
duanedesignhello marcosroriz02:54
marcosrorizhi duanedesign02:54
marcosrorizthe thing is02:54
marcosrorizI have a folder called wallpaper02:54
marcosrorizthis folder has like 300+ files02:54
marcosrorizand when I browse u1 in the web I usually just get like 30 file02:54
duanedesignis this a folder you put in the Ubunt One directory?02:55
duanedesignwhen did you add the folder03:00
duanedesignwhat version of Ubuntu One are you using. You can get that by opening a ter minal and running:  dpkg -l ubuntuone-client03:01
marcosrorizwhell this folder is like 3 months03:01
marcosrorizii  ubuntuone-clie 1.0.3-0ubuntu1 Ubuntu One client03:01
duanedesignmarcosroriz: can you open this file and see if it has anything in it03:04
duanedesigngedit  ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon-exceptions.log03:04
marcosrorizone min03:06
duanedesignif there is can you paste it at http://paste.ubuntu.com03:06
marcosroriztheres a bunch03:07
marcosrorizand bunch of days03:08
duanedesigncopy and paste it at the address above. After you hit paste post the address here03:09
marcosrorizall the files are empty03:10
marcosrorizmaybe I can do something like03:12
marcosrorizshare with you the folder03:12
marcosrorizand you can try to browse03:12
duanedesignlets look at  ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log03:13
marcosrorizthats huge03:13
duanedesigncan you paste it at http://paste.ubuntu.com03:14
marcosrorizany idea?03:31
marcosrorizlooks like the wallpaper are tehre03:31
duanedesignyeah. What you can do is come back by when all the Ubuntu One devs are here.03:32
duanedesignthey are in here on weekdays from 13:00-21:00 GMT03:32
marcosrorizok dokie ;)03:33
duanedesignmarcosroriz: one thing you can try /503:50
MatsHenricsonHi! I have a question regarding the privacy policy for the files I save on Ubuntu One. Is this a place to ask them, or should I go somewhere else?08:45
duanedesignMatsHenricson: there is a wiki page that covers a lot of the most asked questions.09:02
MatsHenricsonNot my question, unfortunately09:03
MatsHenricsonThat pages says that my data will not be shared with anyone, except if "required by law"09:03
MatsHenricsonBut WHICH law? US law? I mean, the data is backed up (if I remember correctly) by Amazon, which is a US company.09:04
MatsHenricsonOr UK law, since Canonical is registered in the UK09:04
MatsHenricsonOr Sweden, where I live?09:04
MatsHenricsonOr is that page vague intentionally? I don't trust anyone, since my data isn't encrypted09:05
duanedesignThe servers are in the US09:05
duanedesignyou can encrypt your data if you wish09:05
MatsHenricsonSo, it is US law, then?09:32
MatsHenricsonHow could they do such a bone-headed decision to base the servers in the US?09:32
duanedesignjust dont put your plans to build a dirty bomb in your Ubuntu One folder ;)09:39
nijabahello. Where can I find documentation on configuring Ubuntu One contact sync via funambol?09:40
duanedesignnijaba: hmmm. it was in the topic. Let me see09:41
MatsHenricsonIt is just so sad...09:44
duanedesignnijaba: https://edge.one.ubuntu.com/phones/   when 'beuno' gets in (anytime now) he can help you further09:45
nijabaduanedesign: thanks a lot :)09:45
beunonijaba, hi10:11
beunoI'm geting ready to board a plane10:11
beunobut if I can help you in the meantime10:11
beunolet me know10:11
PaulGitvds: ping10:46
vdsPaulGit: pong10:48
PaulGitvds: Good morning, I just wanted to let you know that I did some testing again and the duplicate contact issue as I reported before is still there :(10:48
vdsPaulGit: auch10:51
vdsPaulGit: thanks for testing10:51
PaulGitvds: No problem.  Let me know when you want me to test again.10:53
mmiicchi everyone, I'm trying contact sync from Nokia N900 but I'm still getting 401 error. beuno any advice?11:21
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mdkehi all. On latest lucid there appears to be no entry in the "Internet" menu for Ubuntu One - is that intentional or a bug?12:58
kermiac_mdke: that is by design. Ubuntu One can be found in the "me menu"13:01
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bachey beuno i have some sync feedback13:01
mdkekermiac: ok. I don't think it would hurt to include it in both (as gwibber) but I assume this is now settled and will update the documentation accordingly13:04
beunobac, hey hey13:05
beunogive it to me!13:05
beunopopey, hi13:05
bacbeuno: ok, so i last successfully synced under karmic usint t'bird 213:05
baci just tried using lucid and tbird3...it didn't go well.  couchdb-daemon died and then tbird crashed13:06
bacis it required that i reset all my contacts before trying given the migration?13:06
beunobac, tb3 doesn't use couch13:06
beunoso I'm a but stunned13:07
bacah, ok13:07
beunobac, you shouldn't need to reset your contacts at all13:08
beunobac, did you install the addon for tb3?13:08
mmiiccbeuno: I'm trying contact sync from Nokia N900 but I'm still getting 401 error.13:08
mdkeI'm really struggling to figure out how to update an instruction "Click Applications->Internet->Ubuntu One" to point at the "me menu". Does anyone have any ideas? What do you use in the Ubuntu One documentation?13:10
popeyhi beuno13:10
beunommiicc, the n900 is not well supportes, I think. Do you have a log for that?13:10
kklimonda|G1is android 1.6 supported?13:10
kklimonda|G1for contacts syncing13:10
beunopopey, kklimonda|G1, Androids are not officially supported13:10
bacbeuno: tried again twice.  funambol gets to "receiving server data" and then t'bird just quits, no crash report13:10
beunoit's not something we can really address13:10
popeymassive :(13:10
mmiiccbeuno: yes, but it's not complete I think: http://pastebin.org/13659413:11
beunopopey, kklimonda|G1, I do know that most people with androids, both 1.6 and 2.0 have made it work with the community-built apps13:11
beunobac, ah, awesome13:11
popeywhy is there a distinction between supporting community-built apps and other apps?13:11
popeygiven ubuntu is a community distro13:11
bacbeuno: let me know if you want me to help troubleshoot.13:12
popeyseems wonky13:12
beunopopey, this is Funambol13:13
beunowe've built the glue between Funambol and couchdb13:13
beunobut the support for hundreds of mobiles comes from Funambl13:13
popeyok, and the android bit is community developed?13:14
kklimonda|G1and not for iphone nor android :D?13:14
beunoAFAIK, they wait for the clients to have a certain level of maturity before making them official13:14
kermiacmdke: System -> Preferences -> Ubuntu One will do the same thing13:14
beunopopey, correct13:14
beunokklimonda|G1, popey, the iphone is well supported13:14
=== facundobatista_ is now known as facundobatista
beunoit has a funambol app in the store13:14
beunoand very very very soon there will be an ubuntu one app on the apple store13:14
beunowhich will have the branding and the hostname pre-configured13:14
beunoso for iphones it will be super easy13:15
kklimonda|G1so it's just android? what about meego/meebo? does it have client?13:15
beunoAndroids, we need to work with the existing community of developers to improve13:15
popeyok, thats going to get Ubuntu some more stick that it really doesnt need right now13:15
beunopopey, having an iphone app?13:15
popeywe are putting an Ubuntu branded app in the _iphone_ store, but not android?13:15
beunopopey, Funambol provides it for the iphone, not for android13:15
statikthe only way to distribute iphone apps is via the store13:16
popeysure, I appreciate that it's an upstream issue13:16
beunoI promise you, this is not our choice  :)13:16
popeybut it's still an issue that's going to make us look very silly IMO13:16
mdkekermiac: does it actually start the application? If so, do you think that System->Preferences->Ubuntu One would be a valid correction to use in a document like this: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/newtoubuntu/C/applications.html13:16
popeywe already get flak for looking like a mac, now we have an app in the iphone store, and not supporting (officially) the geek choice of phone13:16
beunokklimonda|G1, I don't know about meego/meebo support, but let me know when you find out  ;)13:16
kklimonda|G1beuno: noone is going to see that this wway. Ubuntu and Ubuntu One are not funambol products but canonival13:16
kklimonda|G1oh god, small g1 keyboard is killing me ;)13:17
beunommiicc, did you get the rest of the log?13:17
statikpopey, kklimonda|G1: something else to consider - only paying subscribers will be allowed to use phone sync13:17
statikI'm not saying this because I think it invalidates your point, just want you to know all the details13:18
popeystatik: yes, and you've just made it _less_ (not more_ likely that I'll become a paid subscriber13:18
beunokklimonda|G1, popey, I understand the perception we will create. Can you guys think of a way to make this better short of us embarking on android upstream development?13:18
popeyshort of making a supported android client I dont know13:19
popeythis just 'feels' wonky to me13:19
beunopopey, do you think it woulc be better to not have such a service due to lack of support for androids?13:19
statikpopey: it will be interesting to watch and see how this all plays out with user adoption - i have certainly considered whether we should just kill phone sync totally and work more on the music store instead. but we'll go through a full cycle and see how many people use it before doing anything major like that.13:19
popeywell one thing about android is that we already have sync13:20
popeybuilt in13:20
popeyit's near-zero effort for me to sync to google13:20
popeyso one reaction might be "who cares, I wouldn't use u1 phone sync anyway, it's less useful than the built in sync"13:20
kklimonda|G1heh, android is suprisingly closed platform13:21
popeyso it ubuntu one ;)13:21
beunoright, we don't have a very interesting story for android users13:21
popeyi would say that needs to be spelled out clearly as to why that is13:22
beunoI feel that enabling a big chunk of the market to sync their contacts is still very valuable13:22
popeyat the moment i had to dig about to figure out my phone isnt supported13:22
popeyoh sure, I agree it's a valuable feature13:22
kklimonda|G1it just sucks that ubuntu is so dependant on 3rd party - other developers and companies.13:22
popeywe are dependant upon 3rd parties for most of the ubuntu software stack13:23
popeymozilla, openoffice...13:23
kklimonda|G1because Ubuntu takes hit for upstream shortcomings and issues13:23
beunoright, we need to communicate better what is supported and what isn't. We will do that before the beta launch. Right now, we're testing how stable the service is13:23
popeybeuno: and I'd love to help test that :)13:23
beunopopey, I will help you find an app for 1.613:23
beunolet me dig in my emails13:23
popeyjust be ready for the flak that will inevitably come from the apple haters13:24
kklimonda|G1heh, especially after rhythmbox got a good sync with iphones/ipods13:24
popeybeuno: ok, the issue with those two sites not working was a local one, i can now get to cryket and appbrain13:26
popeyand this will be less of an issue when htc get their finger out and actually release 2.x for htc hero >:|13:27
beunopopey, cool, see if any of those work, I'm sure I added them as people reported success13:27
popeybeuno: both of them say 2.x only13:27
beunopopey, looking...  I also know that Funambol has a bounty for the first person to port the 2.0 app to 1.613:28
popeyopportunity for you to earn some money on the side there then ;)13:29
kklimonda|G1] 2413:29
beunopopey, I'd have to get an android phone first!13:29
kklimonda|G1beuno: the cost mentioned in the announcement is the cost of creating the server itself or some license fee you have to pay funambol?13:30
popeyi thought funambol was free software13:30
statikfunambol is open source but we pay for a support contract etc13:31
statikwe may have an extra component that is not open source, it's been a while since i built funambol from svn13:31
beunopopey, I see a lot of people talking about them just installing the 2.0 app. Does that make any sense?13:32
mmiiccbeuno: part1 - http://pastebin.org/136794 part2 - http://pastebin.org/13680313:32
beunostatik, there are a few components that are not open source, yes, like the json connector13:32
popeywill try beuno13:33
beunothanks popey13:34
beunothis is the page for 1.6 syncing: https://android-client.forge.funambol.org/servlets/ProjectProcess?pageID=IHR75o13:35
beunothe bounty, etc13:35
popeybeuno: appbrain just tries to get the app from the marketplace which fails because funambol isnt in the market13:41
beunopopey, argh. I can't find the email from the person who synced their G113:45
kermiacIs there a wiki or tutorial page for FF sync. that I can point people to?13:49
mdkekermiac: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Tutorials/Bookmarks ?13:50
kermiacmdke: thanks, I wasn't very specific. I actually meant is there any updated documentation that outline the process in lucid13:52
kermiaci.e. click on "install" next to bookmarks, install bindwood plugin, etc13:52
mdkekermiac: ok13:53
kermiacmdke: but thanks anyway :)13:53
mdkeno worries13:53
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mmiiccbeuno: sorry, I was offline, did you check my logs?14:14
beunommiicc, I did not, let me do that now14:15
mmiiccbeuno: ok, thanks14:15
beunommiicc, so the sync looks succesful. You always get a 401 error?14:15
beunommiicc, actually..14:16
beuno[2010-04-05 11:11:35.442]  authorization failed, check username '06953478' and password14:16
beunommiicc, I will look through the logs for anything suspicious, but could you google around to see if there are any known problems with the n900?14:19
mmiiccbeuno: I've tried resetting passwords, but everytime I got error14:19
beunommiicc, now that I recall, I've seen that problem before14:20
cwraighi all, is there anyway to get U1 client on ubuntu 9.10 to rescan the folder to ensure integrity with the cloud14:23
mdkemattgriffin: here?14:25
mattgriffinmdke: hello!14:25
mdkemattgriffin: hi :) Thanks for your email, I figured it would be quicker to discuss here if you were around14:26
mattgriffinmdke: cool14:26
mdkethe issue is that the string freeze for documentation has now passed and it is too late to include further documentation14:26
mmiiccbeuno: so, it might be problem with N900 itself?14:27
mdkemattgriffin: if we shove it in now, the translators would only have a couple of weeks to translate the new material14:27
mattgriffinmdke: i was afraid of that14:27
mdkemattgriffin: we could either ask the translators if they are willing to do the work in the short time, or include it in the next release14:28
mattgriffinmdke: that sounds good. where all does this content live?14:28
mdkeI'm minded to give it a shot given the importance of the feature and the fact that it's entirely undocumented14:28
mdkemattgriffin: how do you mean?14:28
mattgriffinmdke: i know it lives at help.ubuntu.com ... where else is the same text used?14:29
mdkemattgriffin: in System->Help and Support14:29
mdkeI'll send an email to the translators list to get their thoughts14:30
mattgriffinmdke: cool. thank you very much.14:30
mdkeand next release we can work on trying to add some help to the Rhythmbox manual too, which would be appropriate I think14:30
mattgriffinmdke: yeah. need to figure out a good way to incorporate it :)14:31
mdkeI'm sure we'll find something14:32
mdkemattgriffin: I assume the material can be used under cc-by-sa 3.0 licensing terms?14:37
duanedesignrye: if you have a chance could you look at this pastebin I have from a user and tell me what you think. line 255?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/409311/14:38
statikduanedesign, rye is away today so probably won't be responsive as normal14:39
duanedesignoops. thank you14:40
duanedesignstatik: thought it was strange that he hadnt popped up yet this morning :)14:40
statikyep :)14:41
mattgriffinmdke: sure. i wrote it :)14:47
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beunommiicc, yes, it seems to be the n900 client14:49
mmiiccbeuno: ok, thanks, I'll google for that (or should I say "I'll yahoo! for that" :D )14:53
duanedesignhas anyone heard anything in regards to a plugin for Amarok to acces the Ubuntu One Music Store15:07
hunger_pHi. Trying to start ubuntuone-preferences I get an import error about clientdefs in lucid. Is this a known issue?15:45
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dobeyhunger_p: try doing "sudo dpkg-reconfigure python-ubuntuone-client" in a terminal15:46
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hunger_pdobey: I'll try that, thanks15:51
hunger_pHelped, thanks.15:53
hunger_pSo how can I rename the ubuntu one folder?15:53
dobeyyou can't15:55
dobeyyou can pick any other folder in your home, to also sync with ubuntu one, though15:55
hunger_pNot even in gconf?15:55
hunger_pI would like to share the encfs dir that backs the ubuntu one folder instead.15:58
* hunger_p may not send or store his data unencrypted.15:59
hunger_phmm... doesn't sync at all. I can't even see any applet:-(16:16
hunger_pIs UO supported on the netbook remix?16:17
hunger_pOh, sorry, it does work:-) checked the wrong place in the web ui it seems:-)16:19
liamwilsonHey guys16:25
liamwilsonI'm having a bit of trouble with the music store, and was wondering if anyone could help me out a bit?16:26
peppe84Hi in evolution I don't see my contact present on ubuntuone siteweb. Any idea?16:27
dobeypeppe84: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Tutorials/Contacts16:32
hunger_pWhenever I try to share a folder to UO nautilus crashes:-(16:35
peppe84dobey: Yes yes. I have try. I don't see anything.16:36
hunger_pMust have broken something... or it does not like symlinks or the length of the filenames or the location or I don't know:-(16:36
liamwilsonHey, I bought an album of the music store almost an hour ago, and it's still not showing up in rhythmbox, but some of the files show up on the web interface16:37
liamwilsonDo I have to download them from the web interface and save them to ~/music?16:37
duanedesignpeppe84: when launching evolution does it ever consume a large amount of the cpu?16:38
duanedesignhunger_p: r-click and selecting 'Syncronize with Ubuntu one' crashes nautilus?16:39
peppe84duanedesign: no. I have open System monitor, firefox, rhythmbox, evoluton. My cpu cosum is variable 17% - 33%16:40
peppe84is normal16:40
hunger_pduanedesign: At least the nautilus window is gone after selecting that option.16:40
hunger_pduanedesign: and in the webui that folder does not show up either... does not get that green checkmark in nautilus either.16:41
duanedesignpeppe84: could you try to run in a Terminal:  evolution --force-shutdown16:45
duanedesignpeppe84: then : /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-data-server-2.2816:46
peppe84server up and running16:46
duanedesignpeppe84: then open evolution and try and access the contacts16:47
duanedesignpeppe84: hopefully it will output something usefull to the terminal as to what is going on.16:47
peppe84duanedesign: chouch db error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/409560/16:49
duanedesignhunger_p: could you run: u1sdtool --list-folders16:49
duanedesignpeppe84: hmm. I am not sure what that means.16:57
duanedesignpeppe84: usually when you cant see the contacts it means desktopcouch is not started.17:00
peppe84duanedesign: in system monitor i have four process name couchdb e one process name couchjs in status pipe_wait and do_wait17:03
peppe84(in sleeping)17:04
duanedesignpeppe84: you can try. Shut down evolution completely; evolution --force-shutdown. Then http://ln-s.net/5Zpr do the steps 'Killing and restarting desktopcouch' replace step 4 with start evolution, access contacts17:04
dantalizingmorning all .. i've downloaded the android 2.x funambol sync client, changed the server url to syncml.o.u.c, but what username and password do i put in ?  my u1 acct username/pass doesnt seem to work.17:12
duanedesignhello dantalizing. I think beuno might be able to help you.17:13
peppe84duanedesign: ok on table named contacs I see my 300 contacs. but in evolution... :-(17:13
beunoduanedesign, did you go to https://edge.one.ubuntu.com/phones?17:14
beunodantalizing, ^17:14
beunoyou need to create a username/pass there17:14
duanedesignpeppe84: you see the database in Futon but not evolution17:15
dantalizingah... thx beuno17:15
dantalizingow ... OOPS-ID-1556appserver7584917:16
beunodantalizing, let me look at that for you17:17
beunowhere did you get that?17:17
beunoin the URL I gave you?17:18
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frith_are there cli tools yet to use ubuntu one?18:08
duanedesignfrith_: there is u1sdtool18:39
frith_not part of karmic i guess18:39
duanedesignfrith_: there has been a lot added to u1sdtool in Lucid.18:40
frith_oh i will wait till the end of the month18:40
duanedesignfrith_: i am not running Karmic. i believe its there, just not quite as feature rich. 'man u1sdtool' should tell you whats available18:40
frith_oh i didn't think it was in karmic18:41
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leonel2Hello ...20:39
leonel2I'm using Ubuntu Lucid  and  using ubuntuone-preferences I've disconected from ubuntuone  but I still keep seeing  connections to  with ssl_esock20:41
leonel2how can I totally disable those connections and connect ONLY when I need to connect ?? like it works on karmic / jaunty..20:41
mario-kemperhi there - I am experimenting with the DBus API and I am wondering how I can get the public url of a file after publishing. Is there anyone who can point me in the correct direction?21:06
dobeythere's a signal that gets called when something is successfully published, which contains the information in a dict21:18
mario-kemperah, ok...I'll have a look21:20
mario-kemperthis is working great, thanks21:45
mario-kemperis there any way to obtain the url again when the file is already public?21:46
mario-kemperdo I have to call 'change_public_access' again?21:46
dobeythere's no way to just get the list of public files curently, no21:47
dobeyyou can cache the results in memory and look it up internally though21:48
mario-kemperyes, sure21:49
mario-kemperthanks for your help21:49
vladanianHey guys, I've been having tons of trouble w/ tomboy sync. What do you think about just syncing with a local folder, and having that folder be on U1?21:53
vladanianDo you foresee problems21:54
jmcantrellare there any plans to make it so that i can change the location of the ubuntu one directory to something less visible? maybe ~/.ubuntuone ?23:02
sanderqdhi bueno, when i log in using the iphone app and my email address, sync fails with the error 'Client not authenticated.' am i doing something wrong?23:03
sanderqdpretty sure my password is correct, and i haven't changed the server settings23:03
jmcantrellalso, file syncing is SLOW23:03
TecnoBratIs https://edge.one.ubuntu.com/phones/ down .. or is it just me? :)23:27
sanderqdTecnoBrat: it's not just you23:27

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