
=== \vish is now known as vish
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kklimonda|G1Sarvatt: i havent tested it recently.13:05
ryehello, is anybody here aware where x resolution settings are stored in gnome in Lucid ?13:10
diverse_izzuehi all. i have problems with the radeon kms modesetting on lucid when i use external screens ( the image is very jittery, not stable). does anybody else have this problem?13:11
diverse_izzuerye, i think in a file called monitors.xml, let me search for it13:11
ryediverse_izzue, .config/monitors.xml ?13:11
diverse_izzuerye, yes13:11
ryediverse_izzue, awesome! thanks!13:11
diverse_izzueyou found that fast...13:12
ryediverse_izzue, my wife has jitterring on external display too13:12
diverse_izzueon what ATI chip?13:12
ryediverse_izzue, radeon + kms + lucid, VGA connection to the external screen13:12
diverse_izzuerye, that's kind of a bummer, the biggest lucid regression for me13:12
rye  M52 [Mobility Radeon X1300]13:14
ryepci id 1002:5a3413:14
* rye reboots to check one tiny thing regarding bug #53313513:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 533135 in plymouth "System fails to boot with plymouth installed (nouveau driver with >1 display)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53313513:15
ryegrrr, while searching for resolution of one bug with nouveau/plymouth found another bug with GDM :)13:24
diverse_izzuerye, do you know if the jitter bug is reported anywhere?13:27
ryediverse_izzue, frankly speaking I have no idea. Her videoboard/LVDS started to malfunction recently (mis-colored pixels appearing here and there) so I attributed that jitter to this, that's why I did not report that and nobody seemed to suffer from this when I asked around13:29
diverse_izzuerye, i'm confused since this kms thing, don't know where to report. kernel? radeon? mesa? dri?13:30
ryeok, I am out of ideas for #533135, something is wrong with that ioctls...13:30
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Sarvattrye: booting with radeon.modeset=0 will fix that for now (also you may want to delete /etc/modprobe.d/radeon-kms.conf)15:27
kklimonda|G1Sarvatt: were there any fixes recently that could fix my gamma issue? if so i'll check once i'm back how the day after tomorrow15:31
kklimonda|G1back home*15:31
Sarvattkklimonda|G1: seems like a general xserver problem people are having with all different types of video right now - https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2738215:33
ubottuFreedesktop bug 27382 in Server/general "[RS480] black screen after a few user switches" [Major,New]15:33
kklimonda|G1Sarvatt: good to know, i've already reported bug against gnome-screensaver ;)15:34
kklimonda|G1Sarvatt: but I can reproduce the problem by just running test-fade from gnome-screensaver tarball and there is no vt switch involved15:39
Sarvattdoes xgamma -gamma 1.0 bring it back?15:42
kklimonda|G1wait, actually xrandr --putput LVDS-1 --gamma 1:1:1 does bring it back15:44
kklimonda|G1haven't tried xgamma for some reason15:44
Sarvattdo you just use the one account or do you have any guests running at the same time when it happens?15:48
Sarvattcan ya point me at your gnome-screensaver bug?15:49
kklimonda|G1Sarvatt: can't really say for sure - i think it was only one account then. i'll get you a bug number and answer this for sure when i'm back home.15:51
Sarvatti cant reproduce it but I haven't tried with guest sessions yet, wanted to step through it in gdb to get a better idea of what was going on15:56
Sarvattchrisccoulson: have you seen anything regarding gnome-screensaver's gamma fade not restoring right?16:02
chrisccoulsonSarvatt, i've not. have people been reporting issues then?16:10
Sarvattyeah https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27382 kklimonda|G1 was just talking about having the problem before you came in, didn't know if maybe you had seen any bugs about it. xrandr --putput LVDS-1 --gamma 1:1:1 brings it back for kklimonda|G1, and other people in that bug report are saying xgamma -gamma 1.0 brings it back16:14
ubottuFreedesktop bug 27382 in Server/general "[RS480] black screen after a few user switches" [Major,New]16:14
chrisccoulsonSarvatt - interesting, i've not seen that before16:29
chrisccoulsonthe gamma fade should be restored pretty much as soon as it has faded out16:30
chrisccoulsonkklimonda|G1, is the issue reproducible for you?16:36
kklimonda|G1chrisccoulson: yes but i'm not at home till wednesday16:38
chrisccoulsonkklimonda|G1, when you get home, it would be interesting to see the output of gnome-screensaver --debug when this happens16:39
chrisccoulsonand also a log from xtrace16:39
chrisccoulsoni can help you with the latter if you haven't used xtrace before16:39
kklimonda|G1chrisccoulson: nothing worth mentioning in screensaver log afair.16:39
Sarvattok thats nasty16:39
chrisccoulsonthere could be a clue. but the xtrace log could be interesting16:40
Sarvattlooks like i can reproduce it with test-fade in gnome-screensaver16:40
kklimonda|G1i've always wanted to learn xtrace :)16:40
Sarvattkklimonda|G1: it's easy, just xtrace -D :5 > ~/whatever.xtrace then DISPLAY=:5 yourapp16:41
kklimonda|G1Sarvatt: but the output looks scary :)16:41
kklimonda|G1good to know how to use it though - thanks16:42
Sarvattkklimonda|G1: you just had to point me at a bug that got me really interested when I'm super busy getting ready for an interview tomorrow, argh :)16:46
Sarvattlooks like test-fade only tests XFree86-VidMode fades though16:47
chrisccoulsonSarvatt, it should test either16:48
chrisccoulsongs_fade_new will select the appropriate method16:48
chrisccoulsoni think the check at the start of test-fade.c is bogus ;)16:48
Sarvattoh ok, not too familiar with this code base16:49
Sarvattwell it definitely thinks it restored the fade right even though the screen was black after the second and I couldn't get it back up- http://pastebin.com/v0udDN9G17:08
chrisccoulsoni think xtrace would be useful here :-)17:12
Sarvattchrisccoulson: http://pastebin.com/zwXaMH4917:38
chrisccoulsonhmmm, so the gamma is not reset at the end then :-/17:41
kklimonda|G1i could tell ya that without your fancy xtrace!17:42
kklimonda|G1good morning bryce17:43
Sarvattwish i had another machine handy so i could step through it in gdb, the second fade always fails to restore 17:56
kklimonda|G1Sarvatt: i think that the first one also fails and only because just after it the second fade-out is called gamma is "restored"17:58
Sarvattit doesn't restore fully from the first one I think, the screen starts to ramp up the gamma and starts the second fade before its done it looks like17:59
chrisccoulsonSarvatt - ok, i can recreate it with test-fade too17:59
chrisccoulsonSarvatt - i have 2 machines here, so I can debug that18:00
Sarvattthats what I'm using to recreate it and have it reset it after because i only have one machine at the moment18:00
chrisccoulsonyeah, i just had to use my second machine to reset it18:00
Sarvatt(with xtrace -k -D :5 > ~/Desktop/fade.xtrace in another terminal)18:01
chrisccoulsonanyway, feel free to open a new screensaver bug and assign to me, and i will look at that one this week18:01
Sarvattokie, kklimonda|G1 did you already have a bug opened or should i open a new one? theres a ton across the random ddx packages with this bug18:02
kklimonda|G1Sarvatt: i have opened one only on b.g.o - if you open one on LP i'll link the upstream one when i'm back. android mail client sucks when it comes to searchng mails :/18:03
Sarvattchrisccoulson: can you set a break on xf86CrtcSetModeTransform and print crtc->active and crtc->funcs->gamma_set?18:04
kklimonda|G1Sarvatt: and subscribe me to LP one -'m not sure if my backlog is going to keep this conversation for two days :)18:05
chrisccoulsonSarvatt - yeah, will look at that in a bit18:05
Sarvattchrisccoulson: sorry to bug you when you're probably busy with other things, this is probably a bug in xserver anyway but you seem to be the one in the know when it comes to gnome-screensaver :D18:12
Sarvattkklimonda|G1: whats your LP username?18:13
kklimonda|G1Sarvatt: kklimonda18:13
Sarvattoh easy enough18:13
cndbryce_: I created a magicmouse ppa with a dkms package for lucid for magic mouse support (which is a multitouch device)18:21
cndI see you and apw are working on an MT ppa as part of xorg-edgers18:21
cndmaybe there's some integration we could do between the two18:21
cndany thoughts?18:22
Sarvattchrisccoulson: whats your LP name too so I can subscribe you to it? :D18:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 555870 in gnome-screensaver "Gamma values are not being set properly after a second fade out resulting in a black screen" [Undecided,New]18:24
chrisccoulsonSarvatt - it's chrisccoulson ;)18:28
chrisccoulsonbut i'm subscribed to all gnome-screensaver bugs anyway18:28
Sarvattoh whoops forgot the extra c18:28
bryce_cnd, thanks18:29
Sarvattbetter xtrace here with the gnome-screensaver debug info mixed in so you can tell where each thing happens - http://launchpadlibrarian.net/43176234/fade.xtrace18:34
chrisccoulsonSarvatt - got it :)18:48
chrisccoulsonit needs a gdk_flush in there18:49
chrisccoulsonand that makes it work ;)18:49
chrisccoulsonok, i'll fix that this week then once i've worked out the appropriate place for it18:49
Sarvattnice, i will try to work up a list of bugs to ask for retesting after you upload the fixed one since there are probably at least 20-30 scattered across the various ddx packages that i've come across18:50
chrisccoulsonSarvatt, thanks. i will probably ask kklimonda|G1 to test a PPA build before i upload, as the fix won't make beta 2 now anyway19:03
bryce_wow, lotta bug reports in over the weekend19:21
bryce_mostly intel it appears19:21
chrisccoulsonbryce_, busy week for you this week then? ;)19:22
bryce_chrisccoulson, nah, taking friday off19:23
bryce_chrisccoulson, every week's a busy week, but we're frozen this week so it'll not be as bad as usual19:23
bryce_of course, I say that monday morning not knowing what the week has in store ;-)19:23
chrisccoulsoni've got quite a busy week this week, especially with final freeze being just over a week away ;)19:24
chrisccoulsonand i didn't work today, so it's a short week for me too19:24
jwhitleyHi all.  I need help debugging an odd udev issue.  x11_options.* settings show up via udev, but aren't being picked up by xorg.19:57
jwhitley"udevadm info --query=all --name=..." and udev logs show correct settings, but these don't show up via xinput list-props and Xorg logs.  ideas on troubleshooting?  (In Lucid, up-to-date as of ~1 hr ago)19:58
jwhitleyThe context is porting a HAL setup for my trackball over to udev for Lucid.  Following docs at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/InputConfiguration and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Input20:00
bryce_jwhitley, those are a little outdated now... probably xorg.conf.d snippets are the right way to go for lucid20:03
jwhitleyDo snippets work in Lucid?  I found those when digging around, but it wasn't clear that those patches to Xorg had landed in Lucid.20:04
jwhitleyNevermind; they're listed in the man page quite clearly.  Shuffling off to port config to snippets now; thanks.20:05
Sarvatthttp://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Input_device_configuration is a good reference until the wiki is updated21:58
RAOFGood morning all!23:48
bryce_heya RAOF23:49
bryce_some times I want to throttle reporters and say, "Launchpad is for bug reports, NOT for free technical support!"23:50
bryce_but of course they'd just shrug and go, "Uh, what's the difference?"23:50
bryce_it's windy here, maybe a tree will fall on top of me in my office and end my pain :-)23:51
RAOFI've had two bug reporters talk about icecream on a (pretty serious) macbook nouveau bug.23:52
bryce_"launchpad is a bugtracker, not a FORUM!!!"23:53
RAOFPlease see ubuntuforums.org for an actual forum!23:53

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