
clarezoetommetje thanks for your responce.  no i cannot. is there any way or tool to check grub i am so bad at it.00:00
brontosaurusrexdietnews: basically: flac file.flac decode to pipe | lame - encode to file.mp3 && copy/paste tags from file.flac to file.mp300:01
tommetjeclarezoe: Use a LiveCD to boot your computer and check the GRUB config.00:01
clarezoetommetje ok00:01
brontosaurusrexdietnews: and a loop00:01
dietnewshow would i make that go recursively through folders?00:01
soreaujsec: Ok, let me tinker with it a bit and see if I can get it building00:02
* XuMuK 's back00:02
daniel__hey :) I downloaded lucid from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ but when i installed i got the old theme + old source in source.list? Did i do something wrong?00:02
jsecsoreau: thank you.00:02
jsecsoreau: by changing it to linux/unistd.h it did manage to build. Now I've got a warning about an implicit declaration of getpid, but I think that's more a C problem than an Ubuntu problem :)00:03
FloodBot1SHASHACAFRINE: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:03
tommetjeThat looks like fun.00:04
soreaujsec: Yea, I was just about to say I don't think you can include out-of-tree headers from a kernel module00:04
brontosaurusrexthats would be some sort of a glob loop, i'd ask in #bash00:05
XuMuKwhat the hell was this?) I think was my codes))00:06
soreaujsec: You might want to ask in ##kernel because I'm not sure how you could get the pid of the calling process..00:06
brontosaurusrexdietnews: i'd ask in #bash on how to write a decent recursive loop00:07
dietnewsoh thats a good idea00:07
jsecsoreau: I tried. No answer yet. :(00:07
Lydia`is there a seperate Channel for Embedded Linux?00:08
tibbimanyone here farmiliar with aticonfig?00:09
xangua!anyone | tibbim00:09
ubottutibbim: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:09
adrianoalguem pode me ajudar com o songbird?00:10
adrianonão consigo instalar00:10
tibbimI installed ubuntu on a laptop with a ati card (my only computer with ati so i dont know how to do this) and i chose to use the one suplied through ati as i need the 3d bost for what im goint to use this computer for00:11
tibbimbut when i try to set it up useing sudo aticonfig i cant figure it out00:11
xangua!br | adriano00:11
XuMuK!english | adriano00:11
brontosaurusrex!es | adriano00:11
ubottuadriano: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.00:11
ubottuadriano: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat00:11
ubottuadriano: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:11
xanguaadriano: you can install songbird with getdeb repository00:12
xanguabrontosaurusrex: that's defenitly not spanish :S00:12
XuMuKbrontosaurusrex, wasn't spanish) portugal)00:12
brontosaurusrexxangua, XuMuK , ups00:12
martineshi guys, somebody even heard of this problem : Wireless download speed drops after 2 minutes to max. 100Kb/s ? I'm using an intel 3945 wireless card with the latest driver installed.00:12
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XuMuKmartines, some other process uses network?00:13
martinesXuMuk : Where can I check that?00:13
XuMuKmartines, you should know that by yourself) close all browsers and any programs that uses internet and try again...00:15
jsecsoreau: thank you for all your assistance btw.00:15
=== tuomas is now known as tumii
martinesXuMuk : In the system monitor I see that the upload speed is on the max...00:15
brontosaurusrexdietnews: alternative to scripting may be http://soundconverter.berlios.de/00:15
bahaamartines: even when you are not uploading anything right?00:16
dietnewsi found some info on the archlinux wiki about setting up this kind of script00:16
martinesXuMuk : with all windows closed, the max download is 100Kb/s, as checked on the internet00:16
soreaujsec: Did you figure it out?00:16
martinesXuMuk : Yes00:16
dietnewsand it needs to be commandline cause im running it on my server00:16
dietnewsthanks tho00:16
ZykoticK9xangua, just an FYI but songbird is stopping Linux development :(  http://leftyfb.com/2010/04/02/songbird-halts-major-support-for-linux/00:17
bahaamartines: you mean the max download can't be more than 100kb/s?00:17
XuMuKmartines, what type of connection do you use? DSL?00:17
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XuMuKmartines, try to reboot and try it up again... if persist it seems to be a problem of your internet provider...00:19
martinesXuMuk : I use DSL 8Mbit down / 1Mbit up. If I reset the wireless connection, everything works fine. I have according to a website who checks my internet speed 560 Kb down, 96Kb up. Suddenly everyting drops down to max. 100 Kb down and 40 Kb up. Out of the blue00:19
adrianonão consigo achar a pasta opt pelo terminal00:20
xangua!pt | adriano00:20
ubottuadriano: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.00:20
jsecsoreau: not yet. I can get the module to compile and load if I remove the PID errata and just have it post a generic message with printk, but I'll figure it out. My brain's fried. I need a nap.00:20
aciculamartines: where/by what program is 100kb/s reported?00:20
martinesXumuk : When I once again reset the wireless connection, everything works on 500+ down and 100+ up again00:21
suboneI can't seem to chmod my www directory `sudo chmod 755 /my/path` doesnt result in those permissions being set. Any help?00:21
soreaujsec: you're trying to get the pid of the process that's loaded the module?00:21
martinesacicula : www.mordax.com00:21
jsecsoreau: yes00:21
martinesacicula : after the drop everything is working much slower00:21
XuMuKmartines, so I don't know then... sorry00:22
aciculamartines: i mean what program is reporting the speed locally00:22
subonehmmm may be a fat issue00:22
aciculanot the website you use to measure your speed00:22
soreaujsec: ok00:22
martinesXumuk : Thanx for your help00:23
aciculasubone: fat does not have file permissions so if its that seems likely?00:23
aciculasubone: well it has some but not inthe that sense anyway00:23
martinesacicula : I did not test the speed locally, But I have to say that my NFS network drives also work really slow, when copying a file, it goes max 1,5 Mb/s00:24
jseci'm going to take off for a bit. i'll be back later.00:24
aciculamartines: across wireless that does not seem very poor00:24
martinesacicula : I think those 2 problems might be related00:24
aciculamartines: you say a download goes no faster then 100kb/s, where does that number come from?00:25
martinesacicula : www.mordax.com00:25
aciculaso try a different dsl speed tester?00:25
martinesacicula : same thing, same numbers00:26
bahaamartines, acicula: what does the system monitor give?00:26
bahaahow much?00:26
martinesbahaa : no weird traffiking00:26
martinesbahaa : just normal00:27
hiexpodid service provider put a cap on ya00:27
bahaamartines: and how much down/up speed does it give (in resources tap)?00:27
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martinesbahaa, acicula : 000:28
hiexporun a ping test00:28
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aciculaif you get a local wireless transfer speed of 1.5Mbytes a sec across wireless then your wireless connection is not likely the cause of a slow dsl connection, most likely your dsl is just trained in slower or you have a torrent going, Try downloading an ubuntu iso cd and see what speed is reported by firefox00:30
hiexpoprobally left deluge on and peers sucking up his resources lol00:31
NFischerhi all! i need to change colors! how do i change those : http://media.ubuntuusers.de/forum/attachments/2427725/thistothat1.png !?00:32
hiexpoNFischer, change what colors00:33
VigoEntityReborn: What and why is that link?00:33
NFischerhiexpo, take a look at the screenshot i linked00:33
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EntityRebornEarthquake that tookplace 45 minutes ago00:33
Guest73072how do I change my name?00:33
acicula /nick newnick00:34
Ali_Guest73072: /nick newname00:34
brontosaurusrexGuest73072: /nick ubuntuFan00:34
Ali_lol brontosaurusrex00:34
hiexpoNFischer, easy00:34
XuMuKbrontosaurusrex, xD00:34
VigoEntityReborn: Thank you, I think that goes in #offtopic though.00:35
NFischerhiexpo, k...00:35
hiexpoNFischer, right click on desktop / change desktop back groung see the color solid color change it what ya want00:36
preston_I am running karmic koala and I am trying to setup a split screen feature like on windows 7 i heard "screen 4" has it but i cant get it to work, what do i do00:36
watatemhi, i installed dual boot my ubuntu with windows xp, but when I remove my ubuntu, then i can't run my windows  xp in grub00:37
watatemwhat should I do?00:37
DaZpreston_: nvidia drivers have it :F00:37
preston_how do i enable it00:37
DaZwatatem: get windows cd and run fixmbr00:37
DaZwatatem: or reinstall grub [;00:37
aciculawatatem: if you removed ubuntu then grub does not work anymore, you will have to revert back to the windows bootloader using the windows rescue disk00:37
NFischerhiexpo, uhm.. nope00:38
hiexpoone sec let me see00:38
watatemDaZ, acicula: thanks a lot. i will try your suggestions, thanks00:38
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot00:38
Vigopreston_: maybe here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=143467000:38
DaZwatatem: separating /boot will make it ubuntu independent <:00:38
aciculai think the first link has some info or links to info on fixing the boot of just windows00:38
macopreston_: what do you mean? you mean like where you drag a window to the edge and it suddenly goes into a sort of tiling mode? i know kubuntu has that...00:39
preston_maco: yes that is what I want. how do I do it00:40
hiexpoNFischer, ok than its right click on desktop change background themes colors / check that out00:41
macopreston_: i dont know if compiz in ubuntu can do it. i just know that kubuntu with kde 4.4 can do it00:41
preston_maco: I read online that with "screen 4" is built into karmic kola and should work with a ctrl-A command but it doesn't00:41
XuMuKwatatem, try to google for "BCDEdit"00:42
NFischerhiexpo, no that aint it either!00:42
macopreston_: screen is a terminal program00:42
NFischerhiexpo, tried that before00:42
macopreston_: and yes, it uses ctrl+a to be controlled... but this wouldnt do anything to your windows. itd just be if you want to run two commands in one terminal side by side00:42
hiexpoi think its that solid color thing ya just gotta reboot to take affect00:42
Random832isn't there osme new program to compete with screen now?00:43
preston_maco: oh do you have any other ideas of how i could get the split screen to work00:43
XuMuKwatatem, I'm pretty sure that it will fix your problem...00:43
macopreston_: ok, i know compiz *can* do tiling i just dont know if it has the "drag to the side" thing. if you install compizconfig-settings-manager from the software center, you can configure it00:43
NFischerhiexpo, aight, im rebootin00:43
hiexpopreston_, what are ya tring to achive ?00:43
watatemXuMuk: thanks00:44
macopreston_: personally, i use a window manager that is *always* in split screen mode ;-) but its very keyboard-driven00:44
macohiexpo: tiling with a mouse00:44
XuMuKwatatem, you're welcome)00:44
Vigopreston_: Did you see the link I posted, it is for Gnome.00:44
preston_hiexpo: i want to be able to do a split screen feature similar to that on w700:44
hiexpomaco, i know tilting with a mouse does work on here00:44
NFischerhiexpo, yap, it is it not!00:44
preston_Vigo: ya i saw it but it wasn't relevant00:45
hiexpoNFischer, hugh?00:45
macohiexpo: ok. i didnt know how compiz's "plz tile this window" thing worked. just how kwin's does.00:45
NFischerhiexpo, didnt work00:45
Vigopreston_: Ok, have you tried Metacity or such stuff?00:45
hiexpohmmm NFischer00:45
suboneacicula, i believe you are right, how do i determine which device (e.g. /dev/sda1) to use for my drive?00:45
preston_Vigo: no but I will look it up, what exactly is its function00:46
mickgardnerjoin #couchdbkit00:46
hiexpoVigo, no its done with compiz ya need both simple ccsm and compiz00:46
aciculasubone: ubuntu maps the drive to a device in alfabetical order00:46
preston_Vigo: Ya I have it installed how to I use it00:47
suboneacicula, how do i check what /media/My Drive links to though?00:47
PATXwhen using the nautilist to browse ftp how do i chnage perms?00:47
suboneits an external hard drive00:47
hiexpopreston_, you have rotate cube enabled00:48
ZykoticK9subone, assuming it's currently mounted - type "mount" in a terminal, and you should see the mount mappings00:48
XuMuKPATX, right click > properties > permissions00:48
Vigopreston_: I was just looking up the Man pages on that,00:48
preston_hiexpo: no i disabled it because compiz was messing up some of my settings00:48
Am4nopreston.if ur talking about aero-snap this guy on youtube shows how to in compiz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOAsNyRE7k400:48
aciculasubone: type mount in a console and it'll show00:48
hiexpook it is part of what you wanna do00:49
PATXXuMuK, its says not available00:49
preston_Am4no: thanks I will check it out00:49
Vigopreston_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=658091 kinda older, let me see if I can find a newer one...00:50
XuMuKPATX, Are you root or owner of files you're trying to change permissions? and why don't you try filezilla? it's free and has many00:51
kwtmQuestion about sshd: I can SSH from my home laptop into my home desktop, but I can't SSH from outside my home into my home desktop.  My router is confirmed to be forwarding the port correctly.  Does Ubuntu reject incoming SSH attempts through a router?00:51
suboneok so i added this to my fstab "/dev/sdb1/media/FreeAgent\ Drivevfatrw,umask=000 0 0" will that automount with the right permissions now?00:51
PATXXuMuK, i need to use naultilist00:51
PATXand how would i become root?00:51
daniel_hey :) Anyone else got the problem with Ubuntu 10.4 beta 1 (and latest daily, too) that ATI 5750 + HDMI display gets blank during booting the live cd and never comes back? (is there a workarorund) It seems that the desktop is loaded fine since i can ctrl-alt-del reboot.00:51
PATX+ when i use gftp i can chnage them00:52
dvrcoderkwtm: check your sshd config, it might reject connections from outside the local network00:52
XuMuKPATX, good luck then) I never used NAU for ftp access...00:52
PATXkk thanks00:52
hiexpoNFischer, Working on that still for ya00:52
kwtmXuMuK, PATX: I'm late to this thread but heard FileZilla mentioned.  Does it do SSH yet or is it still just for FTP?  I (and many) consider FTP to be insecure, but opinions may vary.00:52
ZykoticK9daniel_, reask your question in the Lucid channel, #ubuntu+100:52
daniel_ZykoticK9, thanks will do00:52
Barnabasfilezilla does ssh/ftp00:53
dvrcoderkwtm: i don't remember where that setting was, but i remember having seen the problem00:53
NFischerhiexpo, thx!00:53
kwtmdvrcoder: Thx, will try.  I don't see any config files in ~/.ssh, though.  Is there a .sshrc somewhere?00:53
dvrcoderkwtm: they are in /etc/ssh00:53
Barnabaskwtm, to do what?00:53
dvrcoderkwtm: /etc/ssh/sshd_config is the most likely file00:54
dvrcoderquestion: what is a lightweight DNS server solution for ubuntu? i need to add 2-3 local network names in there00:54
Barnabasdvrcoder, tinydns / dnscache00:55
kwtmBarnabas: dvrcoder asked me to check SSH config file to see if I'm rejecting outside connections.  I can't SSH into my home desktop through the router (confirmed to be working correctly) but can SSH from within my home network.00:55
dvrcoderBarnabas: thx00:55
Vigopreston_: I found an Aero Snap, is not official Ubuntu site, but it may be what you are asking about,,,still reading...00:55
=== nathan is now known as Guest85083
Pirate_Hunterkwtm, ssh config file is found in /etc/ssh/ either in ssh_config or sshd_config if you have openssh-server installed that is assuming that is what your loking for00:55
aciculakwtm: did you setup portforwarding?00:55
bolexokay my computer was just frozen (slow to the point of unusable) for like half an hour, i had to manually reset. Oh, and the keyboard died. Is there any way to see what happened? Like what process(es) were using up all the cpu?00:56
Barnabaskwtm, perhaps your router will not route back onto ressources behind its own network00:56
XuMuKbolex, top00:56
bolexXuMuK: Does top support past tense?00:56
subonehmm, I get the following errors in dmesg when i try to mount my drive: [283212.106190] FAT: bogus number of reserved sectors \n [283212.106200] VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev sdb1. any help?00:56
bolexXuMuK Top was actually my first impulse but I couldn't even alt-f2 (broken keyboard, mouse nearly non-responding)00:56
Pirate_Hunterbolex, you can try the logs found in /var/log other than that don't know how to help you00:57
bolexBroken as in the lights were off and it wasn't doing anything00:57
preston_Vigo: thanks00:57
Vigopreston_: This one does the split windows thing, do you want the link?00:57
zaphi, i have a problem, wher is a configurate file for quake live on xubuntu ?00:57
preston_Vigo: I found a link for it, thanks anyways00:57
bolexPirate_Hunter: There's uh, 101 items in there. Hint?00:57
Barnabassubone, do you expect it to be a fat drive00:57
Vigopreston_ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1387244 and it led to here: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2009/11/aero-snap-ubuntu-linux.html00:57
bolexPirate_Hunter: Is there any log containing like, CPU usage over time or something00:58
suboneBarnabas, it is a fat drive, or at least it was before i unmounted it to mount it again00:58
bolexPirate_Hunter: Or like "THIS process was being a jerk for the last 35 minutes"00:58
powertool08Does anyone know the key combo to restart X? Its not the depreciated? ctrl+alt+bksp, but something similar to ctrl+printscr+k00:58
Barnabassubone, it probably still is then00:58
XuMuKbolex, try what sad Pirate, take a look in logs...00:58
ZykoticK9powertool08, alt+printscr+k00:58
bolexXuMuK All 101 of them?00:58
kwtmBarnabas, acicula: I believe I have correctly set up port forwarding, the same way I set it up before when it was working.  http://www.canyouseeme.org/ is able to tell when I have manually connected or disconnected by computer to/from the home network.  So I don't think it's the router.00:58
Pirate_Hunterbolex, you may want to try running the apps you had running and keep tag of them through top, tail and the essential logs in my opinion are syslog, message, dmesg, kernel and debug00:59
powertool08ZykoticK9: thanks :)00:59
suboneBarnabas, just didnt know if the /dev/... changes or something. So, assuming it still is the same FAT drive, what now00:59
Barnabassubone, you did not have a crash on that system00:59
Barnabasleaving the file system in an fsck like state00:59
XuMuKbolex, do you know any other way?) I don't right now, sorry01:00
suboneBarnabas, no there was no crash, i just unmounted the drive because im adding it to fstab so it mounts with the permissions i need for apache01:00
Pirate_HunterXuMuK, sad pirate... ? you know most irc have auto complete of nicks01:00
bolexXuMuX, Pirate_Hunter hmm... i suspected compiz had something to do with it so i turned it off... stuff is actually at least 2x as fast as normal now, lol01:00
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.01:01
bolexXuMuX, Pirate_Hunter I guess compiz wasn't invented for people with 40 windows open :D01:01
bolexthough most of them are obscured01:01
Barnabaskwtm, ok - sometimes it is possible to access a pubic port 22 from the net but not from an ip that is routed out from the network where the host ip reseides01:01
Pirate_Hunterbolex, hmmm.. maybe and compiz never used it metacity composite is more than enough for me01:02
XuMuKPirate_Hunter, thanks, I knew... sorry if I hurt your feelings)01:02
Barnabassubone, try to run a file /dev/filesys01:02
NFischerhi all! i need to change colors! how do i change those : http://media.ubuntuusers.de/forum/attachments/2427725/thistothat1.png !?01:02
Pirate_HunterXuMuK, no you haven't just found it weird, no worries01:02
Barnabasto what you expect to be the system01:02
kwtmBarnabas: I forwarded 55522 to port 22.01:02
suboneBarnabas, i dnot understand01:03
Barnabasthe file command will look at the file header to see what it is01:03
kwtmdvrcoder: Not sure what I'm looking for in sshd_config.  May I pastebin mine for you to see?  Is there a line that says "Allow only 192.168.*.*"?01:03
greezmunkeyWhat keys do you hold down to type RESISUB, and did I spell that correctly?01:03
suboneBarnabas, when it was mounted a moment ago it was on /dev/sdb101:03
``y7i modified /etc/network/interfaces and when i restarted my computer, my ip changed. ideas?01:03
suboneoh `file`01:03
Barnabassubone, yes that is the disk01:03
dvrcoderkwtm: i remotely remember something like that. wait a second01:03
bolexSo I guess a log of processes and their CPU usage over time would be too CPU consuming itself, right?01:03
Barnabasnot the file system01:03
mikelifeguardCan ubuntu tell me what my screen's (hardware) resolution/size is?01:03
Pirate_HunterNFischer, aint those change based on the theme your using, I am just about certain of that, you may want to change your theme and check it out01:03
subone/dev/sdb1: block special01:04
bolexOr at least hard to do in text form01:04
aciculamikelifeguard: system->preferences->display01:04
mikelifeguardthanks, acicula01:04
Pirate_Hunterbolex, yes and please use the person name you're directing your question unless you're asking in general01:04
bolexPirate_Hunter: I am01:04
suboneBarnabas,  /dev/sdb1: block special01:05
Barnabassorry to all of you but I am on a very slow line tonight01:05
dvrcoderkwtm: can you pastebin it? (it could of course also be the case that your local firewall blocks the request, btw.)01:05
hiexpoNFischer, its tooltips background01:05
NFischerPirate_Hunter, u right, but is there no way to customize that?01:05
Pirate_Hunterbolex, but logs dont take much cpu just keep track of your ram usage and the apps that consume a lot of ram also you may want to look into apparmor and apparmor-profiles01:06
aciculabolex, top has a cumulative mode to see what processes uses a lot of cpu time01:06
NFischerhiexpo, where do i find this01:06
hiexpoin the themes colors sometimes you cant change that one01:06
Pirate_HunterNFischer, I would say their is but its something I will definitely not go into, go to the forums and search around also google, I know you have to mess with the system files for that... errrh... more work than needed01:07
hiexpowhat tme is that you are using01:07
subonewtf is block special01:07
NFischerPirate_Hunter, thx01:07
kwtmdvrcoder: http://paste.ubuntu.com/409266/01:07
Pirate_Hunter!language | subone01:07
ubottusubone: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:07
Barnabassubone, for more info try http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-get-information-about-your-file-system-in-ubuntu.html01:07
NFischerhiexpo, its human-clearlooks on both01:07
alpicolasubone: That just means it's a block device (read: disk)01:08
hiexpook thought so by the color01:08
kwtmdvrcoder: I also did "sudo iptables -L" and everything was empty.  I checked the router through CanYouSeeMe.org and the ports are open.01:08
suboneok sorry didnt know i couldnt say 'wt...'01:08
VigoNFischer: And I suggest a backup, always backup01:08
BarnabasVigo, unless you want to write a blues01:09
frodoI'm building a new desktop computer for myself and wondering if I should install Ubuntu 9.10 or 10.04 Beta 1.  It's not a "production" machine but I will be using it for email, photos, music,etc. I already have one machine running Ubuntu 9.10 for about 6 months and very happy with the stability.  Any thoughts?01:09
suboneBarnabas, dumpe2fs: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sdb101:09
suboneCouldn't find valid filesystem superblock.01:09
XuMuKVigo, are you from Vigo, Spain?)01:09
hiexpostay with 9.1001:10
brontosaurusrexfrodo: i'd go with lucid01:10
=== christian is now known as Guest76652
Barnabassubone, youre sure the disk is physically ok ?01:10
VigoXuMuK: No I am not in Spain where it rains on the planes.01:10
dvrcoderkwtm: can you ssh from that computer to itself?01:10
SJrXHow can I find the kernel module for my webcam, it's a Logitech, Inc. QuickCam for DELL Notebooks01:10
greezmunkeyI have a hopelessly locked system here, looked up REISUB, and tried it - no luck. Suggestions?01:11
suboneBarnabas, i _just_unmounted it, unless that damaged it, then i see no reason it wouldnt be ok, i was just working on it01:11
Pirate_Hunterfrodo, up to you really you could check out 10.4 and help provide bugs specially software/hardware bugs01:11
frodoWill it be easier/more stable to upgrade to 10.04 from 10.04 Beta 1 or 9.10?  Or not really much difference?01:12
kwtmdvrcoder: Yes, and I can also SSH from another computer on the same home network to itself.01:12
* greezmunkey is about to cut power...01:12
Pirate_Huntergreezmunkey, please explain, what happened, how it happened and what you've attempted01:12
Barnabassubone, its just that the hints you give does not give much information for error detection01:12
XuMuKVigo, and I am)01:12
kwtmdvrcoder: Hey, could YOU try SSH'ing to my computer?  I think it might be my linux provider on the remote computer that might be blocking it.01:12
systemHello There01:12
suboneBarnabas, i just unplugged it and replugged it after removing the fstab line i added and it mounts fine01:12
=== system is now known as Guest49590
XuMuKVigo, but not in Vigo...01:12
Guest49590Really i am new  here01:13
Barnabassubone, usb issue then01:13
greezmunkeyPirate_Hunter: my wireless connection dropped, wasn't using the system, it just decided to quit. This is the first time. U9.10, latest kernel.01:13
subonewhat do you mean?01:13
kwtmdvrcoder: I'll tell you my IP address, but how do I send you a private msg?01:13
Barnabasusb is not the first choice for a stable data channel01:13
Pirate_Hunterfrodo, from beta to final release howver be aware at the moment it is beta1 in my opinion not much different from alpha you may or may not have problems if you dont mind losing data which could happen01:13
dvrcoderkwtm: /msg dvrcoder blabla01:13
greezmunkeyPirate_Hunter: I tried Alt+PrintScr REISUB, but nothing happened.01:13
mcurranwhat's the difference between these two:  cp -r /*   or  cp -r /.*01:13
suboneall i want to do is place my DocumentRoot on the drive, idk why this is such a pain01:13
VigoGuest49590: Welcome to Ubuntu!01:14
greezmunkeyPirate_Hunter: upper case reisub, by the way.01:14
frodoPrivate_Hunter: Thanks.  I'm gonna try 10.04 Beta 101:14
Pirate_Huntergreezmunkey, might sound silly have you tried restarting, checking router wireless key, checking your router actually connects to the internet and I have no clue what reisub is01:15
suboneBarnabas, this is what mount has to say about it "/dev/sdb1 on /media/FreeAgent Drive_ type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,default_permissions,blksize=4096)"01:15
kwtmgreezmunkey: Not following the thead, but is "REISUB" upper case?01:15
hiexpofrodo, good luck01:15
Barnabassubone, so does it work or not now ?01:15
greezmunkeykwtm: I was about to ask, all of the posts I've looked at show it typed in uppercase.01:15
kwtmgreezmunkey: Per my understanding, it should be: hold down Alt-PrtSc, then tap R, E, I, S, U,B allowing a few seconds between each letter.  Nothing about Shift or CapsLock key01:15
Pirate_Huntermcurran, copying all files within the current directory and copying all hidden files within the current directory01:15
greezmunkeyPirate_Hunter: thanks.01:16
greezmunkeykwtm: I'll try it that way...01:16
suboneBarnabas, no. I mean it works, but not for what im trying to do. I want to locate my apache doc root there, but i cant unless it is mounted a specific way i guess, because of lack of permissions on a fat system01:16
VigoGuest459590: Have you been to the Forums and other documentation sites?01:16
alpicolasubone: Why not just add the apache user to the 'plugdev' group, set DocumentRoot to /media/FreeAgent Drive, and be done with it?01:16
kwtmdvrcoder: So it works!  So it was a different problem all along.  Thanks!  This is a great boon in my debugging.01:16
tripelbhere's my flying bunny, see the ears flop down to fly http://www.terrafugia.com/01:17
kwtmgreezmunkey: It has to do all the commands (e.g. Alt-PrtSc-R means terminate all processes, and it takes a few seconds to do so).01:17
NFischeris there a possibility to export themes to transfer them to another box?01:17
tripelboops wrong channel, apologies01:17
Barnabassubone, if the system is mounted ok then see to it that the apache user has the correct rights to write to the disk01:17
dvrcoderkwtm: anyway you could also check the /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny files01:17
Guest49590i have problem  with MonoDevelop  Error "Build failed. ApplicationName='vbnc'"   ????01:17
subonealpicola, i will look into that01:17
kwtmgreezmunkey: Sorry, Alt-PrtSc-E means terminate all processes, not Alt-PrtSc-R.  R means Raw input.01:17
Pirate_Huntertripelb, #ubuntu-offtopic01:17
Barnabassubone, create a subfolder or such where the user from the apache serv has write access01:18
suboneBarnabas, thats the thing, i cant successfully `chmod 755`01:18
Barnabassubone, not even by root?01:18
hiexpoNFischer, no but you can get them easily atsoftpedia01:18
Pirate_HunterNFischer, im certain there is but I havent messed with themes in a while and you can find this very quickly online01:18
suboneBarnabas, no, cmoding does nothing01:18
Guest49590ty Cy01:18
Barnabassubone, that cant be correct01:18
greezmunkeykwtm: yeah, I've read up on it in the past, but haven't had to try it until now! I went through all of the keys, watching the hdd led. No activity. Guess it's time to kill it but good.01:19
alpicolasubone: Define 'does nothing'.  Do you mean 'doesn't change perms' or 'doesn't accomplish what you need it to accomplish'?01:19
Barnabasafk be back in 1001:19
subonealpicola, doesnt change perms01:19
Guest61640anyone here..NEWBIE!01:19
NFischerhiexpo, Pirate_Hunter the prob is, that human-clearlooks i found on softpedia is not the same as in 9.0401:20
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:20
subone`sudo chmod 755 /media/FreeAgent\ Drive` doesnt do what it should01:20
Pirate_Hunter!ask | Guest6164001:20
ubottuGuest61640: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:20
zvacetfrodo:  hi01:20
Pirate_Hunter!themes | NFischer01:20
ubottuNFischer: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy01:20
NFischerhiexpo, Pirate_Hunter on the sreenshot both boxes are using human-clearlooks01:20
ZykoticK9subone, if that's a FAT or NTFS drive, you can't apply unix permissions to it01:20
hiexpowhat clearlooksyou want?01:20
greezmunkeykwtm: So you know the caps lock, and scroll lock leds on the keyboard blink on and off at about 1 second intervals.01:20
Guest61640hey i am new to linux... i just downloaded or installed a package through the manager... how do i run it?01:20
VigoGuest45950: Still here?01:21
suboneZykoticK9, thats what i just said01:21
kwtmgreezmunkey: Didn't know that!  Just passing on what I read; but it's useful to know.  Interesting.01:21
XuMuKGuest61640, what package?01:21
NFischerPirate_Hunter, k, im probably gonna fnd it thx01:21
Guest61640well this is a general question01:21
greezmunkeykwtm: just pressed the reset key...01:21
alpicolaGuest61640: Lots of choices...01:21
ZykoticK9subone, i don't use fat/ntfs - but you need to alter your permission in fstab (or you still trying to use 000?)01:21
Pirate_HunterNFischer, that is based on themes, you can either change the options in the theme manually or mess around with system files which I wouldn't consider01:21
hiexpogo into synaptic and search do clearlooks and see what version it is01:21
Griffinzzwhat is recommended partitions for a new clean linux install?  currently have 238gigs of unallocated space.  and what parts should be ext2, 3 or 4?01:21
zvacetGuest61640 : is that gui package or command line based01:21
sirh4xalotwhats a good hacker server and how do i get on it01:22
tripelbsoreau, hi glad you are still here.01:22
alpicolaGuest61640: If it's in the menus, click on it to run it.  If a command line app, type the program's name into the command line in a Terminal.01:22
Guest61640so i downloaded the package... but now how the hell do i run it?01:22
XuMuKGuest61640, depends if it's graphic, internet or other type of application...01:22
greezmunkeykwtm: fsck passed ok, at login screen.01:22
zvacetGuest61640 : can you find icon under appplications01:22
adalalanyone know how to get the fglrx working with the lucid beta?01:22
adalali installed it, but haven't restarted it yet01:22
kwtmgreezmunkey: Congrats!  Now backup everything and get off that hard drive before it really crashes!01:23
ZykoticK9adalal, re ask in you lucid channel, #ubuntu+101:23
Guest61640no! once i use the snyamtics package manager.... and install where does it go and how do i use it?01:23
greezmunkeyWould anyone know which log file may have captured that last lockup, if any?01:23
=== blueghost is now known as No14Day
tripelbsoreau, as I said in the post, it varies. I cant pin it down. yesterday it was shorter and shorter till I took the actions in my post. Yesterday it was hulu. Other days It has been after soem flash, 3 times in a day, not for a few days. I dont have a pattern. Except, as I said in the post, only after I have used some flash, you tube, jon stewart, hulu...01:23
kwtmdvrcoder: Sorry, gotta run --baby crying.  But let me know if it works.. That would be a great help to confirm that you can get on.01:23
hiexpokismet is a terminal app sudo kismet01:24
zvacetGuest61640 : try type app name in terminal01:24
Bleachi m new to ubuntu01:24
alpicolaGuest61640: Open a terminal (Applications>Accessories>Terminal) and then type 'kismet' into the terminal.01:24
Bleachhow can i learn terminal commands01:24
dvrcoderkwtm: k, will try, sorry i didn't see the qry01:24
Pirate_Huntergreezmunkey, readin logs aint fun and not easy your going to read it line per line01:24
Guest61640im aware but then it says like alredy installed .. and the gui dosnt pop up!01:24
subonealpicola, i just tried what you said adding www to plugdev and still doesnt work, i still get "(13)Permission denied: access to / denied" from apache01:24
Vigo!terminal | Bleach01:25
ubottuBleach: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal01:25
zvacetBleach: nothing wrong with that what is your question01:25
tripelbkismet isnt in my terminal.01:25
hiexpotype kismet01:25
suboneZykoticK9, huh?01:25
Bleachthen how can i download files through terminal01:25
tripelbBleach, type into google linux terminal commands and you will be presented with a set of teaching pages.01:25
zvacetBleach:  http://www.linux.org/lessons/01:25
XuMuK!wget | Bleach01:26
tripelbBleach where are these files now?01:26
greezmunkeyPirate_Hunter: no sweat for me, do you know what log? I found something interesting, in messages - it shows eth0 entering promiscuous mode. I'm not using eth0.01:26
Pirate_Huntertripelb, if firefox problem just ran it from ram if you can spare 100mb of it,  http://onlyubuntu.blogspot.com/2008/11/firefox-cache-in-ramdisk-tmpfs.html01:26
Guest61640not working!  i dont know what My problem is =[01:26
Bleachi ll try01:26
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)01:26
Bleachany example for wget.01:26
Pirate_Huntergreezmunkey, google it thats the best advise I can give you when you find messages like that01:27
tripelbPirate_Hunter, do you have any idea what mp problem is or could you explain to me why running ff from ram might alter it?01:27
tripelbbleach pm01:27
Pirate_Huntertripelb, no clue since I dont know your question, just read what you said about ram, flash, hulu and that popped to mind01:28
Griffinzzwhat is the advatneges of using ext4 for the filesystem over ext2?01:28
VigoBleach: Did you see that apt-get from ubottu?01:28
greezmunkeyPirate_Hunter: Tell you what, when and if I find what I'm looking for I'll let you know. ;)01:28
Pirate_Huntertripelb, please help people in channel so others may make use of your advise01:28
suboneZykoticK9, when i try to mount it manually `sudo mount /media/FreeAgent\ Drive` with this in fstab "/dev/sdb1/media/FreeAgent\040Drivevfatrw,umask=000 0 0" i get "FAT: bogus number of reserved sectors" and "VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev sdb1" from dmesg01:28
Pirate_Huntergreezmunkey, ok01:28
tripelbI will.01:29
Guest61640so after you download ANY package..where does it GO!01:29
DaZGuest61640: /var/cache/apt01:29
zvacetGuest61640 : most of them goes to the /usr/bin01:29
Guest61640from there how do you run it ..other then the terminal?01:30
ZykoticK9subone, i'm no fat expert i'm affraid - but that umask=000 is going to make everything executable i believe, something else might solve your permission problems at the same time01:30
radar3di am new to ubuntu and loving it!!!!01:30
suboneZykoticK9, im open to suggestions01:30
Guest61640good stay off windows01:30
XuMuKGuest61640, from Applications if it has GUI interface...01:30
VigoGuest61640: Here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware01:30
ZykoticK9subone, i'm hoping someone else jumps in ;)  I have no idea, as i said i don't use fat/ntfs at all.01:31
zvacetGuest61640 : system>preferences>on left decide where you want app to show and on right choose new item under command browse to /usr/bin01:31
Guest61640but the packages from the synaptic manger do NOT go into the apps .. that is my problem01:31
Pirate_Huntersubone, sorry what is your current problem not sure if I can help but  let me know01:31
ricky_need a list of comm01:31
hiexpoman kismet01:32
Guest61640?? man kismet?01:32
Guest61640oh that might help h/o let me read01:32
hiexpothat is a command to bring up the kismet manual01:33
ubottuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/01:33
zvacetGuest61640 : type in terminal sudo kismet01:33
subonePirate_Hunter, I am trying to set my DocumentRoot in apache2 to be located on an external 1TB usb hdd. However I get permission errors (403) when accessing it in a browser. chmod is useless as far as FAT goes apparently, so im at a loss to get my permissions for the server01:33
Guest61640im sorry.. i need the gui! im not good enough without it yet =[01:34
hiexpoGuest61640, not trying to sound rude but maybe you should learn more about linux before trying to attempt to use a toll like kismet //01:34
XuMuKGuest61640, doesn't go there because it's not GUI...01:34
skriteis there a way from terminator that i can dump the entire terminal ( or as much as i have scrolled) to a file?01:34
Pirate_Huntersubone,  not sure if im on the right track but chown [owner]:[group] I would guess your not the owner yet01:34
Guest61640im aware i suck! however! i have seen kismet's gui! and there is one!01:35
adalalany ati users here who has tried the new fglrx-installer?01:35
netechFAT filesystems have no concept of security permissions01:35
Pirate_Hunterskrite, huh?01:35
Vigoskrite: Clear Terminal? yes, it exists01:35
subonePirate_Hunter, afaik you cant chown/chmod anything on vfat01:35
zvacetGuest61640 : download gkismet from  http://gkismet.sourceforge.net/01:35
netechchange the fs or forget about using that drive01:35
MrD_im having definite problems with DeVeDe, any easy solutions to burning Video DVDs?01:36
MrD_in the middle of creating a disk image my computer shuts down01:36
MrD_its not overheated, I've felt it, and just took the damn thing apart and dusted it01:36
Pirate_Huntersubone, does apache know you've set your document root to that hd?01:36
hiexpothe giu you seen is gkismet01:37
psusisubone, man mount... fat has mount options to override the default permissions... you can use umask to make the files world read/write, or user to set them to be owned by the apache user01:37
Guest61640TAHNK YOU01:37
VigoMrD_: There are many, way to many to name in #channel.01:37
V3RR3ZIs Firefox needed for Ubuntu?01:37
V3RR3ZOr can I uninstall it01:38
subonepsusi, using fstab? i tried that mount says "FAT: bogus number of reserved sectors" and "VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev sdb1."01:38
MrD_considering it never did that when I burned video DVDs in Windows, any suggestions?01:38
XuMuKV3RR3Z, of course you can...01:38
hiexpoV3RR3Z, no there are many brousers you can use01:38
alpicolasubone: What happens if you try to browse the folder as the apache user (sudo -u www)?01:38
zvacetV3RR3Z : just instalol another browser01:38
Pirate_Huntersubone, I know it sounds weird but does it know? If you havent told it and restarted it, it wont point to the correct place actually it will break01:38
V3RR3ZKK I am switching to epiphany..01:38
greezmunkeykwtm: Pirate_Hunter looks like this system tried to enter power saving mode, instead of activating the screen saver. In effect, this system is configured for power saving at its lower levels, even when I have power saving turned off.01:38
psusisubone, yea... what did you set the line in fstab to, and what command did you run that generated that output?01:38
VigoMrD_: I am not familiar with that package,application, have you tried K3b or any other packages?01:39
V3RR3Zso just sudo apt-get remove --purge firefox?01:39
subonepsusi, "/dev/sdb1/media/FreeAgent\040Drivevfatrw,umask=000 0 0"01:39
MrD_yes, K3b is even harder to use!01:39
MrD_I just want to burn an .mp4 into a video DVD01:39
Pirate_Huntergreezmunkey, system>Pref..>power management01:39
MrD_when I put the file into VIDEO_TS K3b gives me an error01:39
greezmunkeyPirate_Hunter: As I said, that is disabled.01:40
psusisubone, that should do it... what did you run that generated that error?01:40
zvacetV3RR3Z : you can leave it installed and use another one you like better01:40
subonealpicola, i never used that command and im failing at trying to :p01:40
Vigo!multimedia | MrD_01:40
ubottuMrD_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:40
V3RR3ZAnyone play on GaiaOnline? I am trying to find a browser that will support it.. Firefox.. wouldnt even log in01:40
subonePirate_Hunter, yes apache has been restarted01:41
MrD_everything is ripping01:41
Pirate_Huntergreezmunkey, you sure, on mine it is set to never put the system to sleep unless its a bios issue01:41
MrD_there is no burning01:41
cain22hey, any good podcast to listen to?01:41
subonepsusi, `sudo mount -a` then dmesg01:41
Viz3I have a general OS Concepts question... What happens when the OS gets an interrupt in the middle of handling an interrupt.  Do interrupts queue in some way?01:41
alpicolasubone: Oh... duh.  It'd help to tell sudo to give you a shell, too.  (sudo -u www -s)01:41
alpicolaThen you can try to cd to your DocRoot and see what happens.01:41
psusisubone, what if you do sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /mnt -o rw,umask=00001:41
subonealpicola, ls: cannot open directory /media/FreeAgent Drive_/: Permission denied01:43
MrD_I get these errors in K3b: Found files bigger than 2 GB. Project does not contain all necessary Video DVD files. Could not determine size of resulting image file01:43
alpicolaViz3: For the most part, yes.01:43
XuMuKsubone, try sudo ls01:43
MrD_does k3b make an image or burn?01:43
VigoMrD_: Have you tried GnomeBaker? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CdDvd/Burning01:43
suboneXuMuK, that would defeat the purpose01:43
greezmunkeyPirate_Hunter: I'm sure. The system is a power edge server, I went through the bios prior to install. I think I will disable ACPI, been wanting too anyway.01:43
alpicolasubone: Check permissions on /media.01:43
Pirate_Huntersubone, apparently what you're trying is a pain hope this link helps, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=74566101:43
MrD_again, it's just ISO butning, is there anything that skips that mediary step?01:44
ZykoticK9MrD_, i'd suggest you try devede for trying to convert video to dvd, but i'm not sure even it will be able to handle mp4.  good luck man.01:44
MrD_its very tedious considering every other OS comes with stuff to burn video files to video DVD in one step out of box01:44
psusiViz3, it depends.. generally though yes, interrupts that can not be serviced now because they are disabled are queued01:44
subonepsusi, same error when i run that01:44
sosexihi all new to ubuntu. Installed enlightenment e17. It didnt go good. Cant logout to choose Gnome again. please help.There is no logout option, just restart.01:44
Viz3if it's not too much to ask, how does it depend, or can you possibly link me something to read on it?01:45
Viz3I've tried some googling01:45
MrD_oh, while that reminds me, any good Ubuntu tutorial sites?01:45
MrD_most I've found are very old, and aren't helpful really01:45
psusisubone, and if you drop the -o part?01:45
MrD_I've googled Ubuntu blogs and Ubuntu fansites01:45
skritePirate_Hunter, Vigo no, not clear, want to dump all the terminal output that i have in there to a text file01:45
skriteshould have run my process with > somefile.txt, but too late now01:46
psusisubone, what does sudo blkid say the type of the fs is on the device?  is it vfat or fat32?01:46
Vigoskrite: Ah, ok, Thank you for the update or added information.01:47
Pirate_Hunterskrite, oh you mean redirect i.e. cat /proc/mdstat > foobar.txt you my want to look online for better examples01:47
subonepsusi, same error without the -o part01:47
MrD_also, can you associate your user with root privledges without using terminal?01:47
alpicolaViz3: Try googling 'linux interrupts' and check out the top several results.01:47
psusisubone, I'm thinking vfat is the wrong fs type... see what blkid says, or try -t auto01:47
suboneoh what... /dev/sdb1: UUID="7ED05D74D05D341D" LABEL="FreeAgent Drive" TYPE="ntfs"01:47
subonei could have sworn i used FAT01:48
psusisubone, bingo, it's ntfs, not fat ;)01:48
subonei feel dumb now01:48
subonelemme try "/dev/sdb1/media/FreeAgent\040Driventfsdefaults 0 0"01:48
psusisubone, meh... ntfs is better anyhow... just change vfat to ntfs01:48
subonesorry for my stupidity01:49
psusisubone, you still need the umask or uid option to override the permissions01:49
suboneno it works now01:49
alpicolasubone: Yay!  Glad you got that working  =)01:49
Pirate_Huntersubone, why change the document root that is what I don't understand would be easier to move the user directory01:49
psusisubone, mount works, sure... but for apache to read it...01:49
subonepsusi, already tested01:49
Viz3alpicola and psusi, thanks01:50
subonePirate_Hunter, because i store my files on my external drive for portability...01:50
alpicolasubone: A gentle warning, though.  If that device isn't the first USB device you plug in after boot, your automount might break.01:50
MrD_ugh you're f'n kidding me, I just installed Samba and it didn't work right...01:51
subonealpicola, thats what i was asking earlier, anyway to make sure?01:51
MrD_I get all these requests for things that don't exist01:51
Pirate_Huntersubone, hmmm but your moving the documentroot, that the internal of apache, am I getting things wrong most would move the web directory to the external instead or make a backup of it to the external drive01:51
psusisubone, yea, you should mount it by UUID not device01:51
Pirate_HunterMrD_, dont associate your user to the root, keep it in the admin group01:52
subonePirate_Hunter, what are you talking about backup? changing the docroot is as easy as "DocumentRoot '/media/FreeAgent Drive/Projects/www/'"01:52
MrD_it is, but I always need to put in my password01:52
Pirate_Hunter!language | MrD_01:52
ubottuMrD_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:52
alpicolasubone: What psusi said.  Or give it a custom /dev node using UDEV - http://reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html01:52
MrD_and it wouldnt let me share a folder01:52
MrD_can't say that? dang...sorry01:52
doctorZeusI'm having an issue with smb also. . from windows it prompts for a password and it won't take any combination of username/pw I have01:53
Pirate_Huntersubone, never mind when you said docroot I thoguth you meant the internal directory not the www/ hmmm you shouldve stated that as I been looking at something completely different and too complex01:53
MrD_doctorZeus, I had that problem too, use your Windows account name01:54
MrD_or your Ubuntu credentials, I forget which it was01:54
MrD_and you need to make the users in samba01:54
doctorZeusI've tried both.. I even synched the windows account/pass with my ubuntu01:54
Untitled_onlyhey guys01:54
MrD_you made the Window account in Samba01:54
subonealpicola, psusi, ty "UUID=7ED05D74D05D341D/media/FreeAgent\040Driventfsdefaults 0 0" works01:54
Untitled_onlyanyone running ubuntu 10.04?01:55
MrD_like mine is Eric-PC on my Win machine and I made Eric-PC on Samba01:55
doctorZeusi did smbpasswd -a and synched that user and pass with the windows account AND ubuntu account01:55
psusisubone, good.. that way it won't matter if it ends up on sdc instead of sdb01:55
subonealpicola, psusi, Pirate_Hunter, whoever else helped, ty so much01:55
alpicolasubone: glad it's working!01:55
MrD_it was really messy when I did it, but I know I did it somehow...01:55
MrD_you edited conf right?01:55
MrD_and that the folders are sharable01:56
greezmunkeyPirate_Hunter: Update, pm-utils and acpid were still active - even though they were "disabled" They no longer exist on my system :)01:56
Pirate_Huntersubone, think they deserve the thanks I was clueless, oh well next time...01:56
MrD_man I wish I could remember, maybe you even need to do it as \\MACHINE\sharedfolder\ for it to work01:56
doctorZeusI haven't edited config.. the workgroup was correct for windows and from what I've read so far that's all that needs to be modified there01:56
Pirate_Huntergreezmunkey, i ahve no clue what youre trying to achieve but hope you dont break your system01:56
MrD_you tried entering in the Ubuntu account cred on Windows?01:57
MrD_(I'm sure you have)01:57
coldboot|homeHow do you begin to troubleshoot hibernate?01:57
coldboot|homeI hibernate my system, and when I start it back up again, it's as if I turned the computer off.01:57
Pirate_HunterMrD_, http://burk.crabula.com/index.php?title=Main_Page near the bottom it has a samba tutorial you might want to look at01:57
MrD_doctorZeus, did you restart your computer?01:58
greezmunkeyPirate_Hunter: It's a desktop, and I don't want / need power management. It crashed my system, so it goes away. That's it, that's all.01:58
MrD_because Samba doesn't start on startup by default, that messed me up ocne01:58
Pirate_Huntercoldboot|home, old news its to do with a bug or bad settings with swap, you can find it online or someone here with more experiance can help you01:58
brezHey - I got this wifi card from eBay, it's a generic "chinese" one, it only comes with a windows driver01:58
Pirate_Huntergreezmunkey, oh ok fair enough01:58
=== Nijverheid is now known as Guest39738
preston_I am trying to get "Aero Snap" function to work. I have wmctrl and xdpyinfo (x11-utils) installed already. I am using keyboard shortcuts to work the scrips. I am able to get the snap right and snap top working but for some reason there is an error in running the script for snap left. here is the website where the instructions are posted http://wwww.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1294661&page=2. Has anyone had this problem before?01:59
brezwhen I install it in the pci slot, and type "ifconfig wlan0" it displays a card01:59
brezhowever, I'm unable to connect wirelessly01:59
brezeww, multi lines.01:59
Pirate_Hunterbrez, pop it in run ubuntu and see if it picks it up, if not come back and ask for help01:59
coldboot|homePirate_Hunter: Are you absolutely sure that's the problem? Shouldn't it have been fixed by an automatic update?01:59
MrD_GAH anyway to make it so you dont need to enter the password like 100 times per session?02:00
owenwho are yall people02:00
greezmunkeyPirate_Hunter: yeah, it's been dropping the wireless connection (what I thought was) randomly, but this time I decided to look into it rather than live with it. Power management.02:00
MrD_enter it to delete a program, enter it to downlod a program02:00
MrD_can't I just NOT enter it ever02:00
MrD_except to log into my account02:00
bazhangowen, this is ubuntu support do you have an ubuntu support question02:00
Pirate_Huntercoldboot|home, nope but than I am saying this based on my system and what ive found online, yours could be different highly doubt it02:01
owenohh no not really02:01
bazhangowen, chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic02:01
psusiMrD_, man sudo... you can edit your sudoers file to not require a password if you want02:01
Pirate_Huntergreezmunkey, if it works for you without a problem than problem solved02:02
owenare yall from the states02:02
MrD_how can I get ubuntu software center to update it's offerings? I know Brasero has a stable 2.3 release but its still 2.28 in USC, or is it from the online resporitory?02:02
Pirate_Hunterpsusi, please stop its visudo and messing with that file is very dangerous02:02
bazhangowen, /join #ubuntu-offtopic for chat this is Ubuntu support only02:02
luis_Hello I need help with ffmpeg. Like 3 months ago when I used download helper to download a video to youtube and convert it into an mp3, it worked perfectly. Now when I do it, the file is downloaded but it results into a "failedconversion.avi". Whats wrong??02:03
KB1JWQluis_: Could you try being a bit more descriptive?02:04
KB1JWQluis_: What's your command string?  What does it output?  What's your source file?  Did you change anything since it last worked?  Etc.02:05
camel_hey i'm having a problem w/ updates ... my g/f accidently unplugged my machine while updates were running ... tried to complete update and it says this::  E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.02:05
doctorZeusi thought everything was working fine but figured I would restart samba service and it told me it wasn't installed and I had to download samba4..so deeper down the rabbit hole I go02:06
camel_I ran that command an nothing happens02:06
alpicolacamel_: Did you?02:06
camel_still no updates02:06
luis_There is an addon to firefox called download helper than uses a file converter called ffmpeg. When you download a video from youtube using DH, when the download finish, the addon uses ffmpeg to convert the video in any format you input. It worked nice like 3 months ago, now when I used it today the file (any file actually...) results into a failedconversion.avi02:06
hXcSup guys.02:06
MrD_I hate to be a major pain with all these questions, but this one is a cool one and isn't really simple. How can I discover a computer daisy-chained with an ethernet cord?02:06
luis_I think I cannot be more descriptive02:06
alpicolacamel_: Once it finished, have you tried running updates again?02:06
camel_alpicola, yes ... it comes up with the same error after running that command02:07
Pirate_Huntercamel_, try apt-get -f install/update and see if that helps02:07
hXcI haven't experienced any problems with my ubuntu laptop setup yet.02:07
NalfI'm having issues with my ati graphics card and I remember there being a page with some fixes on it, but I can't seem to find it.02:08
NalfCan anyone point me in the right direction?02:08
jrib!ati | Nalf02:08
ubottuNalf: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:08
NalfI've already installed the restricted drivers.02:09
NalfThere was a list of things to do for ati cards like change the rendering method or something.. I'm not really very good at this so I don't know the specifics.02:09
=== Berzerker- is now known as Berzerker
ZykoticK9luis_, you might be running into the quasi-bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/faac/+bug/374900 basically upstream ffmpeg has dropped support for AAC, the default audio stream in MP4 files02:10
frotz47Nalf: how about - http://tan-com.com/posts/technology/fix-ubuntu-904-ati-driver-issue02:11
=== Berzerker is now known as b9nerz
NalfDoes this apply for 9.10?02:11
=== b9nerz is now known as Berzerker
frotz47I run nvidia, just something I found googling02:12
frotz47might jogg your memoty02:12
coldboot|homePirate_Hunter: Didn't work. I put the UUID of my swap partition in the resume file, nothing different.02:14
holmserI cannot get my wifi to work on a dell d400 using karmic.  I can see networks, but I am unable to connect to them.  Any Ideas?02:14
Pirate_Huntercoldboot|home, you, what, huh? Never mind, you're having trouble with hibernation right, have you checked online in the forums or google there are plenty of information on it02:15
=== GhostEyes is now known as RainbowEyes
Am4noluis.I would recommend DamnVid. I does samething as addon http://code.google.com/p/damnvid/02:17
=== Random833 is now known as Random832
cowguru2000Hey guys! I need some help changing my host name... I don't know exactly what I should or what I'm allowed to change it to. (My current hostname is "localhost" and that's not going over well with my ISP, through whose SMTP server I am trying to relay emails.)02:21
rwwubottu: hostname | cowguru200002:21
ubottucowguru2000: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.02:21
cowguru2000rww: I'm supposed to just change the hostname to whatever I want?02:22
holmserthis is killing me... why will my wireless adapter see all of the networks, but not be able to associate with any of them?02:22
hatake_kakashiholmser, pastebin (not paste) your lspci -nnk output02:23
psusicowguru2000, if you are on a network with a static ip address then you should coordinate the name with your network admin so it matches the DNS name, but generally yea, you set your hostname to whatever you want to call your computer02:23
rwwcowguru2000: or whatever your ISP wants, yes. Linux doesn't really care, as long as you're consistant (i.e., read the whole factoid :)02:23
Flirtyhi anyone have a acer d250?02:24
cowguru2000rww: i did read the whole factoid. the problem here is that i'm trying to set up Postfix to relay emails through my ISP's SMTP server... and it doesn't like "localhost" as the domain name.02:24
cowguru2000psusi: i'm on a home network, but i do have a static internal ip02:25
psusicowguru2000, sounds like your isp's smtp server requires authentication to relay mail02:25
holmserthere it is hatake_kakashi02:25
cowguru2000psusi: yes, it does. i tried to set that up in the postfix config02:25
rwwcowguru2000: oh. so you probably need to change your postfix configuration to use something other than your computer's hostname for outgoing mail, which I have no idea how to do (I'm not a postfix person :(02:25
brezok, I turned on ubuntu and the wifi card wont get online02:25
hatake_kakashiholmser, yeah I was reading it, hmm old card02:25
brezwhen I type "lspci" it picks up the wifi card02:25
cowguru2000rww: hmmmm alrighty thanks02:25
hatake_kakashibrez, pastebin (not paste) your lspci -nnk output02:26
hatake_kakashiholmser, pastebin your dmesg output02:26
holmsercowguru2000, I have been trying to set up postfix for a few weeks now.  Same issue.  Can you send mail by telneting in from localhost?02:26
brezthats going to be difficuly02:26
brezthis box has not net access02:26
psusicowguru2000, I've never configured postfix to authenticate with an upstream smtp server, but if you do it right, I don't think your hostname matters02:27
hatake_kakashibrez, you don't have a spare wired cable?02:27
brezit's a broadcom BCM4306 wifi card02:27
brezno I don't :(02:27
hatake_kakashi!broadcom | brez02:27
ubottubrez: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:27
alpicolacowguru2000: Have you read http://www.postfix.org/STANDARD_CONFIGURATION_README.html#fantasy ?02:27
cowguru2000apicola: wow no i haven't. thank you very much i will look at that!02:28
cowguru2000apicola: ... actually i think i've done something similar to tihs02:28
voxio10.04 will not boot (todays snapshot), the boot screen seems to hang forever.02:29
hatake_kakashibrez, follow this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#No%20Internet%20Access02:29
voxiohow would i debug this?02:29
hatake_kakashi!lucid | voxio02:29
ubottuvoxio: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule02:29
cowguru2000holmser: yup02:30
holmsersame with me cowguru02:30
holmserI could send mail from the local machine, but not from any of the other computers on my network02:31
holmserplease let me know if you find a solution to the problem, I pretty much gave up02:31
brez_crazy net connection died.02:31
preston_Using Aero Snap function which does a screen snap like that on w7. I have snap left, right, and up working. However, after snapping up I can't snap back left or right. The window seems to get stuck after moving up. Is there anyone here that uses Aero Snap and knows how to fix this problem? Here is a link with the scripts that I am running. http://paste2.org/p/50752202:32
hatake_kakashibrez, follow this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#No%20Internet%20Access02:33
cowguru2000holmser: i'll let you know02:33
hatake_kakashiholmser, which version of ubuntu is this?02:33
cowguru2000holmser: you should take a look at your logs (/var/log/mail.log02:33
holmserI did02:34
holmserI was tailing all my logs02:34
cowguru2000holmser: pastebin the error?02:34
alpicolacowguru2000: postfix really isn't my thing, but this thread seems maybe on point...  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6739702:34
alpicolacowguru2000: Afraid I can't be too helpful, though.02:34
holmserServer is in the process of being moved to my basement right now02:34
holmserwhen I get it up I will02:35
eryn_1983hey peeps i  just install firefox latest and  greates.02:35
cowguru2000apicola: thanks so much02:35
eryn_1983greatest, but my flash no longer works  where do i go to fix it02:35
holmserdid you see that pastebin of my dmesg hatake_kakashi?02:36
hiexpoeryn_1983, you mean your internet flash02:36
eryn_1983i guess.02:36
hatake_kakashiholmser, yes I did and I responded02:36
eryn_1983i cant  play flash on firefox02:36
hiexpooh ok easy one02:36
hiexpoone sec02:36
XuMuKeryn_1983, x64?02:36
cowguru2000apicola: THANK YOU!!!02:36
alpicolacowguru2000: Glad that helped!02:37
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
XuMuKeryn_1983, wait a second...02:37
cowguru2000holmser: thanks to apicola i found a solution to my problem, if it's the same as yours maybe i can help?02:37
cowguru2000holmser: are you on ubuntu?02:37
hatake_kakashiholmser, my question was, which version of ubuntu is this?02:37
hiexpoeryn_1983, go up to tabs on firefox click  tools addons than find type shockwave and install it ahlah wah02:38
luis_There is an addon to firefox called download helper than uses a file converter called ffmpeg. When you download a video from youtube using DH, when the download finish, the addon uses ffmpeg to convert the video in any format you input. It worked nice like 3 months ago, now when I used it today the file (any file actually...) results into a failedconversion.avi02:38
XuMuKeryn_1983, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=135859102:40
XuMuKeryn_1983, this works for me02:40
holmserinternet connection dropped out02:40
dattaseems weird that i get these error messages in the update manager: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/KGQMeZTc02:41
dattathis is after i had tried to install handbrake into the system02:41
ChogyDandatta: its a bad url02:42
=== GhostEyes is now known as RainbowEyes
dattaChogyDan: really, it's coming good for me02:43
bazhangluis_, please provide the exact command and the error message pastebin if more than a single line02:43
dattaChogyDan: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/KGQMeZTc you sure02:43
ChogyDandatta: not the pastbin, the repo02:43
dattaChogyDan: i am sorry about that mistake i made02:44
alpicoladatta: Looks like a known bug... Google bug report with link to workaround near bottom:  http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Chrome/thread?tid=602abde8e95cf067&hl=en02:44
dattaalpicola: is there any way to get around it? like uninstalling would work?02:44
=== rainofkayos is now known as SolarisBoy
alpicoladatta: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/528925 has the workaround.  Check out comment #6 (disable http/1.1 pipelining)02:45
alpicoladatta: er... that'd be #5.02:46
hiexpocompilke it manually02:46
aMVadderhi, if I want to search the fastest mirror via command line, what command should I type?02:47
dattaalpicola: thx02:47
holmserI'm starting to think I may have a bad hdd on my hands02:48
crypt-0holmser, why is that>02:48
Andre_Gondimis it possible to use gnome 2.30 on karmic?02:48
happyfacehow do I find files that are indexed on my ubuntu machine again?02:50
holmserkarmic will randomly freeze, then say no bootable devices the next 2 times I try to start the laptop02:50
adalalhappyface: locate <string>02:50
happyfacethanks adalal02:50
Dr_Willisbios is saying no bootable devices found?02:50
holmserany luck looking at my logs hatake_kakashi ?02:51
el3menthello all :)02:51
hatake_kakashiholmser,  which version of ubuntu?02:51
holmserI just picked up this laptop from a buddy for free... I just needed a computer to do homework on02:51
el3menti have a question - where can download ubuntu x64 cuz in official site is only x8602:52
hatake_kakashiholmser, afaik its either the driver issue (which will probably require backports) or its a firmware issue02:52
Dr_Willisholmser: If the bios is saying no bootable found it could be an actual issue with the hard drive.  -  Ive seen others do similer things befor dieing.02:52
Dr_Willisholmser:  is it a desktop machine? or laptop?02:52
adalalel3ment: on the official site, there is an option to installt he x6402:52
el3mentadalal xan u give me link plis02:53
Dr_Willisholmser:  wouldent hurt to give it a good cleaning/air spraying for dust.  You could also see if a live cd, or usb setup on a flash drive has similer crashes.02:53
adalalel3ment: on the page, right after 'Begin Download', there's an alternative download option, just choose the 64 bit option there02:53
hiexpoDr_Willis, how it goes02:54
jsecHi all. I've got build-essential installed, and yet sys/types.h keeps flashing me a warning that there's "no such file or directory". I'm confused. Does anyone have any idea?02:54
holmseris there a backports package I need to install hatake_kakashi ?02:54
Dr_Willisfind types.h02:54
holmseryeah, it needs a good cleaning.02:54
Dr_Willis!find types.h02:54
ubottuFile types.h found in anjuta-common, anjuta-dev, aqsis-libs-dev, aspectj-doc, asymptote-doc (and 732 others)02:54
hatake_kakashiholmser, I'd first try to get a newer firmware if available prior to heading towards backports02:54
selimhi my cursos in karmic is gone any help?02:54
Dr_Willisholmser:  i replaced the wifes older laptop hd with a newer one (for her to hold more videos) and its amazing how much faster that made it. :)02:55
holmserAll I pretty much need this for is so I can ssh into my server so I can mess with stuff when the wife wants the desktop02:55
teageDidnt MakeHuman used to be in the repos02:56
holmserall my programming hw is on the server, so its kinda nice.  a lot nicer than using my phone to write code02:56
Dr_Willisholmser:  you may want to keep a terminal window open (or a ssh window open on a diffent box) montiring tail -f /var/log/messages and /var/log/kernel* to see if you can catch any actual error messages when it crashes also02:56
holmserhow can I find my fw version for the card?02:57
holmsernot a bad idea Dr_Willis02:57
jsec!find sys/types.h02:57
ubottuFile sys/types.h found in dietlibc-dev, elks-libc, libc6-dev, libinsighttoolkit3-dev, libklibc-dev (and 12 others)02:57
Dr_Willislibc6-dev looks like a winner :)02:58
tm0Hi have a weird problem to report02:58
jsecDr_Willis, libc6-dev is already the newest version *facepalm*02:58
Dr_Willisjsec:  try the other 11 then. :)02:59
tm0Someone just messaged me as i came on about a bra store. Two issues. Me male, and me just signed on02:59
TotakekeHello. I'm about to install Ubuntu but I need some help with data safety. Right now I'm on Windows Vista using a fakeRAID 1 array with two 250-gigabyte hard drives for data protection. My question is, should I use fakeRAID, software RAID, or would it be better for me to install Ubuntu on just one hard drive and backup my data to the other one?02:59
jsecDr_Willis: yikes. haha02:59
HatToTheSIdetm0: me too02:59
tm0In other words, a spambot is lose02:59
HatToTheSIdesomething about an online victorias secret store03:00
HatToTheSIdeim a guy...03:00
Dr_Willisjsec: ` thats what we call a 'shotgun approach' actually if you use the build-deps feature of the package manager. it pulls in most dev packages ive ever needed03:00
tm0HatToTheSide On the freenode tab does it have its name there as well? Saying its not a valid nick?03:00
ghostofreconhello all03:00
ghostofreconwhats up03:00
xTheGoat121xWhen I try to boot Ubuntu, I get nothing more than the word GRUB on the screen03:00
jsecDr_Willis, build-deps?03:00
HatToTheSIdei think he changed his name03:01
HatToTheSIdeive gotten 2 different messages from it from 2 different names, same host though03:01
HatToTheSIdeboth about online victorias secret03:01
ghostofreconanyone have experience with vnc remote access to ubuntu03:01
Dr_Willisjsec:  like for weechat to compile it  -> 'sudo apt-get build-deps weechat' in theory installs all the needed -dev packages weechat would use.03:01
Dr_Willisjsec:  actually it may be 'build-dep'03:01
=== SolarisBoy is now known as BladeNBrocade
hiexpof-spot crash http://pastebin.com/Ce0yXrUY03:01
tm0HatToTheSide Guess its time to get a channel admin03:02
tm0If anyone here is a channel admin, bra seller spammer on the loose :P03:02
HatToTheSIdenot sure if many girls hang out here... if someone wants to sell bras over irc i'd go to a channel that is mostly women.03:02
hiexpodont need a bra today   :)03:02
jsecDr_Willis: just looked in /usr/include/sys/, and of course types.h is there... why it doesn't want to include it, i'll never know >_<03:03
Dr_WillisI only code in comal :) so no idea.03:03
Dr_Willisbye all..03:03
ghostofreconI am having trouble setting up remote access. is there another app that i can use other than the internal remote access settings?03:04
hiexponeed help fixing my f-spot photo manager http://pastebin.com/Ce0yXrUY03:04
shaynedoes anyone know a program to view the computers fan speed and to control? its for my laptop.03:05
hatake_kakashishayne, lmsensors03:06
TotakekeI'm about to install Ubuntu but I need some help with data safety. Right now I'm on Windows Vista using a fakeRAID 1 array with two 250-gigabyte hard drives for data protection. My question is, should I use fakeRAID, software RAID, or would it be better for me to install Ubuntu on just one hard drive and backup my data to the other one?03:06
hiexposhayne, ya its xprobe i think03:06
hiexpooops nope thats not it one sec03:07
shaynehatake_kakashi: i downloaded that one and it dosnt have a user graphical face03:07
hatake_kakashishayne, no it doesn't and it needs to be configured prior to be able to output various info from the monitoring chip/s03:08
dellphwhat is the name of the new ubuntu font used? "light"03:09
hiexposhayne, libsensors but you have to configur it03:09
shaynehatake_kakashi: im looking for one that has a graphical face to it. i want it so when im downloading for long periods of time i can make the fan spin as fast as it can so my laptop dosnt overheat03:09
hiexpolibsensors shayne03:10
hiexpoi use them for temp monitor03:10
shaynehatake_kakashi: im looking for one that has a graphical face to it. i want it so when im downloading for long periods of time i can make the fan spin as fast as it can so my laptop dosnt overheat03:11
dellphwhat is the name of the new ubuntu font used version "10.04"?03:11
hatake_kakashishayne, I read you the first time, no need to repeat yourself03:11
hatake_kakashishayne, and no I don't know of any with fancy graphical front end, I use lmsensors along with gkrellm to only monitor readings03:12
hiexpohatake_kakashi, - tell him libsensors03:12
torrent_lordI just recently installed ubuntu 9.10 on a friends computer and he use to connect to the net by means of netzero with windows but I cant seem to figure out how to get it to work on his linux machine, any ideas?03:12
hatake_kakashihiexpo, I don't think at this rate he's into configuring stuff, he wants all the fancy push button GUI things03:12
hatake_kakashiand you said xprobe before?03:12
hiexpohatake_kakashi, - oh windows  :)03:13
ghostofreconanyone know why my tightvnc connection freezes after authentication with my ubuntu box?03:13
hiexpothat was a typo sorry libsensors is the one03:13
hatake_kakashihiexpo, yes the ones with big shiny buttons to push and make you go happy..03:13
torrent_lordis there a way i can configure his netzero stuff with GNOME ppp03:13
TotakekeI have a RAID question. I'm using Vista on a fakeRAID 1 array right now and I still want data protection under Ubuntu. So my question is, should I use fakeRAID, software RAID, or should I just install Ubuntu on one hard drive and make backups to the other?03:13
ghostofreconi don't know if the software uses the wrong protocol or what.  If so, what windows software would facilitate the connection?03:14
psusiTotakeke, huh?  data protection and fakeraid are unrelated03:16
hiexpoLm-sensors is a hardware health monitoring package for Linux. It allows you03:16
hiexpoto access information from temperature, voltage, and fan speed sensors. It03:16
hiexpoworks with most newer systems03:16
shaynehatake_kakashi: i will configure if i need to, i was just wondering if there was a easier way.03:16
psusiTotakeke, ohh, or did you mean fault tolerance, as opposed to encryption?03:16
hatake_kakashishayne, no I don't know of any easier way, let alone to adjust fan speeds03:16
psusiTotakeke, if you want to dual boot with windows, fakeraid is a good option since it is supported by both... if you are going to use Ubuntu only, then software raid is a little better supported03:17
hiexpohatake_kakashi, - i just googled it and it was the first page with drivers safety included lol http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84648003:19
Totakekepsusi: I meant fault tolerance, yes. I should mention that I don't plan on dual-booting Windows (good riddance =P)03:19
psusiTotakeke, then linux software raid is a bit better supported than fakeraid03:20
TotakekeAlright, thanks.03:21
NalfHow do I check what version of ubuntu I'm running?03:21
phoenix24Nalf: cat /etc/issue03:22
ZykoticK9Nalf, lsb_release -a03:22
hiexpoNalf, what version did ya install ?03:23
NalfI attempted to upgrade to 10.04, but the upgrade failed and now it is no longer giving me the option to upgrade. What to do what to do?:P03:23
phoenix24Nalf: can you afford to reinstall ?03:23
NalfI suppose I could.03:23
KB1JWQ!lucid | halfie03:23
ubottuhalfie: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule03:23
KB1JWQEr, that was to Nalf03:23
XuMuKNalf, downgrade and upgrade again then03:24
halfieerrr .. when did I ask that :D ?03:24
Nalfhalfie, Mistake. It was for me:P03:24
halfieahh i see03:24
TotakekeAnother question. How should I partition my hard drives? I searched quite a bit but couldn't find how much space to dedicate to each partition. I have two 250-GB hard drives.03:24
hiexpoTotakeke, everyone one has there own theory but i give 5 gigs to swap03:26
ka0tici type a command into a terminal, and it does nothing, what is wrong?03:26
KayAteChefwhat is a useful program for measuring how much data has passed through an interface?03:26
KayAteChefI need monthly stats03:26
hiexpoka0tic, whatcommand03:26
TotakekeWhat about / and /home? And are there any other mount points (I believe that's what they're called) I should make?03:27
ka0tichiexpo: any command "ls" "date" "cat" nothing works03:28
switch10_Totakeke: I give the amount of ram I have to my swap, 20GB for root, and the rest for /home.03:29
Griffinzzfirefox won't save my tabs from last time, and won't restart after adding addons.  after hitting restart firefix, it just closes and won't restart.  if I then open firefox again it goes to startpage of firefox03:29
switch10_Griffinzz: killall firefox          this happens sometimes when you have 2 instances running..03:30
koitiHF-HENTAI #19203:31
wiggums-the-halfI am running 10.04 Beta 1 and some of the folders on my external 1TB drive are not accessible, namely my main music dir. Any suggestions?03:31
Shininggg_Totakeke, swap really dpends on how much ram you have. If you have 8GB of RAM, just put 2GB to swap you'll be fine. It's not gonna get used anyway.03:31
M1ck3yAnyone here use fluxbox or awesome window managers?03:31
hiexpoka0tic, if you just type date nothing03:31
XuMuKwiggums-the-half, look out permissions...03:31
hiexpono perentices03:32
Griffinzzswitch10_,  thank you03:32
wiggums-the-halfwell, I tried that, and it worked all the way through the alphas, it is only since beta that it f-ed up.03:32
TotakekeThanks. I know how much space to give to swap, but the other mount points are what I'm asking about. I guess my question should be (I'm pretty much a Linux newb) what exactly goes in /?03:33
hiexpoyou just have boot swap and main03:34
switch10_Totakeke: installed packages, very small stuff.  20-30GB is more than enough..  I use 20GB03:34
XuMuK!partitions | Totakeke03:35
ubottuTotakeke: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap03:35
hiexpoit also depends on what you are doing with it 20 30 gigs goes fast with some things03:35
XuMuK!fstab | Totakeke03:35
ubottuTotakeke: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions03:35
TotakekeThanks for the help. I'll take a look at those links.03:36
XuMuKTotakeke, you're welcome03:36
switch10_hiexpo: like what??  I have many programs installed, and I am using less than 5gb in my /03:37
hiexponow back to my problem need help fixing my f-spot photo manager http://pastebin.com/Ce0yXrUY03:37
switch10_hiexpo: I would like to know what you have in your / to take up more than 30GB??03:37
hiexposwitch10_, my dictionaries use up 10 gigs easily but thats me03:37
wiggums-the-halfit is allowing all access but it is showing as empty! is there any way to roll it back to a couple of weeks ago? I really hope I haven't lost 450 gigs of media03:38
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zerohcodehi all03:38
wiggums-the-halfany ideas, anyone?03:39
hiexposwitch10_, but i do more than just a basic homeowner read my email stuff you know03:39
zerohcodehola...alguien habla español aqui?03:40
hiexposwitch10_, this machine is basically ubuntu 9.10 with backtrack in gnome cause i hate kde03:40
alpicola!spanish | zerohcode03:41
ubottuzerohcode: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:41
switch10_hiexpo: I have dictionaries, they don't take up 10gb in root.  What kind of dictionaries?03:41
zerohcodeok, thank you!03:42
alpicolawiggums-the-half: You say it's only some of the folders?  Have you tried plugging the drive into another computer (to make sure the data is still there)?03:42
hiexposwitch10_, wpa dictionaries03:42
switch10_hiexpo: you could always put those in /home03:43
XuMuKzerohcode, yes, I do...03:43
wiggums-the-halfI haven't, but the last time I tried to do that (only Linux PC in the house) it would not read it, which I can workaround...03:43
hiexpothet are in home i was just saying 20to 30 gig space could run out fast you know if ya download movies etc rip onne is now days 7 to 8 gigs03:44
alpicolawiggums-the-half: What filesystem?03:44
wiggums-the-half1 sec...i will check quick03:44
cain22anyone use tor here?03:46
switch10_hiexpo: when you rip or download a movie, the data is supposed to be saved in your /home, if it is being saved in /, your system is not configured properly.. 20-30 GB is considered overkill for a / partition..03:46
cain22having an issue initializing it03:46
hiexpohey what number was the text in here i forgot is it 3303:46
wiggums-the-halfit says msdos (started when I was still running XP, but, if I remember correctly, I created an ext3 partition a few months ago.03:47
wolteris there a difference between pastebin.ubuntu.com and paste.ubuntu.com ?03:47
wolterMy guess is that pastebin is public while paste requires login03:47
Ek|mu5Anybody got good advice for a linux live USB for cleaning up a lot of XP PCs?03:47
Ek|mu5Is the AVG live USB any good?03:48
wolterEk|mu5, what do you mean with cleaning up?03:48
hiexposwitch10_, misunderstanding than didnt mean system if i said or pertainted to that03:48
wolteroh,, like a linux antivirus?03:48
Someguy77totem randomly just closes on me while I'm in the middle of watching a video03:48
wiggums-the-halfin "Contents" it says "381 items, totalling 2.5 GB" but then in the space breakdown, it says 618.1 GB used03:48
Ek|mu5wolter, yeah03:48
switch10_Ek|mu5: anything with clamAV if you are looking for viruses.03:48
wolterEk|mu5, oh I wouldn't know, but I'd say this is the wrong channel, you'll be better off at linux i think03:48
hiexpoaudo apt-get autoclean03:48
wolteror google03:48
wiggums-the-halfthis is in the root of the drive03:49
Ek|mu5swith10, thanks03:49
Ek|mu5switch10_,  thanks03:49
hiexposwitch10_, what number changes my text color i forgot is it 33?03:50
alpicolawiggums-the-half: Um...  Hm.  Do you see the same thing in the GUI and in the terminal (output of ls)?03:50
switch10_hiexpo: in IRC?  I have no idea.  I have never felt the need to change my text color :)03:51
hiexposwitch10_, ok thanx03:51
amageehey can anyone help me debug the fact that when i try to shutdown in ubuntu 9.10, the screens go black but then the computer just hangs forever rather than actually shutting down?03:51
wiggums-the-halfI am still getting the terminal commands, what would I need to put in to get the info for a folder? I know it would be ~/media/NUBS but what next?03:51
wiggums-the-half*getting the hang of03:52
Kevin`info for?03:52
amageewiggums-the-half: what kind of info?03:52
switch10_amagee: is this every time you shutdown?03:52
amageeswitch10_: yes03:52
wiggums-the-halfproperties of external drive/folder info03:52
amageeit used to work fine, it's been doing this for a few weeks at least03:52
switch10_amagee: since a new kernel upgrade?03:53
phoenix24what is the command to reboot /03:53
amageeswitch10_: i'm not sure, possibly..03:53
switch10_phoenix24: reboot03:53
alpicolawiggums-the-half: Is that your drive's root, ~/media/NUBS?03:53
switch10_amagee: do you see a GRUB screen when you boot your machine?03:54
amageeswitch10_: yes03:54
wiggums-the-halfno, it is a usb 1TB storage, that way I can upgrade/fresh install without losing media03:54
switch10_amagee: I suggest trying one of the other kernel versions, the second one from the top should be fine..03:54
switch10_amagee: what if you reboot the system?  same issue?03:55
amageeswitch10_: yeah03:56
robertzaccourmy screen flickers once every few minutes, is there a fix?03:56
amageei'll try using the second kernel and see what happens, then i'll be back03:56
switch10_amagee:   that is your best bet..03:57
switch10_amagee: look at bug reports too.  there may be a fix03:57
hiexpolets see03:58
kerebrusI cannot play dvd's with any player, heres the error: http://pastebin.com/A4qCNgYS03:59
hiexpokerebrus, you need libdvdcss03:59
johnso how do i get wine to work? anyone?04:00
kerebrushiexpa already installed04:00
bastid_raZorkerebrus: ubuntu-restricted-extras   .. that package normally fixes all04:00
kerebruswhat do you mean get to wrk john04:00
johni downloaded wine04:01
johnand i'm trying to install an exe file04:01
hiexpokerebrus, install the mediabuntu repos and than install ubuntu restricted estras libdvdcss libdvd read libdvd nav04:01
hiexpoalso win32 codecs04:02
wiggums-the-halfwell, I am going to hit the hay, have to be up in 6 hours...I will keep trying though...04:02
hiexpohope this done it04:06
kerebrushiexpo no i have all that installed already04:07
hiexpowhat player you using04:07
amageeswitch10_: i tried the second kernel but it still didn't work.  i even tried the oldest kernel in the list (2.6.28-16) but even that didn't work.04:08
paraplegicpandaHey guys, I'm having trouble. I'm trying to get aircrack-ng to work so I can pen test my wireless network (pretty sure somebody's been torrenting on my connection). I've got ALMOST everything installed but the website says I need to patch my driver. I've got the .patch file, but I'm not entirely sure what to do with it. Help?04:10
aciculaparaplegicpanda: just change your network to wpa and set a decent passphrase, that will fix your problem?04:11
soreauparaplegicpanda: Which card do you have?04:11
paraplegicpandaacicula: The problem is that I have WPA with a strong passphrase. Just got a letter from Warner Brothers though, and I haven't been downloading.04:12
k-n0-x_x-g_z_2-kformat specifiers for printf();04:12
paraplegicpandasoreau: rtl818004:12
soreauparaplegicpanda: You don't need to patch your drivers for monitoring, only for injection04:13
maginotk-n0-x_x-g_z_2-k, ?04:13
maginotand BTW what annoying nick...04:13
soreauparaplegicpanda: Try running airodump-ng with your current iface and see what happens04:13
k-n0-x_x-g_z_2-kemotions are not of use to machines04:13
switch10_amagee: hmm.  did you make any changes to your system right before this started happening?  or was it completely random?  Do you have any disks mounted?04:14
aciculaparaplegicpanda: well the only way to get around wpa is by guessin the passpphrase, so unles its really simple its pretty unlikely someone else is using it. Some routers maintain a log of macs that have connected, could have a look at that?04:14
paraplegicpandasoreau: I know, monitoring works fine. I'm trying to run a pen test, though, to see just how easy my connection is to break in to04:14
maginotk-n0-x_x-g_z_2-k, stupid questions either ;)04:14
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amageeswitch10_: i really can't remember, as i can't even remember exactly when it started happening, it was a while ago04:14
amageehow do i see what disks i have mounted04:14
bastid_raZoramagee: type mount04:14
k-n0-x_x-g_z_2-kboolean expressions are of use. then it will be quantum states of electrons04:14
switch10_amagee: any samba shares or anything like that?  external USB hard drives, etc?04:15
amageeumm i have something called gvfs-fuse-daemon, i'm not sure what that is and it doesn't seem familiar04:15
Susuzinhawhat ?04:15
paraplegicpandaacicula: My MAC monitoring was turned off by default, stupid Belkin. Anywho, I've got it turned on now and I'm checking it every once in a while, but I'm currently trying to figure out exactly how they got in, if they did.04:16
soreauparaplegicpanda: You still don't need injection for WPA. Just capture the handshake and crack with dictionary. If you have WPA* encryption, the only way to crack it is with brute force approach. And that quickly becomes impossible with a full 63 char key using random characters04:16
kerebrusDoes your router support mac filtering?04:16
amageeswitch10_: here's the whole output: http://dpaste.com/179500/ .. i don't understand very much of it04:16
soreaus/quickly becomes impossible/could take up to 8 years04:17
aciculaparaplegicpanda: it seems unlikely, cracking wpa/wpa2 is really hard04:17
Susuzinhabem ?04:17
Raphiosocan i use a USB keyboard for the installation of ubuntu?04:18
aciculaas long as its not made up of standard words like bookcatbomb04:18
alpicolaRaphioso: Yes.04:18
Raphiosook thank you :) goodbye04:18
switch10_amagee: ok yes, so you have a network drive?  i.e. you connect to a server of some kind right?04:18
NalfFglrx refers to the proprietary driver, correct?04:19
amageeswitch10_: umm yeah i might have set one up, i haven't used in ages and didn't even realise it was still there04:19
paraplegicpandasoreau: Okay, yeah, it's not 63 hars like it should be. It's 8. But it contains upper/lower case letters and a special character. I agree it seems highly unlikely, hence why I switched my router from WEP to WPA when I first got it. Still, I'm curious to find out IF it's possible to break through in a reasonable matter of time, like a neighbor that's had their desktop trying to break in for months. I do live in an apartment building.04:19
hiexpoparaplegicpanda, what is your incrition wepor wpa04:19
paraplegicpandahiexpo: incrition wepor?04:19
amageeswitch10_: how do i find it?04:19
hiexpoparaplegicpanda, you said you was tring to see how easy it is is your encryption wep or wpa ?04:20
switch10_amagee: that depends on where it is being mounted.  Usually in /media04:20
amageehow do i find out where it's mounted04:20
paraplegicpandahiexpo: WPA04:20
amageealthough i think i know now04:21
switch10_amagee: here:  http://xexpress.org/2008/5/3/Ubuntu%20shutdown%20problem/04:21
hiexpoand a long passphrase 12 digits or greater04:21
soreauparaplegicpanda: The only way it would be possible is if they already had your wpa key in a text file. Otherwise, testing all probable combinations would take years on any modern desltop pc04:21
switch10_amagee:  you can remove it in /etc/fstab04:21
amageeswitch10_: it doesn't seem to be in /etc/fstab04:22
paraplegicpandasoreau: Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's pretty much impossible. Regardless, I'd like to take a crack at it myself to see whether or not I can do it.04:22
aciculaparaplegicpanda: you dont have to touch a flame to know it burns ;)04:23
soreauparaplegicpanda: You can. Just read the wpa/wpa2 page on aircrack-ng.org04:23
switch10_amagee: no nfs/cifs mounts?04:23
amageeswitch10_: nope04:23
soreauparaplegicpanda: If you received a letter from warner bros. saying they have evidence you stole a flick, kindly explain to them that they're mistaken. However, when you get a serious letter like that, it usually means they have more evidence than just a hunch04:23
paraplegicpandaacicula: You just put a smile on my face :-D04:24
researcher1suddenly my desky04:24
soreauacicula: A child might not understand that flame+burning=hot04:24
paraplegicpandasoreau: I'm not so sure about that, I've gotten letters from Sony and Viacom before when I WAS downloading their stuff. Not necessarily a lot of their stuff, either. Hence why I stopped using torrents.04:25
switch10_amagee:  have you tried powering off with the command line?04:25
researcher1suddenly my desktopp for one user has just become a black screen. Application,Places, System is not seen anywhere. what could be done?04:25
hiexpoparaplegicpanda, and weird passphrases are harder because the password has to be in the dictionary /// but if someone that is good wants in they will get in thats the problem with wireless its an open world full of airspace04:26
amageeswitch10_: no, i haven't.. should i shutdown -h now?04:26
switch10_amagee: yes04:26
amageeok i'll try that04:26
amageeback soon04:26
switch10_amagee: its a long shot...04:26
paraplegicpandaAnywho, while I don't mind musing the impossibilities of breaking into my network, all I really need to know is how to apply the patch file so I can use packet injection. Also because I have downloaded .patch files before and had no clue what to do with them.04:26
soreauparaplegicpanda: If you have the type of key you say you have, then I'd say it's uncrackable and the culprit is someone that has access to your pc, or in a more extreme case, has hard wire access to your router04:26
soreauparaplegicpanda: As I stated already, you don't need injection to crack your WPA key04:27
paraplegicpandasoreau: My apologies, I didn't see that response.04:27
maginotresearcher1, I suppose you can login on your user account, after logging in you are having this issue, right? If so, you can try "killall -HUP nautilus"04:27
aciculaparaplegicpanda: you need to apply the patch to the kernel module source, easier to grab a distro like backtrack who comes with prepatched modules though04:27
researcher1maginot:i m trying that04:27
thewhohi all04:28
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Ff2q3aaHow do I turn on remote listening (514 UDP) for rsyslog in Ubuntu?  I edited /etc/rsyslog.conf and that didn't help..... usually there there's a "-r" option you had to add somewhere to a startup options but I have no idea where to put it for ubuntu.04:28
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psusi /j #ubuntu+104:30
hiexpoparaplegicpanda, and in order to test yourself you will have to have a second computer to log into your wireless modem/router so you can get the handshake04:30
paraplegicpandaI've got a copy of bactrack 4 on a disc already, but I'd prefer to have a patched driver to use from the Ubuntu distro already on my PC. I tried to find out how to apply it via Google, but my search results turned up old obscure forum posts lacking in full explanations and highly technical jargon that I had trouble following. I don't need kindergarten style instructions, just something that tells me how to use it.04:30
k-n0-x_x-g_z_2-khandshake as a socket has been established between two nodes04:30
paraplegicpandahiexpo: I do, I'm actually using the second computer (my Ubuntu laptop) right now.04:31
hiexpok-n0-x_x-g_z_2-k, - lol04:32
maginotparaplegicpanda, what are you trying to do ? I don't think cracking wireless connection is subject for this channel...04:32
brodymcdCan someone tell me an EASY way to set up a ssh tunnel on my home ubuntu box so I can bust through my firewall at work?04:33
paraplegicpandamaginot: I'm not trying to find out how to crack a wireless network, I just need to know how to use a .patch file.04:33
maginotparaplegicpanda, that is all? patch -Np1 -i <file>04:33
amageeswitch10_: no luck :(04:33
maginotparaplegicpanda, do that inside the source directory which will be patched04:33
switch10_brodymcd: you are trying to access your work PC via SSH?04:33
maginotparaplegicpanda, and, I'm supposing you are using a 1 level patch04:33
k-n0-x_x-g_z_2-ktopic for this channel is: prompt>04:34
soreausudo apt-get remove k-n0-x_x-g_z_2-k04:34
maginotk-n0-x_x-g_z_2-k, please go to #ubuntu-offtopic for general discussion.04:34
k-n0-x_x-g_z_2-kthank you.04:34
paraplegicpandamaginot: I would say yes, but I'm not sure. It's a wireless driver patch, rtl8180-0.21v2.patch04:34
researcher1maginot: AFter I ran killall -HUP nautilus, the top bar has appeared but it does not have the words Application,Places, System. What is the next step?04:35
brodymcdswitch10: no... I want to be able to view blocked sites (youtube) at work... not even for malicious intent. I'm a music teacher and just sometimes want to show performance clips. I don't know much about this but from a little reading think this is the way to go?04:35
soreauparaplegicpanda: The key is, you must have the driver source and run the patch command from the source directory04:35
maginotresearcher1, that you may have to add with you right mouse button04:35
switch10_amagee: I am out of ideas, but this is definitely a bug.  try a few of the fixes here http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz=1B7GGLL_enUS370US371&q=ubuntu+9.10+shutdown+hang&aq=o&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=04:35
amageeyep, trying those04:35
bastid_raZor!panels | researcher104:35
ubotturesearcher1: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »04:35
amageethe most annoying thing is i get absolutely no output04:36
maginotparaplegicpanda, okay, so try it and see the output.04:36
paraplegicpandamaginot so I should copy it to the driver file directory and run it from there, or I should copy the driver file to a new directory with the patch file and run it?04:36
switch10_brodymcd: use a proxy server?  like your students do :)04:36
maginotparaplegicpanda, just go inside the source directory of the rtl8180 driver, and add the path to the patch file after -i option04:37
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paraplegicpandamaginot: kk, thanks. I'll find the driver directory and give that a try.04:38
brodymcdswitch10: how? is that better than the tunnel or vice versa? I can learn stuff well if given some tips... just overwhelmed04:38
hiexpoits a patch   / patchmeaning fixing what you have already / patch not meaning replacing04:38
researcher1ok. maginot: Thanks.04:38
switch10_brodymcd: like http://www.youhide.com/ for example.  there are literal thousands of others, so chances are your firewall will let a few through..04:38
maginotparaplegicpanda, but did you downloaded the driver from realtek ?04:38
brodymcdswitch10: thanks will try!04:39
paraplegicpandamaginot: no, it's the default driver installed with Karmic, I'm assuming04:39
maginotparaplegicpanda, so first you have to pick the driver source to apply a patch to it04:39
hiexpomaginot, - no spoon feeding04:40
paraplegicpandamaginot: as in I need to find the driver already on my computer, or download a new source?04:40
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Ff2q3aaIt looks like I'm missing the rsyslog file in /etc/default.... is there any reason for that?  Is there another package (I can't think of any) that would make it generate?04:41
maginotparaplegicpanda, you don't have the source on you computer, you have to first downloaded it, if you are using the default one provided by karmic so use apt-get to get the source04:41
paraplegicpandamaginot: Kk04:41
maginotparaplegicpanda, apt-get --download source <file-name>04:42
maginotparaplegicpanda, but I really think you source is inside the kernel, so may be easier to get the driver from realtek, but like I don't have realtek boards here I can't give you any further help04:43
paraplegicpandamaginot: ooooh, I understand. So to apply the patch basically you're saying I'd have to apply it to my system kernel? I guess I'll just go with a Backtrack livedisc, lol04:44
kholbyI have a PC running 9.10 with two different users.  Shortly after setup, keyboard quit working completely under one of the users. Still works at the login screen and for the other user.  Any ideas?04:44
maginotparaplegicpanda, right. But, why are you needing to patch you driver ?04:45
AbuMaiaIs there a way to change the taskbar font, without it changing the fonts in the applications?04:45
hiexpomaginot, - gonna hack the planet lol04:46
maginothiexpo, was easier in the past ;)04:46
brando753how can i use httrack to pull images off of google04:46
paraplegicpandamaginot: According to the aircrack-ng website I need to patch the driver to allow packet injection. I'm working on my own personal network pen test.04:46
maginotparaplegicpanda, well, I still prefer using a dlink card, have packet injection support out-of-the box04:47
TamnakzCan anone help me get 8.10 to work with photobucket?04:48
maginotkholby, what kind of keyboard? Did you tried anything to fix it already ?04:48
paraplegicpandamaginot: If I decide to start screwing with my friends and messing with their networks I'll probably look into that. I probably will if I can get it to work on my home network. Otherwise I don't really want to spend any more money than necessary to figure this out.04:49
hiexpomaginot, - yes for us but we have all these new users migrating now from windows since linux got easier with a desktop and to many of them are posting this stuff on you tube making it public so everyone has become a hacker now it's a joke cant even run a terminal on there own and want to hack the planet04:49
jzacshhello does anyone know what the offical photo manager for 10.04 is? will it be fspot still?04:49
paraplegicpandaThanks to everyone that helped me out, definitely appreciate the help.04:50
Tamnakzcan anyone help me to get photobucket to work with 8.10?04:50
maginotTamnakz, is this photobucket a linux application?04:51
jzacshbrando753: can you be more specific? what exactly do you want to do? google is a very large website04:51
kholbymaginot, the keyboard's a Dell.  I have tried nothing so far.  It's my mom's computer and I live out of town.04:51
jzacshanyone using 10.04?04:51
Tamnakzmaginot: photobucket.com is a photosharing website04:51
maginotkholby, but it is PS/2, USB, Wireless, be more specific...04:51
maginotTamnakz, and what kind of issue are you having, if it is online why not go there and use?04:52
epaphusHello guys, is there anyway I can have softraid 1 AND have the hds also encrypted? can i do these operations with the installer??04:52
paraplegicpandahiexpo: I'm not trying to be snooty or anything but I just wanted to point out that I've been using linux for 5 years now, started on Slackware. I'm not a complete noob, but I'm not a pro either. I'm just trying to figure this out. I do still appreciate the help. I'm sure I'll be back soon.04:52
arand!lucid | jzacsh04:52
ubottujzacsh: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule04:52
kholbymaginot:  Sorry.  It's a PS/2.04:52
Tamnakzmaginot: it will not recognize any photos to upload them.04:52
D3v0nWhats up?04:52
jzacsharand: thanks04:52
JayProid like to install libstdcc++5... how can i do that?04:53
rodowushuhola gente alguien q me puieda ayudar con ubuntu?04:53
JayProwant to install an older program... needs that package04:53
ZykoticK9JayPro, are you using a 64bit ubuntu?04:53
maginotkholby, I could tell you something that probably was going to work, but you had to mess with the user configuration, like cleaning everything to see if is any user configuration.04:53
brando753jzacsh: im trying to copy as many images of children who have survived cancer for a photomosaic of a st. Jude rally04:53
bobbaIs there anyway to assign a usb rs232 device to a static virtual port04:53
JayPro32bit, ZykoticK904:53
hiexpo!es \ rodowushu04:54
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:54
maginotTamnakz, so looks more like a problem from this website, can't help on that04:54
jzacsh!spanish | rodowushu04:54
ubotturodowushu: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:54
foul_owlanyone gotten moto4lin to connect to a razr v3?04:54
maginotbobba, static port? Why not just use a link ? Can you tell what you are trying to do?04:54
ZykoticK9JayPro, umm, sorry man not sure about a 32bit install.  FYI i use getdeb to install the 32bit version under 64os - but that's sort of a virtual library, not sure about any possible implications of installing it on 32, Good luck man.04:55
kholbymaginot, I'm cool with that.04:55
ZykoticK9JayPro, s/getdeb/getlibs04:55
AbuMaiaI was able to change the font of the applications menu, places, system, and clock, but it also changes the font of pidgin, thunderbird, firefox, etc.  anyone know how I can change the font of the applications menu et.al. without changing the font of the applications with it?04:55
jzacshbrando753: you have quite specific criteria (good thing) but you'll need to feed a script more specific pages. not just "google.com" -- that said, I've never fiddled with httrack (i think that's what you'd asked), but you can try playing with wget in a bash script.04:56
maginotkholby, well, you could try on a console: cd ~ && mkdir -v bkupfiles && mv -v .* bkupfiles/04:56
bobbamaginot: I have a rs232 level converter and a modem, but the ports change on each reboot and if I remove a device. It would be nice if they stay the same04:56
jzacshAbuMaia: I don't know much about windows managers -- but I would think that the menu bar is an application just like any other and therefore is not differentiated in the window manager's eyes (gnome would be the window manager in this case)04:57
maginotbobba, how do you know which is the right port?04:57
epaphusHello guys, is there anyway I can have softraid 1 AND have the hds also encrypted? can i do these operations with the installer??04:57
AbuMaiathanks jzacsh04:58
JayProZykoticK9 ahh okay thanks tho04:58
bobbamaginot: well its only a problem with the gterm, as it needs to know what port the level converter is on. Maybe a dev rule would do it?04:58
kholbymaginot: Okay.  Moving the . folders appears to have fixed the problem.  Thanks.  Any idea what specifically might have caused it?04:59
amageeswitch10_: ok, i've tried every solution i could find but no luck04:59
ZykoticK9JayPro, you could try to adapt the instructions from http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/gaming/error-while-loading-shared-libraries-libstdc-so-5 but i'm really not sure if it's a good idea to install this outdated/unsupported library on your system04:59
amageewhere / how should i report this bug?05:00
maginotbobba, do you mean a udev rule, right? Well, if you port keep changing from udev, so sure, a udev rule will help, or you could try some bash script that tests for the right port and makes a synlink on /dev05:00
kholbyIs there an easy way to move all files of a specific filetype from a filesystem into a single directory?  For example, I have a hard drive with pictures on it in multiple directories and want to copy all of them into a single directory on another drive.05:01
amageekholby: are you ok with the terminal?05:01
maginotkholby, use "find" with -exec for that, try "man find" to get more familiar05:01
kholbyamagee: Absolutely.05:02
amageeok then i second maginot's comment then :)05:02
bobbamaginot: Yes a udev rule would be nice. Is there a good place to learn how to setup devices using udev?05:02
robertzaccourhow do i report a bug? i don't see the link anywhere on launchpad05:02
maginotbobba, you could probably start with the manual, man udev have some hints05:02
maginotrobertzaccour, how do you know it is a bug ?05:03
robertzaccourmagicvibes, my screen flickers every few minutes it blinks. how could it not be a bug?05:03
robertzaccourdoes anyone have a direct link?05:03
bobbamaginot: Yes I will be brave. sometimes man pages can be tricky, and some are great. Thanks for the help :)05:03
maginotrobertzaccour, it is probably not a bug, http://www.google.com.br/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=2&ved=0CAwQFjAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fbugs.launchpad.net%2Fubuntu&ei=PGG5S-ibOcSluAeasYCuDg&usg=AFQjCNFxwv3z_pD3xTare5ovbieNzPoujQ05:04
robertzaccourscreen flickering is perfectly normal ok right05:04
robertzaccoureverybody's screen flickers huh05:05
maginotrobertzaccour, a problem with your configuration doesn't mean its a bug. First learn what a bug mean.05:05
robertzaccourmaginot, i didn't configure the flickering05:05
latAny good reason why slime should say "process lisp does not exist" when doing C-M-x even though the repl is working fine?05:05
robertzaccourthanks for the link05:05
robertzaccourmaginot, which link do i click? i don't see it05:06
robertzaccouroh i see05:07
EntityRebornWhere can I see the timeline for ubuntu?05:07
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robertzaccourwait i don't know where to go on this page05:08
robertzaccourhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs where do i go from here? i don't see the link on the page05:08
ljamisoniihello all...I'm trying to scan using ClamAV, but it's denying access in root files (which is where I need to scan). Is there a way to give ClamAV root privileges to scan root files?05:08
madPJKfanello - canna seem to get empathy to run at startup - is there a trick, or a global settings file thingy somewhere where all that startup stuff is?05:09
chuxxsss all05:09
chuxxssshi all05:10
maginotljamisonii, are you root? No one can scan root files without being root, that a reason on why there is no virus for linux05:10
robertzaccouroh i think i got it05:10
chuxxsssAny one no how to set up a dhcpd server05:11
ljamisoniimaginot: would I just use su- to gain the root access then run the scan while being logged as root?05:11
maginotljamisonii, you could use "sudo"05:11
maginotljamisonii, its a better approach05:11
maginotrobertzaccour, A software bug is the common term used to describe an error, flaw, mistake, failure, or fault in a computer program or system that produces an incorrect or unexpected result, or causes it to behave in unintended ways. Most bugs arise from mistakes and errors made by people in either a program's source code or its design, and a few are caused by compilers producing incorrect code05:12
amageehow do i find out what version of the kernel i'm using05:12
maginotrobertzaccour,  you see, "miss configuration" isn't considered a bug.05:13
ariefbayu@amagee: uname -a05:13
ariefbayuon me: Linux silent-laptop 2.6.32-16-generic #25-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 9 16:33:52 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux05:13
ariefbayuthat means, my kernel is 2.6.32-16-generic05:13
amageecool thanks05:13
bobbaAnyone know what package udevtest is in?05:14
chuxxssscan some one direct me to a how to for ubuntu HDCP please05:14
maginotbobba, I think you have to use udevadm05:14
maginotbobba, udevadm test05:14
robertzaccourbug reported :)05:14
bobbamaginot: Thanks again. darn old pages :)05:14
ljamisoniimaginot: I tried using the "su-" command, but when I enter the password, it results in authentication failure05:15
maginotchuxxsss, ubuntu DHCP or HDCP ?05:15
maginotljamisonii, sudo, no su.05:15
ljamisoniiso I just tried typing "sudo" and it gave the help list of options..05:16
maginotljamisonii, sudo <COMMAND>05:17
chuxxsssmaginot, DHCP set one up for my mother-in-law. I am hoping to share my internet with her as she lives 86 metres away05:17
maginotchuxxsss, well, DHCP isn't mean do share anything ...05:18
ljamisoniiI just tried sudo clamav...not correct?05:18
maginotchuxxsss, if you are trying to share you internet, you will first have to "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" them set up everything else, a dhcp server is only needed to serve IPs for a network, which you may not need, since are just 2 computers05:19
maginotljamisonii, I don't use clamav. But if clamav is you program name, so yes.05:20
ljamisoniiit said command not found..05:20
chuxxsssOk I through it was for give people dynamic IP addresses.  What I was think is set up to Wifi cards with one with a high gain antenna the other talking to the home network could this be done.  Or am I really not think this out right05:20
maginotljamisonii, I think you don't know what you are trying to do. Do you know that linux doesn't have computer virus problem, right?05:20
chuxxsssmaginot, Thank you for this good starting point :)05:21
maginotchuxxsss, I think won't be as easier as you think to get that work. You will need some knowledge to make that happen05:21
ljamisoniiyes, I'm aware. I'm actually trying to see if I can remove a virus on my Windows hard drive (Windows installed on sda1, Ubuntu installed on sdb1..two separate hard drives) I found a result on google that ClamAV can detect and remove viruses on a Windows partition. Since that partition lies in a root area, I need the necessary permissions05:22
chuxxsssI can make the antenna.  And get to Wifi cards I am a communication tech but have never done this one before05:22
switch10_ljamisonii: you are on the right track..  You have installed clamAV?05:23
ljamisoniiswitch10_, yes05:23
chuxxsssHow do I set the permission for the echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward05:24
EntityRebornWhere can I see the release timeline for ubuntu?05:24
maco!lucid | EntityReborn05:24
ubottuEntityReborn: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule05:24
rodowushucual es l canal de ubunu en español?05:25
aSt3raLanyone know how to get cwiid configured to use multiple keys assigned to a button like alt+tab?05:25
maginotrodowushu, #ubuntu-es05:26
switch10_and you are trying to run it?05:26
switch10_ljamisonii: ^^05:26
EntityRebornmaco, know if the style items will be available online? (stickers, etc)05:26
macoEntityReborn: not a clue05:26
EntityRebornMost importantly, will some be available free?05:26
ljamisoniiswitch10_, yes05:26
switch10_ljamisonii: clamscan05:27
macoEntityReborn: stickers arenot free.  i tend to make-my-own for when i need stickers to give out at events05:27
EntityRebornWell, I'd like one for my lappy :)05:27
boumadoes anyone know how to change the keymap in ubuntu 9.10 for the console05:27
EntityRebornI live in mexico, no place to make stickers here :)05:27
switch10_you can do clamscan --help for more info too..05:27
boumapretty sure grub2 has a better font05:27
ljamisoniiswitch10_: OMFG! YOU ARE MY NEW HERO! lol05:28
boumanot that the default is terrible just wanted to look at some choices05:28
ljamisoniiswitch10_: no wonder why it wasn't working..I was trying to use sudo clamav05:28
bwallenI installed ubuntu to a usb stick which runs my server which has no monitor. Everything was working perfectly until I rebooted it. Now when I ssh with the correct password I get an access denied error. Does the password reset on reboot?05:28
macobwallen: no05:28
macobwallen: did you maybe setup some firewall rules?05:29
EntityRebornbwallen, sure that the USB booted properly?05:29
bwallenmaco: no firewall rules05:29
EntityRebornbwallen, you get access denied, or connection refused?05:30
tripelbon chrome, my flash plugin crashes. libflashplayer.so   can I remover it? HOW? (I looked and didnt see how.) Do I have an alternative to install?05:30
semrechi guys ... have anyone info how/why ultra edit (shareware) came in the repos ??? ... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/55283005:30
tripelb9.10 up from 9.0405:30
bwallenentityreborn: I think so. I can ssh to the box and it asks me for the username/password, it just acts as if the password is incorrect05:30
crypt-0tripelb, use firefox?05:31
tripelbyeah, that works, lol crypt-005:31
crypt-0i dont trust google.05:32
tripelbthanks crypt-005:32
underdevbut google loves you05:32
=== chipuste is now known as talishte
tripelband I love the goog. The office is near here and they have a display that shows what's being searched for - I suppose worldwide.05:32
underdevmust be fun driving by and see "albino midget porn"05:33
tripelbbut is true about FF. Now that it collects its garbage it works. BUT I religiously shut it down and restart it to handle something better and "so far" no more freezes.05:34
circuitmanhi friends05:34
EntityRebornI must rant, WHY OH WHY IS YAHOO THE DEFAULT SEARCH ENGINE FOR 10.04??????05:34
circuitmani have a problem with my dual boot system05:35
crypt-0google is a social engineering wet dream come true05:35
Untitled_onlyNo it's not you can change it to google05:35
jedcHi, I'm having trouble installing karmic on my macbook pro, when I choose an option from the install menu it just hangs and doesn't do anything.05:35
switch10_EntityReborn: because they paid for it?  its easy to change..05:35
EntityReborngoogle > yahoo any day.05:35
Untitled_onlyyes sir05:36
underdevreally need a bash script "karmic10.04.sh"05:36
EntityRebornWith a proper query, If what I want isn't on the first search page, it generally doesn't exist.05:36
EntityRebornYahoo/Bing doesn't offer that.05:36
circuitmani installed 9.04 along side windows xp but cant boot xp,it return an error that the hal.dll file is missing or corrupt05:36
underdevhmmm, no... that's not it "albino midget lesbian bondage"... okay, there we go05:36
EntityRebornunderdev, take that somewhere else?05:37
EntityRebornofftopic here.05:37
tsyj2007circuitman: what do you mean05:37
Untitled_only10.04 beta i think is the best so far, fixed bugs05:37
circuitmani mean after installation i cant boot windows xp05:37
tsyj2007circuitman: install ub ubuntu inside xp?05:37
vpsnoobi have a generic question - How do I get a dump of all dns records stored in a remote nameserver? For example, I want all DNS records that are stored at alpha.redtigerhosting.com05:38
circuitmanin another drive05:38
vpsnoobis there a command for it?05:38
compgeniusvpsnoob: don't think you can do that05:38
tsyj2007circuitman: can you boot ubuntu05:38
compgeniuswithout brute-force spamming it05:38
circuitmanwhen i try to boot xp i get an error that the hal.dll file is corrupt05:39
vpsnoobhmmm thanks compgenius05:39
compgeniuscircuitman: you didn't happen to delete ntldr or system32 did you?05:39
tsyj2007circuitman: ok,you can run shell,then sudo update-grub05:39
compgeniuscircuitman: your windows is corrupted05:40
compgeniusyou're missing vital files in system3205:40
haavarosI cant shutdown via the upper right menu ... I can just set my away status. Reboot didn't help. What do I do?05:40
tsyj2007circuitman: are you sure you did'nt modify anything in xp05:40
circuitmanya  am sure05:40
compgeniusbeen doing any hard shutdowns (turning off by holding the power putton or pulling the plug) lately circuitman?05:40
EntityRebornhaavaros, open terminal, type shutdown -h now05:40
switch10_circuitman: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46623405:41
maginotcircuitman, whats inside system32 is a windows problem and isn't touched by ubuntu install05:41
circuitmani didnt touch anything in windows05:41
tsyj2007circuitman: just try sudo update-grub05:41
compgeniuscircuitman: have you been shutting down imporperly?05:41
fakeerGetting this error while trying to install SDK and/ Emulator on Ubuntu 9.10: "Failed to rename directory /opt/android-sdk-linux_86/temp/PlatformPackage.new01 to /opt/android-sdk-linux_86/platforms/android-7". What to do?05:41
compgeniusupdate-grub will probablyn ot fix it05:41
haavarosEntityReborn: Yeah, I know how to use terminal to shutdown, but I want it back in my menu05:41
maginotwhy are everyone trying to use update-grub?05:42
compgeniusits some missing files in system3205:42
circuitmanok,updating grub done05:42
circuitmannow will i be able to boot both 9.04 and xp05:42
maginotI don't think so05:42
compgeniuscircuitman: to fix it, you put in your windows disk and select the windows partition and it should ask you to repair instead of install05:42
tsyj2007circuitman: reboot05:42
RudestBuddhistHey guys I'm trying to boot to my linux partition using the ubuntu live CD but my linux partition resides on /dev/sda6, is it possible to boot to that location?05:42
maginotyour problem will persist05:42
compgeniusupdate-grub doesn't help with system32 problems.05:42
switch10_compgenius: tsyj2007 no update-grub wont fix it.  he needs to repair his windows mbr05:42
compgeniusits not the MBR of windows05:43
circuitmanhow to repair then05:43
compgeniusubuntu doesn't touch that05:43
nhasianRudestBuddhist, yes you can access your data on that partition, or once you mount it you can chroot to it05:43
maginotRudestBuddhist, yep, just set root parameter ar root=/dev/sda605:43
compgeniuscircuitman read my last ^^05:43
compgeniuscircuitman: to fix it, you put in your windows disk and select the windows partition and it should ask you to repair instead of install05:43
switch10_compgenius: no, but windows still reads it after grub05:43
maginotRudestBuddhist, root=/dev/sda6 on the livecd prompt off course05:44
compgeniusswitch10_: it boots, but hal.dll missing means files (not just hal.dll) are missing in sys3205:44
circuitmantell me how to repair that particular file "hal.dll"05:44
maginotcircuitman, thats not the topic of this channel.05:44
compgeniuscircuitman: it isn't just that file05:44
compgeniuscircuitman: mind if I pm you?05:44
switch10_circuitman: you need a windows disk05:44
RudestBuddhistmaginot: I get "Error loading Operating System"05:45
circuitmanya i have windows disk05:45
RudestBuddhistmaginot: Which I think is windows complaining...?05:45
maginotRudestBuddhist, did you put root=/dev/sda6 on your livecd prompt ?05:45
compgeniuscircuitman: I have pm'd you05:45
switch10_circuitman: look here:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46623405:46
RudestBuddhistmaginot: I did, if I try to boot from my MBR I get the same error05:46
RudestBuddhistmaginot: I had a windows XP re-install just fail on me, that's what caused this05:46
maginotRudestBuddhist, I must imagine that sda6 isn't you linux root partition05:46
RudestBuddhistmaginot: It was listed that way in my grub file though....05:47
RudestBuddhistmaginot: I feel like it's not taking the boot option, do I need any other parameters?05:47
maginotRudestBuddhist, if you just want to repair your boot loader you can do it after booting from the livecd without problems05:47
Untitled_onlyDownload the Windows XP iso from the internet and use VirtualBox. saves gigs and time05:48
RudestBuddhistmaginot: My live CD won't boot, it just takes me to a initramfs console05:48
kerebrusvirtual box doesnt always work very well if your using an older comp05:48
aurizaakbarRudestBuddhist: you can repair GRUB from Ubuntu LiveCD.05:49
RudestBuddhistI just use windows to game, so no virtualbox for me :(05:49
Jester05hey guys.. I'm looking for a torrent program that I can run on a server.. the torrent will need to be able to be operated remotely, ie web interface if possible.. I want the web interface to have FULL control of the client, not just minimal controls.. anyone have any suggestions?05:49
maginotRudestBuddhist, root=/dev/sda6 boot=/boot05:49
RudestBuddhistmy liveCD only boots to an initramfs console it never actually boots to a GUI05:49
Untitled_onlythats true.05:49
GapagosHello... can anyone tell me how I could mount a SDHC card that I can only connect through my Canon digital camera?05:49
Jester05The torrent client will also need to be extremely stable as it will be running on my mythtv server05:49
switch10_Jester05: transmission has a webUI05:49
RudestBuddhistmaginot: Let me try that quick...05:49
Gapagosi would like to use my digital camera as a card reader, pretty much05:50
aurizaakbarRudestBuddhist: maybe your Li05:50
Jester05switch10_, I haven't used it for some time but last I recall its webUI wasn't the greatest in terms of full featured functionality.. has it improved?05:50
GapagosI have non-.jpg files on the card but I can't seem to accesss then when I read the memory card as from the camera itself connected to the pc05:50
Gapagos(i don't have a card reader)05:50
aurizaakbarRudestBuddhist: maybe your LiveCD is corrupted?05:50
RudestBuddhistmaginot: Still get an error loading operating system error05:50
Untitled_onlythats what I think.05:51
Jester05how stable is azureous?05:51
maginotRudestBuddhist, I think you have to try another ubuntu livecd disk05:51
RudestBuddhistI think this laptop is just crap05:51
Untitled_onlyIt didn't load up for me had to delete05:51
RudestBuddhistI'll try another see if that helps05:51
brando753how can i use httrack to pull imagess off of google05:51
Gapagoscan anyone tell me how to mount a SDHC flash card seperately from the camera that holds it as a whole?05:51
aurizaakbarI'm leaving, out.05:52
Jester05Gapagos, are you running gnome or kde?05:52
switch10_Jester05: I have it installed on my NAS and it works great.  I just started using transmission so I don't know how it would compare to the older ones.  It is not fully featured though.  You could always use rtorrent, and administer remotely VIA SSH.05:52
GapagosJester05, gnome05:52
FM4kHey all - Question:05:52
FM4kAfter what looked like a fine shutdown, my ubuntu nbr only boots to a white console now...05:52
Untitled_onlyqBitTorrent is better05:52
Jester05Gapagos, add disk mounter to your panel05:52
Jester05switch10_, I considered that but I'd like to be able to log into it via webUI b/c not all pc's I'm around have ssh preinstalled05:53
switch10_FM4k: can you get to a terminal with ctrl+alt+f1?05:54
FM4ker... terminal is already open, sorta.05:54
switch10_Jester05: yes.  a webUI is nice.  I am quite happy with transmission..05:54
Untitled_onlyI open my terminal with f1205:54
GapagosJester05 I cannot find disk mounter, only MountManager and disk utility05:54
RudestBuddhistThanks for your help ya'll looks like at least I can get into XP now, I'll get this sorted out after work tomorrow!05:54
FM4kswitch10_: Theres a terminal in the top left hand corner of the screen, and taking up just over a quarter of the screen. The rest of the screen is black. If i mouse-over the black area, my cursor changes to the spinner.05:55
Jester05Gapagos, you right clicked on your panel and clicked add right?05:55
switch10_FM4k: can you alt+f2 to run stuff?05:55
Jester05Gapagos, Diskmounter is within the first screen of options for me05:55
FM4kswitch10_: no sir - nothing happens from any of the function keys.05:55
Untitled_onlytry it. works for me05:56
switch10_FM4k: put this in a terminal:     gnome-appearance-properties %F05:56
Jester05switch10_, I'm going to try a few out on my test station I think .. I want something that will have a low impact on the overall system performance.. its also running on my MythTV master backend server which duals as the main frontend for my living room so... the box is a bit taxed and only having a P4 2.8ghz... :-\05:56
GapagosJester95 sorry i was looking in the software centre to add programs. I found it, but it only shows the local disks and the digital camera, not its memory card itself05:57
switch10_FM4k: turn off visual effects.05:57
FM4kswitch10_: They are off.05:57
GapagosJester05 sorry i was looking in the software centre to add programs. I found it, but it only shows the local disks and the digital camera, not its memory card itself05:57
Jester05Gapagos, is the card plugged in thru the camera or thru a card reader?05:57
switch10_FM4k: have you restarted x?05:58
GapagosJester05, through the camera, i dont have a card reader05:58
Jester05Gapagos, then somewhere in the camera's options you'll have to change how the camera is functioning05:58
GapagosJester05 i want to mount the memory card because it holds files not recognized by the camera05:58
FM4kswitch10_: I'm a total nub - I have no idea what "x" is lol - is that xserver or whatever?05:58
switch10_FM4k: yes.  hold right ALT+SYSREQ+k05:59
Jester05Gapagos, yeah I know what you mean.. but you'll have to find a way for the camera to pass directly to the computer.. essentially the camera will act soully as a card reader05:59
FM4kswitch10_: I dont have a right-alt.. I just have left-alt. my ubuntu install is on a mini9 :-/05:59
switch10_FM4k: try the other alt...06:00
GapagosJester05 i can't find any option reguarding connection in the camera06:00
Jester05Gapagos, depending on the camera it may not be an option but I highly doubt that if its even a semi modern camera.. most have it somewhere in the settings06:00
val_xuhi uh, does anyone know the name of that gui application that simplifies hard drive mounting for disks without fstab entries? I'm on a livecd06:00
val_xuIt started with a p, but that's all I can remember06:00
FM4kswitch10_: what the hell is "sysreq"?06:00
Jester05Gapagos, It probably has it something.. might call it disk mode or something06:00
mneptokFM4k: "print screen"06:00
mneptokFM4k: a lot of newer keyboards do not properly dual-label that key06:01
switch10_FM4k: system requirements.  or print screen06:01
FM4kswitch10_: It just brings up a print-screen window, doesnt do anytihng06:01
GapagosJester05 it has no disk mode, usb mode, ftp mode, reading more or anything that sounds like that06:01
val_xupysdm, thanks anyway.06:02
mneptokFM4k: it's a three-finger salute06:02
switch10_FM4k: Yeah that left alt key is messing with you.06:02
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FM4kswitch10_: That's awesome - Anyhow... how would I get "x" to start via terminal?06:02
mneptokFM4k: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start06:02
switch10_FM4k: startx06:02
Jester05Gapagos, it may not be an option w/ that camera but I would assume theres some way it can be done.. it may have to be in a different mode to do it even.. maybe in playback vs. shoot mode..  idk but it is a camera controlled thing that you're trying to do06:03
GapagosJester05 all i can do about files is create folders, reset numbering and format the card06:03
switch10_mneptok: ahh its different in Ubuntu?06:03
FM4kswitch10_: "fatal error", server already active for display 006:03
Jester05Gapagos, what brand of camera?06:03
GapagosJester05 canon SD100006:04
Jester05switch10_, I just checked out transmission.. not sure I like its UI :-\06:04
Jester05Gapagos, let me see what I can find real quick06:04
Jester05Gapagos, I think I'd done that before w/ my S5IS, but I'm not certain06:05
carickFM4k: if you already have X running you cannot start another one on the default screen. if you want to start on a second screen, use startx -- :106:05
FM4kcarick: I cant get X to start.. or show anything. I have no desktop.06:05
switch10_FM4k: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart06:05
FM4kswitch10_: we're back to a black background and a terminal screen in the top left :-/06:06
ZardaifyIs there a way to configure Ubuntu to use a NETGEAR USB network adapter?06:06
GapagosJester05 thanks for the help but i think canon is too protective of its camera06:07
Gapagosim losing hope and going to sleep06:07
Gapagosthanks for your help06:07
Jester05Gapagos, shy of changing out the firmware for that model, I don't think it can be done06:08
switch10_FM4k: ok that restarted x.  when did this start happening?  What caused it?06:08
GapagosJester05 yeah and id rather not brick my camera06:08
rain_Hello,anybody here06:08
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Jester05Gapagos, yeah.. I think the point and shoot series lack that advanced functionality.. could always try a Hacked firmware tho.. look like I saw one that changed the game alot06:08
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:08
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mneptokrain_: nope. 1272 users and no one is active.06:08
FM4kswitch10_: I shut down using the "shut down option" from the ubuntu taskbar menu for it, it started happening after that shutdown, which was about an hour ago.06:09
jedccan someone help me get freeglut3-dev installed in ubuntu jaunty? It fails with unment dependecies and broken packages, here is the output http://pastebin.com/4pVaBuFk06:09
Jester05Gapagos, I've run hacked firmware on my S5IS.. you just put it on the card so once you remove the card its back to factory06:09
switch10_FM4k: this is a new install?  and you are on 9.10?06:09
mneptokFM4k: did you install binary graphic drivers off a manufacturers site and then upgrade your kernel?06:09
Jester05Gapagos, but that's my model too.. I dunno how your firmware would be implemented06:09
FM4kswitch10_: This is a totally fresh install of ubuntu, the only thing I changed was I removed openoffice.org stuff, evolution, and added mozilla sunbird.06:09
switch10_FM4k: and installed the recommended hardware drivers right?06:10
GapagosJester05 I think it's safer to just suck up to my roomates who have a card reader built in their hp / dell laptops for once06:10
Jester05Gapagos, I had to put the .bin files in the root of my card and have the switch tossed to "locked" and it booted from the hacked firmware.. it was interesting to use but once I bought my D200 I lost interest ;)06:10
FM4kswitch10_: Yessir06:10
switch10_FM4k: you are on 9.10?06:10
Jester05Gapagos, you can also buy a 5in1 card reader in ebay for <$506:10
FM4kswitch10_: Yea - 9.10 netbook remix06:11
Gapagosyeah but I'm travelling to peru for 2+ months in like 10 days :D06:11
Gapagosso no time for shipping06:11
Jester05Gapagos, it'd be here in 10 days..06:11
FM4kswitch10_: Would removing openoffice cause ubuntu to take a dump like this? it shouldn't, right?06:11
GapagosJester05 not with Canada Post06:11
Jester05Gapagos, I'm sure you could even get a USB SD reader from newegg06:11
switch10_FM4k: no06:11
Gapagosbut thanks for your help and have a good night :)06:12
carickFM4k: no, its the drivers most likely06:12
Jester05Gapagos, no prob man.. have a good night and a good trip!06:12
switch10_FM4k: i would run   /usr/bin/jockey-gtk  and remove the driver..06:12
switch10_FM4k: and then restart..06:12
FM4kswitch10_: whats teh exact command for that?06:13
switch10_FM4k:  you see a white screen?06:14
FM4kswitch10_: I see a white console window, yea.06:14
switch10_FM4k: put in:   /usr/bin/jockey-gtk   a window should pop up..06:15
`blackmk4`linuxhow can i disable all power management06:15
`blackmk4`linuxi don't have x installed06:15
hiexpoBlackcamaro8, just go to system/pref/power management06:16
wrapstervi and vim are not a part of any pkg? yet how are they present/06:16
FM4kwindow popped up06:16
`blackmk4`linuxi don't have x06:16
`blackmk4`linuxso i can't go to system06:16
`blackmk4`linuxthis box is cli only06:16
switch10_FM4k: click on disable.06:16
switch10_FM4k: or remove..06:16
maginotwrapster, vim pkg is vim06:17
wrapstermaginot: yes i know that.. but dpkg -S /usr/bin/vim did not show anything..06:17
FM4kswitch10_: It's the only way I can connect to internet :-/ but here it goes...06:17
wrapstermaginot: yet vim is present.06:17
switch10_FM4k: wait06:17
FM4kswitch10_: not authorized. Woo!06:17
maginotwrapster, dpkg -l | grep vim06:17
switch10_FM4k: disable your graphics card driver, not your nic driver..06:18
revcbhI'm having a strange issue on 9.10 where I try to login, it accepts the password, the screen goes black for a moment, and then I get booted to the login screen again. Any ideas?06:18
FM4kswitch10_; same comand in console?06:18
switch10_FM4k: yes06:19
`blackmk4`linuxhow do i disable power management (turning off lan/hdd/etc) in console06:19
FM4kswitch10_: Same window pops up, graphics s not an option... only my wireless driver shows up for removal.06:19
switch10_FM4k: and you didn't install drivers from a website?06:20
FM4kswitch10_: No, I used the automatic driver update.. thing.06:22
switch10_FM4k: after you installed, it booted fine?06:23
switch10_FM4k: at least once?06:23
FM4kswitch10_: Yessir, everything was working except wireless... but thats because its the mini906:23
FM4kswitch10_: and I managed to get it to startup / shutdown about 5-ish times throughout the day before this recent badness06:23
switch10_FM4k: I have no idea how that could have happened.06:24
FM4kswitch10_: :'( *sigh* is there a way to do an automated repair of any kind?06:24
ar0nguys, im going to be dual  booting,  win 7 and ubuntu, im formating the disk during the win install do i just do the whole disk and the ubuntu install will repartition?06:25
switch10_FM4k: It may be easier to just reinstall..  since it is new06:25
coz_ar0n,  my suggestion is to partition the disk during win7 install06:26
ar0nit doesnt seem to want to let me06:26
FM4kswitch10_: But then I'm presented with the problem of acquiring the driver again - I dont have access to a wired connection :( is there a way I might... grab.. teh driver package and move it to my SD card? or am I kinda boned?06:26
coz_ar0n,  o h?06:26
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ar0nyeah this win 7 install06:27
ar0nnever done it06:27
switch10_FM4k: yeah, find the name of your driver..  use that command I posted earlier..06:27
coz_ar0n,   mm  there should be a partitioner during install...I have not installed win7 at this point so I cant help with that part06:27
FM4kswitch10_: the jockey command?06:27
brando753how can i use httrack to pull imagess off of google06:27
switch10_FM4k: and do a google search and find and download the driver06:28
ar0ncoz yeah it doesnt want to let me resize06:28
amstanhey guys.. i have a weird problem, i'm trying to deactivate the pc beep, but sudo rmmod pcspkr gives me "ERROR: Module pcspkr does not exist in /proc/modules "06:28
ljamisoniiswitch10_: Hey, I just want to thank you for your help. The scan just finished and it found 3 trojans on my Windows partition.06:28
switch10_ljamisonii: no problem..06:29
maginotamstan, setterm -blength 006:29
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amstanmaginot: i forgot to mention, when i try hitting backspace in the terminals it's fine, it doesn't beep06:30
amstanbut when i do that in pidgin it does06:30
amstansetterm doesn't seem to have any effect06:30
maginotamstan, put that on your ~/.profile together with setterm -bfreq 006:31
suboneI have logged into my system and I see my wallpaper, but no icons on the desktop, and no gpanel. I'm having trouble running anything in X...06:31
eboxerhi guys. just completed a new HTPC system, with only X & the player/client installed, but I have a black mouse cursor/pointer in the middle of the screen06:31
maginotamstan, and you could also try for pidgin "xset b"06:32
moetuneshow can I find out the options a package was compiled with? - last time I installed fluxbox it was built without imlib2 support so no png images...06:32
neorajwhat is pidgin06:33
hiexpoa messanger06:33
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete06:33
bazhanghttp://wiki.ubuntu.com https://help.ubuntu.com/community neoraj please read these as I suggested.06:34
suboneCan someone help me recover my GUI?06:34
neorajhow to create a file through terminal06:34
ranjanhow to keep Audacious always on top of all application any help would be of great help Thanks in advance .. ;)06:34
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/download_main.html neoraj this as well06:34
suboneranjan: if you right click the window titlebar is there an option for "always on top" or "sticky"?06:35
bazhangranjan, right click title bar does not work?06:35
suboneranjan: also i beleive you can add a button for it06:35
ranjansubone : yes it is not working  for me : bazhang06:36
ranjansubone : yes it is not working  for me by right click way : bazhang06:36
amstanmaginot: yep.. no change06:36
suboneoh well thats about all i can help with atm, my gnome-panel is at 100% of my cpu and I have no GUI :p06:37
maginotamstan, did you also tried changing the pcspeaker volume on alsamixer?06:37
bradpitthi. is it normal if the installation process took 30 minutes when i compiled a software?06:37
subonebradpitt: look for errors06:38
ardchoillebradpitt: what did you compile?06:38
amstanmaginot: i have no slider for that06:38
maginotamstan, try on the console06:38
subonemaginot: was mute mentioned? (M key)06:38
amstanmaginot: there's a "Beep" slider but it's on 006:38
amstanmaginot: ?06:39
13WAAM6EGhow could i check the version of the package available in repo with installing it06:39
bradpittsubone, ardchoille i compiled a game " The Mana World "  from git. i have it installed now, but just curious why the installation took me 30 minutes. :)06:39
robertzaccourif i apport-collect on a bug does it analyze my system and try to fix it or what?06:39
maginotamstan, I don't know what else to tell you... are you sure is pcspkr beep and not some sound configuration on pidgin ?06:39
subonebradpitt: compilation can be a long process06:39
robertzaccourwhats that all about anyway?06:40
amstanmaginot: this happens on other windows too06:40
ardchoillebradpitt: if it installed correctly, then I wouldn't worry about it. I've had apps take timebefore06:40
Aayush_how could i check the version of the package in repo without installing it06:40
subonebradpitt: good news is if you compile it again right now it will be instant :p06:40
maginotamstan, my "beep" is mutted on alsamixer... try that too06:40
amstanmaginot: and why didn't i think of that? lol06:41
bradpittsubone, ardchoille ok thanks :)06:41
neorajhow to open archieve manager06:41
bazhangneoraj, what are you trying to do06:42
neoraji downloaded some file and it got saved in archieve manager but i don know how to open it where to search for06:43
bazhangneoraj, what format file, what are you trying to do with it06:43
suboneAnyone know what would be the proper way to run gnome-panel from a terminal?06:43
Aayush_how could i check the version of the package available in repo without before installing it06:43
neorajbazhang, i downloaded some file and it got saved in archieve manager but i don know how to open it where to search for06:43
neoraj 06:43
amstanAayush_: do you have the repo url, it's usually browsable by http06:44
bazhangneoraj, you just repeated yourself without answering my question.06:44
subonesomething like `export DISPLAY=:0; gnome-panel &`?06:44
amstanAayush_: also.. if i'm not wrong synaptic shows versions from each of the repos06:44
bazhangneoraj, what format file what are you trying to do with it06:44
hiexpoamstan, thats right06:44
neorajbazhang, that ubuntu pocket guide its in pdf format06:45
bazhangneoraj, dont do that, just save to Desktop, or wherever you download items, then right click open with document viewer, or simply double click, all pdf can do that in Ubuntu06:46
suboneaw man im dyin here without my gui06:46
neorajk but how to navigate to archieve folder at some time if i want06:46
ramanKHi there06:47
ramanKHow can I change the font color of a textbox in open office ?06:47
bazhangneoraj, which format of archive06:47
Aayush_amstan, i want see version of package while searching like this "aptitude search amsn" dhile doing something like this i want version to be displayed06:47
amstanAayush_: idk.. check the map page for aptitude06:48
amstanmaybe there's something there06:48
ardchoilleAayush_: apt-cache policy packagename06:48
bazhangneoraj, the ones you want to extract can often be right clicked and 'extract here'06:48
maginotramanK, try the openoffice Help (F1)06:48
mneptokAayush_: apt-cache show amsn06:48
ardchoilleAayush_: that will show you the currently available version as well as its installed state06:48
neorajbazh, thanks wait im opening it06:48
moetunessubone: can you go to another tty and enter   metacity --replace?06:49
hiexpoall packages have there versions listed in synaptic06:49
ramanKmaginot: good offer06:49
suboneAayush_: i beleive it is the -V option you are looking for for aptitude06:49
bazhangneoraj, with pdf you don't need to do that, just double click and it will open06:49
hiexpoapptitude --version06:49
neorajbazh, what is an archieve in ubuntu06:50
subonemoetunes: no effect06:50
maginothiexpo, aptitude06:50
bazhangneoraj, its spelled archive; most often a compressed file / files06:50
himikAayush_, aptitude -F "%p | %v | %V" search <name>06:51
hiexpoi know i am tired   and losing my spelling skills lo06:51
subonemoetunes: but xorg and metacity are chewing up my cpu, fan is going crazy06:52
Aayush_himik, thats what i want, thanks06:52
neorajis it a seperate folder in ubuntu06:52
moetunessubone: I'd kill it in tty and check the logs for errors06:52
maginothiexpo, It is an acceptable mistake =)06:53
hiexpomagic_ninja,  - lol06:53
bazhangneoraj, an archive? for example if you want to get a theme from gnome-look.org the archive will have the ending tar.gz ; this you don't extract but simply drag to the themes manager, and drop it there06:54
hiexpomaginot,  - lol06:54
hiexpomagic_ninja,  - sorry typo06:54
subonemoetunes: ok cpu is calm, fan is off, now what06:54
suboneoh check logs06:54
neorajbazh, k06:54
prestonchow do you disable gwibber-service? It's running my CPU constantly and the fan won't slow down06:55
bazhangneoraj, sometimes archives end with a .rar in which you may wish to extract them, or join with others if it is rar1 rar2 etc06:55
Am4noprestonc.it's in gwibber options also I'd disabled mine in startup applicatations06:56
bazhangneoraj, the majority of these questions are answered in the ubuntu wiki and ubuntu help guide as well as that pdf you downloaded, you would learn a lot from taking a little time and reading up on them06:57
ramanKmaginot: The problem is when I select the text of a text box , the font color Icon on the toolbar diappears.06:57
neorajbazhang, ya sure i will go through rite now itself06:58
ramanKmaginot: and I cant change the font color06:58
bazhangneoraj, okay, good06:58
neorajbazh, im newly installed ubuntu i mean new to linux itself06:58
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maginotramanK, maybe you have to select in the textbox preferences ? Well, #openoffice if is a problem06:58
bazhangneoraj, of course, we all were once. :)06:58
neorajbazh, ya rite06:58
ramanKmaginot: thanks06:58
neorajbazh, ur from wt do u do06:59
bazhangneoraj, if you wish to chat, the channel for that is #ubuntu-offtopic ; here is support only; you can get there by /join #ubuntu-offtopic06:59
prestoncAm4no, I don't see gwibber in my startup applications06:59
McPeterhi !07:00
rwwprestonc: Which version of Ubuntu are you using?07:00
bazhangprestonc, #ubuntu+1 please07:00
prestoncoops, thanks07:00
rwwprestonc: then you probably want to ask in #ubuntu+1 instead :)07:00
McPeter"Ubuntu Software Center" add Shaware now ?07:00
subonemoetunes: having trouble locating them07:00
bazhangMcPeter, shareware?07:01
Am4noprestonc.it should also  under edit/preferences in gwibber07:01
McPeterbazhang, yes :'(07:01
bazhangMcPeter, such as ?07:01
McPeterit's no joke07:01
McPeteri try now07:01
bazhangMcPeter, what version of ubuntu ?07:02
McPeterkarmic koala 9.1007:02
maginotMcPeter, you have a lot of repos that isn't default07:02
McPeteri see the post on launchpad and i try it just after .. i'm french .. and i see the same ...**bug** :\07:03
McPeterand no new repository07:03
maginotMcPeter, I will try that sources.list07:03
maginotbut will keep only the devaults07:04
epochfaili have a dead system, more precisely a copy of some files that survived the death of the HDD. how do i extract the list of installed packages from that system?07:04
suboneug idk why my gui is doing all of this07:04
McPeteri test whith defaut install ..07:04
rwwMcPeter: You installed uex from the Canonical Partner repository, which 1) is not enabled by default, 2) contains non-free software.07:05
epochfailis there some list/flatfile-db i can copy to the new system and then dpkg --list-installed or w/e?07:05
suboneepochfail: i know there is, ive seen it07:05
epochfailsubone, do you remember where?07:06
maginotMcPeter, No, that bug isn't confirmed.07:06
subonenah, i think it was on stumbleupon and im way to lazy rigth now to search for it on lynx07:06
semreci posted this to some hours ago (and are discussing it to with McPeter ...) ... no joke ... default source list to ...07:06
maginotMcPeter, can you pastebin you sources.list?07:06
rwwsemrec: Canonical's partner repository is NOT enabled in the default sources.list07:07
rww!info uex07:07
rww!info uex partner07:07
ubottuPackage uex does not exist in karmic07:07
ubottuuex (source: uex): Text, HTML, HEX, PHP, Perl, Java and JavaScript editor. In component main, is extra. Version (partner), package size 5830 kB, installed size 15140 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)07:07
rwwobserve ^^^07:07
epochfailmanpages save the day07:08
suboneepochfail: now you can help me with my issue :p07:08
McPetermaginot, i test on other install07:08
McPeteri make screenshoot07:09
vexati0nanybody know how to get audio working again in GNOME after installing 'kubuntu-desktop' ?07:09
Guest836when is 9.10 going to be released?07:10
maginotMcPeter, please, pastebin the sources.list so I can test it here too07:10
suboneit is07:10
rwwGuest836: 9.10 was released in October of 2009.07:10
voxGuest836: 7 months ago07:10
Guest836i mean 10.0407:10
voxcouple of weeks07:10
Guest836non beta07:10
rwwGuest836: The final version is scheduled to be released on April 29th.07:10
suboneeverytime i upgrade my computer breaks07:11
Guest836subone or something ends up not working07:11
semrecrww, ^^ My fault ... yes partner and restricted ...07:11
knoppiessubone, you should do a clean install, or when you say upgrade do you just mean update?07:11
McPetermaginot, http://blinckers.dnsalias.net/public/images/Free_Software_Is_ShareWare.png and http://blinckers.dnsalias.net/public/images/Free_Software_Is_ShareWare_2.png07:11
subonelike the position im in now... stuck in tty07:11
knoppiessubone, I suggest you always do clean installs.07:11
McPeter2 different machine07:11
Guest836clean install is best07:12
knoppiessubone, I would get a live CD, copy all your data you want to keep (like your home folder) to an external HDD (or a different partition) reformat, clean install. Move data back.07:12
suboneknoppies: ? i dont have time for all that! ive got everything set up the way i want, that woudl take forever07:12
McPeterthe additional repository adding by "ubuntu software center" when i install flash07:12
shazbotmcnastymy friend keeps totally breaking his computer - i have no idea how07:12
knoppiessubone, or you could seperate your /home partition.07:12
subonethe updates should just work, not break something every time07:13
shazbotmcnastyhe broke his video and audio07:13
shazbotmcnastythey no longer work07:13
knoppiessubone, updates or upgrades?07:13
shazbotmcnastyI don't know what he did, and neither does he07:13
Guest836just install the retricted-extras07:13
subonethats why im in this spot im in now07:14
=== Guest836 is now known as ONE23
McPeteryou search free software .. .and you install shareware :(07:14
subonei have no metacity or gnome-panel running and im just lost in the tty07:15
ONE23this will fix mostly everything sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras07:17
knoppiesONE23, and then it breaks something...07:17
ariefbayuis there anyone using karmic here?07:18
ariefbayuI need to confirm something07:18
subonei am07:18
knoppiesari_stress, 9.10 yes, both server and desktop edition.07:18
ariefbayu@subone: can you click anything behind notify window?07:18
ariefbayuthe one that popped un on top right corner07:18
suboneariefbayu: the one for volume control, media play, etc?07:19
knoppiesariefbayu, I will try.07:19
ariefbayuit's something that shown when, eg: your chat friend goes online07:19
suboneariefbayu: yeah thats what i was talking about07:19
suboneat least mine pops up when video/music is changing, volume changing, messages, etc07:20
ariefbayuok, can you click anything behing it?07:20
knoppiesyes  ariefbayu I can.07:20
knoppiesariefbayu, and it fades when my mouse hovers over it.07:20
suboneariefbayu: unfortunately, i cant help you there, i cant seem to run my GUI at all07:20
ONE23sudo startx07:21
ariefbayu@knoppies: but can you click?07:21
knoppiesariefbayu, yes.07:21
suboneONE23: X is already running07:21
ariefbayubecause, on Lucid I cant07:21
ariefbayuok, thanks07:21
knoppiesariefbayu, and it selects what is behind the notification.07:21
knoppiesariefbayu, interesting.07:21
=== kevdog_ is now known as kevdog
KayAteChefhow can I make firestarter forget about ppp0?07:22
McPetermaginot, you see my capture ?07:22
ariefbayuI've been asking this on #ubuntu+1 but no one respond me up till now:(07:22
KayAteChefI used to have a modem on the computer and now I do not... I simply want it to work on eth0 but it will not start07:22
KayAteCheffirestarter won't start without ppp007:22
shazbotmcnastygoogle chrome is totally broken07:22
shazbotmcnastyit won't close07:22
shazbotmcnastyI can't do ANYTHING with it07:23
hiexposubone, wasn;t you the one wanting the app to control the fan speed07:23
shazbotmcnastyI can't killall google-chrome because apparently it's not running07:23
subonehiexpo: when?07:23
maginotMcPeter, yes, but I didn't asked for an image, it can't help me.07:23
shazbotmcnastybut I can minimise maximize, but I can't get rid of it07:23
hiexpoearlier or not ?07:23
McPetermaginot, you want copie text of my sources.list ?07:23
subonehiexpo: no, my fan was going crazy because metacity was eating up my cpu07:23
eboxerhowdy. is there a DVD ripper with a web interface?07:24
bazhangeboxer, handbrake ?07:24
maginotMcPeter, if you pastebin it, of course.07:24
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:24
Microman171Has anyone heard of the GDM crashing to a terminal, and then loading the login screen?  It comes up with an error about communication..07:24
subonehiexpo: ive since killed metacity, but cant get it to run again07:24
bazhangwait web interface?07:24
hiexpooh ok07:25
knoppiesMicroman171, no, but when I try to do things while my Machine is moving files it tends to crash to the login screen (I dont see a terminal though).07:25
knoppiessubone, Im going to assume you have tried to restart?07:25
eboxerbazhang: I've build a basic box with CLI shell, & boxee & xbmc running. I've installed handbrake, but does not provide remote interface07:25
Microman171knoppies: I can type anything into the terminal, and it ignores the command.  It then loads up the GUI login screen (which is broken(07:26
McPetermaginot, http://pastebin.com/zpU0asbj07:26
suboneknoppies: yes. you see, for some reason after updating my screens no longer come on as 2, but as cloned screens. so gnome-panel crashes because there are panels on both screens i guess. but the fix that i was using temporarily suddenly stopped working, idk y07:27
=== blueghost is now known as No14Day
suboneknoppies: which was something along the lines of `gconf-editor --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel`07:28
suboneand then i was just setting up my panels again and just not restarting07:29
subonecant seem to get a window manager running now idk y07:29
McPetermaginot, and on first machine : http://pastebin.com/E5ebLLNw07:30
knoppiessubone, sounds like you have a mess. I dont have any ideas.07:30
debclairhi everyone, has anyone noticed how hard it is to develop plugins and extensions for OOo?07:31
moetunesI get no bell in the terminal or in xchat - it is eerie - is this a new 9.10 thing?07:32
maginotMcPeter, I can't find ultraedit on your repository, have tried here.07:32
knoppiesmoetunes, you will probably work out that you get no sound in 9.10 (I dont).07:32
knoppiesmoetunes, Im considering downgrading until 10.04 comes out.07:33
McPetermaginot, :|07:33
maginotand now I have to go.07:34
maginot[ ]s07:34
DexterLBthis is more generic issue so I think it's not for ubuntu+1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9077468#post907746807:37
Whisky_I'm almost crazy. My Wifi just won't work! It sees my network, connects fine but will NOT let me browse the internet or anything at all. On the other hand, it will work flawlessly with Ethernet. I've put DNS servers too, but to no avail. Help!07:37
hiexposubone, did ya fix it or is it bricked07:37
subonei restarted again and the gnome-panel fix i did worked this time07:38
hiexponow remove that metcity07:38
subonei was able to get my screens back to 1 big screen for now, but if i have to restart ill have to go through this all over again... i can only hope its as easy as an xorg.conf replacement07:38
moetunesknoppies: I'm sorry for your sound issues - it works here so I thought the no beep was an ubuntu config - it works in pclinux which I dual boot07:40
ONE23this will fix mostly everything sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras07:40
knoppiesmoetunes, well, I know sound used to work on it. Although it used to be unpredictable.07:41
greggjust out of curiosity - does anyone know how to get virtualbox guest additions working in a Lucid guest? Yes, i asked in #vbox but there's not much activity in there ;)07:42
cosihi, is there a way to get my built-in webcam to work with facebook?07:43
vinuwhich downloader is best in which i can pause and continue later(not for torrent files)07:43
ONE23lucid guest?07:43
hiexpoor jdownloader i use myself07:44
neorajwhat is kernel07:44
inexistentvinu, wget07:44
shazbotmcnastycan someone please find the driver for the NVIDIA GeForce 7100 video card07:45
vinucan i get good speed in that07:45
ONE23oh u mean a guest acc for ubuntu?07:45
cosii'm trying to get my webcam to cooperate with facebook07:45
shazbotmcnastynot to the website, to the actual file07:45
shazbotmcnastyI have to wget07:45
Boldfiltershazbot? lol07:45
inexistentvinu, yes, you can even limit your speed07:45
Whisky_I'm almost crazy. My Wifi just won't work! It sees my network, connects fine but will NOT let me browse the internet or anything at all. On the other hand, it will work flawlessly with Ethernet. I've put DNS servers too, but to no avail. Help!07:45
Boldfilterclassic name07:45
hiexpovinu where are ya gonna be downloading from what sites it matters07:45
vinufrom were can i get this wget07:46
hiexposudo apt-get install wget07:46
inexistentvinu it's already there, type wget in the terminal07:47
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:48
shazbotmcnastycan someone please find the driver for the NVIDIA GeForce 7100 video card, I need the link to the actual file, because I need to wget07:48
ONE23whisky, no idea. do u have it as dynamic dns?07:48
cosihi, is there a way to get my built-in webcam to work with facebook?07:48
Whisky_ONE23: Noop. I just put in the DNS servers in /etc/resolv.conf07:48
Whisky_and no matter what I do, KNetworkmanager "WILL" add and in there07:49
shazbotmcnastycan someone please find the driver for the NVIDIA GeForce 7100 video card, I need the link to the actual file, because I need to wget07:49
ONE23try to change the method to automatic dhcp07:49
shazbotmcnastymy tty is going insane07:49
shazbotmcnastythe file is at nvidia.com07:49
shazbotmcnastyit's easy to find07:50
shazbotmcnastyand I have it downloaded07:50
Whisky_ONE23: It's Automatic DHCP. It gets the IP automatically, I just changed the nameservers because with DNS set auto, it STILL wouldn't work07:50
shazbotmcnastybut apparently the nd5sums don't match07:50
shazbotmcnastyand it won't run07:50
knoppiesshazbotmcnasty, I will have a look.07:50
Boldfiltershazbot, do you paly tribes07:50
hiexpo32 or 64 bit shazbotmcnasty07:50
shazbotmcnastybut someone already got it07:50
hiexpook one sec07:51
shazbotmcnastyoh wait nvm07:51
shazbotmcnastyit's 3207:51
inexistentshazbotmcnasty, you want the link for 64 bits?07:51
hiexpovista driver07:51
ONE23no idea then, someone might know07:51
minti have 5 hard drives on my server pc...during install of Ubuntu server if i select LVM Will it use all of them or do i need to add them later?07:51
shazbotmcnastysorry I forgot to say 64 bits07:51
shazbotmcnastyyes please07:51
zambai have a problem i need a quick fix for.. when i try to start devfsd, i get No devfs on /dev, not starting07:51
zambahow do i fix?07:51
hiexpo64 bit vista07:51
knoppiesshazbotmcnasty, http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/195.36.15/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-195.36.15-pkg1.run07:52
shazbotmcnastyknoppies: thank you very much07:52
knoppiesshazbotmcnasty, that is the 32bit linux version.07:52
knoppiesfor the 7 series. shaz07:52
shazbotmcnastyand aoh crud07:52
shazbotmcnastynot 32 bit07:52
knoppiesshazbotmcnasty, want the 64bit?07:52
knoppieshiexpo, thats the winvista version, not the linux version.07:54
knoppiesshazbotmcnasty, http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/195.36.15/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-195.36.15-pkg2.run07:54
knoppiesshazbotmcnasty, 64bit linux version for the 7 series, its about 4mb07:55
=== mint is now known as MikeyPooh
inexistentthat's what i gave him07:55
inexistent40 MB07:55
knoppiesthats what I meant07:55
MikeyPoohi have 5 hard drives on my server pc...during install of Ubuntu server if i select LVM Will it use all of them or do i need to add them later?07:55
greggdoes anyone know how to get virtualbox guest additions working on a Lucid guest? I keep getting an error about building the kernel modules - Yes, i asked in #vbox but there's not much activity in there ;)07:56
nomnexI might buy a new notebook panasonic cf-f9, screen resolution 1440×900. Is there any problem with this screen resolution?07:56
igoryonyahello, I don't get it, what is the option in wget to save the download to a specific file, I've read help, didn't find any option, that says output file, or anything similar. I want to save to a file other, then the one, specified by the url.07:56
knoppiesigoryonya, I can man wget for you, but other than that I would have no idea.07:57
icerootigoryonya: imo wget url -O file07:57
inexistentigoryonya, i download with the original name07:57
icerootigoryonya: it was -o -O or -007:57
hiexpook i got it one sec07:58
hiexpoor i can send it to you shazbotmcnasty07:59
MikeyPoohi have 5 hard drives on my server pc...during install of Ubuntu server if i select LVM Will it use all of them or do i need to add them later?08:00
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:00
igoryonyaiceroot: but -O = output document. It's outputting some kinds of documents, kind of confusing statement. is it the same as saving the url to a different file name. When I read this option "output document", I was thinking that it will download some kinds of documents from the downloaded page.08:01
hiexposhazbotmcnasty, you get it08:01
nomnexis 1440×900 resolution screen on a notebook detected automatically on 9.10/10.04?08:01
ONE23no idea08:01
icerootigoryonya: its downloading a file an using the filename you gave with -O filename08:01
icerootigoryonya: its what you want08:01
igoryonyaiceroot: ok, thanx08:02
icerootnomnex: yes08:02
shazbotmcnastyhiexpo: yes08:02
nomnexiceroot, thanks!08:02
ONE23who else needs help?08:03
MikeyPoohi do08:03
iceroot!lvm | MikeyPooh08:03
ubottuMikeyPooh: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto08:03
icerootMikeyPooh: the 2. link08:04
MikeyPoohis LVM Similar to DE?08:04
icerootMikeyPooh: DE?08:04
MikeyPoohDE = Drive Extender08:04
cdoublejji have had question for awhile that i've wondered about what is the difference between say 8.04 and 9.04?08:04
icerootMikeyPooh: i dont know, sorry08:04
KartagisI've abandoned firefox to get rid of my facebook video problem and the same thing started to happen in chromium :S08:05
MikeyPoohi mean does LVM put all the drives in a drive pool?08:05
icerootcdoublejj: 8.04 is LTS, 9.04 is a normal release, ubuntu releses every 6 month a new version08:05
knoppiescdoublejj, 1008:05
iceroot!lts | cdoublejj08:05
ubottucdoublejj: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)08:05
knoppiescdoublejj, 10.04 comes out at the end of the month and will also be an LTS08:05
inexistentbut you can try the beta08:06
Jester05hey guys.. anyone else have any feelings, Deluge vs Transmission for torrent clients08:06
inexistenti like transmission08:06
icerootcdoublejj: and the ubuntu-versions mean  YEAR.MONTH, so 8.04 was release 200(8.04)08:06
Jester05I have it running on my home theater media server.. (MythTV)08:06
cdoublejjwait i put xubuntu 9.04 on a laptop for my bro and i don't want to upgrade it's only 700mhz08:06
inexistentcdoublejj, the ram matters more08:06
inexistenthow much?08:07
Jester05I just configured it all to run Deluge however, I wonder what the system usage difference is between transimission and deluge08:07
icerootcdoublejj: you dont eed to upgrade, never touch a running system08:07
knoppiesif I would like to download 9.04 alternate addition, is there a place/torrent that I can use? (I cant see it listed on ubuntu.com/getubuntu)08:07
cdoublejjthere is no technical difference just numbers why even put out different version if it is exactly the same08:07
cdoublejj700mhz 384mb MAX 20gb hdd08:07
iceroot!torrents | knoppies08:07
ubottuknoppies: Karmic can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).08:07
inexistentcdoublejj, it's not the same, it's updated, newer kernel and apps08:07
itguruHow can i force updates that are being held back to be installed?08:08
knoppiesthanks iceroot08:08
cdoublejjso 8.0 or 7.0 wouldn't run any faster?08:08
icerootknoppies: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/jaunty/08:08
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/90408:08
cdoublejji mean 6.4 and 7.408:08
knoppiesthanks Kartagis08:08
icerootcdoublejj: not always08:08
inexistentcdoublejj, get the newest one, with a lightweight WM08:08
cdoublejji see08:09
KartagisI helped without even knowing :D08:09
icerootcdoublejj: try xubuntu 9.1008:09
ubottuA hacker is a person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular, as defined by Request for Comments (RFC) 1392 - i.e. a good programmer  -- crackers on the other hand break systems, see also !piracy08:09
icerootKartagis: :)08:09
inexistenti find xubuntu bloated08:09
cdoublejjdoes changing the WM break anything or is it easy to do?08:09
ragscan anyone tell me a package for notwork traffic auditing? with web based interface perhaps...tools I've tried vnstat,iftop and iptraf08:09
cdoublejj9.10 is faster?08:09
icerootcdoublejj: you can easily install a new desktop environment08:09
inexistentcdoublejj, try crunchbang maybe08:09
knoppiesrags, Im not sure if its what you looking for, but you could have a look at wireshark.08:10
cdoublejjand why doesn't the toshiba 2805 s202 have aworking floppy drive driver yet?08:10
cdoublejji think the gfx driver robs performance too08:10
icerootrags: vnstat08:10
cdoublejjcrunchbang would help speed things up?08:10
ragsknoppies: no..not sniffing packets....just a history of data transferred, by which system and the rate history...like how you have on a tomato router...I really like their graphs08:11
knoppiesrags, Im not sure what your talking about, but it sounds like I would like that too. Maybe I should be taking notes.08:11
inexistentcdoublejj, yes, but the speediest will be when you'll make a minimal system yourself, that requires some knowledge08:11
ragsiceroot: Vnstat gives good totals, I love that tool but I was looking for a more comprehensive report...Like how much data tx per IP08:11
cdoublejjthat text only!!!08:12
icerootrags: ifconfig08:12
icerootrags: sorry dont know other tools than ifconfig and vnstat08:12
inexistentcdoublejj, no, dude, not necessarely, i have a debian testing with fluxbox, it's very fast08:12
cdoublejjis there any way to request the devs make drivers for certain hardware or list to add for unsupported hardware?08:12
cdoublejji ahve heard of fluxbox08:12
ragsknoppies: Vnstat and iftop are pretty good....but I was looking for a comprehensive package...08:12
CQrags look at nethop, netstat -catnup, and maybe even ntop08:13
ragsiceroot: Thx, anyway...08:13
inexistentcdoublejj, i use it on a p III 1 GHz with 128 MB RAM08:13
cdoublejjyou have speed advantage08:14
inexistentram dissadvantage08:14
cdoublejji'm looking at the flux box here08:14
ragsCQ: will look at nethop....I've tried ntop and it is close to what I need...but faced lot of issues with it...08:14
ONE23this will fix mostly everything sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras08:14
knoppiesrags, on just your machine, or the whole network? because if its just your machine then conky can do some basic graphs.08:14
cdoublejjwould i need to minimal install with flux box or would just switching gnome to fluxbox help too?08:15
Kartagisguys, does anybody here have problem playing facebook videos to the full length under firefox?08:15
icerootKartagis: no08:15
CQI'm trying to use iptables to forward a connection to an internal FTP server and found http://www.experts-exchange.com/Security/Operating_Systems_Security/Linux/Q_23452219.html with PREROUTING and INPUT rules, and don't understand what the diff is or why I need both... can someone please explain? The manual and HOWTOs I've found don't answer my question...08:15
Birmaanmorning all08:15
inexistentcdoublejj, you might try antix too08:15
inexistentit's good08:15
ragsknoppies: It is for the n/w....but since I'll be running the app on the gateway, I suppose it will be local to the app...I'll try conky...08:16
CQrags if conky is close to what you need, look at gkrellm as well08:16
Kartagisiceroot, it's strange, I can never watch fb videos to the full length under ff. I've stopped using it just to get rid of it, and the same thing started happening in chromium :S08:17
cdoublejjantix is a whole os08:17
cdoublejjthis is for my brother who isn't as tech savy as me08:17
cdoublejjfor office work08:17
inexistentcdoublejj, yes it is08:17
ragsCQ: Thx will try it out....on the Iptables rules...the prerouting rule is required on the external gateway while the INPUT rules on your ftp server...08:18
inexistentcdoublejj, does he need openoffice?08:18
inexistentcdoublejj, you can try xubuntu, crunchbang, antix08:19
Kartagisiceroot, do you have an idea about that?08:19
ragsCQ: Basically..you forward the port to your ftp server and then on the ftp server you allow ftp connections...08:19
icerootKartagis: sorry, no08:19
cdoublejjcould i get fluxbox in the package manager would it be smart enough to disable gnome after install?08:19
ragsCQ: Also make sure you have connection tracking in place....08:19
CQrags: why doesn't the FTP server implicitly allow the FTP connection? currently it should, as I can ftp to it from the internal network already...08:19
CQrags: connection tracking? how?08:20
cdoublejjit is now running xubuntu 9.0408:20
timis anyone getting the 500 internal server error trying to watch a video on youtube?08:20
cdoublejjit works it does lag bad but, has some lag08:20
ragsCQ: Then you don't need the rule...as long you have forwarded the port it will work...08:20
cdoublejjopen office ro crossover office08:20
CQcdoublejj: do you need to save space or CPU?08:20
cdoublejjdoes crossover office require a valid copy of ms office?08:20
inexistentcdoublejj, install just one WM08:20
cdoublejji need the front end to be snappyer08:21
inexistentcdoublejj, why not openoffice?08:21
cdoublejjhow do i make it disable gnome and switch to flux box>08:21
CQcdoublejj: I have a very snappy front end, I just installed a debian box with command line only ;)08:21
cdoublejjwell there are multiple employees some use open offcie08:21
cdoublejjmy brother has win 7 with ms office as a main08:22
inexistentcdoublejj, from the gdm, you can select whatever you want08:22
ragsCQ: wht does this say : "lsmod | grep nf_conntrack_ftp"08:22
cdoublejjopen doesn't like ms some times it twist up the the documents some time the come out a little wonky08:22
inexistentcdoublejj, on a weak pc it doesn't make sense to use ms office through crossover08:22
cdoublejjit's nothing major i'll probably stick with open08:22
knoppiescdoublejj, not to mention its slow.08:22
CQrags: right now nothing08:23
timis anyone getting the 500 internal server error trying to watch a youtube video08:23
inexistentcdoublejj, tell them to use more PDF's08:23
cdoublejjwhats gdm stand for i have seen the term when i was browsing for themes once08:23
inexistentcdoublejj, it's where you log in08:23
cdoublejjlol pdfs08:23
inexistentuser, password08:23
timand background08:24
cdoublejjokay so the gdm has controls to switch to fluxbox?08:24
knoppiescdoublejj, GDM is the Gnome Desktop Manager (I think08:24
ragsCQ: hmm...Then I'm afraid you don't have the connection tracking module...not sure how to enable it..08:24
cdoublejjor i should just do more googleing08:24
cdoublejjon fluxbox install08:24
timyou can get a gdm2setup for 9.1008:24
cdoublejjwait xubnunt uses that xface windows manager08:25
cdoublejjor xfce08:25
itgurucdoublejj, No, your right, the new window manager will show up in gdm08:25
cdoublejjsounds like flux box would speed it up08:25
cdoublejjjust not as pretty08:25
inexistentcdoublejj, the apps matter too08:25
cdoublejjwhat do you mean?08:26
inexistenti mean abiword instead of open office08:26
CQrags nils@blackbox:~/installation$ sudo modprobe ip_conntrack_ftp08:26
cdoublejjyou know i almost thought gnome was faster that last time i put ubuntu on one of these old laptops thought i did have really nice hdd in it too08:26
inexistentthis kind of stuff08:26
inexistentmaybe midori instead of firefox08:27
inexistenti can give you a list of lightweight apps08:27
cdoublejjcan you clone a 20gb drive with xubuntu on a bigger drive and have it use the res of the space? or does it require manual partitioning i know how to that for the most part.08:27
ragsCQ: and...did it work?08:27
cdoublejjopen office does excell and power point etc that is needed08:28
cdoublejjhe can use abi for regular work08:28
abtcpdump -ippp0 -l -w- -n -s0 tcp | grep -a -o -E "Host\: .*|GET \/.*" >> /tmp/file08:28
CQrags yup ... do I need more rules though? http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-do-i-use-iptables-connection-tracking-feature.html seems to say that to use all teh FTP features in a NAT you need more than just teh one forwarding rule to get the related passive connections etc.08:28
abcan anyone tell me why this will not save to /tmp/file?  is it the lack of an EOF?08:28
moetunesab: you might need sudo to write to that file08:29
timcan someone please help me08:30
inexistentcdoublejj, if you have xubuntu, you have xdm, not gdm, i don't know if it supports multiple WM's08:30
inexistentchanging WM's08:30
CQab should be OK... does it give you an error or is the file empty? What does it do with one > ? else try | cat - >> /tmp/file08:30
lajoswardI am getting a new mobo and cpu tommorrow was wondering if i will need to reinstall ubuntu or if it will convert settings automagicly08:30
abCQ: empty.08:31
cdoublejji don't multi WMs08:31
inexistentlajosward, the same HDD?08:31
cdoublejjjust one fast one08:31
lajoswardyes same hdd08:31
CQwhat does it output without the >> ?08:31
inexistentlajosward, it should work08:31
cdoublejji'm sure there is guide to replacing xfce wit fluxbox08:31
samuel_SayagDoes someone know if the Criten server is down ?08:31
franklin_alguien que hable espanol?08:31
franklin_necesito ayuda08:31
franklin_con mi eclipse08:31
inexistentcdoublejj, be careful08:31
ragsCQ: I'm not sure on this one...I suggest you try active/passive first...and passive doesn't work then add the rules...08:31
CQfranklin #ubuntu-es08:31
franklin_pero nadie responde08:31
abCQ: same with single >.  i'll try cat - .08:31
ONE23this will fix mostly everything sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras08:31
CQab does it give you any output at all without piping at all?08:32
cdoublejjthis is why i like linux it has acceptable app compatibility/alternatives and it's a nice break away from the norm and it's fun to tinker on08:32
knoppiescdoublejj, thats only the start, there is so much more to linux than anything else. Not to mention you can do more (often quicker). And the personalization is mind blowing.08:33
cdoublejjis replacing the wm some dangerous?08:33
inexistentcdoublejj, if I was you, I would simply sudo apt-get purge xubuntu-desktop08:33
knoppiescdoublejj, I wouldnt know.08:33
CQcdoublejj: no. worst case you end up with a command line and have to use that to reinstall a WM08:33
inexistentand sudo apt-get install fluxbox08:34
abCQ: just tried cat - .  nothing.  it does give output to stdout.  but redirecting to a file is not happening.08:34
cdoublejjPersonaly i game so there is no alternative to windows, i have seen guides to setup gaming rigs with linux but wine doesn't support vista/7only software like halo 208:34
cdoublejjsince i have multiple computers it'sn ice to have flavor like 98se and ubuntu08:34
CQab does it give the output to stdout when you add the pipe? if so, it's outputting to STDERR not STDOUT08:34
cdoublejjplus on the older laptops like toshiba 2800 series ubuntu and xubuntu is great cause it is faster than win xp + anti virus08:35
CQab else remove teh file, or check it has 660 privileges etc.08:35
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cdoublejjhahahaha cool icewm on puppy08:36
abCQ: no output when piped through cat - .  the tcpdump manpage says -w - writes to stdout.  and i believe it does.  the perms on the file are good.  there is somehting else going on.08:37
inexistentcdoublejj, you can customize your WM however you want08:38
CQab make the privs 777 or try sudo08:38
CQab or try it wirh tee (man tee)08:39
abCQ: tried both.  no change.08:39
CQab does echo test >> /tmp/file work then?08:40
CQab then try echo test | tee /tmp/file08:40
abCQ: tried | tee -a /tmp/file.  nothing.08:41
inexistentcdoublejj, this is mine, with fluxbox http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac19/x36t1/linux/?action=view&current=5.jpg08:41
abCQ: the file is writable.08:41
cdoublejjdoes that come in diffrent colors?08:41
cdoublejjinexistant where did you get that theme?08:42
cdoublejjit looks decent08:42
CQab sorry, I can't help more than that... only other thing I can think of is that it's buffered before flushing to the file or something if you see output without the pipe and not with and nothing in the file, but even then after a while something should be in the file08:42
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inexistentcdoublejj, from box-look.org08:43
wanghongwho can tell me,  how to update ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04?08:44
abCQ: yep.  i thougt about buffering but the -l switch is supposed to address that.  i think it's maybe the lack of an EOF.  the stdout never gets closed.08:44
ardchoille!upgrade | wanghong08:44
ubottuwanghong: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading08:44
knoppiesIm using pidgin on 9.10, with the yahoo protocol, if My message is longer than about 45 characters, it gives me the error message: "Unable to send message: The message is too large." How would I fix that (I tried adding him to my MSN protocol, but it kept bugging out), his address is rather long.08:50
knoppiesall other protocols seem to work fine.08:51
techitchhi guys..i put the netbook remix on an acer revo 3600 for htpc purposes08:53
Whisky`KNetworkmanager won't work for me so I installed WICD, it let me surf WiFi but just like KNetworkManager, I can connect to WiFi but not browse the internet. What do I do?08:53
techitchhowever the netbook launcher process is running at 100% usage all the time08:53
techitchi've tried doing the dpkg-reconfigure on xorg however it hasnt fixed it..08:54
moetunestechitch: I thought the unr was set up with a limited h/ware scope in mind08:55
whisky_KNetworkmanager won't work for me so I installed WICD, it let me surf WiFi but just like KNetworkManager, I can connect to WiFi but not browse the internet. What do I do?08:55
techitchso u think i need to put the full ver on there?08:55
whisky_anyone? :(08:56
moetunestechitch: I am not sure about it - that's what I would check first08:57
jazusa03Cheese has very low FPS when recording on a Logitech C250 WebCam. I can't quite figure it out08:57
whisky_also, someone in here told me some command now on each reboot I get the nameservers I gave in my /etc/resolv.conf...how do I get rid of them?08:57
techitchwell the revo is essentially a nettop08:58
techitchit has support for the nvidia ion gpu08:58
moetunestechitch: are you running the ion?08:59
whisky_I need help, bad :(09:00
techitchwell the ion driver is installed and working..09:00
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moetunestechitch: k - read the Xorg log?09:01
inexistentwhisky_, do torrents work? messenger?09:02
techitchtheres no errors in the xorg log09:02
whisky_inexistent, Nothing at all!09:02
neorajwget for downloading09:02
inexistentwhisky_, tried to ping a site?09:02
neorajany one tel me java best channel09:02
cdoublejjis amarok faster than rythm box09:03
cdoublejji'm looking at vlc09:03
whisky_inexistent, Yes. Nothing :(09:03
moetunestechitch: I'll have a google09:03
cdoublejjsome one was saying it is pretty light on a forum09:03
xivenI have been reading online..and gotten curious.09:03
techitchtheres a bit in google about it..it looks like a known bug09:03
inexistentwhisky_, do other laptops connected to the wireless work fine?09:03
techitchpossibly an error with xorg config09:04
xivenHow come Ubuntu seems to be buggy with a stable release, when there are paid employees at canonical, and a huge community of users??09:04
inexistentcdoublejj, don't use apps that depend on a DE09:04
whisky_inexistent, Yes. It works fine on this laptop too (Windows dual boot)09:04
inexistentcdoublejj, no amarok, no rhythmbox09:04
xivenIs there a lack of testers/debuggers??09:04
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whisky_xiven, I'm a newbie to Linux and Google tells me 9.1 isn't as good as previous releases.09:05
inexistentcdoublejj, try audacious, sonata, songbird09:05
inexistentde desktop environment09:06
xivenWell honestly...I've not found Ubuntu's usability to have improved much in the last 4 versions or so...09:06
ardchoillewhisky_: it's 9.10 (year.month, 2009.october)09:06
cdoublejjwell rythem box comes stock but, as i was saying vlc looks like a great replacement09:06
xivenBut it has gotten a lot of newer features and stuff which haven't been garbage.09:06
whisky_ardchoille, Oh! Thank you!09:06
cdoublejjanytime some one goes on about winamp being better than WMP just becasue i like wmp, i'm all like VLC now stfu j/k but thats how good vlc must be from what i  have read09:07
whisky_How do I get rid of nameservers that come to my /etc/resolv.conf automatically everytime I reboot? Someone in here told me to put them and now they come automatically.09:07
cdoublejjyou can re sync audio on thefly09:07
ardchoillewhisky_: fwiw, I have had no problems with 9.1009:07
rocket16whisky_: No, 9.10 is better than all other releases, but it has a few issues, like the Network Manager ppp problem (use Gnome-ppp), Login Screen is more or less foxed etc09:07
neorajhello any one tell me best java channel09:07
theadminCan someone help me with this: if [ $USER = root ] ; then stuff ; else echo "You need root priveleges". Does this look correct?09:07
xivenUbuntu may not be the best distro for me anyhow, as even though I like open source...I am planning to start writing proprietary/commercial software for linux.09:07
joaopintoxiven, and why do you think that ?09:08
inexistentcdoublejj, mplayer is lighter than VLC09:08
whisky_rocket16,  I just can't get WiFi to work. It shows my network, connects but there's no connectivity09:08
moetunestechitch: where did you get the xorg.conf?09:09
theadminxiven: Using FOSS does not prevent you from writing proprietary soft09:09
cdoublejjis mplayer as feature packed as vlc>09:09
xivenWell, for one...Ubuntu is very source based09:09
joaopintoxiven, just as much as any other linux distro09:09
rocket16whisky_, yes, check-out this http://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=2&ved=0CBQQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.unixnewbie.org%2Fhow-to-setup-wireless-with-ubuntu-9-10%2F&rct=j&q=Ubuntu+9.10+wifi+problem&ei=q5q5S8DLK9CwrAfo7JzECg&usg=AFQjCNHqv-sxqojOBsLIfGUivbAFHtwTgQ09:09
inexistentcdoublejj, no09:09
inexistentbut it works09:09
xivenFedora for example is RPM based....binary...09:09
theadminExcept those closed-source idiocies as Linux XP09:09
rocket16whisky_, I this link, the setup of Wifi is there09:09
joaopintoyou are not forced to publish your work under an opensource license09:09
theadminxiven: Uh, Ubuntu is .deb based, those are also binary packages09:09
rocket16whisky_, * In09:10
joaopintoxiven, ubuntu is not source based, is .deb based, which is equivalent to .rpm09:10
cdoublejjhhmm still thanks for heads up mplayer is another consideration09:10
whisky_rocket16, Ugh...I'm connected to the WiFi network.09:10
xivenWell in the days of Breezy Badger  it as all over that Ubuntu was a source based distro09:10
neorajhow to join for java channel09:10
rocket16whisky_, Then? What is the problem? "No connectivity", sorry, can you explain?09:10
xivenneoraj> ##java09:11
joaopintoxiven, ubuntu was never a source based distro, it is based on Debian wich uses .deb as far as I know it09:11
inexistentwhisky_, try sudo dhclient309:11
joaopinto.debs are usually built from source, just as .rpms are09:11
xivenWell, good..because I like Ubuntu lol09:11
theadminxiven: joaopinto Tells the truth.09:11
costrewhat about .apt's?09:11
theadmincostre: Eh? No such file extension even.09:11
xivenAPT installed .deb packages..09:12
theadmincostre: APT is Advanced Package Tool, that thing which is used for repositories09:12
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup09:12
joaopintoapr installed .deb packages are regular binary .deb packages09:12
whisky_rocket16, I can't browse the internet. I've played with DNS too, nothing.09:12
costretheadmin, aah, I remembered seeing it on adobe's site .... there was .rpm, .deb, and APT :)09:13
costrenot .apt09:13
phenomOk, bluetooth was working fine: installed wifi  drivers: bluetooth doesn't work, not does ubuntu identify the built in bluetooth device. Any ideas?09:13
phenomnot = nor09:14
cdoublejjis DE codecs?09:14
techitchhmm i think my issue maybe to do with xorg.conf setup09:14
rocket16whisky_, Sorry, I am afraid, I cannot help much here, since I use Photon Plus connections, not WiFi, :(09:14
techitchtheres hardly anything in there09:14
schoneis there a way to recursively change the chmod of files only?09:14
xivenWell, I am going to kind of mix open source with proprietary..meaning, I will not open the source up to a million downloads an hour...however, I will let other developers join if they would like. And, if developers create a true derivative or seperate software from mine, they may release it as their own...even if it means completely open source09:14
inexistentwhisky_, what kind of wifi card do you have?09:14
theadminschone: find directory -exec chmod 777 {} \; - something like that09:14
moetunestechitch: try  Xorg -configure   and read the file to see if it is better09:14
theadminschone: Oops09:14
rocket16schone: Hm, won't "chmod +x *.*" work?09:15
theadminschone: find directory -type f -exec chmod 777 {} \;09:15
whisky_rocket16, No problem :)09:15
xivenI don't want someone changing the interface to a program I made, and giving it away soon after I release it. If I wasn't concerned about that, I might even release software completely open.09:15
rocket16whisky_, Thanks, :)09:15
schonetheadmin: that doesn't seem to work09:15
whisky_inexistent, Intel 3945. I've installed Windows drivers using ndiswrapper09:15
theadminschone: Well, technically it should but replace 777 with permission set you need09:16
inexistentwhisky_, doesn't it work natively?09:16
neorajwhat is karmic koala09:16
theadminschone: For instance, this will make all files (not folders) in /var/www accessible by owner only: find /var/www -type f -exec chmod 700 {} \;09:17
whisky_inexistent, I was having trouble with it09:17
schonetheadmin: yer im actually on busybox not ubuntu but though the same command would work09:17
theadminneoraj: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.1009:17
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inexistentwhisky_, did you try sudo dhclient3?09:17
theadminschone: Shell mighta eat {}. You might need to escape that (as \{\})09:17
neorajtheadmin: thanks09:18
whisky_inexistent, No. But it connects fine, I get an IP address and everything, too1209:18
whisky_inexistent, did the sudo dhclient309:19
inexistentanything strange?09:19
whisky_let me try Wifi, hang on09:19
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whisky_Wifi just won't work!09:20
inexistenti see09:20
inexistentwell, did you try it on other networks?09:20
* theadmin has to leave now. Good luck everyone.09:21
inexistenti think it's the driver09:21
whisky_I only have 109:21
whisky_inexistent, if it's the driver, why is it connecting fine? :S09:21
inexistenti don't know09:21
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whisky_Intel is now offering a Linux driver for my WiFi, let me try that :/09:22
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techitchhmm if i drop the resolution down to 1024x768 netbook launcher goes to 40% rather than 100% which makes me thing its doing some kind of software rendering..09:24
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=== No14Day_ is now known as No14Day
Joker_-_anyone here uses/knows a bit about ampache?09:24
Joker_-_I'm on #ampache but theres not much happening there...09:24
xivenIs there anyone that actually sells gnome themes and that type of stuff?09:26
hmwI can't fullscreen on youtube anymore - it opens the screen and closes it immediately after. Please help09:26
cliffordhi i am new to linux and ubuntu and i am trying to install a printer driver can someone help me09:26
ardchoillexiven: I've been designing gnome themes for years and never seen anyone selling them09:26
Joker_-_xiven: is that a question as in "you wanna buy one" ?09:26
hmwit happens in epiphany as also in firefox09:26
xivenI was merely curious09:26
Joker_-_xiven: never eard of it09:27
xivenI believe I've seen KDE themes for sale before..and I know there is a group selling KDE applications.09:27
Joker_-_clifford: printer drivers... The only way I get around that is with cups09:27
Joker_-_clifford: it's pretty straight forward09:28
inexistentclifford, what kind of printer?09:28
cliffordbrother mfc240c09:28
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mankeletorhmw, try with chrome =)09:29
ardchoille!nick | ShaGwa09:30
ubottuShaGwa: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with Freenode.09:30
inexistentclifford, try here http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public_s/id/linux/en/index.html09:30
xivenWhy do people use all this software within firefox...09:30
inexistent:) chatzilla09:31
lajoswardI'm wondering if Ubuntu is backwards compatible with  previous version apps09:31
xivenIt makes Firefox use up a lot more memory. And, from my observations, its more memory then what would be used by a regular application.09:32
cliffordinexistent, yes ive been there and followed instructions but i get the error 'dpkg: operation requires read/write access to dpkg status area'09:32
inexistenti used meebo and it used way more memory than bitlbee, for example09:32
xivenI like Firefox, but its easy to turn it into a memory hog..and it does like to freeze for 3 seconds, to five minutes more then preferrable.09:32
ManDayThe GNOME Panel keeps blocking my COMPIZ edge bindings!09:33
ManDayanyone know a fix? known bug?09:33
* XuMuK says Hi there09:33
inexistentclifford, you should use sudo dpkg ....09:33
techitchi just turned on compiz and now the usage has gone down09:33
techitchobviously forced it to use hw somehow09:33
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lajoswardok if someone answered my backwards compatabilty question i got disconnected09:34
ardchoille!nick > No14Day09:34
ubottuNo14Day, please see my private message09:34
cliffordinexistent, brand new to linux could you be a little more specific09:34
xivenMaybe I have too much windows in me still, heh. I'd like to start fixing bugs and/or improving/creating software...but I need to have my time profitable as well.09:35
mankeletor*XuMuK, hey09:35
inexistentclifford, well, if you downloaded the driver, and it is .deb, you should "sudo dpkg -i /path/to/driver.deb"09:35
cliffordgot that09:36
xivenI don't think donations would pay for my time well enough to use that method...09:36
mkanyicyclifford, 'sudo gdebi package-name.deb' works as well09:37
inexistentclifford, look here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters/BrotherPrinters/2070NLaser09:37
inexistentclifford, i like hp printers, they are usually supported out of the box09:38
mi6guys, i am missing in my menu the add/remove software button. how can i install it there again? i forgoten09:38
mkanyicyhi guys, I cant figure out how to put a picture at the bottom of a compiz 3d cube using ccsm. anyone knows how to do this?09:39
inexistentclifford, look here too, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrintersBrother09:40
costremi6 System - preferences - main menu, check the proper items?09:40
mkanyicymi6, costre I think System > Administration > Add/Remove Applications09:41
mi6costre, systme i see but not administration or preferences09:41
mi6mkanyicy, systme i see but not administration or preferences09:41
mi6jes, i did it hundret times before, i just cant remeber how i did it09:42
costremi6 Not system tools in the main menu, the system-tab09:42
mkanyicymi6, Administration shows up after System is clicked09:42
beerin this install guide: http://uni-one.adsl.dk/main.pdf to ubuntu 10.04 to I miss something ?09:42
lajoswardSo was that no answer on backwards compatibilty?09:43
lajoswardwrong chat beer09:43
inexistentlajosward, dude, just install the app in the repository09:43
inexistentlajosward, don't mess with old apps, they will mess up your system09:43
beerlajosward: is this not the ubuntu channel?09:44
beerwhere is the right chat?09:44
lajoswardits not a lucid channel tho09:44
mkanyicybeer, this is an ubuntu channel09:44
beerso it is wrong to ask question about ubuntu in the ubuntu channel09:45
mkanyicybeer, lucid is not yet released so it is discussed in a separate channel09:45
lajoswardthat channel is for lucid support09:45
lajoswardsorry if i came across harsh09:46
lajoswardwasn't meant that way09:46
beerno arm done09:46
lajoswardwas just trying to direct you where you woudl get a answer09:46
clifforddpkg: warning: overriding problem because --force enabled:09:47
clifford package architecture (i386) does not match system (amd64)09:47
clifford(Reading database ... 137501 files and directories currently installed.)09:47
cliffordPreparing to replace mfc240clpr 1.0.1-1 (using mfc240clpr-1.0.1-1.i386.deb) ...09:47
cliffordUnpacking replacement mfc240clpr ...09:47
tuxuser_hi, just wanted say I've tried 10.04 beta1 and I found it very good!! Sorry for the ot, was too excited about it :-)09:48
cliffordSetting up mfc240clpr (1.0.1-1) ...09:48
cliffordmkdir: cannot create directory `/var/spool/lpd/mfc240c': No such file or directory09:48
cliffordchown: cannot access `/var/spool/lpd/mfc240c': No such file or directory09:48
cliffordchgrp: cannot access `/var/spool/lpd/mfc240c': No such file or directory09:48
cliffordchmod: cannot access `/var/spool/lpd/mfc240c': No such file or directory09:48
viciousmkdir -p /var/spool/lpd/mfc240c09:48
moetuneswhere's floodbot?09:48
costretuxuser_, That makes two of us :) For 10.04 talk only, visit #ubuntu+109:50
tuxuser_costre: :-)09:50
magn3tsHow can I tell what java application is running?09:51
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository09:52
mi6got it..09:52
mi6thx but it was something else09:52
mkanyicyis your problem solved now, mi6?09:55
Curly_QHey folks, anything interesting on Red Hat Linux these days besides Enterprise?09:56
AAA_awrightSome process named trackerd just took up 100% of my CPU thrashing the hard drive, all of my memory, the Linux kernel killed my firefox process because of it, and I'm not very happy at Ubuntu right now. Why was a process running without my permission?09:57
costreCurly_Q, From #redhat , All versions of Red Hat Linux are end-of-lifed09:57
lajoswardwhat channel would i go to to ask about ubuntu apps?09:57
Curly_QReally.   Interesting.09:57
inexistentCurly_Q, yeah, fedora is interesting09:58
Curly_QI did like Red Hat 9 version.09:58
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:58
Curly_QWhat is special about Fedora versus Ubuntu?09:59
ardchoille!ot | Curly_Q09:59
ubottuCurly_Q: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:59
inexistentCurly_Q, don't start09:59
neorajjava channel09:59
inexistentCurly_Q, if you liked RedHat. try Fedora09:59
inexistentit's the same10:00
Curly_QI've got Ubottu climbing down my back now.   :)10:00
ardchoillePlease take the Red Hat/Fedora chat to another channel10:00
AAA_awrightWhat is this trackerd process, why was it running without my permission, and why did it take up all of my CPU and memory?10:00
mi6mkanyicy, yes it is thanks for help10:01
circuitmanhow to do voice and video chat using pigdin10:01
circuitmanhi friends i want to do voice and video chat using pigdin instant messenger.please tell me if this is possible10:01
ardchoillecircuitman: I think you're better off with empathy for that. not sure pidgin does voice/video10:01
tuxuser_AAA_awright: this might get you started http://projects.gnome.org/tracker/10:01
AAA_awrightHmm, I think I have had this problem before, yes, that's it, what happened there? The UI was very unresponsive for 15 minutes too, that I think was new10:03
montitofehello here10:03
SeveasAAA_awright, trackerd is the tracker indexing daemon. If you just installed your system, just installed tracker on your ssystem or just added a whole lot of files, it will need to inspect a lot of files10:04
Seveasnasty sideeffect is high cpu and io usage10:04
AAA_awrightNo kidding10:04
SeveasOnce it's done indexing, that goes away10:04
eveningskymy wireless card is in the list of supported cards but is not working.10:04
tuxuser_AAA_awright: tried nice()ing it up with top ?10:04
AAA_awrightI couldn't even Ctrl+Alt+F1 and start a new bash session in time, it was that unresponsive10:05
eveningskyIntel Wireless/Pro 510010:05
eveningskyUbuntu Studio 9.1010:05
cliffordwoo hoo works thanks to all that helped me10:05
tuxuser_AAA_awright: this might interest you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=117932510:08
costreI just realized one thing that bothers me in Ubuntu, the sound drivers. I can't listen to flash audio in firefox if I have mplayer open using sound. The flash will stall. I doubt there is a quickfix for this?10:08
tuxuser_costre: why would you have two audio streams running at the same time ? :-)10:09
eveningskycostre, sounds like a small problem that needs a big fix10:09
eveningskycostre, but  I can see times that might be important10:10
eveningskycostre, you might get some help from Jack10:11
eveningskythat's an app, not a person10:11
eveningskyused for routing audio10:11
costreeveningsky, thanks10:12
=== e3hcl is now known as gimme
Remmazeguys, need help, my laptop shut down while unpacking, what should i do now, it wont update anyting now...10:17
arvind_khadriRemmaze, sudo apt-get install -f10:18
neil_dis there a way to create an icon for a folder so all uses see the same icon?10:18
eveningskyAny driver experts in the room? My iwp 5100 wireless card is listed green in the Wireless Adapter Chipset Directory, but doesn't work.10:18
gimmeHi my xls files are corrupted as in the files were open and the PC shutdowned suddenly so those files are corrupted and are not recoverable So if there is any software in ubuntu to recover XLS file10:18
gimmeanyone there10:19
SeveasRemmaze, sudo dpkg --configure -a; sudo apt-get -f install; lather, rinse, repeat until done10:19
SeveasRemmaze, and then apt-get upgrade, just to be sure10:19
Seveashello e3hcl and stefano10:20
e3hclhi sevas10:20
eveningskygimme, I was just reading about that while installing my sys. That is the reason it defaults ext instead of xls. I'm no expert, but what I read did not sound promising.10:20
cousin_mariowhat is the current way to enable/disable services on startup?10:20
Seveascousin_mario, using update-rc.d10:20
gimmeeveningsky : those are xls files10:21
llutzcousin_mario: sysv-rc-conf10:21
cousin_marioupdate-rc.d worked, thanks10:21
gimmecan anyone help me to recover my xls files10:22
hotxboy1Swhen will 10.04 release?10:22
llutzcousin_mario: until next update of disabled packages10:22
cousin_mariollutz: which method is the recommended one?10:22
Seveashotxboy1S, end of the month10:22
Seveas29th of april10:22
cousin_mariollutz: what do you mean?10:22
llutzcousin_mario: services disabled with update-rc.d will be reenabled if the package gets an update10:22
cousin_mariollutz: oh10:22
hotxboy1Sseveas: will it include acpi fix?10:22
Seveashotxboy1S, it includes many fixes.10:23
llutzcousin_mario: thats why i prefer sysc-rc-conf10:23
Remmazeok done, thanx guys!10:23
cousin_mariollutz: where do I find that command?10:23
cousin_mariowhat package?10:23
Seveasllutz, err, it doesn't matter how you disable a service. A package update will reenable it anyway10:23
llutzcousin_mario: sysv-rc-conf10:23
hotxboy1Smy laptop cannot adjust brightness, seems caused by KMS.10:23
llutzSeveas: nope, sysv-rc-conf  sets it to "Kxx-service" and it will stay disabled after updtes10:24
llutzSeveas: read man update-rc.d why this is recommended10:24
hotxboy1Sseveas: who r u?10:24
Seveasllutz, ah, evil10:25
cousin_mariollutz: what about the daemons using upstart?10:25
llutzcousin_mario: no idea, sorry10:25
llutzSeveas: yes, it is10:25
cousin_mariollutz: thanks for the hint10:25
Pirate_Hunterwow this channel sure seems empty im amazed so it even gets quite in here...10:29
eveningskygimme http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec10:29
eveningskygimme sudo apt-get install testdisk10:30
eveningskygimme, says it can get xls files10:30
hotxboy1SI cannot play movie when firefox is ruuning any fix?10:32
inexistenthotxboy1S, on totem?10:33
hotxboy1Sinexistent: yes on totem.10:34
hotxboy1Sinexistentent: any fix?10:34
inexistenttry it on another player, see if the problem persists10:35
inexistentlike mpleyer or vlc10:35
lokiyacomo os llamais?10:36
atlef!es | lokiya10:36
lokiyacomo te llamas jazball??10:36
ubottulokiya: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.10:36
hotxboy1Sinexistent: I cannot use VLC. Installed 1.02 gold but cannot play.10:36
inexistenthotxboy1S, try to disable the totem plugin in firefox, maybt that's the problem10:37
inexistenti have no idea10:37
hotxboy1Sinexistent: how to delete firefox settings?10:39
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aneesh1hi all i have a doubt about crontab. I need to echo an info to the terminal on every 30 minute, But when i tried with echo command, cron daemon sent the info as mail. how do i route it in to the terminal?10:40
inexistentin home, show hidden files, delete mozilla, but be careful, there is everything, including bookmarks10:40
amfghi all10:40
cs-teamhow u done...10:41
aneesh1@cs-team: * * * * * echo "info"10:42
llutzaneesh1: how should cron know to which terminal it should send?10:43
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aneesh1@llutz: I am also looking for that. Is there any way?.. If it is not possible can we use zenity for this?10:45
artanis^Is it possible to mount a .vhd from console?10:46
hatake_kakashidoubt it10:46
artanis^Okay. Have been googleing alot to find a solution for converting a vhd to vmdk that don't include windows beeing host.10:48
rethushave problems to find the gpg key for remaster-sys repositorie... can someone help?10:49
LawGHey, my HP laptop gets way too hot/overheats with Ubuntu Karmic installed. Any ideas?10:51
ced_Hello, can anyone help me get compiz to work on my fresh 9.10 install? I've tried for a good hour so far and i'm sure i'm just overseeing something, can anyone point me in the right direction?10:51
artanis^LawG; propperly not a software problem...10:51
LawGartanis^:  Well it doesn't get nearly as hot running XP or windows 710:52
incorrectweird i've been using the text based installer and its been failing during grub configuration10:52
ced_Would be weird, but maybe some hardware monitoring tool fucked up your fan speeds LawG10:53
incorrectLawG, try configuring lm-sensors10:53
incorrectmaybe top will show you a run away process10:53
ced_But yea... Can anyone help me get compiz to work?10:53
chowi need to install customized ubuntu 9.10 over the network10:54
ced_Wait, nvm, i think i got it xD10:54
incorrectchow, check net boot10:54
incorrectmaybe i will have better luck with the normal installer rather than the alternative install10:56
rocket16Is there a way to reset the fonts?10:57
rocket16I mean, to reset the Fonts of the System?10:57
Soul_Samplecan anyone name a few reasons why sound would work perfectly in live mode, and then disappear after installing? my friend has this issue and i have no idea what to try next10:58
incorrectrocket16, doesn't appear to be a way to do that via the gui10:59
rocket16incorrect, Thanks, but any way to do it via CUI? Any console command there?10:59
FerylSoul: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449 - i had the same problem, the section on "alsamixer" fixed it for me11:01
harovali1hi , how do I tell ubuntu to use a higher Xorg resolution than 800x600 ?11:02
amfgharovali1: try to install the newes driver11:02
harovali1amfg: I'm running the actualizations, let's see later what happens with the driver. If there aren't more options, maybe only the vesa driver was installed11:03
EmryIs there any reason to avoid upgrading today? :)11:04
EmryAck, wrong channel, sorry...  Heading to +1 heheh :P11:04
amfgI've got problems with graphical drivers for Nvidia on 9.10 ..11:04
costreEmry, Depends on who you ask :)11:04
Emrycostre, I meant to ask in the beta channel. :)11:05
LawGseems to be quite a few posts about laptop heat with karmic11:05
montitofehello (again) is there a french official unbuntu channel?11:06
moumenouais je pense11:06
LcawteAnyone know any good MSN like clients I can download for 'buntu11:06
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading11:06
moumenJe les cherche les serveurs uniquement francais sur Irc mais c'est galere11:07
FerylLcawte : im using Empathy - duno why, tho :)11:07
montitofeLcawte, I use Amsn but there is a lots of client for that!11:07
LawGAnyway I can "downgrade" an ubuntu install11:08
gordican anyone here help me with an issue on an Ubuntu 9.10 PowerPC livedisk?11:09
gordiit says authentication failed when i try to login as ubuntu11:09
brounokHey, the latest slmodem does not have drivers for usb modem, only pci type. how no?11:09
hotxboy1Show to fix laptop  brightness issue?11:10
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joakimLcawte: if you want something as close to the microsoft msn client then emesene is probably your best option11:10
Someguy77in conky, how do I make the background semi transparent?11:12
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WeeJeWelHow can I force enable bluetooth on my dell mini 10v? The applet shows 'Bluetooth is disabled'11:19
Jester05man this is awesome..11:20
Jester05just got a torrent client set up on my server box and I now have the entire thing controlled via internet connection11:20
brontosaurusrexJester05: rtorrent?11:21
Jester05brontosaurusrex, no.. just transmission11:22
Jester05tried to set up deluge but for w/e reason it wouldn't run right at all11:22
Jester05not even close to right..11:22
Jester05I think it may have to do w/ a version issue11:22
rocket16My RAM of old Laptop is 512 MB, but in System-Monitor it shows it to be 489.2 MB as Total. Does this mean that it is used up by some hidden process?11:22
WeeJeWelmaybe shared video mem?11:22
brontosaurusrextransmission-cli or a web interface? Jester0511:22
tumiiwhat should i do? i try to open pSX 1.13 and it says this "(pSX:4263): GdkGLExt-WARNING **: Cannot open \u0008\x8c\u001c11:23
rocket16And My Laptop is getting more and more slower, :( I disabled all effects, use nothing like AWN, Compiz or Applets etc., and just use a custom theme.11:23
Jester05brontosaurusrex, I can ssh into it and control it via command (if i'm on the local network I can even use the gui), but currently controlling via web11:24
Jester05brontosaurusrex, whats rtorrent like11:24
Jester05does it do email notification when a torrent is done?11:24
brontosaurusrexrtorrent is ncurses, i just use it via ssh, dunno about mail11:24
Jester05I liked deluge b/c it was great for notification options but too much hassle for me currently11:25
Jester05this is just a temporary home theater media server configuration to begin with lol11:26
moetunesrtorrent does email notifications Jester0511:26
cyberjorgehi! noob question, what's the command to open a port in iptables using CLI?11:26
Jester05ohh really thanks moetunes11:26
Jester05I may have to look into it11:26
moetunesJester05: been using it for years w/o probs11:27
hotxboy1SI installed ubuntu 9.10 on my laptop but no brightness control how to fix it?11:27
Jester05alright thanks moetunes def going to install it on my test box here in a few11:28
Jester05I think I'm going to create a virtual install just for testing rather than using my main pc for testing lol11:28
brontosaurusrexJester05: for rtorrent? no need imho, but as you wish11:29
ArtiHi to all11:29
Jester05brontosaurusrex, haha no not for rtorrent, only.. lol  I've been doing a lot of testing lately11:29
Jester05it'd be nice to just have a partition I can throw away when it stops working11:30
Artii have some problem trying to update my ubuntu,here is report of sudo apt-get update   http://paste.ubuntu.com/409441/11:30
brontosaurusrexcertainly, virtualboxes are great for that11:30
PirateGuruany suggestions on which Distribution to go for a OVH server ?11:30
Jester05since I'm running mythbuntu on all of my MythTV boxes it'd be nice to have a virtual myth install to test w/11:30
PirateGuru8.04 or 8.10 ?11:31
FlippYtake the blue pill PirateGuru11:32
PirateGurublue pill ?11:32
WeeJeWelis there a way to install windows 7 ON usb?11:33
LawGneed help with installing nvidia drivers11:33
tumiiWeeJeWel yes, but maybe not on this channel? :p11:33
FlippYPirateGuru: imho 8.04 is nice, but really at the end of it's lifetime11:33
WeeJeWeltumii, there is no windows channel where intelligent people chat :))11:33
FlippYonly a couple of weeks and the new lts is available? anyone know when?11:34
psycho_oreos!offtopic | WeeJeWel11:34
ubottuWeeJeWel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:34
Daniturnwhats the room for the new ubuntu 10.0411:34
ArtiLawG: go to system-administartion -hardver drives11:34
psycho_oreosDaniturn, #ubuntu+111:34
tumiiWeeJeWel: well, I used to know how to do this (I did it many many times to my old netbook but i don't have it anymore), but I used WinSetupFromUSB (or similiar) though it's probably just windows-based program11:34
WeeJeWeltumii, i want to install to usb, not from, but w/e..11:35
LawGArti:  Thank you11:35
FlippYWeeJeWel: bartpe ?11:35
tumiiWeeJeWel: ah to  usb, just select the USB drive when installing it?11:35
ArtiLawG: uw11:35
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WeeJeWelIf it only was that simple.. and bartpe does not support bluetooth i believe11:36
atleehello everyone11:36
Guest38319hi guys, i'd need some help regarding 'virtualbox', im trying to use some of my old dos games, made the virtalbox work with dos, but i have no idea whatosever , how can i access them through it, can anyone help me out?11:36
tumiiHello atlee11:36
atleeso whats with nvidia and plymouthd11:36
psycho_oreosGuest38319, why not try something like dosbox?11:37
Dr4gHey guys i'm on LAMP (ubuntu) i want to be able to dispatch mail out just using PHP's mail() function - What should i be researching to install11:37
Dr4gSendmail? Postfix ? I'm not sure.11:37
atleeseems to be a major ongoing problem11:37
FlippYWeeJeWel: highly inefficient, but mabe vmware esx on a flash drive and a virtual machine? :)11:37
Guest38319its soundt not working correctly, and if i want to use my mouse with it, i cant access the other part of my screen with the mouse unless i quit dosbox11:37
Daniturnthis room is the only one talking lol11:37
tumiiI tried to install ePSXe 1.60 with this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=612021 and I got this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/409443/11:37
WeeJeWelflippy, i just need to enable onboard bluetooth, so vmware is a no go im afraid :)11:37
paul3333hi, can anyone tell me how to install ttf fonts to wine 1.1 ?11:38
Guest38319any ideas psycho_oreos ?11:38
atleewhy would you use win emulation?11:38
Daniturni was wondering as #ubuntu+1 aint talking if atheros wireless adapters are supported in 10.0411:38
hotxboy1SOn dirait que les KMS a causé11:38
atleedaniturn yes they are11:38
FlippYwine? eh just double click it :)11:38
Daniturnare they in 9.1011:38
tumiiI tried to install ePSXe 1.60 with this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=612021 and I got this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/409443/ What to do?11:38
atleeim using atheros 2413 ar500511:39
paul3333because I need to run forefront true pianos, and it's running, just no fonts are being displayed, so any clues?11:39
Daniturnwell how come mine isnt detected11:39
atleego on atheros site and find a driver11:39
FlippYtumii: http://lmgtfy.com/11:39
JEEBczpaul3333, doesn't the usual way work? As in copying the ttf files to a folder .fonts (dot-fonts) in your own home folder (create it if isn't there) and run fc-cache -f :311:39
Daniturnfor ubuntu11:39
atleepaul why not run the software natively?11:39
atleedaniturn whats the chipset model?11:40
paul3333JEEBcz : create the .fonts folder in the wine root?11:40
JEEBczpaul3333, nah -- the fonts become available usually when you have them installed in the system11:40
JEEBczso it's your /home/username/ folder :311:41
Daniturnatheros AR5007EG wireless network adaptor11:41
ubunthjust installed 10.4 beta 1 with wubi, but it hands on a black screen with a cursor on left after reboot.   known bug?11:41
atleear5007 def is supported11:41
paul3333JEEBcz : that makes them available in wine too?11:41
JEEBczpaul3333, usually yes11:41
paul3333alright, i'll give it a try11:41
Daniturnsupported in 9.10 because it dont allow me do anythin with wireless11:42
JEEBczubunth, -> #ubuntu+1 would be the right place for that, but I recommend that you try the daily cd images instead of the beta, since the beta is already quite old :311:42
atleeDaniturn try this for more info http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78982411:42
atleedani but change the package file to the latest as that tut is dated 0811:43
Daniturnwhat package file11:45
Daniturnatlee what package file11:47
PirateGuruji rob_p11:48
Robinuxhey m811:48
PirateGuruHi robinux11:48
lalalolwho plays on tetrisfriends?11:50
brontosaurusrexis there a 'find' replacement for dummies? (something that wouldnt use regex i wish)11:50
C-S-B-N900gedit has a find replace option11:50
C-S-B-N900but regex is easy.11:50
brontosaurusrexi meant for a file search11:51
brontosaurusrexbut it seems like : 'find ./ -name *something*' is actually working fine11:51
atleeDANI follow this guide http://svn.madwifi-project.org/madwifi/branches/11:52
fastijumbrontosaurusrex: what’s wrong with regex, why do you need not to use it?11:52
atleesorry this one http://www.ubuntugeek.com/new-madwifi-now-supports-ar2425-in-madwifi-trunk-branch.html11:52
atleear2425 is ar500711:52
quarkupbrontosaurusrex: use grep11:52
brontosaurusrexfastijum: i'd just prefer a simple command like 'searchfile partofstring'11:52
hotxboy1Sno 2-finger scroll11:52
atleedoes anyone web program in linux or macosx is the go or windows?11:53
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:53
quarkupgrep * -s -e "part-of-string"11:53
quarkupatlee: linux is easier than windows imo11:53
fastijumbrontosaurusrex: as you just found out, *partofstring* works just fine11:53
atleeweb programming?11:53
quarkupyou can install a web server in linux and edit files easier in real time11:53
brontosaurusrexfastijum: yes, thats good enough11:54
quarkupin windows i think you really need to get some things configured and check firewalls and etc...11:54
atleeim looking for a WYSIWYG web coder software for linux11:54
quarkupthat may be harder11:54
rocket16Can swf files be converted to Ubuntu binaries like .exes?11:54
quarkupi usually use vim xD11:54
quarkuprocket16: swf files are not binaries11:55
atleei could text edit but it doesnt highlight the coded brackets11:55
quarkupatlee: it can11:55
quarkupwait a moment11:55
Daniturnwhat on earth does this mean Extract the tarball and go to the scripts folder and in a terminal  execute this 2 scripts as root (you can use “sudo su” before to avoid  writing sudo before each line):11:55
rocket16quarkup, Yes, but they can be converted to .exe, like than anything in Ubuntu?11:55
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rocket16quarkup, I mean, something which we can play using ./filename command? Natively without any player?11:56
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Daniturnim new and completely confused by the linux language used11:57
quarkupatlee: edit your vimrc file (probably /etc/vimrc or ~/.vimrc) and add the following: "syntax on" and "set hlsearch" and "set autoindent" and if you also want: "set number" )11:57
jdvHi, I've followed all the guides from ubuntu documentation but I still can't successfully sync my iphone 3gs with ubuntu karmic.. can anyone help please?11:57
quarkuprocket16: no way it is just like in windows11:57
brontosaurusrexatlee: its not WSIWUG, but some say 'geany' is a nice ide11:58
atleeim very new in the 9.10, 10.04 scene, i hadnt seen ubuntu since 6.04 i think lol11:58
Daniturni want a step help not 3 steps together and not knowing what on earth to do11:58
quarkupin windows it opens the browser with the url to that swf11:58
jdvI cant seem to find my mount point for iphone even though it is mounted with icon on desktop :(11:58
quarkupyou could say to your WM (kde/gnome/etc) to open those files with the browser.. just that11:59
atleei will save that info thanks11:59
brontosaurusrexDaniturn: it means to unpack the file somewhere (tarball is like a zip), then open the terminal and go to somewhere and then install with this su sudo stuff11:59
erUSULjdv: cat /proc/mounts should show you where is mounted ...11:59
quarkupbrontosaurusrex: alias rsearch='grep * -s -r -e '11:59
quarkupthat is recursive11:59
atleedani suppose to use #ubuntu-offtopic for support people in here might get upset11:59
quarkuplike find11:59
quarkupthen just use "rsearch xpto" to search (recursively) xpto12:00
brontosaurusrexquarkup: and it will go from current dir down ... or?12:00
quarkupadd that line to the ~/.bashrc12:00
quarkupits like12:00
jdverUSUL thanks, I see a gvfs-fuse-daemon entry, I guess thats it..12:00
brontosaurusrexquarkup: cool12:00
atleedani its not too hard to pick up terminal slang if you see terminal stuff daily12:00
quarkupsearch the directories 1 by 1 i think12:00
quarkupit will not start in the current folder i guess12:00
erUSULjdv: the it is in ~/.gvfs/ (if you want t reach it by terminal)12:00
quarkupit checks files and folders by the lexical order (a-z)12:01
jdvWhen I tell this to gtkpod it says can;t create the directory structure in there, and if I run gtkpod as root it wont let me do anything at all (like its broken)12:01
quarkupanyway, i use both the search (which is an alias to grep * -s -e) and rsearch wich is the same but with the -r flag for recursiveness12:02
atleeback soon, logging into ubuntu12:02
brontosaurusrexquarkup: the alt would be to make a lil bash from : find ./ -name *string*12:02
quarkupoh wait12:02
quarkupi misunderstood you12:03
jdverUSUL Ah! It needs to be ~/.gvfs/"name of iphone"/  although now I get import database failed lol12:03
quarkupsearch and rsearch will check what is inside of files12:03
quarkupbut you can do12:03
quarkupfind . | grep -e12:03
erUSULjdv: not familiar with iphones/ipods sorry12:03
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod12:03
jdverUSUL thanks for your help though.12:03
jdvYea, followed that all to the letter :/12:04
quarkupthat is pretty much the same you want by using the find ./ -name *string* and with regexp (grep uses reg expressions)12:04
artanis^Any have a hint on why Office 2007 installer in wine don't do any progress. Have installed components from winetricks shell script.12:04
quarkupalias ds='find . | grep -s -e '12:05
artanis^seams like it  loops and outputs "fixme:xrender:X11DRV_AlphaBlend not a dibsection"12:05
quarkupbrontosaurusrex: use this definition above, it will use regexp and do exactly the same as find12:05
IdleOneartanis^: #winehq may be better place to ask12:05
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu12:05
brontosaurusrexquarkup: let me try12:06
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rocket16Hm, one thing I found is that, with Wine Installed, any .exe file can be run with "./filename.exe" command, if it runs in wine. IS there any major advantage in doing it?12:06
brontosaurusrexquarkup: very nice, it finds folder + files and it also colors the parts of the string12:07
erUSULSiroma: /join #ubuntu-fr-jeux12:07
artanis^IdleOne; ill try that. Thanks.12:07
quarkupbrontosaurusrex: well you can also change the color of the string found12:07
jdverUSUL - FYI, for some reason, allowing gtpod to get at least that far, now allows rhytmbox to use and see the iphone :/ I guess, gtkpod created the dir structure which is good enough for rthmybox so it seems to be working12:07
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)12:08
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages12:08
quarkupjust add to the ~/.bashrc the following:  export GREP_COLOR="1;32"12:08
quarkupthat is an example12:08
quarkupcheck colors in bash here::  http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prompt-HOWTO/x329.html12:09
=== arvind_k is now known as arvind_khadri
rocket16This Firefox is really taking a lot of memory, :(12:09
brontosaurusrexquarkup: any way to ignore case as well?12:10
rocket16Is Opera faster in Ubuntu to firefox?12:10
* rocket16 is waiting12:10
jdvsigh, can recognise iphone but cant write anything to it and get no error.12:11
quarkupbrontosaurusrex: its the -i flag or --ignore-case , but you should check the grep manpage :: man grep12:11
quarkupuse the /12:11
quarkupto search12:11
rocket16Can .exe files be converted to Ubuntu binaries?12:11
quarkuplike /ignore12:11
Slartrocket16: not generally, no12:11
quarkuprocket16: no12:11
brontosaurusrexquarkup: ok, checking man12:12
Slartrocket16: you can use wine to run some windows executables though.. or virtualbox..12:12
quarkupunless you can successfully decompile those .exe (windows) binaries and then compile them in linux.12:12
quarkupand you will need to change some stuff12:12
rocket16quarkup, Slart Ok, I am using Wine, and surprisingly it can run .exes with "./a.exe" command,12:12
quarkupi guess nobody did that12:12
quarkuprocket16: its not native12:13
quarkupyou are using a layer12:13
quarkupits "wine"12:13
rocket16quarkup, Yes, that's right,12:13
quarkupif you do sudo aptitude remove wine12:13
Slartrocket16: that doesn't make it a ubuntu binary.. it just means you're running it through wine12:13
quarkupthen you will not be able to do it12:13
rocket16Slart, quarkup Yes, I know that. Just wanted to know, if this is faster to "wine a.exe" command, and wanted to find a procedure to make binaries from exex12:14
Ahrakrocket16: look at midori or chromium, i think opera is not a usefull browser12:14
quarkupopera is great12:14
rocket16Ahrak, Ok, but it is faster12:14
quarkupopera is somehow as fast as chromium12:14
rocket16I think, Opera might be faster to Firefox12:15
Slartrocket16: it's probably exactly the same.. wine someprogram.exe   or ./someprogram.exe   both end up being run through wine12:15
quarkupbuts very nice on the windows 712:15
rocket16Slart, Ok,12:15
quarkuparora is also very fast12:15
brontosaurusrexquarkup: ok, this seems to be working 'alias easyfind='find . | grep -i -s -e ''12:15
SlartI like chrome.. feels a bit snappier than my firefox.. although I suppose firefox without extensions might be faster as well12:15
rocket16qrarkup, but is it fully supported in the web? Like Gmail etc.?12:15
quarkupbrontosaurusrex: well okay, check the manual if you need12:15
quarkupgotta go12:16
zongo_hi guys12:16
researcher1Where can I learn tutorials for different server settings?12:16
KiiKuse SSH connect to ubuntu.  after type username. it wait so login to password input. so to solve it.12:18
Slartresearcher1: "server settings"? What kind of settings? web servers? mail servers? ftp servers?12:18
SlartKiiK: this might be worth reading http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-security-4/delay-ssh-login-431485/12:19
FerylHi, which IRC client do you guys use ? Trying to find one that suits me12:20
jdvI use lostIRC12:21
mecoI need help restoring my screen settings. A person has been changing something so that everything is enlarged at least four or five times. When I now move the mouse both the mouse pointer AND the screen moves, in opposite directions.12:21
IdleOneFeryl: there is xchat and irssi also quasell and others12:21
mecoI use Konversation. I haven't used it a lot, but I have no quarrels with it.12:22
Ferylusing xchat at the moment (used mIRc mostly on windows) just wondering what else is out there :) thanks all12:22
SlartFeryl: irssi for me12:22
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines12:22
salahi,i've connected my pc to my tv (vga) if i reboot i can see the ubuntu logo then i don't see anything, if i connect the vga to my lcd and then i plug again the vga into the television i can see again what can i do to avoid this problem?12:23
Am1neis there a way to access a protected directory by sudo without being the owner ? example : sudo cd /var/log/squid ?12:25
Craig_DemSudo su then cd /var/log/squid ?12:26
Am1nehmm ok I'll try12:26
Craig_DemThat would put you as root. I think all the root directories are readonly unless oyu are root.12:26
SlartCraig_Dem, Am1ne: I think   sudo -i   is preferred over sudo su. I'm not really sure why, though12:27
erUSULAm1ne: cd  is a shell built in so that wont work12:28
erUSUL!rootshell | Am1ne Craig_Dem12:28
ubottuAm1ne Craig_Dem: Using !sudo with single commands is preferable in most circumstances. However, if you really need a root shell, use « sudo -i » (other variants of this commands are redundant and/or potentially dangerous)12:28
Am1neCraig_Dem, yes true ! but it doesn't work ! when I type : sudo su -c "cd /var/log/squid/".. it still in the same directory !12:28
Craig_DemWow. I've been using sudo su since I started using linux.12:28
Craig_DemNothings broke yet12:28
Craig_DemNothing has*12:28
netechwhy would you use 'sudo su'? isn't one or the other sufficient?12:30
mecoCan someone help me restoring my screen size?12:31
KiiKSlart: Thanks. solved.12:31
Slartnetech: sudo only runs the following command as root.. su gives you a root terminal12:31
artanis^But you can't su without sudo :)12:32
netechah, that's an ubuntu "feature"12:32
Slartnetech: some things are easier in a root terminal.. redirection for example.. things like  "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" doesn't work with sudo.. since only "echo" is run as root.. not he redirection12:32
netechSlart: that wasn't the question. but thanks for the extra clarification.12:33
Slartnetech: just to signify the difference between sudo and su =)12:33
geekphreakevening folks12:33
netechI think it's time to brew some coffee12:33
geekphreaknetech:  sure, i will have some ;)12:34
meatbunasian gambit --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVq0HdiM-Ok12:34
Craig_DemI just has tea and french toast. nomnomnom12:34
vpdoes someone use ssh to manipulate audio apps with an export of the DISPLAY ?12:34
geekphreakhello arvind_khadri sir12:34
vpi'm trying to do so12:34
Slart!anyone | vp12:34
ubottuvp: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:34
Ahraksudo simulates root...12:34
mecoI need help restoring my screen settings. A person has been changing something so that everything is enlarged at least four or five times. When I now move the mouse both the mouse pointer AND the screen moves, in opposite directions.12:34
arvind_khadrigeekphreak, am not sir, Hi :)12:34
vpbut i have a pb with audiosink.... ?!12:35
mecoThe person has no idea what they have done, so I don't know were to look12:35
vp!anyone | vp12:35
ubottuvp, please see my private message12:35
arvind_khadrivp, /msg the bot12:36
salahow can i set a better resolution for my screen? i'm using my tv as monitor12:36
vpnot used to irc..... :(12:36
ubuntu__hello can you hear me12:37
=== laptop is now known as Guest79397
circuitmanhow can i do voice and video chat using pigdin instant messenger12:37
ubuntu__can you help me12:37
ubuntu__can you help me12:38
om26er!help | ubuntu__12:38
ubottuubuntu__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:38
om26ercircuitman, which protocol?12:38
ubuntu__how can i play videos in kubuntu12:39
duffydackcircuitman, xmpp works like a champ12:39
circuitmanam gmail.yahoo,msn12:39
ubuntu__please tell12:39
ubuntu__circuit man12:39
vpafter having exported DISPLAY to my local machine from a network machine I'm able to open rhythmbox but it doesn't play any sound telling me that I need audiosink plugin12:40
circuitman0m26er:gtalk,yahoo and msn12:40
vphow can i fix this since no audiosink seems to exist ?12:40
om26ercircuitman, only works for gtalk at the moment12:40
leagrisubuntu__, vlc aka (Videolan)12:41
ubuntu__playing videos12:41
circuitman0m26er:ok tell me how to configure it for gtalk12:41
zdendoHello, anyone knows how I can play wma-pro mediafiles in Linux? I have Kubuntu 10.04 64-bit with Medibuntu repozitory, I have w64codecs but it not works. Only wma. No wma-pro12:41
vpsame thing for vlc , totem, etc.... no sound :(12:41
ubuntu__oh oh12:41
om26erzdendo, for 10.04 join #ubuntu+112:41
om26ercircuitman, start pidgin12:41
circuitman0m26er:ok started12:42
* om26er click on accounts12:42
om26ercircuitman, now in the new window click on add12:42
ubuntu__hearing radio12:42
zdendoom26er Thx, I try. But I thing, it is "egal" which distro I use, that is every for debian ;)12:43
om26erubuntu__, do you have any support questions?12:43
ubuntu__how are you12:43
ubuntu__wat are you doing there12:43
om26erubuntu__, this is not a social channel12:44
vpno answer for my question ?12:44
ubuntu__playing radio in ubuntu12:44
circuitman0m26er:i added the gmail account12:44
om26ercircuitman, now you are logged in?12:44
ubuntu__yes circuitman12:44
om26erubuntu__, if you dont have any support questions please leave12:45
ubuntu__iam dhanesh12:45
soc2does someone have experience installing ubuntu on an imac?12:45
ubuntu__yes soc12:45
ikoniasoc2 PPC port is pretty dead now12:45
costreubuntu__,  Or join #ubunto-offtopic12:45
costreubuntu__,  Or join #ubuntu-offtopic12:45
soc2ikonia: it's no powerpc12:45
mkanyicysoc2, ikonia isnt imac an intel12:46
ikoniasoc2: then it's not an imac12:46
Craig_DemI'm typing on a mac right now. Core 2 Duo.12:46
soc2i'm pretty sure that's an imac: http://www.apple.com/imac/features.html12:46
Craig_DemAll new iMacs for like 2 years have been intel.12:47
mkanyicyikonia, soc2 i dont think imac is using ppc but rather intel12:47
Craig_DemMight be longer.12:47
llutzikonia: imac has intel-cpu12:47
circuitman0m26er:i added the gtalk account to my pigdin,now how to configure it for a voice and video chat12:47
Craig_DemMac Pros have the option of AMD processors.12:47
ikoniafor some reason I was thinking of the old lego style mac books12:47
ikoniathe multi-colours12:47
ikoniaCraig_Dem: do they ??? since when ?12:47
mkanyicysoc2, anyway what problems are you encountering during installation process?12:47
soc2no i'm just asking before buying one12:47
ikoniasoc2: on the intel macs they work pretty much out of the box12:48
Craig_DemAMD graphics cards, my bad.12:48
ubuntu__playing radio in kubuntu12:49
om26ercircuitman, right click on a contact and click audio call12:49
brontosaurusrexsoc2: there was talk about that on #mac, someone said that it is not recommended, something about cpu burnouts, dunno, maybe ask there?12:49
mkanyicyCraig_Dem, lol12:49
soc2ah ok12:49
soc2other option would be a sony vaio l series: http://www.sonystyle.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CategoryDisplay?catalogId=10551&storeId=10151&langId=-1&categoryId=8198552921644671994&N=429495431112:49
soc2but it has lower specs overall12:50
circuitman0m26er:sorry the audio call option is not there12:50
mkanyicysoc2, take an imac12:50
ubuntu__ubuntu has warranty12:50
=== Hypervee is now known as WB2Colorado
mkanyicyubuntu__, warranty?12:50
Craig_DemYou can run ubuntu on a mac no problem.12:50
nperry!of | ubuntu__12:50
om26ercircuitman, on all contacts? and use smaller case for om26er so that I get notified12:50
nperry!or | ubuntu__12:50
nperry!ot | ubuntu__12:50
ubottuubuntu__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:51
=== WB2Colorado is now known as Hypervee
soc2and a nvidia gpu, and i won't buy that12:51
om26ercircuitman, click on help>about and see which version of pidgin are you using12:51
ubuntu__iam using 1.0.112:52
circuitman0m26er: I'm using pidgin 2.5.512:53
mecoI need help restoring my screen settings. A person has been changing something so that everything is enlarged at least four or five times. When I now move the mouse both the mouse pointer AND the screen moves, in opposite directions.12:53
ubuntu__its easy12:53
beernarrdhi there12:53
Idleheadanyone got any idea how to completely get rid of globalmenu? i uninstalled every package from globalmenu, disabled globalmenu in gconf and yet everytime i try to run gtk apps from terminal i get this error: "Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "globalmenu-gnome": libglobalmenu-gnome.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"12:53
ubuntu__playing videos in ubuntu which player12:54
soc2meco: maybe it is just zoomed in?12:55
costreubuntu__, mplayer with a proper gui, I love smplayer12:55
ubuntu__arvind  get rid12:55
Templerhi there i want to record a .asx video stream of a friend finishing a marathon is there a program i cant find anything???????????12:56
paul3333hi, I uninstalled wine and deleted .wine directory,,,now when I try to reinstall it, it doesn't generate the program files and windows dirs, any clue?12:56
ikoniaTempler: what encoding is asx ?12:56
om26er_circuitman, that version dont support calls12:57
Idleheadanybody? can't get rid of globalmenu :/12:57
=== om26er_ is now known as om26er
Templerno idea12:57
JEEBczpaul3333, it should create those at the first run :P .wine (dot-wine) folder in your own home folder12:57
brontosaurusrexTempler: possibly mplayer from cli with a proper command line to dump the stream to hd, but see if you can play it first12:57
circuitman0m26er: how to update it then?12:57
mecosoc2: It is not the zoom on the display12:57
om26ercircuitman, which version of ubntu are you using?12:58
costrepaul3333, You did a complete removal?12:58
ikoniaTempler: so why do you want it if you have no idea about it ?12:58
=== arvind__ is now known as arvind_khadri
paul3333cosire: yup12:58
Templeri want to record it12:58
ced_SOUND NOT WORK WHAT DO. i mean.. my sound's failing, no audio driver installed, how do i install it? It's just a standard realtek hd audio thing12:58
mkanyicyTempler, do you mean to convert it to another format?12:59
ikoniaTempler: why do you want that format though if you don't know anything about it ?12:59
circuitman0m26er: 9.0412:59
ikoniaTempler: why not another format, mpeg container for example ?12:59
Templerits streams that way12:59
Templeri just wanna record it somehow12:59
=== jnperlin__ is now known as jnperlin
mkanyicyikonia, I think Templer is trying to transcode it to another format12:59
mkanyicyTempler, what do you mean about 'record'13:00
om26ercircuitman, follow the instructions here http://pidgin.im/download/ubuntu/13:00
ced_Can anyone guide me through the installation of my realtek sound card?13:00
circuitman0m26er: ok13:00
ced_Fresh ubuntu 9.10 install13:00
Templermake a copy to save13:00
=== daz_ is now known as DaZ
Templerany format i can replay will do13:01
om26erced_, it should be installed automcatically I think13:01
mkanyicyTempler, I get you now13:01
ced_Well it isn't o.o13:01
mkanyicyTempler, what are you using to play the stream?13:01
=== carlos is now known as Guest48098
Templerwas using windows m player but on ubuntu now13:02
=== Guest48098 is now known as {Carlos}
ced_Then again, so should my videocard, which wasn't, but works now, but, yea sound card, how do i shot web'n'stuff?13:02
Templerso cannot seem to open it13:02
mkanyicyTempler, try this on terminal "wget http://wwitv.com/tv_streams/b2780.asx"13:02
=== e3hcl is now known as james
Templerits says its saving but file seems to have have stopped13:04
=== james is now known as Guest43427
Templerjust says saved now13:04
Templerdoesnt seem to keep saving it13:04
om26er!who | Templer13:05
ubottuTempler: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:05
stoissHi. Is there a way to have Kpackagekit or synaptic automaticly accept and install any dependencies needed ?13:05
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
Anarhisthi, what tool is there to help me convert an ac3 audio file into a vorbis? oggenc doesn't take ac313:06
ced_anarhist, try ffmpeg13:06
Dr_Willismencoder, ffmpeg,13:06
Anarhistffmpeg doesn't do vbr, i've been trying to get around using it13:06
Dr_WillisIts possible that the ffmpeg you have - dosent have the support for it compiled in. same could go for mencoder also13:07
=== angela is now known as Guest50896
brontosaurusrexAnarhist: pipe from mplayer to oggenc then13:08
mkanyicyAnarhist, then use ffmpeg to decode ac3 to wav and then oggenc to encode the wav to ogg13:08
Anarhistyeah, that's an option i suppose13:09
om26ercircuitman, did it work?13:09
mkanyicyAnarhist, 'ffmpeg -y -i song.ac3 -f wav - | oggenc -o song.ogg -'13:10
brontosaurusrexor : ffmpeg -i foo.ac3 -vn -f wav - | oggenc -o bar.ogg -13:11
Thor^^hi, I'm having a bit of an issue, I need to manually edit my grub.cfg, but whenever I try to save it say it's ro(read only), I tried manually mounting /boot but it won't let me override the ro flag... any ideas?13:11
circuitman0m26er: un@arun-desktop:~$ sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com \     67265eb522bdd6b1c69e66ed7fb8bee0a1f196a813:11
circuitman[sudo] password for arun:13:11
circuitmanExecuting: gpg --ignore-time-conflict --no-options --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring /etc/apt/secring.gpg --trustdb-name /etc/apt/trustdb.gpg --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com   67265eb522bdd6b1c69e66ed7fb8bee0a1f196a813:11
circuitmangpg: requesting key A1F196A8 from hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com13:11
circuitmangpg: key A1F196A8: public key "Launchpad PPA for Pidgin Developers" imported13:11
circuitmangpg: no ultimately trusted keys found13:11
circuitmangpg: Total number processed: 113:11
circuitmangpg:               imported: 1  (RSA: 1)13:11
circuitmanarun@arun-desktop:~$ echo deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/pidgin-developers/ppa/ubuntu \13:12
circuitmandeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/pidgin-developers/ppa/ubuntu13:12
circuitmanarun@arun-desktop:~$ `lsb_release --short --codename` main | \13:12
brontosaurusrexand floodbot is on vacation?13:12
llutzshould be replaced by kickbot13:12
Picibrontosaurusrex: checking13:12
paul3333hi, I have a problem, after deleting wine, it won't install correctly again, the terminal doesn't give out any errors. but the .wine folder (or any other folders) are not created :(13:12
costrepaul3333, Have you installed any wine programs?13:13
mkanyicybrontosaurusrex, I guess13:13
llutzThor^^: "sudo nano /boot/grub/grub.cfg"13:13
costreuntil then the dirs may remain empty13:13
ced_Gais how do i install my sound card, it's just a realtek shitty thing and wasn't installed for some reason at the installation, any ideas?13:13
om26ercircuitman, you should come in private chat13:13
paul3333costre: have installed dreamweaver and photoshop and winetricks13:13
Sinisteri want to remove amarok how do i remove it and all the settings?13:13
llutzSinister: aptitude purge '~namarok'13:13
Dr_WillisSinister:  if you mean user settings. You need to delete them from the users home dir.13:13
costrepaul3333, different owner of the installation?13:13
paul3333costre: no, my super user13:14
Dr_Willispaul3333:  You have been installing apps with wine as root?13:14
Sinisteramarok keeps them in 20 differnt spots13:14
Dr_WillisSinister:  so?13:15
mkanyicySinister, at least you know it's 2013:15
mkanyicySinister, but for real? 20?13:15
paul3333Dr_Willis: not sure about your question, i have a "root" user and "paul" user by default in linux, i've been using paul to install13:16
lajoswardwhats 20?13:16
Dr_Willispaul3333:  just making sure you havent been doing 'sudo wine windowinstaller.exe'13:16
mkanyicylajosward, follow the conversation up by Sinister13:16
paul3333Dr_Willis: nop...only used sudo to install wine...have any ideea why it's not installing correctly anymore?13:17
lajoswardwhat do i need to get to run my ati  graphics13:17
Dr_Willispaul3333:  ive deleted my wine dir  on many occasions and its allready been recreated.  you may want to run winecfg perhaps.13:17
lajoswardsorry mk i have a sinister name also had moment i thought you was speakign to me13:17
MikeyPoohGood Morning13:18
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto13:18
Sinisterno for real its like 90 places if you figure icons and shared stuff13:19
hceylanHi I am trying to convert from Fedora to ubuntu and having a problem with mysql13:19
paul3333Dr_Willis: also, I have a problem (as you indeed must when running linux)..when I create another user, after i log in using normal login, it logs me out, only working with safe login but I haven't installed anything on that user's account13:19
researcher1which is the tool to provide audio/video chat service on LAN. I work in  computer lab. with 30 students on client and one Server for  monitor using  audio/video chat. Your guidance please?13:19
hceylanMysql was working fine on my development laptop then I messed up with the /var/lib/mysql firectory13:19
hceylanI nuked the directory and reinstalled mysql-server-5.113:20
artur__hello world13:20
=== blueghost is now known as No14Day
hceylanthen I run mysql-install script13:21
babarogaIs there any Team Viewer equivalent for Ubuntu13:21
hceylanNow mysqld_safe can run from the command prompt13:21
hceylanbut fails to start as service13:21
ced_you can run teamviewer in wine if i'm correct13:21
erUSULbabaroga: what does Team Viewer do ?13:21
babarogaced_ i know but I need Ubuntu to Ubuntu one13:21
ced_oh. well maybe use vnc then?13:22
ced_i dunno then ;P13:22
babarogaced_ VNC requires a static IP13:22
Dr_Willispaul3333:  if you have problems adding a second user.. then theres deeper issues going on.  Im not sure where to even start13:22
Azelphur babaroga no it doesn't, DYDNS13:22
hceylanWhere should I expect to see some log if a service fails to start?13:22
babarogaerUSUL its remote desktop but with registred accounts not static IP13:22
Dr_Willisvnc over the internet should be ssh tunnled.. (just to be safe)13:22
ced_as long as you can create a socket you should be fine13:22
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX13:23
Picihceylan: Probably in /var/log/ , most 'services' have their own logfile.13:23
Azelphurbabaroga: VNC doesn't require a static IP13:23
Azelphurbabaroga: just setup DYDNS and your good to go13:23
researcher1babaroga: im using team viewer in wine 1.1.41 n it works well13:23
paul3333when I create another user, after i log in using normal login, it logs me out, only working with safe login but I haven't installed anything on that user's account..any clues?13:23
babarogaAzelphur: how to do that ? can you help me13:24
ced_Has anyone ideas on how to install my realtek sound card?13:24
researcher1erUSUL : Team-viewer provides support to remote PC13:24
hceylanAll I can see in standard log files is "mysql pre-start process (6003) terminated with status 1"13:24
uhal_9001take a chance13:24
Azelphurbabaroga: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DynamicDNS13:24
paul3333ced_ don't default ubuntu drivers work?13:24
ced_it didn't detect it somehow13:24
stoissLol.. when a dependency is broken in ubuntu.. the kpackagekit actually recommends synaptic instead since it cant handle a broken dependency.. isnt that sorta epic fail on its part ?13:25
brontosaurusrexAzelphur: which provider do you use?13:25
hceylanis there someting like dpkg --configure mysql-server13:25
Azelphurbrontosaurusrex: I don't use DYDNS I have a static IP13:25
llutzhceylan: dpkg-reconfigure13:26
Azelphurbrontosaurusrex: but I see alot of people using no-ip13:26
paul3333ced_ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449 don't worry if you get to the last step where you have to recompile the driver yourself, got there myself and it worked, just follow the instructions13:26
brontosaurusrexAzelphur: ok, just courious, iam still with afraid.org13:26
hceylanllutz: dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.1 worked13:27
hceylanllutz: it prompted for the root password13:27
hceylanllutz: password was set13:27
paul3333can anyone help me out?13:27
hceylanllutz: I saw some logs mysqld ran13:27
brontosaurusrexAzelphur: they seem to be nice ppl, have my own domain hosted there and i even somehow managed to make email with my domain work (with google mail)13:27
ced_root@leigh:/home/ced# lspci -v | grep sound13:27
ced_am i f*cked now? o.o13:28
hceylanllutz: then again as service it fails to start13:28
FloodBot1ced_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:28
Azelphurbrontosaurusrex: I have a payed domain with namecheap which is nice :)13:28
Azelphurbrontosaurusrex: google apps, XMPP, various records, all the trimmings, been good13:28
Azelphuryup, they are a company13:28
brontosaurusrexwell i made a sort of a funny domain name, so i had to register .mu (which is mauritius i belive), it was quite a task really to make it work13:30
brontosaurusrexhave to run ~13:31
hceylanCan any1 be kind enough to tar up and send me their /var/lib/mysql and /etc/mysql bare directory13:31
mkanyicyhceylan, I have a similar problem with my mysql not starting up as a service13:33
mkanyicyhceylan, what is the error message that you are getting?13:33
paul3333help anyone?13:33
mkanyicypaul3333, what is your problem?13:34
paul3333when I create another user, after i log in using normal login, it logs me out, only working with safe login but I haven't installed anything on that user's account..13:34
Slartpaul3333: nothing in the logs? /var/log/syslog?13:35
paul3333Slart let me see13:35
jack_what do apps you use for websites like twitter and facebook?13:36
mkanyicypaul3333, how are you creating a new user?13:37
Picijack_: gwibber will connect to both of those.13:37
lydiaHello a programm runnning through wine has some sound problems. Can I run wine in a mode that all sound events from wine a preferred above others?13:37
costrejack_ What app you use for websites? Firefox?13:37
soumyause tweetdeck13:37
soumyait has a nice interface for both facebook and twitter13:37
=== mentr_bnc is now known as mentr
Slartlydia: wine uses pulseaudio by default? or alsa?13:38
Genscheris there way to get one monitor per desktop with an ati + flgrx? "big desktop" is working fine but i would love to have one monitor per desktop assigned13:39
lydiaSlart, I configured it to use ALSA, I can't choose Pulse. Only EsounD also works. Afaik my system runs pulseaudio.13:39
vvv3hi, how can I find out what package to install in order to provide the file glxint.h ?13:39
Slartvvv3: apt-file will do that.. or ask the bot13:40
llutz!find glxint.h13:40
Dr_WillisGenscher:  Clarify what you mean to the channel.13:40
Picivvv3: x11proto-gl-dev, use apt-file or http://packages.ubuntu.com13:40
=== fran is now known as Guest34178
ubottuFile glxint.h found in x11proto-gl-dev13:40
llutz^^ vvv313:40
GenscherDr_Willis, i have 2 monitors. I would like to display one workspace on each of them13:41
LoveJoyDKHi all. Anyone here who has a PDC and fileserver running that I could ask a few quistions?13:41
Dr_WillisGenscher:  Work spaces dont work that way. so not really.13:41
ikoniaLoveJoyDK: done it a good few times13:42
=== Woody is now known as Guest84581
moetunesI just installed 9.10 alongside a dapper server based install - vlc in 9.10 uses 40% cpu to play an avi and vlc on dapper uses 0-1% to play the same file?13:42
LoveJoyDKGenscher<- I have two monitors too. But mouse disaper sometimes when I move from one screen to another. Do yours do the same?13:42
david_brentmoetunes: drivers?13:42
Guest84581Anyone had any problems with wifi and bluetooth on netbooks?13:43
ced_If i shut down or reboot ubuntu it flashes something in the console like "You have some hardware problems likely on the PCI bus". . .. how much longer does my pc have to live :P13:43
blue112Hello there.13:43
Dr_WillisLoveJoyDK:  with my nvidia systems using twinview - ive rarely had issues13:43
LoveJoyDKikonia<- would you mind a few noob quistions then?13:43
moetunesdavid_brent: both Xorg logs read about the same13:43
blue112Do you know where I can correct the translation of a linux command ? I can't find the command on launchpad...13:43
soumya@ced_ it is showing me since last year. that dowsn't indicate the life of your pc13:43
ccnzI think I'm too baked13:43
mkanyicymoetunes, maybe vlc versions?13:44
GenscherLoveJoyDK, works fine but itt's in "big desktop " mode in the moment, not what i would like13:44
david_brentmoetuns: maybe video output selection?13:44
LoveJoyDKhejsa TLE13:44
ikoniaLoveJoyDK no such thing, so please ask13:45
moetunesmkanyicy: yep the versions are diff - but would the really have made vlc 40% heavier on resources?13:45
TLELoveJoyDK: hallo13:45
mkanyicymoetunes, thats possible13:45
moetunesmkanyicy: I'll ask in #videolan13:46
mkanyicymoetunes, for example windows media player 9 is lighter than 1113:46
LoveJoyDKikonia <- first can I have you look at this. Will save me alot of explaining before I get to the quistions? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=144619513:46
blue112Any help ?13:46
mkanyicymoetunes, i think that is better, if they say the newer version is lighter then its an ubuntu problem then13:46
researcher11how to install a chat server?13:47
jack_Pici: does it also support myspace?13:47
rocket16To you all, which is the best Mindmap? VYM, FreeMind or KDisSert?13:48
Picijack_: I'm not sure.13:48
ikoniaLoveJoyDK: ok , so %L is %loginserver% in a microsoft world and %U is $username13:48
LoveJoyDKIkonia<- but one quistion is, how do I add a ubuntu desktop computer to the ubuntu PDC? win XP is easy using it's buildin manager. But have had no luck finding a way in ubuntu to add a machine to the domain. Maybe it is not needed in linux, i do not know13:48
moetunesmkanyicy: it could very well be the options chosen when vlc was compiled13:48
jack_tweetdeck is a bit too much i think13:48
ikoniaLoveJoyDK: ok, what backend are you using for your domain controller ?13:48
LoveJoyDKikonia< yes I found out alot using man smb.conf :D13:49
blue112You really don't know where I can help with the translation of a packet ?13:49
lacostejHei all, can someone test the following small python program (depends on python-wxgtk2.8 ) to verify if only my platform is affected ? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/43140332/crashapp.py . Thanks for your help13:49
LoveJoyDKikonia, what is backend? :S13:49
mkanyicymoetunes, i think those options should be optimal and the analysis of that is lower level13:49
researcher11is it possible to have a GUI on Linux Server?13:49
ikoniaLoveJoyDK: ok what backend are you using for your domain controllers data, eg: tdbs, ldap, etc13:49
ikoniaresearcher11: sure is, install the package ubuntu-desktop and it's all there13:49
petermapleHI everyone , I want to ask a question,I want to install the 10.04 beta 1 though wubi, but I can't find a suitable version. every version download metalink from a wrong place ,so the ISO I download from release.ubuntu.com/release/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-beta1-desktop-amd64.iso can't be distinguished. how can I do now ?13:50
Picipetermaple : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.13:50
mkanyicylacostej, go to a python channel13:50
LoveJoyDKI installed samba, and edited smb.conf. So I think it uses ldap by default.13:50
moetunesmkanyicy: it just means I'll have to do the build right...13:50
researcher11ikonia:Thanks. but I have a CD  image of ubuntu-desktop? How can it be used to have a GUI for server?13:50
kwtmlacostej: Do you just want me to run the program and see if it crashes?13:50
* blue112 is invisible13:50
lacostejkwtm: yes. Press the button a few times.13:51
mkanyicymoetunes, I think that care was taken by experts during compilation of vlc package for ubuntu13:51
ikoniaresearcher11: no, you don't need a cd image - just install the package "ubuntu-desktop" from your ubuntu server install13:51
lacostejkwtm: for me it crashes 80% of the time, when trying to update the status bar13:51
LoveJoyDKikonia< I have a test server running now. and have manage to get a winxp mashine running fine with shares and smbuser user13:51
sine_i want to make a shell script in which it will log onto a ssh session and when the server requests a password it will provide it, is this possible13:51
ikoniaLoveJoyDK: that's not what I asked13:51
moetunesmkanyicy: they didn't set it with swscalar13:51
ikoniaLoveJoyDK: I asked what backend you are using in your samba/pdc configuration13:51
mkanyicymoetunes, anyway you can tweak and tinker a bit13:51
lacostejmkanyicy: I will go there as well. But nice to see if the problem is ubuntu related or not.13:51
lacostejkwtm: and let me know what ubuntu version you are running., I am still on 09.1013:52
LoveJoyDKikonia< is there a command I can run on my server to get it to ytell what you ask for?13:52
ikoniaLoveJoyDK: no, but if you've setup a PDC on ubuntu - you've set up a backend, re-read the guides you used and find out what it suggested13:52
mkanyicylacostej, you are using python and you did not specify a problem you are having, we dont know how secure it is to run you mysterious code13:52
moetuneswhere's the terminal beep in 9.10? - I get no beep in xchat either13:53
lacostejmkanyicy: come on, you can read the code, no ?the file is attached to launchpad, meaning that there's an issue. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bug/470598 Here it goes13:53
sine_moetunes: me niether13:53
lacostejno not that one13:53
lacostejmkanyicy: that one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wxwidgets2.8/+bug/55559213:53
mkanyicylacostej, ok13:54
mkanyicylacostej, sorry, im more paranoid13:54
blue112So, on which channel can I go to have help about fixing a translation of a ubuntu packet ?13:55
lacostejmkanyicy: no pb.13:55
=== ccnz is now known as maple-tec
LoveJoyDKikonia< my guide does only mention apt-get install samba samba-common samba-doc libcupsys2-gnutls10 libkrb53 winbind smbclient wich I had to modify slitely because of out of date issues. The server is just the default server installation with the samba install line and openssh added13:56
Vigoblue112: translation: Like language or kernel/source ?13:57
kwtmlacostej: It fails due to not finding the wx module.  Which wx python version do you want me to install?  2.8?13:57
blue112Vigo, language. The french translation has a mistake.13:58
PiciVALDIVIA: please stop13:58
Vigoblue112: What package?13:59
tgnbwhat do i have to do for X to start on my external monitor when my laptop is in the dock?13:59
blue112Vigo, mount.13:59
FloodBot1VALDIVIA: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:59
vvv3hi, I need some help with configuring the VIA driver. I compiled the last version from openchrome successfully, and installed it. But nothing seems to bring the 1024x800 or any resolution above 800x600. Any hint ?  I've also tried to add things via xrandr , but all that I get is "crtc 0" error13:59
lacostejkwtm: yes 2.8. As I said in my first message, the packet is python-wxgtk2.8. Thanks !13:59
=== sixtila is now known as Guest41695
sine_hi guys my wifi card is not detected in ubuntu and i wonder if there is a way i can get it to work. someone mentioned that i could use an ndiswrapper or somthing14:00
=== fernando is now known as Guest6080
moetunesvvv3: does it say why the limited resolution in the Xorg log?14:00
Vigoblue112: Have a look here:>https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations14:00
=== 77CAAGX0X is now known as Twin_ge__
blue112Vigo, I already searched on launchpad, but I can't find out the mount project :/14:01
vvv3moetunes: please , see http://paste.pocoo.org/show/197825/14:02
lacostejblue112 you can use apt-file to search for which packet contains a system file14:03
Vigoblue112: I am still looking, https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+imports14:03
blue112lacostej, I find out that "mount" is contained into the "mount" packet...14:03
vvv3moetunes: (I uninstalled vesa on purpose )14:03
abdullahhi every body14:04
abdullahi have aproblem14:04
abdullahi cant open my yahoo id14:04
kwtmlacostej: It crashed on the 5th time I clicked the button.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/409493/  I am using Hardy Heron 8.04.14:04
abdullahin ubutu14:04
abdullahcan any one help me14:04
sine_how do i stop in the netbook remix the windows hiding hte minimise buttons its really really annoying14:04
ced_I can't get my sound card to work for some reason, i recompiled alsa and that kinda stuff, it does show up in lspci -v but doesn't in also, WHAT DO D:14:05
ced_Any help appreciated~14:05
=== gabriele is now known as Guest4031
jiohdisine you can change to regular gnome or kde or icewm14:05
paul3333hi, can anyone help me? wine temp folder is not working14:05
lacostejblue112 Yes. Then  apt-cache show mount shows that Filename: pool/main/u/util-linux/mount_2.16-1ubuntu5_i386.deb, try the util-linux  project. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/util-linux14:06
lacostejkwtm: thanks a lot !14:06
pingvinqqhi .. anybody knows a repo with kvirc and mirc in?:)14:06
sine_install IceWM-desktop14:06
blue112lacostej, ok, I'm on the page, where can I fix a translation there ?14:06
jiohdisine, apt-get install icewm icewm-themes14:06
paul3333can anyone help?14:06
pingvinqqhi .. anybody knows a repo with kvirc and mirc in?:)14:06
jiohdisine, sudo apt-get install icewm icewm-themes14:07
jiohdiif you are not root14:07
moetunesvvv3: it says 800x600 is the largest available - didn't see anything to indicate it probed the monitor tho - might just be a via thing...14:07
e3hcltell paul333314:07
e3hclwhat happin14:07
pingvinqqhi .. anybody knows a repo with kvirc and mirc!?!?!14:07
jiohdisine_: then you log out and change sessions and log back in14:07
Azelphurpingvinqq: mIRC is windows only14:07
=== alicia is now known as Guest79569
Vigoblue112: gfxboot?14:08
pingvinqqyeah i know, fail .. just kvirc?,14:08
vvv3moetunes: do you think there is something extra to do , or just stick to what via achieves ?14:08
Pici!es | Guest7956914:08
ubottuGuest79569: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:08
pingvinqqanybody know a repo with kvirc?14:08
LoveJoyDKikonia< Do you know od a different guide to set up PDC I could read and maybe find out what backend I use. Both my guides never mention backends at all14:08
Azelphurpingvinqq: no clue, I'd say xchat is nicer though14:08
blue112Vigo, huh ?14:08
bastid_raZor!find kvirc14:08
ubottuFound: kvirc, kvirc-data, kvirc-dev14:08
bastid_raZor!info kvirc14:08
lacostejblue112 not sure.14:08
ubottukvirc (source: kvirc): KDE based next generation IRC client with module support. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.0.0~svn3240-1 (karmic), package size 2976 kB, installed size 9276 kB14:08
pingvinqqAzelphur, yeah sure, but i need kvirc ..:)14:08
Guest79569ruben tu eres el de la clase de al lado¿?14:08
bastid_raZorpingvinqq: there you go. apt-get install kvirc14:09
Guest79569sii i so iconcocido por guest329414:09
Vigoblue112: Is it the gfxboot ?14:09
pingvinqqbastid_raZor, dont work ..:(14:09
bastid_raZorpingvinqq: it is in the universe repo14:09
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
Guest79569haol holaaaaa14:09
LoveJoyDKpingvinqq< why kvirc?14:09
blue112Vigo, what do you mean by gfxboot ? The problem is when I use mount, it has a translation problem.14:09
bastid_raZorpingvinqq: neither does my sister-in-law but that description of don't work is lacking detail14:09
PratikAnandhi...I want to edit the start up pages of 9.10, how do i go about it?14:10
kwtmpingvinqq: I trust you know about Konversation, and you are deliberately using KVirc instead of Konversation?14:10
pingvinqqLoveJoyDK, cause i need that ..14:10
llutzpingvinqq: then install it from universe and use it14:10
bastid_raZorpingvinqq: what error message do you get when trying to install it?14:11
pingvinqqbut .. the fact is i cant find kvirc, and i just need a repo with kvirc..14:11
LoveJoyDKpingvinqq< yes yes. Am am just new to irc on linux, and xchat is the first client I try. Just wanted to hear if you found something better.14:11
llutzanother poor troll14:11
bastid_raZorllutz: was just going to ask pingvinqq if s/he was really using Ubuntu.14:11
cbxBlah! Canonical is Just copying Microsoft Strategies and giving Away Ubuntu 10.04 Beta 1 Free for months! Just like Windows 7 RC! :P14:12
pingvinqqbastid_raZor, what did you mean?14:12
kwtmLoveJoyDK: xchat is nice.  I got used to it, but then Konversation is nice, too.  Kopete was more cluttered (to my memory).  Haven't tried Pidgin yet.14:13
Vigoblue112: Mount covers many things, ISO, Boot, USB, etc.etc.etc, I am looking for the solution....14:13
ubottu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい14:13
bastid_raZorpingvinqq: how are you trying to install kvirc ?14:13
pingvinqqbastid_raZor, Sudo aptitude install kvirc..?14:13
PratikAnandhi...I want to edit the start up pages of 9.10, how do i go about it?14:13
blue112Vigo, maybe I should submit a bug report on util-linux14:13
pingvinqqi need the repo with wine in .. ?14:14
bastid_raZorpingvinqq: lower case s  : also what error message are you getting?14:14
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu14:14
haavarosHi! I can't shutdown via the panel menu anymore, just set my status. I can shutdown via terminal, I know, but how do I fix the menu?14:14
bastid_raZor!panels | haavaros14:14
ubottuhaavaros: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »14:14
lacostejblue112 maybe this ? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+package/util-linux-locales14:14
LoveJoyDKanyone else here know something about ubuntu PDC14:14
kwtmbastid_raZor: Does ubottu dispense this sort of advice for KDE?14:15
pingvinqqbastid_raZor, its just say its dont are there ..14:15
Vigoblue112: That sounds like the correct action, if is solved, it will be shown as, if it is in need of attention, it will be assigned, or maybe you can do it, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+search?text=mount14:15
llutzpingvinqq: grep -re universe /etc/apt/*.list14:15
pingvinqqllutz, i try .. thx :)14:16
bastid_raZorkwtm: possibly in #kubuntu .. i am not sure.14:16
haavarosbastid_raZor: That didn't work ... weird14:16
Vigoblue112: Yes, I just saw that , https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/util-linux14:17
kwtmbastid_raZor: Aaargh, ubottu dispenses GNOME advice in Kubuntu! :P  Oh, well.14:17
bastid_raZorkwtm: for a list of facts the bot knows type /msg ubottu factoids14:17
bastid_raZorhaavaros: there is a Shut Down applet if you want to add one in the Add to Panels options of the panel14:18
pingvinqqIts just say could not find the package kvirc  ...14:18
kaddyhey does anybody know what plugins you need to view .pdf files within firefox?14:19
blue112Vigo, lacostej, ok, I've submited a bug report for util-linux.14:19
tachiroanyone know if there is a process that is responsible for the mouse and/or keyboard?14:19
erUSULtachiro: the Xserver ?14:19
tachiroxserver eh?14:19
Vigoblue112: Thank you.14:19
tachirook i'm looking at my system monitor for it right now14:19
llutzpingvinqq: grep -r universe /etc/apt/*.list             what output does this command give?14:20
pingvinqqllutz, 2 sec.14:20
pingvinqqllutz, ## team. Also, please note that software in universe WILL NOT receive any14:20
pingvinqq# deb http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ karmic-backports main restricted universe multiverse14:20
pingvinqq# deb-src http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ karmic-backports main restricted universe multiverse14:20
Kartagis!paste | pingvinqq14:21
ubottupingvinqq: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:21
llutzpingvinqq: you  need to enable universe in your sources14:21
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto14:21
pingvinqqllutz, thx.. i try :P14:21
pingvinqq!paste | pingvinqq?14:22
ubottupingvinqq?: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:22
pingvinqq!paste | pingvinqq?14:22
llutzpingvinqq: you have been told 5 that times now ...14:22
pingvinqq!paste | pingvinqq14:22
ubottupingvinqq, please see my private message14:22
FloodBot1pingvinqq: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:22
tachiroerUSUL: nope don't see that running currently, but i'll tell you my issue. mouse has these weird 4-5 second lag periods and seizures where it'll double triple click things, then after a secodn or two it's back to normal, this just keeps happening all the time. just hoping it could be as simple as changing the priority on a particular process.14:22
MikeyPoohi installed ubuntu server following guide here for LVM, But where it says to select "Software Raid" from the menu , There is not an option to do that14:23
pingvinqqllutz, what should i do?14:23
faleI have a ntfs hard drive, I can read everything out of Documents and Settings/Marco/Documenti/File ricevuti/jcaru922585960553/Cronologia/* where I get 'Permission denied' how can I read thos files?14:23
llutzpingvinqq: you  need to enable universe in your sources14:23
erUSULtachiro: do not think so... maybe there is some clue in the logs ... /var/log/messages /var/log/syslog ?14:23
pingvinqqllutz, how do i do that?:)14:23
pingvinqqllutz, pm?14:23
tachiroer: hmm.. ok, will look14:24
llutzpingvinqq: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list, add "universe" to the active repos14:24
llutz!pm | pingvinqq14:24
ubottupingvinqq: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.14:24
llutzpingvinqq: and no, no pm please14:24
pingvinqqllutz,  okay ?:)14:25
Vigopingvinqq: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu14:25
pingvinqqllutz, what should i type en sources.list?14:25
erUSULpingvinqq: System>Administration>Software Sources14:26
pingvinqqerUSUL, yes?14:26
erUSULto enable universe graphically if you prefer14:26
pingvinqqerUSUL, but what should i do in the software sources?14:27
tachiroheey this is kinda cool, so if something is strange, it'll show up in these log things ah? well i looked at the time during the seizure and them opened the logs. didn't see any activity at exactly 9:25am14:28
erUSULin the first tab tick the checkbox that read univers14:28
erUSULin the first tab tick the checkbox that read universe and multiverse14:28
Vigopingvinqq: This link explains it both ways: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu ,,,,enable Universe or whatever the package requires.14:28
* bastid_raZor adds the underverse repo14:28
tuxsbroIf I get a much newer ati gfx card is the fglrx driver in restricted drivers manager the same one for all ati cards?14:29
pingvinqqerUSUL, yes i already has ..?14:29
erUSULpingvinqq: ok14:29
MikeyPooh•tuxsbro• the restricted driver works for my HD 4350 Card14:30
pingvinqqerUSUL, but .. anyways..14:30
paul3333hi, can someone assist me with the wine temporary folder problem?14:30
erUSULtuxsbro: it supports recent cards; older ones may have to use the free radeon driver14:30
tuxsbroMikeyPooh: ok, I have a 4200 which is on the mobo and I am getting a 5770 today (yippy!) so i think it is the same driver14:31
MikeyPooh•tuxsbro• should work ok yes14:31
pingvinqqerUSUL, but how do i enable univers?:)14:31
MikeyPoohi installed ubuntu server following guide here for LVM, But where it says to select "Software Raid" from the menu , There is not an option to do that14:31
erUSULpingvinqq: if you did what i said it is enabled ...14:32
LoveJoyDKtuxbro< I am running ubutu with 5770 and two monitors now. Mouse dissapers sometime when I move from one screeen to another. but seems to work fine else14:32
pingvinqqyeah ..:) i try 2 sec.:)14:32
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pingvinqqerUSUL, why did i still cant find the program wine14:33
LoveJoyDKis wine a free program?14:33
pingvinqqLoveJoyDK, yes=14:33
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu14:33
MikeyPoohits in the repos i believe14:33
faleI have a ntfs hard drive, I can read everything out of c:/Documents and Settings/Marco/Documenti/File ricevuti/jcaru922585960553/Cronologia/* where I get 'Permission denied' how can I read those files?14:34
erUSULpingvinqq: dunno; what version of ubuntu ?14:34
MikeyPooh•Fale• did you set permissions on that drive?14:35
erUSULpingvinqq: what does « apt-cache policy wine » says ?14:35
pingvinqq2 sec.?:)14:35
costrepaul3333, Try adding WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine2" or something, to create a new .wine-directory. use "wine winecfg" to reach options14:35
pingvinqqerUSUL, could not find wine?14:35
faleMikeyPooh: I can read and write everywhere, even in that folder, but I can not read the files that Live MEssanger created, even if they are 77714:35
Vigopaul3333: Did you see the ubottu message?14:35
pingvinqqbut i think i have find the problem .. :P14:35
pingvinqqmaybe ..14:36
llutzpingvinqq: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install kvirc wine14:36
paul3333Vigo no14:36
pingvinqqllutz, i think its works .. maybe :P14:36
Vigo!Wine | paul333314:36
ubottupaul3333: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu14:36
costrepaul3333, sorry, I meant run " WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine2" wine winecfg  "14:37
MikeyPooh•fale• i had that problem once but i can't remember how i got around it...sorry14:37
faleMikeyPooh: I see :( thank you14:37
erUSUL!ntfs | fale14:38
ubottufale: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE14:38
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faleerUSUL: I'm using ntfs-3g and I'm correctly reading all but those ~10 files14:38
MikeyPoohwhen u setup Raid during install do you have to do anything else after install to see the drives?14:39
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erUSULfale: copy them with sudo ?14:39
faleerUSUL: even sudo returns the "Permission denied"14:39
BaramI had a HD fail in one of my boxes, I have an old IDE drive I can use temporarily, what is the best way to move everything over (it doesn't boot, so will use a liveCD) 100%14:39
WhiteDawnfale: log into super user with "sudo -i" then run whatever erUSUL told you14:39
llutzBaram: rsync / tar / cp -ax, whatever you want14:40
faleWhiteDawn: same :(14:40
erUSULBaram: is only data or you want to restore the whole system ?14:40
BaramerUSUL the whole system14:40
LoveJoyDKanyone here who uses a samba domain controller ?14:40
pingvinqqerUSUL, THX !!!:)14:40
BaramerUSUL it's a server I need to work, so I need it up asap and I can buy a replacement drive tomorrow14:40
erUSULBaram: partimage or clonezilla ? or what llutz said14:40
BaramerUSUL either of those should just move data over and then I can boot up like before... hopefully?14:41
llutzBaram: you have to reinstall grub and change /etc/fstab to get it running14:41
metataggk up stuff14:42
erUSULBaram: partimage or clonezilla are a bit like norton ghost they do an image of the disk or partitions14:42
llutzrewrite grub *14:42
erUSULBaram: the options lluzt gave make copy at file level ...14:42
Baramllutz how would I reinstall grub if it doesn't boot, I would assume would need to use a liveCD somehow14:43
iceagegood evening14:43
llutzBaram: use the live-cd to rewrite grub14:43
BaramI've moved stuff over before, but never tried to clone a disk under these conditions14:43
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.14:43
Baramand my wife wonders why I keep old parts around... thank god I've got a working HD I can use14:44
LoveJoyDKBaram, LOL next time she asks about the old parts just say -I keep you, don't I. :D14:45
Baramlovejoydk heh, I should try that :P14:45
erUSULBaram: yes hopefull with clonezilla would be able to do it http://www.tuxradar.com/content/how-clone-hard-drives-clonezilla14:45
erUSULBaram: the method llutz describes should work too i've moved installations from one disk to other disks with tar a couple of times (restoring grub and tweaking fstab as needed after the copies are done)14:47
BaramerUSUL I assume I would still need to reinstall grub and fstab with clonezilla?14:48
erUSULBaram: clonezilla as i understand it; whould backup grub too but i guess you will have to tweak fstab (uuid's will change)14:49
falegot why it does not work :)14:50
BaramerUSUL thanks... I'll try that first... *sigh* now it doesn't want to fully post again14:50
falelinux sees those files as they are folders14:50
falebut I have no clue about how to fix it :(14:50
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zen_catdoes anyone else here have a sharp netwalker?14:51
RiotingPacifistis flgrx Version: 2:8.660-0ubuntu4 , new enough to support evergreen cards14:51
erUSULRiotingPacifist: consult ati website ?14:52
RiotingPacifisterUSUL: ati website won't say anything about ubuntu versioning14:52
tatukapatatengo inconveniente con empathy para realizar la conexion, me indica ingresar la contraseña para desbloquear el anillo pero no ingresa ya que en forma continua solicita la contraseña, parece un bucle sin fin14:55
costre!es tatukapata14:55
costre!es | tatukapata14:56
ubottutatukapata: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:56
haavarosHi! I can't shutdown via the panel menu anymore, just set my status. I can shutdown via terminal, I know, but how do I fix the menu? I mean the menu that drops down from your username14:56
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub214:56
tatukapataI have problem with empathy for the connection, tells me to enter the password to unlock the ring but does not enter as continually requesting the password, it seems an endless loop14:57
jigapis there a way to specify the kernel version on the ubuntu apt-get update?14:57
costrehaavaros, Isn't that the instant messenger-menu?14:57
haavaroscostre: Yes, but it also had the shutdown option before this happened14:58
AlanDoes anybody know of an audio player that has decent support for the albumartist tag in its library?14:58
cisoxDoes anyone have a package for ejabberd 2.1.3 floating around somewhere?14:58
AlanI'm getting fed up of my compilations being spread all over the place...14:58
minimecjigap: Choose the linux-image(s) you want to install with synaptic, install them and remove the linux-image generic package.14:59
jigapminimec: thanks14:59
costrehaavaros, Try to remove it from panel and the re'add Indicator session applet14:59
arvind_khadriAlan, rythmbox, audcious14:59
jigapone more question, is there a way to encrypt the entire filesystem on an already installed non-encrypted ubuntu system?14:59
artanis^gah. Have to pay more for crossoffice then I did for my office 2007 enterprice.14:59
jigapi mean without doing it manually using cryptsetup and stuff15:00
Alanarvind_khadri: rhythmbox certainly doesn't...15:00
haavaroscostre: Nope, didn't work15:00
costrejigap, Try truecrypt, I know it can handle a windows partition15:00
Alanand audacious doesn't have a library15:00
BaramerUSUL I'm reading through the stuff on clonezilla, my disks are different sizes, (dead one has a ton of unused space), can clonezilla manage that?15:01
jigapcostre: it's a linux partition15:01
costrejigap, I understood that :)15:01
jigapI mean I want everything except /boot15:01
geekphreakevening folks15:01
jigapoh ok15:01
geekphreakarvind_khadri: :)15:01
elisa87is anyone here familiar with Trouble Ticketing?15:02
elisa87what is the best framework for trouble ticketing to be chosen for a company?15:02
greggif I upgrade to lucid and everything breaks - is there an "easy" way to revert? I don't feel like re-installing my whole system ;)15:02
macoelisa87: rt is very common15:02
macoelisa87: it's what canonical's sysadmins use, and its what we use where i work15:02
geekphreakgregg: no undo option :p15:03
elisa87RT is a framework? better tham flySpy?15:03
elisa87are they FOSS>?15:03
gregggeekphreak: now, that's not the answer I wanted... :p15:03
geekphreakgregg: format ;)15:03
gregggeekphreak: backup first, then format ;)15:03
dbrunsi need to install php5-dev however I'm getting this error:  php5-dev: Conflicts: libtool (>= 2.2) but 2.2.6a-4 is to be installed       how can this be resolved?15:04
geekphreakgregg: always :)15:04
macoelisa87: rt is foss,yes. code's on github. http://bestpractical.com/rt/15:04
gregggeekphreak: how's the beta looking? still a lot of broken stuff?15:04
macoelisa87: ive never used flyspy, and when i google it i get airplane ticketing15:04
moetunesg++ doesn't support shared libraries - what am I missing?15:04
geekphreakworking great15:04
elisa87FlySpray is a 'bug tracking system' intended for software development15:07
Baramcrap me15:07
deviananyone here use pidgin? i can't change the font...15:08
elisa87maco take  look at this: http://www.software-pointers.com/en-defecttracking-tools.html15:08
geekphreakdevian: whats the error?15:08
marcuymy user automatic logs out while being in ubuntu 9.10, anyone knows about this bug?15:08
deviangeekphreak, there's no error, not that i see15:08
macoelisa87: you said "spy" not "spray" before :P15:09
deviangeekphreak, i check the checkbox to enablel Pidgint GTK+ Theme Control15:09
elisa87maco what about trac?15:09
deviangeekphreak, then i enter the plugin configuration, and i choose a monospace font for "interface" and also for "conversation entry"15:09
zbenjaminhi @ all15:09
zbenjamini have some problems with the iwlagn driver, i cannot connect to a AP. this is what dmesg tells me: http://pastebin.com/kMzmBBiG15:09
deviani click both the save button and the "re-read gtkrc"15:09
elisa87which one should i select for my company?15:09
devianand try restarting pidgin15:10
devianbut no change15:10
macoelisa87: if you want to check out existing uses of them (check out the interfaces and all), here's a project that uses trac: http://status.net/trac/report15:11
macoelisa87: trac does more than just bug tracking, iirc. it has a wiki and things built in15:11
elisa87maco all of them are trouble ticketing system?15:11
elisa87in which case do you use these systems maco?15:12
BaramerUSUL you still here?15:13
elisa87which one of these TT are mostly used by sysAdmins in companies?15:13
geekphreakdevian:  ok15:13
macoelisa87: bugzilla and trac seem more commonly used for software bug reporting, whereas i see rt used for that and for things like "please setup a server so i can do my work" -- for example, bugzilla asks lots of questions useful for software issues, like "what version?" "steps to reproduce?" etc15:13
schweegiHello. i've the problem since this morning that when i start a multiplayer game in sauerbraten that ubuntu crashes. a singleplayer game would run perfectly. who can i solve this problem ?15:13
deviangeekphreak, i know this feature "works" because i've used it on both windows an linux before15:13
elisa87aha ... it solves a problem steps by steps15:13
deviangeekphreak, i do know that on windows you must select something other than the "windows" GTK+ theme15:13
elisa87which one is more userfriendly?15:13
devianbut on linux it should just work15:14
dnivrahello. is there any documentation for header files like stdio.h which can be installed in ubuntu?15:14
geekphreakdevian:  do this man15:14
geekphreakjust choose ur font, hit ok15:14
geekphreakdont hit re read15:14
devianthere is no OK button there's only write/read/close15:14
schweegican anybody help me ?15:15
arvind_khadridnivra, sudo aptitude install build-essential15:15
geekphreakdevian:  just choose ur font for all 5/6 option , under font tag15:15
geekphreakhit close15:15
arvind_khadri!details | schweegi15:15
ubottuschweegi: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:15
macoelisa87: i think you might want to try logging into them and see how they work. you can see the canonical sysadmin's rt here: http://rt.ubuntu.com user: ubuntu password: ubuntu15:15
dnivraarvind_khadri, package already installed. so how do I access the documentation then?15:16
macoelisa87: i know you can report issues to rt through email. dont know if you can do that with the others15:16
crofalconcan someone tell me whats this i'm gettin every time I log onto my pidgin with my msn acc:15:16
crofalcon"(04:15:19 PM) frigg: Received CTCP 'VERSION' (to crofalcon) from frigg" ??15:16
deviangeekphreak, did that, still no change15:16
deviangeekphreak, and there's only 4 options for me under the font tab15:16
aciculacrofalcon: freenode bot15:16
geekphreakdevian:  did u enable both theme plugins?15:16
crofalconwhat does that mean :/15:17
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anivairthis is becoming a pain for me:  I can't permanantly change /et/resolv.conf.  Every time I reboot, it reverts back to the old one.  Anyone know how to get around this?15:17
schweegii've tell you that before... i used ubuntu karmic koala 9.10, and since this morning i can't start a multiplayer game in sauerbraten because ubuntu crashes. when i try to start a singleplayer game it works, but even not a multiplayer game15:17
geekphreakdevian:  theme editor and theme controller gtk?15:17
deviangeekphreak, you mean Pidgin GTK+ Theme Control and Pidgin Theme Editor?15:17
deviannope, not yet15:17
devianjust did that15:17
geekphreaknow re assign fonts15:17
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geekphreakthen click close15:17
crofalconcan anyone help me with TS3 installation ? I downloaded the "TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64-3.0.0-beta18.run" file from teamspeak site15:18
crofalconnot quite sure what to do with it :S15:18
arvind_khadridnivra, documentation regarding?15:18
aciculaanivair: /etc/resolv.conf is autoenerated, it says soin the file, try configuring via nm-applet or directly in /etc/network/interfaces15:18
JesusFreakI need immediate help!15:19
crofalconany help for TS3 please? :/15:19
aciculaJesusFreak: try asking15:19
arvind_khadri!help | JesusFreak15:19
geekphreakdnivra: coding in c/c++ ?15:19
ubottuJesusFreak: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:19
Picianivair: Or you can modify and uncomment the prepend domain-name-servers line in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf  if you have a dynamic ip.15:19
dnivraarvind_khadri, documentation for C header files. like this one I found http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/basedefs/unistd.h.html. was wondering if Ubuntu had something that I could install.15:19
devianJesusFreak, so ask jesus15:19
Picidevian: Please be nice.15:19
Pici!ask | JesusFreak15:19
aciculadnivra: manpages-dev15:19
devianJesusFreak, the urgency of your problem does not impress anyone, everyone's time is valuable, you'll only annoy us if you say stuff like that15:19
geekphreakdnivra:  header files are already on ur system, if u have the packages installed15:20
arvind_khadri!compile ? dnivra15:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:20
arvind_khadri!compile > dnivra15:20
ubottudnivra, please see my private message15:20
dnivraacicula, that package is also installed.15:20
crofalconi'll try again - can anyone tell me what to do with the "TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64-3.0.0-beta18.run" file that I downloaded from TS315:20
deviangeekphreak, nope, still no change whatsoever15:20
JesusFreakI installed ubuntu on windows as a program and then uninstalled and now when I start my computer is asks me of I want to run windows or ubuntu, when I click on ubuntu it fails because I removed the files. So how do I get ubuntu off of startup?15:20
arvind_khadrigeekphreak, he wants to read the documentations15:20
aciculadnivra: then you should hav the basic c library man pages i think15:20
netechJesusFreak: edit boot.ini15:20
JesusFreakwhere can I find that file?15:21
geekphreakarvind_khadri:  lol, just open teh header files, see the code lol15:21
dnivrageekphreak, I'm trying to write my own basic shell using system calls. so would be nice if could have a documentation like this http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/basedefs/unistd.h.html.15:21
schweegihm, i see that i'm alone with that problem here.15:21
crofalconanyone? TS3 question? :(15:21
geekphreakJesusFreak:  hi15:21
dnivraacicula, that package manpages-dev is already installed.15:21
netechJesusFreak: it's a "hidden" file on your C:\15:21
bogdani need some IM client for command line15:21
geekphreakJesusFreak:  xp?15:21
bogdanany sugestions?15:21
JesusFreaknetech : thank you15:21
aciculadnivra: type man unistd ?15:21
netechor, run msconfig and edit it from there15:21
=== bogdan is now known as trexyz
aciculadnivra: ah i see nvm thats not in manpages-dev15:22
aciculadnivra: syscall=!c calls15:22
trexyzhey i need some IM client for command line15:22
crofalconcan anyone please tell me what to do with the "TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64-3.0.0-beta18.run" file that I downloaded from TS3? how to run/install it?15:22
geekphreaktrexyz:  for what, yahoo ? irc?15:22
joaopintocrofalcon, chmod 755  file; ./file15:23
geekphreaktrexyz: zinc was there first, not sure if it still around15:23
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trexyzother client15:23
netechI'd like to see how JesusFreak reacts to an actual emergency.15:23
JesusFreakgeekphreak : yes15:23
dnivraacicula well I need to know more about system header files like that documentation in that link. I have a system calls list with me(though not so detailed; is that also available in man pages?)15:23
aciculadnivra: its in manpages-posix-dev15:24
geekphreakJesusFreak: so u just wana get rid of ubuntu entry right?15:24
schweegii try to find a solution myself.. goodbye.15:24
odinsbaneI'm setting an environment variable via export in my .bashrc, the variable doesn't appear to be set for 'application' launchers that use /bin/bash /path/to/cmd15:24
JesusFreakgeekphreak: yes15:24
aciculadnivra: you mean the systemcall numbering?15:24
geekphreakJesusFreak:  can i pm as this question can come under windows15:24
Ridders24how do I partition 512bytes in gparted?15:25
JesusFreakgeekphreak: yes15:25
dnivraacicula, system call numbering? what is that?15:25
DarkSectorwow not one finished voice recog system exists for linux15:25
DarkSectornow that's insulting15:26
Vincehi guys15:26
geekphreakDarkSector: make one15:26
aciculadnivra: the way you interact with systemcalls15:26
Ridders24how do I partition 512bytes in gparted?15:26
odinsbaneis it possible to use my .bashrc when I launch programs from the menu, or is there a different rc?15:26
DarkSectorgeekphreak: trying one on matlab...but its too much of an hassle, thinking one on ocatave15:26
aciculais by setting registers and calling int80, on linux kernels anyway, syscalls are identified by their numbers15:26
arvind_khadriodinsbane, which variable ?15:27
deviangeekphreak, ok well apparently the GTK+ Theme Control plugin is broken on ubuntu, but i can use the preferences -> conversation panel to change my conversation area font15:27
moetunesI'm getting   checking whether the g++ linker (ld) supports shared libraries... no   error rebuilding vlc - what am I missing?15:27
VinceI've got a serious problem... i've updated my ubuntu netbook remix installation with his updates and now my interface doesn't load. only the top bar is loaded...15:27
deviangeekphreak, which is actually what i really wanted, i don't actually wanna change the GTK+ theme font, i like it the way it is, just the conversation fonts, so that works fine15:27
deviansomeone should file a bug for that though15:27
dnivraacicula, well I'm basically trying to implement a shell. i search and find the syntax and all the constants and things like that about system calls. is there some documentation on the various system calls with the syntax and things like that. I have a few like stat(2). but is there more?15:27
deviancuz the GTK+ theme control def doesn't work/is broken15:28
dnivraacicula, what does manpages-posix-dev install?15:28
aciculadnivra: can you explain the difference between a library call and a syscall?15:28
VinceI've got a serious problem... i've updated my ubuntu netbook remix installation with his updates and now my interface doesn't load. only the top bar is loaded...15:29
aciculadnivra: man syscalls for a list man 2 <syscallname> for specifics15:29
dnivraacicula, not a library call, library files: the header files such as stdio.h, unistd.h etc that is.15:29
devianVince, we heard you the first time15:29
arvind_khadrimoetunes, have you installed build-essential ?15:29
Cyber_AkumaIf I want to chainload ubuntu's grub from another bootloader, how should I install ubuntu in order to do that? Or would I need to manually install grub on the partition instead of the MBR after ubuntu is installed?15:29
moetunesarvind_khadri: that's how I got g++15:30
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DrHalanim looking for a ppa that contains evolution 2.3015:31
aciculadnivra: yeah those headers are part of the c library15:31
aciculadnivra: if you want to know what those do type man stdio for a list15:32
Vincesomebody who can help me ?15:32
dnivraacicula, why don't I have one for unistd? any idea?15:32
aciculadnivra: as i said its in a different man package, dunno why, manpages-posix-dev is what its called15:33
arvind_khadrimoetunes, run ldconfig once15:33
dnivraacicula, I also want to see documentation for header files like unistd.h, sys/types.h etc. if those are a part of manpages-posix-dev, no luck I can't view them.(is sys/types.h also a part of that package?)15:33
geekphreakdnivra:  ever though about actually getting a book?15:33
seyfarthubuntu forgot my one account has sudo priviledges? I'm getting "no sudoer access" errrors. How do I fix this?15:34
geekphreakseyfarth: chk the group settings15:34
aless33buona giornata a tutti15:34
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aciculadnivra: man packages just install man pages15:35
Pici!it | aless3315:35
ubottualess33: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:35
Doug__ok guys.  i am about to reinsatll my entire rig, but i am going from 1 TB wd caviar black to an ssd.  I know that windows 7 plays nice with ssd but how am i going to set my dual boot back up.  also i dont avhe a place to backup my WD are i going to lose my home partion.15:35
moetunesarvind_khadri: did that - no fix that way :(15:35
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dnivrageekphreak, I just want to read documentation and do it. thing is all books contain the solution mostly and I don't want to copy straight the programs: no much documentation on those headers like that link. think I'll settle for man syscalls. @acicula thanks for that. thanks to geekphreak and arvind_khadri too!15:35
seyfarthgeekphreak: what group am I looking to be in? looks like this might be the issue15:35
Piciseyfarth: Unless you modified /etc/sudoers, you need to be in the 'admin' group to use sudo15:36
aciculadnivra: if you look in types you see it says it defines the types according to the posix2.6 standard, the header itself is part of libc(/any standard c library?)15:36
crofalconwhere did my TS3 just go ? did "chmod -x /home/facon/Downloads/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64-3.0.0-beta18.run" and then just "sudo /home/facon/Downloads/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64-3.0.0-beta18.run" .. seems to have finished installing it, but isn't showing anywhere15:36
dnivraacicula, yes it is a part of glibc. hmm so glibc documentation eh?15:37
aciculadnivra: what are you trying to program exactly, you dont write a shell aka like bash in syscalls15:37
seyfarthPici: so if I have only one account that isn't, there isn't much I can do?15:37
aciculadnivra: yes and no15:37
geekphreakseyfarth: admin15:37
camicomo como como15:37
aciculadnivra: its a posix standard, which the library uses15:37
geekphreakseyfarth:  sudo visudo  :)15:37
Piciseyfarth: You can boot into recovery mode and then run: adduser youruser admin15:37
camiquiero pollaaaaaaaaaaas15:38
thewhohi all15:38
geekphreakseyfarth:  you can change setting there, good luck15:38
Doug__does anyone have experience in this stting up my dual boot before was a bit of a pain.15:38
dnivraacicula, well we've to implement shell programs such as ls, cp etc using system calls and finally integrate them into a single program that provides basic shell functionality.15:38
seyfarthgeekphreak: Its a VM. No grub. I'll figure it out though, thanks guys :)15:38
geekphreaki am on dual boot15:38
crofalconi know its a long line, but can anyone please try to read it and tell me what went wrong15:38
dnivraacicula, oh right sorry. posix standard documentation. got it.15:38
aciculadnivra: so basically homework15:39
conb123So is beta 1 of 10.04 worth a try then? Is it relatively bug free?15:39
Piciconb123 : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.15:39
haavarosshutdown and logoff options has disappeared from the indicator applet. What do I do now?15:39
haavarosI have tried reboot15:39
geekphreakhaavaros:  add it again15:39
haavarosgeekphreak: I've tried that too15:39
haavarosand reverting to default15:40
Trekconb123: a thought: NO Beta version of any software is 100% bug free15:40
dnivraacicula, thanks for pointing me in the direction. not exactly homework: it's a project yes but I'm really interested in learning these well and making a good application or something to enhance understanding. not just for my course requirements but to really learn it.15:40
Picihaavaros: What version of Ubuntu are you using?15:40
haavarosPici: 9.1015:40
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conb123Trek: Yes I understand that, hence the use of 'relatively'15:40
crofalconI did "chmod -x ts3install.run" and then "sudo ts3install.run".. installation finished but I cant find it anywhere :/15:40
Barammy disk got a s.m.a.r.t error, grub starts but fails and a liveCD fails to mount it... any chance of recovery? (currently trying clonezilla, watching the errors scroll by)15:40
Trekconb123: hence why I stated the fact that nothing's bug free.  just wait for them to release the stable distro15:40
aciculadnivra: well working with syscalls on ubuntu/linux is pretty well documented,linux\unistd.h has numbers for syscalls and syscall manpages are in section 2, library ones in 315:41
=== Afrix2 is now known as Afrix
costreBaram, Damn ... a bonafide hard drive failure looks like15:41
geekphreakBaram: hard drive going kapooot15:41
aciculadnivra: oh and dont bother with __SYSCALL macros, think those are deprecated , at least they didnt work the last time i tried but some texts will still point you towards those15:41
dnivraacicula, will remember that! time to save this log file:). thanks a lot acicula was a load of help.15:42
dnivraacicula, oh that is important news: fresh out of reading one of those macro definitions.15:42
geekphreakBaram: you can use data recovery tools, cross fingers ;)15:42
Baramgeekphreak I think going has come and gone15:42
geekphreakBaram:  ext4 partition or ext3?15:42
Baramgeekphreak any suggestions, my (no longer fool proof) method in the past has always been a liveCD15:42
Baramgeekphreak ext415:43
crofalconplease, need some help with TS3 installation.... got the file and ran it... installed, but not showing up anywhere15:43
aciculadnivra: you can get it to work i think, but i remember jumping throuhg a lot of hoops to do it15:43
Ahleeif mounting a remote file server via nautilus (i think that's it, like the finder in osx or iexplore in windows for browsing the filesysetm), where does that get mounted so i can get to the same directory via the terminal?  I'm unable to see it mounted in /proc/mounts15:43
dnivraacicula, it's deprecated right? so better to find the alternative to it.15:43
geekphreakBaram: risky thing ;)15:43
aciculadnivra: if all else fails you can just inline a bit of asm, heh, just not very pretty15:43
deightmhi need help with ubuntu15:43
geekphreakBaram: got any other partition there to test/play?15:44
moetunesAhlee: mounting it via? - smb?15:44
haavarosshutdown and logoff options has disappeared from the indicator applet. I have Ubuntu 9.10, I have tried reverting to gnome panel defaults, readding indicator and googling. Still have to use terminal or ctrl-alt-del to shutdown. Any suggestions?15:44
RoastedHey guys. I would like to install Ubuntu + all updates + a certain program, then zip everything back up into an ISO that people can easily download and install with stuff pre-packaged. A - How do I do that? Is there a tool to handle this task? B - Where could I host a 1gb-1.5gb file for people to easily download?15:44
Baramgeekphreak: thinking I might go back to ext3 next time15:44
aciculadnivra: not really sure, it just didnt work for me last i tried and had to jump through a fair bit of hoops to get it to compile, try it i suppose?15:44
Ahleemoetunes: yes sorry, it's a cifs share so Samaba would have mounted it15:44
DarkSectordeightm: ask15:44
geekphreakBaram: when u try to mont via live cd , device busy error?15:44
Baramgeekphreak: IO error in dmesg15:45
dnivraacicula, he he. we have to use syscalls to do stuff. else the shell would have been filled with execlp("/bin/ls"..) and so on; making it a complete bash clone:). yeah I will give it a shot.15:45
Ahleemoetunes: I don't 100% recall how I originally mounted it, it's a short cut on my desktop now that I double click, but I haven't rebooted in a few weeks15:45
moetunesAhlee: checked in /mnt or /media?15:45
geekphreakBaram: thats not good, , so u cant even chroot , dang15:45
DarkSectordeightm: yeah...ask15:45
Baramgeekphreak: yeah, that's why I'm trying clonezilla now... it's doing something, and yelling at me with a ton of errors15:45
Ahleemoetunes: yes, it's not there either.  Maybe gnome is wrapping fuse to mount it?15:46
rashd7_is there a getch() like function when using g++15:46
jpamHi ! Why Jdownloader uses more than 230 mb on my Ubuntu 9.1 but on Windows 7 max 100 mb ? :( Both of OS are 64 bit ?15:46
AhleeI'm about ready to just remount it from the terminal15:46
deightmI have laptop running win7, with share on it. Ive managed to mount that share on my netbook running unr. But share autounmounts in about half an hour15:46
moetunesAhlee: afaik that's more than probable - try   ./.gvfs15:47
DarkSectordeightm: did you mount it using the adding it to fstab method ?15:47
moetunesAhlee: afaik that's more than probable - try   ~/.gvfs - I meant15:47
deightmso i left my netbook to copy files, and when i returned file manager hanged15:47
* Baram is wishing he took that computer foreinsics class now15:47
Ahleejpam: different JVMs between Win7 and Ubuntu 9.10 - are you using Sun's JVM under Windows, and whatever implementation ubuntu drops in their repos now-a-days15:48
SignalDancerHi folks, ah, got a strange problem. maybe. So, i've been having issues installing ubuntu and wanted to try the text only install, given the ATI/AMD setup I have. Trouble is, I downloaded the x64 alt install cd, but it doesnt...give me any options for that mode? I'm kind of confused.15:48
Ahleemoetunes: winner!  it's right there in ~/.gvfs/<mount>15:48
jpamYes ı'm using Sun Java both of OS. (both are updated)15:48
SignalDanceras my plan was text only install then load the ATI driver port to ubuntu and see if i could well..run.15:48
moetunesAhlee: :)15:48
deightmDarkSector: Ive monted it using "Connect to server..." under main menu15:48
DarkSectordeightm: wait a minute, you said the share existing on the local machine right ?15:49
geekphreakBaram: 1 sec15:49
Ahleejpam: then I'm going to say that it's likely not using more memory, it's reporting different memory usage due to the difference Linux displays managed memory and how Windwos displays managed memory15:49
deightmDarkSector: yes share is on my laptop running win 715:49
rashd7_is there a getch() like function when using gcc15:49
geekphreakBaram:  you there?15:49
jpamhmmm ...15:49
deightmDarkSector: and ive mounted it on my netbook running ubuntu netbook remix15:49
DarkSectordeightm: ah ok15:49
jpamyou say windows is bad boy :)15:49
acicularashd7_: getch is provided by ncurses, has little to do with gcc?15:49
deightmDarkSector: and everything works fine, except it autou unmounts after little time15:50
DarkSectordeightm: hang on15:50
deightmDarkSector: power is connected so its not power saving problem15:50
SignalDancerhrm, anybody?15:50
Ahleejpam: No, I said it's reporting different values, not that the differences is necessarily better or worse.  Linux memory management and how it's displayed is a muddy, murky thing, especially when you start diving into linked libraries15:50
jpamhmm. OK! Thank you!...15:51
deightmDarkSector: laptop and netbook are connected via wifi through access point15:51
deightmDarkSector: and im pretty sure connection is 100% stable15:51
deightmDarkSector: so i believe there is an option for auto unmount15:52
deightmDarkSector: but because of little ubuntu expirience i have no idea where to search for that option15:52
crofalconanyone please, how do I install teamspeak 315:53
Dr4gHow can i have this automount upon bootup - smb://mcs01/development/15:53
Dr4gso when i do file -> open for stuff i'd like to see my share appear there.15:54
McL0VIN_i have setup xstart and now i am at work and i would like to open firefox from home how can i do this please15:54
Dr_WillisDr4g:  add a proper entry in /etc/fstab for that.  using 'cifs' for the fileysstem15:54
deightmDarkSector: any ideas?15:54
Dr4gDr_Willis, i will google for fstab and cifs15:54
Dr_WillisDr4g:  check the smbmount  docs also theres should be examples15:55
crofalconcan someone please tell me how to install TeamSpeak 3 ?15:55
deightmWho can tell me why file copy speed win7 -> win7 was 950 kbytes/s via wifi, but win7 -> ubuntu on same machines makes only 500 kbytes/s ?15:55
ZTG|HomeworkI don't know how.15:55
deightmIs this wifi driver related issue?15:56
agasdfgasdfsdSomeone who is native english speaker tell me if statement "PASCAL's beginners language" is correct and means the same that "Pascal is beginners language" ?15:56
RoastedHey guys. I would like to install Ubuntu + all updates + a certain program, then zip everything back up into an ISO that people can easily download and install with stuff pre-packaged. A - How do I do that? Is there a tool to handle this task? B - Where could I host a 1gb-1.5gb file for people to easily download?15:56
Ahleedeightm: crappy wifi drivers, poor implementation of SMB2 protocol, interference in the wireless spectrum, the possibilities are numerous15:56
geekphreakthough teampseak was in synaptic15:56
Dr4gDr_Willis, i'm unsure of what to add in my /etc/fstab file.15:56
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marcuyanyone knows how to fix the bug at ubuntu 9.10 where the xserver crashes and logs out the user to gdm?15:56
Trekdeightm: slight networking lag?  might not even be an issue15:57
McL0VIN_i have setup xstart and now i am at work and i would like to open firefox from home how can i do this please15:57
Dr4gDr_Willis, the examples i see on the  web are all linux examples.15:57
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deightmIts not slight its stable lag15:57
aciculaRoasted: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization, and torrent/filesharing services ?15:57
geekphreakRoasted:  hello15:57
deightmwin7 -> win7 on the same network and same machines and even same files always gave me ~950 kbyte/s for las half year15:58
geekphreakwin 7 add more, its bloated, heh15:58
Trekdeightm: so?  same difference, it sometimes does that, but its still good speeds15:58
Dr4gDr_Willis, i forgot to mention this is a share on the network, not on this PC - i can access it fine with smb://mcs01/development/ but i want to mount it upon boot.15:58
dan457Roasted: remastersys works well15:58
Dr4gDr_Willis, you following me ?15:58
yehiahello, i cant find this  ( System → Administration → Software Properties )   in my menu of administration - any help ?15:58
deightmbut win7 -> ubuntu looks like if its limiting connection someway15:58
vadim_hi! How do I get a script run at startup before anybody is allowed to login? I tried to put it in /etc/rcS.d/, and that does delay the console login until it finishes, but kdm starts up before it's done anyway for some reason15:59
deightmyeah but why then people always say that ms sux, and linux rules15:59
deightmif it cannot even give comparable speed?15:59
geekphreakyehia: whatcha trying to do?15:59
jpami have to backup my Ubuntu. ıt is good to install Ubuntu on VirtualBox and after i will install my special softwares, can i backup with remastersys and when install this backup to other computers at school ? is it good or it is better to install directly on computers on school ?15:59
aciculavadim_: startup is not sequential anymore, check upstart15:59
Trekdeightm: could be firewall restrictions or distance from computer, could be one of a million things15:59
socramHOLA, soy NUEVO en Ubuntu, necesitaría alguna ayudita16:00
deightmreally how to increase wifi connection speed16:00
socrampero no se si este es el mejor canal16:00
yehiageekphreak, iam trying  to enable the Universe repository.16:00
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:00
tonsofpcssocram: #ubuntu-es16:00
deightmwhen it comes to 10gb file its huge difference between 950 and 500 kbytes/s16:00
geekphreakyehia:  ok do this16:00
socramoh shit, this is an english chat....16:00
ZTG|HomeworkThis channel has too many people.16:00
deightmwhat can i do to?16:00
socramIm spanish16:00
FloodBot1socram: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:00
socramyes, too many people16:00
tonsofpcssocram: #ubuntu-es is a spanish chat16:00
geekphreakyehia: system>> administration>> software sources16:00
socramThanks tonsofpcs16:01
deightmwill the thing called madwifi help me?16:01
yehiageekphreak, ok - i did16:01
socramhow can I enter ubuntu es16:01
deightmcmon answer please16:01
yehiageekphreak, and ?16:01
geekphreakyou can add repos there16:01
aciculadeightm: that question does not make sense16:01
vadim_acicula: figured it was something of the sort, hmm16:02
aciculadeightm: madwifi are drivers for a certain type of card16:02
deightmhow to increase wifi connection speed, if i know for sure that win7 gave me two times better speed16:02
yehiaok i will show you what iam doing geekphreak.16:02
deightmon the same line16:02
aciculadeightm: as someone said it can be any number of things16:02
ZTG|HomeworkWHat is ubuntu.16:02
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yehiageekphreak: over there -  i need to install this program which is campcaster .http://www.campware.org/en/camp/campcaster_news/648/16:03
deightmwell iam sure its not connection problem, so the only reason for this is poor wifi driver implementation16:03
yehiageekphreak: i already downloaded it  and installed it16:03
ZTG|HomeworkWhat is Ubuntu?16:03
aciculadeightm: poor wireless driver implementation(try a newer one), different tcp/ip defaults, different tx/rx settings by the driver or card even16:03
deightmso whats the best wifi driver for linux16:03
geekphreakyehia:  then?16:03
yehiageekphreak: but when i searched in my menu i didnt find it16:03
geekphreakyehia: ok try this man16:03
geekphreakyehia: press alt=f216:03
bastid_raZor!ubuntu | ZTG|Homework16:03
ubottuZTG|Homework: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com16:03
yehiageekphreak: when i clicked Alt+F216:03
geekphreakrun comes ok16:04
yehiageekphreak i also couldnt find it16:04
jpami have to backup my Ubuntu. ıt is good to install Ubuntu on VirtualBox and after i will install my special softwares, can i backup with remastersys and when install this backup to other computers at school ? ı mean is is good to install to other computers from virtualbox backup (with remastersy) or it is better to install directly on computers on school ?16:04
geekphreaktype gksu gedit16:04
aciculadeightm: you cant swap out wireless drivers, each one is specific to your card16:04
geekphreakpress enter, when gedit open, open file /etc/apt/sources.lst16:04
McL0VIN_guys i need help with startx &16:04
aciculadeightm: all you can do is try a newer revision16:04
eeRolaa qe sois ingleses16:04
geekphreakyehia: unchkthe unviveral repos16:04
erUSUL!clone | jpam16:04
deightmalso does anyone gave any idea why smb share auto unmounts itself after period of time16:04
ubottujpam: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate16:04
vadim_acicula: does upstart have any way to stop everything from progressing until a particular script is done?16:05
zongo_would it best practice to do a clean install with 10.04 or is an upgrade feasible from 9.10?16:05
deightmwell isnt there any universal wifi driver16:05
aciculadeightm: timeout values i suppose, how are you mounting a share?16:05
jpamubottu: this takes time. ı have hundred pc to install it :(16:05
nabzxzhow do I kill that fish from "free the fish" program?16:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:05
aciculavadim_: i dont know, it would make sense that it would, best look at the documentation16:05
geekphreakvadim_: would go for clean16:05
deightmi am mounting via "Connect to server..." under main menu16:05
vadim_geekphreak: clean?16:05
jpami don't undertand it is not good to install form virtualbox backup ? :(16:06
deightmand i have no idea what terminal commands it executes16:06
aciculajpam: can you rephrase the question?16:06
geekphreakvadim_: just a personal opinion :)16:06
erUSULnabzxz: you have to restart the panel or the session iirc16:06
bastid_raZorzongo_: that would be an opinion.. my choice is to fresh install. i'm sure others would suggest upgrading16:06
yehiageekphreak: i did all what you said here - but when i opend the gedit - i didnt find any thing - it was all empty16:06
vadim_geekphreak: what do you mean by that, I mean?16:06
yehiaso what you want me to do while its empty geekphreak?16:06
moetunesI'm getting   checking whether the g++ linker (ld) supports shared libraries... no   error rebuilding vlc - what am I missing?16:07
geekphreakyehia: right, at first it is empty, you have to click file >> open on gedit, then browse to open /etc/apt/sources.lst16:07
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zongo_I would tend to agree with you as 10.04 seems to be quite different from 9.1016:07
Praveenwhere do i go for the metacity IRC?16:07
geekphreakyehia: well thing is, it still not stable, why take a chance :p16:07
=== zbenjamin|away is now known as zbenjamin
aciculadeightm: i think it uses gvsd daemons to mount the share, alternatively you can try a traditional approach using mount16:08
Trek!away > zbenjamin16:08
ubottuzbenjamin, please see my private message16:08
aciculamount from the console16:08
yehiageekphreak: ok let me follow what you said16:08
FloodBot1Guest24481: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:08
Guest24481nv cc mmb ,16:08
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!16:08
Trek!op | Guest2448116:08
ubottuGuest24481: please see above16:09
Pirate_Hunterim getting tired of this people on freenode, they must have something better to do16:09
jpamWe have to choise : 1) ı can install ubuntu at home to virtualbox and i will do what i want to do on this ubuntu (like installing new softwares bla bla ...) . After all of them i can make a backup with remastersy and then with this backup i can install Ubuntu on the computers at schools. and the other option 2) i have to install the Ubuntu which downloaded from ubuntu.com all the pc at schools. Which is better to do ?16:09
elkyGuest24481, please stop. this is an english channel.16:09
tastyfishHey guys, I installed vloopback and webcamstudio to get my laptops cam to work with tinychat.com. I set tinychat to be allowed and tried to configure it. But webcamstudio didn't even work. Now I notice my pictures have lower quality on the cam also. Is there anything I can do to fix this?16:10
zbenjaminTrek: i have a noisy away message?=16:10
yehiageekphreak - i cant find it when i did what you guided me to16:10
yehiageekphreak : i downloaded it on my desktop16:10
yehiageekphreak: but i cant see when i open it by gedit16:11
joschijpam:  you most probably want some kind of automatic install. either with a remastered installation cd or over network16:11
geekphreak1got d/c16:11
joschijpam: if you want to use a cd read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization16:11
Trekzbenjamin: it includes using away nick changes, discouraged on freenode in general16:11
geekphreak1yehia:  can u open terminal/16:11
HougeHi, guies, I am new here, come from RPC16:11
yehiai do16:11
aciculajpam: why not make an automated installer that needs no configuration and installs the system with all preselected settings and programs?16:12
geekphreak1open it plz16:12
Pirate_HunterHouge, question, if any?16:12
yehiageekphreak1: i did16:12
tastyfishNoone knows?16:12
geekphreak1yehia:  type cd /etc/apt16:12
aciculajpam: should work better then cloning stuff like that16:12
jpamacicula:  NO! thank you but we don't need all of this configurations...16:12
jpamso i know how to make backyp and isnatll it.16:12
jpammy question is16:12
yehiageekphreak1 , i did16:12
geekphreak1then typee ls16:12
HougeNo, just learning ang seeing16:12
jpamif it is good or not ?16:12
yehiageekphreak1: i did16:13
joschijpam: you simply want preseed if I understand you correctly16:13
Pirate_HunterHouge, welcome stick around, read, learn than help others when you can16:13
joschijpam: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/installation-guide/i386/appendix-preseed.html16:13
HougePirate_Hunter: thank U16:13
yehiageekphreak1: i did what you said16:14
geekphreak1yehia: , when u type ls, see sources.lst?16:14
yehiageekphreak1: yes16:15
geekphreak1yehia: now type16:15
geekphreak1yehia:  sudo gedit sources.lst16:15
yehiageekphreak1: done ... and it opened another empty page16:16
jpamjoschi: Please i don't know english well. ı am not asking how to do a ubuntu backup or how to install on other computers. Just im asking : if it is good to install the backup on other computers or not ? because if you use windows and if you install the backup (of yor computers) to other computer, the other computer will not work (or work bad) . understand ?16:16
bradpitthi. where can i find preferences folder for a software? in home folder or usr/share ?16:16
jpami don't need "how to..." links...16:16
yehiageekphreak1: empty gedit again i have got it16:16
Pirate_Huntergeekphreak1, are they remaking the souce.list otherwise that command needs the full path or to be open from the the correct directory16:16
Baramdoes anyone know of opensource forensic tools (like sluethkit) that supports ext4?16:16
aciculabradpitt: in /etc/ for system wide or .<programname> in a users home directory16:17
aciculaat least thats roughly the convention16:17
aciculaBaram: sleuthkit and a few others are carvers which are filesystem agnostic16:17
erUSUL!undelete | Baram16:17
ubottuBaram: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel16:17
bradpittacicula, merci16:17
BaramerUSUL not looking to recover deleted data, trying to recover data from a failed disk16:18
moetunesjpam: ubuntu doesn't have activation so it would work - you can even put your hard drive in another comp and it will work - if it isn't totally diff16:18
erUSULBaram: much of the same tools apply. you make a image of the dying disk with dd_rescue or gddrescue and work on that iamge with the tools on the wiki.16:19
yehiageekphreak1: hello ?16:19
aciculajpam: just dumping a backup of an ubuntu install on various computers is not really practical, it may work, but it will never work well16:19
aciculajpam: a backup as in a ghost etc16:19
geekphreakhe is trying to add repos16:19
jpamacicula: why "it will never work well" ??? :(16:19
geekphreakyehia: you just installed system?16:20
aciculajpam: well ally our installs will expect the same hardware, so you can run into issue there if you have lots of different types of pcs, all the pcs will end up with the same names, etcetc16:20
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yehiageekphreak1: no i installed it a month ago - and its updated also16:21
aciculajpam: there is no advantage of using a fixed backup over what was suggested here, the automated installer16:21
jpamacicula:  that is a big problem for us :( we don't have times to do that.. :( but i didn t know that the linux can not run on other computers if the copy all the hdd to other computers :(16:21
aciculajpam: thats not what i said, i said it will work, ie boot, you will run into all sorts of small problems16:22
jpamacicula:  fixed backup is very good but if it not working on other we are not going to do it :(16:22
erUSUL!automate | jpam16:22
ubottujpam: Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning16:22
aciculajpam: and dumping on a fixed backup or automated installer are not very different in time needed to set it up16:22
fabioalmeidahelp register16:24
acicula!nickserv > fabioalmeida16:24
acicula!register > fabioalmeida16:24
ubottufabioalmeida, please see my private message16:24
jpamhmm ok thank you.. i will search about automate ...16:24
yehiageekphreak1: are you there ?16:25
databoy2kHey all - is anybody good with fixing a system with borked nvidia drivers?16:25
=== Flamey is now known as Guest71539
geekphreakyehia: yup16:25
wuliangi'm new here16:25
aciculadataboy2k: how are they borked, how did you install them?16:25
wuliangwhere ara you from?16:26
yehiageekphreak: so any way to be done ?16:26
andreyПривет всем...16:26
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:26
himikпривет привет16:26
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk16:26
geekphreakyehia: not i know off sorry :)16:26
databoy2kacicula: I downloaded the script from Nvidia's site, stopped GDM, and ran the install. I suspect it isn't writing my xorg.conf file correctly, and it overwrote the backup, so I have no idea what my old settings were16:26
andreyТут ещё русские есть)))16:26
Templerhi there i have a dual boot of ubuntu 9.10 and vista and i want to stop grup listing all the kernel versions each time it updates and make vista default for my mother when she dual boots is there a handy way to do this??16:27
KarmaJoneswhat is the location of the trash folder16:27
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash16:27
databoy2kBiggest issue: I'm stuck at 640x480, meaning I can't see jack all on my screen16:27
yehiaany body can help me  how to install this program please     http://www.campware.org/en/camp/campcaster_news/648/16:27
geekphreakdataboy2k:  nvidia-uninstaller16:27
Dr_Willisdataboy2k:  when i use the nvidia drivers.. i dont even need an xorg.conf  try renaming it (or see if theres backups in /etc) so you dont have one. and restart the X server16:27
wuliangwhere are you all16:28
Dr_Williswuliang:  this is a world wide channel.16:28
wuliangand where am I16:28
geekphreakdataboy2k: manf. site script, comes with  uninstall command >> nvidia-uninstaller16:28
costreyehia, It's really straight forward .. choose the newbie method16:28
wuliangoh thanks16:28
databoy2kGeekPhreak: If I burn the nvidia drivers like that, what am I left with?16:28
nabzxzhow do I kill that fish from "free the fish" program?16:28
yehiacoster: i dont know what is it16:29
aciculanabzxz: kill the gnome-panel16:29
* Dr_Willis wonders what 'free the fish' program16:29
geekphreakdataboy2k: so nothing there atm?16:29
aciculaDr_Willis: alt f216:29
aciculaDr_Willis: type free the fish16:29
costreyehia, It clearly says: "If you have an Ubuntu or Debian system, and you are a newbie to Linux, just download and install the Debian packages"16:29
Dr_Williserr.. 'free' is a command to show memory..16:29
Dr_Willisso 'free the fish' shows my ram used.16:30
aciculaDr_Willis: ow yee of little faith16:30
erUSULyehia: http://code.campware.org/manuals/campcaster/1.4/index.php?id=12616:30
aciculaDr_Willis: try it ;)16:30
Dr_Willisacicula:  it shows my ram usssage.. as i just said.16:30
yehiathis is what i have done coster ,   but they also mentioned if  its not working then i need to enable the the Universe repository.16:30
commander_just got 10.4...does anyone know if it could sync w/Blackberry16:30
aciculaDr_Willis: in gnome , via alt F2 ?16:30
Dr_WillisIm in kde.16:31
aciculayeah then it doesnt work16:31
ZykoticK9nabzxz, i had to log out to stop this "easter egg"16:31
Dr_Willisacicula:  so you mean to sayits an 'easter egg' in gnome?16:31
ZykoticK9Dr_Willis, it's an easter egg in gnome only16:31
erUSULyehia: or just dwonload the deb freom here and installthem http://sourceforge.net/projects/campcaster/files/16:31
Picinabzxz: killall gnome-panel should get rid of it.16:31
* Dr_Willis eats all his easter eggs16:31
costreyehia, System -> administration -> software sources16:31
aciculathere's a bunch of them16:32
aciculaapt-get moo16:32
aciculaand erm sl16:32
moetunesI'm getting   checking whether the g++ linker (ld) supports shared libraries... no   error rebuilding vlc - what am I missing?16:33
=== No14Day is now known as No15Day
aciculamoetunes: is g++ and such installed?16:34
NobleAre there any performance gain in the netbook remix kernel on Atom system?16:34
moetunesacicula: yep - with build-essential16:34
databoy2kGeekPhreak: I'm back... and still no good resolution16:34
geekphreakstill  640 hmm?16:34
yehiaerUSUL : i did what you guided me for and i think i dont know how to type the command of installation16:34
yehiaerUSUL :  can you give me the command to install it16:35
geekphreakdataboy2k: when u went to install nvidia driver, u did change run level right?16:35
databoy2kto an executable, right?16:35
aciculamoetunes: probably need some more libs then just build-essential16:35
erUSULyehia: you added the repositorie? if so you have to change dapper to karmic in the line given ...16:35
Dr_WillisNoble:  theres proberly a few tweaks.. but ive not really noticed anything major.16:35
moetunesdataboy2k: checking the log might be good -   cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | less16:35
yehiaerUSUL : then tell me16:35
NobleDr_Willis: I see, so there is no use to install that if I dislike the netbook UI?16:36
yehiaerUSUL : i dont know what to do with all this - iam very new and i want only to finish this program16:36
Dr_WillisNoble:  proberly not.16:36
moetunesacicula: can't find which tho - it normally spits out which are missing - I get nothing like that - I'm guessing the compiler was built without something maybe16:37
erUSULyehia: the easest way is to go here http://sourceforge.net/projects/campcaster/files16:37
Dr_WillisNoble:  i normally use the UNR disk anyway on my netbook. :)16:37
costreerUSUL, If it's a .deb, you should only have to double click it, pretty much16:37
costreyehia, *16:37
erUSULyehia: dwonload the three deb files listed campcaster-libs_1.4.0-3beta3_i386.deb campcaster-studio_1.4.0-3beta3_i386.deb and campcaster-station_1.4.0-3beta3_i386.deb and install them by double clickin in them16:38
aciculamoetunes: well it says the linker does not support dynamic libs, which seems unlikely16:38
erUSULyehia: install firs the one that says libs. (double clickng in it once downloaded)16:38
moetunesacicula: but it can't get past that - no mention of anything missing16:39
aciculamoetunes: have a look in the readme for versions/required software, or check what the configure script is actually checkking?16:39
moetunesacicula: the next line is   checking dynamic linker characteristics... no16:39
epaphusHello all. I installed amd64 with minimal cd.. and now i cannot manage the eth0 in the network-manager-gnome. It says under wired network "device not managed" how can i fix that???16:40
rsquareAnybody know how to take an inverse logarithm in gcalctool?16:40
greggI would like to run a command by clicking an icon on the desktop - it needs to prompt me for a password (it's sudo mount blabla... to make life easier for my girlfriend) - any ideas?16:40
satellitegood morning16:40
ARishiWhats the difference in installing chromium-browser package instead of downloading the google chrome dev branch ?16:40
aciculamoetunes: what if you give it the exact path to ld?16:41
ARishigregg, I think gksudo16:41
greggyeah that's what i was thinking - can it be so easy? lol16:41
_4crickj_Hi - does anyone know how to fix the UbuntuOne "Capabilities Mismatch" error?  My packages are all fully up to date.16:42
ARishigregg, It actually is, just tried using that to mount a partition16:42
researcher1I have an application installed on one PC .How can I carry the installation for ready use on a different PC?16:42
greggARishi: thanks :)16:42
Wavesonicsmy notification doesn't clear when it's pressed, is that normal?16:42
llutzgregg: if you want her to mount a filesystem, why don't you just add "users" to mount-options in /etc/fstab?16:42
ARishigregg, Welcome :)16:42
moetunesacicula: how do I feed that to ./configure?16:43
acicularesearcher1: package it you mean?16:43
aciculamoetunes: ./configure --help ;)16:43
greggllutz: it's a remote partition that isn't always there, and the connection is over wireless - had a MILLION problems doing ths with fstab16:43
jacob_waz up room16:43
aciculamoetunes: can you pastebin the configure script, also any reason for compiling from source as opposed to debs?16:43
aciculaerr i mean the output from the configure script16:44
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geekphreakgregg: use noauto option, so it dont auto mount16:44
researcher1acicula: I have installed it using Internet. the other PC where I want this installation to work don't have Internet connection.16:44
nikolaj_basherI can't install ubuntu server with my USB STICK, because it will seek for a cdrom device and then the installation stops, someone who can help?16:44
gregggeekphreak: how would i mount it then when i need it?16:44
vvv3moetunes: I tried a lot of posibilities, but haven't has any luck16:44
llutzgregg: i don't see how remote/wifi etc.pp are related to that?16:44
geekphreakgregg:  mount command :)16:44
costrenikolaj_basher, Have you checke dthe boot order in bios?16:44
Am1neresearcher1, it gonna be difficult.. because you will encounter dependencies problems16:45
greggllutz: they kind of are - using fstab prevented me from ever shutting my laptop down - problem turned out to be cifs over wifi, someting about my connection16:45
Dr_Willisnikolaj_basher:   yow did you  make the usb stick? i seem to recall the server edition did not properly work with the usb-disk-creator tool or unetbootin16:46
vvv3is there any magic recipe to configure a decent resolution , having a VIA video driver ?16:46
vvv3I only get 800x60016:46
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution16:46
pingvinqqhi .. anybody knows a repo with many programs in?:)16:46
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nikolaj_basherDr_Willis, yes can I do something to avoid that?16:47
pingvinqqjust give me a link:D16:47
llutzgregg: there is no difference in cifs over wifi or wired16:47
Dr_Willisnikolaj_basher:  you could try making a grub2 usb stick that boots  the iso file.. but im not sure that would work either.16:47
nikolaj_basherDr_Willis, my problem is that I don't have a cdrom in my notebook16:47
Dr_Willisnikolaj_basher:  why  do you want  the server install in a notebook anyway?16:48
pingvinqqhi .. anybody know a irc channel for linux?:)16:48
pingvinqqnot ubuntu but linux16:48
Am1nepingvinqq, ##linux ?16:48
DaZpingvinqq: ##linux16:48
nikolaj_basherDr_Willis, because I have a little experiment to try :D16:48
llutz##linux pingvinqq16:48
pingvinqqyeah i know, but a server for linux?:)16:48
Dr_Willisnikolaj_basher:  good luck then.  perhaps the forums may have an answer16:48
costrenotebooks are underrated as servers. Built in monitor, mouse and keyboard, takes up little room, built in UPS ....16:49
Am1nepingvinqq, google it "Linux irc channels"16:49
Dr_Willisthe server install uses a kernel by default that  i though often has issues with non-server-type machines.16:49
Dr_WillisI could be wrong :)16:49
aciculacostre: laptops are not built for running 24/7 at full burn16:49
pingvinqqAm1ne: yeah but i maybe think anybody here knows it :P16:49
vvv3erUSUL: I recompiled the openchrome driver , I have running the latest one. But it refuses to accept a 1024x76816:49
aciculacostre: wear/tear/heat will quickly degrade it16:49
nikolaj_basherDr_Willis, thanks made! I'll try16:49
costreacicula, Well, I have had a netbook in my closet running for 18 months with zero downtime. They're also cheap, so IF it breaks down, I can get a new one for like 200$16:50
databoy2khey all i was working with someone trying to get my nvidia drivers working... sadly i'm still having no luck...16:51
aciculacostre: thats nice16:51
databoy2kanybody here decent with the nvidia drivers?16:52
jyraiai need some help in Openoffice i had some files in Word 2007 Format, this files had forms, but when i open this files in openoffice, everythings gets disordered and bigger16:53
pingvinqqi cant find any irc linux servers !!!16:53
jrib!nvidia > databoy2k16:53
ubottudataboy2k, please see my private message16:53
meanburrito920I'm trying to get a list of all the .go files in my directory. I tried to use 'find . | grep .go', but this finds directories also, such as ./godata16:53
jribpingvinqq: you're on one now16:53
FloodBot1alfon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:53
llutzpingvinqq: /msg alis list *linux*16:53
pingvinqqjrib: yeah but not ubuntu but LINUX !:)16:53
jribmeanburrito920: find -name '*.go' -type f16:53
erUSULmeanburrito920: find . -type f -name '*.go'16:53
og01im getting "Reading state information... Done Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming." when trying to install packages using apt-get16:53
meanburrito920thanks :)16:53
jribpingvinqq: /join ##linux  .  You're on freenode now16:54
pingvinqqthx :)16:54
pingvinqqits works i think :D16:55
pingvinqqjrib: whats the difference between freenode and just ubuntu :P16:56
Trek!ot | pingvinqq16:56
og01whats the graphical update manager command called?16:56
ubottupingvinqq: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:56
jribpingvinqq: freenode is an irc network, ubuntu is a linux distribution.  But irc.ubuntu.com is just an alias for freenode16:56
patholioog01 : synaptic16:57
RoastedIs there any quick way to "refresh" my network list for wireless networks in the area? I find that network manager is VERY slow at presenting new wireless networks. I have to disable wireless then re-enable it for it to pick up any new networks unless I don't mind waiting for 10 minutes. What's up with this?16:57
jbwivguys, I screwed up and forgot to format /home on a Jaunty install. I want to set up ecrypt on the home directory for a user. Is there a  way to do this after the fact?16:57
erUSULRoasted: try with « sudo iwlist wlan0 scan »16:58
Dr_WillisRoasted:  thats odd.. i find it much faster here at rescanning then windows.16:58
calumRoasted: Are you using the normal network manager?16:58
kazakhanybody here?16:58
kazakhi need help16:58
Trek!ask | kazakh16:58
ubottukazakh: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:58
Roastedcalum, yes. Dr_Willis I have two E5500 laptops here. Ubuntu 9.10 on one, XP Pro SP3 on the other. The XP laptop picks up new networks fine on the fly. For me on Ubuntu, I have to disable wireless then re-enable for Ubuntu to pick it up.16:58
bruso-kocan Ubuntu 9.10 be booted off of a legacy grub? any tips?16:59
TrekRoasted: is it a Dell?16:59
patholioog01 sorry its update-manager :)16:59
enjo451I just want to make sure I'm doing this right... what's the correct command line for upgrading from 9.04 -> 9.10 ?16:59
calumRoasted: Try installing wcid network manager from the repos, its quick to refresh and simple16:59
RoastedDr_Willis, now, I do find Ubuntu is quicker to find SAVED SSID's and connect to them. But there's 3 wifi networks we have here at work and I could only pick up 2, despite all 3 being in range. Once I disabled/re-enabled NM it was fine.16:59
og01hmm synaptic isnt showing any upgrades i think, though i havnt really used it before. i've used apt-get update and apt-get upgrade and its not really upgraded anything16:59
researcher1how do I know if a computer  is  a Ubuntu server or a desktop ?16:59
Roastedcalum, already tried it. wasn't overly impressed. and the semi dead development of it right now isnt that appealing.16:59
RoastedTrek, yes, latitude E5500s. both of them16:59
Trekresearcher1: do you have a graphical interface, or text-only interface?16:59
jbwivis there a way to setup up ecryptfs on home directories after jaunty is already installed?16:59
TrekRoasted: you cnecked if its the wifi card(s)?17:00
baba_b00ieResearcher, if it's server you'll be booted to the command line, desktop starts either gnome or kde by default17:00
RoastedTrek, checked what about the wifi cards?17:00
og01maybe i should update to 9.10? is it recomended?17:00
researcher1Trek: It was text only then I installed ubuntu-desktop on it17:00
calumRoasted: hmm, strange. I had problems with the standard manager but wcid worked for me :(17:00
TrekRoasted: the wifi card in my dell latitude E6500 decided to die shortly after Ubu was installed, and I narrowed it down to the wifi card failing17:00
pingvinqqanybody know a big repo ?:)17:01
Roastedcalum, I didnt have any problems with WICD. I just think it needs some more work to really be fully utilized as a network manager alternative.17:01
dan457i've given up on network manager.  wicd more stable here17:01
TrekRoasted: so check that out and try swapping the cards, seeing if it works17:01
geekphreakdataboy2k: any luck?17:01
RoastedTrek, not sure... I mean, its a new laptop. both of them. *shrug*17:01
pingvinqq.. with many programs ??17:01
RoastedTrek, I dual boot with XP on this, and I haven't noticed the same issues here.17:01
RoastedTrek, and besides, I have Ubuntu on a toshiba laptop at home that does the same thing.17:01
bruso-koRoasted, you right click on the NM icon and edit connections and see if the 3rd wifi on the list have is disabled17:01
Trek*shrugs* then it could be the card that's in that thing and the network manager.  Betcha its an Intel card or a Broadcom.17:01
TrekRoasted: ^^17:02
Roastedbruso-ko, it's not disabled. once I disable wifi and re-enable, it comes up fine. if it were disabled, it wouldnt show up at all.17:02
RoastedTrek, realteak card in the toshiba, broadocm in both dells.17:02
TrekRoasted: and Broadcom drivers are loaded correctly in the Dell one?17:02
ZTG|HomeworkGO UBUNTU!17:02
Trekugh, realtek... *nukes it*17:02
Trek!ot | ZTG|Homework17:02
ubottuZTG|Homework: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:02
RoastedTrek, *shrug* I just installed them through the network manager.17:03
calumRealtek caused me some major issues, uggh17:03
Roastedmy realtek works fine on the toshiba. but it displays the same behavior with NM as my broadcom does. Very unlikely its just a conicidence.17:03
RoastedI guess most people wouldnt see the same thing I do, since I bounce from wifi network to wifi network frequently here at work.17:03
TrekRoasted: might be the drivers it uses...17:03
TrekRoasted: that would be the case17:03
calumI'm switching wifi networks all the time17:04
TrekRoasted: i bounce between wireless access points but thats it17:04
alwaizlernHey guys, i'm trying to install a new lock screen in Ubuntu but I don't know how to copy the downloaded lock screen (which I have on my desktop) to the usr/share/gnome-screensaver directory17:04
RoastedTrek, we're talking about two cards here. on tiop of that, I dual boot XP on this same laptop and XP doenst exhibit these same issues. Its definitely not a failing card, and unless the linux drivers for realtek and broadcom both suck, only then could that be a possibility.17:04
_OskaR_hi, i lost my eth0 device how do i get it back ....17:04
RoastedTrek, I have no issues going from access point to access point unless I go running down the hall quickly enough for the controller not to pass me off to the next AP properly.17:04
TrekRoasted: The broadcom and realtek drivers are compiled by reverse-engineering the closed source drivers that are for those cards17:05
RoastedIt's just when I'm dealing with different SSID's.17:05
TrekRoasted, its possible they're just bad17:05
Treki'll be back17:05
erUSULRoasted: to install a b43 card just « sudo aptitude install b43-fwcutter » while connected by other means (wired) to internet. then reboot17:05
RoastederUSUL, I have it installed...17:05
alwaizlernCan anybody help me?17:05
og01when upgrading to 9.10 should i expect anything to break? i've got an excrpyted system, and things like mythtv and i dont use gnome, i use xmonad...17:05
_OskaR_hi, i lost my eth0 device how do i get it back .... it was gone after a abrupt loss of power....17:06
calumEither this laptop or my router keeps disconnecting from the internet :( I have to be on wired connection17:06
Roastedog01, any PPA or added repos will be wiped, medibuntu included. that happens any time you upgrade Ubuntu, though.17:06
Roastedog01, so expect to install medibuntu and any 3rd party repos again.17:06
harry-houdini1anyone able to tell me if there is a windows RDC client (RDP version 7) compatible remote desktop software available I am unable to get sound in redesktop because it supports version 5 of the protocol17:06
erUSULRoasted: still no wlan0 device listed in « iwconfig » ?17:06
erUSULharry-houdini1: tsclient ?17:06
RoastederUSUL, my wifi works fine. Im just curious why I have trouble picking up SSID's at times.17:06
erUSULRoasted: ok17:06
RoastederUSUL, its like theres a 10 minute lag time before Network Manager shows new networks in the area.17:06
og01Roasted: ok thanks, it wont bork the encrypted filesystem though?17:07
calumRoasted: I have the same problem17:07
_OskaR_hi, i lost my eth0 device how do i get it back .... it was gone after a abrupt loss of power.... i get erorr no sutch device17:07
erUSUL_OskaR_: what NIC?17:07
Roastedog01, I wont lie to you, I have no experience with encrypted file ysstems. But I figured I'd relay to you what little I DO know about things not working after upgrades, which as far as I know is just the added repos.17:07
wiffitI have a 64 bit amd why does the desktop installer want to install the i386 version of kubuntu?17:07
BaramerUSUL: clonezilla appears to have failed :(17:07
starspothiya - I want to delete my windows and hp recovery partitions from this dual-boot system. Is it possible to extend my Ubuntu partion into the space I free up?17:07
og01Roasted: ok thanks, guess i'll have to find out17:07
_OskaR_it has been working long time ..17:07
Roastedog01, you could always use clonezilla to make a backup image of that install and throw it on an external hard drive, then do the upgrade. that way if it tanks after the upgrade, you can blast the image back.17:07
erUSUL_OskaR_: so is a wifi NIC ?17:07
Roastedcalum, you do? with network manager?17:07
harry-houdini1erUSUL it seems as thought it only supports version 5 not version 7 unless there is a newer version somewhere17:07
erUSULBaram: :(; then try anothe method ?17:08
mad_baz_anyone use wireless mouse ?17:08
alwaizlernHow do I copy files into usr/share directory?17:08
_OskaR_wired eth017:08
bruso-koRoasted, iwlist wlan0 scan to see the list of detected wifi  if nm too slow to update its list17:08
Roastedmad_baz_, Im using a wireless mouse at the moment.17:08
calumRoasted: Yes, sometimes the ESSID of my network doesn't show up until reboot17:08
researcher1I had a Ubuntu server installed then I  ran 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ". Now Im getting GUI as expected.But will my server features be still working or will it be replaced by desktop features?17:08
karlHope i in the right place, i am told this is where the brainy people hang out! I need to get my webcam to work its a genius 322 in using ubuntu 9.1. Can antone help?17:08
og01Roasted: good idea i think i'll just take the risk - if it goes sour then its a good excuse to do the whole system again17:08
geekphreakalwaizlern: sudo cp from to17:08
Roastedcalum, I have problems if Im connected to 1 network and I hit suspend, then travel away from the network, and bring the laptop back to life. But I have that same issue in Windows too if I do that same exact thing.17:08
mad_baz_are they well supported Roasted ?17:09
alwaizlernbut it won't copy a folder17:09
llutzalwaizlern: cp -r17:09
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Roastedcalum, but like I said, if I disable wireless in network manager and then re-enable it, it tends to update faster and work fine.17:09
geekphreakalwaizlern: if its folder then sudo cp -fr from to17:09
_OskaR_hi, i lost my eth0 device how do i get it back .... it was gone after a abrupt loss of power.... i get erorr no sutch device , eth0  , hw is atheros , it has worked for a long time...17:09
alwaizlerngeekphreak, what does fr mean?17:09
Roastedmad_baz_, I've only used wireless logitech mice with Ubuntu, however every logitech I used HAS worked out of box.17:09
geekphreakrecursive alwaizlern  do man cp17:09
Roastedog01, yeah, I love clonezilla. simple live CD and a relatively easyt o use menu. I use it a lot for backing up entire disks or just partitions.17:09
bruso-kocan Ubuntu 9.10 be booted off of a legacy grub? any tips?17:09
calumRoasted: I might give that a try. I'e reset my router countless times, but I have 70% signal here17:09
llutzalwaizlern: man cp17:09
mad_baz_ok was looking for a product name  ..thanks17:10
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.17:10
alwaizlerngeekphreak, so basically like: sudo cp -fr \home\usrname\stuff  \usr\share\gnome-screensaver  ?17:10
jason201can anyone tell me how to list the last 100 or so commands in terminal?17:10
BaramerUSUL: looking for one, problem is the disk is 2TB (only less than 40GB actually used) and I have nothing 2TB to try and move the whole thing over to17:10
alwaizlernthanks will try it:)17:10
llutzalwaizlern: /   not \17:10
devianso i actually went and purchased a license for this thing called polystyle back in the day when i used windows, it's a source code formatter, i'm wondering if there's a decent free equivalent on *nix? e.g. something that'll format (specifically PHP) code to say the allman bsd style or to the k&r style or to stroustrup17:10
alwaizlernthanks geekphreak & llutz17:10
bruso-kojason201,   history command17:10
* I^llGetOverIt is away: Не съм пред компютъра, моля оставете си съобщението, ще го прочета, когато се върна!17:10
og01Roasted: i guess though that clonezilla will likely struggle a little with an encrypted volume, and not be able to reduce it in size, instead creating a full size backup17:10
Roastedcalum, yeah, try that... it works for me. I try to make it a habit to disconnect from wifi on ANY OS (not just ubuntu) before suspending, since it tends to screw things up when I bring it back to life. However, Ubuntu seems to handle it better as long as I manually disconnect/reconnect to new wifi network when I bring it back to life.17:10
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.17:10
jason201excellent thanks17:10
jrib!away > I^llGetOverIt17:10
ubottuI^llGetOverIt, please see my private message17:10
dpichow can i send audio through my mic from my computer?17:10
geekphreaknp :)17:10
og01Roasted: as it will be unaware of freespace etc...17:10
alwaizlerngeekphreak,  is it possible to delete fromt his directory?17:11
calum*Disconnects wired network*...17:11
deviandpic, that doesn't make sense17:11
alwaizlerngeekphreak,  the usr/share directory17:11
Roastedog01, Its possible. I have no experience with encrypted file systems, though. Might want to google that with clonezilla prior ti giving it a shot...17:11
geekphreakalwaizlern: yes17:11
deviandpic, you don't send audio FROM your computer TO your mic17:11
og01Roasted: thanks for the help17:11
alwaizlerngeekphreak, sudo rm ?17:11
Roastedog01, no problem. good luck!17:11
deviandpic, you can, but it won't do much. technically you can use headphones as a mic, but they don't work so well17:11
geekphreakalwaizlern: yes :)17:11
erUSULBaram: yopu only have to move the 40 GiB ... make tar backups ? rsync it ?17:11
alwaizlernI tried sudo rm but it still says permission denied17:12
dpicdevian: i want to listen to music, and make it go through a mic so that i  can broadcast it on tinychat, etc17:12
Roastedbruso-ko, I tried that command, but it says my card doesnt support scanning????17:12
Baramok... this is odd, tried to boot into liveCD, it just sits there saying GRUB17:12
geekphreakalwaizlern: becarefull deleteing stuff outside $HOME17:12
researcher1is it possible to disable GUI then again make available through command line?17:12
_OskaR_hi, i lost my eth0 device how do i get it back .... it was gone after a abrupt loss of power.... no sutch device , eth0 ... it has worked for a long time.../etc/network/interfaces has auto eth0 and auto lo17:12
lojackHello.  New to Ubuntu.  Anyone know if there is a repo with Gnome 3 packages for 9.04?  Apparently, my Google foo isn't working well.17:12
bruso-koRoasted, use the correct wifi interface name, i used wlan0 as a sample17:12
alwaizlerngeekphreak, I understand it can be risky but there are some files I copied that I need to remove but when I try the17:13
geekphreakresearcher1: change run level?17:13
Roastedbruso-ko, it seems as if my wireless is listed as eth1 instead of wlan0 when I run ifconfig. when I run ifconfig I just have eth0 and eth117:13
alwaizlernsudo rm command it still doesnt let me17:13
Roastedbut even with eth1, same error.17:13
fabio333lojack>: there is no gnome 3 still17:13
Roastedbruso-ko, nevermind. gotta use sudo. :P17:13
Baramresearcher1 drop to terminal and do "sudo service gdm stop"17:13
researcher1geekphreak:How to change runlevel?17:13
geekphreakalwaizlern: sudo rm -fr /folder/path17:13
Baramresearcher1 sudo service gdm start turns it back on17:13
alwaizlernthank you17:13
Roastedalwaizlern, be careful with rm -rf!!!!!!17:13
bruso-koonce more..  can Ubuntu 9.10 be booted off of a legacy grub? any tips?  i failed so far17:14
geekphreakresearcher1: telinit run_level_number17:14
researcher1Baram:thanks.that works17:14
llutzgeekphreak: runlevels 2-5 are equal in ubuntu17:14
ubottuIn Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.17:14
=== xumuk37 is now known as XuMuK
geekphreakllutz: true :(, i dont like it  :(17:14
Barambruso-ko one of my machines (upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04 to 9.10) runs off grub1 just fine17:14
lojackfabio333: Thanks.  Gnome 2.8 perhaps?  Just looking for an update beyond 2.617:14
llutzgeekphreak: why do you recommend it then? it makes no sense at all17:15
bruso-koBaram, whats your entry like on the legacy?  mine says it cannot find the stage15 when it faults at boot17:15
fabio333<lojack>: the lastest is 2.30 from lucid17:15
ontoNo sound (Analog headphones), karmic, 2.6.31-9-rt17:15
tuntisI have a Windows 7 install on my first hard disk and an Ubuntu 9.10 install on my second hard disk (this disk also has one NTFS partition). For one reason or another, I need to keep Windows's bootloader - how can I boot into Ubuntu from that?17:15
Barambruso-ko what entry?17:15
ontoI can hear the sound on the built-in speakers (Analog output) but none on the headphones17:15
bruso-koBaram, new 9.10 dont have that stage15 in the /boot/grub  anymore17:15
_OskaR_hi, i lost my eth0 device how do i get it back .... is there a way to get ubuntu redetect it ?17:16
xanguatuntis: you can't17:16
xanguayou need grub17:16
lojackfabio333: I said Gnome 3.  I meant Gnome 2.3.  My mistake.17:16
bruso-koBaram, entries for 9.10 on your legacy grub?17:16
Vigoonto: That sounds like a hardware issue.17:16
ontoVigo: was working fine with debian17:16
tuntisxangua: Is it possible to install grub on the Ubuntu partition or something and chain that from Windows's bootloader?17:16
bruso-ko_OskaR_, what do you meant lost? not showing up when you do ifconfig?17:16
Vigoonto: Are you using the same repos?17:17
Barambruso-ko you mean in menu.lst?17:17
_OskaR_device eth0 not found ..17:17
bruso-koBaram, yes17:17
ontoVigo, what do you mean (sorry, new to ubuntu, linux in general)17:17
bruso-ko_OskaR_, try to reboot, and see it recovers17:17
Vigoonto: Like Jack, Alsa , Pulse Audio ?17:18
_OskaR_tried several times..17:18
ontoVigo, Pulse audio  I think17:18
calumIs anyone good with nmap output here?17:18
_OskaR_tried remove network profiles to ..set to auto17:18
ontoVigo, yep, definitely pulse audio17:18
llutz_OskaR_: what chipset?17:18
bruso-ko_OskaR_, when you do sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart   what results do you get?17:19
Vigoonto: Do you have Jack installed or did you have it on Debian?17:19
geekphreakllutz: other run level too , and you should know howto :)17:19
_OskaR_bruso-ko , is there a way to force it to detect hw.. ? init.d ..silence17:19
laurusHow do I save my cpufreq settings so they are loaded every time I boot up?17:19
llutzgeekphreak: ?17:19
ontoVigo, had it on debian, not anymore17:19
erUSUL_OskaR_: try loading the drivers should be one of the varisous atl* drivers17:19
Barambruso-ko see pm17:20
bruso-ko_OskaR_, hal does with udev,   parse your  dmesg  command results to see which eth* was detected17:20
calumDoes anyone know why a service called zeroconf is listening on udp port 5353?17:20
Vigoonto: I think that is the error then, install or fetch it from the repositories.17:20
ontoVigo, will try17:20
Vigoonto: Ok, please let us know if that resolves the issue.17:20
erUSULcalum: well is there to make zeroconf devices work with ubuntu17:20
pingvinqqanybody know a repo with MANY programs in????17:21
bruso-koBaram do you still have a stage15 for your  9.10 ?17:21
remoteCTRL1does anybody know with what to mount .cue image files?17:21
_OskaR_bruso-ko , eth0: error while getting interface flags: no sutch device17:21
Barambruso-ko I just see a few stage1, stage2, stage1_517:21
erUSULpingvinqq: default ubuntu repos have ~20.000 packages; is not that enough ?17:21
pingvinqqerUSUL: no :P17:21
calumerUSUL: Was curious, I ran a nmap udp scan and it showed udp port 5353 running zeroconf and 68 running dhcpc...17:21
Barambruso-ko but no stage1517:21
bruso-ko_OskaR_, looks like it has been renamed.   look around /etc/ude/rules.d  for rules that created those eth*17:21
ezra14hey. I've been trying to install a piece of software that is compatible with ubuntu. Ubuntu recognizes the software, but when I press run, nothing happens, and when i press run in terminal, it says extracting DEBs but then doesn't do anything. Is there something special I have to do to install software?17:22
bruso-koBaram, right, i mistyped  stage1_5 i meant17:22
erUSULremoteCTRL1: you have either convert them to iso and mount them via standar tools or install something like acetone iso17:22
ontoVigo, ok, jackd installed, what now?17:22
erUSULpingvinqq: then install debian. it has even larger repositories. help on #debian17:23
ontoVigo, I tried launching qjackctl and starting jackd but it spits an error17:23
Vigoonto: restart or test it now17:23
Barambruso-ko no stage1_5 on it's own, but various different fs types (ie xfs_stage1_5)17:23
bruso-koit seems like grub2 dont use stage1 files anymore17:23
ontoVigo, restart pulse audio?17:23
pingvinqqerUSUL: no i dont like debian .. ubuntu ... i ... like ... :D17:23
bruso-koBaram it seems like grub2 dont use stage1 files anymore17:23
aciculacalum: with netstat you can see what service listens there, in this case the avahi zeroconf deamon17:24
aciculacalum: network/service discovery etc17:24
Vigoonto: That may resolve any errors, you just added a widget to a repo, it needs to figure it out.17:24
calumAcicula: Are there any security issues with zeroconf listening like that? That was my main issue17:24
pingvinqqanyways .. how should i do if i want to change my "computer" name any commands?:)17:24
ontoVigo, so restart the computer? :S17:24
erUSUL!hostname | pingvinqq17:25
ubottupingvinqq: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.17:25
Vigoonto: That is what I would do, yes.17:25
pingvinqqso how do i do?:P17:25
ontoVigo, ok17:25
=== jeiworth__ is now known as jeiworth
aciculacalum: well there is always a risk, but the program is relatively simple and is jailed and runs as its own user without much priviledges17:25
llutzcalum: every running service which isn't needed is a security isse17:25
calumDo you know how I shut down the zeroconf daemon? Through sudo? The only one I think I need running is udp 68/dhcpc17:26
Vigollutz: I could debate that with you, could be fun.17:27
llutzVigo:short debate: i'm right :)17:27
aciculaVigo: its a short debate17:27
erUSULcalum: remove avahi-daemon from start up sequence.... « sudo update-rc.d -f avahi-daemon remove » ???17:27
geekphreakcalum: sudo service name stop/start/restartt17:27
acicularunning aservice > biger attack surface17:27
_OskaR_bruso-ko , eth0: .. there is a 70-persistent-net.rules it has a line# PCI device 0x1969:0x1048 (atl1) #and a line# SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}..............17:27
aciculacalum: there is no reason to shut it down really17:27
geekphreakcalum:  if u wana disable it in startup, there is other ways :)17:27
aciculacalum: unless you are the only pc on your local network17:28
VigoStill have to keep a wee bit of fun in it,17:28
calumThanks. I will give it a try, that is if anyone thinks it should be running17:28
geekphreakVigo:  good luck :)17:28
aciculacalum: i like it running ussually :P17:28
calumAcicula: I have 5 pcs on my local network17:28
aciculacalum: you probably want it then17:28
bruso-ko_OskaR_, yes, those are the rules to create the interface names, fiddle with them to get your eth0 back17:28
ontoVigo: ok, restarted17:28
rbdyckHello everyone. I just installed Ubuntu server, using the latest edition. I'm having trouble installing. This should be simple, but after installing from CD when I try to boot for the first time I get the "boot: " prompt. What do I do there?17:29
Vigoonto: Do they work now?17:29
aciculacalum: its really really unlikely the service is ever abused if you are on a local network behind a nat router17:29
erUSULrbdyck: #ubuntu-server17:29
sda_Hi all! Question: I have a crypt-luks ext4 externalHD, I must connect it to a debian pc without support to ext4. I need convert the partition in ext3 without lose the crypt and the files. Can you help me?17:29
calumRight. I don't think I want to cause trouble shutting it down. Nmap says udp port 5353 is filtered. It is possibly alright then but idk17:29
bruso-korbdyck, looks like you didnt get to install the boot loader17:29
ontoVigo, do I test without starting jackd?17:29
erUSULsda_: you can not17:30
ripthejacker_hello can someone please help me with empathy17:30
Vigoonto: Yes, I would, then run it by the numbers.17:30
geekphreakripthejacker_: ask17:30
calumAcicula: Yes, I am behind a NAT router and a firewall.17:30
WhiteDawn!ask > ripthejacker_17:30
ubotturipthejacker_, please see my private message17:30
sda_erUSUL, i must delete the partition and make a new one?17:30
ontoVigo: not working17:31
erUSULsda_: yes or make that debian system ext4 aware ...17:31
Vigoonto: Any error messages that are new or have yet to be seen?17:31
ontoVigo: even made sure the mic volume's alright17:31
ontoVigo: nope, no errors17:31
Vigoonto: Let me look in another section,,one moment please.17:32
sda_ok, my debian system is on a NSLU2 arm processor, 266hrz and 32mbram, is too difficult for this system add the support?17:32
calumThanks for the help guys. Seems that these ports are inaccessible to LAN users17:32
ontoVigo, I can hear the headphones "initializing" (click), at boot-time but no sound17:32
geekphreakman why cant people just ask17:32
bruso-komy existing fedora 11 is already booting with ext4 fs, but uses old grub, how do i tell it to boot ubuntu 9.1 installed in another partition but 9.1 dont have the older stage1 files ?17:32
aciculasda_: seems a bit low on memory17:32
geekphreakcalum:  good luck, got coffee? :)17:32
aciculacalum: they are accessible from the local lan, just a matter of sending the right udp packet17:33
researcher1geekphreak: who do you think is not asking?17:33
aciculawhich may not provoke a response of any kind17:33
Vigoonto: Then it is a start to a correction, if it did not activate before.17:34
ripthejacker_I cannot use my yahoo account in empathy. It is showing networ error.17:34
calumAcicula: Well I'll put my faith in the firewall. :)17:34
geekphreakresearcher1: some guys :)17:34
Vigoonto: USB headphones and is it a Laptop?17:34
ontoVigo, it did :p17:34
ontoVigo: not a laptop17:34
deancDon't suppose anyone from Switzerland is about?@17:34
ontoVigo: not a usb headphones17:34
bruso-koresearcher1, can you change your nick, or else the Researcher gets the responw when doing an auto tab complete17:34
sda_acicula, erUSUL, yes this is the problem, it work good with only file server and download server, but when i installed the system it was needed 4hour (base system only with ssh) i don't know how much it needs for add ext4 support. (and i don't know how do it)17:34
geekphreakripthejacker_:  password ok?17:35
Vigoonto: ok, narrowing search17:35
prayiiIs aptitude full-upgrade comparable to apt-get dist-upgrade?17:35
aciculasda_: ubuntu comes with ext4 support, what did you install17:35
researcher1geekphreak:I just wanted you to understand their enquiry even if not written like a formal question with question mark at the end.17:35
sda_acicula, debian, because i wasn't able to install debian system in this integrate system. It need special firmware, isn't a normal pc.17:36
geekphreakresearcher1:  huh what?17:37
geekphreakresearcher1: what are you talking about?17:37
ontoVigo: jackd still can't run17:38
NFischerHi all, i wanted to switch from this new indicatior-applet to the old and good fast-user-switcher.. but when im trying to install fusa in synaptic it gives me an error: "fast-user-switch-applet: Depends: gdm but it is not going to be installed" what should i do?17:38
onto18:37:56.059 JACK was stopped with exit status=255.17:38
sda_acicula, Sorry, i wasn't able to install ubuntu system. Ps now i am 1200km far from this microserver, i use it with SSH17:38
hmwhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup is telling me to "sudo apt-get install bluez && sudo apt-get install bluez-utils" -- what is the difference to "sudo apt-get install bluez bluez-utils" ?17:38
Smithhi all17:38
llutzhmw: there is no17:38
researcher1geekphreak: :-[17:38
aciculasda_: if you are not running ubuntu we cant really help you. if you lack ext4 on a kernel you will either have to find the matching module or rebuild it or the kernel17:39
hmwllutz: i thought so. thanks!17:39
iknowgungfuHello all...17:39
Vigoonto: Are there two sound devices, onboard and a PCI card?17:39
ontoVigo, how do I check?17:39
iknowgungfuComplete noob here with an install of ubuntu 8.04 with a quick question if anyone out there could help?17:39
hmw!ask | iknowgungfu17:39
smerz!ask | iknowgungfu17:39
ubottuiknowgungfu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:39
Vigoonto: What make/model pc is it?17:40
metalf8801does anyone know what excrypted mean? is it type of encryption?17:40
sda_acicula,  ok thanks, i ask here because my plan was make the conversion on a ubuntu laptop i have home (my dad pc) then connect the hd again to the server.17:40
bruso-komy existing fedora 11 is already booting with ext4 fs, but uses old grub, how do i tell it to boot ubuntu 9.1 installed in another partition but 9.1 dont have the older stage1 files ?17:40
SmithHow do I load safe mode in Ubuntu, when I press Esc at boot - nothing happens :( Sorry for my English :)17:40
iknowgungfuIs there a simple walkthough online showing me how to install the most current version of ubuntu over my outdated version (8.04)?  Thanks.17:41
prayiianyone know the difference between apt-get dist-upgrade and aptitude full-upgrade?17:41
aciculaSmith: press esc repeatedly till you et the grub prompt?17:41
bruso-koSmith   choose  S for single17:41
aciculaSmith: unless you made changes and removed the timeout?17:41
=== help is now known as Guest34602
geekphreakSmith: choose resuce mode, is that what you are talking bout?17:41
hmwbruso-ko: I think, it will be using stage1 from the other partition, still containing it17:41
Vigoiknowgungfu: Yes there is.17:41
SmithI see only "Grub Loading"17:41
ontoVigo: HP Compaq DC5100, Intel Pentium 417:41
Smithor "Loading grub"17:41
iknowgungfuCool Vigo...any idea where? :)17:42
Guest34602What are the rules for asking Questions?17:42
aciculaiknowgungfu: you are on 8.04 lts, you can only upgrade to 8.10 or 10.04 from that directly17:42
Smithacicula,  where can I put the timeout?17:42
bruso-kohmw the stage1 is specific to the os as far as i know, or maybe its the devicemap thats confusing grub.. i cant remember17:42
Smithi use ubuntu karmic17:42
iknowgungfuI know acicula...does this mean I have to reformat mu ubuntu partition, then do a fresh install?17:42
Vigoonto: not the correct one, but may help a bit, still looking now that I have that data. http://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/sound17:43
aciculaiknowgungfu: normal upgrades are incremental so from 8.04->8.10->9.04 etc, except for lts, so you can also upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04, but not directly from 8.04 to 9.10, without doing all the intermediate upgrades17:43
researcher1iknowgungfu: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta117:43
aciculaSmith: timeout for what?17:43
iknowgungfuAhh..I see.  10.04 is on it's way soon right?  (Is that the one in beta atm)17:43
Smithtimeout for grub17:43
aciculaiknowgungfu: you could, but 10.04 is out on the 29th or so17:43
iknowgungfuthx reseracher117:43
aciculaiknowgungfu: so you could just wait a bit and do a direct upgrade17:43
researcher1my pleasure17:44
Guest34602When I down download 9.1 ISO....Its say 693 mb and (723 mb) in parenthesis....This file is too large for my CD and it will not burn completely17:44
iknowgungfuCool...thanks acicula and thx researcher1.17:44
researcher1im using it n is quite stable in beta too17:44
aciculaGuest34602: what kind of cd?(buy bigger cd's?17:44
geekphreakSmith: the 10 seconds countdown, before you bootup?17:44
Vigoiknowgungfu: You can Upgrade straight from 8.04LTS to 10.04 LTS, fetching the walkthrough now.17:44
Guest34602I was under the impression a Regular CD would hold all the ISO17:45
Smithgeekphreak,  I haven't tomieout for grub17:45
Guest34602Maybe I'm in wrong place17:46
robertmsGuest34602 did you burn the ISO to the CD using a tool? Or just copy the download file to the CD?17:46
bruso-koGuest34602, just for a comparison, i tried to do a network install from the internet,  it only took me 8 hours to download stuff on 75kbps line  and am still not quite done.17:46
Guest34602Anyone know about Live CD?17:47
bruso-ko!anyone | Guest3460217:47
ubottuGuest34602: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?17:47
Vigoiknowgungfu: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta117:47
prayiibruso-ko: he did. no one answered him17:47
ripthejacker_geekphreak: yes i am sure i have entered right password in emapthy17:47
geekphreakVigo: think he left mate17:48
bruso-koprayii, we responded :P17:48
theadminCould anyone veryfy the correctness of this script? http://paste.ubuntu.com/409588/17:48
SmithWhere can I edit the timeout for Grub?17:48
Guest34602I download 9.1 Iso....says 923 mb (723 mb) in parenthesis.....My cd burner says too larger on Verification..Regular cd17:49
dj_segfaultSmith: /boot/groub/menu.lst17:49
jribGuest34602: erm, where are you looking?17:49
Guest34602Bottomline....File too large for CD17:49
Vigogeekphreak: Thank you.17:49
bruso-koSmith, on newer grub2 its in a different file though17:49
ripthejacker_geekphreak: i have entered right password for yahoo . Still empathy showing network error17:49
geekphreakSmith: /boot/grub/grub.cfg17:49
dan457Just burn it to a dvd.. :-)17:49
cfeddeGuest34602: can you burn DVD?17:49
dj_segfaultbruso-ko: Oh?  Where?17:49
Vigoonto: This is a HUGE page: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/f-332-p-135.html , but was from Ubuntu17:50
bruso-kodj_segfault, per geekphreak17:50
jribGuest34602: the 9.10 isos fit on a cd.  You aren't looking at the right thing17:50
geekphreakripthejacker_:  did you try to recreate the account?17:50
robertmsguest 34602 but you need to "burn" the ISO to a blank cd using something like Roxio (in the windows world). You can not just copy the iso to the cd, it is just an image17:50
Guest34602I don't know if my Burner will burn DVD...I tried17:50
robertmsif you use a correct tool then it will fit17:50
ripthejacker_geekphreak: no should i?17:50
robertmslive cd should fit on a cd, no need for a dvd17:50
Chris_SQ: does security.ubuntu.com have any sort of IP connection blacklist? I have one specific machine that cannot get security updates from either of its IPs (or connect to port 80 there, even with telnet), although other machines on the same subnet are fine. (I have double-checked our firewall and so on, and as far as I can tell the TCP 'connection refused' is coming from security.ubuntu.com itself)17:50
geekphreakripthejacker_: in empathy delete that account, recreate it17:51
robertmsgoogle around for something that can burn the iso to a cd17:51
SatelliteA55how might i go about making an ISO bootable off of a USB key?17:51
dan457Unless he's downloaded the lucid live disk, that's too large at the moment17:51
SatelliteA55i know thers a tool in ubuntu17:51
theadminSatelliteA55: unetbootin?17:51
SatelliteA55but the distro i suing it wont accept17:51
Guest34602When I try to BOOT ISO LIVE....IT freezes at Main Splash screen17:51
robleekipaccident... deleted my network-manager-applet on the panel... when I click add to panel it is not on the list... Ideas??17:51
dj_segfaultSatelliteA55: System/Administration/USB Startup disk creator17:52
Guest34602when I try to make a selection17:52
erUSULrobleekip: alt + f2 run nm-applet17:52
jribGuest34602: I thought you just said you couldn't burn it?17:52
SatelliteA55dj_segfault: i've used that.17:52
Guest34602Jrib....I can burn it BUT IMGburn says FILE to large on VERIFICATION17:52
fuorviatoswas doing something -- new network config, I think -- and got a dialog box asking for "Keyring Access" credentials. In a memory lapse, I entered the root password instead of the current user password. Now I have this login and password messy dance to go through very often. On accounts where I have not made this mistake, it seems that the keyring gets is details from the current login session and I don't get frequent nagging for keyring access credenti17:52
fuorviatosHow do I un-set or reset the Keyring Access details so that I can use the correct password [aka, "current user"] instead of the root password?17:52
theadminHow can I safely resize a encrypted partition?17:52
SatelliteA55dj_segfault: but it wont use the ISO i want though17:52
jribGuest34602: what exactly did you download?17:53
dj_segfaultSatelliteA55: I've used it before.  What ISO are you trying to use, and how did it fail in the past?17:53
ontoVigo: I checked, only PCI audio device17:53
ontoVigo: so none of the solutions help :(17:53
robleekiperUSUL: it only gives me options that are in my start menus... I need the one with the wifi signal strength etc...17:54
Guest34602Jrib...I downloaded the Ubuntu-9.10-desktop.i386.iso17:54
SatelliteA55dj_segfault: dyne:bolic17:54
Vigoonto: This one is marked as solved> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76647117:54
erUSULrobleekip: it is nm-applet17:54
jribGuest34602: and now you are checking md5sum?17:54
Guest34602Yes I did Md5sum17:54
jribGuest34602: and?17:54
Smith<geekphreak> Smith: /boot/grub/grub.cfg /// I'm enter: sudo gedit /boot/grub/grub.cfg and then change "timeout=-1 / timeout=0" to "timeout=10" but i can't save the file.17:54
theadminSmith: Are you root?17:55
jribGuest34602: it's 690mb.  Maybe you should use a different program to burn?17:55
Smithhmm... no, but i use the "sudo"17:55
Guest34602I'm downloading to Windows system because my Ubuntu will not boot...trying to use LIVE CD to fix UBUNTU on laptop17:55
theadminSmith: Then it should work17:55
Guest34602I read using NERO could help17:56
Guest34602I've used Infr Burn and ImgBurn17:56
jribGuest34602: and?17:56
Guest34602 Is there a free version of Nero?17:56
theadminAstroburn works for me, Guest3460217:56
jribGuest34602: what happened when you used Infra Burn?17:56
Guest34602I'll try Astroburn17:56
geekphreakGuest34602: cdburnerxp is descent too17:57
Guest34602InfraBurn burns it complete with errors17:57
Guest34602without errors...sorry17:57
jribGuest34602: then use it17:57
Guest34602I have....When I boot the burned live CD it freezes at Splash page17:58
SatelliteA55dj_segfault: this is the ISO ftp://ftp.gnu.org/mirrors/dynebolic/17:58
Guest34602On my Laptop and Desktop17:58
jribGuest34602: okay, so now you no longer have the issue with the iso being too large?17:58
winr4rquestion: if i install the lucid beta right now, will i have to reinstall/upgrade when the final release comes out?17:58
fuorviatosWhere can I change the keyring settings along with the password to the saved passowrds?17:58
Guest34602The only issue with the ISO being large comes from IMGburn...which says so on Verification17:58
Guest34602but it still burns it17:58
jribwinr4r: upgrade-manager will keep you up to date17:58
winr4rjrib: awesome17:59
theadminwinr4r: Upgrading will work17:59
jribwinr4r: or update-manager or whatever :P17:59
theadminoh, i'm late :(17:59
erUSULfuorviatos: Aplications>Accesories>keys and password ....17:59
theadminjrib: update- :D17:59
winr4rjrib: yeah my concern was if i would have to do a distribution upgrade when lucid comes out, rather than just update as normal17:59
winr4rif that makes sense17:59
theadminwinr4r: You can also upgrade to Lucid from Karmic.17:59
jribwinr4r: upgrade as normal18:00
winr4rtheadmin: i'm after doing a fresh install18:00
geekphreakgoodnight peeps18:00
winr4rjrib: okay awesome18:00
winr4ri'm gonna do this!1#18:00
Guest34602So the only thing I can figure...Is most of the Disc is being Burned well....But some stuff is left off...to get past the Splash Screen18:00
theadminJust don't complain it doesn't work then :D winr4r, Lucid support is in #ubuntu+1, if you don't know18:00
jribGuest34602: did you try "check the cd for defects" from the menu?18:00
Guest34602jrib...It freezes when I select that option18:01
jribGuest34602: did you burn at 2x or 4x?18:01
Guest34602It freezes when I try select any of the Splash Menu options18:01
* winr4r starts backing stuff up :D18:01
Guest34602Not 2x18:01
jribGuest34602: so at 4x?18:01
Guest34602I believe I've tried that18:02
Guest34602but I can try again18:02
Guest34602I'm sitting here looking at the file and it says 706 MB on my computer18:02
Guest34602How will that fit on a 700 mb disc?18:02
winr4rhm, wat18:02
theadminGuest34602: For me, ISO was ~690 MB big. Something's fishy there.18:03
aciculaGuest34602: have you tried burning the iso18:03
Guest34602When I do properties it says 693 mb (732 mb)18:04
winr4rGuest34602: might be base 10 vs base 2 megabytes18:04
aciculawinr4r: that be my guess18:04
Guest34602I've read about others having the same problem...but I haven't found where they found a solution18:04
aciculaif the iso would be to large the burning process would have aborted at some stage18:05
Guest34602acicula...Under ImgBurn it wants to stop on VERIFICATION after burn...talking about mismatch sizes18:05
beeris someone like me allowed to print and sell the ubuntu manual https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual ?18:06
aciculaGuest34602: well whats the size stamped onto the cd18:06
Guest34602Under Infra Burn it burns ok .....but I see no Verification process18:06
aciculaGuest34602: 650Mb or 700MB?18:06
Guest34602700 MB disc18:06
Guest3460280 minutes18:06
theadminbeer: You are allowed to distribute Ubuntu and related stuff the way you like, it's free as in freedom.18:06
aciculayeah then its big enough18:06
=== marisa is now known as risa212
AngryPunkis there any way to make firefox ignore my GTK theme settings?18:07
Guest34602That is why its so frustrating18:07
jribGuest34602: I can guarantee you the iso fits on a 700mb disc18:07
beertheadmin: so I can also go commercial with it18:07
Guest34602I think most people just use a DVD disc to get around problem18:07
jribGuest34602: no18:07
theadminGuest34602: You can't burn a CD ISO to a DVD disc :P18:07
aciculaGuest34602: try a different burn program?18:07
Guest34602oh...didn't know that18:08
winr4rbeer: read the license18:08
Guest34602jrib suggested AstroBurn18:08
Guest34602I read some suggest Nero18:08
jribGuest34602: someone else did18:08
theadminjrib: Guest34602 I suggested AB, not jrib18:08
Guest34602with Oversizing the CD to 90 minutes18:08
jribGuest34602: you don't have to do anything special to get this iso on a disc18:08
Guest34602Enable Overflow burn and set to 90 minutes18:09
Guest34602Maybe windows xp is messing with the file18:09
theadminGuest34602: I burned it under XP. Everything went smooth.18:09
winr4ryeah it's like noooo please don't uninstall me18:09
Guest34602who knows18:09
rabbitnightmareok google is about as helpful as a poopy flavored lolipop18:09
tnksdoesn't Gnome have a keystroke that map to something like gnome-do?18:10
winr4rrabbitnightmare: nice visual, thank you18:10
tnksto get something like "Launchy" for windows?18:10
Guest34602theadmin..what program you used?18:10
theadminGuest34602: Astroburn18:10
Guest34602oh thanks again18:10
theadmintnks: System - Preferences - keyboard shortcuts18:10
rabbitnightmareI need to copy some files from an Ubuntu machine to a windows 7 machine over a network or I need to be able to burn a DMG file18:10
rabbitnightmarewhichever is the easiest18:11
tnksokay, I'm not on Gnome, but someone asked a question.18:11
rabbitnightmareI just want to get the DMG file burnt18:11
tnksin the office.18:11
tnksthought the keystroke to open an app without openning a terminal would be something you guys do often.18:11
tnksI'm on a simple WM here.18:11
rabbitnightmaredoes anyone in here know how to burn a dmg file in Ubuntu or I need to copy it to the Windows machine so I can burn it for work18:12
winr4rrabbitnightmare: dmg? as in mac disk image?18:12
erUSUL!iso | rabbitnightmare18:12
ubotturabbitnightmare: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.18:12
flare`Has anyone ever seen an issue where Ubuntu server 9.10 gets stuck when formatting the partitions at 33%?18:12
rabbitnightmarewin4r yes it is but I know how to burn them in Windows18:13
AngryPunkAnyone know if there is a way to make firefox ignore my GTK theme? I like dark themes but firefox doesnt...18:13
SaintRockHi.  I got an interface with           UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1 but without RUNNING ... the link light is not coming up.  I'm not sure how to toubleshoot this, anyone got any ideas ?18:13
rabbitnightmareuninstall Ubuntu firefox extras18:13
theadminAngryPunk: How about using Personas to get dark ff theme?18:13
rabbitnightmaremake sure firefox is 3.6 and you can use any of the pretty themes18:13
winr4rrabbitnightmare: do you want to use it, or do you really want to burn it for some reason?18:13
rabbitnightmareburning it would be more helpful so I can take it to work18:14
xanguaflare`: install a theme from mozilla addons web18:14
rabbitnightmareactually I can waste a disk and simply burn it there and mount it18:14
Guest34602I will let you know if ASTROBURN works in a few minutes18:14
winr4rrabbitnightmare: you don't need to burn a disk to do that18:14
rabbitnightmarenvm thanks for yalls time18:14
flare`is EXT4 an  issue with certain raid controllers?18:14
JAATanyone used backtrack???what is it??18:14
rabbitnightmareno I wanted to burn it so I can use it at work18:14
erUSULflare`: shouldn't be18:14
rabbitnightmarebut I can burn the DMG to the disk and take it there that way18:15
theadminJAAT: A linux distro, as far as i'm aware. We do not support that here.18:15
SaintRockHi.  I got an interface with  UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1 but without RUNNING ... the link light is not coming up.  I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this, anyone got any ideas ?18:15
tonysanI am using vim, it says that screen-256-color can't be loaded18:15
dpis there a command that I can run to change the desktop wallpaper?18:15
xanguakacper: /j #ubuntupl18:15
Ahmed\what's the best image processing software for ubuntu :) like not less then photoshop and resizing18:15
flare`erUSUL my ubuntu 9.04 server install locks up during the partition formattin18:15
theadminkacper: /join #ubuntu-pl - type that18:15
AngryPunktheadmin: personas seem to make it a little better... thanks...18:15
rabbitnightmareAhmed, inkspace and Gimp18:15
winr4rrabbitnightmare: http://www.acetoneteam.org/18:15
winr4rmay or may not be useful18:15
kzmanhi, do you know hot to disable the nvidia driver in text mode?18:15
Ahmed\Thanks Rabbit18:15
erUSULflare`: what raid card are you using ? amybe faulty disks ?18:16
xangua!best | Ahmed\18:16
ubottuAhmed\: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:16
theadminubottu: pl | kacper18:16
robbie_tzrWhat can I use to make image-based backups of my Karmic system? Acronis 11 no longer works due to ext4 file system - any recommendede alternatives?18:16
ubottukacper: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.18:16
flare`erUSL: dell CERC6, just swapped for 4 new disks18:16
winr4rwhat ubottu said18:16
SaintRockAnyone here good with troubleshooting network interfaces ?18:16
rodriguezjfzSaintRock: What kind of interface do you have ?18:16
winr4r(p.s. gimp really is the best though)18:16
dpor actually, any wallpaper rotator programs that work similarly to the apple wallpaper rotator (merge change)18:16
SaintRockLet me check , sec18:16
tonysanI am using screen+vim, it says that screen-256-color can't be loaded18:17
* rabbitnightmare kisses win4r THANK YOU!!!18:17
rodriguezjfzSaintRock: I mean ethernet, PPP, wan18:17
Ahmed\How do i download inkspace ? for ubuntu 9.1018:17
winr4roh my18:17
SaintRockethernet .18:17
winr4rAhmed\: sudo apt-get install inkscape18:17
SaintRock01:01.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82547GI Gigabit Ethernet Controller18:17
SaintRockHere's one of them, I got 418:17
rabbitnightmareeven though its a KDE app for this job its worth it you made me 185 bucks18:17
winr4rrabbitnightmare: no problem18:18
winr4r(i take cheques and paypal btw)18:18
rabbitnightmarethe money is going to a bill actually18:18
flare`anyone else? :(18:18
theadminI can't seem to find inkspace in repos, winr4r, and package "inkspace" exists not18:18
winr4rflare`: how long have you left it?18:18
rodriguezjfzSaintRock: try ifconfig eth0:0 up18:19
rabbitnightmareenable ubuntu universe to get inkspace18:19
tonysanI am using screen+vim, it says that screen-256-color can't be loaded, and my direction keys can't work18:19
Ahmed\Doesnt works sudo apt-get install inkspace18:19
elnurHow can I open a port without installing Firestarter?18:19
winr4rAhmed\: inkscape, not inkspace18:19
flare`winr4r: about 30 min now, never seen it run this slow before18:19
SaintRockSIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested address18:19
aciculaelnur: via ufw or iptables directly18:19
theadminelnur: All ports are open defaultly18:19
Guest34602ASTROBURN is showing only 689 MB to be BURNED18:19
elnurtheadmin, wrong18:19
JAATthe wvdialconf command works only when i run windows and i connect internet there after that i restart computer and run ubuntu.18:19
Ahmed\Someone wrote it so i copied HUH18:19
theadminGuest34602: Seems normal to me18:19
Guest34602IMGburn and INFRburn was showing 723 mb18:19
theadminelnur: Maybe. Sorry, a noob.18:19
elnurtheadmin, np18:19
aciculaSaintRock: ussually means no device or no device driver present18:19
elnuracicula, thanks18:19
erUSULflare`: without seeing ant error message is difficult to know what may be wrong ... can you see any log 1from the instaler ? i think the server installer uses virtual terminals to log some things (alt + fn)18:19
winr4rSaintRock: try running the same command with -v18:20
aciculaelnur: also note theadmin, by default all ports are unfiltered(ie open)18:20
SaintRock-v: Host name lookup failure18:20
SaintRockIt was working before... this machine is used for mirroring...18:20
mark__Hi, debian 1.2.1r8 fan guessing what to do with this dell mini with ubuntu. chrome crashed.18:20
erUSUL!es | elechovi18:20
ubottuelechovi: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:20
jeroen-I'm trying to share a printer from 2 ubuntu 9.10 machines (desktop en laptop). printer (HP) is attached to the desktop. It used to work with another laptop. When I enablee on the laptop18:20
elechovichao adios18:20
SaintRockSorry, PORT sniffing..18:20
Guest34602Why would InfraBurn and ImgBurn pick up on the 723 MB within Parenthesis?18:20
jeevan_ullashi all18:20
SaintRockth2      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:D0:B7:DF:71:E618:21
SaintRock          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
SaintRock          inet6 addr: fe80::2d0:b7ff:fedf:71e6/64 Scope:Link18:21
SaintRock          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:118:21
FloodBot1SaintRock: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:21
JAAThow to open usb port?? is there any command?18:21
jeevan_ullasis this image a server image or desktop image? http://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/ubuntu-cdimage/releases/9.10/release/ubuntu-9.10-dvd-i386.iso18:21
jeroen-sorry to busy here18:21
winr4rSaintRock: sorry, i meant: ifconfig -v eth0:0 up18:21
SaintRockThis one is working just FINE...18:21
elnuracicula, theadmin, how can that be, if my ssh port doesn't accept incoming connections?18:21
SaintRockThe other ones are all in ..18:21
theadminGuest34602: Bad burners maybe :/ Astroburn should work.18:21
SaintRock          UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:118:21
winr4roh my18:21
erUSULJAAT: there is no such a thing as "openning a usb port"18:21
theadminGuest34602: It worked perfectly for me18:21
Guest34602TheadMin....OFFICIAL ubuntu site recommends INFRA burn18:21
aciculaelnur: you are behind a router perhaps18:21
frog_flash is now crashing all my browsers in 10.04 beta after doing an apt-get upgrade today.18:21
SaintRockNo no no. Has nothing to do with that...18:21
tonysansolved by sudo aptitude install ncurses-term18:21
rodriguezjfzSaintRock: try using ifconfig eth0:# up , when # is the ethernet interface number and write me the output18:21
JAATthen y does wvdialconf command not works??18:21
winr4rfrog_: feels good man18:22
winr4ranything interesting in the stack trace?18:22
theadminGuest34602: No idea! But astroburn worked, so why would i care :/18:22
elnuracicula, nope. it was always the case, and I was solving that problem by installing firestarter and opening the port. this time i just don't want to install it.18:22
Guest34602Cause the lack of information is making many people age quick18:22
SaintRockWhy are you using eth0:#   I only got eth1, eth2, eth3...18:22
jeevan_ullashey all18:22
theadminjeevan_ullas: Anyone what? Ask the question18:23
winr4rSaintRock: replace that with whatever your interface is18:23
jeevan_ullasis this image a server image or desktop image? http://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/ubuntu-cdimage/releases/9.10/release/ubuntu-9.10-dvd-i386.iso18:23
rodriguezjfzthen use eth#18:23
frog_flash is now crashing all my browsers in 10.04 beta after doing an apt-get upgrade today. can anyone help?18:23
jeevan_ullastheadmin, ^ ^18:23
winr4rjeevan_ullas: desktop18:23
aciculaelnur: err odd, make sure your allow rule for ssh has presedence over any blocking rules18:23
Ahmed\winr4r: aircrack works with built in wifi ? like in laptops cause when you installt ubuntu the driver is correctly installed and in adopter it doesnt, so does that works with only those where a driver is perfectly installed ? :)18:23
jeevan_ullaswinr4r, server has dvd ?18:23
theadminjeevan_ullas: Server image is not distributed on a DVD18:23
rabbitnightmarejeenvan_ullas desktop18:23
jeevan_ullastheadmin, oh why ?18:23
yehiai need to paste image18:23
yehiawhat is the link ?18:23
theadminjeevan_ullas: Ask them :/18:23
overmindjeevan_ullas: Because server edition doesn't need more than 700 mbs18:23
jeevan_ullastheadmin, its very sad how do i install when i dont have apt-get facility inside my office , blocked by proxy18:24
JAATanyone know abt wvdialconf?18:24
SaintRock ifconfig eth1 down or  ifconfig eth1 up just brings the interface UP or DOWN, but I still don't have the link or the RUNNING flag on the interface *confused*18:24
jeevan_ullasi need lot of server packages overmind18:24
winr4rSaintRock: check your cable18:24
brah-I wonder how many bots are in here18:24
rabbitnightmareI hate QT apps18:24
SaintRockCable is OK...18:24
winr4rSaintRock: is it?18:24
rabbitnightmaretakes forever to get libqt18:24
theadminjeevan_ullas: Stupid office :/ Well, downloading packages manually is one idea... but... meh18:24
winr4rhave you tried it on another computer or card?18:24
Ahmed\no i haven't18:25
SaintRockI checked the cable on another switch, and it activates OK18:25
Ahmed\on wifi adopter only18:25
SaintRockActaully, another machine....18:25
SaintRockIts not a cable problem..  my question is HOW COME I dont get RUNNING when the interface is put as "UP"18:25
SaintRockIts only in ... UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:118:25
SaintRockHow come its UP but not RUNNING!?18:25
SaintRockThat's my questions!!18:25
KiiKhi. I started ubuntu and do not touch period of time. after that I can't access the network, should be restart and it work again. can I solve it without restart ?18:26
aciculaSaintRock: cuz theres no cable?18:26
theadminKiiK: What do you connect with?18:26
SaintRockThere is a cable...18:26
theadminGuest34602: Bad ISO then.18:26
SaintRockHold on, lemme put cables on all of the 3 free interfaces... and plug them into diffrerent ports...18:26
SaintRockGive me 2 mins...18:26
Guest34602Maybe I'll go to store and buy a ISO18:27
theadminGuest34602: You may request a free CD on shipit.18:27
lobakIm trying to find a file with a particular string in it by using this command strings * | grep pattern .. how can i know what filename that is grep'ed ?18:27
Guest34602The weird thing...is the UBUNTU MENU from the CD popped up after the Burn18:27
Guest34602Maybe I'll reboot and see if it works18:27
KiiKtheadmin: NAT. in virtual machine18:28
theadminKiiK: Oh. No idea then.18:28
Ahmed\popped up HUH18:28
erUSULlobak: why not use grep ?18:28
erUSULlobak: grep pattern * ?18:28
inthevidualQuestion: Is it possible to plug an ethernet cable between a desktop PC and an Ubuntu laptop, and let the desktop PC use the WLAN connection of the laptop?18:28
Guest34602Ask me if I want demo or full installation18:28
theadminAhmed\: Ubuntu has a windows-based installer that "pops up" when you insert the disk in Windows18:28
Guest34602Must be WUBI18:28
Guest34602Install inside windows18:28
Guest34602Learn more18:28
=== Darky is now known as zz_Darky
erUSULinthevidual: yes18:29
erUSUL!ics | inthevidual18:29
ubottuinthevidual: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php18:29
Guest34602Thanks for your TIME18:29
Guest34602I'll reboot now18:29
lobakerUSUL: thanks!18:29
inthevidualerUSUL: thank you :)18:29
Ahmed\theadmin: the one that says autorun ?18:29
winr4rlobak: how about this18:29
theadminAhmed\: Yes, sorta18:29
Ahmed\Yeah well new here :)18:29
winr4rfor i in *; do strings "$i" | sed s/^/$i\:\ / | grep pattern; done18:29
winr4rfeels good man18:30
theadminAhmed\: Haven't used windows in 2 friggin' years, how would I know, lol?18:30
Guest34602When i clicked on the CD drive before nothing would happen....Now a menu pops up18:30
Guest34602Ubuntu Menu18:30
Ahmed\theadmin: hahah well i was on Vista 64 from years HUH18:30
Guest34602So I'll reboot to see what happens18:30
progre55hi people! I downloaded libflashplayer.so from adobe, and where should I place it?18:30
winr4rprogre55: you don't18:30
theadminAhmed\: me is a dedicated Ubuntu user.18:30
lobakwinr4r: i'll try that one too, thanks!18:30
progre55winr4r: what should I do with it then? )18:30
theadminprogre55: You should have used the repositories. Do "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer"18:31
Ahmed\theadmin: Gnome, Right ? :)18:31
theadminAhmed\: Yep18:31
Ahmed\theadmin: Good i like Gnome better then KDE18:31
progre55theadmin: but I downloaded a prerelease 64bit flash-player, and would I to give it a try./18:31
beerups sry18:31
winr4rprogre55: and they don't have DEBs for it?18:32
frith_progre55, do you use tweak ubuntu?18:32
Ahmed\theadmin: does linux have any search engine ?18:32
frith_there is a repository on tweak ubuntu to get 64bit flash18:32
theadminAhmed\: As in?18:32
progre55frith_: no, just ubuntu karmic 64 bit18:32
winr4rAhmed\: grep18:32
ryanakcaCan someone enlighten me as to why /sbin/{init,runlevel,killall5} and various other executables have their permissions randomly changed to 000? Filesystem issue?18:32
progre55winr4r: for this particular version (pre-release) they dont18:32
frith_progre55, get yourself tweak ubuntu if you want to play, lots of good repositories on there for getting packages of things18:33
winr4rryanakca: !18:33
yehiaineed to paste image please send me link18:33
yehiai try imagebin.ca but its not working18:33
progre55frith_: is this some different ubuntu version? or just a package I could install?18:33
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.18:33
frog_anyone help with a flash crash?18:33
winr4rryanakca: well afaik ubuntu isn't really using old-style init18:33
winr4rbut wat do i no18:33
winr4ryehia: tinypic.com18:33
frith_progre55, its a tool18:34
ryanakcawinr4r: *nod*, I don't enjoy needed to take out a rescue disk, mounting, changing the permissions back when my system wont boot18:34
BluesKajAhmed\, there's google linux search , http://www.google.com/linux18:34
frith_progre55, google for tweak ubuntu18:34
sixofourdo laptops shutoff automatically if they get to hot5?18:34
progre55frith_: thanks, I'll try it18:34
ryanakcawinr4r: I believe upstart provides /sbin/init18:34
frith_progre55, you can tweak too much, so be careful18:34
winr4rryanakca: it doesn't sound like a filesystem issue anyway18:34
progre55frith_: lol )) okay18:34
winr4rpermissions don't randomly change themselves18:34
winr4rryanakca: what did you do in the run-up to that?18:35
ryanakcawinr4r: Its a fresh install18:35
winr4rso you installed, rebooted and stuff was randomly chmodded to 000?18:35
winr4rthat's so cool18:36
ryanakcawinr4r: It randomly switches back too.18:36
winr4rryanakca: i'd report a bug18:37
andrukwhich ralink driver should i use?  the rt2800usb or the rt2870sta?18:37
appepzanyone here have experience installing zend?18:37
dilllong long ago18:38
winr4randruk: depends on what card you have18:38
loquitusI have been abstaining from upgrading my machine from 9.04 to 9.10 for months now because of trouble I heard of and had on other machines doing this, where the upgrade just stalls in the middle leaving the machine in an unusuable state. I heard that there were no problems now so I tried it last night. My machine has been on the "Getting new packages" state for 5-6 hrs now, and it says "Fetching file 2106 of 2106" and the progress bar is 18:38
winr4rloquitus: you got cut off after "progress bar is"18:38
loquitus My machine has been on the "Getting new packages" state for 5-6 hrs now, and it says "Fetching file 2106 of 2106" and the progress bar is almost 100% full... but it is still sitting there. What do I do?18:38
theadminwinr4r: My guess: "frozen"18:38
winr4rloquitus: quit it, try again18:39
ManDayGNOME PANEL blocks the edge for my edge binding with COMPIZ - is that expected behaviour=18:39
winr4ras long as it's not started *installing* stuff you're fine18:39
yehiahere is a pictures for what i have got - i installed this programs which are marked as you can see in the pics   and still i cant find it to work with it ..... and when i press Alt+F2   it gives me the second pic as you can see ...  please i need help with it urgently        http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=24en7ug&s=5        http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2rm9hs3&s=518:39
winr4rthat's a totally unrelated issue to the one where a 9.10 upgrade accidentally the whole system, though18:39
loquituswin4r: is my machine screwed now if it restarted? and if I try again, will it probably do the same thing again or is this some random quirkiness?18:39
loquituswin4r: have you heard about this?18:40
andrukwinr4r: a ralink 2870n usb wireless dongle18:40
winr4rloquitus: no, it'd only be screwed if it had started installing packages, rather than merely downloading them18:40
ManDayyehia, watch out your battery is almost gone18:40
yehiamanday, i did - thanks18:40
ManDayyehia, i dont understand your problem, you installed the program "campcaster"?18:41
winr4randruk: i'd hazard a guess and stay rt2800usb18:41
yehiamanday, yes18:41
ManDayyehia, did the binary install to /usr/bin ?18:42
yehiamanday, and still i cant understand why it doesnt want to work with me18:42
yehiamanday, i dont understand what you tell me - if you think i didnt do it - please guide me for that18:42
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ManDayyehia, your screenshot isnt very telling but i assume that it is not in the path18:42
loquituswin4r: have you heard about this?18:42
ManDayyehia, check out the gnome menu, maybe its in there18:43
ManDay(and try running it frm there )18:43
jeevan_ullaswhen is lucid coming out ?18:43
loquituswin4r: looking on the net, some people have had this happen to them18:43
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule18:43
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kn100the startup disk creator, what its package name?18:43
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bcjAre there any Empathy users out there?  If so, how do I turn off all the annoying "<user> is know known as <new_user>", "<user> has joined the room", etc?18:43
yehiamanday, i checked out the menus and i searched for it in the software source , but i cant find it - i really need this software urgently - and i dont know what to do then18:44
ManDayyehia, are you sure it is installed :] ?18:44
ManDayit is from the repos?18:44
neorajhow to remove programs in ubuntu through18:44
ManDay!uninstall | neoraj18:45
ubottuneoraj: To learn how to uninstall applications in Ubuntu - please visit http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-delete-remove-software-using-apt-get-command/18:45
yehiamanday. well according to the picture - yes18:45
yehiabut if you want to go with me step by step - please do  manday18:45
ManDaywhat do you mean "according to the picture", the pciture doesnt indicate that it was installed18:45
winr4ryehia: open a terminal and type:18:45
jeevan_ullasthanks ManDay18:45
javymy wireless says "device not ready" what does that means?18:46
bcjneoraj: You can use "sudo apt-get autoremove <package>", but it's best to use the Software Centre if possible.18:46
winr4rlocate campcaster18:46
winr4rpaste the results somewhere that isn't here18:46
yehiahere is the site for the software    http://www.campware.org/18:46
yehiawinr4r: i opend a terminal18:46
yomanyohi which channel is for xen?18:46
winr4r81 gigabytes of stuff backed up18:46
yehiawinr4r: what you want me to type ?18:47
winr4ri already told you18:47
bcjyehia: What are you trying to remove?18:47
yomanyoanyone know about XEN channel?18:47
ManDayyehia isnt trying to remove anything bcj :P18:47
ManDayyehia is desperately looking for campcaster :P18:48
ManDaywhich he think he has installed but cannot find anywhere :PP18:48
ben_m19:48:11         @sie | HAHA, proxy worked.18:48
ben_m19:48:22         @sie | But it's banned. ;_;18:48
FloodBot1ben_m: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:48
yomanyohi, anyone please help me where to get help regarding xen?18:48
ramieris there any ubuntu derivative or application that does something similar to pfsense's router/firewall and webgui?18:49
yehiawinr4r, the result is not so big - its like this  : yehia@yehia:~$ locate campcaster18:49
winr4ryehia: in which case you don't have it installed18:49
BluesKajyomanyo, type  /join #xen in the server text18:49
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bcjyomanyo: Try going to the xen channel.18:49
yehiawinr4r: what do you mean ?18:49
winr4ryehia: you have not installed it18:49
ManDayyehia, the same that i said: why do you think that it is installed?18:50
ManDayyou maybe only downloaded it but didnt install it18:50
neorajhow to create hidden files18:50
ManDayyou know that you have to download AND install something (unless you get it frm the repos) right?18:50
ManDay@ yehia18:50
street_dvdI just installed openoffice 3.2, and instead of launching using gnome, like it usually did, it launches using some other ugly interface. how do I fix this?18:50
yehiaok - please manday,  winr4r , go with me to the page - http://www.campware.org/     i have done all what they said - but i cant work it out ..... can you please go with me step by step18:50
Sensivayehia you downloaded deb file from there?18:51
bcjneoraj: Just create a file with a name starting with "."18:51
yehiasensiva: yes18:51
winr4ryehia: http://sourceforge.net/projects/campcaster/files/ go there18:51
Sensivayehia then how did you install that file?18:51
winr4rdownload all the files ending with ".deb"18:51
yehiaand its on a folder on my Desktop18:51
street_dvdI just installed openoffice 3.2, and instead of launching using gnome, like it usually did, it launches using some other ugly interface. how do I fix this?18:51
winr4ropen those with the package manager, you may or may not have to do them in a certain order18:52
theadminstreet_dvd: OOo 3.2 doesn't have a GNOME interface yet. It uses some ugly icons and stuff. No fix available so far18:52
bcjstreet_dvd: Rewrite OpenOffice using GTK.18:52
street_dvdtheadmin: D:18:52
winr4rstreet_dvd: use something that doesn't suck18:52
winr4rstreet_dvd: i highly recommend abiword for word processing18:52
appepzhas anyone ever installed zend framework here?18:52
bcjthreadmin: I don't think there is likely to be a "fix"18:52
street_dvdwinr4r: like what? I quite enjoy Ooo18:53
winr4rstreet_dvd: i think it's a hideous, slow bloatmonster18:53
street_dvdwinr4r: Yeah, but it lacks alot of the things I need.18:53
neorajbcj: thanks18:53
emiliano_ciao a tutti18:53
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:53
winr4rseriously if i find out that lucid installs ooo by default i'm goinna kill me some fools18:53
ManDayyehia, --> query18:53
yehiawinr4r, i have downloaded this files  already18:54
Seveaswinr4r, ubuntu has always had ooo installed by default...18:54
yehiaits on my desktop now manday, winr4r.18:54
street_dvdwinr4r: I'd say its definitely the best open-source office suite out there.18:54
winr4rSeveas: i've been using xubuntu up until now18:54
ManDayyehia go query18:54
winr4ri'm switching away from it because it isn't actually any faster18:54
yehiamanday, what is query18:54
ManDayanother (private) channel18:55
ManDay@ yehia18:55
winr4rready to install lucid18:55
winr4rfeels good man18:55
ManDaysee your channel list you have a channel with my name there18:55
Sensivayehia please join #Ubuntu-eg18:55
caretahey guys18:55
caretawhere can I download the ubuntu 10.04 theme for debian?18:55
caretameaning: where can I get a package to install in any gnome?18:56
coz_careta,  that one I am not sure of actually ...you could here http://www.webupd8.org/2010/03/new-ubuntu-1004-light-and-dark-themes.html18:57
coz_careta,  but let me look somewhere else18:57
=== nightfrog is now known as perlfection
coz_careta,   or here   http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/light-themes18:57
caretathanks coz_18:57
ManDaywinr4r, tell me how lucid is18:58
winr4ri will18:59
winr4rtime to install it19:00
* winr4r holds a short ceremony for xubuntu jaunty, which is about to get overwritten19:01
winr4rgoodnight sweet prince19:01
winr4rManDay: see you in a bit!19:01
ManDayg luck19:02
RazassI would like to instal ubuntu on my desktop currently running vista...can I instal ubuntu onto another drive and then on startup have it boot into windows normally but ubntu if I want so that I don't mess with my vista insall?19:02
* Razass can't type apparently :)19:02
coz_Razass,  well you could do that easily19:02
neorajwhat is smpt19:03
appepz-bash: /usr/local/bin/zf: Permission denied19:03
appepzwhy do i get that19:03
Razasscoz_: are there any tutorials or anything? Just to get me started19:03
coz_Razass,  if you are using a separate drive... install the drive..reboot so it is seen by the system...then reboot with the live cd in ,,, when you get to the partitioner  simple tick use erase and use entire disk and choose the secondary drive from the drop down linst19:04
Razassoh thats easy19:04
coz_Razass,  let me check I believe there are a few tutes with pics  hold on19:04
erUSUL!dulaboot | Razass19:04
erUSUL!dualboot | Razass19:04
ubottuRazass: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot19:04
RazassI know absolutely NOTHING about bootsector stuff and I really dont want to mess this up19:04
EdgEyRazass, ubuntu will do everything for you, just make sure you choose the right drive on install19:05
ZykoticK9Razass, i believe GRUB will be installed to the mbr of your main drive - and it will change the way Windows starts, it is possible to change the install location to the other drive, then change your boot order to do exactly what you want - but that's more complicated.19:05
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* winr4r waits for the live USB stick to boot.19:05
coz_Razass,  understood  it wont be hard  you just have to choose the correct hard drive...is the secondary hard drive larger or smaller than the primary?19:05
tompaziMy CPU temperature is around 85C° is this too hot?19:05
* winr4r waves at ManDay, too19:05
ManDaywow that went quick19:06
EdgEytompazi, yes that's quite hot19:06
winr4rwinr4r: nah i'm on my craptop19:06
Razasscoz_: I actually have many hd's but the secondary will probably be larger19:06
ManDayyou talking to yourself... ?19:06
winr4rwatching my other computer do pretty much nothing19:06
winr4roops, i meant you ManDay19:06
tompaziWhat's is a normal CPU temperature?19:06
appepztompazi 40 C19:06
EdgEytompazi, above 70 consistently isn't good19:07
dan457depends on the cpu19:07
EdgEy60-70 is fine under heavy load for most CPU's19:07
appepz60 during load19:07
winr4rokay seriously, a USB stick should not take this long right19:07
coz_Razass,  ok then when the partitioner comes up  ... it s hould be easy to choose the correct drive from the drop down list19:07
dan457should idle in the 40's19:07
dan45760-70s loaded.19:07
coz_Razass,  I am still looking for a pic of the partitioner for you19:07
appepzdan457: thats fine19:07
appepzas logn as its under 7019:07
tompazian hour ago it was 91C° -.-19:07
appepzdan457: some niggaz even haev it on 7219:07
EdgEytompazi, what CPU is it19:07
appepztompazi: then something is wrong.19:07
winr4rthe USB stick is not flashing :/19:07
pk_tompazi: check the semi solid of your cpu19:08
Stanikhow to check the mainborg chipset ....19:08
winr4r...yup it's bricked19:08
* winr4r celebrates19:08
pk_i mean which is laid between the fan and the processor19:08
dan457My new multi-core cpu's usualy run cooler than my older computers19:08
appepzfuck ubuntu and send..seriously.19:08
appepzbeen trying to get this working for hours now.19:08
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ZykoticK9!language | appepz19:08
ubottuappepz: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:08
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.19:08
coz_ Razass   go here    http://news.softpedia.com/news/Installing-Ubuntu-9-10-126370.shtml19:08
appepzok man19:08
Guest15906hi i need support for ubuntu becouse i have a problem...someone to help me?19:08
Razasscoz_: thanks a lot19:09
dan457I'd get a can of compressed air and blow out your heatsink.19:09
winr4rGuest15906: possibly19:09
coz_Razass,  the  7th pic19:09
tompaziintel core Duo T8300 @ 2,40 GHz19:09
EdgEytompazi, is this a laptop or desktop?19:09
EdgEyMost likely is it's just full of dust and other shit19:09
coz_Razass,  that is the partitioner..you will notice  the "Erase and use the entire disk"  tick button19:09
winr4rblow out your heatsink and fan and make sure you have some heat transfer compound between your sink and your cpu19:09
EdgEyLaptops get gunked up faster than desktops19:09
coz_Razass,  just below that is the drop down menu to ch oose the drive19:09
Pirate_HunterGuest15906: ask your question19:09
=== Guest15906 is now known as Golamc
dan457Not getting enough air under laptop possibly.  Blow out heatsink, get a cooling pad.19:10
Razasscoz_: ahh ok thats simple enough19:10
EdgEyI had an old Celeron running 80-90C for months, didn't notice until some sort of alarm bell sound came from the PC speaker haha19:10
Golamci have a problem with webcam and wifi card19:10
coz_Razass,  that tutorial is for installing on  a single driver  so dont pay attention to it other than location of the tick button and drop down menu19:10
coz_Razass,  the rest of the tutorial should be about the same19:10
Razasscoz_: alright, now I have 3 monitors on 2 video cards....will it auto detect? or will I need to manually install the drivers?19:11
coz_Razass,   which video card  nvidia?19:11
Stanikplease help i'm a new ubuntu user and i have to check the mainboard chpiset and i dont't know how19:11
Golamcsomeone to help me but in pvt...please!!!19:11
erUSULStanik: sudo lshw -short19:11
* winr4r thinks he has a bad USB stick. :\19:12
tompazilol, I just found reason, I had a broken programm running with 100% CPU19:12
EdgEytompazi, that's still bad19:12
winr4rtompazi: that won't help19:12
ManDay!paste | yehia19:12
ubottuyehia: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:12
Razasscoz_: ATI Radeon HD 4800 (1 monitor) ATI Radeon HD 4350 (2 monitors)19:12
tompazinow my temperature is 58C°19:12
EdgEyevery time your laptop ends up loaded like playing Flash videos or something you'll end up with that shit happening19:12
PiciEdgEy: Please mind your language.19:12
coz_Razass,  well I am not sure .with ati...most likely it will install the driver automatically if using the open driver... but I am nvidia user so the one person i would speak with about this is soreau ... I dont know if he is at his system at the moment19:13
TrueTomDoes anyone know if 'acipd' is still used to handle events like closing/opening the lid of a notebook?19:13
Golamcwhen i use my webcam the wificard stop working!!19:13
Razasscoz_; no problem...I guess I will see :)19:13
winr4rtompazi: it was on karmic19:13
coz_Razass,  and in terms of multi monitor support with ati  ,,, I know absolutely nothing  you could try in the #radeon channel though19:13
coz_Razass,  i do know it is a bit more complcated with dual monitors using ati than nvidia but again speak with soreau  or in #radeon to be sure19:14
Golamcqualche italiano per un aiuto tecnico con ubuntu???19:15
Myrtti!it | Golamc19:16
ubottuGolamc: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:16
Razasscoz_: thanks for your help19:16
coz_Razass,  no problem  good luck :)19:16
ricklerreHey All, I have a screen connected two one of two graphics cards in my system, and I used lspci to figure out which two graphics cards I have, but I need to figure out which one the screen is currently connected to(without cracking the case open).  any one know if there;s a terminal command to display this?19:16
tompaziThere is an ugly bug in Gnome DO, when you put in the Autostart it sometimes crashes and CPU goes up to 200% (yea 200).)19:16
jeevan_ullascoz_, still working with compiz-fusion ? :-P19:16
coz_jeevan_ullas,  as usual :)19:17
brummbaertompazi - i noticed that.... it happens in fedora too19:17
jeevan_ullascoz_, ;-)19:17
tompazifound any solutions?19:18
zdendoAnybody here, who can help me with playing wma-pro files in Linux? #wma-media19:18
NFischerHI all i just updated to 10.04 and wanted to watch dvb-c (which ever worked before) and kaffeine is now giving me "Cannot find demux plugin for MRL..." google couldnt help me.. any suggestions?19:19
* winr4r wanders to the shop while the lucid CD burns19:19
Golamcsomeone to help me please.... :(19:19
BluesKajricklerre, what does lspci | grep VGA tell you ?19:20
Golamcwhen i try to use my webcam my wificard stop working...why???19:20
ricklerre01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV610 [Radeon HD 2400 XT]19:20
ricklerre03:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV34GL [Quadro NVS 280 PCI] (rev a1)19:20
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=== blueghost is now known as No14day
swabedorhi guys! I am having problems with playing divx the picture pauses but there is still sound. I have used movie player and vlc still get the same thing.19:21
ricklerreBluesKaj: and xrandr --current lists my screens, but it doesn't say which adapter they use19:21
greggcan someone explain to me the usage of noauto in fstab? I get that it won't mount automatically, but why bother even putting it in fstab if I have to commandline it anyway? Yes, i've googled... ;o)19:22
yehiaguys i want to know one benefit of using Linux ... without making fun of me please19:22
tompazizdendo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53706519:22
=== No14day is now known as No15day
BluesKajricklerre, is one of those cards an onboard ?19:22
yehiai really want to know what is the huge benefits of this system19:22
ricklerreI'm not sure(I think one is but it's on a riser card so I can't tell)19:23
TannerS_Laptophey guys i recently installed ubuntu 64 but wired connection but wont connect to it not mattter what i do it wont work even if i type it in myself19:23
zdendotompazi - thx ;)19:23
raydavi@yehia Its free, thats a big benefit19:23
swabedoris there a problem using the divx codec in linux?19:23
BluesKajricklerre, try going into the bios and disabling one of the cards19:24
coz_TannerS_Laptop,  mm that is odd ..it generally auto detects especially wired connection.... you went to system/preferences/network connections already?19:24
TannerS_Laptopyu nothing19:24
yehiaraydavi, what do you mean free?19:25
yehiafree for what ?19:25
TannerS_Laptopiv had this problem for w hile no matte how many times i install ubuntu19:25
infidis there a program that can force me to only use 3 open windows for a certain amount of time? ie only let me use firefox and gedit for 30 minutes before unlocking my other apps?19:25
raydavifree of virus :)19:25
ricklerreit's kind of a simple bios, I didn't see that option last time I went in looking for video options19:25
raydavifree to do what you want  with it19:26
yehiathen its free of viruses but its soooo damn complicated and always having bugs with the applications to be installed raydavi.19:26
BluesKajricklerre, look in peripherals19:26
yehiaso where is the good of it19:26
swabedorit wasn't as complicated as 10 years ago.. :)19:27
TannerS_Laptopso does anyone have a remote idea whats wrong19:27
=== Seahorseruler_ is now known as Seahorseruler
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.19:27
yehiaso people should go easier by time not more complicated swabedor .19:27
ricklerreBluesKaj: alright, I'll try that next time I go down for reboot, thanks19:28
coz_TannerS_Laptop,  I am not sure,,, I am a doof with networking..but if no one here knows at this time you could try the ##linux channel19:28
rgublerhello, i'm interested in building the ubuntu packaged kernel with preempt_rt patches (http://packages.ubuntu.com/lt/karmic/base/linux-image-2.6.31-9-rt) from source.  i need to be able to modify the source.  i am hoping someone might point me to some documentation that could lead me in the right direction.  is there are "build from source" apt-get repository?  where can i get the .deb source build?? any info will help.  thanks!19:28
spectre-how would i go about getting some APNs added to the mobile connection manager?19:29
spectre-for the country i'm in?19:29
spectre-as in, out of the box it only lists 1 for uganda but i want to submit others for other carriers19:29
spectre-so users here can work with their mobile connections ootb19:30
trismrgubler: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile19:31
aristotaleSalve a Tutti >>>  #ubuntu <<<  [Oº°‘¨H-a-®-|-€-y¨‘°ºO]    19:31
DementedsnakeHi.  I'm looking for a little support. I have a 'Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family' video card. I installed Ubuntu via Wubi. But after selecting Ubuntu in the GRUB bootloader, my screen starting bleeding white. It's happened every time I've tried to get Ubuntu on this computer. The only thing I can do is hold the power button and hope it didn't destroy my screen. Can anyone...19:33
Dementedsnake...offer any help? Thanks in advance.19:33
rgublertrism: hm, thanks.  this looks like it is for the generic kernel, but perhaps the preempt_rt patches (and kernel config) are included these packages the document references19:33
NFischerHI all i just updated to 10.04 and wanted to watch dvb-c (which ever worked before) and kaffeine is now giving me "Cannot find demux plugin for MRL..." google couldnt help me.. any suggestions?19:34
gigglesworthHow can I use dpkg (Or a commandline tool like apt*) to see if the files from a package have been modified since the original installation?19:34
Seveasgigglesworth, cd / ; md5sum /var/lib/dpkg/info/packagename_here.md5sums19:35
Max__I have the GNU libgcj installed and running, and Sun-Java6 installed, but not running. I want the real thing. How do I fix it?19:35
SeveasMax__, remove all the gcj/gij packages19:36
MaletorHow can I use pvresize to resize my LVM to use the maximum space available now that I have grown my RAID5.19:37
gigglesworthThanks Seveas: Now, if I wanted to perform a diff of the original file vs. the modified file, do I need to reinstall the package?19:37
SeveasDementedsnake, all I can suggest is that you try the latest version of Ubuntu, there have again been lots of improvements in the intel driver.19:38
Seveasgigglesworth, that would be the easiest way19:38
scott_ino2I have a question about Power Management, what constitutes as "No activity" when referring to when to sleep?19:38
Seveasscott_ino2, keyboard/mouse19:38
faleI have installed lucid and, after an update, it seems like grub hangs. Pop ups only a dasu on the screen and nothing else happens... now I'm from a live... how can I fix it?19:39
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scott_ino2Seveas, eeek i was affraid of that, so if i have say, a series of transcodes going and want it sleep after the process is done am i sol?19:39
=== left is now known as Khisanth
Viper1432fale, lucid stuff is in ubuntu+119:40
Seveasscott_ino2, there's something called inhibiting, which means disabling the sleeping thing. Richtclick on the power manager icon19:40
falevici0us: you mean #ubuntu+1 channel?19:41
Viper1432fale,  correct19:41
faleViper1432: thankyou :)19:41
bbonorausing command line how do I copy all the contents of a folder into another folder without coping the parent folder19:41
Viper1432fale,  np19:41
Seveasscott_ino2, in lucid (maybe earlier) that functionality moved to a separate 'inhibit applet'19:41
trismrgubler: the method is probably the same, although instead of fetching with apt-get source linux-source; it looks like you'll want to do something like apt-get source linux-image-2.6.31-9-rt;19:42
Seveasbbonora, cp -a sourcefolder/* sourcefolder/.??* destfolder/19:42
scott_ino2Seveas, well, i still want it to sleep, just not until the transcodes are done19:42
neorajhow to edit photo in ubuntu19:42
bbonoraSeveas: what does the .??* do19:43
DavidJHeinrichhi all, can anyone help me out with Inkscape? I'm having a problem getting paths to exclude/include/etc19:43
denishelp with my wireless device!19:43
Seveasbbonora, all dotfiles except . and .. (current and parent dir)19:43
winr4rDavidJHeinrich: there is an inkscape irc channel i believe19:44
Seveasif you have no dotfiles in there, you can skip that bit :-)19:44
winr4rManDay: booting lucid livecd now :)19:44
og_where do pre-configured module options live in 9.10?19:44
winr4rand i can already tell it's going to be sexay19:44
Seveasog_, kernel module options? /etc/modprobe.d/19:44
deightmi have ubuntu 9.10 and added script ro autostart using gui, but now i am unable to log in, so how i manage auto start list from terminal19:44
ManDaywinr4r, :D19:44
ManDayill give it 5 minutes :D xP19:44
bbonoraSeveas: thanks all will give it a shot. What if I'm in the folder where I want the files? It wouldn't be "/" because that would take me up one folder19:44
Max__Seveas, will that in any way impair or harm any other working packages?19:45
winr4rManDay: even the boot screen says "this is going to be awesome"19:45
scott_ino2winr4r, minus them moving my default titlebar buttons ;)19:45
scott_ino2to left19:45
ManDaywinr4r, haha19:45
og_Seveas: yeah thanks19:45
deniswireless devices, anyone? help please!19:45
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule19:45
og_Seveas: mind went blank19:45
deightmwhere can i find ubuntu netbook remix 9.10 autostart list19:45
Joricdoes anyone know how may i get rid of "your current network has a .local domain", what should i do with bind on router19:45
SeveasMax__, uninstalling gcj is always good. It's pretty bad compared to the sun version :-)19:45
_OskaR_bruso-ko , eth0: .. i put up a live ubutu and then the eth0 works.. udev... rules.d  are the same eaven numbers..19:45
Max__Seveas, great, thanks.19:46
Jorictried to exclude db.local - doesn't help19:46
neorajhow to edit photos19:46
winr4rneoraj: GIMP19:46
Seveasneoraj, use the gimp :)19:46
winr4rready to install19:46
FriedrichManI have my language set to spanish in ubuntu19:46
winr4rhere goes!1119:46
FloodBot1winr4r: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:46
FriedrichManhow do I get my console to be in English?19:47
FriedrichMancause I always get outputs in Spanish in console, and I would like that to change19:47
winr4rFriedrichMan: ay]19:47
_OskaR_bruso-ko ?19:47
MaletorHow can I use pvresize to resize my LVM to use the maximum space available now that I have grown my RAID5.19:47
winr4rFriedrichMan: try LANG=en yourterminalcommandhere19:47
deightmhelp for gods sake19:47
denismy wireless device seems to be desactivated, how can I make to activate it?19:47
FriedrichManlike when you type #LANGUAGE=en and then your command19:47
jessyflowers/!\ ATTENTION /!\ CHAN HAS MOVED TO IRC.GNAA.EU #GNAA jessyflowers Xerora lajosward Mens webus Eette FriedrichMan switchgirl blowlow xiong Joric niceemil SirDidi og_ deightm remczas denis MattEleven ha1331 nibbler_ Prodego dankobum visof DavidJHeinrich Dannyboy Malkavian_ merkelis bbonora eraggo zilla urbanape everton Robinux andruk VaneaNet timmillwood fale KRStwo_ bentob0x FiremanEd jeranen Berzerker- Neremor john AngryPunk__ hayanbom sq19:47
jessyflowers/!\ ATTENTION /!\ CHAN HAS MOVED TO IRC.GNAA.EU #GNAA dreamnid _romeo_ manowar3 Rei-chan spectre- TrueTom1 Seahorseruler ubuntuella OiPenguin cordlessradio overshard aguitel rgubler infid Ljungmann Lenin_Cat Matic`Makovec pk_ gregg deleuzer oal meanburrito920 jeiworth__ lacostej SandGorgon NFischer kalo_ wamicho technikfreak sunshinepants alastor666 jofo geniv imlad Klanticus Wicet BAILUX solid_liq most_ pting arvind_khadri zdendo joshbudd19:47
jessyflowers/!\ ATTENTION /!\ CHAN HAS MOVED TO IRC.GNAA.EU #GNAA autoclesis ramier Razass perberos lostson becomingGuru culb simar sharky coz_ woodong50 arianit rengil gnaruag swoody brianchidester Sneux Dervish Mana|Linux brendan- oldpeculiar Soul_Sample balans Marcus alexstre^ rocket16 Aranel neoraj joneey Pirate_Hunter pingu JonMelamut No15day jm-test Sensiva Mowah Royall edwardjon Glebelg Tomcat_ha anonRorty Rinsmaster loquitus xc_bredfan tavelra19:47
_OskaR_did he leave ..hmm19:47
deightmwhere is the auto start list in ubuntu 9.1019:47
FloodBot1jessyflowers: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:48
Pirate_Hunter!patience | deightm19:48
ubottudeightm: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.19:48
deightmi am unable to loginb because i hevae messed with it19:48
winr4rgnaa oh shi-19:48
Joricwhat the hell was that19:48
deightmhow do i repair this19:48
deightmfrom command line19:48
FriedrichManwinr4r: is there a way to get english to be the default language?19:48
Pirate_Hunterdeightm: what do you mean you're unable to login? did you forget you pass...?19:48
Disadashy9/!\ ATTENTION /!\ CHAN HAS MOVED TO IRC.GNAA.EU #GNAA Disadashy9 m00se Xerora lajosward Mens webus Eette FriedrichMan switchgirl blowlow xiong Joric niceemil SirDidi og_ deightm remczas denis MattEleven ha1331 nibbler_ Prodego dankobum visof Dannyboy Malkavian_ merkelis bbonora eraggo zilla urbanape Robinux andruk VaneaNet timmillwood fale KRStwo_ bentob0x FiremanEd jeranen Berzerker- Neremor john AngryPunk__ hayanbom squidly jophish kyppcgeek idoru B19:48
Disadashy9/!\ ATTENTION /!\ CHAN HAS MOVED TO IRC.GNAA.EU #GNAA Rei-chan spectre- TrueTom1 Seahorseruler ubuntuella OiPenguin cordlessradio overshard aguitel rgubler infid Ljungmann Lenin_Cat Matic`Makovec pk_ gregg deleuzer oal meanburrito920 jeiworth__ lacostej SandGorgon NFischer kalo_ technikfreak sunshinepants alastor666 jofo geniv imlad Klanticus Wicet BAILUX solid_liq most_ pting arvind_khadri zdendo joshbuddy Viper1432 winr4r jcg2 crazysoilder tankdrive19:48
FloodBot1Disadashy9: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:48
* brianchidester waves bye to jessyflowers19:48
deightmwhere is autostart list19:48
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!19:48
SeveasPirate_Hunter, Pici is on it19:48
FloodBot1Disadashy9: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:48
Pirate_Hunterfor frigging sake stop you morons19:48
deightmi am unable to login because it keeps bringing me to login screen19:49
FriedrichManwhat the heck?19:49
Seveasno need to get wound up. The morons won't read it and get banned quickly19:49
FloodBot1FloodBot2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:49
deightmbecause of bad autostart script19:49
Seveasoh lol!19:49
FriedrichManwinr4r: is there a way to get english to be the default language?19:49
deightmbut i can use terminal as root19:49
winr4rFriedrichMan: for everything?19:49
deightmso how do i fix autostart19:49
winr4ror just for the terminal19:49
Pirate_Hunterdeightm: did you forget your password, can you explain indepth?19:49
deightmfrom god damn consloe19:49
deightmi know my password19:49
deightmand it works in terminal19:49
FriedrichManwinr4r: i wouldn't mind it to be for everything19:50
* winr4r twitches as his cursor hovers over "erase and use the entire disk"19:50
deightmbut it keeps taking me to login screen in gui mode19:50
Picideightm: Please mind your attitude here19:50
denishello? I need help with my wireless!!!19:50
smerzdeightm, there are many autostart locations. What did you add? A service? I have no idea what autostart the "netboot remix" uses. In my ubuntu i cannot find a GUI autostart option19:50
deightmbecause i added self made script to autostart19:50
deightmusing gui autistart manager19:50
smerzdeightm, where is that gui autostart manager? do you remember?19:50
Pirate_Hunterdeightm: you can login from terminal but not gui and your saying its due to a bad startup scrip whcih I dont know how you figured that out19:50
smerzmaybe i have it here too19:51
niceemilhi recommend me switch off  on s6019:51
deightmi have added that script myself19:51
deightmit simply adds new resolution19:51
deightmbut it resulted in me being unable to log in19:51
smerzdeightm, safe mode doesn't work i presume?19:51
deightmhow to boot in safe mode?19:51
deightmless than 1 day linux user19:51
_OskaR_Help i lost my  eth0: .. i put up a live ubutu and then the eth0 works.. udev... rules.d  are the same, eaven numbers..  anny clue where else to look .. the device does not eaven list in lspci.19:52
smerzat the beginning after BIOS either you have the option to do that. Or you have to press ESC to see those options19:52
deightmi know how to boot in recovery mode19:52
deightmis that it?19:52
Pirate_Hunterdeightm: simple explanation remove the script from command line cd [folder path] > rm [script name]19:52
SandGorgonhas anybody used the clementine music player here ? does anybody know how to display list of albums, rather than list of artists ?19:52
smerzdeightm, yep should include a safe "gui" mode too19:52
_OskaR_its not ESC on grub2 ints SHIFT !19:52
Pirate_Hunterdeightm: for resolution you dont need scripts xorg.conf will do that for you19:52
denismy wireless is not working, help?19:52
Pici!who | _OskaR_ deightm19:53
ubottu_OskaR_ deightm: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:53
deightmi need resulution not supported by display19:53
smerzdeightm, yeah other startup locations could be /etc/rc.local  You may have a peek into that file19:53
deightmand there is now xorg.conf in 9.1019:53
Pirate_Hunterdeightm: like I said xorg.conf will do that for you once it is set19:53
deightmno xorg.conf19:53
Picideightm: if you create an xorg.conf it will honor the settings within it.19:53
crazysoilderwhat is problem ?19:53
Pirate_Hunterdeightm: there sin't by default but you can create one and it will read from there19:53
_OskaR_Help i lost my  eth0: .. i put up a live ubutu and then the eth0 works.. udev... rules.d  are the same, eaven numbers..  anny clue where else to look .. the device does not eaven list in lspci...annyone?19:53
smerzdeightm, xorg.conf is under /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:54
crazysoilderhmmm bot sorry19:54
deightmthere is no xorg.conf in 9.10 there19:54
deightmhowever i could create one19:54
deightmbut its easier to add resolution from console19:54
Pirate_Hunterdeightm: read what I told you make one in /etc/X11/19:54
deniswireless problems please help19:55
winr4rdenis: fix them then19:55
winr4ror give more details so someone can help you fix them19:55
crazysoilderi guess write some one on me or move this chan sorry19:55
ricklerreBluesKaj: I couldn't turn off either video device in the bios, but I now know that they're both pci video devices19:55
_OskaR_Wired.. eth0: ..LOST , i put up a live ubutu and then the eth0 works.. udev... rules.d  are the same, eaven numbers..  anny clue where else to look .. the device does not eaven list in lspci...annyone?19:56
deightmnewermind i booted in recovery mode19:56
deightmand fixed everything19:56
denisi am running 9.10 and I have installed everything but the wireless it is not working19:56
deightmsory for panic19:56
Pirate_Hunter_OskaR_: did you change anything in /etc/resolv.conf or /etc/network/interfaces19:56
deightmIts just the way ubuntu treat user seems somemething made not for humans19:57
_OskaR_Pirate_Hunter no ,last looks to be the same.. il check the first19:57
Pirate_Hunterdeightm: no worries at least you know how to fix the problem, remember ubutnu is a machine it just does what you tell it, it wont stop you from doing errors, we all thought the same way as you, youll get used to it19:58
deightmAlso about xorg.conf, its the way easier to use xrandr then messing with config file19:58
winr4rOH SHI-19:58
winr4ri forgot to backup my local copy of my web site19:59
mneptokdenis: System > Admin > Hardware drivers19:59
winr4roh well19:59
mneptokdenis: are there any drivers available for your machine?19:59
deightmbecause last time i edited xorg.conf resulted in deleting it from recovery mode19:59
Pirate_Hunter_OskaR_: do check those files specially check in itnerfaces if auto eth0 is present just tells the system to start eth0 automatically also you could just try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart and see if it gives you any messages19:59
deightmso now i just use xrandr --newmode19:59
deightmi have a new qustion19:59
deightmhow do i add script to auto start20:00
denisyes it says that the drivers are isnstalled but nothing happends20:00
deightmit has only two lines20:00
deightmxrandr --newmode and xrandr --addmode20:00
mneptokdenis: what drivers? wireless? video? what?20:00
_OskaR_Pirate_Hunter there is a postfix in the nonworking os. else its tha same (content of files too)20:00
deightmand it works perfectly when i execute it20:00
Pirate_Hunterdeightm: stick to xorg believe me you'll have better luck getting the system running with it specially since there are so many exmaples online you may even find a premade xorg for your motherboard20:00
denisthe drivers of the wireless device20:00
mneptokdenis: which are ...?20:01
deightmbut how can i add it to autostart, what i need is some sort of windwows autoexec.bat20:01
mneptokdenis: *what* is th wireless device?20:01
FriedrichManSo.. does anybody know how to set my default language as English?20:01
denisbroadcom sta20:01
mneptokdenis: is it built into the machine?20:01
Pirate_Hunter_OskaR_: go into the actual system and run those commands from terminal, write down the message if any first try to manually start network than check the files20:01
denisyes, I have a laptop20:01
deightmwhat is ubuntu analog for autoexec.bat?20:02
=== timmillwood is now known as timmillwood_afk
mneptokdenis: is there a key combination on the keyboard you can use to disable wireless? make sure that the card is, indeed, active at the hardware level.20:02
winr4rdeightm: /etc/rc.local20:02
Pirate_Hunterdeightm: what are you trying to do?20:02
_OskaR_Pirate_Hunter it gives no sutch device ...20:02
deightmtrying to run my script on system start20:02
denisyes I have a combination, but nothing!20:02
_OskaR_Pirate_Hunter it gives Error failed to set flag no sutch device ...20:02
mneptokdenis: make sure it's active. make *sure*.20:03
Pirate_Hunterdeightm: the same script that messed your system?20:03
Pirate_Hunter_OskaR_: it doesn't pick up eth0 when you start it up manually?20:03
deightmyeah but it works if i launch it20:03
denisI have no idea how can I be sure the device is active or not20:03
deightmso the problem was in me adding it to autostart in wrong way20:03
deightmnot in the script itself20:04
_OskaR_Pirate_Hunter : no . not as i do it..20:04
Pirate_Hunter_OskaR_: you runnign from VM or the actuall machine and are you sure its eth0, could you pastebin your 'interfaces' file20:05
hellyeahi install ubuntu lucid20:05
hellyeahwhat is the version of nvidia driver20:05
_OskaR_Pirate_Hunter : its a clean 9.10 .. on a real rigg. making pastebin.20:05
hellyeah195 ?20:05
Pirate_Hunterhellyeah: #ubuntu+120:05
Pirate_Hunter_OskaR_: ok find it weird it wont pick up your conenction will wait for the pastebin20:06
_OskaR_Pirate_Hunter : from what folder please20:06
hceylanI am trying to migrate from Fedora to Ubuntu... In fedora there were three packages libXft-freeworld, freetype-freeworld, cairo-freeworld, that would include the patented code in the font rendering that renders even better then windows. Is this possible in ubuntu?20:07
Whisky_I just can't get my Wifi to let me browse the internet although it sees my network and connects fine. [it will work at times; 1/50 times maybe?]20:07
Pirate_Hunter_OskaR_: /etc/network/interfaces20:07
winr4rManDay: installed20:07
winr4rManDay: now to boot into it!20:07
MariachiACHelo. How can i safely upgrade to ubuntu10.04? I tried a week ago, but it was unable to connect to plimith.20:08
ManDayoh that quite took a while winr4r20:08
winr4rManDay: CD :/20:08
winr4rsweet jesus20:08
calumHello all20:08
winr4rthey weren't kidding about speeding up the boot20:08
oasiaoupgrade should be update-manager -d20:09
hceylanwinr4r: yeah the boot time cant be any lower then that I guess20:09
Pirate_HunterWhisky_: probably need to add your dns in resolv.conf that si if you manage to surf the net already but sometimes lose connection once in a while, yesterday someone had the same problem but for them it was acpi messing around with their wireless20:09
Whisky_also, I get DNS servers that get into my /etc/resolv.conf automatically. Someone in here told me to do something and now even if I delete them they come back20:09
_OskaR_Pirate_Hunter : hmmm strange ... the NONE working os has a auto eth0 the working ,,dont !20:10
MariachiACoasiao: Ok. Hmmmm... is that the same as do-release-upgrade -d? I assume it is.20:10
Whisky_Pirate_Hunter: Acpi? I'm a linux n00b :/20:10
Pirate_Hunter_OskaR_: huh... could you pastebin that file please20:10
Pirate_Hunter!pastebin | _OskaR_20:10
ubottu_OskaR_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:10
Whisky_Pirate_Hunter: and I just can't browse, I can't do anything. Can't even ping some external site20:11
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as uRock
Pirate_HunterWhisky_: eeeerh... *sigh* lets see, where you able to surf before?20:11
Whisky_Pirate_Hunter: This is a new install (my first time). I can make it work flawlessly with a wire but not just wireless. Tried ndiswrapper with windows drivers but it's not that because I can see network, connect but not get to access the internet20:12
_OskaR_Pirate_Hunter : pastebin.org/13758620:13
hceylanany fonts gurus around?20:13
_OskaR_Pirate_Hunter : sorry but i have to type ....cant cut paste.20:13
UltraParadigmHello.  Anyone know where to enter email passwords in Evolution?  I put in all mu information and checked "remember passwords" but it doesn't give an area to type in the password.20:14
erUSULUltraParadigm: it will ask for them when first connecting ...20:15
_OskaR_Pirate_Hunter : the last is from the none working20:15
Pirate_HunterWhisky_: ok, were going to be working with the network manager, right click it > edit connections > wireless tab > edit > check settings, make sure you got your dns there, you wpa/wpe keys are correct and you machine dhcp ip matches your router i.e. if the router is than the machine should be
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository20:15
UltraParadigmoh, ok erUSUL, thanks.  It apears to be taking forever, but I'll just wait for it.20:15
Pirate_Hunter_OskaR_: read what I told Whisky_ could you do the same but for wired connection instead20:16
Whisky_Pirate_Hunter: I installed WICD and remove network manager. Yes it's on the same range as the router and I have my DNS there too20:16
Zolomon|VPSI downloaded some source code, there's a "man" directory with lots of *.3 files - how do I read them?20:16
The_Toxic_MiteDoes anyone know if 10.04 will include btrfs support, keeping in mind a stable version is still to be released?20:17
Zolomon|VPS(Unzipped 'em)20:17
Pirate_Hunter_OskaR_: ignore command line lets try to set it through network manager instead20:17
acicula Zolomon|VPS add them to man path20:17
arandZolomon|VPS: less?20:17
Zolomon|VPSacicula: How can I do that?20:17
_OskaR_Pirate_Hunter : hmmm k..20:17
NFischerhi all.. is there a way to share files via an web-interface through LAn... as it has been in gnump3d?20:17
erUSULZolomon|VPS: they are man pages, you will have to use groff and less20:17
winr4rZolomon|VPS: man -l filename.320:18
winr4rshould work20:18
Zolomon|VPSAh, thanks!20:18
aciculaZolomon|VPS: set a man page, or use man -m <path> etc, type man man ;)20:18
Zolomon|VPSacicula: Ah, I used -M :P20:18
Pirate_HunterWhisky_: no clue about WICD you've done plenty of things, *sigh* I just assume the procedure is the same, is power going into your wireless adapter/card20:18
aciculaZolomon|VPS: oh man page says M actually20:18
winr4ri'm going to go switch to my lucid box!20:18
winr4rManDay: it is beyond awesome20:18
FloodBot1winr4r: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:19
aciculaZolomon|VPS: otherwise you could try usin the formatter man uses, which is groff i think20:19
Whisky_Pirate_Hunter: Yes, it sees my network and connects too!20:19
Pirate_HunterWhisky_: it has the corretc ip, sees your network, you have the correct dns and yet you can't surf the net?20:19
_OskaR_Pirate_Hunter : hmmm k.. But it does not indicate a working interface in the statusbar.. so using the network manager yealds nothing (i did try remove the settings i had there and let it get from DHCP but aslong it get no "working" device...20:19
gianhello fellows... I have an Acer Aspire 3050, and Ubuntu 9.10. Everything was allright but the card reader doesn't work... some one can help me?20:20
Whisky_Pirate_Hunter: Yes...or download anything or do anything related to the internet20:20
Zolomon|VPSacicula: It only asks what man page I want to view or something, don't understand it fully - and gross displays line endings and a lot of dots. Thanks though. :)20:20
ManDaywinr4r still there?20:20
Pirate_Hunter_OskaR_: let me check online and this si a clean install that doesn't see your network card...20:20
rocket16best mind map for ubuntu20:21
erUSULZolomon|VPS: try this --> « groff -Tascii -man file.3 | less »20:21
rocket16which is the best mind map for ubuntu?20:21
Zolomon|VPSerUSUL: everything between the arrow symbols?20:21
Neremorwell, the displaying of tag-related articles and pages in the tag.php file happens via a wordpress loop. Is there a way to find out whether "the_post()" is an article or a page?20:21
_OskaR_Pirate_Hunter : i did try afew things. starting the LAST kernel in grub (shift and then arrow down 3 times.. )20:22
giancard reader, anyone?20:22
Neremorsorry, wrong channel20:22
aciculagian: can you formulate that as a question?20:22
nwillemshello fellow ubuntu users - I'm wondering if it is possible to install pacman(Arch linux package manager) on ubuntu?20:22
erUSULnwillems: no20:23
xerfi know this is easy, but what file do i edit to tell ubuntu to not load certain modules on boot?20:23
_OskaR_Pirate_Hunter : some ifxxx comads to stop and start.. (gives error no sutch device )20:23
Zolomon|VPSerUSUL: It almost works fully! Shows tabulation symbols and some other stuff - but it's readable now. <320:23
aciculanwillems: yes and no, yes its theoretically possible but its something that will break the system at the very least20:23
Haffexerf: Serach for module blacklisting.20:23
xerfHaffe:  thanks!20:23
gianI put a memory stick duo in the card reader on my notebook, but nothing happens, what I need to do or install to see it?20:24
BesogonDoes someone know if silverlight (we call it the cervelat :) )works on ubuntu and what version is supported?20:24
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aciculaBesogon: yes, moonlight is what its called20:24
erUSULBesogon: there is the mono version. moonlight.20:24
_OskaR_Pirate_Hunter : it al started trough a fuse that blew and power was lost in house... next boot i had no eth020:24
aciculagian: it does not show up under Places?20:24
nwillemsacicula: Hmm, I'm thinking of switching to arch, but I think that i forgot to put my home on a seperate partition :(20:25
aciculagian: can you pastebin the output from dmesg, last bits just after you inserted the card20:25
aciculanwillems: /home is not affected by a package manager, or distro for the most part20:25
unopnwillems, backup /home before the install, you can always restore it later.20:25
Pirate_HunterWhisky_: sorry back20:25
Besogonmoonlight-plugin-core - Free Software clone of Silverlight 1.0 (only first version)20:26
Pirate_HunterWhisky_: not sure I would've suspected your dns or wpa/wpe keys being incorrect can you actuallyopen your router interface through the browser20:26
erUSULBesogon: http://www.go-mono.com/moonlight/20:27
gianacicula: dmesg don't show the device...20:27
gianbut the lspci20:27
gian08:01.4 FLASH memory: ENE Technology Inc SD/MMC Card Reader Controller (rev 01)20:27
gianis something wrong?20:28
ranjbhi can someone help me with an error I keep getting which says" GRUB Loading"20:28
BesogonerUSUL, thanks20:28
ranjbI have windows 7 64bit installed and am trying to install ubuntu 9.10 64bit and I load the live CD, install Ubuntu but once I restart the computer I just get a GRUB loading message20:29
ranjband cannot boot into either systems.20:29
deviananyone know how to define environment variables in wine?20:29
_OskaR_Pirate_Hunter : is there a way to get ubuntu to purge current net config and rediscover ?20:29
aciculagian: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/303844 ?20:29
deviani just installed this program called polystyle, it's a source code formatter and i get an error from the polystyle program saying "Polystyle home not defined"20:29
aciculagian: if its the same device as discussed there it seems its just not supported under ubuntu20:30
nwillemshow would i check the size of a specific folder?20:30
guntbertnwillems: du -sh <foldername>20:30
Tobarjai use putty to log into my ubuntu box. i run screen in the box, like i do on my other boxes. on this ubuntu box, putty can't seem to scroll back beyond me opening the screen session, but on my other boxes i can scroll back my full buffer(several thousand lines). any idea why?20:31
Pirate_Hunter_OskaR_: one sec20:31
nwillemsguntbert: thanks20:31
guntbertnwillems: if you want its size including subfolders20:31
nwillemsguntbert: Exactly what i want :)20:31
guntbertnwillems: you're welcome :-)20:31
BesogonI have another question: There are 2 Ethernet cards (one looks in computer's class room, second looks in Lokal area of the university) What is the best way to connect this two interfaces? (Wmay be the bridge or only iptables will be enough)20:31
gianoh shi...20:32
_OskaR_Pirate_Hunter ..thx..20:32
ikoniaBesogon: define connect them, they are all ready connected by your computer20:32
HaffeBesogon: I don't understand your question.20:32
HaffeWhat is it you want to do?20:32
aciculaBesogon: you can route with two cards, or bridge, these are different things20:32
gianacicula: Have you any ideia to help with other way?20:32
aciculagian: if there's no driver support there's not much to be done, bar writing a driver :/20:33
Pirate_Hunter_OskaR_: huh... havent sorted your problem yet, aparently to reset you just have to change the setting of network manager or redo interfaces20:33
Pirate_Hunter_OskaR_: I think I may have to wait for someone to help you because I can't figure out what could be wrong, if dns, has bee put and the default interfaces would have picked up your eth0 conenct unless your not using eth0 maybe eth1/2 but that mostly happens in VM20:35
Mad_DudHi guys, can you give me a clue how to solve issue with xrandr: screen extended on two screens: 1024x768 + 1440x900, everything ok except that the edge of smaller screen does not is lover than screen itself and mouse cursor disappears.20:35
erUSULBesogon: depends on what you want to do and how are the two networks related ...20:36
aciculaMad_Dud: mouse cursor disseappearing is a side effect of the difference in resolution unfotunatly20:36
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BesogonerUSUL, , Local area has RIP routing. I'm going to use quagga. And I've read  about Bridges but not clearly undestand their meaning in connecting interfaces20:36
Mad_Dudaciula, can anything be done with that?20:36
Mad_Dudacicula* sorry20:37
aciculaBesogon: bridges/hubs are level two interconnects, routers are level3,ie IP based20:37
erUSULBesogon: ok; you mentioned quagga is time to move to #networking :) ...20:37
jeroen-hi folks - I have a problem with daap/avahi and rhythmbox - I can see the laptop, but can't see the desktop - I have port 3689/tcp and 5353/udp open in UFW. When I do a avahi-browse -a -r -t  on the laptop I only see the laptop itself. Please help?20:37
_OskaR_Pirate_Hunter : .. it should work on auto. . i tried both auto and manual ip (static) on this LIVE now (on same rig/hardware) ..and al work. BUT on the original ubuntu on that , it does NOT20:38
e-i-k-ehi guys20:38
jeroen-UFW of the desktop off course, laptop has the ubuntu default20:38
daftykins_OskaR_: are you in the install or the livecd mode right now? Pirate_Hunter just explained your situation20:39
e-i-k-ecan someone tell me if it is a security risk when using QEMU to run a guest OS and QEMU is using KVM? would it be more secure for the host OS when QEMU is emulating all without using KVM?20:39
aciculakvm provides ht extensions as opposed to just emulating20:40
erUSULe-i-k-e: no; kvm just make qemu faster not less secure afaik20:40
e-i-k-eerUSUL: okay, i dont know much about virtualization/emulation but thought it could be a risk to share the host kernel to the guest OS (thats what i think KVM is)20:41
Besogonacicula, What do you advise turn on ip forwarding and use quagga and samba (may be  I will make a domen in sammer there) or learn bridges better? Is there any benefit of bridgin. (in my case one of local nets very little)20:41
street_dvdOkay. This might sound crazy, but can I embed a terminal in an impress presentation?20:42
erUSULe-i-k-e: you do no share the host kernel when using kvm the guest has its own kernel. you share the hardware resources more efficiently20:42
erUSULstreet_dvd: do not think so20:42
ranjbHI was wondering if someone can advise on how I can resolve a problem. I have windows 7 64bit installed and am trying to install ubuntu 9.10 64bit and I can successfully load the live CD, install Ubuntu but once I have to restart the computer I just get a 'GRUB loading' message and can not login into either OS. can anyone help me pls? its driving me nuts20:43
e-i-k-eerUSUL: okay. havent read much about KVM but than its okay20:43
_OskaR_daftykins . Can you help me on my NIC issue ?20:44
daftykins_OskaR_: yes, i'd like to know if you're in the non-functional install or the livecd on the same PC right now plz20:44
_OskaR_daftykins . Live atm20:45
ranjbyes I am on the PC now20:45
aciculaBesogon: i dont know what you are even trying to do20:45
daftykins_OskaR_: ok do you have another computer to type from or do you only have one?20:45
_OskaR_daftykins . Live atm same hw. just booted of the CD.20:45
_OskaR_i have this lappy ... (windoze : )20:45
guntbertBesogon: the hint to ##networking was serious :-)20:46
aciculaBesogon: just ip forwarding is simpeler then making a bridge20:46
daftykins_OskaR_: ok cool, from the livecd can you open a terminal and pastebin the output of "lspci" please?20:46
funkycat90210How can I delete a file named "--exclude=log"? .. from the bash shell20:46
_OskaR_daftykins . sure.. il do.20:46
daftykinsfunkycat90210: rm "--exclude=log"20:46
_OskaR_daftykins . sure.. il do. mind you it will be on the working ...now ..20:46
daftykins_OskaR_: yes that's what i'm after :)20:46
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Besogonthanks all20:47
funkycat90210daftykins, rm "--exclude=log" => rm: unrecognized option `--exclude=log'20:47
daftykinsfunkycat90210: do you get nothing if you type "rm -" then try hitting tab?20:48
funkycat90210rm --exclude\=log => rm: unrecognized option `--exclude=log' ... rm '--exclude=log' =>rm: unrecognized option `--exclude=log'20:48
funkycat90210i want this file to die20:48
daftykins"rm \--exclude=log" ?20:48
funkycat90210daftykins, tab gives me rm --exclude\=log => rm: unrecognized option `--exclude=log'20:48
RalphSpencerLenny has Gnome 2.28 or 2.3020:49
_OskaR_daftykins . pastebin  #13765720:49
daftykins_OskaR_: which one? pastebin.com?20:49
funkycat90210daftykins, rm \--exclude=log => rm: unrecognized option `--exclude=log'20:49
_OskaR_daftykins . pastebin  #137657 pastbin.org20:50
_OskaR_daftykins . pastebin  #137657 pastebin.org20:50
fastijumfunkycat90210: rm -- --exclude=log20:50
daftykins_OskaR_: ok got it :) no need to type every line to me twice by the way20:50
_OskaR_just a typo ...sorry for the buzz20:50
funkycat90210fastijum, find . -name '*xclu*log' | xargs rm  <-- worked, so I didnt try that suggestion but thanks20:51
fastijumfunkycat90210: whoa, that’s cumbersome. glad it worked, though.20:51
Freeloader[TR]hi there ,  is it ok if I install ubuntu on the same drive where windows is located?20:51
ranjbIf i use the live CD and boot from hard disk I get an error which says disk error 01, ax =0201, drive 8020:51
fastijumfunkycat90210: coreutils programs all take a -- argument to mean “from now on, only files, no options”20:52
daftykins_OskaR_: ok in the livecd environment, you have the connection status up by where it says "ubuntu" on the panel top right. i want you to right click and select "connection information" and tell me what it says for "Driver" in the window that opens20:53
unopfunkycat90210, rm -- "--exclude=log"    or   rm ./--exclude=log20:53
fastijumranjb: look for int 13h function 02h error code 01h20:53
_OskaR_daftykins . atl120:53
fastijum!pm ranjb20:54
jeroen-hi folks - I have a problem with daap/avahi and rhythmbox - I can see the laptop, but can't see the desktop - I have port 3689/tcp and 5353/udp open in UFW. When I do a avahi-browse -a -r -t  on the laptop I only see the laptop itself. Please help?20:54
fastijummmm, I thought there was a bot here.20:54
daftykins_OskaR_: ok and is this 9.10 karmic, or another version? and 32-bit or 64-bit?20:54
NFischerhi all.. is there a way to share files via an web-interface through LAn... as it has been in gnump3d?20:54
_OskaR_daftykins .9.10 32bit20:54
robacarpHi, I'm running rsync backups on my home lan and want to set it up to work across the internet too.  Is it better to attempt to push rsync through ssh or to just publish my rsync port on the server?20:55
daftykins_OskaR_: ok can you reboot into the installation which doesn't work now... and come online from the windows laptop?20:55
_OskaR_daftykins .9.10 32bit and it has worked for a good while..20:55
zapatawhat software cad for linux?20:55
sevolhow do you connect to a wireless network via console?20:55
Haffezapata: 2d cad?20:55
_OskaR_daftykins il do (and stay here)20:55
Haffe3d cad?20:55
Haffesevol: iwconfig20:55
zapata3d cad20:55
sevolHaffe: can u be more specific20:56
zapataHaffe:3d cad20:56
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Haffezapata: There is pycad I think.20:56
sevolHaffe: i did iwconfig wlan0 essid NAME / iwconfig wlan0 key <key> / iwconfig wlan0 channel <channel> / iwconfig wlan0 mode managed / but how do i connect20:57
a_h_rothSilly question: does anyone know why the latest version of Firefox for Ubuntu is 3.6.2, and not 3.6.3?  Does the security hole that was fixed in 3.6.3 only apply to Windows?20:57
daftykinsa_h_roth: it usually takes a bit of time to package up the latest fixes for ubuntu20:57
Haffesevol: Don't you use sudo dhclient wlan0 after that?20:58
daftykinsa_h_roth: also, i don't know who does it, but it's the easter holiday right now so if someone at Canonical in London does it, it'll probably appear tomorrow or this week :)20:58
sevolHaffe: >_< do you? thats what im asking20:58
alesanI would like to install KDE as an option. whyich package should I use? I do not want to install kubuntu-desktop20:58
_OskaR_daftykins ..there20:58
a_h_rothdaftykins: that is a reasonable explanation. Thanks!20:58
daftykinsa_h_roth: np :)20:58
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde420:58
ubottuKDE 4.3 is the latest major release of the KDE Software Compilation. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.3.4 - KDE SC 4.4 Beta1 packages for !karmic are available here http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4-beta-1 - Support in #kubuntu20:59
daftykins_OskaR_: ok, so i was under the impression it's a clean install of karmic yes? so you said it has worked for some time, so have you reinstalled to fix this issue or?20:59
guntbertfastijum: there is but you want to redirect her output with |  (like !hi | fastijum )20:59
_OskaR_daftykins .. now if i try pull that info on the netw. mannager i get "no valid activ connection found" .(translated)21:00
daftykins_OskaR_: yes, if you open the terminal though and type 'lspci' do you still see:21:00
daftykins02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Attansic Technology Corp. L1 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (rev b0)21:00
_OskaR_daftykins .. no i have not ..YEt.21:00
FloodBot1daftykins: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:00
fastijum!pm | fastijum21:00
ubottufastijum, please see my private message21:00
fastijumguntbert: got it, thanks21:01
guntbertfastijum: you're welcome :-) (btw with /query ubottu you can open a private window with her)21:02
_OskaR_daftykins .. yes its there !21:02
fastijumguntbert: I’m with Empathy 2.28, so that’s not really an option :)21:02
daftykins_OskaR_: ok :) type "sudo modprobe atl1" and enter your password, let me know if that completes. it should just go back to the prompt cleanly21:02
sevolcan anyone show me how to connect to a wpa/wpa2 wireless network in console..21:02
daftykins!wpa | sevol21:03
ubottusevol: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:03
_OskaR_daftykins .. yes its there !21:03
_OskaR_daftykins .. yes it did ... (sorry for doublepost)21:03
daftykins_OskaR_: ok if you type "ifconfig -a" now, in that terminal, does it list an eth0?21:04
_OskaR_daftykins .. yes it does !21:04
daftykins_OskaR_: ok log out and then back in again :)21:04
zapatawhat software cad for linux?21:06
_OskaR_daftykins .. yes , back. btw on the networkmannager i have a "ifupdown (eth0)  Newer" line21:07
daftykins_OskaR_: left clicking or?21:07
_OskaR_clicking and selecting the 3 option from top.21:08
stercorI'm powering down to install another hard drive.  How can I have uptime start from the previous uptime figure.21:09
daftykins_OskaR_: "edit connections" ?21:09
_OskaR_daftykins .. i did add a second cofig line now. but still cant delete the first one..!21:09
cfeddeno official date for 10.04 yet?21:10
_OskaR_daftykins .. sorry it is in norwegian.. on this install so tad hard to ....21:10
_OskaR_cfedde 29.0421:10
cfedde_OskaR_: thanks21:10
daftykins_OskaR_: ah ok no problem :) try the option which i have, which is "auto eth0"21:11
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_OskaR_daftykins .. i did add a second cofig line now. but still cant delete the first one..!21:11
daftykinscfedde: if you google "lucid lynx release schedule" there's a whole page on the dates :)21:11
_OskaR_daftykins .. i'l doo21:11
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cfeddedaftykins: also thanks.21:12
daftykinscfedde: np :)21:12
daftykins!no | _OskaR_21:13
ubottu_OskaR_: Hvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!21:13
daftykinsbtw ^ :)21:13
_OskaR_daftykins ..the second selection "info" ...gives a error message that there is no valid activ connection ...21:13
_OskaR_daftykins ..i do think it is that bogus config file that F. it up..21:14
daftykins_OskaR_: yeah i think the same21:14
_OskaR_daftykins  so how to get ridd of it..21:15
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hodgesHow do I delete a symbolic link?21:15
fastijumhodges: rm21:15
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fastijumhodges: no, it won’t delete the target.21:16
_OskaR_daftykins  HA ! i got net.. atlest i can use VNC !21:16
hodgesI was about to ask that21:16
fastijumhodges: I knew that :)21:16
AndyGraybealis there some nice app that monitors heat on computers for ubuntu?21:16
daftykins_OskaR_: ah ok :)21:16
fastijumAndyGraybeal: Hardware Monitor panel applet21:17
hodgesyeah it did delete the target21:17
AndyGraybealfastijum: nice, lemme find it21:17
fastijumhodges: :P21:17
AndyGraybealfastijum: is it in 8.1?21:18
AndyGraybealer 8.10 ?21:18
fastijumAndyGraybeal: what GNOME did that use?21:18
AndyGraybeal2.2 i think21:18
_OskaR_daftykins  hmmm guess i could REinstall the mannager in synaptic and MABY purge the bugger that way ..21:18
AndyGraybealfastijum: 2.2 i think21:18
daftykins_OskaR_: i'd find out where in ~/ the network-manager config is stored21:19
fastijumAndyGraybeal: I don’t think so. unless you mean 2.2021:19
robertzaccourhow do i forward an email from gmail?21:19
AndyGraybealfastijum: well that might be what i mean, lemme do a apt-cache show gnome21:19
_OskaR_daftykins  PM?21:19
robertzaccourofftopic police don't go insane, there is no gmail irc21:19
daftykinsrobertzaccour: click forward top right, or bottom right21:19
robertzaccourdaftykins, thanks21:19
daftykins_OskaR_: no stay here, i have no more ideas21:19
fastijumAndyGraybeal: 2.2 came out in February 2003 :)21:19
AndyGraybealfastijum: Version: 1:2.22.2~4ubuntu221:20
AndyGraybealfastijum: does that sound right?21:20
fastijumAndyGraybeal: that’s more like it. don’t know if that panel applet existed back then, though.21:20
AndyGraybealfastijum: okay, thank you for the help, is there a way i can 'add' it to what i have?  or is that very complicated?  cause i probably can't manage.21:21
AndyGraybealif so i mean21:21
ViperfangEvening all. I am attempting to put multiple versions of ubuntu onto 1 usb drive using syslinux. I have done almost everything and have come to a small snag. I need to move filesystem.squashfs to another folder other than casper in the root of the drive. Is there an option to do this?21:21
fastijumAndyGraybeal: wait a sec, I’m checking a few things for you21:21
ravingGreetings, I'm trying to upgrade from 8.10 to something more recent, installed update-manager-core, but do-release-update refuses to run because "GnuPGInterface" is missing from python. Is there a way around this?21:21
AndyGraybealshould i just install conky?21:22
guntbertraving: did you run sudo aptitude(or apt-get) update and upgrade?21:22
AndyGraybealfastijum: i'm reading that lm-sensors is my friend21:22
daftykinsraving: have you tried the alternative method of hitting alt+f2 to get the run dialogue box, then typing "gksudo update-manager -d" ?21:22
fastijumAndyGraybeal: check if you can install sensors-applet21:22
ravingguntbert, I'll try that21:23
rallHi guys,, looks like I have messed up some codecing.. Now I cant play anything.. How to reinstall all codecs fast and easy??  Anyone knows?21:23
robertzaccourtonyyarusso, hey, what was that ban about? if i recall correctly, most the rudeness was toward me over dumb stuff, and i was banned after a couple others in chat were technically "owned" by me in offtopic21:23
AndyGraybealfastijum: awesome thank you, will do, 2secs21:23
fastijumAndyGraybeal: that’s the name of it in my Gentoo, I’m checking about Ubuntu in a sec21:23
ravingdaftykins, when I which update-manager I don't get anything back21:23
guntbertrobertzaccour: don't discuss that in here please -- there is #ubuntu-ops for appeals21:24
AndyGraybealfastijum: d/l now21:24
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fastijumAndyGraybeal: checked, same name in Ubuntu21:24
robertzaccourguntbert, thanks21:24
ravingBut I do have do-release-upgrade. I'm gonna try what guntbert suggested really quick21:24
fastijumAndyGraybeal: great21:24
fastijumit’s great to be able to help Ubuntu people despite not having a single Ubuntu box :D21:25
AndyGraybealfastijum:  :)21:25
Ilsyanyone know if there's a channel for Warsow?21:25
ravingfastijum: UNIX is great isn't it?21:25
ViperfangEvening all. I am attempting to put multiple versions of ubuntu onto 1 usb drive using syslinux. I have done almost everything and have come to a small snag. I need to move filesystem.squashfs to another folder other than casper in the root of the drive. Is there an option to do this?21:25
robertzaccourguntbert, no one responding there21:25
fastijumraving: yep21:26
guntbertrobertzaccour: wait - eventually someone will21:26
robertzaccourdoes anyone know about what time ops are in #ubuntu-ops?21:26
robertzaccourguntbert, oh ok thanks21:26
fastijumAndyGraybeal: once you’ll have that installed, it’ll be available as a panel applet to add. if you don’t know how to do that, just ask21:26
acicularobertzaccour: ask there, arguing about a ban here is not going to help matters much21:26
ravingfastijum: the LSB helps too; I think Ubuntu has really done something good with incorporating the LSB21:27
planetaryhey guys I need help with a computer. Flash is making my fire fox crash and i think its the way xorg is configured. how do i install a good ati driver21:27
robertzaccouracicula, not really arguing, just calling out the banner. you're right though, shouldn't have blasted that in main chat21:27
aciculaIlsy: there is a polish language channel21:27
manuggisn't good ati driver an oxymoron =)21:27
IlsyI'm just trying to find out where to put the maps I downloaded....lol21:28
fastijumraving: don’t know about that. to me POSIX is enough, and GNOME’s coherency is a nice plus21:28
aciculaplanetary: either the open source or the binary via Hardware Drivers21:28
robertzaccourthese days Linux is pretty much owned by Intel and Nvidia lol21:28
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Ilsycan't seem to find any mention of it on the net21:28
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.21:29
ravingfastijum: LSB is the linux standards base. Of course, POSIX is incredibly important, espescially to programmers like myself21:29
fastijumwow, that’s cool21:29
=== Ilsy is now known as help
davidcramerhey all so I'm trying to do this with iptables (http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/386) and I've done what it's said now how to I enable the rules?21:29
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fastijumraving: I know what LSB is, I just don’t know if I actually use it (for one, I don’t know how much Gentoo complies to it, since it’s quite a distro of its own kind)21:29
ravingfastijum: ahh, you're a gentooer as well21:30
AndyGraybealfastijum: i just ran 'sensors-detect' it says i have to add everything it found to /etc/modules (which i did) is there a way i can get those modules to load without restarting my machine?21:30
aciculaidunno, i see a lot of ati driver trollin but tbh wonder how much that is about people repeating others21:30
aciculaAndyGraybeal: yeah just do a sudo modprobe <drivername>21:30
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fastijumAndyGraybeal: do what acicula said21:31
=== overmin1 is now known as overmind1
AndyGraybealacicula: thank yuo , fastijum same!21:31
fastijumAndyGraybeal: did you get the sensors you wanted?21:31
rallwhat should I do when I no longer can play movies on my ubuntu box.. looks like I have damaged codecs or something..  cant play youtube anymore  or anything..21:31
luchiano os entiendo21:31
ravingacicula: I suppose I haven't considered ATI since the earlier days, perhaps with AMD owning them driver support will become much better in the future21:31
acicularall: youtube is goverend by flash21:32
BobSappI installed php5 and apache2 and when I access the php file under /var/www/cake it wants to download the php file in the browser? anyone know what this is about?21:32
guntbert!es | luchia21:32
ubottuluchia: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:32
ravingBobSapp: did you install mod_php?21:32
fastijumraving: yeah, I use Gentoo, and a number of others in VirtualBox, just so that I know what I’m talking about when I need to help people using them21:32
brontosaurusrexBobSapp: php is not enabled21:32
ravingfastijum: I use gentoo at home, ubuntu where I work21:32
AndyGraybealfastijum, i honestly don'tk now enough about this to be sure -- but i got like 5 modules to load, so hopefully :)21:32
BobSappI think it is because if i access /var/www/info.php it prints the phpinfo output21:33
Airellshi , after restart my ubuntu : "kernel panic -not syncing : vfs : unable to mount root fs on unknow-block (8,7)  i dont remember to do sth expect install vm21:33
BobSappill try and check21:33
robertzaccourhow come people are directed to ubuntu.pastebin.com, when pastebin.com is quicker to type? just curious. is it a big deal which paste bin we use?21:33
acicularobertzaccour: completely arbitrairly21:33
faultygroundIs there a method to enable thumnail caching for image folders similar to the thumbs.db file created by windows XP-7?  I have several folders with 50,000+ images, and it takes several minutes for these folders to complete loading under ubuntu as it is creating thumbnails from scratch =/21:33
ravingBobSapp: hmm, interesting. Is the source file in another place?21:33
fastijumfaultyground: Nautilus does keep a thumbnail cache21:34
fastijumfaultyground: it’s in your home dir21:34
BobSappinfo.php is in /var/www/ and the cake directory is /var/www/cake21:34
BobSappno symlinks or anything21:34
ravingBobSapp: so info.php is working as expected, but not cake?21:35
BobSappah info.php is owner root but the cake directory is owned by www-data21:35
fastijumfaultyground: ls ~/.thumbnails/normal/21:35
ravingBobSapp: does info.php have +x on it?21:35
AndyGraybealfastijum: i found it; awesome!  very cool21:35
AndyGraybealerr.. maybe very hot :P21:35
rallacicula, how to be able to play all flash in ubuntu? :)  Installed the adobe flashplayer21:35
ravingBobSapp: what is the mode on the file?21:35
faultygroundfastijum: Any way you know of to increase the allowable cache size?21:36
fastijumAndyGraybeal: so you got your temp sensors? great21:36
AndyGraybealfastijum: some of my crap is at 127degreesC !!!21:36
fastijumfaultyground: I don’t know of any limits to it, actually21:36
BobSappraving: the one that works is -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   20 2010-04-05 21:19 info.php21:36
fastijumAndyGraybeal: some sensors might require adjusting21:36
acicularall try locating the libflash lib and run ldd, see if its missing libs?21:37
lucidlynxhello, how can i reset my keyboard shortcuts to default?21:37
faultygroundfastijum: hm =/  might it have anything to do with the fact that the folders are on a seperate hard drive that is not mounted on bootup?21:37
robertzaccouracicula, oh ok thanks21:37
fastijumAndyGraybeal: oh, and some might just be not working (read: not connected to an actual temperature sensor)21:37
BobSappthe one that doesnt work has mode: -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 2.2K 2010-01-29 18:54 index.php21:37
ViperfangEvening all. I am attempting to put multiple versions of ubuntu onto 1 usb drive using syslinux. I have done almost everything and have come to a small snag. I need to move filesystem.squashfs to another folder other than casper in the root of the drive. Is there an option to do this?21:37
AndyGraybealfastijum: okay, is there some documentation?  i just gotta get a feel for this stuff.. eh?21:37
fastijumfaultyground: does GNOME consider it a removable drive?21:37
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fastijumAndyGraybeal: just right click the applet, it should have an Help menu entry21:38
AndyGraybealfastijum: thanks a lot man, this is excellent.21:38
faultygroundNo, its a fixed disk on the same SATA controller as the system drive21:38
AndyGraybealfastijum: do you know if there is logging?21:38
AndyGraybealfastijum: or like ... what is it.. that rrdtool stuff?21:38
fastijumAndyGraybeal: I don’t think so, sorry21:38
faultygroundfastijum: oops, forgot to add your name, no its a fixed disk21:38
BobSappI think i got the problem21:39
BobSappi didnt enable allowoveride in httpd.conf21:39
fastijumAndyGraybeal: but you can probably get logging done by lm_sensors itself21:39
spencer_ok...I have 2 partitions on my HDD that are not connected at startup, how do I set them to mount during boot as a default?21:39
AndyGraybealit monitors voltages from the powersupply!! awesome21:39
fastijumfaultyground: then there’s no reason why GNOME wouldn’t generate thumbnails for that stuff21:39
AndyGraybealfastijum: okay t hank you so much, this is excellent21:39
FriedrichManhello everyone21:39
fastijumfaultyground: I’m just not sure if it caches pictures outside of your ${HOME}, but I think so21:40
fastijumAndyGraybeal: you’re welcome21:40
FriedrichManI am not sure about how to get my laptop (which only connects to the internet wirelessly) to have a static ip21:40
rallacicula, :)  nice!!  Didnt understand the output I got, but yeah interesting that libraries can be chacked like that.  I found the flash file here: /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/. and I ldd libflashplayer.so   Got a lot of output, how do I know if I miss moething here?21:40
FriedrichManI am trying to configure a NFS21:40
alexdamian... rall21:41
faultygroundfastijum: ah well, thats given me a strong place to start.  If I cant speed things up, I may try switching to a reiserfs and see if that helps any.  It is supposed to be very good for hoardes of tiny files21:41
BlaDe^Hi im trying to install xmms and the ./configure requires GLIB, so I tried to download it and the package manager said I already have a newer version21:41
alexdamian... raving_21:41
acicularall: it will say not found or missin21:41
FriedrichManjoin #ubuntu-es21:41
=== spencer_ is now known as Ilsy
BlaDe^it says: configure: error: *** GLIB >= 1.2.2 not installed - please install first **21:42
fastijumBlaDe^: do you have the dev package?21:42
BlaDe^fastijum,  not sure21:42
FriedrichManso... anybody has an answer?21:43
FriedrichManI am not sure about how to get my laptop (which only connects to the internet wirelessly) to have a static ip21:43
BlaDe^how can I check fastijum  ?21:43
fastijumfaultyground: don’t know much about reiserfs. I wouldn’t call 50000 files a myriad, though21:43
amosBlaDe^: sudo apt-get install libglib1.3-dev ?21:43
ravingalexdamian: what can I help you with?21:43
fastijumfaultyground: (yes, they’re quite a lot though)21:43
rallacicula, ok thanks a lot!! Great info21:44
fastijumBlaDe^: sudo apt-get install libglib-dev21:44
abu123how to config evolution mail21:45
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois21:46
FriedrichManare you guys getting my messages?21:46
amosabu123: http://www.simplehelp.net/2007/08/11/how-to-set-up-evolution-for-email/21:47
abu123it shows "the app evolution(/usr/bin/evolution) wants to access to the default  keyring , but ot is locked" what I do21:47
guntbertFriedrichMan: yes21:47
ravingFriedrichMan: yes, we can see you21:47
FriedrichManok thanks21:47
fastijumFriedrichMan: yes21:47
FriedrichManso..I am not sure about how to get my laptop (which only connects to the internet wirelessly) to have a static ip21:47
BlaDe^I installed  libglib2.0-dev  and it's still giving the same error21:47
FriedrichManis there a way around it?21:47
alesanhi, how can I mount a file as encrypted filesystem?21:47
ravingFriedrichMan: well, you can assign a static lease at the router end21:48
BlaDe^fastijum,  it couldn't find the package you provided but found libglib2.0-dev instead21:48
abu123it shows "the app evolution(/usr/bin/evolution) wants to access to the default  keyring , but ot is locked" what I do21:48
FriedrichManraving: and how can I do this?21:48
fastijumBlaDe^: yeah, that’s fine. but you’re still getting an error, uh? are you sure it’s the very same?21:48
danger_HI quick question when I launch too apps using sound, I lose ALL sound21:49
amosBlaDe^: sudo apt-get install xmms221:49
danger_How do I fix this21:49
ravingFriedrichMan: well it depends on whether or not your router supports that, and is usually dependent on the router. Usually, however, you can set it up in your DHCP configuration on the router's end21:49
rekhi, i did ifconfig wlan0 up/ iwlist scan/ iwconfig wlan0 essid alice-xxxxx /iwconfig wlan0 essid mywpakey / dhcpcd                  wlan0 timed out or something and then dhcpcd.sh     ip: for example then  elinks www.google.it host not found where's my error?21:49
BlaDe^checking for GLIB - version >= 1.2.2... no --  *** The glib-config script installed by GLIB could not be found => configure: error: *** GLIB >= 1.2.2 not installed - please install first ***21:49
ravingFriedrichMan: some of the newer routers support that, and if you have a monowall or IPCop router, I know that those for sure support it21:50
FriedrichManraving: so there's no way to do it from Edit connections/ Wireless ?21:50
abu123any one help me21:50
ravingFriedrichMan: there may be, but I'm not certain.21:50
planetaryhow do i check what onboard video i have. apparently there is a S3 prosavage on the computer and its lame21:50
ravingFriedrichMan: I don't use gnome, so I'm not familiar with most of the tools21:50
aciculaplanetary: S3 prosavage is the vga21:51
ravingplanetary: lspci can give you an idea21:51
guntbertFriedrichMan: yes there is - but to prevent duplicate IP addresses you will have to take at the router config anyway21:51
FriedrichManguntbert: and how should I do that?21:51
McL0VIN_this is weird as Hell? please help me , i am at work and i use HummingBird to XDMCP to a Solaris 9 box . i used secureCRT to ssh to my ubunto box at home and i was browsing a webpage using w3m text browser , i THINK i clicked on a file to download i can't remember, then a DS3 went out so i went and click on exceed to see what is going on in the network then THERE WAS A WINDOWS with the file...21:52
McL0VIN_...i thought i didn't click????21:52
trukHallo und guten abend21:52
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:52
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ravingtruk, btw, Guten abend!21:52
WhiteCrow1how can i translate all Gnome language in persian or other language21:53
TA_hello, is there any application in ubuntu to run, simulate, compile, etc "Xcode"???21:53
ViperfangEvening all. I am attempting to put multiple versions of ubuntu onto 1 usb drive using syslinux. I have done almost everything and have come to a small snag. I need to move filesystem.squashfs to another folder other than casper in the root of the drive. Is there an option to do this?21:53
holmserI am having the strangest problem with my wifi21:53
guntbertFriedrichMan: in the settings go to the wireless tab, choose your connection, select edit, authenticate, goto IPv4 ...21:53
holmserI'm on ubuntu 9.10, and I can see my wireless network, but it won't associate21:53
tekonivel^^i wonder if i've understood correctly, that setting APT::Archives::MaxSize to 0 disables caching packages on my system21:53
holmserit will connect to my phone through wifi though21:54
haavarosI'm getting frustrated with gnome-terminal ... How do I make it give a beep through the sound card? I don't want the pcspeaker beep21:54
tekonivel^^i'd be happy not to store them21:54
ysetteHi, how do I find out how my Network card is called?21:54
McL0VIN_how did this happen21:54
ravingholmser: is this at home or in a corporate setting?21:54
tekonivel^^ysette: "ifconfig"?21:54
holmserat home21:54
WhiteCrow1anyone can help me21:54
ysettetekonivel^^: thx21:54
tekonivel^^ysette: worked for you?21:54
ysettetekonivel^^: no :D21:54
holmserI was able to connect to an open wifi network for about 20 seconds, then it went dead again21:54
FriedrichManguntbert: I am trying to do so... but I don't get the "Apply" button to activate21:55
ysettetekonivel^^: it is something where i then see realtek r.....21:55
ravingholmser: are you using broadcom wireless/21:55
holmsernope.  intel 210021:55
tekonivel^^ysette: aha that stuff, try "lspci"21:55
alpakaPlease introduce a shell IRC client.21:55
ysettetekonivel^^: thx, that worked :)21:55
holmserdrivers are working properly, or else I wouldn't be able to see all of the networks, correct?21:55
WhiteCrow1:) hey plz see me21:55
tekonivel^^ysette: or ssee into /var/log/syslog21:55
ravingholmser: strange. I've had to occasionally disable then reenable the wireless card to get it to work21:55
tekonivel^^ysette: np21:56
ravingalpaka: you're probably looking for irsii21:56
holmserand how would I do that?21:56
holmserits been a while since I've messed with wifi21:56
ravingholmser: right click on the network manager, and you'll get the option to disable it21:56
alpakaraving, thank you21:56
ravingalpaka: glad to help21:56
guntbertFriedrichMan: you must fill out address, netmask and gateway21:57
holmserstill won't associate21:57
planetaryyes prosavage 8 is whats running. i guess its a via chipset. anyways my aunt is having a tough time with flash working with firefox. from what I gather flash likes a defaultepth at 24 and her xorg.conf give little info. not sure what to do.... please help!!21:57
FriedrichManguntbert: did so.... and still... cannot press it21:57
jachuJest ktoś z polski ?:D?21:57
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.21:57
ravingholmser: is this a laptop? There might be a wireless switch you might've accidentally turned off21:58
ViperfangEvening all. I am attempting to put multiple versions of ubuntu onto 1 usb drive using syslinux. I have done almost everything and have come to a small snag. I need to move filesystem.squashfs to another folder other than casper in the root of the drive. Is there an option to do this?21:58
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:58
c3lwhy does 1 byte consist of specifically 8 bits? is 8 just a random nice number?21:58
ravingc3l: well techinically a byte can consist of any number of bits, but 8 has a lot of advantages, including being a power of 221:58
holmserstill won't associate21:58
holmserand there isn't a switch21:59
ravingholmser: I dunno to be quite honest21:59
holmserit will currently tether to my phone through an ad hoc network21:59
guntbertFriedrichMan: if you fill them out correctly you should get <apply> - but I have to leave - sorry21:59
holmserthis is pissing me off21:59
ravingc3l: as for why most machines have 8-bit bytes, that's just kind of how it happened22:00
FriedrichManguntbert: ok, thanks... I'll keep trying22:00
guntbertFriedrichMan: Good luck :-)22:00
haavarosI'm getting frustrated with gnome-terminal ... How do I make it give a beep through the sound card? I don't want the pcspeaker beep22:00
c3lraving, aah. so 8 was what got used in the first placed, and for the sake of consistency 8 was kept. a byte is rather a number of bits. and the 8bite byte is whats mostly used, more correctly called an octet?22:00
ravingc3l: you'll see the "byte" called the octet in networking  and interconnect parlance, the oldest machines actually had things like 9-bit bytes22:01
TA_is there any application for ubuntu to program iphone apps?22:01
ravingc3l: ASCII is also a 7-bit code and you can use that extra bit for error correction22:01
ion7Does anyone know how to get HDMI audio and 1080p on an ati RV730 other than using the ati properity driver?22:02
ermac0question : is there BTO software like QTP for linux22:02
ravingc3l: Otherwise that's more or less correct22:03
alpakaIs the main repository down?22:04
holmserthis is killing me22:04
lydiaHello, how must I change this iptables rule that it only blocks traffic outgoing from my local net? "iptables -A OUTPUT -m owner --gid-owner no-internet -j DROP"22:04
calumion7: Try this thread: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver22:04
jpdsalpaka: What are you seeing?22:04
ravingalpaka: not that I've been able to notice, but then agian I'm using anl's mirror22:04
c3lraving, ooh. thanks for clarifying. would you mind explaining more about how that 8th bit is used for error correction in ascii?22:04
=== blackcat is now known as Guest20968
ravingc3l: usually it's something called a parity bit. Basically if the sum of the bits in the byte is even, then it gets turned on22:05
haavarosIs it possible to have gnome-terminal beep to the soundcard?22:05
alpakajpds, sudo apt-get update, tsocks sudo apt-get update: waits forever to get the headers: [Waiting for headers]22:05
ravingc3l: Modern systems use ISO-Latin-1 or UTF8, though22:05
ravingErr, technically, the ISO codepage for your locale22:06
alpakajpds, I got a shitty ISP22:06
jpdsalpaka: Try: sudo apt-get update -o Debug::Acquire::http=true22:06
jpdsalpaka: Try using kw.archive.ubuntu.com instead.22:06
jarray52I'm getting the error message Alert! /dev/nfs does not exist. How could I start troubleshooting this problem?22:07
alpakajpds, thank you22:07
c3lraving, thank you! now ill let my self be fed with information from wikipedia22:08
ravingc3l: good deal22:08
vltHello. I've installed Ubuntu 9.10 and can't connect to my wlan. The SSID is showing in the network manager tool (so I assume the device is recognised), I entered the passphrase but I always get a "can't connect/no IP address" error message. Any idea where to look first?22:10
=== Guest71539 is now known as Flamey
jarray52vlt: type ifconfig at the shell prompt22:10
jarray52vlt: Do you know how to do that?22:10
vltjarray52: There's (besides eth0 and lo) a wlan0 and a wmaster0 device.22:12
jarray52vlt: How many ethernet NICs do you have?22:13
vltjarray52: Just eth022:13
jarray52vlt: How many wired and how many wireless?22:13
jarray52vlt: How many physical wired and wireless connections?22:13
vltjarray52: eth0 is wired. There's only one wireless device 083a:4521 Accton Technology Corp22:14
jarray52vlt: can you connect through the wired interface?22:14
vltjarray52: Yes22:15
BlaDe^fastijum,  are you still about?22:15
vltjarray52: DHCP is working fine22:15
jarray52vlt: Can you pastebin ifconfig?22:15
BlaDe^martin@martin-laptop:/usr/bin$ ls | grep glib -> glib-genmarshal, gettextize and mkenums --- so im really clueless still22:15
oalHow do I give a user write access to a folder? I want to give "ubuntu" access to /home/django. How would I do that? (there's also a django user)22:16
calumvlt: Was going to say it sounded like a dhcp problem, but dhcp works?22:16
sda_question: IF i start a comand line program with "command &" can i recall it and see the output and then re-put behind?22:16
fastijumBlaDe^: phone, sorry22:16
robertzaccouri have a question that has nothing at all to do with ubuntu. is there someone that i can chat with that may be knowledgeable?22:16
BlaDe^ok no problem fastijum22:16
ubuntumanhi all22:16
vltjarray52: http://pastebin.org/13782522:17
acicularobertzaccour: you're going to have to ask a question first, were not pshychic22:17
vltcalum: Yes, DHCP works fine for wired and several oher wireless clients.22:17
vltcalum: No MAC address restictions here22:17
cpanyone here use ptppd22:17
ViperfangEvening all. I am attempting to put multiple versions of ubuntu onto 1 usb drive using syslinux. I have done almost everything and have come to a small snag. I need to move filesystem.squashfs to another folder other than casper in the root of the drive. Is there an option to do this? Can anyone read this? Am I being heard?22:18
jarray52vlt: Could you also pastebin ifconfig -a?22:18
calumvlt: Any firewall settings or such like?22:18
ubuntumanlubuntu 10.04 works on p3 1gh celeron with 640mb ram and ati mobility 16mb?22:18
vltjarray52: The same, no inactive devices here22:18
vltcalum: Nope22:18
jarray52vlt: Is your router using Wep, WPA, or WPA2, or unencrypted?22:19
vltjarray52: WPA222:19
vltwpa_supplicant is installed22:19
jarray52vlt: Have you entered the password?22:19
vltjarray52: Yes.22:19
ubuntumanlubuntu 10.04 works on p3 1gh celeron with 640mb ram and ati mobility 16mb?22:19
cpim trying to figure out why my pptpd wont let me access regular internet when connected to my server VPN22:19
cpany ideas?22:20
vltjarray52: I c&p'ed it directly from the router's coniguration interface22:20
ubuntumanhave problem and dilema...22:20
ubuntumanlubuntu 10.04 works on p3 1gh celeron with 640mb ram and ati mobility 16mb?22:20
duffydackvlt, what chipset?22:20
icerootubuntuman: #ubuntu+122:20
holmserok... still having this stupid issue22:21
calumvlt: Have you tried typing ifconfig wlan0 down then ifconfig wlan0 up in terminal? It worked for me a few times22:21
ubuntumandell c61022:21
holmserwifi won't connect to any routers, only in ad hoc mode22:21
holmserany ideas what could cause this?22:21
ViperfangIve found http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man7/casper.7.html which details  live-media-path=PATH but it is still unable to find the filesystem.squashfs22:21
jarray52vlt: what does arp -n give you?22:21
vltduffydack: `lsusb` says 083a:4521 Accton Technology Corp22:21
duffydackvlt, never heard of it..   tried wicd?22:22
vltjarray52: The arp table for eth022:22
vltduffydack: Using wicd22:22
duffydackvlt,  latest?22:22
ViperfangAnyone? A little support please?22:23
Ek|mu5man... getting Linux to work smoothly on new hardware is a pain...22:23
histoViperfang: lucid help is in #ubuntu+122:24
histoEk|mu5: not really22:24
holmserits really bugging me that I can't get the wifi to work on this laptop for a buddy.  after preaching the virtues of how easy it is to install ubuntu to him, I'm looking like an ass :)22:24
vltduffydack: latest wicd? The one that comes with 9.1022:24
histoholmser: what tyep of card is it?22:24
Viperfanghisto: im trying to boot 9.10 and 10.04 from the same drive22:24
vltduffydack: That's 1.6.122:24
holmserintel 210022:24
phaidonx1hi, I am trying to set up an adhoc network between two computers both running ubuntu. I want one to automatically connect to the wireless on boot. I followed the instructions in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Adhoc and put them as a startup script in /etc/init.d/adhoc-setup.sh , except that it doesn't work on startup. surprisingly I always have to try to connect in managed mode, and then switch back to adhoc for it to work (I do this over ser22:25
planetarythats to who ahve helped im buying her a nvidia card22:25
holmsersorry, ipw210022:25
Viperfanghttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/karmic/man7/casper.7.html <-- option exists in here too22:25
histoholmser: it should just work out of the box then. But you can double check the System > admin > Hardware drivers and make sure there isn't some restricted driver for it.22:25
histoholmser: how is it acting?22:25
Ek|mu5histo, on a Toshiba Portege m900 with the Core i3 and nvidia g310m GPU, it is...22:25
duffydackvlt, latest is 1.722:25
bellineed help22:26
histoEk|mu5: what problem are you having?22:26
bellihelp me22:26
vltduffydack: In Ubuntu 9.10?22:26
Viperfangbelli: You're going to need to expand on that22:26
holmserI can see all of the networks, and I was even able to connect for a very short time (20 sec), but it won't associate with any access points22:26
holmserit will connect ad hoc just fine22:26
histoholmser: intel 2100 is the ipw2100 module which should load and take off with out a hitch. make sure his wifi switch is on22:26
bellican lubuntu  lucid works on dell c610?22:26
histo!lucid > belli22:27
ubottubelli, please see my private message22:27
holmserit wouldn't be able to connect ad hoc if it wasn't on22:27
Gneaokay, I'm *PISSED*.  The PPA for Firefox 3.6 used my old bookmarks from 3.0 instead of from 3.5. everything I had up-to-date has been erased. the bookmarkbackups themselves have been replaced.22:27
duffydackvlt, from wicd22:27
holmsereverything appears to be working fine, except it won't connect to anything22:27
Ek|mu5histo, screen flickering on the new kernel, something to do with the brightness. This is not an issue on a patched lenny stable kernel even with nvidia drivers (but I don't have HDA Intel support on this kernel so switched back to Ubuntu)22:27
histoholmser: yeah thats odd I would try searching the forums for the card see if anyone is having an issue. But that driver has been around for a long time.22:27
Gneanow I have to spend the time to rearrange everything, AGAIN22:27
holmserI've been searching.  lots of reports of this happening, so solutions22:28
bellibut who will wait for 29.04?22:28
duffydackvlt, I assume network-manager is a no go as you are using wicd.. usually means NM failed you anyway22:28
Gneaa word to the noob: if you're going to upgrade to firefox 3.6 via PPA, backup your bookmarkbackups FIRST22:28
histoEk|mu5: maybe boot acpi=off in the mean time22:28
Ek|mu5histo, I first thought this issue was with gnome-power-manager so I switched to Xubuntu after trying XFCE on debian22:28
duffydackGnea, checked the bookmark backup folder22:28
Gneaheck, backup your profile first22:28
histoEk|mu5: that would tell you if its a power management issue.22:28
vltduffydack: What does that mean?22:28
Gneaduffydack: is that a question or statement?22:28
histoEk|mu5: also you can try changing the power management settings in bios from like s3 to s1 etc... see how it reacts.22:29
DavidJHeinrichhi, I'm rying to ask a question in #inkscape, but it keeps telling me "Cannot send to channel", any idea what's up?22:29
duffydackGnea, bookmarkbackups folder in .mozilla22:29
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Gneaduffydack: again, is that a question or a statement? learn how to read and write before saying something, please.22:29
duffydackGnea, basically, it backs up bookmarks everytime you modify them..22:29
histoEk|mu5: but appending acpi=off to the kernel line should tell you if its power management related.22:29
vltDavidJHeinrich: Maybe you need to be registered to freenode to speak there.22:29
Gneaduffydack: basically, you didn't read what I wrote.22:29
cooperDavidJHeinrich, those questions are for #freenode, but odds are the channel is moderated or your nick must be registered22:29
histoholmser: let me try searching be right back22:29
Gneaduffydack: " the bookmarkbackups themselves have been replaced."22:30
Ek|mu5histo, see that's the first thing I thought of. If I do that, brightness _sometimes_ doesn't flicker but I can't control the wireless card at all even with it turned on at boot.22:30
histoholmser: what version of ubuntu you using?22:30
bellieny croatian or serbian here?22:30
DavidJHeinrichvlt: how do I get registered to freenode?22:30
histoEk|mu5: thats odd anyone on the forums running your hardware yet?22:30
duffydackGnea, no need for insults.  I didnt see that part.22:30
Gneaduffydack: *nothing* in the backupbookmarks/ folder, within the profile, has up-to-date bookmarks from 2 days ago. they're all from a previous 3.0 profile.22:30
valentinex"Google Gears" could not be installed because it is not compatible with your Firefox build type (Linux_x86-gcc3). Please contact the author of this item about the problem.22:30
holmserI'm about to try 8.10, from what I have read that should fix it22:31
Gneaduffydack: then maybe you didn't see the part where it said "I'm *PISSED*".22:31
Ek|mu5histo, also I don't have those options in the BIOS (which is the latest on the Toshiba site)22:31
vltDavidJHeinrich: Try `/msg nickserv help`22:31
duffydackGnea, I take full responsibilty.22:31
histoholmser: is that a broadcom chipset on it or the intel one?22:31
Gneaduffydack: it's cool, I'll just have to resort them. plus I have to add a few more. not the end of the world.22:31
histoEk|mu5: hrm..22:32
histoEk|mu5: not sure my first try would be searching the forums22:32
vltjarray52: What is the difference between "WPA1/2 passphrase" and "WPA1/2 PSK" in the network manager dialog?22:32
Ek|mu5histo, none yet as far as my searching goes, but I'll post there soon after I gather up all my data from the tests I've done22:32
Gneausually backups are there for a reason.... I just find this bizarre22:32
duffydackvlt, wy are you using wicd and not network-manager?22:32
histoholmser: that would be the 3945 intel nvm22:32
duffydackvlt, basically, most people use wicd when NM doesnt work for them.. thats all im saying.22:32
holmserits a dell d40022:33
vltduffydack: I'm confused. The Program title bar says "wicd network manager"22:33
histoholmser: k22:34
An_Ony_Moose can having low disk space lower performance? I have the /home partition pretty full (only recently) and have noticed a big drop in performace22:34
duffydackvlt, well thats not the default...  have you tried network-manager yet?22:34
vltduffydack: Not yet. What's the pkg called? "network-manager"?22:35
histoholmser: yeah thats supposed tob e the broadcom chipset which would explain your problems22:35
duffydackvlt, err..  yeah I think22:35
histoholmser: is he able to get on the net with a wired connection?22:35
duffydackvlt, it will remove wicd22:35
histo!broadcom | holmser22:35
ubottuholmser: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx22:35
holmserI'm on the laptop right now... wired is working22:35
histoholmser: K go to System > admin > hardware drivers22:35
histoholmser: should show you that it has drivers availbible for the broadcom chipset22:35
duffydackvlt, its the default tool in ubuntu...so I assumed network manager had been used and found to be no good for this setup...22:36
holmsercomes up with nothing22:36
histoholmser: what does lspci show for the network card22:36
histo!who | holmser22:36
ubottuholmser: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:36
KRiMoRaLGrr.. I can't seem to get the flash player installed on 9.10 64bit.. anyone know what's up?22:37
vltduffydack: wicd came with "lubuntu-desktop"22:37
holmserhisto: 01:03.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless LAN 2100 3B Mini PCI Adapter (rev 04)22:37
razafinger holmser22:37
vltduffydack: I'm installing network-manager now22:38
histoholmser: ok yeah thats not the broadcomm the d400 someone posted it was.22:38
historaza: what areyou doing?22:38
histovlt: wth is lubuntu?22:38
antonellolubuntu is ubuntu with LXDE22:39
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holmserthe driver is working... it just won't associate with any access points22:39
holmserwhat a strange bug22:39
histoholmser: and your using the network manager to configure right?22:40
holmserhisto: yes22:40
Ek|mu5histo, setting the brightness level to notches from the lowest level resolves the flickering. Setting it any higher introduces the flickering22:41
holmserhisto: and it has no problems connecting ad hoc22:41
histoholmser: reading a rather long thread now.22:41
Ek|mu5histo, this is on batteries BTW. On AC, it's not an issue22:41
histoEk|mu5: yeah has to be power management related. I don't think the nvidia drivers even touch on that.22:42
holmserhisto, I really appreciate your help.  I've been banging my head against the wall for a couple days on this22:42
histoholmser: yeah thats odd22:42
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holmserI read one thread that said that it won't work with dhcp, so I disabled that and it still won't connect22:43
jbendotnethow hard is it to upgrade dapper to something newer22:43
jbendotnetsay hardy lts?22:43
aciculaerm is dapper lts?22:43
aciculahmm nope its not, so upgrading is hard,22:44
vltjbendotnet: dapper to hardy works22:44
lc2jbendotnet: back up everything, do a clean install22:44
vltdapper is LTS btw22:44
histoholmser: i'm going to check for bugs i'm sure someone has filed soemthing if thats the case22:44
holmserhisto: thanks22:45
Ek|mu5histo, yeah, I tried tinkering with xorg and powermizer but didn't work22:45
aciculaow hey , misread it is lts22:45
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calumOK... can anyone help with my wifi?22:45
vltjbendotnet: Support for dapper will end next year ;-)22:45
jbendotnetok, there's nothing on the server yet22:46
FriedrichManhey there.... I kept trying to configure my laptop so it gets a static ip22:46
jbendotnetso how do i upgrade?22:46
FriedrichManI changed my /etc/network/interfaces22:46
histoholmser: lsmod | grep ipw2100   is that showing that the module is loaded22:46
FriedrichMannow when I #etc/init.d/networking restart ... I get a FAIL message22:47
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FriedrichManWHat's up with that?22:47
Ek|mu5histo, it's not really major since I get most of the functionality I need, but it's kind of a bummer booting up while getting shoulder surfed by Windoze users in a cafe... :D22:47
maginotFreeaqingme, pastebin you interfaces file22:47
calumMy wireless connection continuously drops after a while22:47
holmserhisto: ipw2100                69616  0 libipw                 42124  1 ipw210022:47
FriedrichMansays something like couldn't read interfaces file22:47
Sia-i have onlinke banking with active card, and that need java plugin, but since karmic doesn't work anymore, any software to do online banking because in the browser is no more available.22:47
Freeaqingmemaginot, not today ;)22:47
maginotFriedrichMan, so I can't help you.22:47
aliancemdFriedrichMan, try to write in the terminal: gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces22:48
duffydackvlt, ah lubuntu... no wonder its using wicd then lol..  well see how it goes22:48
FriedrichManso who could22:48
LinuxGuy2009Cant help someone that doesnt want help.22:48
FriedrichManaliancemd: I can Vim it too22:48
vltduffydack: I just installed network-manager. How to run it?22:48
aliancemdand take a look in the file is there: loopback?22:48
FriedrichManit's not like the file's missing22:48
bahaadoes any body here use xchat-gnoem?22:49
FreeaqingmeI appear to be using it as we speak22:49
FriedrichManauto lo22:49
aliancemdno, is there any loopback interface?22:49
FriedrichManiface lo inet loopback22:49
vltduffydack: Found it: `nm-applet`22:49
histoholmser: yeah there must be an issue with that card. Let me see if there is an updated driver or something.22:49
duffydackvlt, restart22:49
duffydackvlt, just less messy that way22:50
bahaahow to open more than one channels at once on same or different server in xchat-gnome?22:50
aciculaopen a new server tab22:50
vltduffydack: I already did22:50
bahaadoes any body have compaq22:50
FriedrichMan/etc/network/interfaces:7: option with empty value22:50
aliancemdFriedrichMan: What do u try to do?22:50
duffydackvlt, oh.. it should be in your tray same as wicd.22:50
vltduffydack: ... but couldn't figure how to run nm22:50
maginotbahaa, to open other channel just type: /join #channel22:50
bahaacompaq presario 2100 with ubuntu 9.10 on it22:51
maginotbahaa, to open other server you need to open a new Server tab, on xchat menu22:51
LinuxGuy2009 bahaa: What would having a Compaq have to do with anything?22:51
Slart!anyone | bahaa22:51
ubottubahaa: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:51
LinuxGuy2009 bahaa: ask your real question.22:51
duffydackvlt, well in my startup apps its there as "nm-applet --sm-disable"22:51
aliancemdFriedrichMan: What do u try to do?22:51
FriedrichManok... now i feel like a total knodhead22:52
FriedrichManI had the netmask word missing22:52
vltduffydack: Looks just the same: nm tries to connect after prompting for password, then asks again and again.22:52
bahaaI have two questions: one: how to open a new server tab in xchat-gnome; and the second one is a little bit long so I'll type it alone:)22:52
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maginotbahaa, well, if xchat-gnome is like xchat, alt+x will open the menu, them select new > server tab22:53
bahaasecond: I have compaq presario 2100 with ubuntu 9.10 on it but in command line mode (tty1..tty6) it shows the text in 640*480 res although the lcd res is 1024*768 so the text is in a box surrounded with black?22:54
holmserctrl t bahaa22:54
vltduffydack: `watch iwconfig` shows the right ESSID but in the AP field it prints "ot-Associated"22:54
LinuxGuy2009bahaa: sounds like its in VESA mode maybe?22:54
ViperfangHow do extract the initrd.lz, initial guides said to use gunzip, but that didnt work, so a little research led me to lzip, which states it didnt create the file and will not unpack it...22:55
LinuxGuy2009bahaa: Whats the video card? sudo lshw -C video22:55
maginotbahaa, to have more them 640x480 on tty you need frame buffer enable on boot22:55
bahaaholmserand maginot: didn't work22:55
haavarosI give up, I'll just use PuTTY for irssi ... but another problem I have in gnome is with the indicator applet: For no apparent reason the shutdown/sleep etc. options have disappeared from the menu. I can only set my status in empathy there22:55
vltNow after the third attpemt nm just said "wireless disconnected" and finished. What to try next?22:55
histoholmser: is it 802.11n?22:56
Slarthaavaros: I think it might be a permission thing22:56
Sia-any idea?22:56
dsvanyone used avidemux?after i set a and b markers how can i save that selection as a new vid?22:56
holmserthe network or the card histo?22:56
LinuxGuy2009dsv: select save from the menu22:56
brontosaurusrexdsv: save as?22:56
histoholmser: the network22:56
bahaamaginot: I didn't understand22:57
histoholmser: I see some bugs filed on the driver on sourceforge about 802.11n networks not being able to associate22:57
vieiraSince gnome-power-manager moved from hal to upower it shows Unknown Remaining Time... :( any idea?22:57
holmserhisto, not sure what its set on right now. let me check22:57
EntityRebornLol at bugday email.22:57
duffydackvlt, tried 10.04?22:57
Slarthaavaros: I seem to recall there being a permission setting for "Shutting down the computer" somewhere.. but I can't find it any more22:57
Ek|mu5vieira, are you on Lucid?22:58
holmserhisto: It was set on g22:59
histoholmser: hrm..22:59
vltduffydack: No22:59
dsvLinuxGuy2009, brontosaurusrex how do i make it smaller in size?22:59
maginotbahaa, when you start your computer you use Grub to select Ubuntu or Windows (if you have it installed), do you know what I'm talking about?22:59
vieiraEklmu5: yep22:59
LinuxGuy2009dsv: Change the video profile and/or manually adjust bitrates etc.23:00
bahaamaginot: yes I only have windows and usually the grub loads without even allowing me to choose the mode (that is text or GUI)23:00
bahaamaginot: sorry23:00
bahaamaginot: I mean I don't have win I only have ubuntu23:00
maginotbahaa, okay, take a look here and see if you can understand: http://pierre.baudu.in/other/grub.vga.modes.html23:00
vltdsv: file size, image size or length?23:00
Ek|mu5vieira, AFAIK the gnome-power-manager race condition was patched for Lucid.23:01
LinuxGuy2009(Holy crap Lucid boots fast)23:02
calum10 second boot?23:02
histoholmser: I have no idea where to go else with this perhaps someone else would23:02
brontosaurusrexdsv: you use smaller bitrate23:02
LinuxGuy2009Im gonna time it right now.23:02
vieiraEklmu5: What race condition? Can you provide some more information please?23:02
holmserhisto:  isn't it maddening?  I am at a loss now.23:02
holmserI've been working on this for 3 days, and there seems to be no solution... or even a diagnosable problem23:03
dsvbrontosaurusrex, how?23:03
vieiraEklmu5: I have the exact some problem with Archlinux...23:03
holmserhisto:  thank you for your help.23:03
bahaamaginot: can you chick this so you know what I have tried http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=144288323:03
Ek|mu5vieira: it had to do with g-p-m not syncing correctly and brought about that systray pop-up that read something like: session active, not inhibited, screen idle.23:04
ubuntuhi there folks, having a bit of a 'mare trying to multiboot osx and linux... I have grub installed to the / partition of linux which is on /dev/sda4, I've set the boot flag in gparted for that partition also23:05
Ek|mu5AFK gonna make breakfast23:05
ubuntunow, the 1st partition /dev/sda1 - which is fat32 (EFI) for OSX - has auto-changed its flag to msftres... which I gather is fixable from within osx. Only thing is... now during boot I get a black screen with a flash underscore.  Nothing boots at all.  I don't see a grub menu. any ideas?23:05
vieiraI'm not sure if it is the problem I'm experiecing... it just says Unknown Time Remaing during battery discharge...23:05
LinuxGuy2009Lucid boots 38 seconds from power switch to google homepage. Nice.23:05
vieiraEklmu5: The history is not being saved23:06
bahaamaginot: I couldn't find the file they are talking about /boot/grub/menu.lst.23:06
bahaamaginot: there is no menu in /boot/grub23:06
maginotbahaa, yeah, thats for old grub versions23:06
lelluzzociao a tutti23:06
bahaamaginot: have you seen the link I gave you ?23:06
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brontosaurusrexdsv: how what? you select the new bitrate, thats how23:07
maginotbahaa, yes, you have to use "set gfxmode=1024x768" or whatever you need on grub.cfs23:08
Jorkwich media player in ubuntu plays flac files?23:08
bahaamaginot: but I did and didn't work23:08
ubuntuJork, most23:08
vltJork: mplayer for example (when flac codec is installed)23:08
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maginotbahaa, for what I'm seeing here you tried GRUB_GFXMODE=1024x76823:09
erUSULJork: all of them should do23:09
LinuxGuy2009Jork: its more like what apps dont play flac files. hehe23:09
Jorkvlt: what is command for instaling flac codecs in ubuntu ?23:10
bahaamaginot: ok sorry but I remember I searcher for other res value and found nothing I'll see wait a sec please23:10
LinuxGuy2009Jork: flac works out of the box i think23:10
erUSULJork: install ubuntu-restricted-extras23:10
cfeddeflac is in restricted extras?  yow!23:10
maginotbahaa, take a look at /etc/grub.d/00_header23:11
LinuxGuy2009you can play flac right out of the box23:11
brontosaurusrexJork: there are system wide codecs in ubuntu?23:11
Jorkaudacius plays flac?23:11
maginotbahaa, you have GRUB_GFXMODE= variable there23:11
Sethhi, I got a problem with dvd burning, I try to burn an .iso with brasero/k3b they both say the burning is finished succesfully -- but the dvd isn't burned correctly :(23:11
Sethdoes somebody has any suggestions?23:11
LinuxGuy2009Jork: almost everything plays flac23:11
ubuntuJork, have you actually _tried_ playing these files?23:11
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Sethas to where to look to fix this?23:11
Jorkis google chrome good for browsing (maybe better than firefox?)23:11
raphais there any good blogging application for ubuntu?23:11
rapha("good" as in "better than the likes of drivel and blogtk")23:12
LinuxGuy2009Jork: ive recenly started using chrome for the sweet bookmark sync feature23:12
lucidlynxrapha: its called the browser23:12
Jorktwitter client for ubuntu23:12
maginotbahaa, this is my 00_header http://maginot.pastebin.com/T32rdWvs23:12
LinuxGuy2009Jork: OMG go play23:12
ubunturapha, gwibber23:12
maginotbahaa, look at line 3723:12
ubuntuJork, these aren't really issues.... You need to tinker... go play23:13
Daniturn Launchpad bug 555807 in linux "cant use wireless card" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55580723:13
brontosaurusrexLinuxGuy2009: firefox has 'weave' now23:13
maginotbahaa, that variable is them used on line 89 which is the responsable for the resolution23:13
ubunturapha, go check omgubuntu, the folks over there seem obsessed with blogging apps for ubuntu23:14
raphalucidlynx: yeah but that kinda sucks if you need to write 100 articles in a row23:14
LinuxGuy2009brontosaurusrex:Is that to synce bookmarks between machines like chrome does?23:14
bahaamaginot: in grub.cfg it's already set gfxmode=1024x76823:14
Squarismwhat should i prefer on ubuntu.. rpm or dbm package?23:14
raphaubuntu: cool thanks, i'll check both of these out23:14
brontosaurusrexLinuxGuy2009: yes23:14
bahaamaginot: I'll see what you are talking about23:14
LinuxGuy2009brontosaurusrex: sweet!23:14
Daniturn Launchpad bug 555807 in linux "cant use wireless card" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55580723:14
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maginotbahaa, if grub.cfg have 1024x768 them it's already using that resolution23:14
cp can someone tell me what this does: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE23:15
cpim a little new to linux but i know this iptable works just wondering what all it opens23:15
brontosaurusrexLinuxGuy2009: https://mozillalabs.com/weave/23:15
Dants   Hi guys23:15
c3lI want to create some geometrical shapes with lines and circles etc. in SVG format. what program can be used to this?23:15
LinuxGuy2009brontosaurusrex: thanks Ill check that out. I apreciate you sharing this.23:15
cpacctually i am having problems with reboots my iptables gets erased so i am trying to configure in webmin23:15
maginotcp, this masquerade the interface so you can share you connection on your network, normally used masquerade when you have a dinamic ip provided by your ISP23:15
Dants   just I recomend Ubuntu ultimate23:15
synackSquarism, native binaries are in deb format, rpm is red-hat, and dpb is _possibly_ some sort of intermediary.... Most software should be available in deb format or just compile from source23:16
lucidlynxc3l: did u trie Gimp?23:16
Dants   just I recomend Ubuntu ultimate23:16
cpmaginot how would i make that load on every reboot23:16
bahaamaginot: no it does not use it but in line 37 in 00_header I have 640*48023:16
cpwebmin had a firewall but i am unsure what i need to select under it23:16
maginotcp, you have to create a bash script. You can use iptable-save and iptables-restore23:17
maginotcp, man iptables , or ##netfilter for more information23:17
c3llucidlynx, oh, it can make svg images? or am I using the wrong words, maybe not svg, I mean vector based23:17
LinuxGuy2009brontosaurusrex: hmm I guess thats OK, chrome has it built right in out of the box.23:17
Daniturn Launchpad bug 555807 in linux "cant use wireless card" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55580723:17
brontosaurusrexLinuxGuy2009: chrome is using mailboxes to sync no?23:18
synackc3l, inkscape23:18
LinuxGuy2009Daniturn: Are you running Lucid or Karmic or Hardy?23:18
maginotbahaa, change to 1024 76823:18
synackc3l, gimp is raster based23:18
c3lsynack, thanks23:18
synackc3l, but it can save work with svg files23:18
LinuxGuy2009 brontosaurusrex:yeah gmail account23:18
synackc3l, np23:18
c3lsynack, aah now I get it!23:19
erUSUL!webmin | cp23:19
ubottucp: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.23:19
LinuxGuy2009Daniturn: ubuntu+123:19
bahaamaginot: but in yours it's 640*480??23:19
Squarismsynack: Well i wanna install a software called jetty... aptitude only has version 5.5.. i wanna have 6.x..23:19
Daniturnim just getting bug out im in there now23:20
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox23:20
LinuxGuy2009Daniturn: Yeah well I tried helping you once earlier and you were a bit snappy so...\23:20
maginotbahaa, yes, I don't use tty. And don't forget to use a "x" not an "*"23:20
bahaamaginot: how is it in your computer (desktop or laptop?)23:20
Dants   alguien de mexico23:20
maginotbahaa, desktop, and I have a 24" display ;X23:21
synackSquarism, have check for a ppa?  Or looked on the homepage for a deb?  Or tried compiling the source as a last resort?23:21
bahaamaginot: ok sorry23:21
Squarismsynack: ppa.. i dunno what that is?23:21
ganja_hi, someone know gtkmm?23:21
maginotbahaa, normally if I want a bigger framebuffer I change on grub menu to vga=791 or whatever I will need23:21
LinuxGuy2009synack: You suffer from OCD? s/suffer/suffered23:21
bahaamaginot: where?23:21
bahaamaginot: I'll try changing 00_header23:22
=== Seahorseruler_ is now known as Seahorseruler
Travis-42If I'm running xvfb on an ubuntu server, is there any way to remotely watch the session?23:22
bahaamaginot:  but how can I update it should I reboot?23:22
maginotbahaa, on grub menu, that which you choose ubuntu to load in the kernel line... yes, never change grub.cfg manually, its generated by the files inside /etc/grub.d23:22
maginotbahaa, yes, just reboot.23:22
synackLinuxGuy2009, yeah, yeah I do23:23
* synack truns the light switch on - off - on - off23:23
bahaamaginot: I don't know how to change it from there so I change it manually (I'll change 00_header)23:23
bahaamaginot: ok?23:23
DarxusIs there really no way to just copy all 55 gigabytes from my hard drive to DVDRs automatically, just prompting me for another disk when necessary?23:23
maginotbahaa, yes, give a try23:24
bahaamaginot: then reboot?23:24
maginotbahaa, yes23:24
LinuxGuy2009Darxus: 55GB/4.7GB=a lot of dvds23:24
bahaasee you23:24
DarxusLinuxGuy2009: I did the math, thanks :)23:24
DarxusIt's only 13 DVDs.  Much less than my home computer.23:24
LinuxGuy2009Darxus: No backup drive?23:24
DarxusLinuxGuy2009: Nope.  At work.  Maybe I should just copy everything up to network storage, since local hard drive storage is officially not supported.23:25
DarxusAt home of course I have a backup drive.23:25
LinuxGuy2009Darxus: What are you trying to backup anyways?23:25
DarxusLinuxGuy2009: Everything.  Want to reinstall.23:25
LinuxGuy2009Darxus: You do know you only need to backup /home correct?23:26
DarxusLinuxGuy2009: If I only have stuff in /home, sure.23:26
LinuxGuy2009Darxus:Why would you have files elsewhere?23:26
DarxusLinuxGuy2009: On this computer I might not.  Actually, I do... just for compatibility with some software that wasn't intended to be installed on a workstation.23:27
brontosaurusrexLinuxGuy2009: /var/www comes to mind for examples23:27
DarxusAlso, crontabs.23:27
brontosaurusrex/usr/local/bin may have some23:28
Squarismif i manually install an application.. where should a ubuntu purist put it?23:28
bahaamaginot: didn't work :(23:28
LinuxGuy2009 Darxus: How is it you cant use local drives but are allowed to reinstall the system. Doesnt make a lot of sense.23:28
fuzzybunny69yhey everyone does anyone know how I would go about downloading all the images from a certain website?23:28
|littlebear|fuzzybunny69y: wget23:29
rallanyone here able to watch videos at this news page? http://www.vgtv.no/?id=29512&category=78    OR anyone knows why not or how to be able to?23:29
DarxusLinuxGuy2009: I could buy another hard drive and use it, but I'm not doing that for my work computer.23:29
maginotbahaa, pastebin your /etc/default/grub please23:29
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:29
|littlebear|fuzzybunny69y: http://xzero.wikidot.com look at the wget section23:29
brontosaurusrexDarxus: just ftp to someplace?23:29
LinuxGuy2009Darxus: Ok well just saying its your call if you want to do things the hard way.23:29
zbenjaminhi @ all23:29
zbenjamin i'm currently configuring my network , i managed to connect to the AP with WEP security (proto=WEP) but i want to use WPA2 sadly i don't get a ip when using wpa223:29
bahaamaginot: you know after working on it I thought it was a hardware problem but today grub opened (to make me chose kernel 14..20) and it was full screen23:29
bahaaI will23:30
zbenjaminmy card is Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 5300 AGN [Shiloh] Network Connection23:30
zbenjaminit seems wpa_supplicant is starting the handshake over and over again23:30
zbenjamini'm using wpa_supplicant directly (no networkmanager)23:30
LinuxGuy2009lots of handshaking goin on23:30
elijahquestion, how do you install Ubuntu on a GPS?23:34
=== elijah is now known as Guest89754
bahaamaginot: here is my grub http://maginot.pastebin.com/FwtWuzuw23:34
Guest89754does anyone here know about modifying gps's?23:34
Guest89754hmm ok23:34
lee_apparently not23:34
DarxusGuest89754: I wouldn't expect people here to know the answer.  I suggest google.23:34
lee_heh, true23:35
maginotbahaa, http://maginot.pastebin.com/wubyaU50 after changing run update-grub23:35
Guest89754the internet on my comp is screwed23:35
lee_what screwed it up?23:35
rallanyone here able to watch videos at this news page? http://www.vgtv.no/?id=29512&category=78    OR anyone knows why not or how to be able to??  Cant see why it shouldn't work.23:35
Guest89754my server23:35
Guest89754not mine accualy23:36
LinuxGuy2009I dont know that site. I aint goin there. no thanks23:36
lee_sorry I can't help with anyone's problems currently, I'm trying to figure out all the requirements of joining as a developer23:36
kjele rall I see some football23:36
bahaamaginot: the change is only GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="vga=795"  right?23:37
kjelerall: Got flash installed?23:37
maginotbahaa, and comment GRUB_GFXMODE23:37
lee_if you do and you've watched too many videos then a flash player could go slow23:37
lee_aka, get a video accelerator23:37
rallLinuxGuy2009, its biggest newspaper in my country..  safe indeed..  kjele, yeah  got flash and codecs working now23:37
bahaamaginot: ok23:37
maginotbahaa, ah, what resolution do you want?23:38
maginotbahaa, 795 is 1280x1024, 791 is 1024x76823:38
kjelerall: Well it works here. Some football stuff. Maybe the service is offline for you23:38
bahaamaginot: I want 1024x76823:39
rallreally?? how?? I have been trying for ages23:39
LinuxGuy2009rall: nope video not working on my end.23:39
rallkjele, anyway to make me copy your video setup? :)23:39
LinuxGuy2009rall: Im on lucid23:39
maginotbahaa, run update-grub after changing, reboot and see if all gone fine23:39
bahaamaginot: ok23:40
bahaaI'll reboot23:40
bahaaI updated23:40
rallim on 9.10 with adobes flash, ubuntu-restricted-extras installed plus installed a lot of codecs from totem23:40
kjelerall: It is just like 45s not worth it. Most of it you see some poeple hugging23:40
LinuxGuy2009rall: oooh hugging23:41
infidwhat's a good rss feed reader for ubuntu/gnome that can show new items popup in the notification bubble?23:41
infidi tried liferea but it only pops up how many new feeds are available, not the title of the items23:41
rallyeah, but I would like to see the news movies coming out on my newspaper :p  that spesific movie I dont care about :D23:41
LinuxGuy2009infid: firefox has built in RSS feed ability23:41
lee_it works here23:41
lee_eh, not very useful to me23:41
infidLinuxGuy2009: but like i said i want it it to integrate with notify-osd23:42
LinuxGuy2009infid: good luck23:42
rallkjele,  on a fres install whats the steps you take to install all codecs?  ubuntu 9.10 i guess?23:42
lee_- ! - wouldn't adding the exclamation before something that someone says just confuse people?23:43
infidLinuxGuy2009: what do you mean good luck? i just said that liferea can do it, just dosn't show the info i want. so obviously it's possible and i'm hoping someone knows so they can tell me so i dont have to go trying a bunch more to finally find the one that does23:43
LinuxGuy2009rall: ubuntu-restricted-extras gets most, there 1 or 2 gstreamers that it leaves out23:43
bahaamaginot: you are the coolest man on earth thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much23:43
kjelerall: ubuntu-restricted-extra does it. you might want to install ffmpeg too23:43
jgarbershave successfully installed ubuntu server 9.10 under Virtual PC on win7 - except the local display is messed up - nothing but vertical stripes on the lower 3/4 of the window. i can ssh into the VM so it's running fine. any suggestions for troubleshooting video under the VM?23:43
LinuxGuy2009infid: What do you mean, what do I mean good luck. Good luck.23:43
bahaamaginot: it worked :)))))))))))) you really know what you talk about23:43
rallhmmm maybe thats it (ffmpg)  cause I got adobes flash and the restricted extras..23:44
maginotbahaa, I'm glad it worked =)23:44
bahaamaginot: I wish you were my friend man23:44
bahaamaginot: thanks a lot23:44
aciculajgarbers: Virtual PC never worked really well for me, are there any video drivers for Virtual PC for linux?23:44
rallkjele, how do I aptitude it to make sure I get it right? :)23:44
infidLinuxGuy2009: the way you said it didnt come across like you were simply wishing me luck, "i don't know, but good luck" would have. but anyway thanks23:44
maginotbahaa, no problem, anytime you need, just call =)23:44
kjelerall: sudo apt-get install ffmpeg23:44
Ahmed\ANyone knows how to get ubuntu Gnome set as Mandriva exactly 3D desktop setting and rest as mandriva23:45
erUSULjgarbers: well given that ubuntu server does not have gui you have the same interface via ssh ;)23:45
LinuxGuy2009infid: yeah there was a bit of sarcasm yep.23:45
jgarbersacicula: it's very odd. ubuntu desktop, which runs in graphics mode (obviously), works wonderfully. the text mode installer for ubuntu server was also fine.23:45
jgarbersit's just now that the server has booted, i get this junk.23:45
bahaaAhmed\: sorry I don't but I want to say hi23:45
aciculajgarbers: weird :/23:45
jgarbersas you say the ssh interface is exactly the same, but i'd like to be able to use it 'locally' from the win7 box too.23:45
Ahmed\hi :)23:45
rallkjele,  Ok thanks:) Ill try that thanks for your help,  and linuxguy and others too!23:45
erUSULjgarbers: probably the frambuffer driver ? you can try to tweak the vga mode the server uses23:45
bahaaAhmed\: you don't often see people called Ahmed\ in such community23:45
Ahmed\New !23:46
bahaaAhmed\: can we have a small chat?23:46
jgarberserUSUL: and where would a rookie like me look for that... help please?23:46
TheMozartI installed latest Ubuntu and now I need help in how to setup security. I want to use Ubuntu for all my Netbanking and Credit Card login etc.  What I need to do to prevent Spyware, Virus, Trojans, Makware, etc?23:46
erUSULjgarbers: in /etc/default/grub where you see GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" add vga=791 to the string (that's for 1024x768)23:47
calumTheMozart: Viruses and spyware are not really an issue in Ubuntu. Try installing programs like chkrootkit though. They help to prevent rootkit spyware which is a threat23:47
lee_well, from what someone told me, idk personally if it's true or not, ubuntu is open source so it's hard for a virus like that to enter into it23:47
erUSULjgarbers: maybe for a server the default options are different23:47
DarxusTheMozart: Keep using linux, don't do anything as root (or with sudo) that you don't need to.23:47
erUSULjgarbers: then run « sudo update-grub »23:48
erUSULjgarbers: and reboot23:48
jgarbersso the setting should be "quiet splash vga=791"?23:48
maginotjgarbers, actually you should edit GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="vga=791"23:48
erUSULjgarbers: yes23:48
jgarbersok, thanks23:48
calumI do not know of any dangerous Linux viruses/worms as of yet23:48
mgrvlnany exaile users on?23:48
amen51Hi all, a question: I once made the mistake of saving my gnome session. Although, I have disabled it (a long time age), every time I restart the system, I get the same application. Is there a cache, ... somewhere that I should remove?23:49
TheMozartcalum: how does a rootkit install on my Ubuntu?23:49
jgarbersi see GRUB_TERMINAL=console commented out... if I never want the GUI should I uncomment that?23:49
jribamen51: maybe save session without any apps23:49
TheMozartand where would I get a rootkit in the first place?23:49
erUSULjgarbers: no23:50
jgarbersok, will just go with GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="vga=791"23:50
amen51jrib, the problem is that I have for example things running in the background ...23:50
amen51for example, fetchmail23:50
amen51i would like to restart the fetchmail daemon each time a restart23:50
kjeleamen51: Start login and close all apps then in the session properties press on the save button again. Otherwise your session is saved in .local if I remember23:50
jribamen51: does gnome-session remember those things?  It probably has to be a nice gnome-y app23:51
erUSULjgarbers: that's for 1024x768 res if you want something else look a vesa modes table.23:51
jgarberserUSUL: that's the thing... i don't want any graphic mode at all. I don't *think*.23:51
amen51jrib, yes it remembers fechmail, but it is in some zombie state ...23:51
erUSULjgarbers: console with frambuffer can have resolution; why not23:52
amen51jrib, i have to kill the fetchmail everytime an restart it23:52
jgarbersthought it might be more likely to work in text mode. dunno.23:52
erUSULjgarbers: you get more lines and more columns instead of the default 80x2523:52
jribamen51: well the easy way is to just kill fetchmail now and save session, no?23:52
jgarberswhee, that other fix looks like it worked23:52
jgarbersthanks very much to all23:52
gcflymotodoes Ubuntu for windows installer come in 64-bit?23:52
amen51jrib, yes that is possible23:52
erUSULjgarbers: no problem23:52
amen51jrib, both i don't know what else it has saved23:53
amen51jrib, i want a clean solution,23:53
sylrI'm on ubuntu, I compile git by hand, I want to install qgit but it requires git-core package, How can I instal qgit without installing git-core package ?23:53
amen51i.e. return it to day one!23:53
alan`hey where would i find my xorg.conf?23:54
jribalan`: why?23:54
kjeleamen51: rm -r ~/config/gnome-session23:54
kjeleamen51: rm -r ~/.config/gnome-session23:54
erUSULalan`: /etc/X11/23:54
lee_well I have a question, for whom ever knows...how do you make a personal wiki for ubuntu?23:55
lee_(I'm still virtually a beginner)23:55
F3nixalguien habla español23:55
jrib!es | F3nix23:55
ubottuF3nix: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:55
amen51kjele, thanks!23:55
FloodBot1F3nix: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:55
erUSULlee_: tomboy has some of the characteristics of a personal wiki23:55
amen51kjele, i am gonna try it, hopefully it works23:56
F3nixa ok ubottu23:56
erUSUL!es | F3nix23:56
ubottuF3nix: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:56
aarHi, is it safe to suspend to RAM in the middle of a download? Is there any risk of damaging the disk, or creating data corruption?23:56
mgrvlnanyone n23:56
lee_not sure that's what I asked but ok23:56
F3nixmuy bien gracias ubotu23:56
lee_hablo ingles!23:56
F3nixme too23:56
chetnickMy sound totally broke after hibernation. Reboot does not help. Any help would be appreciated.23:57
F3nixsee you23:57
amen51kjele, there is also a ~/.config/session-state, shouldn't I remove that too?23:57
rallkjele,  installed pretty much all the ffmpeg's possible.. the lib*-extra* ones etc etc.. still not able to play video :\23:57
erUSULlee_: there are many personal wikis aviable to install too...23:57
mgrvlnknow the command for searching music collection based on rating in exaile? ie: "rating:>5"23:57
amen51kjele, could you check if yours is empty?23:57
amen51or even exists?23:57
amen51ls -rtl23:57
kjeleamen51: delete that too.23:57
amen51kjele, okay thanks again23:58
mgrvln*anyone know the command for searching music collection based on rating in exaile? ie: "rating:>5"23:58
wormzHey all! I'm wondering how I can open the KDE control centre from within gnome, I just need to adjust the spell check settings for kde apps23:58
lee_my question = "how to make one"23:58
kjelerall: Try to delete every cache in firefox.  ctrl + shift + del23:58
aarHi, is it safe to suspend to RAM in the middle of a download? Is there any risk of damaging the disk, or creating data corruption?23:59
kjeleamen51: You also have a autostart if you have added stuff23:59
wormzaar: Unlikely23:59
wormzaar: I should effectively be a free of state, including all processes etc23:59

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