
aragood morning all!06:56
faganMorning ara07:15
arahey fagan, how is it going?07:15
faganGood good busy with college but still around07:15
faganill be around a little more for 10.10 because ill be on summer break07:17
faganstill testing though :)07:17
grantbowgood evening ara07:44
arahey grantbow :)07:45
grantbowdid you see gBoggs post about spam on blog.qa.ubuntu.com?  http://blog.qa.ubuntu.com/node/4  Who handles that?07:45
grantbowI hate spam07:46
aragrantbow, I haven't, let me see07:51
aragrantbow, as far as I know, stgraber used to take care of that07:52
svakshaara: hi, since i didnt see you on irc, I mailed you. Hope its ok07:52
arasvaksha, sure it is fine :-)07:52
arasvaksha, I'll reply today07:53
svakshak, thanks07:53
arasvaksha, are you then interested in participating with that project?07:53
arasvaksha, cool :-) the deadline for proposals is near07:54
svakshai know :)07:54
arasvaksha, I'll make sure I get the time today to answer :)07:55
svakshaara: it was easter weekend and i didnt want to disturb you07:56
svakshaara: autogen also fails10:01
svakshai also sent a link to pastebin (it has the mago errors)10:02
arasvaksha, I am replying. but it is not the same error :)รง10:02
arasvaksha, replied10:12
svakshaara: i found a bugbut am not sure if its related : https://bugs.launchpad.net/dogtail/+bug/34889010:16
* svaksha checks mail10:16
ubot4Launchpad bug 348890 in dogtail (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "dogtail-recorder doesn't record (heat: 4)" [Undecided,Triaged]10:16
arasvaksha, the bug is not related. dogtail recorder does not work, but we are not going to create a recorder, anyway10:20
arasvaksha, one recommendation to start with this project10:21
svakshai thought its not related too10:21
svakshabut googling threw that10:21
arasvaksha, forget about accerciser for the time being. focus on mago, on understanding its mission and how it works10:21
arasvaksha, once you understand that, we can start with the plugin10:21
svakshaara: accerciser was installed with some errors (i mailed that reply) and mago test gives me an ldtp object warning10:44
arathe accerciser issue is fixed installing ipython package10:44
* svaksha notes that ipython is taking a long time to install10:51
svakshaara: accerciser works now, thanks :) and mago still gives throws an object warning11:09
arasvaksha, replying now11:10
arasvaksha, replied11:14
svakshaara: thanks, reading11:18
=== kermiac_ is now known as kermiac
cr3if anyone happens to be receiving questions for checkbox from the launchpad answer tracker, I've asked the launchpad folks to deal with the spam recently posted to question #5347413:41
cr3I thought I should say something since there's no way to visually indicate to anyone that steps have been taken13:41
cr3bladernr: hi there, thanks for handling the (invalid) checkbox question in launchpad this weekend14:16
bladernrcr3:  no worries :)14:28
bladernrI was actually kinda worried I was stepping on someone's toes shuffling it around14:29
cr3bladernr: nope, it looked awesome. I handled the other checkbox question this weekend which turned out to be spam14:34
bladernrcool... I didn't even see that one... actually, I only knew about the one because I got an e-mail about it... then again, I didn't look at e-mail the rest of the weekend.  I was busy rebuilding my MBR repeatedly...14:35
cr3bladernr: really? I've never heard about having to rebuild the mbr more than once. what happened?14:35
bladernrWindows and Dell Backup...14:36
bladernrhrmmm... can't find the bug now.  Let me look14:37
bladernrcr3:  bug 55172114:42
ubot4Launchpad bug 551721 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "[grub2] grub fails to load again (in Lucid Beta1) (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55172114:42
bladernrBasically, for whatever reason, when dual booting and the Windows install has some sort of onboard backup system (like Dell's Local SafeStore or whatever it's called) it overwrites part of the MBR...14:43
bladernrI know it's not really OUR problem per-se, but I'd never had this problem until I updated on Thursday or Friday... never saw it in Karmic either.14:43
cr3bladernr: still status New? you might like to change the status to Confirmed since you've painfully encountered the same problem :)14:43
bladernrWork around was to just go in and delete the Dell stuff...14:43
cr3bladernr: the dell backup partition?14:44
bladernrcr3:  well, the dell local backup software at least.  I don't actually even have a recovery partition, that i can see... there's a 6 block partition at the beginning of the disk, and I think THAT's what's overwriting part of the MBR.14:45
bladernrHonestly, I'm not familiar enough with Grub2 and where it puts it's files though.14:45
cr3bladernr: I have to admit I haven't taken the time to understand grub2 as well as I used to understand plain old grub14:46
bladernrLike I said, it's not OUR problem, but there are enough people who are dual booting today (and many many more we hope to bring into the fold that WILL dual boot in the future) that this is bothersome.14:46
cr3bladernr: totally agree14:47
bladernrcr3:  yeah... what I wrote in my addition to that bug was based on a small bit of reading while I was trying to figure out WTF just happened to my MBR... heh...14:47
bladernrBut I deleted all that software and haven't had an issue since Suday afternoon.14:48
bladernraccording to PartEd: === Week 04 Template ===14:48
bladernr * This week, the person collecting reports and sending the final report is JeffreyLane14:48
bladernr|| '''Tester''' || '''Area''' || '''Status''' || '''Report'''||14:48
bladernr|| AmeetParanjape ||  || NotStarted || ||14:48
bladernr|| AraPulido || || NotStarted || ||14:48
bladernr|| BrianMurray || || NotStarted || ||14:48
bladernr|| CarlosDeAvillez || || NotStarted || ||14:48
bladernr|| DavidMurphy || || NotStarted || ||14:48
bladernr|| JeffreyLane || || NotStarted || ||14:48
bladernr|| MarjoMercado || || NotStarted || ||14:48
bladernr|| MarcTardif || || NotStarted || ||14:49
bladernr|| PedroVillavicencio || || NotStarted || ||14:49
bladernr|| RonaldMcCollam || || NotStarted || ||14:49
bladernr|| SteveBeattie || || NotStarted || ||14:49
bladernrcrap... sorry...14:49
bladernrNumber  Start   End     Size    Type      File system     Flags14:49
bladernr 1      32.3kB  41.1MB  41.1MB  primary   fat1614:49
bladernrstupid clipboard... :(14:49
bladernranyway... that's the partition... 41MB seems a bit small for a recovery partition or backup location of a 500GB disk :)14:49
bladernrthough the cool thing with this laptop is that I got actual recovery disks and not that silly onboard partition that stores all the OS and Software backups from the factory.14:50
cr3bladernr: I looked up your laptop, does it really have lights on the front?14:50
bladernrheh... it has lights all over...14:51
bladernreven around the touchpad and under the keyboard14:51
bladernrI swear I bought it for the hardware and not for the pretty lights!14:51
cr3bladernr: heh, I'll need some more convincing than that :)14:52
bladernrquad-core i7 and VTx!14:52
cr3bladernr: did the i7 work with karmic?14:54
bladernryeah...  as I understand it, the kernel in Karmic didn't have the code to fully utilize the procs, but at least all the cores showed up, and throttling worked, and I believe that VTx worked (at least VirtualBox let me check the box for using VTx on my VMs)14:55
* cr3 is pleasantly surprised. awesome!14:55
bladernrI'm not sure if this one comes with turbo though... can't recall off the top of my head14:57
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
stgrabergrantbow: here we go, just cleaned up the blog from over 200 spams17:24
sbeattiestgraber: heh, I briefly looked to see if I could do some of that last night, and it didn't look like I was able to.17:25
sbeattieare you the only one capable of doing that?17:25
stgraberanyone who's admin on the QA team Drupal is able to do that17:26
sbeattiestgraber: hrm. is there a link to where you delete comments? I wasn't able to find one while looking at the blog entries.17:41
stgrabersbeattie: I now added that right to anyone who's allowed to blog on blog.qa.ubuntu.com. So you should now see it in the admin UI.17:58
stgrabersbeattie: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/admin/content/comment17:59
sbeattiestgraber: who are the current admins?17:59
stgraberfull (all websites admin including brainstorm) are: fader, Ng (from IS), nand (from Brainstorm), Henrik and I18:01
fader_stgraber: Whoa, no kidding?  I had no idea I was an admin on most of that.18:02
* fader_ goes mad with power.18:02
sbeattiestgraber: hrm, heno has moved off of the QA team; should he still be an admin?18:03
stgraberprobably not, I'm guessing quite a lot of existings ACLs should be changed to reflect the changes that happened over the last year or so18:05
=== andreas__ is now known as anoteng
grantbowstgraber: good work!  darn spammers20:06

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