
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (22))00:03
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)00:03
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)00:03
Mamarokmaco: Lucida has been told repeatedly already for Spanish, this is getting annoying00:25
macoMamarok: bah. i see.00:27
Mamarokand s/he PM'ed people randomly asking them where they are from00:28
macoargh. ok. does she speak english then?00:59
macoor was it "de donde eres?"01:00
macoMamarok: ^01:00
Mamarokexactly, apparently she just PM'ed somebody else01:02
MamarokMaybe a gentle kick if she does it again might me needed01:02
macohowever the !pm factoid is in english right?01:14
macoMamarok: ok i just said in the channel, in spanish, the rules to her01:18
maco(or at least something approximating spanish...)01:18
macook she pm'd me now. repeated the request not to pm without permission and told her i would remove her from #kubuntu if she continued01:23
macoMamarok: she says she's in #kubuntu-es now01:30
ubottuMarkDude called the ops in #ubuntu-women ()05:16
ubottuIn ubottu, maco said: no !ops-#ubuntu-women is BWEEP! Channel emergency! PriceChild, Nightrose, JanC, Aishiko, Gary, christel, Susana, Hobbsee, pleia2, LadyFrost, elky, Myrtti, hypa7ia, maco, nikkiana, Gareth, akgraner, svaksha, Mamarok, MichelleQ, Pendulum, or akk!06:01
ubottuIn ubottu, maco said: no !ops-#ubuntu-women-project is BWEEP! Channel emergency! Help akgraner, pleia2, elky, hypa7ia, maco, Hobbsee, Gareth, Myrtti, jussi01, or Pici!06:04
macothere was no factoid for u-w-project and the nick list was out of date for u-w06:04
=== KB1JWQ is now known as TheOracle
=== TheOracle is now known as KB1JWQ
bazhang!no ops-#ubuntu-women is BWEEP! Channel emergency! PriceChild, Nightrose, JanC, Aishiko, Gary, christel, Susana, Hobbsee, pleia2, LadyFrost, elky, Myrtti, hypa7ia, maco, nikkiana, Gareth, akgraner, svaksha, Mamarok, MichelleQ, Pendulum, or akk!06:24
ubottuI'll remember that bazhang06:24
bazhang!no ops-#ubuntu-women is <reply> BWEEP! Channel emergency! PriceChild, Nightrose, JanC, Aishiko, Gary, christel, Susana, Hobbsee, pleia2, LadyFrost, elky, Myrtti, hypa7ia, maco, nikkiana, Gareth, akgraner, svaksha, Mamarok, MichelleQ, Pendulum, or akk!06:24
ubottuI'll remember that bazhang06:24
macothe reply word06:25
macobazhang: -project too?06:26
bazhangmaco #ubuntu-women-project ?06:26
macoyeah. it has a different list. i said it up there ^06:26
bazhang!no ops-#ubuntu-women-project is <reply> BWEEP! Channel emergency! Help akgraner, pleia2, elky, hypa7ia, maco, Hobbsee, Gareth, Myrtti, jussi01, or Pici!06:27
ubottuI know nothing about ops-#ubuntu-women-project yet, bazhang06:27
bazhang!ops-#ubuntu-women-project is <reply> BWEEP! Channel emergency! Help akgraner, pleia2, elky, hypa7ia, maco, Hobbsee, Gareth, Myrtti, jussi01, or Pici!06:28
ubottuI'll remember that, bazhang06:28
bazhangmaco, that should work06:28
macobazhang: thank you06:29
Mamarokbazhang: I am an op in #ubuntu-women-project, too07:10
Mamarokmaco: ^07:11
maconot according to chanserv, unless you're on the ircc07:11
Mamarokmaco: well, ask agraner07:12
macoor freenode staff07:12
Mamarokunless I was removed07:12
Mamarokbut nobody told me07:12
macoi dont think anyone ever got around to making the access lists match07:13
macobecause remember we talked about there being like 10 people missing from -project's list?07:13
Mamarokyes, I do *sigh*07:13
mneptokMamarok: rumor has it you're involved with the FSFE07:13
Mamarokmneptok: oh, does it? :)07:13
mneptokMamarok: indeed :)07:14
mneptokMamarok: http://www.flickr.com/photos/luciansavluc/522938931/sizes/o/07:14
mneptokMamarok: Georg and i are old chums. small world.07:14
Mamarokwhy is this a rumor? I always was, long before I started being involved with Ubuntu07:14
bazhangwell if you can op there you are op :)07:19
bazhangMamarok, I'll edit the factoid07:19
macoi dont think she can though...07:19
macoi dont have access to fix the access list07:19
Mamarokif I am not in the chanserv list, I doubt I can07:19
macoi asked amber but i think she forgot07:19
Mamarokwell, maybe remembering her might be useful :)07:20
bazhangwell it can be changed in a thrice07:20
* genii makes a fresh pot of coffee14:32
jussi01anyone up for some wolfie?15:43
ubottuPirate_Hunter called the ops in #ubuntu ()16:08
ubottuTrek called the ops in #ubuntu (Guest24481)16:09
topyli!away > Katie|Away18:28
ubottuPirate_Hunter called the ops in #ubuntu ()19:48
robertzaccourhey yall21:24
robertzaccouri want to appeal a chat ban on me21:24
robertzaccouri have the chat records in email also21:25
TheSheepThere are some links in the topic with advices21:33
robertzaccourhere's the chat log21:34
robertzaccourplease read through it and as you can see, the hostility is mainly directed toward me21:35
robertzaccourand i get banned after nicely correcting a couple of the mod's buddies21:37
macoyou mean after you started making jokes about guns and murder?21:37
robertzaccourmaco, the ban was after i nicely corrected a couple of the mod's buddies, and i apologized for making jokes before asking about chat user sensitivity21:38
robertzaccouri admit the jokes should have remained unsaid, but getting banned for nicely correcting misinformed users?21:39
robertzaccourand i don't recall any jokes about murder21:40
TheSheepyou got banned for the jokes and for not stopping when told to by an op, that's why you got a link to the guidelines with your ban message21:40
macoi dont see the bit about misinformed users21:40
robertzaccourmaco, its down near the end when a user tries to have an argue fest with me i have no idea why21:41
TheSheeprobertzaccour: that's unrelated to your ban21:41
TheSheepI guess21:41
macoyeah i think the ban was just slow21:42
macothough possibly this is what was the final push over:21:42
maco<robertzaccour> i like to joke around. i admit i didn't check to make sure my audience wasn't sensitive, however its not my fault certain people got their panties in a bunch21:42
macoit's up to you to take responsibility for your offensiveness.21:42
robertzaccourmaco, that part i shouldn't have said, however did you notice from the start of the chat til the end, i was being criticized for no reason?21:44
robertzaccourmaco, start from the top and see. did the mod reprimand his buddies? throughout the chat session he did not21:44
TheSheepthat's not realted to your ban though21:45
robertzaccourmaco, i don't think you realize the biased behavior in the chat21:45
macoi see people (correctly) telling you you're wrong, and then i see people getting annoyed after your inappropriate attempt at humour21:45
robertzaccourmaco, do you also see the insulting sarcasm with it?21:46
macoi also see multiple ops telling you your jokes were inappropriate21:46
macoand giving you warnings about it21:46
robertzaccourmaco, and i apologized21:46
macotelling people their panties are in a bunch does not an apology make21:47
TheSheeprobertzaccour: are you trying to say that your ban should be lifted because someone else also behaved wrong?21:47
robertzaccourTheSheep, i think it should be because of the obvious criticism throughout the chat. i didn't refrain from inappropriate jokes, however i also help people in the chat when i can rather than insulting them21:48
macoah the old two wrongs make a right?21:48
robertzaccouris what i did worse than insulting a user for having a question? i at least help users when i can21:49
TheSheeprobertzaccour: the thing is, ops have to work to keep such jokes outside the channel, even if it means that some helpful people get banned -- hopefully, we can get those people to help without behaving inapropriately21:50
robertzaccourTheSheep, and was me being insulted for no reason from the start of the chat appropriate behavior?21:50
TheSheeprobertzaccour: at least that's my understanding, as I don't really have power in that particular channel21:50
TheSheeprobertzaccour: I take it the behavior of other people was dealt with apropriately too, but we are talking about you now21:51
robertzaccourthe mod had nothing to say to rude users, just the guy that told jokes he didn't like. shouldn't mods be more moderated maybe? perhaps get user feedback? recommendations? etc21:52
robertzaccourTheSheep, if you read the chat it wasn't dealt with at all21:52
TheSheeprobertzaccour: it's a difficult thing to moderate such a big channel, but some things are clearly off limits21:52
robertzaccourit was completely biased toward certain users and against me21:52
robertzaccourTheSheep, is disrespecting other users off limits? is the mods doing nothing about it at all off limits?21:53
robertzaccourif you read the chat its clear biasedness21:53
TheSheepyes, it was biased agains people who do things that are explicitly and clearly forbidden, because that's easy to judge, being rude is harder to judge21:54
TheSheepthat still doesn't make you innocent21:54
robertzaccourTheSheep, is being rude to other people in chat clearly forbidden?21:54
TheSheepthere is no mathematical formula for rudeness21:54
robertzaccourTheSheep, i didn't say it did. i even apologized and was about to again but i couldn't because i was banned21:54
TheSheeplelet me clarify something21:55
TheSheepare you here to talk about your ban?21:55
robertzaccourTheSheep, read from the top down a little ways and notice blatant rudeness21:55
robertzaccourTheSheep, thats partly it, and also the biasedness in the chat with the ops21:55
TheSheepyou will have to handle that separately21:56
robertzaccourdid the mods say anything to the users that were rude to me? maybe some of the mods abuse their power in the chats21:56
TheSheepyour ban can be probably dealt with here (not by me though), with the rest you should probably follow the appeal process or something21:57
TheSheepthe link in the topic has some details21:58
robertzaccourTheSheep, you have the chat log right their21:58
TheSheepbut I'm not a moderator of that channel21:58
TheSheepI can only give you advice21:58
TheSheepand hope that it helps somehow21:59
robertzaccourok thanks21:59
robertzaccourwhich contact link do i click?22:00
robertzaccourubuntu-irc email or council email?22:00
TheSheepI'd read about the process first, I never went through that myself so can't tell22:01
macocouncil, i think22:02
kn1200Is webchat banned in #ubuntu or is me specifically that is banned (my nick usually is kn100 but am having system trouble at the minute)23:46
mneptokwebchat users should get an auto-exemption from the bots when they try to /join23:47
ubottuThe operation succeeded.23:47
kn1200So it's not 'me' that is banned, it's an issue with the channel?23:49
mneptokunknown. i'm looking into it.23:49
kn1200OK thanks :D23:49
mneptokthere does not seem to be a ban for you23:51
mneptokso maybe the bots are having a bit of difficulty23:51
mneptokare you using a system with a JRE?23:52
kn1200I assume so, I think xubuntu comes with a JRE by default23:53
mneptoktry this - http://www.bratschi.net/cbirc/cbirc.jnlp23:53
kn1200It's just asking me to save the file23:54
* mnep_jnlp waves23:54
mnep_jnlpworks for me :)23:54
kn1200don't worry though, I'll just get xchat and connect through that23:54
mneptokthere ya go23:54
mneptokwebchat is sooooo ghetto23:55
kn1200but before I do that, is there a way I can install the nvidia drivers without having to use jockey? jockey just won't find the drivers even though it has works every other time23:55
mneptoksorry, this is not a support channel23:55
kn1200Ok, thanks anyway23:56

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