
pleia2doctormo: great email to loco-contacts04:57
doctormopleia2: about the FSF?04:59
pleia2doctormo: yeah04:59
doctormopleia2: If you think it's good, then I might post it as a blog entry for Saturday05:01
pleia2doctormo: I think you should, loco teams need to focus on practicality (while not forgetting freedom) and I think your team does a wonderful job of that05:03
pleia2keeping the balance and all that :)05:03
doctormoThis weekend was manic btw05:03
pleia2I bet! I'm so excited to hear about it05:03
doctormoBut we reached a ton of people05:03
pleia2totally have to write a post about it for fridge, with photos05:03
doctormoAnd there were a load of people who already use Ubuntu, or use older versions, or were saying that their brother, father, friend uses it.05:04
pleia2cool :)05:05
doctormoWe actually went round the Artist Ally handing out the flyers, because they had a ton of info about graphics programs which we think a lot of them can use.05:09
doctormoWe got a few comissions out of it too.05:09
pleia2cool :)05:11
doctormoAlways make friends with artists, you never know when you need some propergander art :-P05:17
cprofittanyone seen Vantrax lately?14:54
cprofitthey bodhi_zazen15:54
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