
=== \vish is now known as vish
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cndI have a pending merge request against gnome-settings-daemon that I'd like someone to review to fix bug 484186: https://code.launchpad.net/~chasedouglas/ubuntu/lucid/gnome-settings-daemon/CRTC-fix/+merge/2269915:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 484186 in gnome-settings-daemon "Cannot switch Monitor configuration CRTC 58" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48418615:30
cndthanks in advance!15:30
=== edsiper_ is now known as edsiper
rickspencer3cnd, hi, it's a holiday in most of Europe, so things will go a bit slow today16:11
cndrickspencer3: yeah, we in the US don't get that luxury :)16:11
rickspencer3because we live in a savage and brutal society16:12
Nafaigood morning16:16
kenvandinegood morning Nafai16:17
NafaiHow are you kenvandine?16:18
kenvandineand you?16:18
Nafaipretty good16:18
rickspencer3Hi Nafai16:19
NafaiHey rickspencer316:20
rickspencer3stupid focus stealing chromium pop-ups16:20
rickspencer3Nafai, what's on your list for today?16:20
NafaiThat's what I was about to ask you :)  I couldn't reproduce the VMWare player/gdm input thing, though there was one other who has posted and said he has seen it with a Karmic host.  Don't really have much else on my plate at the moment16:21
rickspencer3dang it!16:22
rickspencer3I mean "dang it you couldn't repro that bug"16:23
NafaiI made a comment on the bug indicating my configuration16:23
rickspencer3Nafai, in that case, could you please triage any new UNE bugs16:23
rickspencer3do you have UNE set up right now?16:24
NafaiI installed the meta package16:24
NafaiIs there a tag or something I should subscribe to in launchpad to find these bugs?16:24
rickspencer3Nafai, have you talked to didrocks about triaging UNE?16:24
rickspencer3Nafai, look in the packages16:25
rickspencer3for example netbook-launcher16:25
rickspencer3oh fudge16:27
rickspencer3looks like the latest quickly-widgets broke bughugger rather badly :(16:27
rickspencer3Nafai, after you are done with triaging UNE ...16:28
rickspencer3could you please take a look at the facilities for geo-location programming?16:28
rickspencer3there was a blueprint for it in Lucid, but we canceled it because upstreams weren't in good shape16:28
rickspencer3it would be useful to take another look16:28
rickspencer3and perhaps resurect the blueprint for Maverick16:29
Nafaisure thing16:29
milanbvchrisccoulson: is there any plan to package system-tools-backends 2.10.0? I've seen that Robert Ancell took care of liboobs and the gst16:36
chrisccoulsonmilanbv, i'm not too sure. i'm not really looking at any of those things at the moment, as i've already got a lot to do16:36
milanbvas always ;-)16:37
chrisccoulsonand we're frozen for beta 2 right now too16:37
chrisccoulsonmilanbv, what has changed in 2.10.0?16:37
milanbvdo you think I should ping Robert?16:37
milanbvhmm, a few crashers16:37
chrisccoulsonah, that should be ok then16:37
chrisccoulsonthere is only a 1 week window after beta 2 before we are in final freeze16:38
milanbvyeah, two common crashers, fix changing UIDs and GIDs, plus big performance improvements16:38
milanbvdefinitely worth it - anyway, I'm often releasing with Ubuntu in mind16:38
xivenAnyone in here for Telepathy? I am trying to find the proper source files to implement the Room List functionality, specifically for the Yahoo protocol.17:26
xivenWhere do I find the SOURCE for telepathy...all I can find it header files17:27
edsiperxiven, http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/wiki/17:28
xivenI wonder how productive software would be if the older C sources were converted into the latest C++ sources..17:33
* kklimonda|G1 doesn't understand17:35
* chrisccoulson doesn't either ;)17:35
coffeedude*: Thanks in advance if anyone can point me in the right direction.  First, how do I tickle the "restart required" state of the Logout/Restart menu in Lucid?  And secondly, I seem to be getting two copies of the shortcut in the System ->Administration menu when I install my packages.  Any idea how to track down why?17:50
sorencoffeedude: /var/run/reboot-required for the first question.17:56
coffeedudeThanks soren.  Has that changed from karmic?  O)r maybe I just accidentially dropped the patch in the latest likewise-open packages....17:56
sorencoffeedude: (/usr/share/update-notifier/notify-reboot-required for usage example)17:56
sorencoffeedude: No clue, sorry. It's the sort of thing I look up each time I need it.17:57
coffeedudesoren, fair enough.17:57
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TomJaegerHi.  Apparently there was a deliberate decision to not show the battery percentage in g-p-m anymore (bug #539912).  I don't know who made this decision, but I strongly urge you to reconsider.  The remaining time estimate is pretty much useless to me since it depends on too many factors.20:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 539912 in gnome-power-manager "[lucid] current battery charge not easily accessable" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53991220:06
chrisccoulsonTomJaeger, that decision is unlikely to be changed now at this stage of the cycle (we're just over 1 week from final freeze)20:21
TomJaegerchrisccoulson, That's a shame.  This is probably the single most annoying issue that I have with lucid right now.20:25
chrisccoulsonTomJaeger, i don't like it either, but the menu was far too wide with the percentage in there, which is why it was removed20:26
chrisccoulsonthe estimated time remaining on my laptop is woefully inaccurate, and i can't use it to work out how long i've got left20:27
chrisccoulsonfor example, it said 3 hours 40 minutes until charged some 30 seconds ago20:27
chrisccoulsonand now it is 4 hours until charged ;)20:27
TomJaegerThis is still somewhat puzzling to me.  There would have been easier ways of shortening the menu entry.20:29
chrisccoulsonit was already shortened quite a bit20:32
TomJaeger3:40 instead of "3 hours 40 minutes"20:32
TomJaeger"battery" instead of "laptop battery"20:32
chrisccoulsonTomJaeger, g-p-m also handles other types of batteries20:33
chrisccoulsonwhich is why it is "Laptop battery"20:33
chrisccoulsonand abbreviations suck. "battery 3.40 until charged" means nothing20:35
TomJaegerre laptop battery, gpm_device_type_to_localised_text seems to suggest otherwise20:36
TomJaegerIn fact, the internal code for a "laptop battery" is DKP_DEVICE_TYPE_BATTERY20:37
chrisccoulsonwell, i can assure you that it does20:39
chrisccoulsonit also monitors wireless mouse batteries20:39
chrisccoulsonand UPS devices20:39
TomJaegerIt's debatable whether anyone would really assume that "battery" refers to their wireless mouse' battery.20:43
TomJaegerwhich is called "wireless mouse", not "wireless mouse battery", incidentally.20:43
TomJaegerback to "3 hours 40 minutes", "3 hrs 40 min" is another abbreviation that is commonly used.20:44
chrisccoulsonTomJaeger, remember that "hrs" has to be translated in lots of languages20:54
TomJaegerchrisccoulson, I'm sure most languages have concise way of expressing a time span.  But you're right, it's probably too late to get this translated for lucid.21:03
TomJaegerHow about breaking the information into two lines, i.e. "Laptop battery is discharging\n3 hours 40 minutes left (60%)"21:07
zyga-nc10do we have an ambience/radiance gvim colorscheme?22:08
faganzyga-nc10: I dont think so but im sure you could make one22:09
zyga-nc10fagan: is it tool late to include it by default?22:10
faganzyga-nc10: hmm im sure it could get a freeze exception because it wouldnt case problems22:11
faganbut maybe not22:11
zyga-nc10fagan: well there is this page: http://vimcolorschemetest.googlecode.com/svn/html/index-c.html22:12
zyga-nc10I'm pretty sure we could find one that looks almost good and tweak it22:12
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rickspencer3RAOF, good morning23:02
TheMusoGood morning.23:36
RAOFGood morning.23:48
TheMusoRAOF: Hey! How was your long weekend?23:49
RAOFNice and relaxing.23:49
rickspencer3good morning TheMuso23:51

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