happened to my sound after the upgrade from karmic>00:54
penguin42daniel_: Try passing radeon.modeset=0 to the kernel00:54
daniel_penguin42, as kernel option during bootup of the live cd?00:55
penguin42daniel_: Yes00:55
daniel_ok, thanks will be right back :)00:55
BUGa_vacationsmazda01: sorry, no. I have it on mine though. can you start a guest session and see if it is there?00:56
mazda01BUGa_vacations, sure. will try00:56
mazda01BUGa_vacations, sure enough. everything looks so pretty and sound works great in the guest session. My whole system is probably borked from all the upgrades I have done from distro to distro00:59
BUGa_vacationsmazda01: maybe00:59
BUGa_vacationsrename .gnome*01:00
mazda01BUGa_vacations,  you talking to me?01:01
mazda01BUGa_vacations, rename those folders in my home dir? i have .gnome2 and .gnome2_private01:05
BUGa_vacationslog out, login again01:05
BUGa_vacationsand you get a brand new session01:05
mazda01BUGa_vacations, k, will try01:05
BadHorsieHum, gwibber-service is always taking away lke 24% of my CPI ussage, and I just added a twitter account :S01:11
BadHorsieEven if I remove my account it keeps taking that much CPU usage01:11
* penguin42 goes to bed01:13
BUGa_vacationsBadHorsie: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgnome-keyring/+bug/53060501:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 530605 in libgnome-keyring "gvfs-mount doesn't always work. gvfsd-smb starts using 100% cpu." [High,Confirmed]01:14
BadHorsieThanks BUGa_vacations01:14
BadHorsieOnly in my case is gwibber-service, and yes it's 100% of one of my 4 CPUs thus the 24/25% always active01:16
BadHorsieShould I still consider it the parent bug?01:17
mazda01BUGa_vacations, it's back but it has an X on it. no sound comes out when playing an mp301:17
BUGa_vacationsBadHorsie: would seem so01:17
BUGa_vacationsmazda01: stupid question: unmuted it yet?01:18
mazda01BUGa_vacations, theres no mute choice within pull down/01:18
BUGa_vacationsrebooted yet?01:18
mazda01BUGa_vacations, no hardware is listed within sound preferences01:18
BadHorsieI killed it to run it on a terminal01:18
mazda01BUGa_vacations, no, i logged out like you said.01:18
BUGa_vacationsdo you mind rebooting ?01:19
mazda01BUGa_vacations, i should reboot?01:19
BUGa_vacationsif that doesn't work01:19
BUGa_vacationsfile a bug and ping crim_sun on it01:19
mazda01BUGa_vacations, i'll go for it sure. see ya soon hopefulle01:19
BUGa_vacationsand idle around until he reply01:19
Berzerkeryofel: so can you walk me through that stuff now?01:21
Berzerkeryofel: to get proper resolution and stuff01:21
adalalhey, anyone here knows how to get fglrx working in lucid? i haven't restarted my computer after the upgrade01:23
yofelBerzerker: oh that, well you need to set up proper framebuffers using grub, first go to the grub kernel selection menu, there go to the command line with 'c' I think and run 'insmod vbe' to make sure it's loaded and then 'vbeinfo' to list the modes supported by your GPU. Note the one you want [skip that part if you already know it]01:24
yofelBerzerker: btw, what gpu do you have?01:24
BerzerkerGTX 26001:24
yofelhm, what res do you need?01:24
Berzerker1920x1080x32 :P01:24
yofelshould be supported I guess if my GTS 250 can do 1600x1200x3201:25
adalali have a raedon HD 3200 and i just upgraded to lucid (haven't yet restarted). I've been reading about the fglrx not working, anyone knows how to get this to work?01:25
yofelBerzerker: open up /etc/default/grub01:25
Berzerkeruncomment and put that line in?01:26
yofelBerzerker: there set 'GRUB_GFXMODE=1920x1080' if you want proper res on the boot selection screen and add 'GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=1920x1080x32' for the framebuffer01:26
BadHorsieWow yofel is such an expert :)01:27
yofelBadHorsie: it's just easier than it seems, just hard to find something on the net that explains it :/01:27
BadHorsieYou know, once you use uppercase calls you're too 133701:27
Berzerkeryofel: so I should have two lines, GRUB_GFXMODE=1920x1080 and GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=1920x1080x32?01:27
yofelBerzerker: the first one is for grub itself and the second one is for plymouth and ttys yes01:28
mazda01BUGa_vacations, AWESOME, thanks! next question,  is there anything besides maybe nautilus-scripts that i need to copy into newly created .gnome2 folder from the renamed one?01:28
Berzerkergoing to test after upgrade-grub is done01:28
Berzerkerk brb01:28
yofelBerzerker: wait01:28
BadHorsieI wish my card supported 1920x1080x32 :S01:29
Berzerkeryofel: ?01:29
yofelBerzerker: please test something first: run 'grep "vbe" /boot/grub/grub.cfg'01:29
yofelBerzerker: what does it give you?01:29
Berzerkerinsmod vbe01:29
yofelok, then you can reboot, thanks01:30
Berzerkerk brb01:30
nick125Any ideas why a Samba share I setup on my laptop in Nautilus isn't showing up on a Windows box? My laptop isn't even showing up on hte Windows box.01:31
BUGa_vacationsmazda01: your entire LIFE is in there :)01:31
BUGa_vacationsso copy what ever you see fit01:31
daniel_ok, i tried radeon.modeset=0 but i end up with non loading x (console on alt-f1)01:31
BUGa_vacationsnighty night guys01:32
adalalsomeone.. help?01:32
copproWith mp32ogg removed, what should I be using instead?01:32
yofelBUGa_vacations: night01:32
adalali have a raedon HD 3200 and i just upgraded to lucid (haven't yet restarted). I've been reading about the fglrx not working, anyone knows how to get this to work? anyone, help?01:32
yofeladalal: we heard you, but it seems there are no ati users present at the moment01:33
daniel_adalal, you're lucky if you get into X ;) I get a display shutdown01:33
daniel_adalal, i am an ATI user having tough times getting into the GUI01:34
daniel_i miss the good old vesa mode01:34
adalaldaniel_: im reading about the fglrx-installer.. but i need to know how to use it, or need to know if it even works01:35
daniel_well good question since it's also tough to setup wireless network through console...so i cannot access/test that stuff01:35
ZykoticK9adalal, you might want to be familiar with bug #494699 - i'm not an ati guy myself, but this has been the "official" bug for ati driver install on lucid so far, best of luck.01:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 494699 in fglrx-installer "Does not support current Lucid kernel (2.6.32) or xserver (1.7)" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49469901:36
Berzerkeryofel, lol now when I log in, the screen just sits at the login background with a mouse cursor, nothing else01:37
Berzerkeryofel, recovery mode doesn't get to a prompt either01:37
yofelhm, you actually do get to the login screen? or where does it stop?01:39
Berzerkerafter I login01:40
BerzerkerI get the login screen01:40
Berzerkeralso vbeinfo at the grub page lists a max of 1280x800x32 for 16:9 for me01:40
yofelyou could try to switch to a tty from the login prompt if that's possible and use that, I don't get how grub identifies the vbe modes...01:42
Berzerkeryeah ctrl+alt+f1 doesn't work for me for some reason01:42
Berzerkerit just freezes the system up01:42
yofeland the recovery mode just freezes, or does it just get stuck at some point?01:43
Berzerkerit gets stuck01:43
Berzerkerright after finishing loading the input devices01:44
yofelmaybe try sysrq+k or sysrq+i there01:44
yofelalt+sysrq+k where sysrq is usually the printscreen key01:45
ubottuIn an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key01:45
yofelit can do more that just be used for emergency shutdown01:46
BerzerkerI used an alternate CD to get a shell in my drive01:46
Berzerkerchanged the lines to 1280x800x32 and 1280x800 and it works now01:46
yofeloh yeah, that would work too of course :D01:46
Berzerkerok so when I rebooted, I didn't get a flashing cursor like I normally did, it was just blank01:47
Berzerkerwhere's the pretty screen :(01:47
yofelhm, odd, then plymouth still isn't properly set up for you, you said you had no /etc/alternatives/default.plymouth, right?01:47
yofelok, lets see...01:48
yofelBerzerker: does apt-cache policy show ubuntu-desktop as installed? (you do use ubuntu right?)01:49
Berzerkerto I use ubuntu01:49
Berzerkerand yes it shows it installed01:49
yofelhm, can you try to remove it, and install it again (not reinstall) and see if it wants to install anything else?01:50
Berzerkerit only wants to install more OO stuff01:50
* yofel scratches head01:51
yofelok, let's see where default.plymouth comes from...01:51
yofelhere I have 'plymouth-theme-kubuntu-logo, plymouth-label, plymouth-x11, plymouth' installed (I use Kubuntu)01:52
Berzerkerah see01:53
Berzerkernow I don't have those01:53
BerzerkerI insatlled -label and -theme-ubuntu-logo01:53
Berzerker-x11 was already installed01:53
Berzerkerthey're installing and it generated a new boot image01:53
Berzerkerlet me reboot and test it01:53
yofelyep, logo should create default.plymouth01:53
Berzerkerthere it is01:55
Berzerkerit's doing it again01:55
Berzerkerwith the login screen01:55
Berzerkerit does it randomly, it seems01:55
yofelhm, does sysrq+k do something?01:56
Berzerkeroh let me test it again01:56
Berzerkerok sysrq+k?01:57
Berzerkerneither that nor +i does anything01:57
Berzerkerso yeah it's still sitting here01:59
Berzerkeranything else you want me to try?01:59
yofelnot really, a log would be nice, but if it's frozen we won't get to it02:00
yofelwell, I need to get some sleep, good night, hope you'll get it to work somehow...02:02
Berzerkeryofel, yeah I fix it by going into the alternate CD and updating grub02:05
Berzerkerit seems like that's the only way to get it to recognize properly lol02:05
=== Berzerker- is now known as Berzerker
=== Berzerker is now known as b9nerz
=== b9nerz is now known as Berzerker
albechhas anyone else experienced incorrect rendering of the main panel in kde?02:22
DG19075I'm running 10.04 Beta 1 and find that Evolution doesn't import my addressbook(a .vcf file). Anyone else have this problem?02:25
seansalmahello, I was wondering which kernel is planned to be released with lucid final?02:27
seansalmais there any chance of 2.6.33 being an update?02:28
KB1JWQseansalma: Not from my understanding.02:29
KB1JWQI don't think they change kernel versions, I suspect they just backport security fixes-- particularly in an LTS release.02:29
psusisomeone made a package of .33 in a ppa you can install, but no, the supported lts kernel is .3202:30
voxio10.04 will not boot (todays snapshot), the boot screen seems to hang forever.02:30
voxiohow would I debug this?02:30
KB1JWQvoxio: Works in single user mode?02:30
psusivoxio, forever, or for 3 minutes?  give it at least that long and see if it times out02:30
voxioits been left for 30mins02:30
voxioon a pretty decent laptop02:31
psusivoxio, and did yesterday's snapshot, or beta 1 for that matter, work for you?02:31
voxionot tried02:31
voxioi don't get a grub loader02:32
voxioto select single user mode02:32
voxiois there any way I can check the error log from the splash screen?02:33
voxioor watch text startup?02:33
psusivoxio, if you aren't dual booting you need to hold down shift to get the grub menu02:34
psusivoxio, and does that mean you managed to boot the livecd and install, then the system wouldn't boot?02:34
voxiopsusi: I didn't boot into a live cd02:36
voxiojust the installer02:36
voxioI started up in single user mode let me go over some logs02:36
BadHorsieDamn, my video keeps turning the red into green, using nvidia propietary drivers and sometimes it helps to click on the reset HW defaults02:37
BadHorsieI feel daltonic now and then02:37
psusivoxio, you using the alternate install cd?02:39
psusivoxio, so you make it though install, the reboot and hang?  hold shift I think to force the grub menu to come up02:39
voxioyep I tried to reboot a couple of time02:39
voxioI'm in single user mode now02:40
voxioat the console02:40
psusivoxio, try rebooting in normal mode but without splash and quiet02:41
voxiosome kernel errors in dmesg relating to EDID checksum is invalid02:41
voxiothink it's related to the video card02:41
voxioOK i did "resume" from the single user menu02:43
voxioand started gdm from the console02:43
voxionow i'm in02:43
voxiolooks like the problem is related to the splash screen02:44
adalalany ati users here that have successfully installed the new fglrx?02:48
robertzaccourafter updating my network icon is gone from the upper right and the wireless too. is there a fix?02:49
adalalhow weird, mine just got replaced02:52
Mochey oh02:54
robertzaccourhow do i get it back? anyone?02:55
MocI got my network connection icon here02:55
Dr_Willisget what back?02:55
robertzaccournetwork connection icon02:55
robertzaccourit disappeared02:55
MocI got to find and remove gwibber-service hehe02:56
arandrobertzaccour: but networking works?02:56
robertzaccourarand, wired, not wireless. not til i can access that menu somehow anyway02:57
MocI must say 10.04 boot pretty quickly02:57
Dr_Willisif you some how removed the systray - it may be that tye systray thing needs to get added back to the panel02:57
Mocbut alot of work still needed02:57
robertzaccourall i did was updated02:57
robertzaccourmaybe if i could just make the icon02:58
robertzaccourmaybe i'd have better luck with xfce02:58
Dr_Willisthe icon is handled by the nm-applet program and it puts itself intye systemtray i belive02:58
arandrobertzaccour: if you don't mind resetting the panel completely: gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/panel02:58
robertzaccouris it normal for it to disappear on its own?02:58
robertzaccourarand, how do i do that?02:59
Dr_Willisrunning gnome as the system updates/upgrades gnome packages.. anything can happen02:59
arandrobertzaccour: in terminal...02:59
robertzaccourok panels are erased completely now02:59
Mocany ubuntu dev stay in here ?03:00
arandrobertzaccour: then killall gnome-panel03:00
arandrobertzaccour: to respawb it03:00
Dr_Willisubuntu (and gnome) could really use some sort of 'reset/clean up my settings' wizard03:01
robertzaccourarand, whats respawb?03:01
MocDr_Willis: rm -rf ~/ ? :)03:01
robertzaccouroh its back thanks03:01
arandrobertzaccour: respawn03:01
robertzaccouri gotta email myself that command03:01
arandrobertzaccour: is it there?03:01
robertzaccourwhat about screen flickering? it does it every few minutes. just report it?03:02
robertzaccouryes thanks03:02
Dr_WillisMoc:  thats the windows method. :)03:02
MocDr_Willis: windows method is rm -rf /03:02
Mocbig difference03:02
Dr_Willisive seen windows have settings all over the place. not just the users home. :)03:02
Dr_Willisbut we dont want to get started on that.03:03
MocI havent really used windows for a while (I mostly use it for the VMWare ESX Client !!!03:03
Dr_Willisbye all03:03
Mockinda stupid they havent released a native linux client03:03
robertzaccouri think windows and mac have really good color themes03:04
robertzaccouras far as os's, not really my cup of tea03:04
robertzaccourdoes anyone know why the screen flickers every few minutes?03:05
Mocdamn alot of work needed lol03:05
robertzaccouris xfce more stable than gnome?03:06
Mocrobertzaccour: when you disable the xgl stuff, gnone is pretty stable03:07
arandrobertzaccour: video driver issues likely, I've heard others with similar issues, no idea about solution, look over launchpad for reports...03:07
robertzaccouri notice now that there isn't an xchat icon at the top of the screen like before03:07
arandrobertzaccour: Seing how gnome gets more attention from canonical, I would assume not. but it's always a matter case, and taste when it comes to that I think..03:08
robertzaccourarand, ah ok, thanks03:08
arandrobertzaccour: (regarding gnome/xfce)03:09
ZykoticK9robertzaccour, i've also notice the xchat panel icon disappearing from time-to-time as well03:09
killownubuntu lucid seems stable for me03:09
robertzaccourZykoticK9, not a big deal, just noticing03:09
robertzaccourany idea how to fix the sceen flickering, it does it every few minutes, it blinks03:10
Mocrobertzaccour: install the proprietory drivers03:11
robertzaccourMoc, which ones? for what?03:12
Moctry to help to fix your problem03:12
Mocuse the native ubuntu driver offering03:12
Mocnvidia drivers installed in like 3 click03:13
robertzaccourMoc, i don't even know where to start. i though it was just a bug03:14
robertzaccourthis screen flickering isn't breaking anything (i don't think), it is an eyesore though03:18
robertzaccouranyone else have the screen flickering problem?03:23
KB1JWQNalf: So what failed exctly?03:25
Mocish gbrainy is bugy03:29
Moc35 game won on 50 = 100% score03:29
robertzaccouranyone else have the screen flickering problem?03:31
robertzaccourit does it every few minutes03:31
Mocfuck I feel stupid playing with gbrainy03:33
arandMoc: language please.03:33
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap03:34
arandHmm, that factoid looks old..03:35
robertzaccourspeaking of old, imo jaunty was the best release so far03:37
robertzaccourdon't recall one problem with it03:37
robertzaccourthe first ubuntu release i ever used was back in may 200603:38
robertzaccouri wonder why the desktop icons have a mind of their own lol they switch positions when i restart sometimes, on the panel03:46
keturnhuh.  I'm not sure I can get sound out of things at all when I run them under pasuspender now.03:47
robertzaccouranyone else have the screen flickering problem?03:48
robertzaccourit does it every few minutes03:48
psusianyone else running a lucid install with root on lvm?03:53
crimsunbah, we don't even have decent infrastructure for quirking dB anomalies for usb audio devices in current master HEAD :(03:58
crimsunAnd, there isn't a chance we'll get the usb 2.0 support backported into Lucid03:58
crimsunketurn: set them to use oss directly or alsa directly (plughw or hw, not default)03:59
crimsunnote that that's *only* relevant if you use pasuspender04:00
crimsunof more import is why you even need to use pasuspender ...04:00
DanaGusb 2.0... you mean usb audio class 2.0?04:00
DanaGOr real high-speed usb2.0 audio?04:01
crimsunthe former04:01
crimsunthe latter doesn't really have any meaning04:01
keturnI'm trying to debug sound on wine (again), since there seem to be regressions in lucid04:01
crimsunketurn: what sort of regressions?04:01
keturnstuttering or lack of sound in games04:02
keturnoh dear, now I've gone and done it.  both paplay and aplay just hang  :-/04:04
crimsunketurn: hang? They're probably still suspended.04:08
crimsunketurn: also, the regressions for WINE seem to be tied to the controller in question. You don't happen to have an HDA controller, do you?04:08
NalfHello, I have a radeon hd 4850 card, but when using lucid it doesn't detect any propriety drivers to use.04:11
keturnoh, I guess something was still suspended.  restarting the pulseaudio daemon fixed them.04:13
keturnmy sound controller is part of a nvidia ck804 chipset, which seems to be using intel8x0 drivers04:14
WindsurferI have downloaded the 10.04 amd64 iso twice and burned 4 CDs, but each CD has 13 or 14 files with "errors" and I cannot boot into the liveCD OS. Am I just unlucky/04:21
robertzaccouris the screen flickering likely to be fixed before the release?04:25
psusiWindsurfer, huh?04:27
Windsurferpsusi: Yes?04:27
psusiWindsurfer, what do you mean each cd has files with errors?04:27
WindsurferYes. I've tried two different burners with same results.04:27
crimsunketurn: can you reproduce the stuttering using linux-alsa-driver-modules-$(uname -r) from ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev (need a reboot)?04:27
WindsurferThe particular computer cannot boot off USB.04:27
psusiWindsurfer, what tells you it has errors?04:28
WindsurferThe CDs self checker04:28
psusiWindsurfer, hrm... program are you using to burn it?04:28
bjsnidercrimsun, the transit installed and worked fine after clean installing lucid, so the karmic issue with it doesn't exist in lucid i suppose, so don't worry about it04:29
WindsurferI used Brasero and also tried a windows-based burner... I can't remember the name.04:29
psusiWindsurfer, so you have a working Ubuntu install you used to download the .iso?  and just right clicked on the file and chose burn?04:29
psusiWindsurfer, I usually use cdrw media and have no trrouble04:30
psusiWindsurfer, at 4x speed04:31
Windsurferpsusi: Yes, I do have a working Ubuntu install. I actually right-clicked and opened it with brasero to burn the image.04:31
WindsurferI do not have any RW disks.04:31
psusiWindsurfer, try just right click and burn instead of open04:31
psusiWindsurfer, what media are you using?04:31
WindsurferI only have a "Write to Disk" function04:32
psusiWindsurfer, try limiting the burn speed to 4 or 8x04:32
Windsurferokay, I'll try that04:32
MocI can't wait for 10.10 hehe04:35
Windsurferpsusi: I do not have the option to burn at 4x in the "Write to disk" option04:35
psusiWindsurfer, what do you mean?  when you right click and choose write to disk, one of the two options you should have is speed04:36
WindsurferI only have "Max" and "24x"04:36
robertzaccourwill screen flickering most likely be fixed by time of the release?04:36
psusiWindsurfer, weird... that's when you click properties?04:37
robertzaccourany clues about this screen flickering?04:38
psusiWindsurfer, weird... maybe try cdrecord from the command line and force it to a lower speed?04:38
WindsurferHow about K3B? I already have that installed04:38
robertzaccourmy graphics card is an Intel Mobile 4 GMA 4500MHD04:39
robertzaccouram I the only one here with the flickering problem?04:39
crimsunrobertzaccour: when does it flicker?04:39
robertzaccourcrimsun, every few minuts, not in a rhythm though04:39
crimsunrobertzaccour: have you at least filed a bug?04:40
robertzaccourcrimsun, its more of an eyesore than a performance issue04:40
=== DarkwingDuck_ is now known as DarkwingDuck
Windsurferrobertzaccour: My Intel 945GM tries to switch the TV mode on every few minutes and used to cause a flicker in 9.10 when it first came out04:42
WindsurferCheck dmesg04:42
robertzaccourWindsurfer, are these kinda problems usually fixed before the final release?04:43
robertzaccourWindsurfer, it is in beta, kinda nervous its getting too late04:43
robertzaccourwould changing the DE possibly help?04:44
crimsunprobably not.04:45
crimsunwhich kernel are you running according to uname -a?04:45
crimsunalso, 10.04 LTS will release with bugs - that's inevitable. Expecting it to be perfect or resolve *your* bugs is rather ... eccentric. :-)04:47
macoall software has bugs04:47
robertzaccourbut the question is, is it very likely something like this will be fixed this late into development?04:48
WindsurferExcept my software. My software is perfect.04:48
crimsun"like this"? We still don't have a real bug report for "this"...04:48
robertzaccouroh also my top panel icons rearrange themselves sometimes04:49
crimsun(and I still am waiting for an answer to my question, robertzaccour...)04:49
robertzaccourevery few minuts screen flickers off in a quick blink04:49
robertzaccouryes i filed a bug04:49
crimsunI'm pretty certain that isn't the answer for my question...04:50
crimsunif you aren't using 2.6.32-19.28-generic (or a variant of 2.6.32-19.28), then you should be.04:50
robertzaccourhow do i check?04:51
crimsun23:45 < crimsun> which kernel are you running according to uname -a?04:51
robertzaccouroh ok thanks04:51
crimsunrobertzaccour: and are you using compositing?04:52
robertzaccourcrimsun, whats that?04:52
jzacshhello is f-spot going to be the photo manager for this release? or has it changed officially?04:53
crimsunrobertzaccour: System > Preferences > Appearences > Visual Effects04:53
arandjzacsh: Yes, as far as I know.04:54
NalfAre ati proprietary drivers available in lucid yet?04:54
robertzaccourcrimsun, i turned those off, didnt work04:54
jzacsharand: thanks04:55
un214what's a good way to see which packages depend on a particular package?04:57
arandun214: apt-cache rdepends?04:59
nick125Anyone here know how to change the make options that apt-get uses to build source packages?04:59
un214arand: thanks05:00
WindsurferWell my latest CD still has 12 files with errors :\05:00
thiebaudeim trying to run gdesklets , and it says its starting but never does, any help on that?05:00
crimsunnick125: the compile-time options? Change the debian/rules (and possibly debian/control, too) file(s) as desired.05:00
nick125crimsun: I don't want to modify the package. I just need to change the -j option.05:01
un214who put plymouth into ubuntu-standard?05:01
keturncrimsun: I think that ppa did help, thanks.05:03
ariefbayuhi, it's me again05:03
arandun214: Steve Langasek according to the changelog...05:03
ariefbayuback with libnotify problem05:03
keturnat least the application I could reliably reproduce stuttering with is now working.  it didn't magically clear up non-audio issues with other apps I was hoping would go away at the same time.05:03
crimsunketurn: err, well, I'm sorry that we don't have a panacea for that :-)05:04
crimsunaptitude install fix-everything-thats-broken ain't quite there yet05:04
ariefbayumy problem is still the same as yesterday. Can't click anything behind notify window.05:04
un214yeah well plymouth bricks my system so out it goes again05:04
keturngeez why not ;)05:04
ariefbayu@crimsun: Can't wait the day `aptitude install fix-everything-thats-broken` come!05:05
macoariefbayu: wouldnt it be better to not need such a thing?05:06
ariefbayuyeah, that's too05:06
ariefbayubtw, does anybody got the same problem as me?05:12
ariefbayuthe `back with libnotify problem`05:12
robertzaccourmy bug file is #55550305:17
robertzaccourcrimsun, here's the bug report #55550305:24
un214apt-get remove plymouth wants to remove e2fsprogs ?!?05:25
=== FFForever is now known as FFForever-Away
DanaG trying to overwrite '/lib/udev/compat_firmware.sh', which is also in package linux-backports-modules-wireless-2.6.32-18-generic 0:2.6.32-18.999~git20100324.4d950853~xorgedgers205:56
AprilHarehas anyone noticed that gwibber-service uses a lot of cpu power? bad karma for laptops06:02
DanaGerror: no dependency information found for /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 (used by debian/xserver-xephyr/usr/bin/Xephyr).06:03
nigelbAprilHare, yes.  there is already an existing bug for it.  its a gnome-keyring bug06:03
DanaGFor me, gwibber just plain crashes any time I try to start it.06:06
ubottuUbuntu bug 425929 in gwibber "gwibber crashed with ValueError in load_fonts()" [Medium,New]06:06
ariefbayuis there anyone reading my bug report?06:07
ariefbayuI can't click anything behind notify window06:07
KB1JWQariefbayu: There are many.06:07
KB1JWQariefbayu: Which one is yours?06:08
ariefbayuhahaha, sorry06:08
ariefbayuit's because I've submit it here twice06:08
AprilHareoh i tested it and it ran06:08
ariefbayuI just can't find the appropriate page to submit my bug06:08
AprilHarebut i need to disable. it just uses too much cpu power06:08
=== KB1JWQ is now known as TheOracle
=== TheOracle is now known as KB1JWQ
ariefbayuKB1JWQ: Did you have the same issue? RE: notify window blocking click06:09
ariefbayuas far as I remember, I can click anything behind notify on LL06:09
robertzaccourhttps://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&view=bsp&ver=1qygpcgurkovy any ideas?06:11
robertzaccouri got banned from #ubuntu-offtopic because the mod was overly sensitive that day lol06:14
AprilHarequitting quadrapassel just logged me out06:20
AprilHaredon't ask me how06:20
robertzaccourwhats quadrapassel?06:22
robertzaccouroh its a game06:22
robertzaccouri play ps306:22
AprilHarerobertzaccour, tetris06:23
robertzaccourgot a bug here https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/555503 any ideas?06:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 555503 in xorg-server "screen flickers at least once every few minutes" [Undecided,Incomplete]06:25
robertzaccouri know that ubottu lol i was wanting to know if there's a fix someone knows of06:26
AprilHarehow do i prevent gwibber-service from launching?06:26
AprilHarerobertzaccour, haven't seen that06:26
robertzaccourAprilHare, i couldn't get gwibber figured out. i suppose if it were deleted it wouldn't launch? are you talking about startup applications?06:27
AprilHarerobertzaccour, looked in startup apps didn't see gwibber06:27
arandrobertzaccour: good idea to complete the bug..06:27
AprilHaredeleting it is certainly an option06:27
robertzaccourAprilHare, i'm not sure. is it a very useful app? i couldn't figure it out06:27
robertzaccourarand, i submitted it, what more could i do?06:28
AprilHarerobertzaccour, not really. replaces logging into facebook for me. and i'm happy logging into facebook when needed06:28
robertzaccoursounds kinda like thunderbird for email lol06:29
AprilHarerobertzaccour, thunderbird has smart folders, very useful06:29
arandrobertzaccour: "apport-collect 555503"?06:29
AprilHareand lightning plugin gives thunderbird calendar06:30
robertzaccourarand, huh?06:30
AprilHareanother app for exchange gateway and thunderbird is great.06:30
robertzaccourAprilHare, i got banned from #ubuntu-0fftopic recently. one of the mods was very overly sensitive that day and had no patience for simple humor lol06:31
AprilHarerobertzaccour, so?06:31
bazhangrobertzaccour, this is not the place to discuss it. please move on06:31
robertzaccourjust think people are overly sensitive at times thats all lol06:31
robertzaccourdidn't seem like i was interrupting the chat flow, sorry06:32
arandrobertzaccour: Since that is the package designated, you should do that to provide information to the bug, nothing is likely to happen with that bug until you do.06:32
robertzaccourarand, my computer knowledge is very limited, i feel i'm helping out by testing beta and reporting bugs. did you have a better idea? please enlighten me if you do06:33
AprilHarei use davmail for m$ exchange gateway - why don't the the libraries that are gathering dust in ubuntu repos aren't being used in mainstream mail clients is beyond me. after all gateways depend on owa and don't actually hit the exchange server at all06:34
arandrobertzaccour: Run the command I gave from the system seing the bug to automatically upload the information to the bug.06:34
AprilHarewhy the libraries aren't being used even06:34
robertzaccourarand, error connecting to launchpad06:35
robertzaccourarand, ok it went through06:37
robertzaccourarand, whats it do, analyze my system or somethin?06:37
arandrobertzaccour: Yes, xorg-server is marked as the affected package, the developers of that package have specified the information which apport will collect, presumably what is relevant..06:39
robertzaccourarand, is it like a system error check?06:40
robertzaccourit would be cool if Ubuntu had a bug checker upon installation and fixed them06:40
robertzaccouror an application that would do that06:41
arandrobertzaccour: Not error, info, you can see for yourself the info it supplies, it will be attached to the report.06:41
robertzaccourarand, so i just basically signed in to launchpad again via CLI?06:42
epimethso I downloaded the ubuntu 10.04 DVD thinking it would be the same thing as the 9.04 DVD, as in it has all of the *buntus on it... It does not, or at least the default install does not.  So I tried installing kubuntu-desktop form apt and told dpkg to use kdm instead of gdm.  Now my bootup screen is fugly and when logging in to kde all I have is a konsole window.  What other packages do I need to install of configure to get kubuntu06:42
epimeth working corretly when I have ubuntu installed?06:42
arandrobertzaccour: For example in dev versions apport will run automatically for a package if a crash is detected.06:42
robertzaccourwhat does apport mean?06:43
arandrobertzaccour: You need to sign in via a browser, apport will hand over control to the browser.06:43
arandrobertzaccour: It's a pun on report and a dog fetching things, I presume.06:43
robertzaccourarand, oh, so logging onto the site the long way does the same exact thing?06:44
arandrobertzaccour: Em, no, apport gets the system info as well. but you need to sign in to allow apport to upload it.06:45
robertzaccourarand, ah i see. so if i don't know my system specs it fetches them out for me?06:46
arandrobertzaccour: pretty much, along with system logs, etc.06:47
robertzaccourarand, oh i see, thanks06:48
robertzaccourarand, is there something similar i can do with crashes?06:49
robertzaccourlike when somethin i have no idea exists or need it for crashes for no reason?06:49
robertzaccourlike npviewer for example06:49
arandrobertzaccour: apport should run automatically in those cases.06:49
arandrobertzaccour: That is flash crashing by the way, and I think we have more than enough reports on that ;)06:50
null__you should try running the 64bit linux beta flash plugin... that is if you run 64 bit06:52
nonameNNany ideas why sometimes i just cant install apps with synaptic? i can do it only in console...06:52
robertzaccourarand, ah i see thanks06:52
robertzaccourarand, speaking of flash, a lot of flash videos, i can't rewind or click play on outside of youtube when posted to a different site06:52
robertzaccourarand, i mean they just play through, no control other than reloading page and when the youtube video is on a different site, i can't click it06:53
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash06:53
null__robertzaccour: i had that problem because it was using the 32bit plugin wrapper npviewer06:54
null__robertzaccour: now using the 64 bit pre release, and all is dandy06:54
robertzaccournull__, how do i change it? do i just extract it after download?06:54
robertzaccournull__, what do i do after download?06:54
arandrobertzaccour: No idea, look for bug reports, but most likely it's just adobe's fault and nothing we can do about it...06:55
null__robertzaccour: are you running 64 bit ubuntu06:55
robertzaccournull__, yes06:55
null__robertzaccour: cool. well uninstall everything flash06:55
robertzaccouri almost typed flash for my password haha06:55
null__robertzaccour: then copy the extracted .so file to ~/.mozilla/plugins06:56
robertzaccournull__, how do i do that?06:56
null__robertzaccour: might have to make the 'plugins' folder06:56
epimethwait!!!!! flash isn't working properly and adobe is taking their sweet ass-time to fix it?!?!? Say it aint so!!!!!!06:56
robertzaccourdo i title the folder ~/.mozilla/plugins?06:56
null__robertzaccour: open a console then cd to the folder where the extracted .so file is06:57
robertzaccournull__, you mean terminal?06:57
null__robertzaccour: which is probably: ~/Downloads06:57
null__yeah, terminal06:57
epimethremember those like, 6 months we had to manually download flash 9.5 or whatever it was because flash 9.6 was totally fubar?06:57
robertzaccournull__, i have a downloads folder yes06:57
null__cool, ls to make sure the file's in there06:57
robertzaccournull__, how do i get the file there?06:58
null__then type this: mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins06:58
null__then cp 'name of .so file' ~/.mozilla/plugins06:59
robertzaccouri'm confused now06:59
null__commands in brackets...06:59
null__[ cd "path of extracted .so file" ]07:00
robertzaccourso first unistall flash, then make a folder in downloads, then what?07:00
null__no, make a folder in ~/.mozilla/plugins07:00
prestonccan anyone tell me how to disable gwibber?07:00
robertzaccourafter or before i download the 64bit flash?07:01
null__well the plugins folder in .mozilla in your home folder07:01
null__either or07:01
null__just make sure ~/.mozilla/plugins exists so you can copy the .so into it07:01
robertzaccoursave file or open with archive manager?07:01
null__save file07:02
null__then extract it07:02
robertzaccourok file saved07:02
null__it should be in your ~/Downloads folder07:02
robertzaccouryep it is07:02
null__open terminal then type: [ mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins ] no brackets07:02
robertzaccourit didn't do anything07:03
robertzaccourwhat do i do now?07:04
null__then type: [ cp libflashplayer.so ~/.mozilla/plugins ]07:04
robertzaccourno such file or directory07:05
vexati0nokay i installed the package 'kubuntu-desktop' to get a full KDE install going, and now there is no sound in GNOME. any help?07:05
null__did you cd to ~/Downloads?07:05
epimethvexati0n: wait... is your kde working?  mine isn't....07:05
robertzaccourwhat you mean cd?07:05
robertzaccourits in downloads yes07:05
vexati0nepimeth - yeah it worked until i just hacked it into tiny bits trying to restore my audio...07:06
costrePM perhaps?07:06
null__sorry, cd stands for change directory07:06
epimethrobertzaccour: cd means "change directory"  he wants you to [cd ~/Downloads] no brackets07:06
bazhangrobertzaccour, change directory07:06
null__so type into the terminal: [cd ~/Downloads ]07:06
null__then type: [ cp libflashplayer.so ~/.mozilla/plugins ]07:06
epimethvexati0n: damn... my loading screen is fugly and all I get is a terminal when I log into kde...07:06
vexati0nepimeth, don't worry that's better than kde 4.4 anyway.07:07
robertzaccourno such file or directory07:07
null__robertzaccour: what are the results?07:07
robertzaccourthats what it says07:07
epimethvexati0n: lol... LIES!!!! I installed 4.4 in jaunty and it was pretty :-p07:07
robertzaccournull__, it says no such file or directory07:07
null__sorry, i forgot to tell you to extrace the tar.gz file07:07
epimethvexati0n: sorry, karmic not jaunty... has it been a year already? :-))07:08
Am4novexati0n.you may have to check the multimedia perfernces in gnome07:08
robertzaccourok i extracted07:08
epimethso I downloaded the ubuntu 10.04 DVD thinking it would be the same thing as the 9.04 DVD, as in it has all of the *buntus on it... It does not, or at least the default install does not. So I tried installing kubuntu-desktop form apt and told dpkg to use kdm instead of gdm. Now my bootup screen is fugly and when logging in to kde all I have is a konsole window. What other packages do I need to install of configure to get kubuntu working07:08
epimeth corretly when I have ubuntu installed?07:08
robertzaccourok i did that command07:08
null__robertzaccour: cool, did it work this time?07:08
vexati0nAm4no, i did - even installed pulseaudio dev chooser and volume control. everything is pointing at my soundcard, when i play something the volume meter shows audio, but nothing actually comes out of the speakers.07:08
robertzaccournull__, what am i looking for now?07:08
null__close terminal, restart firefox if you have it open07:09
null__and it should be there07:09
null__*well, flash should work07:09
epimethvexati0n: have you tried alsamixer?07:09
vexati0nepimeth, yeah everything is fine there too.07:10
Am4novexati0n.I could never get kde and gnome to play nice on same install. I now install them on separate partitions07:10
vexati0nAm4no, okay... i'm all for axing KDE. i just need to know how to fix gnome.07:10
robertzaccournull__, flash works. i guess i have it now07:11
null__robertzaccour: if you type in: [ about:plugins ] into firefox's address bar, you should see shockwave player and it's version07:11
robertzaccournull__, thanks man07:11
epimethvexati0n, Am4no:  I've gotten both to work... granted this was some time ago....07:11
null__yeah, man. the first time i tried to do it, i kept using the 32 bit .so file and wondering why it didn't work, haha07:11
null__silly me...07:11
vexati0ni even tried ' sudo apt-get soundy-worky-thingy ' but it doesnt exist :(07:11
null__robertzaccour: no problem, have fun with the internets now07:11
Am4noepimeth.when I tried OpenSuse it would work fine with both, but I like ubuntu better07:12
epimethme too07:12
null__robertzaccour: you made sure to uninstall the older version of flash first, right?07:13
robertzaccournull__, yep07:14
null__robertzaccour: cool beans, you are set. Have fun07:14
robertzaccournull__, its not in synaptic now. thats good right?07:14
robertzaccournull__, how's it get updated?07:14
epimethme next! :-)07:15
ariefbayuhello, is there anyone having problem with notify (as in libnotify) that prevent click to object below it's window?07:15
null__robertzaccour: it's neither here nor there. it's a pre-release, just keep an eye on the release news, so you can manually update it until it becomes an official package07:15
robertzaccournull__, oh ok07:15
null__robertzaccour: it's only one file, and it's in ~/.mozilla/plugins07:16
robertzaccournull__, how do i manually update later?07:16
DanaGstupid gwibber... can't comprehend non-int font sizes.07:16
null__download the new tar.gz, then overwrite the old libflashplayer.so07:16
robertzaccournull__, do i just delete the download?07:17
null__if you forget where it's at, then type  [ about:plugins ] into firefox address bar, and it should show the filename of the plugin... search for it in your directories07:17
null__robertzaccour: yes, you can delete the tar.gz file and the extracted .so file07:17
null__robertzaccour: it's safely in your plugins folder and working07:17
robertzaccourthanks, i'll check it once a month or so07:17
null__robertzaccour: if it still happens to give you trouble... chrome for linux includes the flash player, i think07:18
null__robertzaccour: yeah, no problem.07:18
robertzaccournull__, does chrome contain 64 bit?07:18
robertzaccournull__, i installed chrome before, and it didn't include flash07:18
null__robertzaccour: it runs as a 64 bit program on 64 bit os's07:19
null__robertzaccour: i could be mistaken on that... i dont know for sure07:19
prestoncanyone know how to disable "gwibber-service"?07:19
null__robertzaccour:  could nevertheless give it a shot if firefox flash still gives you trouble07:19
epimethchrome is working on incorporating flash, it doesnt as of yesterday07:19
null__ok, thanks for clarifying07:20
DanaGargh, stupid gwibber.07:20
DanaGint(font_size) -- int(8.5) -- crash.07:21
robertzaccournull__, maybe epiphany has 64 by default? i dunno07:21
prestoncDanaG, I know.07:21
prestoncI can't see how to disable it. I've googled front and back.07:21
epimethwhy not uninstall?07:21
prestoncI've used Linux since 1994 and this might be the most frustrating thing ever. I have no control over it.07:21
epimethprestonc ^07:21
DanaGsudo dpkg-divert --local --add --rename /usr/bin/gwibber-service07:22
prestoncCan I uninstall the service?07:22
robertzaccouri sent adobe an email about flash once, they never responded lol07:22
null__robertzaccour: idk, but if flash works for now under firefox with the 64 pre-release plugin, i'd say you have no worries yet...07:22
DanaGthat'll divert the binary so it can't be started.07:22
robertzaccournull__, oh ok thanks07:22
null__robertzaccour: update when new releases become available, and keep the older versions in backup incase you need to revert07:22
prestoncDanaG, Thanks!07:23
robertzaccourlookin forward to gnome 307:23
robertzaccourin ubuntu 10.10 maybe?07:23
epimethso when did ubuntu go from puke brown to black and purple?  I have to say the rebrand is very nice, but its still gnome so if somebody can help me out i'd appreciate it :-)07:24
null__robertzaccour: also, look into mastering terminal basics... it'll help you quite a bit down the road.07:24
epimethso I downloaded the ubuntu 10.04 DVD thinking it would be the same thing as the 9.04 DVD, as in it has all of the *buntus on it... It does not, or at least the default install does not. So I tried installing kubuntu-desktop form apt and told dpkg to use kdm instead of gdm. Now my bootup screen is fugly and when logging in to kde all I have is a konsole window. What other packages do I need to install of configure to get kubuntu working07:24
epimeth corretly when I have ubuntu installed?07:24
robertzaccournull__, yeah true. is there a big difference in 64 bit?07:24
null__64 bit has the ability to access a significantly larger amout memory07:25
prestoncholy battery life07:25
prestoncwow. off the power cord for 10 minutes and down 10%07:26
null__robertzaccour: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/64-bit07:26
null__robertzaccour: http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-the-difference-between-a-32-bit-and-64-bit-operating-system.htm07:26
arandrobertzaccour: It seems like the info hasn't gotten up to the bug report, make sure you logged in and allowed apport to attach the info.07:27
robertzaccourarand, how can ya tell?07:28
epimethnull__: well for one you can't buy 32 bit architecture anymore :-)07:29
arandrobertzaccour: I'm looking at the bug report.07:29
prestoncAnyone running 10.04 on a laptop and having battery issues? My battery is dying quickly.07:29
null__epimeth: sure ya can... ebay ;)07:29
arandepimeth: and on netbooks07:29
null__is the ipad 64 bit?07:30
epimethnetbooks?  people still buy those???07:30
epimethprestonc: I'm running 10.04 on a lappy....07:30
ARishiI deleted my facebook account from gwibber, how do I remove the facebook home posts? They don't seem to clear whatever I do.07:30
null__epimeth: haha, i want one because lugging around my 17" mbp becomes quite ridiculous sometime07:31
epimethno step-down on the processor and a mostly bright screen and I've been going for about 3 hours now07:31
prestoncepimeth, Any issues with battery life? I've watched as my battery has gone down to 84% in a little over 10 minutes.07:31
null__prestonc: 10.04 on mbp and running fine on battery life07:31
epimethnull__: take it from someone who has a netbook in the family.... don't buy it.  you can't do *anything* with it07:31
null__i was planning on running everything in awesome wm or console07:32
prestoncnull__, Thanks. Weird.07:32
null__epimeth: so i can appear as though i am 1337 h4x0rz07:33
epimethnull__: and doing what with it?07:33
prestoncI'd hate to have to start running ubuntu under VMWare under Windows 7 again. Ugh. Too many issues.07:33
epimeththat works then07:33
epimethprestonc: hows the battery life in windows?  acceptable?07:33
null__epimeth: taking notes, c++ programming, php programming, some music, internet browsing07:33
prestoncepimeth, I didn't use it long under the windows install, but it seemed fine.07:33
null__epimeth: and of course IRC07:34
prestoncbetter than I was at 84% 3 posts back and now I'm at 80%07:34
epimethnull__: then don't get a netbook dude... especially if you are going to be doing development07:34
epimethmusic no good cuz the speakers are bad07:35
prestoncThe keyboard alone would scare me off of a netbook. Ergonomics matter. And they're already bad on a laptop.07:35
epimethsurfing no good cuz the screen is too small07:35
null__ok, maybe a 13" mbp07:35
epimethwe use it to quickly check movie times and weather and thats about it07:35
null__: - )07:35
arandI think thim might be a good idea to migrate to #ubuntu-offtopic ;)07:35
epimethnull__: if you want a light lappy for web development/surfing you have to go with the macbook air07:36
epimethnetbooks are unacceptable and if weight is an issue its got to be the air07:36
epimetharand: truth07:36
null__epimeth: point taken, makes sense. ty07:37
prestoncman, 78%. This is crazy.07:37
epimethnull__:  or, of course, the dell whassname thats really light... dunno if its still available, even... you can probably get a refurb really cheap07:37
null__epimeth: apple aesthetics are nice, though... : - )07:38
epimethnull__: yea but only if you are willing to pay the apple tax...07:39
epimethnull__: afaik that is unacceptable.  I really don't need a multitouch trackpad / mouse07:39
null__epimeth: two finger scrolling works a lot better then side scrolling07:40
null__epimeth: imho07:40
epimethnull__: absolutely.  and a huge 5x4 inch trackpad is much better than a 3x2, but neither is worth 500 bucks07:41
null__epimeth: touché07:41
null__well, i've got class in the morning, see y'all later.07:42
epimethdid you catch my problem?!?!? can you help???07:42
null__about what?07:42
epimethso I downloaded the ubuntu 10.04 DVD thinking it would be the same thing as the 9.04 DVD, as in it has all of the *buntus on it... It does not, or at least the default install does not. So I tried installing kubuntu-desktop form apt and told dpkg to use kdm instead of gdm. Now my bootup screen is fugly and when logging in to kde all I have is a konsole window. What other packages do I need to install of configure to get kubuntu working07:43
epimeth corretly when I have ubuntu installed?07:43
epimethnull__: I got class, too, but this pissed me off enough to lurk here for over an hour so I aint leaving til I have an answer!07:43
null__haha, ok... lemme see.07:44
null__epimeth: have you tried running: [ sudo startx ] ?07:45
AscavasaionMorning.  My laptop's hard disk light refuses to go off.  I do not know if the hard disk is running or not.  I ran the system>Administration>Disk Utility's Benchmark feature out of curiosity.  I have restarted the computer already and still it does not go off.  Any ideas?07:45
epimethnull__: I'm in X... kdm works great.  I log in, get a pretty wallpaper and a konsole window... thats *it*07:46
epimethand its not even a proper konsole window, its a *white* console window with a *white* background.... *shudder*07:46
null__try using gdm instead?07:46
epimethagain, kdm / gdm both work fine.  its kde that isn't loading properly07:47
null__have you updated everything?07:48
AscavasaionOh, it is off... whoohooo!!!07:48
null__try that from the konsole07:48
AscavasaionThat was indeed odd.07:48
epimethnull__: fully updated... ran a apt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:48
AscavasaionDoes Linux run something akin to Window's scandisk, or similar,  behind the scenes?07:49
null__ok... Try [Control]+[Alt]+[F7]07:49
epimethnull__: selected kdm when I was asked to configure the dm, finished the install.  restarted, got the fugly loading screen.  kdm came up, I logged in, and all I had was the konsole window07:49
null__so it's starting in konsole mode, not graphical mode?07:50
epimethnull__: no, its graphical.  I have the kde background and a konsole window.  its not a terminal07:51
null__hmm... never had that problem before, nor heard of it, but i am still looking07:51
epimethI can run things from the konsole, too.... I tried firefox and firefox loaded without the kde branding07:51
null__you are in console mode07:52
null__they changed it, i remember booting my server into text mode, and it started x with only a console window07:52
null__that was white with black text and a background image07:52
epimethnull__: btw, the laptop from dell is called adamo... none in the refurb store tho07:53
bbalajiraoHello room. I want to increase the number of kernels installed on my system. Where do I configure this?07:53
epimethnull__: yea, thats exactly it...07:53
null__ok, h/o07:53
arandbbalajirao: install them manually?07:55
null__epimeth: try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:55
* Ascavasaion twiddles his thumbs.07:55
epimethbbalajirao: I think you just install linux-image-VERSION-YOU-WANT and linux-headers-VERSION-YOU-WANT07:55
epimethnull__: okay, done... I'll log out and try it... brb07:56
null__epimeth: in kdm, can you select your session?07:56
bbalajiraoI want to configure my system to keep the number of kernels I want. WHere is this variable configured?07:56
epimethnull__: awesome07:59
epimethnull__: thanks dude07:59
epimethnull__: we can both go to sleep now :-D07:59
null__cool beans, glad it worked!08:00
null__epimeth: sounds good to me. catch you later!08:00
epimethnull__: thats the second time in as many days I have seen/heard "cool beans"08:00
epimethnull__: this is after like 3 years of not hearing it08:00
epimethnull__: and mind you, I used to use it a LOT08:00
null__epimeth: i'm trying to bring it back, haha08:00
epimethnull__: I hear ya... I'll pass the word along :-)08:00
epimethadios folks!08:00
blue102bit quiet today ?08:05
ddecatorprobably a lot of people didn't get on because of the holiday08:05
blue102might be the case08:06
blue102have a look t8ter08:06
null__busy today on here for me...08:06
null__but it's at it's end as i have class tomorrow08:06
ddecatorso do i =(08:06
null__helping people is great08:06
null__i like it08:06
blue102back to school?08:07
ddecatoryup =)08:07
null__catch y'all later08:07
ddecatorcya null__08:07
blue102no easter hollydays ?08:07
ddecatori had last friday off, that was it08:07
blue102I have all the time off08:08
AscavasaionI worked Friday 12 hours, Saturday 12 hours, off on Sunday and working today 13 hours. :(08:08
blue102but I like to learn new things08:08
ddecatorlucky. we're on a quarter system though so we get the entire month of december off and little else08:08
Ascavasaionwhoops, wrong window.08:08
blue102I got a lot of help here for the simple reason I just started with linux a few months ago08:09
ddecatorhelp is what we're here for =)08:10
blue102I noticed08:10
ddecatorand none of that computer-automated or scripted-techsupport stuff =p08:10
blue102I built myself a ubuntu 9.10 server  and Imap08:11
blue102squirrelmail dovecot and getmail08:11
ddecatorvery nice. i just recently setup an ubuntu 10.04 server08:11
blue102if that is the latest one08:11
blue102one thing bus me how does one setup vnc08:12
ddecatori just use ssh08:12
blue102that is what i do between servers08:12
blue102how do you set that up08:13
blue102vnc I mean08:13
ddecatori honestly don't know, sorry. try #ubuntu-server =)08:14
ddecatorespecially since you're using 9.1008:14
blue102how can you see the version08:15
blue102in dos you type ver08:15
vega"dos" ? :)08:15
vegalsb_release -a08:16
ddecatoraw, i was just gonna put the command...08:16
blue102command not found08:17
blue102no command lsb08:18
vegawell, the command is not "lsb"08:18
vega10:16 < vega> lsb_release -a08:18
vega                   ^08:19
blue102got is karmic koala08:20
vegayes, this channel is for 10.04 (lucid)08:20
blue102how do you get 10.408:20
blue102that what I have as well08:20
vegaupgrade to it08:21
blue102I have ubuntu server 9.1008:21
blue102and on the laptop 10.4 lucid beta 108:21
blue102what I am typing on now dig08:22
vegaserver version has it's own upgrade procedures08:22
blue102is 10. 4 ubuntu server out?08:23
vegasudo do-release-upgrade -d08:23
vegablue102: of course not08:23
blue102That is what I thought I had a look at the website yesterday08:24
vegasee topic for release schedule, it's the same for server and desktop08:24
blue102ah thnk you 29 of april08:24
ddecatorbeta 2 soon =)08:26
blue102yeah the 9th08:27
blue102i have no prob with this version08:27
costreme neither ... knock knock08:28
blue102runs well on my old laptop08:29
costreUbuntu is getting scary competitive if you ask me :)08:29
blue102with whom08:29
blue102I believ all software should be free08:29
ddecatorcompetitive software can still be free =)08:30
blue102that's right08:30
blue102I was thinking on old ms08:30
costreI mean ... if you offered people a free car istead of buying a brand new car for 30.000$ you'd expect an absolute piece of junk08:31
blue102I do believe linux has developed a great deal08:32
blue102thatn is when I had a go with red hat linux 6.208:33
blue102and that has been a few years ago08:33
blue102still in the days of dos08:34
blue102cu guys have to go cheers08:36
* arand never realised we were in b2 freeze, pah, no wonder it's a bit slow...08:37
costreI remember friends trying out Linux back and forth back in -98 and onward ... but it was always a great deal of hassle, often just to get the harddrive working or the monitor not flickering. Being kind of lazy, I never bothered08:37
ariefbayu<blue102> I agree with you. I've been using linux from 2004 and I see a great deal of progress here08:38
ddecatorhaving good wifi support was a major hurdle too08:38
ariefbayu<ddecator> There a trick there, before you buy something, make sure it will run out of the box or maybe require minor tweak on linux08:39
areichmanwhen the driver for my broadcom card was available without using the command line (in 9.04,  I think) I couldn't believe it08:39
ariefbayuhaha broadcom. For me, it work on 9.04, broken (due to jockey bug) on 9.10 and working again on 10.04 (beta)08:41
vegathere's still too much of those kinds of regressions08:41
ddecatorgood to hear regressions are being addressed =)08:41
ariefbayubut, overall I love ubuntu. My only complain is I can't play my windows game :( (but, that's not ubuntu's fault)08:41
vegafor instance logitech dinovo edge usb stopped working 2 weeks ago08:42
vegaworked fine in lucid before that and also 9.0408:42
areichmanI think the only real solution for that is more market share, enough so that manufacturers will write drivers themselves instead of relying on the community08:42
vegajust 10 minutes ago i found this (not tested yet): https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/105987 but it was really hard to find08:43
areichmanwhere I'd really like to see some improvement is with audio and video. Windows and OS X make it so easy to do video chats and integrate with TV's08:44
areichmanI know Linux can do it but it's often more work than it's work08:44
areichmaneven with the best-supported hardware (intel graphics cards)08:44
costreif you have a rather modern TV and graphics card you only need a DVI -> HDMI adapter :)08:45
vishhmm, rhythmbox stutters when changing wallpapers :s08:46
areichmanI've got HDMI right on my motherboard and a very modern TV, still have to deal with overscan issues and mythtv database crashing :-)08:46
vishrather i think it is PA causing the stuttering , it seems that disk I/O show how causes audio to stutter08:47
ddecatorvish: that's an odd find o.o08:51
costreI wouldn't think twice if sudden hardd drive activity made a mp3 studder08:52
vishddecator: well , i'm hit by it easily since , i have a wallpaper changer ;)  it keeps changing wallpapers at every 5 mins , hence i noticed it ;)08:52
ddecatorvish: fair enough, haha. i forget about wallpaper slideshows =p08:53
vishcostre: didnt happen until 2days ago , i'v been using the wallpaperchanger for a long time now08:53
vishnow , i need to look at the updates in the last two days , :s08:53
costrevish Switched to very high def wallpapers? :)08:53
vishcostre: nah , same old wallpapers , nothing new in the wallpapers08:54
vishbug #54648508:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 546485 in gtk2-engines-murrine "font rendering regression" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54648508:54
zniavre_vish thank you   :o)08:54
vishnp.. i was curious :)08:55
vishhmm , i'v seen this bug a while ago08:55
vishooh , Cimi seems to have fixed it08:55
Berzerkeranyone have a problem of gwibber using 100% cpu?08:59
ddecatoryes, i heard about it on dent08:59
ddecatortheres a bug somewhere08:59
ddecatorbug report*09:00
vishBerzerker: Bug 530605 , it is due to keyring09:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 530605 in libgnome-keyring "gvfs-mount doesn't always work. gvfsd-smb starts using 100% cpu." [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53060509:00
ddecatoryah that's the one. thanks vish, i'm too tired to look bugs up right now, haha. idk why i'm even still up09:00
vishbad crappy keyring, it causes[d] the same problem for me in evolution :/09:01
vishthe last update /might/ have fixed the bug for evo , havent seen my evo bug in a few days09:02
=== cento is now known as ignorante
linuxrevolutionHi all09:18
ddecatorhey linuxrevolution09:18
linuxrevolutionnotify-osd don't work!09:18
linuxrevolutionddecator: :)09:18
ddecatorit's not working at all?09:18
linuxrevolutionddecator: at all09:19
linuxrevolutionddecator: when I (notify-send "my test string") in terminal there is no acty09:19
ddecatorwere there any in-flux updates that caused it to be removed? it's working for me. also, did you install the extra packages for using notify-send?09:20
linuxrevolutionddecator: notify-osd is installed but which extra packages???09:20
ddecatorlinuxrevolution: i had to install notification-daemon and another package to use notify-send. let me find it a sec...09:21
linuxrevolutionddecator: ok09:21
ddecatorlinuxrevolution: libnotify-bin09:21
linuxrevolutionddecator: notification-daemon not installed09:21
linuxrevolutionddecator: libnotify-bin installed09:22
ddecatornotify-osd worked for applications just fine before i installed those, but i couldn't use the "notify-send" command until those were installed09:22
linuxrevolutionddecator: ok let me install notification-deamon09:23
linuxrevolutionddecator: please send me a mess09:24
keturnif I'm using proprietary nvidia drivers and I have a reproducable X crash, is there any way I can usefully report bugs, or does ubuntu ignore reports for closed-source modules?09:24
ddecatorlinuxrevolution: are you trying to get irssi notifications? =)09:24
linuxrevolutionddecator: hey this is working :D09:25
linuxrevolutionddecator: thank for the help mate09:25
ddecatorlinuxrevolution: no problem! i just set that up a week ago myself =p09:25
linuxrevolutionddecator: that was notification-deamon09:25
linuxrevolutionddecator: another question :p09:25
ddecatorlinuxrevolution: yes?09:25
linuxrevolutionddecator: I can't use keyboard layout :(09:25
linuxrevolutionddecator: there is an error09:26
ddecatorketurn: there are nvidia driver packages that you can file bugs against09:26
ddecatorlinuxrevolution: what's the error?09:26
linuxrevolutionddecator: let me show you09:26
ddecatorlinuxrevolution: pastebin if it's long09:27
AprilHarecan anyone tell me how to prevent gwibber-service from launching on login?09:27
linuxrevolutionddecator: ya09:27
ddecatorAprilHare: it should be an option in the gwibber preferences09:27
AprilHaredo i need to remove gwibber?09:27
AprilHareright thanks ddecator09:28
ddecatorAprilHare: no problem =)09:28
AprilHaretis a cpu hog09:28
ddecatorAprilHare: yah, theres a keyring bug right now causing that09:28
AprilHarewell i'll lay off that app till bug fixed09:29
ddecatorbug 53060509:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 530605 in libgnome-keyring "gvfs-mount doesn't always work. gvfsd-smb starts using 100% cpu." [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53060509:29
AprilHarehow long till release? 20 days or so?09:29
ddecatorofficial release? the 29th i believe09:30
linuxrevolutionddecator: this is the error https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3417245/222.jpg09:30
ddecatorlinuxrevolution: haha, not gonna lie, i have no idea what would be causing that. have you searched for a bug report?09:31
linuxrevolutionddecator: yes and no result :(09:31
linuxrevolutionddecator: but I think beta 2 will solve it09:32
ddecatorwow, looks like that was a problem way back in breezy...09:33
ddecatorlinuxrevolution: if it isn't fixed by then, file a new bug report please, with the information from the commands given in the error =)09:34
linuxrevolutionddecator: yes I did09:35
ddecatorlinuxrevolution: good deal, thanks!09:35
linuxrevolutionddecator: and thank you for the help :)09:35
linuxrevolutionddecator: bye mate!09:36
ddecatorlinuxrevolution: cya09:36
ddecatorand on that note, sleep time =)09:36
ddecatornight all09:36
beerin this install guide: http://uni-one.adsl.dk/main.pdf to ubuntu 10.04 to I miss something ?09:46
blue-frogif you only want to document what is already self explained. no09:48
beerI dont know what a newcomes whould like to have in a guide. What is the typical user frostation when trying to install ubuntu?09:50
viciousWhat's so exciting about 10.04?09:51
keturnyarg.  server-room feng shui.09:52
Marcvssomeone else is experiencing empathy (2.30) not being able to connect to msn since today?09:52
Ian_Cornetrying the fglrx driver, take 209:53
nigelbabubeer, a bunch of spell/grammar errors there you might have to correct09:53
tuxuser_vicious: my list after a 30-min live trial of beta1: faster distro, updated software, nice graphics, works out-of-the box for everything I usually do on 9.10.09:53
nigelbabubeer, a little more pictures would be nice too09:53
beernigelbabu: I tough I did have the right amount of pictures. What pictures do you think that are missing?09:54
viciousLucid Lynx.09:54
viciousWatching videos about it on Youtube.09:55
nigelbabubeer, well pictures of all the stages of installation wouldn't hurt09:55
beernigelbabu: what stage did I overlook/miss a screen shot?09:56
beerI think I am getting old since I can remember  stage that there are not at least one picture09:57
tuxuser_keturn: Yet Another Rsync Gui ? Thx.09:58
blue-frogMarcvs, no.09:59
Marcvsblue-frog, ok thanks09:59
Ian_Cornefglrx test results: no direct rendering but at least i'm not thrown into safe graphics mode10:05
=== \vish is now known as vish
tankdriverHi, when I have the "light-theme" and I have a window with only the close button (like jockey-gtk), the design feels to be cut off near the close button. is this a known bug?10:20
tankdriverseems to be this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532224 but this one should already been fixed for days.10:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 532224 in compiz "[ambiance, radiance] no rounding when window has no maximise icon" [High,Confirmed]10:23
Ian_Corne$ glxinfo | grep -i direct10:24
Ian_CornelibGL: OpenDriver: trying /usr/lib/fglrx/dri/tls/r600_dri.so10:24
Ian_CornelibGL: OpenDriver: trying /usr/lib/fglrx/dri/r600_dri.so10:24
Ian_CorneBut i don't have fglrx installed10:24
Ian_Cornewhy is it looking there?10:24
joaopintoIan_Corne, dpkg -S /usr/lib/fglrx/dri/r600_dri.so10:27
SandGorgon_hey guys.. I accidentally removed my network manager tray icon.. how do I get it back ?10:28
Ian_Cornewell joaopinto dpkg: /usr/lib/fglrx/dri/r600_dri.so not found.10:29
almoxarifeSandGorgon_: you should be able to find NetworkManager Applet 0.8 by right clicking on the panel10:30
SandGorgon_almoxarife, "Add to Panel" has no Network Manager ... is that what u were referring to ?10:32
arandHehe, ubuntu-tweak seems to have really embraced the button disorder: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/42237268/out.ogv10:34
almoxarifeSandGorgon_: does it have Indicator Applet 0.3.6?10:34
SandGorgon_almoxarife, yup10:36
SandGorgon_almoxarife, I got the volume control.. but network is still missing10:37
visharand: which bug did you find that?10:40
arandBug #53508810:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 535088 in metacity "Metacity bug when using background for buttons" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53508810:40
almoxarifeSandGorgon_: I wonder if you have to logout and login? you do have some network setup?10:41
arandAnnoying that the librarian links doesn't reference the originating bug in any way...10:42
SandGorgon_almoxarife, yes.. which is why how I'm here ;)10:42
SandGorgon_almoxarife, I guess I'll logout10:42
SandGorgon_almoxarife, I think I'll file it as a bug10:42
Rabbitnightmarehey I love the mac-ish button placement, however please move the close button to the left as it bothers me I keep maximising the window when I mean to close it10:47
arandRabbitnightmare: Are you running the latest version?10:48
Rabbitnightmareoh its fixed with an update?10:48
Rabbitnightmareidk I downloaded it a week ago and like just burned it and installed it to test it out10:48
Rabbitnightmareit is definetally complete awesomeness10:49
arandRabbitnightmare: If you have applied all updates the order should be similar to OSX.10:50
Rabbitnightmareawesome, cuz I find using Ubuntu already reminds me of my Mac, this makes the transition easier on me when working with the two10:51
Rabbitnightmareheh you should include gnome-do and gnome-do dock and global menu bar from google code10:51
Rabbitnightmareget rid of OpenOffice.org off the disk10:52
arandRabbitnightmare: I'm sure plenty of people would disagree...10:53
RabbitnightmareI was joking about the first part, but OpenOffice.org should be removed off the ISO to save space10:53
EmryIs there any reason not to update today? :)11:05
RabbitnightmareI dont know it looks very stable11:06
EmryCool. :)11:06
Rabbitnightmareit is just all astetic updates now11:06
EmryThe other day I got buggy results with the proprietary ATI driver. ^^;11:06
costreemry You have to be just a bit lucky to not encounter any weird problem with drivers or such. I run 10.04 and have NO problems, only improvements11:07
Rabbitnightmarethats just the ATI driver11:07
Rabbitnightmarego out and buy a cheap NVIDIA card11:07
Rabbitnightmarebias yes but the drivers work11:07
EmryHow Open is ATI now?  I heard that ATI had made some of their drivers open source, but I haven't taken the time to look into it. >: )11:07
* Emry has an nvidia in his desktop. Can't just get a cheap card for his laptop though. ^-^11:08
RabbitnightmareI make it a point to get intel or nvidia laptops so I know Linux will work11:10
lapionhello, can anyone tell me how to get more verbose information from the i915 or the Xserver..11:10
Rabbitnightmarewell it is 10.04 when is the release date of the new ubuntu11:11
lapionI keep on getting freezes without any information in any of the logs11:11
lapionthe screens get frozen, only strange thing is that I can ssh to it, and see all the software is still running11:12
Rabbitnightmarethe website should go purple now death to brown11:12
lapionI can even run software on a remote desktop11:12
EmryThe Open Source drivers work great, but I don't know if they handle 3D well or not. :P11:13
Rabbitnightmareonly on some boards11:13
Rabbitnightmarelike the new HD 4XXX boards work great with the foss drivers11:13
Rabbitnightmarebut your x1000 and x2000 boards will still be closed because of the technology used11:14
lapionusing the i915 kernel driver.. let me check for the x-server driver11:14
RabbitnightmareUbuntu 10.04 is the first version of Ubuntu or Linux in general I will tell people to use when they want something else other than Windows11:15
EmryI am running a Toshiba Satalite with one of the AMD Turion chips. ^^11:15
RabbitnightmareI have not seen this much work go into a *nix OS other than Mac11:16
EmryLooks like HD3100 ^^11:16
EmryUpdate manager says its time to reboot. ^_^  I may be back in a bit if I don't get busy. :)11:17
Rabbitnightmarenot because it looks like Mac, but the default theme, wallpaper, stability, and speed11:17
lapionbe carefull 10.04 is not yet released styill in beta-stages, or pre-release stages11:18
RabbitnightmareI meant when it comes out11:19
Rabbitnightmareis there going to be a new audio theme?11:19
lapionI think such things have been frozen allready11:19
RabbitnightmareI hate the old Ubuntu startup sound but I can live11:20
lapionwellhave you tried one of the beta-live-install discs to check it out ?11:21
lapionor done a upgrade ?11:21
Rabbitnightmareits changed?11:21
lapionwell anyhow I am having my own problems the i915 driver seems to freeze up the whole screen withoutany warning or error message11:22
lapionI don't think the sound theme has changed11:22
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[diablo]totally off topic, but anyone from the UK here? If so, is it a public holiday today please?11:34
thomas_which version of kde is in kubuntu 10.04?11:35
Daniturndoes anyone know if  atheros wireless adapter are supported in 10.0411:36
mazda01_can anyone help, i just installed the daily build but when booting there's no option to edit boot options and it just sits at the splash screen.11:40
mazda01_ubuntu and 5 dots below it. i hit esc a million times before that but no boot options editor came up from grub????11:41
mazda01_i used the lucid alternate installer downloaded from 4-3-10.11:41
BUGa_vacationsmazda01 press left shift for grub ?11:41
erik__Has anyone gotten iPhone tethering working in 10.04? I really need it for the next weeks, and Im going to have to downgrade to 9.10 if I cant get it working.11:42
[diablo]erik__, I never got tethering working with iPhone and Ubuntu, as far as I am aware you need the apple drivers11:45
erik__it seems to work fine in 9.1011:45
BUGa_vacationserik__: works fine for me with android11:45
BUGa_vacationsbut that doesn't help you much11:46
[diablo]works for me too with android :-)11:46
erik__perhaps I need a new phone :P11:46
BUGa_vacationsand perhaps you need a new android phone11:46
* [diablo] likes his Milestone11:47
erik__ive been considering getting a nexus one. but I have kinda fallen in love with my iPhone 3GS11:47
mazda01_BUGa_vacations: and what is keeping it from booting into a gnome session do you know?11:48
Daniturnis atheros wirless network adaptors supported with out having to config system to find it11:49
yofelmazda01_: for boot options you have top keep left shift pressed on boot, not press esc11:49
mazda01_BUGa_vacations: also, is that documented somewhere? this is because the new grub? too bad it doesn't tell me that like the old grub did, it would say hit esc to see grub menu11:49
erik__success :D11:49
erik__complied it myself. seems to work :P11:49
BUGa_vacationsmazda01 been like that since karmic11:49
BUGa_vacationsand grub211:50
Marcvsanyone is using gwibber under lucid?11:51
BUGa_vacations100% cpu?11:51
BUGa_vacationsknown keyring bug11:51
Marcvscannot add account11:51
BUGa_vacationsdaily ppa ?11:51
Marcvsknown bug too11:51
BUGa_vacationsor archive?11:51
Marcvsno, tried but11:51
Marcvsdoesn't change11:51
Daniturnwill anyone do remote access and halp me set up my wireless adaptor11:51
mazda01_yofel: nope, i just kept hitting left shift during boot up (after bios screen) and nothing happened. still stuck at ubuntu splash screen11:51
Daniturnin ubuntu 9.1011:51
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: this channel is meant for Lucid11:52
BUGa_vacationsplease go to #ubuntu for 9.10 and older releases11:52
BUGa_vacationsthank you11:52
Daniturnok than 10.04 when its set up11:52
mazda01_BUGa_vacations: ok, i didn't notice it in karmic because I haven't had issues. my upgrade from jaunty to karmic was smooth!11:52
mazda01_BUGa_vacations: im still not getting a grub menu when pounding the left shift key during boot up. any other suggestions?11:53
BUGa_vacationstry to get lucky11:53
BUGa_vacationsI keep missing mine too, if I press *too* soon11:53
lapionok my bug seems to be a very old bug, pre 09.10 .. and now worsened in 10.0411:54
BUGa_vacationsit must be _just_ once grub starts11:54
mazda01_BUGa_vacations: and how can I tell when grub just starts? this seems like regression to me. this is a LTS release?11:54
mazda01_i know it's only beta1 but booting issue is a huge issue.11:54
mazda01_if i ever do get into grub, what will i edit to make it get past the boot splash? i have an nvidia 5xxx series card.11:55
BUGa_vacationsmazda01 you can go to recovery and get logs and file a bug11:56
BUGa_vacationsor you can edit grub to not show a splash11:56
mazda01_BUGa_vacations: sounds good. I like contributing where I can.11:57
BUGa_vacationsyou should see a quick flickr once grub starts11:57
BUGa_vacationsand then press, and keep pressing shift11:57
mazda01_BUGa_vacations: ok, will try to get lucky. :-)   like I said, this seems like a regression for grub, why they make it so hard to get into the grub menu is beyond me12:00
BUGa_vacationsregression? what regression?12:00
BUGa_vacationswhat funcionality did you loose from previous grub2 ?12:01
mazda01_BUGa_vacations: ok, maybe I am using the wrong terminology, the change from grub to grub2 to not say anything about entering the grub menu by hitting a certain key I would say is a huge mistake.12:02
penguin42mazda01_: Yeh it does seem harder to me as well; but if you hit shift just before the BIOS is about to hand over to grub and keep it held down it seems to work12:02
mazda01_BUGa_vacations: no regression, you're right.12:02
penguin42mazda01_: I think it can be configured back though12:02
mazda01_BUGa_vacations: just huge oversight as to how this will impact users who have a problem. they get to a stalled boot splash and have no idea how to get into grub. they give up and go back to windfows.12:03
BUGa_vacationsthe idea is NOT to get stuck12:06
BUGa_vacationsplus how do they go to windows? from grub? if so, they can go to recovery12:06
penguin42BUGa_vacations: I do have some sympathy; it can be quite tricky to get shift at just the right point12:07
BUGa_vacationsI know12:07
BUGa_vacationsI have to boot 2 or 3 times too12:07
yofelif you actually have both windows and linux installed the grub menu is supposed to show anyway.12:07
BUGa_vacationsthat's what I said12:07
mazda01_BUGa_vacations: ok, i got lucky, removed quiet and splash from options and it booted right into gdm. what gives. I didn't go into recovery mode. why was it hanging at splash screen anyway, is the splash screen messed up?12:08
BUGa_vacationsplymouth is EVIL12:09
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mazda01_BUGa_vacations: but, now that I am in, i have no desktop icons, no contect menu when right clicking, nothing. very weird. I do see a similar background picture to OS X though12:09
mazda01_BUGa_vacations: what is plymoth. the new boot splash program?12:10
mazda01_BUGa_vacations: nevermind, i am into the desktop. I do now have a top panel but no icons on the desktop. that's no issue. I think i can figure it out from here.12:11
GenscherIs it kms which automatically kills all xorg.conf on reboot? I just did "sudo aticonfig --initial" but when rebooting all xorg.conf were gone, weird12:23
Genscherah sorry for the noise, was on live cd /etc, not on mounted /media/etc12:28
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zdendoHello. Anybody knows how I can play wma-pro mediafiles in (K)Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit? I have Medibuntu repozitory too. And installed w64codecs. wma works properly. Not work wma-pro12:46
mfraz74just synced my phone's contacts with ubuntu one12:47
Genscherand i just got an installed Ubuntu 10.4 with an ATI card + fglrx driver! not for the faint-hearted ;)12:48
Genscherif anyone needs info about how to do it, just ask me :)12:50
mfraz74thankfully i don't have anything with ati graphics12:52
joaopintowhat is special about installing fglrx on 10.04 ?12:52
joaopintoexcept for the fact that it's broken :P12:52
yofelwasn't it supposed to be fixed?12:53
yofelat least the bug about not supporting lucid xorg and kernel is fix released12:54
joaopintoI have tested it this weekend, glxgears and some opengl games just segfault on start12:54
Genscherjoaopinto, well first of all you cannot even get into the gui/gdm because the display just shuts off when booting form live cd12:54
joaopintoit does support, if you don't need opengl :P12:54
joaopintoGenscher, that is not fglrx generic, I did not have that problem12:54
joaopintoI already had lucid installed for some time, tried fglrx this weekend and it installed just fine12:55
Genscherjoaopinto, it is because of radeon.modeset=1, so you have to set that to 0 at grub line12:55
joaopintoI only noticed it was broken when I was about to play a game12:55
joaopintoGenscher, like I said, I didn't had that problem with my ati+fglrx :)12:56
Genscheryeah, it's hdmi stuff12:56
Genscherand it's ati hd575012:56
Genscherover here12:56
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Genscherjoaopinto, you then get a showstopper when using that commandline and have to ctrl-F4 to loginto console, build manually some xorg.conf with vesa driver and finaly get into startx!12:57
penguin42Genscher: That seems to be a problem with the hd5xxx - the hd4xxx stuff comes up OK (although not tried on hdmi)12:58
Genschernow installing ubuntu with 640x480 (guessing where the buttons might be)12:58
Genscherpenguin42, yeah, as ususal: too new12:58
penguin42Genscher: Have you bug reported that incidentally?12:58
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Genscherpenguin42, nah, i think even someone did but it was marked as "resolved" and "fix commited" but at least the daily from yeesterday wasn't ;)12:59
penguin42Genscher: It would be good to submit it with details of your card12:59
jackhighim gonna try a reinstall of lucid my upgrade doesnt seem to have gone well am i best using the daily build or the beta1 iso ?12:59
Genscherpenguin42, ok!12:59
penguin42Genscher: I just wonder whether there is a problem with the driver for the older Radeons going, 'oh it's a Radeon, I know what to do . oh ....'13:00
duffydackjackhigh, its a couple days till beta2 now so i`d go with a daily13:00
Genscherpenguin42, well it's working when i changed the "option radeon modeset" to 0 in the conf13:01
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Genscher(+ using xorg.conf generated by aticonfig --initial)13:01
penguin42Genscher: Yeh which is what makes me suspicious that the radeon mode setting is trying to do it for a card it doesn't know anything about13:01
Genscherpenguin42, i even tried 2 monitors (one hdmi and one dvi, the dvi one stayed alive but got just blank)13:02
penguin42yeh, I think it's worth reporting13:02
Genscherat least mentioning in the bug that it's not-so-fixed for HD 5XXX13:03
penguin42Genscher: Yeh13:03
* penguin42 disappears for a while13:07
duffydacklight themes got an update, anyone know whats changed if anything?13:08
Dr_Willisproberly little tweaks and fix's i imagine13:09
monkey_dust hi all - i am unable to launch ubuntu one - it says: failed to execute child process "ubuntu-one-client applet" - all ubuntu-one packages are installed - hints & tips please?13:10
Piciduffydack: Check the changelog: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/
Dr_WillisThe latest ubuntu-mono brings package-supported icons with new logo for software-center, synaptic, new logos to distributor-log as well as a new logo for GDM:13:10
mfraz74button layout changed again?13:14
nowthdoes anyone have high-res TTYs? I only get 80 column text or else an "out of range" warning from my monitors13:15
PiciI don't know what buttons the changelog is reffering to.13:15
Dr_Willisthey apraently moved the close/min/max around  to sync with what was  mentioned last week13:15
shadeslayerhi,when i try to use chown to change ownership of all the files in /media/Data ( my data partition ) , the files still are owned by root13:16
mfraz74maximize,minimize,close to close,minimize,maximize13:16
Dr_Willisshadeslayer:  and the filesystem of the data partition is what?13:16
shadeslayerDr_Willis: NTFS13:16
Dr_Willisshadeslayer:  thats the problem then.13:16
Dr_WillisYou have to mount the partition with the proper ioptions. Not chown/chmod it13:17
Dr_Willisshadeslayer:  you could install ntfs-config and add a proper entry to the /etc/fstab file .13:17
shadeslayerDr_Willis: umm... the KDE device notifier does that,,,13:17
shadeslayerDr_Willis: i didnt mess with fstab :P13:17
Dr_Willisshadeslayer:  if you want all users to have full access.. you proberly do need to mess with fstab. Ive noticed kde not mounting ntfs/vfat properly here as well13:18
Dr_Willisntfs-config tweaks some system  settings to allow them to get auto-mounted  with different options.. or it can make a fstab entry for you13:18
shadeslayerDr_Willis: hmm.. well the only problem with the ownership is that im asked for a password everytime i login13:19
Dr_Willisyou mean you access the data partition and it asks for a password?13:20
shadeslayerDr_Willis: yes.. the kdesudo dialog pops up13:20
Dr_Willisif you make a fstab entry - it wont ask.13:20
shadeslayerDr_Willis: hmm... ok13:21
Dr_Willisit will mount it at boot time. instead of 'on first access'13:21
Dr_Willisactually kde has settings to mount them automatically also i recall.13:21
Dr_Willisbut i perfer them to mount at boot.13:21
shadeslayerDr_Willis: thats what i configured13:21
monkey_dust hi all - i am unable to launch ubuntu one - it says: failed to execute child process "ubuntu-one-client applet" - all ubuntu-one packages are installed - hints & tips please?13:21
mfraz74monkey_dust: have you done an update?13:22
monkey_dustmfraz74, i update regularly13:22
shadeslayerDr_Willis: well... ok ill mount them at boot :P13:25
shadeslayerbtw has anyone got plymouth to work with the nvidia drivers?13:25
Dr_Willisshadeslayer:  since i share mine over samba as well.. i find that works best13:25
shadeslayer( I know about the bug,but none of the fixes work )13:25
Dr_WillisI disabled plymouth last week :) so havent noticed shadeslayer  if its working now or not13:25
shadeslayerDr_Willis: yeah i have it disabled too... instead i use a framebuffer in the ttys'13:26
Dr_WillisI disable that also. :)13:26
shadeslayerDr_Willis: :P13:27
Dr_Willishave you noticed the consoles havng a color other then 'black' as the background? i sware  2 weeks ago - it was a purpleish13:27
shadeslayerDr_Willis: i just like the Frame buffers :)13:27
Dr_Willisframebuffer has caused me so many issues over the years.13:27
mfraz74yes, i've noticed that too. changed mine back to black13:27
shadeslayerDr_Willis: um.. i just enabled them 2 days ago :)13:27
Dr_WillisThen again -  i also want to actually see the text messages scroll by. so i disable fb. and make the messages verbose.13:28
Dr_WillisI never changed mine - they seemed to have changed by theirselfs.. i only saw the color change on one machine.13:28
shadeslayer( although the tty's disappear every alterante boot... they go to a corner and sit there )13:28
mfraz74i tried to change the theme, but that didn't work so i had to do it manually13:30
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petermaplehi everyone, I'm a rookie to Ubuntu, and I'm trying to install the lucid beta1 though wubi, I download the ISO file from http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-beta1-desktop-amd64.iso. but no wubi can install it, I checked the log, and found the wubi download a wrong metalink file ,so it can't distinguish the ISO. how can I do now ? thanks !13:55
MikeChelenpetermaple: if you are new to ubuntu, using a beta release isn't recommended :)13:58
h00kaaaaaand desktopcouch crashes again13:58
petermaplebut I just want to install it~13:59
petermapleso you don't recommend to install a Ubuntu through a wubi ?14:00
kklimonda|G1it's not as well tested as normal installation14:01
costreI recommend always slating the system when installing14:02
h00kAlso, if anything were to happen to your Windows partition, your Ubuntu install might be gone as well14:02
MikeChelenpetermaple: try installing 9.10 with wubi14:04
MikeChelenit is fine to try out the system14:04
petermapleYes i know ~but I just want to learn the system ,since I am a Rockie, I need a windows to do normal things14:04
MikeChelenalso usb boot is good for learning14:05
petermapleUSB boot lose most of it's functions ,isn't it ?14:06
MikeChelenthe basic desktop is the same, and documents can be saved onto the usb stick14:07
MikeChelenwubi more complete than usb14:07
MikeChelen*is more14:07
nowthnot that I haven't asked this before but -- how do I change the resolution of the TTYs? Because vga=773 kernel options etc. aren't doing the trick anymore.14:07
nowthnot in hex either14:08
Ian_Cornedpkg --reconfiger console-setup14:08
Ian_Corne+ spelling14:09
nowthIan, there's nothing to be done there14:09
nowthjust font size (height, really), but that isn't what I'm after14:09
Ian_Cornefont size is the resolution14:09
petermapleOK, thanks ,Mike.14:09
Ian_Corneit is not?14:09
nowthresolution stays the same14:09
nowthfont takes up less space14:10
nowthbut still 80 columns only14:10
Ian_Cornenever noticed that14:10
Daniturni have 10.04 installed and it still saying wireless disabled how do i enable it14:13
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: press your HW button for it ?14:14
DaniturnBUGa_vacations what is HW button14:14
h00kDaniturn: a hardware switch, make sure it is in the correct position14:15
Daniturnwhere do i find that14:15
BUGa_vacationsits your laptop14:15
BUGa_vacationsyou should know14:15
Daniturnbut in windows to enable it i have to press Fn + F1 thats all14:16
Daniturnand how do i do that process on 10.0414:16
Daniturnive tired all sorts of things people have told me to do in terminal and none nof them work14:18
BUGa_vacationsdo the same14:18
BUGa_vacationsor leave it enabled in windows14:18
Daniturnive tried14:18
BUGa_vacationsthere are some cards that kernel can't enable14:18
BUGa_vacationsso you must leave it on14:18
Daniturnhow do i leave it on14:18
Daniturni have atheros AR5007EG wireless network adaptor14:19
voxioubuntu is missing the top resolution for my monitor 1280x102414:19
voxioany idea how I can fix this?14:19
Daniturnin new to all this14:20
voxioI have the latest nvidia drivers installed on 10.0414:20
Daniturni cant connect to internet wirelessly on 10.04 let alone trying anythin else new14:21
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: if you are new, and don't feel confortable fixing stuff your self, why are you running a devel version on your production system?14:21
BUGa_vacationsvoxio: how did you install those?14:21
voxiothe nvidia installer from their website14:21
Daniturnyeh but i can do other things just not good with internet and stuff like that14:21
Daniturni can connect just not wirelessly14:22
Daniturnand unless i find i fix i will never learn anythin out14:22
voxioI also tried adding the resolution into the xorg.conf14:22
voxiobut it just seems to ignore it14:22
Daniturndoes atheros AR5007EG network adaptor work with 10.0414:24
Daniturnbecause i never got it to work with 9.1014:25
Marcvsalready tried this?14:26
Daniturnwhats hardy14:27
Marcvsolder version of ubuntu14:28
costrean older ubuntu release14:28
charlie-tcaThe last LTS release14:28
voxioI fixed the resolution problem14:29
Daniturnso i ahev to downgrade from 10.0414:29
BUGa_vacationsvoxio: we don't support the nvidia installer14:29
BUGa_vacationsyou should have used the oficial way, aka jokey14:29
voxioFYI xorg.conf had detected the wrong HorizSync and VertRefresh values14:29
MarcvsDaniturn: no, you just can try the same solution14:29
voxioso I corrected them14:29
voxioand now I have the correct list of resolutions to choose from14:30
Daniturnok i will try when logged in on ubuntu14:30
voxiothanks anyway14:30
Daniturnand do i copy everythin into terminal14:32
Daniturni thought this room would be able to help me in someway or another14:33
Daniturnbut i new and dont have a clue what im doing14:34
Dr_Willisif you are new you proberly should stick with the normal release. not the beta.14:36
bjsniderDaniturn, the atheros chip you mentioned works fine. it uses the ath5k driver14:36
Dr_Willisatheros works fine here for me also on my netbook14:36
Daniturnwhat is the ath5k and where can i get it and how do i load it into ubuntu14:37
bjsniderit is alrady in the kernel14:37
Dr_WillisDaniturn:  its allready included.14:37
Daniturnhow do i activate my wireless than14:37
bjsnideris the hardware switch turned on?14:38
Dr_WillisDaniturn:  you did use the network manager applet/icon ?14:38
Daniturnhardware switch is that FN + F1 like in windows or not?14:38
Dr_WillisDaniturn:  i had an odd quirk where i had to boot to windows.. use the switch and make SURE it was turned on.. for some odd reason the switch worked to turn the wireless off in linux.. but not back on.14:38
Dr_WillisDaniturn:  it depends on the laptop.14:38
Dr_WillisDaniturn:  mine have a switch on the front.14:38
bjsniderDaniturn, there is usually a small light indicating that wifi is on, somewhere on the outside of the laptop14:39
MaximLevitskyDr_Willis: aspire one?14:39
Dr_WillisAAO yes.14:39
Daniturnbut when i loggout of windows it will dsable my wireless and have to reconnect when im in windows again14:39
Daniturnhow do i ativate it in ubuntu14:39
Daniturnwoulod it be the same14:39
bjsniderit would14:39
Dr_WillisDaniturn:  you did click on the network icon at the top right?14:39
Daniturnand it says wireless netowk disabled14:40
Daniturnand cant click on it14:40
Dr_Willisdoes it show any networks? there is a right click and a left click menu.  Theres also a check box to turn on wireless.14:40
Dr_Willisi just click, select the network.. and enter password. all done. on my AAO14:40
Daniturni cant click any box fore wireless it dont let me its blanked out grey14:41
bjsniderdid you try fn+f1?14:41
Daniturnnot yet im in windows because its only way connect wirelessly at moment14:41
h00kor some other key that looks like an antenna14:41
Daniturni will try it now and will be bk if it dont work14:41
bjsniderreally, you should read the documentation for that laptop to learn these things14:42
monkey_dustbjsnider, that's called RTFM14:42
Daniturni know all of it for windows just not ubuntu because thats not what come loaded with it14:42
Dr_WillisIve seen people in #ubunto that done even notiec the fn-whatever keys. :) they just wonder why theres some icons in a ligter color on the f keys..14:42
Dr_Willisseen some that dont even notice there is a switch on the front :)14:43
Dr_WillisMy AAO is using the ath5k module here it seems.14:44
bjsniderthe function keys must communicate directly with the bios because they always seem to do the same things in linux as in windows14:45
Dr_Willisyep. ive seen on some laptops where a few of the keys work and some dont. Im guessing in windows they actally some how use a driver. vs directly to the bios14:45
MaximLevitskyDr_Willis: that why I asked. I have aspire one, and I know that some users are confused by its rfkill switch14:45
Dr_WillisThe switch on the AAO is very weird in linux at times. Its not really a switch. its actually more of a 'button'14:46
schlaftierI never touch the switch on my AAO14:47
Dr_Willisschlaftier:  yep. I make it a point to never touch it either. :)14:47
MaximLevitskyMe nether, but it is hardware switch14:47
Dr_Willishad to reboot to windows to get it to turn on  in the past.14:47
Dr_Willisits more of a toggle button. :)14:47
Dr_Willisthat moves like a switch14:47
schlaftierDr_Willis: It used to screw things up in Hardy, and ever since I don't touch it14:48
Dr_WillisIm not even sure if it works in Lucid.14:48
schlaftierI don't care, I still have Karmic on it and hardware support is near-perfect now14:49
Dr_WillisI have not done any netbook-tweaks on this install yet.  I do notice that its not seeing the left side SD card.14:49
Dr_Willisbut it does see the one on the right14:49
Dr_Willisor was it the otuer way around..14:49
schlaftierI heard that only the one on the right is hot-pluggable14:50
schlaftiertry putting a card in before booting14:50
Dr_WillisI cant get the one on the right to see/work after i boot up. thats it.. i keep one in the left side all the time.14:50
schlaftierDr_Willis: there's a kernel option for that14:51
Dr_Willisyea - ive not looked it up again. I was hoping the isntaller was smart enough to do it14:52
schlaftierDr_Willis: it's not -- this and the fan are the things that required manual tweaking on Karmic14:53
Daniturnbk again14:53
Dr_WillisIve frogotten all about the fan. :)14:53
Daniturnmy Fn + F1 dont work in ubuntu but works fine in windows 7 connecting me to wireless14:54
monkey_dustDaniturn, i haven't followed, is it a laptop or desktop?14:55
monkey_dustinternal wifi or usb?14:56
Daniturninternal wifi14:57
Daniturninternal wifi14:58
BUGa_vacationsKarma: 230815:00
* BUGa_vacations must work harder on bug triagging 15:00
charlie-tcaBUGa_vacations: that seems low for you!15:01
penguin42BUGa_vacations: Still much higher than me, I've only got 63015:01
Daniturnmy Fn +F1 dont work15:01
BUGa_vacationsdang yofel, you been doing it hard15:01
BUGa_vacationscharlie-tca: Karma:1022915:01
monkey_dustDaniturn, did you check ubuntu-wiki pages? => https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo15:03
Daniturnno just have a look15:03
h00kmonkey_dust: note, that article says, " Unsupported Version: This article applies to an unsupported version of Ubuntu. More info..."15:03
monkey_dusth00k, idd you are right15:04
yofelBUGa_vacations: not as much as I want in the last few weeks, this # and real life are keeping me busy atm :/15:04
BUGa_vacationsI know the feeling15:05
BUGa_vacationsI've been doing lot  of work on android15:05
BUGa_vacationsand work15:05
Daniturnmonkey_dust that document is so confusing to me15:05
BUGa_vacationsso not as many resources go into ubuntu15:05
kklimonda|G1BUGa_vacations: how is openeclair?15:06
Ian_CorneBUGa_vacations: slacker!15:06
BUGa_vacationskklimonda|G1: nice and tight15:06
BUGa_vacationsbeen with it for a few minutes, and already on my second wipe :\15:06
BUGa_vacationsIan_Corne: hey we all have our interesses15:07
BUGa_vacationsbeen here for 3 years15:07
kklimonda|G1BUGa_vacations: it has closed drivers that were missing? why is cyanogenmod behind? :/15:07
BUGa_vacationsone gets tired of the same old Qs15:07
BUGa_vacationskklimonda|G1: CM will not make the jump until oficial drivers are release15:07
BUGa_vacationsOE took his work, and ported the rest, and is using some hammered drivers15:07
charlie-tcafinally! decent music in example-content15:08
kklimonda|G1i wonder if it's worth switching or should i just wait :/15:08
kklimonda|G1charlie-tca: raging blues? :)15:09
charlie-tcasomething like that15:09
kklimonda|G1or however was it called15:09
charlie-tcamore like jazz than blues15:09
kklimonda|G1charlie-tca: +1 - i like the example music and video for 10.0415:09
Daniturnall the documents people find me i dont understand at all15:11
charlie-tcaYou simply have to try all the stuff, since this is a development version, most of them have not been re-written for it15:14
monkey_dustDaniturn, if you are new to ubuntu, i recommend a stable version15:21
Daniturnwell im not new as such its just it wont do wireless on any version i try15:21
monkey_dustDaniturn, try Linux Mint, it is even more userfriendly than Ubuntu, the latest Mint version is 7 Helena, 8 Isadora is due in May15:22
Daniturni have mint version 815:23
monkey_dustexcuse, 8 Helena and 9 Isadora15:23
monkey_dustand it won't work with Mint?15:23
Daniturnnot tried it yet15:24
Daniturnwill do15:24
penguin42Daniturn: Does the wireless device show up and not work or just not show up at all15:25
Daniturnnot show up at all15:25
Daniturnwont let me click wireless tab under the networkinng tab on the right hand side15:25
penguin42Daniturn: Can you post an lspci -v to a pastebin?15:26
monkey_dustDaniturn, is it a Broadcom wifi?15:26
penguin42Daniturn: Install the pastebinit package and run lspci -v | pastebinit   it will give a url that you give to us15:26
e01is there tweaks in totem in lucid, i mean subtitle settings ?15:28
Daniturnits a atheros wirless network adaptor15:28
Daniturnand im in windows 7 at moment15:29
Daniturnbecause i cant do internet on ubuntu15:29
monkey_dustyes you can Daniturn , but not with wifi15:30
Daniturnwell yes but not wifi15:30
Daniturnand i cant find cable to connect to internet15:30
penguin42Daniturn: Got a digicamera?15:30
penguin42Daniturn: You are wire-less!15:30
Daniturnim wireless on windows 715:31
penguin42Daniturn: Got a thumb drive?15:32
Daniturnyes i have a thumb drive but not one for wireless15:32
penguin42Daniturn: Boot into ubuntu   run lspci -v > afile  and copy afile to the thumb drive, go back to windows and you can give us the file15:32
Daniturnso i run lspci -v > afile15:33
penguin42yep, if you're doing that then do    dmesg >anotherfile  as well15:33
Daniturnwhere do i type these15:34
penguin42Daniturn: You have Gnome ?15:34
monkey_dustDaniturn, perhaps it's best to use a cable, to configure internet in Ubuntu15:34
Daniturnyes i have gnome15:34
Daniturni think15:34
penguin42hmm, I think I agree with monkey_dust , go find a cable15:34
Daniturnyes i will do than i will connect here and have ur halp somewhere along the way15:35
videorechnerhi I used live-initramfs to create a squashfs  which is loaded via http to the clients ram, after updating nouveau with xorg-edgers ppa I can boot it now and things work good, but no eth0 connection is established, although eth0 is recognised by the OS and it was already used to download the squashfs. where can I look for logs or clues, what to do?15:36
penguin42videorechner: Are you running NetworkManager?15:36
penguin42He may come back wire-full15:37
conb123So is beta 1 of 10.04 worth a try then? Is it relatively bug free?15:39
Leathanno problems here .... yet15:39
inveratuloits pretty sweet so far15:40
monkey_dustconb123, i've been using it since about a month, no big issues so far15:40
penguin42conb123: It seems good here; some people are having graphic driver issues but they're starting to settle out15:40
Leathanfixed a few problems i had too15:40
Daniturnim bk and on ubuntu and my Fn +F1 dont work either15:40
monkey_dustbiggest lucid issue: my ubuntu-one won't load and i cannot unlock login screen settings15:41
yofelconb123: actually beta1 was quite buggy, but now with beta2 near it's much better15:41
yofelconb123: so if you really consider trying it use a daily build15:42
Daniturnso how do i enable wireless15:42
conb123penguin42: Yes because graphics is one of the biggest issues with ubuntu for me, I'm using a radeon hd 5750 and I've had a bit of trouble with it, I see from the changelog that they improved nvidia support but not ati, that's annoying, ati support has always been bad and nvidia has been pretty decent15:42
* BUGa_vacations should really not highlight 'buggy' :(15:42
BUGa_vacationsnot on the #s I'm in15:42
videorechnerpenguin42 I dont know I did not change any network stuff of the standard KDE setup15:42
penguin42conb123: Actually, ati support is a lot better15:43
monkey_dustDaniturn, in Synaptic, you find a package for Atheros15:43
penguin42conb123: For those of us on stuff prior to 5xxx it just works out the box with no frglx needed15:43
kklimonda|G1BUGa_vacations: why do you even have a highlight for buggy? do you have one for bug alone? :)15:43
conb123penguin42: Ah, it's been an absolute nightmare for me with this 575015:44
BUGa_vacationskklimonda|G1: ppl call me by that nick on some #s15:44
toogreenhi all, running Lucid UNR on my Dell mini 10v... Mostly everything works great, but I don't seem to get proper 3D effects, when i try to turn on desktop effects it acts like it works, but i can't see shadows, or can't make windows wobbly, or active the cube, or anything. Any ideas?15:44
BUGa_vacationskklimonda|G1: heck no... 'bug' would drive me crazy15:44
BUGa_vacationswhois me and you will get why15:44
Daniturnwhat is the package called in synaptic15:44
monkey_dustDaniturn, search 'atheros'15:44
toogreenalso I don't have real transparency.. therefore I assume 3D effects are just not working...15:45
monkey_dustDaniturn, read the description, i have not tried it, it's just a hint15:45
kklimonda|G1bug/have you tried contacts sync with u1 and android yet?15:46
penguin42conb123: From people I've seen on here it looks like the kms is trying too hard for Radeon 5xxx series when it should just ignore them15:46
Daniturnwhat would i be looking for when i read it15:46
kklimonda|G1BUGa_vacations: ^^15:46
Daniturnor dont u know15:46
BUGa_vacationskklimonda|G1: don't even have U115:47
conb123penguin42: kms?15:47
kklimonda|G1BUGa_vacations: how could you? :/15:47
* BUGa_vacations shrugs15:47
Daniturncollectd-core came up when i marked it for installation15:47
kklimonda|G1BUGa_vacations: you are in your not-so-pro-ubuntu phase? ;)15:48
BUGa_vacationskklimonda|G1: in a not so support canonical comercial phase15:48
BUGa_vacationssince they bullied me with that remote administration stuff, forgot the name15:49
Daniturni installed it now what would i do15:50
Exexguys plz help,,,cant install gnome shell it says dependency not satifiable15:51
kklimonda|G1BUGa_vacations: oh, you get the spam too? i wonder why didn't I :/15:52
serengetihi, I've just installed the latest nightly on a system with windows 7.  Lucid sits on a logical partition (XFS), grub should be in the MBR, but the boot menu doesn't show up - windows 7 simply boots up as it used to. is it a known bug?15:52
Dr_WillisExex:  its had that issue for the last few days now15:52
Exexokis there any way else15:53
Daniturnhow do i enable wireless15:53
penguin42serengeti: Where did you install grub ?15:54
serengetipenguin42: in the mbr15:54
Daniturnhow do i enable wireless15:54
penguin42serengeti: Tried holding shift as you come out of the bios to get grub up?15:54
serengetipenguin42: no, I'll try that - but windows shouldn't be the default anyway, should it?15:55
penguin42serengeti: I don't think so, but it's worth a try15:55
serengetiok, i'll be back )15:56
penguin42serengeti: Did you have a separate /boot partition ?15:56
serengetipenguin42, no15:56
Daniturni have enable networking checked but enable wireless i cant and i cant get the light up on me dashbored to show wireless is activated15:56
penguin42serengeti: Hmm I wouldn't be surprised if grub didn't know how to deal with it being on an lvm ?15:56
serengetipenguin42, there's no lvm, just plain partitions15:56
penguin42serengeti: Oh sorry, hmm it sohuld work - I wonder if it doesn't like xfs?15:57
Daniturnanyone help15:58
serengetipenguin42, I think in previous versions the installer would complain if a wrong filesystem was selected for /boot15:58
penguin42serengeti: You would hope it would15:58
serengetiok, I'll try the shift trick15:59
Daniturnhow do i enable my wireless15:59
DaniturnFn + F1 dont work16:00
serengetiwell, it seems grub wasn't installed at all16:01
Dr_WillisDaniturn:  you may want to check the bug reports and forums for your exact brand laptop. it may have some known issues16:02
sobersabrehi, I have noticed a strange problem with gnome top panel16:02
LinuxGuy2009I just updated my netbook and saw that one of the changes was to give the option to switch button layout on windows. It asked my once or twice during theme changes but then quit asking altogether. Is there supposed to be a button somewhere or something now? I know how to use gconf-editor to change it manually but was just wondering about the update if its working correctly or not.16:02
Daniturnive checked16:02
serengetimaybe i'll try to reinstall to make sure I've picked all the right options16:02
Daniturnand found nothin16:02
sobersabrethe notification applet and the indicator one get shrinked in the width.16:03
mawstIf you do a dist upgrade to lucid will you lose your user files?16:03
serengetibye :)16:03
dan457mawst: nope.16:03
Dr_WillisDaniturn:  either noone knows.. or  you just havent found  any good info,  with some very new laptops it may take some time for the drivers to get updated with any work arounds/fixs needed16:03
sobersabreand the result is: I don't see the username, or the wifi connection indicator.16:03
Daniturnmy laptop is over 2 years old16:03
sobersabreif I remove the applet, for THIS session both applets seem to be visible properly, but after reboot (probably after logout too) it shrinks again.16:04
sobersabreis this a known issue ?16:04
LinuxGuy2009sobersabre: Tried manually adding them back?16:04
LinuxGuy2009sobersabre: Hmm I just updated and dont have any shrunk applets.16:04
Dr_WillisDaniturn:  then i imagne you just havent found the any info on it. THeres  should be some mention of it in one of the many ubuntu forums16:04
sobersabreYES: if I remove the applet, and add it manually, for THIS session both applets seem to be visible properly, but after reboot (probably after logout too) it shrinks again.16:04
Daniturnthere is loads just none of them work16:04
BUGa_vacationsThe following NEW packages will be installed:16:05
BUGa_vacations  plymouth-label{a} plymouth-theme-ubuntu-logo{a}16:05
dan457Daniturn: Do you know what wireless chipset your laptop is using?  Some (like mine) took some tweaking to get working.16:05
sobersabreLinuxGuy2009: what applets do you have running ?16:05
BUGa_vacationsand here they come again16:05
BUGa_vacationspersistent bugger16:05
BUGa_vacationsI keep removing them16:05
LinuxGuy2009sobersabre: Default applets.16:05
Dr_WillisDaniturn:  or you are doing somting wrong..   So its hard to tell.16:05
Daniturnmy Fn + F1 is disabled and dont do anythin16:05
BUGa_vacationsi   ubuntu-desktop Depends plymouth-theme-ubuntu-logo16:05
sobersabreLinuxGuy2009: I am using keyboard switcher, and load16:05
Daniturni dont know because im not best at this16:05
Daniturnstill learning16:05
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: does iwlist see it?16:05
sobersabreexcept the default ones.16:05
kklimonda|G1BUGa_vacations: you dont use plymouth?16:06
BUGa_vacationsdon't link pink16:06
LinuxGuy2009sobersabre: Yes I see I DO have a problem with applets. They are unable to be unlocked and moved after this update.16:06
BUGa_vacationsand to watch to it for 0.5 sec16:06
kklimonda|G1BUGa_vacations: it's pink on your monitor? ;}16:07
Dr_WillisDaniturn:  open up a terminal and use the command 'sudo iwlist'16:07
BUGa_vacationsno sudo needed16:07
penguin42LinuxGuy2009: Try holding down left-alt and middle mouse to move them16:07
Daniturndont do anythin16:08
Dr_WillisYou do need an interface also. :)16:08
sobersabrebut they should not interfere one with another...16:08
sobersabre*( I don't expect them to)*16:08
sobersabrehm... well I've reported the problem, I'm off.16:08
serengetiwell, the grub mystery is solved: I've installed the system from a usb drive prepared with unetbootin, and grub got installed in the usb drive's MBR. :)16:08
Dr_WillisDaniturn:  check 'ifconfig' see if you see a 'wlan0' or similer entry16:08
Daniturnstill does nothin16:09
LinuxGuy2009penguin42: Nope no go. The unlock and move options are greyed out and the usual move methods dont work in netbook remix.16:09
Dr_WillisDaniturn:  you should see several lines of output..16:09
penguin42LinuxGuy2009: Oh I don't know remix16:09
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: $ iwlist scan16:09
videorechnermhm is there a special log for ifconfig, to find out, why the connection wont be established16:09
Dr_WillisDaniturn:  use an actual teminal, not the alt-f2 thing also..16:09
LinuxGuy2009penguin42: No different they are movable.16:09
LinuxGuy2009penguin42: Think I need to report a few new bugs.16:10
dan457Daniturn, what is the make/model of your laptop?  maybe we can just look up your wireless chipset.....16:10
SandGorgonanybody know whom to ask for help in this bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/539086 - we are absolutely unable to even install Lucid16:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 539086 in ubiquity "Gigabyte GA-M61PME-S2 does not boot on Lucid" [Undecided,New]16:11
DaniturnUsage: iwlist [interface] scanning [essid NNN] [last]16:11
Daniturn              [interface] frequency16:11
Daniturn              [interface] channel16:11
Daniturn              [interface] bitrate16:11
Daniturn              [interface] rate16:11
Daniturn              [interface] encryption16:11
Daniturn              [interface] keys16:11
Daniturn              [interface] power16:11
Daniturn              [interface] txpower16:11
Daniturn              [interface] retry16:11
Daniturn              [interface] ap16:11
Daniturn              [interface] accesspoints16:11
Daniturn              [interface] peers16:11
Daniturn              [interface] event16:12
om26erhey floodbot?16:12
LinuxGuy2009Flood much?16:12
SandGorgon!paste | Daniturn16:12
ubottuDaniturn: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:12
Dr_Willisit helps to paste actual useable output.. not the programs 'help' messages when you are not using it right. :)16:12
Daniturnconfused alltogether now16:12
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: $ iwlist scan16:13
BUGa_vacationswill show any device capable of wifi16:13
Dr_WillisHmm. I have to use 'sudo iwlist scan' on my netbook for it to show the networks it sees16:14
Daniturninterface does not support scanning16:14
Daniturnwlan0 network is down16:14
penguin42SandGorgon: Have you tried an alternate CD ?16:14
dan457Daniturn if you run iwconfig is wlan0 shown?16:14
Daniturn IEEE 802.11bg  ESSID:off/any16:15
Daniturn          Mode:Managed  Access Point: Not-Associated   Tx-Power=off16:15
Daniturn          Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off16:15
Daniturn          Encryption key:off16:15
Daniturn          Power Management:off16:15
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: DON'T paste long messages16:15
Daniturndidnt wanna do that 116:15
BUGa_vacationssee? now you scared cwillu away :\\16:16
Dr_Willisso the wireless device is wlan0 it seems16:16
Dr_Willishow about the output from --->   ' lspci -v | grep Network16:16
Dr_Willisoops. No quote needed.. (should be 1 line total output)16:17
SandGorgonpenguin42, nope... that's a good suggestion. Since there are a couple of (not very sophisticated) admins who use it - I would have preferred the livecd16:17
Daniturnno command16:17
Dr_Willis lspci -v | grep Network16:18
penguin42SandGorgon: It's worth trying to see if it can get you going, given it's an NVidia I'd also try and see if you can ask someone who knows nvidia about disabling some of the drivers16:18
Dr_Willismy output is -->  03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5001 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)16:18
BUGa_vacations04:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN [Kedron] Network Connection (rev 61)16:19
Daniturn08:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5001 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 04)16:19
BUGa_vacationsso its working16:19
Dr_WillisDaniturn:  that chipset/card works fine for me. in my netbook. What version/reelase of 10.04 did you install? beta1? alpha? daily build?16:20
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: $ sudo iwlist wlan0 scan16:20
Daniturndont now was told to do upgrade so i did today16:20
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: do you see the networks around you ?16:20
SandGorgonpenguin42, oh.. I didnt know nvidia drivers are loaded at live-cd time as well16:20
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: who did tell you to upgrade?16:20
Daniturni cant activate wireless to do that16:20
Daniturncant remeber16:20
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: if iwlist see it16:21
Dr_WillisDaniturn:  so wirless was working.in 9.10  you upgraded the system to the latest 10.04 and now wireless dosent work?16:21
BUGa_vacationsthen it should work16:21
penguin42SandGorgon: I'm not sure what it does for the splash/plymouth/kms on that type of nvidia - best asking an nvidia user16:21
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: $ sudo iwlist wlan0 scan16:21
BUGa_vacationstry it16:21
BUGa_vacationswhat does it say?16:21
Daniturnwireless wasnt working in 9.1016:21
Dr_Willissudo iwlist wlan0 scan16:21
Daniturn Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down16:22
BUGa_vacationsthat's what I asked for16:22
Dr_Willisgives a LOT of output.. dont paste it here.. just look at the output. It should show  any seen access points16:22
BUGa_vacationsok... now we are getting there16:22
Dr_WillisNow thats.. interesting16:22
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: $ ubuntu-bug linux16:22
BUGa_vacationsfill out with a small description16:22
BUGa_vacationsand gives us the link report16:22
GrimmVarghey, can anyone plz xplain to me what is ment on the wiki page for alpha one about the nvidia-installer not working?16:22
GrimmVarg*alhpa 316:23
Dr_WillisGrimmVarg:  the isntaller from nvidia.com you mean?16:23
BUGa_vacationsGrimmVarg: A3 is old. we are almost in beta216:23
Daniturnis it regression16:23
BUGa_vacationsforget that16:23
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: it can't be a regression if it wasn't working16:23
GrimmVargDr_Willis: yeah, bacause i just upgraded my system to 10.04 and now the nvidiadrivers wont let me do vdaup, but your saying the bug is only in the online installer?16:24
Daniturncan i recreate spercific bug with series of steps?16:24
GrimmVargBUGa_vacations: oh, I didnt know, but when I upgrade, beta 2 is what I should get right?16:24
daniel_oh great, i installed the latest updates and now dmesg shows a wlan error "wlan0: Link not ready". It was working with a fresh daily from yesterday16:24
BUGa_vacationsGrimmVarg: you get what ever the mirror you are using is at16:24
BUGa_vacationsgreat .... another one16:24
BUGa_vacationsdaniel_: what's you'd card?16:24
Dr_WillisGrimmVarg:  the way you phrased it it sounds like the 'nvidia installer' from nvidia.com is not working..  My nvidia drivers are working on 10.04 here. via the hardware-drivers tool. but my cards do not support that vdaup stuff16:25
BUGa_vacationsDr_Willis: 2 guys same prob? kernel missup?16:25
daniel_BUGa_vacations, using ar9170usb driver16:25
DaniturnCan you recreate this bug with a specific series of steps?16:25
daniel_BUGa_vacations, and as i said, it was working even today until i updated + did reboot16:25
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: say YES16:25
GrimmVargDr_Willis: ah okay, the drivers are "working" but xbmc and maplyer cant seem to use vdauap, I guess that problem could be anywhere16:25
BUGa_vacationsGrimmVarg: please avoid nvidia site drivers16:26
LinuxGuy2009Anyone else getting a prompt when changeing themes after updating today, that says something like "this theme suggests a specific button layout and if you would like to change it"? I was asked once or twice and then it stopped asking altogether. I think it may be a "fix" for those who dont like the new window button layout.16:26
BUGa_vacationsmakes it very hard for us to diagnost the problem16:26
Dr_WillisGrimmVarg:   Yep. Im not sure if that feature is compiled in by default in  the default mplayer.16:26
GrimmVargBUGa_vacations: I've always been wondering, installing the beta1 now, and just keeping up to date with apt-get. will that render my system identical to the release when it comes?16:26
Dr_WillisLinuxGuy2009:  ive not noticed it.  but im set to use a differnt theme anyway16:26
daniel_BUGa_vacations, it's the ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready16:26
GrimmVargDr_Willis: yeah i know, i recompiled mplayer16:26
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Dr_WillisGrimmVarg:  in theory yes.16:26
BUGa_vacationsGrimmVarg: get a daily instead.. beta1 is old!16:27
BUGa_vacationsand yes, aptitude safe-upgrade or UM should lead u to the final release16:27
LinuxGuy2009Yeah beta1 is like a few hundred updates behind.16:27
Daniturnwhat can i put in describe bug16:29
GrimmVargBUGa_vacations: okay, geting the daily then. cant wait to get my htpc back in shape. It broke all over when i dist-upgraded to 10.0416:29
videorechnerThis is my syslog, I hope someone can tell me, why eth0 wont connect: http://pastebin.com/CSuyqCad16:29
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: descrive your problem16:29
BUGa_vacationsvideorechner: you are now the 3rd person complaining16:30
Daniturnem dont know what problem is tho16:30
BUGa_vacationsI'm beginning to find that *very* suspicious16:30
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: "can't use my wireless card"16:30
Drakesoncould someone please confirm this bug: 55340116:31
videorechnerno thats me again, I have to disconnect to boot the other PC and type the message again, when I did something, so people wont get confused16:31
BUGa_vacationsyofel: kklimonda|G1: penguin42: please take note: wired and wireless cards seem to be having probs16:31
Drakesonor just do the following to check if it still exists:16:31
Drakesongrep -R "^[[:space:]]*include.*;" /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols16:31
BUGa_vacationsbug 55340116:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553401 in xkeyboard-config "typo in some symbol files in xkb-data" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55340116:31
penguin42BUGa_vacations: That doesn't leave many options does it!16:31
kklimonda|G1BUGa_vacations: good that i'm not at home :)16:31
BUGa_vacationskklimonda|G1: eheh16:32
chorseI'm running xubuntu and trying to use qt4 with phonon. I have installed qtconfig and the phonon packages, but in qtconfig the phonon tab is still greyed out and it says phonon was not available. Any advice?16:32
Daniturnand than do i look through pages16:32
duffydackIs there a 'nicer' way of setting all my cpu`s to 'performance' than changing /etc/init.d/ondemand and changing a line to performance.16:32
BUGa_vacationsduffydack: do you really like to kill the planet??16:33
BUGa_vacationsor do you have some serious hw bug where the kernel can't raise the CPU state?16:33
BUGa_vacationsI would say gnome-apples do that, bug I'm scared you even try it!16:34
BUGa_vacationsduffydack: cause if that's is only of old habbits, I would request you to keep it on demand16:34
Daniturnso my wireless network adaptor is reconize than?16:35
Dr_WillisDaniturn:  it seems to be.. but the network icon/tool seems confused16:36
duffydackBUGa_vacations, cpufreq applet doesnt remember settings between boots, and I`d like to have my i7 1.6ghx running at 1.6 and not 933 even when not in use.. as for the kernel managing it with ondemand, its rubbish at it.16:36
Dr_WillisDaniturn:  if you could connect via wired network. and update/upgrade - it might  have some fixs - or try a 10.04 daily build desktop cd and see if it works in that.16:36
BUGa_vacationsduffydack: look at atop16:36
BUGa_vacationsyou will see a process using an entire core16:37
Daniturnhow do i do that i updated today to 10.0416:37
Dr_Willisplug in a wired network connection, 'sudo apt-get update' 'sudo apt-get upgrade'16:37
duffydackIve had mroe than 1 core in full use before and its set the speed to 1.6 but it goes down to 933 and back up again,  things just aint as quick when I let ondemand handle things.16:38
Dr_WillisI dont rember the commands to get networking going for wireless via the command line.16:38
BUGa_vacationsduffydack: what do you do with that CPU that a micro sec scale isn't good enough to justify 100% running at full core speed, if I may ask?16:38
duffydackBUGa_vacations, it would be nice if linux supported the turbo boost feature as well..16:39
BUGa_vacationsduffydack: not my problem, really16:39
BUGa_vacationsbut the question remains16:39
LinuxGuy2009marketing terms like turbo boost are funny16:40
BUGa_vacationsfrom many years using scalled cpus, even I7 I never had any trouble with both intel and linux kernel freq scales16:40
caolanmDoes anyone know if upstart has networking events in lucid?16:40
duffydackBUGa_vacations, did I say it wa your problem?  whats with the 20 questions?  im` just askin a simple question...I dont need to explain why I want to do something16:40
Daniturnive just done sudo apt-get update16:40
BUGa_vacationsLinuxGuy2009: yes it is, for some extra sd memory16:40
caolanmtrying to get a web server started when networking is available16:40
BUGa_vacationsduffydack: you know the anwser16:40
BUGa_vacationsor u can hack the init script to do it on every boot16:40
monkey_dustDaniturn, now do sudo apt-get upgrade16:40
Dr_WillisDaniturn:   if you dont 'upgrade' ten the system dosent actually get upgraded. :)16:40
BUGa_vacationsnot 20 Qs. just one: why do you need it at 100%?16:41
Dr_WillisHmm.. command to bring 'up' wireless --->         sudo ifconfig wlan0 up16:41
BUGa_vacationsas an eco friendly person, its cost me to see you doing that16:41
Daniturnbut i installed 10.04 today tho will i have to do everythin again16:41
Dr_WillisDaniturn:  so try 'sudo ifconfig wlan0 up' then 'iwlist wlan0 scan16:41
Dr_WillisDaniturn:  those 2 commands should bring up the device.. and show seen access points16:42
Dr_Willisoops i frogot the sudo at the 2nd one..16:42
duffydackBUGa_vacations,  because I do.  compiz is a bit slicker too..16:43
DaniturnSIOCSIFFLAGS: Unknown error 13216:43
Dr_Willissudo iwlist wlan0 scan16:43
Daniturnwlan0     Failed to read scan data : Network is down16:43
BUGa_vacationsduffydack: thanks for not anwsering16:43
BUGa_vacationscarry one, destroying the world16:43
* Dr_Willis has 4 pcs on right now.. idling.. burning trees16:43
* GrimmVarg loves this "discussion"16:43
BUGa_vacationsGrimmVarg: sorry for going offtopic16:44
duffydackBUGa_vacations, can you answer a simple question withiout grilling me ?   forget it dude..wish i never aked16:44
BUGa_vacationsbut some of this mind sets, really bump me16:44
BUGa_vacationsduffydack: I did reply... pull up16:44
GrimmVargBUGa_vacations: I see your point, my love in life is actually making stuff use less power, not because of trees, but to get less heat and noise16:45
duffydackI already have changed the init script, that was part of my question...16:45
GrimmVargduffydack: isnt there a setting in gconf-editor?16:45
GrimmVargor was that only 9.10 maybe :/@16:45
Daniturnwlan0     Failed to read scan data : Network is down16:46
jbwivI've just gone through two days of trying to successfully get Lucid amd64 alternate cd to install. I've tried the beta and I tried yesterday's daily build. It installs, but won't boot completely. Anyone else succeeded with the amd64 alternate cd?16:46
duffydackI shall now hook up my hamsters wheel to my laptop to feel less guilty..16:46
penguin42jbwiv: Where does it break?16:46
BUGa_vacationsjbwiv: get to grub and remove the splash16:46
BUGa_vacationsthere's a key around to pass along to prevent the drivers to mess it up16:47
BUGa_vacationsbut I forgot16:47
BUGa_vacationsto tired16:47
jbwivpenguin42: I wish I could give a definitive answer. It boots to the splash screen, checks the file systems, and then all progress circles go to red and it just stays there16:47
BUGa_vacationsshould be out side in the sun enjoying vacations.. not putting up with some ppl16:47
jbwivBUGa_vacations, is there a way to get to grub without booting into rescue mode and setting the timeout value?16:47
penguin42BUGa_vacations: Well go out then!16:47
=== monkey_dust_ is now known as monkey_dust
BUGa_vacationsjbwiv: left shift16:47
BUGa_vacationspenguin42: I will16:47
BUGa_vacationsgym in 1 h16:47
Daniturnis there anythin i can do now16:48
penguin42BUGa_vacations: I've never been one to equate gym with relaxation on a vacation16:48
jbwivin my case, i booted into rescue mode, mounted /boot, edited grub.cfg to set a timeout value, rebooted, removed quiet and splash from the boot options16:48
BUGa_vacationspenguin42: I *need* it16:48
penguin42jbwiv: And did you see anything else with the quiet/splash removed16:48
BUGa_vacationsI skiped last Friday... can't wait any more16:48
jbwivBUGa_vacations, penguin42, then, I boot. Everything looks like it's going ok, but suddenly, console shuts off, monitor lights go out like computer was shut off, and then nothing16:48
penguin42BUGa_vacations: I prefer a few hour walk or something fun like  a ropes course16:48
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: what's your bug id report number, so we can look at ?16:48
penguin42jbwiv: What graphics card?16:48
monkey_dustDaniturn, i guess your laptop just is not fit to function with wifi in ubuntu16:49
BUGa_vacationsjbwiv: wow how nice.16:49
jbwivpenguin42, 08:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G92 [GeForce 9800 GT] (rev a2)16:49
BUGa_vacationsjbwiv: get to recovery and grab the logs16:49
jbwivBUGa_vacations, yes, fun16:49
Daniturndont know if question is any good16:49
penguin42jbwiv: Is this an update or fresh install?16:49
BUGa_vacationsif you have network file a bug from apport16:49
jbwivpecisk_, fresh install16:49
BUGa_vacationsand let the X team know16:49
jbwivBUGa_vacations, had to drop back to Jaunty now :-/16:50
BUGa_vacationsbug 55580716:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 555807 in linux "cant use wireless card" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55580716:50
jbwivtwo days was enough16:50
jbwivI should've captured the logs, but I'm losing valuable business time16:50
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: now you wait! and reply to any question a kernel dev makes you in that bug16:50
penguin42jbwiv: Yeh, graphics drivers is most likely but I don't think I've seen anyone who'se had it that bad after a fresh install16:50
jbwivis there a way to switch to a tty from the splash screen? all attempts at alt+ctrl+Fn ended up with just a frozen image of the splash16:51
jbwivno console16:51
BUGa_vacationsand do your daily updates via update manager16:51
BUGa_vacationsso far it seems your card is not properly supported16:51
GrimmVargBUGa_vacations: hey i donwloaded the dayli and put it on a usb stick, but the installer will only let me install from a cd, and asks for the cd drive.. any clues?16:51
Daniturnso i wait till an answer pops up that all16:51
jbwivpenguin42, I just hope it solidifies before full release16:51
jbwivI wish I'd had the foresight to capture the logs from recovery16:51
BUGa_vacationsGrimmVarg: some ppl seem to be getting hit by that bug :(16:52
Daniturnwhere do the answers get published16:52
BUGa_vacationsGrimmVarg: my advice: try netboot.me installer16:52
jbwivanyone know how to get to a console from the splash screen?16:52
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: yes, you wait , and use only wired!16:52
BUGa_vacationsjbwiv: is it stuck? aka kernel crash?16:52
BUGa_vacationsCAF1 should work16:52
BUGa_vacationsbut you may need to change grub to not run plymouth16:53
jbwivBUGa_vacations, could be...couldn't switch to see16:53
jbwivplymouth? new to me. I'll make a note of it16:53
Daniturnam i allowed to go for bit and come bk to see answers16:53
GrimmVargBUGa_vacations: but a beta1 install and upgrade should put me in the same place?16:56
Daniturnhope someone will find somethin simple for me to do16:56
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: of course16:56
BUGa_vacationsjbwiv: plymouth: the new thingy showing pretty stuff in the boot16:56
Daniturndo i still need to do ugrade even tho i did up grade to 10.04  today16:56
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: don't count on it today or the next few days16:57
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: upgrade at least daily16:57
BUGa_vacationswb duffydack. fixed ?16:57
BUGa_vacationsGrimmVarg: sorry ?16:57
Daniturnand how will i know if its sorted what shall i do to check if its worked16:57
Dr_WillisDaniturn:  i update/upgrade every day16:58
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: probably when you get a kernel update16:58
Dr_WillisDaniturn:  when the icon for wireless lets you actually configure the stuff.. its working16:58
BUGa_vacationsif you are a bit knowlage, you can get a newer kernel from kernel team ppa and try it16:58
BUGa_vacationsbut looking at your questions, I doubt that, Daniturn16:59
Daniturnbut dont i have to press Fn + F1 like in windows 716:59
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: but u can learn, so https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/MainlineBuilds16:59
duffydackBUGa_vacations, tbh, ive not actually tested it for any length of time using ondemand in lucid, I just automatically change the file when I install karmic/lucid so i`m gonna test it out for a bit.. it is noticeable with compiz tho when you have a lot of windows open and like 8 desktops using scale/expo.. and I do a bit of virtualbox`n so running at max is gonna be better and Im not sure it will be 'demanding' enough for the kernel to say yeah lets h17:00
duffydackave some max cpu now... we`ll see17:00
GrimmVargBUGa_vacations: since the installer for 10.04-daily failes, wouldn't it be the same to install 10.04 beta1 and upgrade?17:00
BUGa_vacationsGrimmVarg: if B1 works for you , sure17:00
GrimmVargBUGa_vacations: okay. that whole part about aptitude confuses me a bit, since it doesnt alwaways seem to be the case17:01
GrimmVargbut ill try that17:01
BUGa_vacationsGrimmVarg: if you don't like CLI, you Update Manager GUI17:01
Daniturnhow will i activate wireless if Fn +F1 dont work17:01
Dr_WillisDaniturn:  once my wireless is on.. it stays on.. in linux or windows.17:01
Dr_WillisDaniturn:  i can boot to windows.. make sue its on.. and reboot to linux. it stays on17:02
Daniturnin windows it dont17:02
GrimmVargBUGa_vacations: ah not like that, i love cli. Its just that i feel a upgrade from beta or alpha is different then a clean install, event hough it "shoultn't" b17:02
BUGa_vacationsas long as you do it right17:03
Daniturnmine dont i boot windows activate wireless light comes on restart laptop light stays on than just before i choose boot with ubuntu light goes off and wireless is off17:03
BUGa_vacationslike $ sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude safe-upgrade GrimmVarg17:03
duffydackIt still would be nice to have the turbo to 2.8 when using 1 core like it does in windows, it would be beneficial for games and such, which mostly dont take advantage of cores...17:03
GrimmVargBUGa_vacations: ah okay, ive never used safe-upgrade actually :P17:03
BUGa_vacationsduffydack: its open source! patchs accepted17:03
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: does your BIOS have an option to make wifi ON at boot?17:04
Daniturndont know how do i check and turn it on17:04
Dr_WillisDaniturn:  just because the light is off dosent always mean the wireless is actually off.17:04
Dr_WillisDaniturn:  on my netbook the wirless light does nothing.. unless i run a specific tweak to enable it17:05
GrimmVargBUGa_vacations: but you have heard of this bug with the installer on beta1 aswell i take it?17:05
BUGa_vacationsmany many bugs around17:05
kklimonda|G1BUGa_vacations: where are you spending holidays btw?17:05
BUGa_vacationspick one17:05
penguin42BUGa_vacations: Same here; today is the last day of nearly 2 weeks of holidays - back to the grind tomorrow17:06
BUGa_vacationsone more week for me17:07
BUGa_vacationssome more shopping and travels planned thoutg17:07
Daniturnhow do i check if BIOS has an option to turn it on at boot17:07
GrimmVargDaniturn: hit F12, F2 or del at startup?17:07
* BUGa_vacations I feel like sending some one to google 17:07
Daniturnand than do what17:08
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Dr_Willislook at the bios menus..17:10
Daniturnand what am i looking for17:10
Dr_Willisjust because the wirleess light is not on.. does NOT mean the wireless is not actually on.17:10
GrimmVargDaniturn: http://tinyurl.com/ycpp7f217:10
Dr_Willisin my AAO netbook - the wirless light never works. but wireless does17:10
GrimmVargsometimes i crack my self up :P17:10
Daniturni can get into BIOS but dont know what im looking for when there17:11
Dr_WillisDaniturn:  somthing that mentons 'wireless' perhaps?17:11
Daniturnok i will try brb17:11
Dr_Willisseems rather .. logical...17:11
Dr_Williswell night all.17:11
duffydackdoes using the macos purple space wallpaper instead of lucids default make me a bad man.17:12
GrimmVargduffydack: no, but it does make you gay17:13
jackhighis it possible to get a hi res boot splash in lucid while running fglrx ? the one i have now is soooo ugly ?17:13
BUGa_vacationsGrimmVarg: funny, please avoid such remarks in this #17:13
BUGa_vacationssome ppl may get offended17:13
duffydackjackhigh, when you find out, let me kow17:13
GrimmVargBUGa_vacations: aiai17:13
duffydackBUGa_vacations, so is the turbo support being worked on do you know?17:14
* duffydack needs to google a bit more17:15
Daniturnjust has enable or disable and it is put on enable17:15
kklimonda|G1duffydack: what do you mean by turbo?17:15
BUGa_vacationskklimonda|G1: don't go there17:16
BUGa_vacationsits a windows thingy17:16
jackhighduffydack: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8995529&postcount=717:17
porter1Does anyone know if there are any reports of incredibly slow disk checking? It's taken about 20 minutes so far to get to 76% of the disk check at start up.17:17
Daniturnits just come up with enable wireless17:17
Daniturnand a tick next to it17:17
penguin42 porter1: How big and full is the disk?17:17
porter1penguin42, 500 GB hard drive, maybe 25% full.17:18
Daniturnwhat should i do now the wireless enable has come up17:18
penguin42porter1: I'm thinking that's actually not that bad; disk checks always suck17:19
porter1Actually, it looks like it's crashed now...17:19
mfraz74porter1: i did notice that the other day when it got stuck around 71% so I cancelled it and carried on17:19
porter1It never went this slow in Kermic, Jaunty, etc17:19
penguin42porter1: Ah well that would be bad!17:19
BUGa_vacationsAHAH http://dazedbyporndreams.posterous.com/i-like-this-red-riding-hood17:20
BUGa_vacationsyou try clicking that fagets17:20
Daniturnshould i disconnect cable17:20
BUGa_vacationswrong tab17:20
penguin42porter1: I'd try it from a command line on a rescue disk17:20
penguin42BUGa_vacations: Haha17:20
* BUGa_vacations shame17:20
porter1It won't let me skip it sometimes. I'm confused how they implemented disk check in Lucid17:20
* penguin42 wonders how confused the guys in the other tab17:20
SecretofManamfraz74: okay good, I'm not the only one who had their disk checking stop at around 72%17:21
penguin42porter1: A lot of this start up stuff has changed and I don't think most of us have figured it out yet - a lot of this stuff seems to be related to mountall17:21
Daniturnsome one halp now17:21
kklimonda|G1BUGa_vacations: i was going to ask if it has boobs but then i saw the domain :P17:21
BUGa_vacationsno boobs !17:21
kklimonda|G1now i'm curious ;)17:21
mfraz74secretofmana: wonder if a bug has been reported17:21
BUGa_vacationstooo many open tabs17:22
BUGa_vacationsand mixed one too17:22
BUGa_vacationsshould space this a bit more17:22
SecretofManamfraz74:  I'll go look around. When it happened I assumed it was just my laptop being slow17:22
Daniturnmy enable wireless tab is back what shall i do to connect and find my wireless17:22
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: what did you do ?17:23
lamalexhas anyone who applied for UDS sponsorship heard back?17:23
Daniturni went BIOS and than went disable than enable wireless come bk on and it was checked17:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 554079 in sysvinit "Lucid boot failed to complete after fsck" [Undecided,New]17:24
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: see?17:25
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: and does wifi now work?17:25
Daniturndont know what do i do to enable it when i press left botton on top right icon17:26
SecretofManamfraz74:  Thanks. =)17:26
Daniturndo i create new wireless17:26
mfraz74secretofmana: there are similar bugs, but I think that is the one.17:27
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: doesn't it find any ?17:28
BUGa_vacationsbug 55580717:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 555807 in linux "cant use wireless card" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55580717:28
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: I'm closing your bug , ok ?17:29
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: I'm closing your bug , ok ?17:29
Daniturnno dont17:29
Daniturni just took cable out and it went17:29
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: and does wifi now work?17:30
BUGa_vacationsDaniturn: doesn't it find any ?17:30
GrimmVargBUGa_vacations: the problem with not being able to install beta1 & daily build from usb, would that be unetbootins fault since u suggested netboot.me?17:31
Daniturnwhat do i do17:31
mfraz74bug 55374517:31
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/553745)17:31
Daniturnwhen i see wireless enabled checked what should i do next17:31
mfraz74how come I can't access that bug either?17:32
dan457Too bad your not using wicd instead of network manager.  it's more user friendly.17:33
BUGa_vacationsmfraz74: ask in #launchpad17:33
BUGa_vacationsGrimmVarg: could be17:33
duffydackaccording to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/429036   post #36,  turbo is working in 2.6.3217:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 429036 in linux "core i7 i5 (Lynnfield) turbo boost not working" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:34
BUGa_vacationsdan457: you think? feel free to help him17:34
BUGa_vacationsyay duffydack17:34
duffydackand there is a tool to check.. cool.17:35
penguin42duffydack: I've not seen any sign of it17:35
BUGa_vacationsdon't ruin is dream17:35
GrimmVargBUGa_vacations: do you know how to launch the "create a usb application" in ubuntu from terminal btw?17:38
GrimmVargwhat its called i mean17:38
BUGa_vacationsyou mean the usb-creator ?17:39
BUGa_vacations$ usb-creator-gtk17:39
GrimmVargah, ty :)17:39
lucidlynxhow to fix broken pipeline after updates? gpu=nvidia17:40
GrimmVarglucidlynx: yeah i got that one to after the upgrade17:40
GrimmVargwith nvidia17:40
lucidlynxGrimmVarg: do u know how to fix it17:40
* yofel didn't yet install updates today and goes checking...17:40
GrimmVarglucidlynx: nah, I saud fu** it and im doing a fresh install of the daily :P17:40
BUGa_vacationslucidlynx: nvidia wfm17:40
penguin42duffydack: Hmm interesting, that is showing my 2.8GHz going up to 2.93317:41
BUGa_vacationsGrimmVarg: I have the daily ISO set to boot from grub217:41
lucidlynxGrimmVarg: i just did that17:41
GrimmVargmaybe Ill just live in a cave untill 10.04 is in release :P17:42
* GrimmVarg runs out and kills a cow for dinner17:42
lucidlynxGrimmVarg: u can always delete plymouth17:42
penguin42duffydack: I thought the idea was that it would ramp the speed of *1* CPU - that's showing all 4 CPUs running faster17:42
yofelyou can't17:42
yofellucidlynx, GrimmVarg: nvidia works fine here too, does it say broken pipe in the xorg  log or...?17:43
duffydackpenguin42,  1 core under load (like the N-Qiueens does) should ramp speed up..  not for all of them,17:43
penguin42duffydack: That's not what that's showing17:43
lucidlynxyofel: on screen while booting it says broken pipeline17:44
duffydackpenguin42,  odd17:44
duffydackpenguin42,  might be bug in the tool17:44
yofellucidlynx: when does it say that?17:44
yofelor, does plymouth show up at all?17:44
BUGa_vacationsgym time. bbl17:44
lucidlynxyofel: cant be sure. it worked perfectly but after updates i *think* i did not see it but i did see broken pipeline17:45
lucidlynxmeh.. wish i never installed this...17:47
lucidlynxwell im going to compile compiz .9.0 now17:47
lucidlynxthanks so far17:47
duffydackpenguin42,  when i keep hittin the N-Queens benchmark in hardinfo) I can see it get to 2.6 (16ghz max normally with turbo to 2.8)17:47
penguin42duffydack: I use something much simpler - md5sum /dev/zero &17:48
penguin42duffydack: Then I see all the CPUs on that go up to 2.933GHz from my normal 1.2GHz17:48
duffydacki`ll try17:49
rippsDoes anybody know of a decent duplicate image finder? I know gthumb used to have a pretty decent one, but it looks like it has been removed.17:49
penguin42ripps: apt-cache search duplicate|grep -i image says findimagedupes17:49
penguin42apt-cache is your friend17:50
DanaGMy plymouth is weird: it REFUSES to show a splash, initially... and yet, when I press escape, it shows the ubuntu-text theme.17:50
DanaGAnd by "refuses", I mean, adding plymouth:debug to kernel command like makes plymouth tell me "serial console found... disabling splash".17:50
ZykoticK9ripps, geeqie (formerly gqview) has a gui duplicate finder17:50
DanaGJust because I have a serial console, it doesn't mean I don't want a splash screen!17:50
Daniturnmy enable wireless wont come bk now17:50
duffydackpenguin42,  I think its reporting it wrong, as the process is only using 96% of cpu,  if it was using all 4 then it`d be near 40017:51
DanaGtry htop.17:51
td123does ubuntu contribute to upstream projects a lot?17:51
penguin42duffydack: Yeh that md5sum only uses 1 cpu flat out17:51
Daniturnwhat can i do17:52
duffydackpenguin42, thats when turbo kicks in..  thats the design anyway.17:52
penguin42td123: The fixes normally do go back upstream17:52
penguin42duffydack: Yeh it worries me it's doing it to all CPUs though, the trick is supposed tob eyou can afford to run one CPU hotter17:52
duffydackpenguin42, nice to know its been implemented anyway..17:53
Daniturnubuntu is messed up alot17:53
ZykoticK9td123, ubuntu has been criticized for not contributing back to the linux kernel, see bugs contributed by Ubuntu versus some of the other distros (OT for this channel)17:53
duffydackpenguin42, do you notice when doing nothing, the true frequency goes up over 2000 ?17:54
penguin42ZykoticK9: I've seen the kernel changes on lkml from ubuntu guys - so they do go back; but I just think there aren't actually many ubuntu developers17:54
duffydackpenguin42, 1 second its 933 next second its 2200 approx, and again..17:55
Daniturnwhy cant ubuntu be as simple as windows and linux is ment to be human run and human friendly i think windows is more user friendly and alot easier17:55
ZykoticK9penguin42, i'm not suggesting Ubuntu doesn't contribute - obviously it does, but the userbase of ubuntu dwarf some of the other distros, which file more upstream kernel bugs.17:55
penguin42duffydack: For me it's pretty happy sitting at 1.2GHz17:56
habtoolZykoticK9, Ubuntu are focusing on the end user and not the plumbing/kernel17:56
penguin42ZykoticK9: Yeh; I think as I say Ubuntu is actually tiny in terms of developers17:56
Daniturnif it dont work this time im giving up17:56
yofelZykoticK9: that might be, but we might just have a pretty low number of people contributing to the kernel in general in ubuntu17:57
duffydackpenguin42,  you tried the gui yet17:57
penguin42duffydack: Yeh, same17:58
ZykoticK9penguin42, yofel I *really* didn't want to offend anyone in the channel, i was just adding a point for thought.17:58
penguin42ZykoticK9: Don't worry - it's fine17:58
yofelZykoticK9: np, I *do* think that we're understaffed to at some places...17:58
yofelanyone interested in joining the bugsquad btw.? :P17:59
Leathanif i knew what i was doing ... but alas im a noob17:59
penguin42yofel: My problem is I only do weekends and when I'm on holiday17:59
yofelpenguin42: we would be even happy if you would do one bug a month... we seriously can't keep up with the amount of bugs that get filed18:00
penguin42yofel: Oh I do try and pick stuff off and merge stuff and comment18:00
penguin42yofel: Other than going and triaging stuff is there anything to bugsquad?18:02
yofelnot really, if you're already helping out, THANKS!18:02
penguin42yofel: The problem is after some point all the ones you look at are actualyl ones that are hard!18:03
yofelpenguin42: if anything you can get bug control rights after getting a bit more experience18:03
yofelheh true18:03
penguin42yofel: And with the big apps these days it's hard to get a handle on it - have you ever looked at the source of OOo ?18:04
yofelwell, it's not like we're fixing bugs, we just have to make sure that the ones that have to fix them know of the bug, which can be hard enough sometimes...18:06
duffydackpenguin42,  cant get the gui to compile, I need qmake but its not avail in repo.... guess i need to compile it as well18:06
penguin42yofel: I think I'd like to understand more about the new boot up structure; I can't really debug plymouth/mountall/upstart/grub2 bugs these days where I could debug the old ways18:07
penguin42duffydack: Hmm I seem to have it; it should be in qt4-qmake18:07
yofelheh, I agree there, I'm starting to understand how upstart works finally, but it's hard to keep up with all the changes they do to the boot infrastructure18:08
duffydackpenguin42, needed g++  duh18:08
jwhitleyAnyone around who can help troubleshoot a udev/xorg configuration problem?  I'm utterly failing to migrate old HAL input device settings to udev... (or rather I have, but Xorg isn't seeing them...)18:09
LinuxGuy2009Lucid is the first release that I am actually taking the time to test out and help to report bugs and stuff to help make the LTS release the best it can be. I have it installed on my Dell Mini 10v netbook right now. I was wondering is there a time when I should probably install it on my main desktop here and test it out for day to day use so that I test it properly?18:13
penguin42jwhitley: I'm not that great with udev, but try describing the problem a bit more/18:14
billybigriggerLinuxGuy2009, i'd say it's ready to run on a day to day basis18:14
billybigriggeri've been using it on my desktop and laptops since alpha18:14
HammehYeah, i would say so - i've only had one major crash so far on beta118:15
penguin42LinuxGuy2009: Well it depends, I have it on both machines now - if you are confident that you have the skills to roll a package back a version or can live with only your netbook for a day while trying to fight the other one I'd go for it - it seems pretty decent; try the live cd first to see if it likes the hardware18:15
LinuxGuy2009Ok cool I think Ill back up my 9.04 installation and try the live CD on the desktop and verify all hardware works and then try the full install. Thanks guys!18:16
AnAntHello, my X session got blanked by a screensaver which for some reason won't display the password prompt when I move the mouse or keyboard18:16
AnAntis there a way to kill it and restore my X session (without having to kill my X session) ?18:16
AnAntI tried to kill gnome-screensaver, but that didn't help18:16
penguin42AnAnt: That normally works18:17
charlie-tcaAnAnt: Can you switch to a tty and use 'ps -A | more' to find the gnome-screensaver pid and kill it?18:17
lucidlynxhello all  how do i fix broken pipeline in plymouth?18:26
KB1JWQlucidlynx: You'd probably start by providing context.18:27
lucidlynxi installed 10.4 beta1, when i started plymouth worked fine. then i updated and rebooted and it was broken. error: broken pipeline... GPU=nvidia18:27
duffydackpenguin42, 1 question, is your cpu set to ondemand ?18:28
penguin42duffydack: Yes18:28
duffydackpenguin42, ok.   you think setting to performance would affect the turbo ability?18:28
penguin42duffydack: Well I'm not sure, I haven't quite figured out what they do - I think performance set on allt he cpus would make them all go at 2.8GHz - but then if Turbo is only supposed to work if one CPU is busy wouldn't that mean that you couldn't put one CPU into turbo if the others were all running fast18:29
duffydackpenguin42, well my standard max is 1.6ghz and turbo to 2.8, so I can only set them to run at 1.6ghz, wether setting the speed or setting to performance, both set it to 1.6, so I guess it should allow it to turbo..  guess i need to test18:31
penguin42duffydack: I don't set the speed; I just leave everything as 'ondemand'18:32
penguin42KB1JWQ: I'm guessing that's a ham radio callsign?18:33
KB1JWQpenguin42: Yes.18:33
penguin42KB1JWQ: I'm a very inactive G7FHJ - haven't used it in years; but my father is still active - do you use any of the ham radio software on Ubuntu ?18:33
KB1JWQNot unless you count IRC. :-)18:34
KB1JWQUsed to run Xastir on FreeBSD though.18:34
penguin42KB1JWQ: My dad uses some of the digital mode software18:34
duffydackpenguin42, yup, its working the same, all cpu set to perf..18:34
lucidlynxso there is nobody that can help me fix this broken pipeline18:37
penguin42lucidlynx: You could try booting with modeset=0 as a boot option18:40
lucidlynxpenguin42: what will that do?18:40
penguin42lucidlynx: If (and I don't know if it is) the new Nvidia kernel drivers are causing the problem that will disable them18:41
lucidlynxpenguin42: going to try right away brb18:43
ryanakcaCould someone help me find the cause of bug 555889 please?18:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 555889 in ubuntu "Important executables' permissions randomly change to 000" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55588918:46
* penguin42 looks18:46
penguin42ryanakca: Those are fine here18:47
ryanakcapenguin42: Yes, and they're fine on my Lucid desktop, just not my server.18:47
lucidlynxpenguin42: no unfortunately it did not work.. still broken pipeline and no plymouth18:47
penguin42ryanakca: Anything different about how you installed the server?18:47
ryanakcapenguin42: Server was a daily CD, desktop was Kubuntu 9.10 -> 10.0418:48
penguin42ryanakca: Well all bets are off with dailies - *anything* can be broken!18:48
penguin42ryanakca: You should say in the bug report that it's from a daily and the date of that daily and package versions18:49
ryanakcapenguin42: Yes, however, I've tried reinstalling every package that provides something in /sbin and /bin and the problem persists18:49
penguin42ryanakca: That's WEIRD18:50
penguin42ryanakca: So if you chmod them they fix themselves?18:50
ryanakcaFix themselves? As in revert to 000 after a period of time? Yes18:50
penguin42hmm, so you do a chmod and then they go back to 000 ??!!!18:51
ryanakcapenguin42: Yes. But not automatically, time passes and then it switches back.18:52
penguin42ryanakca: WEIRD18:52
ryanakcapenguin42: What should I search for in /var/log/* ?18:52
penguin42ryanakca: What filesystem? What else do you run on the server? Any anti-virus type stuff?18:52
penguin42ryanakca: Heck I don't know - I don't know what would do that18:52
penguin42ryanakca: The only thing I can think of would be a failed package update but then all this is in so weird a mix of packages18:53
ryanakcapenguin42: ext4 on LVM. Apache, MySQL, BIND9. ejabberd, bitlbee, apt-cacher-ng, openssh-server and postfix18:54
penguin42all sounds about normal; not come accross apt-cacher-ng before18:55
ryanakcaOh, and I have AppArmor / tripwire running18:56
penguin42ryanakca: I wouldn't have thought AppArmor would cause it - but I'd check for any apparmor deny messages; could tripwire have detected something?18:57
ryanakcapenguin42: "sudo aptitude reinstall upstart" causes "108K ---------- 1 root root 106K 2010-04-01 15:35 /sbin/init"18:58
ryanakcapenguin42: Just a second, I'll pastebin it18:59
penguin42ryanakca: There's your problem - apparmor is stopping your aptitude install stuff18:59
penguin42anyway, got to run for food18:59
ryanakcapenguin42: http://ryanak.ca/~ryan/init_wierdness18:59
ryanakcapenguin42: Bon appetit19:00
claptrapSo, if I type the terms "nvclock" or "weather" into any search field in any browser, that browser crashes.19:10
toshehi all, wonder if someone can lend me a hand with installataion issue with Kubuntu Lucid 10.1019:16
tosheI've downloaded the latest daily build .iso from today and now I'm trying to install it on my laptop19:16
toshebut when it comes to the manual disk partitioning, the installer does _not_ allow me to choose the partition19:17
tosheany ideas for workarounds?19:17
claptrapAlright, now I'm about five seconds from one hell of an epic rage.19:17
toshebasically what happens is that although I click on the "Change" button, nothing happens19:17
dan457I've had issues with the daily installer.19:17
claptrapOk, so, now that I'm back from my most recent crash19:17
dan457Try from the beta 1 then update after.19:17
dan457searching those terms you listed before from firefox works here.19:18
toshedan457: is this a bug that has been introduced with the daily update?19:18
toshedan457: if so, shall I report it?19:18
odinsbaneThe add a printer is not working well.19:19
dan457If you can repeat it with more than one computer, sure.19:19
dan457So far when a daily fails I go back to one I know works or use the beta1 cd.  That one is resonably stable.19:20
aviscrimsun, i've upgraded to the 32-19 kernel, and replaced the ubuntu alsa modules which were updated with your working ones.  the one that took priority over yours when i did an update i believe came from the ubuntu respository.  since cmi8788 is so important to me, i've removed all ubuntu entries, and kept my external sources19:21
toshedan457: thanks. I'll give it a try19:21
avisi'm frozen at this stage, but i can cope :)19:21
LinuxGuy2009Ok guys Im back after an attempt to install Lucid on my desktop machine. I ran into an issue right out of the gate. My mobo has a fake raid controller. BIOS is set to IDE not raid, but the Lucid partitioner sees the controller as "Serial ATA Raid (stripe) 1TB". I have 2 500GB drives. HDD1 is / and HDD2 is /home. Instead of seeing 2 drives it sees a single 1TB raid stripe with 500GB empty. Eeek. I have everything thats on home on my WD 19:22
zekoZekoLinuxGuy2009: disconnect the home drive for installation :)19:22
LinuxGuy2009zekoZeko: And then get the second drive working how?19:23
zekoZekowhen you have the system installed on the first one just connect it back and at it to fstab19:23
dan457or try the alternat install cd.  it's text mode but has support for raid.19:23
zekoZekothat's a workaround i guess19:23
LinuxGuy2009Hmm ok19:23
penguin42LinuxGuy2009: Do a dmesg, I've seen in someone elses dmesg a note that says 'if this was incorrectly detected at raid do ....' - but I can't remember what the .... is19:24
LinuxGuy2009Maybe I should boot into live session and use gparted to erase all partitions and then go from there. When I first got these drives I did try to do a raid stripe and Im wondering if some kind of flag was set on the drive.19:25
penguin42ryanakca: Yep, I think you need to check how your apparmor is set up and make sure it is letting aptitutde and friends do their job19:25
LinuxGuy2009Ill try that first I think.19:25
zekoZekoLinuxGuy2009: do you have a backup of your /home?19:26
LinuxGuy2009Yes i do. Its all backed up on a 250GB WD Passport\. I'm good about doing that. :)19:26
zekoZekothen do whatever you want, i wouldn't mess with partitioning otherwise :)19:27
penguin42LinuxGuy2009: And that drive is disconnected, locked away, with padlocks, in a metal box with armed guards around?19:27
LinuxGuy2009So it actually seems that Lucid supports fake raid out of the box. Thats kinda cool.19:27
kklimonda|G1it does?19:28
LinuxGuy2009No its just my ripped dvds and cds about it.19:28
LinuxGuy2009Well its seeing my nvidia controller which is fake raid and its ready to install like that.19:28
LinuxGuy2009seeing 2-500GB drives a 1TB drive19:29
zekoZekothere must be a way to install without RAID.... otherwise i'd consider it a bug in the installer.19:29
DanaGhmm, maybe there's a way to remove the RAID metadata.19:29
zekoZekoi never use onboard RAID (except if it's proper raid on the mobo)19:29
DanaGAre you trying to de-raid it?19:29
LinuxGuy2009I think it might be a flag on the drive maybe. Im gonna try gparted and wipe em clean as a whistle first.19:30
DanaGhmm, google for "remove dmraid metadata"19:30
LinuxGuy2009Yes I dont want raid. Just HDD1 as / and HDD2 as home.19:30
TrueTom1Does anyone know if 'acipd' is still used to handle events like closing/opening the lid of a notebook?19:30
penguin42zekoZeko: Oh that's the point most of the motherboard RAIDs are actually fake19:30
LinuxGuy2009yeah driver required on fake raid crap.19:30
zekoZekopenguin42: on consumer stuff yeah, but most some server mobos have proper raid onboard.19:31
zekoZekothese days19:31
penguin42zekoZeko: True if they're SAS/SCSI19:31
LinuxGuy2009yeah I remeber most IDE based mobos had real raid.19:31
DanaGargh, stupid gnome-panel... none of my themes scale the background to fit the actual size of the panel!19:31
penguin42LinuxGuy2009: Nah, most of those were fake as well19:31
zekoZekoLinuxGuy2009: no they didn't, they had promise stuff onboard, which was as fake as it gets :)19:31
LinuxGuy2009The asus board I had was real or so it seamed. Had a bios and stuff if i remember correctly.19:32
LinuxGuy2009Oh yeah that sounds like what I had must have been fake then.19:32
DanaGIntel RAID is also fakeraid, isn't it?19:33
dan457Pretty much all desktop boards were fake raid.  Most server boards did have real raid controlers though.19:33
LinuxGuy2009think so yeah19:33
dan457Most servers i've worked on anyway19:34
LinuxGuy2009fakeraid relies on CPU I read.19:34
dan457a software driver, so yes cpu.19:36
zekoZekoLinuxGuy2009: yeah, which makes it just as good (or bad) as software raid in linux... guess which one i prefer :)19:36
LinuxGuy2009Ah yeah I think I just need to wipe em clean. Gparted in live session has orange ! on drive 1. So Ill fix that.19:37
zekoZekoLinuxGuy2009: old fakeraid controllers also had some strange quirks... like not booting if one of the drives in a mirror is missing and such.19:37
dan457software raid in linux is better/more flexable than most windows drivers for the same.19:37
LinuxGuy2009Oh yeah the software raid in linux is cool cause there is no encryption from what I read that a hardware based raid does to your data.19:37
zekoZekoLinuxGuy2009: don't know about new ones, i simply prefer linux software raid as it is not tied to any controller, you can move the drives to different hardware and it simply continues to work.19:38
DanaGhmm, something interesting Intel has: non-full-time mirroring.19:38
DanaGGood for a laptop with a hard drive in a dock.19:38
LinuxGuy2009Yea thats what I was hinting at. I was reading that the hardware ones lock the drives to that controller.19:39
penguin42zekoZeko: It's pretty nice to have RAID so that boot just works, and swapping drives with hardware RAID is pretty painless, it can be done by people who don't understand what's really happening19:40
dan457That would suck if your MB fried and you just wanted the data19:40
Q-FUNKhowdy! has there been any solution to the issue with gnome-screensaver unlock dialog appearing twice?19:40
LinuxGuy2009wiped all partitions and still sees it as a 1TB stripe.19:41
faleI have installed lucid and, after an update, it seems like grub hangs. Pop ups only a dasu on the screen and nothing else happens... now I'm from a live... how can I fix it?19:41
zekoZekopenguin42: if you have a compatible controller, yeah.19:41
dan457boot off an alternat install disk and delete the raid.19:41
zekoZekopenguin42: most places that can't afford proper raid also don't have a duplicate replacement mobo handy...19:41
dan457normal disk donesn't let you change raids19:42
penguin42zekoZeko: Yeh true19:42
LinuxGuy2009What do you mean delete the raid?19:42
dan457you can create/remove software raid from the alternat install disk.  not suppored on the normal one.19:42
zekoZekopenguin42: in that case, software raid is the winner... simply put the drives on ANY regular controller in ANY mobo and Linux detects the array painlessly.19:42
penguin42zekoZeko: Yeh19:43
dan457Or use a live disk from a distro that supports raid in the installer (like fedora)19:43
penguin42zekoZeko: Sometimes it does take a bit of smarts to deal with a failure though, you can't just leave it to a guy with a screwdriver and spare disc19:43
LinuxGuy2009Oh I got it guys! Just made new partition tables on both drives with gparted. Problem solved. Now sees 2 drives.19:43
zekoZekopenguin42: well yeah, but when they have important data on the drives they won't let any monkey fiddle with it anyway, so it doesn't make a difference.19:44
LinuxGuy2009Wow this so cool. Lucid can install normally amongst the two drives in whatever partition layout I choose like normal, and also the choice of combining the two drives a 1TB single drive. Nice to have an option.\19:45
dan457Not all hardware raid controllers recover gracefully.  One server 2nd disk failed and it recovered fine.... later 1st drive failed at it couldn't repair the mirror....19:45
dan457If that mirror had been sofware it wouldn't have mattered.19:46
dan457At leaste I had a recient backup.  could have been bad.19:48
LinuxGuy2009Im kinda curious to see what boot speed is on the desktop instead of just my netbook now. Is it pretty fast?19:49
dan457depends.  my laptop is faster.  7200 rpm  drive is this babby.  my desktop is 10s slower to boot19:49
penguin42LinuxGuy2009: My desktop is pretty fast now19:50
penguin42LinuxGuy2009: I've not actually measured it but it's low numbers of seconds19:50
dan457desktop boots in 35 sec, laptop in 25 (from grub  menu)19:51
LinuxGuy2009sweet cant wait19:51
dan457That's after everything is loaded, not just when I first see desktop19:51
zekoZekoyeah boot time gor pretty decent in Lucid19:51
zekoZekogood work there19:51
dan457shuts down even faster19:51
zekoZekoi don't do that often19:52
penguin42hmm that's pretty impressive - this machine will build OOo in just over an hour from deb source19:52
zekoZekomy desktop is on 24/7 and I only put my laptop to sleep.19:52
zekoZekohibernation is a no-go since i have 4GB of RAM in that machine :)19:52
zekoZekotakes too lng19:52
penguin42dan457: Yeh shutdown is ~5 seconds most of the time19:52
dan457I don't want my laptop draining battery wile in my case19:52
dan457ya, 5 -10 here depending on whats open19:52
dan457since shutdown/startup is so fast now on this laptop don't realy see much need for sleep.19:53
zekoZekoi prefer battery draining (it can sleep for mode than 24hrs, more than enough IMO) to loading a gazillion tabs ni the browser every time :)19:54
faleanyone has any idea on how to make grub working again?19:54
LinuxGuy2009 zekoZeko:Doesnt hibernate only backup what part of ram is actually in use?19:54
dan457Unless I have a  bunch of stuff open I want to continue later... and i'm feeling too lazy to open it again19:54
zekoZekoLinuxGuy2009: no idea, but it takes too long in any case.19:54
yofelboot has gotten fast enough IMO, even my desktop only needs ~19s until kdm http://yofel.dyndns.org/ext/bootchart/yofel-desktop-lucid-20100405-1.png19:54
zekoZekoLinuxGuy2009: sleep is almost instant (5sec or so), while 1-2G that is in use takes a while to write to disk19:54
dan457I let firefox save my tabs when I close it.19:55
zekoZekome too, but loading all of them is a pain.19:55
yofelI do remember 40-60s boot times before karmic19:55
LinuxGuy2009Hmmm bad. Gparted and the installation partitioner refuse to partition my drives.19:55
dan457Grub?  depends on what is broken with it19:56
jwhitleypenguin42: (fell off there; irc client problem?) My x11_options.* settings show up via udev, but aren't being picked up by xorg.19:56
Ian_Corneyofel: I don't but it's been a while since I used jaunty :p19:56
ryanakcapenguin42: What do I do about the bug?19:56
* penguin42 is about to disappear19:56
jwhitleypenguin42:  "udevadm info --query=all --name=..." and udev logs show correct settings, but these don't turn up in xinput list-props and Xorg logs. (and don't take effect..)19:56
dan457If you using the latest daily, the installer is somewhat buggy.  try the beta1 disk then update19:56
penguin42jwhitley: Sorry, don't know - try #ubuntu-x19:57
jwhitleyrighto, thanks.19:57
LinuxGuy2009Well what should I try now?19:57
arandLinuxGuy2009: swapoff?19:57
* penguin42 disappears19:57
LinuxGuy2009 arand: huh? Im stuck at installation still.19:58
LinuxGuy2009 arand: I setup partitions and it wont create them, throws an error.19:58
dan457You using the lastest live disk?  I know that installer is broken19:58
DanaGmy bootchart.19:58
LinuxGuy2009Using beta1.19:59
dan457hmm, beta1 should be good.19:59
dan457what's the error?19:59
arandLinuxGuy2009: Do you have a swap already present on the disk?19:59
LinuxGuy2009Installed fine on my netbook here.19:59
LinuxGuy2009no I deleted all partitions on both drives19:59
dan457did you reboot and start over after doing so?20:00
LinuxGuy2009doing that now. rebooting20:00
dan457have to do that sometimes when you start with a new partition table.20:00
LinuxGuy2009yeah thats what I figured too20:00
DanaGdan457: try this instead:20:00
DanaGsudo hdparm -z /dev/whatever20:00
DanaGthat means "reread partition table"20:00
arandor use partprobe, I think might do the trick similarly.20:01
dan457Nice to know. will have to try it some time.20:02
LinuxGuy2009Yeah rebooting took out the raid listing from the drive selection. Trying to repartition now.20:02
hellyeahi install ubuntu lucid20:06
hellyeahwhat is the driver of nvidia20:06
hellyeah195 ?20:06
hellyeahhmm thats good d: windows 7 drşver 19720:06
hellyeahdriver 1920:06
dan457I mean20:07
dan457if you use the hardware driver tool and install the current driver that is what you will get.20:08
LinuxGuy2009Ok cool Im good now guys just needed to start with some clean drives. Piece of cake.20:08
hellyeahwhat şs drşver tool20:08
dan457it's in your system menu20:09
hellyeahokey you mean that i understand20:09
hellyeahwhen you prepare unofficial guide for ubuntu lucid20:09
raydaviHi i have some problems with getting the fglrx driver to work with my radeon hd 5750 card. anybody got a clue?20:11
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as uRock
jackhighraydavi: did you do update or fresh install ?20:12
jackhighraydavi: i had loads of trouble with my upgrade but i fresh installed todays daily build and they installed fine20:13
dan457Not using that card in any of my computers, but the one I do have that uses it... it wouldn't even detect it untill latest update...20:13
dan457older hd card than yours though20:13
jackhighmines a hd260020:13
dan457That's close to what's in my server box.20:14
dbuggerHey guys! I finally got Lucid running, but I have some troubleshooting. Hope you guys can help me :)20:14
raydaviok perhaps i will download and make a fresh install than20:15
jackhighuse todays build20:15
dbuggerFor example. Gwibber doesnt show me my twitter. Actually it shows me tweets with replies to me, but not the people im following :(20:15
raydavijackhigh: where do i download todays build?20:15
jackhighlet me get you a link 1 sec20:15
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/20:16
yofel!daily | raydavi20:16
ubotturaydavi: please see above20:16
raydavithanks alot :)20:16
jackhigh:) im too slow20:16
gnomefreaknot much changed from yesterdays build and todays20:16
jackhighprolly not but with the beta 1 i couldnt get fglrx to work i was messing with the ati drivers20:18
gnomefreakthe image doesnt contain those drivers20:18
dan457ya, fglrx didn't work for me with beta 1.  it works now though20:18
dan457ya, but you can use the driver tool to find/download them after20:19
jackhighi know but they wouldnt work just like dan says they work now tho20:19
gnomefreakdan457: yes but has nothing to do with the ISO :)20:19
dan457You want them on the ISO?  you need to make a custom one then.20:19
jackhighmaybe it has somthing to do with the broken packages we all tried to install in the first builds20:20
raydaviok its beta 1 i got.. i hope todays build will do the trick20:20
gnomefreakdan457: installing yesterdays ISo or using todays willnot change the drivers20:20
hellyeahubuntu lucid gives two bug in 30 minutes20:20
gnomefreakonly 2?20:21
jackhighwe understand this but i think theres a few of us that have found a fresh install with the latest build works and its easyer than fixing the mess we were in20:21
PiciThen two more to report in launchpad.20:21
hellyeahfor now20:21
dan457Anyone with gnome's video chipset?  mine is older and prob doesn't apply20:21
jackhighmy first swearword with lucid was muttered when i saw that sombody moved the buttons to the left :)20:22
dan457lol.  That didn't last long.20:23
gnomefreakare they not on the left anymore?20:23
raydavithey are left here20:24
jackhighi moved mine back too20:24
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as uRock
raydavii got used to it :=)20:24
dan457they made that default, but after a lot of complaints set default back to right20:24
kklimonda|G1no, they didnt20:24
gnomefreakthey wont either20:25
dan457realy?  I heard they did.20:25
dan457ah well, what do I know, I stopped usiing gnome anyway20:25
kklimonda|G1heh, I'm literally lagging behing ;)20:25
* gnomefreak thought about using xfce or kde but than i would have to change my nick :(20:25
dan457I should do gnome in a vm just to test though20:26
jackhighthey should have an easy newb switch tho in appearence i think so peeps can have them where they like without messing with that gconf thingy20:26
kklimonda|G1you can always change theme20:26
gnomefreakdoesnt tweek do it?20:26
gnomefreakgtweak even20:26
jackhighno idea tbh ive never used that20:27
kklimonda|G1gnomefreak: it does20:27
gnomefreaksee there is the easy way without using gconf :)20:27
gnomefreakbe back need to restart to test setup20:27
LinuxGuy2009I updated this morning and saw one of the update descriptions said something about change window controls or something similar. So i installed them and tried changeing themes and it said something about this theme suggests a certain control layout and something about if I wanted to invert them. It only asked like one or two theme changes and stopped asking. Might be an attempt to give users the option.20:28
dan457How's that fresh install comming?20:31
LinuxGuy2009Mines going good just finished.20:32
jackhighanyone played around with BT yet mine doesnt seem to be working20:32
LinuxGuy2009no bt here sorry20:33
jackhighsorry im too lazy at typing i make up my own abbreviations20:33
dan457not using it here :-(20:33
dan457I have it... and it shows.. but have not connected anything to it20:34
dan457Hmm.. maybe I should buy a blutooth headset to use with wow.......20:35
jackhighi find it handy for sending pictures from our phones no need to hunt out all those different cables for all the different phones the family have20:36
dan457Now if you had a problem getting a ralink 2090 wireless card working... there I could help you.. hehe20:36
LinuxGuy2009OT but now I know why Mandriva 2010 live cd wouldnt install. Needed to clean my drives and get rid of the raid flags or whatever.20:36
LinuxGuy2009]might be why20:37
dan457hard to say. different installer altogethert=20:37
dan457darn keyboard...20:37
LinuxGuy2009yeah im not too worried about it. Only reason I was looking at it was that 9.10 wouldnt work for me.20:38
LinuxGuy2009been on 9.04 for a very long time.20:38
jackhighoh i got it working i just had to unplug and replug my BT dongle20:39
LinuxGuy2009you da man!20:40
jackhighlol im a bit tired now with all that leaning down pluging things in :)20:40
dan457easier fix than my wireless was this morning20:40
dan457got tired of using the external20:41
dan457for some reason the driver had to have the config file in some non-standard place.  odd.20:42
dan457I've been lurking in here all day to test stability.... so far so good20:43
DanaGhmm, 60 second boot.20:43
DanaGnot bad... but not great, either.20:43
LinuxGuy2009hmm did you file a bug report or something for that?20:43
dan457is that the first boot?  2nd is usualy faster20:43
dan457there was one already.20:44
LinuxGuy2009crap my netbook is like 35sec. 60 is slow20:44
Moc10.04 boot freaking fast on my end, a few secondes20:45
Mocbut there is alot of bugs to be fixed20:45
LinuxGuy2009Moc: Make sure you report any bugs you find so it ends up being a good release.20:45
MocLinuxGuy2009: bah, bugs I reported since 8.10 are still not fixed20:46
kklimonda|G1you can also fix them yourself, we won't mind :)20:46
LinuxGuy2009Moc: Hmm thats sad.20:46
MocI got ennuf project I'm working on..20:47
MocI can't be every where20:47
shane2peruany thoughts on upgrading, trying experimental OS ati drivers?20:47
LinuxGuy2009Moc: Oh come on now.......we're all counting on you.......lets pull it together now. :p20:48
dan457Long as you have a good backup, go for it shane20:48
MocI wish I were rich and I didn't had to bother to make $, but I'm not so20:48
kklimonda|G1Moc: and neither can we - it's all about priorities20:48
kklimonda|G1Moc: you should still report bugs so we at least know about them20:49
LinuxGuy2009Moc: Yeah and seriously Ubuntu should be #1 on the list. Cause jeeze real life can wait right? ha20:50
Mockklimonda|G1: I know, but I hate doing it and see that 8 month latter they are still not resolved... anyway, I'll lived with the bugs hehe20:50
shane2perudan457, well, this computer isn't worth backing up, I have never been able to use it with Linux and didn't have any luck selling it, so basically nothing on it.20:50
Mocapt-get remove resolve a few of them ;20:50
Mocgwibber is the first one that get removed20:51
DanaGMy boot is relatively constant... always about 60 seconds.20:51
shane2perudoes anyone have any info or guides on upgrading to latest os ati drivers?20:51
LinuxGuy2009sudo dpkg -i GetMeANewJob-i386.deb20:51
MocLinuxGuy2009: install the 64bit version atless20:52
LinuxGuy2009LOL yeah thats for sure20:52
faleafter an update, my pc does not boot anymore... it seems like grub having problems. Now I'm on the pc with a live... could someone, please, help me restoring my boot?20:53
Mocfale: you can ship it to me, I'll fix it20:53
Mocas long as you pay shipping back20:53
Mocand your not a smoker20:54
LinuxGuy2009What does smoking have to do with it?20:54
dan457The smell.20:54
LinuxGuy2009strange request20:54
LinuxGuy2009oh yeah20:54
faleMoc: mmm cool... but... could you just give me an hint, please?20:54
shane2perumaybe given the job situation, he wants to make sure your not going to sell it for cigs. :)20:55
shane2peruLinuxGuy2009, ^20:55
Mocfale: I would google and find info about how to install grub with a boot cd20:55
guntbertfale: give as much details as possible20:55
dan457is it grub that's broken?20:55
Mocsmell ...20:55
faleMoc: the thing is that I did it... but the problem persist20:55
MocI've touch to too many smoker pc in my life..20:55
charlie-tca!grub2 | fale20:55
ubottufale: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub220:55
LinuxGuy2009my dad smokes cigars they make me seriously nauseous.20:56
faleguntbert: when I fire-up the pc, after all the bios writes, the monitor stay black with only a dash that appears and disappears. If I try to write something, the characters appear on the monitor20:56
falecharlie-tca: yep, I looked a grub2 guide (update-grub and after grub-install /dev/sda)20:57
shane2perufale, you need to re-install grub, it is somewhat simpler with grub2, but I don't remember exactly how to do it.20:57
LinuxGuy2009ill be back i need some food.20:58
yofelfale: see the grub2 wiki page on how to reinstall grub, there's a chroot step-by-step guide therre20:58
gnomefreakyofel: any idea what the window seelecter is called on the bottom gnome panel (the thing that shows what windows are open and you can chooce)21:00
yofelor hm...21:01
yofelin kde it's called task manager, could be similiar in gnome21:02
EdgEywindow list21:02
yofelah ^^21:02
gnomefreakEdgEy: thanks21:02
gnomefreaknow i have panel back to almost normal21:02
raydaviworkspace shifter ?21:03
=== ubuntujenkins_ is now known as ubuntujenkins
falethank you guys... I'm going to reboot and cross my fingers21:05
Berzerkeranyone have any tips on how to tweak ubuntu to no return? :P21:29
yofelBerzerker: hey, didn't we already attempt that yesterday? :P21:31
guntbertBerzerker: ??21:31
Berzerkeryofel: lol kinda21:31
BerzerkerI mean like cool visual stuff, nifty/useful programs, etc.21:31
BerzerkerI jumped into it when I first installed it, and now I feel like I have nothing to do lol21:31
allyourrejectsI'm just reading the nvidia driver version in Lucid.  Isn't 195.36.08 the driver that nvidia pulled because of fan issues causing cards to overheat ?21:39
bjsniderallyourrejects, not an issue anymore. don't worry about it21:39
allyourrejectsok.  any background on that?21:40
yofelallyourrejects: it was fixed in 195.36.1521:40
allyourrejectsbut .08 is what lucid installs21:40
bjsniderno it isn't21:40
allyourrejectsSetting up nvidia-settings (195.36.08-0ubuntu1)21:40
yofel!info nvidia-current21:40
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 195.36.15-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 22737 kB, installed size 70800 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)21:41
allyourrejectsjust installed it like 2 sec ago21:41
bjsnidernvidia-settings isn't the same thing21:41
allyourrejectsah, yes I see that now. My mistake.  Thanks21:41
hellyeahii installed nvidia21:42
hellyeahbut it works like shit21:42
Bobo1hello, are there a webpage that lists all bugs that is allready reported for ubuntu10.04 ?21:42
hellyeahi use ubuntu lucid21:42
Bobo1so I can do a quick ctrl-F search on it before I report a bug21:43
hellyeahperformance is very bad, very slow21:43
guntbert!language | hellyeah21:43
ubottuhellyeah: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:43
hellyeahsorry okey21:43
guntberthellyeah: this isn't a place for rants.  Do you have an ubuntu support question?21:43
hellyeahbut performance is very bad21:43
hellyeahthis channel is for ubuntu lucid21:43
yofelBobo1: rather use google and 'site:bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu <search_term>', we have several hundreds of bugs filed for lucid21:44
Bobo1btw, are Beta2 released soon? (I mean if I wait like 3 days I could test that instead) ?21:44
hellyeahubuntu lucid support21:44
Bobo1yofel: aha21:44
yofelhellyeah: it is21:44
guntberthellyeah: yes21:44
yofel!schedule | Bobo121:44
ubottuBobo1: A schedule of Lucid Lynx (10.04) release milestones can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule21:44
yofelBobo1: you actually guessed right ;) 3 days21:45
hellyeahmy driver works very bad21:46
hellyeahcopiz works very bad21:46
hellyeahi iinstalled nvidia already21:47
Bobo1haha yeah in exactly 3 days :-) ok I think I wait with testing ubuntu thursday21:47
yofelhellyeah: *what* about your driver works very bad? just slow or something else?21:47
hellyeahvery slow21:47
allyourrejectsYou guys are probably tired of supporting nvidia, but I've never run into a bug with Activating the driver. dkms installs and builds the module.  However, it fails on the modprobe with: FATAL: Error inserting nvidia_current (/lib/modules/2.6.32-19-generic/updates/dkms/nvidia-current.ko): No such device21:47
yofelallyourrejects: does lsmod list nouveau?21:48
allyourrejectsoh I bet it does21:48
hellyeahwhat can i do21:48
kklimonda|G1allyourrejects: what do you have in dmesg output?21:48
bjsniderallyourrejects, have you got /usr mounted on a separate partition?21:48
Bobo1I hope someone have fixed printscreen/diskutilty/empathy/installationprogram and all the rest until then21:48
hellyeahyofel, nvidia               9932176  4121:48
allyourrejectsyofel: yes it does, but I couldn't prevent that since I used X to "activate" the nvidia driver21:48
allyourrejectsbjsnider:  no21:49
kklimonda|G1someone is pretty busy Bobo121:49
Bobo1(hopefully they give the users some easy way to restore the way things look too hehe)21:49
allyourrejectskklimonda|G1: NVRM: No NVIDIA graphics adapter probed21:49
Bobo1kklimonda|G1: heheh yeah I guess so21:49
kklimonda|G1so you have nvidia driver running right now allyourrejects ?21:49
hellyeahpls help21:50
Bobo1hellyeah: with what?21:50
yofelhellyeah: I have no idea how to debug slow graphics, be patient, maybe someone else will have21:50
allyourrejectsI fresh installed, I guess it install nouveau automatically.  Then I used the Hardware Drivers to "activate" nvidia, it said it failed21:50
bjsniderallyourrejects, what graphics card is this?21:50
allyourrejectsI checked the log, and it fails to insert the module with that FATAL line I posted21:51
hellyeahubuntu 9.10 it was fast21:51
Bobo1isn't nouveau the default graphics driver when you have nividia-cards in 10.04 ?21:51
hellyeahnow it is slow it is same driver21:51
hellyeahwhat is this ?21:51
yofelallyourrejects: you did reboot after activating the driver?21:51
yofelBobo1: it is21:51
allyourrejectsyofel: not yet.  it said failed so I didn't want to touch anything21:51
allyourrejectsbjsnider: geforce 220M (worked in 9.10)21:51
allyourrejectsk brb21:51
Bobo1(too bad it won't let me select anything higher than 1024x768 though)21:52
Bobo1hellyeah: aha so first fast, and then slow, and you haven't done anything between?21:52
hellyeahi did fresh install ubuntu 10.0421:53
Berzerkerif I install windows on another drive, what's the easiest way to get grub to recognize it21:53
yofelBerzerker: when you run update-grub, os-prober should search for existing systems on all drives21:54
hellyeaheach time i install ubuntu ubuntu makes me hate21:57
Bobo1hellyeah: :-)21:57
Prfxdid anyone get ipod sync with firmware 3.1.3 working?21:58
Bobo1hellyeah:  I didn't hate ubuntus default seetings in the earlier version as much as I does with Windows-installations, but now... 10.04 is sooooo ugly21:59
Bobo1btw, I guess you all have got the question how to move back the buttons to death by now, but I can't find it :-( how do I do?22:00
hellyeahwhen i did fresh install driver works great 9.1022:00
yofel!controls | Bobo122:00
ubottuBobo1: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d622:00
hellyeahbut it works bad in ubuntu 10.04 how is it possible22:00
Bobo1ah thanks.22:00
hellyeahwhy it move to left22:01
hellyeahwhat is the reason of that22:01
hellyeahit is os standard since 1980's i suppose22:01
Bobo1hellyeah: I haven't tried nvidias closedsrc-drivers yet... still running the default 2D-driver and they work ok (well only 1024x768 tough)22:01
hellyeahi want compiz22:02
yofelwth, the ubottu factoid list has it, but ubottu tells me it doesn't know it o.O22:03
yofeljussi01: ^22:03
hellyeahdebian way is not working22:04
hellyeahubuntu is based on debian22:04
hellyeahwhy ubuntu dont use debian way for installing driver22:04
hellyeahit is rediculus i think22:04
yofeland what's the debian way?22:05
gnomefreakjockey was in Debian IIRC22:05
yofeland installing drivers with apt works fine too btw.22:05
hellyeahm-a update && m-a prepare m-a a-i nvidia && aptitude install nvidia-glx nvidia-xconfig && nvidia-xconfig22:06
bjsniderthe mandriva way is far better than the old way of using diversions22:06
hellyeahthis is very simple22:06
gnomefreakuse jockey it does everything for you22:06
yofelhellyeah: 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-current' is even more simple22:06
gnomefreakinclude enable compiz22:06
bjsniderwith jockey you click one button. that's technically very simple22:06
yofelyou'll have to run nvidia-xconfig too after that though22:06
gnomefreakjockey does everything for you :)22:07
gnomefreakbe back smoke22:07
hellyeahalready newest22:07
Oxymoronyofel: Oh noes, dont run nvidia-xconfig22:07
hellyeahi use jockey and acxtivate nvidia current22:07
yofelOxymoron: I know it's stupid sometimes, but it didn't break anything here (yet)22:07
hellyeahbut it works very slow22:08
hellyeahit works very bad22:08
Oxymoronyofel: Yeah, maybe does work but you shouldnt even need a xorg.conf ;)22:08
Oxymoronyofel: Not anything more than default settings that xserver-xorg create anyway22:08
OxymoronWhats xorg btw? I thiink I have seen it in Windows one time?22:09
hellyeahwhy do you say about that22:09
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution22:09
hellyeahwhy why wh22:10
Oxymoronyofel: Whats the word xorg I mean not xserver ... is xorg a grpahic company who developed screen GUI grpahics from the beginning or what? :P22:10
yofelOxymoron: well, nvidia-xconfig does add a lot of stuff that you don't need, but you still need an xorg.conf to use nvidia and not nouveau as nouveau is the default22:10
yofelnope, xorg should stand for the X.org Foundation22:11
Oxymoronyofel: Why not X Organisation? :D22:11
* gnomefreak scared to see where this is going22:12
yofelno idea, and we're getting off topic22:12
hellyeahgave up22:12
hellyeaheverything looks ok22:12
Oxymoronyofel: Yeah :) Well if youre lazy nvidia-xconfig is that thing I guess xD Hopefully someone got the idea by adding CorePointer for mousepointer in there as well, because Vbox Mouse integrations doesnt work without that xD22:12
hellyeahslow slow slow22:12
hellyeahany ideas22:13
gnomefreakOxymoron: can we please get back on topic22:13
yofelhellyeah: what does 'glxinfo | grep render' say?22:13
Oxymorongnomefreak: Sorry :P22:13
hellyeahyofel, direct rendering: Yes22:13
hellyeahOpenGL renderer string: GeForce 8400M GS/PCI/SSE222:13
hellyeah    GL_NV_conditional_render, GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color, GL_NV_copy_image,22:13
hellyeah    GL_NVX_conditional_render, GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info,22:13
yofelhm, that's fine22:14
bjsnidernot a terribly powerful chip, that22:14
hellyeahyes verything looks fine22:14
hellyeahwhen i do enable compiz it becomes slow, very bad22:15
Daniturnive done every thin i can to connect to internet wirelessly but i cannot shit the greyed out enable wireless22:15
Daniturnanyone help22:17
Daniturni can connect via cable but the enable wireless is greyed out22:19
Daniturnand i disabled enable wireless in BIOS22:20
odinsbaneDaniturn: what wireless card are you using?  Why would you disable enable wireless in bios, does your card show up in lspci?  Do you get an dmesg errors?22:21
Daniturnwell im using arthreos22:21
Daniturnif thats how its splet22:21
Daniturnand we went through everythin and in the end had to report it as a bug22:22
yofelDaniturn: bug number?22:22
Daniturncant remember website i had to report it to22:22
Daniturni got bug number but cant remeber website22:23
yofelhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/ ?22:23
yofelDaniturn: and the number is?22:23
yofel(if it's launchpad then we just need the number)22:23
Daniturnwhere do i find the bug i reported22:25
arandDaniturn: Look at bug associated with you LP profile22:26
arands/bug/bugs/, s/you/your/22:26
Daniturnmy bug cant be found22:26
arandDaniturn: do an advanced search and look at invalid, fixed, duplicates as well..22:27
LinuxGuy2009may have been merged with another or whatever they do when its a dup, or something if it doesnt show on your LP page.22:27
arandAll dupes are hidden by default in searches22:28
Daniturnthey deleted it22:29
arandHighly annoying, since I find myself using advanced search very frequently.22:30
yofelDaniturn: you can't delete bugs, you can mark them as a duplicate of another one and mark it as invalid22:30
LinuxGuy2009check your email to see if you recieved an automatic notice of the report.22:30
yofelDaniturn: do you by chance have the number?22:30
LinuxGuy2009Daniturn:  checked your email?22:31
kklimonda|G1bug 55580722:32
yofelbug 555807 ?22:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 555807 in linux "cant use wireless card" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55580722:32
BUGabundoboas noites o/22:33
kklimonda|G1g'night BUGabundo22:33
LinuxGuy2009invalid hehe22:33
Daniturnits not invalid22:33
yofelBUGabundo: ^22:33
Daniturnit worked using bios once than went and wont work again22:34
kklimonda|G1Daniturn: and if you enable it in bios again?22:34
yofelo.O? after you activated it in the bios it worked once and then stopped working again?22:34
Daniturni tried to find my wireless disconnected me and the enable wireless was greyed out again22:35
osmosisits would be nice if someone just put django 1.2 beta into lucid. django 1.2 final will be released in a few weeks, and can be updated in lucid then.22:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 505440 in python-django "django 1.2 for lucid" [Undecided,New]22:35
BUGabundokklimonda|G1: that battery suprisses me!22:35
Daniturnits annoyed me all day22:36
kklimonda|G1osmosis: in the bug you pasted there is an answer from canonical employee about django - can you check who it is and poke him again?22:36
kklimonda|G1osmosis: there has been so many changes in 1.2 that it may not be wise to get it into lucid.22:37
Daniturni may need new laptop soon22:37
kklimonda|G1osmosis: i was in favour of getting 1.2 into lucid until upstream has flushed their release schedule again22:38
Daniturnas it also says batter 41% copacity and it old22:38
osmosiskklimonda|G1, or so many changes may be a reason TO get it into lucid. Switching lucid to 1.2 after release would be impossible if other lucids are already running with 1.122:38
kklimonda|G1osmosis: well, we may also ship with 1.1 and provide ppa with 1.222:39
Daniturnanyone able help me with enableing wireless in ubuntu22:39
Daniturnso greyed out enable wireless is gone22:39
kklimonda|G1osmosis: at this point i don't even know we can test all django's rdepends for compatibility issues22:39
LinuxGuy2009Daniturn: Laptop?22:39
osmosiskklimonda|G1, i dont think a release slip or any minor bugs remaining in django 1.2 are an issue. Im already using django 1.2 with no issue. Its more a matter of what is going to be sitting in lucid ...ubuntu server LTS...for the next 2 years.22:40
kklimonda|G1osmosis: for 522:40
Daniturnall the info u need22:40
Daniturnlook on launchpad22:40
LinuxGuy2009NM forget it22:40
LinuxGuy2009I really dont care22:40
Daniturnwont halp than thanks22:40
yofelDaniturn: use 'bug <num>' for that22:40
osmosiskklimonda|G1, if django 1.2 isnt going to go into lucid...then I think it shouldnt include a django at all. No use including 1.1. Just have no django package, and people can just not use a package manager.22:41
Daniturnits annoyed me and no one seemes to help and nothin is helping either22:41
osmosiskklimonda|G1, with 1.1 thats what everyone is going to have to do anyways. Not use a package management system and install django by hand themselves.22:41
kklimonda|G1osmosis: why? many sites are running on old django so it's not useless22:41
yofelDaniturn: but sill, it's odd that it works once after you enable it in the bios22:41
LinuxGuy2009Daniturn: Could be your attitude when someone offers to help. Just a thought.22:42
osmosiskklimonda|G1, i suppose so. without any facts to point to, id think most people will migrate to 1.2 pretty quickly.22:42
yofelDaniturn: it's not that we don't want to help, but not all of us are wireless network experts...22:42
kklimonda|G1osmosis: but the choice isn't mine anyway - get in touch with canonical employee who commented on this bug and ask him for an opinion. Or i'll do it once i'm home tomorrow.22:42
Daniturnand when i loaded mint 8 via cd it loaded than wouldnt do anythin and than did the same thing22:43
osmosiskklimonda|G1, im not sure who the cononical employee is in the bug post.22:43
kklimonda|G1osmosis: i know a huge site running on a heavily patched 0.96 ;)22:43
Daniturni dont seem to know anythin22:43
kklimonda|G1osmosis: you can just read all comments and find out - i ca't check it right now as my network connection is too slow22:44
yofelDaniturn: did this work in karmic?22:44
Daniturnkarmic not tried it22:44
LinuxGuy2009karmic was a bit yukky22:44
kklimonda|G1osmosis: if you have no time I can do it tomorrow when i'm back home22:45
Daniturni have tiny core linux 2.7 aswell22:45
osmosiskklimonda|G1, ill give it a shot22:45
yofelBUGabundo: why exactly did you invalidate that bug?22:45
BUGabundowhich bug?.22:46
kklimonda|G1osmosis: frankly i'm really dissapointed in django release team - they had the sam problem (falling behind the schedule) with both 1.0 and 1.1 - it makes making any plans impossible :/22:46
yofelbug 55580722:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 555807 in linux "cant use wireless card" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55580722:46
BUGabundothe one from Daniturn?22:46
BUGabundohe said it was on, after bios change22:46
Daniturnthan i said it wasnt because it took me offline22:46
Daniturnand was greyed out again22:47
BUGabundowhat was ?22:47
BUGabundoyou were not clear!22:47
BUGabundowas NM?22:47
BUGabundoor was WiFi?22:47
Daniturnenable wifi was grey out22:47
BUGabundoI don't see how one moment it was available, and the next one its not22:47
Daniturni dont get it either22:48
Daniturndid same in mint 8 aswell22:48
charlie-tcaThat's logical. Mint8 is Xubuntu 9.10 based22:50
charlie-tcaor Ubuntu based22:50
Daniturnyes but one may work other may not22:50
Daniturnis tiny core any good22:50
charlie-tcaI don't know tiny core22:51
Daniturnbased on Linux 2.6 kernel, Busybox, Tiny X, and Fltk22:51
Daniturnits only 10mb22:52
yofelDaniturn: you could try to replace NM with wicd maybe...22:52
Daniturnive tried22:52
yofelif it still doesn't work it might be a kernel bug after all22:53
Daniturncould be22:53
DanaGhmm, what wifi card?22:53
Daniturnand i will just wait and see22:53
DanaGmy netbook has an rtl8192 that sucks horribly with the native driver, but works fine with ndiswrapper.22:54
yofelDanaG: 08:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5001 Wireless Network Adapter [168c:001c] (rev 04)22:54
DaniturnAtheros AR5001 Wireless Network Adapter22:54
DanaGanyway, give ndiswrapper a try... it may work better than native drivers.22:55
Daniturni tried and couldnt get it to work22:55
yofelDaniturn: can you post a comment on the bug that it stops working again after enabling it in the bios? and set the status to new again22:55
DanaGWinXP drivers, or Vista drivers?22:55
DanaGndiswrapper needs XP drivers.22:55
Daniturni have windows 722:55
DanaGAnyway, ndiswrapper won't work with Vista (and above) ndis6 drivers -- you'll probably need to find XP drivers to give to ndiswrapper.22:56
hellyeahwhat is this22:57
DanaGhmm, looks like it may now support ndis6 after all.22:57
topylihellyeah, looks like some sort of shell output22:58
hellyeahany help22:58
hellyeahbut i cant install nvidia22:58
yofelhellyeah: that's the jockey.log right?22:58
hellyeahinstallation failed22:58
charlie-tcahellyeah: I think that is a log file22:58
Daniturnive done that22:58
yofelbut it seems to have installed it properly, even if it says some warnings at the end22:58
hellyeahbut it said installation failed22:59
charlie-tcaNvidia hardware install does that now22:59
charlie-tcabut it doesn't mean it didn't work22:59
hellyeahi see still activate22:59
charlie-tcabug 55265322:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 552653 in jockey "[Lucid] Jockey fails to install nvidia hardware driver" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55265322:59
yofelhellyeah: also, glxinfo showed your driver properly being used before23:00
charlie-tcahellyeah: jockey reports that the install failed, but it doesn't fail.23:00
hellyeahhow to put something to blacklist23:01
yofelDaniturn: I said 'New', not 'In Progress', do you plan on fixing that bug?23:01
hellyeahi dont know anything about that23:01
hellyeahyofel,  i am trying fresh install23:02
Daniturnchanged to new now and i wanna fix it23:02
yofelDaniturn: thanks, In Progress means you're working on a patch that will fix that bug (you're the developer that will fix it)23:03
hellyeahhow can i blacklist nouveau23:03
yofelhellyeah: the nvidia driver takes care of that23:03
hellyeahlaunch pad doesnt say that23:04
yofelhellyeah: see in /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia... something23:04
hellyeahi didnt understand23:05
hellyeahthere is no bug in 9.10 but there is a bug in 10.0423:05
yofelhellyeah: when you install the nvidia driver package, the package will blacklist nouveau23:05
Daniturnwell  it wouldnt let me choose new at first but has now23:05
hellyeahi understand that yofel23:06
hellyeahthe problem is i cant install nvidia23:06
yofelhellyeah: apt-cache policy nvidia-current shows nvidia as installed?23:07
hellyeahinstall but do not enable the driver23:08
hellyeahit seems23:08
yofelhellyeah: ok, /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/updates/dkms/nvidia-current.ko exists?23:08
hellyeahinstallation of this driver failed i took this message yofel23:09
yofelhellyeah: ok, /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf exists?23:09
yofelhellyeah: so? jockey was broken pretty much all the time, I wouldn't be surprised if it tells you it failed but it actually succeeded23:10
hellyeahwe said it succed23:10
hellyeahwhy cant i enable special effect on desktop23:10
yofelhellyeah: ok, if you can now reboot, and 'lsmod' shows nvidia as listed, then the driver should be working23:10
hellyeahwhen i click enable soecial effect it try to install23:11
hellyeahokey i try23:11
yofelyou need to reboot after installing the driver23:11
hellyeahi did this actually23:11
DaniturnBug #55580723:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 555807 in linux "cant use wireless card" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55580723:11
hellyeahthen ubuntu try to open in low graphic23:11
yofelhellyeah: do you have /usr on a seperate partition?23:12
Daniturnkeep mentioning it its a big problem23:12
hellyeahi guess ubuntu has i just do install23:12
yofelhellyeah: and does your /etc/X11/xorg.conf list nvidia as the driver being used?23:13
hellyeahyou dont have xorg.conf norally23:13
kklimonda|G1you should check Xorg.0.log and not xorg.conf23:13
hellyeahi need to do X -configure23:13
yofelhellyeah: wait... if you don't have an xorg.conf then jockey messed up23:14
yofelhellyeah: do you have a xorg.conf?23:15
hellyeahubuntu doesnt create xorg.conf23:15
hellyeahit is my fault ?23:15
yofelhellyeah: no, if anything it's jockeys fault as it should create one when you install the nvidia driver23:15
yofelif it doesn't you'll end up in low graphics mode23:15
hellyeahyou said you do X -configure then try jockey23:16
yofelhellyeah: I didn't mention X -configure at all23:16
yofelyou did23:16
hellyeahit creates xorg.conf23:16
hellyeahnothing creates xorg.conf23:16
yofelyes, as does nvidia-xconfig, which is the one you should use for nvidia23:16
hellyeahnvidia-xconfig also doesnt creater xorg23:17
hellyeahit uses XF8623:17
yofelhellyeah: sudo nvidia-xconfig?23:17
hellyeahsımething kike that23:17
hellyeahaha it creates :d23:18
Daniturn Launchpad bug 555807 in linux "cant use wireless card" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55580723:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 555807 in linux "cant use wireless card" [Undecided,New]23:18
hellyeahin debian it works with another fike23:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 555807 in linux "cant use wireless card" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55580723:18
yofelwell, you need admin rights to create one23:18
yofelhellyeah: ok, there you actually only need the section that contains 'Driver "nvidia"'23:19
yofelhellyeah: but if you're not sure just leave it23:20
yofelif you reboot now, you shouldn't get low graphics mode anymore23:20
thelsdj_anyone had problems with samba on lucid? appears that my windows clients can no longer find my ubuntu server, not browseable, and can't find when i put \\servername\ into explorer, but can seem to locally browse on my ubuntu machine23:21
hellyeahyofel,  i hope it is like you said23:22
yofelI hope too, this is annoying while jockey's broken23:23
Daniturn Launchpad bug 555807 in linux "cant use wireless card" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55580723:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 555807 in linux "cant use wireless card" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55580723:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 555807 in linux "cant use wireless card" [Undecided,New]23:24
gnomefreakDaniturn: please dont repeat yourself someone will help you when they get a chance23:25
* Lars_G rolls in the floor23:25
arandthelsdj_: I've heard rumours of problems at least.. surfed the sea of LP?23:26
gnomefreakBUGabundo: are you here?23:27
gnomefreakDaniturn: you need to comment on the bug for any changes that you make as well for any questions that you have. This channel is not the place for this type of info you can try #ubuntu-bugs channel or comment on the bug.23:29
kklimonda|G1gnomefreak: he went sleep some time ago23:30
gnomefreakkklimonda|G1: thanks i left him a message in another channel :)23:30
happyfaceI can connect to my wifi and get a dhcp address, but can't connect to anything or even ping my router23:32
BUGabundognomefreak: yes23:32
BUGabundokklimonda|G1: don't lie!23:32
bisbyso i updated a 9.10 install up to 10.04... and it said that it didnt update because of fglrx... but then when I rebooted the screen was blank. still heard noises and could log in (without a screen) control-alt-f# doesnt work. i had read that the fglxr thing was fixed... but apparently its not? anyone know the status on this?23:33
* gnomefreak getting the idea that fglrx is buggy at best23:36
FireCrotchJust did a apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, running Kubuntu, and now all of the text in Qt programs is larger :(23:40
FireCrotchit had all gotten smaller when I upgraded from Karmic, which I liked23:40
BUGabundoFireCrotch: there was some kind of font change today23:40
BUGabundoI guess more UI expemients for beta 223:41
gnomefreakyep not just kde either23:41
BUGabundoI kinda... like it23:41
FireCrotchgtk apps don't seem to be affected23:41
BUGabundoexcept for some parts of websites23:41
gnomefreakway way too small in some apps (but im not saying what ones) :)23:41
BUGabundobut then again I have bad eye sight23:41
* gnomefreak chacks bug report one more time than im going23:42
gnomefreakyou know what i mean23:42
redkernel -1923:53
red chromium-browser23:53
red[3476:3484:2540217075:FATAL:base/shared_memory_posix.cc(193)] Creating shared memory in /dev/shm/org.chromium.aMtsIb failed. This is frequently caused by incorrect permissions on /dev/shm.  Try 'sudo chmod 777 /dev/shm' to fix.: No such file or directory23:53
redAborted (core dumped)23:53
redwhy would I suddenly need to chmod those?23:53
redalso had to skip mounting half of my disks or the pc wouldnt boot23:54
redafter boot i could manually mount them np23:54
yofelred: does 'df' list /dev/shm?23:57
rednone                   1547844         0   1547844   0% /dev/shm23:58
redif i sudo start chromium it works23:58
redbut thats hardly a good thing23:58
yofelhm, ls -l /dev/shm ?23:58
red"total 0"23:58
yofelerr... ls -ld /dev/shm23:58
BUGabundored: what's the source of that chromium?23:59
reddaily build iirc23:59
redbut haven't updated in a few days23:59

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