
godbykI'm back home now.00:02
godbykInternet connection is a bit unstable at the moment, though.00:02
godbykRed_HamsterX: When someone starts a new translation, what do we have to do to tell quickshot about it?00:42
Red_HamsterXJust add an entry to config/languages00:52
Red_HamsterXOn the server.00:52
Red_HamsterXWant me to get involved in the current mailing list discussion, godbyk?01:00
godbykRed_HamsterX: sure, if you like.  I just pointed Anup to the Quickshot web page.01:01
Red_HamsterXYeah, I just got your response.01:02
godbykI've got a couple more languages (at least) for you to add to quickshot.  Let me finish fixing this bug in the ubuntu-manual.cls file (which causes language codes with underscores in them to fail to compile).01:02
godbykThere are now 55 .po files for ubuntu-manual.01:02
Red_HamsterXWe could map those to some other value.01:02
godbykWell, it's just a bit of funkiness inside latex.01:03
Red_HamsterXIt thinks they're subscripts?01:03
godbykSince it normally thinks that _ means 'subscript', it wants to put it in math mode, or expects it to be escaped with a backslash.01:03
godbykbut I'm going to tell it to shove off and put up with it. :)01:03
Red_HamsterXIf remapping the values somehow would work, I can implement a hack for now.01:04
Red_HamsterXIf you can't get your fix working right.01:04
godbyk(The problem is that in the code in ubuntu-manual.cls, we sometimes need it to be escaped, and sometimes it's escaped internally, so it hates me either way.  But I'll have it all tidied up soon.)01:04
godbyksince everything else in the toolchain is using the _ it seems like it's best to beat latex over the head until it caves than to force everyone else to work around latex. :)01:05
godbykI think I've got it fixed now.01:09
godbykJust testing with a couple translations.01:09
godbykRed_HamsterX: Here are the languages I've got in the manual so far: af ar ast bg bn ca cs da de el en_AU en_GB eo es et eu fa fi fr gl grc he hi hu ia id it ja ko la lt ml mr ms nb nl oc pl pt_BR pt ro ru sl sq sr sv ta te th tr uk vi zh_CH zh_CN zh_TW01:14
godbykthose missing in quickshot are: af en_AU en_GB tr01:17
godbykAfrikaans (af) and Turkish (tr) being the two really new ones.01:18
dakerwhere is humphreybc ?01:31
godbykdaker: he's on holiday this weekend. he will be back tomorrow.01:32
Red_HamsterXaf and tr have been added.01:33
godbykRed_HamsterX: Thanks. I'm trying to upload things now, but my Internet connection keeps going up and down.01:33
godbykDriving my nuts.01:33
Red_HamsterXFor Quickshot, our current plan is to have only one en branch, since we observed only one or two differences affecting labels not actively being described.01:34
Red_HamsterX(This probbly holds true for pt, too)01:35
godbykThe pt and pt_BR may be a different story, though. I seem to recall that are some not inconsiderable differences. I don't know what I'm talking about, though. :-)01:35
Red_HamsterX(But I don't know how similar Brazilian is to European)01:35
Red_HamsterXIn English, it's just 'ue's and 'our's.01:36
Red_HamsterXAnd some s/z/s.01:36
godbyk"The differences between Portuguese dialects are mostly in phonology, in the frequency of usage of certain grammatical forms, and especially in the distance between the formal and informal levels of speech. Lexical differences are numerous but largely confined to "peripheral" words such as plants, animals, and other local items, with little impact in the core lexicon. Dialectal deviations from the official grammar are relatively few.01:37
godbyk As a consequence, all Portuguese dialects are mutually intelligible; although for some of the most extremely divergent pairs the phonological changes may make it difficult for speakers to understand rapid speech."01:37
godbykfrom http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portuguese_dialects01:37
godbyksounds like one pt may be okay. we can add another if the translators wish. makes no difference to me.01:38
Red_HamsterXIf we lack a full pt, we can just backport BR.01:38
godbykI guess my take on all that is that if someone wants to do the work of taking screenshots and translating for their dialect, I'm okay with it.01:38
Red_HamsterXAnd fix it for rev 2.01:38
manualbothttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/revision/2 | http://bazaar.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual -r 201:38
godbykIt generally doesn't affect my typography stuff (that I know of).01:39
godbykI'm rebranching because my local copy is all mucked up.  I didn't pull before I copied over the new translations and there were translations in the branch that conflicted.01:49
godbykSeems easier to just download a fresh copy and do it again. :)01:50
dakerRed_HamsterX, how to redefine an already defined constant ?01:54
dakerin php :)01:56
godbykIf it's a constant, shouldn't it by definition not be changed? :)01:58
dakergodbyk, http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.runkit-constant-redefine.php01:59
godbykSeems like it's not constant if you can change it. Just a difficult-to-modify variable.02:01
dakeryes :)02:02
Red_HamsterXWhy do you need to mess with what sshould never be changed, daker?02:02
Red_HamsterXThere are other ways of defining constants or use within your own scripts.02:02
Red_HamsterXfor use*02:02
dakerconstant are easy to use than variable02:04
godbykCan you give us more details (an example, perhaps) of what you're trying to do?02:05
dakerfunction test_func()02:06
dakerglobal $test;02:06
dakerecho $test;02:06
dakerecho TEST;02:06
dakerevery time i want to use $test i have to set it as global02:07
godbykI'd pass it into the function as an argument, then.02:07
godbyk$test = 'awesome';02:07
godbykfunction test_func($test) {02:07
godbykecho $test;02:07
godbykyou only need to use global $test if you want to modify $test, right?02:08
dakergreeaaat hhhhhhhhhhh02:08
godbyk(It's been a while since I've used php, so I could be completely wrong on all of this. :-))02:08
dakerother thing02:09
daker/ test.php02:10
dakerecho $test;02:10
dakerecho TEST;02:10
dakeris that right ?02:10
godbykthat's the / test.php line supposed to be?02:12
dakerthat irc how delete the other / its comment // test.php02:12
godbykoh! gotcha.02:12
godbykwell, that code would work, I think. Though I'm still not sure what you're trying to do. :)02:13
dakerjust to check if my code is correct02:13
dakeri am asking stupid questions02:15
godbykokay. :)02:16
* daker is downloading Iron Man 202:19
dakerRed_HamsterX, have you read i suggest for the server02:20
godbykHey, daker, if you're bored, you could pretty up http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/.02:29
godbykI just use an old site template you made and drop in an html table that gets regenerated each time I run a script.02:29
godbykI gave the table cells styles, so we can make them look nice with css.02:30
godbykunfortunately, my css stuff appears to be ignored at the moment. (haven't looked into it at all yet.)02:30
godbykif you want the table code to be different, just let me know how you want it to be and I'll adjust my script.02:30
godbyk(basically, the table is pulled in with an include('build-results.html'); line.02:30
dakercan you pull your code to the branch ?02:31
godbykit might be neat to have some ajaxy stuff where you could click on the number-of-errors cell and it'll show you the error messages.  (similarly for warnings)02:31
godbykdaker: okay, I just pushed the code.02:34
dakergodbyk, the error messages & the warnings are located where ?02:51
godbykthey're just in the .log files.02:51
godbykI'll have to do a little work to parse them out.02:51
dakeri try to the arabic version of the manual02:55
dakerjust to inform you that i am arabic02:57
godbykI still need to fix the LTR layout.02:57
dakergodbyk, you are doing a good job man03:07
dakeri said your are doing a good job03:12
kermiachi. is there a list of screenshots that are still needed for the ubuntu-manual?03:32
dakerhttp://screenshots.ubuntu-manual.org/    kermiac03:33
kermiacty daker :)03:33
dakertry to complete some of them like the "de" still need 4 screenshots03:34
dakerthe "ja" too03:35
kermiacis there any way to see one (like en) that have already been done so I can ensure they are consistant?03:35
kermiacthanks again daker :)03:36
dakerno problem03:36
* daker Iron Man 2 => 100% ohohohoo03:37
dakergodbyk, i'll prepare something very good for the statistics03:53
godbykdaker: cool, thanks!03:53
dakernow i'll go to bed :)04:00
dakergood night04:00
godbykg'night, daker04:00
* IlyaHaykinson doing a good deed and translating the manual's web site into Esperanto05:21
* IlyaHaykinson does not really know Esperanto well enough to translate anything beyond single words or noun phrases05:21
donriSaluton IlyaHaykinson.05:24
IlyaHaykinsonsaluton, donri05:25
IlyaHaykinsoncrap, not having much luck in Esperanto. Having even less luck in Russian: I know the language well, but don't know _any_ technical terms.05:41
IlyaHaykinsonand it'd suck to pick the wrong word for "installing" or "download"05:42
donriTry a dictionary?05:42
IlyaHaykinsonsure, quite possible. but traditional dictionaries don't cover technical jargon very well.05:43
IlyaHaykinsoni think i'll just leave it to the locals.05:43
IlyaHaykinsonit's fascinating just how little reading proficiency correlates with technical writing proficiency05:43
donrihttp://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/install#Translations etc :)05:44
IlyaHaykinsonnod. i'm not disputing that i could do it. just that i _should_, given that i would have to research every word, nearly05:45
donriMaybe someone maintains a Ubuntu specific dictionary for translators. The Swedish community does that.05:45
IlyaHaykinsoni think they do, actually.05:45
IlyaHaykinsonbut i noticed it mainly has ubuntuisms05:46
donriNothing like http://www.ubuntu-se.org/wiki/Ordlista_f%C3%B6r_%C3%B6vers%C3%A4ttare ?05:46
IlyaHaykinsonmy language skills predate common computer usage (i left the country as a kid in the late 80s), so even things like "download" or proper ways of describing "click" are things i'd have to look up05:47
donriOk. :)05:47
IlyaHaykinsonbut, sure, they have a list: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuRussianTranslators/Dictionary05:48
IlyaHaykinsoni guess if the translation falls behind, i could help out.05:49
Ddordashould I translate "\eg", or it's some kind of command?08:05
DdordaThe output of a command is any text it displays on the next line after typing a command and pressing enter, \eg, if you type \commandlineapp{pwd} into a terminal and press \keystroke{Enter}, the directory name it displays on the next line is the output.08:09
ubuntujenkinshello all10:11
humphreybchi everyone, i'm back10:12
ubuntujenkinshello ben10:12
thorwilgodbyk, godbyk-android: what's the state regarding title page translations?10:13
humphreybchiya thorwil and ubuntujenkins10:14
humphreybchow are we going?10:14
ubuntujenkinsquickshot has a few more bugs but we are holding up.10:15
humphreybctranslation and screenshot status?10:16
humphreybci see many screenshots have been taken already10:16
thorwilso i made the call for help post on my blog short, but linked to humphreybc's. stats claim 13347 views10:16
humphreybctranslations are a bit slow10:16
humphreybcthorwil: neat. I've got 958 views on my post I believe, not that many.10:16
humphreybcI didn't see it on the planet?10:16
ubuntujenkinsI think screenshots are somewhat easier than the translations, hence they are being done quicker10:17
=== \vish is now known as vish
ubuntujenkinsI saw thorwil's post on the planet10:17
humphreybcoh good10:17
humphreybcwe need to get more posts on the planet *cough*popey*cough*10:18
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc, we have a quickshot ideas etherpad for the next cycle here: http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/f0VIdaLXWZ10:23
humphreybcwow, impressive10:24
humphreybcyou guys are going to be busy10:24
ubuntujenkinsfeel free to add stuff10:26
humphreybci see support for other projects is there, that's great10:27
humphreybcI definitely want this to be available for other documentation projects to use10:27
nisshhim back!10:31
ubuntujenkinsanyone know ho i can see the revisons for a specific file?10:35
humphreybcfor bzr?10:38
nisshhubuntujenkins: try: bzr diff filename10:44
nisshhor: bzr log filename10:44
nisshhubuntujenkins: diff shows you actual changes and log shows you a list of revisions10:45
nisshhubuntujenkins: for a specific revision go: bzr log -r500 filename10:46
ubuntujenkinsdiff only shows the difference between your file and the one in bzr, I have worked out whats wrong but am not sure when it got changed10:46
ubuntujenkinssomeone has been messing with the file permisson stuff in quickshot10:48
nisshhubuntujenkins: on noes! thats not good10:48
ubuntujenkinsno its not i am haveing to update the releases because of it10:49
ubuntujenkinsI am glad i understand ppas now10:49
nisshhdarn thats a pain10:49
ubuntujenkinsthe first time i did a ppa it took me 6+ hours, its a 10 min job if that now10:50
nisshhhumphreybc: have you had any issues with rhythmbox muting when you try to play a song in it in lucid?10:50
nisshhubuntujenkins: wow!10:50
humphreybcnot recently, i've been on holiday away from my computer since thursday10:51
ubuntujenkinsnisshh, I haven't had any rhythmbox issues in lucid10:51
nisshhubuntujenkins: really, must just be me then, but when i first try to play a song rhythmbox mutes itself locally until i unmute it, its REALLy annoying10:52
donriubuntujenkins, maybe you want bzr annotate10:53
ubuntujenkinsactually nisshh I had that once about a month ago but is has gone away10:53
nisshhubuntujenkins: darn it! lol, how come i always get the bugs!10:54
ubuntujenkinsdonri, that looks more like what i need thanks10:54
ubuntujenkinsnisshh, may be its your .config or .gnome2 etc files?10:55
nisshhubuntujenkins: good point, ill check after i reboot, brb!10:55
nisshhback now10:58
nisshhubuntujenkins: meh, rhythmbox bug is gone!10:59
ubuntujenkinsstrange nisshh10:59
nisshhubuntujenkins: yea i think it was my onboard audio doing something strange11:00
nisshhnot rhythmbox11:00
* ubuntujenkins they have changed the login screen AGAIN11:01
nisshhlol, i saw that11:02
nisshhin last weekends update11:03
ubuntujenkinsI am not a fan of the orange logo11:03
ubuntujenkinsit looked better black11:04
nisshhits obvious they havent quite got rid of brown/orange11:04
nisshhits way to bright a color for a logo too!11:05
ubuntujenkinsit looks so out of place on the login screen11:05
ubuntujenkinsat least I hadn't got around to faking the new one for the manual11:05
ubuntujenkinsthe button change it through so i can now do a new release of the quickshot cd11:06
nisshhoh crap, i just noticed the rearranged window buttons, forgot they were getting changes11:17
nisshhthey are worse than before now11:17
nisshhhave to get used to them AGAIN!11:17
ubuntujenkinsI like them that way takes some getting use to but its all right. I changed them my self as soon as the announcement was out.11:18
nisshhhehe yea11:22
donriYea is nice. This way they wont move around depending on what buttons are present.11:25
humphreybcgodbyk ping11:29
humphreybchi humphreybc-cell11:30
humphreybc-cellHi humphreybc11:30
humphreybchow's it going?11:30
humphreybc-cellNot too bad thanks11:31
nisshhinsanity from too much work and not enough sleep?11:31
humphreybci've actually had a great amount of sleep11:31
humphreybcbeen on holiday for three days11:31
nisshhhehe, count me out of the group who has had alot of sleep11:32
nisshhiv had "maybe" 12 hours sleep since last friday11:32
humphreybcbeen taking lots of screenshots? :P11:32
nisshhhumphreybc: no, i havent11:32
humphreybctsk tsk11:33
nisshhi havent had comp access for 4 days lol11:33
nisshhwent fishing thismorning11:33
humphreybci suppose that's okay then11:33
nisshhcaught a nice 1kg skippy11:34
nisshhnow im doing a bricklaying job for a mate then im off down south for a week and a half! far out dude!11:35
humphreybclol nisshh such an aussie11:36
nisshhbusy as hell right now11:37
nisshhi see the manual is shaping up really nicely now11:38
humphreybcis it?11:38
humphreybctranslations are a bit slow11:38
nisshha guy actually asked on the mailing list when translations end!?11:39
humphreybcaround RC11:40
nisshhalso i think the bzr section on our wiki page needs redoing11:40
nisshhalot of people are getting confused by it11:41
humphreybclol yeah11:41
nisshhi might take that on11:41
humphreybcmake it as simple as possible11:41
humphreybcyou should write a script they can download11:41
humphreybcjust a simple bash script11:41
nisshhto download the latest revision?11:42
Dakerhi @all11:42
humphreybcwell just to run stuff like bzr branch lp:ubuntu-manual11:42
nisshhand install and configure bzr?11:42
humphreybcmaybe it could install bzr, then set up bzr whoami11:42
humphreybc(and it prompts for them to enter their name and email)11:42
humphreybcthen downloads our branch, again, it could either prompt to enter in a location to download it to or just download to where the script is11:42
humphreybcthat's all it'd need to do11:42
nisshhalthough im not adept at bash scripting yet11:43
humphreybchey Daker11:43
nisshhill do some research11:43
humphreybcit's pretty easy11:43
Dakeri can help to do that humphreybc11:43
nisshhi do python so bash isnt hard11:43
humphreybcdaker, could you do me a favour please and remove the Bug and Audio Book navigation entries from the website?11:43
humphreybcnisshh: well do it in python then :)11:43
humphreybcDaker, we're not using the bug thing anymore with the spreadsheet form until we can set it up with an API for launchpad, and the audio book thing was just an april fools11:44
nisshhhumphreybc: hmmmm, nah i have no idea how to download a bzr branch with python11:45
humphreybcyeah, the main site daker11:45
nisshhhumphreybc: lol, i was wondering about that lol11:45
humphreybcso we just want to remove those two pages from the nav bar11:45
Dakerbe back11:45
humphreybcso it should just be About Get Involved Quickshot Contributors11:46
nisshhhumphreybc: i might be able to use my bros netbook while im away later this week and next week, since he has crunchbang on it11:46
nisshhhumphreybc: though i might have to steal me some wifi11:47
nisshhhumphreybc: where should i put this bash script for bzr?11:48
humphreybcjust store it locally for now till you've got it working11:48
nisshhyep, i mean after i finish it11:49
humphreybcthen you can stick it in the branch where others can help, then we'll host it on the server11:49
nisshhah ok11:49
nisshhalright ill get on that later tonight11:49
nisshhbrb dinner time11:50
* humphreybc is getting frustrated. Slow internet, docky crashing, gwibber using 100% CPU11:50
* ubuntujenkins is frustrated the live cd build failed brb12:08
Ddordais it possible to download the manual in my language?12:15
dakerwhat is your language Ddorda ?12:15
Ddordadaker: Hebrew12:16
Ddordadaker: Im translating it, and want to see how it looks now12:16
Ddordadaker: thanks a lot :D12:16
dakerenjoy it12:17
Ddordadaker: will do my best :P12:18
Ddordadaker: seems like there are some bugs..12:28
dakerDdorda, a lot of bugs, i thought :D12:28
dakerhebrew is a rtl language12:29
dakerso godbyk still need to fix the RTL layout.12:29
* ubuntujenkins starts a live cd customisation form scratch13:18
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: ping13:18
semioticroboticawesome!  how do you do that?13:18
ubuntujenkinsWell its fairly easy the wiki stuff on it is useful. fitting 50 language packs on it is the hard part. We ripped out allot of stuff13:19
ubuntujenkinsupdating an old disk can cause problems though, hence why I am starting from scratch13:20
semioticroboticI'm interested in maintaining a single flash drive that's capable of booting to and installing a number of Ubuntu versions.  Is this possible?13:20
ubuntujenkinsI haven't tried it but i also want to do that. The live cds that come with linux format boot into different versions of linux from the same disk, so it is possible.13:22
ubuntujenkinsyou would have to do some form of loading screen to choose each one. I haven't got a linux format disk as they are all at uni13:23
semioticroboticyes, it must be possible ... but I'm still such a novice with these things that reading Web tutorials is difficult13:31
semioticroboticI'd also like the USB drive to be updatable every time a new release hits ... don't want to reformat the drive each time and install everything all over again.13:32
ubuntujenkinsthe automatic updating would be hard, do you want to add custom packages to the disk?13:34
semioticroboticnot necessarily ... I'd just want a flash drive that can boot and install a number of default LiveCD images13:35
semioticroboticand the flash drive wouldn't need to automatically update, really ... it would just need to be able to allow ME to add another LiveCD imagine to its litany every six months or so13:36
ubuntujenkinsI will have a google and see what comes up13:36
semioticroboticdefinitely let me know if you find anything ... heading out for a bit13:39
ubuntujenkinsok i will do13:39
Ddordaubuntujenkins: you can remove the sound stuff, or things that wont be seen14:19
Ddordaubuntujenkins: or maybe you can make a DVD and not a CD14:19
ubuntujenkinsDdorda: i have removed allot of stuff that will not been seen, but i can't take out sound as rhythambox needs it. i have made it a cd last time.14:20
ubuntujenkinsthanks for the suggestions14:21
Ddordaubuntujenkins: well, just trying to help :P14:22
ubuntujenkinshelp is always welcome :D14:22
Ddordaubuntujenkins: there's no need for all of the installation slides in the slideshow, right?14:28
ubuntujenkinsno just the first one Ddorda14:28
Ddordayou can remove them all but the first one thank :)14:28
Ddordaor you already did? :P14:28
ubuntujenkinsDdorda:  and the screenshot of the "restart now" window14:29
ubuntujenkinsI haven't looked but I will remove them, what language is it?14:30
* ubuntujenkins starts the live cd build14:40
ubuntujenkinsRed_HamsterX: are you busy?16:19
shadeslayerok um... idk but do you guys need screenshots of kubuntu for the manual?17:28
shadeslayerim around everyday in #kubuntu-devel and #kubuntu... so just leave me a memoserv or ping me in one of those channels and we will have a chat :)17:29
shadeslayer<< Installing quickshot ;) >>17:34
ubuntujenkinssemioticrobotic: This was the simplest set of instructions to make a multiboot live cd http://psychoticspoon.blogspot.com/2009/01/booting-multiple-livecds-from-single.html the only catch is you need a i368 computer18:46
semioticroboticubuntujenkins: Great!  Thanks.  I'll give it a read.18:50
ubuntujenkinsthere were plenty of other ways of doing it  some involved scripts, but i don't like using scripts if i don't know where they came from18:51
semioticroboticI agree18:52
semioticroboticand this does look very straightforward18:52
semioticroboticterminal commands so simple even I can handle them18:52
ubuntujenkinsI haven't had a go but it does look simple18:53
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: ping18:54
* ubuntujenkins why do xorg-docs-core have to be installed for xorg to work ....19:18
* ubuntujenkins still needs to find room on the live cd someone made the language packs bigger19:19
godbykubuntujenkins: pong20:02
ubuntujenkinshello godbyk the live cd doesn't fit as the language packs are too big can you look at http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/SOMETHING and see if we can remove anything else?20:03
ubuntujenkinsI have even got rid of some sound stuff and still kept rhythambox20:04
godbykhow much space do we need?20:04
ubuntujenkins30mb when the cd is compressed20:04
godbykmost of the things I'm seeing we don't need except that other apps depend on them (even though we're not using those features).20:05
godbykliks gvfs-fuse. we don't need it, but I'm sure nautilus or someone will balk if we try to remove it.20:06
ubuntujenkinsthats the trouble all the silly dependacies20:06
godbykwhat's whiptail?20:06
godbykcan we kill friendly-recovery?20:06
ubuntujenkinsDisplays user-friendly dialog boxes from shell scripts20:06
ubuntujenkinsgvfs=fuse can go20:07
godbykI thought zenity was for that.20:07
godbykcpp is still there. can't we kill that?20:07
godbykxorg-docs-core sounds like it might just be documentation20:07
godbykwe can kill command-not-found20:08
ubuntujenkinsxorg docs can't   go xorg depends on it20:10
godbykhalf tempted to strip things out of the depends line of the deb control files. :-P20:12
godbykare we showing off any mono-based apps?20:12
godbykDdorda: The \eg command just expands to "e.g.".  So you can remove that command and replace it with a translation if you need to.  Or if you want, you can tell me how "e.g." appears in your language and I can translate the command itself so you don't have to mess with it.20:13
ubuntujenkinsyep tomboy and f-spot20:13
Ddordagodbyk: I would love if you do20:14
godbykthorwil: I haven't got back to the title pages yet.  I didn't know if you wanted to try a couple translations by hand using inkscape (so we could see if it can handle the opentype language features we'd need).20:14
Ddordagodbyk: another thing, have a look at the Hebrew version, its all messy20:14
godbykubuntujenkins: rats! 'cause that'd save us quite a bit of space, I think.20:15
godbykDdorda: yeah, I need to fix the layout for LTR languages.20:16
thorwilgodbyk: do you have a tough case at hand?20:16
ubuntujenkinsI know i have two channels giving suggestions and we haven't lost much ( godbyk )20:16
godbykDdorda: Can you email the translation for "e.g." to me at <kevin@ubuntu-manual.org>?20:16
ubuntujenkinsthorwil: godbyk and i are trying to free up space on the quickshot live cd20:16
Ddordagodbyk: just the word?20:17
Ddordagodbyk: well, I wish I could, for some reason gmail won't load to me20:17
Ddordafor the last few hours20:17
godbykthorwil: let me see if I can find one for you.20:18
godbykDdorda: Sure. You could try pasting it here, but I don't know how well irc and xchat handle unicode on my end.20:18
ubuntujenkinsDdorda: have you managed to do all of your screenshots?20:20
Ddordaubuntujenkins: it's not me doing the screenshots, but we have 37 of them already20:20
ubuntujenkinsDdorda: do you know who is?20:20
Ddordaubuntujenkins: yes, but he's not in the IRC a lot20:21
Ddordaubuntujenkins: want me to tell him something?20:21
godbykthorwil: let me try the arabic real quick. one moment.20:21
ubuntujenkinsDdorda: I was just wondering of he was around, don't worry.20:21
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: If we can aprove all of the done screenshots we cna remove those language form the cd20:22
Ddordagodbyk: btw, for some reason it doesn't show the screenshots in the Hebrew manual20:22
ubuntujenkinsDdorda: they will not show for a while yet20:23
ubuntujenkinsI am yet to add them to the branch and aprove them20:23
Ddordaubuntujenkins: I will try to get some people to screenshot what left20:25
ubuntujenkinsthat would be good thanks Ddorda20:27
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: any other thoughts of sutff to remove or shall i make it two cds?20:34
godbykI can rattle some packages off and you can check if they're dependencies for anything.20:35
godbykactually, I'm starting at the small end, aren't I? let me start with the big ones.20:38
godbyk...and he's gone. :)20:43
thorwilgodbyk: going, too, but feel free to send me an email regarding the title translation test20:55
ubuntujenkinsok sorry i disapeared my laptop overheated i missed anything after 20.25 have i missed anything aimed at me?20:58
godbykubuntujenkins: the huge list of packages I was barfing out? :)20:59
ubuntujenkinshello godbyk did you say anything to me after 20.25? I lost my laptop over heated it doesn't like these live cds20:59
godbykmy internet is up and down today, too.  I'm going to have to get a tech out here and make sure they really fix it this time.20:59
godbykyou said: "godbyk: any other thoughts of sutff to remove or shall i make it two cds?" at :3421:00
godbykand then from :35 to :43, I listed a bunch of packages.21:00
ubuntujenkinsI din't know if anyone could read that. I missed all the packages21:00
godbykyou drop offline at :42.21:00
godbykubuntujenkins: I can PM them to you if you want.21:02
ubuntujenkins_ok i missed anything after <godbyk> you drop offline at :4221:03
ubuntujenkins_back on wired now so it should be better21:03
=== ubuntujenkins_ is now known as ubuntujenkins
ubuntujenkinscan you list all the packages again please godbyk21:05
godbykubuntujenkins: I can PM them to you if you want.21:09
ubuntujenkinsthat would be good thanks21:09
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: can you please delete http://screenshots.ubuntu-manual.org/data/03-searchbar-firefox@es@1270289264.png and http://screenshots.ubuntu-manual.org/data/04-bluetooth-left-click@es@1270174368.png21:30
godbykubuntujenkins: sure21:32
godbykubuntujenkins: done21:33
godbykany others?21:33
ubuntujenkinsnot sure at the moment i have to open each one indvidually21:33
godbykif we don't, we should make a nice admin web interface for reviewing screenshots.21:34
ubuntujenkinsI think that is in th eplan21:35
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: can you please remove these as well http://screenshots.ubuntu-manual.org/data/01-who-are-you@de@1270292301.png http://screenshots.ubuntu-manual.org/data/02-blank-desktop@en@1270485732.png http://screenshots.ubuntu-manual.org/data/03-connection-information@pt@1270429614.png21:57
godbykubuntujenkins: done21:57
ubuntujenkinsthanks, also can you please send me the server details so that when i finish the cd in the morning I can upload it.21:58
godbykI'll email them to you.  Which address should I send them to?21:59
godbykubuntujenkins: email sent.22:01
ubuntujenkinsright I am off to bed, trying to get a better sleeping pattern. night all o/22:02
ubuntujenkinsthansk for you help godbyk22:02
godbykubuntujenkins: don't forget to bump the version number. :)22:02
godbykno problem.22:02
ubuntujenkinsI have bumped the version numer22:02
godbykHey, dutchie. how goes it?22:36
dutchienot bad22:36
dutchiepossibly entirely OT, but fun22:36
godbykdutchie: awesome! :)22:38

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