
CiemonIs anyone creating patches in an amd64 environment?08:34
CiemonI seem to be having real problems, and not having any success08:34
ddecatorare you using quilt?08:34
Ciemonyes... at least, trying to08:35
CiemonI'm a n00b, so learning too08:35
nigelbCiemon, if you explain what you're trying to do, we could try to help you08:37
ddecatornot sure if this should be done in #ubuntu-packaging or not08:37
nigelbI'd like to hear first and then decide :)08:37
ddecatorfair enough =)08:38
Ciemon:) ok, stop me when you like08:42
Ciemonso, download the branch, move into the source root, and use "quilt push -a"08:43
Ciemonnothing applied, which could be fine, even though there are a number of diffs within debian/patches08:43
Ciemonquilt new "diffname.diff" doesn't do anything that I can see08:44
nigelbCiemon, aha, you missed something quite important08:45
nigelbanyway lets head to #ubuntu-packaging08:45
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nailoracould someone un-private this bug (of course only if applicable) https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/54965513:32
ubot4nailora: Error: Bug #549655 is private.13:32
greg-gnailora: looking at it13:34
nailoramy bug got duplicated to it and my bug contains no private info imho13:35
greg-gnailora: it is now public13:35
nigelbthe original bug contains no private data either13:36
nigelboh.. greg-g you beat me to it :)13:36
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greg-gnigelb: this time I tried to tell the channel I was looking at it ;)13:40
nigelbyeah, I sorta just jumped in :)13:41
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matttbeHello guys!15:52
matttbeI'm part of the Cairo-Dock team and I've added 'apport' support in 'cairo-dock' packages but when apport is used, all needed informations are located in a private bug report. So nobody of the 'cairo-dock-team' can't have a look to this private bug : e.g. bug #55326515:52
matttbeIt seems that I've to join the Bug Squad team but is it the best solution?15:53
greg-gmatttbe: well, best solution is subjective.. but, yeah, that is a feature of apport. Just in case there is private information in the bug report (passwords, etc) it is set as private until a trusted member of the QA team reviews it and opens it up. That process usually only takes about 2 minutes15:54
hggdhmatttbe: the basic issue is we do not know, a priori, if there is sensitive data in an apport bug15:54
greg-gusually, when someone comes in here and asks to have a bug marked public, one of us gets to it pretty quickly15:55
hggdhone *possible* option is to subscribe the cairo-dock team to the bugs15:56
matttbeit's done15:56
hggdhthen you should have access to them15:56
hggdhcan you give us a bug # where this does not happen?15:57
ubot4Launchpad bug 539889 in cairo-dock (Ubuntu) "cairo-dock crashed with SIGSEGV in cairo_dock_initialize_opengl_backend() (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 170)" [Medium,New]15:57
* persia recently made that public based on request in -motu15:57
matttbeI can access to this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cairo-dock/+bug/55326515:57
ubot4Launchpad bug 553265 in cairo-dock (Ubuntu) "cairo-dock crashed with SIGSEGV in cairo_dock_initialize_opengl_backend() (dup-of: 539889)" [Undecided,New]15:57
matttbebut all needed informations are located in the other bug :)15:58
hggdhnot a very good example, persia had just made it public...15:58
matttbeah :)15:58
matttbethanks persia ;)15:58
mrandOn this topic, where are the subscribers for an apport report configured?15:58
charlie-tcaMost of the private bugs do not subscribe the team15:58
persiaBut it *was* private, and the cairo-dock team *wasn't* subscribed.15:58
charlie-tcasee bug 55323815:58
ubot4charlie-tca: Bug 553238 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/553238 is private15:59
matttbeI can't access to charlie-tca's bug15:59
charlie-tcait's private15:59
matttbebut it's normal :)15:59
bencrisfordpedro_: i saw the email about the notifications bugday, hopefully we can arrange it so that the edubuntu day doesnt interfere with it16:00
charlie-tcaprivate bugs now subscribe apport, crash bug triage team, and the reporter only16:00
bencrisfordpedro_: we could maybe host it mainly on #edubuntu16:00
charlie-tcaAfter they become public, the rest of the teams and subscribers are assigned to it16:00
mrandcharlie-tca: what is supposed to crash bug triage team?16:00
charlie-tcaI have no idea16:00
hggdhyes, the apport bugs are pre-subscribed to crash-bug-triagers16:01
persiaI have a suspicion that this is hardcoded behaviour16:01
hggdhafter apport ends its magic, all others get it also. But until then, usually only apport and crash-bug-triagers16:01
mrandugg, really?16:01
pedro_bencrisford, Hello! here is fine i think, there's not a lot of bugs on indicator applet anyways16:01
hggdhpersia: AFAICR, yes, it is16:01
hggdhmatttbe: members of bug-control (*not* bugsquad) are also members of crash-bug-triagers16:02
pedro_bencrisford, also we want to have more folks joining the edubuntu triage day it's better to keep the ball rolling where almost all the bugsquad members are chatting ;-)16:02
bencrisfordpedro_: ok :), it could even benefit our days, we could encourage each others participants to maybe help out with a couple of the other sides bugs16:02
pedro_bencrisford, yes yes yes ;-)16:02
hggdhmatttbe: are you upstream for cairo?16:03
matttbehggdh: yes16:03
matttbehggdh: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/lucid/cairo-dock-plug-ins/lucid16:03
mrandOk, it appears that apport retracer, when it comes to visit a bug, subscribes the crash-bug-triagers.   But that is actually bad, because if the person that opened the ticket removes the apport tag, the bug will sit there, private, forever, and even the bug control team can't access it.16:04
matttbe(but we have to change the maintainer, I will do that for the next release)16:05
hggdhmrand: there is this risk, yes. But we cannot allow blanket access16:08
mrandhggdh: I was actually thinking that apport, as it opens the bug, should subscribe the team, not wait until the retracer comes along.16:09
matttbemrand: why not adding a line in the apport script in order to subscribe somebody or a team?16:10
hggdhmatttbe: as upstream, you are entitle to a shortcut to the bug-control team (which will give you access to these bugs)16:11
hggdhmatttbe: I have to ask you a few questions, though. Please bear with me16:11
matttbemmh ok :)16:12
hggdhmatttbe: (1) have you read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl ?16:13
matttbenot yet16:13
hggdhmatttbe: please do so ;-)16:13
matttbeoh yes but a long time ago :), let me read it again16:14
matttbeok, done (sorry, there are a lot of links :) )16:16
hggdhmatttbe: do you agree to follow the rules of the game?16:17
matttbewhich game ? :)16:18
matttbebut yes16:18
matttbeI've signed the code of conduct and it's not the first time that I use Launchpad for bugs tracking ;)16:19
hggdhmatttbe: thank you. We are adding you as a member to bug-control. If there are other persons (also upstream) to cairo-* that wish to join, please have them ping us here16:19
hggdhmrand: crash-bug-triagers get subscribed as soon as the bug is opened16:19
matttbethank you hggdh !16:20
hggdhmatttbe: you are weolcome, and thank you for helping!16:20
matttbeI'll send a message to the other member (but the main devs of cairo-dock is on vacation ^^)16:20
hggdhmatttbe: no prob, we are usually here ;-)16:21
hggdhmerci beaucoup16:21
matttbemerci à toi ;)16:22
mrandhggdh: I would have thought that, but I've seen mythtv package bugs where that didn't seem to be the case :-(16:22
hggdhmrand: hum. The fine details of apport magic are unknown to me...16:23
Tofehi !16:23
TofeI'm a developer in the Cairo-dock team, and (as mattbe told you just some seconds ago) I would like to have access to private bug reports... Would it be possible ?16:25
hggdhTofe: welcome. Have you read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl ?16:26
hggdhTofe: also, have you signed the CoC?16:26
Tofenot yet: I'll do that right away.16:27
Tofefor the CoC, yes, I signed it some time ago16:30
TofeOk, done. But, unfortunately, I didn't triage yet any bug; is that a problem, knowing that I'm only really interested in the cairo-dock private bug reports ?16:40
Tofe(I do some triage for my job, but well, it doesn't have anything to do with ubuntu/launchpad)16:40
hggdhTofe: no, it does not apply to you since you are upstream16:43
hggdhTofe: what is your LP id?16:44
hggdhTofe: welcome in, then. Thank you for helping!16:50
Tofe:) my pleasure16:51
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nigelbhggdh, bug 553745 looks okay to be made public?17:38
ubot4nigelb: Bug 553745 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/553745 is private17:38
mrandnigelb: have you looked over the attachments for personal info?17:45
nigelbmrand, in one glance I didn't find any17:46
yofelnigelb: I can't find anything17:46
nigelbyofel, I didn't either, but I just wanted to be sure :)17:46
mrandnigelb: I didn't find anything either.  have fun with it!17:47
nigelbmrand, hehe :)17:47
hggdhneither did I ;-)17:47
Chris_SQuestion: what's the right place to report an apparent problem with security.ubuntu.com itself (as opposed to, say, apt-get)? Is this closest to a support request instead of an Ubuntu bug?18:01
nigelbChris_S, easy way would be to tell someone from security team18:04
nigelbChris_S, #ubuntu-hardened would be the way to go :)18:04
hggdhChris_S: #ubuntu-hardened18:04
yofelhm, does anyone know for who that 'redirect to the bug filing help page from LP' is turned off for? (more like, is it turned off for the bugsquad too or just for bugcontrol?)18:05
nigelbits turned off for no one right?18:05
yofelnigelb: If I click on the 'report a bug' link on lp.net/ubuntu I don't get redirected18:06
* nigelb checks18:06
Chris_SAh, thanks everyone. Let me try that.18:07
nigelbyofel, ack, I dont get redirected.  so someone from bug squad needs to check18:09
nigelbyofel, bug control and above doesn't get re-directed18:10
yofelah, thanks18:10
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bencrisford!info ubiquity19:19
ubot4bencrisford: ubiquity (source: ubiquity): Ubuntu live CD installer. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.10 (karmic), package size 3509 kB, installed size 12428 kB19:19
bencrisford!info lupin19:25
ubot4bencrisford: Package lupin does not exist in karmic19:25
bencrisford!info lupin hardy19:26
ubot4bencrisford: Package lupin does not exist in hardy19:26
yofelbencrisford: why don't you just use apt-cache and rmadison ?19:33
bencrisfordyofel: i couldnt remember any cmds for searching packages.  ive been using arch for a few months, in which i could just use pacman -Ss19:35
bencrisfordi havent quite got back into ubuntu mode yet19:36
bencrisfordbut thank you, ill use them instead of spamming the channel next time ;)19:36
mrandpackages.ubuntu.com is what I often use.19:36
yofelapt-cache is for querying the package database, and rmadison lists the package version in all available releases19:36
danageJFo: i need a quick clarification on your mail (thank you) re: bug #452519. i've collected and sent the requested information. your mail also asked for feedback on a newer kernel version. i've tested 2.6.33-020633-generic from the mainline ppa which exhibits the same faulty behavior. 2.6.34-rc1 is giving me a kernel panic on boot, the newer rcs seem to be for karmic only (not lucid beta) so i didn't test. would 2.6.33 suffice for our purposes?22:08
ubot4Launchpad bug 452519 in linux (Ubuntu) "[Karmic] USB Card Reader Malfunction - clutter in DMESG (affects: 9) (heat: 48)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45251922:08
charlie-tcayes, it should. also note in the comments that 34-rc1 is giving you a kernel panic22:12
charlie-tcadanage: Thank you for doing that22:13
danagecharlie-tca: ok thank you for the quick reply. i'm thus removing the needs-upstream-testing tag. should i go ahead and remove the one about the kernel logs as well (as apport seems to have provided those)?22:14
charlie-tcalooks like they are there now22:15
danageok done. charlie-tca thanks for helping me, and JFo thanks for the mail.22:16
charlie-tcaThanks for helping make things better22:17
BUGabundoboas noites o/22:33
DaniturnLaunchpad bug 555807 in linux "cant use wireless card" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55580723:30
ubot4Daniturn: Bug 555807 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/555807 is private23:30
ubot4Launchpad bug 555807 in linux (Ubuntu) "cant use wireless card (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New]23:30
gnomefreakDaniturn: you need to ask a question or make a comment or something dont just post the bug number and hope p[oeple know what you are refering to or what you are thinking. as i said comment on the bug to make us help you more. i left a comment for you please comment on bug about it23:34

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