
=== mohi_away is now known as mohi1
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Viking1488how do i configure Gnome ppp to be able to use netzero dial up?03:40
mongoosedoghey guys got no sound with firefox, any help?04:35
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paultag_nhandler: poke05:37
nhasianhello paultag_05:38
paultag_hey nhasian :)05:38
kaideaneWhat is the Ubuntu equivalent to Adobe Illustrator?14:10
Silver_Fox_Inkscape kaideane14:11
kaideaneThank you Silver Fox14:11
crofalconcan anyone help me with TS3 installation please15:44
crofalcongot the file from teamspeak site15:44
crofalcondid chmod -x ts3install.run15:44
crofalconand then sudo ts3install.run15:44
crofalconsays it finished installing, but isn't showing up anywhere15:44
crofalconanyone please ?15:47
crofalconsudo apt-get remove teamspeak-client15:47
crofalconanyone here ?15:51
duanedesignhello crofalcon15:58
duanedesigncrofalcon: you installed teamspeak but cant find it in the menus?16:01
crofalconseems so16:01
ShadowKnightHi, i was wondering how you can get ubuntu remix on the netbook. i have been trying and cant get it to work16:02
stlsaintShadowKnight: you mean ubuntu netboot remix? (UNR)16:03
ShadowKnightstlsaint: yes thats the one, i have it set up in a jumpdrive through the unetboot program16:03
stlsaintShadowKnight: your trying to make a persisten usb install?16:05
ShadowKnightstlsaint: no im trying to do a dual boot on the netbook because it came with windows 7 starter and it isnt the best thing in the world...16:05
stlsaintShadowKnight: so you used unetboot in to put remix on the usb drive to do a dual boot, what do you mean that it isnt working?16:06
ShadowKnightstlsaint: yes thats what i did, but i cant get it to show up in the restart process is there anything im missing to do?16:08
stlsaintShadowKnight: are you able to boot into the usb?16:12
ShadowKnightno like i press F10 and only something about my harddrive comes up and pressing F8 doesnt really help me either in being able to open it16:14
stlsaintShadowKnight: have you enabled usb booting in your bios?16:14
ShadowKnightstlsaint: if it helps its an asus 1005PEB16:14
ShadowKnightit should be i have double checked but let me check again lol16:15
ShadowKnightokay in boot device priority its number 216:17
ShadowKnightit is number 2 also in the 2nd "hard disk drive"16:17
ShadowKnightquiet boot is enabled16:17
ShadowKnightboot booster is enabled16:17
ShadowKnightbut the only thing disabled is onboard lan boot rom16:17
stlsaintyou can try making it number 1 for now16:19
ShadowKnightokay in the device priority?16:20
ShadowKnightor the hard disk drive?16:20
stlsaintShadowKnight: if you are unable to boot with the usb at number one than something went wrong in the setup of the iso to the usb16:20
stlsaintShadowKnight: yes in the priority16:20
ShadowKnightokay then thanks, if it doesnt boot then ill just redo the unetboot. thanks ill try that right now16:20
ShadowKnightokay i press F10 and nothing really pops up just about windows 7 booting16:22
ShadowKnightis there something im doing wrong? o_O16:22
stlsaintShadowKnight: sorry..went away for bit...16:29
ShadowKnightstlsaint: its okay im trying to see what im doing wrong here lol16:29
stlsaintdid you change anything in bios?16:29
stlsaintShadowKnight: ^^16:30
ShadowKnightyea i changed the usb thing of the priority, i was thinking of changing the hard drive too because the usb is number 2 there as well.16:30
stlsaintif you change booting order and it still didnt boot into usb than that confirms that you must redo that usb with unetbootin16:30
ShadowKnighthmmm okay then imma go do that, ill be back soon. thanks stlsaint16:31
ShadowKnighthey, i was wondering. okay i got ubuntu and i like it but i want to know what else i can do on it and the most useful programs it has as well as just overall knowledge that i should have while using it. im using this to replace my windows 7 ultimate edition. i know i have come on this to ask a lot of questions but i am very interested in this OS.18:05
lukjad007shredder12 Hi19:11
ghostofmybrain_How can I burn files to a disc using the command line?19:33
lukjad007ghostofmybrain_ here's an interesting link: http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LinuxTutorialCDBurn.html19:37
ghostofmybrain_cool, tahnk you19:38
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tronyx_Kdid i get k-lined?20:25
tronyx_Kand if so does any7one know why?20:25
swoodytronyx_K: it looks like it :/ I have no idea why though. Did you tick off nhandler ? ;)20:28
tronyx_Ki didn't do anything20:28
tronyx_Ki wasn't even logged into my shell box until this morning, just left my irssi in screen, as usual20:28
tronyx_Ki got on just now and i saw that all my freenode channels showed me as k-lined20:28
tronyx_K(13:33) [freenode] You are banned from this server- Spam is off topic on            freenode20:29
swoodythat's pretty odd, there was some spammers coming through #ubuntu, maybe they got you by mistake?20:29
swoodywhat was it?20:31
tronyx_Ki wonder if someone on my host was dicking around and got the hostname k-lined20:32
swoodycould be20:32
tronyx_Kwell, back to work20:32
tronyx_Kany news on the job btw swoody ?20:32
swoodytronyx_K: not yet, waiting to hear back from them now :)20:32
swoodyfingers still crossed20:32
tronyx_Kkeep me posted20:33
tronyx_Klater steve20:33
swoodytronyx: will do. ttyl :)20:33
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